THE OJttAHA DAILY J&BE ; FRX ± ) AY , MAY 14 , 1886. i mrwTTfMMTMrin i i - - SPECIAL Adrertlsemcntsunder th sheal 10 cones pot I no for ttio first Insertion , 7 cents for each gubBCqucntlntorUQnnnil $1.50 a line per month. Noiuhertlscmcnt taken for less Umn 25 cents forthoflrst Insertion. Beven words will bo man ted to the line ; they must run consecutively and mustbo pMd In ndranca. All advertise- tnonts must bo handed In before 2 o'clock p. m. mid under no circumstances will they bo tot- en or discontinued by telephone. Pnrttcsndvertlslnsr In these oolntnni nnl hlT- Injrtho answers addressed in euro of THE rims , Trill plcixso auk forchook to enable them to got their letters , ns none will bo delivered except on presentation of chock All answers to adver tisements should ho enclosed In envelopes. TO LOAH-MOKET. $ inooooto loan on city residence property Gco. W.Dny , 14(3 ( Farnam. WU ' . to loan on chattel" of any dc'crip- MONI'.Y rums of $10 and upwards nt rcmon- Rblo rntei. City Loan nnd Mortgngo Co. , lloom 15 , HOI Farnnm et. , opposite Paxton Hotol. 2S8 ONEY to lonn at reasonable rates on horses , furnlturo , watches and other per- soiinl property without removal. Small pay ments taken nt nny tlmo nnd Intercut reduced In proportion. C. J.Cns- well , lloom lu , Iron Hank Ilulldlng , 12th and Far- pain. Take elevator. 400 , \fONEY To loan on improved fnrmsor res I JJJL dcneo lots , on ono yoar'fl time. Homo Fire Insurance Co. . 1515 Douglas Bt. 15Z TO I.OAN On resldonco property. MONEY . No commission. C. J. Cnswoll & Co. , Hoom 18 Iron Hank Uulldlng , 12th nnd Farnam. " ,303. G PEU CENT Money to loan , Stewart & Co. , Hoom 3 , Iron bank , 12th and Farnnm. 623 to loan. Bumn WOO and upward * $ lowest rates. Bomls , 16th and Doughu sta. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ * B5 ,100,000 to loan on business and rosldonco $ property In sums of 11,000 and upwnrds. Atnca. IHHFnrnmn at. RJ LOAN Money in any amount TO On nil clnsMS of security. Bhorttimo lonnn on ronl citats. Ix > np time loans on real estnto. Money to loan on chattels. Money to loan on collaterals. Money to loan on nny peed security. Terms easy , tlmo to nult. Apply nt the Omaha Financial KTehanjs , Ilarker'B bulldlnir , 8W corner of Fifteenth nnd Farnam gts. upstnlrs for everyDodyl Vou can borrow MONKY money on furniture , horses , wacons , plf.nnq , stock of nil klnda , diamonds nnd flno wntchcson your own tlmo. Payments received nt nny tlmo , and Interest reduced pro rntn , 1'roperty loft In your own possession. Terms low ns the lowest. Call nnd nee mo. nuBlncss confidential. No advantage taken. W. K. Croft , Hoom 4. Wlthnoll's Now Building , Northeimtcor- nor 15th nnd Ilarnoy. "a ONKY TO LOAN O. V. Davln & Co. Keel M Estate and Loan monts , 1505 Furnnrti St. 04J MMONRY TO LOAN On coed scortiog. | A MONRY McQavock , room 7 Itodlck Block , 1509 Farnam Bt. OU ONKY TO LOAN On real estate and chat M tola. D. I * , Thomas. 915 MMONEY MONEY TO LOAN In auras of $200 and up wards on flrst clnss real estate security. Potter ft Cobb. 3515 Farnam Bt MO O"NEY IOANKD at a F. need & co's. i-on oflico , on furniture , pianos , horsns , wagon personal property of all Kinds and all other ar tlclcsof value , without removal. 310 S. 13th , over nintrhim's Commission store. All bus- ness strictly confldontnl. M7 Busuneas CHANCES. FOU KXCIIANOE Improved farms In Kan- pas for dcslrnblo stock of men's clothing. Address C. S.Adcs , Omaha. _ 0 18-,19 FOU SAI.K Now store building ; ( food loca tion for moat market. Address F n. Doe offlco. _ S55-17 * BDSINESS CIIANCK-A man In any live town can do a profitable business In our goods alone , or In connection with furnlturo or nny class ot houso-furnlMilnir ( roods or groc eries ; small cnpltnl nnd largo profits. For par ticulars address "Mnnufheturor , " 01 Summer Btroot. lloston. Mass. 608-jO * on 8AI.E Meat market , including : build- injrs , team and everything complete. Will oxclmngo for cltr property or land in Nebraska lniUlrouf | I' . F. lilngor. _ 329 FOU RAT.i : Tn flrst-class location , grocery Mock and fixtures : small capital required : rent low. Inqulrn nt drug store , 10th and Douglas 787 _ F OU SAI-E-J3,000 will buy n general stock _ . of good * together with the gond will of u trt > H-n tnbllshod and nourishing business In ono of Madison county's belt towns. Halanco of payment on very llnornl terms. Ronson for oiling satisfactorily given on application. Ad- rtross T. D. & Co. . lice OIHco. 630 _ -7HU KXCIIANOK-Stocks of ( roods of every JJ kind , for farms nnd land ; also lands to ex change for goods. If you want to matter what It is you have , write , with full do- sorlptlon. to C. K. JInyno , real estate broker , Omaha Nob. 108 * ro cxchanno for stoc't of hard- 1 ware and gonnrnl morohnndlgo , 580 aorosot flno Thayer Co. , Nob. , land ; fi lots In Oonoa. Neb. , good ftoro building ( best corner ) : gonl dwelling. ( liost location ) in Usscx , Ia. , nlso 8) ncros K mlle from town of Essex , Ia. , seeded In Tiltio grass. For further partlnnlars nddrnss John Ijlndorliolm Central Citv Nebraska. 658 PERSONAL. PKKHONAI Firct class barber will call at resilience nnd do Indies' liiul chlMrons' bnlr- cutting In all the latest styles ; shampooing , blaachliig nnd dyeing , Cull or address , Ilnrbor 1IK)2 Fiirnam Ht. _ 631-15 * pEUSONAL Neat nnd tnsty nil-wool busl- X nofB suits for only $7.00. All Rlros. .Mall orders tilled. L. O. Jones & Co. , 1309 Fnrnnm. _ | _ B5H PKKSOJf AT , To pprsmiR who wlih to build a hninolnOichiinl Hill , I will soil lots upon imjmoiit of the nominal sum of inn dollars nnd halanco nt the end of live years. Interest at 8 per rent , payable soml-nnnually. This Is the hi'st otfi-r over made to nny homo-seeker In this City. Call nnd see mo. C. E. Mnync , S. W. cor. J5thnnd Farnnm. * 679 BOARDUTO. 17IOU HKNT-Hoom nnd board for twa M13 . .i1Capital ave - 142 I.OST. STItAYKD Two blnok horses , ono lame in front Eluiuldor und Uhul In ono oj o , nnd the other bus enelllnir on loft hind font. Flndor will return tn Nick Hush , Uth and Center St. , Qimihu , mill bo rowhrdoil , OOJ-15 * 1OST Stinyod or Ftnloii 2-yenr-old mare j colt , ilnik blown color , rope mink on hind font. Kinder will bo lowurdod by returning to Jlulaonn'a wagon shop , 13th and Lciivouworth. _ _ _ CHIM4 * _ STKAYED-Frldny. Mny 7th , u whlto ami red hulfur , li ycurs old , with short crooked horns. Itowiiul allured If returned. C. Win- t. lilOB. Mill Bt. 511.13 * rpAKEN UI'-Daik bay mnro. whlto right X hind font , whlto Blur lorohoad , strlpo on nose. Paul Thle on , llurr Oak add. , west of Qunluy's boup luctury. 118-23 TAKEN ur Ono shenp. Owner can hare sumo by proving property and paying charges nt 31S 8. 10th ft. Apr SS-SO-May 0-13-30 rilHOTTINO Stallion , Jnok Shoppnrd , Jr. , will JL miiUn the Reason ot 168(1 ( ut Omuba Fair Grounds. 8lftiuls 1014 bunds high , weighs 12SS b8.Ja the largest und handsome Hamblotun. Inn In the wi t. Hi coil the Mime as Director. 2:17 : ; Phtillns , 3iMM , and Jny-Kyo-Soo , 2:10. : Call mid see him nud his stock. Terms , $ -5 the sea- ton. Adam Thompson. 515-jti f\ ii. AIICHKIIInto of Iho llrmof Aroiiori JLJ. Albright to Ajlesworth , and Wlllliuu Vttch , the ice dealer , have lormud ti partner ship to do n gonurul run ! estate business on commission , and would rordlully Invite till their liienilslo Hat their property with us. Archer A I'ltcn , sis . i : > tn st 'rcionhono 27J. 3tiO A WEEK easily mndo at homo ; pleas ant work for ladles nud Kcutleuion ; no canvassing ; bundSo lor circular. Chronotypo Co , , Denver. 311-rJ Oltl YY ( iiul cesspools cleaned by K. Kwlng , P. J. O. lloxJiT. dOniyJi' KENT A store on u good ictull street. FOIt the Omaha Hea.1 1-Utnto and I/jau Til. 107 VriOlt HUNT Square Pluno. $3 monthly. A K Hotpo. 15ll : llouirlus. UU iriOlt ItENT-Squuro Piano , $1 monthly I J.1 llospe , 1513 Douglas. V10 per month. Hospu , BAXI-MISCEttAUEOUS. T7M ) 1C HAL.K 1'utUitUlCOf a G-lOOIil cnttugo -L1 aOOSHarncy. OK5-15' Foil SAI.E 3-yoar Icnfu a > tj furnlturo of HV room buuEO comnlcte luij nil now. Grca barcaln. ( JooU location , on Capitol ave , O.IMO JJxposltlon IlulMttTtr. Inquire of K. I..tirkln , mi citato uua ifuafclllcc.Kxii-JSlilou ItuUdiug. Foil SAt.K t have 6 horses , I mule , 1 ponv , fi Wfigono , I sets of hftrncs * . to sell or trdclo or rcul estnto. 15. Swage , 720 8. 13th , near .cnycnworth. 612-17 F OH 8AT.K .Vicows with Heroforu calves ; 2 thorounhhroa Hereford bulls ; SO prndo yearling bulls ; 20 grndo heifers. Apply to C. . EustIS , Hod Cloud. Nob. 677-10 * filOIl SATK The finest mntohod carriage JU team In the state , pound , kind nml safe for a ndy to < lrl\o ! can bo soon nt Omaha fair rrounds , A. Thomson. 6U Foil SAT.B tled-room sot , rood ns new , at a bargain. Apply BIO Whoatonst. 834 IA.MII.Lr.R-Twnibuyymir Nchrnska and Iowa Insurance stock find pny you forty percent premium on your cash Investment , ho pnmo. J. W. Morse. for Foil SAI.E Cheap , Duo top buggy. A. Ilospo , 1513 Douglas. "T7UHI SAMS Another car load of No. 1 milch JU cows at Bridge Yards. Penny & Jcstori 418-13 * IJ OU SAMV-Wo offer 400 3-yeiir-okl steers , 1 lHM2-jonr-oll ( toors , 3001-yonr-old steers , 40) heurors nnd cows , mostly coming on. Tlio nbovo cuttle nro ( food straight Iowa and Dftkotuslock. Strnngo Bros. , Sioux City , 73.1-mg ) Foil 8AT.K Cheap , parlor , bedroom and kitchen furniture , carpet * , stoves etc. , In nix room cottage. Liberal terms If taucn In julk. Apply low Cass t. 410 Oil RAtK Or trnclo. One now 25 II. 1 . lloilor nnd 20 IL I' . Knglno. Will aoll cheap 'or cash gr trndo for dcslrnblo reixl estate. Ail dress Oco. A , Fry , DcDnnco. Iowa. GJ9 FOll SALE Oue good horso. 1010 Furnutn. TOO FOll SACK Square plnno , $50. monthly pay- monM. Ilospo , 1513 Douglas. U07 Foil HALE Match teams and hordes or al kinds to suit customers atstar Sato Stables , ! 0th and Cumlng. M. Cannon. Prop. 777 TCTOIl BALK A now steam roller mill In No. I JL' business locality ; flno wheat country ; but Ittlo competition : 17,500 ; cost moro. w. II. 3rcon. 215813th st. B29 FOll BALK Upright piano , flM , monthly payments. Hospo , 1513 Douglas. DOS OK SALK-lJalca hay. W. J. Wolshans it Co. 633 OK SALE Desirable 0-rnotn house nnd full lot on grndo : all In splundid condition. Call ntl < 07aoth8t' 8t4m33 * WAKTED FEMALE VyANTHD-Good girl , 105 North 18th.G5119 * WANTED Girl to work at dressmaking. IBOnHainoy street. 052-15 * TlTANTED A girl for general housework nt T y 8. Trostlcr'i ) , 312 Jefferson bet. Chicago and Davenport. 049-15 * ANTED-2 good laundry gltU ; U. S. Laun dry. 1004 Cass. Ct9-15 ANTED Girl for general housework In u W family of adults. iiuiulro at 1011 Douglas. coQ-n * VTJANTEO t good dlmug room girls at Norrls T llostaurnnt ; wages $4 per week with room furnlshoa. 66S-14 WANTED 2 ( rood dish washers , Klrls only : wages (3.50. Hoom furnished. Norrls llcstaurant. 657-14 W ANTKll-dood cook. Mrs.Vm Preston's , 21st and Howard. 045-15 * TT7ANTUD Girl for general housework. 1909 V Farnam st. 340-15 W ANTKU Girlfor general housework. 2509 I'lcreo St. 341-15 WANTED A tlrst-clasa cook to go to Fort Hoblneon , Neb. ; family of four ; witgos $ ! 5 per month. Apply 1031 South 2M St. 039-15 * A first-class baker. 2307 Cumlner WANTED 044-14 * W ANTED A good lady Monographer nnd bookkeeper. Apply at Progress ofllcc. An experienced fancy cake WANTED ice ct earn maker. J. It. Gotty , 1417 Douglas st. OU7-14 * A woman to work afternoons. WANTED nt 183) Farnam bt , up-stiitr * . OJ5-14 * ANTED A seamstress for linen finds a W gcod Job at SoIiRSohti , 800 South 18th fit. OJ4-13 * Ono flrst-class droismnkcr. Ap ply to Mrs. Cook , IBIO Citpitnlavo. 63 > 16 * A girl of about 15 to assist in WANTED light housekeeping , in a family ot throe. Apply nt 1U10 Farnam , botwcon7nml 8 p. m. dl-13 * WANTED Dutton-hoto makers , 1112 Farnnm Bt , 634-U * \17ANTED A dining room girl at Now York restaurant , 711N 10th Bt. 001-H An elderly lady to ttiko care of WANTED months old , 110 S25th-bcc. Doug- Ins and Dodgo. GOO 7ANTKD Girl nt 450 Convent Bt ; small family. 087 WANTED A dining loom girl nt Dorau house , U13 Fat iiinii st. DOS W -ANTED-A nurse girl nt Gil & 18th BC J. L. Doliovolso. 012-14 WANTED Two glils for kltchonwork ; Gor man preferred ; good wflgos. 1017 How ard st. 678-14 * \\7ANTED-Glrl to do general housework. V Apply 2114 Harnoy. 254-13 * WANTED A nurse glrj at N. K. corner 23d und Casa streets. 558-15 W ANTED-A good kltchon glri. 117 S. 17th. 650-17 * W ANTED-A good lady cook , ' 42) ) North 15th st ; good wages. ftOl-13 * 47ANTED First-class woman cook nt No. > 120 N. 15th st. B1-M3 WANTED-aitl lit 810 South 16th St.5IC13 * WANTED A flrM-clxss cook nnd laundress. Call atVnbnsh Tlokot olllce. Frank K. Mooros. r.U'J-15 ANTED-Bonmstfo = 808 nt Cnunuld M'f'g W Co. . llth und Douglas , \ip stnlri. 2--J-14 * TX7ANTED A girl for general housnnork V > and 1 ntirio girl. Inquiio 'Miy B. lath St. , between F.miiun and Douglas sts. 652-13 * WANTED A Hrst-clas * girl for general hnusowmk ; must bo n good cook ; uono hutflrst-clnxsnoofl ajiplyi wng-ejfti per month. 2422 Dnvenpoi t st. XO WANTED Girl for gcnoinl housework , corner lllondo and Campbell streets , 1101 th- west coiner. 305 WANTED A good girl for general house- norkgood ; wiigos. luqulio 2314 Cnpltol avenue. W TTTANTICD l irst class conk and laundress. VV 23081'arnam. Mrs. J. M. Thuiaton. UOJ ANTID ladles and gentlemen in city or W country to take light work at their homos , $ 1,00 to $3,00 a day easily made ; woik scut by mall , no canvassing. Wobiivou good demand for our work , and furnish steady employment. AildiesS , with stump , Crown Jl't'g Co..ail Vine Struct , Cincinnati , Ohio , p25ml4l - kitchen girl at 415 N. 15th WANTED-Good St. B27 WJJITED UA&B HSZ.P. ANTED A young man , must bo a good penman , ni the City Btcatn Laundry. 654-13 A good bor from 12 to 10 year * WANTED 8. B. Lohraanu'B Fruit , Cigar and News Storu , 60S a 10th Bt. C2U IVANTED Two first-class barbois. Comer 13th and Douglas. William Meyer , G.U ANTED A salesman for the country , well posted In goncial merchandise , must speak the low Gurmiin language. Apply to Now York Dry Goods stoio , 131U und 1312 Far- untn street. U15-13 \WANTHO-ltollnblo salesmen who are eollol tingordoit from bteam users lo sell out Ljon Pciile ltcmo\or fur removing ncules fioni 6tonm bollois. This nrtlflo 18 thu beet of tin kind over olluicdVo \\ill niiiUo voiy llnera lei ins with good talesmen. I .you Chemical Co. Cleveland , Ohio. Cll-13 \ ANTED 30" men for track work on railroad - road ; Bteady work ; \vngea $1.75 a day board fJ.M per wtot , K , B. Albright , I iuor Agency , liiUJ i'mniim. . 6U7 \\7ANTKD-Auood man to establish hlmsel : ' ' in me gcntV furnishing goods and hat and cap business lu connection ultb a well ostiib ilslieci , llrbt-rlues luurchant talloriug business bo t room and locution lu the city. Addrcsa C A Anduraon , Grand leliind , Nob. 648-14 * Tv ANTKU-lloy 15 to 18 years olj to work it > i stoio and take euro of two horses. Addruas with reference , I'll , lloo olllco. 6U6-13 T\7ANTED-Flret class cook , for depot hote ii at Kmerson , Not ) ; 'tho best of roferoncu roqu 11 cd. Taylor & tilierman. 600-15 * ' \\7ANTEO Salesmen needing profltuble cm- 11 ployuu'ut. Salary $75 and eiuenses. Qoodj fctuplo , sold by fcample , Addrc&s , ulth'staiup 1.-S.M1K Co..Chicago. Wln Laborers , tonmstent , aftd plcK WANTED men ; stcaJy lob. E. B. Al bright U. R Labor Agency. 13j3 Fnrnam JO1 B1TUATIOK Situal Ion by man nnd wife ns WANTED cook * In first claw place , ot woman do cooking nnd man do other work. Addrcis F , 14 , llco olllco. _ C61-U * \T7ANTED A situation by ft young mnn of > Y some ability and energy ; position in law or real estate ollloo preferred. Address I13 , nco onico. | Q33-13 * _ _ WANTED A position as stenographer nnd typo-writer , by nlndy who la thoroughly competent nnd can give the bei-t of references. Address "Hnnnum , care J. L. Plorson * Co. C50-15 _ ANTED-A situation n n wholesale gro- W eery or commission bouse , by nn ontor- prlslngyoungmnn. Address F 10 , llco olllco. V\rANTED-A sltlintlon' for gonornl hotiio- > > work , Address F 12. Itoo olllco. 017-13' WANTKD-A situation In rt 'tfootJ cortntry printing offlco , by n thoroughly practical printer , ( loot ] roforoiicci given. AddresBllox i40 York. Nebraska. _ 031-14 * WANTED Hy n woman , ft situation as housekeeper. Call at No. 218 . Otb et. 601-15 * _ mBCEElAHEOOS WAJTTB. _ tT/'xVNTKD To buy horse nnd buggy cheap V > for cash , or rent for the summer. 10U7 rioroo St. _ , _ ' 674-14 * To rent n S or 6-room cottage WANTED mile of P. O. Stnto rent. Address - dress F U , Doe olllco. 673-13 * \\rANTED-A good gentle buggy horse , with ii spring wuitun and single harness ; to bo paid for In monthly payments. Must bo cheap. Address F 8 , llee ofllco. 6B7-U W ANTKUInsldo property. B. F. Itlngcr has customers for Insldo property from (3.60010(15000. 119 n. 15th street. 410. WANTED-60 tonmi. E. S. Albright , R , II- Labor Agonoy , 1303 Fnrnam Bt , 425 ANTKD Houses for Booil tenants. J. B. W Bvans Si Co. , 1513 Dodge. 613 ifOB UB1TT-HOPBEB ASP LOTS. FOH HUNT FurnlsUodhousoto parties with out children : H blocKfiometroot our : refer ences exchanged. InfiulrelBIS Hurt st. 02J-18 * 10K UENT-Now house , 11-rooms , Virginia nvonuo , near Loiivonwortb , largo enough for two families ; $45 per month. T. W. llhick- burn & Co. , head of St. Mary's nvo. 637 POH UKNT-Urlck yard ; BoutU 15th st. Cull nt710N. 18th st. 5SM8 SAMJ-5-room cottnuo to bo moved FOR . W. J. Wolshnns , City Jllllo , 8J1 Far nam ft. KH HKNT-Itcsldotico wllh 0 rooms nnd bath ; nit modern conveniences ; nice ynrd ; location , Kith st , four squares Irotn Farnam. If doslrcd , will lo.iso for one or two years. Hum lln & Drown , Ull South llth st. 515-17 Foil KENT Good hougo of 0 rooms , Inrpro lot. corner 13th and Fuel lie. Apply 112 S. llth. B05-16 * FOK HUNT Alter Juno 1st all-room liouso , 111 N 13th. S75 per month. C K Miiyne , 15tli nnd Fnrnnm. 475 Poll 11KNT 10-rooiu house. 1012 Farnam. H. a Pattoraon. 421 FOH ItKNT LnrRO rcsldonoo. 013 S. 17th at. , two doors north. 337 Foil llKNT For ono season , 20 iieros hay hind In Kensington Place , For further In formation address Mat Hovel , Pleico , Nob. 3114-13 Tmoil HUNT 70-acro farm.T. Murray , 700 Foil HUNT Nlcoly turnlsliucl room with board. 714 N. 19th st 517 Foil KENT Saloon , and flxturos for sulo. 103 South Iflth st 500 KENT Urlck yard. T. Murray. Tm IOK KENT Garden tarm. 303 B. llth St. FOll HtSNT Nlco 6-roora cottngo. 8. T. Poturson. 8. E. cor. 15th and Douglas. G3.4 BEST BOOMS. 1J1OII KENT Three unfurnished rooms. 1000 JJ Howard st. Mrs. Smith. ( U2-15- ioil KENT Ono la wo nicely furnished room -I ? for one or two gentlemen at 1718 Jncksou st. * IlKNT 5 rooms suitable for ono or two Foil 1 nmllios nt COS N. lUt h st. 050-14 * FOR RKNT Hooms 3 picasnnt rooms well lighted nnd ventilated , nicely furnished ; each smtuolo for ono or two irontlonien : on Furnnmst. ; It. K. line ; No. lib South JoJoifcOii Btroot. 043-15' FOR IlKNT With bonrd , for ono op two gun- tloraou , nicely. funilslioJ room , 'BUS und bath room , at 171S Dodge st ffi'4 FOR lliST : Quo plainly furnished room. No. 1201 North Iflth 6t 017-14 * lll ! > T Largo front room , furnlshoa FOll unfurnlshod. 2012 Harney. 019-15 * Oll IlKNT Nlcoly furnished room. Inquire JJ Omiilia Carpet Co. , 1511 Douglas. < L.I ' 1OK KENT 2 handsomely furnished rooms , 403 N. 10th St. , 3d lloor , Estabrook block. 001:14 * TiiOR IlKNT Hoom with board for Bentle- X1 iniin. lloterenco reiiulix-d. Apply 172 ( Poiiglas st. &J-12 * Tmoil IlKNT-Onieo room , M ) N 10th strpet. OUJ-H T71OR KENT A suit of doslrnblo iintunusliod JU rooms. Inquire at 130U Davenport st. 5D3-13 IlKNT A suit ot unfurnished looms. Foil Iiuiulro 221 N. lUth St. Kjfl-13 KENT 2 unfurnished rooms suitable FOR for housekeeping , IBtH Bt , second liouso from Plorco , west bldu. ' CbJ-13 * Tnoil RENT Furnlshod or unfurnlblicd -I ? rooms with or without board. Inqulio 4J8 I'.stabrcok block , 3d lloor or 410 shoo ston > . M8-14 T71O11 RENT A nice front room , furmshod , -L' for ono or two gentlcmiin. Inqulru 10IU Hurt st .011 T710R RENT-Furnlshcd rooms. 1312 Cal. st. JL1 581-U * FOIf ItKXT Nicely nirnMicd front room eultnblofor two tuntlomen ; frx'5. 1508 ( , ' 1133 Bt.opp Squill o. 675-11 * Foil RENT A Ilnoly lurubhcd front tooiiu 1st lloor. A. Hospu. n.V-I7 ) " " oii RENT tiarso nawlv-furnUhnd front ' joombiiltiiblo lorKuntlomeu. . 1158. .luf- f crson st ( iUi ) st ) . fi03-U * 17(011 ( IlKNT With board , a f mulshed fiont JLA room. 1710 Cats st. 521-15 * FOR RENT 2 ilcslrntilo fiirnhliod rooms , with board : modern conveiiionces. S.V cor. 20th and Webster. 540 TfOK KENT Gentlemen will plenso cull at J ? . 2224 Hurt st , oxiunino und rout two nicely furnished rooms ; modern conveniences : terms very icasonublo ; bruiikfusl it desuoJ. 617-15 * THOU ItENT Furnlshoa rooms , 16J1 cup. uvoT JD 11U-I5 * POH KENT Two newly { urdlshoa front rooms , 2511 St , Mury'a ave , on Green Car Line. 481 FOH IlKNT Newly furnished rooms slnglo and en suite , lor gentlemen only. Over Lester & Jlorroll's pharmacy , 10th and Dodge Bt. 449. Foil KENT Furnished or unfurnished rooms. 507 8.10th st. SSU-W * FOK KENT Nicely furnished rooms In tlno cottage , 400 Walnut at , eight minutes walk southeast U. P. depot , (4 , $7 and t per month. Foil ItENT Nlcoly furnished room cheap. 420Coiiypnt st. 28J _ FOH KENT Nicely furnished front room with board. B. W. cor , Cth and St. Mary's unue- . .885 FOll KENT Newly furnished rooms closu to P , O. Thu mo t doalrablo.furiiUhod looms In the city , ut reasonable prices. 15U1 Cass st. _ 293 _ TCTOK KKNT-2 ploasnnt furnished roomsT JU1 20th st. . near St Jlary'i avo. Inqulio S. W. Dodga and 101 li. _ _ 10J Tptilt llENT Largo nicely furnished robin , ' -1 ? suitable for two gentlemen , with table board ; 3 minutes' walk Irom P. 0. 1811 Dod a'u _ _ _ ' MU _ _ 17 OK Kl sr rurnUhoa rooms , 1810 Dodirq , .1 _ TTIOK KENT F.legtmily fuinlshod rooms with -L' outboard. All moUuin conveniences. 2225 Dodgo. 830 _ "ITIOK KENT Two toro rooms on iflth street , U Water , gas nud newer couuectkms. O. E. ilayao our , 15 tU and Fartiain. tUl FOR IIENT-TWQ Inexpensive -ooms , with board. 1911 Webster stryet. U83 FOU UKNT-Btoro room on 13th. a K. Mayne. 8 W cor 15th and Farnam. 4 1 TnoilUENr omcound store rooui. Uruttou -P * Druinmond. MU Haruoy. 603 Ex Oil llKST-Kloifant and desirable rooms/ furnished or unfurnished. .1007 DouirUj St. lie fo rupees roqulreJ of applicants. ' 06i moil IlKNT With board , one largo niooly ' furnished front room , gag and bath room ut FOB BXLli-nonBB3-IOT3. 1iii.ii'iu : > b'Ji 703 JL List yotu .proborty with the wld6 nwnko Ilcnl K tnto mc | Lovgron & Wlldo , 1501 F r- nam St. U 274 Two elogtUit flnst fronts on Vlriinlft ave , $1,600 onch or j , )0 ) for the two. cagli ) 271 Full lot lit lWti com Plnoo Mt. PloASftnton Dunne st chonp at..t. ( 1,550 I83--A One cprwt In Hanscom Place , with Rood , liqiiso , etc.on Pnrka\o. , nrniobawnln'.forafewdarsonl } ' . . . 3 00 SC-Good lot lu DArtlotfs add , two blks from Bt. bar , ? J { cash , bal. on cniy terms..i. . . . . . . 277-fO fcot. orfft nnd fonth front. 1 block from Hcdvncllno In Slnnn's 2nd ndd , M down , Ml.bnsy > . . . 8tl ) SOO Klegant hit tni Park avofornfcw days nt . . , , , 1,500 Mi lnrt ! front Ip Hawthorne ndd , (300 cash , bal.T Ws , BOO 155 A tlno onst front with gooJ 7-rooin house , cl tcrn , out-houses , Ota ! 6n C ( > at , .v , . , . . 0,500 167-Corner lot on Clmrlos St. , with goW 7-room houio with improvcmotus for $2,200. or will rent same lor J15 per month , 170 A nlco east front on Vli-glnln a * o near Popplcton St. , with now 7-room house nnd Improtomouts ; } > down , bal , nnsy 4,000 175 OHM of the prettiest cast fronts on Georgia nvo. with n beautiful 5-roain house for a few days nt. . . . . . . . . IM Enst front with good housa nnd 1m.4 pravomonta. . , 2,700 Aboatilltulff-acrotract of property tout . miles west from postofllcu with n 4- room house , stable with capacity for 0 or S head of her ci.3-ncrcs wolf bro ken , 2-ncrcs now planted with pota toes , corn , etc. , elegant shade trees. Must bo cold atonconmlchrapht. . . . l5o A new ft-room cnttago with east frbnton Virginia avo. . clstorn , out-houses , oto 3,500 Ixivgron & Wlldo , 1534 rarnnm at. 028-13 5AC1IK3 Joins l\ittlo's sub-division , for tJ50 an ncro. C3J AMES , 1507 Fnrnam. F OK SAtE Eight lots , for nn Investment , fronting east ou23d nt , throe blocks west of l.Hh ; street car terminus ; 84,250 , onsy terms. A. P. Tukoy , or J. 8. Cnulllold , l : 4 Karnam. 037 S PKCIAL nAKOAINS In acre property. Ames. 1507 Furimm. IJSJ EXT11A llAltnAIN 2 full lots , ono n corner. Shull's 1st addition , with 4 houses which rent for f K each , $7.500. Klco Sc. Jloaro , Room 0 , over Commercial Nnt'I Unnu. 691-11 TT'Oll SALE Two In Unwcs' addition , cnoh J1 lot 127x132 foot , fenced nnd llfty trcos planted $ . ' ,000 for both. Apply 317 8. Eleventh strco . 518-15 * A1 I OKU LOT8-NowXrt. | AMK3,160T rnrnnm. A NOT1IKII HAItr.AlN-Ixit and 2 houses on 113th et , for ? 2,5'JO. Ames , l&OT Farnnm st. 53. > ATTKNTION Ti-ioom hoiifo , barn , full lot , coVcrod with fruit , east front , lor sale nt u baixuln : it will pay you to Investigate thli. Amos , 1507 Farnam. 685 REUIOK'S ADDtTlON-Uood lot for SJ.OOO. 6t3 AMKS , 1507 Farnnm. E XTKA UAUUAIN : ! full lotsone acorner , SiiuU's 1st adilltlon , with 4 houses which rent for Jir ouch , $7.500. HIco & Moore , Room 0 , over Commoiclnl Nnt'l IluiiU. Wl-13 OK SAHI-lIouso 5 rooms , ' , $ lot , Bhlnn's 1st , $1,800 ; liouso 5 rooms , H lot , cornel- , Fliltin's 1st , $2inO , These ate bargains. Must bo sold this week. K. F. Rlugor. 670 FOIt SACK At n tmrg-aln , flno v-oom nottso with modern cnnvenloncos ; full lot ; an Ilarnoy St. , near ZGtli ; $ i 2JO. I'ottor & Cobb , 1515 Fnrnam st. 9M T710HSA1.1 : Thee Olson , 218 S. 15th St. . has -L' lots on grade ono block from Cuuilng street car ; oasv payment , * . $ l.t)0. ) Fine 7 roontffltsjso , stable , etc , , SbInn's 3d , ncur street cuf JftX ! . " lots nnd line house , Hnnscora Plnco , $5,000. ' Lot , HutiBcom 1'liico , $ I OJ. Lots in I'lnlipdotf/SlSO. I/its In HiinUloriii cosy payments. $750. Several line small houses with cistern , well , and Just flnlsliod , nqniU. . 1U track on Otb , easy pnymonts , $ lyo. , _ _ CU8-15 ? 4J. Picr on & Co. , IKIM Kar- -U mini btreof , have for sale the following , whicn nro all good properties 111 d worth invos- tlgntln . Call nnd Afo nbout them Corner lot OOxllOJ with three houses , on car line and right In town , 4nOO. House und lot. corner , near BuundersU"no. . One of tbn handsomest lota in Shlnn's addition 00x140. covorcfrntrti trees , JUIW. " ' " 120x140 , corner tipiu' onvoflt , with ( H'"good'slx roomhouso , (2.6i0. | . ' B lull lot on Dodjro nciu-Mtli , fl.COD. Lots In Kilby Place uro coming to the front. Wo hnvo some nice lots ranslnjr from $350 to 750. Lincoln Place lots , StVJ. A lot IGOjclCO , east front onShprman , Avenue , $4,750- Clots ia Doyd's addition , near Bolt Line , all at $1,610. A line acre , corner rieasaut st , on Lcavcu- woith. f.VOOJ. U acres on Lcnvcnworth , $12,000. Corner 1-tli and Juolisou , COxiaj. Call and got price nnd terms. 1BO loot front In Blilmi's addition , nr t-clas < ) piopeilv , now house. 8 rooms , lurnaco , etc. ; oed barn and oiUbnll.lings. . A very dcshublo home. Call and ECO this. Huslnetjss property oiir 10th Bt , Bide track in alley ndloinliiK nonr nowdopot , only 7,000 lor a Torn few days only. GG\ia ) , corner , Capitol avenue , N.OOO. Lot nnd 2 houses on 'M\i \ st , $ 5,500. nnlao 1018,50x140 , on California st.oach $1,300. Ton iieros on Dodge st , Jlr > CO. A grout many other line properties which wo will bo to show you. Kemcmbcr ourolllce , 1500 Fiirnam , L'd lloor. 055-15 WF.ST OMAHA 2 elegant acres for resi dence. A bargain. 033 AMI'S , 1COT Fnmnm. FOUSAr.K nost.Vncro tracts In the market , only $200 per acre. Inquire about them. Potter If Cobb , 1515 Ftu-miin. B"i3 EXTUA n.VIKiAIN-2 full lotsone n coiner , Hhull's If-t addition , with 1 houses wbleh rout for 15 each , $ " , .100. HIco & Moore , Honm U , over Commorc'ul Nnt'l llnnk. [ 91-13 TrrUltSAM-Acro : lots. Olso's add. , only JI.50J J ? Potter k Cobb , 1515 Hun am. 857 A : : ! IKS rrACi-No gradhm' needed ; level lots Allies. 15)7 rainam st. 411 T0iKltS ( ADDITION 7-room house , corner JLV lot , S3X)3. ( ) U33 AMIIS , 1507 Fnrnam. S.Vl.K-liOts ill Lowe's 1st addition , south fronts , o.ny terms , only 65D. Pottur &Cobb,1515 Furna-n 3t. 8-il , FOHS.VI , ! : Atowoftho licst otslnVIIcnx'9 udrl. ftt fOW onuli. Potter to Cobb , 1515 Par- rininbt. i 8)5 , FOU SALE Or Triulu linprovc" ! nnd ttiilm. proved hindin Fiirnns and otior western counties. Addroaa Will. Simoral , Arapahoe , Furuas Co. Nob. 275 LOT In Iliiri-Oul ; lor 503 ; $150 cash , ba'nnco ' ilU'irtrrly. aa AMKS , 1W7 rnrnnm. EXTICA It.VIUiAIN-2 full lots , ono iicorniT , Sliull's Ut uddlllon with 4 houses wblo'i lent for $16 each , tf.ttiO. HICO to ilooio , itoom U , ON er Commoicinl Nnt'l Itiink , 591.13 K. niAYNE'Siiowmnpor l/ouglai county Is complete In ( ivory dotnll ; UlllUalDiig felt want The price Is low , considering the amount of worlrnoecssary to products It. For Bale at C. H. Maynu'8 real estate olllce. 5lJ-mU ' AMES 1'I.AOi : No siiuh lots In nny other lo- callty at Iho prices asked. 411 Pdlt HATjK-Catmp lots In Durr Oak. lust ofllanicom rare , near Btreut card , tT5J , oaiy tcrmg. Potter & Oobb. 1515 Farnam btBit A CUB IXTS Cti ) Illlllanto , J410 AMES , 1507 Farnnm. POK8ALB Three Quo lots In Hlilnn's lid ndd. atftiJO oaoh. Potter le Cobb , 1513 Farnaio. r o 847 FOK8AtH-r ln Plamviovr , 415J each. Potter & CtbbJSlS Kutiiiun st. , V& FOIt 8ALE-:3OJ& : . acres In ono bo ly In Clio- yenno coilityJlO nitlos of ruiullnif. water , T , 8. Clarkson.l xt Fanmm. _ 3K CUR LOiy-i Pr * t'8 Sun-division 410 AHIM , 15J9 Farnan , FOK HALE 40 notes for subdivision. Cheap. T. J. Clarkgon , 15M IMrnnm. 400 m improved nnd uilimprui'oa _ property. JVJL ( iroci,215 ) 8 lath Bt. BJ2 FOU UALE-4flifcroj to euWlrtBo,814 miles from Couit irousg.A fortune to the buyer. T , t.CJarirsonJ50a ? rarnntn. ! fJS ACHiS-6rconwoolA : - ( AMKS. 1W7 Tarnum. j 11AHUAIN8-77 foot on Fnrnam ( J Si.riO'J ; 300 feet on Farnam $10/X,0. T. S. Claiitsoti , ISOd runihain. UU7 FOK HAI.H y room cottages on very easy terms. Price ll.OJO. Wuu J. Paul , 30th utul Cborlcs or 1133 N , litth 8t iia-at ) * _ AClin LOTS-Brlghton 410 Aur.8 , 1507 Farnam , ATltMOUNTPIjACK- and Ltike.atro is Elegant lots , low prlcta Ws tJuuu honsos. T. B. Claikaon l ) j rarnain. UMT _ POK SALE LoiiioJ school lands In tracts of 0 acres and upwards , no tuxes to pay on tlicsclniidjforSJyetirri. O. F. Davui Co. , 1505 Funiam st. r SOU TH OMAHA-5-10031 house , lot 1501140 AUES. 1507 Farpam. Foil SAT.K z : feet on Sdumlors st , houso6 rooms cIMcrn , eto , f2ftx > . M foot c-nst front , on Siuimlors st , house 7 rooms , wcllclstprn ( etc. t-VSOO. House ct 3 rooms , full lot , In Lowe's ndd , JMOO. Thrco corner lts on Seward st , near Poor 3fttro convent , $750 cftch ; oniy terms. rot SIxllM on Dodge st. , nonr 12th st , fl , Six oliolco lots m Ixjwo's add. , $475 cnch ; on y tcrm , Ix > t In Stiiuy gule , $1,150 , 3 lots 01124Ui St. , noir ! riunfim , fSO.OOO. MxlKon rnmnin ( corner ) , $ JO,000. 1 vIT2 on Farnam st , ( corner ) $37OOX House of 0 rooms , halt lot , Ir-ftrd st. lal In Wo t Knd. on Dodge St. , $1,100. , l t In Pclhnm Plaeo , $000. House of 8-rooms and lot 25x140 , on ISth , ncnr Paul St. , $2.0JO. Hoti < a of 8 rooms , lot SotllO , on ISth , near Paul , 2/A ) . 8 houses nnd full lot , 10th near Webster St. , 41 fret edit front on S. 13th St. , $ .530. 125 feet oust front on S. 13th st. . $11,000. Lot on Virginia aye. , near Lo.u'etworth St. , $2,000terms easy. KUrhtcou ot the choicest lots hi tledford Place $150. $503. $550 for Inside , nnd $000 to $050 for corners. lniy : terms. Lot In Nelson's add. , east front , $1,700. I < ot on Seward si. , 3 blocks from street car linn , tl.OUl. Fuji lot.fl houses , 18th st , near Loavonwotth 2 lots , south front , on Hamilton t , near 30th , $1.700. A Hargnln Must bo sold. Largo lot , largo boarding house , burn , together with saloon , pool loom nnd barber shop oa leased lot adjoin ing. Established business. $ $ ,500 fet all. House of n rooms , full lot , Dlotida , near Baun- dors St. $2,003. Money to lonn ntlowcst rate of Interest. Qco. P. Hernia 8. W. cor. 15th and Douglas. 430 Oll SAI.E 1,200 ncio ranch , living wntor : running through land. Can cut 1,000 ton hay off land ; also 150 head cattle , 30 bead horses withnec-ossnry Implements , &o. , Ac. , &o. , to run said ranch. Price $13rWOO. Address Hart & McAndrow , Alnsworth , Nobr. Also , 040 ticros school land appraised Rt $3.00 per aero , running 20 years ntslx per oout , with in 4 miles of Alnswortli ; living water and will tnko $040 for loose. Address Hurt & McAndrew , Alnsworth , Brown Co. , Nobr. 887m23 FOIt SALE Hotter & Johnion,311 S. 15th St. ujiBtnlrs. Houses and Lots. No. Is Fine house , full lot , Douglas near 20lhi > t $0,800 No. 47 Flno house , full lot , Douglas near 20th 7,100 No. 4(5 ( Sixia5houso4roomsImprovemcnt Association add 2,500 No. 40 12 cottages , fi rooms , monthly pay ments $ 1,850 to 3.QOO No. 1W Park nvonuo , clugaut hovso , gas , bath nnd water 6,000 No. S8tia ) , 0 room cottage > 2,500 No. 31 Harnoy near 20th , elegant cottage , fulllot . . . . ; . 4.000 No. It Full ncro,0 room cottngo i$00 No' 20 0 roomhntieo , full lot , Gooiglaavo 3"Ud ( 500 cash , bill } 25 per month. ) VACANT tors. No.2-21ot8HllNldconoacornor 2.S10 No.3-1 lot , Kltkwooa , best 500 No. 7 2 lot- " . Terrace ndd r > 0lots , Hnnscnm Place 800tof2OOD No. 11 Slots Hlmobaugh Placo. No. 20-3 lots In Siinnysldo 1.SOO Xo.in4ticotMcCormack1sV'OO No. 27-1 lot , Polhitm Plnco wxi No. SO 1 lot.Mlllard Plnco.on 20th st 8.0JO No 4V-Cornor lot In Marsh's add 2U3l No. < 4 sTO-foollot , near i > ! ivodbticot , good store and living rooms nbovo , good busi ness street , will double In value 4,203 Itcmcmbcrtho placo.Mottcr to Johnson , 211 South Uth it , upstuhs. AGUES Park. Patterson Park ncrosonly 355 miles 8. W. from court liousu ; near canning factory , nciir Wo t Side ; IxmutKul view ; > * mlle from Holt Line. Thu newest nnd best ncro propuity on the mar ket for the price , $2oO to ? r > 0 per ncre. Kuoli ncro will iimko 5 lot-j. Only 10 percent down ro- milrrd , balance monthly. Como soon. D. C. Patterson , Iron D.inlc Uulldlng. 0-10 . , lots soil on their merits OltCIIAUDllll.l Low prices and onsy terms given. Cull nt C. E. Mnyno's olllco nud get a pint. 203 WEISS Sub dlv-IW ncro lots M mile from city limits , Sl'iOto $500 per ncro , tlmtls half price. Ludwlck & Seay , so cor 15th to Douglas. 471 WF.ISS Subdlv. 3Sacro just platted In ncro lots for snle , commencing Mon lay May 10 , from PKO to C50U. Adjolulnvnoro sell for SCO ) to $800. Iitmwlck to Seay , to cur 15th und Douglas. 471 WEISS Sub illy ncro lots at h ilf price , H cash , bal 1,2 and 3 years. Sulo commences Monday , Mny 10th , to bo closed out In one week. IjUdwIok & Sony , so cor 15th and Douglas. 471 FOU SALE-By Stockdalo & Ilunolior-2 olo- gnnt lots on enst front corner in Clarendon , very cheap. Como and see them. A vary choieo house and lot one block from Sauudors st , on Reward. Persons looking for n homo in nn excellent neighborhood , with all facilities in the immediate vicinity , cannot find n plnco thut will surpass this. Piicofor a few days , $3,700 , only $1,700 cash. 83xii2on : Noith 17th st. near Nicholas at , with 3 houses. Prlco $10,000 , hnlf cash. 00x140 on North 20th st , wllh small houso. Price , $2,1 ( # . 3 lots , each with n good house , on North21st st , $2,000 for cither , ? 10J down , bil monthly. Hero H n chance to get n good homo at n icnsouablo price , on easy payments. Itargalns In till directions. Como In and see our list. Always loady to show property. Stockilalc & Itiinchcr , 1511 Dodge st. 597-15 & ai'OANDMSII offer : BELL on Htiiiscftm Park , per foot , $23. 8 room house and lot , oar line ; S70J canh , bal ance monthly. 2-stnry store building , Bt. Mary's ave car line , $1,400. IStlisticot lot nnd store building , 2 stories , baigaln , $ .1,500. ( Jood bouses , Wnlnul Hill , easy terms , liar- Rains. West Pldo lots , $ .VM. Ilonutlful auros , Fnlrvlow , 300. Acres , Hhuubnugb nnd Iliookllno. Lincoln Place , on licit Line , $ . 5. Splendlil rceldonce lota In Capitol add , S. E. front , chonp. Hoxuuil lots nnd acres on Lcavouworth st , SOJO to PICOO. Amblur Plnco lots , J500. Good iiropoitlo * on Park nvo. Splondlil cit-.t trout lot on Cnthorliio st , $2,039. Jlarsh ndd lots. Hoii'o und lot , Isaac & ticldon's add $1,0)3 ; cash 8N . Scivoml pi-oportlo-i In Kount/o'H ndd . yloti , huusuuml bain , 115 foct fiom Loavcn- worth ft , easy payments , $3VH ) . Loiivunworth st pronei ty , per foot , $ J0.3J , West "Ido lots , SfJIOO. Lot lu IsniioSeldon'B mid , ? OO. Fall-view , the highest , land at lowest prices , ncrpp , ? 300. Sliinn'ti nil J , nouto nnd lot , $3.030. Maiiiilnrttirmg nnd riilliomi luteiosts will make U't'M Mu lots valuable , now ? JOJ. Iloll& JlcCimdlHli. 1511 Dodgo. 3JJ-15 S Sub. div. Tjils now sub. dlv. is lnyod out In ncre Ion lor s ilo Monday May 10th nt naif price. Luihvlclc A- Sony , s. o. cur. 15th und Douglas. AI7iiSS Subdlv. 'J his beautiful nc'in prop- ii oity will bo closed out In one wo el ; ( ij hnlf price , coinmoncing Monday , .Mny Kith , Lud- wick & Heny , s. o. cor. 15th und Doughis. 171 F 1OK8.Vf.lC I'oiir Inti , cor. California and 30th sts. , 2 blocks from proposed paving on Curalng6t. , 8V ) and fKW ouolu Potter & Cobb , 15151'lirmim at. W'J L 3IKS ri.AOE Ixits sold to tlioso who want V. homos they ciui pay for. 411 FAIItMOUNT VltAQK , 27th and Luke-Take red orgiocn oars ; seu the propeity and you will Buicly buy a tot or house and lot. T.S. Clarkson , 150il Farnam. 89U H ANSCOM PtACK-30 choicest lots. Cheap. Uuy quick. T. 8. Olnrkson , 1503 Farnlmra. 389 F1 ] OK MALE Ono of the nicest 8-room > ouse > -I ? In Bhlnn's addition , with cl'y water , io. . complete. Prloo low. O. F , Davis & Co. , 1WB Farnum struct. 7iXl-m22 POIISALK-Glhsonhas for aalo otj in Ilun . com Place , $8M to f 1 00. Gibson has for sale houses and lots la Hanj < com Plaoo , Gibson has for sale houses and lots In all parti t the city. Gibson has Improved farms and lands tn all parts of Nebraska for nulo or oJtohungo. Gibson has thousand ) of ncroj of land In M'CBtorn Kebrnska for eulo * om | 3 to tt per aoro. Gibson would Ilka to see you 1C you want to buy or ii.ll. Gibson's Is the pjisstohrt your property. Call smB iiiimnt Ilo'jm3. WithuollIJlook , cor. ISth and Harnoy ats. S30 HANSCOM PliACU7room liougo , barn , V lots , t5COJ. fffl AUKS , 1507 Farnnm. Scaled Proposals Will bo rccelw-d ut tlio olllco of the chief en gineer. Union 1'Aclllo Itullwny , ut Omaha , until Tuesday ovunlng , May 2J lor the grading , pile bridging urn ) tiuok-liiylng of about torty miles of tliu Chcycnnu to Northern Itullway tram Cheyenne northwiird. i'rotlloi und specifications can bo Been at the chief onirlnoiT * olllco in Oiunhu , or on the work attertbe 10th in > 5toinl5 < ! cilfral Mimutrur , U. p. Hy. Found Notice. mAKEN up and imitoundcd In the pound of JL the city ofOmiuia , on tholjtb diiyof Mty | , Ibeti.ldurkyearold heifer , with wfiitb epota on : coming 3 jeara old , which will. If not redeemed before suit ) , bo sold ut publlo auc tion to the highest bidder' for co h.nt euld pound , at the bour of 10 o'clock in thg forenoon on the 21st day of Muy , ItxitJ. D. C. H/.UELY , . i , . 1'ouudmastcr , A STANDARD MEDICAL WOHR FORYOUNG AND MIDDLE-AGED MEN ONLY SI 1 T StAtt , , FOSTVAIIK ILLU3TUVTIVU SAMPLU 1'JIUR TO ALT , KHOW THYSELF , , Kh nitilV1tMlly.Norrom nnd rtirttcilDebility lr matur Decline In Mnn , Krrort of Yonth. nd th nntold tnlnerloi resnltlnar from Imlmoratlon nnd or- CCMM. JL boon for oror mnn. yonn , mlddlo-agail nod old. Ilcontln l Jpit crl | > lions for nil ncuta nnd dirtinlonl pi. o . i > chrt. ot wlilrh n invMnnble. Ho found by the author who o arnorlonco for 21 jor\T ( t mch ns rrobnblr naror bo fore foil to the lot of anr rnj lcinnnOr it9ii. bounil In benutlful Kronen rout- 'u. . rmbosscit coTers. f c ! ! 'lt , irunnintocil to he it llnor work In OTcry non mpchnnlral. Illornrjr nndprofoi * donM UiAn nnr other workIn , tills country for I MX or the monor will ba rotund In otory ln < Hnc . I'rl i orlT ft br moll , po lpilrt. lll < trntoit Mimpla ms. Pcndnoir. ( lolilraOiUlnwnrdeil thtnathorbytli * Mv Uon lMe < IICAl A ocli > tmn , to the Hon. A. I * . HlM H , ml AMnclntn offlran ot the bonrd the roadorlsro- llTho Sclonoo'oTi'.lils ' I' , worth moro to in s rnitnit nn I mlildlo-nrcil mm ot thli vonnmlUm thtn nil thonol t mlnci orunlltnrnlnaiul thu iT | r lalnoj ot NoT4d eomblno < t.-S. K. Chronlclo. The S-lnnc * of Life points out th i roclu wi oulek- nndii on which iho constitution nua hnoe * nf many n roung mnn hare boon fitttlly nrockod , Manchojtor l hascloncoot Mtolnot groaioryalua tlmnullthj modlcnlworkputllilKMlIn lliH oountrr forthopul COyonrt. AtUntm Constitution. The science ot Life l i uporl ) nnil ranitertr tratt- lo on nerious nnd phrslcnl aabllltf. Detroit Kroj 1 > rAdd'rc th9 Penbodr Institute or Dr W. IL Pirker.No.lUullnnctiiir eu lloitoiiUii.whonar txeoniulttdon all aiMaios reqainna ikU Und zp r { . cnoo. Cltriiiitoanit nbnlimto uUoadtfi thfit hartf baf fled the tklll ot nil othornhrtlclsna n upeclnltr. 8uob treated tucconstulljr wtuioul an i tuuaoo of ( illati Mention umntui 114 * . WHO II UNACQMINTIO WITH THE OlOdlltPHr OF THIJ COUNTRY WIU 8Ct > r tXAMINIHO THIt M f THtT TMI CIIIC&GO.ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC RAILWAY Or ration ot llji central volition ud clot o nlitlon to nil iirtnclpil llnrs Kut and Wrn. at InltUI und ttr- nilnal point * , ronitUuten the inoiit tniportani mltl rcnllnMitnl link In tint inttm ot through traninon tntlon nlilrh I\ I ( | > 1 unit ru-HUMr * tt fl ind Iromc l > et ot n cities of the AtUntla nnd Pnclflu Cnatte. It ! nldo the fnTorlto lUitl hrxt i-outo tn anil front potntn R < t. Nnrtheant and 8nutliea < * t , and corresuondlne polntn West. NorthvrtMt and Boutliweit. The Croat Rock Island Route Oiiamntofs IU | mtron that tcnta ot personal * erti- rtty nltorded bj a tollit , thornUKhlr hnllarreit roiii- fie'J , smooth tmcki or coutlniioun ptoel rail. Biibitan tUllyl > iHltculviTi nnd lirlJc . tolllnir ttooka > nrnr item uprraiiuu ni nn , [ trains , utncr flieclaltlei 01 : hl route are Tranifcra at nil ronnuctlnit iiolnu In union Uvpotf , nnd the ungurpaosed cuuiluru aad luxuries of Its PasitenKer Equipment. The Vast TCVrl < , " , Tr ln' ' "twcen Chlmpo anil orla , Council Ilium , kiwvu City. U-avvnwnrlli and t-lilHun nro eompn ( l of well Tintllatrd , flnelv up' olmriod Day Coauhen Jlairnlncent Pullman l'ul c nierpi > nnf Uio nteit ileilen , ami Mimptiioun Dlnlnir Carn. In which clnbomtcly ronkcit menli ni-c lolnuiely enlcn. llrtnrenUhlcapii and KnnmmCltrnnrl Atrhlsoa ait , alno run the Uilebrnted IttolhilngClmlr C r § . The Famous Albert Lea Route I Iho direct and f orlt line httxurn ChlcaRoand MliinraiiolUttndSt. raul.whern ; coiiumlontaromart * In Union Depota for all polntn In tlio Tpirltoilci and IlrltlKh 1'rovlncov Oror tills route Fait Kspreu Trains me run to the wnteilnc l > lni-e , mimmcr ro- pnru. ulcliircnquu loralltlrs , ami kuntlnil and Ibhlng cronn.ljor lonra end Ullnnc ola. U l > alto the mort doshableroulato the wheat lleldi imd paitorid lands ot Interior n kot\ . still another DIUKtrr UNK. Tla ScnMa and K n- kitkro. lias heen opened between ciiiilnnatl , Indian- oiiolUandLatavetU'.anclOjlilirllllliitrii.KnnBasatjr , HlnnenpollsandSt. Paul and Intermediate points. lor detailed Inronnatlim re M p nnd holden , ebt-ilnanlp.M vrell J tlikcts. at all principal Ticket onu-oj In tUe United BUtes and Canada ; or by ad- K. R. CABLE , E. ST. .IOHN , I'ros't a Gcn'l M'u'r , Orn'l T'U i 1'ais. Milwaukee & St , Paul The Short"liine and Best Route From Omaha to the East. TWOTUAlNSDAIIiY 1IETWHKN OMAHA AND Chicago , Mlnnciipolls. Mllwnubeo , St. 1'aul , Ccdur Hupids , lajnpnrt , Clinton. DubiKiuo , Ilockford , Hock Ibl'inu ' , Ftoopott , Jnnosvillo , KlRin , Mnillsoii , LaCrosse , IJvlolt , 'VVinona Andall other Impoilnnt points , Northou nnd SoutUoajt. Ticket onico at 1401 Fnrnnm sti oot , ( m Parton IlotPl ) . and at Union I'aoillo Depot I'ullmau Sleepers mid the Finest Dining Cars in tlio Woi Id nro run on the mnln lines of the CIIICAQO.MIMVAUKEK&ST. > r. iuti.WArund every attention Is paid to passoiiEoM by couitc- ousoniDloyos of tlio company. 11. MirLiu : , flcncral Manager. J.F. TOCKICII , Asslitaut General Mannarer. A. V. H. OAiti'EMKit , QontriU Passoujfor sal Ticket Ajront. OKO. K. UKFFOiti ) , Asaistitiil QoncralL'assaa gcr and Ti Acnt. Omaha , Council Bluffs And Chicago Tn o only rend to tnko for Dos Moinns , > Iur- liat Itowu.Ccdnr Huplds , Clinton , Dixie. Chlciiiro. MlhviiuKuo nnd nil points east. To the people of Nebraska , ckilonulo , Wyomtnir , Utah , Idaho Nuvudn.OrtiKon , Wnshlnirtoii und California It oilers superior advantages not possible by nny Among ; a few of tlio numerous tiolntH ot supe riority oujoyod by tlio patrons of this roaabo- tncunUmuha and Chicago , uro Its two trains u day of DAY COACH KH which nro the llnost thitt human art and Ingenuity can create. Its 1'Alr ACK HLlCl'.riNO CAIIU , whlcn ate models bf oomfoitund olotfunco. Its I'AltLOIl DJtAWINQ HOOM C A US uiietinmfisoj bv unv. and its wide ly coioDrntod I'ALATIAI , DINING OAltS , tno equal of which cannot bo found olsowhnro. AtCounrll lIlulTB the trains of the Union Paci fic Hy. connect In Union Depot with those of thn Clucajfoit Northweitorn By. InCliloasro the tralng oC this line make olono oonntxitloii with those of till castorn linos. For Detroit , Columbus. Indianapolis , Cmoltt null , Niairnra Falls , IlulTulo , I'lltsburir. Toronto Montreal. lloMon , Now York. I'hlladulniiia , Hal- tlmore.WasbtnKlon nnd nil points In the oast. uK for tickets via the the ticket aeunt -NOltTH-WKSTKHN. " If you wish Uio boat uocoinmodatlons. Alltlokot its. HAW. ouora . . . _ Oen. ia33 , Ajroat , UlilUAUU. P. BOYEB & CO. UifALBUSllt Hail'sSaf&s.VaulfgJimeLocks and Jail Work. 1020 Fiininm Street , Oiualia , Neb , Red Star line Carrying the Uolglum Uoyal and United S Between Antwerp & New York TO THE RHINE , GERMANY , ITALY , HOL LAND AND FRANCE , BPlllNG AND HUMMKlt KATES ; Salon from $00. to S10Q. Bxcurslon trip from tllO to I1BO. Sucond Cabin , outwaul , { d ; prepaid , 41 ; uxcuNlou. f'JO. Sloonujo pu ; ) iiM ! at low rutss. I'o I or Wright & Hnu > , Uonoral Agents , M.nroadway , Now Yprk. Omabt , Nebraska , i'rauk K. lloorej , W. , St , & 1' . ticket TELEPHONE 3i , A-J GIBSON & 10LLET , i \ DEALERS IK . - . . , , \ , Va , . * * 1 W final Ssiite Rooms 20 nnd 20" Om'nha Dank HlllllHllff , > H. . Do Strictly a Com/ft&sion Bwness - f H * List Your PropertyifO | : ' * FOU SALh- i .T For Sale Lot 11 in block 1 , Lako'fl Aadl tlon , lot OUxttO , house of 7-rooni9 , pantry - try , mill , cistern , foncoil , elegant lee - lion. A irront bargain for A low For Sale House nnd Jjjtln LaKo'u > lionso of 4-rooni3 , good barn , won , oW- torn. $1',750. One-half-bash. Good CM * front. A bargain , - * * \1 ' For Sale liouso nnd , , * In Elh * eo * " Place , house of 4-rooms , targe lot , flQOO ; Ono-lmlf cash , * ' , For Sale House and lot tn Smith's add. ; house of 8-rooma , barn , near street o lino. Tins is n bnrgnlm attf.Ott ) . 4 On * thirtt oasn. v , > r $ J For snlo or exchange for Ornate pro * . orty. 100 acres in Colfar county , . " Fine fanning laud , (4,000. For aalo or oxohnngo for' Omaha crtv. 160 acres a mi lot from r Nob. . $3,000. . . 41 For Sale liouso and lot on 87tk Mt California. House of 8-rooms , 4 otoMM } cistern , well , coal ho two , , $4,000. Th * a bargain. ? * Wi M For Sale Good DusitWM property w Cnnilng St. , $150 p r toot. { For Sale House and lot In Mlllard * , Caltlwell's add. Now.houso of O-rooiBf.C bay window , collar , ' | 6,800 ; * WO bal. $25 nor month ' L r * For salu or oxchungo 'tor Omaha proa orty. 340 acrus in Cass Co. , Neb. , { miles from Weeping YVatcr , 163 i ' in cultivation , house of 5-rooms , barn und out-buildings , $0,000. For Sale B cast front lota in lloyd's add. ] $300 citclt. For Sale Elegant east front lot on "VI ginia avo. , $1.600 for a short time. i , To exchange ( or farm , house and lot 83,0n 1 To exchange for f rm , , house and lot li Knuntzo & Uuth's tultl , Si.lttO. For snlo , 0 acres iron Una on Snunders st 83,500. For sale , six new houses ot 0 rooms ch i 52,200 each ; S'JOO cash balance monthly. Three new houses of full lots , housa ot rooms. S 1.500 rnohi $10i ) cash balance < X monthly payments , \ ForSalo A cheap lot $500 : easy terms. \ For Sale A. splendid residence In Hima baugh Place , 3 full lots , east front. I row 12 room lionso with all modern Ira J urovomcnts , SIO.OOO. ( . For Sale In Hanscom' Place , % lots room house , east f rout ; a bargain. f4,0 ( For Sale or oxciianjrc. for vacant lot , on ncro with house , barn , eto. f800 , For Sale or exchange , for 'house ' ana 1 or vacant lot. 10U acres fl.OOU ? . , For Sale A great bargain for n"fe days , S good lots with' liouso and * i- in Hanscom Place , $8,800. For Sale Lot in Hanscom Place. , $ l'l font short tune. - * * ForSalo or exchange , for Omaha pro crty , a liiicly improved farm of acres , 5 miles of Tektuna. the r scat of Hurt county , Nob. , SOOOO. For btilo 80 acres west , of FortOmal S100 an acre ; will sub-divide. For Sale 10 acres in Brighton,4h barn , vine yard , suml ) , fruit of all1 , ] , Wagon , implements , etc. ' , ail SWDOmust ) ; Ijoaold soOtt. J " * " For Sale Good liousu and 2 lots ia H : com Plaoo , S.'i000 ; „ " ' ' ' * . - For Sale House nnd Jot on vlr ginia Avenue , near Leavonworth , o S3300. ' , aa For Sale Corner lot and house on'VMr i ginia Avenue ; a oamain ; only $3,890. , For Sale On Gocrgia Avenue , MftC. Judge Dandy's , cast fr9nt , 10 rw house , barn ; all modern improvenio S5.000. For Sale or Lxchange , for vrostorn 1 or improved farms in Nebraska , oral stock of TOercliandiso with 8 buildings : line location , on. "a corn 830,000. 0-rnoin house , 5 closets , pantry , stab : coal-house , cistern , lot 00x150 , 'J com Place , only $3,200. * FOR SALE Four lots with fine bust house , splendid location , $14,000. Fou SAI.E Full lot on Howard nnd' : Sts. , paved street , good ouslness p > i orty ; lor a short time , f 13,000. TMi n great bargain. Fou SAWS liouso ami lot on street ; 2-story lionsu , 8-rooius , well nnd cistern , &UOO. Fou SAI.K 2-story trortio'oTff Cistern , well , good ( fence , a FOU'SA K o * 41x101 , Howard and ) Sts. . fucas 1'aric avo. , Is ohoioo an cheap , ! ? 1,900. Fou SAW : 100 acres in Stinton Neb. . 4 miles from good li. K , static All tillable laud , $2,000. Fou SAI.K Splendid corner in Hanses Place , 180x100. will make 4 goodJc A great bargain , $ 1,000. ' Fou SAI.I : I'mo resilience , east front , i Georgia avenue. For terms undw ; tieular.s iittiiro | at this olllco. Thi/3 / Ki-cttt bargain. . . ; Fou SAM : House 3-rnoms. Hick , Place , lot 48x110 , cheap , only $1 , must bo sold Eoon. Foit SAW : Splendid lot in Hans Place , 50x180 , ? 1.50U. * n Fou SAW : One of the llnest east , frJ | lots In Hnnscom Placo. 1'or pried' ' * terms call at this oflico. ihia Is a--I gain Lot 45x100 on Highland st. : $700 For Sale Nice house and lot OP Ucoq avenue , near Lcavcnworth. east ftt ( liouso of live ronniii. cellar , ulni good barn. $1,000. for a short time , ' For Sule House nud lot on S. lOtlii . house of 8 rooms and basement ; , * tern , citv water , witli stable : ronte ' $25 per montn : tf'JOOO ' , terms to surt ' For Sale House , 5 rooms , S. 18th sty torn , collar ; monthly payment ) , M , 1'or sale at a bargain House ains on ( jcoriria avo. . near Mt. Pleasant room house well , cistern , all conv a ! COB ; $3.50U For bum 1 'ot ' 33x103 , near U , ! H 10th st ; $7.000. i For halo 4 lots in bunuy Side , 1 from postolHeo : $ laOo. \ 60 acres 1J miles ou&t of Greou\v Nob. , all m cultivation ; S3..200 , For Sulo or Exchange i'or Omaha orty , 1DO acres one-half milo east Louiivillc ; limber , rnnnmtj water , fenced , good orchard , yood' fra house , barn , granary , otih , $8,000. ' tunes f > miles' soutli of fcJedar Cro Nob. , all good land and In eultivatl smtill house , -3 COO. For Sale Hoitbo and lot on Georgia av near \Volworth , liousu of 7 rooi. overytlilng In class condltipU bargain , § ! ) ,800. , For Sale House and lot on Harnoy between 2Mh and 3Hh streets , lot' 13J , U-rnoin house , $5,003 , For Sale House and lot on North Bt , liouso 0 rooms , 135 , Srj.OOO. _ . i'er iintti liusinoss property on Ho 10th , line location lor wholesale bo lot 100x00 , 10,000. , For SuloIlouse und lot in Luke's lion , 7-room liotibo , good wej { nn < tern , east front , $1,200. ' Fou SAI.K Nicest 5-ncro tract in TI subdivision at u bargai a. ' " Foit SAI.K 0-ucre iniet on i P : street ; house of U rooms , * good plenty of fruit-0.0 < W\ Fou SAI.K \ acre wlth'4 oo m burn , and bdaring frujt U'owa , ' cistern , near SumulenJ Bticctr