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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 12, 1886)
8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , MAY 12 , 1886. I TALES TOLD ON TUESDAY , A Review of the Local Happenings of a Day , AN OLD OMAHA PLAYWRIGHT Amusements United States Court A iMnirs Mnritnl Jlclntloni llnll- rontl Notes Hcvlvnl News Tlio City In Gcncrnl. AN OMAHA 1'1/A.Y-WmGIlT. ClmrlcB rinRwItz Writes " .Inkcy Kin- stein" for M. It. CurtlH. Thcro was no mistaking the solid Ilclirow cast of fcatm-s : Oi " . I > . Curtis , y6stcnlay ns ho fingered water cressus in the MHInrd bull'ot apartment. They were intulligont and Denial us usital and the cyus Npaikled merrily when thcscrlvonur'ssalutation was made. He has "llcshcd up" Foinowlnil since last liuro and scums In excellent health. His appearance at the lioyd this reason \\ill enable him to present his niiw phi ) ' of "Spot Cash , " which stsmiia to have been remarkably successful in the cast. Mr. t'uitis , in the matter of now iilays , is like Mr. llarrett. The latter , although posseting strong plays , yet never hesi tates to make nso of anew one when it strikes his fancy. Mr. Curtis' big suc cess has been Sam'l 1'osen. He is now producing his .second one , and .still has in preparation a third one , which lie will produce in San Francisco , sometime next month. This is by a former resident of Omaha , Charles liaswlt/ , brother of Sum and Henry Baswitof this city. The name of the niece is "Jnkov Kinstein or Life on the Head , " and of course is sup posed to depict the joys and sorrows , the trials and tribulations of the Knight of the grip. It is an old subject , but it is understood to have been handled in a rcfivshing manner. Mr. Curtis is pleased with it , and will produce it in San Fran cisco on Juno Till. The author , Charles Baswitz , was for merly in the employ of S. P. Morse , Wil liams and other merchants of this city , lie is now in ch.irge of the tobacco de partment of a wholesale house in Spring- Hold 111. , to the salary of which position he will hoon ho able to add a royalty of ubout $150 per week. AMUSI2AII3NXS. Prof Kennedy found homo trouble in securing subjects for his experiments. Finally the ice was broken by a coal-black negro , who stumbled up the aisle to the stage , amid the laughter of the audience. Several oilier men and boy.s followed , until the subjects for the mesmeric ex periments numbered four or live. The results attained by the professor were wonderful. One of the best mesmerised subjects was the negro. The professor handled him like a child , making him go through with all sorts of contortions , at will. He made the darkey turn his coat Inside out , thinking it already reversed. He made him sit down in u chair , and Ihe negro was powerless to arise until assisted by the mesmerist. Ho gave the subject a long broom telling him that it Was a banjo , and made him sing a song. to an accompaniment wliich tlio negro imagined thai , ho was playing. Then several doctors were united on the stage and the darkey was again placed tinder mesmeric inlluencc. The medics were then civcn needle and thread and were allowed to sow through the ears anil , checks of the subject who did not wince once duriiig the operation , but went on lingering his imaginary banjo. The last experiment , was most ludi crous of all. The professor asked the darky if ho would not like to cat some ice cream and cake. "No , sah , " replied the subject promptly ; "I'so done got to go now. My gal , she wants to see mo , and I UuMi't stay no longah. " "Sit down , " btornly commanded the professor. The darkey mecUly dropped into his scat and was again put under the inlln- cnco The professor then placed before him a plate of cornmcal , telling him that it was ice cream. Tlio negro foil to de vouring it rapidly , uttering exclamations of delight all the while. Ttaw potatoes ami onions were placed before him for cake , and lie devoured them cheerfully , apparently with the greatest zest. Sud denly the professor brought him out of the trance. Tlio darkey fell to blaspheming and de manded an explanation ot the stranga predicament in which he found hUnself his mouth full of cormneal , raw onions and potatoes. When told that ho had been mesmerised , hn shook his list at the professor , and left the stage amid the cheers of the delighted audience. The untortainmcnt as a whole is by far the best that has been given at the Pee ple's this season. NE\VflIAN AM ) OLD 'UN. MrsSclilafT Wniita to Know If IIo's u Married Mini , Some time ago there came to this city a party named James Newman. Ho had boon among railroad men for a long time , and liad but recently acted as Hroman on the Chicago & Alton road , and resided at Illoomington. liurbank , the Sixteenth street saloonkeeper , was one of the men with whom ho worked and to whom ho frat ! applied in coming to this city. Some time ago lie left the city , gem < to Illinois , where ho has since been. What ho has been doing them is not known , butsonio of his acquaintances assume that his conduct probably warrants sus picion from thu fact that information is bought of him in the following telegram : IJi.ooMiNoro.v , 111. . .May 8. 'SO. To Win. O'Connor , caioV. . M. Hayes , U. 1' . Shops , Omnlm : Is .lames Xuwmnn mmi led ? 1C so , have his wile uus\\or this liiimirliik'ly. .Mils. Sm.A.r-1' . Newman's marital obligations in ( Ids vicinity arc not well known , but the fore going will probably bring the matter to the burfaco. Ollioer O'Hoyle is looking up the case and will probably learn all the essentials. \ ICall JSotoH. * Assistant Superintendent DIckinson.of tiu ) Union I'ueilio , telcgranhed to General Superintendent Smith yesterday that tlio " 'cruel war' is over and the strikers are the sickest lot of men Hi the United States , " Kvorythinir is running smoothly to-day , and no further trouble is antici pated. General Manager Callaway has gone to Chicago. ( jonoral Freight Agent Milllgan , of tlio Ht. Joe A : Grand Island road is in Omaha yesterday. h. 11. Knrlv is snu'oring from a severe nttaok of neuralgia of the stomach. Thomas Dick , traveling auditor of the Union Pacilie on thu Kansas division , is in thu city , Yesterday n corps of Union ! Pacific Bngincers worn at work on the track on Loavcnworth street , between Tenth and Kleventh streets , straighteningonu of the sidu tracks , taking out one of the switches , byway of preparation for running a switch up to McC'ord , llrady A ; Co.'s , at tlio corner of Tuirtuoiuh and Leaven- , worth streets. Jon Hooy. formerly a well-known per- ponago of Chinese e.\traction. about the depot , yesterday dropped in upon thu old haunts. Hu used to be tlio ngont of some of thu Chinese companies , but in the changu of circum stances ho lias drifted north and south tiasl and west Ho is now on ids.way to the P.icllio cqast , but expects eventually to return -fuller , and make his. homo ilakolu Omaha , OATHEIUNO IN'TElUiST. Tlio Hevlvnl Services rtt the Christian Church Air. Harrow' * Sermon. The discourse of Hcv II. C. Barrow last evening was of unusual interest. The text was Acts 8-1 ; "Tnoreforo they that were scattered abroad went everywhere preaching the word. " What is said of one Is said of all ; all wore preachers ; all did not formerly occupy pulpits , but each in their own way preached "tho word. " "Philip went down to Samaria and preached Christ unto them"1 and in Acts U-13 wo have a model report of the result of a series of meetings ! "When they be lieved Philip preaching the things con cerning the Kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ , they wore bapti/.ed botli men and women , " _ A11 -nice/1 , meetings held upon the i\ow Testament plan can be reported in precisely the same language , substituting the name of the preacher and tlio place where thu meetings me held for Philip and Samaria. In the conversion of the Ethiopian eunuch , God employed as agents an amrel , the Holy Spirit and a preacher. The angel and the Holy Spirit wens sent to the preacher to direct him to the man to be converted. "Preaching Jesus" to the eunuch led him to ask , "What hinders mo to bo bap tised ? " This inquiry was the result of preaclmiji Jesus , and if JOMIS is now preached in the same way , thu same re sults will follow. Those who fully and faithfully preach Jesus , announce Ins last and only oiler of pardon to the whole world , "Pivaeh the gospel to every crea ture , and ho that helluveth and is bap tised shall bo saved. " This will account for the inquiry of tlio ouiiueh. They came unto the water , went down both into it , he baptUed him , came up out of the water , and the eunuch wont on his way rejoicing. This is a model conver sion , left upon record as a precedent for our guidance. Those who believe what the Kthuopian believed , confess as ho con- fessi'cl , the divinity and sonship of Jesus , and do what he did , and for the same purpose , havu thu .same grounds for ro- jolcmgthat ho had. These services will be continued through the week. "MAUCIUXG TOIOX. . " The Aim of tlio Itovivallflt anil People of St. Mary'n Avcimo Con-jro- Kntloimt Church. Gospel services were continued yes terday in the St. Mary's avenue church , conducted by Itov. W. M. Wellman , evangelist. There were present also the pastor , Uev. Willard Scott , Hev. J. L Mailc , Rev Gco. E. Albrecht , Rev. G. A. Taylor and Messrs. J. K. Johnston , and E. C. B. Uarker , evangelists , who were passing through the city. The meeting opened with "Marching to Xion , " and prayer was cfl'ered by Mr. Albrecht. Mr. Williams' sermon was from Matt. vi. 83 : "Seek ye first the king dom of God and His righteousness , " em phasis being laid upon tlio latter clause. Many are seeking the kjngdom of God , but uo not desire His righteousness. A religion which has any hope of the future is now possessed of some of the righteous ness of the future. Only the pure in heart and life shall sou Grid in peace. After the sermon a testimony meeting was held , at which twenty gave expres sion to their experience and confidence. The spirit of the service was very ten der and several announced themselves for the first time as Christians. The meetings will bo continued each evening of this week until Saturday. "Progress" Progressive. For several weeks back there has boon a paper published in this city called "Progress. " It aimed to be friendly to the Knights of Labor , though it hardly slated that it was authorized to speak for them. It yet persisted in pajinir a great deal of attention to labor matters of which not n little was devoted to the or ganization in question. It is claimed that a line at the head of the editorial columns in which only friendship to the order was intended to bo expressed , was considered as capable of misleading unwary people , and its re moval was demanded by the knights through a letter sent the publishers a few days ago. The latter promised to comply with the demand , but , if reports be true , they not only struck out the line in ques tion but also that setting forth that Kcv. W. E. Copclandyas the editor of the pa per. The latter line was struck out and Mr. Copeland know nothing of the fact until last week's paper appeared without his name appearing. The removal of his name was followed by the dispensing with his services at fifteen dollars a week. It was also followed by thu retirement of the solicitor for advertisements. John Hannon. The ofl'onso committed by both editor and solicitor is probably that they arc mombtT.s of the Knights oi Labor. D IIospo'H Omaha Kvhlhlt. One of the finest and most cleverly ar range exhibits now in the opposition building is thu first one on'the left side as one enters the structure from the west door. It is that of A. Hospo , the well- known music and art dealer of Omaha. Mr , H. has aimed to lay before the phar- maccutial convention a full line of drug gists art sundries , vases and mouldings in wliich ho does a jobbing business. In making a complete , handftomo and tasti ly arranged exhibit , ho has certainly succeeded most admirably. In the way of art supplies there are tube colors , brushes of all description , pasudlcs , palettes and general artists' materials , together with a full line of plaqnos'of all shapes anil colors. The oils and varnishes are of thu bust grade , being put up by Mr. llospu himself for the liner trade. Another attractive ) fea ture of tlio display is thn Terrahno , vasmvaro , manufactured in Mr. IIo-.po'.s establishment , of which thorn if a full and elegant lino. There is also a beauti ful display of moldings , ranging in price from-1 ? ! down to four cents pur foot. There are other features of the exhibit which will pay those in attendance upon the convention to note carefully. It should bo borne in mind that Mr , Hospo is the only dealer in this line of artists' bimtU'ies west of Chicago. United States Circuit Court. Yesterday Judges Brewer ami Dun- dy occupied thn bunch , but rendered no decisions save in a fuw minor motions , In tlio case of thu United States against Charles Dorsoy , defaulting receiver of public monies at Bloomington , in this state , thu responsibility was cast upon the bondsmun. Thusn were Jno. M. Lucas , Thos Malally , A. F. Smith , S. Shujihord- son , Sanford R. Ryan , Daniel Fuller. James K. Kennies , Edward Arnold and Ferris P. Williams , and in default of ap pearance , judgment was rendered against them in thu bum of1,411. . Yesterday at 5 o'clock , Deputy Marshal Showaltcr brought to this city a man named llowu , from Jackson , charged Jwlth selling liquor to the Indians. From Among the Head Men. Yesterday Boiler Inspector Jenkins jhowcd rt reporter for the BUB an en velop which had oneo boon while , but which showiul badly the eflects of water stains. The superscription had been writttcn in purplu ink , but hud bo spread that thu original color of "tho envelope had almost disappeared. The 'edges of the covering wns frayed and badly worn. . The letter was from u brother of the iu- fipcctor , written from Croyden , ono of tlio suburbs of London. It wns dated March Oth and was yesterday received hero. The interval had been spent down among the fishes in the shipwrecked Oregon , and the delay sustained in tran sit to this place. The letter refers among many other things to the kind of wooden pavement which is most successful in London Three Slmrpcr.s Itnn Out. Monday evening about 8 o'clock , Duff Green , policeman at the Union Pacific depot , noticed several smart looking chaps hanging around the waiting-rooms , evidently looking for a victim. They bore evidence of tho. stereotyped "onii- dcnco 010.11 , ami whsfi followed iniulo a Mft.Sly line for the dummy , which was about leaving. Green was joined by another employe of tlio road ami both fol lowed the gang to the other side of the river , and saw them take their tickets and travel towards Kansas City. Both of the ollicurs then returned to tills city , This morning , Charles Mack conduc tor of thu dummy states a man named Albert Bagler found evidence of the call ing of the gang , in one of the closets of the car , in tlio shape of menlo cards , bo gus checks and llash rolls which had been dropped behind , The Chiitiuiqua. Tlio following 0 is the programme presented at the meeting of the Chalau- qua circle last night ; Selection , Misery's Pear Tree Miss Minnie Wood. Selection. Hlmiuuclc MI-ssAlted. Ulnvi lixciclbo F. 11. Itutulay. Intcimlssinii. belcctloa , 1'lnntiiiL' of the Apple Tice. . . . .MIssMivy Kltch. Selection , Tim Sycamores..C. l'Ilnttisun. ' . Ul.xss KxuiclbC , Parliamentary 1'iactlco. . U. P. Scuaul. Selection , The Talking OakMIss MIss Kinnia Fitch. Selection Under the Willows WillowsMiss McDonald. Answcis to roll call. Quotations about ticcs. Watch\\ord , "JJo prompt nt eight. " Army Notes. Col , Henry has received an ofler from Mr. H. T. Clark to locate the riilo rangoon on his property at Hellevue. It is quite propablu that this will bo done , provided a suitable tract of land can bo obtained. Col. Henry said to-day that if Fort Omaha were moved at all , it would probably bo to Bellcvue. Capt. Valois , of Fort Robinson , has been granted a sick leave until further notice. , Capt. Reed , commandant of the post at Rock Springs , is in the city en route to tlio west. Lieut. Goodin is also in the city on route tb his post , f An excellent photograph of the now rifle range which has bson constructed at Fort Sidney , under the supervision of Gen. Miles , has been received at head quarters. Western Homcopiitlilsts. Drs. Dinsmoor and Wood of this city , have returned from Galesburg , where they lii'.vo been in attendance upon the convention of the Western Academy of Homeopathy. For the ensuing year thn following ollicers were cluctcd : Presi dent , C. II. Goodnvin , St. Louis ; vice- president , C. M. Dinsmoor , of Omaha , Nub. ; secretary , C. Burger , of Boonoville Mo. ; provisional secretary , J. 11. Miller , of Ab'nirdon ; treasurer , G. W. Foote , of Galesburft ; board of censors , W. John Harris , of St. Louis , A. C. Cowperwaitis , of Iowa City , O. S. Wood , of Omaha , J. W. Wheeler , and A. S. Everett , of Den ver. The academy will meet in ono year in this city. _ The Cable Koad. Mr. S. R.Johnson , ono of the leading spirits in the cablu railway enterprise , upon being questioned by a reporter for the BKE , said that tlio company in all probability would not accept the latest proposition of the council to build a special roadway beside the viaduct. "I think wo shall find a way to get out of the dilliculty without buing obliged to accept any of the propositions of ilio city , " hubaid. "How ? " "That I am not pronarod to tell you just yet , " replied Mr. Johnson , smiling. "Wait and see. " Impersonating an Ollioor. O.C.Banuistcrally-Iooking.yonng"man was arrested j-cstcrday by Ollicer Cur ry on a charge of impersonating an of ficer. Ho has several times entered dis- i ( ir houses in the city , and repieson ing himself to be an oflicer on the polieo force , has ollbrcd to remit the lines of the inmates provided tlicv would .submit to his desires , He carries on his breast a gold badge , something after the imttern of a detective's star , which ho points out as a proof of hit ) position. Tlio badge contains thu inscription in neatly engraved - graved letters , "O. C. Bannister , invent or of the Rocking Grate. " A Double Track. The street railway company was en gaged yesterday in laying a spur of track running from the Capitol avenue line north cm Seventeenth .street to Cass , con necting on that thoroiighfaro with thu Saundurs street line. When this piece of traoklaymg is completed , the red line cars will run tip Capitol avenue , down Seventeenth and up Cass to Eighteenth street. Coining down town the cars on this line will run as heretofore. Fred Ames * Other Purchases. A I5ii : : reporter was Informed by a lead ing real estate man of this city that Fred Ames , the Union Pacific director , who has purchased the property on Douglas nc-ar the Savings bank , has not confined himself to that purchase in this city. The real estate man claimed that ho knew whereof he spoku and that Mr. Ames had made purchase of i-ovoral nieces of prop erty in the city , u knowledge of which , for good and prudential motives , ho was jet Keeping from the public. Called to Now York City. Mr. E. Brandcis , ono of the firm of Brandcis & Son , the dry goods mer chants on South Thirteenth Dst. , left last evening for Now York City , in re sponse to a a telegram from their buyer in that city , who has about closed a deal for ono of the largest purchases of dry goods over brought to Omaha at any one time , Their buyer evidently does netlike like to take thu solo responsibility of purchasing such a largo stock. It will lie a biir advertisement for Bnuulois & Son when it arrives. Police Court. . Mattie Wilson , Hattie Payne and Clara Thomas , arrestei ! for lighting early this morning , were lined $5 and costs and committed in default. Four cases of in toxication were tried , and Nelson Moran. Carl Wcbtrum and J. Jankofbky were fined the usual amount. Several men ar rested for vagrancy wcro discharged. Not Caught. Marshal Cummingsyesterday received a telegram from Chief of Police Eborsold , of Chicago , in which ho says that Batloy , the Y. M. 0. A. young man , has not yet been arrested , though all of the incoming trains have been carefully watched. Bat- Icy will bo romouibored as the youth who skipped out on Hiir.tJsy with $ . ' 00 belong ing to Mrs. Wood , of Twenty-fourth and FariKun streets. coirio to Lincoln , stop at the Couuncrcial Hotel , if you want homo oouiforts. O. .W. Itrrc imN , Proprietor , WHAT TO 3ho Fftinllr Market Basket Prices And Varieties. Gradually the range of varieties in the fruit and vegetable markols is widening , nt the same time lhatthe scale oi prices is being lowered. The thrlftj'honsowifo has no trouble now in selecting material for a wholesome bill of faro. The following are the prevailing prices : , New caulillowcr is ono of the delica cies at present obtainable , though scarce selling at from 20 to Slccats per he ? ' . ! . Onions nl'o selling at ) CO cents a pock , wlillo yellow Salt Lake onions bring 40 cents , Parsley is sold at C cents a bunch Parsnips nt 2o cents a peck. New hot-house radishes CO cents ad Lettuce live heads for a quarter. Spinnach sells for 80 cents a peck. Now green onions , tlircu bunches for a dime. Water cress 5 cents a bunch. Pic-plant 5 cents pound. Oyster plants , three and four bunches for 25 cents. Wisconsin cran- bcnics , 10 cents a quart. Turnips SO cents n peck. Rutabagas S cents per pound. Carrots 25 cunts a peek. Salt Lake potatoes , 05 to 75 cents per bushel. Nebraska potatoes , from 50toOOteonU. Fresh peas are In the market , sulling for 12J cunt.s a quait. Homo grown aspara gus , thrcu bunches for i5 ! cents. String beans sell for JJ3 cents a quarter of a peek. KIUI1T3. New California oranges from 25 to10 cents a California seed less oranges sell from -15 to 75 cents a do- en. Lemons bring from 25 to ! )5 ) cents , the outside price being for very choice ones. Bananas are worth from 25 to Ii5 cents a dozen. Strawberries can bo pur chased for 1/i / to 25 cents a quart. Pine apples are worth from 40 to 00 cents each. mil. White fish and trout arc selling for 15 cents a pound. Salmon steaks are worth 25 cents a pound. Fresh codlish is to bo purchased for lo cents a. pound , while halibut steaks are worth 25 cents. Eels are worth 20 cunts a pound. Flounders mo worth 12 cunts ; i pound. Striped bass arc so scarce as to bo unquoted. Sea porch are woilh 12Jpa pound. Salt codlish tongues sell for 12 cents a pound. Fresh lobsters are just cojning in for the season. They sell at25 cents pur pound. North river bliad are now to bo purchased ; they arc arriving in liner condition than this market has over seen them. They sell at $1 each for roe and i'n cents each for bucks. Fresh perch are now in the market , and sell at 125 cents a pound. Fiosh catfish also on hand , selliing at 15 cents a pound. Bull'alo is jiust in season ; irosh caught , 10 cents a pound. Pickerel are now in the market , fre.sll , and sell at 18j cents a pound. Fresh mackerel are worth 15 cents apiece. Fresh pike M'll lor 15 cents a pound , as do ajso black bass. Croppie and porch retail for 12 } cents per pound. Frogs' legs sell at40c per dozen. MUAT. I'Ot'ITKYAN1 GAMH. Spring lamb is just being placed onthe , market. The hind quarters bring § 1.50 each , the fore quarters § 1.25. The best cuts of sirloin soil for 15 cents" ; rumps and upper part of round steak at 12 } . Rousting ribs , firm and jniey. can be boutrht from 10 to 12 } cent' ' . Veal is extremely scarce and comes high , from 15 to 20 cents , according totho of the part. Sweet broads can be pur chased at 25 cents a pair. Corn beet is selling at from 5 to 10 cents , according lo cuts. Prime leg of muttoircan be had for 12J cents ; mutton chops 12J to 15 cents H.un is worth 12 } cents in bulk. 20 penis sliced. Pork , 10 to 12cents. . Sausage , 10 to 12 } cents. Venison , rich and juicy , can be purchased for 20 cents. mjTrnii AND KGOS. Butter , from 20 to 30 cents a pound. The latter price is for the best creamery. Eggs bring 15 cents a dozen. To Keep Off a Bust. Boiler Inspector Jenkins has boon in office three months. During that timu he has inspected fifty-three boilers , giving them not only the hydrostatic , which is required by ordinance , but also tlio ham mer test. His aim is to leave nothing un done to ascertain the exact condition of the boilers ho examines. The ordinance requires that owners of boilers shall noti fy him of the fact of their rcadness to have him conic and make examination. But thus far thu owners have displayed a tendency to pay no attention to thu law. Instead of being notified hu is compelled to run around and find them. This , however - over , ho proposes to do if necessary , and hereafter inspect on an average of about twenty-live boilers per month. Another Sower. Ono n.ilu of sewer work was com menced on Sixteenth street yesterday It will run north from the main sewer which cros os Sixteenth at Niche las. Part of it will bo of 18 , part 10 , and part 8-inch tilo. Thu work will bu com pleted in about a month , after which the htrcct will bo pared. The contract has been let to Mount & Grillin. ncrka'N Opinion. Judge Burkn proposes to pay the greatest attention to the case of Taylor v.s. Croft , the money lender , which he has taken under advisumcnt. He will deliver his opinion on Friday at 2 o'clock. The boat club will soon havu two now single sculls. Tlio Ladies' Musical sociotv meets on Wednesday afternoon , May 12 , at Mey er's hall. Constable Edgorton and S. S , 1'oikor are making arrangements to establish anew now detective agency in this city. A now btono Hag sidewalk is about to bu laid on Hftconth fctruot in front of Frcn/.er'b block There will bo a meeting this afternoon , at 2 o'clock , ot thu assurors of the city in thu olllco of the county com- There is not the slightest evidence hero that there has been a .strike in thu country , to judge from the hundred of brick and frame buildings which aru being erected throughout the city. A manure pile near the corner of Eighth and Jones streets is complained of by the residents in that locality , and the police have orders to arrest any per son caught dumping refuse matter there. Nellie Potter and Lnlu Blanchard , resi duals of that unsavory corner of Seven teenth and Hartley known as "Murray Hill" have been arronted'by ' the police. who are determined to clean out that locality , The NIcklo Plato circus returned to Omaha yesterday and will open a show at the corner of Clark ami Eight eenth btrccts. The circus went as far west as Grand Island , and struck a snag in the railroad strikes which injured its business , so that it lost heavily. The law partnership which has hereto fore existed" between Milon S. Lindsay and Robi. W. Patrick has been dissolved , Mr. Lindsay retiring on account of the failure of his health. Mr. Patrick will continue the business at the old ollico in Paxtnn building. A line of sewer was being laid across Sixteenth btrect near Izard ycstorday when an excitable genius took it into Ins head that some railroad company was trying to btcal a march , and lay a track that thoroughfare The police were summoned , a binall squad going at once to Iho b'ccnir of the work. When they discovered Iho Into fatato oi afTairs , they 'left iu di ust. . . . , / ' . ' , * ' / > Hal ford Sauce kciit by A l Kroccis. ' Ask 'forlU . , . . . " . . . . Personal Paragraph ) * . Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Curtis are regis tered at the Millard. James Young of Fremont registered at the Paxton yesterday. Jno. T. Alallaliou npd O. I' . Ayer , of .Kearney , are at the Paxton. 11. B , Holsnian , of this place Is attend ing court in Guthrlo Co. , la. James Young , ono of the proprietors of the Eno hotel , Fremont , is at the Paxton. Attorney Wliccdon of Lincoln * vr.s in town vestorday in f.ttlT.uanco upon the VuitC ! States circuit court. Captain T. W. T. Richards returned to this city yesterday after a sojourn of three weeks on the Pacific slope. Ex-Congressman E. K. Valentino of West Point , came into to town yesterday and registered at the Millard. Gen. John M. Thaycr and wife arrived from the cast ycstorday and left im mediately for liomo on the west-bound overland. P. P. Pomeroy , late of the St. Paul Globe , a bright and genial journalist , has lately been addud to the stall' of the Herald of this city. L. Bi Wood of this city has gone to Canada in the Interest of Ids now anti- freezing lamp , wliich ho hopes to Intro duce upon a number of railroads in this country before long. John H. Kimball , "of Wcstlield , Chnu- tauqua Co. , N. Y. , writes May 20 , 1835 , that he was suffering with rhuumatie fe ver , and had constipation so bad that many times ho went twelve days without an evacuation. Given up by physicians , he , as a last resort , took Brandreth's Pills , two every night for buven weeks. No.v ho is an entirely well man and never uses any other inedictno for him self or family. Ho will answer any in quiries. A bun owned by John Bartlclt , of Old Colony , Mass. , has adopted an assured method of paying her board. Nearly every day she comes to the house door making a peculiar noise , and , on being admitted , goes to tlio lounge and deposits an egg. Having thus put the family in the actual possession of thu "spot cash , " she again finds the door , and , by a pe culiar note , asks to bo let out , eoing about her business apparently feeling that she has made adequate return lor her keep ing. An Excellent Caterer Rewarded Amply. 5fr , Leutz , a restaiiiant keeper at No 8 Williams Comt lor nineteen je.Ub past , and caterer for the well-known bheiman House In Court Square , was in no p.titieular need of the money which he iccehed tor one dollar lar suunt in one-Hfth ot ticket .No. 25vii4 , in theApill di.nvinp ; of tlio Louisiana State Lotioiy , but he will make Kood use ol It. lie Is an old member of tliu Society of Klks , and a past commander ol Postal. G. A. K. iinitoii ( Mass. ) ( "onuncnlal und Slii } > i > linj LM , ApiiliiU. _ On the eastern bank of the Rio Gr.indo river and about six miles fiom Las Cruces , N. M. , is a colony of people whose , customs , history and religion are the most peculiar to bo found in the country They call themselves "Faith- ibts ; " have a bible written by one of themselves ; havu anew calendar in which the days. Sabbaths and holidays , an ; changed , and the months are called signs ; eat only two meals a day , whilu fish and flush are forever forbidden as an article of Jood. Purely vegetable , prompt , sure , safe , Red star Cough Cure. Twenty-live cents. Mrs. Patsoy Brainier , a respected col ored woman of Now Orleans , dropped dead in church Sunday night , while dress ing some candidate for baptism. By the agency of the "Freo and Open Church Association" forty-six- churches of the English establishment were during the year of 1885 made free. The tusk of a mastodon of immense size was unearthed last week near Dal las , W. T. It is said that the country in that section is rich in geological treas ures. ures.A A British export has a list of sixty- three vessels in the British navy , about half of them in service , which no thinks .should bu "sold , broken up or blown up , but in no case rewaired. " The Baltimore American has , in its career of thirteen years , been defended in fifty-five libel suits , and in only ono has it ever buffered a verdict lor damages , and in that ono case the damages were trilling. A woman of Southington , Conn. , killed a hen , and in opening it was amazed to bco a a six-Inch biiako run out of its stomach. Vail has beautified its city park by planting 2CO shade trees. PERFECT MADE I'ropnrcdwllh Pieclul ] rfsnrd to licalU. No Ammonia , I.lmu or Alum. PRICE BfiKlllO PQWDL'R CO. , CHICAGO. ST.t-OUIS Omaha D ental Associan Corner 10th nntl Douglas Sts. Dr. Haugliawout.Pres , Kliiodcnllntry ut reusonulile rales , licit ecti or teeth H , perfect lit and buht niulerlal. Cold 1 illlnt' . Uold I'lult'i and Continuous Gum Teetu u epotlultv. DR , IMPEY , 1509AIEWr. . - ST. 1'ractico limited to Diseases of tlio EYE , EAR , NOSE AND THROAT Glasses fitted for all forma of Hefecllvo . . Vision. Artificial Eyejj Inserted , - , OEJ X T OKdA-TIA. TO DEWEY & STONES' Qneoftlio Best anti Zictryest Stoctes in the U.S. to Select from. \ No Stairs to Climb , Elegant Passenger Elevator C. E MAYNE , HEAL 'ESTATE DEALER , S.W. COIS. 15lliA\E > VAIBNAItl , OUHAHA. Pronorly of uvory description for sale in all parts of tlio city. I.amN lor sale in county in Nobra ka. A complete sot of Abstracts of Titles of DomrltH County kopl. Maps of tlio City , Sluto or county , or any oilier information ucslroil fttrnlshuil fruo of charge upon application , M. BURKE & SONS , LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS , Ona nUUKK , Maniurcr , UNION STOCK YARDS , OMAHA , NEB. UEKEKKNOES : Merchants' and Faimeis' Hunk , D.nlil City , Neb. ; Kearney National JJankKearney , Neb. ; Columbus St.tto Hank. Columbus , Neb. ; McDonald's Bank , North Platte. Neb. ; Omaha National Hank. Omaha. Neb. Will pay customers' draft with bill ot ladlni : attached for h\o-tlilrds value of stock. Patent Upright Pianos are conceded to bo the best in tin- market at a Moderate price. 0,000 now in use. Remarkable for their durability , and capacity for .standing in tune. Endorsed by Rive- King , Sherwood , Boscovitz , Loibling , Eddy , Pratt , and other eminent members of the musical profession. WAREROOMS : 1305 and ! 30 ? Farnam Si , TiRBKEN SPRING VEHICLES. OVER 400,000 art. IN USE. r.nvtcut ItldlliK Vclilclo mndo. liUmuetn with oca poreoaiiattvo. TboHprlncN Irnnlhrnand Auorlcn according to the nelght they carry , l.qually trrll nrtniitrd to rough country rnnd * fitiu npotlrivi'MctcltiDB. jlluniilnrturcilniulhulilliy Ul Ivadluu CorrliiiD Guilders uiid Dealers- Best Goods in the market d , III. ABC ! for our goods ami sco that tl > o bear our trade mark. ESTAHLISllKD 1870. Lincoln Steam Dye Works W. D. UOBERTSON , Prop'r. Oflico No. 1101 O St. , Worlts 8.13. Cor. F. 4Dili. . Lincoln , Nob. liontb' Clothing Cleaned mid It pnlicd. ORrlAHA I3lh SI , Cor , Capitol Avcnuo. ron TIIF TitriTMi.hT or AM , Chronic & Surs [ 9' ' Diseases. DR. MoMfiHAMY. Proprietor. huiecniuuV Hospital and I'lhutu I'rattico Wo have tliu fotllltics , npparatu * and remedies for the tncct fnl treatment uf uu-ry form of din. ra-o rtqiilrlnj ; clllur nuillrnl or enrglcal trrntimut , and InOlonll tocoincniul liivietlfcitufur tin mschi-K urcorrctpund in. Ion osicrUnio ] In trint- iiiL'tuefu hy letter cnnblca ua to treat many cajci ecrdilincalfyvithoiit tve\ny \ thtm. WHITE i'OIl CIKCUliAK on Deformities and Ilrncc * , Club Feet , Curvature" of thu Kpluc , Iiai.A8E > or VOUKV. 1'ilm , Tnmorii , Canccru , Catarrh , Urunchiti * , Innal.ition , Klcclrlclly , I'urnl- yelii , Kpllopey , Kidney , Kje , J ar , bklu , lllood and all eurglcal operation * , IliilTi-rlcn , InliuliTM , nrncrt , Trusses , nnd .til IdndH of } lcdlcal aud Surgical Appilaucu , man ufactured and for talc. Ihe only reliable Medical Institute making Private , Special ' 8 Nervous Disease : FA hi'iri.\i/ir. ALI < CONTAGIOUS AND III.OOI1 PISEASES , from whalocrcannoproduced , encccetfully treated , tVo can renioio Syplillitlo pouoa fruui thotjttim without mercury. New rebloratl e trratment for lee of vital iiower. AfJi COMMU.NIUATIONti CONI'IDHNTIAI , Call and coneult ut or tend name mid poct-onice aildrcs plainly \\rlttcu cncloso utainp , uude ullUindou , In plain urappir , our PRIVATE'CIRCULAR TO MEM I'roN I'ltit ATB , SriciAL AMI Ntmotn DUHASES , SEMINAL WKAICNKSS. SITHIATOIIIIIIU'.A 1 HIM JEN. or , Sirimu , noNonuitcKA , CIELT , YAUICOCEIK , hriuouite , AND At i. DitrixEs or TUB GKSITQ. OIIINAKI OIIUANS , orteudhUtory of ) our cato fur eu opinion. I'crsone unable tel tt us may be treated at Ihelr home * , by cot rccponduicc ileditlneii and 1 nstru meut. tent by mall or vxtirci * SIX UUKLY l'A ( R El ) FHQM OlISUtVA'llON' . no marki tolndlpall contints or nender. One pcrsounl Interview > ire- fcrrcdlf tomcnieiit. Fifty looma for the accom modation of pailuitf UyJiJ and nttcndauto nt reasonable piIcci. Addrect all J.cjtciu to Omatia Medical and Surgical Institute. Cor.'iaihSU.and CapUolAte OMAHA. N.-s. : Scnlcd Proposals Will lie riioolM'd nt the ollico of thoohlof on- uinoor. I'lilon I'uoltlo Hiilhvn.v. nt Oninhn. until Ki'ldny evening , May 18th , lei the ginilliitf , pllo lirldidiiiriuul tuiL'U-liiylnjf of nboiit lorty iniloi of thp C'ltL'joiino iS'mthcin llalhvny fiom Choji'tino norlliniitil. I'rolllci tuid i.nai'lllc.ittoimcuu bo scon nt the chlcl viiKlncpr i ollico In Onrthn , or on the uoiknltcrtholOth Intl. Intl.S. . H. CAI.bAWAY , . mjMoml.'i Gcncrnl Mnuuiror , U. 1 > . liy. Kailway Time Table , IIMAMA. Tlio followlnp I tlio time of nrnvnl ami do- parttitoo ! trains by Central Slniulunl tlmo at the Incut depot ) ! . Trains of tlio C. . St. 1' . , M. A O. nrrlvo mid ilop.irt Irom tliolnlouot. corner ot Htli iiiulVobtfr stroolM ; trains on the II. & M. , C. . II. & Q. unil K. C. . St. J. & ( J. II. Irom tlio U. &M. depot : nil others from Iho Union I'aoino l'U"0t- ' 11HIOQK TRAINS. IlrMpotinliut wo ! ictiVQ r. l1. depot nt O.Mj H7:3o-8:00-S:40 : : : 8r)0--1110cW-lliO : : : ! n. in. . 11 ItoOlKWfiOBiWaiOO II 4 : < W-5UJ--BM : : 0:10-7:00-11:10 : : : p. ra. Leave tranilor fur Omahfi nt 7li : II 8:15-0:30 : : -i:43-ll ! : 10a-i-iO'l7 : : H'l"'n. : : m. ; ; i:3r-3l3- : : 2:117nW : : : t:37 : 4:37 : 5:5J : U : 12 7:3J : 7:50 : Aiiiriil anil ilmiiutuii ) of tiulus from the trniiifcnlonot nt Council Ululfs : DEI-AIT. AHlllVE. CIIICAQO , HOCK ISMXU 4 PACIFIC. R 7:11 A. M I : ! " i , M It H.IA. : ! M I H 5 : Up. M CliIUi- : I 117:10 : p. M CIUCAOO St XOnTIHYr.STF.ltN. ll ! > : r > A. AI I I ) 9:1 1 A. v C : ! . M I 117OJp. : M cnu\ao , nimuxaroN t QUINOV. A tLBTiA. M AWM.'l \ . M n ClQp. : M I100p. : A 7(0 : P. M CIUCAOO , MILWAUKEE ft ST. PAUL. Jl Pl" : > A. M | D : l."i A. M C 0:40 : p. M I II 7.UJP. M ICAN8APC1TV. ST. JOE k COUNCIL HI.UtFc > . A 10:03 : A. H I I ) li.SlA. M C 8:55i' : . M I A 5:10 : l' . it \VAtl\8II.8T. I.OUIS i-J-ACIHO. A 3:00 : p. M I A ! 1:30 : rM SIOU.X CITY i. PACiriC. A 7o : : ; A. it I A : : A. M A 0:331' : . M I A 8:5)r. : ) Jt Ucp.ut. SOUTIINVAHI ) . "Arrivo DepiuU NOKTinVAHD. Arrive A.M. ! P.M. I C. ST. 1' . , M. .V O. | A. M. p. M. B:16aj : I yioux City i\iuui4 : .1 5:153 : I 6M5u Oakland Acc'oinmod'ii10:30a | : " ' ' IK'pnit. IJAbTWAUn. Airlvo A. M. I 1' . M. C. . II. & 0. I A.M. I P. M. U 20 6:1)0 : ) . . .Vmrmttsiiuuth. . . . ! ui-'o I 7 II ) STOOIC VAUD3 TltAlNS Will leave U. 1' . dnpot. Om ihn , nt fl:10--3JJ- : 10:4&-10:5Tn. : : in. ; S40 ; .1.60 3i" : p. in. ieavo8loolf Viirds for Oniiihii nl 7:510:251. : : . ia:01-l : : l-lIO-ri:07-n : : ) p. in. NOTK A trains dully ; II , dally except Sunday : 0 dally oxcout Saturday ; U , dally except ilon- clnr. National Bank OMAHA. NEBRASKA. Paid up Capital $250,000 Suplus May 1 , 1885 25,000 II. W. YATIS , President. A. E. TOUX.AMN , Viuo Prusldont , \V. H. S. lluoiir.3 , Cashier. D1HLCTOKHS W. V. Mown , JOHN S. COLLINS , 11.V. . YATIM , Li\vw : S. Uiii : : > , A. E. TOUZAU.V , BANKING OFFICEi THE HtON BANK. Cor. 12tb and Farnara Stroola. General IluuUlmr Uushum Tn . . . ! Ht. . { .IHHAt ISTIIilt til. lii-luntl > ri'llctctbtj liiotlulllit lillm LM , | iiiul liifiirti * r.iiiifurl-j nlili * > lii'p. Utwjil by ; h'.l tioiitliu rmrlilnic tliodlionMiillrort. rclm- DIB n > nm , faillltnui fie Jf P B ISG1 WT iraotorntiun , and Ki'ri'.l'lt tju < * kt K. SL- i > ri Ultlirrrciii > iltr r > ll , t IrUI rcixliirri ( lit ninlp rptlfftlorlt. In iadlKtr , Ilrrrl anilut-ttr.riilllAKetr , > fl. IroftOc. nJ OI.IHM "f drujitUli ut li mull Tilal ; fno fur > tumi. | llr. U KIIMIHUN.SI. I'nul.ill REMINGTON STANDARD TYPE WRITERS , PoMer & flte Law Jlonortors and Oopyiots , Btalo Auoats for Xcbnilci. Typo-wilU'r suppllos iiiul pnpor kept In btoclr. bond lorentilloKUO. OMAMNATIUNAI , IUNK IliriMiiNO OMAIII WOODBRIDGE BRO'S ' , State Agents FOIL Til K 's Pianos Omaha , Neb. frs , " U " " Jf JL U JuuJti " T ? [ Kinim cly.'umfin CO daj > CV lir. IIuruc' < lru-Muenillelltl | . ' J'ru . combined. UuiiranUt dtto only bm > lulbo world ( ftiicriUlnij - ucunliuuou * t'Uflrtc tf Maynttfo ? - rurrrut , Ixliullllc.l'owcrlul , Humble , Comf"rr Liu end 1 CIiLllvu. Avoid frautlr. cm rw ( ) ( > Ocur l. htnd Mump for paini > LltU Al > > l.Ut : 1'JtlO lll.l/lt } ftlll lllrtKAbl.'H. Ds , HOHNE. III/EUIOR. lei WABASH AYE. . CHICACB. * * " " " ' " - . " ' "t i'- ,