Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 13, 1886, Page 7, Image 7

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Advertisements under th s hoa4 lf ( conoTpoT
I no for the first Insertion. T cents for cnch
BubBtquent Insertionnnd , H.6C n line per month.
Ko advertisement tnkon for less than 25 cents
fortho first Insertion. Severn words will bo oaun
ted to the lines tlior muet run consooutttrolr
and mustbo pild In ndrnnco. All ftdverttlO'
tnonts must bo handed in before 2 o'clock p. ra.
nm ! under no circumstances will they b0 tak
en or discontinued br telephone.
Parties advertising In them column * nnl hfir-
ingtho answers addressed mciro of Tup. HEB ,
wIllplcnBO nsk for chock to enable them to got
their letters , nsnono will bo delivered except on
prcwnlntlon of chock. All nnswors to ndver *
tlscuiontBShould bo enclosed In envelopes.
$ inoono o lennon city rcsldcnco property
aoo.W.Iny , 14C3 Fnrnam. to
_ _ _
MONKV to loan on chattels of nny dr crip-
tlon In sums of ? 10 nnd upwards nt ronion-
nblnralrs. city Ix > nn nnd Mortgage Co. , lloom
15 , HOI I'arnam St. , opposite Fnxton Hotel. 283
TiroNKY to lonn nt reasonable rntos on
J.'JL horses , furnlttiro , watches nnd otlinr por-
poniil property without removal , Small pay
ments tnkcnnt any tlmo nnd Interest reduced
In proportion , Iluglnc < H confidential. C. J.Oiu-
well , llonm 10. Iron Hank llulldlng , 12th and lar-
nnm. Tuko elevator. 400 ,
MONKY To lonn on improved farm * ) or rnsl
ilcnco lots , on ono year's time. Homo Flro
Insurance Co. , 1515 Douglas St. 152
MONKY TO I.DAX-On residence . .
8 percent. No commission. C. J. Cnswoll
& Co. , Hooin 19 Iron Dank llttlldlng , 12th nnd
Furnntn. * 3M.
$ 130.00O lo loan. Sums * 5)0 ! ) nnd upwards.
Lowest rules. Ilcmls , 15th and Douglasjos.
$ noooon to loan on business and residence
property In sums of $1,000 nnd upwards.
Ames , 1507 Farnain st. W9
FTM ) LOAN Money in any amount
JL On nil clnpf.cs of security.
Phorttimo lonns on renl ostato.
Longtime loans on rcnl estate.
Moncyto lennon chattels.
Money to lonn on collaterals.
Money to loan on any Rood security.
Tormfl onsy , tlmo to suit.
Apply ntthoOmnhn Financial Kxohnn ? * ,
Ilarkcr'n building , BW corner of
Fifteenth nnd Fnrnam sts. upstairs
MONKY for ovcrynodyl \ ou can borrow
money on furniture , horses , wnirnns ,
plr.noa , stock of all kinds , diamonds and flno
watches on your own tlmo. Payments received
t any tlmo , and Interest reduced pro rata.
Property loft In your own possession. Terms
low ns the lowest Cnll nnd see mo. Business
confidential. Nondvantngo tnkon. W. ILCtoft ,
lloom 4 , Wlthnoiri NowllutlOJng , Northcnnt cor
ner 15th nnd Hnrncy. 112
TO I.OAN-O. F. Davis * Co. Iloal
MONKY and Loan agents , 15U5 Furnnm St
TO LOAN-On peed eecurltios. A
1'J-McGavockt room7Rodlck niock,1509Farnnm
Bt nu
TO LOAN On real cetato nnd chat
tols. D. Ii. Thomas. (5 (
MONKY TO rOAN In sums of $200 and up
wards on first-class renl estate security.
Potter & Cobb , 1516 Farnnm St 010
TVfONKY LOANED nt C. F. Ilrcd & Co's. lx > ( l
A'JL offlco , on furniture , pianos , horses , wairon
personal property of all kinds and all other ar
flclcsof vnluo , without removal. U19 S. nth ,
over ninirhnm'8 Commission store. All hus-
nosa Btrlctlr conndontal. ! > I7
Foil KAT.H Now store bul'dlnc : good loca
tion for moat iniukct. Address F fl. lice
odlco. 65.V17 *
BUSINESS CIIANCK A mnn In any live
town cnn do a profitable- business In our
Roods nlono , or In connection with furniture or
any class ol liouso-furnlshlnir Roods or trroo-
erles : Riimll cnpltnl nnd htiKoprntltR. For par
ticulars address "Mnuufucturor , " 01 Snnunor
street , lloslon , Muss. DOS-JO *
FOK SAI.R Moat maikot , Includlnpr build-
InpBtoamnnd ovcrythliiR complete. Will
oxclmnRo lor city property or land In Nebraska
OH SAT.R 0no _ of the bcsjt restaurants In
JL' the city ; splendid location ; good trade ;
terms very rcnsonnblo. sPnrko.
( Oil SAT.K In first-clans location , grocery
Mock nnd fixtures : small capital rouuircd :
rent low. Imiulin at drug store , 10th nnd
Douglas. 787
FOIt SArK-'i,0(10 ( will buy a Ronornl stock
of jroods toirother with the tfond Wlll of a
well established nnd llourlthlnir huslnosa In ono
of Madison county's best towns. Ilnlanco of
pnvmont on very llnoral terms , llcnton for
Holllng pntlHl'iiotoilly plvon on application. Address -
dross T. I ) . Ac Co. . llcoOllico. ( m
Foil SAIjK Coutor , show cases nnd stock
of Sirs Foljror's fancy st ere 30D N 15th st.
Bhort tlmo only. 417
F0 KXCirANr.K-Stooks of ( roods of every
kind , for farms nnd land ; also lands to ex-
chaniro for ( roods. If you want to trndo , no
matter hnt His you have , wrlto , with full do-
Bcrlpilon. to C. n. Jluync , real estate broknr ,
Omnha Noh. 1C8
V\'ANTii > rooxchnniro for stock of hard-
> -waio nnd Ronnral morclmndlso , DflO acrosof
flno 'J'lmynr Co.Nob. , land ; Ii lota In Oonou ,
Nob. , ( food store bulldlnir ( host corner ) ; ( ? eel
dwclllm ; ( l > eit location ) In Kssoi , la. , also 8)
acres J } mile from town of Hssoit , In. , seeded In
lilno arass. For further particulars address
John Mndorliolm Central Citr Nebraska. 0.11
PiitSONrAT-$12'.1Owm : bnyn flfllmtd wood
rofrlaoriitor : $17.10 will buy n ? Jrnfrtifor-
ator and otlior flos at propoitlonato prlcos.
Ili'St inudo for preserving food and economy of
Iro. Cull and Innpovt thorn at Mood } ' * C'lilnn
Sloie.ilfO North 10th st.
KIISONAT. , rirt olnss burlinr will onll at
lesldonconnd do Indies' and children * * ' hair-
In nil the latent styles : fihnmpoolntr ,
iiciiir and dyoinjr , Cilll or address , lint bor
y I'arimm at. 6.11-15 *
] ) iilsoNAr : Ncat and lusty all-wool liusl-
nofifl stiifJ for only $7.80. AH slros. Mall
orders llllcd. L. O. .lono-i A ; Co. , 1 JO'J Fnrniun.
_ _ OVl
PKICSOXAL To persona who wish to build a
homo In Oi chard III1I , X will fidl lots upop
tmj mont of the nominal sum of ton dollars and
imianro at the nnd of Ilvo year * . IntoroU at B
per cent , payablii soml-annually. This Is tlru
lirst ell r ever tiindo to nny homo-soeUor In this
city. Call and son mo. C. 15. Mtiync , S. W. cor.
IDth and I'limum. IJT'J '
Poll 11 l.'NT-Hoom and board for t o. 1013
Capitol uvo Jt
LOST Strayed or Plolonyearold mnro
colt , ilutk blown color , rojio murk on hind
foot. Fimlor will bo rowtmled by lotuinfiiK to
MuWooii's rtfon shop , 13th and Lcavonwotth.
6MM l
An account book. The Ilndor 111 center -
tor n luvor on mo by rutuimliif s tine to this
olMco. T. ! ' . Mulllirnn. fiSO-li ! *
STIl.VYlCO-rrlday.Mny 7th , a wlilto and rod
hi'lfor , U yours old , ultli short ciookud
horns. Howard olfortd if lotnrncd. O. Win-
qul it , 1'ilQ 8 ICtll Ot. 5-II-18 *
TOsT A ( lordon seltnr pup , S months old :
Milack with tan loot , 1'loaso i ft urn to 17K1 N
ailh ft , and ictcno suitable ictvard. ( 'yitts
Klmmoll , CSI-12 *
rpAKKN lU'-Dark bay mare , nhlto light
1. him ! toot , wlilto star lorohcail , Httipo on
iioro. Paul Tlilesson , lluir Ottk ndd. , west of
Qtiulcy's boup tactory , 1I8-2S
111' Ono shenp. Owner can have
J- NIIHU by provlntr propoity and payln ?
Koi ataiSS. lothrt. Apr SKM-JIay 0-ia a )
HIiilllDii , Jrto'c Sheppard , .Ir. , will
mnku thu Sousoii of RSU nt Omnha Kiilr
0 rounds , tftauda Ifl ! hands hlRh , ol li8 ISM
Lis.ilB Uio liu o > t mid ljiiniUoiiio > t Hamblrton-
Ian In the wut. lliuod thu mine as Dlroctor ,
iit -t I'hullas , * : Wand .Tny-r. > oSitJU : : . Call
and see him and his stock. TCI .m , the sea-
bon. Adam Thompson. 615-J9
"f \ H. " A HC11 Kit , Tttto of Iho llrmof Archer ,
J- ' . Albright Ajlcsuorth , and ' ( Vlllliiui
Fitch , the Ice dealer , have lurmcd a paitnoi
chip to do a foucui ! teal estate Inieincss un
commission , and would cordially jnvJto ull tholi
Irl'jiuU ' to Hit tliolr property wltli us. Archer &
Fitcu , aiSfl. ISlh St. Tflophono.T ! . UoO
.V WI.I2K easily innilo at homo ; picas-
ant work forl.idlia aud iromlotutMi ; na
liiB ; bend "c for cltoular. CHionolyiie _ jlll- ! '
IHIYY aud ccsspoois clciucil by K. Itulnfr , V ,
O.Ii i27. 610my.S
F'oil JtKST--A ftoro on n good t ft ( ill etrcet.
Apply the OmuHu lloiil Katata nivl Man
-fTiniKNT-dquaro 1'iaua , .
JJ Ho pp.lM3Douj.j. ! VI !
A t &ttk , fcSLjWj . S *
OR HHNT-cquaro Piano , $1 monthly. A
JIospo , 1513 Douglas. 10
Il 1 . 12 per month. Ho po ,
1513 DouRlng.
Foil SAM-I have n horses , Imu'o.l pony ,
5 WflRons , i sets of harness , to sell or trailu
for renl estate. E. Savage , 720 S. 13th , near
Ixmvcnwortth "
_ _ _ _
SAM ; r- , cows with Hereford 5aTvo3f"l !
thorouphbtcd Hereford bulls ! ZO prado
yonrlliif ) bulls ; 20 Bnulo hoiforB. Apply to 0.
O. KiiMlaHo.l Cloucl , Nob. _ 67710 *
_ , , - . oy cow and calf.
H-Jtonncdy. 1300 Douglas. li3K
FOH SAI.i : The finest mntohod carriage
tenmlnthogtnto , sound , kind nnd safe for n
lady to Urlto ; can bo seen nt Omalia fair
grounds A.jriioiiison. 614 _
I/qil HAI.i : Furniture and fixtures complete
In Mvcn-ronin house ; hoimo can bo tented
forMOnino ; will also ell moat mitikct or rent
thosmnn. Call or nddicss 1J21 Howard street ,
Omaha , Noh 377-12.
"I OH SALE , Hod-room fet , good ns now , at n
I Oli SALK Fifty shares NebroTkn and Iowa
1 Insurance company's ptock.also llftyshnios
. cV.9.rn ' 'o'no I.nsuranco compitiiy's stock. 1
A. Miller Council Illuffs . : H1M2
A. MIUjKU I will buy your Nebraska and
Iowa Insurance stock and pny you forty
) orcont pioinlum on jour cash inyusttneut for
.lie satuo. J. W. Morse.
TWltSAl.i : flicap , line top bugn' . A. llospo ,
J.1 1613 Douglas. 5CQ.J10
F OR HAIjR Household furniture , hotoe ,
btiTOy harm 88 , saddle , oto ; will sell cheap.
nquliolfllO Kariiain
FOR SALi-Atiothor : car load of No. 1 milch
cows at JJrklRO Vnrds. Penny Sc Jester.
418-13 *
7 OH 8ALK Woolfor4003-yoir-old stcots ,
t1 lKW2-joir-old8tuors ,
! ! 001-year old stuci a ,
400 hoofers and cows , mostly coming on.
The above cnttlo nro good straight Iinni and
Dakotnstock. Stuuigo IJi-os , Sioux City.
FOR SALIC Cheap , parlor , bedroom and
kitchen furniture , carpats , stovoa , etc. , In
Rlx room cottage. Llbciat terms If IBKCII In
bulk. Apply lajl Cass St. 440
FORHAl.n-Or trade. Ono new SB II. P.
lloilor and21 H. P. Kulnc. Will aoll-clioap
'or cash or trade for iloslrablo real ostato. Ad
ilrcssOoo. A. Pry. Uolhuicu. Iowa. C.IJ
FOR SAM : Ono good horse. IU10 Furnatn.
FORSAM : Square piano , $50 , monthly pay-
nionta. Ho9po , 151II Douglas. 007
FOR HAM : Match loams and horses ot ai
kinds to suit cu toinovs at Star Bale Stahlos ,
20th and Cumliur. M. ( Jannoii , Prop. 777
T71OR SAM : Anew steam roller mill In No. 1
-L business locality ; line wheat country ; but
Itllu competition ; $17,600 ; coal uioro. w. H.
Orccn , 215 S 13th st. K ? )
SAM-1Tprlrlit : ! ptimo , sno. monthly
pnymonta. llospo , 151H Douglas. WJ
flOIl SALi : Haled hay. W. J. Wolshans &
Co. 033
Foil SAfjK Doslrablofl-room homo and full
lot on irrado : all In splendid condition. Call
at 078. flthst 814m22
t \ 7ANTJn A Ilrst-clnss laundress. Appiy nt
> > the Coz ms coVia
WANTUU Uutton-liolo makers , llisrainam
Bt , 84-14 *
TTANTin A lady cnshlor ; must write n
* plain business hand. Apply at onco. SI.
F. Mai tin , 310 S 10th st. U02-12
l/-ANTii / > A nurse for ono child. Apply
T southwest coi of 2-d nnd Howard. '
o'TKD A dllllnK room gill at Now York
restaurant , 711N 10th st. C04-14
WAJ TKI > An elderly lady to tulto cnro of
child 20 months old , 110 S 25th , bot. Doug-
Ins and Dodge. ( WO
W Girl at 450 Convent st ; smnll
family. to"
\7ANTii ) A girl for general house worK ,
012 3 IBth St. 010-12 *
WANTED A dining room girl at Dornn
house , 'Jill rainnm Bt. 003
w ANTiu : 1) ) cook nnd 2 good dining room
girls ut 1413 Douglas street. 5DO-12 *
W ANTKD-A nurse gill at Gil S. 18th St. J.
: L. DoUovolsc. 012-14
W ANTiu A flnt-olass laundress at City
llolol. ( ! lii-12 *
"llTANTii-Glrl lor KO'iorul boiiKovork In
> small fiimlly ; no chlllrou.11 Davenport
street. 57U-U *
WANTii ) Two ( rlrh for kitchcnwork : for- !
miin preferred ; good migos. HUT How
ard st. BT14 ! *
WANTii : > A BOOd jflrl for hotel work In
country town. Apply at once ut Occidental
Hotel , 10th st Ur.V. . Klik > O'.a-lU *
\ \ L7ANT13D Girl to do gonoial housework.
Apply 3414 Harnoy. i.51-ri *
> ANTHI > A nurse Rltl at N. 15. cornered
and Casa streets. fj5B-15
w IANTK1I A good kitchen girl. 117 S. 17th.
&T.U-17 *
W ANTIIU A good lady cook , 42J North
15th st ; good wages. tJOl-l.i *
WANTUlJ-flirls to nil 33 KOOI > places ns
cooks , Focoml gltls , Klrls for KcnouU
housework , chambermaids , dining room , kitchen -
chen and laundry glilsu ; wagea f3 , $3. & ) , ( i
and $5 per wcok. Call and nslc about tliom.
Omalm Bmploymcnt Hnronu , 1120 ratnam. No
charges. U&12
" \\7A.VTio Flrst-clnss woman cool : at No.
> > 120 N. 15th Bt. 61MS
ANTED-GIrl at 810 South 16th St.
IUC-13 *
WANTii > A tlrst-class cook and Jaundtoss.
Call at Wabash Ticket ollico. Trunk K.
ANTIin Eoiunstressos at Cunflold Jl'f'g
Co. , llth and Douglas , up Etiiirs. Z-ll'
: ! ) I'lrat-qlnss waiter : ono speaking
Oormnn nnd Unglish piofonod , at I.uro *
poan Hotul , South loth bt. . . - - 49-12
ANTJ3D Olil for gonctnl houfcOHork ;
Gciinan prolcired. 12J1 llowatd ht 5V-12 ! *
WANTJ3I ) A girl for general housonork
and 1 nurao girl. Inquire 'AfJl $ S. Kith
St. , uctncun and
Acumpntont woman to do kit
clion nnd tt'iiorul housu ork. Apply S.
W. oor. 20th find Webster. 6i'J
WANTI3D-A Ilrt-clas9 girl for genera ]
housowoik ; muse bo a good cook ; itono
but flrtt-rlitss nouil upplyvaiox $ ! per month.
2f."J 1 Jnvcnnoi l st. 3.0
T \7ANTii ) GUI for gpucial housowoik ,
l I cornci UIouilo iiudCamiibulUtrceU.iioith-
west cornor. B01
WANTKD A geol glil for general house-
worigood ; wages. . Inqulio25U Capitol
avvnuc. ' "JJ
PANTii nntrhiis cook and liumdrcsj.
2305 Huiium. Jits. J. > I. Tluiratoii. 'Ml
W : > Ladles nnd gentlemen in city or
country to take light work nt their homos ,
{ 1,00 to fl.tniadity ca'liy m.ulo ; work ecut by
mull , no ciuu'iissliiirvnlnivon good demunl
for our woik , niM turnlsh steAdy employment ,
.AddrcH , with stamp , Ciowu M'i'g Co.'Mi Vine
Bttoot , Cincinnati , OUlo ,
ryANTKU-Oood klUjhou girl at 413 N. 15tli
ANTI5U A liiluMiinn for the country , wol
VT posted in gouoial morclmudisr , must
speak the loiv Uoimiin language. Apply to
Now York Dry ( ioods stoic , 1U10 uud iJll I'm
iiiuu sttctt. Bis-ill
Hollable Ealojiiion who urn follol
tliigouloixfrom tteiun ueeis to soil our
LJOII Bcnlo ltomo or lor removing scales fion
Klcam bollris. 'JhUiutlelo U tlio Lest of tin
Und i > ver offmcd Wo will mnl o very llncra
tcims with good falosmon , I.yon Chemical Co.
Clovoland.jphio , _ OIl-U
\A7A"NTnir Tciiins nnd mi'ii to work ol
It gi ado In Omaha View. HalUV MoKltmuy
651 1 *
\\fAXTii : 2 carriage patutuis nnd 1 boy nt
Uiattun ArDruniuiond's Curilngo Works.
11 , ANTii > 30 men for Illicit woik on rail *
ro d ; steady orLuprs ; (1.76 a day ;
board 4J60 per \\ectt , K , B. Albright , Lnbor
Agency , ISOSVmmuu , MT
\i'ANTii A good man to establish
i > In the gcnu tiirnlBhlng goods and lint tint
cnn business In conncitlon with a uoll ostab-
: islio.l , tlrtt-clnsi merchant tnllorlag busluoss
boat loom und locution lu tbo city. AdilrebsC
A Andurson , 0 > aud Island , Noh. 648-14 *
T"t fAKTKn few llrst class experienced cat
ITusiurs mid agents to htindlo our tire ci
tlngulAliorg : extra InJiiccmunts. Address , The
Louis Hand I'lio ExtinguisherOo..fti-Mli Are
C.' 83S-U *
\ \ T.XTii - IJoy 15 to IK ycni-s old to work lu
i Ftoro und take cure of two horses. Addrut
with rofuronco. If 11 , H o oflico. U&-IJ
WASTKD-Flrst-clasg cook for depot hotc
at Kinorson , Ne ! > ; tba boat ot lefercnco
icqulrcd. Taylor & bherman.
WAXTRD Laborers , tcomsters , nnd pick ho\ol men ; stcaly Job. R. S. Al
bright H. It Labor Agency , 1U3 Fnrnam. 331
od , reliable furniture salesman -
man who cnn ootno well recommended.
l F. Martin 310 S. 15th. gl7
" \\rANl'io : Pnlpsnfcn needing profitable cm-
i ploymenU Salary $75 and uxuonsos. Goods
tnplo. sold by onrnplo. Address , with stamp ,
. -S. Mfg Co..Chicago. POImri *
WANTii : > A situation In n wholesale gro-
eoiy or coinmls'ilon house , by nn outer-
irlslngyoungman. Address I' 10 , llooolllco.
OJfi-12 *
AM'ii : ) lly n woman , n situation ns
housekeeper , Call at No. 218 N. Oth ft
60M6 *
\\7AJTTKH lly o.xpcrlonced business man. to
Invest a few thousand dollars In banking
or other established rohnblo business. Address
'or ono wcok , U 70 , Ucoofllco. 601-U
as fireman orgcnern
Morn ; German. Apply August Ilnuor , u ,
B. Hotel. 612-ia-
\-\'ANTin : To buy horse and buggy chcnp
> for cash , or rent for the summer , lee ?
iorco Bt. 074-14 *
To rent n 5 or fl-room cottage
nltliln'i tnllu of P. O. Stnto rent. Ad-
dtoss I'D , lloo ollico. C73-13 *
' : > For mnn and wife , suite of un
f nrnlshod rooms with or near boat d. Ad
dress F 7. llco ollico. M311
" \TrANTio A good gontlobuigy horse , with
VT spring wuiroti nnd flimlQ harness ! to bo
inlil for In monthly payments. Must bo cheap.
Addro-s 1'9 , lice ollico. 6J7-14
ANTnn-Dostrablo building lot nt ono
or If cheap would buy Improved ! gl\o mo
otnml location. F1 , lloo ollico. 610-1-
A small store on 10th st. for a
ton store. Lcavo particulars at Dr. Wood's ,
cor. 15th and Dodiro sts. 433-12 *
TTITANTKI > InsMo property. E. F. Ulngcr
TT has customers lor Insldo property from
? 3 500 to f 15 OOP. HI ) n. 15th street.,4)1 } .
WANTiu-50 teams. E. S. Albright , M , It-
Labor Agency , 1303 Farnam st. 42'i '
\T7"ANTJi : ) Houses for good tenants. J.I
V > Kvans & Co. , 1J1J Dodgo. 013
F OU KKNT Hrlck ynrdj South 13th st. Cnll
nt 710 N. 18th st. WJ-18 *
Tioit lliNT Eight room house , southwobt
J corner 25th and Chicago sts. Newly papordJ
md k-ilsoinlncd : city water nnd nmplo cistern ;
eve thin ? in llret-clnss lopnlr. Posacsslon can
boghcn MaytOth. liuiulro on promises. 071)12 ) *
Foil HUNT The Koll's hotel food and sale
stnblo. Ilrlck burn OJ bv 7i' ' , flame bum 6U
iy 100. Possession given .Itino 1. Inqulro of
iolst k Spctinan , Kiel's hotel , Cottncit llltilTs.
SAI 1 ! 5-room cotlniro to ho movOd
away. W. J. Welshans , City Mills , 8 < H I'nr-
nnm tt. KW
TT\K KKXT-nosldonco wllh 0 looms and
Jd bath ; nil modern conveniences ; nioo yard ;
ocatlon , . st , four equates from rarniun. It
dcsltcd , will lease for ono or two years. Ham
In & lliown , 311 South llth st. OCS-17
FOH HKNT Good honso of 0 rooms , largo
lot. corner L'ltli and 1'aclllc. Apply 112 S.
IHh. COV15 *
171011 HINT After Juno 1st a 11-room house ,
JC 111 N 13th. $75 per month. CE Muyno , 15th
nnd 1'armun. % ' I47" > '
POll 11KNT Hou o , bain , JIB , Leu\9ii orth
st. , 8 blocks west Park nvo. Uo71' ' , cl I y.
432-h *
OK HUNT ID-room houso. 1BU I'lirtuim.
It. C. Patterson. 4J
F OR JtCNT Largo rosldenoo. 013 S. 17lh st ,
Inqulro nt Oil , two doors not tli. U87
FOIt JtKNT For ono censon , 20 ncros liny
hind In Kensington Place , For fnrllior In
formation nddiess Mat Hovel , Pierce , Neb.
I ; > OU J.iXT Grand Army Hall , No. 1314
Uouglns etioot , will bo let to lodges and
societies at loasonablo rates : is on tlio second
lloor , easy of access and only ono block fioin
the dliroiont Ptrnct cur linos. Apply to I ) . A.
Hurley , 1114 Dodge street. 365-1U
Foil IlliNT 70-acro farin.T. Murray.
71 ; oo
| 71OK JIKN'T Nlooly furnished room Mith
l > board. 714 N. lUth st. 017
POlt. 11KNT Saloon , und fixtures for sale.
103 South 10th st 503
Tji OH HKNT-Urlck yard. T. Murray.
I7VOK SACK At a bargain , flno 'J-oom liousj
I. with modern convcnlonoos ; full lot ; on
Harnoy st , uoar i3th ! ; $3,2JJ. Potter & Cobb ,
1515 Furn.\m fit. 95'J
P OH JIENT Guidon tarm. 003 3. llth St.
7.2) )
Poll HINT Nice O-room cottao. S. T.
Poti-TSon. S B. cor. 15th and Douglas. OBI
T7\OK \ lU'NT A largo nicely liirnlshcd front
JL ? room suitable for tuo gimtlomcn , $10 iiplcco
porjinonth. IbH Wolltorst. 51)0-12 ) *
Foil IlKNT 2 ImmNomolv fntnl hed looms ,
400 N. Ifltb St. , 3d tloor , Kstnbrook blocir.
Mi-14 *
IiOH HiNT Hoom with bonid for goutld-
man. llofcioiico loqulrcd , Appl1721
Douglas St. ' " > 01J12 *
Foil HINT Hod room , with use of parlor ,
$10 per mouth , Till California. CUI-11 *
Foil HUNT Ollico loom , 320 N IGtbstioot.
, t 51)3-14 )
T71OH HKNT A suit of dQsIrahto.imturHishoS
JU rooms. Inqulront I3i/i Daveupoit'it.r ' > .tiil
HUNT A suit ot unfurnished looms.
1 Inquire221 N. lUtlist. fbi-ii ] ; (
TiOIl HUNT 2 iinfurnlslieil"looiiis siiltiiblf
1 for housekeeping , Ibtli tt , Eccond house
fiom I'iorco , cst side. OS3-13 *
T71OH HUNT Furnished or unfurnished
.L looms with or without Inunl. Inqulio 4.
Kstabiook block , 3.1 lloor or iljl slioo storo.
Tlioil HUNT A nice front Teem , furnished ,
-L1 for ono or two gontloumu. liKjuliu 1010
POH HUNT-rnnilehcd looms , 1313 Cat. st.
OS1-11 *
171OU HUNT Nicely fiiinl-hcil' liont roonj
' bultablolor two goutiumpn ; SS5. I'lOlj ( loss
st.oppS'iiiiuo. fi'iM'S'i
TT-OiritKvr A nnrly furnished 'front VciSmi
JO 1st lloor. A. Iloajio. OW-J7 '
Foil HUNT tiirgo nowlv-turnlshod ftont
lonnifiiillulilii I'orfe'oiuleiucn. . 115 S.Jof-
icisnn si ( ' . ' .id ) 6t ) . rv.-i ) ; ! *
Poll HUNT Furnished front loom , B-'fliJ S
21st 6t. near Lcuvumvorth , 4 7-U *
OH HUNT With 'board' , a furnished "fioiil
loom. niOOaeast. Uil-in *
Foil HICNT-2 desirable furnlihod looms ,
with board ; modoiii conveniences. H. Wi
cor. ( 'Uth ami Wobstor. 010
TJIOH KKNT acntloiiion nil ) ptouso call nt
J/222 ! Hurt st , oxumlno and rent two nicely
turnlshud rooms ; modern convenlonoo : terms
very icnsonublo ; tuunltftisi It tlebiioil , 017-15 *
FOU HUNT Furnished rooms , iU-l ! ( Jap. uvo.
110-15 *
Fi HKNT Two newly furillahod front
U rooms , 2511 Bt , Mary'd mo , on Uroen Car
Line. 481
Foil UK NT Newly furnished rooms Elnglo
nnd en suite , for gontlomcn only , Over
Lcstor Si Morroll's pharmacy , 10th and Dodge
st. ; 419. |
J71OH IIKN1' FurnUbod or unfurnished
J-1 rooms. 507 S. Ittth st. 3y-U ) *
171OII HiNT-Koom : and boutd in strictly
-L prlvato fiunllv tor ono or two geiitloniou.
Hi N , ISth st , bot. Dodge uud Cupltol uvo.
3UL12 *
IT OU ItKNT FuinlahcU or unfitrnlshod
1 rooms. 2UI , corner of Lotrcuworth iiiul
25th ets. 1MM2 *
POH ItiNT-Nlcol > - fuinlslicd looms in line
cottn e,408 Wuliuit st , olght niliiuios walk
southeast u. P. depot , W , f7 aud f S per inontli.
Poll HI'.NT-Nicoly furnished room cheap.
4Jd Convent hi. 2&I
Foil HKNT Nlcoly fimilblicd front room
with board , a W. cor. Vth and Bt. Mnry'a
. ' . '
avenue. 85
FOH HUNT Newly furnUhcd rooms close to
I' . 0. The Jnoit deslrablo turnlshod rooms
in the city , nt reasonable prices. 150i Cuss st.
T710H HENT-S pleasant fuinishod rooms ,
J-1 20th st. , near St. Mary's avo. luqulioS. W.
Dodge and IGth. 1U2
T710II HUNT Largo nleely t-irmslioil room ,
JL' eultablo for two gentlemen , Hlth table
board ; Bminutes' wulUlrom P. 0.1814 Dodgu bt.
. . UIO
Foil HUNT-FuinliUo.l rooms , 191(1 ( Dodue.
FOK Iu : T-Klcguutly furnished fooijls with
outboard. All ' moderncouvculeocos. ZSj
Pnn itrNT-flJwn store rooms on Ifllh street ,
Writer , ens nnd sewer connections. 0. H.
lay no cor. 15tj ahrt I'nrnam. 8JI
OH itKJfT T tp Incxponslro rooms , with
board. lOl Wobstcrstri-ot. 6&J
moil HRNT-rStnro room on nth. 0. E.
I : Mayno , S Woor'i5th and rrni > tn. < ni
Foil HUNT DIBCO nn1 store room. Qrnttou
& Drummond. nil Harnoy. S9J
HKNT iiomnt : ; anl doslrnblo rooms ,
Foil or unfurnished. 10)7 Douglu
it HofercnccsVoin roJ of applicants. CM
5Trit : NT-\vilh , board , ono largo niooly
furnished front room , gas and bath room at
40U.1onosSt. 27fl
HUNTFllstcliss house on 18th st ,
near LcavenvJorth , D-rooms In ticrfcct
order , largo yard nnd barn , to a party tlmt will
my carpets and window slindes , only boon hi
iso short time. It. O , Clark , 1510 Douglas. _ ,
7 > OH SAM. : Eight lots , for nn Investment ,
J frontln ? nst on .Sid st , thrcoblonks o t of
' 1th ! street car terminus' , ? I"V ) . easy terms.
A.P.Tukcyor J. 8. Cnuinold.lJOl rnrnnin. OJ7
CJl'UOIAI , HAHOAINS-In ncro property.
Amos , 1507 Fnrnam. 085
EXTllA IIAHO AIN-2 full lets , ono a corner.
Shull's 1st addition , with 4 houses which rent
for (15 each , f7,5W. . lUco & Moore , lloom 0 ,
over Commercial Nnt'l llnnK. 501-11
FOH HAM : Two in llnwos' addition , onoh
lot 127.xl3J feet , fenced nnd nity trees
ilantod ? j , )0for ) both. Apply 317 S. Eleventh
ittco . 018-15 *
Ji'OKSAijB Nlco 8 room house , Hhndo trees
1 ot C3xlOoneiif Hanscom park , $1,500. C. E.
Mnj no , s. w. cor. 151 h and 1'nuium. tf4Ci.ll :
ACHE LOTS-Nowport.
410 AMK < * , 1M7 Farnam.
ANOTlir.H UAllOAlX Lotnnd 2 houses on
lUth st , for $2,000. , Ames , 15U7 Farnam st.
OS. *
A .TTiNTION-r : -ioom house , barn , full lot ,
. covered with fruit , east front , lor snlo nt n
> argaln : It will pay you lo Investigate this.
Amos , 1537 Farnam. 095
FOH SAIU-Hy E. F. lllngor , 11 ! ) N. 15th BU
O-room rosldenoo , Georgia ave , n bargain ,
7-ioom cottage , Georgia a o , cheap , $3,000
O-room cottage , Georgia nve ; sco , It , fJJSTO
Flno rc ldcuco , Georgia nve , none 'j.unvon *
woith , J4325
House 0-rooms , Improvement rtS3nf cheap ,
0-rootu cottage , Daitlcttjc Ilimonnugb's add ,
2 hoti'os , 4 and " -rooms each , Ponploton nvo ,
n bargain , $1,000
liOvlS1 ! , house 4-roomsPlorco st , Bbull's add ,
$3,500 i i
iilxl32 ( , latgo house , California St. , near track ,
iilx05 ( , good cottage , 20th nnd Burr , cheap ,
Cflxl32 , business corner , Howard st. $20,000
44x132 , Hnrnuy st , ( business lot ) ? I8OJO
lllixlili , Fainnm Bt , line location , $70,000
( VlxllH , fi-ioom cottage , ( 'up nve , $ , JWJ
22vl3J , stoic , rents $71 , Douglas st , $13,030
2 houEo- > , u-ioomso.icb , Douglas sticnt$120
nonth , $8,200 , , ,
00x132 , house 7-iooms. Fnrnam st , $0.000
! 1 cottages , Shinn's udd , easy terms , S2.100
0 room rottugo , Hoggs & Hill's add , Douglas
st , a bin gain a tuw iln > s , $2,100
Vacant Lots
00 cheapest lots in Hnnscom Place , $ SM to
" "
"Choice lotslti Shtill's add , SKOOO to $1,003 -
25 lots in lluir Oak , ? 750 to Sl.OOl
132x132 , cor lot , California st , $8,503't
2J lots , add , $1,500 to & 2.5UO
Slots , Itoclleh's drove , corner , $3,100
10 lots , Uogirs & Hill's udd , Sl.OOJ to S
2 line lots , 2lst near Giaco , 'very cheap , $1,530
3 lots W. A. Rcdlck's add , S 5 cnch ,
Lois , on U P tracKst
Iluslno * ) nnd icsldcnco lota In nil parts of the
city chcnp - . . * " ! r
50 lots Inl'nrll Forest. $250 to S300 onch
200 lots in Oniiilin View , SJOO to S703. Fine
houses will bo built op these lots , with a small
cash payment nnd monthly pnymonts nt S per
cent , boo mo aJiout ft
IK ) acics land iioartha Fort. PSj.OO pcrncie
45 ncros nortlipf nprenco. $21.00 per ncio
10 ncro tracts wolmllCB west Of postofllco. $110
per ncro. J > * < " >
BXTHA BAIKSAIN ? full lotsono ncorncr ,
Snnll's 1st nddltlon , with 4 liousos which i cut
for $15 each , WtiOO. HIco & Moore Itoom0 ,
over Commoic l NU'l Dank. S'll-13
TJ1H SALK IIouso r rooms , \ \ lot , Shinn's
-I-1 1st , $1K)3 ) ; liotifo n looms , 15 lot , coiner ,
Shlnn'sUt ) tJS.lOOj ; r/FIieso nro. baiyuins. Must
bo sold this wcokcE- . Klngor. 570
iilft'S. ' 15th St. . has
lots on grndo.orco block from Cuuilng btroot
cur ; casv payments' f 1,200.
Flno 7 itw > m house , stable , etc. , Shinn's 3d ,
near htrcot car , $2.000.
2 lots nnd Uno house , Hnuscom Place , $5,000.
Lot , Itnii'coiu Pluco , $1'OJ.
Lots In Plain\ low , $450.
Lots In Hnwthoiii ; easy'paymonts. $700.
Housu. bnin , etc. . Heed's 3d , $1,810.
Smull house , lull lot , B > o\vo'slst \ , ? 3)J.
Lois , Polhnm Place ; easy p.iymoiiU , $750.
t.Pnik Place , 8 fiont , o.isy pumonts , $5SO ,
Soxcrnllino smallhouscs v , It'll "clitorni well ,
qtitl Jus.t flnlsnod , near 11. H. tiack ou 2flth , easy
piiyuionts , Sl OJ. Mb-15
Poll the bcnofit ol the working people I
will keep uiy ollico open until B | ) . m. ex
cept Sundajs. C. i : . Muyne , southwest corner
15th and Farnam. 205-12
FOltSALi : ! Jo3t5-acro tinctsln the mnrlciit ,
only f iOO per aero. Inquire about them.
Potter . .VCobb. . l.'ifi Farimm. 851
TTlXTItA IIAIICAIN 2 full lot" , one a corner ,
-11' ' Slmll'st'.t addition , with Ihou fs which rent
lor % 15 each , S7M . HIco S Mopro , lioom 0 ,
o or Conimoio'al Nnt'l Ilnnk. " COM3
- - . Olso'sadd./tnify 81.5J3
Potter ' ACtobb , J5I5 Farnnm. S H57.
'LACK No grading needed ; level
A lots. Amos. 1507 1'ai nnm bt. _ 411
ll SALlS-Lots in Lioivo-s.j8t atUHtlon ,
south fronts , o'ny terms , only SjJ ) . Putter
, 1015 Farimm st. . H5U
A low oftho best ot-t lUt
nd'l. M 50X ) cuoh. Potter & Cobb , 1515 Far-
num bt. ' ' "B53
TT\OK \ SAl.K Or Trade Improved and uulm-
.U ptovod lands In Turnas and otior wostqrn
eountle . Address Wm. Slmordl , Arupalioo ,
FurnasCo. Nob. ' * g7a >
Xi'itA it AitVAi2 full lots , ono ncorncr.
Hhull b 1st addition with 4 houses uhtch u nt
for § 15 cnch , J7.IVX ) . HICO is Jl oic. Hoom 0 ,
r Comniorcinl Nnt'l Uanlc , .jfl W Mfljl-13 )
TSi Ai'NiTJTno map of lioii'sluV ' 'county
Iscouiplulo In every dotnll ; It tills a long
felt want. The pilco la low , conatdoriiigMho
amount of work iiooc83.iry to iirotltiOQ it. For
fealo at C. K. Mayno's loul ostnto ollico. fil3-inlt
A : .S I'LAOK Xo suUi lots 111 any ether lo-
t'ttlltvnt , the pileosnskoil. , .411
P6llHALi-OiHMp lotsln lluir'O.XU , lust out
ofHanscom Park , no'irstiooteaw , 75 ? , o.isy
torms. Potter _ & I ) bb. I.MS Fui uiim st. 851
nTlJLOTS-CoTollllllaulo i
410 AMUS , )607iitnntin. )
OHSALi-Thr6o Una lots In Hhlnn's 31 add.
iitfSJJ each. Potter & Cobb , 1015 Fiii'iinm.
TmoHH.vii-Tvolotgln PI.UIIVIQUSIS ] o.ioh.
X1 Potter & Cobb. 15lr. I'ainamst. 1)5S )
"I71OK Kt\tM v iflyt iii'ros In ono body in Clio-
JL1 yuuno county. 10 ml los of running wntor ,
T. S. Chirkson , 15U < 1 Farnnm. - , 31 3
A CHI ! l.urs-1'nilt'a Bun division
41U AMIS , 1503 I'amaii ,
FOR HAMS-IOO lots 111 Park Forest , S5down
and ? r > per mhutli , f2.V ) to $30J. HOKKS &
Illll , ion ! estnto , 11011'liriiam st 451-a
Full KAI.K < 0ttoias fur subdivision , Chonp.
T. J. ClhrksuifclfjO Faniam. 400
" A.1UJA1NS m Impiovod and iinlmpiovod
property. fyii MJrcpi'ii-'SBiatli at. sti
Foil UAI.K-HOacros to BUbdlvldo.SK miles
from Coin ! Iluuso. A iortuuo to the
buior. TLB CIttrkaon,1500ruriiaiii. ! MH
DUPONT 1'fJlCEjLs only two blocks south of
Hanscom's'-PaHt. livery lot covoiod with
bonutlftil foio-J ; troos. Chirk tc French lll
tnko iilcixsiiro litsli tflnic.yoii the lots. TorniH
to suit. No. mi liwtgHtfjitrrot. 4.U12
ONR-FODItTH ACHiS-0 : rconwood
410 AUBS , 1W7 I'm nnm.
* H-fl :
SPKCIAL IIAIK1AINS-77 loot on Farnam
68.D09 ; 200 feet on Fnrmim flO.OOa T. 8.
ClurKson , 150'JFiunhum. 397
FOIlS.YM- < un ! cottages on very easy
terms , PriRStjV ) . Win. J , Puul , iktli and
Charles , or 1I3JM llth bt. 212-26 *
ACIli : LOTS-Hrlghton
410 AMKS , 1607 Farnam
FAW.MOUNT I'LACK S7th and I iko streets
Ulvgant lots , low prices. Wo butki houses
T. S Clarkson , 1501 Fuinam. 338
FOR SAM : leased school lands Intraftsol
to acres and upwards , no taxes to pny on
thosolnndsfor20yo.ir3. O , F. UavU& Co. , IMJo
Farnurn sU 720-m 20
FOR SAJ.K 1-joa ticro rBnoh , living water
i tinning thtongh land. Can cut 1,000 toi
liny oil lund ; uloo IM head c.ittlo , 3J head horbus
with necessary Implements , & .C. , & .O. , & , o. , to rut
said ranih. Prlco flS.Mja. Address Hart 4i
JleAntlreuAlnsnoith , Nobr.
AlbO,610 acioa school laud apnrSrscd at (300
per aero , running 20 year * ut six par ccut , with
iu4 miles of Alnswcftn ! llvlnir water and wll
tnko tCIO tor ! ia5o. Address Hurt & MoAndrow
Aln8gsrm , ' rowaCo..Ni > br. ' CTuttl
$ r .ouo.oo lost bynrtloi tliat tailed to bu ;
acres In Piutorson Park , CO days utro ut * 17
an aero , Thosmno property now s idling nt ai
advance of 49 per cent. 217-12
lot * t > eon \ Ihclr merits
VIew prices and oa y terms given. Call at
; . B. Mayno's onico and get a pint. SOS
t\TilSS : Sub dlv.-BS acres Just plnttcd In ncro
' lots for snlocommencing Monday May 10 ,
rom JWWto JVW. Adjolnlnpaoro soil for $ ) J
o ffoo. Luawlck & Sony , so oor 15th and
) ouglas. 471
\VThISS-8ub dlv acre lots at half price , H
' cash , bill 1. Sand 3 years. Sale commences
londny , May loth , to bo closed out In one week ,
.udwlck Si Soi.v , so cor IMh and Douglas. 471
FOR SAT.K-By Stockdnlo ft llunchor 2 ele
gant lots on cast front corner In Clarendon ,
very cheap. Come and sco them.
A very choice house and lot ono block from
rtundors st , on Sownrd. Persons looking for a
loino In an ouollent uolghborhnod , with all
acuities in the Immediate vicinity , cannot find
a pliuo that will surpass this. Prlco for n few
la > s , ? 3,7UOnnly $1,700 cash.
Mxl32ou North 17thsUtioar Nicholas st , with
3 houses. Prlco MO.WM , half cash.
ffliHD on North 20th st , with small houso.
'rlco. ' $2,100.
Slots.each with agoodhouso.onNorthSlPtst ,
( . ' ,000 for olthor , $ IOJ down , bnl monthly , Hero
s n chimco to pot a good homo nt u loasonnblo
) rlco , on easy payments.
Uargalns In nil directions. Como lit and ecu
our list. Always i cady to show property.
Stockdnlo & Ilunclier , 1511 Dodge st. C37-15
B1H.I , Jt M'OANDMSII offer :
75 foot on Hnn com Park , per foot , $23.
8-room house and lot , car line ; $70J cash , bal
ance monthly.
2-story sloro building : , St. Mary's ave car
mo , Jt.400.
13th Btreot lot and store building , S stories ,
largaln , f,50ii. : )
( lood houses , Wa'mil Hill , easy terms. liar-
West Rldo lots , S-TOO.
Ilcautlfu ! ncros , FnltTlow , 300.
Acres , Hlmebaugh and Itrookllno.
Lincoln Place , on licit Line , ? . ' 5.
Splendid residence lots In Capitol add , S. G.
front , cheap.
Soveial lots and aoios on Leaven worth st ,
Ambler Plnco lots , 500.
Oood propertlos on I'm It avo.
Splendid east front lot on Catherine st , $ ' ,000.
Miusli mid lots.
Ho life and lot , Isnno & Soldcn's add $1,000 ;
cash V 800.
Several properties In Kountzo's adds.
Slots , house and bain , Hri feet fiom Lenron-
vorth st , onsy payments , SJ.WO.
Loavonworth su property , per foot , $20.33.
West Side lots. $ .110.
Lot In Isnao & Sclden's add , ? 4M.
Falrvlcw , the highest land at lowest prlcos ,
acres , 1300.
Bhinn'H add , house nnd lot , $1.010.
Manufacturing and railroad Interests will
make West Sldo lota valuable , now SJOL Doll &
McCandllsh. 1511 liodgo. 3iMB
\T/-iiSS : Sub. div. This now sub. dlv. is
i T luveil out In aero lots lor sale Monday May
.Oth nt linlf price. Ludwlck & Sony , s. o. oor.
5th and Douglas.
\ViiSS : Subdlv. This beautiful note prop-
T . orty will bo closed out In ono week at halt
irlcc , commencing Monday , Slav 10th. Lud-
vlck & Sony , s. c. cor. 15th and Douglas. 471
FOR SAMS l < our lots , cor. California and
30th sts. , 2 blocks from proposed paving on
timing St. , $8V ) aud $050 onch. Potter * Cobb ,
1515 Farnam st. WJ
Mis : I'f.AOn Ixts soli ! to these who want
homos they can pny for. 411
7AIHMOUNT PJjACK , 27th nnd Lnlto-Tnlee
J red offfrccn cars : see the propctty nnd f ou
will suioly buv a lot or house and lot. T. S.
Clnikson , IROU I'tiriiam. 3UO
HANSCOM PLAcn-,0 : , choicest lots. Chonp.
lluy quick. T. S. Olarkson , 150U Katnlinm.
FOIt SALi : Ono of the nicest 8-room 'onscs
In Slilnn'H addition , with cl'v water , &o. .
complete. Prlco low. O. 1' . Uavls ic Co. , ITOj
rnrnnin stroct. 7U-in22 ( )
FOUSALK-Olbson has rorsalo ou In
com Placo. SSM to S1.SJO.
OiUHiin has for sale houses and lots la nans-
corn Placo.
Gibson hasfor sale houses and lots In all parts
1 the city.
Gibson has Improved farms nnd lands In alt
parts ot Nebraska forsnlo or exchange.
Gibson has thousands oC acres oC land In
Western Nebraska for sale from $2 to f 1 per
Gibson would Illto to see you 1C you want to
Gibson'sls the place to list your property. Cull
and see him at Uooui3 , Witlmnll Clook , cor. 15th
and Harnov sts. 3 * )
8AI.K 2.J feet on Sounders at , house a
rooms elf tot n , etc , $ .J,100.
09 Icet cast fiont , on S.utndors Bt , house 7
rooms , H oil , cistern , etc , f V-'W.
House cf 3 rooms , tull lot , 111 Lowe's add ,
SI ,400.
Three corner hits on Sownrd st , near Poor
Chilro convent , f"5J caoh ; ea" < y toi ins.
Lot 22x120 on Dodo St. , notir 12th ft , $4,500.
Six choice lots In Lowe's nJcl.tl75 to ? G03
each : easy terms ,
Lot In Sunny Pldo , f 1.1SO.
3 lots oii24th St. , near Knrnnin , 520,000.
GGxlition raiuaui ( cornoi ) , $ . ' 0,000.
it2\132 : on rainnm st , ( corner ) SJ7.000.
House of 6 rooms , half lot , I/nid st , $2,500.
Lot In West Knd , on lloilpo bt. , 51,100.
Lot In Polhnm Place , ? OU.
House of loom and lot 25x140 , on 18th , near
Paul St. , S2.000.
House ot 8 rooms , lot 25x140 , on IPth , near
Paul , S2.WO.
a houses and full lot , 10th near Webster St. ,
41 fcot cast front on S. 13th st , SI.BOO.
12.- > foot east f lOlit on S. I3th St. , f.11,000. .
I < ot on Vlnrinla live. , near Lea rcnuorth Bt. ,
S2.000 , terms easy.
Blshtcoii of the choicest lots in Ilcdfotd Place
SITO , KXU. 5KW lor insldo , ana SCOO to frUOO for
corners. Kasy tornm.
JxitliiNoHdii'sadd. , east front , $1,700.
Ixjton SowaiJ at. , 3 blocks ftom sticot car
linn , f 1,000.
Full lot. : ! houses , 18th tt , near Loavcmvorth
ht , ? VXJO.
2 lots , bouth front , on Hamilton st , near 30th ,
, .
A Hnraraln Must bo sold. Larjjo lot ,
IJoiirdlnB1 house , barn , torfothor with siloon ,
pool loom nnd barber fihop on lea > od lot ndjoln-
inif. Kstabllchfd biiflnes < ; . SS.OOO tot nil.
Uumls , IBth nndUoiiBlai streets.
House of fl looms , lull lot , IJIondo , nonr Satin-
dor > < st , f 2CO I.
Monov to lonn ntlowost rate of Interest , floo.
P. Hernia S. W. cor. 15th nnd Dotr las. 410
Oowiparxy *
ind , France 8. Germany.
ThoEtuumshlpsof this well known line nro
built ol non , liiHutnr-tlght ooinp.iitmutits , nnd
uio liirnlbhod with every louulslto to inukii thu both f-ufo nnd iigicoablo. They ouiry
the Uiuii'il MuH nnd I'uinpiMiii miillH.und lanvo
Now York Thursdays nnd Saturdays for Plv.
mnuth , ( LONDONChorbouffPAHIb ) ( mid HAM
mauiiil'ifc' ' , the steamers lunvo Hnmburg on
Woduosdnjs und Sundays , Un. Ilnvio , taking
pns'ungt'rsnt Soiithnmpton nnd London.
llYst cabin $5J , ta > und $75 ; Bti-orago Sil.
Hnlliond tickets liom Plymouth to llrblol , Car-
iliir , London , or to uny plnco In the Houlh of
Kiiglnnd , FllHU. fetftirngo from Europe only
J25 , Bend for "Tourist ( luzctiis"
acn'oritl Pnssc'iigcr Agents ,
01 Ilroadwny , Now York ; Washington nnd Ln
tjullu 8ta. Chicago. 111.
L & mm EN&iras &
Rooms 12 and 13 Granite Bock ,
Orudo BystoinmindHuworuifo Plans for Citlos
nnd Towns a specialty. Plans , Ebtlinutua and
SpvclllrntloiH forl'ubllo and ether ICiiulnooriiiK
\\oilisfnriilslincl. burvuys and lloport tnudu
onl'ubllo liupiovomonts.
ANIIIIKW HosKWATUit. Member Amorlonu See o
Gty ( 'lvll Untrliiocrs. City Kiiiflnoor of Omaha
KO , 11. CiiuiSTii ; , Civil n iiiucr.
I I'AY nil eipntu clwryrs to all ixilntt wllhln 800
imlci. I . ( HK * can IOL-CI lu n'loct from Bcml tn octal
for Illustrate 1 cataloi io. Mention tbU paper.
You are allowed afrtt trial cfMrtv davt ot tlie Q&e
ot Dr. Dt'i . Celcbr&uid . . YclioicBelt . . nltn In Urlc biu-
- -
uljy ri
loss of
8 n4 umT < fcr .Jdi rtloul M. Attrtu ,
Dr. WARD * pO. . J.UUUU.S.V. HO.
Railway Time Table ,
mi MI A.
Tno follow Ing Is the time of arrival nndde-
pnrturoor trains by Central Standard tlmo nt
the local depots. Trains of the 0. . St. P. , M. *
O. nrrlvo and depart from their depot , corner
ol Uth and Webster strootsj trains on the II , > t
M. , a , . A 0. and K. O. , St. J. ft O. ll. from the
D , AM. depot : all others from Iho Union PaoIDo
Hrldgo train * will lonvo l' . P. dopotnt 0:55
nT:35-S:00-flIO-a:60-H10:00-llW : : : : : a. . , U
1:00 : 1:20 : 100 ! ,1:00-300--H : ; 4:00 3OJ : 53 ; >
CiO-7oo-lllOti. : ! m. . . . . . . .
Leave transfer for Oranhft nt 7:18 0 P:1S-9:30 : :
9:42 : 11 WtSV-lOtST llSlll.J ( m. : ' 1:37 2H3-
2:37-3:30 : : 3:37-4:37 : : 5:51-0:12 : : 7:20-7:50-
ArrUTtl and ilonarturo 'of trains from the
transfordopot nt Council Illuffs :
DSVAI'T. AlllttVE.
citiCAoo , HOCK istMNU &
n 7:1.1 : A. M 1J , ° ! l\A' ; Xl
IIRIIAA.M 1.8:3 : } P. M
C 0:10 : P. M 'I I'M P. M
11 0:15 : A. h IJBllR A.U
00:40 : P. M 7OJp. : M
AD.K.A. M I A OtlS 4. M
11 OIWP. M II OS'S } P. M
| A 7:00 : P. M
H 9llS A. M I 1) 0:13 A. M
U0.4JP. M I II 7:00 : P. M
KANflA ( > CITY. sr. JOB A coUHcitm.urrs
A 10:00 : A. M I D 11:35 : A. M
0 8iC5 P. M I A 0:40 : P. M
WAHASH , ST. LOUIU ft pActria
A 8:00 : P. M I A 3:80 : P. M
A 7:30 A. M I A 8:35 : A. M
A 0:23 : P. M i A 8:61 : P. M
Will Icavo U. P. depot. Omnhn , at 0:10 : 8:35
10:45 : 10:530. : m. : 2:40-yino-fisKp. : m.
iicavoBtock Yards for Omnha at 7:5i 10:331. :
13:01 1:29-4:40 : 5:07-0:20 : : o. m.
NOTE A trains dally : Bdally except Sunday :
0 dally except Saturday : D , dally except Mon
Those VITALITY 13 fjitllngr. Brain lIRAINrp and
ixilAUNTii : or Poimr I'JllfMAiUllEl.Y WAST-
lil ) nmy flml
Adopted br all I"rcinh 1'linlclans unit bclnc ropldly nnd
incn-isfallr IntroJuwl here. All wenkonCia losses und
drains promrtlr clucked. T1IKATJHK jjlvlnB news-
pap-rftmlimdlcalcnion.cnienta.A-o , .FltCK. Connilu-
lion foilleo or br mall ) with lr cmlmnt doctors Kit Eli
CIVIA1.E AiiEfJCY. No. 174 Fulton Street. New York *
Nebraska National Bank
Paid up Capital $260,000
Suplus May 1 , 1885 25,000
U. W. YATBS , President.
A. E. TOHZALIN , Vice President
W. H. S. HyaiiES , Cashlor.
Cor. 12th and Farnam Streets.
General Hanking Buslnosj
Anil others nuffcrlnff from
norvoua doblllty , e\hHiiblln
chronic dl peaces , prcinnturo
de linw of jountr or old nio
Kisttivcly vuicd tiy Ur.
orne'd famous Clfctro *
Muvnelto lEclt. TbuufAiuU
In rrc-y tf-il in thr union haw been curnl.
iipctrld : - > f ty liiPlanlly felt , ralrnifiland rold 1O
carn.Vholo family can wear same bitt. IMcctrlc
Hudpentorlc-n free with male hclt A\ old worthlns 1m
( tat funs and bogus companies RIoctrlo Tru cs Itir
Itupture. 700 cured ln'85. Rend Btampforpnmplilct.
Potter & Mageath ,
Law Reporters and Copyists ,
State Agents for Nebraska.
Type-wi Her supplies nnd paper kept In slock.
Bond for catalogue.
Ctt loiuciiftnd 1'rlcrs on application. HoldUy
all ihc best ( Vrrlaco IlnlliicrH unU liculere.
' . C'OO-CJN
and Ml Work.
1020 I'itriKim Ktruot , Oniulm , Neb.
Star Line
CntrylngthoDolglum Itoyal and ITnllod Btatoj
Malls.iiling every Satuiday
Befvjeen Antwarp & New York
Salon from $00 to tloO. lixcunsloii trip from
$110 to fl J. tJocond Cabin , iiutwaul , $ lj ;
pr ( > imld45 ; excursion. ( VU. Stoorugo pnssngo
at low intcs. Peter Wright & Hm , ( jouernl
Agonls , C5 llroudwny. Now Voik ,
Oiiinhit , NubrasUa , Frank B. Moorcs , W. , Ht , Ii
& P , ticket agent
Or lliu I.lquor aiubll , Vosltiirty
t'tirod liy AiltMliilHteriiig Dr.
IlHluo'j' Ciulili-n NprclUn.
It can beRUen Inn cup of cotTtear ten wltbont
the know lodge of tun person taking it , Isiib'.olutclr
nannU'ht , anj Hill rflt'ct a | K'nimnrntl.nJ epi'iy )
cine , wlicl'jvr ( ha patient In a modemta trJuLur ur
in aicoliollo urci'U. It IIHH lipeti given In lliou-
,1 iUdf ot caies , and In every lustunrer ; ) trlft euro
L tollouc'd. It urrcr I'uiU Tlia f.yttcm < MCU
Impii'jnnloJ u Hit the fcpecKlc , It tiecomtj nu ultci
liujiosalblllly lor the liquor appetite to cxlu
FOU UAI.I : BV roii/\yiitj nnuoaisra ;
IIIJHN & : CO. , Cor. i3th und Ucucln. , and
Ihlh i ; Cumlne Hl . , Omnhn , Neb. '
A. I ) , i'OSl'UH & URO. ,
Oauucll lluT ! , Iowa.
Call or ivrlto for pamphlet cuntalnliiK Uundredi
t > tejtlmbnUlt from Hie bct wotncii and mca from
a ! i uortti ol tlm mu ntiv.
TI e Orluiual und Only Clriiulne.
B4u > 4 tins' . lUll. lt B wsrs of wurthlr.t iBlliU'/M.
UtUnraissIs U LADIES. Ask jo r Ilrucilit bt
ObUktsWr'a EugU.l1 soil u > > timr.ot A.UII u.
( sluapi ) l us fur p ; tlcuUrs in tttttf by return matt *
NAME PAPER , * OhtcU t r C'ksmU.I ii
old Vr OroriU U * erit > hrr& . < ° r
tu U t"U
" "TERli
Omalia ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago
Th o only ronfl to tnko for PCS Memos , MAr >
hatHownCedar Ilnplds , Clinton , Dlxto. Chicago.
Mllwnukoo nnd nil points cast. To the people or
Nebraska , Colorado , Wyoming , Utah , Idaho
Noviuln.OroHon , Washington nnd California it '
offers superior advantages not possible by any
Among a few of the numerous polnW ot supe
riority onjovod by the patrons of this road bo-
tweoii Omaha and Chicago , are Its two trains a
day of DAY COACHKS which nro the finest that
human art and Ingenuity can create. Itf PAL-
ACB SLKKl'lNd ' OAHS , which are models of
comfoit nn.l ologanco. Its I'AIUXHI DltAWINO
KOOM CAK3 unsurpassed by any. and Its wldo
ly coiobrntod PALATIAL DINING OAIIS , the
equal of which cannot bo found olsowhoro.
At Council muff * the trains of the Union Pact-
flo Hy. connect In Union Depot with the o of the
Chicago A Northwestern Hy. In Chloayo the
trains of this line make close connection with
thojo of all eastern linos.
For Octroit.Columbus. Indianapolis. Cluotn
natl , Niagara Falls , llurralo , Plttsourg. 'foronto
Montreal , IJoston , Now York. Phlladoln < < in , Hal-
tlmoro.Washlngton and all points lu the east , u X
" - ' - l-
the ticket agent f
Uyou wish the best accommodations. AlltloUot
Rents Roll tickets via this lino. „ _ . . . . . .
f.HuaniTT. _ " S.IIAIK ,
Goner * Mtt llBOgiitOAaoaon' l IVSSAff0nt <
Tlie SkortfLine
and Best Route
From Omana to the East.
Chicago , Mlnncnpolti. Mllwaukoo ,
Btl'aul , Coilar Itaplds , Da < Jimort ,
Clinton. DubiKiiio , Kockford ,
Hock Island , Kreopoit , Jnnosvlllo ,
Klein , Madison , LnCrosso ,
Uololt , Winona
Audall other important points East , Northo i
and Southeast
Ticket odlco nt 1401 Farnam sticot , ( In Paxton
Hotel ) , and at Union I'nclllo Depot
Pullman Bleopcid nnd the Finest Dining : CAM
n the World uro run on thu nmlii lines of the
o ory attention ( s paid to pnssonnori by courtc-
ousemployes of the company.
U.MILLUII , QcnoralManajfor.
J.F.TuCKKit , Assistant Clonornl Mnnixoror.
A.V. II. CtiipnNTKit , Uonu-ivl
QEO K } iK\srou.o , Assistant
Ur reason of Its central poiltlon and alose- relation ta
nil principal llnci ( ait anil West , at Initial andtrr-
tnliml points , constitutes the moat Important ml < t
continental link In that system ot through trnurpon
tntlon which lnvl Vs nntl facilitates tr&Tel AndtratfiO
lctuoon cities of the Atlantic uncl raclllo CoabU It
In also tlif > ftiTOrlto Aii'l UcHt l onto to and from points
ICaH , NoitieA.nt ) und Soiithnnst. and curix'fponding
polnti West , NorUivrent anil aoiuhncet.
The prcnt Rook Island Route
Guarantee. * lt < pations that eeliso ot pireonal ( ecu.
HIT mrordrrt lir a BOllil , tlioroMBhlT billistnl road-
und , binoplli trnchi or cnnllnnoui steel roll , cubstan-
tlAllylinllti-iilTi'rlg and lirll | i , rolllngr stock a < nlar
ixtrfi'ctlon an human skill inn make It , the safety
nppllincFS of pntent bnironplntforins and air brakei.
nnd that e > nctuir ! dlKclplliin ivliluli roverns the prac
tical operation of all UK tmlns Ollur specialties of
| il ionic are Trnnifnrs at all connecting points In
union llepon. and tlio nn > nrpiu < sed couifurti ana
luxuries of Its Passotiffer K < iulpine it.
Tlio Fast X pntM Trains betwren Chtwiro * nil
r orln. Council Ilium. Kansas City. Unvimwu 111 and
Atctilson MIO compose' ! of well runlllated. tlnvly up.
holiten-d Par Conclie > . Mannlflcent liillmnn 1'Mticn
Hltepersor the liito.t tlesl n , and PlimptuuiiR plnlnff
UUIN. In which iMnhoiatoly reeked meals are leisurely
ate also inn ilia C'elouiatcd llevllnlntf Chair Cars.
The Famous Albert Loa Route
Is the direct and rnrorlto line between ChlcsRaknd
Minneapolis and .St. laiil , wlicte lonnrrtlonsaro luado
In Union Depots for nil points In tlie Tenltorles and
llrllli.Ii rrovlncoj. Over this roulu Fast l.xprcia
Trains are run to the vrMerlnir plates , summer ro.
toilspicturesque loeilltlisanil liuntlnir and nslilna
eronndsnf lovsa and Mlnntisota. It Is also tlie moil
iletthublo route tr > the Hill wheat fluids and paflorul
lanJsof interior DnkoM
Ktlll another Dlltt.UT MKK. Tin Benica and K m
lor tietaneu inronnstion e Alupn nnd Folnerff ,
obtainable , as well ai ttckctc , nt All pilnclpfUTJcltCI
UIHtet 111 tlio United BlaUa and C'auaUai ur by ad.
H. a. OADLC , E. ST. .fOHH ,
I'ns't & Ocu'J M'if'r , Oin'l TM H Put. As't ,
iLT.irsTu.vrivis s.v.Mi'Lis yjcin : TO ALL
Pr -r
EBOW 7lVSE ! P. iS
Kihamtc'lVlt-illtr. ' Norrom nnil Phrslunl Dobllltr
Premature Da'illno In Mini , Krrnr of Youtb , and fis
untold inlinrlos roiiiltln from Indiscretion nnd ax-
comos. A book for nrar iniip. joiuu , mlildla-aco'l
nnil old. It cnnfiliii Ui : ( urnptloni fur till nciita iinJ
< lironloillfcinoj.ciirhoi.t ol wlilcli M Jnvnlnublo. Ht
( nu nil tytlioiiutliorwhnia nxpnrlnncafur 'U yofrali
Micliiiiirnl | ) blr novur unrori < lall tntlie lot of unr
ipnynicmni.iitliHuoi. bniuiil In liountlful Kronoli rant *
\j.onibo udcovnr , fu'.i'ilt. ' cu'inintcuij to baullm
work In nverr nenm m"clnmluil , lltor.cry
elonnl tlmnunr nthor < vorlc In this c.ountrr forlj.H
orthemiinorwlll barofunit Innvnry ln tanco , I'rl5
onlr II br mall , pontnih' . Illiintriito't numpla , m .
Bendnotf. Hold medal awnnlnd tliaaiitliorhrth j .
tlonul Medical Amorliitlnn. II iho lion A. 1 * . IIUioll.
mill UMneliita ontPori o ( tUs biurl tin rcudorlsrj'
tpnitfnllr rofurrid. .
IlioUclenront | , t/J worth moro tola j rnunjmil
mldillo-Hvoil men of tlilt EOiiPrutlon tliin nil tlia , iU
mines nfCnllrornlnniid tUror mlnei of Nuraiti
coinblnod.-S. K. Clironlclo.
Tlio.S-loncoof MfopolMHout tlio
, nndi on whlcli tUo cuniUtutlan und linuai < > t
a youiiK man hnve Ixon 'utally vfrotkcd. Munc'jojter
Tlio Hclonce of Itlf allot sroatnr vrilua IliniiKlH'ai
tiicJii'nl works pulilltliuJ In Dili country torlUouaiS
MyoHr . Atlanta Corittltiillon.
'JlieScleucoof I.lfott n snuorb mid masterly trflit *
Ito on norroui and | iby luaf dc'JllltyOptroU I'rji
Add'ri'i'the l'ea * > o < 1y Mo llcnl Inatttula. or OrV. . 1 1.
1'arkor.No. lullilcicli ! struut. lloilon , .Man. , who utar
toconiultodon ull dlsuasei ruqnlrliu ikll land erparl-
cnco. Chronic un I ubilnatn illumoi till. lariD4t <
llol Iho skill of nil piheriiiyUl.iai | u > parUlty. H 134
trcntod Buccessfully trltuout an iiilimcaui f
Ui 11.10.
Cure wltliont inoill-
A POSITIVE : clnu. I'utontul Oeto-
bor 11 , 18713.
Ono box will euro
tlio most obtlnato r.iso In fourdays
Nu IH1IUCOU9 doios of cnbubs , oopnlbiior oil of
Fundahvood tlitt : are coriain to pioiluuo dydjiop- 1
Kla by doitroyhu tliu rn.illiif ? oC tlio stoiiuiuh ,
Pikofl.M ) . Sold I'J'all druiH or inailod on
receipt of prico. For fuitliur particulars euut
forclivular. P. 0. Hex IVll. ATfnTJ
3" . C. jii.IjIjjS..tT CO. ,
W John SI. , Noir York.
' '
it tuntly riUc e tb (
u > l vlulrut attficL * ,
il lnturcA comfort *
_ _ _ * tlerp. Used vf
Rmh > Jttlontbu > iM , odu ix dlroot.rUii-
o. ( tcillutiM fr o
aifb rt.Jlfitl > * r
a.k'plleUcrlU Io ie41 tl M < l , ir-l4lU >
Jrtl. . 60r. < I.ooi r aiii < > iiu cr it uiiIiTrlu
1 1 . > ftt , tit itu p. Dr. B. nunVl aiit.yi. ru.Li.Ui.