Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 11, 1886, Page 8, Image 8

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Frederick L. Ames to Erect a Big Business
Block in this Oity ,
A Y , ( VI , C. A.- YOUNG MAN.
s TlicMctli-
oillst Unvlvnl Tlio Klcvcniti HU
Trouble Oilier Local
No\vs Notes.
Ames Bin Uloclr.
Among tlio real cstato transfers pub
lished hi the HrK of Saturday , the one
Hint attracted the moat attention was the
following :
K II Cntlln ( single ) to Frederick TJ .Ames ,
jiait of It l , bile 120 , Omaha , w il-Slo,000.
Mr. Ames , as is well known , is ono of
the principal owners of the Union Pa
cific , and Is olio of the wealthiest men in
the United States. This i.s his first invest
ment in Omaha real estate , and it was
negotiated during his recent visit to this
city in company with Charles
Francis Adams. At that time lie
made a careful survey of the city
nnd was struck with its wonderful
improvements during the last In o years.
JIo concluded to make u largo invest
ment in Omaha and erect a largo block.
The ahove purchase of part of lot 1 , block
120 , is the twenty-two foul , two doors
west of the Omaha Savings bank , on
IJoiiglas street. Arrangements have boon
made to the remaining forty-
four feet of the lot , thus giving a front
age of sixty-six fuel on Douglas and
eighty feet on Thirteenth. It is the in
tcntion of Mr. Ames to tear down the
buildings and erect in their place a six-
Mory block to cost over $100,000. , This
block is to-be made the handsomest bus- !
ness building In Omaha. The plans are to
be drawn by a Boston architect. It will ho
u lireproof"structure , and will bo called
the Ames block. Work will probably bo
begun on it in a few weeks , and an cllbrt
will bo made to have it completed next
fall. The Omaha Savings bank , of which
Hon. Guy Barton is president nnd prin
cipal owner , will occupy the same loca
tion in the new building that it now has
in the old block. Mr. Ames has been in
duced to make this investment in Omaha
principally thiough the efforts of Mr.
llarton , nnd in all probability it
will bo followed by other heavy invest
ments by him and his associates.
A Y.M. O. A. ProtCKO Uols Ills Hone-
Gco. Bntloy is the name of a pale , mild
looking young man who came to Omaha
about four weeks ngo and sought and
gained the confidence of some of the good
people of this city. Ho has played the
part of the "viper in the bosom , " and IH
now wanted by his benefactors , whom ho
has deceived and outraged most cruelly.
Batloy came to Omaha , friendless ,
moneyless and without the prospect of
obtaining immediate employment. Ho
fell in with the loading members of the Y.
M. C. A. bore , who at once became inter
ested in ms case , Tlioy took him in ,
clothed him and fed him. Mr. Joplin ,
the secretary of the local branch , was par
ticularly kind to him and found him odd
jobs about town , so that ho managed to
make a pretty fair living. Ho seemed to
uo a very honest open young fellow
( ho gave his age as 10 _ years )
nnd his story , to the effect that the great
strikes in Chicago had deprived him of
employment was calculated to procnro
no little sympathy for him. Several days
iigo , he was reccomended to Mrs Wood ,
living on upper Farnam .street near
Twenty-fourth , who n eded a young man
Jo do work about the house. The lady
employed him , after satisfying herself by
the references offered that ho was an
honest young man. Batloy did his work
well , and all went smoothly until yester
day. Ho wont away early in the morn
ing , nnd did not show up during tlio day.
At night ho was still absent and Mrs.
Wood beg m to suspect something was
wrong , She made a search and found
that two $100 bills which she had placed
in her reticule in ono of the closets.
wore missing. She at once suspected
that Batley was the thiof. Mr. Jojilin of
the Y. M. C. A. went over to Council
Bluffs yesterday and found ,
Euro enough that a young man
answering Bntley's description ,
had purchased a ticket to Chicago
via. the Northwestern , offering in pay
ment therefore , one of thn "centuries. "
Marshal Cummings yesterdy scut
telegrams to the police in
Chicago , ordering Batloy' sarrcst ,
nnd ho notilicd tlio conductor
on the Northwestern tram which lett
hero last evening to bo on the lookout for
tlio nbscondur , and not allow him to
leave the train.
Closing SCCIIOH of tlio Methodist
Perhaps no service since the beginning
presented the same measure of attraction
us tiio closing exorcises at the exposition
building on Sunday night , which Pastor
JloKaig pleases to call the jubilee incut-
ing. As a prelude a few songs were
sung , and Rev. I. A. Brodrick led in an
inspiring prayer.
Kov. Mr. Savidgo then introduced Air.
B. U. Patterson , and the latter stated
that ho had been chosen by a committee
to present an interesting feature , and
ono which appear of moro interest after
the people might know what it is. lie
stated that Mr. MoKaig was impatient to
get at the work of saving souls , and ho
nuwtboqulck in getting before the people
ple the question of paying the remnant
of the liability for the rent of the build
ing now being used for the meetings.
Mr. MeKaig preferred paying the full
Rinount unholpcd , but wu have taken the
matter out of his hands , and the people
will holp. Mr. Patterson has more than
common-good gifts for such work , and
displayed skill in getting the matter before -
fore the audience. The response from
the audience was liberal and in a little
while $700 was promised. This MICCOSS
scorned to increase the enthusiasm , and
tko song following w.i3 rendered with
good cheer , a largo part of the mi-
aienco participating.
Ilcv. Mr. MeKaig followed tins un with
onn of the most earnest and thrilling
jtulks ho over made in Omaha , and was re
peatedly cheered in a very decorous man
ner , but it came from all over the house ,
Ho said : " 1 thought at first of taking a
of the meeting to provide for
guarantee Vfct * W * > JUV4tlH * w | ' * t * J * U *
Wio puvtuont of the hire ot this building ,
nndM \ might might remain I would
pay myself. Hut in talking with some of
the brethren , they preferred nutting it olV
till the lust service and take it nil up at
once. " After tluis cxplAining he contin
ued , "Tho jubilee of old hud us n cnnili.
tion that every participator should bo out
of debt nnd iree. I nm glml we can say
to-nlglit wo nro out of debt and free ! And
th'.it nbout four hunurud people Imvc "iv >
en us their names and have had tholr
debts forgiven. " Ho gave an instance of
nm : in Kimland who was saved and nt
n\o b jian pronchingsulrntlon , "At tlio
firsRmeotiug the nudtoueo 'ns disappointed -
pointed because ho was n poor talker.
At the ne t so few nttendcd that he con
cluded to Invite persons to his oOico ,
to pay their debts , so tlmt ho
might prlvntcly talk to them about tlio
great salvation. Only two came nt the
time appointed. He paid their debts nnd
then conversed with them nbout tlioir
souls. Another cnmc too Into. And the
same will be the case with you. Christ
will pay your debts if you come to him ,
nnd como in time , U Lord , help the people
ple to come. Many ot you nro not free ;
come niitl bo frcctl from pin. You know
what it is to bo lu jail nnd thus deprived
of your freedom. I liavo been In jail. I
was live times in prison , nearly starved ,
dirty nnd ragged. I recollect seeing the
boy.s in blue coming trampIrani ) ) , trump.
I could hardly stand up , anil was
nslmmcd to stand In my nigt , but when I the Hag of the republic unfurled nnd
waving , 1 straightened up nnd .shouted.
1 had tlio power of several evangelists to
shout. 1 felt ns if I was in heaven. 1
was free. Do you want your freedom ?
You who know not the salvation of ( ! od
uro in prison. Get your freedom by faith
n Jesus , and be happy in the enjoyment
of liberty. "
Kov. C.V. . Savidgo followed , saying ,
lirothur MoKuig lias snid tlmt four hun
dred have come in since the meeting be
gan , und ( lint n thousand have doubtless
been uH'cclcd by the meeting , till , in the
judgment , a glorious record will bo made
' 'Personally , ' said he , "L have received a
gn.-nt baptism dining this meeting. 1
sought , and by faith , found tlio priceless
boon of a complete salvation. I would
not lose the experience for the world. I
luivo had no wrong thought since last
Thursday night. I snail hereafter preach
this freedom from sin. "
oMr. Hitler said , "lluxvepnly got time
t say u few words. 1 didn't want to
come to Omaha , when Drothor McKaig
asked mo to assist in the mooting. lut ? i
teel ( hat the meeting hay made mo kind
red to you ; anil thcao brethren feel so to
wards you the people of Omalia. May
the holy .spirit give us a guest to-night.
One man since I have boon hero said to
me , 1 wai an active church member in
Philadelphia , but I have neglected my
duty , and urn backslidden. But in listen
ing to preaching I resolved to como back
to Christ. "
Tim newspapers liavo aided us through
the press. Tlu-ir reporters have , with rnro
exceptions given us very fair and faithful
reports of the service , nml I urn indebted
to the large choir that lias so assisted in
the meetings of such Ion ? continuance.
And i want to say , also , that I have never
labored with a pastor that lias been so ar
dent and lovable.Vo liavo labored to
gether in the closest Christian fellow
ship , and I must say , also , that ho is the
first pastor with whom i have worked as
an evangelist that kept ahead of mo. He
has kept ahead , and 1 couldn't help it. "
Mr. Ititlur followed his remarks with a
thrilling prayer , ami then gave an invi
tation to people to become Christians ,
saying he would never give another invi
tation to people to come to Christ in this
A I'cdtllcr'o Ghost Story A. Mystery
A party of men. representing various
traveling professions , were sitting in the
ollice of n Tenth street hotel hist evening
relating their adventures and experiences
to an interested party of listeners I
being the notion peddlers turn , ho began :
"It happened some live years : igo about
eight miles cast of a little town in south
western Iowa. The county for miles
around had been worked up to a heat of
excitement over the report of strange
things seen nnd noises heard in nnd
around n place called "Horse Thief
Grove. " I happened in the vicinity
nbout the time things were the hottest
and immediately made up my mindfrom
the stories , that there was trickery in the
strange lights scon. ' 'Horse Thief
Grove" received its nnmo some eighteen
or twenty years ngo by common consent
of the neighborhood , owing to two horse
thieves having been bhot nnd buried
there by a vigilance committee.
The remains of n "jiino monument"
is nil that marks the spot
whore the little mounds used to
be. As the grove is located in a
hollow , nnd is thickly grown with under
brush , it is very gloomy indeed , moro so
especially when it is supposed to harbor
the uneasy spirits of n brace of criminals
whoso bodies were buried in it. The
graves nre in the center. Around them
nro four of the largest trees , whoso
branches meet nbove und form a leaty
canopy. The reports were that nt 1U
o'clock each Friday night blue and white
lights wore seen to rise from the grave
nnd disappear in the branches above.
Not one among the surrounding settlers
could be found bravo enough to make an
attempt to ferret out the mystery. As
before stated i happened along about this
time and had soon made up my mind
that the whole affair was due
to some mischievous mortal. Well , one
Friday night at the time when good folks
tire in bed , 1 nut n ] > istol in my pocket
nnd slipped down to the grave. During
the day I invoMigated mutters. I knew
exactly where to go. It was nearly time
for the performance to ot > cn up. There
was an eager and expectant crowd on a
hill at a convenient distance waiting to
see the lights. I mentally decided to give
them an afterpiece , that night , ns I lay
snugly concealed under the bushes near
the graves. 1 did not liavo long to wait
before I heard the sounds I had been ex
pecting the trampling of feet near mo.
Looking up cautiously 1 beheld two sons
of my host , two very mischievous lads ,
carrying a rope and lantern with blue
and whlto glass. Everything was plain
to mo now. The boys would creep up a
narrow ami deep ditch to the graves.
By the aid of a rope running over a pul
ley fastened in the trees they could run tlio
lantern up and down while concealed in
the brush some distance oil' , relying on
the superstitions fear of the others to
prevent discovery. After they had every
thing arranged nnd had run the lantern
up once I commenced haying something
in a terrifying voice. Thov dropped
everything nnd started through the brush
like frightened sheep. I lira ! a few shots ,
gave a blood curdling yell and quietly
slipped back to the house. Next
morning the excitement was terrible -
riblo to witness. My host's house ,
being the nearest was crowded with men
wearing nn awed expression , some as if
they expected n dire calamity. After
hearing the various eonjcctures'und sug
gestions I arose and told my story. My
statements were bornn out by liml'mg the
rope and lantern. Nothing but tlioir ex
treme youthfulness saved th perpetra
tors from something worse than the gen
tle caresses of a hickory switch. Ileft
the next day but I'll ' warrant that was
the last of the ghost of "Horso Thief
Orovo. "
A Krutnl Ilcnting ,
Yesterday Daniel P , O'Counell , jr. ,
BOH of the justice of the peace of that
name of the stock yards was brutally
beaten nnd chocKed nnd injured tit that
place by a man named Charles Smith.
Justice Uorka issued a warrant for the
arrest of the beater.
The District Clerk's Hooka.
Mr. J , ,1 Points , the expert of the conn-
ty commissioners , is now reviewing the
books of District Court Cleric Ijams , ami
checking off the fees which pass through
his hands into the county treasurer.
At tlio Christian Cliurcli.
Do not forgot that Elder K. C" Harrow
is still preaching nightly nt the Chiistlnn
church , Preaching to-night nt 8 o'clock.
Yo.u nro invited.
Wnonyou como to Lincoln , stop nt the
. Commercial Hotel" , if you. want homo
comfoits. C , W. KJJC ir > : jj , Proprietor.
For Possession of the Iiot on liCftvcn-
worth nnd Eleventh Streets.
The dispute between the Union rAciflc
nnd the gas company as to the ownership
of the lot on the northeast corner of
Eleventh nnd Lcavcnworth streets .re
mains as it was on Saturday last , No
Incursion , as had been expected , was
nindoby the Union Pacific forces Salur-
d"y night. The gas men aio on hand in
good numbers. A number of them are
fii constant patrol of the company's prop
erty , while others are convenient to respond -
spend to any alarm. All of them nro
heavily aimed and instructed , when
directed , to repel any further invasion by
direst force. . . .
A reporter for the HUB called upon
Claim Agent Manchester yesterday to
learn the Union Pacific's side of the con
test with reference to the lot on the north
west corner of Eleventh nml Lcavcn
worth streets. The information gained
was that the claim that the gls ; company
owned the lot in question was false.
Over the southern part of it and lot seven
immediately wost.tfio Union Pacific claims
to have a right of way , which it knows it
can provo nt any time.
This right wa % granted manj' years ago
when the main track of the Union Pacilic
was that now running along Leaven-
worth , on each side of which the right
extended 101) ) foot. Within this distance
! H included a part of lots 7 and 8. The
part ot lot 7 so included is anil has been
for many years occupied by the gas _ com
pany with its conl sheds. This part ,
Mr. 'Murphy , speaking for tlio company ,
informs the Union Pacilic , is looked upon
as the property of the former , from the
fact that it has been in its possession for
a number of years.
With reference to lot 8 , it was recently
owned by a party named Cnllalinn , nnd
was so 'frequently overrun with fetid
water from the gas works that he sued
the latter company and recovered dam
ages. The gas company then induced the
Union Pacilic road to buy the lot , because
Callnhan would never sell to the gas
people The fco to thin lot , Mr. Man
chester claims , was never given to Mr.
Mnrphv , nnd is , in fact , now held by the
Union Pacilic , and it is claimed to show
that the part of the lot sold to the gas
company was that north of the north
line of the right of way of the Union
Pacific. This fact the latter is willing to
concede , but it is enthusiastically op
posed to admitting that all of the lot , or
even all 01 lot 7 , is the property oftthc
gas company. Mr. Manchester clnims
that limit , of the road's right of way is
clearly defined in all the earlier trans
fers , and that the matter cannot be con-
rtavcrtod. If this bo true , the road can
ely claim to a triangular piece of both
lots , running from a point about thirty-
live feet on Eleventh street north of
Lcavonworth to n point on the south
western line sf lot 7. There is also a
small fraction in lot 0 , but that is too
small to trouble nbout.
United States Court.
In the United States circuit court yes-
yesterday Judge Brewer gave decision in
two cases. The lirst was that of D. M.
Tomlin , of Arnpnhoc to enjoin the collec
tion of a judgment held by Toolo , Sher
man & Co. , and Locknwood , Englchardt
& Co. The decree was in favor of the de
fendants on the proposition that the as
signment of W. 7 , Tavlor to D. M. Tom
lin was a fraud , winch instead of pos
sessing the swcut. flavor of honest , swell- ,
cd like the body of Lazarus after it' ' had
lain several days in the grave , and that
Taylor and Tomlin were parties to it.
The other was that of Win. Verhuscs ,
of Madison , \Vis. , to enforce a judgment
of ? 2lpO against Kyron &Ticrnoy. Tier-1
n oy is the proprietor of the house"
of that name in Tccnmseli in this
htatc , nnd it , was sought to levy upon that
as also eighty acres in the immediate vi
cinity of tlie town. The decree of the
court was that the hotel was beyond reach
of attachment because it might bo con
sidered the homestead of the defendant ,
nnd also because of the statute of limita
tion. It ruled however that the eighty acres
could be subjected to n licnbecnuso it ap
peared that Ticrnoy's ' assignment of the
same to his wife after lie hnd purchased
it out of the income of the hotel , wns
evidence of fraud and would not stand.
The defendant was represented by Ap-
plegato & Son , of Tecumseh , and the
plamtin" by Arthur Wtikcloy , who wns
warmly congratulated by older members
of the bar on his success.
Robert Seymour , ono of the indicted
Dcnverites. who were arraigned hero last
winter for land frauds , was brought into
court yesterday afternoon to give bail for
his appearance nt the next term of court.
In view of the met that there will bo no
court for six months , Seymour wa.s
allowed to go on his own recog
Krug , the brewer , is excavating on
Farnam street , near Tenth , for a double
throe-Mory brick store 41x120. The de
sign is of n beautiful style , in which ar
tistic arches and ornate trimming ap
pear. The material will bo brick nnd
blue stone. The building will cost
Krug is also to build n two-story brick
barn on tlie corner of Jones and Eleventh
street , immediately south of his immense
brewery. It will bo UD\8. > feet , nnd com
plete the brick front from Jackson to
Adjoining this on the cast will bo
erected a building 22x120 feet , of the MUIIO
height and with the bamo front , to cost
? 12,000. This will bo built by A. J. Pop-
The gas company nro nbout to erect a
brick generating house 33x00 , immedi
ately east of the present structure. They
nro also working on a brick limo house
17x20 , also a gns holder I.rx87 ? ) } } , capable
of containing 175,000 , cubic feet of gas.
The company is now putting in anew ex
haust to exhaust gas from the now holder
into that quite recently built. There is
work for a largo number of men.
Medical Matters.
Drs. Cofl'iminn , Neville , Denise , Swot-
nnm , Moore , Gnlbrnith nnd Link have
returned from Si. Louis , whore they went
to attend the session of tlio United States
Medical association. "I want to express
my opinion on behalf of my associates
that St , Louis is the best place in the
world to bo entertained , " said Dr. Coll-
maun. "St. Louis has moro handsome
women than any city in the country , except -
cept Omaha , " incidentally remarked the
doctor , who is n good judge of female
beauty. "Tho meeting of the associa
tion next year , " continued ho , "will beheld
held In Chicago. The International Med
ical congress will also meet next year , In
Washington. Dr. Davis , pf Chicago , is
president of the International Medical
congress , nnd Dr. Hamilton , of the navy ,
is secretary , The best medical talent of
the world will bo in nltendanco , nnd it
will bo nn important meeting. Congress
should make suitable appropriation fo
pay the expenses , as the results of this
assembly of eminent mcdlonl men will bo
a benefit to the world in general. Among
other matters that will be discussed will
be epidemics nml Quarantine regula
tions. "
That Mandamus.
General Cowin was not able to argue
the rmuidnmus case of Hrennun against
the city , on Saturday last , neither wns he
able to nrguo it yesterday. The
district court having adjourned ,
nothing CAU noW 'bo Uono
in 'tho , picmlses until ; ne\t Mdnday
or by bringing the wtiUw to the supreme
court , which , uowvver will not , oouvuno
until next July. By 'that lime the curb
ing , in nil probnblirtyiwifl ( liavo been put
in place by Murphy , tCrolghton & Co. ,
under tlioir now contract with the city.
If proceedings shouIdMhrti bo Instituted
and decided in fnvorbf flic plaintiff , the
latter would collect prty f6r work which
others had done. ( Jcnornl Cowin will not
fine out any moro injunctions , but take , it
is thought , the case to.lhd supreme court.
Murphy , Crelghton & Co , will begin to
put In tlio curbs Immelllutcly.
Short Interviews Qntttcrcd In tlio
Itotcl Hodmirtiis.
0. N. Haily , Chicago , 111. : "The ox-
eitcmcnt in our city , caused by. the re
cent anarchist riots , is fast dying out ,
ami a few days everything will bo placid
ly calm again. The sentiment among
the bettor classes of the workingmen
there is very bitter against tlio red Hag
rioters , who , as they say , have done a
great injury to the cause of honest labor.
Chicago has learned n terrible lesson by
this nllHIr , and ono which she will not
soon forget. In the future , you may depend -
pond tipon it , the anarchists uro to bo re
pressed. "
. / . / / . Talc , Nebraska City , Xcb. : "Tho
Shellcnbergcr tragedy ? There Is noth
ing especially new about it that 1 can tell
yon. The first feelings of righteous in
dignation ngainst the father and mother
of the dead girl , Maggie Shclionberger ,
nro gradually cooling down. The first
supposition that the parents nt least the
mother nre guilty have chrystalli/.cd in
to firm belief. The throats of lynching ,
which were in the beginning freely ex
pressed , nro not hoard any more , and it
is probable that tlio law will bo allowed
to take its course. "
O'CH. JV. Jilixs , fit. Louis. ' [ Mr. 1 , rep
resents a large wholesale linn of tlio "Fu
ture Great , " nnd is in Omaha looking af
ter his business interests hero. ] "Our
city is plodding along , growing some
every year , nud has now , 1 think , about
JiiO.OCO inhabitants. Tlie fair this year , to
bo liohl in connection with the fall expo
sition , will bo on n grander scale than
ever , while the Veiled Prophets' parade
is to bo an especial feature of the 'Carnival
\ \ eck. " It is said that it will eclipse any
thing ovqr before attempted nnd I presume -
sumo that such will bo the ease. No , wo
have no anarchists in St. Louis at lenst
not in alarming numbers , and the scones
which occurred in Chicago last week
could not be enacted in our city. "
Kennedy's "HrighT
who appear at the People's to-night and
during the week nro recognized as one
of the strongest companies upon the road ,
and have appeared in nil the lending
cities during the past four seasons. The
Dalton brothers , who are well known to
the amusement public of Omaha , occupy
a leading place in tlio company , and ns
artists acknowledge no. superiors. Allen
nnd Hums are equally well known , while
the Coyne brothers , the Misses Hamilton
and Browcr , ns well ns'the ' other mem
bers of the company , Have all been
selected with care especially for this or
ganization. Prof. Kennedy , the re
nowned. mesmerist , appears nt every
performance , and his startling exposition
of mesmeric power is simply incompre
hensible. All who would enjoy a most
pleasant evening should not miss the
meritorious entertainment nt the People's '
the present week.
German Theatrical Companion.
The season of the Molbhin-Selig Ger
man Dramatic company-has como to < a
close at the Stadt theatre , nnd for the
noxtrthrco Sunday nights will give per
formances at the opera house , supporting
Miss Von Hollbtettor and Mr. A. Varona
in n series of cntertnining comedies. It
is under-stood that Air. Molchin will leave
Omaha at the conclusion of these enter
tainments nnd go to borne of the eastern
theatres. He has played in Omaha for a
number'of years , and hns been ono of the
most successful nnd popular actors wo
have ever had amongst us. On next
Sunday night the Stadt theatre will re
open with a new comedy company , con
sisting of Eniilie Puls , Elise liaurics , Mr.
and Mrs. Lindemaun , Edward Schmitz ,
Jean Baureis and II. llorsky. They have
secured tlie theatre for four years.
Paying ; Teachers.
President Points of tlie board of edu
cation is dissatisfied with the inconsistent
manner in which teachers nre paid. A
graduate in a full course from a normal
receives when commencing to tench tlio
full salary of $70 per monlli. A grad
uate of the high school , without oXporl-
cnco , if employed at all , receives but
if 10. A teacher from a graded school re
ceives a certain amount of pay for Hint ,
while ono from nn ungraded school , no
matter what her experience , has to com
mence at the lowest mini. Air. Points
thinks that if any importance be attached
to a teacher's experience in giving her
employment , it ought to bo recognized
ill her _ pay. These irregulnrjties and in
consistencies Mr. Points will endeavor
to have the board regulate.
The State PlinrmnclstB.
The druggist salesmen nro beginning
to nrrivo , to bo in attendance upon the
the sessions of the State Pharmaceutical
society which convenes in the Exposition
building to-day. Among those nt the
Pnxton are G. L. Chase , of Rochester , N ,
Y. ; S. II. Guilder , Now York , and M. D.
Itocho , of Chicago. The last mentioned
gentleman Is a well known resident of
Omaha , nnd represents the drug house of
Lord iV Owen , of Chicago. Ho is in
charge of ono of the largest , most com
plete and varied assortments of pharma
ceutical goods which will bo among the
many dlsp ays to bo made ,
Was it Usury ?
The case of Fanny Tuylor against Win.
II. Croft , the money loaner , came up be
fore Justice liorka yesterday The
plaintiff alleges she decided to borrow
! ? ! ! > from the defendant ; thnt she received
88.40 and gnvo chattel ! mortgage there
for of the balance , $5 , wns'dotaineil for in
terest for ono month , and $1.00 for mak
ing out the papers. Slio returned the
$ U8.-iO the day niter receiving it nnd sues
for $100 as damages for retention of
mortgage. General tl'llriou appeared
for the plaintiff. The case was taken
tinder advisement.
1'ollco Court.
Eleven vagrants were arraigned before
Judge Stcnborg in polioa court yesterday
They were n very unsavory looking
lot , Two of them were sent up on ten
day broad nnd water sentences , two
wo'ro ordered out of town , and the rest
discharged. Ton drunks were discharged ,
and six were lined live dollars and costs
each , two of them paying. John Jorros-
key , arrested for lighting , wns released.
Tlie M. P. to Mncoln ,
Contractor Kobinson was in town ycster
day making arrangements for the stnrt-
ing of n gang of men to work upon the
branch of the Missouri Paclliefrom \ \ ccp-
jug Water to Lincoln. The line will bo
thlrty-Uvo miles long nnd completed in
three months. Ono month's work has
nlready been done , nud before the end.'of
summer , the road will bo in running ope
ration. _
Before buying get prices at the Central
Lumber Yard , lWl ! and California.
JRcohMtlon DAJ- .
Yesterday wns Police Judge Stenberg's
reception dny for tlio women of the town
who cnll upon him on the tenth of cnch
month to pay tlioir fines. There are nt
present 200 names on the list of fallen
women contributing to the social evil
fund of the cit.y. This is the Inrgcst
number over registered in ono month In
the history of the , city. The landladies
of the dlflcrcnt houses of ill-famo are re
quired to pay a line of § 10 each , while
girls atfo mulcted $0 apiece. The
amount collected In this way this month
will closely approximate $1,500.
Purest and Etro-wit Natural fruit Flavor *
Vanilla. Ixsinoti , OmtiKU. Almond , Itnsp , etc. ,
lluvor u tlp'ileately rmdnnturnllv iis the fruit.
cuncAao. ST. i.orer. .
Best Goods in the Market
Ask for our goo.l3 aiul see that tlio
bear our trade mark.
Omaha Dental Associan
Corner ICth nnd Douglas Sts.
Dr. HaughawoutFreB.
Kino dentistry at rcason.ililo latvs. Best sets of
tectli K perfect tit and best inatcrlul.
( old Klllhii : . Uold Plates und Continuous Qum
Teeth u Micchiltv.
W. D. ROBERTSON. Prop'r.
Oftlco No. 110S ( ) St.Voilis S.n. Cor. P. & Oth.
Lincoln , Noli , ticnta' Clothing- Cleaned nnd H
& MAUL- ,
( Successors to J. O. Jacobs , )
At the old eland , U07 FmnnmSt. Ordoi-3 by
tclcKiuphbollultL'd nnd promptly uttundoJ to.
Tulcphono > ' . ( ) . - - "
i St , Cor. Capitol Avenue.
Chronic & Surgical Diseases.
DR. McMENAMY , Proprietor.
Silicon ) ( . ' " " > ' ll'wpitul and I'rlvutu l'ructic
Wo liavo the fnellltlcH , nppnratim and rt medics
for tlio Eiicccbifnl treatment of c\ cry form pf die-
ra < o requiring cllhcr medical or pur lca ! trcnttnrnl ,
And liu ite nil to conic and Inrcbtlgatu fur thcmnch cs
or corre8ioirl | Illi in J.onj ; experience In ( rect-
In" caxcH by letter enables us to treat many caocg
ecicntitlcalfyltliont ni-hiL' them.
WHIT1S FOK PIHOUtAU on Deformities and
nrucw , Club Feet , Curvnturcii of the Spine ,
DISEASES tie VIIUEK. 1'IIen , Tntnors , Cnnccrs ,
Cntarrh , nrcncluiic , Inlmlntlnii , Klcclrlclty , 1'urul-
yalH , Kpllcpsy , Kidney , Jye : , Knr , bkln , Hlood nnd
nil ur"ical opcratlonu.
ItuttorlrK , InhulrrH , Itrncrs , Tfimcm , And
pll kinds of Medical nnd tiurglcal App1au ! < : cc , miti-
ufactnrcd and for talc.
The only rcllahlo Medical Institute mating
Private , Special n Nervous Disease : ;
' rA 'M'KriAl.TY.
from ulmtovcrcauteprncliuccl.BiHCcmfiilly lrc-n"l. !
\Vo can remoTe gyiihllltla poltou from the sjetctn
without mercury.
New rcstoratun treatment for Jn > s nfrllnl power.
( 'nil nml conault ua or tend name and
addrcis plainly written cnclo e em ( p , uud wo
\\lll Ecnd joii , In plain wrnpiirr , our
HKHISAI.VrAKNE8J. . Srr.&uATOiiitinrA
cr , BvniiLis , ( loNonniiiKA , OI.I.ET , VA
UniNAiir OnuANe , or i end history of jottrtaec fjr
un opinion.
Tenons unalilo ti \ U.t ns may uo trested at Ihelr
iioinct , by coiri'i'pondcncc , McdlclncHatid liibtru *
meats cnt by mall or express HIX'UUULY 1'ACK
MO I'KOM CltSF.UVATIO.V , no maiksloln.llcatt
couUnts or tender , One interview pro.
fvtrcil If convergent. Fifty rooms for tbo accom
modation of patients. Jliard and attendance nt
reasonable pilcci , Addrtas all I. < tiers to
Omalia Medical and Surgical Institute.
Or. 13th Et end CaDltol flvc. . OMAHA. N.B. '
Khou VITALITY 1 rnUlnar. Drain IIIIAINrnancl
KX1I AUt > Tii > or 1'ower J'UKlli'i UHKLV V AbT-
Ado ; l by all French j'JiyiI'laii uiui Ui K r * pldly a
. No. 174 Fulton SUfitt New York.
ASTHMA jiio'.t" > T WIIBl llllt uttBCl. ' , ! !
, .v . . . . . . . . sea. , RS-ttl
mhnhtlon. thus reichloE the dis i direct. icUi-l
on the tpuui. ( icllluta ln / 11 D | T C S
eipectontlon. and t.KH.CVK W U tKt fS I
Wf ll < ilkrrreuf < tl blL A trUI r ol ! ie H > f MtJ
ilrctl'll 0(11. laBCdl > tl,4lre < l > < vrltr-bllllf Ertl 7
TrlnGUc. # 1.00 | of Jtu./l.u or Uk.ll Tll !
pft.fret briump. Dr. U J.UIUf ilK.M. r ) , III J
Fine Business Lots at tlie South End , and
Beautiful Residence Lots !
In the north end of this Town. Two mid ono half miles from the Omaha pos
ofllcc ,
± ,000
Yfiss © are Barter to © Lots. <
( Taking Into consideration the Mrccts ami alloys ) , nnd nro sold ±
One Quarter Down ,
Hn1nr.ccIn 1,2 and 3 years nt 7 per cent.
The Finest Suburban Lots
Around Omnhn. 2.Vloot ) nliovc tlio Ml o rl Ulvor. Nonlicro ctso nbout Omalm uro locnloJ lucli ImnJ-
poiuo Mies Tor Modest. Mo Hum orKlecnnl home .
IiiTcelleatc till * nnd fccuro some of this line pioporty.
Before a Higher Appraisement is made.
DON'T llii.liVi : ; : n word ot till until TOU have thoroughly Investigated It.
Thnt lhl < property Is only two mid 0110 half miles from Onmli.i's business cental.
1 hut thij iillltiiito It liliih.
Thnt the locution Is bc.wtlfnl.
Hint mnplo ticoaroplititlcd on cnch side of the streets.
Thilt cucli lot contains .WJ oqunro feet with 3J fool ulluy.
Thnt the streets nro 80 nnd 1U ( foot wide.
Thnt there nro six dummy trnlm cadi wny , lje lilc the regular tnln ? .
Thnt the rtrcct cars rim to within ono half mlle of there.
1 hut the strcut cars will mn there this yc r.
1 hat the pi Ice Is one third less limn Is itskcil for property tlio si'ns dlsttncj In other Jlro tloaj.
1 hut the lots nro ono third larger thin mo < t othorn- -i " " ' -in ,
Thnt they arc backed by n syndicate rcprcfoiitlnz flO.OU.'lll >
Thnuthcrc liasalrondy boon cxpotulotl between $1,1),1)J ) ) un 1 f 1,1) ) ) , ) ) ) .
Thnt there Is n line nystcm of waterworks , furnlslilnK puru aprln watir.
'Hint the railways nil center there.
Tlmt Fotith Oranhn Is n town of Itself.
Thnt It has Its own po tolllco.
'J lint It hits Its own railway st'ilton.
* * lint It hits 111 utrn nc\T9p.ipcr.
In Fact
l thai everything to maUo the property the very best pnylns Investment In ncal-E tate toasy. EH
Look Into It. Examine It Carefully
Don't Buy a Lot.
Dntll yon convinced thnt there Is no potslblty of Incurring a los * . The hand omo rosljoncollots are
ono mlle this gklc ( directly north ) of the Uxio.v bTOCIC YAHD3 whcro nro located the
' * , * .
IPorlr S'aclslng on.dl
Seof CansxiK-s * EstaTslicla.i'-a.crj.t
Which In ten years will ho the lAUClKST INDtlfeTUY In the we < t nnd will make property worth per foot
what ID now asked for n lot. Iho drainage of thonbovo Institutions It perfect nnd Hews south f rum the town
Any real estate n.ucnt nil ) pell you lots. Man with horse and carriage at the Ulob3-Journul ofllco , nt the
"Summit , " South Omnlm , has maps nnd prlco llsttiml Is nl\v.iys ready tu ehovr property. Fur further In-
forinntlon mnp : , prlco llstb and descriptive clrculure. nddrcrs ,
Omalia , Nebraska.
QneoftfiQ Best anZ Lwjsst Stocks in the U.S.
to Select from.
No Stairs to Climb , Elegant Passenger Elevator
GHO. BUUKi : ,
KEFEUENORS : Merchants' nuil Kariuois' Hank , H.tvlil City , Ni-Ji. ; Koarnny N.UIonal
Bank , Kcamoy , Nob. : Coliinibus Stnto Hank. Columbus , Neb. ; McDjnald's Hank , Nmlli
i'lattc. Neb. ; OinalmNatloiml Bnnl ; , O.ualm. Nob. At , , , . . ,
Will pay custonicis' dratt willi bill of lailliw attached for two-thirds value of stock.
Full Assortment for ealo to the Trudo by
S.V. . CttK. 15IhAM > , OMAHA.
Pro perty of every doscriptlon for sale In nil parts of the city. I/amis tor Fnlo In
county in Niibi'iif-ka. A ooinploto s > ot of AbUruots of Tillosof Douglas County kiipt.
Map of the City , Stuto or county , or any other information uosirotl furnishuil
free of charge upon application.
jfgotirrra ?
* re'ul"KT.UIvTTyVurcdTiTBraa7IEjl
-e'ul"KT.UIvTTyVurcdTiTBraa7IEjl >
' ' .
I J'ru. , ( .oinljlnfd. Guarantied Iho
only ono lullio worldgcntratlnir
u continuous Kitdrioa .Vagnrlla
rrnt. lic-lintlUcrowcrful , Duratlr ,
\lilo nntl rtrccllio. Avoid frauds ,
wrr I. Krii'IMjnpfoTp mjihlit.
. i IIII.TM : r ut DIHIAMH. : :
Law Reporters nnd Copyiato ,
Etato Asot\t3 ( \ for Nobruskn.
Type-writer stippllc&iinrt p pcr kept In stock ,
6oi\lforf \ ( tale uo.
State Agents
Omaha , Neb.
X5OS 3rtj&.tt' Tj& & > SO ? ,
I'ractlco limited to Discuses of tlio
g s fitted for all forms
VMoti. Artllldal Kycs Insertctl ,