Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 12, 1886, Page 5, Image 5

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    HL SlZt ' 1 , L 5r X t ; sfr . .c. , _
Seeking Legal Opinion as to How the Cost
is to be Borno.
Trlii to Onmtin StiKRCstctt A
tcrlnl Tycoon Protecting Prosti
tutes Magical KfTcot of Whisky
on a Magician.
. Greatly to the surprise anil gratllica-
( ion of tliu property owners anil business
men of this city , Major Burr , at the
meeting of the council Monday evening ,
appointed Messrs. Dillingsly , Brock ,
Dean nnil I1 mains a committee on pav
ing , inaklug a personal request ill tliu
samu llniu that they begin the necessary
preparatory work at once. City Attor
ney field had previously informed the
council that under the present charter ,
abutting property can bo legally charged
with tlio cost of paving tlio streets and
alleys , but not thu intersections , and that
in his opinion thu city had no power to
levy a tax on the general public for that
purpose. In order to l > u well fortified in
the matter Chairman Dillingsly yester
day addressed the following letter to
Messrs. llarwood , Ames As Kelly , Mason
As Whedon , Mnrqiictte , Ueweeso A Hall ,
and other leading law linns :
Uontlemcn Mayor Burr has appointed a
committee on paving , whom lie wishes. In
compliance with tlicucm.imls nf nearly all of.
our cltl/cns , to take some btups lu conformity
with law , toilevlso some plan to pa\o our
stteots and alleys In the business poitlon of
tlio city. The city attorney , Mr. Kleltl , has
advised thu council tliat abutting propeity
can be charged with the expense ot paving
the ailjoinlni : street anil alley , but In his
opinion we had no power miller tliu charter
to levy a tat on the gcneial public fur p.ivlng
the squares at the Intcrst-cliou ot streets.
Wuaienot aiitlmiiycd to Incur any ex
pense for opinions on this nutter , but
believing your Intelest In this matter as nub-
llc spirited elti/ens , would iiiompt you , 1C
solicited , to iloimtu some light on the sub
ject. Wo take this occasion to ask your
opinion as to tlio power.of ) tliu mayor ami
council In having tliu sheets and alleys
paved , curbed anil guttered.
First AH to the Intersection of streetswho
pays tlio tax or expense tliuigol'.1
u Second Can the work lie paid for In an
nual Dayincnts bv the abutting lot owners ,
and the city Issue Its bonds to pay lor the
Third How soon and In what manner can
we proceed to have thu work done.
The paving of our stieets and alleys is so
Impoitant a innttcrto ourcity and In such
treat demand , you will very gteatly oblige
the paving committee by an early reply.
Very truly yovis ,
\i. w. Bii.MNflsr.r.y ,
11. H. UKAN ,
Paving Committee.
Tf , in the opinion of the lawyers named ,
the city can proceed with the work of
paving without waiting to have the char
ter tinkered by the legislature , it is very
probable that some energetic steps in
that direction will lie taken this summer.
The experience of the past winter and
spring has demonstrated , even to the ob
structionists , the necessity of putting the
streets , especially tiioso in the heart ot the
city , in shape to accommodate the con
stantly increasing trallic. About the only
question that can bo raised now is as to
how and where the work shall bo done.
As was pointed out in the Bii : ; about a
week ago , there is a district of some
tbirty-tlireo blocks in the business region
that needs immediate attention. With
those thirty-three blockb paved great re
lief would como to now badly domoral-
ix.ud commercial circles , and a halt could
bo called , if necessary , to improvements
of the same nature for at least ten years.
Instead of desiring to slop the work ,
however , it is much more likely
that tlio paving of the dis
trict named would incite tbo
property owners la adjoining streets to
carry out u similar good work. In the
opinion of the BKE man that part of the
city which should bo unvcd as soon as
possible consists of nine blocks on O
street between Sixth nnd Fifteenth ; live
on P between Seventh and Eleventh ; and
three on N between Ninth and Twelfth.
Of the cross streets three blocks on Ninth
and Tenth , from Q to N need paving ;
four on Eleventh from Q to M ! , and two on
Twelfth from P to N. To pave these
streets with asphalt , will cost , at a rough
estimate , $250,000 ; with granite block
$320,000 ; cedar blocks $125,000. It is
very doubtful whether the same amount
of money can bo expended as profitably
in any ether work. The business men of
Omaha , where thu work of paving was
inaugurated about four years ago , and
where public improvements have been
carried on over since at the rate of $800,000
a year , are a unit in declaring that the
real prosperity of the plaoo dates from
the day the work was undertaken. A
great part of the money is paid to
laboring men wlio put it in circu
lation ut once , anil every branch of > trade
is bonollttod. Capitalists from the cast
looking forinvostmonts are not afraid to
put out their money'whore there nro such
sure Indications that the people arc pro
gressive and prosperous. Aside from this ,
it is a wqll-known fact that properly
abutting on a paved and sewered street
enhances in value , not to the costs of the
Improvements alone , but many times
more. There nro numerous cases in
Omuha where tha investment of $200 , in
ten annual payments , for paving m front
of ono lot , has caused would-be pur
chasers to ralso their bids from $1,000 to
With tlio fact that paving , at least of
the district mimed , is assured , the next
points raised will bo as to the material ,
nmnnor of letting the work nnd system
of payment. On each of these the Omaha
plan seems worthy of imitation , nnd it
would bo well for the gentlemen who
represent the council to make n visit of
inspection there , nml consult witli thu
otliclals who have the matter of pub
lic works iu charge. As tlio BKI : man
remembers it when the paving of a cer
tain stioet is decided on , the property
owners nro allowed to designate , by pe
tition to the council , the material they
want used , the majority of course ruling.
This done , proposals tor doing the work
nro advertised for , and the contract lot
to thu lowest bidder. A board of public
works consisting of three mon appointed
bv the mayor and continued by the coun
cil have direct charge nnd supervision of
nil public improvements , subject to en
dorsement by the council. The money
for paying the contractors is raised by
floating district bonds which tire n lien
only on the property in the territory
paved. These bonds bear D per cent in
terest , and the last series were taken ut
DJ per cent premium. To meet them the
property owners way into the city treas
ury ovury year one-tenth of tlio amount
assessed against them , the whole being
paid up ut the end of the tenth year.
Discussion of the subject will doubtless
bring out some valuable sugge.stions , and
as the matter is of the most vital import
ance to Lincoln people , the UIE : man is
ready to liuar nil sides nnd present tlio
points ns made. >
UlllKr" MI'.NTION.
1'our girls , rooming on Tenth street ,
between O ami N , wore pulled by the
police yesterday for lendini. ' lives of pros
titution , They wore taken to polieo court ,
and through some mysterious Inlluenco
released without an entry of any kind being -
ing mudo , Thu ellbrU of the reporters to
got thuir names , nnd disposition of the
charge against them , was tiiet with n
bold lilulV on the pact of thu magisterial
tycoon who , for the time being , bud thu
winning hand.
At the meeting of the Episcopal so-
cioty yesterday , Guy A. Brown , Colonel
Llinor S , Uundy nnd H. J.Walsh wcro
elected delegates to the diocesan council
to ba held at Omaha Wednesday next.
Auditor Babcoek has received ? i50 ; in
school bonds of district 141 , ( tngo county ,
$ OD of district ! H. Red Willow county !
and $ m of district 41 , Hamilton county ,
for registration.
Miss Kate O'Noil , a woman of 23 years ,
who was brought from Tokamah to the
Homo for the Friendless a few days ago
sutl'ering from typhoid fever , died at
that Institution early yesterday morn
Work was commenced yesterday on n
thirty room addition to the Opclt house.
Kngineor Brown at the state house
c.iptured an owl yesterday in the upper
story of the building , whore it had been
miking its homo during tliu wintor.
M. U. Curtis appeared nt the Funko
Monday evening in Ins new play of
"Spot Cash , "for tliu lir t time. It is in
tended as a sequel to ' 'Sainuol of Poscn , "
but lacks the interestand merit of tlio pa
rent , piece , being weak m plot and ilia-
Fourteen transfers of real estate , In
tvhieli the consideration aggregated $23-
COO , were recorded Monday.
Professor Shryer , the magician , who
was released from the city jail Saturday
by Judge Parsons , on tlio promise that
hu would never indulge in the flowing
bowl again , was picked up by the police
yesterday in a very hilarious condition.
It cost him $3,70 to bottlewith the court.
Titr IIASI : HAM. sr.AMiN. ;
The bnso ball season in Lincoln will
open to-day with the lirst of a series of
three games between the Denver and
homo teams. Friday afternoon the bank
clerks will meet in friendly rivalry , tlio
nines selected boiiifr from tliu Lincoln and
Capitol on ono side , and the State and
First on the other. As arranged for bat
tle they stand :
McMlller Catcher J. W. .Maxwell.
Fiank Polk Pitcher Otto l-'unke.
t ) . J. Tempeton..SlioitStop..ll. ! (5. ( liiutnutl.
Hairy r'recimin..First Base 1) . K. Ulch.
Hob. Mnlr Second Base..Fled Caher.
Clias. Walt Third Base II. Smith.
W. Baiklcy Center Field.\V. McClay.
Dick -Miller Hlght Kiehl..B. llarUeulmrg.
Dan Wing Lett Field F. S. Kelley.
S. G. Bryan , Ashland ; J. H. Campbell ,
Omaha ; Tobias Cnstor , Wilber ; P. J.
Nichols , Dick Kitchen ami George Mor-
ritt , Omaha ; S. J. Flehartj' , Kimball ;
Shcriil'Coburn , Henry Grebe anil James
Donnelly , jr. , Omaha ; George K. Scott ,
Bontrico ; James C. Birnoy , Crete ; H. B.
Cowdcrv , Columbus ; Will Clouston and
Charles Ogden , Omaha.
AlJevy ofUlrds.
An cnglo bird tried to carry away the 5-
yenr old hon of Joseph Davis , of Man-
heim , N. Y. Assistance came and the
boy was rescued
Mrs. David Ruth , of DufTryn Mawr ,
Pa. , set a hen on thirteen eggs. Only
twelve of the eggs were hatched , but the
hon left the nest with fourteen young
While two woodc-lioppors near Cort-
lantlt , N. Y. , were felling a tree in the
woods n partridgp alighted in its
branches nnd remained there until the
tree commenced to fall.
Mr. Nicholson , of Eastman , Ga. , lost a
goose which was killed by some wild
creature. He fastened tlio mangled body
of the bird to the treadle of n largo trap
and the next night caught a huge owl.
A man of Romlout , N. Y. , purchased
some green dye , intending to color eggs
for his children. Ho placed the package
on a bench in his back yard ami his hens
nte the dye. For three days after the
hens laid green eggs.
A turkey was killed nnd catenin Warren
county , Georgia , recently which was the
solo survivor of a Hock attacked by Sher
man's soldiers in 1601. She had a in
n sequestered place nnd thus escaped de
struction at that time.
A largo hawk carried oft"a young
chicken Iromtho poultry yard of Samuel
Hctrick , of James Creek , Pa. Mr. Hot-
rick appeared with his gun nnd killed
the hawk as it was flying away. The
chicken llnttorcd to the ground and re
turned to the coop unhurt.
A sure cure for Blind. Bleeding , Itchln
nnd U icerated Piles has been ( Uncovered by
Dr. Williams , ( an Indian remedy ) , called Ur
Williams' Indian Pile Ointment A single
box lias cured tlio worst chronic cases of 25 or
SO years standing. No one need suffer live
minutes after applying this wonderful sooth
Ing medicine. Lotions and Instruments do
more harm than good. Williams' Indian
Pile Ointment absorbs tha turners , allays the
Intense itching , ( particularly at night after
getting warm In bed ) , acts as a poultice , trivia
instant relief , and Is prepared only for Piles ,
itching of private parts , and for nothing elsa
Dr. Frazlor's Single Ointment cures as by
magic , PI tunics , Black Heads or Grubs ,
Blotches ana Eruptions on the face , leaving
the sKln clear anil beautiful. Also CHIPS Itch.
Halt KUeuin , Sore Nipples , Sore Lips , and
Old Obstinate Ulcers.
Sold by druggists , or mailed on receipt of
GO cents.
Retailed by Kuhn < fc Co. . and Sehrooter < Sr
Courad. At wholesale bv C. F. Goodman.
An Imperial Island.
London Life : The Crown Prince
Rudolph of Austria , in addition to many
other desirable pomps and vanities , has
an island of his own Lacroma , in the
Adriatic , opposite Ragusa ; and there in
thu midst of lovely scenery , siirroundeti
by a transparent sen , ho is convalescing
utter n recent indisposition. The isle ,
three days' steam from Trieste , is as
beautiful ns Monaco , nnd quite out of the
world ; for while the owner is in residence
no ono Is allowed to laud without n
special permit. ' Lacroma formerly belonged
longed to that most unfortunate of mon-
arcns , Maximilian of Mexico , who was
much attached to it , and wrote several
little poems in praise of its charms
After his terrible end the island was
possessed by n succession of ordinary
eoplo , by ono of whom it wns sold to
10 Archduke Rudolph in 1678. The
future emperor of Austria lives nt
Lacromn in the greatest simplicity.
When Maximilian bought tlio isle the
only available residence on it was an old
monnstory which had been going to ruin
for half a century , and in this building
the crown prince nnd princes live their
simple lives. There urn but three good
rooms in the housu the drawing-room ,
the nnciont refectory , used as n salon do
musiquo , nnd tlio drawing-room , Tito
imperial bed-chambers nro of very
meager dimensions , while tne Joiig-lit'.cii '
dukes nnd duchesses of the sultfl have to
bu content with the cells of ttlo vanished
monks. Tha plain whitewashed walls
match the rough , Serviceable furniture.
Tliu monastery Is said to have been built
by tliu cHi/un.s of Ragusa its n thank-
ollcring for the stoppage of a great lire.
At the beginning of the present century
H was partially destroyed by an earthquake -
quake , and has never been thoroughly
restored The scenery of the island is
entirely romantic. Beneath n sky which
is rarely clouded grows ti luxuriant
tropical vegetation groves of ornngu
and myrtle , of aloes nnd furs ; n trtto
"land where the citron blooms , "
trhen lUtojr WM rick , w gate her C.utorU ,
WLen ibt > wu Child , ( be cried for L'utorU ,
When the became Miss , the clan * ; to CutorU ,
WUm k * had CMldrtn , ih * gar * tbim Ctslori
All members of tlio Gate City Drum
Corps arc requested to attend a spetsia
meeting , this evening at 7:80 : , at Tirol
Garden , Ninth and Farnam itreeU.
. -JNO. M. Hour , President.
WILL A. SisiMOXi , Secretary.
The Eolations of the Ootnpany Towards
Its Employes.
Written by President AUnins to Ooii-
oral Mnnnizor Cnllnwity mill
Government Director
Tlio following corrosiJomlenco is pub-
Ulii'd in tlio luinual report of the Union
Pacific for 1880 , just issued , nnd will no
loitbt bo road \\itli considerable Interest
jy itcoplu in this part of the country !
HosroK , Mil-oil 10 , 18SO.-S. II. C.illa-
way , pfq , , ( .Joncnil Manager , Oinr.ha ,
Neb. My Dear Sir : In tlio course of ro-
jont rorrospoiitlunrju , frequent refureneo
las been been made to certain luttors
lerutoforo written by mo in relation to
the policy tlio directors desire to have
toward the company's employes
l > y those in charge of the local manage
ment , Lee o stftloiiitints have roaoliud
mo as to the contents of these letters , and
they have boon madu the basis of claims
which cannot be admitted. In view of
existing labor complications in all parts
of the country , it is not improbable that
the letters in iiiu-stion may bo referred to
liercaflor In discussion between yourself ,
or your subordinates in the operating do-
| ) : irtrnuiit , and the representatives of our
employes That there may bo no mi con-
eeption as to what these letters contain ,
1 have caused thorn to bo printed here
with for your information. Suonld any
serious diiliculty occur between the com-
iinny and its employes , tht-so letters set
forth in an olltcial form the policy which
tliu directors have desired to have pur
sued a policy which has , I believe , uni
formly guided the loeal management. It
may bo desirable thot public misipprc-
liension on tills point should be removed.
I remain , very truly yours , F. A.DAMS , .tit , ,
Mass. , Oct. 20. 1831. S. 11.
Uallaway , Ksq.iunurul ( MuiairorOinihi : : : ,
Nob.My Dear Sir : Up to this time I
have nud no occasion for writing to you
of the relations of this company with
Us employes and the policy it should pur
sue toward them. The information you
now send respecting the situation in the
Denver shops leads mo to feel some misap
prehension exists on the subject , and , if
so , I am anxious to remove it , When I
was in Omaha in May last , shpttly after
the April strike , I found an impression
very generally prevailing that tlio reduc
tion of wages then ordered Inul origin
ated in the cast. I was not at the time
president of the company. It was fur
ther intimated to mo that the order for
this reduction had been made against the
remonstrances of the local management ,
and was subsequently rescinded in con
sequence of the urgent representations
of that management. 1 wish to say that
this is an error. Tlio reduction in ques
tion was lirst proposed by Mr. Ulark.lhen
general manager , when in New York ,
during the month of March last. It was
discussed as a suggestion of iiis , and cer
tain directors in Boston raised the
question whether it was an expedient
measure. Mr. Clark urged it strongly ,
stating that its only result would bo to
bring the wages paid by the Union Pa
cific to a level with those paid
by other companies , and ho fur
ther expressed the utmost conlidcnco
that the employes themselves would rec
ognize the justice of the reduction , lie
anticipated no difficulty on account of it.
He was accordingly allowed to order tlio
reduction , which no did upon his own re
sponsibility. Subsequently , when dilli-
enlty was encountered , Fie telegraphed
to the e.u.t to know whatcour p he should
puraiie. He was advised that ho must
take sueli course as he deemed expedient ;
tlio measure originated with him , and it
was for him to meet the ditllculty which
arose from it. I refer to these facts
simply to have the position of the direc
tion in April last fully tnvlorspod by you.
Meanwhile , in view of questions which
have since arisen , I deem it best to indicate
cato to you the policy which the present
administration desires you to pursue to
ward tlio company's employes. IJcing
now in your position , the subject is one
in regard to all the aspects of which you
you natuarally cannot bo informed. In
some respects the situation is peculiar.
As a whole , the employees of the Union
I'acilic are men of a superior class. Com-
tug mainly from the cast , many of them
have been in the servieo of the company
for considerable nerioiLs of time. Owing
to the character of the country through
which the lines of tlio Union Pacific run ,
the position of its employes is unlike any
which exists in tlio east. They are in many
cases , wholly dependent on the company
for employment ; they have nowhere else
to turn. Owning , as many of thorn do ,
and as the company has wisely encour
aged them to do , homes of their own m
what is often a wilderness , if they are
discharged they are oblidged to abandon
their hoinca in order to seek employment
elsewhere. Naturally , therefore , they
are sensitive to any move which looks
either toward a reduction of wages or of
working force. It is the policy of the
company to fully nnd fairly recognize
this peculiarity of the situation , and in
dealing with the employes you will bear
this in mind. From personal examina
tion , I am satisfied that the wages of the
Union Pacific railway company now pays
are higher than those paid by other com-
iHinioB operating in the same region.
That reduction of wages and working
force are at this time being made through
out the country , is matter of common
notoriety. I am further satisfied that a
reduction of tlio working force of the com
pany might be oJleclcd without detriment
to its service. Nevertheless , recognizing
the peculiar situation of our employes ,
and tlio understanding reaohed with thorn
last spring , you ( ire authorized to make ,
in such a way as you see lit , afrank state
ment of the policy which the company
proposes to pursue. In tlio first place no
further reduction , either in wages erin
in working force , in the mechanical de
partment , is now contemplated. Tlio
company is prepared to say that it will
carry UIOSG now on its rolls through the
doming winter at least ; and , if it should
prove at any timu that there was not suf
ficient work to keep the shops busy , any
reduction shall bo made in hours , and not
in the number of workmen. Further , it
is the ilosiro of the directors tiiat you per
sonally cultivate the most open , honest
and direct relations with tlio employes.
These employes are , of course , expected
to perform fair days' work for fair days'
wages. Tlio company cannot surrender
its right to dismiss men for cause. On
the other hand , where it is claimed thai
men have boon dismissed for insuflloiciil
cause , it will be expected that the super-
iiitmulcnts shall personally investigate
the cases nnd see that justice is done.
Should our employes , singly or in a body ,
feel that they have any matter of griev
ance against the company , it is equally
expected that they will moot you in a
frank and loyal buirit , stating their ap
prehensions or grievances and appealing
to you for fair dealing. Knowing the rec
ord that you have left in the Chicago &
Grand Trunk and the estimation in which
you worn universally hold by the employ-
os of that company , the directors
feel convinced that such persona
conferences with you would In a
very short time result m a similar feeling
towards jou among our employes
Above all , it is desirable that you shouU
lo e no opportunty of impressing upon
the minds of those in tlio company's ser
vice that the recent change of adminis
tration , both hero and at Omaliu , docs
not necessarily foreshadow any consider
able change in its /orco. Ou the contrary. '
wherever it is "possible , preference will
: > o given to those , who have boon longest
n the companyjs employ , it is not in
tended to introduce a largo element from
without Such h course would , under no
existing circumstaitces , bo deemed expe
dient. These j ifeThl views of a question
which is here considered of the first
Importance are submitted for jour infer
mation. 1'ou will give them such a de
gree of publicity , and in such a way , as
you sco lit. Meanwhile , it would bo desirable -
sirablo that they should bo brought , in so
far as possible to tliu knowledge of nil
tiioso whoso imMr ) > s"iiro upon the rolls. I
am , > or.v truly years ,
Is ADAMS , .m , , President.
CitEvr.XNK , Vfyo. , July 10. 183 , " ) . Gen.
! ' . P. Alexander , government director :
My Dear Sir A question which may in
volve Important consequences lias arisen
between this company and its employes ,
In regard to which 1 wish to ask your
friendly intervention as a government
director , and consequently a wholly un
prejudiced parly. Tlio facts in theca o
nro briolly these : It is a rule of the com
pany in dealing with its employes , that ,
when the force in any department has to
bo reduced these men who have most re
cently come into the service of the com-
, slriil bo discharged , ether things
Eany equal , that is , the service of the
best men are to bo retained seniority re
ceiving preference between men equally
good. There is , also an organization
among tlio employes known as the
Knights of Labor. This organization is
represented by an executive committee ,
to which the members of It make their
complaints. Kecently a gang of bridge
men in tlio operating department of tlio
company were discharged ; the gang eon-
aisled ol a forcn.iin and eleven men. The
superintendent informs mo that this
gang was laid on" for good and Milllclont
reasons , there being a lack ot material
for them to work with ; and also that , as
ono gang has to bo laid oil' , this gang
was selected as being the least
bullleiont , nnd which could bo most
readily disbanded. The men composing
tins gang were members of the organiza
tion above referred to. They declined to
receive their discharge , and presented
their to the organization. Their
claim is that the rule of the company in
regard to the discharge of employes had
been disregarded , and that in reality
they had been discharged because they
weso members of the organization known
as tlio Knights of Labor , and that other
men not members of it had bed. previ
ously employed to ( ill their places. The
matter was brought before mo in tills
shane at a recent meeting which 1 had
with the executive committee of the
Knights of Labor , at Denver. I prom
ised to give it my personal attention , at
tiio same time informing the committee
that my finding in tlio matter must bo
final. It was also understood that my
necessary engagements at the cast , and
multiplicity of a flairs which require my
attention would prevent my investigating
the matter individually. Nevertheless , 1
nromised that it should receive faithful ,
free and unbiased attention , i should.
therefore , esteem } , t a very great favor if
you would go to Denver and examine
into tliis ease. , . I will see that the men
who wore discharged , the superintendent
of the bridge dc'pai ' tment who discharged
them , and all1 thb other officers con
cerned in tlio matter , appear before you.
1 wish you would conduct the investiga
tion in such ai manner as may seem to
yon lit , in order u > arrive at the exact
tacts , and state them to me.
The essential rjoint in tlio CHSO
is to ascertain whether these men
were dismissed by their immediate sup
erior fairly , without pretence and with
that reasonable regard which should
always bo paid to the interests of the
company. Ifj the grounds on which
they were dismissed were merct pretences ,
and their dismissal-was in reality because
they wore momborsiof the labor organ-
jzation in question , tlio act of the super
intendent of tlio bridge department can
not bo justified under tiic rules of the
road as they now exist and tlio under
standing between the company and its
employes In such case , tiioso men who
wore cllicicntand had been longest in the
employ of the company would have to
be reinstated in position. Ifou the other
hand , acting fairly within his reasonable
discretion , it shall appear to you that the
superintendent of the bridge department
discharged these men , cither because
there was no work for them to do , or
for inefficiency or inattention to duty ,
he must bo sustained in his action. In
view of the consequences which may
ensue , I shall ask you , bearing these
principles in mind , to report the facts
and your findings in writing. Mr. Smith
will furnish you with a stenographer. I
shall bo glau to receive a report from you
as early as it may suit your convenience ,
as it is desirable this matter should bo
definitely settled witli as little delay as
may bo. I remain very truly yours.
CiiAitLKS F. ADAMS , Jit. , President.
BOSTON" . July 30. 1885. S. It. Gal
loway , esq. , General Manager , Omaha ,
Nob. My Dear Sir I received yesterday
from Government Director Alexander his
report on the suspension of foreman
Hand's Kansas Pacific bridge building
gang. The receipt of this document
enables mo to communicate with yon at
length in regard to all tlio points raised
at the meeting between the committee of
the company's employes nnd myself at
Denver on the evening of July 14. 1 wish
in tiie first place to express the gratifica
tion I felt at finding the causes of com
plaint so few and trivial. Indeed it was
n matter of surprise to mo , that , in tiio
case of a corporation HKU the Union Pa
cific , having in its employ some 15,000
persons , a committee coming directly to
the president , and representing the
grievances of that whole body , should
yet have so little to say. It showed con
clusively that no ground for serious diffi
culty existed I would commend to you
and through you to tlio employes of
the company generally , n careful consid
eration of General Alexander's report. It
is utterly impossible that tlio working
force of the Union Pacific , or of any other
largo railroad company , should bo car
ried through the year without increase or
diminution This was admitted by the
committee in their , interview witli me ,
nnd they oxprossly'disclaimcd any desire
to suggest suchf/m impossible practice.
During the winter Uio company employs
perhaps 10,000 : Mnin. During certain
periods of the summer that force has to
bo increased to ' 10,000. The men thus
temporarily employed have to bo dis
charged. Tho'timto ' has now como
when tlio largo1' force last spring
engaged for , track and other
work must bo reduced. Tlio principle
qn which this reduction should bo made
lias already biin ( ; stated. As between
men otherwise equal , that is , employes
equally , honest , sober nnd capable , the
ono who lias been Ipugost in tlio service
of the company. tp bo retained , Hut
seniority in service is not to bo made a
cover for shortcomings of any descrip
tion , In reducing1 our working force ,
you will instruct nil subordinates to bear
carefully In mind tiio rule here laid
down , It is obviously impossible for
you. and much more for mo to examine
into every case of alleged injustice which
may be reported. Your subordinates are
responsible for results ; and. in order
that they may bo responsible ) , it is neces
sary that they should have a certain lib
erty in the selection of tiioso who work
under them , They are tlio best judges as
to which men are the most honest , most
reliable and most capable , From their
judgment in this respect save in most ex
ceptional cases , there necessarily can bo
no appeal. To this principle the commit'
too of employes in confcrnuco witli mo
at Denver gavo'a most ready assent. It
is obviously the only principle Upon which
the affairs of a company aslaipo as the
.Union Pacific- could bo faueecastully con-
'ducted. In making arrangements , there-
. ford , for uercisary reduction of force' , you
will specially caution alt subordinates to
give profcronco to seniority in service ,
ether things being equal. This being
done , thosa subordinates must bo left to
select the best mon In their several de
partments and gangs.
I remain , very respectfully yours.
CHAS. F. AD.VMS. Jii. , President.
Spring Hnnko Htorlpq.
Cnpt. ( Jarraway of Halifax drew out of
ins well n live moccasin snake about a
foot and a half long. It was taken to
the house and foil witli insects , it soon
became very tame and is now a great pot
among the children , who play witli it as
they do witli their kitten and dolls.
Tiio largest rattlesnakes nro In Texas ,
on the lower Hio Grande , whore they
sometimes reach the length of twelve
feet. The smallest arc the horned rattle
snakes of Arizona and now Mexico ,
which seldom reach the length of two
feet. They have two little excrescences
over the eyes from which they receive
their names.
A Maine fisherman saj's lie saw a sea-
serpent the other day oil' Wolls. Ho
thinks it is the same one ho saw some
yean ago in the Caribbean sea , although
it appeared to have grown coiisldeiably.
Its Head was as largo as a barrel , and
was held high in the air. Its eyes weio
big as saucers , and its lingo open mouth
contained three rows of teeth.
A traveler in Mexico gives the follow
ing cheerful sketch of the country
through which ho passed : "Gigantic
rattlesnakes , deadly asps , and a hundred
other dangerous species glide away at
our approach ; reptiles prey upon each
other in the miasmatic lagoons , whore
fatal ualenturas lurk under evoiy leaf ;
enormous li/.nrds bask in the hot sun
shine , tarantulas , scorpions , centipedes
and xins-xins abound in tlio burning
sands. "
A North Carolina man writes as fol
lows to the Atlanta Constitution : "Tho
joint snake is often three feet long , of
dark-brown color , with stripes of green
and white , shading oft" to white under
neath. The snake does not br < ! ak on ao-
count of lieiiiu lilt with a stick. If you
will gently place a stick on or its
head , the moment it fools itself fast it
throws itself into coils and breaks into
nieces at joints and nowhere else. It
breaks square across. On ono piece there
are two cartilages or hones projecting an
eighth of an inch in Icangth and about
the same distance apart. On tlio other
pieeo that joined it there is a tendon of
the same kind that fits in between the
other two pieces. If you place these
two pieces together they remain together
and look as it they had never boon sopor-
ated. I have .seen do/.ens of them in tlio
space of twelve jears. 1 have repeatedly
loft the pieces where they broke , marked
tlio spot , and on returning after a few
hours could never lind one of the pieces
again. "
A Def ? That Could Count.
E. P. Coo , in "St. Nicholas' Dog
Stories , " St. Nicholas for May : Old
Fetch was a shepherd dog anil lived in
the highlands ot the Hudson. His master
kept nearly a do/en cows , and they
ranged at will anionglhe hills during the
day. When the sun was low in tlio west
his master would .say to his dog , "Bring
the cows Imine , " and it was because tlio
dog did this task so well that he was
called Fetch.
Ono sultry day he departed as usual
upon his evening task. From scattered ,
shady and grassy nooks , lie at last gath
ered all the cattle into the mountain road
loading to the distant barnyard.
A part of the road ran through a low ,
moist spot bordered by a thicket of blacK
alder , and into this ono of the cows
pushed her way and stood quietly. The
others passed on , followed some distance
in the rear by Fetch.
As tlio cows approached the barnyard
gate , he quickened his pace and hurried
torward. as if to Hay , "I'm here , attend
ing to business. But his complacency
was disturbed as the cows filed through
tlio gate. Ho whined a little , and growl
ed a little , attracting Ins master's atten
tion. Then ha went to the high fence
surrounding the yard , and standing on
his hnurfect peered between two of the
rails. After looking at the herd care
fully for a time , lie started ofl' down the
road again on a full run. His master
now observed that ono of the cows was
missing , and he sat down on a rock to
see what Fetch was going to do about it.
Bcforo long ho hoard tlio furious tinkling
of a bell , and soon Fetch appeared bring
ing in the perverse cow at a rapid pace ,
hastening ; her on by frequently leaping
up and catching her car m his tooth. The
gate was again thrown open , and the
cow , shaking her head from the pain of
tlio clo < r'8 rough reminders , was led
through it in a way that she did not soon
forgot. Fetch then lay down quietly to
cool off in time for supper.
A Strnnce Coincidence.
The truthfulness of the old saying that
misfortunes never como singly is sus
tained , says tins San Kranoiseo Chronicle ,
in the stranrro fatality following John
and Maurice" Nugent , brothers , who re
side in Oakland. Both mon are candy-
makers by trade , and Maurice had boon
employed in San Jose for the past six
mouths. On Wcdnesdav afternoon ho
determined to como to this city , and as
he was boarding tlio train in the San Jose
depot ho slipped and fell. Before lie
could recover himself his loft arm was
so badly crushed by the wheels of the
moving train that it was found necessary
to amputate it near tint shoulder.
His brother , John Nugent , was in San
Jose in search of employment at the time ,
but ho did not hear of tlio accident which
had befallen Maurice , Ho was without
money , and , being desirous of returning
to tliis city , ho started out to walk. Ho
reached Menlo Park early yesterday
morning as the freight train was passing ,
and lie boarded cars with the intention
of stealing a ride. lie rode as far as San
Mateo , and while endeavoring to climb
to the roof of ono of the cars he lost his
balance and fell to the track , the wheels
of the cars passing over his left arm ,
above t lie elbow. His cries for help at
tracted the attention of a hrakomnn ,
who had the train stopped , and the un
fortunate man was picked up nnd
brought to tins city. He was afterward
removed to the receiving hospital and
the injured member was amputated near
the shoulder joint. His loft log was also
badly laeorated and a number of stitches
worn taken in the flesh to draw it to
Henton'n liulr Grower ,
All who uro HA LI ) , all who are becoming
BALI ) , all who do not want to bo b.ild , all
who are troubled with DANIWUFK or
1 rOillNd of the scalp ; should use Benton's
JliilrUrower. KioiirrPEit CKNT of those
using it have grown Imlr. It never falls in
Btoi ) the hair tioin tailing. Tlnouiih sickness
and fevers tlio hair hoiiirtiiues falls oil in a
short time , and although the pel son may
have remained bald lor years , If you use Ben-
ton's Hair Grower according to dliectlons
you aiesuroof a giowth of linlr. In hun
dreds of cases we have pi oil need n good
growth of llalron those who have been b.ilil
anduhized tor yeais wo ho tully substan
tiated the following facts ;
WoKiowllalrliiSO cases out of 100 , no
matter how Jonbald. ;
Unlllco other preparations , It contains no
sugar of lead , or vegetable or mlneia
It Is a Hpi'cllio for fulling hair , daudrutf ,
and itching of the scalp.
The Hair Grower Is a hair food , and Us
( imposition Is almost exactly like the oil
which supplies the lialr with Its vitality ,
When the skin Is very touch and fund , a IK
the folllce is apparently oliectiially closed
the slniilo strength will sometimes tall to
reach tiio papilla ; In such cases the double or
tilplo strength should be used in connection
wlih tliu single , using them idteinatcly.
I'rlco , .sin''lo streuzth , 1,00 ; double
strength , 82.00 ; triple stiength , a.OO. It
jour druggists have not got it wo will send it
prepared on receipt of price.
' ' ' Cleveland. O.
Sold by O. F. Goodman and Kuhn ifc JJo.
Tlio beautiful yellow flower known as
: ho California poppy , which grows pro-
'usely on tlio hilli * near Napa. Cal. , eon-
tains a largo percentage of opium. It is
said that tlio Chinese stoop them and
make n sleep-producing drought.
'That tired feeling" from which you
suffer so much , particularly in the morn
ing , is entirely thrown off by Hood's
The Great Southern Remedy for all
Tlicrc nro very few w lie ilo not know of tlili
lltllu luiili Rronlnx itlimgiUIn of our nuMintMiij
niul hills : hut \crv few rrnllro tlio fncl , Hint
I ho Ilitlo purple hrrry , Mliltli to ninny of in
Imro eaten In ninit every Minim , tlicrr li nprln-
tlplo In It huxliitc \\oiKlcrfiil rllccl on Ilia
hnwcK Dr. Illszcr's Huckleberry Conllnl la
IhuimKtT NUUTIIKRK HiMiaiv Hint ri'itorcn
tlio Ilitlo ono tci'tlilnp , mid curva Ulurrliu'u
JJ'cillery } niidC'rnnip folio.
Wlipii It li ronsldi'riMl that nt tlilt ' 1a nnof
thcjenr nuildpii niul dnui.'cruuH attack * of Ilia
lioni''jnro ? ci ( rciiiiant , nnil we hear of sonmiiy
deutlii occurring lioforo n plijslclan rnn bo.
cnlleil In , It Is ImiKirtanl ttint rvery lioimc-
liot. ) should provide ttienmelxcs Ith AOIIIO
spri'dy lellcf , nilosecf nlilchulll rellmp the
imln nmt n.irp much nnxlcty. Ilr. Itleitrri'
llurklrlirrrt I'orJInl la n simple remedy \\lildi
any child li plcnwl to take.
Price , : a ccnlH n hoi Ho. Mnniifncturcd by
\VA1.TKU A. TAYLOU , Atlanta. a.
Tn > lor' C'lirrokro of hwrri ( iniii
and .Mullein will euro Coimlii , Croup niul Con
nmnplloii. PrlrpMrt * ) niul II alioltlp.
Tor sale by tlio H. T. Clarke Drug Co. , nnd nl
Si lf V
Royal Havana Lottery
Drawn at Havana.Cub.i , May 1,10,20 , 1886
Wholes fo.OO. Fractions Pro rntn.
Tickets inKifttm : Wliolos $5 ; Fractions po
Subject to no manipulation , not contiollotl uy
the parties In Intoicsu It Is tlio t'ulrost tiling : In
tlio nnturo of chimco In existence.
For tickets apply to 8H1RSKV& COl'li ! Ilrond-
way , N. Y. City ; M. OTTEN8 i : CO. . 819 JIulil
street Kansas City , Mo.
Piilu "iiyF > * !
CAPITAL PRIZE , $150,000.
I'Wo do hereby certify that wn sunoiviso the
nrrnnKomcnts for all the Monthly and Qnaiterly
flrnwliifrs of The Louisiana State Lottery
Company and In porsnn manage and control
tlio Drawings themselves , and that the same nro
conducted with honesty , fairness and In good
ialth toward all part Ion , and wo nnthorlr.o the
Company to use this certificate , with fnu-slmiios
olour signatures attachoJ In Us nJvortlsment
_ _ _
We , theundorslffnod Hunks and Hankers , will
pay all Prizes drawn In The Louisiana State Lot
teries which may bo presented nt our collators
J. II.
Pres. Louisiana National Bank.
j. w. Kir.nunTii.
Fres. State National Bank.
Pres. New OrleansNatlonal Bant
Incorporated In 1488 for 23 youra by tbo lojrla-
Inturo tor Educational anil Cburltahlo purposes
with u cii | > ital of $1,000,000 to which u roaurvo
fund of over fMO.OOO has since boon mldod.
liy an ovorvvholminir popular vote IU frunchlso
was mudo a part of tlio pruaont State Constitution
adopted Ufcora uor 2d. A. U. 1STV.
Its wand aliiKlo number iltawliiR Inkcs place
monthly. It noror sculea nr postpones.
Look at the following distribution :
193d Grand Monthly
In the Academy of Music , New Orleans.
Tuesd.iy , Juno liith , 18SO
Under the personal supervlson and manage
ment of URN. G. T. BKAUitKdAitn , of Lou
isiana , and GKN. JUIIA.I , A. EAiti.r , of Vir
ginia.CAPITAL PRIZE 8160,000.
Notice , Tickets are $10 only , Halves , $5
Fifths , S2. Tenths , $ !
1 CU'ITAI , I'm/.K Of $150,000
1 Gil AND 11117.1 ! OK W.IWO. . . . & 0.000
IGllANU PlIIZKOr 20,000. . . . 20,000
"L.UKIK I'ltl/.I.rt Of 10.000. , , . ) ,000
4 I/AIKIK I'lll/.Efl Of fi,000. . . . 00,000
20 1'ni/iaoi- 1.IHX ) . . . M.OOO
M " aw. . . . 2.1,000
100 ; o. . , . U0.003
WO zoo . . . 40,000
flOU JOO , . . . 60,000
1000 H ) . . . . 0,000
100 Approxiinat on prUcaof f-W ) , , , , $20,00)
1IH " " 100. . . . 110 OOC
Id " " 75. . . V-OC
2,27'J Prizes , amounting to , . IM.V/JO
Application for rates to clubs should bo made
only to the olllco of tliu company iu Now Or
Kor fuilhor information write clearly , irivliij
full address. POSTAL NO i'US , i : prosj Money
Ordois.or Now York Kxctmiuro in ordinary lot.
tor. currency lir express nt our uxpunse ad
, La.
Washington , DC.
Make P. O. Money Orders payable and addroij
reiribtcrod letters to
Now Orleans , La.
AccounU of llaiikom.Mi-rcbanti nijd otbcrt ( Ollcltcd.
Collcctluni I'roraptlr lludo.
. . , , Bankers ,
( Successor * to Frcttou , Kran \ Co. )
, K , It , , I.ocul nnil ntber Iloudi.
Hcud fur LUti.
Fet lit purpoucf lUtUtt l cal HI. AtA-imi Ktj C U
tl i la dliKrtei e mniu&Iiln. tbl irm wD r U mij .
Writ * uumo plijnljr knJ In full. H lk t dic4 eio
t w pijr a I uii
- 40. ire OruuK * 'i-t "III ' " <
lull free uln. f it. In i M > "tl. < Mr a < rf . Hcf nr
rrlcf iiowli l jOCO A4Jm ? : .r . _ ' Al'1.y ' ' . * ' . I' .
AM ! CF.WS 1I\T It. It. AM ) I..4MJ < U. . fin.
liaaull , O. ( bt.A < lr < i lUy. Flu. Uitll rta
t > vicvufe4 > * if prortptly ifful.f"CloaB&t ?
. lcjl n blltf |
Priraainre Po'llns In M * n. Krr n of Youth , nrt lit
nnloia mti HM n-iultlnirroti ImlnereUon jina et ;
r fi * . k boox for ever min. ynii' ' . _ _ . mlil < 1le-i z J
mid old. "ttrontilnj 1M pit ncrttuloni for nil unit * ' il
rlironlcillncndci.pnrlioi. " of wliUjh H niY.iliiiblo. s
founit hr the nmhor who < ntiiorlimrft for M ye rtl
men nMiroliitilr never rmrorpfoll tnthf In * of nf
rnr lrmni. > lpiBO < , hminil In beautiful trench mat-
' / , . cmboModrnvfn , fi : " 'll.eniirniitooit to ho lln r
wctklncvcrri on mprhnnlotl.lneriiry nnitprjf <
ilonnl thhnnnr oth ( > r work In tlil pountry for JMl
or the money will lie rpfuivl In orory liunncfl. lrl'
cnlT fl br mull , poMpAli ! . Illimrnln t vcnnln , in.
Pf ml now. ol < 1inOilnt nwiinle I tti miltiorliTli Nv
llonnlMoillnl Aooolntlon. to tlin lion A I * . IIIMSli ,
nnil ( > ( Into oll-ori of tlio boul I'll roi lcrljr >
'PTnlnfS"5SJorFi'.VfM ? ' worth mor to tm ronnonj
inlilillo-nto.l mon nf till * Bonomllini Hun nil Ihouolil
nilno * of Uiilliiirnlnnii'l ' the tllTcrinliiai of Nov.ul *
K. Chronlclo.
InKniit the
.nmrionWiJlpfi'tlio'ciJii'tlluUon Hnilh.iitnt nf minr
n roun mm him liocn ftitnllr wrockcil.Munilioitor
Tho'sir-loneo of l.irol of ercitor vnln-j thlnnlltlt
miMlciil worti tinbll'lio I In lliw i-oinitrr for tha P a
f < lvoi\r All'intn OiiKtltutliin. . . ,
The Tclr-iic u"f LlfoH Hfiniorh ntul mn frly tritt-
l on'norvoiH niul | ihr l < ! .a ilotillllr.MoiroU Veat
Add'roMtho roihoilr > leillc l In Ututo. or lr W. B.
rmor.No.4 llulltlnch utrool , lloiton..M } . .who m f
becaniulte < lon > illtlli nia raqulrlnitakUliintloxparl-
cno . ainmloiint . tint Into i * f.
HoJ Uio Alll of nil iitlicriilirdclniH ii l > ocl illr. H.IO J
trcntol ( Hioepiifnlly wllhoul nil. muiioaof f.UlarJ
Mention Umuliii Uaa.
Rooms 12 and 13 Granite Bock ,
Grnilo PystomsnnilSowornifO I'lnni for Cltlca
niul Tim its n grtoclnlly. Plans Estimates nnU
Spccinmtlons forl'iibllo nml ether Kntflnoorliig
\tinik4furnl8lioit , Surveys ami Report nuulo
oul'ubllo ImiirovomunU.
ANIIHI-.W HO * > KWATKU. Member American Sooo
Uty Civil KiiRlm'cr * . Uily Knglnocr of Oman. *
EO. 11. CimiSTiF. , Civil Lturluvor.
SEATiKD praroshlfl will bo rtoolvoJ by tlik
ultv of Iliistlw * . NoliniHkii , until 10 o'oloan
n. m. Mny 18 , iswi , lor the rurnlMilnir.cractlor
nml completion of u n\8tum ot wntor works fee
the city ( if llnstlnfi ( > , Ncliratkii.
Satil srstuni of wntor walkto bo fnrnlnhoj
nnd liiillt iu tu-coriliuicu vvltli the pinna nnd
Miocillcntlons on Uio In tlio olllco of the Olty
Cloikoftho city of Hnttlnirs Nolinifkii.
1'ropuinl i will bo rocolvcil on any or all of the
following Itomft.
1st KiirnlshltiK ami completing open wall , or
furnlshltiKiuid completing tulmlnr well systom.
" (1 ( KurnMilntr nud completing orirlno nouso ,
bailer hotifo nnd stuck.
yd rutnMiltiK mid completing foundntlon
nud tmsool at mid plpo.
4th Kiunlslilnff nnd cotnplotlnir stand plpo.
Cith Furnishing anil setting up machinery and
-Furnishing cast Iron plpo nud special
cnatlnn < > .
Tth Kuiiilalilngkiilnmoln plpo.
miiKinnihliighydrunts , gutes nnd Riito
Oth Furnishing lead and oakum und oxrnvnt-
Ing , nnd laying plpuj , hydrants , gntos and gnto
Tlio contract price of mild Fystem of wntor
works completed not to exceed the sum of
olirhty thousand dollars.
Euch proposal must tin accompanied with a
good nnd sullldcut bond In the sum of ono thou
sand dollars on each of tlio Hums bid on , ns So-
c-irlty for the nllln ; of n good acceptable Dond
the sum of which shall not be leas than full
amount ol contract prlco.
The City Council tusoircs the right to reject
nnv oi' all bids or any part * of bids.
l loposnN ohould bo addressed to J. D. Mines ,
City Clerk of Htutlngs , iNubnihka , uiiil marked
"I'roposnls for Water Works. "
lly order ot tlio City Council of Hustings , No-
bniskn , this illth day of Ainll , A. 1) . l&M.
lilildois nmy submit their oun plans and
spccltlcatlnn wlth methods lor obtaining purai > -
Ing nnd storing the uncosMiry water supply , but
In ovcry case the plan of plpo , liydiantH , valves ,
& .C. , to roinaln the xnnio OH per plans and spool-
Mentions now on file In tlio ottieo of the Uty
Clerk with tlio understanding that tlio Rity Coun
cil will not pay for any plans and spcclllciitlona
furnished by bidders.
J. D. MINKS , City Clone. n
and Jail Work.
1020 L'aruani Street , Omaha , Neb.
Or tlio I.lqiiur llnbtl , I'ositlvcly
Cured by Administering Ur.
Hiiliicv * Golden M | rclflo.
It can be given In cup of colTca or ten without
the knowledge of ttie person taking It , l.i absolutely
Harmless , and will effect a permanent and epedjr
euro , wliot'jvr the patient la a moUeralo drluker or
vn aicohollu wreck. It ba > been given la thou-
nv.ids of caios , anil In every Instance a jerfectcure
has followed. It nnviir fall * . The oystem unco
Impiognatad with the , It becomes an uttct
Impossibility ( or tlio liquor appetite toesltt-
KUHN tV CO. , Cor. 15th nud Diuola * . an *
18th < & OumluB Bin. , Omabu , Neb.l
A. D. FOSTEll ib URO. ,
Council lllun , Iowa *
Callorwrlto for pamphlet containing hundred *
( v titlmonluU from tli bct woaiuu and wen Iraai
11 Dtrtu of tlm country. _ _ w
Tbo OrlKinnl and Only denutn * .
Bah u4 uwmri K ll > l > l > . luwirt of worthlrw ImluUtoa ,
todliKButilt'la LADIES. A.k jour Ornnlrt
OklchMUr * * E U.k * d Uk u' laIM <
( tatupfl ) to for | > arlanUrt < H Itlttr br r turm aia
NAMK PAPER. CM Ml r Cfcrwl ,
t SID Hmtltn * ar * . I'tt
old br nrocgl.U CTCirwbrr * . Aik for
11U . Ttki
linU I
I I'AY all ospreu charcct to all iiolnti within 800
mllos. l.KK'r rrloK < - to nrln-t from. Bi-nil two cunt
itampforllluitruUilcaUIOtfuu. Mi-ntlon UiU p * | > cr.
Too arc allowed a free ( Hal ofthMv days of the tui
of Dr. Dye's Celebrated Voltaic Belt with Lloctrlo bu .
peiuonr Appllaiicci , for tbo iipocdy relief and ! * ik
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