Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 14, 1886, Image 1

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Ruin and Death at Xenia , Springfioltl , Day
ton , Lebanon and Other Points in Ohio ,
Almost Every Railroad Bridge in Ohio
Crippled Waves Twenty Feet High ,
A Cyclone Six allies IJOHR and IfiO
Yardn AIde 15 UodlcH Itc-
covcred at A'onln Aid.
Sadly Needed.
A Flooded Town.
CINCINNATI , May 13. Xenla , Greene
county , this state , Is icpoited Inaccessable by
rail In any dlicctlon because of washouts by
the storm last night. Aichcr cicek , which
llowHthiomli a culvert under the ralhoad
near the depot , dammed the culvert with
drift and lormed n great reservoir , which
Inoko the railway embankment , swept
tluough the town , caiijlng houses away and ,
as Is repoi ted , causing loss of life , besides
sweeping away 000 feet of the lallway track.
Them Is still no communication with
Xenla or Dayton. At Xenla It Is reported
that twenty persons weie killed and a large
number Injuied. When the great icscrvolr
tmuerlhc ralhoad culvert bioke tluough the
embankment the water rushed through the
town , tearing down uees and washing away
A special fiom Dayton says : The storm
last night resulted In considerable damage.
The lalnfall filled the Miami iher full. Main
street became a liver , Hooding stoic cellars
and destroying goods. Ono linn
lost 510,000. The Wolf creek
levee broke , flooding the west
side , undcrmlnlnc stincturcs and tinning
out of small tenants. Thn Big Miami raised
nine tcel.causlngagicatlossto farmers and
gardeners. In the valley the railway bildges
mid culvcits were washed away. Trains all
behind time. The night cxpiess on the Bee
line Is delayed by a washout four mlle south
of Da } ton , and tialns will bodela.vcd twenty-
four hoiits. Washouts aio repotted on every
load out of Paton. This moining no
tialnsariived fiomSpiInslicId , wlieie.similar
destination by lightning and Hood Is re
ported. A poition of two trains were de
railed , but with no loss of life. The found
ations ot several buildings weie washed
away , allowing them to tumble down. Sov-
cial houses In the city were burned fiom
being struck by lightning.
A West Baltimore , Ohio , special says :
Geoigo MHleis , a piomlnont tanner was
struck by lightning and killed.
It appeals that the rain fall last night was
the worst ever known In that part of the
state , li 'is ' a lengthened cloud bmst , be
ginning at 3 o'clock and continuing until
after 10. The Shawnee river , which inns
through n portion of Xcnia , rose to an un
precedented height. From fifty to one bun
dled buildings weie swept away fiom their
foundations. How many lives weio lost is
not known , but at 13:30 : a rescuing paity
had taken out twenty-four bodies. It is esti
mated that a number more will be found.
The nearest approach any train could make
to the city was tliice miles. Bridges were
washed away In many places , the tracks also
taken , tices were toin down , fences do-
stioyed and crops ruined. It will roquiic
several days to repair the railroad. Mean
while eastern travel will bo conducted by the
Musklngum Valley load.
A wAir.usrour.
COLUMIIUS , Ohio , May 13. A later dispatch
fiom Xcnia wiys that about 7 o'clock last
evening torilhle clouds weio seen uathcilng
and tuiiiiie lightning followed by peals of
thunder. This lasted till 0 o'clock , when an
oxtiaoidlnnry clap of thunder seemed to
open the Hood-gales , and the rain fell In tor-
People living In houses on Water street es
caped bj oveiy way possible. The spout
seemed to vent Its fury on that poition of the
city. For n stielch of 150 yards the Little
Miami ralhoad Is swept away. The spout
struck houses on Water sticct and toie them
to pieces as If they wore shells.
A icshtmit of that street states
that within two minutes after the clap of
thunder lie stood In water to his waist , being
about twenty-livo yaids fiom a ciet'lc. When
the water icached Iho losidcnce of Anion
Feiguson it was swept away , with nlno in-
mate.s , and lodged against a bridge , where
they were iifterwaidsicscued.
The next dnimiiro was at a coal yard of
Samuel Clailr. In which was located a tene
ment hdnse , occupied by a family named
Fowell , nine in number. Up to Up. m. none
of them had been heard fiom ,
The next point of distress was In what Is
inown as the bottoms , a dozen houses occu
pied mostly by coloied people who weio
Bwepl away. Do/ens of hoist's were lost and
the lallioads leading out fof the city weie
hvvi'pt away , .so that It Is Impossible to hear
fiom outside points. At least a do/en trains
muhcio and within a few miles of the city
in id business l.s suspended , FAMILY LOST.
Ono family by thu name ot Mori is , were
Bwept away. ' 1 he last seen of them was at
the Miami sheet bildge , when a man wns
hcen at the yvlndovv by the tenor stricken
cinwd waving a lighted lamp. The next In-
Maul the house- collapsed and they wi-io
KHIIO. Only one boy 13 j ears of ago has been
itiroviniNi : ( TUT. isonir.s.
The woik ot finding bodies still continues
to-night. The mavoi'siilllce has been tinned
into a moigue and t licitme now twenty-two
bodies there. The scenes aie heat t-iendlif
Whole families Ilodlstlguiwl on cots.
The follow Ing Is a list of the killed : Mrs.
Llndscy ( coloied ) , Mis. Casey ( coloied ) .
Mis. Aiideison ( coloied ) , child mimed
Andcir.on , Mis. fCoicoran. cilppled Idiot
named Concoian , Mis. and Mi , Louis Andiu
Min. Stephen DunnOinil Mouls , wlfo and
livoehlldii'ii. Wllllum Paul , wlfo and live
chllilien , William i'.vans and wife. Loss ol
luopt'ity Irigieat , whole lumber yards and all
the < nnU'iits none completely , The scenes In
the devastated d Ml lets ate Indescribable.
Fotces ot men aio busily engaged dealing
away anilhunilR'ilsol people sunoundcd the
iilnces , btiangcis aio beginning to pour Into
the city liom every dlieettoii.
ri' AND 1'iuvA.n : AID.
The council hus appiopilah'd 1,000 for Im-
mcdlate use in the Initial of the victims , and
thu private subscription has ahcady leached
Into the thousands. A commitico Is going
tlnnuiu thy city soliciting clothlnc : and bed
Ain sAiii.v Niioiu. : : :
The rink having been tinned into a place
of icliigo lor the homeless , all aid possible is
needed fiom cveiy source. Losses w ill aggregate
gate something like S.'WO.OOO. The Little Mi
ami r.illioad had about sixteen miles swepl
nvvav. In addition to the above two moio
bodies wciu found this evening , lielng dill ,
ilren , they have not been Identified. The
c'liuplotu number of bodies lound Is twenty-
llvo , Kluven pcisons aie still missing.
CoLtniuuh. Ohio , May 13. A special dis
patch fiom Xenla which has just been re
ctlvi'd says ; Theiu was a tenlblu wind and
iiiln stoiiii al 10 o'clock last night , with won
derful electiiii display. The water backed up
at the cast end of town to a bank against the
1'an Handhu-allway , The bank gave way
suddenly mid the Hood came dashing tluougt
the town along Shawnce cic-ek In waves lit-
teeu or twenty 1'eet high and swept twenty or
tidily houses away and did MOO.OOO woith of
damage. The gas vvoiksiuo flooded and thu
town Is In darkness unit tenor. The cties ol
MJO peoplein the Hooded uibtrL't weu awfn
o hear. Many acts In saving drowning per
sons are reported.
Hon fires were llgiited and people worked
all nlaht Twenty bodies were recovered
and there Is still a number missing. Whole
families perished In tlio flooded districts.
There was great damage to property all
round In the country and the extent of the
ilamagc cannot now be even approximated.
rollowlm : Is a list of the dead :
Mis. Nellie Anderson and sister.
Mrs. Casey ( widow ) .
Mis. Samuel Cochran and two sons.
Matt Kvans , wlfo and child.
On in Morris , wlfo and live children.
.Stephen Dalton.
William Powell , wife and six or seven chll-
Lewis Anderson and wife.
Mrs. Ku Lindsay.
Kxtcndlnjr Far and Wide.
CINCINNATI , May 13. The storm of last
night , which did such fc\rrul woik at
Xsnla , Ohio , was far reaching. The coun
ties of Montgomery , Clarke , Uuller , Wancn
and ( iiecnaic adjacent In Ohio , and form an
elevated plateau , with shallow valleys and
low hills. In these counties are tlm towns of
Dayton , Spilngllcid , Hamilton , Lebanon .mil
Xcnia. In the eastern counties of Indiana ,
adjoining this dlstiict , is Contieisville. At
all these places the lain of last night was the
heaviest ever known. In D.ivton It
uied four and one-half Inches'In about thieo
boms. Xcnia was In a situation so as to
meet the woist lusulti. Shawnie tun trav-
eiscsapoitlon of the city , adjacent to the
Little Miami mad , which lies lower
than the niiin poitioti of the
Ity. The lallioad embankment arises
above the guncial level and the stioam flows
tluough It Into a huge culvert. Last night's
lalnfall was too much for the capacity of that
culveit. The watel lose and at last swept
away the cmbinkmcnt and with accumu
lated force rushed upon the .small cottages
located In thu lowland and without warning
hole them liom their foundations.
.U Springlield the Hood was of nearly
equal volume , but the drainage was better.
East High sttect bildife was niuleimined and
Is a mass of iiilm. In the eastern
and southeastern pen lions of the city
many families were driven tiom
homes by the flood. Dozens of bridges aie
washed away. The loss cannot bo estimated ,
but will bo exceedingly heavy.
At Lebanon tlio Methodist Episcopal
church , Lebanon house , gristmill , warehouse
and several lesldeneesweio unioolc.l. Shade
tices weie ruined. Noailv every raihoad
bridge acioss the state Is crippled.
Terrible Damage Done.
CINCINNATI , May 13. It appears that the
lalnfall last night was the worst ever known
In that part of the state. It was like a
lengthened cloud-burst , beginning at 8
o'clock aud continuing until attorn. The
Sliawneeiun , which runs tluough a poition
of Hie town , lose to an unprecedented height.
Fiom fifty to a bundled buildings were
swept away twin their foundations. How
ninny lives aie lost aie not jet known , but at
ia:30 : a rescuing party had taken out twenty-
four bodies. It Is estimated that a lar e
number have vet to bo lound. Theneaiest
approach any train could make to the city
was within ihico miles. Thobiidges weie
washed awav in many dlfTeient places. The
hacks were also washed away , trees weie
loin down , fences destroyed and crops
mined. It will icqtilie days to icpalrtho
lallroad. In the meantime eastern travel
will be conducted via the Musklngum Valley
Caused hy a Wnnhoitt.
I.VDiAx.vroLis , May 13. The east bound
passcnscr tinln on the Indiana , Bloomlngton
& Westein railroad , which left at 9 o'clock
last nicht , ran Into a washed out culvert near
Newcastle , Homy county , toward midnight.
The engine , baggage oar and lirst passenger
car plunged Into the abyss. J. V. Tienaiy ,
the engineer , and James Hudson , liicman ,
both ot this city , and an unknown passenger
were Instantly killed in the crush , and the
baggageman and conductor weio severely in
jured. All the passengers were moie or less
biulscd , but none seilously hurt. Tialns
will be delayed all day by the wieck.
Three Killed and Many Wounded.
iNuiANAi' , Ind. , May W. A Journal's
Giccnfield , Ind. , special dispatch icpoits that
news has icaclied that point from Wilkinson ,
fifteen miles distant , on the Indianapolis ,
liloomlnglon & Westein lallway , that tlio
stoim jcstciday blew down all buildings in
town except tluee. Samuel White was killed
and Ids wile was fatally injuied. A boy
named Shatter was also killed , and about
twenty poisons seriously hint , seveial of
whom will die. The whos are down and di
rect telegraph communication Is cut off.
Casualties in Indiana.
iNDTANAi' , Ind. . May 13. An Attica ,
Ind. , special to the Journal gives tlio follow
ing list of dead and Injuied fiom jesteiday's
stoim :
Killed Mrs. Jot Davis , fatally injuied ;
Mis. Moirhcad , Mrs. Abu Nathan , William
Van Dcvcntor , James Idle.
Seihmsly Injmod Mis. KIrloy and son ,
Heed 111my , Hob Paris , Mrs. Mooie , Court
ney Moichcad , last named son ot Mm. Moic-
Death at Danville.
CIUCAOO , May 13. A Danville , 111. , spec
ial dispatch says that a cyclone passed over
the county last night destroying a score of
fann houses and demolishing thu United
Ihothers' church and school house. Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Miller and Infant son of John
A. Shaw weio killed. Shaw himself was
latally Injuied. The path of the cyclone
was six miles In length and l < r > 0 yauls wide.
The Itallroud AloHt Hurt.
CixciNNAii , Ohio , May 13. The most ser
ious damage to lallioadsby last night's stern :
fell upon the Little Miami load , fiom Corwln
to London , a distance of forty miles. Kight
bridges aio cone , and tlm wreck Is a belles
of small and gicat washouts.
Victims at Odell ,
CmrAoo , May 13. Lottlo Xwlnfel , ono of
the child victims of the cvclone at Odotl , diet
this moinlng. llosa Mlllei Is In a piocailous
condition and thu death of ( icorgo lloko is
foaied. The otheis who have been In lured
will iccover.
An Orphans' Home in Plntto County ,
CoLUMiirs , Neb , May 13. The Park Hill
Oiplmns' home association , u'cently organ
ized and incoipomtcd hrs been presented by
Dr. Armstiong and wife with IGOaciesoi
land as u site tor the home. The hact Is Ii
the famous S'loll Cieek valley , eighteen
ml'oj ' troin the city. The trustees of the
homo are : .Mis. Anglo K. Newman , Miss
Maiy H. Wallets , of Llnco'n ; Mrs. Isabella
Spuilocic. Ceoigu M. Spurlock , of Platts-
mouth ; Mrs. Maty A. Anustrong , Dr. Saline
Aimstionir , Miss Wlllinmlnn L. Armstiong.
ot Postvillu ; Hov. O. V. Itlco and John
Klliott , of Columbus.
Cicncral Thayer at Homo ,
( iiiANH ISLAND , Neb. , May 13 The icturi :
of Central Tlmyer to this city from an ex
tended tour of the state and tlio east , was the
occasion of much lejolclng among the pee
ple. L cn jt'stNo. . 11 , Ut A. It. , headed bj
their own maitlal band , met their distin
guished commander at the depot and escoit
cd him home. In the evening the genera
addicsscd a company of luvcnllesoldleia , who
have oiirnnl/.ed and aie being drilled by
James Weir. A icceptlou was given las
night In the po = t loom.
Sudden Death.
lIoi.Diunai : , Neb. , May VX A farmer
named Lev ! Maitlas , living noithwcst a
here , died suddenly fiom heart disease. He
arose to get some water for his sick wife amen
on leturnlngto bed expired almost instantly
He leaves avite and six children.
A Ham Ilohhcd and Fired.
EIHIAII , Neb. , May 1 ! ) . T lie barn of John
Foul was bioken Into and the contents of a
pctldlei's wagon therein stolen. The build
Int : was then tired , but the timber belnt ,
tieen , failed to bum , Nu cluu to the rub
The Demand of n AVlioIo People Slot
By Paper Petitions.
LONDON , May 13. Sir John Pearson ,
itdso of the chancery division of high court
of justices , Is dead.
Incessant rains are falling In the north ,
causing rlvors to overflow their banks , Shcf-
lold , Atcrclllfe , Doncaslcr and other tovvns
aio partlv Inundated.
At Hothcrliam railway steel works inanv
muses and thousands of acres of land are
submoieed and workmen are temporally out
of ctnployiuont ,
Further esslons ot the ( Jladstone section
of the liberal party are reported , consequent
upon the disappointment created by Mr.
Campbell-IIaunei man's statement In the
house of commons this afternoon touching
the home itile bill.
A number of thn supporters of the meas
ure made combined representation to the gov
eminent whips , urging that Mr. Clndstono
should announce betoro a division Is taken
that if tlm bill passes the second reading ho
will consider the result of division. Simply
nllli inatlon of the pilnclplc of home rule and
will vvithdiaw the bill and frame another
mcasinu for the ne\t session. It Is expected
that the debate wilt bo concluded on the il th
lust. Numerous petitions have been pie-
seiitcdto parliament against the bill. Includ
ing one signed by l..OO ) loyalists ol Coik.
Talking and Actln ; ; Treason Nation-
aliHlH i > ut In Jail Tor Ijcsa Cause.
AiniAon , May 13. A large association of
loyalists has been fonned hero for the pur
pose of arming and dilllliu the opuononts of
home rule. An organl/atlon has boon ar
ranged for the pmchase of an ample number
of rifles at twenty-live .shillings apiece and
In quantities. War material has alicady been
obtained and stored. Soveial bodies of men
Imvoalieady been under Ji ill for some days
and practicing cveiy day. Donations of
money have been liberally made for the sup
port of these loyalist military movements ,
the contributions ranging from 100 down-
waul. Loyalists everywhere heicabouts ex-
picssastcin icsolve to lesist home mlo in
any shape. _
Greek Troiililes.
Amnxs , May 19. Comic do Mony.Kiench
minister to Oieece , sailed for Fiance to-day.
The mlnistiy formed by Valvia Is colorless ,
and the only duty Imposed upon It is to con
voke the chamber of deputies. A Oicelc
vessel Udcn With wine for Antwerp has
been allowed lo pass tlio blockading squadion.
The Italian olllccis have notified the peo-
of Andios , the capital of mi island ot that
name , that a blockade has been established.
An Austrian torpedo boat scUcd a deck
Watching tlio Ulster Rehs.
Di'ui.ix , May 13. The Ficcman's Journal
says that Ficdcilck IJobcits , commander ol
the Indian aimy , will bo recalled from India
to take chief command of tlio army In 'Ire
land. The Join ual also sa > .s that the garil-
sun in Ulster is to bo Inci eased.
Opposed to Homo Kitlc.
Hni.r-AST , May 13. The gcneial assembly
of Pieshyteilans of Ireland has piepaiud an
appeal to the Piesbyterlan chinches In
America for support in lesisting homo rule.
A First Class Failure.
LONDON , May 13. Schumacher & Schull ,
rice inei chants of this city , failed with liabil
ities at JL'tSJ.OOO. No assets. The failure Is
due to falling inaikets.
Taking tlic Itack Track.
ATIIEXS , May 13. The govornmcnthas re
scinded ouleis for the advance of troops to
the front.
Base Bull Games Yesterday.
The lollowlnz is the icsiilt of the various
games of base bill playeJ by the leading
clubs ot the country :
At Cincinnati Cincinnati , 7 ; St. Louis , 3 ,
1 in eighth and 3 in ninth. First base hits ,
Cincinnati , T ; St. Louis. 4. Eirois , Cincin
nati , 1 : St. Louis , 4. Pitchers , Mullano and
Hudson. Uiniihe , Clinton.
mickand Welch. TJmpiie , Cunv.
At St. Louis St. Louis , 10 ; Washington ,
2. Fiist base hits , St. Louis , 18 ; Washing
ton , 4. IC'iors , St. Louis , 4 ; Washington , 8.
Pitcheis , Boyle and Daly. Umpiic , Kagan.
At Dctioit Detroit , 4 : Hoston , 3. Uase
hits , lMioit.7 ; Hoston , 8. Kriois , Detiolt , 1 ;
Boston , 1. Umpire , ( laffnoy.
At Philadelphia game on account of
At Kansas City No tramo on account of
the Ri omuls being In bad condition.
At Pittsbiirg Pittslmrj. 4 ; Louisville , 3 ,
1 In hrst and eighth. Fiist base hits , Pitts-
bure , 7 ; Louisville , 3. Krrois. Pittsburg , 1 ;
Louisville. 0. Pitcheis , Morris and Heckcr.
Umpire , Kelly.
Two Noted Thieves Identified.
CAIIIO , 111. , May 13. The two men in jail
hern on the chaigo of robbing passengers on
the Illinois Ccntial tiain have been Identi
fied as George Tiocy , alias Gcoigo Wilson ,
alias II. O. Miller , dn expert sneak thief and
hotel woikor , and ( .leoigo Jett , or Jen" , a des-
pciadoand muideier , Tracy Is known as
the "Peoila Kid , " and has worked with the
most accomulished thieves in the south and
west. Jett seivcd fourj ears In the Chester
penltontiaiy lor minder and was pauloncd
by thegovenior.
A Celebrated KmiiKgler Dead.
SAN Ax'io.viA , Texas , May 13. Infornm <
tlon wasiecclvcd hero to-day of the killing
of Juan Gallndo , the celebrated smugalcr ,
several days ago in the Mexican village of
Plotc. Ho was apprehended by Mexican
rangers , who shot him while making the ar-
lest. Just before lie died Galindo confessed
to having pattlclpatcdln the assassination of
.loh u Kent , mmeiinlemlent of the Mexican
Land and Cattle company. Gallndo was the
leader of a band of sinugglcis and horse
thieves notorious tluoughout noithern
Mexico ,
WAhiiiXdibx , May 13. The senate com-
mlttco on commeico ordeied a favorable ic-
port upon Mr. Fiyo's bill to limit the com
meiclal privileges of the vessels of foreign
countiles In poitsof the United States to
such purposes as are accoided to Ameiican
M-ssuIs In the pints ot such toielgn countiies.
Thoblll Istobo leported as an amendment
to the shipping bill.
'Iho Knmllpox
MOXIIIKAL , May 13 , There have been s.lx-
tycase.s of smallpox and titty deaths ftom
the disease at St. Dennis. Several deaths oc-
cnricd in the college of St. Dennis. Only
half the pupils have been vaccinated. Thn
villagcis ictuso to adopt sanltaiy precautions
and the health boaid have nnaiantlncd in St.
Vincent dePaul n\e in ouu house. , (
A Fire Hnj : Falls.
CIIICAOO , May 13. A Hie was discovered in
the Madison street 10 eaily this morn
ing , but was initout before tiny serious dam
age occurred. It was clearly an attempt of
an luccndlaiy ,
Iti.u : > ixa , Pa. , May 13. The cluarmakers
of this city yesterday presented to the manu
facturers a schedule or wages calling lor nn
advance ranging from 10 to JO per cent. The
proprietors refused Iho advance and closed
down indefinitely , tlnovving bOO persons oul
of cinplo } iiiont.
Him President ,
Dr.s MOIHUS , Iowa , May 13. 'ihls evening
the trustees of the state agricultural college
elected as president W. J. CliauiboiTalu ;
seeret.irv of the stain board of agriculture ol
Ohio. Ho will take charge of the college
July 20. '
A Jury Obtained.
Sr , Louis , Mav 13. It Is expected that a
complete Jmy will bo obtained In the case of
Maxwell by to-night.
? cnsioning Union Soldiers and Indemnifying -
ing tbo .Ohincso.
Tito Cabinet Consult on the "Adams"
Seizure Strong Speech of Hlco
or Massachusetts on tlio
Chinese Indemnity Bill.
Van Wyck On Pensions.
WASHINGTON , Mav is. [ Special Tele-
grain. ] Senator Van VVyck made a strong
sncccli In tlio senate tills afternoon lit sup-
| ioit of Ills proposed amendment to the gen
eral iicnslou bill now pending. The bill pio-
poses to give to nil who served six months or
nioie In the service otthu union In the late
war , who am now dependent upon their own
labor Tor support mid who nro disabled from
nny cause whatever , n pension In accordance
with the disability , but not to e.\cced 5-4 n
month. The pension ahull bo lated by exam
ination as now.
Mr. Van Wyck's amendment pioposes to
make the pension unlfoimly S3 n month.
Ho objects to the system of grading pensions -
sions which would ncciuo under the til 11 , and
thinks a uniform iat will in the Ion ; , ' run bo
moiu just , llo urged concurs to pension
these men and pension them at onceand not
wall till nil who fought for the pioservatlon
of the union ha\o passed beyond the Hood of
There arc many men who gave peed and
faithful sjivico to their country , who having
bceome disabled by accident , sickness and
vai Ions 'causes since the close of the war
aie objects of chailty on account ot such dts-
ahility.iiml yet they can't bo DPiisloncil under
the existing laws , because their disability
was not Inclined In the line of action and In
connection with the war. ho would
now help in lecogtiition oC their allegiance to
and scivices for the government.
Mr. Van Wyckjdoes not thinkIn pcrnislous
of this chaiactertlial there should lie gi.idinc
or classification , lift would the bcnetl-
ciaries all alike.
The Material Prom Which "Offensive
Partisans" arc Produced.
WASIHNOION , May 13. The senate to-day
continued the following appointments : Con-
Mil 11. F. Men-lit of Illinois , at Aux la
Chappcl. llocelver of public money L. T.
Uoyd , Haylield , Wis. Keclstois of land of-
tice-Wllllam C. L. Heaul , Wnkcny , Kan. ; S.
W. Langhoine , Helena. M. T. ; n.G. Shields ,
Las Unices , N. M. ; J. B. Webb. La Ciosse.
Wis. Collectors ot customs A. F. Seebcigcr ,
Chicago , III. ; Conrad Si-ipp , Milwaukee ;
John Cudwalladeu Philadelphia. Post
masters U. 1" . Smith , Dendwood , Dak. : F.
Abel , Libeity , Dale : M. 0. Biilev , Dell
Kiplds , Dak. ; S , 11. Davis. Crcston , Iowa ;
W. 0. Lewis , Chaieton. Iowa ; .1. I * . Nor-
velle , Danville , III. : F. Shields , Wilmington ,
111. ; W. 12. Bakei , Fniibury , III. ; C. II. Bur
rows , La Ciosso , Wi.s. ; W. .N. Gaiter , , WK ; A. Evorhard , Hipon , WIs.
TWO oKi-r.xsivi : pAini.sAX.s.
The lepoit of the committee on postofllccs
and post roads in the case ol S. H. Davis , to
bo postmaster at Cieston. Iowa , vlco L. 0.
Tweed , suspended , is madenubile. .
The committed 'called ' for and received
fiom the postmaster general "all papers In
the case. " , It appears , the rcpoit says , from
the papers and documents tints' ' submitted to
the committee ami frnimletti'is and-papers .
communicated to it by the anspemtmrontCeir
and otheis , that Uieio Is care
calculated to place discredit on Tweed ,
cither as an oflicer or a man. The only com
plaints made against his admlnlstiatfon of
the olllceaio rather to his credit than other
wise , Inittmiuch as they am based on his
stiicl observance of the law or
the regulations of the deuai linen t.
The case Is ono of susppuslon for
uollflcal reasons. Offensive paillsanahlp Is
abundantly chained and the nominee seems
to have understood that it rested on that lu-
ss ! , as hucvidciitly jpcognizcd it as the con
trolling clement in the case.
The nomination ol Davis was reported fa
vorably , Leed having oxpiosscd no desire to
letain the olllce , but simply a desire that his
chaiacter as an olllcer and man should bo
Thoieport In the. case of W. C. Lewis to
bo postmaster at Chaiiton , Iowa , vice ,1.11.
Stewart , suspended , isalso made public.
The committee obtained all uapeis In this
case and sajs that they show It to lie an in-
htauco of removal for offensive partisanship ,
theio being In the papers nothing against
Stewaitasa man or an officer. Lewis is
found to bo "a piopor and competent man , "
and is lepoited lavoiabiy ;
The Leading Financial Committees of
the HoufiO at War.
WAsniNfiTox , May 13. [ Special Tele
gram. ] "There will be no financial legisla-
tlon at this session of congress , and 1 may
add dining the next session , " said a member
of the house committee on tonkin ? and cur
rency , tills momlng. "In the fust place , "
ho continued , "the oigani/atlon of the bank-
In ? and currency and coinage , welghtsjand
measures committees was bad. It was such
as to lead one committee to continually war
with the other. 1'osslbly it was not so much
the composition of the committees as a lack
of undeist.uidlii ! : about their icspectivo Jit-
ilsdletlons. Under the clictpnstanees either
will bo satisfied It the other has no hill
passed. So them has been a waste of time.
Then the administration has not kept con-
giess advised about its wishes for legislation
on finance : and lastly , conirivss has bit oil
moio than It can chow of everything. Noth-
Inir of consequence will ba done. "
SV'What Is the most urgent piece of Ilimnrial
legislation ptoposLdV'1 was asked.
"I think the small silver eeilliioatc's ' would
ha\oa moie dhect and gonoial elli'ct upon
the masses. It would kfun moio money
afloat , and then the common [ people ate In-
teicsted In this kind of money they am to
handle. If we Issue one , two and llu > dolhu
sllvei coililicates yon wont see much of sllvei
dollars , or , In tail , any other denominations
1111(101 tan dollais , excepting fractional cur-
leney. The pioposition to give tlm bulks
10 percent moro cliculation on bonds depos
ited is anotherlmpoitantmi'asmu intended to
putthiityor foity millions Into Immediate
ciicnlatlon. lint It is evident that the bulk
ot the people In all ] > oi lions do not want any
kind ot linanelal agitntlou , and they will 1)3
satisfied with no action.
J , Ktcrlini ; Morton Anxious Aliont the
Now I.ano } OlllccH ,
WASHINGTON , May 1& [ Special Telo-
grnm.J The president Intends appointing
In a lew days the officers of the two now
land districts cie.itcd in Nebraska , and J.
Sterling Moiton's principal work herd Is to
pet his filends into the places. So far , bo
tweent thlity and forty Nebraskans am
four or the rowans have applied , and other
patriotic demociats of these states are < : x
pcctcd to show a willingness to saoiiflce
themselves and their personal Interests um
ollkcis ,
lot ,
has been lor bom"o tiue. |
Farmers in Favor of and Cattle Deal
ers Against Taxing Olpomarjjarino.
WASHINGTON , May I'.1. [ Special Tele
grain ] The pojik and beofpackeisof Nebras
ka are maKlng a milted and very stiong llijht
against the Scott bill , which is now before
tliH liuusu and which taxtts oleomargarine
and Imitations of butter and chce o to the
extent of 10 cents a pound. They are tele
graphing members of the Nebraska deli-ga-
gatlon In congress , and all they can approach
preach , uigiiii ! the defeat of thu bill. These
men are largely Intoiested Ju thomt&suiu , as
t proposes to cut off a profitable market for
ho olfal ot their establishments , and It Is not
surprising that they and other meat packers
mve organized a formidable lobby and nro
naming a most desperate effort to kill the bill.
It Is generally believed that the bill w III soon
bo passed.
Senator Mandeison presented In the sen-
ito to day n petition signed by A iarpo nuin-
) or of cltt7ciiB at Ccno.i , asking congress to
pass the bill taxing oleomargarine , and Sen
ator Wilson , ot Iowa , Introduced petitions ot
similar puipoit from the citizens of his state.
HJ3AU1) pnoar.
Thn liito'llcctual Secretary Again
TulkH Ijllco a Politician.
WASIIIXOTO.V , May W. [ Special Tclo-
Gram. ] Secrotaiy Lunar says that since the
Matcmcnt.has been widely telegraphed , that
Commissioner Sparks Intends to icslgn his
liosltlon , ho has lecolved hundreds of lotteis
from the noithwesl In which tlio writers con-
gratulatea both themselves and the govern
ment upon Sparks' speedy ictlro-
inent. It Is Sccietary Lamar's belief that , In
the gieat majority of cases , these letters aiu
w rltten bv land snarks ami others who have
giown rich through transactions In
iiubllc lands. Ho said no honest , bona lido
settler has anything to fear fiom Commis
sioner Spaiks or any iiillngs ho may make ,
and that ho not only has not lenulred the
commissioner's loslgnation , but that he ( Lamar -
mar ) would \lgorously protest if Geneial
Sparks should Intimate his Intention of doIng -
Ing so. _
WASIIINOTOX , Mayl' ) . A bill parsed creat
ing a new judicial circuit of the United
States. Under this bill the Klchlli clicult is
made to Include Nebiaska , Kansas , Arkan
sas and Coloiado , the Ninth to Include Min
nesota , Iowa and Missouri , the Tenth to In
clude California , Oicgon and Nevada. The
bill also provides that the present judge of
the Ninth clicult , as licictoforo
reconstructed , ucinir Callfoinla , Oregon
gen and Nevada , shall bo
judge of the now Tenth circuit , and that the
president shall appoint a judge for the now
Ninth clicult.
At'2 o'clock tlio general pension bill was
placed bufoio the senate.
Mr. Ulalr explained that It was Intended
to provide tor the disabled union soldiers of
tlio late war who found It dllliciilt or impos
sible , without their own fault , whether by
loss of papers or death of witnesses , to piovo
their cases under existing law. The bill , Mr.
Ulalr said , Included pensions for dependent
parents who lost In the sci vice , but who
weionot , as icquiied by existing law , de
pendent upon the ton at the time of the ser
vice. He did not think the number ot per
sons to be added to the pension loll , under
this bill , would exceed iiTJ.OOO.
Mr. Logan did not think it would amount
to mole than one-halt of that number , as it
lelatedonlv to persons who had not heicto-
toio been able to get pensions.
Mr. Blair did not believe the amount of
money involved would exceed ioOOJOOJ a . Ucrry thought It time to call a halt. He
dlil not believe the union soldleia wanted this
Asaiiilothey weio men able to take care
of themselves.
Mr. Logan said ho would , at thejaproper
time , move that no pension heieafter paid to
any soldier should be less Jtiian tSa month.
We had some pensions ot SI and $ - ! a month.
Mr. Teller Interposed to say that thcie
were over " 0,000 cases ot S'J a month
Denslons. At this Mr. Lo an lematkod :
"What a magnanlmousk pension , ( iic.xt
Ciodl Mr. I'rcsidwut , is notlliis lobbcryV Is
not thisdestioylm ; the peace o thn i > pope | of
Uio country ? It is no wonder that my trlena
fiuni'ATlfnnsas , Mr. Berry , was alarmed lest
the democratic pai ty would bo deshoycd if
pension bills should pass. "
Jlr. Logan further said the United States
eo\eminent had agiecd to pay bounty to
union soldiers according to their service in
the war. And within a few days botoro Its
conclusion icjjlmcnt after icgiment was mus
tered out within ten days ot the cxpliatlon
of their time for the puipose of depilvtnt ;
them ot that bounty. It would not bo time
to call a halt , Mr. Logan thought , till we had
done these soldleis justice.
Mr. Vest then obtained the floor , and after
an executho session the senate adjouined.
WASIIINQTOX , May 13. Mr. Hlce , from the
committee on foreign affair * , reported back
the lesolution icqucstlng the president to In-
lorni the house what steps had been taken to
have thesel/mo of the "David J. Adams" In
vestigated and to communicate at the eailiest
pi.icticabio day the chcumstanccs under
which the seUuio was made. Adopted.
Mr. Woithlnglon , Horn the same commit
tee , reported back tlio lesolution calling on
the president lor conies of any coiiesiiond-
cncewiththo Mexican go\cinmcnt iclathe
to the claims specified In the tilth section of
the act olconsiessoljune , 1378 , and other
information on the subject. Adopted.
In the moining lumrihc house in the com
mittee of the whole leMimcd consldei.itlon
ot the Chinese Inclcmnltj joint lesolution.
Mr. Hlrouiged In suppoit ot the pioposl-
tion , contending that the obligation of this
goveinmcnt to pay damages tested , not on
good will nor the spirit of benevolence , but
upon Intel national law.
Theie weie many pieccdcnts for his propo
sition. In Ibl7 England hud compelled the
( Sleeks to pay an Indemnity for the illtieat-
mcntof tlfe.low , Don Paclfico , in Athens.
loid Palmerston hud been called to account
tor the position ho had taken on the giound
that tiieio was no intei national law to
answer It ; but alter a daj's debate , the
pilnclpal maintained by him had been llxcd
In Kngland so liimly that It never since has
been shaken. The United Slates Itsolt de
manded indemnity Horn China tor violence
done to Us cltl/cns by a mob and by the ar
mament of Kngland bombaiding Chinese
cities , and China has paid the bills althougii
the damage had been done by the aimed
foiccsot England.
When England tluough her carelessness
had let loose ciniseis , which hnd dilven our
commeico tiom the sea the United States ex
pected iliidcmnlty , and he tiustlul theio
would be now an aim as loir. ; and \olco as
stiong to exact indemnity tiom Kugland lor
the injustice her subjects weio now peipe-
tiatlng and seeking to pcrprtiato upon
Ami'ilcau lisheimen. [ Applause. ]
The piesldent had assuicd congicss that
theoutmgcsnt ItocicSpilngs had been com
mitted by aliens , ns had theoutiageb in Chicago
cage which ind boon so shocking to the
countiy. and he ( Itlce ) hoped the mmdeieis
In Chicago would bo visited with that pun
ishment which had not yet been Usltcd upon
their tcllow assasslps.
Mr. McCiaiy thought thcio was no law
compelling indemnity to bo paid.
Mr. Ciuey ot Wyoming moved to amend by
Inseitlng alter the appiopilatlon the \\ouls
"or so much thcicof as may bo netessaiy , "
on the ground that theappiupilatfon was on
tiiely too laign. llota\ois absolute piohlbl
billon ot Chlncso Immlgiiition , and holds
that tlio icspoiiblblllty lor the mob at Hock
Spilngs rested upon congicss on account of
Its lulusal to listen to the demands ol the
people ot the P.icltic coast lor such luohlbl-
lion , As the morning hour was about to
close , the committee lose , and Mr. llelmont
made an ell in t to limit the debate , but pend
ing action the hour uxplicd , The lesolution
was iclc-jated to its place on th calendar ,
and the house went Into commlttco ot the
whole on the diplomatic and consular ap-
piopilatlon bill ,
Mr. Belmont niou'd to Inrieaso fiom Sl" 0- ,
COO to ? l.VJOJd the appiopilation lor contln-
L'ent expenses at united States consulates.
The- motion was agreed to , and the bill
iciioiiedto titr- : ! ! ' - and passed.
Then the bill enlaiging iiouurj fiul duties
of thodcpiitmeiit ot .igiluultural was cui-
bldeii'd in committed ol tliohole. .
Mr. Weaver favored a bill which would
give labor an Impetus which It had not yet
enjovcd. Labor was organizing lora great
contest witli monopoly , and It had the light
to buhcaut in evcty council that might pass
upon Its condition and upon the meed of
power ami lesprct that must be given to it.
Vending fuitluu dUcusslon the committee
arose and the house adjourned.
luital U'rcclc.
Ixi > , Ind. . May 13. Four or
llvepeisons wi'ie killed by tlio wreck ot an
Indianapolis , IJlooiniijgtoii & W.u tuin tiain
Dcmnml AInilo fbr the Ilolcnso of tlio
Adnniq , nut HcfiiBcd.
Dionv , N. R , May 13. The followlnir no
tice was served upon these In possession of
the schooner David J. Adams this morning :
To Captain Scott , commander of marine
police and all other persons whomsoever
seizing , holding on and detaining the schoo
ner , David .1. Adams Take notice : That
the nnde.-slffncd hereby protest and object
against the Illegal selzuie and detention of
cald vessel and her appurtenances , and de
mand Its Immediate icstoratlon to Us lawful
master ; and further take notice that tlm
owners and pai tlss Interested In said vessel
Intend to hold the paitlcs who selred
saidesel as well as these that
may have her In custody , or may detain her ,
llabls tor all damages consequent upon her
selr.urc and detention.
Tin ) above Us signed by Captain Klnney ,
master of the Adams , and countersigned and
concuncd Phclan ,
Phclan left Dlgby at noon to day to enter
his piote , < t.
The captain and oiow of the schooner
Adams lelt hero for Boston In the steamship
Si'ciet via St. John , this evening. The de
mand tor delivery of the vessel was made
this toienoon , but the authorities icfitscd to
dcllvci her up.
. Over-Conlldcnt Republicans.
WASMIXOTOX , May 13. [ Special Tcle-
ciam. ] Sonlo ovcr-eonlidcnt republicans are
quoting the dcmoci.its as saying that they do
not think that It would bo to the advantage
of their paity In 1SS8 to have control of the
next house of repiescntatlves , and that
theicfoio theio will bo no struggle for the
election of their candidates this fall. This Is
n mistake , and the republicans will 11 nil It
out when tlio ballots aio counted , If not be-
foie. On the comiary , I tun told by a num
ber of leading dumociats In cither bmncli of
congress that It Iseoiisldeiod as veiy Impor
tant that ttioy should contiol at least ono
body ot the national Icclslatuic , and that
every effoit will bo made to do It. Caiehas
been taken In the oiganlzatlon of both con
gressional campaign committees and the light
will bo a licico one.
No Guttlo Trail Wanted.
WAsmxorox , May 13. [ Special Tele
gram , ] A stiong protest has been iccclvcd
at the Inleilor department from cltl/.ens of
western Nebiaska against the Coke bill , which
lias passed the senate , establishing an Inter
state cattle tiall fiom Texas to Montana , six
miles wide. The bill leads ono to believe
that the ttail inns tinouili Colorado , but it
hasbtcn dlbcoveicd that It passes tluough
westein Nebiaska , on r.uigo 41 , andSecie-
tary Lumar say. If the bill Is deceptive It
should not be passed.
I ? 11 y I tig Rrhlowcll Blank ,
WASIUXOTOX , May iJ. : The senate to-day ,
on motion of Mr. Loean , concuncd in the
amendments made by the house to tlm bill
authoii/.lng thosecietary of the tieasuiy to
nsceitaln. by appraisement , the \aluo of
liihlcAoIl block , in Chicagq , and convoy it
to tlio Atlantic & Cheat Westein ICailroad
company for n price not less than the ap-
piaiscd value.
Tliclr Time.
WA IIIXOTOX , D. C. , M ay 13. The sel/.ure
ol the Aincilcan fishing schooner , Adams , at
DIsby , N. S. . was one of the topics consid-
vied at the cabinet meeting to-day. Mo
luither action In the case will bo taken by
this gnveinment until an olllclal lepoit has
been icceiml fiom the consul.
Nebraska Postmaster. ; .
I.MIIU.N , i < ray jo. [ . .ijifcr.U ielo
cram. ] (3coigX3" Peter has been appointed
postuulstcr at Princeton , a new oflioo in Lan-
raster county , Neb. , and Chilstlau C. Hanscn
has been commissioned postmaster at Dan-
ncbrag , Neb.
WA H XOTOX , Mav 13. The senate com
mittee on commerce oid-itcd a favorable ic-
poitupon Frye'ti bill to limit the commercial
piiveleges of vessels of foieign countiicsin
poits of the United States to that accoided
Ameiican vessels in poitsof such loioign
countiles. Thn bill will bo icpoited as an
amendment to the . -shipping bill.
A Desperado Downed.
FALLS CJTV , Neb. , May 13. Late yester
day afternoon a man named Shipley was
bi ought to this city with a bullet wound In
the thigh , lie was turned over to a doctor
tor tieatmcnt , The wound is not ilanzoums.
Some ycais aso Mi . Shipley lan away tiom
her home in Mlssouii and came to tlio icsl-
dcnce < it hei father , Cluules Melvln. living a
few miles uoitli of heie. She was forced to
leturn at the point ol her husband's revolver.
A shut l time ago she again escaped
and was again followed by her
dcsnerate husband. This time Mr. Melvln
and his son detci mined to piotecttlio woman
at any cost , and when Shipley called at the
house Tuesday ho was uainod that any sug
gestion of foicc would bo met by force , llo
diew a dagger and made a dasn lor the house
but was piomptly winged by youn Mclvin.
Shipley was ( nought to town by a neighbor
ing fanner and sweats vengeance when he
gets well , llo looks like a tough citl/cn , and
may diaw blood befoio he ghes up Ills wile.
Young Melvin claims th ; > tsluplry kidnapped
his sister when she was only 15 years ot age
and loiccd her to marry him.
A Uooin at Atkinson.
fJAiKixhOX , Neb. , May ! , [ Special to
the ; i5ii : : . Atkinson is a vciy lively , busy
town. It Is making good improvements tills
year. Over fifty buildings will bo elected
din Ing the summer. A school house , cost
ing SS.OOO , will bo commenced soon. It will
be made of the liist brick maiiulactuied at
Atkinson , our new hrick-yaid bi-ini ; now In
limning older. A huge bi ick Catholic chinch
will also bo bulk Immediately. Ciops are
looking line. People looking lor a winter
home will do well to locate heie. Come and
look at nur little city and see how much can
bo accomplished In the Mioit pcilod ol thico
Rrlghton Beach Itacen.
Biiiaiuox UiiAcir , May 111. Italn fell
tluouifliout the afteinoon.
Fhst i. wo , for maidens of all ages , throo-
quaitbisol a mile St. ICIino won , ( lunley
second , Tantivy third. Time , lKO : > f.
Thico-nuaiters of a mile , all aics Donald
A. won , Pal Dalv second , Commander thlid ,
Time , 1:18. :
Seven-eighths of a mile , all ages Miller
won , Moonshine second , liiunswlck thlid ,
Time , lEi. : :
Handicap for all airc-i , mile Valley Foige
won , Bahama second , Jacobus thiid. Time ,
1W.Fifth lace , tor oar-olds and upvvauls ,
Bevcn-elghths of a mile , was declaicd olt' .
Itcwpltod Iteuaiiho IIIHUIIO.
SriiiKnrii'.r.ii , III. , May 11. An allldavlt
signed by lour ) ilijslclans was piesunlcd to
( iovcinor On'li-sby to-day setting lorlh that
James Dacoy , hontciiced to be hanged lo-
moiiow for the minder ol Ahh'iman Caynor ,
Is Insane , and it would be an inhuman act to
hang him. The section of the revised stat
utes has been polntid out to tlmgovoinor
which loiblils- the execution of any peison
whobccomts Insane alter sentence js pio-
nounced. The governor teh'giaplird to the
shcritl that a icspite would be. issued tot a de
lay ot about sixty da\s to allow lime lei In
quiry as to the piisonci's sanity.
sr'snd Till
Cinc'Aoo , May ID. Tha boaidcf review ol
tlio National Tiottlng association to-night
finished Its session heio and adjouinud to ie <
assemble in New Vork on the lust Tuesday
in Decumbur. About 100 cases were up lor
consideration , many of which weie con
_ _
A C'oiniuUsioti Failure.
BALTJMOIII : . MftylU. The grain commis
sion house ot I ) son Bios , made an assign
ment to-day to llany A. Parr. LiabllUIcs
estimated at 03,000 ; MM ( cainiut Lmcal-
uiutud. . . ' . .
York's Now Court House Attempted Poi
soning at O'Neill ' ,
A Onsollno Btovc Kxnloilcs lit lc
Mollies With Fntnl llcattlta An
Iowa Farmer Snlcltlca
Poor Hall IMaylnjr.
Yotk County Court HOIIBP.
YoTitf. Xei ) . , May in. fbpcclal Telegram. ]
The contract for the election of the Voik
county court house was let to-day to David
15. Howard of Lincoln for S48.UV ) . The mat
ter has been exciting oui people for some
time , and all hope that the cnurt house ques
tion has been disposed of for all time. Mr.
llovvnid'.s bond for SW.OOO was appiovcd and
Is signed by the following gentlemen ot Lin
coln who qualified 111 tlio following
amounts :
J. H. Wrbsti-r , SJO.OOO.
J. H. MeMliily , S100.000.
C. L. Biiwman ,
Kels , t Bullock , S10.0CQ ,
J. 11. McClay , S10.0JO.
Woikwlllho commenced to-morrow and
the building will bj completed on or before
July 1 , IbbT.
' '
An O'Neill rarmor Ctalino to Ilnvo
Itccu PolHonotl by Ills WIPo.
0'Niir.L , Neb. , May 13. [ Sprolil Tele
gram. ] A fanner named Uonjamln Harmon ,
who resides about sit miles southwest of this
city , was brought to town this morning suf-
ioilngfrom stiychnino poisoning. Medical
aid was procured and antidotes adminis
tered , llo claims that ho took sup
per last evening between 8 and 0 o'clock and
was given the poison by his wlfo in a cup ol
tea at the Instigation of ono Charles Smith ,
who came with them to Nebiaska last winter
liom Wisconsin. lla\lng been given nu
oveidoso it acted as an emetic.
Haimon Is about fi5 yeai.s of age , and is rn-
polled as nqulct , Inoffensive man. Ills wife
IsiJSyeais old. ChailcsSmith is a man led
man , his wlfo having left him in Michigan ,
and is about 33 yeai.s ot age. Papers have
been issued for the aiiest of both parties.
Harmon is thought to bo out of danger.
Hlch developments are expected.
Score 1O to n Sullivan's Pitching
Freely I'ojindcd TJOOSO Play.
LINCOLN , Neb. , May U [ Special Tele
gram. ] The game between the Deiner anil
Lincoln clubs to-day diow another largo
audience to Dm fee's park. The visitors put
Change in the box , and gave him a stiong
suppoit at evoiy point , winning easily by a
scoieof 10 ton. Sullivan did tlio pitching for
tlio Lin coin lies and was pounded lather
feely , a total of 1 ! ) base hits being
charged up against him. There was some
clever holding and heavy batting nt times on
both sides , but as a wnolo the game was
loosely plavrd. Wciden has thus tir made the
best lecoid in the bo\ for Lincoln , though
Sullivan is accounted the most skillful of the
two.The score by Innings :
Demei : ! a 0 0 0 1 3 0 Af 10
Lincoln .00030 a 0 0 0 5
A How Among Soldiers Kcsulcs in
'fwo Deaths.
* 'L
Ai.iiXTixn , Neb. , May W. [ Special Telo- r-lj
giaii ! . ] A deadly shooling affair recurred at
Fort Nlobiara ycsterdiy. A soldier oil
guaid went to tlie dining "room of his com'
pany quietly and thcio engaged In d quanel
with the corporal of his company which re
sulted In the coiporal alapplntr his lace. The
soldici relumed to the guaid house , secured
his gun and went back to the < p.iaitei ? , shoot
ing the coipoial through the head , Indicting
a moital wound fiom which ho Is now dying.
The soldier attempted to escape , but wos.piir-
sued by the scigeant of the guaid and otheis
who ho liied unon. They relumed lire , the
man was killed by the seigeant. Dining the
firing a valuable mule was kllhd.
Nebraska City Child Murder ,
LI.NCOLX , May 13. [ Spi'da ! . ] Mrs. Shel-
Icnbeiver , as stated in jesteiday's BKK , has
been icturncd to the Nebiaska City jail from
the penitentiary , where she and her husband
were taken tor safekeeping. It Is repotted
that she has confessed all about the minder
of little Maggie Shcllenbergcr , her step
daughter , for which ci line she and her hus
band were arresled. She chaiges her hus
band with tlio cilme , no doubt In hopes of
saving her own neck. Another icuoit Is
that Mr. Shellenbcigci lias confessed to the
minder and that IMS wife was paityto It.
Kinthorniore , that the plan was to Kill the
girl , believing that the miiuido theoiy would
be accepted , and then when the allalr had
quieted down to kill Maggie's bi other , bury
the corpse , and siy he had inn away. Mag
gie ami her biolher weio hcli-s to a valuable
faun which their father and their stepmother
wished to gel hold of by putting them out of
tlm way. These Moiies about conlcsslons ,
however , aie not genoi.illy believed.
Took Strychnine.
Iloi.nimoi : , Neb. , May 13. Miss Annie
Mooic , daughter of J. Wllkes Mooie , took
stiychnino at Rlwood last evening and died
at 10 o'clock this morning * , Domestic trouble
was the cause.
A ( Jnsollno stovn ICvplodcs , and n
l''jirnicr CominltN Suicide ,
Iis : MOIXIS : , In. , May 13. [ Special Tclo-
giaiu. ] A Crcstou special f-ajs that tlieie
was an explosion of a gasoline lamp there to
day , in connection with an electio-theiapeu-
lic bath appaiatus. The phjsiclan who was
handling It , Di , W. II. Clulstlu , was seriously -
ly binned , and his patient , a 1Iearold
gill , was very badly binned about the feet
and limbs.
A special troin Paten , Orreno county , says :
Mr. A. H , Reynold * , a well-to-do fanner liv
ing four miles east of here , took a dose ot
poison , whether accidentally or othciwlseln
not known , about noun ycsteiday , and It Is
thought he will die. No mason is known for
his attempting suicide. Ho was. In the to > yu
Iniylin : tamlly supplies , and while heie pur
chased a small quantity of ether and lauda
num. It Is ri'poili'd that upon arilving at
honiu he mixed the ait'cles ' and swallowed
_ _ _ _
A Itccelvor Discharged.
Dr.s Moixrs , Mav Kl. [ Special Telccram , ]
-In the Unlled islates clicuit couit to-day ,
, t. II , ( iiinnell , leeelver ot the lovva Centinl
i.illmad , made a iinal accounting mid Ills
bondsmen weio disclaimed. Ho was up-
nointeil receiver ten yeais ago and the case
between him and theralhoad Imbbccn pond >
ing for seven yeais.
Docildi'd to Incorporate ,
PANAMA , Iowa , May 13. Ala tpeclul eke.
tlbn held ho 10 to-day It was decided by a ma-
joiltyoftlevrii to Incoipoiatoasu city. A
full vet was polled but the majoilty was
smr.lli r than was expected , Most of the nill-
wayemplojesotcd against the piopositlon
to ittcoipoiate.
Mccnue In Ohio.
, Ohio. May ly , The leglslaluio
to-dfty passed the liquor tu-c bill , wlilch Is a ,
iiM'iiactun'iit ol the .Sjott law and wliitrj
goes intu eltcct from date.
Nchraaka Weather ,
I'or Nfbiaska : Local rains , followed by
lair vvialhcr ; uoailv btatlonary teiuperatur *