Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 13, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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OaU Easynnd not materially changed ;
cash nnd
- .
Timothy Prime , 81.70.
hisky 81.1.
rork In fair demand , and 2K@'xs lilchcr.
receded 5@7Kc , and closed tame ; cashnnd
1. ; June , S8.7lk8.72if. ( )
, r5julcl.niul iinebansed ; cash and
WAV , fS.b V ; June 85.87Jf@Ti.Co !
JJuk Jrcnta-Stoaily nnd wnclinnccil ;
H lonlders , 84.00(24.10 ( ; short clear , 55.&DQ5.CO ;
Cheese Dull ; full cream Cheddars..3
He. ; flats , 10) ) ® ilj < c } j dung Americas ll < 212c.
Hides Green , OXc ; heavy green salted ,
7J/c ; light , 8tfc ; damaged. riVc ; hull Itidcs ,
Bftc ; dry Raited. 12 } < c ; dry Hint , 13@Uc ; call
7kjns. loQl.Tc ; deacons 50c ,
I allow Grease , white country , A , 4 c ;
B 4c ; yellow , 8 c ; brown 3c.
. . . HccolpU. Shipments.
Flour , bhls 10,000 "
AVhcnt.ou 11,000 120.000
Corn , bu 130.000 331.0UO lto.000 frl.OOO
Kycbu 3,000 4.003
Barley , bu 0,000 8,000
AKTIIHMOOM > . Wheat May , } { c
lower ; July , V@tfc higher.
Corn May and .lune , * fc higher.
Oats ifCgl-lOc hlglier.
1 Pork Unchanged.
1i i Lard Unchanged.
St. 1(0 u I B , May 12. Wheat Weak and
.1 lower ; .No. 2 icd , cash and May nominal
Corn Easy ; No 2 mixed , cash andMny ,
6atn Steady ; No 3 mixed , cash and May ,
I'ork Firm at S9.15Q0.25.
I-ard Steady at 85.70.
liuttar Unchanged : choice to fancy
creamery , 15@18c ; choice to fancy daily ,
AKTEIINOOX 15o\nn Wheat J/c lower.
Corn % @ } { c lower. Oats % c lower.
Kansas City , Mav 12. Wheat-Quiet ;
No. 2 red , cash , COc bid ; June , C4 c bid ,
G5c asked.
Corn Strong ; No. 2 , cash , 27c ; June ,
27U ( < W7Kc ; J u ly , 28c old.
Oats Nominal.
Toledo , May 12. Wheat Cash , 82@S5c.
Corn Cash , 35 c.
Oats Cash. KJJ c.
Now York. May 12. Wheat IlccclDts ,
111,000 ; exports. 8.000 ; spot , declined l@ljtfi !
nnd options % ( < iiic ) , closing linn ; slight re
covery ; linginded red , b8yJU."i7-10c : No. 2
rcd.bUJfc f. o. b. , 8'J13-10c dcllvcied ; Juno
closing at b8 < c.
Corn Spot , quiet but steady ; options dull
and unwilled ; receipts , : w,000 ; exports , 47.-
CCO ; ungnuled , 3S@44c ; No. : i , 41c : No. 2 ,
In elevator , 47Jic doliveied ; Juno
Oatc-Shado stronger ; receipts. 45,000 ; cx-
jiorte , 815 : mixed western , S7i 40c ; white
western , 4lJ < ; @ 47c.
I'etroleum Steady ; United closed at
73fc. |
Kgus Dull and easy.
I'ork Firm and moro active ; old mess ,
Lard Dull and weak ; western steam ,
spot , S0.17V.
Mutter ( jttiet and weak ; western , 10@21c ;
Elirln creamery , 21-i2c.
Chefse Quiet but barely steady.
Milwaukee , Mav 12. Wheat Tame ;
cash. 77fc ; June , 7Se ; August , 79 c.
Corn Firm ; No.35c ' \
Oats-Steady ; No. 2 , 'JS' c.
Jlyc Steady ; No. 1 , 07c.
JJarloy Nominal.
Provisions llicher ; mcssporlc , cash and
Way , S8.70 ; JuneSR.75.
Cincinnati. May 12. Wheat Jleavy ;
No. 2 red , 87@8Sc.
Corn Heavy ; No. 2 mixed , 30' < fufl7Kc. (
Oats Barely steady ; No. 2 mixed , yiJa'G
Kye Steady ; No.2C7@70c.
Bui-ley Jjiclit demand.
I'ork 80.25.
Lard S5.70@ > r..75.
Whisky 81.10.
Minneapolis. May 12. Wheat Lower ;
No. 1 hard , cash 7Ge ; No. 1 northern , cash ,
TOo ; No. 2 northern , cash , 70c.
Motir Weak ; patents , S4.4. @ 4.70 ; bakers ,
. .
Jtecelpts Wheat. 60,000 bit.
Shipments-Wheat , 1'J.OOO bu ; Hour. 10,000
ChlcnRO , MayVi TheDrovois' Journal
reports : .
Cattle Ilccelpts , 3,800 ; maiket active and
10@15c higher ; shipping steei.s , 54.25 0.00 ;
etockersaud feeders. $ : i.OO@I.M ) ; rows , bulls
nnd mixed , S2.00@4.00 : bulk , S.oo@.50 : ! : ) ;
thiotigh Texas cattle , corn-fed S1.50@4.bO.
Hogs Itecclpts , 17,030 ; maiket stronger
nnd n shade hither ; lough and mixed , Stf.fX )
W4.15 ; packing nnd Miluplng , S4.00@4.25 ;
light , S3.40@4.15 ; skins , S2.40 : ! .RO.
Sheep Receipts. i.fXK ) : market strong ;
shorn natl\cs bold foi Sl.b5ii)5.i5. ( ) :
St. Ijutila , May li Cnttlo-necelpts ,
800 : shipments. r > 00 ; active , stiong nnd lOc
higher ; choleo shipping and export , S5.80 ®
6.00 : common to good , S4.005 5.15 ; butch-
eis steois , S4.OJJ4.H : ( ; cows and heifers , § 2.50
© 4.10 ; stockeis and feedets , Si.50@4.45. :
Hogs-ltecclpts , 8OjO ; ilpmeuts , 4,000 :
active and .steady ; butchers and selected ,
34.00(34.10 ( ; mixed to good pacUlns , S&SO ®
KniiHnx City , May 12. Cattle KeenlpK
1,000 ; shipments , mine : . tidiig ; eommon to
fancy , Sl.LOg.VJu ; htockeis and feeders , SJ3.40
. -HJ ' ' . . .
C - ; cows , -.40Jt3.oo.
Hogs Receipts , 0,0f > 0 ; shipments , 5,000 ;
weak ; good to choice , fcj.M@4.00 : * : common to
medium , 53.50 3.75.
K\enliiff , May 13.
Cattle Thote weie no enttlit in the yards
to dny to ftpcak of , and not enough to mnlco
a matket , ' 1'lie demand uas peed and cholca
cattle \\ottld liavu K/ld about lOc stronger ,
Good dieted U'lil cuttlu are wanted.
llorfs The iirelpts were HlKTal , but not
riiml | to joMei day's. The market was lather
iiiiMitlslii-ti ! > ry nnd the old tendency to sort
up loads Is showing Itself again. The buyers
want to tluow out tlueo or four oC the rough
heavy ho s and Mclp.s from each load. When
4fei loads nio Mild this way they appear , on the
fnco , toluuc brought a big price , but In re
ality they do not net any more to the f-lil- )
pnr than thi < loads that atn sold at a less Ik'-
ntu but without any thiowouts. Prices did
hot range imito us high as yei > teiday.
Slieop Tlieru were noanivals and prices
am only nominal at Sl.OOvjJS.O'J for uhulco
* A , gindes.
* ltiCF.U'T8 :
Cattle . 100
Hogs . 1100
Showlni : the prov.illlng prices paid for ll\o
stock on this imukct.
Choice Hteers. VXO to 1450 Ibs. 34.75CJ4.W )
tJood steerh , I'ioO to liiOO ll > s 4.004.70
Medium htn'is , vr > 0 to iuo : : Ibs 4.40 4.50
Fat little sleorc. 10.W to IIW Ibs . 4.2.- > ® 4.W
Good leedeis , WO to 1000 Ibs .iiOi.UO :
Hood to choice cows and heifers. S.50MS.75
Kuir to medium cows nnd hclfurh ; : .00@J.40
Good to choice bulls 2.70&3.35
Jledlum bulls
Good to choice btags . a.'iV ( 3.75
Medium stags .
Cholco liL'ht and medium hogs .
Good to choice heavy hogrt . .
Good to choice mixed hogs . S.riO@i.n5 :
Common rough grades . 3.Vi ) ( < , : i.r > o
Cliolce to extra t > heep . . . . 4.00&5.00
Itoprescntntlvc Hillcs.
No. Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r.
21. . ,1150 , 54.60
uu'rniuns' si v.r.m ,
No. Av. I'r. No , Av. Pr.
4 1102
Av. I'r. No. Av. Pr.
1100 83.73 2 UbO 84.00
No. Av. I'r. No. Av. . Tr.
75. . Av.U * 42 22s 3.05
61 sto .GO 89 108 3.G5
. . . . .212 a co 68 270 S.70
70. . a.cs 59 203 a.70
CO. . 9.55 85. , IPO 3.70
63 , 3.GT > M..2W 8.70
W. . 817 &ns 25 258 3.70
71 , . 215 S-M M , .314 ao
55. , W 104 8.70
jicvon. UEAVV uoos , 8.70Pr.
No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. Pr.
No.s' ' . . . . 4 s js. a . . . . ; 4io 1150
s' , . . . . KH > 3.40
Ar. I'r. No. Hit. Pr.
. . . . 107 I3.&C- .
llnnire of Price * .
Bliovriue the highest and lowest prlueii pah
or live stock an this market during the past
even daj-s , with comparative values :
mirssKD nunr AO strirrixo cATii.n.
000@1200 1250@1400
Dates. Ibs. Ibs.
iVednnsday . . . . S .IO 84.03 < < | 4.75
Thursday . 4.53 4.75 WI.60
* 4.U5 @ .40 4.00 ( S .8.j
Saturday. . . . . . . 4.2T 4.75
Monday . 4.W ) 4.CO
rucsday . 4.X ( ) @ .70
ednesday . . . . 4.00
April May.
iVcdnesday. . . . 3.00 & 3.H ! ) 3.00 ( B3.75
riiursday ! 3.75 toC ! JJ.2 } < g3.85
" 'rlday. 3.70 @ 3.K ! )
jaturday 3.75
Monday , . . 3.70 ( S3.73
I'uesday 3.CO l < ? 3.75
iVcdnesday. . . . 3.85 3.CO ( ,1.70
A11 sales of stock in this mirkot are inado
K-rcwt. live weight unless otherwise stated.
Dead hos sell at Vc per Ib for all weights ,
'Skins , " or hosri wclxhlnu less than 100 Ibs ,
10 value. Pregnant sows are docked 40 Ibs
and stags bO Ibs.
Ship In your cattle.
Cattle market sliougcr.
Hogs averaged CO to the to-day.
John Wiggins , Columbus , sold a load of
Miller * D. , Wayne , maikctcd a load of
.las. Oilgcrs , Unadllla , marketed a load of
55 hogs.
Mclsncr&T. , Shelton. marketed two loads
of hogs.
J. Wllhelmenson , Dannnbrojr , maikoted
one of hogs.
H. 1) . Reynolds , Central City , marketed a
load of hogs.
J. C. Thurston , Dorchester , marketed a
load of hogs.
Paikhuist it W. , Scotia , had a load of hogs
on tlio maiket ,
The hog market was 20c lower to-day than
one month ago. t
L. L. Doano , Scotia , was on the maiket
with a load of hogs.
Lake & H.ill. Scotia , was on the market
with a load ol hogs.
K. I ) . Wulknr. St Kdwatds , had a load of
liogs on the maiket.
McEldery A ; McDonald Missouri Valley ,
marketed a load ot hogs.
Lawieuce L. Jlnnpal , of the lirm ol Ilappal ,
Sons it Co. , stock dealeis nt Chicago and
Jiuaha , .spent yubteid.iyat thohtock yaidh on
his way west
* 3cnernl
Wednesday Kveninir , May 12.
Eor.s Tlio receipts aio large and tlio mar
ket weak with a downwaul tendency. Stocks
are accumulating nnd dealers find It slow
sale at b@8' c.
BUT i iu Grass butter Is beginning to
come In and receipts are more lihuial. Prices
are going down to their summer basis.
Choice table butter , uniform in colorand qual
ity. Is quoted at 13@15 ; fair to good 7@10c ;
Inferior , 4J.V ( ; creamery , 22C < i2. > c.
CiiiiKsr. Fancy lull etcam Cheddars. Oc
tober make. 11 0 ! Hats , 12 ! c ; young
Aiiiuiica , H c ; lirst quality Swiss clieese ,
15c ; second quality , i2' (314c ( ; Limburger ,
llfftVJc ; skim Hats , iKfJlOc.
Poin.Titv The iccelpU of live chickens
aie liberal and the inevailliig piice is S3.50.
A le.w choice have been .sold as high ns 83.75.
l'Jti > miviy ; , Jiu.i.ius , iTC. : Preserves , all
kinds , 20-lh. palls per lb. lOc ; do in pail
lot" , per lb. UJjc ; assorted 5-lb. palls pur rate ,
palls , S3.75. Jellies , all kinds , Hist grade ,
20-lb. p.ills , per lb. Sc ; soitcd , tirst ginde ,
5-1 b. pails , per crate , 0 pails , S2.50 : do
Mb. pails , per case , 2 do82.25 : do , tninb-
leis. per ea e , 2 doz. , S1.40. Je ly. nil kinds ,
second ginde,30-Ib. nails , per lb. 'KJ. Mince
meat , best grade } 1 bbl. per lb. 7c ; do. 6-Ih
pails , per crate. G polls , $2.75 ; do 40-lb pails
per lb , 7J c ; do , 5-lb pails , per crate , 0 palls
S'J.75. 1'c.ich , plum and quince butter , ns-
01 ted , filh ) iails , percr.xtc , 0 palK 53.75 ;
horse rutlisli. clnt bottles , per doz 51.50.
1'ios' IIIT. : : TUIIT , K-ic l-igs' reef , \
bbl , S4.00 ; tlo , Kbbl. S2.00do. ; per kil.
Lambs'tongues , perK bbl , S3.25 ; do. per
kit , S2.50 ; do , qua ! t jars per do ? , $5.25 ; do ,
pint jars per case , 2 iloi. 50.75. Tripe , per J <
bbl , S4.00 ; do , per tfbbl , S2.00'do ; , par kit
SX c.
COMB HONEY Calltornm 2 ID frame tX ) Ibs ,
In case per Jb. , 15c ; 10 lb. frames , Nebraska.
CiDKit Michigan rcflneJ , per bbl. , S0.50 ;
do. half. bbl. . S4.00 ; Motts , per bbl. , S7.00 ; do
halt blil. , S4.00.
VINEOAit White wine. iCe ; cIdcrrl2Kc.
On.VNiiKs One car loud ot Cnlilornia
oranges arrived yestciday and met with
quick sale at S4.00.
SntAwiiKKiii : : & Large quantities aio now
niriving tioin Arkansas and other .states.
The bulk of lecelpts aio in t > ad older and
have to he sold to peddlers at veiy low fig
ures. Choice prime stock suitable for outside
oulers is .selling to-day nt S4.50i'i.0fl ( per ease
ol 24 nls. 1'iospccts tavor lower pi Ire * for
the balance of this week.
LF.MO.VS Fnney Messina , per bo\S7.00 ;
good to choice Messina , ner bo'fi > .00y(0.50.
Arri.ES Stock about cleaned up. Noth
ing In the market lit to ship.
UAXANAS Two carloads reached the mar
ket yi'Atcrday. Tlio slock is hue nnd with
pievalllng warm weather Is moving fast at
S3.0)i,50 ) : per hunch.
CieANniinmv-Theiols : : very little demand
and timid : s not much stock being bold.
Dealers are clearing up their stocks as best
they can. Quotations nre S" > .50@0.00 per bbl.
Jersey are sellinc ut S2.00 per busli box.
CocoA.NiTS ! 1'ei too , 85.00 ; less than 100 ,
or ( rn
NK'W FIGS , DA.TF.S. Ere. Layer figs , s and
10-lb boxes , p r Ib , iCe. Dates , fancy Fard ,
12-lb boxes , pur lb. He ; I'm-lnn , 60-lb boxes ,
per lb , We. 1'runelle. * , 30-lb boxes , per lb ,
ISc.MAPi.KSuoAii Htlcks , strictly pure , 50-Ib
boxes , per lb , lOc ; penny cakes , 25-1 b cases ,
PnovisioNS-llam. lOc ; breakfast ba
con h@Kcclearildebacon,7 : < ? i > 7 ! c ; dry salt
sides , OSwic ; shoit rib sides , OKc : shoulders ,
5e. ; mess poik. 512.50 pei ubl ; dried beef , ham
nieces , IRc ; laid , tleiccs , OJi 'c ; 50 Ib pans , 7c ;
70 Ib cans ( Falib.inks ) , 7) ) c : 5 Ib cans , do ,
l ; ' < c : H Ib cans , do. , 7 c : boneless ham. lOc.
\KnKTAiii.Ks-Culltornln cubbaso ,
per I b , : > } < < : wiulillower , per doz , 52.50 ; cel
ery , iier di ) , 81.50 ; asparagus , per Ib 7c ;
spinach , pur bbl , $2.00 ; gieen onions , per
do.H5c ; radishes , per dot , 50c : lettuce , per
doMr ; pieplant , jwr Ib , 4@5c : IHSOS per -
busli box. $1.25 ; i-btish box , S3.00 ; cuciini-
bers , Sl.2Vi2i.50 per doz ; Ueimtuln onions ,
per box , S3.50 ; Beimuda tomatoes , per box ,
NKW OAT.IPOIIMA V : onTAnir.s Canots ,
pe ril ) , Mo : paisuips , porlbic : ; turnips , per
b,2c ; potatoes , He ; onions , 4c ; beets He.
BCAXS The maiket Is dull and the supply
llbeial. We quote inferior stocks , 75c@l.oO ;
Kood clean coiintrv. S1.25@150 ; medium
ami-picked , 81.5U(31.00 ; hand-picked navy ,
1. 15JS1.75. !
PorATor.s There Is no demand and no
stock In moving. ltreiiilie.s | the very best
assoitcd MOCK to bring : < U@40c , and only In a
small way , oven at that in Ice. Dealers hud
It a difficult matter to hell their stock at any
pi Ice , and a good many will have to bo held
some time , a > < the nmiket Is glutted.
Oi.n VioiTAH.K : : Outona , rholco ynl-
low , 52.5003.00 : lutabagas , per bbl , 81.00 ®
1.25 ; carrots , 81.2.y > $ l.75 per bbl : hon.0 radish
( iit.viN At the mills : Corn , fc ; oats ,
2SKchent ; , No. 2 , fiOe ; rye , 4H .wo
FI.OUU AXU Mu.i.STurKS Winter wheat
Hour , best ( iimlity patent , S3.00@a.lO ; second
qtulity , 2. ) ® : f.OO ; beat xuullty spiing
\Mieat Hour , uatont. S2.50f < t < J.75 ; buckwheat
Hour , In barrels. 85.75 ; ready raised , 3 | b pack
ages , 54.00 ; 5 11) packages , SU.IO ; bran , COc
per cwt ; chopped feed , 75o per cwt ; white
corn meal , 60u ; yellow corn meal , 70upur
ewt ; ficreenlns , 60c per cwt ; hominy , 81.50
per c wt ; Rhoits , cooper cut ; gialmm , 81.7a ;
hay. In bales. gr.,00 ( < c7.00 per ton.
limn AND SKI.VS Mink. each. 1040c ;
muskrat , winter. 5U * ; do. kits , lo ; Otter.
S2.wv 5.w ; skunk , short striped , 15(325c ( : do.
broad striped , 10315 ; badger. 25@50 ; Itao
coon. No. 1 largo , -10@00 ; do. No. 2. 20 30 ;
do. Ho. , lOyWic : wolf , nralrie 5075o ;
do. mountain , b2.0o@3oo ; wildcat , 15940 : bea
ver. S1.0 2.W per lb ; fox. each. 40c@1.75 :
cUtrsklnu drv winter , I0@iso per lb ; do , ( all
' nod summnr , 15C iJc : antelope. 610 pet Ib
HIDES Green butclims , OKC > . preen cured
7W@7Jfedry flint. liC lScdry : salt , OCrflOo :
damajrfit ) hide ? two-thirds price. Tallow 3 j/c.
Grease , pi line white. 3c : yellow , 3Wc ;
brown. 2c. Shcco PelU-avaTSo
LKATIIKII Prime slaughter sola leather.
S3J ; ! V ; ; prime ouic solo leather. EOMn'Jc. '
Upper leather , per f00' ' . 202&c ; netii.
Kip. 75 85o : oak kip , 65Wc : Kicuct. kit ,
Sl.tXKi 1.25 ; hem. calf. 61.00 1.10 : oak calf ,
Sl.ooai.25 : French oilf , 81.2 1.85 : Mormvo
boot lee , 80 < jSi2c : : Morocco ollpebble , ' . > j@3'ic ;
tuppinxs and llniiiKS. SO.OOJcltf.oo per doz. .
COAT. Anthrftclto frratc. S8.2o ; egg , S < < .2. ;
rnnco , 5850 : ehostntit , 58.50 ; Iowa , S3.2.5 ;
Walnut block , S3.Mllllnols ; , 55.00 ; Missouri ,
84 00. .
Hr.Avr HAnnwAHE Iron , rates , S2c ; ;
plow steel , special cast , 4c ; crucible steel , O.J
cast tools do , 12@18c ; wagon spokes , per set ,
81.7.V 3.00 ; huBs. per set , 81.25 : a felloes ,
sawed dry , 51.40 ; tongues , each , 75c ; axles ,
cadi , 75c ; snuaro nuts , per Ib. 7@llc ; cell
chain , per lb , Gai2c ( : malleabl" . C@8c : Iron
wedges , Cc : crowbars c o' harro w Teeth , 4c !
spring steel , 7@Sc ; Hunlcn's horseshoes ,
$ .40 : Burden's mule shoes , S > .40. Unrbed
Wire , In car lots , 54.00 per 10J Ibs. Iron
Nails , rates , 10 to CO. 53,00. Shot Sl.50 :
buckshot , 81.85 ! oriental powder , kegs , 83.50
( S4.00 ; do , half kegs , 82.00 ; do , quarter kegs ,
81.50 ; blasting , kegs , 53.85 ; fuse , per 100 fcot ,
COc. Lead Har. 81.05.
PAINTS IN Oir. Whlto lead , Omaha , P. P. ,
7Kc ; white lead , St. Louis , pure , 87.80 ; Mar
seilles green , 1 toft lb cans , tiOe ; French zinc ,
green seal , I''e ' ; French zinc , red seal , lie ;
French zinc. In varnish asst , 20c : French
zinc , 75c : vcrmllllon. American. Ibc : Indian
red. lOc ! rose pink , 14c ; Venetian , red. Cook-
son's , 2Jfc ; Venetian , red , American , I fc
red lead , 7xc ; chiomo yellow , genuine , 20c ;
cliromo yellow , K. 12c : ochre , rochcllo sic. ;
ochre , I'rcnch2 { c ; ochre , American. 2o ;
Winter's mineral. 2Jljc : Lehlgli brown , 2) ) c ;
Spanish brown. 2' fc ; Prince's mineral , ! ) c.
DIIY PAINTS Whltulcad , be : Kicnch zinc ,
12c : Paris whiting , 2) ) c ; uniting gilders ,
12 e ; whiting , com'l , l'.fc ' ; lampblack. Gcr-
mantown. 12 ; lamnblack. ordinary , be :
J'ntssian blue. B5e ; ultramarineplSc : vandyke -
dyke , brown. 8c : timber , buint , 4c : umber ,
raw. 4c : sienna , burnt , 4c : sienna , raw4c ;
Paris gieen , ccnuluc , 25c : Paris gieen. com
mon , 20c ; chrome green , N. V. , 20c : cliromo
gieen , K , I2cermllliou ; , Kngllbh , In oil ,
70c ; raw and tiurnt umber. 1 lb. cans , 12c ;
raw and burnt sienna , 12e : Vandyke , brown ,
I3c ; rellned lampblack. 1'Jc ; coach black nnd
orivy black , lOc ; drop black. lOc : Pnisstan
blue , -iita ; ultiamarlne blue , 1 : chroiu
grenn. L. , M , < k 1) . , lOc : blind nnd sliutte
pieen , L. . t. it D. , lOc ; Paris gieen , 18c
nilian red , 15c ; Venetian red , He ; Tuscan
Kc ; American Aormlllion. lj. & D. . 200
yellow ochre , J'c ' ; L. M. < te 0. D. , ISc ; gndes
ochre , lOc ; patent diycr , 8c ; gialnlngcolois
lielit oak , dark oak , walnut , ciiestntt t nil
ash. 12c.
Dtiuos ASH CIIKMICAI.S Acid , carbolic ,
" lc ; acid , tart4iic. C3c : balsam copaiba , per
H > , -I5c ; bark..sassafras , per lb lOc : calomt-I.
per lb , ? Jc ; chltichotiidia , per ozlOe ; chloro-
lorm , per lt , OOc ; Dovci-s powders , per lb ,
81.25 ; vpsoiii salts , ner lb , 3) ) < u : glycerine ,
pure , pur lb , Ibc ; lead , acetate , per lb , 20c ;
tasslum Iodide , per Ib , SH.OO ; sallcln , per o/ ,
40o ; sulphate morphine , per oz , S2.00 ; sul
phur. ner lb. 4c : strychnine , per nr , S1.40.
VAHNISIIIS : Uauels , per Kai.'on : tttnl-
tmc , extra , 81. 10 ; furniture , No. 1 , Sl.oo ;
coach , extra , 51.40 ; coacn , No. 1. 51.20 ;
Damar , extra , 51.75 ; Japan , 70c ; nsphaltum
e\Ua , 58c ; shellac , § 3.60 ; hard oil linlsh ,
Cologne spirits. 183 proof , 51.12 ;
do 101 proof , 81.13 ; spirits , .second quality
101 proof , 51.12 ; do , IbS pioof , 81.11. Alco
hol , lt > S pi oof , SJ.10 per wine gallon. Hertls-
tilled whiskies , 81.00@1.V ) . Gin blended ,
81.50(3,2.00 ( ; Kentucky lionrboiiM , SiOO ( 0.00 ;
Kentucky and Pennsylvania rjes , § 2.0.50 ( ) ) ;
Golden Sheat botiibon and no uhlsklcs ,
Sl.Ni.OO. : llr.iudles. imporU-d , 55.0008.50 ;
domestic , S1.30@'i.OO. ( Jlns , Impoited , S4.oO
( Lrti.OO : domestic. S1.25CSloo. : Kums , 1m-
poitodS4.SO@ .00 ; XewKngland. S1.7.'i@2.00 ;
dome.stic , 81.TKS'1.00. Cliampagnes , Import
ed , per e. e. § 28 004.00 ! ; American , per
case , S10.0J5t'lO.OO '
Grocora' Ijlst ,
SYKUP No. 70. 2c ! , bbls : Xo. 70. 4-callou
kegs , 81.0 1 ; NewOrle.vns 3.S@4c ! per gallon ;
Maple byrup , % bairel , stiictly pure ,
70c per gallon ; 1 gallon cans , S'J.25 ' per doz ;
K gallon cans , 85.25 perdo ; quart cans SS.oi ) .
br.vucH Minor iIo s , 1 lb , o ; Minor
gloss , 3 lb 5J c. Mliror gloss , 0 lb , GKc ; Gi lives'
corn , 1 lb. GJ-fe ; Klngsfoid's corn , lib 7c ,
Kinuslord's gloss , 1 lb , 7c ; Kllnsfoid's gloss ,
0 Ib , 7Xc ; Klngstord's pure , 3 ) b , 5c ; Kings-
fold' sbulk.-le.
PiOKi.ns Medium , In bbls. SO.OO ; do in
halt bbl.s , S3.50 : .small. In bbls. $ " .00 ; do In
half bbls. 84.00 ; gherk ns , in bbls , 3S.O 0do. ;
in half bbls. 84.50.
CANXID GOODS Oysters , standaid , pei
tlebenies. per case , 52.40 ; egg pi
iiercase , 82.50 ; green gages , 2-1 b , per cisj
82.50 ; pineapples , 2-lb , per case , 8..201).50. !
Dniin : Fiimis No. 1 quarter apples , In
evauorated boxes,8@Ucblackberrie-'l ; > oxes.Ojf
( < iii 'e ; peaches , eastern , 4ft5J ( c ; peaches
cviipoiatiul , 15X@17c ; Salt Lake , now , 7K ( ?
be : rabpbenies. new. 19 ( SOc ; currants. 1 % ®
7c ; prunes , new. VM.g.\yl& .
oSuoAits Powdereii , 8c ; cut loaf , 8c ;
cianulatcd. 7 } c : coufectioneis A. 7 , , c ;
stanuara extra C , o e. : extra C , 0 , ' c ;
medium yellow. G c.
boArs Kirk s oavon Imperial , 82.03 :
Kirk's satinet , 83.15Kirk's standard , SS.IK ) ;
Kirk's white Kn-slan. S4.I55 : Kiik's White
Cap , 50.50 ; Dome , 84.25 ; Washboard , S3. 15
MATCIIKS Per caddie , 3" c : louud , per
ease. 45c ; square cases , $1.70 ; mule square ,
CorKiis : Ordinary cradcs , O c ; fair , lO ®
10c ; piiinc , HM@12c ; choice , wj
fancy green and yellow , 13J @l4Kc ; old gov
ernment Java. 20 ( ? iGc ; Inteiior Java , .
20c : Mocha. 22@ilc : At buckle's roasted ,
14c ; McLuuahlin's XXXX : roasted , He ;
Ullwoith's , la fc : lied Cross , 14c.
CA.VDI.I-.S Hexes , 40 lo. Os , 10Jjc ( : 8s , 10c ;
boxes , 401b , 10 oz , Cs , 10c ; half box , 2010 ,
I'LunToiiAcco Climax , 42c per lb ; Horse
shoe. 37c : Star , 39c ; Spearhead , 3yc ; Gold
Itoll , 39ft ; Piper lleidslck , COc ; Punch , SSc ;
Voting FritStc ! : JT.I. : i.c.
CANDY Mixed , OK@t2c ; stick , OJ llc
SALT Diay loads , per bbl. 81.55 ; Ashton ,
In sacks. 8.H5 : ; } / sacks , Ashton , 85c ; bbls ,
dairy , S2.00@2.75.
SODA In lb papers. 83.25 a case ; salsoda ,
keg , per Ib. 22'ie.
SI-ICES ( irnund Ulack pepper , boxes , 1
@ 22c ; allspu-o , 12@lGc ; cinnamon , 18@25c :
cloves , I5@25c ; glng'jr , I5@25c ; mubtard , 15 ®
25c.CKACKEUS ( larncau's soda , butter an
8) ) c ; ginger snap
SKJ.KAS viuninnviiur , fair , 20@37c ; good. 41
file ; choice , Wffl75c ) ; good Imueilal , 40C441 } ;
olco , 00@70 ; Vouug Hyson , good , 80@r > e ;
choice , 50 < j$70c : OoloiiK. good , : @ 40c ; Oo
long , choice.40@XcFnillihlieiikfast ( ) ; ( ) , good ,
aO'ifriOc : choice. 5u0G5c : Souchong , good,30
@ 45c ; choice , ! ! 5@15c ; Japans , talr. XS'.J.'kj ' ;
coed , : txa45c : choice , 5575c ; Tea Diibt , 15c ;
Q'ea Slftliiu's. I8c.
FIXB CUT Hani to Ueat , TUc : Charm o.
the West , COc ; Fountain , 70c ; Golden Thread-
G7c ; Favorite , OOc ; Buds , 5'Jc Itocky Mo tin
tain. 50o ; Fancy , 45c ; Daisy , 40c ; Notth Start
Oo ; Good Luck. 55c ; Our Ut-it , Gi ; jc ; Good
Nuws , 55c , ,
. Ill's ll'f II'UQ rllhls I'lHKts
trcw nsn. M ) . 100 00 50 40 I 13 10
Munn'B B't No.l L'b fl 00 U 60 3 ! > 1 BO 1 60 M , 60
L'goOlb'cd Vunoy 5 BO ! ) S6S 1)7 ) I 67 I 40 S'l 47
' It'll SU'ro Fey 5 60 U a a UT 1 b7l , 401 Kjl 47
Holland.herrlng , bOo ; hiuoked . . . . . . . . . . .w u.
Vnniiouth bloaters , 05c ; new bcaled herrings ,
iU POUTED 11811.
nsu. Ilbls Illf Ilbls O'r Ilbls Palls or klu
00 1UO W 63 40 15 12 10
KICK Her'IiiBS IS 030 SOS 003 303 70
KK Herri litre. 11 006 005 453 ( g\2 \ U )
llllttlilli-8 . f 004 | 60,4 OOJ.2 oOl , DJ
Dry Goods.
PniNis Amerluan , 5H ; Arnold's. 60 ; Co
chcco , Cc ; ilauehe-ster. Cc ; Lyman , 5o ; Glou
tester , sjfo ; Dumicll Jacquard. 60 : Dunncll
5Hc ; WliuUor. Cc : I'aciilc. Oc : Uarinou
fkc ; Anchor ShlrlinKs 43 0 ; Mcrriiuac ,
fahlrtlngs , 4 > < c : HcrwJck , 4c.
HI.KAOIIEU COTTONS Fanners' choice ,
fiftc ; Cabot. fiVcjH ope , 7c ; mil 4 4 , 7j < c ;
FrUlt 8CJ
i ' ' >
JEANS KcArsargts , 7c ; Armory ,
c ; . JVupereJI , ftfc. ; ludiuti Orchard , 60 ;
- "c. .
DUCK ( llnblradicd ) 8 oz. Mncnolln ,
HOc ; 0 oz. Hnenolln , 13 < ? ! 8 oz. West Point ,
10Uc:10 : OA West 1'oltit , 1'Jt c.
IJnou'X COTTCMJ Lawrciica IiL , Cc ; Slmw-
incullilh Sc ! UritvcnDam I.U 6c ; At antic
I < L , 5c ; Indlnn Head , 7o4 Wnnchus t't , OJfo :
Crown XXX , Okc ; Clifton CCO , Oc ; Utlea
04 MAtIantrcI'Kf. ; ( ,
CIIIJVIOTS AinoskcaR , cheeky OVc ; Amos-
kcae , stripes. 8' ' c : aiatcr , stripes , 80 ; Kdln-
bun ; , O' ' c ; WhUtcndon , stripes , So ; Ulcn-
TICKINOS Amoskoag ACA 12Wc : Thorn-
dyke OOO. Ko ; 'Ihorndyko fanev. 0 ! < c ;
.MM Hoaxer Creek AA , lie ; Heaver
Unxik IHI.lOc ; Uc.ivcr Crook CC.Pc ; JnlTtoy
\X , lie ; .Inirrcy XXX , 12c ; JalTrcy D * T ,
la 'c : Columbian , 12 0 : York. iVs : : Yntk' .
fancy , M4c ' : Kverctt , lite ; Haymaker's blue
anil brown , "Ko.
DUCK ( co'oiwl ) Hnston 0 oz. brown mul
drab , lH } < c ; lloston O II brown and drab ,
IV : Huston XX lirown and drab , lOc : Iloston
XXX brown and rinib. ll o ; Uoston O 1'
blue , llXc ; Wairon Tilcot. I5c ,
Dry IjUiubor.
11OAHI ) ! < .
No.tCotn. s. 1. s. IS , Unntl loft . $17.00
No. 2 " " 12,14 and in ft . ir.oti
No.3 ' " 12714 ntitl 10 ft. . . . . . . 13.00
No. 4 " " 13 , 14 and 10 ft . 11.00
No.l , 4 Afl inch , 12 and Mfcet , rough. . 810.W )
No. 1,4 AC Inch , 10 feet. ron.rU . 17.0)
No. 2 , 4 & 0 Inch , 12 and H feet , rough. . 14.00
No. 2 , 4 & 0 Inch. 10 feet , rough . 15.00
12 ft 14 ft 10 ft'lS ' ft 20 ft 23 ft 24 ft
15.BO DI.B ) 15.50 IGM ir.50 mo
2x0 15.00 1B.O.I 15.00 10.0J 17.H ) LUOOmo
2x8 ISM ] 1ft 00 1B.W 10.60 11.M 111.50 20.60
2.X10. ifi.6o'in.fio ' ir.50 io. ) 17.flO 20.M21.rO
2x12 isr.oi5.f.oin.50io..w , 17.H ) 20.fi02l.rfl
1x4-8x8 16.50 15 M , 15.50 10.50 I7.EO 18.50 IB. >
A Olnch , white pine $3 > .00
I ) flinch , " " aux )
CO inch " " 29.50
D Olnch , " " 20.50
E Cinch " " '
, 17.5'J
STOCK no.viins.
C " " " " " " . . . . . 3(5 ( DO
D u * ' * ' u * ' * ' ° U 00
No. 1 Coin. i2 in. s. 1 f. 12 , it nnVl'ifi ft ! ! IS 00
No. 1 " " " 10 , IS and 20 ft. 1800
No.'J " " " 12. 14 and 10 ft. . 10 00
No. 1 , Plain , 8 ami 10 Inch . 517.50
No.u , Plain , u and 10 Inch . 15.50
No.l , O.G . 1S.OO
slIlNdLHS , I.ATIl.
A * Standnid . 53.05
Ri nuh , clear , S1-.5T ; 0 Inch , clear . l.m
No. I . l.2' >
Lntli . 2'Jo
1.1 ME , r.rc.
Qtilncy whlto llmo ( best ) , S3o ; cement ,
Akron , 31.75 ; plaster , S2. so : hair , per bitsliiil
30itarrcdfL'lt ; _ , per uwt. Si.05 : straw board ,
The Interesting Story or n Slave and
Ills Wealth.
A Pliilmlolpliia correspondent of the
Pittsburjj Commercial ( Ja/.ctte writes : A
singularly romanti history is revealed
by : i suit entered tQ'day by Jerome Carty ,
counsel foi Jtme. . . Hosu tie Lanlanic , of
I'aris , against the city : is trustee tuuler
the will 9f Sloplion Girartl. Mme. do
Laiilanie is tlus only snrAin dcscondnnt
of Toiisbaint L'Oiixyrture , thcfrreat slave
leader of Suit Uqmingo. L'Onvorturo
was born a slave , \Vfis manumitted by his
master , educated himself and took tip the
cause of the blacks/ The French were in
possession of tint island , and the intlncneo
of L'Oiiverture boiny feared , he was sum
moned to France by the lir&t Napoleon ,
and a dctachmentjOf French troops was
s.nt to compel his obedience to the order.
Totissaint L'Ouvorttiro feared that he was
putting his hoall > info the lion's mouth
and , it is said , deposited his entire for
tune with Stcphen-Ginn-d , who was then
in San Iomfngowith the understanding
that if ho was detained in Franco against
his will the whole stun , or as nii'di of it
as might be necessary , should bo used to
aid his escape.
The blacks arose and Girard , it is
averred , sailed to this port , retaining all
the valuables. L'Ouvcrturo died a pris
oner ut the fort of Tours. His wife and
his two sons lived it is declared , in the
hope of liiHliiifr Girard and regaining the
money. L 'Ouverture had complete
con lidcnce in Uiiurd , who was his
close friend. The tradition of the fam
ily was that he had sonic exact memor
anda of the money and other valuables
entrusted to his care.
Greater strength is added to the claim
in the opinion of tiie plaintin" by the fact
that some fifteen years ago a lawyer
from Philadelphia appeared in Paris
seeking the heirs of Totissaint L'Onver-
turc , and proposed to a lawyer there to
furnish him with proofs that a large nart
of the estate of Stcpen Girard had been
intrusted to him by L'Onvortnre.
The lawyer disappeared from the history
and no trace of him has since been found.
Tno case was sent to Mr. Cr.rty by
Edward Kelly. : v prominent Knglisli law
yer readout in Paris. Air. Kelly wrote :
"You will of course understand that I
must have been well satisfied of the like
lihood of success before taking a claim of
this character. "
Mr. Carty wrote toV. . Hayward Bray-
ton , president of the Girard trust , asking
permission to examine the Girard
archives , so that ho might find whether
the mercantile papers ot the old merchant
contained anything respecting theclnim.
The request was refused. A bill in equity ,
asking that the trust bo compelled to
make the discovery of such knowledge
respecting the claim as may bo under the
control , will bo filed. Mr. Carty goes to
Europe Saturday to seek evidence in
Franco to support the suit. The specific
amount of the claim is about $2.000,000
Girard 's estate is full v * 20.000QDO.
The HUlard ,
B. Shears , J. B. Murkol.Thos. Swobo , Proprietors
Omuha , Nebraska.
Job Printing.
Job Printers ; Book Binders ,
And llliiuk llook iliuiufiicturers. 100-lOti South
Flour And Feed ,
& co. ,
Wholesale Flour , Feed and Grain ,
Manufacturers of1 W. J. Welslians & Co.'s Quick
lUilslmr lluckwheat Hour and proiirietorfl Omaha
City 11 UU , cor , fctbi an4 Furnum BtreotE , Omaha.
_ Leather , Hldes ( t'tc , _
BLOMAN nuoa ,
Leather , Saddlery Hardware ,
Boddlcry and fihoo llndlntrs. Hides , Wool , Turs ,
I'clts , UtcasoTallow , Ktc. , Omaha Not.
F. I' . FAY & CO. ,
Manufacturing Confectioners ,
Jobbers of Fruits , Nuts and Cigars. 1311
Fainain St , Omaha , Nub.
Agent for' Anbeuser-Bush Brewing Ass'n
Bvecln.1 brenda 'Faust , Uudwelscr , Krlauger
' , Cor. Otb und Capitol Av e , , Omuhi.
Book Binding , Etc.
' 'iru 'JX
nnns nitNTiNa co. ,
Printers , Book Binders ,
And Illanlc Hook Manufacturer * . No < t. 109 and
108 South Uth Street. Omaha , Neb.
Bridges Steam Pile Driving.
IJnirlneers and Contractor * .
Urges , Roof Trusses , Steam Pile Driving
Iron Combination nnil Howe Trues Ilrldpcs ,
1'lllnir nnil Onk Timber. 15th Bt. , near rarnani ,
Telephone No 734.
Cigars and Tobacco ,
> AX MRYKIt .V CO. ,
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos ,
nuns mid Ammunition. 21.1 to ! ) Sonth llth
Street , 1KO to Iff-'l Fnrnmn Street , Omaha , Nob.
Manufacturers of Fine Cigars ,
And Whole a1o Dealers In lnf Tobaccos. Nos.
108 and HON. Hth Btroot , Omaha. Ni b.
wocKery ,
Ajrcnt for the Manufacturers and Importora ,
Crockeiy , Glassware ,
Lamps , Clilinnojs , lite , onico , 317 South 13th
Street , Omulia. Neb.
c. s. Goonmcii * co
Agents for F. A. Whitney Carriage Co.
Children's ' Carriages ,
And Jcirott'B Celebrated HorriRcnuors. Sen
Jor price lists. 1115 Fiiruam Bt , Omahn.
O.lTrETTIS & CO. ,
Wholsale & Retail , Fine Carriages ,
rhncKinn , IlUKElrs nnil Knnd Wnsons. 20 per cent
eavcd In IniylnK of UK. 1 M-ntl > lil2 , Irani btrcct ,
Uiunlin , Nubrnvkii.
Urnncli nt Council llhltTs , ) owi.
Eagle Cornice Works.
John Kpcneter , Proprietor. Manufai turor or
Onlvanl/eil Iron anil Ooinli-o. ICSI Iodto ; and Ul
and 1U5 Noitli 13ti ! Street , Omaha , Neb.
& HOI.TK ,
Manufacturers of Oniamental
Galvanized Iron Cornices , Dormer
Wlndo s , Finals itc.'J10S. : 12th ft. Woikdono
in any part ot tlioeontitry.
Western Cornice Works ,
C. SPECHT. Proprietor.
Oalvanlred Iron Cornlecp , Etc. Specnt's Im
proved Patent Metall'c Skyllsht. COS and
klh St. . Omaha. Not.
Doors , Sash. Etc.
The GaYWy Planing Mill.
Doors , Snsli and Illtnds. Also all kinds of
tinning. Scroll and Stair woik oi o\cry do-
Manufacturer and Dealer In
Doors Sash Blinds Etc.
, , , Mouldings , .
Stair Halls n specialty Telephone No. Itt
JDthaud JliuevSti..Oraalui , Neb. _ _ _
_ Electrical Supplies.
' " " "
L. Vf. WOLFE & CO. , Elcctr'lclanV
Electrical Supplies ,
Maeonlc Block , Omaha , tturglar Alarms , Hi'IN ,
Fire Alarms , y'ectrio .Miittln' , ' , Speakintf Tubes ,
Iron Works.
Wrought and Cast Iron Building Work
run Stairs , Halllnir , Rolled Ilenms and Ulnlors
Steatn Enpines. llrass Work , Gcneinl Foundry
Machlno and Itliici.sinttli Work. OUlco and
Works , U. P. Ky. and S 17th Bt.
Iron ar d Nails.
"OMAHA NAIL XA "furACf " u iiiN < fa
Cut Kails and Spikes ,
Tire Kalli r K > y : inlty. Oinalia. Neb
Omaha Safe Works ,
Manufacturer of Flro and Ilnrelar Proof Sarc * .
Vault Doors , Jail Work. Shutters and Wlro
Work. Cor. llth and Jackson Sts. , Omahu , Neb.
V/agrons and Carriages.
Established 1853.
The Leading Carriage Factory ,
3109 and UU DiKlfo Street , Omaha , Nob.
Commission ! Etc ,
Live Stock CUmission
Uco. llurko. > ti\iiii'rcr ,
Union Stock Yards , S. Omaha. Tolo.hcno ) 582
W. F. IIKOWN & CO. ,
Commission Dealers in Live Stock ,
Office Exchange liiillding. Union Stock Yards ,
i South Omaha , Nob. Telcphono No. OttJ. . ,
- - I * * -fc-
Union Stock Yards Company ,
Limited. John ! ' Bo yd , thiporliitondonl.
SAVA(5E & (5UKRN ,
live Stock Commission Merchants.
Bhli inonts of any and all kliiduof block solicit
id. Unionbtc ck ViuUiiOmahuNeb.
Lumber , Etc.
i/juis miAuroiiD ,
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lima ,
Bash , Doors , Ktc. Vmils Cor. 7tli anil Douglas ,
Cor. Uth und Douglas.
Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Moulding , Btulr Woik and Interior Hard Wood
Klnlbb. Jutto ] > cned. N. B. cor , bth and J.cavcn-
wottli BtiettH , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Lumber ,
til B , 14th Street , Omuhn , Nelx F. Colpot cr ,
Lumber ,
jBth end California SticelsOmaha , Nob.
Lumber Lime Cement Etc Etc
, , , , , ,
Cor. Cth und Douglas BtrutU , Omalm , Neb.
Wholesale Dealer in Lumber ,
Omaha , Ncbioska.
Hardwood Lumber ,
Wnrtm Ptock , Fancy Woods , llrldgo Timbers ,
& .C. , B. W. Cor. Uth und DonglU8Oiaalia , .Nub.
G. Z1. LVMAN ,
Sash Doors Blinds
Dealer in , , ,
Uuildiiur Paper , Ktc. Bouth
Flih , Etc ,
EucccEsorH to Ickcn Sluinsscn & Co.
Wholesale Fish Dealers ,
Importers of Foreign FUhNos. 211-011 Juoot
. 1'.Track , Oi/iaba.Neb , . . : .
Agricultural Implements , '
Dealers in Agricultural Implements ,
Office , Corner 6th mul 1'nclflo Hts , Omalm , Nob.
' FAllLlNToHr.NnOlUT k MAUT1N ,
Wholesale Dealers In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons
mid lluggles , Omalm Nob.
Wliolcsido Dcnlcr In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons ,
Cnrrlaucs mul llUBfrlcs. .Uncs St. , bet. Oth anil
10th , Omaha , Nob.
Boots and Shoes.
' " "
W.'v. MOI'31 ' ! & CO"
Jobbers of Boots and Sims ,
1411 rarnnm Street , Omaha , Neb. Manufactory !
Summer Street , lloston. _ _
Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths ,
Mattings , Curtain Cloo < ! ? . Kte. , US ) Farnnm
Stieet , Oniiilm , Nob. _
Coal , Lime , Etc , _
Coal , Coke , Lime and Stone.
Office , 213 8. th rt. , Omaha , Neb. Yards , Plb
anJ ihvcnpoit Streets.
* " " "
Dealers in Hard ana Soft Coal.
Best varieties. Ollioo.Sim llllh St , Telephone
No. HW , Omalm , Nub. _
Shippers of Coal and Coke ,
11 S. 13th St. , Omahn , Neb.
Ou > . C.TOWI.K , Prcsldont.
Clto. rATTF.usoN , Sec. and Treas. _
J.I1. Ilui.iiriiT , F. A. ,
PioprX'tor. Miiniiuor.
Nebraska Coal and Lime Company ,
Office , 217 H. ISiiiSticct. Telephone 49. _
GKO. r. LXHAGH. I'rcs. C. r. GOODMAN. V. 1'rcs.
J. A. SoMU'llljAMD Sec. and Tieiis.
Omaha Coal , Coke and Lime Company ,
Jobbers of hard and < aft roai.JO'JS. Uth Bt. .
Hard and Soft Coal.
Eiclustvo dealers In Honldcr Toloiado Coal.ZlJ
foutli Htli Btrcct.
' Coffee and Spices. _ _
(5ATKS , COl.K Ar
Home Coffee and Spice Ells MTg Co.
CofToo UniiMcrs and Sploo ( iiindor * . miinii
factnror8oriluklnl'o\Mlcr , 1'litvor n K\tinc 't
Illnliiff. etc Tiyono oa o or our 1-16 pnckauo
Homo Illcnd Uiuibtcd ColVco. 10U9 HoiMUil St ,
Cmaha , Nch.
CIHKE HHOS. 4. Co ! ,
Omaha Coffee and Spice Kills.
Ten" , Cotlees. Splcp4. Haklnir 1'owdoi I'lnvorlnir
Rxtriicts , Ijumdry llluo. Ink , elu. 14H-10 liar-
ncy Street , Omahii , Neb.
Commission , Etc.
Wholesale Fruits , Produce , Oysters ,
1121 rarimm St. , Omiiliu. Apples Our ow n c. ck-
Ing- Platt & . CO.'B Tlsor Itnunl Ojsteib , Uuttur ,
, Game , 1'oultiy , I'otatoci ? .
Genera ! Commission Merchant ,
Produce. I'lovlslons , Friilti , Flour and Peed , 1K5
6. llth Pt. , Omahn , Neb. Consignments bollcltod.
Itcturns mudu iiromotly.
B15 I''tb Street , Oma'.ui , Neb. Specialties : Mut
ter. l'ir R , and ( 'hlckcns *
Produce Commission Merchants.
I'oiiltry , Butter , finmo , Fruits , Etc. 2M8. Uth
St. , Omaha , Nebraska.
General Commission Merchants ,
KOODodgo Strict , Omnlm , Neb. Consignments
Solicit oil.
W. U. IlIUnKM *
Storage and Commission Merchant.
. lluttor KJIKS. Poultry
anil Oiimo. 113 S. lltU. , Oinulia , Nob. Tele
phone No. Mi.
Storage and G3mml33ion Mercliaits.
I'oielgn mid Domebtle Fiults a t > peelaltv. Hl-
CKaut Etoiiiito facilities Wtirclioiuo and olllco ,
10 North Icllli St. Telopliuiio 775. " _ _ _
I ) . A. HUHI.EY ,
Commission and Jobbing ,
Jluttcr , RKKB and Piodnco. A full line or Stono-
TVuro. CoiiblKUinunts bollcltocl. 1111 Dodvo Kt ,
General Commission Merchant ,
Putter , KffKP. Checbo and Country 1'roilnco Bon-
crally , Mi e. l-'th St. , Omulia , Neb.
Buyers of Butter and Eggs.
Itcfrlpcnitor and Packlnir HOIIPO , Uth & . Leaven-
worth St. , on U. P. H. IS. Track , Omuha , Neb.
" Estalllshed 187p7
General Commission ,
211B. Idth St. , Omaha , Nob. Specialties lluttor
l iTKf , 1'oultry anil Gamo.
PEYCKK nnos ,
Commission Merchants ,
Fruits , Produce and Provisions , Omaha , Neb
, V ; THO.MAb.
Hil"ccus < ir8 tu Ismo Oilllilli.
Commission Merchant ,
and wholesale dealer In country produce , frulto ,
butter , cKff , < 'lo. Goods on coiiBlKiiment u
BjOtlrUty. LtX ) N , 16th tt. , Omulia , Nob.
( Successors to A. P. Scliuck. )
Produce Commission Merchants.
No. S13 South Sti-oot. Omaha , Nob.
Dry Goous ,
" 3'J. . BKOWN'A co.
Wholesale Dry Goods and Notions ,
l J Uou laa Btroot , Otnaha , Neb.
ec co ,
\\holuealo Dealers In
Dry Goods , Hosiery , Notions ,
Liucns , ijicoa , limbroldery and Whlto Coods.
IClODoutilus Street , Omnlm , Neb.
White Lead ,
Strictly Pure White Lead.
0th Stand U , P. Ry. Omaha ,
Harness , Etc ,
Manufacturers and Jobbers of
Harness Saddles Hardware
, , Saddlery ,
Turf tioodn , lllankots and Jiolins. Jtil rurim
Street Oiniiba. Neb.
Mattresses ,
E. M. IUTI5R ,
Mattress Company ,
Manufacturing Mctlrccsog , lltxldlnp , Fciithrr
1'lllowB , Cote , ta UXK3 Hud MM Douglat tin-set ,
Omaha , Neb.
Manufacturers of Overalls ;
. Shuts. Kle. . 1102 nnd Lti
KUOU , OuoliB , NotJ.
Boilers In .All Kinds ot
Building Material at Wholesale ,
Uth Slttct nnil . i o.i 1'nc n' Trnolc. Omnha >
nr.HMAX 1 > . WYATT ,
Wholesale Dealer in Lumber ,
roth and Irani Streets , Omnlm , Nubrnskn. (
J. A. AVAKKnr.U ) ,
Wholesale Lumber , Lath , Shlnglas ,
nulMlnir 1'npcrs. Sash , Doors , IlllmH , Moul |
liijr ? , rickets , l'o t , I.ltnp , Tinsler , llaf i'
Cenu nu _ Nlntn mm Jones , Omaha Nol ) ' _ . = _
Millinery ,
i. 6hnunuinii : ,
Importers ami Jobbers ot
Millinery and Notions ,
lim tinJ 1211 Himioy Street , Omaha , Nolx
Musical Instruments ,
* "
Wholesalers of Musical Instruments ,
Ptclnuny Vlnno , Wehor , Decker , llalnonnit
rltR ) I'niiiui , 1'nciiard OrKnns , Chase Organs.
101 mid HUMIi Btrt'ut.
Furniture , Etc ,
Furniture , Beddiog , Upholstery , Mirrors ,
Ktc. , 1300. ISO ? nndlZIO I'mmm StreetOmnha.
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
Furmim Sdcct , Omaha , Nob.
Groceries ,
At.l.KN 11HOS. ,
Wholesale- Grocers ,
mound 1112 Douglas StrcctOinnha , Neb.
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigars ,
Tobacco mul Smokers' Articles , 1217 Howard SL
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas ,
Prices , Clgivrs mul Tobacco * . 11117 ana 1310 Ooiw
luiiHtn.-ul.Oiitiihn , Nob.
Wholesale Grocers ,
Corner 10th ntul Fiunum BtteetsOmnlin , Nob.
1'AXTON , GAU < A01ir.U & CO. ,
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
Nos. 706 , TO" , Wl mid 'ill S. lOtli SL , Oiimliu , Nob.
Heavy Hardware , Iron , Steel.
Springs , Wiimiti Stock , llunlwooil I.innnor , oto.
12W ) anil 1211 llnrncy utrccOmahu , Not ) .
EDNEV A ; OI11I10N ,
Wholesale Iron , Steel , Wagon
And Cnrrhiiro Wood Slook. Heavy Hiinlwnre ,
Ktc. 1217and 1213 Loavcnnoitli Struct , Oinuhn ,
Builders' Hardware ,
Mechanics' Tools nnil llultulo b'ciiloo. 1405 DOUR-
Ina Stit''t. Unmlm , Nob.
MK : , FRIED & co. ,
Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , Tinware ,
Sheet Iron , Ktc. Ajrcnts forllowo Pcalus auil
Jlluinl Powder Co. , Onialin Neb.
HILTON noamiS & SONS ,
Stoves , Ranges , Furnaces , Tiles ,
Mantled , Grates , Hnii-8 poods. 1321 and 132J Ci > r *
mini Street.
Wholesale Hardware and Nails ,
Emerson Steul Nulls. Cor. 10th and linrnoy
Streets , Omaha , Nub.
Manufacturer of tha
DeoriGt Harvester Goods ,
Write to Wm. If. I/orlmcr. General Agent ,
Omnlm. Tolophong U10.
Iron Pipe , Etc.
Pumps , Pipe and Engines.
Fl.'am , Water , Hallway and Milling Kupi > liC3Etj
VW ) , 022 unil 1)21 ) Fiirimm St. Omaha , Nub. ,
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
Btcain and Water Supplies , ilcadqnartnra fo *
Must Foost Co.'s Goods. 1111 J'uriuun Street ,
Oiimliu , Net ) .
" * "
Wholesale Jewelers.
TJcnlcra In Bllvcrwuio , Iiliunonilfl , Watchan
Clocks , Jcwclcra' Tools nnd MatorluK Ktc. , 1QJ
and UK ) , ICth Street , Cor. DcUro ; , Omahu , Nob. i
Notions Etc ,
V1NYA1JI ) & SC11.VIU ! > KR.
.loboors in
Notions , Hosiery & GentsTurnishlng Good
1000 und IWd run mm &t. , uiualia , Neb.
J. T. Robinson Notion Company , ' '
Ktl mid Itt R. 10th St. , Omaha , Neb. '
Wholesale Ui'alcnVfn Notions and tionU' l'ui > .
iliBliliic ( loods.
Oils , Etc.
I 00.7
Wholesale Dealers in Oils ,
6aio'lno | , Mica Axle ( ireato , Efo. A. 11. fllshop ,
llnnueer , Omulia , Ni.'b. _
Pork Packer and Shipper ,
Omalm , Ntbrmka ,
HAJtniS & riBIIUll , '
Packers and Provision Dealers ,
Onirc , Union Mai kct.1 I7 Do < lj'i Rtroot. I'acklnji
hoiiso , U. 1 > . K. It. Track , UmuhH , K < ; 1 > . Tolo *
phone No. J57.
, Safes and Locks ,
„ " " " " " ' " "
"i''iioYJJit k coT
Agents for Hall's ' Safe & Lock Co.s *
Fire and lluwlur Proof Bnfcs.Tlmo Ixioks.Vaultf
uml Jail ui-k. 1UUU lurnam [ etruct , Ouiidni , Nab
Seeds , -
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Seeds ,
U'rk'iiltiirnl , Vi'trotalilo , Klo. Oi4 ! rnllovra * Hall ,
N. W. Cor. 3 Ith mid Dodfo St . , Omaha , Nob.
Drugs , Etc ,
Wholesale Druggist5 ,
Aud Dealer in PnlntB , OIU and Window Olnit ,
( imnha , Neb. ,
i.uu ; iV co. ,
Distillers and Importers of Wines
" And l.lciuorx. Bole inmiufuuurori ot Koniiody'i l\ \
11U } larii / Htrcot.r
Euccoseor to MI-NAJUIU A , DU.\CAV , Jtajiortort
und Wholesale Uenlorniu
V/ines / , Liquors and Cigars ,
_ ZH ami RIO B. 14th St. , Ouiahu , Xob.
" ' Motions , Ltf. l i
J. i
Wholesale Job Lots ,
DiOoods. . NetloiiB , UiinlV Furnlitilnt ; dooAi.
Gl.oJs from N'JW Yoik. 7r d ulo tlailr. Mi
RUO K < j Kouih itb St. , Omulia. '