Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 11, 1886, Page 6, Image 6
THE OMAHA DAILY BEEl TUESDAY , MAY 11 , 1886. THE DAILY BEE. COUNCilTBLUFFS , TUESDAY MORNING MAY. 11. Ol'TIOE , NO. 12 , PEARL STREET. Cclltcrtd by earner In nnypnrtof tlioclty nt VK cnty cents per week. 11. W. TII.TO.V , - - - Manager. Titiii : : > HONE3i JHIMNTFS OtTICK , No. 43. Niniir r.niTOti No. S3. MINOIl MHNTION. New spring poods at Rotter's. New goods jiut in nt Bliss' . Latest New York slyles just arrived at Bliss1. Sheriff Reel took to Ml. Pleasant last last night David Tostcvln. Olllccr Beswick was thrown from a. carriage last evening and quite seriously injured. Fred Sistcl was brought to the cnla- boose in n hack yesterday , but bookeil the same as any plain drunk. J. H. Davidson has litted up a store near his residence on Fifth avenue , as a convenient headquarters for his collce and tea business. Judge E. E. Aylcsworlh , nf the superior court , lias commenced suit against the clt.y in the district court to compel pay ment of ! jl'IOO of city warrants hold by him. him.Don't Don't fail to call at the woman's ox- clmngo.tlns . morning on Pearl street and leave an order lor nice home made bread , cakes , pics , Saratoga potatoes , Icecream , fealads , ( 'to. , etc. The school board has opened tlsc bids for the lowering of the High school building forty feet. Thu lowest bid was about ! f 10.000. At this price the idea of lowering the building will bo abandoned. Thirteen tons of madiliiorv have been received for the Council Bluffs paper mill. Work on the mill is being pushed with till possible dispatch , and it is ex pected that by Juno 1 the mill will bo in full operation. Permit to wed has been given Mollcr Annoberg , of Mincoln , and Mary Krusso- vctter , ut Mills county ; M. Christiansen and Mary Anderson , both of this city ; John F. Hay wood , of Rock Island , and Alice Fleck , of Downhvillo , Iowa. In the police court yesterday morning Tom Lynch and Owen McCarthy were found guilty of vagrancy and were sen tenced ti > lun days work on the streets. "Sport" Miller , Bob Ilanscll , Charles Harlurch and Frank Anton were each lined for getting drunk. . Carl Williams was arrested yesterday afternoon on the charge of vagrancy and suspicion of being concerned in the bur glarizing of McAdams' .saloon. Ho is a well known , genteel sort oi lounger , but insists that ho nas lately got work , and is innocent of any such serious charges To-night at Masonic hall , local assem bly No. 1G03 Knights of Labor , will hold their ball. The proceeds will be devoted to the furnishing of their assembly rooms in this city. A large number of tickets have been bold ana mtuuuss is assured. Delegations from the surrotuuling coun ts will bo in attendance. Ofllccr Unthank yesterday eyed with suspicion two pretty well dressed fellows , and dually brought them to an account. They protested bo vigorously that ho ai1- icstcd them , and booked them for resist- ingan ollicer , and for carrying concealed weapons. They gave their names as Ed. Rathery and Is. Rathery , and claimed to bo in the saloon business in Omaha. They had plenty of money , and depos ited sfoO for their appearance in court to day. day.Although Although yesterday was the first day ot service for the American District Tele graph company , nnd although the boxes have not been put in , and all the calls had to bo by telephone , the boys worn kept busy all day. Besides the private messages delivered , there were many dodgers and other advertising matter to bo delivered by the messengers for mer chants of the city. It looks as if the en terprise would bo a great success from the very start. Room Mouldings Largest assortment and lowest prices at Beard's Wall Paper Store. Substantial abstracts of titles and rca estate loans. J. W. & E. L. Snuir o , 10 Pearl btrcet , Council Bluffs. Personal Paragraphs. Alox. Malmrosc came In off the road yesterday. J ho lightest , arrival at the Pacific house yesterday was one Pound , W. II. , of Kearney , Nob. Ed. Sherlock and wife have returned from Coif ax Springs , where they have been spending the past two weeks. William J. Lcshcr , who formerly lived here , and who is now principal of the public schools at Rossviilo , Kas , , is in the city greeting old friends. M. F. Clayton , J. W. Rodofor , W. C. Stacy , of Hiis cltr , JUl ( | J , A. Mn'Jhsy , 9l Wayne , Neb. , left last evening for Kan- Btis on n land-seeking trip. ' Dr. Iloughton , of Fort Calhoun , Neb. , spent Sunday with his friends ami rela tives hero. His wife , who has been vis iting hero for two weeks past , returned wills him yesterday. J. W. Butler , C. D. Dillin , C. M. Crip- ion nnd II. Mendel , all merchants at Noola , were visitors to this city yester day , and interested in the bidding on Cor.ko & Morgan's stock. Go to Board for wall paper. I.OH81 go to Chario II islor's and get u " good cigar. No. 40'i Broadway. Do Vol sells Golden Star gasoline ranges , best in market , No. 001 B'way. Oriental Entertainment. A scries of illustrated lectures will he given In Masonic Temple hall Tursday , ; Friday and Saturday of tii'.s week , Pro- lessor Roscdalo , the great eastern trav eler , will illustrate the customs and man- nurs of eastern , nations in full costume , assisted by his talented wife and others. This entertainment is for the benefit of Saint Paul's church , which fact , aside from the great merits of the entertain ment , should secure a crowded house and ' most liberal patronage fromciti/.ons who have the best intere.sts of the city at v heart. Admission GO cents. Children 15 cents. i Kutor A Saloon. Ycstovilay nsonilng Itvns discovered that during tlio previous niylit prowlers Isad oouetl ) rvnd plundurcd the saloon of Dnvo AloAdiuns , on Hroudwny. Entninco hntl been milnod by the transom , und ubout | 10 in olinnjro taken from the drawer , besides u wntels , n.\d sonio liquors isud clears. The jiollco uro work- ins' ou llio civso , but wills no vcri1 satis factory results. Coeko & Morcnn Stock. Yestordny thu sliorlfl' received bids for the stock of dry oods of Cocko & Mor gan. The bids wcro numerous , and varied all tlio way from ! 37 cents on the dollar to 43 cents. Ono bid was for 51 cents , the bid being signed by Louis < ( , ) peiiliuitu. | This was the only bid , wiuoh the tjlscriir would accept , and no had * not found out hist oveninc who the bid der wu . A stranger handed in the bid iu thu morning , and hud not appeared during the aftunioon , U ho shows up tlio fihu'riir will eloiC out tisu stock to Lisn. NEWS ABOUT THE BLUFFS. A Reformer For Revenue Only Agrees to Quit. STIH , ' BATES TO HANG. A Saloon Ilnrglnrlgcd hunch Count- cm Kycd AVIth Suspicion By the Council The Kvnns Onac. A Queer 1'oUcy. "The Home of tliu Frieiulloss mnnnKc- munt seems to Iwvo u ] ) cculiur policy in rcgnnl to tin ; clillilrcn there cared for. It seems tlmt it Is n ainst its policy to al low any of the children to bo given pri vate homes. Some parties who have dn- sired to adopt children , and who would doubtless have tjiven them si much bolter homo , and nflcmkul them better advan tages than could be obtained in any in stitution , however well managed , say they have been refused. It .seems strange that this institution should dlflur so widely from ether similar institutions in this rcspeet. Jn biieh charilablu institu tions it is qulto common to find suilablo homes for children , and thus bless thu child , and at the same time give room for others at the institution. The strange policy of refusing to allow the children to have the benefit of private homes , when opportunity nfiords , causes .some air- prise. As thcro arc to bn held some further conventions of Christian workers in the Interest of tlte home , it would bo well for tin-in to discuss this phase of t'.io work , and determine whether it is advis able for children to be kept in a charit able institution when opportunities are afiordcd them to become members of good familtcrt. It is understood that one well to do Christian farmer , who lias the reputation of being among the most liberal und kind hearted of men , recently desired to adopt a child from the homo. His re quest was refused. It would have been an excellent chance for the child , and would have relieved the homo of the c.nro and exuensc of the child and made room for some other needy one. The child would have had the advantages of one of the best homes , and would doubt less have come into the possession of considerable property. Such is but n sample 'iiisc. Considerable comment has boon caused by the tenacity with which the inanasiemcnt of the home insists that the children who onc-o enter the institu tion must remain until years of maturity. Wanted. Insurance solicitors , with teams , to work western half of Iowa for Dwelling House Insurance company of Uoston. Ernest L. Smith , special agent , No. 180 Main htreet , Council Hlulls. A ncfornicf for llevcmio Only. Alf Morris has become a pretty well known character around town , ho having forced recognition and snatched sonio notoriety by his attempted street talks. He has been banking on the claim that he has been u big gambler , a bigger drunkard , a still bigger prize-lighter , and tnatnow , having Fiuldenly reformed , ho is prepared to tell the people how to live right lives. There has been some natural sympathy shown him , as n man who is trying to live a better lifo should at least be encouraged , although not necessarily endorsed as the best sort of n moral in structor. Morris has boat-ted so much about the bcnsatlonal chapter.- his past life , and seemed to be so anxious > have everybody look upon him for the wicked ness'that he had shown , rather than for the good ho now posseted , that it shook the faitii of many who heard him. It be gan to leak out that his wonderful prize- lights wore more in the nature of saloon rows , and his remarkable gambling ca reer consisted in belonging to the cheap , tin-horn class. Ho lias stood on the street corners and howled , shaken iiis umbrella and paraded his blue silk handkerchief , until the eoplc got very weary of him. He told some truths , though , and talkcit very plain about the evils of gambling and drinking. Ho seemed to irritate the church folks bcciinso of his apparent anxiety for notoriety rather than for the salvation of souls , and irritated the anti-church lolks by his savage attacks on tins saloons and gambling places. Uoth classes will now have a rest , proba bly. One of the HII : : force is reliably in formed that Morris lately tried to storm the citadel of sin at Sioux City , and was quieted down by receiving a small-sized roll , contributed by those who did notcn- joy the agitation. Sinuo being hero Mor ris has boon closely shadowed , and the other night ho was seen strolling ami con sulting with a well known sport of this city. Finally , in a Ilroadway business house , the two were standing in appar ently secret conference , but the KIK : lis tener was where ho could catch the de tails of the compact thcro entered into. It wn3 in the form of a document , in Which tlio following htrange agreement WAS entered into Dy wiuim ; . , _ Krocivcd of the cltUcns of tlioclty of Coun cil JUulfH the mini of S'r . For the said amount 1 ncico to quit said city , and not to bother the public , as 1 liavo been huictofoic , in repaid to the c.uise I have been siK'ltntin heretofore. ] lurtlicr asreo not to iiiukoany speeches In the streets or In any hall In Council UlufR It seems that the IIK ! was right in say ing that Morris is a reformer for rnvcnue only GARDEN HOSB , WARRANTED GOOD 14c per foot , 18e per foot , 24c per foot. HOSE NOJ5/CLES , Of all styles. IIOSERUELS , LAWNSl'UINKLElM , EtKtC ! , NEW YORK PLUMBING COMPANY Opera HouseIJlock. . Go to Board for low prices , .Suspicious I.mnoli Counters. The city council mot yesterday morn ing as a board of equalization. Resolu tions were passed setting forth the fact that the accounting olllcor of the First National bank had refused to give the assessor the mimes of the stool : holders , although the assessor had demanded the name , ami that therefore S. Farnsworth should bo assessed with the stock of said bank to the amount of $20,000 and the de clared or published surplus. Wiokham ISros. worn assessed JiOO for the material for the now court house. The petition of A. O , Graham and others for a change of grade upon the upper part of Madison street was re ferred. Mayor Chapman called attention to the necessity for the council to take some further action in regard to the saloons closing on Sunday , Ho understood that a number of saloon men were planning to put in lunch counters so that they might have an excuse for keening their places open on Sunday. Ho did not want to have un necessary hardships placed on anybody , but the saloons must have their burs closed on Sunduyand if luuch counters were to bo put in for the sake of a Mind , ho wanted to have the places themselves , lunch conntcrd and bars too , closed. The matter was talked over informally , and it Eccancd the desire of thu council to sus- tnin the mayor in the attempt to keep tlin bars olosod Sunday , It was decided to have the ordinance so revised as to se en ro the closing of thudoors of hitch placed on-Sunday , and if the saloon iuon wanted to1 kcou bpon for lunuh couiittrs they iuus > t armngo to ImVo their bars bhut oil and closed uu in .boiuu WAY. so that those who came in for lunches could not get anything to drink. The matter was rcforcd to tlic city attorney , mayor and chief of police to outline the needed leg islation. City Treasurer Spctman filed an ad ditional bond of ? 10,000 , which was ap proved. The council then adjourned until even ing.At At the meeting of the council last evening an ordinance was passed chang ing the grade of First street near Graham avi'iiite. The ordinance providing for the secur ing for the city wniglminslcr the rights of his ollico was killed , Aldermen ISennett and Danforth voting against it. At this City Attorney Holmes sarcastically ad vised the council to abolish the ollico. Kids \\cro opened for the curbing of First street , Washington avenue and Park avenue. Referred to committee. The council adjourned to meet Wednes day night. _ _ Beard has an immense stock of wall paper and room mouldings which must uo turned into cash , sodown go the prices at Hoard's. _ _ Hcislerdon't handle any "snulo" clgas. Tbe Coiulnir .Jurors. The following nro the jurors selected for tin ; comintr term of district court , which opens one week from to-day. OUAND .itmv. J. A. Murphy , Council HlniTs ; 1) . 1C. Parker , Wavcland ; Ira Scolicld , Council IllulVs ; Robert Huntingtou , Council ltlufi's ; James Vesey , Council HI nil's ; George Graves , Council KIuIVs ; A. L. Krown , Center ; William Iluckluy , Pleas ant ; Pcler Weis , Council Klnlls ; A. H. Perkins , Keg Creek ; . ! . C. Hotzol , Knov township ; Robert Miller , Washinglon township ; Samuel Price , lia/.cl Dell ; William II. Kuhn , Garner ; K. T. toloy , Ncola. I'KTIT JUIIY. Sam Jones , Carson ; Simon Reynolds. Kclknaj ) ; S. li. James/ Council HI nil's ; Fred lleunklc , Keg Creole ; John W. Warner. Valley ; , f ! H. Wntkins , sr. , Nrola ; C. 1' . Pratt. Crescent ; Theodore Kray , Council Ululiit ; M. JI. Tinlcy.Coun- oil Hlull's ; D. A. Coo , Waveland ; J. A. Churchill , Council HI nil's ; James Mud- don , Council Klull's ; James Kclloy , Cres cent ; William Noble , Council Illnffo ; James Wilson , Knox ; C. C. Hump , Coun cil Hlulls ; E. W. Meyers , Macedonia ; John Ak'Gill , Hoomur ; James Rainbow , Silver CrceK ; H. llarconrt. Grove ; U. D. Orion , Center ; J. W. Morse , Council Kinds ; E. Heft , C.iraon ; R. E. Williams , \ \ nshington. ItulcH to The terrible tragedy by which Still Kates , lately of this city , became a wife murderer , is still fresh in the memory of all hero. During the lattjr part ot last week Kates was put upon trial'at Ilagars- town charged with the murder of his wife two months ago On Friday Mo plead guilty to the charge of the hilling , but claimed that he did not know what he was doing , that he wa.s temporarily crazed from whisky , having just recov ered from an extended drunk an. I the im pulse to commit the awful deed was sud den and irresistible. In his plea of guilty ho detailed all the circumstances prior to the crime ; said he ground his knife wills a sort of impression that hu was going to butcher something. Ho did not kno\y whether it was a liog or his wifis , and if ho had not come unon his wife sud denly ho would never have killed her. He stood and looked at her a long time before he killed hot , trying to reali/o whether it was she whom \vastokill or whether she was to assist him in kill- inir somnthing else. Ho contradicted the stos-y of the quarrel and his previous as sertion that she endeavored to hit him with an a\ohandlc , and declared that when ho put his hands on her shoulder before lie cut her throat he was conscious of no more feelings of enmity towards her than if lie merely intended to sur prise her with a kiss. After his confession ho was remanded to jail for sentence , which was pro nounced on Satin-day. Ho was sentenced to bo hanged in August. An appeal has been taken to the supreme courr , and his attorney will endeavor to show that Bates was irresponsibly insane when ho committed tlsc deed. Dr. A. P. Ilanchett has taken rooms in Mr. Hazard's s'csidcnce , No , 700 First avenue , for the summer. Ollico still at No. 13 Pearl street. Hours 10 to 13 a. m. , 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m. Hnbeiin Evana Corpus. In tlio superior court yesterday after noon the time was taken up in the hear ing of the habeas corpus case fs'om Harrison risen county. John V. Evans , tlio party most concerned , is a well known attorney at Logan , assd was arrested on the charge of embezzlement , it being claimed that as administrator for the Hooks estate he had appropriated to his own use about $1,5CO. The state was represented by John A. Berry , whiloS. I. King served as attorney for Mr. Evans. Sheriff Garri son was in attendance , and 'Squire McLnln oi rVuCiMnej before whom the preliminary cxan l'lHtion ' was ncin. J. A. Boycer , of Woodbine , and C. L. Hydo. clerk of the courts , were present as wit nesses. Among the looKers on from Logan were T.T ) . Wells and C. A. Bolter , who hemp in the city on other business , improved the chance to hear the matter argued. Go to the N Y. P. Co fori GARDEN HOSE. THEY WAUIJANT ALL TIIKY SELL. Opera House Block. 1 sell the celebrated Twin Burner gaso line stovo. That double burner beats them all. A 4-burner sumo price as a ! ! burner : a it-burner same price as a 3- burner. W A. Wood , 501 Alain. Society Receives Another Shook. Washington Correspondence Balti more American : Society has had anoth cr shock , and this time it is not an ama teur aetro-ss and sooioty belle , but the very peculiar blind chaplain of the house of representatives. "Ostler Joo" has paled in the light of this now morccau of gossip. The circumstances happened at Mrs. Senator Hearst's who had already began to startle Washington wills her on- tcrtainmonts and reeoptions her hus band being worth $8,000,000 and having just been aiiunmted senator from Cali fornia. Mrs. Hearst invited Chaplain Milburn to deliver a little lecture on Gflctha : it her homo. A hsrgo price was placed on tu ! | tickets , because the pro ceeds were for charity. There was , of course , a large audience , mostly ladies , for men do not come to sit through a lec ture which gives every premise of dry- ness. But it was not long after Mr. Mil- buns began before Isis audience found that llio reverend gentleman had delved deep Into the love affairs of the great poet , nnd was serving tlio incidents connected therewith with great juiciness. Ms * . Milburn is blind , and lieisco ho could not see the looks of horror thr.t spread over thu faces of the ladies in the audienco. Thqso who paid their little money for charity say that the reverend gentleman dwelt tit length , and with n frcodomof expression , on the great German's amatory experi ences. These chapters in the pout's lifo are very rarely rejd to the family circles around the fireside , yet Mr. Millnirn dragged them forth until the young la- dius hid their faces behind their fans , and thu matrons frowned severely on the lady of the house fc r allowing such a thing to continue. The lecture lasted fully two IsQtirs , and as spoil as it was over tlio ami - Jeuce left tbo house 'liurriiidlv. and , at nml the lecture once tongues bogan-toi wag , ture has been the talkpf the town , nml poor old ' "Ostler jjiois ! / forgotten. It is said society thinks < of ormmlzlnc n board of oxamincrsr who shall insist on the privilege of rending beforehand the poems and essays to be delivered bcforo select audiences. This is to ward oil nuy more shocks. > ' War on tlio I'ostmnstcr General. Washington Critic : f'l thought Post master General Vilas was n married man , " said a concircsflinnn's wife , look ing tip from a newspaper she was read ing. , "Ho Is , I guess , "replied her husband. "Well , wimt is ho'ndvcrtising ' hero for , saying 'blanks for proposals may bo had on application at tno postollico depart ment ? ' " "Is ho doing that ? " exclaimed the husband in alarm , "Yes , he is. Look at tills , " and she handed him the paper. "By gravy , " he said wills a chuckle after Isolnul read a few words , "gimme this. I'll take it to the house to-morrow and us republicans will make this cor rupt administration smoke from a to blizzard. I'm a now member , but I'm on to 'emI" Go to Beard for tooln mouldings. llcislor = ells the best 5c and lOo cigars in the market. No. 403 Broadway. "B. B. " Wins Another Victory. The case of E. Leo , of Carlcton , Nob. , who was indicted a year ago , charged with soiling "K. H. , " has recently been dismissed and the entire costs charged to the prosecution. "B. B , " as is well known , is a beverage manufactured by Messrs. Wheeler A : Hercld , Council Hlulls. TThcn Bab ; WM n\cV \ , wo garo her C.utorla , When she TT.-.S a Child , oho cried foi Coatorlft , Wbon she became Miss , the clans to Ca torl , Whoa lUo had Children , eha gate thfttn Castorli CARPETS -AND- Onr carpet stock is largo and well se lected anil N kept full by the arrival of new , fresh goods. It ] comprises Moquettes , ' Body Brussels , Tapestry , Iiig'rain , Etc. Tambour , Turcoman , Etc. Curtains made nnil hung. Carpels simile and hiitl by skilled workmen. We are ollbring a line line of White Goods , Beautiful Embroidery , Dress Patterns , Summer Dress Goods , And invite customers to examine our stock befos'o lusrchnsing else whore. Prices reasonable and goods as represented. We have lately introduced special bar gain tables tissit comprise the best values blferca in any market. ' CJocxI Ltu'c at 5c. Good .mumped TmvcJw til lOe. Fine beautifully utaiupcd Towel * at 25c , Iialf the price asKetl elMewlicre. Good Hose , lOe. SScaiitifu ! Barrett Fluid Drees Goods at U5c per yard ; worth 4Oe. The l CKl Corbet , 7 5c , isxiiully sold lor 91.35. Those are a few of the ninny bargains that can best bo appreciated by personal exasssination. Daily watch this column for future changes. HARKNESS MOTHERS 401 Droadway , Council Bluffs. SWAN EK.OS. , Dealers In J llcli Cows. No 503 and 590 E. Broadvray.Council BiTs HOTEL. Ogdcii IIoiiHe "Kiitcii on and after may 1st will lie $ ! 2.OO and - . Per ' 8-J.50 Day , Kxcoptlne : front parlor rooms. Day Hoard , $25 i'er Month. D. SILLOWAV , 1'rop , JUHK DUUVBA , JlaiiafCT. Council IlliUTu. OFFICER & PUSEY , BANKERS CONNU1L BLUFFS , IA , Established 1857. _ Creston House , The only bolcl in Council Illuffg baring Fire Esoa/pe ' A'ud all modern Improvements. . 216,217 Urtd ! ! U > Main , . . . - . MAX JlOllN.Proi ) . " WHOLESALE AMD JOBBING KOXTSES OF COUNCIL BLUFFS. DEEKK , WELLS & CO. , Wholesale Agricultural Implements , Carrlntrcs , Kto , Kto. Council niufTs , lawn. KEYSTONE MANUFACTURING CO. , Corn Shellers , Stalk Gutters , DlscItnrron-8 , Sootier * , Corn Plnnlors , Fooil Cut- tcr.1 , ito. : Factory , Kock Kali , UK Nos. lEOI.mi , ISO.IWninln St. , Council llliitra. DAT ID IMAnYiKY ifc Mttnuf'rannl Jobbers at Agricultural Implements , Wagons , Baggies , Carriage' . nn > l nil Itln'U ' of Knrm Mtohlnsrr * 1100 to 1110 South Miiln Street , Cqunail Illutfs , lono. AXK r.O. Qt.msox , T. II.Doum.Uno.R Wnitliir. 1'rcs.A.Treiw. V.-l'rc * &M in. See .VCoiunul , Council Bluffs llaadls Factory , ( Incorporated. ) Manufacturers of Axle , Pick , Slodiro nod Small UaiidlP3of every description. CAlll'KTS. COUNCIL BLUMS CAUPET CO. , Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades , Oil Cloths , Curtain Fixture * , Upholstery ( looja , Ktc. Na 405 llroiiilxruy Council limits , Iowa. CIOAllS , TOlLWrt ) , KTC. rEUEGOY & MOOKE , Wholesale Jobbers In the Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes. NOB. SMnln nnd 27 Ponrl Sta. . Council Bluffs , Town. COMMISSION. SNYDEIl & LKAMAN , Wholesale Fruit and Produce Commission No. HPe-irl St. , Coitnell MAUHEK & CHAIG , Imporlers&JobbersofCMCidr/.GIasswarj . Lamps , I'rnlt Jura , Cutlery , Plonownro. Hnr QooJp , Fancy Goods. Hlc. Council Hluirs , loun. DRUGGISTS. I1AKLE , HAAS & CO. , Yfiiolesals Druggists , Oil ; , Paints , Glass , Unit-slat * ' Sundries. Ht3. No. : t ! Main St. , mid No. 211'onrl St. , Council lllnirs. DRY aouus. M. E. SMITH & CO. , rs and Job'MN of Dry Goods , Notlonx. Etc. Nos. 112 nntl 114 Main St. , Nos. 113 and 115 Pearl St. Council Illulls. lown. rnriTs. O. W. IHITTS , Wholesale California Fruits a Specialty General Commission. No. 5U Broadway , Council IllulTs. WHIT & DUQUKTTE , Wholesale Fruits , Confectionary & Fancy Groceries , Nos. 10 and IS Pearl St. , Council Bluff * . GROCKRIKS. " L. KIKSCHT & CO. , Jobbers of Staple and Fancy Groceries. Also Wholesale Liquor Dealers. No. 410 Ilroad- wity , Council UliilT- ) . IIA ItXKSS , KTC. 15ECKMAN & CO. , Mnnu'nctureia of and Wholesale Doilors In Leather , Harness , SaddlerEtc. , . No. 623Jlnln _ St. . Council IUuTj ! , Iowa. HATS , CAl'S. VTC. METCALF BROTHERS , Jobbers in Hats , Caps and Gloves. Nos. 'Ml und 314 nroadwny , Council Illiiffd. _ 11KAVY UAltnn'ARK. KEELINK & FELT , Wholesale Iron , Steel , Hails , Heavy Hardware , And Wood Slock , Cou ncll lllniTH , loivu. HWKS AMD troon. D. JI. McDANELU & CO. , Commission Merchants for Sale of Hides , Tallow , Wool , Pelts , Grease and Van Council muffs , Iowa. COUNCIL BLUFFS OIL CO. , Wholesale Dealers In Illuminating & LuDriuiuus EJTO. , ETO. B. Theodore , Agent , Council ( Hulls. Town. LVMUEK. PILING , ETC. A. OVEHTON & CO. , Hard Wood , Southern Lumber , Piling , And Urldgro Material Snpclaltl < > sWliolosalo Lum ber o ( all Kinds. Ollico No. I'M .Mala tit. , Council Bluffs. Iowa. li'JXES AND LlQUUttS. JOHN UNDER , Wholesale Imported and Domestic Wines & Liquors. Agent tor Bt ( iottlnnl's Herb Bitter * . No. It Main St. Council lllutlg. SCIINEIUEK & IJECK , Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors , Kn (100 AMIn HI. , Ci.imcll Utujt. N. SCHURZ" Justice of the Peace. Office Over American Express Comnany. China , Glassware and Lamps. \V. S. Homer & Co. . No. 23 , Main bt.Couneil Bluffs , la. STEAM DYE WORKS MRS.CL.GILLETTE'SHAIR ' GOODS STORE No29 , Main St. , Council Bluffs , Opo. Postoffke. RINK LIVERY STABLE Flrsl-cliifcs Accommodations in Everylhlnif 1'cr- mining lo tUo I.h ery Jluflnosg. Finest Landau in the City FOB LADIES VISITING. . Boarding a specialty. Telephone 171 FIELD & COLE , Props. . PEARL STREET RINK STABLE. . . WHERE DO YOU BUY BUGGIES ? FIRST CUSS IN EVER ? RESPECT HIRAM W. DAVIS & GO. Esfablhlictl In 1877. CINCINNATI , OHIO. BUILD OVER FIFTY DIFFERENT STYLES , 2OOOO Vehicle * Annually. Send for Catalogue , Prices , Freight Itatcx ami Testimonial * . W. 3P. HOUSE MOVER AND RAISER Ilrlch h.illillni nnv kind rnl o-l or moved mid snllsfnetlon ( runrnntcctl. Frntno homes moved onLltlleaiaattruaks-ttie best In tUa worll. 808 Eighth Avciiuo mil Eighth Street , Council Bluffs. o * n } i Avv/Ov / 3&AXfcV ; 226 Broadway , Council Bluffs , TIMOTHY SEED. T linvo u quantity of sounU , well olrniio. ! sno 1 wliich 1 odor nt roasonabH slffiirta Soeil ol tlio riopoflbSj. Coircejiotiiluiico solicited. F. O. HimFR , Pclmllnr , Iowa. C. & N. W. Uy. SPECIAL NOTICES NOTICE. Spools ! R < H7enl3oinenU , suah n i Lost.FoundTo kavi , Fo-Silo , To Iljnt , W.iiti IloardJng-.otc. will bo IniertoJ la this tholowrato of TEN CBNT3 PBIl LINK forlitj Urstlnsortlon and PIVB OBNi'3 FEU LINS tor ench subsoiuont Insnrtion. Loivo .ih-erthj montsat our ollico. No. U 1'o.xd sfroat , near Broadway , Council HluIlA. WANTS. SAIiH I'nlon uvciiuo lidtol imipartr. FOH bzirsiiln. K. I..i-licnfo , .V ) 1 HroutlHiij. BIDS will lie mcf > l\eil up to noon of ihu-'llli of Miy Tor tlio erection r > f n kltchon ut tlio louu Institution loillio DcuC uiul Dumb. 1'litns nml specltlentlom will t o rcudy by Mny ittlinii : < ! can be t-oin ut the ollco of tlio Insti tute. UMiiilrlulith icscrvcd. H. C. Hammond , Bupotlntondcnt. A ifooj ronl cstntosalcinan. Mc- WANTED & Co.TW : Main sticct. TTKW HUNT Ity Juno 1st , tuo largo barns. JD Eiiqulro ut Kiel's botol. F OH SAIi-Oltl : impel R. in quantities to suit , ut lluo oflico No. U 1'carl stroul. SAU3 OK Tit.YUr.-StocK of millinery FOK limey notions. All now. noel ; lo-n- tlon. Bnlcs 12,000 a your. O , Doc , Coiincl lUuffs , Jou-n. Oliolrc Display of I.iito l l nt- Icriis , All Oracles. Council Bluffs rLS9HEUB 4O5 A Sclcc } Stock ol * Cliolco JACOB SIMS. ATTORNEY AT LAW Fiactlcos in State and Federal Courts. Uoosns 7 aud 8 , Sau art lilunlc. It. W. TOI-LBVB , Pros. T. J. KVANH , Vloo-Pros. 3 AUKS N. UHOWN , Cashier. Council Blufs National Bank 108 MAIN STREET , Capital . $100,000 Authorized Capital . 260,000 Stockholders Represent . 1,000,000 Do B gcmerul banking liuslniji. Accounts of batiks , bunluire. mcroliuiiu , man- ufucturcrsuuil luJlvlcluuls ruaeired on iuvora- bla terms. Domestic and foroltru erchiingo. Tbo very best of attention given to all busl noescuinmlllcd to our euro. DRESSMAKJNG ( UY THE TAVLOIl SYSTEM. ) MRS. L. SIMMONS , \ < > , 314 Ifrondu'isy. MRS. BMIMONB for n number of ycnrs wits lieud cutter Hills Jordan .V Mnuli , llujtnn , tlio ItMKBit bllit hOUEU In tllB CUtt , THE IBTEB WHITE mm , niAMOND uiiANii or STRIGTI PURE LEAD , ZlliC AND OIL Aie absolutely pure , at rcpresontod. One ( ral- Ion will cover two bundled and fitly equaio foot two coiiU , nnd will eta > on Inueor ilian any otncr palut manufactured. Tor eulo by s ERIW Hu lino. l > * t iiru AI.I RUSSELL&Oo Manufacturer a of all slzo i at Automatic Engines Especlnlly To lpncd for IturmW MILLS , GHA1N.ELKVATORS , AND ELECTU1C LIGHTS , Tubular and locomotive Boilers. New Massillon Thresliorj. Carey nnd Woodbur3r Horse Powers. STATIONARY" , SKID , Portable and Traction Engines , SAW MILLS , ETC. Factory Massillon , 0. Branch Uouso 510 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs. SEND FOB , 1886 ANNUAL Horses and Mules For till purposes , bought and Eld , ut lotall and n lots. Liirzo quantities to select from. MASON WISE , Slrcett , Near Pacific House , Counil Bucs KIEL SALE STABLES Hoi BCH and Mules kept constantly ou band for BUlo nt rotnll or In cnr louds. Onleip promcitly tilled by contract onibort uotlco , Slock sold on coniinlKtloii. 8IH.UTKU 4 HO LBV , 1'roprletors. Btablo Corner Flftb Avi uUo mid Fourth St Council llhilta lawn. Has. ft . BENEDICT HAIR GOODS mn TO 337 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa , B. BICE , M. D. CHRONIC DISEASES or < ui kind * . Over thirty years' iinictioal oxparlanij. No. II I'imrl Struct , Count II lllulli KltEli CUT THIS OUTl GOOI > VXTtl * MAY 15. Having made extciulvo Impiovemc-nli nud IncroiiBodourfliicllltlds , we wlsli to call o iiftlnl iittcntkm to the woils now litliitf iuino-1 out by ns.cliilinliiK It to bo crjuul to ihttt of any cuatcris laundry. In ordar to Introduce our woik outside the city of Council HluiTs , 11 tvl'l ' upnii toculpl of tills ticket , ticcumpiinlod by rttiiin pottage , Laundry Six Onlluii , or CUR'S frit Eli , for cither ludlcg or ( rcntlvruvn Home Steal Laundry 5 < 1O Itroadxvay , Council 'N , II. Out' of town orders given prompt ut- tentlon. Wo. jmy return cliartres on itllwoiX io rudwben acujinpmilgj t > y ctitli lu uayns co