THE OMAHA" " DAILY BEE : TUESDAY ! MIY'll , 188G. 5 LINCOLN'S ' UNIQUE CHARTER. Opinions of an Ex-Oouncllman on Paving and Sewerage. A DEFENDANT'S QUEER ANSWER TJorlnR For Salt How x Corctous Motlicr-ln-Imw licit ! oit to tlio rioporly AVIII Kscort tlio Chinese Minister. JritOM THE HE ' TA.vrni.w mine u > 1. Ono of tliu geiilloincti who hus been vrominont In agitating the uitittor of pro viding Lincoln with tx decent sowonifto Bj-stcin , wiw nsked yesterday by the Hut : representative \rhathcr It was dead or only sleeping. " .Neither,11 wits the Im- niudhtu answer. "When Colonel War- ing wtis onuagcd to prepare plans for the work It was we'll understood by the coun cil , niul the committee of citizens that co operated with that body , that It was a matter that could not bu rushed through. To prepare thorough , comprehensive plans requires time , and Colonel Waring is not the man to spoil or injure such a work by undue hsisto. lioaidcs , I don't know why wo should bo in n hurry about getting tlio plans. There are a number of important matters that must bo tit tended to before they can bo used. For instance , stops must bo taken to bond the city , or district , for the amount ncoiled to conctruct the sewers , some $70,000,1 believe. Than wo must arrange for an engineer to supervise the work. I be lieve wo have an engineer now who is paid for what ho does in that line , by the hour or day , but the char ter provides that in no case must his salary exceed ? 00 a year. Of course no one can think for a moment of doing anyt'iing for that beggarly aum. That charter of ours is the most absurd piece of patchwork I over saw. It seems to have ueon devised by nairow minded men for the express purpose of hamper ing tlio council , in fact treating them as if they were a lot of thieves. It is tink ered over every two years , but the saiuu end is always in view. One of iu most absurd provisions is that in no public work must the actual outlay vary ifoOO from the estimated cost. No\v any man that has ever done any building Knows how imuossiblo it is to adhere closely to the estimate even on small jobs. On work of mairnitude , where $100,000 , is in volved , ills out of the question. The only way for the council to do in handling tltis sewer business is to ignore the charter - tor entirely. They must go on and build the sewers just as they would a private job , and engage u. competent engineer at a living salary to see that the work is properly done. Tlio taxpaying public will bear them out in it. We had the same dillieulty to face in building our water works , and it wo had allowed ourselves to bo hampered by that bugbear of n charter the people would have been drawing thnlr water from wells and cisterns to-day. " Gradually the conversation drifted to ward paving , and the ex-councilman's opinion was asked as to the material needed , the manner of paying for it , etc. Ho said"I am in favor of stone for all streets bnlow Ninth , where the hcavy'tcaming is douo , and asphalt lor everything above Ninth. The road bed on all streets should bo cut down to sixty foot by extending the sidewalks , anil the street railway , companies should bo compelled , not only to pave between tlioh T { racks , but oil the outside for a foot , ijr 'as farns the ties or plunk. ' jxtcnd. I think the ten year plan of Assessments , too long. The pavements jro only warranted for liyo years , nml I hen , when recovered , for five more. We should aim to have tliem paid for be fore they are replaced. " THE PENY & 1IAK1US FA1LUHK. Messrs. Tony & Harris , tlio Tenth street jewelers , confessed judgment in the district court yesterday in favor of the Meridian Silver Plato company on four promissory notes , aggregating f 900.71. Owing to poor business the firm las been in financial straits for a number of months , and in February last gave chattel mortgages on their stock nnd fix tures to secure important creditors. An arrangement was made by which the f rm vre'ro to continue in possession o Uio goods until the 18th of May , at whicl time the stock remaining on hand will be old at auction. The liabilities , so far as iu bo ascertained , foot up $4,243.05. The principal creditors are : J. B. Trickcy , lAncoln , $ .W5 ; Now Haven Clock com- nwny , f 11U4.50 ; Otto Young & Co. , Chi- UKO. $1,25U4 ; Meridian Silver Plato company. $ ! ) U0.71 The block is wortlt at the outside , $2,500. and will just about pay oil'the claims of the two first named crcditon who hold prior liens. OEKKNDANT'S QUEKU ANSWER. Liwt winter Charles McNair. u bock- binder , was badly froonwhile iutoxi- anted , ami lost the lingers of his right land , incapacitating him from work : at bis trade. Mrs. Eliza MoNair , his wife. Wrought an action under the Slooimib i\v , on behalf of herself and minor fbildron , against M. Glass and his bonds. on , allowing that McNuir * . tote * . tUe Jntttf- tgf wAwrmiftageu tor loss of support. Teutorduy Gltuw tiled an answer in which heidosKis that a legal marriage relation exists between the plaintiff and MoNair , and impugns the paternity of the children. Mrs. MoNair's assertion that tlio injured man was a skilled workman and that his wngos amounted _ to $15 n week , is also controverted. Farther than tins , the claim tlmt tjioiofendant was repeatedly notificd-Tlot to sell McNair liquor is specifically denied. Part of the answer , at least is novel , but hardly to bo commended. TAPI'INO A VEIN OF HltlNE. After a number of aggravating breaks and otliar drawbacks Mr. Mullock's ' men , who are drilling tlio test well In the great salt basin , have got fairly to work and are pushing the hole down through the earth at a rapid rate. Saturday the drill penetrated a six foot strata of gravel at a depth of 118 feet , and brine of about twenty-two degrees of density was se cured , Anything over fifty degrees will 1m profitable , ami the guntlomen who have the work in charge are sanguine of semiring brine of union greater strength without going to an excessive depth , UNVUILlNtrriin FAMILY BKIU.KTON , John L. Foster and his wife Mary are applicants in the courts for an order cancelling the deed by which Huchol Damrow and her husband Christian hold title to lot 4 , block 207 , In this city. Mary Foster , one of the ptainliH's , is the daughter of the defendants , and her hus band is a traveling salesman. The Fos ters allege that at the time of their mar riage John was the owner of the proper ty Hi dispute , which he wanted to convoy to his wife , in order to maku n good transfer , he in May , 188U , deeded it to Itachol Damrow , with tlio understanding thai Kho , in turn , would deed it back to her daughter. Tins , however , Mrs. ljim- row refused to do , and still retains title. The Fosters assort that the transfer to Mrs. Damrow was without consider : ! ' tion and merdy : i an accommodation in the manner named , and want the courts to either cancel it or have I ho bar gain euforood. UllIKP MENTION. Judge Pound , on the motion of the d < v fondant in the case of Kauudors vs. Hal * lownll ct til. , has vacated the order st y > ing procuediiifls. A motion to disnns s tint order to reinstate the cause was de nied. Ait appeal has been taken by thu plaintiff. The police atithorltlts hart been , notl floil by Detective Valentino , chief of the Union Pacific pecrot service corps , thntin case Kyan. the silk tbief. Is released ho stands reailjr to take him on a more se rious charge. A match game of ball is to bo played Friday between picked nines composed of clerks from the Lincoln and Capital National banks on ono side and State and First on thu other. A request from tlio Missouri Pacific au thorities , to be furnished with a copy of our stati ) law regulating the transporta tion of corpses , has called the attention of the railway commission to the facttliai Nebraska is one of the few states In the union without legislation on that subject. An effort will probably bo made to sup ply tin ? Uclicienoy at the coming session of thu legislature. Guv A. Drown , the slate librarian , and clerk of the supreme court , is homo from along visit at the Hot Spring * , Aik. , whuro ho went for rest and treatment. Jlo shows some improvement , but not as much as his friends expected. Major Franklin htm gone to Omaha on Invitation of Captain Alice , of thu B. & M. railway , to act as an escort lo the ChlncMO minister on the trip from Omaha to Ogden. The Grand Island Light and Fuel coin- puny lias been Incorporated , Tint organ izers am Charles \ VasmerV. . 11. Plait , ,7. D. Moore , George 1) . Hetx.el , U K. Leonard , William Followed Morgan and Hoywanl G. Lcavitt. The declared capi tal is $75,000. George Banlicltl , of Jefferson county , was released from the penitentiary yes terday after serving a uvo years' sentence for bigamy. STATI : AUUIVAI.S. George llocknell and wife , McCook ; C. A. Frederick. McCook ; M. W. lo\v- nar , Stratton ; E. N. Kaull'maii , Wymoro ; John Cagney , J. A Connor , J. V. Slack , F. E.VTiite , PlattMitotilh ; A. Getldes , Hastings : ( i. A. Crafts , Valparaiso ; Thomas Jensen , John Palmer , Ulysses ; J. D. Darnes , \ \ tiller M. Seeloy , Uunnett ; M. D. Thompson , Albion ; O. J Ken.yon , F. M. Cox , Omaha , J. C. llaisbaek , Ash land. _ _ . - . . . „ _ . HOW FARMERS ARE DUPED. A Westerner Who Hail Seen a Mule IjlTo Discourses on the Uu- pllolty of .Men. Chicago Herald : "No , you can't como any o' your doilyes on me , " said a gran- gcrfiecl passenger , as tlio man with the big. jingling ring full of 'bus cheeks ac costed him witli tlio inquiry if ho was going any farther than Chicago. "You can't play mo for a sucker , ! lull you. 1'vo ' had my eye-teeth cut , 1 have. NVIiy , I've had three lightning rods put upon my place , every one of which cost mu seven prices. I've been stuck on Bohemian oats , Russian oals , Australian oats , hull- lets barley , gold dust wheat , Senuca Chief wheat , red line wheat , and all o' them things. The last man who caught me on this scheme said lie rcpio- senteil n big company , and that ho was only allowed to sell ten bushels to one farmer at $10 a bushel. Bimcby ho came around and said he'd sell me fifty bushels on the sly for cash , providln' I'd sign an agreement not to tell on him. He said he'd taken' a-likin' to me an' would just as soon sen me gut rich as his own father. I took the fifty bushels , paid him $ oOO , and signoi the agreement. Three months later 1 found that agreement in the bank a promissory note for $ oOO more , which I had to pay. I've been caught on worthless fruit trees an' fertilizers , an' other claptraps by the dozen. Quo time I ordered a new re vised edition Bible , an1 the blank order which I signed turned up a promissory note for $100. 'Bout a year ago a strang er stopped at my house just before dinner lime. Of course 1 asked him to sit up and cat with us. Ho said he was an agent for the Bible Society and was not permitted to cat meals without payin' for 'em , but would be pleased to sit up if I would take pay. Of course 1 agrec'd , an' you just ougnt to have heard that man pray. He was a.prayer from back , on' iny appetite nearly made mesick sick before ho got through askiu' the Dlessin' . After dinner ho asked mo to sign u receipt , which he could show the Bible society as a voucher that ho had paid for the meal. Three months after wards that receipt turned up in a bank as a note for * 05 I had to pay it. Last summer I built a now barn and. of course , I wanted lightning rods on it. A man came along with his wagon and I dick ered with him for a contract. He praised the barn and said he wanted to do a good job in my neighboruood , sociii' as I Was a prominent man an1 my recommend would would bo invaluable to him in his business , an" drew up plans for an elab orate system of rods , which ho agreed to put up for $10. It WHS dirt cheap an' so I signed his contract. After the work was done I paid him the f 10 an' s'poscd that was the last on't. But it wasn't. ' The $10 was simply for putting up the rods. For the rods themselves I had to pay $280. I've paid royalties on patented farm machinery which follows would come along and find , in my possession and. claiming that by using the machines I had infringed on their patents , threat ened to prosecute me if I didn't settlnrup. I've bought a half dozen recipes for the manufacture of fertilizers and as many sure cures ( pr tlio hog cholera. 1'vci been tskoTi in ftn frwjh } ro6elpls , lotter- .i ' 02ciiTtt'games , msurmico frauds , patent- right venders , wldderSj boffi 5 tntTitsleVs. spurious charity agents an' ' all sorta r ' skin games , but I've got my eyes open at last , stranger. "I'm golh' furthdi ? than Chicago , but of you think you kin git u halt dollar out o' mo for that little piece o' 'pasteboard ami that bmss chock ycrbarkin1 up the wrong tree. Do you take mo for a man who has had no experience In. the affairs o' thisVorldt" \Vnntoil n Ilcliato. Wall Street Nowss The other day a pas senger who had come from the west en tered a ticket ollico in Buffalo anil pre sented a ticket , which had been punched only to Detroit , and asked for the ilifi'or- once iu turn between that place and Buff alo. "Wo don't do that business , " replied the agent. "Well , that's an Infernal mean trick on mo. " growled the man. "This was my wiiu's ticket , She dlud at Detroit and so could'tiiKt ' ; it. " "The company isn't to blame , ib ItV" queried the agent. "But am ll It's what they call inter ference of Providence , and if you folks don't shoulder half the loss with me ; I'll never let my second wife travel a rod on this roul. : CONSTIPATION , "My iittootfon. after suffering- with constipa tion tor two or three years , wui c.illtxl to Stui- mous Uror Itcjultitor , nnd nuvlujr trl d ulmost osoriUilnif else conchnled to try it. I llrst teen u wluo-ulassful ami afterwards ruducod the dose to n toaspoonf nl ( as per directions ) alter ouch meal. 1 found lhat U hail done me so niuchKOoJtLat I continued U until 1 took two bottles ; since tlion 1 bare not exporloncod any dUflculty. 1 ki'cp it in ur house an4 wouM not be wlilioutit. lint luive no use for It. lia\lna curwlme. " Ota W. Sius , Assistant Clerk Su- pcrlor Court , lllbt C'o..On. " ted a sedentary life for a number of your my howcls lieoaiuu very Irrcjf ular and mr babtt oorutlpatcil. By tbe advice of f rlouUs 1 wtui Inilucixl to n < snrt toSliutnohs I.lror Uc-gu- lalur > nd 1 now enjoy bettor bcaltb than I tm\ known ' for yti-QO , SY. KCUBUT , THE PRINCIPALITY OF MONACO Beauties and Peculiarities of Monte Oarlo , the Pamons Gambling Place. ROOMS , RABBLE AND ROULETTE. The Pnlaco anil I'rlnco or Mimnou Knpnclty or the Ittilcr Tim ProlHs oT the Gambling Tables. Blanche Roosuvolt , writing to the Chicago Times from Monte Carlo , under date of April 10th says : Pretty namo- Monte Carlo-lsn't it ? And it Is by far the prettiest place I have over soon. The town is sot in the old hillside as a mosaic Is set in an antique ceiling. It Is a dream of while marble palaces and villas sur rounded by gardens whose roses are ever in bloom , whoso pine and olive embower t in everlasting greun , whoso orange recs bear llowers , fruit and perfume , nil whoso walks are scented like a path- i'iy ; in a hot-house , with the exception hat one Is natural , the other artificial iloom. imagine strolling down a lottiuy lane feasting your eyes on purple tills at your head , and a sapphire sea ippilng at your foot. Strclch out your land by the wayside nnd pluck branches f heliotrope or jessamine , for hero the anllla plant Is a tree , the hedges are of OSD geranium , and rosebushes are solid junks of blossom. When you shall have niaginod this yon will realize what this ilaeo is really like. Indeed , It is tin ) most r.XQIMMTi : OAl'llICr. Ol' NATUltr. mil art ihat soul could long for , and last light its beauty was even supernatural. U 1'J o'clock it , was so still , Monte Carlo seomeil .sitl'mir for its picture , A great noon lighted up the heavens and sea , mil throw shafts ot .silver light over the vhjto houses and the multitudinoos trees , vhieh seemed lo Hit about in this mid- light radiance like specters at a feast Jiiiiquo'.s , perhaps , at another Macbeth able. I caught a breath of air in my iiinil , closed it , anil whim this air es caped through my fingers a moment ifter it left an odor behind as if 1 had ) eon holding roses in my palm , so sweet- scented is all nature in tins divine spot. The serenity ot the night was disturbed ) V no human voice , lor after 11:30 : all uonto Carlo sleeps , and tl.c gambling VIonto Carlo has already flown by tlio ast trains to Nice , Cannes , Monlono err > r St. Homo. I suppose I must now ipoak of the famous roulette anil ronto-ot-quarante tables. I did hope lot to have any suicidal scandal , but since Mistress Jane Whiteomb has est $5,000 and tried tlnoti ineffectual , imcs to kill hersclt L can not well ignore he fact. Americans may fail in America n anything they undertake , but they should never fail on the continent. My sympathy for the individual is lost in my solicitude for the nation. Wo stand bo- bre the world a successful race. 1 am so jealous of this prestige that 1 can not brgivo this woman's not succeeding ivon properly making way with herself , "lowever , what America loses in reputa- ion Monte Carlo wins , for 1 declare that ill stories of suiciiles this year had hero- .oforo been Motions. If you do not love mtiire untiringly there Is nothing to do it Monte Carlo but eating , drinking and gambling , especially the latter , which logins at 12 noon and goes on until 11 p. n. The Casino is Monte Carlo , and is the flame which CONSTANTLY ATTKACTS THE MOTH. People gamble from sheer desperation , mil very few stop more than two or : hree days , but , on tlio contrary live , in residences at Nice , Mcntpno or Cannes , cities one or two hours distant either way Tom the town. I believe moral novels ire lilled with vivid pictures ot this un wholesome , immoral place , but when fou como down to the question of Mio Jasino being a heart-rending spectacle , and people all wearing haggard , anxious faces , I wish to say that is the cheeriest , raycst Casino 1 have ever seen. Every body looks happy , and I have yet to re mark the desperate , anxious eye so much talked about in fact , the fabled univer sal wretch , ruined by ono visit to Monte parlo. Iho truth is that gambling hero is not a whit worse than games of cliuiigo anywhere else. Then the loto , which keeps nations on the qul vivo for wind falls , from lucky numbers ; then the buy ing or soiling short in the Chicago gram market ; then the railroad syndicates of Wall street , the financial fantasies of the Paris bourse , or the oriental crazes of the London stock exchange. The advan tage of Monte Carlo is this : You must put < lown ready money , there is no sus pense for the issue of winning .or losing ; you know in an instant where you are , t lie chances are just as much in your favor as they are in that of the bank. As to thcagrccablcuess of this part ot Monte Carlo lie , I CANNOT QUITE 8KB AT.L ITS CIIAHHS. If you don't want to stand , you miisl bo at 13 precisely at tlio Casino , tear in like one rushing for the pit on a first night , elbow your way to the lovojj room , and seize a place at yoiir favorite tac.ajoongfrcsa t-ely riSt am loft-eft , young , middle-aged and muddle- nged , and once at this place in your scat for a while gambling has its possible side and the Casino is iv livable place. After that tlio crowd comes and the rabbis bo gins. In these lofty chambers one sound alone predominate thor chink , chink , chink , of falling money , dropping me chanically , eternally , with the monotonous onous monody of nn endless circular chain , going round and round , stopping at-tho same places , rc-oiiholng the same rhythm , which after ti while becomes so insupportable that you would rush any where , do anything desperate , in fact , to escape this horribio succession of most hornblo sounds. There is ono conversa tion play ; ono universal talk of systems , and such scouos at the tables as ucggar description. KKSrECTABr.K-T.OOKINO WOMEN taking up the wrong pile ? o often that the- croupier plainly calls them thieves , others lighting over 0-frano pieces , yell ing'Ihisis : mine : I put myraonovon such a number. " Then the crowd inter fering , a vucrant hand in the meanwhile deftly stealing over somu incensed shoul der and making oil' with tlm disputed wealth whilst the rabble rave again. The croupier shrugs his shoulders , screams "Faltos vos Joux" tlio sound of chink , chink begins ; once more the roulette starts ; and sooner than I could write It the best or worst is known. There are thrno rooms ; the llrst two devoted to roulette , the last being for the trcnto- cl-quaranto tables , of which ( hero are two. Hero nothing less than n napoleon cnn bo played. There is little quarrelIng - Ing none , in fact. I'ho crowd looks docent - cent , and the atmosphere is quite respect able. Falling go d and bank notes have n more subdued sound than the ring of those filthy 5-frank pieces. In fact , the latter vulgarize play by their littleness , and excite our disgust. As wo condemn one who steals n dollar and condone ono who steals a niillionv in the same way we must look at the dilleronco in the profes sional gamblers and arlstocratio players at Monte Carlo. In life wo are not much by results as by the vulgar detail of getting at those results. I advise all who como to Monte Carlo and wish to bo HEblT-CTKO AS FASHIONABLE WwVVEIta In short , taken for ladies and gentlemen to play in the trento et-quaranto room. In speaking of his gambling tables , M. Ulanc saidP'Trente et quaranto cat to vol. Houlotto est to ossassiuut. " ( Trento etquaranto ; is theft. Koulctto is assassin atiou. ) There have been no great bums' won at Monte Carlo this year , tlio bank being 3,000,030 francs to the good ahead of previous seasons. So far It reaps n benefit of 10,000,000 francs , anil before ; ho year eiuls will probably have doubled its recci-.its. The Casino , or Iht/atcr , Is n beautiful quadrangle , nuuro by Gurnior , the design er of thu Paris grand opera. An archi tect's work is his.hauihvritmg. . This hall says "Gamier" 4ns plainly as if Garnlcr's name wore wriUon-in every corner and on every panel. .There is tlio same stir- charge of gold in every shade of yellow ; the same bewildering number of nude figures ; the same Vunusns , Caralidsllcv- culuscs , Cupids of Iho Parisian oper atic temple In ftict tlio same glare , glit ter ami gorgeoiisneiH which tire the cyo and miiko us regret the dav when preten tiousness supersedes simplicity nml lavishness - ishness hides all that remains to us of an- clout models and the art of true adorn ment , which once lay in contrast , not in conspicuousncss. This hall , howevo".has an aiivuntiigo over the Paris opera. It is exquisitely harmonious ; isof a most sym pathetic contour , and Is as comfortable us ono could wish for ahoml that is , in every way but otto. Ventilation is at a premium ; air , there is none not c\orca- bio. The liltlo there is is a replica ol the first roulette room , which smolU so of powder-pull's that one might easily Imag ine himself behind the wings where A ll.VI.LKr Of TlIliKK HUNDKKD have just rushed into the green-room to give onu preliminary whitening dab be fore returning to thu footlights to glorify their latest cosmetic under thu flattering Bengal flames , to commingle its vain jier- fuinu with smells suggestive of Lucifer- tainted regions and Fourth of July cole- brations. Add to thu above named odors the variety of redolent vapors btuainlng fiom hot , travel stained bourgeois and btirgeoises , garlie-seentrd and tobacco- scented magazine imagine those , with every indiHcribablo'pcrfunie that cosmo politan distilled air can furnish , and you will have a fair idea of the atmosphere of the peopled Monte Carlo Casino and tlio- uter. Thi ) opera troupe is fifth-class ; the prima donna , Mine. Hose Dolaunay , knowing perfectly well how to sing , but. alasl being painfully deficient in those natural means whereby a tendency to art is sometimes aided. To put it plainly , Koso Dolaunay has no vuico and little talent , so her ojieratic exertions , unlike her operatic aspirations , arc more ma tonal than spiritual. Shu can't act a bit , and the sum of her attractions is that sue is a danghtei-ill-law of Delaunay , the famous juuno premier of tlio Comcdie Francaise. Her manner is nice , her face pretty , and her vocal gymnastics quite on par with all Paris conservatory pupils in general , and most French opera sin- ger.s. Yesterday wo wont to sco the town of Monaco , awl , of course , visited the PAIACK OK MONACO , an old pile on the crest of a rock over looking nay , overhanging the sea. This is the residence "of the reigning prince of Monaco , 11. S. II. Charles lit. , " and is as famous as forlorn. I'abice , porticos ticos , plaques and pictures everything , in fact , but royalty , is restored. One room is glorious because the duke of York died in it. Ull " 11 | < wonder if no could ' > ' ' ' - - - - - - - - have loft such , liKrmonics of crimson , gohland Venetian pliint , but for once in his life i the royal"will ' was not respected. After staring at'a ' ruined but reformed chapel , also rumored , wo lingered in a court formed of : unu iiificcnt quadrangle , with walls surrounding us where the new frescoes , "wor ) pi old Hercules , " gleamed upon us , in ( rush colors of brick and oohcr. For all of me , the prince may keep his palace and the ? :100,000 : to keep it up yearly ptid ; 'him ' by the roulettn t.ibles. The gurftun'hnd site are beautiful but uncomfortable. I wouldn't live in the place the jxJar round wcro you to give mo a dced-gittijof Monaco and the surrounding country , . IlEAUTV ] AT MONTR CAllI.O arc decidedly rurej , ( Lady Do Grey , Lady Do Clifl'ord , and' one or two English women have brigli'tcncd up the nlaco with their graces. Otherwise the Alonto Carlo Casino represents a railway sta tion where an excursion tram has just come in. Such gowns , such veils , such shoes , such bonnets. Even the dcnii- mondaine arc like Johnson's fabled mut ton , "ill-kept , ill-fed , ill-cared for , and ill-dressed. The place is overrun with distinguished pcoulo , however , and for the last two days two really charming grand duchesses the Grand Duchess Anastase , of Mceklonburg-Schworin , and her sistor-in-law , the Grana Duchess Vladimir have shone by their elegance , simplicity , and correctness. The first named has lovely dark eyes , dark hair , slim figure , and slender , oval face ; the scconu is plump , pretty , gracious , and jolly. The grand duke of Mecklenburg- Schwerin Is a splendid-looking man fair , lull , and most noble in appearance. In this royal suite was a favorite attache , none other than the coining young Irish painter , H. J. Thaddous , now piunting the children of the grand duke and the Grand Duke Vladimir. Ho has just paint ed a grand portrait of the pope , the which portrait , a IHtlo bird told mo , is going to bo exhibited in America next .season. Cardinal Howard says Thad dous' picture is not only the best likeness lie has over seen as the pope , but is tlio best portrait of his holiness extant. He is seen without his habitual smirk , and the face wears a seriousness whicli g'.tS well on ono of such exalted aestate. \ . Thorois m ? weakness in tto < J fjjltg the wnolo is as characteristic ot Leo Alii. as can possibly bo imagined. Mr. Thad- ileus was happily inspired , and can be congiatulat < ; a oh his success. Ho 1ms given to the Catholic world a reproduc tion of their chief which bids fair to become - come ns celebrated as the renowned portrait trait of Pius IX. in his sweet smile , bo- benign attitude , and pontifical robes. Visitors are still ( locking to Monte Carlo , for gambling goes on the year round. This play will never bo stopped as Jong as a prince of Monaco exists. This royal gentleman is the backbone of the roulcto tables , and his rapacity is something colossal. The croupiers tell strange tales. If his highness expresses a wish for a yacht , forthwith a yaoht steams into Monaco's harbor. Should ho request two yachts , ono would lie in the harbor , the other in wait outside in the bay. Ho keeps up a ays torn of , IJLACKJIAIL , strange In a gcjltl\mun ( \ , odious In a nobleman - bloman , but natural to a descendant of the iiinitoGrinmldiancestor and founder of the princelyiiouso ( of Monaco. His highness is olil , blind and disabled , but his curs are over open to the sound of money falling into his kingdom and coders , Once a VPHT all the servants of Monaco are punnltteU to go and gamble nt the gram tables. , * } This memorable oc casion , oh , strauija irony-is ! on the prince's birthday. . ( There is rarely a change of valotullle in the principality. Domestics bccoilio at part ot the place , as stones a part of > the hills. Allen ThorndVko' Rico is said to have "shaken the banV"&t Monte Carlo. This is nonscjiso. Hp.p'nco dropped a few ' louis by way of 'pastime , and by chance doubled thorn , but Jio never played high enough to break any tront-et-quaranlo table here , and will probably finish , hhould ho play again , by leaving his small gains where ho first took them from. A AVonderfiilsFrcok of Nature is sometimes exhibited in our public ex hibitions. Whunweguzo upon EOIIIO of the peculiar freaks danio nature occas ionally indulges in , our minds rerert back to the creation of man , "who is so fearfully and wonderfully made. " The mysteries of his nature have been un raveled by Dr. H. V. Pierce , of Buffalo , and through his knowledge of those mysteries he has been able to prepare his "Golden Medical Discovery1 which la a specific for all blood taints , poisons and humors , such as scrofula , pimples , blotches , eruptions , swellings , tumors , ulcers uiitl kiudred afli'ctious. By drug gists. COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS. The Brains or tlio Commercial World Now lu tlio Drummer Element. Nashville American : The brains of of the commercial world is now in the drummer clement. They create trade and keep It alive. They are the working part of every house , and when jou got a first-class drummer you have a man com bining the nation ot early life ami tlio wisdom of tlio aged. They have grown in import.ince ami numbers till they have como to bo the bricks of tlio walls which protect every city , its advancing foroo , the creators of its solid wealth , the architects of its prosperity , lor the size of the town no community has so many of these Important factors in the trade of the country as Nashville. She has tlirco where Memphis has one ; fully one-third more than Louisville , and in Nashville's own territory twelve to ono over Loulsvillo. Atlanta Is not c\cn considered a competitor in particular. Tliev say in Alabama that an Atlanta house gives n man $1'J mid his railroad money and tolls him to bo back Saturday night , and If ho strikes n Nashville man in a town he leaves for the next point on , his circumscribed loulu. Thu Nashville houses aver.tgi ) as largo a number of drummers each as Louisville or Cin cinnati , and taking out thu house of Klmmuns iV Co. , and Shaplcigli , Cantwoll & Co. , of St. Louis , her average is uroat- or than even that of St. Louis. Thc.- are facts , ami they bear the closest scrutiny. TIN : YKAUS A O there was one-third less jobbing houses in Nashville than at the present time , and the average force now is also greater to the house than then. There was thuti perhaps a 100 men in the field , now there are nearly UOO active , intelligent men making four times a year a sally into th j southern country in Nashville's interest. Thu history of the growth of the clan is marvelous. In 1870 there were few mi'ii on the road , and they were nearly all for "lilling-up" trips and collections. The clan lias not failed to grow since. Until 1870 meri'hants llockcd into Nash ville ; now not leu per cent of the goods sold tire rontraetuil for at the house. Till : hYSTI'.M IS ( SHOWING. Merchants have lost the habit of com ing to market , and wait 'for Iho market to come to them. And tlio markets "o , for tlio country merchant has now the goods of every great city ii the country to choose from , and thus maku the mar kets complete. The salaries have de clined as the eilieienoy and importance of the drummer increased ; say in ton years fully one-half everywhere. The percentage of profit to the merchant must remain the same , but thu volume of profit being less because all goods have declined in price , the unfortunate but always jovial drummer is forced to maku up tlio difference , and keep the balance ot power , so to speak , still with his em ployer. Yet Ids responsibilities have gone on increasing , and his labors , too. AV1JAT UKUMMKUS COST. An investigator of accurate mind has calculated there are now about 80.COO traveling salesmen on the road in this country , that their expense accounts alone will average § 1,500 a year each. He says , "This means an outlay rf $180- 000,000 a year and if you count an aver age salary of $1OCO a year , it will swell the total to $200,000,030 a year. This im mense bum is scattered all oycr the United States. It kocps up the hotels , is one of thu most important items of railroad passengers receipts. The charac ter of the traveling salesman has changed within a dceadc past. You will find very few boys and fewer drunkards upon the road. The competition is so great and the expense so heavy that firms have to scud out their best men , and salaries of ,000 and $5,000 a year are by no moans uncommon , 'those traveling men soil all sorts of goods. Some of them carry a half dozen heavy trunks and others carry their samples in their overcoat pockets. One man I know gets $3,000 , a year for selling the skins which butchers put around sausages. He dress es like a Broattway swell and carries his samples in a bag no larger than a lady's shopping satchel. The best of such skins are made in Europe and butchers buy of him everywhere. Then there is a man I know who travels from Boston to San Francisco and sells nothing but ouo grade of shoo blacking. Sonic travelers sell by pictures of the articles they have to sell. Clothing forms the largest class of drummers , and next come those who sell boots and shoos. Then wo have the dry goods salesmen , the grocer , the hard ware men , hats and caps , and others as numerous ns there are trades and facto ries. "Traveling men , " this gentleman con tinued , " are , as a rule , bright , cencrous fellows. They spend freely , and many of them , when they become old and leave the road , lind themselves poor. Wo have now a project to take care of disabled traveling men. It is a traveling men's home , to bo endowed by traveling men and to bo devoted to their use. The idea is that each one of the 80,000 travelers is to give $1 a ycai for the next three years to sucti an Institution. This will make a total of $240.000 and from this we will buy a farm in Kentucky , or some other good locality , and erect comfortable buildings , with reading-rooms , parlors and chambers , so that the oofiimdnta can. declining years. Wjani further endow the homo by p. Oar or two more of contributions , anil the institution will bo under the care of a competent board ot managers. This project Is , I understand , to bo submitted to the next annual meet ing of merchant travelers. It has many supporters among traveling salesmen , and I will not bo surprised il il IB carried out. " PILES Ai and I Williams' Indian 1'ilo Olntinoiit. ' "A single box has cured the worst chronic cases of 2S or SO years standing. No one need suffer live nilnutos after applying this wonderful booth Ing medicine. Lotlous nnd Instruments do more harm Hum good. Williams' Pllo Ointment absorbs the tumors , allays the Intense Itching , ( particularly at night after getling warm In bed ) , acts as a poultice , elves instant icllof , anil is prepared only for Piles , itching of nrlvato parts , ami for nothing clso. SKIN UISKASES OUIIUD. Dr. Frazler's Mat'lc Ointment cures na by niazlc , Pimples , lilnck Heads or Grubs , Welches and Eruptions on the face , Jeavlng the sKin clear anil ooaullful. Also emus Itch. Halt Hl'.eimi , .Sore Nipples , Sere jjps , and Old Obstinate Ulcers. Bold by druggists , or mailed on receipt of SO cants. Iti'talletl by Kuhn & Co. , and Schroder < Sr Con i ad. \vholesalo by 0. F. liooduiun. Vcatticru , Claws null Hoaks. The ground under clumps of chinaberry - berry trees in the vicinity of Tamon , Flu. , is covered with intoxicated WnU almost every day , they having become tipsy through eating too many berries. A sparrow hawk ilow at u canary hang ing in a cage in an open window of an Augusta , uu , , residences. A servant tried to drive it away , but before she could dose so it pulled oil' the canary's head. Frank Hall , of Wakula county , Fla. , recently caught nn ivory-billed wood pecker , which is a very rare bird. The plumage Is worth f')0. ) It is naid that there is no record of one being killed out side of Florida in the last thirlurn years. A vast coony | of night herons which established itself on IjtaK'ii island a dozen years ago is now alraost extermi nated , Tim Italian laborers of that Vicinity stole the herons' ' ccjrK for food , and sqmo of the farmers usea tlio cg-js to mix with fodder for their cows , A lutire Iwwk near Santa Uosa , Cal , . swooped down on ' a sleeping cat and bore it high into thu air. 'I'ho rac Rtrug- glod and squalled. VY-hen several hund red feet above the , ground they both fell like lead. Thu cat bad bitten throng ! ) tie hawk's head ami killed it. The fall killed the cat. Itnt-trftps ballad with live fish are used by a man on the Lackawaxcn river to catch ducks. The Imps are placed in the water , and wh m the ilucks dive for fish they are caught by the nocks. When the man conies to look at his traps , a series of dticktaiU above the water tells him of his success. Dr. W. M. Uoboy , of Charlotte , N. C. , while passing a grocery in that town. had his attention attracted to n coop ot chickens standing beforu it by the odd unties of the old lion which it contained. This hen made a great commotion by cackling and beating her wings against the slats of Iho coop. The doctor miickly recognized her as a pet hen which mid be longed lo him for several years , and which had recently boon stolen from his yard. Her joy at seeing her old master led her to make herself known to him. Tito only euro I'or roncnmpilon. ( From tbt Washington , D. C. N tlo l nopubUcnn. ) The prLctlco ot drenching the human itotnuch With cod liver oil for consump tion , IB fast falling Into dlausu. This la owing to the utterly liullucatlblo proportion tion of this nauseating qunckcry. Ther Is no Btomncli lu tlia world tlmt can illcest cod llvor oil In Us pure Htuto. For this rcnson , a certain per cent , of nlcoUol enters Into thu composition of this so- cnllert relict , Consumpthcs , so soon ns tbey discover the nature of their malady , rush to the ncnrust druit store and Ijeulu at once to take all kinds of nauseating mpdlclncs , impurci otlmuliititsiuul poison- oue intoxlcnutu. Their stoumchs soon bo- conic Oabllltntcd ami ilcraiiKo.l.untl under such circumstance ! ! It it noondyi - that they cannot build up * ho system , nor re pair the waste of tissue. lu thu United ritntes ibcro IB prolmhly no illsciuo so uni versally fatal and eo universally fcnrcd IIH conaumptloa. There are few households where there liny not been at least onu death from It. The public asM ua the mt'dlcal profession , have long auo ilcctito I tlmt mciilcltitd ducats having the charac ter of food , are the only thlups tlmt. have any value. In tlio treatment of.thlsdlGCiisc. So Important Is the use. of alcohol In tlio treatment of disease , that Professor ser H. C. "Wood , Professor of Thera peutics , University ot Peunsylviiuln , eays : "In phthisis ( consumption ) mid Its congener ( scrofuloslu ) scrofula , there can bo no doubt m to the great vtiluo of nlcohol. " From u work entitled "An epltomo of Medicine , Surgery , Obstetrics nml Pathology. " conalstlnjt of lectures by Professors of the Faculty , University of Pouno. viz : Alfred Stillo , M. I ) . . L.IJ. D. : D. llnyca ARIIOW , M. D. , L.L. D. ; tt. A. F. Penrosc.M. D. , L.L. D. : JnmoB Tyson. M. D. , under the licad of diseases of the Bronchi and Lungs , It saya : "Whiskey and food must not bo neglected. " In the treatment of Influ enza , "Alcohol and food tnuy bo consid ered .is the type of treatment. " In the treatment ot Chronic Bronchitis. "Alco holic stimulant must not be lost slcht of , cither an perjrmuont or temporary stlmu- Uut. " lu Spasmodic Aatlnrm "Qlvo alco hol. " In Puoumbnln , ' 'Alcohol and good food are the principal elements In the treatment. " In phthlals ( consumption ) "Alcoholic drlnVe nre nutrients or re- turd era of tisane waste ; " they promote digestion and nutrition. Medicinal alco hol IB , of coursb Riven In the form of pare whiskey. Dnfly'a ' pure mult whlakiy la the ntandard and the purest. The pro prietors 4 ar the discoverers and only manufacturers In the world ot on nbso lately pure whiskey. _ People often laugh at the expression "second wind. " In ordinary respirations we only use a portion of our lungs , the cells at the extremity not being brought into pluv. This is the reason why those who arc not "in training , " and who try to run for any distance , soon begin to gasp , and , unless tlicy are courageous enough to porbovorc in spite of the chok ing sensation , are forced to stop. Itut if they will persevere the choking goes oil' , and the result is what is tccnnically known n "second wind. " When the second wind is fully cstabliscd , thu runner docs not become out of breath but goes on running as long as his legs will carry him. _ _ If you suffer from loo.sencss of the bowels Angostura Hitters will suicly euro you Bowiuu of counterfeits and ask your grocer or dtuggist for the genuine article , pi opured by Ur. J. G. B. aiecert & Sons. A traveling snake charmer says that it is easy to win the confidence and afl'ec- lion of a youthful boa or anaconda , as they are not venomous or vicious , and can only exert their power of crushing by getting a purchase with their tail , or something that will offer siitlicicnt resist ance after they have completely coiled themselves around the limb or body of their intended victim. If surprised or annoyed they may bite , but can do no serious harm thereby. Their tongue is ns soft and slippery as velvet. o Didn't our girl graduates look lovoy ? Yes , indeed ; they all use 1'ozuoni's Com plexion Powder. _ In ancient times n person accused of robbery had a piece of barley bread on which the mass had been said given him to swallow. Ho put it in his mouth , ut tering the words : "May this piece of broad choke mo If what 1 say is not true , " and if ho could swallow it without being choked , ho was pronounced inno cent. Tradition ascribes the death of the Karl Godwin to choking with a piece pf bread uftor SICK HEADACHE. Thousands who have su lib red Intensely with slok headache bay that Hood's Sarsaparilla has completely cured them. One gentleman thus relieve/ ! , writes : "llooU'a Sars.iparllla is worth its weight In gold. " Reader , if you are suf fering with sick hciulncho , give Hood's Sursaparilla a trial. It will do you posi tive good. Made by C. 1. Hood & Co. , Lowell. Muss. Sold by all drutrgists. 100 Doses One Dollar. The famous clock at Strasburg ID put completely Into the shade by the great World Clock , or Iho 10,000-voar time in dicator. It was constructed in Germany , tluriinj many years' labor , by Christian Martin , clocknmkor The clock marks the years and leap years , and will run for 100 centuries , when , as the bill frankly admits , its works will have to bo changed. I'ho face of the clock i.s about ten feet bqiiiiro , and has a largo number of dials and little nlchos , where 132 little figures have their abiding place. Every minute a sorrowful looking angel hits a boll with a filcdgo hammer. And in like manner the other ligures come out , HO that alto- Co th or it is quite wonderful. Kirk's Gcrtnuu Pllo Ointment , Surocurqiiji blind , bloedlnic , and ItchliiK lUles. Quo box has mucd the worst cn cs oi' ' ten ycnrastAtiillne , No one need sutli-rUiii wluutCH after using this w'oiiilerftil Kirk's UfTiimn 1'ilo Ointment. It absorb * ttimoi.i , allays tlio itching at 0111:0 : , acts as a poultice. uUvs Instaml idlitf. KiiU'a Curnmn 1'iln Ointment Is prepared only for Piles and Itrhluj : of the private parts , and nothing else. RYITV box Is win ranted by our atronts. Bold by ( Iriicglgts ; sent by mallon m't-iptof prli'p , fiOo per hox. Dlt. 0. O , JJBXTON , PKOI- , Cleveland , U , Sold by C. F. Goooitman nml Kulin & Co. Silks Thtt : Hustli ! In tlio American Silk Journal : .Summer bilks have hair lines , blocks and small checks. I'ongces have stripes composed of nar row lines of soft colors. Striped grenadines have crescents of tiny brightimed flowers. I'rinUwl crepe do Chine has sprays of delicately tinted blu > som. Lonisini'S , witli tin } ' black and whltti chocks , silver gray in ulieet.will bo much worn. Kitrnh silK has broad slrlpn ? . n plain Elrlpo ( iltornttting with 0110 with maurcsi quo dobiyns. I'er&hu ; bilks with overshot threads that pivo a crindlc'l ollijcj , are < iho\vn in all dark and evening onrg | Some havu stripes of diflcrout < iolor ' , Summer .sUKs , oftuu of A nit ; loan man ufacture , Imitate the crlnklo of Canton orapo. These are shown In combination * of plain and ligurcd , but the latter dis play Chinese and Japanese curiosities. TUTFS MMMRMMMMHI PILLS 25 YEARS IM USE. Tke Greatest of th Ago ! SYMPTOMS OPA ' TORPID LIVER. I.oiiioriippcllttillotTClicoitlve , I'ntn In Iho hcnil , nllti n dull pcnsntlon In the bnclt part , 1'nln unr'.rr tlio shoulder * bUilo , I'ullnoi * nfler eat Inc.rlth it die Inclination to oxcitlon of boar or mlna , IrrilnbllltyoftcmpcrI < awRplrlliyrltti n foclltiBof hn lnsnealcclccl nomodutr Wcurlncnn , Dlzalucss , Timid-Inn nltho Hcim. Hots before- the eyes , HeaOneha OTor HIP right rj-o , Itc tlc no , with fitful drenma , Mistily coloroil Urine , ftuil CONSTIPATION. ? TOTT'S niiT.a are especially adnr > t < nl to such casog , ono dnso olTccta auch a chancre of fcoltnirnatonstonUh the guircror. ThoTliirrtnietlinAunetlte.itnilcaiiiaths body to Tnlie mi Klcnli.thui ilio r tem If nonrlahoi1nnil liyiholrTonlo Action on the IMs illveOrirnHillcRi > lnrStool nr9 tToilucnl , I'rlco'JOr.14 luurrnv St.n.Y TUTT'S EXTRACT 8ARSAPARILU tlio body , nmkiu liuiltlijr llesli. tlio weak , repairs Ilio uoste * of Viu fynlcinvitli pure blood urn ) ImrJ muscle ; concj the nervous HVBtoni , Invigorates tlio tirnln , niul Imparts Ilio vigor of manhood. $ 1 Soli I liv ( immlxtM. OLM'1 J2214 lUiii-rii St. . Now Yorh. CAPITAL riUZH , $75,000 , JS3 Tickets only K. Shares in 1'roportlon. M LOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY COMPANY , 'Wotlohorobrciirtlty tlmt > ro supervise Iho tils for nil the Monthly nml Quarterly of Tlia IjOiilsluiiu Htuto Ixittory rnimmny nnil In parson niiuiiigu nml control tlio lhmvlriK tliomolve , iiml tlmt tlinsamouro conducted with lionosty , fiilrnos-i niul In Kopd fulth townrd nil | > , irtlo , nnd wo nulhorUu tba Company to wo IMS curtlllouUi , with fac-nlmhoa of our gisnuturns uttuchoJ in 1U lulvnrtlimeiU COMMIS3IONBU3. Wo , tlioumlorslKiind Dunks and Dnnkors. will l > nr nil 1'rlzos drawn In 'The I < oulMuuu State Lot' torirs whluti may bo prniontoil at our counter * J. U. OGLESIIY , Pres. Louisiana National Bant j. w. KIMHUTII , Fres. State National Bint A. HALDWIN. Pres. New OrleansNatlonal Bank. _ Incorporated In 1883 for 35 years by the loU- Inturo lor Educational nnd Clinrltablo purposoj with u capital of $1,000.000 lo which a resor/o In nil of ovur $ A'AWAI Ima since bocu added. lly nn o vorwholmlnt ? popular vote Ha t'nmohljo WIXB iniulo n piu I of the pi c ont 8 Into Constitution adopted December "d. A. 1) . 187'J. ' The only lottery over voted on anil endorsed by tlio people of any tUuto. It novnr Beilos ; or postpones. Itscrnnd single immlior drawings tnko place monthly , und the extraordinary ITS roiju- laily oveiy three months Instead or ally usnuretoloro , ucKlnnlnir Miuch , 1880. A SPLENDID OITOUTUNITYTO WIN A FORTUNE. 5th Grand Urnwlni ? , Cl.iss K , In tlio Academy of Mustc. Now OrleaiiR , Tuesday , May lltli , 1888 liKM Monthly Drawmir. CAPITAL PRSZE $75,000. 100,01/0Tickets at Five Dollars Each. I'ructloai In Fifths , In Proportion. MAT or i'Hi/Ks : APPROXIMATION I'HIZES. 0 Approximation Prlros of f"GO B.T60 0 do do 600 0 do do 250 11)67 ) Prizes. amounting to Application for rntus to clubi should ho raado only to tlio otllco ot the company In Now Or lenne. For fuvttior Information write oloarly , Kivm ? full address. POSTAL NOTES , Expro-H Moaoy Orders , or Now York Exchange m ordinary lot- tor. currency br express tit our oxpoiua ail drt'BS11 ( M. A. DAUPHIN , Now Orleans , La. Or M. A.DAUPHIN , Washington , ! ) . 0. Make P. O. Money Orders payable and nU3ro33 registered luttora to NEW OlUiBANS NATIONAL HANK , Nuw Orleans , LEU Nebraska National Bail OMAHA. NEBRASKA. Paid up-Capital $360,000 Buplus May 1 , 1885 30,000 H.W.YATKS , President. i A. E. TOUZAUN , Vice President W. H. S. HUGHES , Giwhler , ' \V. \ V. MoJi , JOHN S. COLLINS , U.V. . YATKS , LEWIS S. HHEO , A , E. TOUZAUK , BANKING OFFICEt THE XR ON BANK. Cor , 12th and Furnam Streets. General Uauklax Buaiuoii BITTERS. . frkoU world , urr Iii f > iU , MrrUt , linr Ml * ru . ftht til tfjjrtVri uf IW It fratir * Oftui A hw it ft Iwmut ft d J * < tu > * lwf U b ( lui * f cbia > | MW. tiU t tU t utncr diiftki ! / II. fv4 fctvu * nf MMbUrUU. itk f ur C * " " * > 4tunulfefl ti8 M Hkl liat urMlim4fer Ml / U. Il tll/HKTAbO . j. w. vrormiuwi , CCLS AOEV.T . , ORANGE GROVE TRACT OF 40 ACRCS forth * ] ur t bf llirltul looftl ftt. JH * W4 Ua/Cvlv- PU la 41 ! tr < bl CbmmvtiTtlvi , tbli rr/Al offrr II | a 4r. XVrlte Hutu * pl lnl > stnil lu ful * ti ) ( dtid can ih < 4U.nvr UrmiKolirora'i'rurt IU t > lna- lut fr o alii. w u U6 > c ' ' ) liOM pir fere. llriuVii | > rle ! )4w It IfcOA : ) . Atf rcn f r full tarUfulin , NT. AKDIIKWi * HAY ! T. . AMI I.AM ) ro. . 'ln. iloiiHtl , U.or Vi.Aittlrev * llnj.l'lu * l > i ji CHU l tktcutrU Ln > n i rjuptlj U rou aj4rt < riDcJoball oltic . Curu witliont A POSITIVE clno. 1'titoiiiui Octo ber 15 , } tfifl. Ono box will cura the moat obtlauio naeo In four U f a or ( osa. Nu nauuenus dQos of cububs. copu.tbn.or oil ot baiid4wnoU | thai urti cottu.u iq pioOuco dy | > i < u-r elu liy do-ti'iylni ; 0 > o coiulnv-i ot tlio ttoimicn. I'rlio JI.50. So ] I by nil .Jru k'tPts > r nulled on rm' ll > l of pi'lca Fur further parllcitliu * sxit furvlroulnr. V.O. HoxIMl. /11TT > 'CI 7. O. r.Tj .W CO , , fjll Kill VVV * * t. . Now Vorlt.