Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 13, 1886, Page 6, Image 6
, - . ! - s ; - mf , G THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : , THURSDAY. MAY 33 , 1880. THE DAILY BEE. COUNCil BLUFFS. THURSDAY MORNING MAY. 13. OFFICE , NO. 12 , PEAHI. STREET. rdhorcrt ty cnrrlcr In nny pnrtof the city nl twenty cents per week. IMV.Tiwojf , - Manager. TELEPHONE. ? ; E , No. 43. No. 23. fll INOll MHX'JIOX. Now spring goods at Reiter's. Every now shape in hats and bonnets Bl Bliss' . Flowers , tips and all now and fancy tilings at Bliss' . The Knights of Labor cleared about ? 100 by tlu-ir ball. The work of curbing Madison street has already commenced. Leonard & Jewel refrigerators at Cooper & AlcGeo's , No. ! ! Main street , Permit to wed xvas yesterday given to J. C , Smith and Mollie Wlnans , uoth of Oinahiti ftTho "Quick Meal" is a quick seller ; come and got one botoro they are gone. Cooper i\i \ McGee. Mr. Hicks , who has lately gone Into thn Insurance business here , has rented the Swan house on Grace street. Gcorgo F. Smith is having his residence rejuvenated by paint , and making other Improvements in the promises. Frank Levlnc is the Ilrst one on South First street to put In curbing preparatory lo the paving already ordered. Tickets for Professor Roscdalo's course of lectures at Masonic hull on sale at Biishncll's. ' One dollar for course of three lectures. For Rent The Kiel's Hotel feed and fc'ulo btublo ; brick barn 5070 , frame barn 50x100. Possession given .Juno 1. In quire of Hoist & Spotman , Kiel's hotel. The county superintendents of schools hold a convention at Dcnison , June iiand 4. Superintendent Laird , of this counly , is to give a paper on "Classification of ungraded schools. " TI e attorneys for Mrs. Ilubor yester day tiled some affidavits in support , of the motion to set aside the judgment obtained against her in favor of the Mercer girl. To-day some more affidavits are to follow. A Baptist church foeiblc will bo given on Thursday evening next , at the of Mrs. Mc&itt , 108 Third street , a short distance north of Willow avcnuo. All friends cordially invited. Refreshments , 25 cents. The same Now York firm who bought the county bonds recently have since purchased si)5,000 ) of Sioux City bonds , paying 1 per cent premium for them. J' hey evidently believe western securities to bo desirable for investment. Joseph Cole seems to bo having a hard time of it. Lately ho had si follow ar rested for getting his wito away from him , breaking up his homo and moving furni ture , woman and all into another house. Now ho has been arrested for threaten ing to shoot the wayward wife. Ho was Allowed to go on Ins own bonds of if 100 , It not being thought that he was very dangerous. E. McGorrisk , of Lang & McGorrisk , DCS Moiucs , is in the city looking after the steam heating for tiie now court house. The Chicago firm which had the contract has failed , and the board of supervisors will probably rclct the con tract to some other firm at its Juno meeting. Air. McGorrisk lias boon gath ering the needed information on which to base his hid. A rumor spread about the city yesterday day- that a telegram had been received announcing the fact that Reuben Roper had boon drowned while visiting friends in Illinois. Ho being a well known cigiir- tnaker of this city , his many friends were considerably shocked by the rumor. It appeared later that it was not Honor , but a cousin of his , one of the relatives whom ho was visiting. The first district telegraph box nut in in Council Bluffs was placed iu Wagner & Sherlock's place. There are now over fifty boxes in position , and the work of construction is going on lively , with the prospect of having 150 boxes put in with- jn ton days more. The service was evi dently needed in this city , for since the opening day there has been a constant demand for messenger boys , and the 'lusiness opened up better even than iu ( ho city across the river. In order lost-euro means to help defray expenses , the Bluffs hose team , which is to take part in lite tournament at Iu- ) buqno in June , are arranging to give an exhibition in the driving park at some date before their departure. There will bo u coupling contest , foot races , a base ball game and other attractions. As the Bluflri intend sending a strong team , one which will do the cilv credil and doubt less win some of Iho gill-edged prizes , iho enterprise will doubtless bo liberally en couraged. _ _ . Seasonable goods of all kinds at hard- time prices at Cooper i&McGce's. We have a few water coolers which wo will sell very cheap to close them out. Cooper & AfcGco. Before buying a gasoline stove sec the "Quick Meal" at Copper & McCco's. I'ersonnl I'nragranhH. Seth Dean , of Glonwood , was visible at the Ogden yesterday. Judge Stockton , of Shonundoah , was at the Paoilio yesterday. II. B. Williams returned to his Glen- wood homo yesterday. A. A. Mickel , of Walnut , spent Tues day night at the Pacific. Mrs. J. M. Our.slcr , of Omaha , is visit ing her mother m this city. Major A. R. Anderson , of Sidney , was n visitor to the Blulls yesterday. John T , Stewart started yesterday for Louisville on a brief business trip. Dr. T. S. Thomas , of Carson , was among those at the Pacific yesterday. K , A. Babcook , Avoea'H well known attorney , was at the Ogdcn yesterday , M. D , Fe/.lor , one of Stewart Bros. Nebraska missionaries , is in from a suc cessful trio , 1. N. Flickingcr and Tom Ratline wont yesterday to Wayne , Neb. , to look after some real estate interests. A. ( } . Dadollat , of Omaha , was over to this side Tuesday night on a Hying visit to his relatives and friends hero. I. Greonanvyor , of Hamburg , is at the Pacific anil awaiting the arrival of His con , the well-known stockman , 0. H. Dean und wife , Mrs. L. M. Kol- logcand Master Gcorgo Kellogg , formed n Missouri Valley party at the Ogdcn yesterday. Colonel Cochrsm has torsakon his big much at Little Sioux long enough to look nftur some of his extensive property in terests hero. Harry Birkinblne and family returned yesterday from the east , where they wore called by the illness und death of Mr. liirkinbino's father , Mrs. T. A. Clark started yesterday for the east , in response to a telegram an nouncing the serious illness of her joungcst sister , who lives near Krio , . . , Mrs. Mary Egan loft here Saturday evening via the Milwaukee & St. Paul , on visit to her old home at Hartford , Conn. , where she intends to spend the fiunmcr. She was accompanied by her ton AI. C , Egan , us far as Chicago. Ho will vlhit friends there and iu Dixuu , III. , before returning. MATTERS ABOUT THE BLUFFS A Wtuliko Dicsolution of a Cooperative Contract. ONE RESULTOF FILLING STREETS A Crnr.ctl Mnltlcn Injury to n , Pine Horse-A Sinnll Uln/.c-Cliy Dohifjs 1'crsonnl. Mention. They Dissolve I'artticrshlp. W. K. Wheeler , a rallroml mnn , was before Juilgo Aylcsworlh ycaturtltty on two surious charges. It was claimed Hint ho Imtl stolen some shirts ittul otber clothing belonging to George Kellogg , tlio night clerk : it llio Ogden , anil that ho had pawned a silver wutch belonging to Charles II. Meyer Kesller. Tlio evidence showed that Kestlcr and Whculcr catuo hero together from Missouri , and that they made a mutual agreement that if both could not llnti work the one that did should "hold thn oilier up. " Kustler , eon got employment in Drake's moat market , and iu a few days Wheeler got a short job. The men not having money enough to pay their board , Kestlcrofi"ered to put up his watch to suunro the laud- lord , but thn landlord , Mr. Langmado , of the Metropolitan hotel , con cluded to trust to thuir honor. After a ti ue Wheeler needed a watch to use in the railway yards where ho had got a job , and so borrowed Kestler's. After a tilno ho needed some new shoes , ami not having money he got Ilium on credit at Mr J. Dickey's sloro , ami deposited the watch as security. Ho promised Kestler that as soon as ho drew his pay ho would pay Dickey and release Iho watch. Time went on , and he did not do so. Kestler got impatient for his watch , ami had wheeler arrested for stealing it. About the same time another charge was laid Jagainst Wheeler , Unit of stealing the clothing belonging to Mr.- Kellogg. This clothing was in a trunk at Mrs. Bennett's boarding house on Sixth street , in a closet oft" the room occupied by Wheeler and Kestlor. Iu the same closet was Wheeler's valise. Kestlor says ho went to tlio valise to see if there was not a clean shirt there , and found this clothing. Ho informed the landlady and she maile an examination of the valise , satisfying herself that someone hiuftakun Mr. Kol logg's clothing out of tlio trunk and placed it in Wheeler'valise. , ! . Judge Aylesworth discharged Wheeler on the watch case under a decision of the supreme premo court , in a case where a man loft a guitar to bo repaired. The repairer used the instrument lor giving lessom , and sifter a time left the state , taking the instrument witli him , und afterwards polling it. The supreme court held this was no larceny , because the man did not have the intention of ap propriating the instrument when ho cot it iu his possession , but that it svas an after-thought , and therefore more in the nature of a brcaeh-wf trust. On the other case Wheeler was discharged , because there was no evidence tiiat ho had any thing to do witli putting the clothing in his valise , it might have been a job put up on him by some one else to' get him into trouble. He might have stolen it , but there was _ not suflicicnt evidence to overcome this possibility m his innocence , so ho walked lorth free. Oriental JCiitcrtalmnctit. A series of illustrated lectures will bo given in Masonic Temple hall Thursday , Friday and Saturday of this week. Pro fessor Koscdale , the great eastern trav eler , will illustrate the customs and man ners of eastern nations in full costume , assisted by tis talented wife and others. This entertainment is for the benefit of &aiiit Paul's church , which fact , aside from the great merits of tlio entertain ment , should secure acrowded house ami most liberal patronage from citizens who have the best interests of the city at heart. Admission 00 cents. Children Ifj cents. The Water Ijino Unlsod. The appearance of water in the base ment of some building on Pearl street , near Fifth avenue , has caused many con jectures as to the cause. It was thought by some that the ditch dug for the sewer pipes was not refilled suflicicntly solid , and that the heavy rains followed down this pipe and leaked through into the basements. Others thought that the swcr pipes themselves leaked. The lire department has Una a steamer pumping for several days , with no appreciable diminution of the water , lesterday thn-o wells wore dug on vacant lots near tliero , nnd it was discovered that water could bo struck anywhere along there at a depth of from six to seven feet. ! rom this it appeared that the water line has been raised by the filling in of the streets nnd lots , and that it is almost impossible to help the matter much by pumping , as it would bo necessary to pump the water out of the whole bottoms in order to do any good. Go to Bcanl for low prices. Board has an immense stock of wall paper and room mouldings which must bo turned into cash , so down go the prices nt Board's. A Crnr.cil .Maid. Miss Lena Gclss , a German girl , who has been employed in the families of John Lindor and N. Schurz , has been taken in charge by the authorities , and the question of her sanity is being in quired into. Last Friday she left hero to visit a brother living near Underwood , and while there was suddenly taken wild , and tore up the bedding and broke the windows. Hho became so violent that it required two strong man to hold her. She has been treated at an asylum in the old country , but was supposed to bo recovered , and has shown no symptoms since until this sudden outbreak. "It. I ) . " Wins Another Victory , The case of E , Leo , of Carlcton , Neb. , who was indicted a year ago , charged with selling "B. B. , " has recently been dismissed am } the entire costs charged to the prosecution. "B. B , " us is well known , is a beverage manufactured by Messrs. Wheeler & Ilcreld , Council Blulls. More KmoUo Than Fire , About 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon an alarm of fire was caused by the discov ery of smoke pouring from the roof of the little frame house at the corner of Scott and Mynstcr streets. The lire scorned to be confined to about the chim ney , and apparently originated from that. It was quickly put out , and the damage was merely nominal. The house is owned by George Parks , and was not insured , It was occupied by Air , Braun , who travels for John Lindor. Go to Beard for loom mouldings. Hoislcr sells the best Ho and lOo cigars iu the market. No. 402 Broadway. A Jlulnud Horse. Yesterday morning Dr. Montgomery's line black horse got tired , apparently , of waiting for the doctor to finish a cUl he was mukhigon 1-irst street , and turn ing about made u vilir run , for u tliort distance. The liorso fell into a ditcb ncnr Graham avcnuo , and was badly injured. The horse had to bo pulled out by a team ol horses , and it is thought he is perma nently disabled. The buggy was not badly damaged. Go to the N V. P. Co fort GAfiDkN HOSE. THKV WAHHANT ALL TIICY SKU. . Opera House Block. Go to Itanrcl for wall paper. , . Lcustgo to Chario II islerM a ml get n good cigar. No.103 Broadway. Do Vol sells Golden Star gasoline ranges , best in market , No. 504 B'way. ' Satisfaction guaranteed with over.C "Quick Meal" gasoline stove , or money refunded. Cooper & MeGcc. Room Mouldings Largest assortment and lowest prices at Beard's Wall Paper Store. m Substantial abstracts of titles and rea estate loans. J. W. & B. L. Siuiro , 10 Pearl street , Council Bluffs. 1 sell the celebrated Twin Burner gaso line stove. That double burner beats them all. A 4-burnor same price as a U- burner ; a U-bnrncr same price as a 2- burner. W A. Wood , no I Main. * The city council at their meeting last night awarded to Hammer & Co. , the contract for caching First street and Washington avenue. Dr. A , P. Hunchctt has taken rooms in Mr. Ha/.ard'd residence , No. 700 First avenue , for the .summer. Ollice still at No. 12 Pearl street. Hours 10 to 12 ti. m. , 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m. Heislcr don'thandlc any "smdo" cigas. GARDEN HOSE , WARRANTED GOOD lie per foot , ISepor foot , 21c per foot. HOSE NOZZLES , Of all styles. Host : RKEI.S , LAWN Srui.vKi.nus , Etc.Etc NEW YORK PLUMBING COMPANY Opera House Block. After a thorough invcstigatii a wo'uro convinced that the "Quick Mei 1" is the bcstgasolino .stove made and shall make it our leading stove this season. Cooper & McGee. AMERICAN TIN. Splendid Kcsults at llnrncy Peak Ilii 71 incs In Dakota. The Rapid City Republican , published at Rapid City , Dak. , in its issue of April 15 , has tin ; tallowing in relation to the Harnoy Peak company's development and progress in tin mining in the Black Hills , and especially of the operation of the 1'Aia. mines , the and Bob In- gornoll mines , which are the richest the company have yet developed : The value of the tin annually imported into the United States in the sliapo of tin plate and block tin reaches th-j sum of over $25,000,000. For years efforts had been made to discover u profitable tin mine in the United States , and although the ore has been discovered in many places , no locality discovered prior to 1880 produced the tin stone in sullieient quantity to make it profitable. A man named Cox , it is said , was the first to recognize the cassiterite in the gravel washings in the Bear Gulch country. Contemporaneously tin stone was dis covered at the Etta mine , which was at that time being worked tor mica. Lodes of enormous .size have been dis covered and developed , showinc : thoit- sapds of tons of ore which will over reach the value of those of the rest of the world. The grand slumbering industry has been slow in coming to an awaken ing , but now it is thoroughly awake and will move on with giant strides until the Black IlilLs shall stand forth a the great est tin producing region of the world. ANew Now lork company had confidence enough in the reports to send experts to the hills to examine into the truth of the statements , and a.s a consequence an ex amination of the Etta mine resulted in a sale of it to the New York syndicate. They at oneo proceeded in a businesslike ness-like manner and commenced the development of their property. The results were so flattering and prom ised such great success that the company commenced purchasing other mines in different parts of the tin area of the Southern Hills , and had a largo concen tration mill planned , to work the ore. The plans were drawn up with direct and special reference to the working of the ores at the Etta mine. The mill was made in accordance with the plans and shipped to the mine. Months elapsed be tween the time of designing the mill and the time when the wheels of the grand , monster plant wore first revolved , u few days since , inaugurating what will prove to be one of the greatest mining indus tries in the world. The average amount of tin stone in the ores at the Cornish mines is about l.i'5 ' cent. This may Do co sidered reliable , us the records of miniii" ; are kept by the government and oxteniP through a long period of years. In the German mines it is 0.5 and O.i : per cent of the whole mass. The cassiterite in the ores of tin seldom exceed ii per cent in any country outside of the Bhiek Hills. The tin stone concen trated from the Etta , Coutcs and Bob In- gorsoll ores during their run the last week or ton days average from 0 to 7 PIT cent of the entire mass of rock crushed. It is beautifully separated from the gunguo , and the pro duct Is a large mmntity of the tin stone of a very rich gratio. No onclonget doubts the fact that the Etta mill is a success , The confidence of the company in their enterprise is evinced in the fact that they will erect another large mill during the present year on some of their other prop erties. They own valuable mines distant at Hill City , and at u point about four miles from the EUu , and uKo have inter ests in the Tenderfoot region , Things are working smoothly at the Etta mills , though they have not boon running continuously. They started up the 25th of last month , and ran one ton only. No rock was then run until the lid hist. , and run continuously until Sunday , about seven ( lavs in all , perhaps a litifu less , The product is something over 18- 000 pounds of cassitorite. Only forty or lifty tons of ore are being crushed daily , while the capacity of the mill is 200 tons dajly. If the ore averages i ! per cent the daily yield of tin stone will bu six tons , If the cassiterito will average 50 per cent metallic tin ( some of it is pure , running 10 percent of the pure metal ) , the result will bo 0,000 , pounds of pure metallic tin , which , at the present prices , would bo worth about ft,200or$3(5,000u month , There is every possibility of the ore con taining over a per cent of cassiterito , and it will average oyer GO per cent metallic tin , so wo may expect a monthly produc tion from the Etta of 50,000 or there abouts , There are few gold or silve1 * mines can beat this , ami there is plenty of it. Gentlemen who yesterday returned from a trip through the tin region are en thusiastic , and say that there's enoiigh tin up there to supply the world. No doubt this is Into , The ultimate success of the Etta con centrating mill was never questioned , though some propheslzcd that the liret trial would prove abortive. All reports , however , thus far received from the mill have been entirely favorable to the en terprise , The success of the Etta mill was all that has boon regarded necessary to confirm the mineral wealth of the southern hills , and now that this vital point has boon established in thoallirma- tivu the friend * ot this section have the broadest and firmest grounds upon which to base great hopes for thc2future of the tin territory. Avcrnjjo .Minstrel Jokes. "Oh , 1 alwajs know Peters would find n watery grave , " said the cud man ; "it was in Ins horoscope , -don't you kuow ( and nothing could prevent it. " "Well , but Deters wasn't drowned ; ho was run over by the cars. " "Oh , pshaw ! You forget it was a milk train. " "I say. Fudging , can you toll mo why the Bartholdi staluo is like 'tho flowers that bloom in the fairing' ? " Pmlgins "Oh , 1'vo heard that ; it's stale. Guess I'll bite again , tho.Ugh. Tell mo why , 1'nd Alan ' 'Because , so far ns wo know , it Is the only thing .that had nothing to do with the Oregon. " "Perhaps some of you gentlemen cnu toll mo what I can do to reduce the SIKO of my chickens , said the interlocutor , after the beautiful ballad , "Mother's Gone to Feed the Hens , " had been sung. "You might cut off their heads,1'sug gested Bones. "Oh , no. 1 think lee much ot them for that. " "Well , then , why don't you bantam ? " asked he of the tambourine. Bones "Mr. Johnson , suppose wo were in the blue room at the white house and I should pull down two of the curtains , how much darker would it bo ? " Interlocutor cuter "Really , Bones , 1 can't tell. Well , how much darker would it bo In the blue room of the white house if you should pull down two of the curtains ? " Bones "Why , two shades. " Interlocutor "That beautiful song , 'Wo Ain't Got Long to Stay. " CARPETS -AND- Our carpet stock is large ! and well se lected ami is kept full by the arrival of new , fresh goods. II comprises Moquettes : , , v Body Brussels , Tapestry , Ingrain , Etc. Tambour , ; > Turcoman. i i H e Siding , 'GS ' , Etc. Curtains madq'and'hung. Carpets made and laid by skilled ( workmen. We are olibring a One line of White Goods , % Beautiful Embroidery , Dress Patterns , Summer Dress Goods , And invite customers to examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. Prices reasonable and goods as represented. Wo have lately introduced .special bar gain tables that comprise the best values ollercd in any market. Lncc at fie. 4 > ooi ! Stamped TowcU lit lOc. Fine beautifully Ktaiupcd Towel * sit ! 25c , half llic price linked elsewhere. Good Blose , lOe. Beautiful Barrett Plaid I > rc s Goods at 25eper yard ; worth 4Oc. The hciit Corset , 75e , usually Hold lor # 1.25. Those are a few of the many bargains that can best bo appreciated by personal examination. Daily watch this column for future changes. 401 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Ogdnti Houtic SEnlCH on ami after lUny IN ! will bu 2.00 and $2.50 B'er l tiy , liMinptliur front pnror ! rooms. nny Hoard , $25 1'nr Month. II. SitiLOWAY , Prop. MAHIC ] ) uiiviManager. : . Council MRS. D. A. BENEDICT HAIR GOODS - . T 31) ) : Td'QBDER ' , 337 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. 3 _ t _ J II OFFICER - fyPUSEY , KER CONNUIL HLUFFS , IA. 1S57. I DRESSMAKING (15 ( Y THE TAYLOR SYSTEM. ) MRS. L. SIMMONS , fia , ill I ISroiulwiiy. In older tocsttiblUh my icpututlon In Council MlutUfor tlno work , 1 will KOUTHK PKISKNT , donllcuttlnir. tilting and maklnir as chuup as It la dona elsewhere. Ladlf s need have no four of mlBllts IIH my oxpcrlunco gum unices pcrlcct satisfaction , Creston House , The only hotel InCouucII Bluffs having And all modern Improvement * . . "IU Muln tt' . 1S. S17 und WAX .MOHN , , t * S Sa S M M * ,4Hwr WHOLESALE AND JOBBING HO-CTSES OF COUNCIL BLUFFS. DEEKE , WELLS & CO. , Wholesale Agricultural Implements , Bn&las , , , Etc. Council lllulTs.lowa. KEYSTONE MANUFACTUK1NU CO. , Corn Shelters , Stalk Cutters , s , Scedcm , Corn Planters , Food Cut lers , IHo. Factory , HockHiills , 1IU. Xoy. If 01 , 153-1 , 150 * > , 1507 Main St. , Council mufti. DAVID 1MADLKY & C < xi MnntH'rs nn I Jobbers ot Agricultural Implements , Wagons , Buggies , Carrlagca , nml nil kinU of I'nv.n Miiohlnorr. 1100 to 1113 South Mnln Street , Council nitlfTs , Iowa. AXK P.O. Clt.RisoN , T. ll.Dounn ? , UEO.I'VUIOIIT. ' . I'rcs.&Treim. V..l'rcs.VMiui. 803 &Cnunsol. Council Bliils Haadls Facbry , ( Incorporated. ) Maniifncturernof Axle , 1'iclc , Sloiljro nod Simll Handles , of ovcry tlosorlptlon. C.l/fPKTK COUNCIL HLUFFS CAKl'KT CO. , Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades , Oil Cloths , Cnrt'iln Vlxturo1) ) , Upholstery C.oois , Bto. Na ( US llro.ulivay Council muffs , lowo. ta , ron.icco , arc. PEttEGOY & MOORK , Wholesale Jobber * In tbo Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes. NOB. 8 M n I n uiiU 27 1'cnrl Sts. , Council Qlullj , _ Town. _ CQ.V.W.SS/O.V. / _ SNYDEll & LEAMAN , Wholesale Frnit and Produce Commission Merchants. _ No. 14 Poirl St , Council Illults. _ CltOCKKltr. _ MAUUEll & CRAIG , Importers & Jobbers of Crociery.Glasi . wan Lamps , 1'iiilt Jars , Cutlery , Stono\v.\ro , liar Goods , Knncy Goodq. r.ic. Council Illuda , Iowa. I1AHLE , HAAS & CO. , Wholesale Druggists , Oils , Paints , Glass , Druggists' Pimdrlt" ) . Kto. No. 23 Main St. , unil No. SI 1'earl St. , Council Uiulls. DRY GOODS. M. E. SMITH & CO. , Ijoirters ail Jflbsw of Dry Gis ) , Notion ? , Ktc. Nos. Hi and 114 Muln St. , N'o and 11 > I'entl St. . Council lllulia. lown. HP//'A O. W. BUTTS , Wholesale California Frails a Specialty General Commission. No. 513 Diomlway , Council Uluffs. W1HT & DUQUETTE , Wholesale Fruits , Coafectionsry & Fancy Groceries. Noi. 10 and 18 Pearl St. , Council muffs. GJtnCKKlBS. L. KIUSC1IT & CO. , Jobbers of Stapla and Fancy Groceries. Also Wholesale Liquor Dealers. No. 410 Broad way , Council Hlults. UAItXUSS. ETC. HECKMAN & CO. , JJnnu'ncfJrcis of and Wholesale Doalerj In Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc. No. 623 Main St. . Council lluS3 , Iowa. HATS , CAPS. nrc. METCALF HKOTHERS , Jobbers ia Hats , Cips aid 61)733. ) NOP. : ilanJ ! 311 Broadway , Coinoll llluits. HEAVY KEELINE & FELT , Wholesale Iron , Steel , Halls , Heavy Hardware , And Wood Stock , Council Minify town. H1DKS AND WOOL. D. II. McUANELU & CO. , Commission Merchants for Sals of Hides , Tallow , Wool , 1'olts , Orcasoand Kurd Council Hlnlta , Iowa. OILS. COUNCIL BLUFFS OIL CO. , Wholesale Dealers In Illuminating & LiteloitiajOll } Ginlla ) EJTO. , H3TO. 8. Theodore , Agent , Council llluiffl. Iowa. JsUJJUUR , P1MNO , KTC. A. OVEKTON & CO. , Hard Wood , Southau Lumbsr , Filing , * ud Itriilt-'o Mitlcrlnl SpecluUlos.Wholesulo Lum ber of all Kind * . O.llcuNo. LUMuIn St. , Council lllulfH. Irivviu JOHN LINDEU , \'v holcsalu Imported and Domestic V/iaes / & Liquors. At'cnt lor St. Cottharrt'a llcrli Hltti < ra. No. U Sliiln at. Council Hl.iHa. _ SCHNEIDEK & BECK , Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors , j\uiW > .Vifi St. , f .iiri ( Ittu'Jt , N. SCHXJRZ , Justice of the Peace. Office Over American Exprosi Company. China , ( llnsswiiro mid Lumps , \\rS. llomur&Oo. . No. 23 , Main St.Cuunuil Ululft , fa. STEAM DYE WORKS HRS.C.L.GILLKTTE'S ' HAIR GOODS STORE No 29. Main St. , Council Bluffs , Opo. Pgstofflce. RINK LIVERY'sfABlZ Flrst-claes Accommodation ? In Kvcotlilnj * 1'or- tuhilntf lo thu MI cry lluslnoss. Finest Landau in the City LADIES VISITING. Hoarding a epuclally. Telephone 1T8. FIELD & COLE , Props. PtARL STrtEET RINK STABLE. WHERE DO YOU BUY BUGGIES ? FIRST CUSS Id EVER ! RESPECT HIRAM W. DAVIS & CO. Established lit 1877. CINCINNATI , OHIO. BUILD OVER FIFTY DIFFERENT STYLES. 3OOO ( > Vehicles Annually. Hcntl for Catalogue , Prices , Freight Itates anil Testimonials. - W. HOUSE MOVER AND RAISER Hrlclc tullilln ? nnv kind ralspil or mnvcil ami satisfaction guaranteed. Finmo houses move J o&LutloUlaat truo'o-tbu bejt In thn worlJL 803 Eighth. A.venu3 nnl Eighth Street , Council Bluffs. j/ M7r -a/ c/ivc-t- 226 Broadway , Council Bluffs , TIMOTHY SEED. I Imx o n quantity of pound , well clcunoil see 1 whlcli 1 offer at u. > : ibm\ll'j : fluica. Eeo.l of the crop of 1 8' > . I'orroppomlonca folleitcd. F. O. IIUTLl'lt , SchalkT , Iowa. C. & N. W. Ky. SPECIAL NOTICES advertisements , such ft I Loat.Found , To Loan , i'o Sala , To , W\nu Boanllnjj.otc. will bo Insortotl la this column it tholoirrato ot TBH CENTS PRll LINE for Ii3 flrstlnaortlonand FIVB GHXId PKlt LIXK for each sutwjuont insortlon. Loivo aivortUj montBat our olUao , Ho. li Porl street , noir Broadway , Council lllulfd. WANTS. . Y . * r iIi > l'irt riri6 < " bii7ncr. Humly urn- ployincnt , (1.1 per week. . \ . H. Mori Is , Line In , iVoo. ( ilU-lil \\rANTKD A solicitor to ork nnion mil- it road employes for Stiunlurd Accident In- B'linnco compnny of Do'iolt ' , Mich , J. 0 I < iitif ( A : Co , ngciits. No. 5 Pearl street , Council Ulull" , ANTFD First e'n R dlnltif room frirli nt tliu llLvh'olo hold , Iliomtwuy , Council Hlulfs. _ _ _ _ WANTED Flvo frst class dinlnjr room pills uttho llccitclli ) liotul. W ANTKD Sltunt'on us a'crk in a store by young ludy. Add o-'S 1C. Jt. C. , Hoc olllca P0 B.VI.n Fir = it-clii6s pool table. Apply at Itcscuo Enino House. TTIOK SAWS Union avenues liotol property , -t ! Special biirt'iiln. E. U She.ifo , MJ Dioiulivny. BIDS will ho received up to noon of tlio UUh of Mny for tlioircclion of u kitchen lit tlio Inwn Institution lor the Ucnf ttnd Dumb. I'lnns nnd specifications will I o rundy by May ithand : ! eiin ho ? ccn nt the office of the Insti tute. Usual rlffhtM reserved. II. 0. Hnnir.ond : , Biipoilntomlunt. OH SALE Old tinpors. In quantities to suit , at lloo ollico No. 12 Pourl stroot. FOR SArI5 Oil T.tADK-Stock of mlllinory and fancy notions. All now. OooJ loa- tlon. tales ti'.U'JO a yoar. O , Hoe , Councl Illutfe , lowo. Choice I > l-i > In > - of LalcNt Pat- Icnii , All Opinion. Council Bluffs 4O5 Broadway. A Select Stock of Choice SWAN BROS. , Dealers iu MilcliCows. A % 1 At Out Stock No fiOS and 500 K. Droadwny.Cotinuil Ms JACOB SIMS , ATTORNEY AT LAW aOTJMSTOIIj BIjXTB'ins. Practices iu Htatu anil C'ouiK Kouius 7 ouit S , rfnuiai-t liluolc. CUT THIS OUT ! GOOD MAY 15 , Iluvln ; nmdo extensive lin- prnionionls nnd Incmifio.l our llucllitlc.9 , worlsli to cull nspo- ' I'll aUi'iitlon IQ the work now iclnir Ininu.l out by us , claim , ix-it to lie c'liial ' to that of my custom luundry. In urdor lo Introduce our woi' < outMUla the city of Coun cil I In Jr ) . o will upon iccolpt ot tula llcUct , accompanied by rntuinpostuifo.Luumliy S'x Col- Inisor Unit * PUUJJ , for either ladies or ftintlumon Home Steam Laundry 54O ft roadway , Onim-ll HI nil's. N , H. Out of town orders Kh'cn prompt at tention.Vo pii ) ; luturiK arum on-all work ro- ccivudtrlien aeuoiupuuU'J. l-jr In iU J'Ull UlUUUMt. . . . . RUSSELL&Co Manufacturer * of all elzosof Automatic Engines Especially Resinned for Running MILLS , GUAINJ2LEVATOIIS , AND ELECTRIC LIGHTS , . Tubular and Locomotive Boilers. New Massillou Thresher. } . t Carey aud Woodbury Horse Powers. STATIONARY , SKID , Portable and Traction Engines , SAW MILLS , ETC. Factory Massillon , 0. Branch House 510 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs. SEND FOB 1886 Horses and Mules For nil puipoBos. liousht nnd sold , nt retail and n lotB Luigo < | Uiuititto8 to telect from. MASON WISE , Strcelt , Hear Pacific House.Counil . Bucs KIEL SALE STABLES Horses and Mulua kept constantly on liiuid for fill' ) at retail or in car lotd : . Ordure promptly Illlod by contract ouelioit notlco. Block sold on commission. 8HI.UTKII 3c IIOI.UV. Proprietors. Btnblo Rornur filth Avvnuu and 1'ourth 8t Council Illulfa L. W , Tui.l.UVS , Prus. T. J. 13 VANS , Vlco-Proa. JAMKS N. UHOWN , Cashier. Council Dili National Bank 103 MAIN STREET , Capital $100,000 Aiithorizod Capital 850,000 Stockholders Itoprosont 1,000,000 Do a Kt'noial banking I Accounts of luniks , bunkoia , merchant * , man- nlucturcrsand individuals rojolvo I on favora ble terms. Domestic niul forulun ciclmnjo. ' Thevoiyliost of attention -jlvii'.i to all busl nets committed tooiir'"iio. B. BICE , M. D , ° r other tuuvna removed w the knlfo or drawliitf of blmJ. CHRONIC DISEASE of all Jclmls a spoclaltr. Over thirty years' pr. KJ. 11 1'uuil Ktiuct , COIIIK U lllutli IE CABTEB WHITE LEAD CD'S ' , DIAMOND 1IIIAND Or STIUCTI rune LEAD , ZINC AH D OIL ZP-A-HtsTTS Aic iiucolutcly pnro , HI represented. One ( rut. Ion "III cover two ( iiiiKluil and Illty | ( cut two coma , nnil will Miiy on longer tlmn an/ otlii'ijialnt irmnufuetuiert. 1'or sulu liy til i n Duuas , I'AiNra.Ou.s , Kro