Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 13, 1886, Page 8, Image 8

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Jt is Used Against the Oity Attornoy'i
Salary Ordinance.
Utoro of the Mercer Cnno Itnllrond
Hiftttcrn The Arkniifmo Ktlilors
Lnucr's New I'rlnl Ilic Cnlilo
Co. Minor Mention.
The City Coucll'
The regular weekly meeting of the
clly council was hold Titosdn.C will
nil of the aldermen present. The foi-
lowing business was trnnsnctuit :
From the mayor Approving special
ordinance making appropriation for ex
penses of the city during April and other
ordinances passed at the hist session of
the council. Filed.
Same Vetoing the ordinance Increas
ing the salary of the city attorney from
$2.000 to ? fl,000 per year. The veto roads :
"He is now receiving $2,000 , per annum
nd $300 each year for the servicu of type
writer. Last year one of the best law
yers in the Htato , Judge Lake , offered tc
jxttcnd to the ollico for the urcscnt salary
ami 1 nominated him for the position
but the council refused to make a change
To-day there arc quite a number of at
torneys , men who stand equally as Ingl
in the profession as the present incum
bent , who are ready and anxious to ac
cept the position for $2,000. Under
circumstances I must with-hold my ap
proval of the ordinance. "
The veto called out a discussion among
the councilmeii. Alderman lee said thai
it was not a question of what salary tin
present city attorney should draw. Tin
work Is worthy of more pay. Alderman
Uailey also spoke In favor of passing tin
ordinance over thu veto. Alderman
Behroedur spoke in favor of su laininp
the mayor's action. On call of the ayes
nml nays , the motion to pass the ordin
ance over the veto was lost , failing in tin
required two-third voto. Uailoy , Cheney ,
( joodmaii , Kitsner , Leo , Manville and tlu
resident voted aye. with Ford , Goodrich ,
E owery anil Sehrocder voting in the nog
From the mayor Approving the curbing -
ing contract with Murphy , Oreighlon &
Co. City attorney.
Same Appointing Chas. Kaufman , C ,
Ilartman and Edwin Davis appraisers of
damages for certain changes of grade ,
From board of public works Submit
ting time of C. . F. Ilartman , inspector of
paving. Finance and claims.
Same Recommending the following
named persons us inspectors for ensuing
year : Peter O'Alalloy , inspector of ma
terial , Gco. L. Demis , Jos. JJ. Callalian ,
J ) . Komistor , Geo. Hume , inspectors ol
paving ; Matthew liohiml C. F. llamann ,
Jacob Scilicet , of curbing ; S. Poland ,
Panlol Sullivan and L ) . JJoLaney , oi
Bowers. Confirmed.
Same Presenting contract and bond
of Creightoii , Murphy & Co. , for paving ,
1'roni City Physician Showing fifty-
two deaths and 100 births for thu month
Of April. Placed on file.
Same Recommending the main tain-
nnce of post house. Police.
From Usher & Russell Asking for va
cation of certain alley in Bedford place ,
Of Charlotte K. Turner and others ,
protesting against change of grade on
Tenth street. Grades and grading.
Of property holders in various parts ol
the city , asking for tire hydrants and gas
lights. Referred to proper committees.
Of property owners , asking for crea
tion of paving district from Brown street
west on Cuming street to city limits ,
Paving , curbing and guttering.
Of property owners , asking thai
slaughter house on Cuss fatrcot be abated
as a nuisance. Police.
The vote confirming the mayor's ap
pointmunts of inspectors was recoil
ftidcrcd and the matter referred tt
the committee on paving , curbing and
Of property owners , asking for cstab
lished grade on Pierce street west-fron
Twentieth to Phil Sheridan. City , engi
Of property owners , asking for perma
nent grade on Twelfth street. Grades
mid grading.
Of property owners and residents , ask
ing for the abatement of nuisance ii
upper story ot brick near the Arcadi
liotel. Police.
Of Omaha Brick and Terra Cottr
works asking for special policeman
Of A. D. Jones in relation to alley it
block 14. Grades and grading.
Of property owners on Leavcnwortl
street , in regard to grading for Cable cai
line. Grades and grading.
Grades and Grading Recommending
a now board of appraisers for damage.1
in changing the grtiuo of llarnoy btreet
Same Recommending passage of or
ilinanco changing the gradeon 'J'hir
toentli street , between Doreaoitnd Coutei
streets. Adopted.
Same Recommending adoption of or
dimuico changing gnulu of Davonpor
street. Adopted.
Police Recommending passage of or
diuanco regulating police uniforms
Gas and Kluotric Light Instructing
city clerk to correspond with thu autlmr
tties of other cities in order to obtain in
formation as to price , quality and use
fulness of gas used. Adopted ,
II V Manville Directing chief of lire do
partmmit to onuso grounds adjacent K
engine house No. I to be graded. Adopt
ed.Ky Goodman Instructing street com
missloner to repair grading and curbinj
on Tenth St. Adopted.
By Same "Instructing oily auditor tc
put a telephone- the ollico ot the tiitj
pound. Adopted.
By DailoyInstructing board of public
works to repair all of thu paved t-lrueti
Where the limitation of the giiaranleoi
time has expired. Adopted.
By Leo Instructing city treasurer tc
collect personal tax ot Joseph Bouclian
nan. $50 , instead of $ . > CO on account of i
clerical error. Adopted.
By Bailey Tlireo feidcwnlk resolutions
Adopted ,
Authorizing the ejty treasurer to maki
n transfer of certain funds to the
fund , Referred to sowurago committee
Providing for appropriation for pay
r.icnt of liabilities incurred in April
Vacating Eighth street between blocl
178 and ITU and all of alloy extending
through said block and authorizing tin
Union Paeillo railway to use and oocup :
the sumo for the mirposo of freight depot
Viaducts and railway ! ! .
Vacating alloy in Bedford place , cas
of Bull railway , fur use of the iron foim
dry. Passed.
Authori/liig tlm appointment of ap
praisers to all\ ) damages for opening o
an alloy through certain property 01
Ciipiloi hill , Passed.
Lslablishing gmdo of Sixteenth strop
L.\ko street to north city limits
Grades and grading.
Changing grade of Thirteenth strce
fr.oni Dorcas street to Viiiton tlree
Passed ,
Changing grade of 'Sixteenth etrcc
from Howard to JxavemvovUi an. I 0
ts of Jones , Jncfcsou ,
Fourteenth. Fifteenth and Seventeenth
Streets. Passed.
Changing grade of Twentieth strcol
13M feet soiitii of Pierce street to Dorcas
street. Passed.
Changing grade of Fifteenth street
from Jackson to alloy south of Leaven-
worth and a part of Jones street and ap
pointing appraisers. Grades and grad
Establishing grade of Capitol avenue
from Twcnty-sixt street to Twenty-sev
enth avenue. Grades and grading.
Changing grade of Davenport street
from Ninth to eleventh and of Tenth
street from Capitol avenue to Chicago
street. Passed.
Ordering construction of sewer in , dis
trict No. 3. east of Fourth street. Passed ,
Regulating police uniforms. Passed.
Adjourned. _
The New Ii'rvlRlit Depot Notes nml
The Union Pacific freight depot , men
tion of which lias already been made in
the DKI : , is without doubt an assured fact
The site will bo between Seventh and
Ninth streets and Jones and Jackson
streets , and will take up the whole ol
blocks 178 and 171) ) . The structure will
bo of brick and iron according to the
best designs. Work will be begun with
in the next two weeks , and it is thought
that the structure will bo completed nc
later than November next. The building
and yard will occupy u space 028x281 foot
Sn extent. All the local trcight will be
handled in the new depot , and in tills
way the switching ami backing over
Tenth street crossing will bo avoided. It
is expected that the Rook Island road
and the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul ,
and possibly the Northwestern , will use
the freight terminal facilities thus u lib ril
The regular meeting of the passenger
agents of all the railways in the state
was held at the B & M. headquarters
yesterday. There present Mr.
Trncsilalu of the St.Paul As Omaha , Mr.
Stubbing of the Union Paeilie , Mr. Fran
cis of the B. it M. , Mr. Buchanan of the
Sioux City & Paeilie , and Mr. Milligau ol
the St. Joe & Grand Island line. The
principal business of the meeting was to
arrange rates for excursionists and per
sons attending conventions , etc. The
old rates were mutually agreed upon.
which fixed the passages at one and
ono-third fare. The agreement about
rates to ministers , theatrical men , etc. ,
was again renewed. Other minor mat
ters wore considered , after which the
meeting adjourned.
W. A. Strawn , formerly general pas
senger agent of thr Rock Island , is in the
citv. Ho came hero to confer with the
Union Pacitic ollieials about the introduc
tion on this line of a now contrivance
which lie ha invented for draining out
the scaly deposits in locomotive boilers.
Mr. S. claims that this patent is most suc
cessful in operation , and if all expc-ri
mcnts are satisfactory it will doubtless be
adopted by the Union Pacific.
Yesterday a gang of North Omaha
roughs headed by L-rank Kuanp , assault
ed an old man named S. II. Plum. Offi
cer James , of the Law and Order League ,
happened along at the time , and inert-
fered in behalf of the old man , when the
roughs set upon him and drove him off.
Mr. James will bring the matter into po
lice court to-day.
Yesterday a corps of Union Pacific
engineers wore at work on the track on
Leavenworth street , between Tenth anil
Eleventh streets , straightening ono of the
side tracks , taking out ono of the switches ,
by way of preparation for running a
switch up to McCortl , Brady & Co.'s , at
the corner of Thirteenth and Leaven-
worth streets.
_ _
It is to 1)O Located Near Bellovuc I tt
The rifle range to be used by the sol-
dicro of tliis department in their annual
competition tins summer hasat Icngtli
been located. The bite was selected b }
Col. Henry and is north of Bcllevue , in si
cleared grove of timber on a high blull
overlooking the river , and about oOC
yards from the railroad station the prop
erty for the most part belonging to II. T
Clark , of this city. It is a lovely place
for a camp , high and dry , favored will :
noel .south winds and shade , with fish ,
ing near at hand. There arc six trains u
day going to and roturninir from Belle-
vuc , giving our citizens an opportunity
to see the rillo practice ami .spend a pleas
suit day in the woods , and affording the
tjoys in blue an easy opportunity to got
to Omaha for the evening , returning foi
work early next morning. The competi
tion for prizes takes place in August and
wjll doubtless bo largely attended. There
will be skirmish firing on the new raugi
from time to time , with the general prsic-
tico firing from Juno until October.
In speaking of the now range to-day ,
Colonel Henry said : "No one can
complain of danger , for there arc nc
houses within miles in the direction ol
lire. The range for troops coming is
more accessible by railroad thanl-orl
Omaha , \vhcro men had to bo hauled by
wagons. General Crook , for his in tores !
in this matter in keeping the practice st
near Omaha , and making it attractive foi
citizens , is to bo congratulated , as alsc
Mr. II. T. Clark , in selecting this pleas
ant locality for the rango. It is a .singu
lar fact that this place selected for targe !
practice ot the United States troops was
cleaned out years ago by Indians for ( nil
tivation and has not since been used. "
More of the Council UliiiTr * Mercer Cnni
The latest contest in the Mercer casef is
in regai d to the judgement given ngainsl
Mrs , Frank , nllna Hubiir , for sj',000. Ilei
attorneys claim that they wore taken tin
awaies , and have moved to have the
judgment sot aside. They goi
the matter ( continued until yosterdaj
when they promised to tile uflidavits ane
Mich showingd as are needed to supper
the motion tojhave the judgement se
aside. The attorney for the Mercer gir !
will sock to got time granted to pro-
para allhliivitt ) and showings to rcbu
Another chapter is promised in tlu
cai-o. It la the declared intention of Mrs
Huber'B attorney to have her brought
hero and Mirrc.iuerad ! , placed in the ens
tody of the sheriff , and then commence
habeas corpus proceedings to soeuro hoi
release. Such proceedings will lead to i
review of the evidence on which Judge
Aylcsworth held her , and it is cxpectci
that some legal questions may arise wldul
may result in setting the woman free
Such will be the ultempt.
The Arkansas
It was intended to give the Arkansa :
editorial excursionists a handsome rccup
( ion lnOniiha ; , and arrangements wen
being carried out with that cud in view
but the arrival of the gentlemen yesterday
instead of on Friday has spoiled the pro
grainino. The association met nt Pine
Bluff , Arkansas , and only twenty-four oi
the editors started on the excursion , Ai
Fort Scott they were dined at the leadlnJ
hotel by General Manager Ncttlcton , ol
the Fort Scott & Gulf road. At Kansas
City they arrived ahead of time , ami the
consequence was that no ivcep
lion was given them there
Fourteen of the editors reached
Omaha yesterday and took a look ai
the city. Yesterday they wont ovoi
Council liludfc and 'returned to Omaha a
4 o'clock , Six or se.veu moro of the ex
cur&iouisUvhu remained in Kansas
City to witness the tornado , arrived ir
Omaha yesterday Most of the partj
started for homo last night. They an
very much pleased with the nppcarnnci
of Omaha , and expressed their apprcoia
lion of the steps that were being taken l <
give a reception , winch was prcvei.tce
by their unexpected arrival.
The I'nss
A peculiar turn was taken yesterday It
the case against M. 11. Darnell , chargci
with having committed forgery by rais
ing the date upon n Union Pacific pass
The principal witness against Darnel
was Fred Knight , a young fellow wlu
teslllled that the data ot expiration of the
pass had been raised from May 8 to Ma
18 when Darnell gave it to him. Ycstor
day Detective Valentine , of the Union Pa
clllc , obtained evidence which promise !
to fasten the guilt of the transaction upot
Knight. Darnell's case was accoidingl.'i
continued until Friday and Knight placet
under arrest , charged with the forgery.
It Is claimed that three witnesses will b <
produced at the trial to-day who will tcs
tlty that they saw Knight raise the date
of the pass. Knight practically adniiltot
his guilt yesterday , but sald _ ho wouli
stamt an examination just to sco wha
the other fellows were going to swoai
against him. It was : i close call for Dar
null , who could have been easily con
victed under the circumstances againsi
him had not thu witnesses ag.iinst Kuiglv
been so opportunely produced.
Army llrlcfe.
First Lieutenant George B. Walker
Sixth Infantry , is detailed for duty on tlu
general recruiting service for the depart
incut of the Platte at Fort Douglas , Utah
vice First Lieutenant S. W. Groesbeck ,
adjutant Sixth infantry , relieved.
Leave of absence for eight days ii
granted Major C. M. Terrell , paymaster
U. S. A. , chief paymaster department o :
the Pintle , Omaha , Nub.
Leave of absence for one month ii
granted Second Lieutenant Magnus O
Hollis , Fourth infantry , Fort Omaha
In compliance with instructions froiv
headquarters of the division of thu Mis
souri , Mr. William Chambers inspector
for the purchase of cavalry horses in the
division of the Missouri , will proceed to
St. Louis , Mo. , and report to the elepol
quartermaster at that place on Alay 12
188(1 ( , for duty as inspector of horses to be
purchased in that city , and upon comple
tion of this duty will return to this city.
Police Docket.
Rose Malcl appeared in police cour
yesterday as accusing witness agains
Archie Carron , whom she accused of en
tering her room when she was intoxicat
eel last night and robbed her of four valu
able rings. Botli were French and then
angry jabber at ono another proved high
ly edifying to the court and the crowilii
the lobby. The judge was unable to decide
cide at once and took the matter undei
advisement. The two rings wore fonm
in Carron's possession and returned tc
the girl. Carrou claims that she loance
them to him.
Nelson Hike was fined $3 and costs foi
disturbing the peace. John Anelersoi
ami Wallace Hike , arrested on a sinulai
charge , were released. J. E. Holster wai
h'neu $ o and costs for drunkenness. II. A
Turner , a Colorado miner , who te
Omaha lo have a good time , and was ar
rested in au intoxicated condition , was
A Happy Time.
A pleasant social event was held las
evening at the residence of Mr. Riclum
Burdisb in honor of Airs. Nellie Norton
from tile Sacramento Call , who is visit
ing friends in the'city. . The affair was
managed by Miss Rosa Ford. The
guests were numerous and agreeable
Messrs. Connolly and Burdish sang "Tin
Ship That Never Returned , " and recoivct
hearty applause. Misses Delaney
Noonan , Ormsby and Cosgrovogave reel
tations and wore applauded by all pros
cut. Thomas Ruane , fireman from No
3 , recited "Raudeod O'Rafferty" with ex
ccllent effect. At 12 o'clock , supper was
announced The tables were spread will
an elaborate repast. Beajuliful flower
wore upon the tables and were neatly ar
Welcome Homo.
The leading members of the Stad
Theatre comyany , consisting of Jeai
Banreis , Elise Baureis , Emilic Puls Alii
Otl Puls , Randolph Horskoy and S. Colin
arrived last night from Milwaukee. Thoi
will bo assisted by others and appeal
next Sunday evening at the Stadt theatre
on Tenth street , in the mumoioalcomedy ,
"Die Bidden Ballot Madchen , " or "Hoi
Family. " If the weather bo pleasant , th <
entertainment will bo given in the summer
mor garden. It will bo the first performance
anco given there this season. The on
tcrtainmont will bo an excellent ono , be
cause the leaders and the support are ex
collent. Last evening the party wai
serenaded by Hoffman' band.
Interested in Asparagus.
"Is this the Millard hotel ? " asked i
half-masculine looking woman of Regis
try Clerk Crocker in the post ollico yes
"No , madame , " answered a gentleman
a leader in religious circles , who stood
by. "Tho Millard hotel is tlireo blocks
down "
'Have you much use in this place for
asparagus ? " she asked of Crocker , pnyin ;
no attention to gentleman of religious
Crocker looked in amazement and tin
other walked away with thoughts warmoi
than Avernus concerning the Btnpidin
iiml ignorance of people in an enlight
ened community.
"Spot CaHh. "
An audience oven larger than that o
thn preceding night greeted M. B. Cnr
tis in "Spot Cash , " It was on the occn
of the first presentation of the piece ii
this city. The piece is neither so stron ;
nor entertaining as "Samuel of Poson,1
while the star is "Samuel of Posen'
throughout , though differently drossci
and tilted. IVspilo this fact there i
enough of forced humor to entertain tli
crowd , not enough to warrant by an ;
means no great a success as was the orig
innl piece. A little moro versatility oi
tliu part of the star would bo greatly up
Delivers vs. The Union 1'nclflo.u ]
The Union Pacifies are arranging fo
their match game with the Denver *
which will bo played at Athletic park ii
this city , on Sunday next. Two ncv
members have become connected will
the Union Pacifies. M. Wesley , win
played witii the Dallas , Tox. , league nim
last year , will play second base with tin
Union Pacifies , and John MoGreary u
short stop.
The Delivers played with the Lincoli
niuo at Lincoln yesterday , winning tin
game by a score of 8 lo 0. Other game :
will bo plaj'ed between the same club
au Friday , Saturday and on Monday.
Another Real Estate Purchase b ;
Mr. I < \ li. Ames.
Mr. F. L. Ames , vice president of tb <
Union Pacific ye&terday pur
chased , through his agents , &
by 133 feet of ground a
thoOlsouthwcst corner of Howard am
Eleventh streets , from Dr. Mercer and
Dewey & Stone , the consideration bohig
| 30,000. This Is the second.lusivy pur
chnso of Omaha real esWlohiado by Ames
within thu past week , ill B said that ho
proposes to erect upon the lot at the
( southwest corner of Eleventh and
Howard streets a live -or * ix-story busi
ness building.
Prospect I vo >
Marriage licenses Imvo been issued
during the past week to Iho followina
persons :
NAMIP. : r.r.stnr.xrrA AOI.S. :
W. 1) . Kelsey , Plum CnJok ; . " > 3
Ida S. Horton , Ccdnrville , (111. ( , . . . '
llixns U. Oleson , Onmiin , . . ! . . . . . . ! M
Anna Peterson " . 'J5
Henry Letts. . . . " . . . . 2rt
MarySlerck. . . . " . KJ
J. K. Irlviel . " . 137
Mnry Jacobsen , " . 35
Albert Johnson " . at
Myrtle Howe. . . " . 16
Anton Various " . 21
Lizzie Pclllien " . 20
tiauer'fl Now Trial.
"I do not care to play a part again in n
theatrical pngcaut , " said Judge Savage
yesterday , when questioned about Lauor's
now trial , "and 1 for ono should prefer to
have the second trial of our client take
place in another county than Douglas.
Wo have not had a consultation yet about
securing n change of venue , but will dose
so very soon. Ibcliovo that in another
district wo can secure n verdict which
will not bo affected by certain intlueuces
which were brought to bear at the last
trial. "
Alter n "Converted" Jew.
For several nights back a party styling
himself "Dr. " Rosedale , and claiming tc
bo a "convcrled" Christian , lias bece
lecltiring on Jewish habits and customs ,
and' ' pretending to describe life in Jerusa
lem. Ho lias given offence to the Jewish
people of Lincoln , lo whom his misrep-
roscnlalions arc known. They have ac
cordingly invited Rabbi Benson , of this
city , to" reply to him , and Iho laltcr has
accepted the invitation. He will speak in
.Lincoln on next Sunday night.
Kylo'H Cnsc.
Soniu weeks ago an information was
filed with the county commissioners
charging Constable Kyle with drunken
ness and conduct unbecoming an ollicer ,
and asking that ho bo removed from the
ollico. The case was sot for hearing on
May 5 , but through some error in the ser
vice the case did not come up. Kyle has
now been .summoned to answer to liic
charges before Iho commissioners on
Wednesday , May 18.
A Scare of Dust and AVIntl.
Last evening about 7 o'clock a wind
rose suddenly in the west and swept
down Farnam with great force. Great
clouds of dust tilled the air. A cold wave
rushed from the north. People thought
a cyclone had arrived , and beat hasty re
treats from the dust and 'expected ' vie
lence. In live minutes the annoyance
and danger had passedaifil the sky was
again bright , though the air was cold.
.Tall Itirils.
Sheriff E. D. Woodbridgo and Deputy
Albert Young , of Sweet Willow county ,
Wyoming , wore in the city yesterday en
route to the Illinois penitentiary with
William Colowho doesifour yearsfor rob
bery , and a Mexican named Galligo , wlin
is to servo a five years sentence for man
slaughter. They rested at the county
jail here during Iho day.
Forfeited His'Contract.
F. Lunge was , about two weeks ago , bj
the county commissioners , awarded the
contract for digging a ditoh for the
drainage of North Omaha , the price be
ing 12 cents per cubic yard. Lange
failed to furnish the necessary bonds and
the commissioners yesterday awarded the
contract to the next lowest bidders ,
Peterson & Hcnrikson , at 17 cents per
His Throat la Healed.
Henry Kesslcr , the man who cut his
throat two weeks ago on Castcllar street ,
and who has since been in St. Joseph's
hospital , was discharged Tuesday by
Dr. Ayrcs. His throat has healed , but
the prospect of a happy life , because of
his marital trouble , is not a very strong
VVIIlIluild lit Once.
At a mooting of the stockholders of the
Cable Tramway company hold on Tues
day the following resolution was adopted :
Jtcufilvcil , That the ilbeclors of the Cable
Tramway Company of Omaha are requested
lo locate two or more miles of roail , locate
mid purchase ; power site1 , and proceed at once
to build from power bullellag to eastcin ter-
Raising the Assessment.
The assessors of the different wards of
the city met yesterday afternoon in the
county commissioners' ollicc , and agreed
to raise the assessment of local property
from 5 to 25 ] ) er cent as the value ol the
property justified.
The Sulcldo Burled.
The body of Anton Schaab , who com
mitted suicide by hanging Monday , was
interred yesterday in Prospect Hill
cemetery. 'Tiio sister of the unfortunate
man sold her house on the bottoms to defray -
fray the expenses of the funeral ,
Fined $1O nnd Costs.
O. C. Bannister , the young man who
has been trying to impersonate an ofllcor
among the doml-mondo , was fined $1C
and costs in police court yestordaj
Ho paid and was released.
Whcnyou come to Li ncoln , stop at tiic
Commercial Hotel , if you waul hoinr
ooiuforlfi. C. W. KITO HEN , Propnelor.
Albert Johnson and Miss Myi tie Iloucl
wore united in marriage * by Judge Me
Culloch yesterday afternoon.
Chas. Hanloy , who sustained a broken
login the runaway accident on Tuesdaj
evening , was resting comfortably yester
day and will recover rapidlv.
A stranger was hold up at the cornet
of Jones and Seventh street on Tuesday
night , and relieved of a plug of tobacco ,
his only wealth , by a coupleof trumps
Gcorgo Balloy , who robbed Mrs
Wood of $200 on Sunday , has not ycl
bean captured. It wtis thought thai he
started tor Chicago , but left the train a !
DCS Moincs ,
Rev. Asbury Lowry , D.'D. , will spcal
m Iho South Tenth street M. E. churcl
on Thursday evening. Ladies mooting ai
8:30 : n. in. , Thursday. 'Conducted ' bj
Mrs. Lowry.
Mrs. liatllo M. Ellis has commenced
suit for a divorce from her husband , C ,
C. Ellis , alleging desertion as snllicicn !
cause therefor. She also asks lo bo given
the custody of her child.
A social reception for the people o :
St. llaruaba's and their friends will be
given tills evening ut the
rectory from 8 to 11 n. m. A vorj
cordial invitation is hereby extended Ic
County Commissioner Corliss has gone
to St. Paul for Iho purpose of inspecting
the Lake Superior stone with n view ol
using it in the construction of the retain
ing walls to bo built around the courl
The ladles of Trinity Guild IiiiVO Land
Bomoly fitted up the room at 1413 Doughs
street , and-are serving luncheon there
oa'cb. day Jroiu noon until U,80 p. m. The
prococtls arc to bo donated to the nd ! o
the Child's hospital.
Thot. Carnt'Hio , the well known Iroi
man of Pittsburc , accompanied by his
daughter , RHs Helta , nnd Mrs , N. C
Hnulloy , Miss llrndloy and Mis ? F. N
Colcman , arrived in the city yesterday ,
The party nro on thuir wuy to Sar
Frnnoisco ,
11. W. Croinor has commenced suit ir
Iho district court to secure n deed to ccr
lain city property whloh ho nllrccsvni
purchased by him from Mrs. luith E
Dolownre , who refuses to comply will
the contruct of sale , and will not furnisl
the deed to the property.
The property owners of Twontlotli
street Imvo boon notified to meet at the
ollico of W. J. Kennedy , ono of the ap
praisers , nnd show cause , if they have
any , whyTweiitioth street should not bt
opened to a full width of 00 feet , from the
north line ot K. It. Smith's addition tu
Spruce street.
The Knights of Labor will give a crane
ball at the Exposition building l-ridaj
oyonlnc. May 14. As the Missouri Pa
cilic strike has been settled , the proceeds
will bo Used for purchasing u lot In tlu
city with the view of erecting a hall litho
the near future. The Musical Unioi
orchestra will bo on hand with thirtj
pieces. _
Personal Paragraphs ,
G. W. Home , of Wisner , Nub. , is in the
11. E. Vnnduvocr of New York is at tin
Hon. John Y. Stono. of Glenwood , In.
was in the city yesterday.
City Engineer lloscwatcr left yesterdaj
for St. Louis on a business trip.
Mrs. J. 11. Wicki/.er , of Chicairo. is r
guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Smith.
Miss Alllo Uolan , of Allegheny , N. Y. ,
is in the city , the guest of Airs. I'hil Me-
C. W. Adams , assistant general pas
sensor agent of the Pennsylvania line
was iu the eity yesterday.
Mrs. K. C. Hills , Mrs. Hailey and Alls !
Stella lloekwoll , of Missouri Valley , an
in the city shopping to-diiy.
G. 11. Ismail , representing the Cambru
iron company is on a regular visit to thii
city and is registered at the Paxton.
A very enjoyable evening was spent al
the house ot Air. and Mro. G. T. Smith ,
Tuesday , May 11. it beinir the oeeubion ol
their tenth anniversary. The presents
were unique elegant , nnd useful. Amen < ;
the guests present were : Air. and Mrs. 0' ,
S. Raymond , Air. and Mr.s. Alex. Hen-
ham , Air. and Mrs.M. K. Uisdon , JJr. anil
Airs. Snrnguc. Air. and Airs. Joseph AVut-
son , Air. and Airs. Stephen Joyce , Mr ,
and Airs. 1. Lovett. Air. and Airs. AVili
Tabor , Airs. Jacobs , Airs. lolan , Airs
Bradley. Mrs. AVickizor of Chicago , Aliss
Elder , Aliss Kendall , Air. Flynn , Air ,
Banks , Air. Alaul and others. Many regrets -
grots were sent.
Prepared with special rcpnrd to hcalU- .
No Ammonia , I < lnic or Alum.
Lincoln Steal Dye Works
W. D. ROBERTSON , Prop'r.
Onico No. HOe O St. , Worl S.H. Cor. F. & flth.
Lincoln , Nob. Cents' Clothlns Cleaned nnd It
National Bank
Northwest corner Fnruum and 13th Street * .
Paid up Capital , - $200,000
Surplus Fund _ - - - 60,000
President. Vlco President
Cat-liter. AsCaslilor. .
Account elicited nnd prompt attention ulvon
to all business onlrusto J to Its caro.
Pays I-'lvo par cunt on Tlmo Douoslts.
( In bulldln ? with Oinnlm Duslncss College , N
W , corner lUth nml Douglas Sts. )
Students prcpaicd for till kinds ot
Practical Reporting.
Wo nl o uivo Instructions on the TYPE-
l-'orlull particulars address or cnlUtShor-t
Hand Institute.
13th St , Cor. Capitol Avenue ,
Chronic & Surgical Diseases.
DR. MoMENAMY , Proprietor.
Miteeujt-ara' ITiisufml and VriTuto 1'raUice
WoluAo the fncllmen , apparatus nnd remedies
for the successful treatment of e > crjr form of dis
ease requiring cither medical or eurylcal treatment ,
and Invite all to come and itivcttljjutu for thcinsclm
or correspond ltlim. Io ; expcrti-nce In Itrat-
Invcatea hy letter fnablen nil to treat many uses
tcicnUdcally without Boclnp them.
WHITE J'OH CIUCULXIl on Deformities and
Brace * , Chih Feet , Cnrvatarca of the Hplnc ,
UISEAIKI w WOMKK. men , Tnmora , Cancers ,
Catarrh , nronchitia. Inhalation , Electricity , Paral
ysis , Epilepsy , Kidney , Eye , Kar , bkln , IJlood aud
all aurglcal operations.
Ilutterlcit , IiiliBleri , Ilrucrv , Trassm , and
fll kind * of Medical and Surgical Appl'ancte , man
ufactured and for Bale.
Tha only reliable Medical Inititutt making
Private , Special $ Nervous Diseases
from \vbate\cr cause produced , ucccusfully treated.
We can remove Syphilitic poisou from tue tyct&ta
without mercury.
New mtoratU o treatment for losa of power.
Call and consult ui or tend came and poet-ofllce
address plainly written enclose etaap , und we
w 111 ( end you , In plain wrapmr , our
SEMINAL WKAKKESS , SrtHHATonrutBi , ixrorxx.
OiiiXAKV OmiANi , or send history of your case for
an opinion.
I'tmons unable to vie.I us may bo treated at theli
homei , by coirrfpondcnce. Medicines and Instru *
m uti aciit by mall or express Sl-X'UHULY t'AUH
El ) t'KOM roarkitoln < tli.aU
coutenU or scndci. One personal Interview pre >
fcrrcd If cootenltut. Fifty room * for the accom
modation of patient ) Hoard and MUndanif at
reasonable ptlccs. Address all I.ettcra to
GKi'ja ' Medical and Snrgica ! Institute.
Cor. I3U\SU ndCintolA e OUAIIA. H.-fli . '
The Alarming Increase in Baking Pow
der Adulterations.
Among recent Important discoveries by the food analysis Is lliat by Prof.
MOTT , U. S. Government Chomlst , of large amounts of llmo and alum In
the cheap baking powders. It is a startling fact that of over one hundred
different brands of baking powder so far analyzed , comprising all those sold
in this vicinity , not one with the single exception of Royal Baking Powder
was found free from both lime ami alum.
The use of alum is lo produce a cheap baking powder. It costs less -than
two cents a pound , whereas pure cream of larlor cosls forly. Us effect upon
the system has boon ascertained lo be poisonous , and overdoses have been at
tended with falal results. Lime is Iho most useless adulterant yet found in
baking powders. Ills true that when subjected lo a heat a certain amount of
carbonic acid gas is given off , but a quick-lime is left , a caustic so powerful
that it is used by tanners to oat the hair from Iho hides of animals , and in
dissceling rooms lo more quickly rol Ilic llcsh from Ihc bones of dead sub
The effect of lime upon flic delicate membranes of the stomach , intestines
and kidneys , moro particularly of inf.anls and children , anil especially when
taken into Ihc syslom day after day , and with almost every meal , is perni
cious in Iho extreme , and is said by uhysicians to bo one of the chief causes
of indigestion , dyspepsia and diseases of the kidneys. Chemists have found
12 per ccnt.,01one eiglli of Iho weiBhl , of some of Iho baking powdcrs.prom-
inotly sold in this vicinity , lo bo lime. The wickedness of this adulteration
is apparent.
The absolute purity and wholesomcncss of the Royal Baking Powder now
affirmed by every chem'st ' and food analyst of prominence , and conceded by
all manufacturers of other brands arises from the exclusive use of cream of
tartar specially refined by patent processes , which remove tolally the lime
and all other impurities. These facililics arc possessed by no other manu
facturer. The Chemist of the Department of Health of Brooklyn. N. Y. , in
which city the works of the Royal Baking Powder Company arc situated , af
ter recent numerous experiments , reports :
"Isubjected several samples of the Royal Baking Powder , purchased from
dealers in Brooklyn , to chemical analysis , and 1 lake pleasure in slaling
that this powder lias attained a most remarkable purity. I am unable to do-
leclthe slightest trace of lime tartrahnn it , while all its constituents arc
pure and of the highest quality. The 'Royal' is a baking powder undoubted
ly of Iho grcalesl leavening power , and perfectly wholesome.
"Chemist Department of Health , Brooklyn , N. Y. "
Fine Business Lots at the South End , and
Beautiful Residence Lots !
In the north end of this Town. Two nnd one half milca from the Omaha po.1
office ,
TEies © are Quarter Acre Lots.
CTaklDg Into consideration tbo streets and Micro ) , and ore ( Old
One Quarter Down ,
Bnlancoln 1 , lands years at7 per cent.
The Finest Suburban Lots ,
Around 0n ha. MO feet nhove the Mluotirl niver. Konlicro clso About Oman.i are locate J such liand-
tome eltcn for Mortett , Medium orKlcgnnl homos.
lUYeMUuto tills and nocuro eomo or Mils line property.
Before a Higher Appraisement is made.
DON'T UEMEY'i : a word of his until rou Imvo thoroughly InvcJllc.UOil It.
That tills propiMty Is only two nnd ono half mllca from Omaha's builueu center.
Tlmt the altitude tililuli.
That the locution In beiuitlful.
That maple trcci nr planted on onch Mda of thn rtroets.
That cucli lot contains ! > , ttK ) nquarn ( cot with 23 foot ulley.
That Iho ttruct * lire 80 and 100 fei't n I'to. '
That there are elx ( tummy trains cuch way , baiUloi the ro uHr trulni.
'J'liut the ttroot cam run lo within ono half mlla ut then.
1 hat the mrectcar will run there thli ,
That the price Is ono tulid lisit tliun Is uskiil for property tlia ia-Ji9 dbfict-j In otbtr dlMCtlo n.
That the lots nro onn third larger than moit othois. - - - : ? c = 3jnj
'Jlmt tticy nro biickel by u syndicate rcprotcntlnj tlO'OOJ )
Ilia- there ba already bean expended Imi.reoi ( l.UJI.IU an 1 l..H ) . ' / ) ) .
1 liat there Is n floe nybteni or waterworks , furuljuhu pure ijxln ; w < it > r.
That the railways nil center there. ,
That South Omuha Is n town of lltrlf.
That It has Itu uwiT ponlolllru.
That It lus lie own railway ntatloa.
That U ban Us own liewt ruper.
In Fact
tlissTecryt bine tomato the property the my ben paylr.g Inreitment lu : t > > alitoto t-iliy.
Look Into It. Examine It Carefu lly
Don't Buy a Lot ,
Until you ere conTlnrcd that there Is no ponlblty of lucuri-lng a losshe liun.ltnms rmlenoi loti nr
one mlle Itils tide ( directly north ) of the U.XON brocu VAiuii wbcro art located lUo Eeci.
Beef Sstatelioltm en.t
Whlcb In ten yean will be the LAKQKST INMJ8TR Y In the wen and will makn property worth par foot
what Is DOW asked fora lot. The drain .120 of thcuboro Initltutbmi Is perfect and flows tuulh from thaluna
Any real citato agent will act ! you lots. Man wllli horsa and carriage ut the aiobvJnnrnal untce. at Uis
"Summit , " Boutla OiJihu , has maps and prlc : lists and Is always ready to show property , for f urtUor lu-
Uirxulloa maps , pilre Hits und detcriptlvu circulars , uadreis ,
M.AB UPTON , Manager
' ' ' "
. ' ; . . / ; " / . Omaha , Nebraska.