Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 17, 1886, Image 1

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    " 7K * -c- , ,
No Hope of Adjustment ith Liberal Hal-
contents on Homo Rule.
Indications of Coercion , nnd Itcsult-
, hiK Outrages IlnrtltiKton Dead
Sure Sensitive Ulster An-
othct JCoyal Harnncle ,
tin Friends Confident ,
LONDON , Mny 1C , ( Special Cablegram. ]
Although the balance of parliamentary
strength seems decidedly adverse to the gov
ernment's homo rule. measure yet the minis-
tcrlftllsts assort that it Is quite picmatnro to
regard the bill as lost. Thev believe If Glad
stone were to nsscnt to strikeout the clause
excluding the Irish members from the Imper
ial paillanicnt , thu followers of Chamberlain
would either remain passive or support the
bill as so amended. They also aver that ac
cording to their best calculations Ilnrtlugton
nnd Chamberlain combined ran command
only eighty liberal and radical votes abso
lutely. Tlio fnto of the bill depends really
on the course ultimately taken by thirty-five
members who , though classed ninonj ; the
malcontents , are Htlll unpledged to support
the Chamberlain-Ilartlngton movement
through thick and thin , and would probably
bo won over to the government by concession
on the Irish members clause.
Chamberlain's advocacy ot the practical
separation. of Ulster from the rest of Ireland
has solldlllcd Gladstone's decision not to
make nny further concessions. The whole
cabinet are now unanimous that It Is useless
to attempt the conciliation of snccdors , If
Chamberlain Insists upon the autonomy of
Ulster. A section of Gladsloncltcs , how
ever , very recently sought to obtain from
Chamberlain a statement as to whether ho
would support a resolution simply pledging
the house to establish n Dublin parliament ,
with power ol legislation on Irish affairs
only. Chamberlain's response was some
what oracular nnd certainly not satisfactory.
Ho intimated that ho saw no : eaon to alter
the views embodied in ills scheme for local
self-government , nnd his attitude toward
homo rule tcudutlon on the basis described
would depend upon the manner in which it
might be framed.
The truth Is , that since llaitington lias ac
cepted Chamberlain's proposals fora pooling
of interests , the radical leader docs not care
for reconciliation with Gladstone on nny
terms. Ills aim Is to bo the ruling inlluencu
in a Harlington cabinet for the present , but
ho hopes for tlio total expulsion of Mr. Glad
stone from public affairs soon nnd the recog
nition of himself , therefore , as the supreme
head of the radical party , which ho believes
ho can make the controlling element In any
nntt-conscrvntivo combination. Gladstone's
following nndmiutodly consider that de
feat means his lesiynatlon and retire
ment from public life. A protracted .strug
gle , Involving discussion of new plans
of government for Ireland , together wltji a
bitter fight over the renewal of coercion , fol
lowed by "exhausting electoral contests ,
would be nn unendurable strain nt his time
of life. The liberal bodies throughout tlio
country continue to declare their supportof
the piemler. It is noticeable that their resolu
tions are generally constructed in terms of
personal confidence In Gladstone , and do not
] neliip ( | dclinito approval of the homo rule
bill ns it stands , though the measure Is , in
principle , suppoitcd.
TIII : I > IIOPIIITS : ALT , nusv.
Lord Ilnrtlnulon is so confident of being
Invited to form n ministry tlmt ho Is already
arranging iijans tor that event. Ho is crcd-
Hedvitli the Intention of reviving coercion
for the purpose ot utterly suppressing the
Irlfih league if outrages are resumed.
Liberal newspapers freely predict the ro-
Biiniptlon.of those outrages and other disor
ders In Ireland upon the rejection of the
homo rule bill. They foieseo n still more
general "no rent" movement than ever be
fore , and declare that commercial credit will
bo destroyed , Industry paralyzed and society
reduced to anarchy it tlio league is left in the
uncurbed mastery of the country , Inflamed
by the refusal to urant home. rule.
United Ireland says : "With defeat now ,
patience ends. If the tenantry refuse to pay
rents , who is to compel them ? The com
bined armies of Europe would bo unable to
enforce tlio existing rentals. Public opinion
in Knulnnd will never sanction wholesale ex
termination of men suffering unbearable
burdens. "
RKStll.T OK tlNOnilTA NTV.
Bank of Ireland stock , which foil greatly
when the home rule movement seemed likely
to succeed , has risen again to 257 In expect
ancy of tlio defeat of tno bill. Othcj
b.inlc shares have also risen uropor-
tlonntcly. Dining the past six months
it had been almost Impossible to obtain
either public or private loans for Ireland ,
even on security fonueily considered excel
lent. Belfast advices Khow that Ulster blocks
have suffered an alarming shiinkago In value
within a month. Belfast Old Bank shares
ha\o fallen 11 nor rent , nnd those of the Nmv
bank fl per cent. Even North Irish railway
shares , noted for solidity , nro down 8 and 7
per cent. Private cirdlts are seriously af
fected. The wholesale dealers of Mincing
Lnne refusci to extend the credit of Irish gro
cers , nnd are calling in 'accounts and de
manding casli settlements.
1'rlnco Albert Victor , eldest son of the
Prince of Wales , will , nt the queen's
desire , take his scat In the house of lords
next session under title of Duke of Kent.
Parliament will be asked to vote him an
annuity , and Laboncliero will have another
brilliant opportunity to show what radicals
think of tlio royal annuity system.
Homo Itnlo 1'rospcclH.
LONDON , May Hi. An Informal cabinet
council was hold last evening and to-day
Gladstone held conferences with his col
leagues. It Is reported that , yielding to the
urgent advice of Mr. Morley and Lord Spen
cer , Mr. Gladstone has decided , in the event
of defeat , to demand from tlio queen nn Im
mediate dissolution of parliament. The lib
eral association leaders In the provinces have
sent n letter to Gladstone pleading with him
not to resign , but to appeal to the country
with a certainty of srouilni ; n majority.
Cliiimbcilaln Is deluged with radical pro
To a Birmingham liberal , who has written
that Chamberlain's action had destroyed all
chances of Ills over attaining tlio leadership
of the liberals , Chamberlain replied that he
would sooner forsake politics than to consent
to measuies that would prove disastrous to
the country.WHAT
A Gladstone committee has asked Cham
berlain to formulate a statement of conces
sions tlmt would reconcile him ,
Tlio Parnellites. though assenting to the
Bccond reading of the Arms bill , will oppose
advancing It to the committee stage until
after a division on the homo iido bill.
Delaying the Inevitable ,
LONDON , May 14. Lord llnrtlngton's
whips report that 110 liberals have pledged
themselves to vote azainst the home rule
1)111 and that thirty aru doubtful , Conserva
tive leaders advise conservatives In tlio house
of commons not to speak during the debate ,
as they wish to hasten division on the second
reading. It Is rumored that Gladstone. U
consulting with his colleagues upon the ad
visability of withdrawing the homo into bill.
Opposing Homo Hulo.
LONDON , May 1A ( \ great meeting of the
opponents of homo rule was held In St.
James hall to-night , Mr. Ashmced-Bartlcti
presiding. Tlio side galleries were crowded
with ladles. The hall was profusely draped
with national colors and screens bearing the
names of conservative ladies , past nnd pres
cut , weie displayed Lords ( Salisbury
George Hamilton , LewU Hall , Limerick ,
Bueiy , tiidmouth and Brabodme , nnd
nenibersof the house of commons were on
ho platform. The chairman announced that
i now scheme of organization iiad been rall
ied to-day , making tiio conservative party
nero a party of the people than it had licre-
oforobeen. A. B. Corward. member for
ancnslilrc. introduced a series of resolu-
lens to the effect that the meeting repre
sented conservative associations of the king
dom nnd that It had confidence in the ability
of Lord Salisbury to maintain Great Britain
and Ireland as ono united kingdom and to
guard the safely of the union and greatness
of the empire. The resolutions were carried
nmld cheers.
No IMihllc McotliiKS A ItltiH'fl K.x-
PCIISCH and a Czar's Weight.
Br.iiLtN , May 10. General surprise has
icon caused by the publication of n decree
01 bidding the holding of public meetings In
Jerlln and Potsdam nnd their environs with
out police authority , nnd stating that permis
sion must be asked forty-eight hours In ad-
'ance of tlic time when It Is proposed to hold
ho meeting. The decree Is Issued under the
null-socialist law.
The Vo.s.siche-/CcIlunK says that the Bava-
lan cabinet has demanded unanimously that
the king make arrangements with his credit
ors and limit his expenses In future.
M. Do ( iieis , Russian fuieign minister , has
announced Ills Intention of visiting Prince
Bismarck In August next ,
The czar of I Jussia has offered Dr. Schwen-
per. Prince Bismarck's physician. 50,000 to
reduce his sixteen stone to a healthy weight.
Cholera In Italy.
KOMK , May 10. During the past twenty-
four hours there were three deaths from
cholera reported In Brlndlsl. In Barl nine
icw cases and live deaths were repotted and
n Venice live now cases and six deaths.
The English \acht.
LONDON , May 10. The British yacht ,
Galata , " which Is to compete In the races In
American waters for the "America's" cup ,
stalled for Now York to-day.
A New
LONDON , Mny 10. Tlio English govern
ment has decided to annex the Kcrmncc
Islands , in the South Pacific ocean.
Standing ; for Hoyntty.
MAnntD , May 10. The pope has consented
, o oo godfather of Queen Christine's child.
Southern Respect For Ua\v Shown by
Killing an Olllccr ami a Citizen.
JACKSONVILLE , . Flo. , May 10. A special
from Bartow , Flo. , to the Times-Union says :
This afternoon S. W. Campbell , marshal of
Bartow , and a policeman named McCormlck
were shot by Dan and Lon Mann.
The Mann brothers had a dllllcnlty with a
merchant , the officers interfered and Dan
Mann drew a pistol and shot Campbell
through the heart. At the same Instant Lon
Mann fired on McCormlck , wounding him
desperately. The Manns then jumped Into a
buggy and drove otf at a furious rate. Tlio
sheriff nnd his posse pursued and captured
and brought them back to town , where they
are safely lodged In jail. The citizens are
much excited and fears arc entertained of an
attempt nt lynching. The sheriff has the jail
securely guarded. McCormlck is still living ,
but will probably dip.
JACKSONVILLE , May 10. A special to tlio
Times Union says : Dan and Lon Mann ,
who murdered Marsha ! Campbell and wound
ed Officer McCormlck at Barlow Saturday
were lynched late that night. A crowd of " ( JO
men surrounded the Jail , disarmed the sher
iff , took the kevs and took the prisoners to a
tree near by. While stringing Dan Mann ,
Lon got loose and ran. Ho was promptly
winged nnd strung up to the same limb. The
coroner cut them down and a verdict was
rendered of death by vlolenceat the hands of
unknown parties. Very little secrecy was
observed by tlio mob. McCormick will re
cover ;
Tra io Story of Illicit Love ami IMiir-
tlcr in "Wisconsin.
Cinc.vao , Mav 10. A special dispatch
from Nelllsvlllo , WIs. , says that Mrs. Wright ,
who has been several days In jail en sus
picion of having , n week ago , poisoned her
husband , confessed last night to tlio murder.
Daniel Allen , her alleged paramour , was im
mediately arrested as an accessory. The
woman's statement was : "She nnd Allen
had been intimate for nearly two years ; that
she was to kill tier husband with poison ; af
terward Allen was to murder his wife in the
same way ; then after waiting a sufllcicnt
tlmo the partners In crime were to be wedded.
Mrs. Wright gave tier husband a dose of
poison , but it was so large lie threw it up.
Two weeks later Allen , fixed n potion for
Wright tlmt killed him. The townspeople
nre greatly excited and there are many threats
of lynching.
Crop Prospects Good.
ST. PAUI. , May 10. 1 lie Pioneer Press
crop report from the northwest this week ,
with few exceptions , are of the most favor
able character. Frequent rains have been
followed by cool weather and vegltatlon has
a vigorous start. In Dakota wheat Is four to
six inches ihlgh with better stand than last
year. .There is some complaint of too much
rain In northern Minnesota , nnd of wet in
the southern parts of the state.
In Wisconsin the condition Is more favor
able than last week , considerable corn 1ms
been planted , and tlio ground is in a fair
condition for seeding.
In Iowa most of the corn crop Is In the
ground and the conditions are favorable.
In southern Minnesota nnd Dakota the
farmers are neaily through planting corn.
There will bo a largo Increase In the acreage
of this state and Dakota.
A ni Hnrflo Hnce.
LOUISVILLE , May 10. The following
match has been made :
LOUISVILLE , Ky. , Mny 15. Wo , the under
signed , do hereby agree to run u match race
ol one nnd one-hall miles , weight for age , be
tween n chestnut gelding , Tyrant , four years
old. by Great Tom , Dan Mouscllc , and Bou-
lank , four years old , by the Grlmstead , dam
Sister Annex , for tlio sum of § 5,030 n side ,
half forfeit , latter , SV-00 each being -
ing this day placed In tlio hands
of Mr. Philip Dyer. It is also further
agreed that bald race shall bo run at the
Miring meeting of lb ) over tlio St. Louis or
Chicago nice trade. If nt the latter , said racn
to liu inn between the dates of June -Otli and
Jnly'-7tli. ! The race Is to bo run over the
track which has added the most money , the
said association to name tlio day wo shall
run , said day not to Interfere with any pre
vious engagement of the above named
horses. " E. J. BALDWIN.
The Louisville Haccs.
LOUISVILLE , May 10. Five-eighths Mile
Duke of Burboii won , Porter second ,
Btuyvcsant third ; time ,
One nnd Tluee-elghtli Miles Lcman won ,
King George second , Bootblack third ; time ,
" ' '
'One'and One-eighth Miles Lucky B won ,
Hartley Campbell Insane ,
NKW YOIIK , May 15. Drs. Mathew and
Fitch to-day appeared in the supreme courl
with certificates to tlio effect that they exam
ined and found Bart ley Campbell to bo suf
fering fiom general paresis. The court
signed the certificates. Upon the certificates
It Is likely that Campbell will Immediately
be taken to some Insane asylum ,
Total Hesult At Cellna.
OAUEV , Ohio , Mny 10. The destructive
wind storm of last night dfd great damage
near Celina. It Is reported that live have
been killed and thirteen wojndcd. Com
munications , arc cut off north of Cellna.A
number of trees were blown over the tracks
bst night , and railroad travel is much inter-
Tearful Kcsnlts of a Big Storm in
Men nml Women Killed and Wonmtoil
nnd Houses Torn to Frng-
incntn Trees Uprooted
Escape or a Train.
Disastrous Cyclones in the Ennt.
CittOAOo , May 15. The Dally News For
rest ( Ohio ) special says : About midnight n
: crrlble cyclone passed over the county about
; wi > miles west of this place. Young forrosls
wcro blown down and huge trees hurled Into
the air. Farm houses nnd outbuildings wcro
demolished nnd scattered like straws. A
: ialn on tlio Plttsburz & Foil Wayne , which
left Chicago at .1:15 : yesterday , had a narrow
escape from being blown nwny. A largo
tree was thrown against the coach , Injuring
twelve passengers slightly. The storm took
a course along Blanclmrd river. Its track is
strewn with dead cattle and debris of ruined
This morning shortly after 10 o'clock a
cyclone struck Dunkirk , N. Y. . lifting many
buildings from their foundations and com
pletely wrecking them. Others wcro un
roofed , nnd tlm screams of human beings
could bo heard above the roar of the ele
ments. It Is not known how many were
fatally Injured. Four wore picked up dead ,
and eighteen wounded have already been
Prrrsmino , Mny IB. The Chicago ex
press , which passed the tornado nt
Forrest , Ohio , fast night , arrived hero
this morning two hours late. About
every window In the train was broken
and a number of passengers slightly hurt
from flying glass. C. C. Bow , of Clinton ,
Ohio , had his right eye destroyed by n piece
of glass. The storm Is reported the worst
over experienced.
DETIIOIT , May 15. The Evening Journal's
Lansing special says : A cyclone formed a
mile nortn of here last night and swept
north , leveling fences and wood . and tear
ing buildings Into fragments. Nobody was
killed or seriously injured so far as known.
CIIICACIO , May 15. A special dispatch
from Forest , Ohio , says : About midnight a
terrible cyclone passed over this county ,
about two miles west of this place. Young
forests were blown and huge trees hurled
Into the air , and farm houses and outbuild
ings demolished and scattered like straws.
The air was filled with balls of lire , which
exploded with u loud , snapping sound. The
storm came from the southwest. Five per
sons are known to have been killed and"a
ndmbcr injured , two probably fatally. The
residence of W. L. MclSlrco was totally de
stroyed , killing McKlrce and his mother-in-
law. A house near by was destroyed , killing
one man , and several other buildings were
destroyed. The wires along the Fort Wayne
and Indiana , Bloomlugton & Western rail
roads arc down. Tlio Melodist Episcopal
church was demolished , and many shade and
fruit trees broken.
WEST FOIIKST , Ohio , Slay 10. A farmer
named McElroy , his two children nnd Mrs.
Lease were killed in a house which was
blown down.
STOllM AT DUNKllllv.
DUNKIRK , Ohio , .May 14. This morning
shortly alter 10 o'clock a cyclone struck
Dunkirk , lifting many buildings from their
foundations nnd completely wrecking them.
Others were unroofed , nnd tlio screams of
human beings could be heard above the roar
of the elements. It is not known how many
were fatally Injured. Four were picked up
dead , and eighteen wounded persons have
already been found.
Three deaths are reported from South Dun
CLEVELAND , May 10. A special dispatch -
patch from Kcnton , Ohio , says : One of
the most terrible storms over known in
tills section of country passed over the north
ern f > art of the county last night , and Us
pathway Is marked witli wide-spread desola
tion and dentil. The storm commenced on
the Whitcsldo tarm , about eight miles north
of the city of Kcnton , and it struck a new
brick house , which now llci In ruins. From
this point the storm moved eastward. A barn
owned by Henry Gerllch was blown of Its
foundations. The orchard of .Michael Xigler
was totally destroyed and the roof blown off
liis barn. Tiio houses belonging to James
Fisher and J. N. Surplus were totally destroy
ed and the members of the families badly
hurt. William McErlee was struck by light'
ning and instantly killed , lliggms' church
was blown flat to the ground. David Hig-
glu's house was shattered. A school house
in the center of Jackson township was en
tirely destroyed. A now barn belonging to
W. II. Fleming of this city was blown into
fragments. The damage cannot bo estimated ,
but will reach into the hundred thousands.
The Leader's sneclal from Forest , Ohio ,
Rays : Tlie storm here last night was ono of
the most fearful that over visited thin section
of country. It came up suddenly , inky black
clouds being livid with light , which made the
atmosphere black ns nlgnt.
accompanied the storm. In this vicinity it
swept n clean track halt a mile in length , not
striking n town to any oxtnnt. William Mc
Klrce , wife nnd mother-in-law , and Mr. Illg-
glns were buried in tlic ruins of a large brick
house , and the first named was killed. The
rest were Injured , the last named fatally.
Mrs. Leo was killed In her house. Isaac
Lambert was buried under tlio house nnd
fntally Injured. A. L. Paekcrt was fa
tally hurt by falling timbers. Thomas
Moore was buried under the ruins of n largo
frame house and badly hurt. Charles Pack-
crt and J. V. Thompson , sleeping In the
same bed In this house , were carried a long
distance and landed safely In the bed.
Thomas Hart nnd wife wereblown from their
bed in tlio second story , nnd the hitter is
perhaps fatally hurt. A 10-year-old son of
Joseph itummel had ills collar bone broken
and was otherwise hurt. Two churches , the
Union Bethel and thu Methodist Kpiscoual.
wcro destroyed , The pastor ot the latter lind
succeeded in paying Its largo debt only a few
days ago. Two brick schoolhouses wore de
stroyed , the bell of ono being carried a quar
ter of a mile. Large stones and limbs were
carried long distances , trees were up
rooted by the acre , nnd hundreds of
otclmrds nro completely gone. Some
fnrms nro swept clean of everything.
Large numbers of sheep and horses wcro
killed. Feathers were blown from chickens ,
trees were snipped of their bark , ground was
ploughed up nnd
infix is ON nvnnv FIDE.
Tlio village of Lovei is reported destroyed.
Great damage is reported in Seneca county.
A gieat number of people are without homes
und the bight along the track of tlio storm is
u teriiblo one. Home fnrms are made almost
worthless. The loss Is nbout § U50,000 to
5400,000 at the present estimate.
Standard OH Senator.
CoLUJinus , Ohio , May 10. The senate to
day adopted n resolution requesting the
United .States senate to prosecute the Inquiry
relative to tlio sent of Senator Payne.
A Mortgage of $1OOOOOOO.
ATCIIIEON , Kan. , May 10. The directors of
tlio Chicago , Kansas & Ncoraska railroad ,
better known as the Kock Island In Kansas ,
met hero to-day. Tney authorized the ex
ecution of a mortgage of their projected
Kansas and Nebraska extensions to secure a
loan of § 10,000,000 recently subscribed In New
York. Among those " present were Messrs.
Cable. Klmball. Lowe and Parker. The com
pany has leased a building in this city for
general ofilccs , and has already located hero
its auditor , secretary , treasurer and chief en
Killed Stealing a Hide.
FAPII.UUN , May 10. [ Special Telegram. ]
George Howe , a clgarmakor from Burling
ton , Iowa , boarded n west bound traiii to
night to steal a ride to Fremont , ten miles
west of here. He fell from the train nnu
was literally annihilated uy the wheels. His
head was torn off and eairled several rods.
When last seen Howe was at the Papllllon
depot very drunk and boasting that he would
steal u ride to Fremont. Ho had a working
card from the Burlington Cigarmakeis
union and 111 in his pockets.
A Personal Friend , "of tlio Ex-Prcsl-
( IcntTcllsoriJIs AilliiR.
WASHINGTON , Afav 10. [ Special Tele-
; ram. ] "I saw ox-iVcsldont Arthur on
Tuesday , " says a gentleman who has been n
personal friend of the ; ox-president for many
years. "I cannot tell you how shocked I waste
to see how ho Is broken down. Ho used to
weigh over 200 pounds. I doubt If ho would
now pull down the scales nt 140. You know
how neatly ho dressed and how perfectly his
clothes lilted him , Ho wore n dressing gown
and had sunken nwny almost to emaciation.
Ills face Is of n pasty white , marking the last
stages of that horrible Brlght's disease. Ho
can scarcely speak beyond a husky whisper.
1 remember htm In the white house , courte
ous and grncctul , the typical American gen
tleman , and now ho lias como to this. "
"Tho New York city press , wltji unusual
courtesy , have let htm alone nnd the manag
ing editors , In spite of their deslro for news ,
have respected the ending that cannot be far
away. The morbid appetite has not been fed
with the tale of an ex-president's sufferings
which ho has borne In silence nnd with
stolcnl courage1 I do not like to speak of
this at nil and would not nxcont to let the ox-
president's filcnds know the rent , sad truth. "
People of Washington nre shocked to hear
Ihls. President Arthur was always n favorite
licrc. Succeeding to the high position he
held under conditions of exceptional sad
ness , ho filled the place with dignity nnd
The" Washitmton Hqpubllcuii's Opin
ion on Van Wyok's Kc-Klcctlon.
AVASIIINOTON , May 10. [ Special Tele
gram. J To-day's Washington Republican
says In an article on the senatorial outlook
In different states :
Van Wyclc , ot Nebraska , has a strong back
ing nt home , although venomously opposed
uy the monopolies. So liis re-election will
be , to the legislature , a battle between patriot
ism and dollars. It is feared the dollars will
win the day , as they usually do in senatorial
Tobacco Manufacturers' Bonds.
WASHINGTON , May 10. Tlio treasury de
partment lias issued tlio 'following circular :
WASHINGTON. May 12 , 1SSO. The amenda
tory act of March 1 , 1879 , section 14 , materi
ally changed tlio provisions of the law rela
tive to tne penal sum of tobacco manufac
turers' bonds. It fixed definitely the mini
mum nnd maximum sums , leaving the col
lector to use his discretionary power
within these limits , and to require
the penal sum of the bonds to bo
proportioned to the amount of business that
the manufacturer proposed to do , giving him
the right of appeal to the commissioner of
internal revenue.
At the tlmo of the passage of that act the
tax on manufactured tobacco was three times
ns much as it is now. .Of course , therefore ,
the interests of the government were then
proportionately greater In tlio tobacco manu
factured , and it was deemed necessary to re
quire a correspondingly larger bond lor the
Inllillmcnt of the , obligations of the manu
facturer. Regulations series 7 to 8 , revision
of 1835. pages 7 and 8. prescribe tlio rule to bo
adopted by collectors In computing
nnd fixing the penal sum of tlio
bond ot the tobacco manufacturer.
According to the quantum of business pro
posed to bo done by him In accordance witli
this rule , collectors are instructed in comput
ing tlic penal sum of such bonds , to mid to
the minimum sum of S'i.UOO ; for each cutting
machine 8300 : foreach screw press S200 ; for
each hydraulic press § ' > ° 0 ; for each snutf
mill S100 ; and for each hand or other miller
or machine $109. Until the maximum sum
of S'JO.OOO is reached.
JOSEPH S. MILIEU , Commissioner , i-
The Culloin Interstate Commerce Rill
WASHINGTON , i May 1C. fSoecial. ] Few
people believe" the Inter-state commerce bill ,
which passed the senate on Wednesday by
such a decided majority , will get through the
house , or that if it should get through that
there could bo an agrccmentrcached between
tlio two branches of congress on the amend
ments the house will undoubtedly tack on to
it. There Is undoubtedly a innjority In the
house that will demand tlmt the state courts
ba given jurisdiction instead of the federal
courts ot suits under this law. Many of
them say that to leave the bill
as it is will bo to place tlio ordi
nary customer of the railroads just us
much at the mercy of tlm carrier ns nt
present , because but a small per cent of them
will care to go to the trouble and delay nnd
suffer the expense of bringing suit In a
federal court , whereas there would bo no
hesitntion in proceeding if the aggrieved
party could do so in his own local court nt
Home. And why the state couits are not
given jurisdiction cannot bo discovered ex
cept as a move in the interest of tlio rail
roads. Senator Van Wyck , the sterling op
ponent of oppression and monopoly , made n
good fight for tlio amendment in the senate ,
but ho was defeated.
Then the house is largely opposed to a com
mission. It wants n law , to bo executed in
the common courts by Hie prosecuting
attorneys , without the Interference and delay
of a railroad commission. In fact , there nro
so many Ideas about all tlio provisions ot an
luter-state railroad law that It is doubtful If
ono Is passed in years.
The Pnn-Klectrlc Scandal.
WASHINGTON , May 10. [ Special. ] The
Pan-Klectrlc telephone Investigation , after
dragging Its weary length of more than two
months before a special committee of tlio
house , will bo closed within a few days.
Undoubtedly the conclusion will bo partisan ,
mm. two reports will bo made. The demo
cratic members say they cannot see anything
Improper in tlio connection of the govern
ment officials with Pnn-Klectrlo mat
ters ; that n government officer lias
a perfect right to enter as many
private enterprises ns ho wishes if
no is not inil'ienciid by them in his public
duties , nnd that It has not been discovered
that any of these men have done anything
Just ns confident nro the republicans that
they have made n good case. They claim
that It was manifest on the face of the organ
ization that official Influence was expected to
make the stock valuable ; that unless the
Bell patents wcro nullified tlio Pan-Klectrlc
stock was worthless , and they could only bo
broken down by the manocuvrclng of
officials. Whichever wav the thine goes It Is
improbable that the house will tiikn any
action on the reports of the committee during
this session. _
WASHINGTON , May 10. [ Special. ] "Mr ,
Morrison Is mistaken Jf ho thinks the repub
licans desire to defeat , ample debate of tlio
tariff bill , " said General ' Browne , n republi
can member ot .tlto ways and means
committee , to your correspondent to
day. "I know of 'no desire to curtail
debate. Two weeks Is time" enough ,
I should think , however , In which to discuss
the question. There IB no necessity of con
suming a month or two on a subject that Is
doomed to defeat or , for that matter , sure of
success. The people arc well versed on the
subject of tarlft already. "
It Is stated that Mr. Morrison believes that
If ho can get n debate lasting three or four
weeks tlmt he can drive tlio democrats Into
line nnd pass the bill. Everybody seems to
bo pretty well at sea as to consideration of
the measure. _
The President's Vetoes.
WASHINGTON , May 10. [ Special. ] There
has been a good deal of talk nbout passing
two or three bills oyfr the president's veto-
especially the bill to quiet the title of settlers
on land along the Des Moincs 'river In Iowa
but so fur no effort has been attempted.
Canvasses made have not been encouraging
in the senate , although theie is some hope In
the House. From president Indications Pres
ident Cleveland need have no fear of nny
such decided disapproval of his vetoes as tlio
repabsnge ot ills lilils- , and by a two-thirds
vote , it Is-one thing to talk about the pas-
uxe of n bill vetoed py t.luj president , and
rootlier thlug to accomplish 1L
A Professional Dynamiter Condemns Ameri
can Anarchist as Ignorant Fools.
ClRnrmnlcera' Union Against the
Knights of Imlior I'rof. Moycroff
Buys There Is no Iloom for An-
nrohlsts In America.
A Dynninltcr'a Opinion.
Nr.w YOIIK , May 10. [ Special Telegram. ]
llomnnolt Mezzeroff , tlio HnsSlan nihilist
And dynamiter , now In Brooklyn , In conver
sation to-day on anarchists In America , on
being nskcd If lie regarded tlio recent out
break oC Chicago anarchists as a legitimate
and natural outcome of tlio teachings of
Krapotklno and his confederates , replied :
'It cannot bo regarded ns n legitimate re
sult , because mnb violence was not part of
their programme , but I do not see how any
sensible man can ureuo tnat It was not n nat
ural consequence. When the passions of Ig
norant men are aroused and there Is no re
straining power permitted or acknowledged ,
outlawry must follow.
NOT MUCH rnoninss. :
The order Is not making very fast progress
and In this country 1 think It Is doomed to
an early death. There Is no reason why an
archy should llourlsh In n land where there
Is freedom of speech , free press and univer
sal suffrage. The Chicago anarchists are too
Ignorant to comprehend the nature of the
Drlvileses they enjoy here. Tlio fact that
they conceal lirearms between the mattresses
and drill underground in caverns , is proof of
this. "
"Yon mav place the American anarchist
population at 10,000 , and that of Europe at
(15.000 ( all told. Tills is the top ligurc. Tlio
fiercest anarchists are Kussians , Poles- Bohemians -
hemians and Hungarians , and they are gain
ing In numbers.
Ireland is omitted from the list because
that country does not take kindly to an
archist doctrines. The followers of tlio order
in England arc quite numerous , but no
trouble is looked for in that otiartor while
Queen Victoria Is on tlio throne. A pro
gramme of strictly martial music Is on the
bills after her majesty's funeral takes place.
English anarchists are slow and deliberate
and they mean business. They arc , as a
rule , better educated than their continental
brothers. "
Cienrinakcrs Denounce tlio Knights
of Ijauor.
NEW YortK , May 10. A special dispatch
from Buffalo , N. Y. , says tlmt the cigar-
makers seem to bo leading the attack of the
trade unions on the Knights of Labor and at
a conference which begins at Philadelphia on
the 18th iiist , 11 general plan will bo mapped
out to be acted on at the approaching meetIng -
Ing In Cleveland. A. Strasser , president of
the Cigarmakcrs' International union , has
written an editorial for the May number of
the cigarmnkrrs' oflicial journal , from which
the following extracts were taken :
fll "The Journal of United Labor of last month ,
the otllchil organ of the Knights of Labor ,
contains an article ro'ating to the general
scale of prices for eiirars adopted by the
executive board of the Knights of Labor. "
" "In looking over the scale of prices wo no
tice that the Knights of Labor are satisfied to
work Tor Iroui0 to .10 nor cent below current
prices enforced by local unions under tlic jur
isdiction of tlio International union. The
attempt to cnt down the wages of the clear-
makers under cover of 'labor reform'ye feel
constrained to denounce as a , piece of scabbiness -
biness of tlio lowest order. Wo do
not consider that It is out of place
to give the names and occupations
of those who have nssumed.control over the
cigar trade , so that wo may convince cigar-
makers of tlio arrogance ot these Interlopers
who have not the slightest knowledge ot the
cigar trade. Their names are T. V. Pow-
dcrly , machinist ; Frederick Turner , grocer
Tind landlord ; John VV. Hayes , wholesale
and retail tea dealer ; W. II. iJallny , miner ;
T. V. Harry , axle maker.
The attempt of a few men to control and
regulate all Industries has proved n ridiculous
failure. It also proves thaf. there Is something
rotten in the management of the organiza
tion known as Knights of Labor , bhould
the special session of tlio Knights of Labor
to bo held in Cleveland May 25 lall to remedy
these criminal blunders , we will denounce
tiipm as champions of cheap labor and advo
cates of low wages , in line , as traitors to the
labor cause in general.
Cattle Dylnc by tlic Thousand in
Bia Srjuxas , Tex. , May 10. [ Special Teln-
gram.J Heports regarding the effect of the
long drought are beginning to como In. The
plains west of hero are parched and dry , and
the carcasses of thousands of cattle are to bo
seen in every direction. In some localities
no rain has fallen since last September.
j. M. Dawson and Colonel W. E. Hughes
to-day returned from a trip as far
west , , as Old Mexico. Dawson says
that from this side of tlio Pccos ,
over In Mexico , as far north as Arizona , It Is
dryer than it has been in twenty years. Of
7,000,000 head of cattio in Texas , one-third
are in the section visited by the drought.
Cattle are dying bv tha thousand for want
of water and grass. Them is very little grass
anywhere near water and that little is so dry
and dead that it does not contain enough
substance to do cattle any srood. Tlio cattio
are very thin and getting thinner every day ,
nnil if no lain comes within thirty days the
cattio business in west Texas wlllbo ruined.
People are very gloomy over the outlook ,
The drought extends cast as far ns Big
tipilngs. No clouds have been seen In
months. Even if it should rain now cattio
would not get fat enough for maikettills
year. A roimh estimate places the late of
mortality by thirst and starvation at 000 head
per day. Fully -0.003 carcasses cover the
plains. The stench us on passes along on
the Texas Pacific Is said to bo terrible.
WASHINGTON , May 15 , On motion of Mr.
Perkins the bill was passed authorizing the
Kansas & Arkansas Valley road to construct
a railway through Indian territory.
The special bill was passed establishing a
Mib-treasury at Louisville , Ky.
After the passage of the bill establishing a
sub-treasury at Louisville , the house pro
ceeded to tlio consideration ot tno bill for the
appointment of n commission to Inspect and
repoit on Indian affairs. The icmalnderof
the afternoon was consumed In n decision of
this measure.
At the evening session eulogies upon the
life and public service of the late It spresen.
tatlve Halm , of Louisiana , were delivered by
Messrs. Martin , Blanchnrd , ( lay. O'Dunnell.
Lyman of Iowa , Kly and Pettlbono , und
then , as n mark of respect to the memory of
the deceased , the house adjourned.
A Kansas Cyclone.
ToriJUA , Kan. , May I.1 } . A destructive cyclone -
clone struck the northern part of this county
and swept away a portion of Mereden. At
10 o'clock a largo black cloud came up and
struck the town. A number of buildings
were destroyed. Eighteen or twenty people
weie more or less. Injiued. A man named
McKldden was picked up , cairled twenty
feet Into the air mid landed against a wire
fence. He was hcrlouslv injured. Trees
weie torn up and nothing remained in the
path of the tornado. The damage is thought
to be very great.
The orangemen of A ustralla have sent a
dispatch tojtlia orangemen'ot lie-laud
Islug aid to resist home rulo.
The Atchlson to Italia ( in Atr Line
Ucttvcon Tlicno Cities.
CHICAGO , May Id. [ Special Telegram. ]
The Chicago Times says : "There Is tlio best
of authority that of President Strong that
It is tno settled Intention of the Atchlson ,
Topcka & Santa Fo company to build tx line
from the Missouri river to Chicago. There
have been various Indications for some time
past that It was making preparations In that
direction , but Its Intention has been variously
Interpreted. There was no secret made ot
the fact that a party of surveyors , which liad
been located nt Kcoluik for some time past ,
WAS In the employ ot the Atchlson road and
conducting a survey In Its Interests. This
party had been surveying both ways fiom
that point , atul ono portion has progressed as
far enst ns lialosbmir , while the other Is mak
ing toward the Missouri river.
I'ltOI'OSKll AIll UNK.
It Is the Intention to survey mi air line be
tween Chicago and Kansas City which will ,
when constructed , bo ut least forty miles
shorter than any other route. President
Strong , while In this city a few days nsro ,
distinctly stated that the Atchlson , Topcka ,
& Santa Fo would bullit a line from Kansas
City to Chicago and complete It In two years.
A survey was iielng made In good faith and
witli that Intention. It would bo an air line ,
constructed without particular attention to
local tratllc. In going over the project with
a gentleman who will bo laruely Interested ,
Strong stated that the Atchlson would soon
have 5,000 miles of road In operation and em
brace in Us system west of the Missouri river ,
The line to ( Jalveston would wit It on an
equality with the Southern Pacfllc in Pad lie
coast trade , equalizing the ocean route of tlio
latter , which has heretofore been so strong a ,
factor In the competition for the California
"lint this , " said Mr. Strong , "doos not
trench upon the Atchlson system ; Its Kansas
territory is to be Invaded by competing roads
which have heretofore ended at the Missouri
river , and with their through routes in com
petition. Atchlson would be at a disadvant
age which could not be overcome by
nny traffic agreement vrhtali pos
sibly might bo made with tno Alton.
An outlet to Chicago Is an absolute
necessity and the logic of the situation
would drive tlio company into building it
whether it wished to or not. "
Perhaps the olllclal who was quoted some
time nito as remarking that "if tlio Hock
Island ciossed the Missouri river Into Kan
sas there would ensue n war before which
old 'Tripaitito' would sink into insignifi
cance , " was not far out of the way in his
Jaclino Receive * tlio Verdict With
Forced Composure.
NEW YOIIK , May 10. Alderman Jaehne's
trial was resumed to-day. Tlio counsel for
the defense moved that the testimony of Inspector
specter Byrnes and Detective Cosgrovo as to
the alleged confessions of the defendant bo
stricken out on the ground that they were
made under Inducement of hope and pressure
of fear. The motion was denied. Detective
llodgcrs testified that ho had heard Jaehno
confess to Byrnes In March last. His story
was substantially the same as that of Bvrnes.
John Scott testified that tieo. W. Walter ,
Jaehne's former clerk , told him that the
money had been kept in Jaehne's safe over
night. When lie lelt the witness stand the
district attorney announced that the prose
cution rested.
The counsel for the defense moved that
the , indictment be dismissed , ns the grand
jury had been tricked into making a false
pro-sentimout. Judge Barrett overruled the
motion. 'The counsel for the defense then
made the opening argument , wherein Byrnes
and Disti let Attorney Marline were accused
of arresting Jaehno in order to have them
selves , as .Incline's testimony before the sen
ate committee Implicated them in compound
ing felony. The prisoner at the bar beiuc
placed on tlie stand in Ids own behalf testi
fied that he had been Intimate with Bvrnes ,
but denied emphatically having told him , as
alleged , that lie had itcelved money for his
vote. He had never received nor asked , nor
been promised money for his vote. The
witness reviewed the conversation be
tween himself and Byrnes at the hitter's
house , but denied that Byrnes ever
asked him if lie received money for his vote.
The witness made flat denials of other well
known theories implicating him and the tes
timony was closed and the arguments begun.
At 11 o'clock the instructions were given and
the jury retired to consult upon a verdict.
NEW YOIIK , Mny 10. 1:15 a. m. At
1:10 o'clock this morning the jury in the
Jaehno trial rendered a verdict of cuilty.
The prisoner received the verdict with head
erect , lips set and every fibre strained to
painful tension. The jury was given n re
cess until Monday , it not being lawful to dis
charge It on Sunday. Jaeline was taken to
the Tombs.
Floating in the Hudson , AVith a Bullet
Wound In the Head.
t5 > F.w "ionic , JMay.10. On April 3 Frank
lin Ilnpcrt Used , of Urlnnel , la , , a graduate
of the Iowa college , and a member of the
lunlor class in tlio Yale theological seminary ,
disappeared fiom New Haven. On Thurs
day the body of a man with a bullet wound
In the head and numerous bones broken was
found floating In the Hudson river , opposite
this city. The remains were yesterday Iden
tified by Mrs. Wergcr as those of her fins-
band , from whom she had been separated n
number of years. This appears to have been
a mistake , ns two Yale students positively
identified tlio body ns that of young Iteeu.
They said tlmt the deceased hud n brother
named Frederick . It''cd , who Is a lawyer
at No. 21:1 : NIcoIlet avenue. How thostudunt
met his death is a mystery.
The Church and the Cholera.
HOME , May 10. The Chinese government
Is opposed to curtailing tlio power of the
pope's nominee for nuncio nt Pckln , and
docs not desire the French government to
have the exclusive control of nil missions In
Since last previous returns live new cases
of cholera and two deaths have been re
ported at Venice and fourteen new cases and
four deaths nt Bari.
General LowU Dead.
NBW Oiti.KANfi , Mny 10. ( lenerai John L.
Lewis , for two-thirds of a century ono of the
most prominent figures In dm history of tills
city , died yesterday , aged BU.
Dullness tbo Prevailing Tone in the Now
York Janrkot ,
WocrlsliofTcr'H Dentil Disheartens
the Hears Will Western Union
Uobblo Baltimore & Ohio
Speculators Stand Aloof.
Bottom Figures Itoncheil.
NEW YoitK , May 10. ( Special Telegram. ]
There has been one pievnllln tone In the
Block market during1 the past week , and that
Is dullness. Whatever movement has taken
place has been wholly duo to natural causes ,
and not to any especial combinations or
cliques. The movement In coal stocks has
been an exception. But the action ot the
entire market Is , after nil , figuring between
traders for small fractions. There seems to
be but little doubt that the bottom figures
have been nearly reached , although compari
sons of figures for the last thieo years show
that prices arc higher 'on nearly all leading
stocks than they were nt this tlmo
cither last year or the year before.
The 1,0110 , gicat Inlluencc for low prices has
gone , and that Is Wocrlslioffcr. As n stock
operator ho was more than feared , because
ho was a universal wrecker of values. While
ho lived members of the board were com
pletely terrorized. No one knew what stock
he would attack next , consequently every
purchase made was with certainty that It It
showed any signs of life Woerlshoffer would
come down upon It and hammer until llfo
was extinct. From very fear many oper
ators did become bears. Bears have no ono
now who can compare with him.
Tlio bulls on Western Union point to the
steadiness which tlmt stock has been held
around 02 , and they say tlmt most of the short
Interest has been put out around that figure ,
and can not bocoveicd without lifting prices.
The extensions of the Baltimore it Ohio sys
tem must have n depressing Influence , how
ever , and must result In somewhat of n de
cline In the receipts of Western Union , eras
as 1ms been so often done , the absorption
of the system by the Western Union.
There 1ms been a sttong bull movement in
Union Pacific , and they have been showerIng -
Ing points upon the market , claiming that tlio
funding bill will pass the house in good
The annual meeting of the St. Paul , which
comes off next month In .Milwaukee , Is likely
to be Interesting ns showing whether or not
a suitable successor can bo found for Presi
dent Mitchell. It has long been known ho
has been looking fora man to take'the office
oil his shoulders , so tlmt he micht rest from
the labors of so many years. Many are hop
ing that the dividends to bo paid will show
that the stock has advanced to a standard of
those old Investment securities , Burlington ,
and Delaware and Hudson , Therels a .strong
belief that both the latter will hnlu St. Paul
in its ambition by reducing their
own , not by choice or benevolence
to St. Paul , but from necessity. But above
and beyond these little tales , which are now
Important because of the dead level of dull
ness , the bull feeling is really a strong dispo
sition in tlm market , and Is apparently
crowing. Doubtless most of it is because ot
their release from the fear of Woerishoffer ,
but it lias also a foundation in the conviction
that wo are promised good crops and consequent
quent business.
It seems impossible to dig out of tlio hearts
of many men that the expected and longed-
for revival of business would have dawuod
upon us ere this had not tlio strikers
intcifeicd. So now that labor troubles
seem to be In a fair way -of - settlement they
insist that the golden day is hero but Is
simply obscured by clouds. The public does
not yet view the matter so favorably. At
least they do not show themselves fn the
stock market , nnd until the public does como
there can be no legitimate demand lor stock * ) ,
Many yet believe that the long list of depress
ing Influences which have been at work will
be of ultimate bencllt. Notwithstanding this i
hopeful view the speculative public is stand
ing aloof from the maiket and the traders I
hold it. There has been no material change
in the money mniket and exchange has beeii
lower and easier.
American Fishery Union "Will Fight
the AcluniH Case to the 13ml.
BOSTON , May 10. A special dispatch from ,
Gloucester , Mass. , says : Captain Jessie
howls , owner of tho'schooner David J. '
Adams , being unable to fight his case In the
admlrallty court at Halifax , the American
Fishing union of tills city has taken hold of
tlio matter and will light it to tlio bitter end.
The union has given bonds In tlio sum or
210 for the release of the schooner nud she
will soon return to this port and relit for a
fishing voyage.
ANohraslcrt Man Suicides In Chicago.
CHICAGO , May 10. [ Special Telegram. ]
James Day , of Lincoln , Nebraska , commit
ted suicide hero yesterday. Ho nnd his wife
nnd ono child : yrived here about a week ago.
Dny remained here while bin wife and child
went on to ( irnnd Itapids. Hearing nothing
from her , Day became very despondent und
Imagined she was untrue to him. Last night
1m applied to n station for lodgings nnd was
discoveied with a bullet through his head ,
All on Board Lost.
NEW YOHK , May 10. A cat-rigged boat
named Ada upset about 4 p. m. Inside ot
Coney Island point to-day. There wcrcrsev-
era ! persons on board. Captain Killmer , of
the yacht Xcphyr. steamed up und saw n man
cliniring to the boat , but before lie could bo
leached hodlf-appeaied. The boat sank tsoon
altcrward und the captain was unable to
identify her. lie , however , teemed a portion
of the main sail which may lead to her Iden
tification mid glvu n duo to tlio name * of the
unfoitunatcs who went down witli Her.
fioiitlio-ii Violence ,
ATLANTA , ( in. , May 10. Frank P. Gray , a
leading lawyer of Atlanta , was Eliot und.
killed In the west end to-day by Town Mar-
bhnl .louew. Tlm tragedy arose out of n dls.
putt * about n cow. Jones is in jail.
Is prepared from Bars.iparllla , Dandelion ,
Mandrake , Dock , I'lpblsscwa , Juniper Her-
rles , and other wcllkno\vn : and valuable vcgo-
talile remedies. Tlio combination , proportion
and preparation are peculiar to Hood's Barsa-
parllla , giving It curative power not possessed
by other medicines , it effects remarkable
cures where others fall ,
" I consider Hood's
Sarsaparllla the best
medicine I ever used. It gives mo an appetite
und refreshing sleep , and keeps the cold out. "
J. B. 1'oaa , 100 Spruce Street , 1'ortlaud , Me.
Is llio host blood purifier before the public.
It eradicates every Impurity , and cures Bcrof-
ula , Bait Ithcinn , llolls , Pimples , all Humors ,
Dyspepsia , Dlllousncss , Sick Headache , Indl-
gcstlon , General Debility , Catanli , Illictmui-
tlsm , Kidney nnd I.lvcr Complaints. It over
comes that extreme tired feeling , anil bullda
up tlio system ,
" Hood's Barsap.ii Ilia wasaUod-seiul to mo ,
for It cured mo of dyspepsia and liver conv-
plaint with which I had suffered so years. "
J. II. HoicMiEcic , South I'allsburi ; , W. Y.
11 When I bought Hood's Barsaparllla I made
a good Investment of ono dollar In medicine
for the first time. It has driven off rhcuimv
tlsm and Improved my appetite to much that
my boarding mistress says I must keep It
locked up or she will bo obliged to ralsu my
board with every other boarder that takes
Hood's Sarsaparllla. " THOMAS UtmiiELn ,
93 Tlllary Street , Brooklyn , N , Y.
" I flud Hood's Sarsaparlll.i tlio best remedy
lor Impure Wood I ever used , " II , H. IIAXTKII ,
ticket agfint , I' . & 11. ltd. , Bound llrook , N. J.
> Hood's Sarsapariifa
Boia t > r all drugglsti. 1 ; 1i for f3. 1'rrparc-d
by U. I. HOOD & CO. , Apothecaries , Ixiucll , 2Iii .
IOO Doses One Dollar
" 1 food's Barsaparilla takes less tlmo and
quantity to bhow Its eHrct than any other prep-
aratlon. " JIns.C.A.BuiiiiAKi > , N.chIIIN.V.
"lly wife had very poor health for a long
time , suffering from Indigestion , poor appe
tite , and constant headache. Fho tried every ,
thing wo could hear of , but found no relief till
she tried Hood's Haisnparllla. Hho Is now
tallni ; ( lie third bottle , and never felt better
In her life. Wo feel It our duty to recommend
it to every ono HO know. " Oionuu Son Kit-
VII.I.K , Jloruland , Cool ; Couuly , 111.
Hood's Sarsaparilla lijr all dnifglfU. fl ; ilx for f5. I'tci > aro4
by U. I. HOOn & CO. , AjHtliec l iIxwcllM n ,
IOO Doses Ono ( Dollar