Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 13, 1886, Page 5, Image 5

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An Unsavory Oaso Dismtssod Jnlia and
Emma Make Up.
Mrs , ItoMnson ft Tnr/j2t for Butcher
Knives nnil TonpntH Tlio Denver
Nine ComIIIR to Omnlm A
Icaf Jailor Hears.
of the notorious and tin-
nvory case of Julin vs Emma Abbott ,
was filed In the district court yesterday
morning by the consent of the plaintiff ,
( ho inference being that the action has
been settled for n money consideration ,
Mr. Hyan , of plaintiff's counsel , when
asked for particulars , said ho know noth
ing of the dismissal , but that the news did
not surprise him , for ho had Information
Saturday that negotiations to that end
wore going on , Mr. Abbott , Iho husband
of the defendant , is known to have cone
Jo Burlington , Iowa , where Julia now
lives , last week , and doubtless for this
purpose. The action which has thus
boon so summarily disposed of , was
Brought to recover CO damages for
njury to the person , name and character
of the plaintiff , Julia Abbott , by { securing
a negro , one Charles Marshall , to com
mit an outrage upon her. The incidents
in the case constitute ono of the most
startling and thrilling chapters in Ne
braska's criminal history. Julia , in her
petition , which was filed April ! ! 8 , 1831 ,
swore that on Juno 14 , 1883 , she married
Uoilin Abbott , son of Alon/.o Ab
bott , nnd stop-son of the defen
dant Emma Abbott. Thoplaintiffat that
time was II ) years old and her husband
! U. Mrs. Emma Abbott and her husband
Alon/.o , it was charged , taking a dislike
to the plaintiff , and wishing to estrange
her husband from her , entered into n
conspiracy with a negro. Charles Mar
shall , to rape her , and then report that
the intercourse was with her consent.
On the 23d of July , 1883. the plaintill'said ,
the negro Marshall did outrage and
ravish"her , anil the fact reported to
her husband in such a way as to induce
him to believe that she was a willing
party to the act , causing him to leave
nor at'a time when she needed badly his
moral and financial aid.
Marshall was indicted and convicted of
tiio crime and sent to the penitentiary end
d three years1 sentence. The wronged
wife then broilght the suit mentioned
above , and also one * against the defend
ant's husband , Alonxo. Just before the
time for trial a dismissal was secured
without the knowledge or consent of the
plaintiff's attorneys , and nt their motion
the causes wore reinstated. The failure
to make the dismissal stand at that time
was said to be due to the neglect of the
interested parties to pay over the satis
faction money which was alleged to bo
flf03. , In the present instance , the
plaintiff's attorneys , although they have
paid all the costs of the legislation , and
had the promise of their client that she
would stand by them until they got their
foes , have been again ignored and left
out in the cold. The case was docketed
for trial at the Juno term , and Mrs ,
Abbott that was , had signified her in
tention of being on hand. Recently ,
however , it was learned that her second
husband , a young Gorman whom she
married after getting a divorce from
Abbott on the ground of desertion , ob
jected to her coming hero , aud the com
promise which led to the dismissal of the
case yesterday was a'lVootod.
The recording clerk in the secretary of
state's ollico , was a busy man yesterday ,
no less than four long articles of incor
poration being sent in. These papers ,
certifying to the birth of now organiz
ations were from the Cozad Building and
Loan association , Marks Brothers' Sad-
dlory company. Tou/.alln Hotel company
and Union Savings bank. The promot
ers of the first named company are David
Claypool , II. A. Darner , C. F. Waterman ,
J. U. Gatcwood , C. K. Brown , George
O. Brown , Charles Wake , J. W. Spinner ,
Henry Hobson. J. W. Colby , W. U. Dal
. rymp'lo , P. W. O'Brien , O. J. Bloeksmar
and A. F. Gatowood , all residents ol
Cozod.The object of the corporation
to furnish means on the mutual building
plan to people who want to get homes ir
that town. The capital will consist o :
1,000 , shares of $200 each.
The Marks Brothers' Saddlery com-
panyis an Omaha concern , organizes
lor the purpose of manufacturing liar
ness , whips and horse goods of ail kinds
The capital stock , amounting to $50,00 , (
has been largely taken by George , John
Daniel , William and M. Murks and Fran J
Martin. The shares are non-aaaessable
nnd business is to bo commenced wher
$30,000 is paid in.
The Touzulin Hotel company , whicl
lias its headquarters at Wymoro , Gagi
county , consists of Samuel Wymore , J
K , Hays , K. P. Reynolds , jr. . J. Nowmai
nnd O. B. Rodgers , who , with a capital o
$25,000 , propose to carry on u business li
constructing , furnishing , operating am
leasing hotels in various parts of th
The largest and most important of thi
four organizations is the Union Saving
bank , of Lincoln , of which mention wa
made in the 15EK last week. The capita
nt thii outset will bo $200,000 , furnisho ;
/by btich mon as John R. Clark , E. K
' Urown , T. E. Culvert , K. K. Haydcn , J
' J. Imhoff. J. W. MeConniff. G. M. Lam
bortson. E. Finney , U. K. Vatcs , 11. I.
Smith , Eli Flummor , A. S. Raymond , C
H. Irnhoff. J. W. DOWCORO , J. 11. McMui
try , D. 1) . Muir , J. D. Maefarland.O. W
Webster , F' . M. Hall , Fred. Schmidt , J
Jlarloy ami J. W. Winger.
The railway commission have roediml
notice from 'General Manager ( Jalhxwa ?
of the Union I'aoilio , that the ovorcliargi
on froigl.t between Norfolk and Madison
complained of by the Boss Harrow com
pany , was an error , and will bo refunded
The complainants shipped 400 pounds c
first class freight from Charles Citj
Jowa , to n customer nt Madison , via th
Northwestern to Norfolk , and thence t
Madison by the Union Pacific. The rat
from Norfolk to Madison is 13 cents p
100 , but the charge was 57 cents a IOC
The agent at Madison , in explanation
said thu company charged this to discoui
age shipments of fioightto Norfolk thu
should bo given to thu Union Pacific n
Council Bluffs. Mr. Callaway , howovei
does not seem to sanction that way of dc
ing business , and will insist on a fair dot
an around.
After live years of married life the wif
of Arthur Robinson Is suing for a divorci
Mrs. RobiiiHon , whose Christian mime i
Ella , says that her husband is an abli
bodied man , u plumber and gas Utter b
* trade , and competent to earn a good Hi
Ing For some time past , however , li
lias boon drinking hard and neglected t
provide for her , Remonstrances by Mn
Robinson have led to nets of ovcessiv
cruelty on Arthur's part , such as throw
ing butcher knives and pots of boiling t ;
nt her , and it is chiefly to got rid of tin
serving B v target for an intoxicate
marksman that s > he asks the court to giv
her a divorce , and compel the dcfondai
to contribute financially to her supper
i As train No. 1 was passing Newton th
morning a farmer named bhorman , wli
was plowing In a Held , saw n baby fa
from the window of ono of the coachc
Jlo telegraphed thu fact to Lincoln , nn
the conductor on inquiry found that U
child belonged to a German famil
bound for San Francisco. An engine w ;
sent back and the baby brought in.
was found that it had fallen In a gnxvol
bed between the ties and a scalp wound
was the only injury visible. The 'com
pany has provided quarters hero for the
mother and babonntll the exact extent of
its Injuries can bo Inarnod. The woman
clainu that she know the child fell
from the car , but was not able to speak
English enough to toll any one. The con-
duetor had previously shut the windows
to keep the "kid" in.
Gcorgo Huffman , of Bcllwood , Neb. ,
will make his debut as a professional pe
destrian at the rink in this city Friday
evening , when he is to walk twenty-four
hours against nn Illinois trampcr , for
$100 a side. Mr Horace Hebbard , of this
city , who has boon chosen stake-holder ,
says the match is on the square , and that
$ )0 forfeit money has already been posted
in his hands.
"Dnneglll county" is u now section of
Ireland discovered by an enterprising
young reporter yesterday in n talk with n
tresli Importation from the "old dart" at
Ollicor Sowdcry is a trifle deaf , hut his
oars were sharp enough Tuesday night to
catch the sound of heavy pounding in
the city jail. Going in ho found that the
prisoners who had the liberty of the eala- hall had toin a beam from the top
of the cells and were using it as a batter
ing ram to force out the iron bars in the
windows. Jerry stopped the work just
before a breach was made , and drove all
hands into the cells where ho left them
looked up for the night
The local turfites will give their horses
! x "breathing" at the driving park Fri
day afternoon , when the pacers will con
tend for a pnrso of $ iOJ The entries are
Fred Nourso's Little Dan , Frank Rawl-
ins' Doe B , C. Miller's Silvcrtall , and C.
L. Hooper's Frenchman.
Marshal Beach lias received a letter
from Chief Eborsolil , of Iho Chicago
police force , asking him to lo'ok out for
the anarchist agitator , A. R. Parsons ,
who is wanted in that city on a charge
of murder and inciting to riot. Par
sons is described as a man of 33 or 40
years , five foot eight incites tall , 140
pounds weight , dark hair , tinged with
gray , ami mustache dyed black.
The Denver base ball team , including
players , manager , scorer , and two or
three supernninary stockholders , makingj
a party of fifteen quiet and woll-boliavud
gentlemen , are stopping at the Commer
cial and living on the fat of the land.
They will leave hero Sunday morning for
Omaha to play an exhibition game with
the skeleton Union Pacifies , and from
there go to St. Joe to moot the Western
League nine.
Many n silent prayer is said by Lincoln
business men as they watch tlio substan
tial crosswalk goinc down at Tenth and
O streets , and realize that wading in the
mud , at that point , is n thing of the
George M. Traver , the dry goods man ,
lias leased for three years , at an annual
rental of $3,000 , the Burr building on
Tenth street , now occupied by Henry
Burgman. Mr. Burr is to make some
extensive improvements , including a
thirty-six foot addition in the rear , and
have the work done by July 10 , when Mr.
Traver is to move in with his wholesale
A marriage license was issued .yester
day to George H. Marshall and Lizzie
Governor Dawcs yesterday signed dis
charge paucrs for two convicts whoso
terms are nearing the end. William Ko-
blc , who was sent up from Platte county
for ono year for horse stealing , will get
out on the 17th , having made two months
good timo. John McGuire , of Lancaster
county , who has served one year for bur
glary , will bo released on the ICth.
Two Bloro Apache Victims.
NOOA.LKS , May 12. A courier just ar
rived from Bainetts Arizona ranche.twonty-
five miles south west ofJfogales _ , brings newt
of the killine of Charles"Murray and Thomas
Shaw. Geroiiinio's entire band are supposed
to bo in that locality. Two hundred troopa
are in close pursuit.
Both Murray and Shaw were prominent
among the volunteers from Nogalcs when
the Indians raided Vcra Oruz valley , two
weeks aco. Much sorrow Is manifested at
their sad fate.
How Boys Fight.
Detroit Frco Press : A boy was cross
ing the West Grand Circus Park yester
day with a dog. At the fountain ho met
another boy crossing the park witn n
dog. The two boys halted and surveyed
each other , and each ono uttered n
"humph" of disgust. The two canines
stopped at ten feet away and scratched
up tno budding grass and uttered blood' '
curdling growls. "Kin your dog fight ? '
"Kin ho ? Why. lie licked a lion last
summer ! Kin your dog fight ? " "Oh ,
no ! Ho didn't grab ono o' Barnum's
Bengal tigers which got out of a cage
Ho won't light oh , no ! " "I'd lot my doc
chaw yours all to pieces , but I'm afraul
he'd"git the hydrophobia. " "I'd let mj
clog fight , but maybe yours has fleas. "
"ifumphl" "Humph , yourself ! " "I'd
lick you if mv shoulder't lame ! "
"And it's a good thing for you that 1
hurt my back yesterday ! " "Pooh1 !
"Bahl" They jumped at each other and
the dogs followed suit , but the nnxl
moment each boy , followed by his dog ,
took a run for it and didn't halt until i
block away. Then they stopped to snake
their lists and call out : "You just lool
out for mo the next time ! "
The Umpire Probably Officiated.
"Wo had a diamond wedding down a
our house the ether day , " said Mrs
Skuse , the boarding-house keeper , to hoi
friend. Mrs. Magutlin.
"Indoudl You don't say ? It nuis
have boon Interesting. "
"Yes , It was. 'iho lirst-baso nmn'i
sister got married to the short-stop. "
A memorial tablet is to be placed ot
the house at Coblonz in which Mine. Son
tag was born. She began her career h
Berlin as Sumiriunis , retired from tin
stage when she married Count Rossi , bu
twenty years later reappeared before tin
public and sang until death overtook ho :
at the age of ; fifty. She was buried ii
the monastery in Lansitz ,
"Now , Mr. Johnson , you are well upli
mythology. " "Yos , sir , that's where yoi
can always find mo. " "Wo have all sort ;
of muMjs the muse of poetry , the ninsi
of dancing , and so on. Now. I want t <
ask , for the information of all present
whether there is any muse of darknos-
of night ? " "Well , Mr. Hondricks , myth
ologically speaking , there is not. Cat
egorioally speaking , the night is full o
mews. "
Mproliixntssnd tlioso onjinKOil In ollico wor
aiusubjcrt to Dt > ju < ) > stn. Constipation , u fee
Inv ul ilosH | inU'niiy mm roMlo.'suus , nil cause
by ft cll. ncloreil liver or ataimu'li , Simmon
I.lvur Itognliitor icmovfs the * . , causes by c'blul
Mailing a too ItllnrHiioii and no luter'rronqe t
business while taUlut ; It.
"Simmon Liver Itogulatorls a
very valuable rumeily for Dys-
fpopslu , Siti ; lloitilncho , Torpid
Liver mid such IILeiUsoiisoa. " W.
8. HOI.T. 1'rcsldent ot S. W. H. R.
Co.ofUa.PILES !
How many suffer torture day nfior day , ma.
Inif llfna burden utul robbing cxlsteneo or n
plcusuro , o Ini ; to Iho ouuict sutlorln troi
piloa. Yet roller U ready to tlio hntut or alum :
an j ono \\lio will syt-tuuuUcally take Simmon
Uvor ttegulitor. it luis poruumunMy euro
tliojsnmu. No drHMo ( , Motant pure , but
soiitlo uwlstaiu to , Natura ,
Has Our ' Stsunp In Red \Ynippei
J. H. ZBttlN & CO. , FbihdolpMn , Pa
General Master Workman Powderly Asserts
llo Objects to llclng \Vhcol-lIorso ,
nml Tells of WroiiRs Tnnt
Must Do Righted.
The following secret circular has boon
received by the Knights of Labor of Chicago
cage , titul will bo rcatl in the various as
semblies during the coming week :
BOR , L'iuLEiu uu , Mny 3 , 1830. To
the Order , everywhere , granting :
The responsu to the secret circular
issued on March 18 , has been so generous
and the Indorsement of the" sentiments
contained in it has boon so unanimous ,
that I feel encouraged and strengthened
in the work. Nearly 4,000 assemblies
have pledged themselves to act on tliu
advloo contained in the circular of the
li ult. 1 feel that it only requires the
coining to the front of the real mon of our
older to set us right before the world.
Wo have been losing ground so far as
public opinion is concerned for some
time. Onn of the causes is that wo have
allowed tilings to bo done under the
name ot the Knights of Labor for which
tlio organization was in no way responsi
ble. I ask of our members to keep a
jealous eye upon the doings of the labor
men who never labor , and when they
charge anything to our order in your lo
cality , sut the seal of your condemnation
upon it oneo by denying it.
If a paper criticises the Knights of
Labor or its ollicers do not boycott itand
if you have any sueli boycotts on remove
thorn. A journal not long since made
some uncomplimentary allusions to the
general master workman of the Knights
of Labor , and at the next meeting of the
nearest assembly a motion was east to
boycott the paper ; not that alone , but
every person who advertised in the col
umns of the paper , i wrote to the as
sembly asking that they remove the boy
cott and it was done. Wo must boar In
mind that our general master workman
is only a man and is not above criticism.
We demand for ourselves the right of
frco speech. Wo cannot consistently
deny t to others. Wo must tolerate
fair , open criticism. If a rbuly is neces
sary , make it in a gentlemanly , dignilied
manlier. If wo are criticised or abused
by a blackguard sheet , treat it as you
\yould the blackguard himself In
Tnat our aims and objects are good is
no reason why our members should bo
regarded as being of superior build or
material. Wo are no more the salt of the
earth than the millions of unknown toil
ers who do the work of tho' world. In
our dealings with laborers and capitalists
wo must dual justly and fairly by them.
If wo want equity done to us wo in turn
must do equity to others. That is the
aim of the Knights of Labor and must not
bo lost sight of in the future. Let mo di
rect your attention to a few little abuses ;
I lind that wherever a strike occurs ap
peals for aid are scattered broadcast
among the assemblies. Do not pay a
cent for such purposes in future , unless
the appeal comes from your own district
assembly or the general assembly.
If boycott notices arc sent to you burn
them. I have in my possession over 400
boycott notices which wore sent to assem
blies with a requtsst that they might bo
acted upon : Let mo mention some of
them. A member is editing a paper. Ho
fears a rival , and proceeds to got into an
altercation with him , boycotts him , then
asks the order to carry it out. A certain
paper is inllucntial in one or the other
political parties. Members of the oppos
ing party conceive the idea of getting rid
of the paper , and they invoke the aiu of
the Knights of Labor , first taking the precaution -
caution to nave the paper in question say
something uncomplimentary of the
Knights of Labor. In fnet , our order has
boon used as a tail for a hundred different
kites , and in future it must soar aloft free
from all of them. I hate the word boy
cott. I was boycotted ton years ago and
could not got work at any trade for
months. It is a bad practice ; it has been
handed to us by the capitalists. I have
no use for it only when everything else
Appeals for aid , circulars , petitions ,
advertisements of every kind are scat
tered throughout the order. 1 copy _ a
letter which comes to mo on the subject :
"A large part of our time has been spent
in reading boycott notices and appeals
for aid , keeping us until 12 o'clock. "Wo
wore led to believe the Kniglits of Labor
to be an educational institution , but this
kind of education is not productive of
good. Wo have no time for instruction ,
What do you advise us to do ? "
I advised them to cither burn or table
these matters , and now ask of the secre
tary of each assembly to do the same.
If your journal wore not boycotted by
our members it could bo made the medi
um of communication between the gen
eral otiiccrs and the order , but the jour
nal is not read by one-quarter of the as
semblies. Some assemblies send out
documents in envelopes addressed to
"Secretary of Assembly No. . " In
many places the secretaries have been
discharged because of this practice. No
member has the right to address another
in that way , and if it is ever practiced
again the oflcndcr will bo punished.
In future the general executive board
must not bo interfered witli in the per
formance of its duty. If you have confi
dence : in them , sustain them and obey
them ; if not , ask for their resignations ,
While tho. board was endeavoring to set
tle the southwestern trouble assemblies
in some places , with the best of intentions
no doubt , were passing and publishing
resolutions condemning Jay Gould.
Those things din no good , on the contra
ry they wore injurious in the settlement
of troubles , it becomes the duty of the
executive ) board to meet everybody and
go everywhere While they are doing
this they must not bo hampered by tin.
actions of those who do not know what
their task is.
Keep quiet , let your ollicers do their
best , and if you cannot find a way to aid
them , do not retard tlioir progress. Uoso
lutioiid do not prevent land stealing
stock watering or gambling in the neees
sariea of life , If I had my mind made u |
to rob a bunk at midnight n string o :
resolutions as long as the moral law pro
testing against my contemplated action
would not inlluence mo a particle , but i :
some interested party would take the
trouble to study up the question am
would inform himself as to my right tc
rob the bahk and would stand guard a1
the door of the vault I would not rob i
at midnight if he did his duty. What we
want from every member is not gush 01
windy resolutions about our rights , W *
know wo have rights without passing
resolutions , Men who think , study and
act are required.
The gcnural assembly will meet it
special session on the 23th of May , in tin
city of Cleveland , From the receipt o
this letter you must not address any com
munication to mo , nor need you expec
any answer if you do. i have thousand :
of letters piled up around mo now am
theyni'vor can bo read , much loss an-
swerrd , by one man. During and sinct
'my illness the mail delivered at nr
hquso has exceeded four hundred letter"
a day , Tuey come- from everybody am
everywhere. , I must play the part ol
whoel-horso insUuul of
and our mombqrs ro responsible for it.
I asked through the Journal that no one
sondlojtoMtomo. , I am told by some to
got help. If I hud fifty , assistants it
would do no good , for it takes my wholn
time to read one-half of the letters , nnd
in the mlilillo of my work I am waited
on by some committee , who generally
misrepresent mo after they leave for
every member of the committee will
tell a dilleront story. From now until
the general assembly meets I will receive
no comniiUcevftriswcr no letters. I must
formulate a plan for the future and will
not be interfered with. Let mo repeat , I
will receive no committees , answer no
letters , nor will I go anywhere at the re
quest of members of assemblies. This \a \
imperative. I must have a chance to do
something of benefit for the order , and I
cannot do it if 1 am to sit eighteen hours
a day reading letters which have been
answered and rcanswcred in tlin journal
and constitution. What 1 will say to the
general assembly will bo said to the en
tire order and you must give mo time to
prepare it.
Wo have had some trouble from drink
ing members ami from men who talk
about buying guns and dynamite. If
the men who pcwsws money enough to
would invest it in the purchase of some
well-selected work on labor , they would
put the money to good use. They will
never need the gun or dynamite in this
country. It is my opinion that the man who
docs not study the politics of the nation
and the wants of our people would nuke
but little use of a rillo. The man who
cannot vote intelligently and who will
not watch the man ho votes for after ho
is elected , cannot be depended on to use
ejther gun or dynamite. If the head , the
brain of man cannot work out the prob
lem now confronting us , his hand alone
will never solve it. It I kill my enemy I
silence him , it is true , but I do not con
vince him. 1 wonlil make a convert
rather than a corpse of my enemy. Aloti
who own capital are not our enemies. If
that/ theory held good , the workman of
to-day would bo the enemy of his follow
toiler of the morrow , for after all it is
how to acquire capital and how to use it
properly that wo are endeavoring to
learn. No : the man of capital is not nec
essarily the enemy of the laborer ; on the
contrary , they must bo Drought closer to
1 am well aware that some extremists
will say I am advocating a weak plan ,
and will say that bloodshed and de
struction of property alone will solve the
problem. To our
I extend the hand of kindness. I hate
the uses to which rum has boon put , but
it is my duty to reacli down and lift up
the man who has fallen a victim to the
use of liquor. If there la- such a man
within the sound of the secretary's voice
when this is read 1 ask him to stand erect
on the floor oi his assembly , raise his
hand to heaven and repeat with mo these
words : "I am nKiglit of Labor. I bn-
Jicvo that every inaishould ) ; bo free from
the curse of shivery , whether the slavery
appears in the shape of monopoly , usury
or intemperance. The til-most link in
the chain of oppression is the one 1 forgo
when I drown' manhood and reason in
drink. No manfcanrob , , mo of the brain
my God has given mo unless I am a
a party to the Vllljfy It'one moment's
forgetful ness or inattention to duty
while drunk brings defeat to the least
labor plans , a lifetjme of attention to
duty alone can repair the loss. I promise
never again Id put myself in such a
position. "
Wo have , through some unfortunate
misunderstanding , incurred the enmity
of several trades' unions. , While I can
lind no excuse'of ' the unmanly attack
made upon us by spine of these people at
a time when we stood face to face with a
most perplexing question , neither can I
see any good reason why there should be
any oauso for a quarrel. Wo must have
no clashing between the mon of labor's
army. If 1 am the cause of the trouble I
stand ready at a moment's notice to make
way for any one of my rivals whom the
general assembly may select.
Break the power of the Knights of La
bor and you nand labor , bound , hand and
foot , over to its enemies. Years ago I
extended an invitation to men of all
trades to become a part and parcel of the
Knights of Labor. To-day I stand ready
to make every honorable concession , tc
do everything in honor to bring about a
bettor feeling between trades unions anil
the Knights of Labor. At the special
session ot the general assembly the entire
trouble can and must be settled. If mis
takes have been made they must bo rec
tified ; if wrongs have been inflicted they
must bo righted ; but there is ono thin < >
that will not be done while I stand at the
head of this organization. It will not be
used to further the schemes of individuals ,
cliques or parties , and it will bo subordl
nato to no other organisation on earth.
General Master Workman.
Kirlc's German Pile Ointment.
Sure euro for blind , bleeding , and itching
Piles. Ono box 1ms cured the worst cases elton
ton years .stand ! i\a. \ No one need suitor ten
minutes alter using this wonderful Klrlc't
German Pile Ointment. It absorbs Illinois
allays the Itching at once , acts as a poultice ,
Hives instntul iclief. Kirk's German Plli
Ointment is prepared only for Plies and
itching of the prhato parts , and nothing else
Every box Is warranted by our agents. Sole ;
by druKglsts ; sent by mall on receipt of price
SOc per box.
DR. C. 0. BENTON , Pnoi > ,
Cleveland. O.
Sold by C. if. Uooodman and Kulin & Co.
A remarkable custom exists among the
Roumanians living in the westerly Car
pathians. Every year , at the feast of the
Apostles Peter uutl Paul , a market is holt
on thu crest of the Gaina , from 5,000 tc
0,000 , foot above the level of the sou , unc
hero all the marriageable girls of the en
tire district assemble with tlioir parent !
in order to bo viewed and claimed.
Educated and K'xporloncod.
Hood's Sarsaparlla is prepared by C
I. ilood & Co. , ipothecarios , Lowell
Mass. , who have aa thorough knowledge
of pharmacy , and many years' practical
experience in tho' business. It is prepare
with the greatest skill and care , undo ;
the direction of the imen who orlginutni
it. Hence Hoodie y.irsaparilla may hi
depended upon > us la thoroughly pure
honest and ruliuUlo medicine.
' .1 * * '
Henry Allis , w\o ) ' \ died in ( Joutosvlllo ,
Pa. , recently , was known to have saved
$1,0-00 , but it coulij uot bo found. Aftci
his burial the story 'got about that tin
money was aetfeil in the lining of tin
coat in which ho was buried. Soon aftoi
the grave was oWic'd , the collin spli
open , and the body taken out. Is wa1
found in iho gr.ivojMffl , with the olothiiu
scattered around , except the coat , wind
was missing. >
There are 5.000.0DO . Indians in Mexico
making 3o pur cent of thu entiru popuhi-
tjon. They speak thirty-five idioms ami
sixty-nine dialects. They are nearly al
grossly ignorant , and live by themselves
a wild , half-savage life , in the country
districts. Governor Jose Maria Ituinfrez
of Chnipas , will soon ask the president U
appiopriato $1,000,009 to educate these
When B by trta eicV , ire p ve her CutorU ,
When ibe was a Child , che cned for Cutoria ,
tf lieu the Itcams MUa , she clung to Ca torl ,
What ) tVe h&4 CMldtto , U gtVo thua CwUni * .
Fascination of Gold-Finding Some Big
Nnggets that Hnvo Bsen Picked Up.
Sonic Rich IMok-Upa n American
Mining Fields-Home Intelcat-
IIIK Statistics About Gold.
S. M. T. Hartolls , in the Chicago Times
writes : Nuggets nro the delight of a
miner's heart. Some pretty big follows
have boon found now and thananil thcro
is no good reason why gold picked up in
chunks weighing ono and even two
pounds should not some day turn up In
lumps and huge bowlder of fifty pounds
or more. Such is the fascination of
gold-linding that it has caused hundreds
of mon to give up home , friends , and
kindred to spend their lives among lone
ly hills nnd mountain gulches , and per
haps to ( Ho , as the saying goes , "with
their boots on. " As an old MSler says ,
"It's the fascination of it. When you've
struck it pretty rich , and can see ycr
gold right in front of yor ; when ycr pil
ing it up every halt hour of. the day with
a nugget now and then as big as x bullet
to cheer you , and then when the evening
conies unit you count it up ami lind a
hundred odd dollars just , picked onto'
the earth that day well , there ain't
nothing like it. Then when you don't
strike it rich you always think you're
going to no\t time , and it's just as ex
citing to hear other men tell in the
evenm what they pulled out as it is
countin' over your own. Why , I've been
three or four months at a time without
making a dollar and without tx cent in
my pocket ; but , gee whittakurltho ox-
citemet of it don't give a man twice to
think how hard up he fsl"
The largest goltl nugget over found in
the world was discovered in 1858 in Iho
Uallaror diggings , Victoria , Australia ,
and weighed > ' ,100 ounces troy. It was
nearly pure gold , nnd sold lor $48,580.
This mammoth nugget was called the
"Welcome , " and for many years was
reckoned one of the'modern seven won
ders of the world. The lirst gold dis
covered in New South Wales was a tremendous -
mondous nugget , ami was found by a.
shepherd-boy tending sheep. It was a
large mass of quartz and gold , and
weighed about ono hundred pounds. The
boy , full of excitement , ran to his master ,
who hurriedly repaired to the spot , and
they broke it up with an ax. It split
into three pieces , and out of the largest
section was taken sixty pounds of pure
gold. From the Victoria dicpings were
taken many fine nuggets. This colony
sent , in ISO' ' , to the London international
exhibition an astonishing tower called
the''Gold Trophy. " It was an obelisk
ten foot in height , representing in bulk
all the gold found in the colony for
cloven years from 1851 down to 18U3.
Since the finding of the "Welcome"
many other big nuggets have been picked
up in various parts of the world , but
none equal to the great wonder of Bal-
laret. Two have been found worth $21-
000 , one $10,000 , two $8 000 , ono $0,000 ,
four ijS.OOO , twelve worth from $3,000 to
§ 4,000 , and eighteen from $1,030 to $2,003.
California must be credited with the
greatest number of nuggets , the annals
of gold mining in t'tat state during the
last thirty years showing numberless
others , besides some of the largo ones
above mentioned , worth from ? 100jto
$300. Ono nugget was found in Snowshoe -
shoe gulch , in Montana , in 1803 , which
weighed 178 ounces and sold for $3,230.
Another largo lump of simon-pure gold
was picked up in the summer of 1805 , in
Nelson gulch , worth $2,075. An Indian
boy found another shining follow in
Scratch Gravel bottom in 1875 , which
brought him about one-third its value
viz. , $500. A Cheyenne buck came into
the post-trader's store at Fort Keogh five
years ago holding in his hand a long ,
iciclq-slmpcd pendant of the purest kilid
of virgin gold , which ho said ho had
broken off from beneath an overhanging
rock in the Big Horn mountains. He
would , however , tell nobody the exact
spot where he got it from. How it came
to bo in the shape described it is hard to
say. Probably the rock containing the
gold was struck by lightning , which
melted the gold , ana it poured trqm the
rook in ft fluid state and cooled into a
solid before falling to the ground.
The Cojur d'Aleno mines in northern
Idaho have produced some pretty fine
nuggets. A largo nugget , worth about
$300 , was found on the Lucky Baldwin
and passed around the camps for weeks
as a fair sample of what the new dig
gings promised. The ( Jrcat Snowllako ,
composed of crystallized quart/ studded
with gold and broken from the famous
Mother lode , was such a gorgeous sight
that it was kept intact for a long tune
and sent east to bo placed on exhibition.
In one spot in the Cisur d'Aleucs ' a $1
nugget was first picked up and then a $5
piece. A few hours later a $200 fellow
was found in the same crevice and then a
§ 100 beauty was brought to the light of
day. Two days after this remarkable
find the goose fortune began laying again
in the same spot , and before the nest was
cleaned out , no less than $5,000 in dust
and nuggets was taken from this ono pit ,
which was about ten feat across. One of
the best nuggets taken from the Camr
d'Alcncs was found on the Gillette claim
a short time ago. It was irregular in
shape , nearly four inches long , throe and
a half wide and two in thickness. It car
ried homo quart/ , but the gold in it
weighed thirty-nine ounces , thirteen pen
nyweights and eighteen grains.
The first piece of gold found in Cali
fornia was worth 5u cunts , and thesocond
$5. This-"first Ijttla treasure is no larger
than a pea , but it is perhaps the most re
markable piece of metal in the world's
history. It is the identical glitterinc par
ticle that first caught the eye of James
Marshall in Suitor's mill race in Califor
nia , thirty-nine years ago. That tiny
glittering particle has added to the gold
of the world nearly a billion and a half.
This historical nuggctt is now among the
coliection of gems in the Smithsonian
institute at Washington.
The total production of gold in the
world during the four years ( lending with
1835 was 10,31)0 ) tons , equal in value to
$7,411,707,850. Valuing gold at $18 fi'Jpor
ounce , a cubie Inch of gold is worth $210
a cubic foot $3(52,835 ( , and a cubic yard
$9,707,702. A cubic foot of gold weighs 1-200
pounds avoirdupois , and $1.000,000 would
therefore bo a little less than a cube of
throe foot. At the commencement of the
Christian era there was in the world only
$127,000,000 in gold. At the time America
was discovered this had diminished to
$50,000,000. Then the new world opened
up her vast treasure-vaults and a con
stant stream of wealth began pouring
fourth which fins not ceased yet.
Australia came to the front in 1853 ! ) ,
and for awhile contributed lavishly.
Where does all this gold go to ? It is not
in circulation , nnd yet it is becoming
scarcer and more precious year after
year. A great deal of it goes into our
cemeteries. It is estimated that over
three millions llo burled in the ceme
teries of the nations , and at the present
rate the amount will boon bo trebled ,
Then , besides , n vast amount is used in
gilded china , crockery-ware , picture-
fr.tmos , the walls and interior decorations
of rooms , railway cars , solid dishes used
on the tables of the wealthy , in the
manufacture of watches , jewelry , and
other oramcnts. in gokl plating , personal
adornments , the wear of gold coin. tie {
amount lust at turn , in riycM , Ink us ini'l '
Isewhere , bo that it. requires all tlu
lift ! I. I.L1.1 A IT ! .f * .
f'fiUifIMU I
Full Assortment for sale to the Trndo by
Oneof tlif ) Best ci ! i Ltiryest Stools in the U.S.
to Select from.
No Stairs to Climb , Elegant Passenger Elevator
OHO. IIUIUCK , MnnnKor ,
UEKEUENOKS : Merchants' anil Farmers' Hank. D.avhl Oily , Nob. ; Kc.irnny National
Bank , Kearney , Neb. : Cnlnmtms Stnto Hank. Columbus. Neb. ; McDjnald's ' Ltank , Noith
I'lnttc. Neb. ; Omaha National Bank. Onalm. : Neb. , , , .
Will pixy custonu-rs' draft with bill ot lading attached lor two-thirds value of stock.
S. W. COR. 15th AND FAKNAM , OKI All A.
county 11
Map : ,
frco of charge upon application.
mines of the world can produce to keep
pace with the demand.
The amount of gold in use aggregates
nearly $7,000,000,000 ; and yet , after all ,
this is not so great a bulk as ono would
at first imagine. All of the gold on earth
to day , in whatever shape , mat is , mined
gold or , to jmt it plainer , tlio gold in
use in all nations and the product of
ages if welded into one mass , would bo
contained in a cube of less than thirty
PILES ! nies :
A sure cure for Blind. Bleeding , Itchln
nnd Ulcoiated Piles has been' discovered by
Dr. Williams , ( an Inillan lemcdy ) , called lr
Williams' Indian Pile Ointment. A slnijlo
box has cured the worst chionlc cases ot 25 or
30 years standing. No ono need suffer live
minutes after applying this wonderful sooth
ing medicine. Lotions and Instruments do
more harm than good. Williams' Indian
I'llo Ointment absorbs the tumors , allays tlio
Intense itching , ( particularly at niuht after
. . .
, UL IlllVillU ll.ll 13. .llltl ll'l llljtlllll
Dr. Frazicr's Made Ointment cures as by
aslc , Pimples , Black Heads or Giubs ,
Blotches and Eruptions on the face , leaving
the RKln clear and ooautlful. Also euros Itch ,
Salt JJl'euin , Sere Nipples , Sore .Lips , and
Old Obstinate Ulcers.
Sold by druggists , or mailed on receipt of
50 cunts.
Retailed by Kuhn & Co. , and Schrooter *
Conrad. At wholesale by U. F. Goodinuu ,
The city of Core was founded by Span
iards in 1527 , and was for fifty years the
chief city and capital of Venezuela and
the neighboring Islands now belonging
to the Dutch. Santa Fc , in New Mexico ,
an'jfSan Augustine , in Florida , were
fcJnded fifty years later , and these three
arc the oldest cities in the now world ,
omitting the island cities , which were
built after its discovery.
Twenty-five cents will remove a cold.
Buy a bottle of Red Star Cough Cure.
Prospectors have found , at the head of
Onion Creek , > V. T. , a beautiful lake ,
hitherto unknown , two miles long by
one-half wide which abounds in
- , an ex
cellent variety of trout in great numbers.
This lake is thirty-five miles north
from Colvillo.
AiiRostur aUIUorH is known as tlio great
regulator of the digestive organs nil over the
world , llavo it in your house. Ask your
grocer or druggist for the genuine article ,
manufactured by Ir , J. U. B. Slegert & Sons.
The prices on the Isthmus of Panama
tor articles necessary to an American la
borer are about as follows : Egsa , SO to
GO cents n dozen ; bocf , 25 cents ; cjiickcns ,
$1.50 ; turkeys , $3 to $4 ; libh , weighing
eight or nine pounds , $3 to $3. Before
the French occupation of the isthmus the
latter article of same size could bo bought
for 25 coutH ,
The skin Is ot that delicate nature upon -
on which the most improvementcan be
made and by the use of Po//.oni's Medi
cated Complexion Powder all roughness ,
sallowness and irritation can bo over
come leaving the skin delicately white ,
soft nnd smooth. This preparation has tx
world wide reputation , so no fear need
be entertained of the result. Soldby
all druggists.
The earliest report of the weather is
given from Now York , May 8 , 1701 , and
is as follows : "Very rainy , dirty and
cold weather for the season , and so con *
tinuesj the wind and weather hinders our
Ponnsylvauia post coming in.
' '
Tht Greater t Ig'e'dlearTriumpli of tlio Ace I
I.odofnpprjtltr , liuivels cost Ire , 1'u'iuln
the L iul , with a dull ensatlon In tUo
back part , 1'ala nuri r tUo ( boulder- ,
bludp , I'ullneiB nfter cAltnu , nlllindlo
inclination to oxcrllou of body or mind ,
Irritability of teuipcrt I < ow plrlti , with
ufeellne of having urglectud ruiuodutr.
It o > rlue , UlzKlnes * , IMutlerlnc at Ibo
Mnntti Dots bcforolhe eye > , Ilendacbo
over tUt > right ere. Jtcstlusanen , with
Altuldi'tami , lllcbly colored Uriuouud
TDTT'S VlIjI.M BIO especially adapted
to such cases , ono dose oirccta eucli a
They llKVcasc the Ai > iClltcanclcause tlin
fccrtr to Tnho ou fleili. thus tha Titem la
nourletinl.l.n : ! by tlioir 'i'oiilo Action oa
the lllarjttveOraniiiiItcjiilarStooI ara
prmlco-il. Ir1oea5o. 14 | Murray KI..N.V.
T > novatfi lie bodmakoi liiulthy flesu ,
xtrougthnu Iho weak , repairs the wutc of
Uio syatam with puru blood auti hard muscle ;
COIUM ibo nervous gratem , lavli'oratog the
brain , uti4 imparta the vigor of manhood.
$ 1. Sold br dniKKisls.
CU'iflCli 41 Murray St..New York.
Absolutely Pare and Unadulterated.
AND Pni&cr.ioio BY PHYSICIAN * Evinrwnr.ui ,
And all Trailing Dlsemcsi
For sale b ; Draggltts , Grocers and Dealer ! .
Price , One Dollar per Bottle.
cvptiacbiibeftrourtr&de-airk label of UitvUelicu ]
above , and tlia librae of compftDr tlown lu txitlle.
( X7"F rlout0utorth Rocky UcranUlrji ( * ir pl the
Tenltorlei ) , untble to procure It from lh tr dtaUri ,
c n h T9 Half Doxcn oi , In pltln CM , unmarked , E& *
l > mM chircu prepaid , lijr rtullUm BU VvUiMtn
The Dutly Malt Whisker Co. , BaltimoreMd.
fflnd l-tatl Itamp for 0ur Vtjafltng Contwnpttm Term *
tilattonititlmy frinttpallv tj fatf ttttitettiaA tmr tt' '
kiy'gunty a/u4blt / ItrvJf MfioN , Uyiptpiia ,
rtcot rvfrom all Wetting DlimiM , tteutt biprfpartc
amttln vnour uMiltyi * av dtifall , uttl M cAlar-
fully anitftrrd 6y our UtAtlulDepartment ,
J g , XMl _ _ _ _ -
1.14 fid. cur.t lijlprp.U. tl.rrl > t , ft * rr ftn4 ACI.P.
id.rl.ri * f th , 1'lt.ll. , , Ortau. 4 f.v 4rop4 Ivptrt ft dtlu n J
la I | IMI of tLMnp Df , & 4 1 kll fuuw.r anakl. TJ II
b > r f eavnurrrlt. . A.k T ur irM ff r dn.ftut f i U. |
UcU < au Iulur.JbrI > K J Q.11 MtOtnittOVS.
' '
ei liuoAoirky X.
"OTT "CC Instiint roller. 1'lniil euro lit
JTJLJUJLJi : * 10 diiys , nnd nnverrcturiM. No
Iiurtfu , no sulvo no suiipoBllury , finlleru ivll
onrn or it slmpln ronioJy ircu by addressing 0.
MASON. 7 Nnssitii St. , N. Y , nprHoodum
AccmintioMUn ) < crMorrlmnl and other * eollcltcl.
Collections 1'romptly Made.
S. A. KEAN & CO. , Bankers ,
( Successor * lo frctton , Koan A Co , )
Municipal , K , K. , T.nrnl urn ! other Iloud ,
Hvild lor TUU.
For tlit j.atposevt ilicllni la&l hi. Ar.drmi Uijt Cell
lo dtfkrcbl contuiuiimci , till ercil tUcrt mudu.
rite nuiiia pUliiljr uuil In full , la lint < S id cm I
t uiiliurrM.l ! | , W jr nil Uiu fjf l o /can , iiulj
th 'lu.arru Orange uroio Trait will 1-41 an aVjja > lL
eioo'Ti , fiuaoo. > uiH. . ft , , M p "i uiin , KT , I
JAMIIIF.WNliAVU. It. AM ) I.A.Mt < 'O. . Olii.l
Jdnimtl , < > . , oi hUAndreiv * lluy , Tin. Prcdi cm ]
1 be tlMUVe4 lADre ( iri.raiU7 | If } ou ai4roL'lu < : lltliall ( > Qct. | ]
, I ec. A vfctllil of 1 IHItiT.
till Imprudouno tnuslnt
' 'rouuturo Decay , Nun
J ? lIlllllieilHIi , . . ' c1a lliuty. Ixwl Hon.
pooil , tc. IitrlnT tnoa In vr' o every known remMv
li j iUfco urfd a 8lniilo | ( ili-ouro , nlch ho will ton !
Kill' ) ' , to hlK fellnw-aufTerer'i. Ailpvi (
J. U.ltUCVra.UCliMh&ri-Ktreut. ow VorkCllr ,
Sealed Proposals
Will bo recolvcil ot tlio ollico of Ibo chief on-
Klno"r. Union I'uclllo Hullwny , ut Omaha , unifr"
FiiUay ovonlnir , Mny Ibth , for the KHI luf ! : , pllo
tiiiaKlnxniid tiacU-luylnj- iibout luny nu'ci '
ol tlin Ohoycnuu & Norllioui ittilluuj' lioni
Clic > cnnu nortliwmil.
1'rolllog mid spuulllO'xtlotis ' cnn bo fun nt'lta
cblcl cuj'lii6i ra oitfui ) in Omubu , or on the
iroik oliortbu KHh lust.S
niyitointt Ucntrul llunaifor , U. 1' . Hy.