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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 15, 1886)
THE OMAHA , DAILY BEE. FIFTEENTH YEAR OMAHA , SATURDAY MORNING-"MAT 15 , 18SG.-TWELYE PAGES , NUMBER 284. LABOR , RIOTS AND STRIKES. Lumbermen Hush Back to Work on the Old Terms. ARREST OF THE BOMB-THROWER. The Bomb Supposed to bo a Composition of Bolder and Ground Glass. CRUEL NATURE OF THE WOUNDS. Tlio HI UK headers Held Tor the Grant ! Jury Marflu Irena Gives Testi mony The Knights Want nn Immigration Tax. Foolish Tjiunhcr Workcrfl. Cmc.Vfio , May H. ( Special The great sttlko out In the lumber relon Is Hearing Its end. This morning nearly every man In the crowds along Twenty-second street and In the vicinity of thojards In other sections can led with htm his working apron ns a sort of emblematic expression of his willingness to work. At the beginning of the next week It Is confidently expected that all the yaids and planing mills in that district will bo tunning at their full capacity. The mills could start up to-day , as there Is no dif ficulty In getting whatever lumber they need , but as the week Is so far 1:0110 no special ef fort to resume before Monday will bo made. The police guards liavo bcon having an easy tlmo of It , and fears of any need of their pro tecting services are being lapldly dissipated. Mr. Van Schalck , the head of the lumber dealers committee , said this afternoon : "Most of the men will bo taken back , but homo of the leaders who got the men to strike , nnd aru now trying to picvent their going back until some arrangement can bo made whereby they themselves can get back too. are spotted , nnd will not bo taken back under any circumstances. " Before noon the stampcdo by the men to return to vvoik In the lumber yaids was very pronounced , and Itwas evident that the .war wasoser. Vessels that ha\o been lying Idle at the docks dining the last fortnight weio alive with men this mottling , and the work of unloading was going ahead with the gieatest activity. Consldcilng the cost of the strike , Mr. Van Schalck said : "Tho loss will all fall upon the laborers , who ran least alford to bear It. In the two weeks of suspension of business , 100,000,000 feet ot lumber less than should have been received lieto have been sent to Chicago. That means , w > far as lumber men , planing mill men and other mauutactuieis at c conccincd , that In a diminished season the tlmo lost and the delayed pioductlon must bo nmdo up In the six months that icmalii of the season. That can bo easily done , i'ho ' htriko has not Injuied the marine Interest , because we have so much lumber anyway , and that means vessels must cany as much In the shorter season as they would have cat- rled If thcio had been no tioublc , and the re sult thov will b'j continuously em ployed and at better freight uites probably than they would ha\o been If the men had not taken forcible vacation. Tlio laborers. however , have lost the salaiy of 8,000 mon at an aveiago of § 1.50 a day for twelve days , erIn In lound numbcis , ( fir > 0UOO , and they cannot make up when to that a total of the collat- cial Inteiests which depend upon the prosperity of the men aio considered , tlio to tal cost ot this strike can bosalcly put at a ( uiaitcrofa million dollars , the burden of which must bo berne finally by the laboior. " "How long will it take to get business into good i nnning otdcr nintln ? " "About ten days. It takes that time to re- organi/c the forces at the beginning of every season , and as the stiike came just when wo weio open to begin that work , Itmnst bo done now. Seventy per cent of the foices cm- plovcd In the lumber business need muscle. and tlmo must always bo taken to put that Into the position whoie it can bo used to the best advantage. " DISCUSSING TUB UIOT. In the rush ot ovcnts tallowing the anarch ical slaughter on Haym.uket square , a very Important subject for Investigation has , up to the present time , escaped public attention. Aside trom the fact that policemen were mowed down by the bomb , nothing has beou submitted to explain the nature of that tenl- blo Instinmcntof dcstinction. The mntcilnl Is not at hand oven yet to supply a perfectly con ect description ol the missile , but enough Is known to demonstrate that Itiis con- Mi ucted with devilish Ingenuity to tully ac complish the barbatous pin poses of Us manii- tactuier. iiF.sui.Ti or run nostti. All the victims of the bomb who were sent to thocounty hospital , fiom the time of their anlval have bcon under the caio of attending surgeons , K. W. Leo and J. B. Muiphy. While all the wounds produced by the Infer nnl machine have the samogoncral character istic , each wound has special pectill.uitles , which , so to sneak , IndlvuHiali/o It. This Is explained by the fact that In every case the Injuries weio Indicted by metallic fing- ments of varying sl/es and foims. This metal , while Ittcsemblcs lead is more pliable , nnd It Is thought to bo a composite of solder and powdered glass. In every case where the missile , producing the wound In the body of the sntlercr , trom the bomb has been found , It has pioved tobo made of this metal , nnd though the sl/o of the bonib Is not dell- nltcly known. It Is aurced that Itwas hollow and loaded with sings of this deadly composi tion. Tlio nature of the wounds show that U would be dllllcult to put In operation a moiij destructive agent than that emplojed by the anarchists. In all their experience tlio suigcons have not cncounteied anything to compaui with It. VII'.WH Of Till' SUIIflKONS. "Tho wounds ere \ety pecullai , " said Dr. Leo , "and snnio the mlssllcsthat made them. These lm\o Invnimbly ticcn pieces of lead , all of them hollow. scooped out , and with tagged edges , suggesting to mo moro closely than anything else the uppcaianco of ubiokcn peanut shell. The wounds do not at all icsemblo bullet wounds , which aiolnclsho nnd clean cut. 'Iho bomb slugs make jagccd wounds , teailng thelt way tlnoiigh the clothing Into the body. Un the suilaro the apoitmes seemed small , nut on pcnnti.itlng the skin cavities weio found that wouU HMdlly admit the flimer. the muscles and tls- i.iu'.s bnlng so torn as to Indicate that the teat had a luuilUng motion. Another lieeuli.ultj in tlio action of these missiles Is that In every case they catrled Into the wounds pieces nt the clothing , and so gtoatly enhanced the dangei of blood poisoning. ( jiillly of Murder. Cmo voo , May 14. The Inquest upon tlio bodies of Olllccrs Michael Shchaii and Fla- v'u ' , who died from Injutles reached In the llaymaiUot ilot , bciran this atteinoon. Kvl ilenco was gl\on leading to implicate Klscher astho niiin who threw the bomb. On 1'is chi'f'bptiison , when airesUil. was a fulminat ing cap , used for explosion ol dynamite. Do- tectlso Itoiilicld swoio that Anton lleishbct- tror , u in Inter In the Atbeltcr Zcltung , set up the "iiiM'inro" cheular , and when airestcil had a bullet hole In his coat. The same olll- ccr said that ho could pioxo that both Fischer and llorshhoigcr declared thuy wcio goln , to IhtMmuKet siiuau1. and woio going toot- tt > ck tlio polica it the latter came. CnioAno , May U. Tito vet diet In the case of Olllcor Shwihan Is similar to those u > turned In the preceding Iniuic'sls it ) > uu the ut'tlms oftlio H.iy Market tiot , and holds Shcuhan , I'lcliton and Schwab , and Patrons ( If hi- ran bo iui-ted ) to the giaud jnrj upon the chaise ot being accessoty to iiiui * lll'f. lll'f.In the case of Ollh'ot Flivln , the \ordlc ! dltlcrs Mom these heri'toforo rccoidod. 1 tinds that death was caused dltcetly fiom ef f ecH of a lionili Instead of pistol shots am ndd& tntlmllst ( it thtisu picvlously held uc fi-.ssoi U ; > to muidcr the mimes of Adelp ! FiwheranU Anton Jleiahborgor. Tin ; Lntnbor Strike o , May H. The strike In the lum bery.inlsln tM-Sonthwesti'rn poitlon nf the city wrib brouiiht to a rlrsa to day , The em iilovt-s rctinnrd on the old twins , TCK hours V oik and ten hours pay. Itatoro noon the fttampvila of meo to return to work In the lumbci yard W.IBciy prononncnl. ItMS evident iltct the \\nr\\itb over. The piln-i- > al Impetus in this direction was he belief that the lumbermen would nako no concessions beyonn the of- 'er of the executive committee. A number of men began to work jestcrday. Hy this tctlon they put to tlio test the threats of violence lence that nnd been made against those who started to work In advance of the order ot the union. They went to their homos un molested at the close of I ho day nnd returned : o their employment. That tlio anarchists were Idle seemed to be nil that was necessary to encourage the lar o body , of men who were anxious toork to bravo the auger of Ilia union and at once they began to pour Into the jnrds. Vessels tint had been Idle at the docks dttrlnir the last fortnight were allvo with men and the work of unloading is : olnenhcad with the gtoatest actUlty , Threatened Mtrllco ofMlners. CI.KVKI.ANK , Ohio , May 11. A delegate convention , icprcscnllngnllthotjoal miners In Mahonlng Valley , was held at Youngstown - town to-day. After discussing the refusal of the opetators to giant an advance of ten rents per ton demanded , Ilia following icso- lutlons were adopted : Ke > ! ol\cd , 'Hint wo adopt the same "ealo of prices ns adopted at the joint convention of minors and nilno onerators at Columbus last Kubrtntv. Kosolsed , That wo faVor arbitration of the ouostloii of an advance to correspond with thescnlo , but should opciatots refuse to aibl- tratc , then wesliall inaugurate a sttlkp to en- toice our demands. Kcsohcd , 'lhatabnard of live miners be selected to meet a like number of opeintors In Youngstown. AnnrolilstH on Trial. CtitcAoo , May II. llymek Dejmok , an employe ot the Atbeltcr Xeltnug , his hi other , Voclav Dojmek , and Fiank Novak , worn be- foioJustlco White this afternoon charged w 1th riot. Voclav Dojmok was also clmigod with assaultlnirOlllcer Casey , llo was held In bonds of Soao. ; ) llynek and Novak were dismissed , but just as Hynck was leaving the couit room a posse of ollicers appeared and put him under atrcst , chatglng him with as sault upon Olllcor Casey. Ho will have a heating to-monow. Casey Is Iho oltlccrwho was tesciiud nt the foot of a lamp post upon which a crowd of Infmiatcd Bohemians wonabout ; to hang him , believing that ho had slain ono of their cotiutiyinen during the assault on McCotmlck's factoiy. UPPISH AND NKTHKR MILLSTONES The Tailors Get Siincczcd nctwecii the Wholesalers nnd Middlemen. CHICAGO , May 14. A meeting of the boss tailors or middlemen held a meeting to-day at which some expiesscd willingness to grant nn Increase of Itf per cent In wages. Othcis present iefnscd nnlc--s the wholesale dealers conceded middlemen a conespondlng ad vance. The manufacturers aie. however , de termined In tltulr position , saying boss tailors can atToid an incicasa to their em- plovesand jet make money. Middlemen will hold another meeting , meanwhile a lockout ot neaily 30,000 persouscemplojed In the manulnctuic of icady made clothing con tinues. . Most llngcs Like .Madman. NEW Yoittc , May 14. Herr Most raged like a madman yesterday In the tombs , and punctuated his denunciations of American law and the police by raking his hands through the shock ot hair standing out fiom his head. Hn denounced ns a He the story that he was lound under Lena Kischut's bed" . Then ho gave the police a tongue lashing tull of emphatic adjectives. Most's counsel appeared In couit yesterday and demuried to the Indictment , Nobody olTeis ball lor Most , and ho will probably have toiemaln In the tombs several months. THE DOMB TIIUOWEU. Arrest mid Supposed Confession of Louis Linger , the Bomb Fiend. CHICAGO , May 14. A man named Louis Llnggwas ai rested this evening while In hiding at No. 80 Ambiose street. The police unreservedly declare that he Is the man who threw the death-dealing bomb Into their ranks a week ago Tuesday. Before that date Llngg lived on Clybourn avenue , but up to this evening had not been seen since thonias- sacie. Ills capture was made on information furnished by ono of the Arbeltor Xeltnngem- ploves. The police say thcio Is no shadow ot doubt of the man's guilt , and the events of to-night thiovv some ciedlbillty on their statement. It Is thought the nnost Is ono of the most Impoitantmauo jet , with the ex ception ot the cantmoof the instigators of tlio hoirlhlo cilme. Llngir Is said to have been In the employ of Spies and to have been since May o. The missing man , at the police .station , was put thtough a rigorous ex amination , lasting thieo hours. At last Llngg made a statement , the extent of which the police lefuso to disclose , and detectives in largo numbers w cio hiniledly dispatched to Clj bom n avenue for pcisons implicated by his conloblon. It Is undeistood that the pollco made no piomlses to Llngg , but gained their Inloi matlon by other mwins just what , they icfiisotosay. Weilnrsdny'H Wild Wind * . AI.IUNY , Ohio , May II. A tornado passed thiough Columbia township , Melgs county , about live miles tinin this place , \Vednesday night , between 10 and 12 o'clock. Mis. Mai- garet A. McComas , aged CO. and a nephew aged 21 , were Instantly killed. Ll//lo McComas was seriously Injuied but will probably recover. The house was entlioly demolished , Mailc McKniglil's house was cntliely demolished , and himself nndwito badlf hurt. A largo stone house was moved a distance of six tect , and thoioot tot noli , The Kentucky As Ohio rallioad nt Caipcntcr had a waichouso entirely destioyed. Many iiioio houses weio destroyed and the inmates lujuicd. The toiuado was the mostsovcie ( wiuy known In this part ot Ohio. Itwas tiom a Jourth to a halt mile wide. CINCINNATI , May 1 1. News ot thodamngo ol tliostotm Wednesday night continues to coiuo. Madison county , ( ) KiilIViccl to the extent of moie than two bundled thousand dolhns. The stionms In that county , gen- ciallylow , were banked , mid nn unprece dented Hood caulcil away neaily oveiv load bridge. In Kuvetto county n Hood came tear ing down 1'alut creek Into \Vashlngton couit lioiiM' . In tour liouts It rose to eighteen tcet. All the lowei turt of thu city was In undated. Many pcoplo were dilvon liom homo nnd dozens of bildges washed awav. Tito damage In Clinton county Is chlelly by wind. lrl\o b.uns aio jeportcd destroyed nnd timber prostrated over n Intgo atua. In Uutler county lifty feet of the \Voodsdalcbiidgon\crtho Miami river was blown elf , nnd the line Iron bridge on tlio Llllott tuinpiko was demolished. Miles ot times were laid low. and many small brumes torn out. A house In Lemontown was de molished arid a domestic Injuted. In the village of JStni'ii Mlle the suceU wt'io Imims- huhlol'ioiu l.illon trees. The public school hulldlng was dnniagcd. Thn toot ot thu Methodist church was htiilcd against the parsonage , crushing In Its walls. The niln- Istei's family imitowly escaped death. Half n dozen bains aio blown down. At Middle- ton ttecs were blown down. The river lose M > IV high niid was tilled with wiecks ol houses biinis and loiufs. The mills nio all btopptni. Neatly nil access to the town Is out off. Heavy damage by wind ocrnrml eolith of .MlddlotoH. Theto hns been gtuat dnniagu to railroads Mound Sldnoy by wash outs. So\euU culvetts between Sldnovnui ! Qnlncy itro out. TJio Dnjton & Mlclilgnn load has bcvoml breaks between Bldnoy ami Dajton and two culverts out near Johnstown station , Tlu < Lakiitiliorui\ ; Western trains fiiisiu'udcd near Lima by wii&liont.s. Tito mails from every dlicctlon nru badly de layed. iNiiiANorotJs , Indiana. May H. The rnlns the past tow da > s hnvu swollen tlio White ilvcr to within tourtcen incites ot the highest point reached elnco IbTA. Great loss to giowinv crops are ropoi ted fiom the sur rounding I'ountiy. Many bridges iiro wxshci ! out , nnlumd lines nio damaged nnd trains dill.tie < l , and the work of ropalriniMlm Iruclt. U iMiricd on under muoh disadvantage. Support Gladstone. Sr. PAU ; . , Mar ll. Tlie convention of the Ancient Ocilcr oflllburulans fcent Krctln 3 to 1'atncll and Uhidftooo UiUy. > . AN ANVIIj OHOnUS. Terr I llo Implosion of Dynainlto In PITJ snrno , May 14. lloblltzoll , agent of [ ho Atlantic Dynamite company employed to tircak up n lot of old Iron stored on a vacant lot near the Hcpubllclrou work , commenced work on n ten ton anvil and used an Immense charge of dynamite tor tlio purposi. A tor- rllic explosion followed. Hugo pieces of the mull were scattered In evcty direction. Ono pleco weighing 800 pounds vvtocked a house occupied by Mrs. McNamata. n block distant ; another pleco over 200 pounds crashed through the dwelling on Emfl Erst- m an , nlso a block away , and shuck a bed In which three children were sleeping. They c capcd Injury. Another house occupied by Mrs. Lnry , fully "OJ feet away , was also wrecked. The only person Injured was .lames Actcu. while walking on llm sidewalk a block away , llo had his leg badly Injured by n fragment , and the limb so badly Iniuicd that amputation may bo necessary. Hobllt- zcll was nricsted for violating tlio city otdi- nance. _ FOUUIGN AIWA1HS. " \Vhnt Fools These Mortals Bo. " LONDON , May 14. It U stated that John Bright w 111 absent himself from the house of commons on tlm occasion ot the division on the second reading of tlio homo rule bill. Ills example will bo sine to have an Influence on other members , Moio lire arms have been Fold In Londondciry during the past thiec mouths than ever sold during the previous live years. Oidets have just been given there for 1,000 illles. Ciowdcd meetings ot Oramrc- men weie held to-day at Nowry nnd Mom tie , at which pledges were given not to submit to tlio Dublin paillnmcnt nnd not to pay taxes. All present cniolled themselves for military soivlco as voluntecis. Tlio Cana dian Oiansemen piomlso support. Delaying the Inevitable. LONDON , May 14. Loul Hartlitgton's whips report that 110 liberals have pledged themselves to vote azalnst the homo mlo bill and that thirty nio doubtful. Consciva- tlvo Icadeis advise conscivntlves In the house of commons not to speak dining the debate , as they wish to hasten division on the second read Inc. It Is itimoml that Gladstone Is consulting with his colleagues npuii the ad visability ot wltltdiawing the home iiiie bill. Hattliigton declared that the pledges fiom tin' llbeials to oppose Gladstone's homo rule bill wciesulllclent in number to make the ejection of the bill , on the second leading , a ceitalnty. The defeat ot the bill , he said , would cast a heavy responsibility on him , which ho was quite willing to accept. The Liberal Defection. LONDON , May 14. At a meeting of the fol lowers of Lord Hnrtlngton sixty-lour gentle men , Including Chamberlain , Trevelyan and Craln , weio present. A resolution was adopted deelaitng all picsent would oppose the second leading of the homo rule bill. Jlaitlngtou declined that the pledges trom liberals to oppose Gladstone's homo mlo bill weie sulllclent In number to make the rejection of the bill on second leading a ceitalnty. Thedcleat of the bill , ho f-ald , would cast a heavy 10- sponslbillty on him , which he was quite willIng - Ing to accept. _ Kcbel Heads oil Splices. CoNSTANTiNOi'i.r : , May 14. A now Sou danese madji , with llfty Aiab followers , re cently appeared In the vicinity ot Jlddah , cut the tclegiaph wires and defeated a detach ment of Tuiklsh tioops , killing and wound ing many ot the soldiers. Anothci detach ment of tioops ovw threw the rebels and cap tured seven of them whoso heads weie ex posed on spikes at the gates ot Jlddah. Scorot Caucus of Nationalists. LONDON , May H.Tho nationalist mom- bcis of parliament this afternoon held a se cret meeting In the honso of commons. Mr. Paincl ! presided. It Is understood that ho laid befoio the assemblage n number of com munications trom Mr. Gladstone suggesting certain modifications in the homo rule bill and futthcr concessions to demands ol ladi- cals. _ Gain for Germany and Ireland. DUIIUN , May 14. One fiim of inanufactur- eis In the province of Ulster has alieady con cluded arrangements lor the transfer of Its mills to Germany. It Is stated that othei Ulster linns are considering the advisability of removal also , Ornngo Peacemakers. LONDON , May 11. The goveinmcnt has forwat ded 2,000,000 rounds of ball ammuni tion to Dublin. Hurricane Slaughter. MADIIID , May 14. In this city tlihty-two persons wcio killed and sixty-two injured by thehuirlcaiiool Wednesday moinlng. Salvationist ) * In Jail. Iis : MOIMS : , Iowa , May 14. [ Special Tolo- gram.J The Salvation army at Maishall- town aio conducting services at pi esent be hind the bais of the jail , a number of the wan tors being sent to prison last night for violation of the city ordinance. They weio allowed pciinlsiton to patrol the sttcets one night a week by giving notice to the pollco In advance to preserve order. Lately they li.ivo been violating the mlo , paiadlnc every night. Last evening they were alt marched to jail , and when arraigned this atteinoon the mayor ottered to let them elf on condition that they would lead no moio parades. Thov said they "would obey God and not man , " whcicupon Mayor Ames observed that they would also obey the laws , and so lined them S.'tt and costs each , in delimit of which thcv are all now languishing In jail. A Ghastly Find Near Chicago. CHICAGO , May 14. The coiouer received a dispatch this morning trom T. A. Valt , a trustee of the tow n of Clceio , near this city , which said nine boxes containing tlio bodies of chlldien and adults had bcn lound about half a nillo south of Oak 1'ark. No other paitlculais of the discovery were to- celved up to Jl o'clock. The Incts as known created crcat excitement in pollco circles , onuot the theoilcs advanced being that the corpses were those of anarchists w ho died tioni liijnilcs received In the Hayiuai- kct explosion nnd In subsequent fights with the pollco in the .southwestern part of the city. It Is uimoreu that a number of dead anarchists weto socictly bulled by their com- lades , and it was thought the bodies found weie tlioso disposed of In that manner. Ruffians llroalc Jail. HINOSIAN. Kan. , May 14. Wednesday evening when the deputy sherltf entered the county Jail with supper , n loaded Winchester rlllo was placed against Ills head and ho was commanded to throw tip his hands. Ho was relieved of the keys , tied , gagged and thrown Into a cell , while tlio three prisoners liber ated themselves. The sheriff and cltUens wont In puisult , but did not dare an attempt to take them on account of not being suill- clently armed , The thieves who escaped ate part of a gang of horse thieves from Indian territory , captured heio about two moiithsngo. Didn't Try Very Hard. ST. Louis , Mo. , May H. The last session of theCmtln labor Investigating committee was held to-day. Mai tin lions testified Unit ho had tried to settle the affair bctoio the Elilke. _ Most Hailed Out. Nnw YOIIK , May 14. Anarchist Most was biought down to court to-day and released on Sl.OOO bail. The money was subscribed by some of Most's friends. An Earthquake In Scotland. KniNnunoit , May 14. A slight shock of earthquake vas fell last night nt Galrloch- hcrd on the Firm of the Clyde , county of Duubatton. Mo damage done. Nebraska Weather. For Nebraska : Slightlywarmer ; fair M lather. \ If AVP TTTD OT I TPPlf H\T AMONG lllli STATESMEN , Liberal Appropriations tMado for All Kinds of Objects by the Democrats- u a J. STERLING MORTON DUMB. "Tho American House or liorcls" Yost In WnshltiRtoti Important Noinlnnt IOIIH nnd OouflrtiiiUloiiH Tariff , I'cttyMay 14. [ Special Tclc- Kraui. ] The publication of thopttrposo of other dcniocrntlc members of tlio tcttltorlnl commlttco ot the house to stinnglo the Dakota bill In commlttco 1ms called torth most strenuous protests from nil classes of pcoplo In the nmtlnvcst. Demo crats nnd republicans nllko hnvo united In petitioning thu hoiibo to pais the llnrrlson bill , nnd to ndinli the .southern half of the toiiltory. These petitions hnvo had their elTi'ct , nnd Sprlntrcr has at last de cided to draw the icport for the uuijotlty which will bo adverse to the bill. U will bo submitted to the full committee next Wednesday. The minority of the com mittee ( all the republican mmnbnrs ) have in structed Mr. C. S. Unkcr , of Now York , to propaton minority icport which will bo .sub mitted to the house nn the same day that Splinter's rcpoit is submitted. Mr. Hill , chnliman of the committee , will picparo a icpoit of his own In which ho will tnko oc casion to score Spi Inner nnd recom mend the passage ot his own bill tnovldlnir for n division of ntho tonltoiy on the seventh btnndnul parallel In- Hteiul ot the forty-sixth parallel ffiMd latitude. The fi lends of the mlmlsslon of the southetn half ot the let rltory nro vcrv much ovcltcd over the tuin ntlalrs havu taken. They be- llcvo they have cnoimli democrats to support them to Inline the passage of the bill In splto of the adverse rcpoit , If It can over bo reached. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Hellcf for Rcncrvntion Settlers. WASHINGTON , Mny 14. ( Special Tolc- Kram. | Kepicsontailvo Weaver , of Nebras ka , called up nnd hntl passed in the house to day his bill nuthorfztng mm directing the sccictnry of the Interior to extend the tlmo forthopajnientof purchase money on the sale of the reservation of the Otoo nnd Mis- souil tilbes of Indians In Ncbrnsknaud Knn- sas. It provides that the Interest shall bo had now and the extension of tlmo for pay ments which have ot shall beconin duo. Kep- resentatlve Dorsey oll'eied an amendment that the extension Include the Omaha reser vation In Nebraska , bbjcctlon was made and the amendment t\vas withdrawn. It will however be attached In the bcnntc. Yost in Washington. WASHING i ON , Jlay (14. [ Special Tclo- ifrmn. ] Senator Allison created a ripple of laughter In the senate to-day by Introducing nnd luivlng read a petition signed by several citizens ot Iowa asklnp'thnt the "Ametlcan house of loids" ( the senate ) bo abolished nnd n republican foun of goveinmcnt substituted. It was ictcucd to'a committee. C. 1C. Yost , ot Omaha , was about consrcss to-dny meeting public men and consulting about Nebraska politics. 1'ostolHce Nmvs. WASHING TON , MV , * , W , [ Special Tele gram. ] The folIoWlnc .postmasters wcio commissioned to-dav : Neils M. Aladicn , Dannorvlerd , Neb. Thomas O'bhea , Madison , Nub. Willis (5. Wheat , Gladstone. Iowa. The postodlce at Omni , Furnas , county , Neb. , has been discontinued , and the mail goes to Beaver City. About the Coal Oil Senator. WASHINGTON , May 14. The entlro re publican delegation In congress fiom Ohio united In ndlspatch to-day to the president of the Ohio state leglslatmo asking him to have the legislature pass ! a lesoliitlon specifying chafgesof biiberv In the election ot United States Senator Payne , nnd demanding the sennto ot the United States to investigate them. _ Busy But Silent. WASHINGTON , Mny 14. [ Special Tele gram. ] On Is Ilnitinait , Frank Colpct/.er , J. U. Ualleyof OniahaJnnd J. 11. McShano arc In the city. j J. StcilingMottoi } wns ngnln nt the In- tciinr department to-day , llo tiled another lot ot papers lor anrtlle.uits tor the new land olllco In Nebtnskn. j Mr. Morton steadily re- lusoto toll who fnro npplylnir for thc-,0 positions , or to talk nbont Nebraska politics. The Itlvcr iui ( I Unrltor Bill. WASHING TON , May 14. The sennto com mittee on conimerco'thls morning oidcrcd n fnvorablo rojiort of Hoar's [ resolution re- ( liililinc the commlttco to make n lopotl show ing the public necessity for each Item ot oxpemlltiuo In the river nnd harbor bill. It was decided that the criniinltteo shall nsk leavci to hit during thy sessions of the .senate. and itfihnll begin Its work on the nver nnil harbor bill nc.xt Tuesday. Capt. Crawford's Death. AVAsiii.voioN , Mny 14 It Is not likely Hint Iho department ofstito will mnkonny further Investigation of the Killing of Cnpt.Crawford for the reason that the coiiMihu olllclals hnvo no laclllties tot obtain Ing accurate informa tion on the subject. TJIK RlflNATK ON GUAUD. . Will Iiivcstl ate Kaoli Item of the Itiver and Harbor Dill. WASHINGTON , Mny 14. The senate com- niltlee on comnictco this morning oidercd n fuvorabioiopoitof Hoar's resolution requir ing the commltteo to ninko n icport showini ! the jmblic the necessity for each Item of ex- pendltuio In the liver nnd harbor bill , it was decided thnt the commlttco hi iill nsk leavoto sit during the sessions ot the sennto. nnd It shall begin Its work on the ilvcr nnd hntborblll next Tnesdny. t lt Is not likely thnt tho'depnrtmont of stnto will mnko any fiiithm- Investigation of the killing of Captain Ciavvfoid , for the reason thnt the consular oflh-lnla have no incllltics for obtaining accurate Inforiiiutlon on the subject FOHT V-N1N jCH COXG IlKSB. Senate. WASHINGTON , May'l4. ! . Among the peti tions presented In the senate to-day was ono from n dozen citizens of'Town , presented by Mr. Allison , praying for the abolition of the "American house of lords. " Kcfeircd. Mr , Fiyo , from tlio committee on com- mcice , icportcd favorably ; his bill to limit the pnvllegea of lorclgi ) vessels In ports of the United Mates to the jnlrilcsPS accorded to vessels ot the United Btati's In forelirn portir Mr. Fijo said that ho would nt thu proper tlmo glvo this bill us an amendment to the house bhlpplug bllL 1'laetd on the hoiibo cal- undnr. The bill authorizing tlio enlargement and extension of tUo customs liouso at Kansas City , and nppropriatlng 5150,000 , for that purpose - pose , w ns pasted. The following bills weio passed , nppropri atlng the amounts indicated tor the purposes named : ? Kx tend ing the limit of coat on Dotiolt pub lic building : to Sisoo,000 ; ; to erect a public building nfLafajette , Ind. , 675,000 ; to ftecta bonded warehousevat St , Paul , Minn. , SHO- 000 ; extending tlio.llmlt of apiiropiiatlon for public bulldliig at Uenver to S575.000. Mr. Hlddlebergeiprotested against the bills as taking a largo amount of money from tlio treasuiy. Mr. 1'ajmer and Mr. Men ill thought the covernment could uako no better u&o of Its money than in com tructing. buildings vvhoro oi , and so voi paying rent. Tito i following bit s vverotliOn passed ; Tor public building nt Fort Dodge , lown , S100.000 ; to Increase appropriation forptibllo bulldlni' nt Mnrquctto , Mich. , to 8123,000 : to cxtcndllmlt of npprojirlatlon for public buildIng - Ing at Teiro llnuto , Ind. , to 5178,000 , nnd several minor bills. After n debate without nctlon the sennto went Into executive session and soon nd- jomncd till Monday. Confirmations 1) . T. llonser governor ot Moutma. U. Montcguc , superintendent of mint at Now Orleans. J. T. Healv nsslstattt treasurer of the United States nt Uhlcaco. 1'ostmnslcrs J. I , . Handloy , Fnlrllcld , Iowa ; (5. W. McMlllen. Mount Sterling. HI. ; J. H. Ln\ton , DoWItt , lown. Nominations David C. Fulton , marshal for western district of Wisconsin. A bill passed to authorize the Kansas City. Foil Scott ite Oulf Railroad company to build a railroad through Indian tetrltory. . The general pension bill was placed before thoseuatont 'J o'clock. House. WASHINGTON , May II. The senate bill was pissed , appropriating S-loooo for the completion of the public building at Wichita , Kan. After the transaction of some routlno business , the house went Into commlttco of tlm whole on the private calendar. Tlio bill for tlio extension of patents gave rNo to a debate that ticnehcs upon the ground of tntitl reduction. There wns n ills- position shown to lengthen out the tnrllf de bate , but n piotest wns made nnd business was pioceodcd with. The committee lose nllcricportlug sovcial bills , and the house adjourned , _ _ lioitlfivillo Knee1 * . LOUISVIU.I : , May 14. Derby Day has como and gone , nnd by all who saw It , has been put down as a great turt event , success ful In every respect. The weather was very vvntm. The track wns good nnd tnst , nud the nttendanco was the latgest soon nt Louisville In many years. In the free Held the ciowd vvnt blinply Immense , with coed nnturc , but it leqiilted great execution on the part ot the police. Betting was very good ; it was con- lined to auction nnd Fiunch mutual pools. Bookmakeis declining to pay tlio Mini rc- qulied lor by White it Co. , the les- I'lrst race Louisville ladles' stakes. Iho- fights mile ; Jennie T. won , Wary second , Bon Nalltlilid ; tlmi1.01K. . Second llaco One and one-fouith miles ; Modesty \von , llnttlo Caillslc second , Aliens third ; tiino'JllH. : Thlid Unco Kentucky dcibv ; one and one- half miles : Stattois. Fieo Knight , Master rieicc. Blue Wing , Lixeio , Ben All , .Mm Urav , Sir Joseph , ( iriuialdl. Catltte. llnirods- burijlia Ibs cnch. Bi'ttinu' Ben All S" UOFrce Knight Pt7.j. ! Blue Wing S275 , Jim ( liny Sl . Master 1'lerco 875 , lields S150. An excellent statt , and without dclny , Blue Wing , C5rlm- nldl and Master Pieice , ns limned , showing in front. In n short distance Master 1'ieico wont to tlio fiont , soon ha\ inc a lead of three lengths ; llnriodsburi ; second , clear length ahead , nnd Crimnldl third. Cnimnldl dioppcd bick nt the stand , nnd Jim dray moved nn even with him , nnd on back stictch leadeis were coming back , Jim Oiny showing a trlllo In tiont at the mile pole , llnriodsburg , Master 1'ieico nnd Free Knight In a close bunch. As they rounded Into the stretch Free Knight wns In liont , but the four were very close together. In a shoit time Ben Ail and Blue Wlnir had the race to themselves. They had n very bad and dtlvini ; linlsli. Both hoises were very tired , Bon All winning by n shoit three- quartet sot length , Blue Wing bccond , Fieo Knight bad thud ; tlmo , SSO : > Louibville Fourth lace , heats of one mile lieat Adiian won , Irish 1'nt second , BigTIneethlid. Falls Citv fotntli , Keishaw fifth ; time , 1 :14U. Mutufils paid Hold S10.10. Second heat Irish 1'nt won , Adrian sec- ono , Big Tlnco thlid , Falls Citv and Kershaw distanced ; time. 1:14 : . Muturlt , . S14. Third heat Adrian won , Iiish 1'at second ; time , 1:47. : Mutuals paid SIO-V ) . Brighton Bench Kncoa. BiiiciiroN BKACH , M.iy 11. To-day's races icstiltcd as follows : Five Fin lonzs Commander won , Fiollc second , ittle Mlnch thiid ; time , 1:05. : Tlneo-louitlis Milo General Price won , Crottlo second , Blue Bell third ; time , 1:20. : Mile George Slngeily won , Irish 1'at sec- one. Lord Bcaconsheld third : time , l4 ; ! > < f. Tin fourths Mlle Keokttk won by head , Pceksklll and Frolic ran a dead heatior scc- onoplaco ; time , l:20 : > . BaRO Bull Games Yesterday. The tollowlntr Is the icstiltof the various games of base ball plajnJ by the leading clubs of the country : At Vlttsburg 1'Ittsburg 1 , Louisville 4 ; Hist base hits. 1'Ittsbutg : f , Louisvlllo 4 : er- lots , Pittsbura4 , Louisvlllo 0 ; pitehcts , ilof- foid anil Kamscy ; innpiie , Kelly. At Cincinnati-Cincinnati 1. St. Louis 2 ; first b'ise lilts , Cincinnati 5 , St. Louis 0 ; er- lors , Cincinnati 5 , St. Louis : i ; pitchcis , Mil- mine and Fnuto ; uniDlic , Clinton. At Dctioit Detiolt 5 , Boston 4 ; gnmo called nt the end of eighth inning on ac count ol darkness ; base hits , Detiolt 11 , Bos ton 7 ; enois. Detiolt ' . ' , Boston 1 ; iimplio , ( iiillnoy. At Chicago No game , rain. At New Yoik Mctiopolltans 4 , Baltlmoio 2 ; lirst b.ise hits , Metropolitans D , linltlmoic G : oiiors. Metrojiolltnus U li.iHiinoie 1 ; pitchrih , Cushman and Tajlor ; umplic , Fui- guson. At I'hllndelphla Athletics 1 , Biooklyn 9 ; Hist base hits , Athletics 5 ; Biooklyn 0 : 01- roi > , Athletics 4. Binnklyn 8 ; pltcheis , Ken nedy npd Teny ; umpire , Cnilin. A Mortgage of $1OOOOOOO. ATCHISON , Kan. , May 14. Thodliectors of the Chicago , Kansas it Nebraska railroad , better known as the Hock Island In Kansas , met hoio to day. Tnoy nntliori/ed the ex ecution of a mortsago of their piojccted Kansas nnd Nebraska extensions to hccuio n loan of 810,000,000 recently subscribed in New York. Amom : those piesent were Mcssis. Cable. Klmball. Lowe and Patkcr. The com- jiany hns leased n building In this eitv for general ofllces , and has nheady located hero Its auditor , seeietary , trcnsurcr and chief en gineer. Dentists Adjourn. HOCK Ihi.A.M ) . 111. , May 14. The State Dental society to-day cloed Its hosslon. elect- lug ollicers as follows : Pieshlent , W. T. Maglli , Hock Island ; vice piosld-nt , O. B. Bohland , Alton ; becrtlary , J. W. Wnssoll , Chicago ; nsslstnntbecieUry , Louis Ottoty , Chicago : tteasiner , CJ. W. Piicliett. White Hull : lihrniinn , W. B. Almes , Chicago ; member of executive committee lor tluvo vears , P. J. Kestei , Chicago , The nextnieet- ingwlll be held nt .liicksouvllle , Taxing Iiuiniuratlon. CMVKI.AND : , May 14. The Knights of La bor of Cleveland and other labor organUa- tions are working tip n scheme for taxing all torolcn Immigration , and will boon foivvard a petition to congress asking that Mich a law be passed. The movers in tlm matter eveiypert.on interested to wiito to his con gressman asking thnt such nbill be picsented nud passed befoio the adjournment of the piesent session. , /V Hucoe.HsTuI Ktrllco. CHICAGO , 111. , May 14. A Milwaukee spe cial dispatch says that work was resinned to day In thu North Chicago Uolllng Mill com- pany's works at Bay View. AVis. Laboiers piovlously paid S1.10 per day will now reecho - echo 51.40. Wages of boiler tenders foimer- lySiOOnday will hereafter bo &J.05. The woikB have been shut down blneo the mob demonstration on Tuesday of lust week. BIovliiR for Bettor pjTTsnuna , May 14. Secret petitions are In circulation amonir the employes of the Pennsylvania rallioad asking tor a general advance in wages of 10 per cent. It h claim ed the movement is backed by the Knights of Lalor , and Is to include both passenger and freight men and all men in the yards. Bliorp , Short and Severe. INDIANAPOLIS , May. 14. A upeelnl from Wilkinson , Ind. , savs : The cyclone or Wednesday lasted about five minutes , but totally destiojed nlno houses and killed two persons , nnd several uioro were wouiulod. Wilkinson Is in Hancock county , thirty miles east of here. TllK INDICTED ALUISHMAN. Story ortho Broadway Boodle ns Told Inspector Byrnes by ilachno. Nnvv YOHK. Mny U. The taking of ovl- dcnco In the trial ot Alderman Henry W. Incline , charged with having accepted a Inlbo of S2D.OOO to vote In favor of grantlnc the franchise to the Broidway Smfaco tall- road company for the running of cars on Btoadwny from the Battery to Fourteenth street , was beeun to-day. J. F. Toomey , cleik ot the board of Aldermen , tostlllcd that Alderman Jachno voted to grant the franchise. Alderman Clintlcs B. Walto , who ptesldcd at the memorable meeting , nud who icccnlly mndo n voluntaiy state- inont concerning the qinntlng of the fran chise to the ntithorUlos nnd has since been kept a prisoner In the house of the assistant dlstilct nttorncy. ( aid ha wns Intcicstcd In the Broadway iranchlso nnd did what ho could to push it on account ot his filcndshlp for James A , Hlchmund , Its president. l.ll > l Y'S MITI.r THICK. .InmosM. Llddyvlio on August 2. " pro- cnted nn injunction foiblddlm ; nldermcn to piocced fuithei In the llrondvvay tnllioad mnttei , testlllcd thnt ho biought suit nimlnst the Hi end \vny smfaco toad for his brother , John H. Llddy , on August "t > . He gnvo n consent to tlm discontinuance of It. There was no money paid to him foi thoielease , but there wns paid Sl'J.fXX ) to his brother , John H. Llddy. The police Inspector , Tliomns Byines , who plnvcduponJacliuo's confidence nnd not him to make damaging admissions which led to his arrest , wns NWoin , nnd told the story , of how ho worked himself Into Jnclino's conll- dcncc. IT.Ml'INO AN IN.VOCHNT. In Washington , nt the time ofPiosldcnt Cleveland's Inniigurntlnn , Jnehnn told him that Billy Mnloncv , the leading cleric of tlio boaid , had made 8100,000 to sSK-0.000 because ho had hnndlcd nil the money nnd wns not the limit to do It for nothing. In IBS' ! the witness had several talk's with .Incline up to the tlmo of his nirest. In the latter pait ol October , 1S85. they talked about the Diondwny rnlltonii , nud the witness told defendant that they ( the nl- ilermen ) , If they weio not v cry cirelul , would all be sent to tnisoit thiough Mnlouoy , who wns going mound talking nbont the money thnt had been given them for their votes. Witness liml another convocation with de fendant nt tlm city hall n couple of days be fore the utdeimcn testllicd bjioie the sennto committee. .Incline wild that things were In n dicndliilly bad state. The witness icplles thnt 1m hail told him they ( tlio aldermen ) would get Into trouble tin ougli his Idence , but any way ho could scivo him ho would bo glad to do so. Jnchno nsked him to llnd out what Dlstiict Attoiney Maitlno was doing , nud whothci them was goinp : to be nny Indict ments. Tim witness told him thnt Walto , Fulgralt and Mlllei had been then piomlsed Immunity if they told nil they knew. Jnchno visited him nt his house by appointment thnt evening , nnd In liirther conveibatlon said that the aldermen named know lie did dill'erent wnys , some nl the eity hnll , others in bai looms and nil mound. The witness suggested that if Jnchno could get some facts implicxttng Walte , Fnllgralf and Miller , ho could zo to the Riaml ) iuv nnd have them Indicted and thus head them oil. Jaehne- thought that a good Idea , nnd said that ho could do It If ho could mnko connec tion with Mnloney. When nskcd whether Maloney had lelt the money he was to dis tribute in his ( Jaohnii's ) .sate for ono night , the Inttoi admitted it. sajlng that Maloney came to hl.s stoio under th'o Inllitenco ot li quor , and he took chnigo of the money for him. him.Tho The follow Ing Wednesday the witness madonirangcmeiits to have Jachno come to his oflicc. Jaelinocnme. and Byrnu nnangcd mattei.s so'as to have the conversation cat rled on within tlm hearing of two detectives In nn adjoining loom. Jaehno began by dc- n.ving the rumor that ho Intended to run awav , but admitted thnt ho had spoken of doing so to a man named Hartley. He said he had been unnblc to niako connection - tion with Mnloney. The witness then nsked him if ho was tune that each of those who voted for the Broadway franchisogot 820,000 , nnd hcnnswcied that they had. Jaehne in a shoit time looked nt hi * watch and said he had nn engagement up town. The next day the witness ancsted him. The Inspector was ctoss-c.xanilned at some length , the general puinoil of the questions being to thiovv dis credit on him as an olllccr. Detective Cos- ot the men whooveihoatd Jnehne's admissions , cntrobornteit the inspectors nu- couut ot thnt intet yie\v. They Were Not Parrlcldci. CiiirXoo , May 14. Aspeclal dispatch fiom Mattoon , 111. , says : .Miss Kinma Flcctwood nnd hei brothets ( Jeoijto and John , on trial lor the minder o" their aged patents dining tlio night of Apilltt , 1H84. weiu acquitted to day. An unusually Inigo audience had ns- scmbled in thocnuit loom nnd waited tlnco horns vvhllo the juty wns out. When the vcidlct v\ns nnnoiiiiced there was a great clapping ol hands nnd other demonstrations by irieuds of the nccused. Union SovvinsJlnchino , 1209 .N. ICtli st. The free excursion to the South Onralia pyntlieatu lots takes plnco Sttuday , Mny 10. Fit-fit train 8.5 ! ! n. in. Tiokets for the round trip can ho had gratis at Iho ollieo of Philip Andres & Co. , N. W. cor. llnrnoy nnd lilth st. Music and rofrcslunonts on tlio grounds. Piano Glvon Away. Wo stopcil ] into the lar o fchoo store of J. lirandios , on North luth nnd found him busy waiting ; on customers. His htoek is coniplolo , mid wo know by experience - perienco ho soils the easiest wearing shoo in tlio city. Every customer who uny ! f'3 worth Is ; i von fi oo n ticket in the drawing of usplithdid $ UOQ piuiio. Hoinembcr the place , No , Noith 10th street Our stock of Fruits anil Vcfjelablos for Satiirilay will bo coniplolo and lino. C. B. Mooiiii iV ; Co. Kelley , Stlcor & Co. I'uvnisliiii'js Saturday. Ljnon Collars lUc , Linen Cull's 15o , Satin lined Scarfs 'Ma , Seninloss Sox KI5c , Seamless Colored Sox 20o. Linen ll'dk'fs lli : , UalbiifrKan Shirts and DrawoisnOe , Silk Uinbrelluh i.2.50 worth tU.OO. Open until 10 p. in. Saturday. Ki'.M.r.r Hiir.KH ( fe Co , IMh and Dodge &U. That Tired Feelini That extreme tired fedlng which Is so dis tressing anil often so unaccountable la tl.o fprlng months , Is entirely overcome by Hood's ( Ursaparllla , which tones the whole t > otly , purifies tlio blood , cures fcrofttl.i and alt humors , cures dyspepsia , creates i n appetite , rouses the torpid liver , braces up the limes , and clean the tnlud. Wo sollclta comparison of Hood's Sarsapaillla with any other hlooJ purifier in the market for puilty , economy , strength , and medicinal merit. Tirol alt Ilia Tlmo " 1 fiad no appetite or strength , and felt tired all the tlmo. I attributed my condition to scrofulous humor , 1 bad tried several kinds of medfelno without buneflt. Hut as soon as I had taken half a bottle of Hood's BirsnparllU , my nppetito was rcstonxl , and my btomaclt ft It better. 1 hive now taken nearly three bottles , and I nov tr w aj so w ell. " Hjis , Jessie K. norTtJAJiu , I'ascnnt' , It. I. Mrs. O. W. Marriott , Lowell , Ma s. , was completely cured of sick headache , which she had 10 jears , by llood'a BinaparilU. NEWS IN OUR OWN STATE , Mrs. Harmon , Charged With Poisoning Ho * Husband , Discharged. MYSTERIOUS CASE OF DEATH. Two Imillos' Photographs Found on tlio Deceased Hose Unit at Lincoln Dcnttt From ImuuV ntiiini nml "Whisky. A Mysterious Dentil. FAU.S Cn v , Mny 14. [ Special Telegram. ] A corpse dUcovcry wns nmtlo by a tramp about 20 jcnis of ago , limited William Cogh- land , \\liont once mill lied Dave Lowe , the section foiomnni , of tin ; fact. Coroner Ryan was nt euro notified uiul Immediately pro ceeded to tlio spot niul rcmoml tliobody to tlic frelghtiooui of the depot where a Imsty examination wns made. Tliobody vvns that of njoung man of about " 0) cars of age , smootli fncn , dark complexion and about ll\o feet In height. A colllnna luocincd and the coipso at once placed there and lomovcd to ono of the jury rooms. In the couit hoi'bo ' Coroner Itynn empanelled a jury and Drs. A. 15. Ncwklrk and C. W. Br > MIII weie aiolnted ) | to con * duct the medical examination. Upon re moving the clothing 01' the deceased ix couple of account books were found , on one \vhicli npncnrod the nnmo of L. Londy , BnhlKnob , Ai Kan has. Tiiosr. HI : LOVED. Two pictures \\ero also loumt which bore the names of AiKansas City nttlsts. Ono was of an elderly woman , probably about < 5 vcars old. and , as the fontuics resembled ihoso of the jounic man , It Is sunposcd to bo his mother. The other Is of a joung onmn about iidjc.irs of apt.1 , holding In her nrins a baby bov , possibly his wife or Hlstcr. The dead man was seen about the Missouri Pnallla depot j csterday evening about dusk , and had some conversation vvltit Dnvo Lowe , In which ho staled ho was n rail- load man , and that hu had worked In Texas and hud been hunting for \\ork for n long tlmo \ \ Illiont BUCCOSS This was the last seen of him until bin dead body wvs found. U'lion found ho wns In npllooflwy about In the center of the car , lying on his right side. Ills Ices weio dr.iwn up In a cramped position. During the examination the phy sicians roiuo\cd tlm hints , heart and stomach ach , and lound c\civ thine In u perfectly healthy condition , \\lth the exception of the lungs , which wore slightly congested , m though from a cold. Tlio jury i ( turned n \cidtctol death fiom causes unknown. It Is thought that his death may have bcon caused by llghtulncr. Tliu coioncr tele graphed the mayor of Bald Knob , but has ro- cel\cd no answer. The lomalns will bo hold until .something moie Is learned of his icln- tl\es. Bane Rail nt Iilncoln. LINCOLN , Neb. , Stay 14. The third game between the Denver and Lincoln base ball clubs t\as played to-day , although tlio ground was soft and the work of the plajcrs hard. The Llncolns went to the bat flrstnnd hcorcd twoiuns. Denver followed scorlnc a'goojo egg. In the second Inning Denver made nine inns and then scored lour cooso cgcr. . The rain stopped the game at the end of the sixth Inning. I Score by Innings : Denver. . . 00000 0-0 Lincoln , . . . 20000 1 3 Eaincd runs : Denver , 4 ; two base hits. Hunter , McMillan , Wet don. 'Base on balls : Weiden , : McMillan. 4. Struck out : Wcr- den. 4 ; Hiekman. 1 : McMillan , 6. Wild pitch : Weiden , 1 ; MiiMlllan , 1. lilt by pltchci : McMillan3. Passed balls : Smith , S. Time , . 10. Umpiio , Paskington. Laudanum nnd Whisky. ' COI.UMIIUS , Neb. , May II. [ Special Tele- giam. | John Lauck , a slu.lenian about .19 yeuis old , a gardener by occupation , commit ted suicide this morning by an overdose of ' laudnaum. Ho had been on a protracted spree for about two weeks. Ho was found ut the hotel this inoi nlnir In a dying ; condition. Drs. Martin and Scling were called , and ad ministered emetics , but were nnablo toros- , cue him. About ono j ear ago ho made an at tempt to suicide , but failed. The icsultof the coionci's juiywas that ho came to bis death by apoplexy caused by the use ot laud anum , Mipeimduced by the excessive uscdf alcoholic drinks. NebrnHlcn City Notes. NnniiASKA CITY , May 11. [ Special Tele gram. ] A heavy rain storm visited this sec tion last night , during w hlch lightning struck the Missouri Valley Soap woiks , a two-story r frame building , and It was burned down. ' Loss , 82,003 ; Insured tor 81,000. | George E. Hiiili , who was arrested here by Shcillf Fauall , of Iowa , two weeks ago , for horse stealing , yesteiday escaped tiom the ' olliceis near Knoxvlllo , Iowa , by jumping trout the tialn. Mrs. Hammond Discharged. > i 0'Nr.H.i , , Nfb. , May 14. In the poisoning case of licnj. Hammond , Mrs. Hammond and her daughter , Kmnm litovvn , wnro arrested and biought before County Judge Gllesplo , w ho dischaiged tlio prisoner on the ground that theio was no crinio chained In the com plaint. The old man Is still In a piccarlous condition. _ Drowned In tlio lOIkhorn. Nm.ioii , Neb. , May 14. [ Special Tele- giant. j-A young man 20 year old , named Sher idan Monis , was drowned In thu Elkhorn last evcnliin' w.illo bathing. The body was iccoveied In about two hours. Hi * Wasn t Burned , Cor.i'Mitufl , Neb. , May 14. [ Special Tele gram. ] John Myith1 , the boy who was re pot ted ns binned in the house of Michael. Ucngan , near I'latlo Centic , which was buinoi ! lo thogiouiid , escaped unlnjuied. Failures , Nr.vv YOIIK , May 11. The total number ot business falltnes leportrd tliimi 'liont the country dining the last seven days Is 17(5. ( Kvcrjbody needs and should take u i ftpilng medicine , for two reasons : 1st , U'lio body Is now moro susccpllhlo to Di nellt from mcillcliio than at any other teasoii. 3d , The Imintrltlca which liavonccutnuljtcil In the blood should bn expelled , and the sys tem given tone nnil strength , before thu pros- tr.itlni ; effects of vvnrm weather are felt. Hood's Is the best jubig rncdl- rlne. A blnglo trial will convince 5011 of Ita siijiciloilly. Take It before It is too late. The Jtcst j > Hn0 Mrdlolnis "I take Hood's S.-.rsapaillla for a nptlta mcdlUite , amll llnd It just the thing. Ittonrs up my sjelem and makes mo feel like a differ ent nun. My vxlfo It for dyspepsia , and she derives great benefit from It. Blip says It Is tlia liCBt mcdlclno she ever took. " 1' . C , TUI FII , Hook ft I.aildir No. I , ISoston , M.nj , "Last spring I was troubled with bolls , caused by my blood being out of ordtr. Two bottles of Hood's cured me. I can rccflrcMcud It to nil troubled with affec tions of the blood. " J. Sruocii , 1'tcrln , 111. Hood's Sarsaparma Bold br aW drugctiti fit Mt for JJ. Finjiartd I SoM bjr tt drug-UU. ( f \ ; ill for fJ. bf C. L HOOD ft CO. , AputliecarlK , law ell , Man. by U. I. HOOD & CO. , A j > utli < xarlci , Lowell , MM4. ; IOO DOOQ Ono Dollar > IQQ Doses Ono Dollar SS2SS