Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 15, 1886, Page 2, Image 2

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gs & Hi
or not , would bo first-clas ? property to
own , and every nero will Increase in
value at least 200 percent within the next
5 or 0 years. Those farms nro all within
a short drlvo of Omaha , nnd can bo
Of 160 acres each , nil loascil for 0 years , reached In from a 3 to 4 hours' drive , and
nnd paying good In interest on the In will range m price from $5,000 to $0,000 ,
vestment , nil line land. Erory farm has each.
clear runninir wutor , rich soli , from 80 to
120.ncrc3 of breaking , meadows , etc.
To look nt thcso farms , if you are look
Of those farms would make a nice homo ing either for a homo or for a safe nnd
nnd whether parties wish to live on them profitable investment. Apply to
BOGGS & HILL , Real Estate , 1408 Faraam st.
And the 10-ncro tract ndjoining it , 288ns FINEST VIEW
fine lots ns can bo found in the city , all
of which wo desire to put to drawing In
terest. Of the city and vicinity to bo hurt from
therefore tnnko tWo this general offer to nuy point ; that there is to bo but little
oplc wanting homes : cutting or grading ; that the profiles nro
made , and the grade can be established
You select lot
can your , get up plans
nnd spccihcations for your house , make nt any meeting of the council ; that the
us n small cash in hand payment , merely Holt Line railway runs within two blocks
of OMAHA VIEW on the west side
sufficient to insure n fulfillment of your ;
part of the agreement , nnd we will build
you a Jiousc to suit you , ami lot you have THAT THE
nil the time you want.
Finest water in the city is obtained there
that it is the healthiest place in or nboui
the cityof Omaha ; cool in summer nnd
Build houses ranging in value from
warm in winter ; that so far the ndditlon
s settled by only the best class of people ;
$800 TO $3 000.
. thai it is near business , schools , stores ,
etc. , and is in nil respects a most desirable
OR IF parties prefer , they can build
able location for pleasant homes ; that
their own houses , nnd we will furnish the
our prices , terms and conditions tire the
money to pay for same nt 8 per cent in '
most liberal ever ofl'crod by any person ,
terest.Please firm or syndicate ; that they are plain ,
Please Remember fair and simple , easily understood , and
easily carried out ; that wo employ only
That both the red nml line
grean car first-class workmen , use first-class ma
now run to within 4 blocks of terial , and only do first-class work in
building ; that full nnd complete satisfac
OMAHA VIEW ; tion is guaranteed in every cnso.
By all-means , Jf ypjijwant n home , look
That lliis addition lies on the side Hill ,
at ,
' „ „
Slowing East OMAHA VIEW
towards the river ; that it nflbrds the Before investing elsewhere.
Call and wo will take you out to see it
ITorest ,
The poor man's paradise. Bead fchis for it may
be tlie means eventually of your making a
PARK FOREST $250 to $3OO
Is an tuldition of 200 lots , each 00x120 Each , on'payments'of '
feel , located in the wooded hills ou S.
street , about 14 blocks from the $5 Down and $5 Per
Union Pacific depot , and is a most
charming and romantio ocation. Hontli , at 8 PerCent
Thirteenth street is graded its full
width to within G blocks of Cent Interest
Park Forest To those only who want them for homes.
Wo make these liberal prices und terms
The street c.xra run to within 5 minutes'
to all chancu to
glvo poor men a pot a
vallc of these lots. Fifteen or twenty home.
houses Iiuvo boon already built there ; These lots will inoroaso 200 to 000 per
many more will go up this summer. cent iu a fo\v yours , and it is one of the
100 lots have been sold nnd 100 of the best opportunities of a lifetime to got this
ones yet remain to bo sold. These nro kind of a chance to secure n homo.
the cheapest nnd best lots in the market
Thcso terms wil | only hold good for a
and wo oflor them for n short time at few days , and are off * 'od with n view of
from clearing ; these all up without any dela
BOGGS & HILL , Real Estate , 1408 Farnam st.
In our addition ou Upper Fanuim , DouglaH and Uodgo , wo have about 35 lot
venniiiihtir unsold ,
fc Is rapidly becoming very valuable , and Now bo no question as to the future of
i'aright in the heart of thn fine residence these lots , nnd parties purchasing at the
part of the city. Water , gas , pavements low price.s nt whiuli wo are oflering them
and utrcct cars are now cither there or to cannot fail to realize ft largo prolit ou
bo plated there &oon. their iuvcbtmcnts.
, ' ' These Additions Prices Will Range
f Are now surrounded with elegant resi from $1,500 to
dences nnd high-priced real estate , while
the thrco best and most prosperous ,
streets iu the city run through both addi per lot , according to location , nud the
tions. . > oU will Eoll very rapidly at these prices ,
-'A very largo list of U'ocl Kstato of nil kinds scattered through the city , county and
etiue from whish-nifglit bnsolcolcd many most excellent bargains.
\V ; IXV1TU THE ATTENTION of those seeking investment and can a t
litre purchasers they will Und it largely to their interest to call ou us before invest
HOL'.SUS ' WII I KU ISL'll/r for all wanting homes on thu moit reasonable-
terms ,
BOGQS I HILL , Rial Estate , 1408 Farnam st.
Some of the Buildings Proposed to ba
A Magnificent Showing or Improve
ments Uabbl Benson's licctnrc
Amusements nnd the City
In General , .
Monuments of Enterprise.
One week ago the work of building
homos and business houses of this city
had come to a close. The strikes abroad ,
and the uncertainty at homo , had caused
those who wcro building to discontinue
and these who proposed to build , to
abandon the idea.
To-day , Omaha witnesses unprecedent
ed activity in the urcctloti of now homos
and business places. To give
a correct idea of the amount
of work of this kind now
in progress or contemplated in this ,
city would bo impossible. Nor is it
necessary. A walk rtround the town will
convince oven the most-sceptical of * ho
assertion above made. 'All through the
business district and everywhere in the
residence parts , buildings of all kinds
are being raised , lint these are scarcely
a circumstance to the number which will
bo nut utulof way as "soon as over
worked architects and draughtsmen can
turn out their plans.
Subjoined is a list of new strictures ,
taken almost at random from the iilcs , of
a couple of architects. It does hot pretend
tend to bo complete , If II wore , anago'
of the DEK would be. called into roquisic
tion. Such as it is , it comprises'build
ings not heretofore referred to "iti detail ,
and for that reason will bo tound inter
esting. At another time the work'of
other architects will bo presented.
Last year the buildings creeled in Oma
ha cost nearly $3,000,001) ) . This year they
will have cost that sum before the end of
The following are some of the build-
inira in charge of Mendelssohn & Fisher :
1'irst National bank , southeast corner
of Farnam and Thirteenth' , five1 stories ,
basement and sub-cellar. The basement
and lirst story will bo of stone , the other
stories of brick. The cornice and the
surmounting balustrade will bo made of
copper , introduced in this manner for the
first time in this city.
\V. A. Paxton , northeast corner
of Sixteenth and Farnam. All
statements to the contrary , Mr. Paxton -
ton , and that as soon as the plans nnd
specifications can bo got ready. The
building will be 182x133 feet , five stories
and a basement. It will be of brick and
stone , as the third , fourth and
fifth stories , and of beautiful
and elaborate design. The store
front will bo continued up to the third
story to cnablo'a display of warns to be
made on the second iloor as well as on
the lirst. This is a feature now popular
in the cast , and just introduced in this
Barker Brothers' four story and base
ment brick. G0.\88 feet , northeast corner
of Sixteenth and Jones streets. This is
designed for a hotel , and will bo of brick ,
with stone trimmings. Its cost will be
Western Newspaper Union , Twelfth
street , a brick addition , four stories.
C. J. Karbach , Howard and Fifteenth
streets , block of Hats and stores , 60x132 ,
thrco stories and basement. '
Frank Kanigo , block of stores and of
fices southeast corner of Fifteenth and
Harney streets , live stories and base
ment , of brick un'd'stouc'dhd 00x133 feet.
Smith Brothers , warehouse , Twelfth
and Ilaruoy streets , four stories and Daso-
riicnt , brick , 44x06 feet.
BalK & Collcndor , billiard warehouse ,
four-story brick , 32x133 with basement.
John Frank , brick , three-story and
basement , 23x00 feet , Eleventh andDoug-
lus streets.
A. S. Paddock , southwest corner Eloy-
pcnth and Douglas , four-story and basement
mont , brick and stone , 70x132 , to cost
Board of Trade , southwest corner of
Farnam and Sixteenth , live-story , stone
basement and brick superstructure , cost
Congressional church , Nineteenth and
Davenport , 83 by 132 , brick and stone ,
Besides these , Mr. Mendelssohn has a
numbur of imvato residences of all styles
and degrees of cost , some of which are in
course of erection , and of others the bids
are being received and specifications con
sidered. Last year was considered a very
active one , and the amount of work turn
ed out by this firm amounted to $800,000.
Thus far , in the present year , the firm
have on hand over Sl.000,000 worth of
work , and the remainder of the year.the'y
have no doubt , they will double that of
last year and turn on to $3,000,000.
From a list of the business houses * in
the charge of Clovo.s Brothers , the selec
tion has been made :
Lake street Schoolfour-room , addition ,
two stories.
Now school , Georgia and Woolworth'
avenues , ten rooms , two stories and base- ,
W. J. McGavoek , warehouse 81x132 , six
stories , Leavenworth nnd Ninth streets.
Charles ( iriiom , .southeast corner
Thirteenth and Dodge , IhreS story block ,
CJcorgo Iloimrod , Sixteenth and.-.Webr.
stcr , throe story block , (10x7/5. ( / '
,1. A. Koudor , adjoining , 21x03. '
David Harpstor , Fourteenth and Dav
enport streets , two three-story Hat's ?
B. A. Fowler has in charge , aiiibng
others , thu following :
A. Pohick , Farnam , near Jefferson ,
threes stories and basement , brown stone
trimmings , costing $20,000. '
V. Laiigtry , Twonty-liftli' nnd Hartley ,
residence and carriage house , to cost
Frank E , Moorcs , Eighteenth , near St.
Mary's avenue , two two-story brick resh
donees , $8,000.
C. S. Montgomery , Farimm and Thirty-
sixth , two , two-story brick1 residences ,
A. L. Noildes , Catharine , near Park
avenue , brick block. $10,000.
L. 11. Karty , Poppleton ad. , two resi
dences , $7,500. ,
Sidney Smith has prepared plans for the
following :
Loviok & Shaw , Sixteenth and How
ard , three stories ami basement of stone.
00x00 feet.
To thcso may be added 'tho proposed
now freight depot of thu Union Pacific ,
which is to occupy the squares bounded
by Seventh and Ninth and Jackson and
Jones streets. This , a BEE reporter was
informed , would bo commenced just as
00011 us the plans and other arrange
ments to bo made by the different do-
pnrtmonts could bo made , It will not
cost less than $50,0'JO.
The locution of the now passenger
depot is still a matter of doubt , The
probability is that it will be one of three
locutions in the immediate vicinity of the
present depot. The plans have been de
signed with reference to each of these lo
cations. They nro all very beautiful , but
nt present , owing to the uncertainty as
to the ground which may be secured ,
which plan will be put under construc
tion ran not bo determined. The cost
will not ou less than $150.000.
uiscnv.Nr.u , IUI.L.
Tho. proposed building , to take the.
place of the venerable rolio in which the
Episcopalian young Indies of this state
have received their education , is to bo lei
catcd on Tenth street south of Herman
Kountze'a residence. It will have u front *
age of 170 feel ouTcuth street , which will
bo divided in a maiu building and two
wings. It h intended to complete the
main building an/I / north wine this year ,
the cost of which will bo $01,000. The
south wing wllK4inijly ) bo enclosed and
furnished in the ! ppr IIR of 1837.
The bulli UK oommittoo mot last night
at i. M. Ellis' olHcoj Fourteenth and Far
nam streets. Tllordvero present Bishop
Worthington , General Hawkins , Colonel
Patrick , Herman Ifruntzo and Canon
Doherty. It had been intended to lot the
contract last night , , because all the bids
had been in rfnd considered for some
time. It hail alsp boon determined who
wore tinfr lowusbt bidders , but it
was doomed pru'dontlal to place
inoro safeguards with regards to the
parties to whom the contract should bo
lot. It was decided , therefore , that the
contract would not bo lot until to-night
and that , in the meantime , the successful
bidders would bo given an opportunity
to state whether or not they would give
bond to have the building finished by
the ICth of next November ; also allow
fifteen per cent of the contract price to
bo kept until after it had been
ascertained that the building in
every \yay was erected as ordered.
It was also decided to allow ten days'
grace after the 15th of November , and to
line the contractors $ ! 2 , " > for every day
thereafter that the building should remain -
main uncompleted. Thcso conditions
will bo submitted to the contractors to
day und to-night , as previously noticed ,
the building couimittco will again moot
.and award the contract.
Itovlow of the Koal Estate Trans *
actions ot the Past Week
The Outlook.
Ono week ago to-day the the1 country
in almost every part was violently dis
turbed by contests between employers
and employes , the subject of controversy
between them being the dual one of the
number of hours of labor to constitute a
day's work and the remuneration which
should bo offered for then * . The contro
versy had engendered the most violent
feelings of antagonism on the part of
some of the employes , and this led to
angry scones in many places , the groat-
, cst of which was that in which so many
useful and , at the same time useless lives
were lost in Chicago. A slight feeling of
dissatisfaction existed in Omaha , and
was manifested maiuly by the members-
of the bricklayers union.
Each of thcso conllicts was not without
its effect upon the local real estate mar
ket. The offices of the dealers were al
most deserted , the salesmen wore idle ,
and many of the weaker members had
about determined to abandon the busi
ness.Now. . however , that peace and quiet
have again resumcdsway throughout the
land , the temporary depression upon
realty has been removed and activity has
taken its placer which promises to trans
cend , before the close of the season , any
thing that has thus far been noticed.
Parties desiring to purchase for homo
or speculative purposes , are now pos
sessed of a courage which can not bo
shaken. They feel that there will be
no more strikes this year ; that these who
have money to jnvcgt in manufacturing
and other enterprise's will not hesitate to
invest it , and .tliati-ponsequently behind
the activity there' Is" something besides
the fiatulent tqvprUsemcnt | of the real
estate dealer 19 encourage him In making
a venture. , , I |
Aside from these reasons , there are
others , local toCOmQha , which warrant
this cheerful confidence. After scarcely
a quarter of asrcehtury , during which
time this city htrs been at the mercy ot
powerful and unscruplous corporations ,
there a'roumhibitable proofs that'tho'lat-
tcr is about to make amends for its rapacity -
city Ono evidence o"f " 'this fact is the
purchase by tho'Union Pacific of the two
squares between Seventh and Ninth and
Jackson and Jones streets. Another is
found in the determination of the same
company to build a passcntrcr depot
largo enough to accommodate "the trains
and business of the eastern roads now
centralizing in the Blufls , and finally still
others may bo discerned in the outlay for
an addition as large as the originalto the
old headquarters , and the new bridge
now so rapidly spanning the Missouri.
A significant fact in connection with
these has been the purchases of Fred
Ames , in this city , of real estate valued at
not less than $05,000. Added to these ,
are the number of eastern manufactur
ers who are desirous of establishing hero.
Nearly every h'rst class real estate dealer
is secretly looking'for warehouse and
business sites , and resorting , at the same
time , to the tricks peculiar to the trade to
keep owners in thu dark as to the object
of their inquiry. It is to be lamented ,
in this connection , that there is a scarcity
in this city of ground adapted to ware
house purposes , unless considerable ex
pense bo incurred in grading and other
improvements. This has been
developed during the past few
months , and so long as man'
ufacturors cannot bo induced to leave
the heart of the city , so long will the dif
ficulty have to be encountered. In a cer
tain manner , and , at certain points , the
Belt Line and the property of the South
Omaha land syndicate , offer advantages
'to overcome the difficulty , but they are
not as readily availed of as might be con
sidered desirable- .
The subject of what is improperly
termed 'suburban trains , " too , has had a
little to do with the activity winch real
estate lias nnjoyed the past week , Thcso
nro projected to run to and from Grand
Island , Stromsburg , Beatrice and Nor.
folk , m fact , to place every branch of
the Union Pacific within dally reach of
.Omaha. It is projected that a train will
leave each of tuoso places early m the
morning , and all uniting on the main
line of the U. P. , thus como into Omaha ,
at an hour to enable the transaction of
quito an amount of business , Thcso
trains in addition to the regular ones al
ready running , would place all the im
mediate outlying districts of Omaha with
in easier roach of the city , make them
more desirable for residence purposes ,
and at the same time make tributary to
tills city twice a dqy.aterritory inhab
ited by not less th'an 350,000 people.
If there is ono'Jaiik to bo found with
real estate VJealirs in this city ,
it is that they do not as
sort their injlupondonco in assort
ing at what rato.tUoy shall advertise
the property handew them for sale. They
are charged \y\th.jmnccesarily \ | raising
the price of property. But this is a chargn
not well founded. _ The property they
have to sell , in "tlio main , belongs to
others. These owners have bccomo in
fected with tliOjQppr ciation of property ,
and though it happe/js / to be their homo
yet will they paj ! with it if they "can got
their price for U.'V.'In nearly eveiy in
stance that prloejWiMiroasonablo. ictto
them it appears DV&lf less than it should
be , when they consider the nature of
property. No\tf , IfnJ these same people
undertnko < p / < > buy another's
possessions , they hold up their
hands it ) horror because they found him
doing simply what they are doing them
selves. Tliis in part accounts for the
high price at which property rules in
Omaha. It is a key to thu secret of the
overwrought boom , and is but the work
of those who are blindly criticizing their
own wort. The real estate men can do
away with this practice , by steadily refusing -
fusing to accept for sale any parcel of
realty which is rated at an extravagantly
high figure ,
The real estate transfers for the Snmo
wobk In 1835 , as reported by Amos , real
estate dealer , wcro as Jollows : May 7th ,
* 3.033j Uth , $4,709 ; 10th , $20.200 : llth $31r
70& ; 12th , . $24,010 ; 13th , $3,451. Total ,
$70,123. Adding to which. 50 per
cent for contracU would give $114,185.
Compared with that U subjoined ,
the transfers for the week ending May
13th , $120,000 ; 12th , $13,553 ; llth , $13,7lt ;
10th , $2 ! ,817 ; Uth. $01,523 ; ? th , $ T.O,4fW.
Total , $300.833. The estimate value of
contracts added to this would glvo $011-
That Is the Prlr.o Marshal Hoar , That
Is to He Anticipated.
Dr. Boar , the Norfolk candidate for
United Strtes marshal of this district ,
who arrived in town Thursday , loft yes
terday morning for his homo , lie was
on his way from Washington.
Night before last , ho was a guest at tlio
Paxton house , and was sleeping soundly
when the alarm of lire summoned him to
UIQ ground Iloor to save himself. He had
an acquaintance from town who spent the
night with him and that party , when the
alarm was sounded ) was so solicitous of
the doctor's safety , that ho jumped into
the pantloons of the latter , seized his col
lar also , and forgetful of the intending
marshal's gripsack , dashed to the ro
tunda. "Dr. Hoar was compelled to uti
lize the apparel that was loft , and when
ha reached the ground floor in unmen
tionables umdo for a man about twice
his own size , his appearance did not ex
actly comport with the dignity which is
supposed to sit enthroned upon the brows
of a marshal. The scare over , this llttlo
incongruity was adjusted , and , when
next both gentlemen appeared , they gave
no evidence of having been mixcu up as
to their toggo ry.
-Tho doctor was mot at the depot yes
terday while waiting for his train , and
was asked how it felt to diuo with a man
like President Cleveland.
"It's to make you leave him with a bet
tor opinion of him than when you met
him. ' the it had . "
. That's effect upon mo.
-'Docs ! ' that mean that , while dining
with him , you wcro given any assurance
that you are to bo Nebraska's next mar
shal ? " afcked the BEE reporter.
"If such were the case , 1 should not bo
at liberty to disclose it. "
"How docs it feel to bo a candidate for
the office of-marshal ! "
"If you ask' ' mo how I feel , I'll tell you
that I fdel perfectly happy. Let's step
around to the other side of the building
for a minute [ Another parly hero joined
the doctor aim the reporter , nnd the three
'btcppod 'round. ' When all returned to
the front platform , the doctor was poorer
by 40 cents. ] I feel perfectly happy , tor
the same reason I gave you some time
ago. I'm going to bo marshal of this
district. There's no doubt of it. I've
told you that all along. There is no can
didate for tlio position who has not had
more recommendations than I , but that
makes no difference. I'll bo marshal of
this district before the 15th of
next September. I've held almost
all the offices a man can hold ,
in this state , I've been to the senate two
terms , to the house of representatives
two terms , and I've hold a state ollice
something no democrat has done. "
"What's that ? "
"Regent of the state university. Yes ,
I held that , and I say it again. I am go
ing to be appointed marshal. I don't
know that I care particularly about the
place , but so long as I started out as a
candidate , I might as well remain out
until the close. There is nothing in the
money of the office to entice mo , because ,
I should have to spend a great deal of it.
I don't believe I could live in Omaha for
less than ? 15 per day. My practice is a
good one , and my income from it is
enough to satisliyme , besides , 1'vo a little
something from other sources. So , I'm
not looking for the ollice because of the
money There's a little honor to bo had
in the place and that's what strikes mo. "
'There ' train "said the
goes j'our , re
porter , and off the doctor skipped.
Mile. Rhca , the charming and talented
French actress , will appear at Boyd's
opera house next week for three nights
and a matinee , commencing Thursday.
She is supported by a superb company ,
and will be seen in the following reper
toire of plays : "An Unequal Match"
Thursday evening. "Frou Frou" Friday ,
"Pygmalion nnd Galatea" Saturday mat
inee , and "The Country Girl" Saturday
night. Speaking of the opening perform
ance the Francisco Chronicle aavs ;
She is all the press and critics have
painted her. As an actress she is charm
ing ; in personal bounty she. is absolutely
without a rival ; in bur costuming she is
superb. In face , figure , voice , attitudes ,
postures and demeanor , there is not a
charm that is lacking. Her fine , com
manding bearing , her superbly poised
head , her finely chiseled nnd Immlsomo
features , and lior strong , musical voice ,
lend a charm to her every loolc and
movement. In her exquisite importation
of Hestur Gra/.ebrook , in Tom Taylor'H
brilliant comedy , "An Unequal Match , "
last night , grace , wit , tenderness , un
swerving confidence , and the sublime
strength of womanly devotion , wcro all
so admirably , so charmingly portrayed ,
that the severest critic could find no
weak spot in the perfect iirmor of her
histrionic attainments and power. jH'lln
Rhea is a finished artiste , one of the most
lovely woincn on the American stage , and
ono whose ! costumes are equalled by none.
TJublil Helicon's Tjcctnro ,
At the Hebrew tabernacle last evening
Rabbi Benson preached a special sermon ,
on .the subjqul of "Faith , " winch he af
firmed is the natural religious life of the
human heart. Ho averred that the Ideas
of f ith varied , according to degrees of
intelligence , and that t > cicnco in lute
years had sWupt away many errors of
dogmas which had swayed humanity for
the want of correct knowledge of natural
law ; that \vo believe in traditional trans
missions till ovperioiico turns them into
disuse as obsolete. Faith once crcditnd
Moses and David with writing curtain
books till it beeamo evident thai much of
those books , which spoke of them , was
'written'by others ; and now wo doubt the
authorship of both Mosns and David.
The Hebrews havo. had a severe struggle ,
in warring against the tyrannies of
erroneous dogmas and skepticism , but
have gone through all their trials , mind
ful of their duties to live by tlio truth that
humanity should learn , patiently long
ing and praying for the promised land
the ideal glory of the peace and fellow
ship ot humanity. Ho spoke In lauda
tion of thu Bible , but ho wanted the
human family to know that it was made
for man , and not man for the Bible ; that
its lessons of wisdom should simply load
us to refrain from evil and learn us to
do well , The Hebrews stood patiently
waiting for the time , which was surely
coming in the twentieth century , when
sects would all vanish under the light of
soionco that century will surely bring it
forth , and in the joyful coining the
daughters and sons of Israel .should
patiently work on , and not falter in
telling humanity what it ought to bo-
living up to a practical life of love to
God nnd mankind. In closing ho in
voked the Father's blessing on all people
ple , of whatever crcod or faith. The
musical part of the services was especial
ly fine and pleasing.
Hotel Cot fax , Oolfux Spring * , Iowa.
A fashianablo summer resort and finest
sanitarium in America , 383 milea west of
Chicago , 24 miles east of Des Moines.
All Rook Island express trains stop there ,
Will open May 20 , for summer of 1880
that prince of caterers , George Christian ,
manager. Accbinnlodatlons Jor 050
guests. Parlors nnd rooms elegantly fur
nished. ' Tables sumptuously provided.
Wide , open verandas on all sides , and
windows nilmUtluir light and fresh air.
Grounds in line order * Swings , ham
mocks , bowling alloys , croquet , billlnrds ,
nnd every auxUary to healthful amuse
ment. Pleasant walks and drives in
shady groves. Mineral baths under di
rection of a competent physician. "Old
M. C. " water , a great restorer and invig-
orator. Buautiful scenery. Facilities for
boating nnd fishing. Tlwyer's North
western Orchestra engaged for the season.
Informal "hops" nnd evening concerts.
Good society and congenial surround *
ings. Tlio temporary abode of cultivated
and refined people. Write or telegraph
atoncofor rooms before "TIM : HUSH"
commences. _
The remains of Albert Albors , who
suicided here on Thursday niornlng.wcro
sent to Ottuimva last evening for'burlal.
Men's Seamless lilslo Sox , H5o ToMorrow -
Morrow Collars , IU 1-Uc ! CufTs ,
QCc ) Undershirt * , 15o ,
S. P. Morse &Co. will sell 100) ) Men's
dozen men's snamlcss black [ Seamless
Lisle thread sox tomorrow , [ ILslu sox
35o worth 73c. J 850
100 dozen men's bcst4-ply ) best 4-ply
now style linen collar [ 11 ucn collars
at 12'o worth S3c. ) 12jc.
S. P. Morse & Co. are the only direct
importers of men's underwear west of
75c , $1.00 , $1.25 , $1.00 , finest made at
$1.75 each.
Mcn't > sox , seamless , 25c , 83)o. )
Men's best collars , 12c ; Cull's. S3o.
Men's satin lined ties , 250.
Men's undershirts at 15o , 25e , ! Wc.
We offer 100 dozen men's " ) Men's
gauze summer \mitcrshlrts I Undershirts
as good as are sold , else- ( IGo
where for 25o at IGo each. J Morse's.
S * . MORSE & CO.
Battle of Gettysburg
Open every day ; 10 a. m to 10 p. in. , St.
Mary's avo. and 18th st.
At 1001 S. 13th St. is the place , o buy
building paper , carpet felt , mouldings ,
doors , windows , blinds , etc. , at very low
prices. ( r. F. LYMAN.
Gold Medal awarded Union Sowing
Machine 209 North lUth street.
LAWN MOWEHS AM , rArrniiNs nnd
ALL SIZES niall prices. Call and see them
before buying , EVANS' SEED Sroitu , 14th
and Dodge.
Union Sowing Machine , 209 N. ICth st.
liow Prices On
Fine art gootts , steel engravings in beau
tiful frames at A. ifospo's ISlil Douglas.
RCSEIIVOIR VASES Something new ,
suitable for cemetery and lawn retaining
two week's supply of water. See them
Sale of handkerchiefs and laces contin
ues at KELLEY. ST1GKR & CO.
My stock ot lumber is selected with
special reference to first-class trade.
Oth and Douglas.
Union Sewing Machine , 209 N. ICth st.
The celebrated Coronet Cigaretts are
now reduced to lOc and' 20c a package.
For sale by all the leading dealers and at
wholesale by McCord , Brady & Co.
Agt. for Frank Jones' Coronet Cigarette
and Tobacco Factory , New York City.
J. N. Tiltwiler ; farnHUs1 'piaTio tuner of
Dos Moines , Iowa , can be found at Wood-
bridge Bros. Mr. Tutwiler is old in the
business , visiting Omaha every six
Un ion Sewing Machine , 209 N. ICthst
Don't ' forcot to drder HESEKVOIIR CE of
Kennedy & Newell , 1418 Farnam. The
best is the cheapest.
Let Bradford liguro your bill if you
wish to save money.
Union Sewing Machine , 209 N. 10th st
Paint and repair your wagon
in first-class shape
at Grntton & Drummond's , 1915 Harney.
The Union is the simplest sowing ma
chine in the world. 209 N. 10th street.
The only sowing machine that will sow
backwards or forwards is the Union.
Before leaving your order olsuwhero
for suits examine stock and prices of G.
Svansou & Co. , tailors , 111G larnam.
Have your STOVES HTOUKD by the Gate
City Repair Works , 001 North Sixteenth
st. , near Cass. Telephone 11W.
You can buy furniture cheaper of A.
L. Fitch & Co. , 12th St. , bet Farnam and
Douglas , than anv other place in the city.
Don't pay big prices for lumber but
buy che-ip at Bradford'B.
Union Sewing Machine , SOON. IClh st.
Get your buggy repaired and painted
at Oration & Dnunmoml'H ,
Gut estimate. 1315 llarnoy.
ncdforil Plaoo.
fs the best addition in which to buy
cheap lots. Usher and Russell are now
building their foundry there. Lots ou
easy terms.
Fresh Peas , 8 quarts for 25o , at Ilciin-
The IJoss.
This is an ago of invention and of en
terprise. And the Refrigerator Ice Cream
Can is the latest and boat. It Is made of
tin , nnd consists of an ouctr and an inner
can ; the inner can is firmly braced within
the outer can , leaving a uniform space
between the oases. This is filled with leo ,
The cream put in the inside can , a lid
placed upon each can , and your ice
cream is ready for transportation and
will keep ns nicely as In a freezer for 21
hours. This can is the invon tlon of Norris -
ris , the Douglas street rnstaura nt and ice
oroam man , who keeps constantly on
hand the best ice cream in Omaha.
Everything in his line is fresh and cloan.
Luscious Strawberries , Strawberry Ice
Cream , etc. Parties , festivals and pri
vate families supplied on short notice.
Remember , ho can deliver ice cream tit
your door ns well frozen as if just from
freo/or. Remember the place , No. 1119
Douglas street.
Union Sowing Machine , 209 N , ICth st
Before buying ( ret prices at the Central
Lumber Yard , 18th uud California.
Headquarters for fresh fruits nnd vege
tables at Heimrod's.
I'ianox tttruH antlreiMirtd. Work ynvr
anlectl , at Jfospe's , 1513 Douglas. .
Thomas Kennedy , 1830 S. 18th.carries
u complete line ol harjlwiVc , tinware ,
&c , ' Also selU perfection gasoline store.
Union Sewing Machine,9 09 N. IGlh t'
Prices on Chicago 'Ohango ' Subject to
Much Vnriation ,
Corn "Strong ns Bull Boof-Only
Shade ol * Weakness , in Onttlo- "
Hogs nro Active and HlRhor
Provisions KIuotnatltiK.
Cinc.voo. May 14. [ Special Toloetam.l
WiiBAT This morning there was no end of
bull storm news , oinplmtlo denials of alleged
sequestration of 2,000,000 bushels of Mlnno *
npolls wheat , blnck and whlto nvhlonco that
vheal Is bellii ; tnkcn away from tlio sea
board for export , nnd well authenticated
statements that exporting houses hcio have
been "working" considerable quantities for
foreign shipments for several successive
days. Outside conditions looked favorable *
nnd wheat opened stronger and started oft
buoyantly. Then came the story about
WorlsholTcr's grain and the market wilted ,
prices going down about Jfe. It had no support -
port to speak of. There was llttlo covering
by shorts , but the trade was very light on a
decline. The bottom was touched at 75Jo
for Juno , TJJfc for July and 78c for August.
The market turned up and advanced % @ Jfo
closing at 1 o'clock with the ran go of prices
nearly back to the top again. Lung futures
fell further relatively than Juno and reacted
In the same , way ,
The bulls emerged from behind their bat *
tcrert fortification , and toward thn close vrora
a inoro cheerful air than thov have for sonia
time past. They talked cheerfully and acted
as though they thought bottom had been
struck. Taking of sixteen boatloads In Nevr
York was the special cause for momentary
good feeling anil the revival of the actual expert -
port movement was another ctuse.
COIIN Tlio corn pit was the scene of great
activity to-day. The market was "strong as
bull beef , " and under very largo buying ad
vanced } ( c. It was repotted that the Lester
party had gone Into corn fora turn of several
cents. Whether or no thcro WHS anything to
the report , curtain It was that a number of
thn "high rollers" wcro buying heavy to-day.
OATH Oats wore steady.
Puovisio.vs Some life was Infused Into
provisions to-day , and a decline ofliiWo In
pork was biought about. Other ru Holes 911
the list shared In the wcakncssbut less uotlcc-
ably. Trading slackened later , and the mar
ket tinned up slightly. Not much was do no
alter the first hour.
U.UO p. m. Wheat was strong on the after
noon board. Export buying and a very ac
tive Uulnth market were the stimulating ;
causes. Corn , oats and provisions were also
strong , and the temper of the crowd seemed
to bo qultn bullish.
2.40-Puts on Juno wheat , 70&c ; calls ,
Cliamllcr-Droivu Co.'s Report.
Tim following report is furnished by
Chandler lirowu Co.ot Chicago and Milwau
kee :
CHICAGO. May 14. [ Special Telngrani.J
CATTLE There was quite a variety of opin
ions concerning the decline In the market
as the break was quite as Irregular as the ad
vance had been on a general averapo lower.
Trices were above 15c lower than on Thurs
day. The offerings Included very
Inrgo numbers of flop-foil cattle.
General quality of the cattle oliered was very
good , there being maay lurpo droves of rood ,
ihlck. fat beeves. The gencial ImprcSnlon
was that heavy cattle , such as sold at 85.IWQ
5bO , stilfcivd more ut decline than hardy
llitht htcuifl , such as sold at SS.S.yJj.'MO. Ship
ping steers , 1350 to inooibs , 5 80iro.oo ( ; 1200 to
13V ) Ibs , SJ.90iSri.50 ; O.V ) to 1200 Ibs , 4.50(31 (
5.20 ; twenty Ncbiaskas , 055 Ibs , S4.00 ; 1W
Nebraskas. 1120 Ibs. 65.00 ; nineteen Nebras-
kus , 10G3 Ibs , S5.25 ; thlity-two Ncbiaskas ,
1104 Ibs , S-i.50.
lions Trade active and priors shade high-
rr. Best heavy sold at & 4.85it4.UO ( : mixed , .
SI. 10@-J.20 , and common at 8S.OOB4.0' ( ? > ; paek-ii
Ing anil shluplnc , 250 to 310 Ibs , ( < j
N \v Yoi'lc , May 14. Mo.'fnv On call ,
easy at IJjtffcJ percent.
'U Mr.itcANi'iLi : PAPKII 4@5 per
HrKni.ixo i'lxciiAxnn Dull ; actual rates , ; fur sixty clays ; Sl.bOK for uoinand.
UOVJUXMIXT Dull , but btcudy for active
STOCKS Stocks were all within ' / percent
of hist night's closing ( Inures , The maiket
was weak fioin thuoiiuiuiiK to the close , with
hiudly any rally worthy ot the name. The
irnukct In gcnuriil WHK nothing but a ttailcn * '
niRiket , and closed dull and heavy at about
the lowest li'iines n-nclieil.
Clilnnco , May 14. KlourQuint am }
unchanged ; winter wlu-at , 34.10 ; Houthern ,
un soft Korhiir wheat , 33.70@4.00 ; Minnesota
seta bakeni. SH.&OrtAl.fX ) ; patents , S1.(15@ ( ' .W > .
Wheat Opened llrniur and Wtfta ItiKhcr ,
bocaino weak and Hcttlcd hack % c , Inter do-
cllnedv. In-low opening , then rallied % c ,
closlni : J eabo\o yesterday ; cash and May ,
IC c ; Jiiiu * . 7ic.
Corn Unsettled , gnjierally stiong : ad-
vancru liS e , and closed with the advnncn
fahly siibtalnoil ; cash and May , : Wcj June ,
O.its Steady ; cooil cash iloiniiuil ; cah ,
SSW f 'c ' : .May , USjfcj Juno , iis e ,
Jtyc UullatfiOo.
Hai-lcy Jullat.ri5c.
Tliniithy-J'iime - , S1.70.
I'oilc-liicpulnr : dcrliricd 10'ti7c , near
cloud milled JKC'2uiHiul ! closed lcaily ; e.ibh
and May. y.70j .luiic , 38.WXi JH.73.
J aid Hleady and ncllvo : very little chnngo :
cash nnd May , S3.HO5.W > tf ; Jtmcv 5.W.K < s4
„ - - - . - - h''iulrT ' full cicam chcddata. 10CJ
lie ; rmrs.lKnil _ ( { > io ; skluis , O Tc.
iliiliM ( irocn , epi heavy grceu calt d ,
7 > , 'o ; light , S. c ; rt ma ed.OVj ; tiill hide ? ,
hc ; drysallwl , 13 > 'C.dry ; Hint , ISQUo ; call
7iursl oC'Jl c ; diucous Wi-