Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 10, 1886, Page 7, Image 7

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    Sa jts S ffSSi
Advcrtlsomcntsundor th shoal 10 concgpor
Kno for the first Insertion. 7 conta for cnch
ubBequenUn orU9nnnd 51.CC a line pormonth.
No ndvcrtlsomont tnkon for less than S5 cents
forthoflrH Insertion.Bevcntvorai will bo ooun
ted lo the line ; they must run consecutively
ftnd musthopildln ndvano * AH advertise-
tnonti mustbohandod In before 3 o'clock p. m ,
nnd under no ctreumstances will they ha tak
en or discontinued br telephone.
Parties advertising In those columns nnl hiur-
Inplho answers addressed in euro of TUB tlr.t ,
Will please risk for chock to enable them to got
their letters , nsnono will bo delivered except on
presentation of check. All answers to adver
tisements should bo enclosed In envelopes.
$ lBOonnto loan on city residence property
Geo.W. Day , 1403 rarnnm. 839
MONEY to lonn on ohnttols of nny descrip
tion Inslimsof ? 10 nnd npwnrds nt reason-
nblo rates. City Lonn and Mortgniro Co. . I loom
15,1401 , Vnrnnm St. , oppnslto Pnxton Hotel. S8i
MONKY to lonn nt reasonable rntos on
horses , furniture , wntohos nnd other per-
poiinl property without removal. Small pny-
lento tnkonnt nny , tlmo nnd interest reduced
i proportion. Hushioftsconfldontm. C. J.Cas-
well , lloom 19 , Iron Hank Uulldlngl th nnd for
nnm. Take olovntor. 400 ,
MONEY To lonn on improved fnrmt'or resl
donee lots , on ono yenr's time. Homo Fire
Insurnnco Co. . 1MB Douglns St 152
MONEY TO LOAN-On rosldonoolproporly ,
8 per cent No commission. O. j. Caswcll
* Co. , Itoom 19 Iron Hank Building , 12th nnd
Fnrnnm. .TC3.
$30,000 to lonn. Sums $500 nnd upwards.
Lowest rates , llomls , 15th and Douglns sts.
i 125
, to lonn on business nnd residence
property In sums of $1,000 nnd upwards.
Ames , 1507 Fnrnnm st. 838
rno'LOAN Money in nny amount
x On nil classes of security.
Short time loans on renl ostnto.
Long tlmo loans on real ostnto.
Money to lonn on chattels.
Money to lonn on collaterals.
Money to loan on any good security.
Terms ensy , tlmo to suit.
Apply nt the Omnhn Financial
Hnrkor's building , SW corner of
Fifteenth und Fnrnnm sts. upstairs
CENT Money to lonn on renl cst ate
Mortgages nnd bonds bought. MnhonoyA
Harris. Itoom 11.1500 Farnnm. 378m9 *
MONEY for uvoryoodyl Vou cnn borrow
money on fnrnlturo , horses , wngous ,
plLnofl , stock of nil kinds , dlnmonds nndflno
wntchcs on your own time , Payments received
Rt nny tlmo , nnd Interest reduced pro rntn.
Property loft In your own possession. Terms
law ns the lowest Cnll nnd POO mo. fluplness
confidential. No ndvnntnsro tnkon. W. H. Croft ,
Boom 4 , Wlthnoll's Now Building , Northennt cor
ner 15th and Harnoy. W
ONEY TO TO AN-O. K. Davis & Co. Uoal
Kstato and Lonn agents , 1505 Farnnm St
ONRV TO LOAN On good securities. A
McGnvock , room 7 Bedlck Block , 1509 Farnnm
jit BI4
TO LOAN On real estate nnd chnt
MONEY D. L. Thnmns. 015
MONEY 10 LOAN In sums * eT $200 nnd up
wards on first-class real estate security ,
rotter & Cobb , 1515 Fnrnnm Bt P18
LOANED nt C. F. Heed & Go's. Loa
MONEY , on furniture , pianos , horses , wngon
perponnl property of all hinds nnd nil other nr
tides of value , without removal. 319 S. nth ,
over ninurh'im's Commission store. All bus-
ness strictly confldontnl. IH7
T71OII SALE A small drug store , stock inC
-C goo 1 condition. An excellent n loca
tion fur physician. Sufficient reasons for Bell
ing. Inquire of Mr. Waugh , Omnha Oil nnd
Paint Co. Omnhn. 437-10"
" \WANTED An enterprising young man , ono
Vi oxpcrlpnpoo In newspaper work and who
Is n good advertising solloltor cnn secure n
llltoicstluonuof the best Snturdny nftcrnoon
publications in the stnto. Hnjovs n liberal put-
ronngo , Is very popular nnd circulation 1.500.
llo.ison for selling , business 1ms giowu BO thnt
proprietor cannot do the entire work without
nu assistant , nnd prefers partner ton salaried
.man. Small capital icnulrcd. Applicant must
fill nl h first-plugs references' . Hare chnnco for
the right mad. Address or cnll lor particulars
and copy of paper Editor Courier , Lincoln. Nob.
OK SALE Mcat market , Including buildings -
ings , team and everything complete. Will
exchange lor cltv property or land hi Nebraska
Il\0.ulroof K. F. Hlngcr. ! i23
lITlOll SALE Ono of the best lostnurnnts in
fSJL' the city ; splendid location ; good trade ;
\torms very icasoimblo. Higglns APnrko. .
V , 337
TTIOK SALE A first clnss bakery , rcstnurnnt
11 nnd conlcctlonery stand In n town of seven
thousand inhnbllnnts. Inqulroof F P Fay &
Co. , Omnha.
SALE In tlist-clnss location , grocery
Foil and fixtures ; smnll cnpltal required :
rent low. Inqulrn at drug atoro , loth nnd
Douglas. 787
SALE $3,000 will buy n goncrnl stock
FOK goods together with the good will ofn
vroll-establlshcd nnd flourishing business In one
of Mndlson county's best towns. Imlnnco ol
pnvmont on very llnortil terms. Kcnson foi
Boiling Bntlsfnetoiily given on application. Ad
dTP IT. I ) . AC CO. . IlPOOnlCC. _ fiM _
" | Tl ( K SALi : Clipnp , u milk dairy. Soldon
J ? Hros. . 5'il S. 13lh Bt _ 635
"moil SALE Cotitor , show CUSPS nnd Flocl :
, J.1 of Mrs Folgcr's fancy stoic at 303 N I5th Rt.
Short tlmii mil- . _ 417 _
Tmoil EXCII.VNfJE-Stocks of goods of every
-L kllul , for 1'arms und land ; nlso hinds to ox
clinngo forgoods. If you wnut to trade , no
mutter whnt It itynuhrtvo , write , with full do-
crlptlon , to C. 13. Mnync , icul estate bioknr ,
Omnhn Nob. lift
) ro oxclianun for stock of hnnl.
wnro nnd gomirnl morrhandlsi ) . 5BO acres oC
tine Tlinyor Co.Nph. , land ; 6 loH in ( Jono.i ,
Nob. , good Btoro biillillni ; ( host cnrnqr ) ; peed
dwelling ( host locntlon ) In Kssot , In.i nlso 83
ncics 'J milo from town of IIssov , In. , seeded In
blue ernss. For further iiartloul.irs udi
John Undcrholm Cpntrnl Cltv Nobruskn.
- bonutlful China to !
sets In show window of Moody'H Ohlni
BtoicK)2 : ) North IGthst. 'Their beauty attract !
the nttoiiUou of ovoryhody. 4211.8
Neat nnd tasty all-wool bus !
lipss suits for only 7.00. All sl/os. Mnl
order } Illlod. L. 0. Jones & Co. , 1309 F.irunm.
To persons who wish to build n
homo In Orchard Hill , I will soil lots upon
1" of the nominal sum of ten iollars ] am !
1 Jnymout > : nt the Pud of five years. Intorcst nt I
ppr rent , payable poml-nmiuully. This Is the
best olli-r ovi'r mmlo to miy homo-scelior In thl' '
city. Call nnil eeo mo. C. 15. Miiyne , S , W. cor ,
16th nnd rnrnnm. 57) )
OK KENT-lloom and board for two. ion
I'npllol nvo 14 : !
- ' nnd brown cow with whlti
* pota , 10 yours old , has 4 yards rene '
hrr horns nnd wuanlioui to Imvo calf. FliiUo
wllllcuvu Infornmtlouat J. KcmiUsllMS 1,1th st ,
and bo well paid. 435-S *
STUAYHD On Mnv fl , a brown-rod gam
roostpr A rc\\anl will bo paid ou rotinn ti
8Wuorlodgnnndlbthi.t ) 4IMO >
UI'-3 calvus at II. W. Hull's , norll
TiAKEN bt 374-8 *
TAKEN" Dark bay mare , whlto rlgh
hind foot , whlto Etar forehead , strlpn 01
noso. PAnl Thlcston , llurr Oak add. , Afost o
Qunlpy'g bii'ip tactory , 116-28
TAKEN Ul' Ono shcop. Owner can Imvi
finiiio by proving propoity und pnylni
chnrgos at 318 S. luth st. A\ir \ 22-29-May d-13-3
. AltCHKH , Into of the llrmof Aruhoi
Albright A : Aylcsworth , und Wllllai
Fitch , tin- ice dealer. Imvo lurmod u nnrtnei
ship to do u ( icnornl icnl cstuto business o
i.oiumlssioii.niiil would ronllully Invltu all thai
frknulJ to llbl their propoily with us. Archer i
Filch , 218 t . 15th St ToluphQlic27l. .WO
Sfo/S A WEEK oaslly'mndo nOioirio ; i Ten" !
P jV/ ant work lor l.tdlcs und gontloiupn ; n
cauvussing ; scud2o lor circular. Cbronotyn
Co. , loii ycr. . Ikr ! .
IJHIVV nnd cesspools clean vd by K. Ewlng , 1
J. o. I IPX 4'7. M0my.i2
UI5NT A"store u a good retail strcel
Apply tbo Omnl.a Uenl Kstiito and Loai
Co. lo ?
T.IOKKENT Squnro Piano , 1 monthly. A
J.1 H ospc. 1513 Douglas. I'll '
-r oil iTENT-Saunro Piano , $4 monthly. A
Ftill KENT Orguns , f3 pvr month. Hospc
ISia Douirlns. Wi
SALK Furnlturu nnir.\ttires ; ; omiilct
1AOK fovcu-room house : house can bo rcutv
fort- * ) * IBO : will alto bfll mcut market ortu'
inn tamo. C.i'l urddrcfs I'i-'l lio-vtirdstro ?
" - " ' , K U. ' U7M ? .
TrPIV,8A'K I'lnom'mr ' > on > " > 6nih0 | or dou-
J1 bio drltor ; also single buggy ! a bnrgaln. Caller
or nddross 1415 Jones. SW1-8 *
_ _
TT Oll sot , good as now , nt n
J1 bnrgnln. Apply 910 Whontnn St. 334
T71OR SALK-Hnkcry nnd oonfectlonory in a
.rlyJ3' ' ? Trowlnir town of the hpnfthlcst
pnrt of Nobrnfikn. It would pny very well to
combine It with rcslnurnnt Good reasons for
glron. Apply to Clms. Gnstyro , bov 50 ,
, iHO-8 *
_ _ _
7 > OK SALlFlfty shnres Ncbrnskn nnd lown
1 insiittinco company's stock , nlso fifty shares
i cR.l,9rn "pmo Insurnnco company's stock. I
A. Mlllor , Council Illuirs , 310-12
" 17 ° ' 1 , , SALI : Chcnp My hotel tlitnres , or
1 will trnde for other property. Call or nd-
tlrcss Omnhn House , Hnruoy , between 12th nnd
13th streets. 807-10
T71OK SALE Tlnwnro ind steve business ;
- * - ' tlnshopconnected. Address K51 , Hcoodlco.
. _ . 271-8 *
T7 pu SALE-HotiPohold furnlturo. horse ,
X1 buggy'hnrncss.snddlo , etc ; will sell cheap.
Imiulre 1010 Fnrnnm. 850-12
TT9 j . . " S"ftrds gooil carpets , single
J bolslaul nnd nome ether furnlturu very
cheap by party leaving city. 1210 Douglas St. ,
lloom 3. 40.M1 *
Tp0 , ! ! ; 8ALE-13 stand bcos o" < "ip ; west end
JL1 31B Cnldwoll street. 241-8 *
T71OK SALE Another cnr load of No. 1 mlloh
* cowsat Hrldgo Ynrds. Penny 4 Jester ;
418-13 *
_ _ i -
I ? ° Ji 8ALK Wo ' offer < 00 3-ycnr-old steers ,
L 'TOS-yonr-old'stnors ' ,
8001-ynnr-oldstPcrs ,
400 hoofers nnd cows , mostly coming on.
The above cnttlo nrp goodstrnlght Iowa nnd
Dakotastock. .Strange nros. , BlouxClty.
FOK SALE cheap , parlor , bedroom and
kitchen furniture , carpels , stoves , etc. , In
six room cottage. Liberal terms If taken In
bulk. Apply 1009 Cnss st 440
TJIOK SALE Furniture of n nvo room collngp.
J-1 Address-J. L. cnro S. P. Mono * Co. 442-11 *
TTMmsALE-Or trado. Ono new 85 H. P.
A3 Holier andSJ H. P. Rnlno. Will soil cheap
for cash or trrtdo for closlrnblo real estate. Ad
dress Goo. A. Fry. Dcnunco , lown. 63J
Tj < OK SALE Ono ( food horso. lulu Fnrnnm.
* _ _ _ zoo
Tj < oit8Al.E Squnro pluno.S.VJ , monthly pny-
Amonts. . IIospo , 1513 Douglas. 007
TfOK SALE Match teams and horses of nl
I1 kinds to suit customers ntstnr Sale Stables ,
201h nnd Ctimlng. M. Cannon. Prop. 777
FOK SALE A new steam roller mill In No. 1
business locality ; line wheat country ; but
little competition ; $17,50Jcost moro. W. H.
Green , 215 3 13th st 829
FOK SALE-Uprlght piano. $103 , monthly
payments. 1 lospo. 1513 Douglas. DOj
FOK HALE Doilmblo 0-room hotiionnd full
lot on grade : nil In splendid condition. Cull
nt 1107 S. llth st m4ni2J *
WANTED-A llrst-clnss end Inundress. Aj > -
ply nl the Coz/ons. 408-8
WANTED-Sonmstresses nt Crtnflold MT'g
Co. . llth and Douglas , up stnlr-i. 222-14 *
WANTED A strong woman to run n henvv
sen Ing machine. Apply Mr. Harrison , S.
P. Morao & Co. 440-11
WANTED Good girl In private famllv for
gcnoinl hou owork. Apply 723 S 18th st
430-11 *
WANTED Girl for general house work. In
quire A. W. Muyno , s. o. cor. 21st and
Wobslor. 474.11
WANTED Immediately n girl for general
housework. Must bo good cool : . Wngcs
$5 a week. 2303 Hurt street 472.11 *
WANTED Lady or young man to wash sil
verware , hours of inculs , for board. Gate
City llostaurnnl.corncr 15th und Capitol avenue.
430-3 *
\\7ANTiD Girl to do general housowork.
> V Apply 2114 Hiirnoy. 251-10 *
WANTED Tno netlvo Indies to sell light
household ai tides In this city on salary.
Call or address 2417 Marsh St. 4-'C.8
WANTED A middle ngod lady for gpnornl
housework. Gall between 10 and 12 n. m.
lit 1311 Davenport street. 428.b *
W ANTKD-Glrl for second work nt 1007 S.
llth Btroct. 421.8 *
TT7ANTED Girl for gcnernl housework ;
- smnll family. Sownrd street , between Kluif
nnd Campbell. Mrs. Wright. 303-10 *
WANTED A competent girl for uenornl
housework In n tnmlly of thrco In n smnll
nnd convenient house , ( ttl I'nrk nvo. 410
V\7ANTED A girl for gonornl housework.
H. 13. Copsou , 1011 S. 15th st , bet renter
nnd DPI ens. ot'O ' 8
\VANTED A gooil girl lor gonenu house-
woik. 1900 Fnrnum. 357-8
WANTED 17 Rlrla for general housework ;
good wngos. Nebraska Employment
Agbiicy , 119 lUth St. nud Capitol avc. 375
WANTED Good girls for gcnornl house
work , fliBt and second work ; good places ,
( rood wuges nud no churgcs. Cull nt Omnnii
Employment Uuiouu , 1120 I'arnmn. 370
WANTED Sovornl girls for cooking and
gonornl housework. 325 N IBIli iWa-8 *
W ANTED Afrlrl for go no nil housework.
1813 Webster st. 3S3-8
WANTED A Indy assistant bookkeeper ;
must write a plain business lianil , and
como well recommended ; none need apply that
Imvo not hud ROIIIO oxporloncoeither ns cashier
or assistant bookkeeper In Omahn. M. F. Mar-
till. 3111 H.15tliBt. _ _ 372
\JITANTHIi-A llrst-class girl for general
TT hoimcwoik ; musMio n good cook ; none
bulllrft-rlassnoeil ajiply ; wages5 per month.
2122 Davcnpoi t st ; L"0
WANTED Girl fpr gcricial housework ,
corner Hlondo nud Campbell streets , north
west corner. 305
WANTED A good iflrl lor gcnornl liousc-
woik ; good'wrtgcs. Inquire2514 Capitol
avenue. 2"J'J '
W ANTED Girl lor gcucrnl housework nt
2IOJ Furnum. 25ii
TANTIJD First-class cook und laundrfss.
2:503 : I'nrnnm. Mrs. J. M. Thiirston. Wi'J
WANTED At once , n neat competent girl
to do gonornl housework lor n small family.
Apply at Hioa Cnss st ' .ill
W ANTED Lnillos and gentlemen in pity or
country to tnko light work nt their homos.
$1.00 to J3.Dun day paslly made ; work eont by
miill.nocnnvnsshig. Wo Imvo n good demand
tor our work , nndturnlsh Rtoiidy oinployiiiont
AiUlrucs , wllh Btnmi ) , Ciowu M't'g Co. , 2111 Vine
fill oot. Cmcimmtl , Ohio , 63511114 *
\VANTKU-A tfirl nt Doran House. WFar \ -
V > num. 4il ) !
7ANTED--Good kitchen ghlntllJ N. 15th
st. U27
\ 7ANTED-A snlcsmnn with good ncquulnt'
> I mice In Nobrasku , northern Kansas nnil
Dakota , doslros position. Address Jno. W
Poole , Hastings Neb. 414-S'
WANTED A young mini , rolliieil nnd re.
BpcctnbloUhcs n room with convoul
euros , with n private family. Loratlon high ,
Addroea with tenus , li. ii7 , Hce olllc * . 451.h"
w ANTED ,10 peed moil for railroad work al
Cltodron , Neb , ; wages § 1.75 per day ,
Free transportation. Cull nt Omaha Km ploy
niont Huronu , 11 A ) Fnrnam strcut , 4TO-S
TXT'ANTED A m n who can speak the Scnn
TV dlnnvlnn und tlcriuun lunguneus. Ad
dress i : O'J , Hoe ollloo.
\frANTKD To ongngo experienced sulpplnv
i Y clerk with recommendations. Address K
El , Hoootllru. 417.11
Hey with ono or two years' ev
porionco , Itoudcr , DruirgUt , 12th and
Harnoy. 423-8 *
g eollcitoi
TT for u specialty ; big snlHry to good n.uti
Address U IX1 , Hco ORIro. .
Hurber A Qrat-cluss iiiun cur
WANTED Job ami good pay nt Chin
Motor's , Korli'lk , Nob. 351-8
WANTED A good baUcr. N. K. cor 1611
_ aiidCuplol _ _ ! ave ; _ i > jT-8
WANTED Hey from respectable parents tc
Iciarn the Jewelry luniiulactutlug bushioss
MluMo > urA : H-o. _ ! it > 5-8
ANTED Three upholsterers. Dewey &
_ Ftone. _ 3 8 _
"IT/ANTED I.aborprs , Hamsters , nnd plcl
IT and Hhorcl men ; steady Job. B. S. Al
bright H. It. I-nbor Afiinpy , I'JJS Vurnttm , Ul
TrANTE"Dgood , ri > linblo furniture si'tcs
T man who can comu well rocommunUeJ
M. F.Martin illCS. 1Mb. 07
t ANl ED Snlesraen neoJing prolltnblo em
T T plo ) 'nwit. Sularv $75 nnd ppcns s. Good :
staple , sold by unraplo. AJdross , vltliRtump
l.-S.Mfg Co , . Chicago. 04niy. *
\\7ANTKD-FurnUhed room within SO block
TT of U. P heujijuiutcia from $7.00 to 110.0
per month. Address K. 3 Hoe ollico , 417. b *
nation by a cornpotfnt cool
lu a private family. Cmi tuKq cntin
fu nucl uudpritauds uutti'r Disking nlso
A.Uiess C. (3. UVQ. oitico. 411,13'
A situation PI chnmbarmald or
WANTED plrl In prlvato family , or assist in
light housowork. 411 North 12th st 392-8 *
ANTED-Uy rollnblo nnd Steady young
mnn , situation ns snlosmnn In boot nnd
Shoo store In lown or Nobrnska ; can do repair-
Ing. Address K 69 , Hoe olHco. _ 855-10v
WANTED Uyn young mnn , a position ns
salesman in cither dry goods , groceries ,
boot nnd shoo store with 4 years experience
good rofpnnro , wages no object In Jown or
Nobrnska. K 42 Hco office.
V\ANTK1 > situation by n young man ns
TT slcnogrnpher nnd tjpo wilier. Good ro-
commpiiOatlons. Will wait three days. Address -
dress EJJO Hco ofllco. _ * 'BJL ? _
ANTED Hj-n womnnn situation lislTouso
W keeper. Plenso call at No. 218 N. ! > th St
250-8 *
- by Indy M slono-
WANTHli-Posltlon - ! has good busi
ness education nnd ims bud several yours ox-
porlonco ns stenographer. Address I : 4t , Iloo
ulHco. 248-8 *
_ _
WANTHO Hoard by young mnirlcd Inly ,
In suburbs of city. Prlvn o family. Answer -
swor Immediately. Mrs. S. , Moiclmnts' hotel.
478-10 *
_ _
WANTED-Tarlncrwlth $250 , to tnko clmrpo
of nlllco , In light manufacturing buslnes.
Pays $250 per mo lit In Address K , 7) ) , cure Dally
Hco.Omnhn. 47D-11 *
. _ _ _
TrrANTKD-Qlrls or lx > ys for dlnlnirroom.
' Gate- City Hcstnurant , corner IBth nnd
Cnpttol iivonuo. _ 431-8 *
WANTED- Inside proporty. E. F. Hlnger
hns oustnmvrs for tnsldo property from
$3.600 to $15,000. llil ti. lJUi.ilroot. . > 410.
ANTKl-ln private family , unfurnished
parlor , bod-room nnd closets for iiillto ton-
nnt with cnro of the rooms , on Ist'ur ' 2d Iloor.
Prefer west 16th nnd N Fnrnnm. Addi oi * K 08 ,
lice olllco. 454-11'
) Improved property. If you have
Improved ] > iopoi > y for snlo , list , It-wlth
Grnhnni & Ucnowa , Crolghton block. 43S-11
WANTKIJ-50 teams. E. S. Albright , K. H-
Labor Agency , 1303 Fiirnam st f 425
\l NTID Georgia or Virginia nvcnuo'lot ,
V > worth $1,000 to SI.N30. Wo hhvo customer
waiting. C. J , Coswoll &Co , room 10 , Nebraska
Natloimlbnnk. 73-8
ANTUli To Uont-Ilonso of nvo to eight
rooms In KOOI ! locality by permanent cash
tenant with lonso for ono or two years. Cnll or
address Omaha Financial Exnhnngo , S. W. cor ,
of 15th and Frtrnam. _ - . . Q3' '
WANTEIJ-Doslrablo bulldlnk' lot' ' at b'tioo ;
nlvo number of lot up.d location. Addresi
Eg , HooOfUco. _ 701
WANTKD Wo want to pot at once n neat
liouso and lot on or half lot -for lojs tlmn
$2.000 ; must bo worth the monojv Also a desir
able vacant lot. Addrcss'ltush & Solby,218S.
151 li. _ , ; ii _ tt12i
> lioslmblo house nnd lot for , homo
at moderate prices no funoy prices wntit-
od. Addicss E' . . Boo olllco. _ 7C3
\T7ANTni ) Hoiisostor eooJ tonunts. J. H.
Y > Evans & Co. , 151' ! Dodgo. _ 013
lOOhousos nnd cottnifos to rent
WANTED you good tenants nt oueo. Mahoney -
honey A : Harris. Uoom 11 153'J Fiutmm 87711111 *
Ij OIt HUNT NlcoOroom liouso , shnclo trees ,
J lot 00x1(15 ( , near Hmicfnm park , $ I5.0J. U. 13.
Mayno.s. w. cor. 15th and Fnrnnm. tf4C3.ll
7WR KENT Alter Juno 1st n 11-room house ,
L ? Ill N 13th. $75 per month. C E Muyiio. l.ith
und Fnrnam. 475
KENT A 3 room House with hind nnd
Foil , S10 per month. 15th Mid Piicltlo
streets. 4UI-IO *
Ijioil 11ENT Houpo.birn , Jin. Lrnvcnworth
J ? bt. , 8 blocks west Park nvc. llox 712. city ,
oil ItllNT Cottniro s e corner 17th and
Davenport st. nt ? 1GS. . Lehman. 45)
KENT 19-room house. 1012 Farimm.
F H. C. Patterson. 421
KENT Largo residence , 013 S. 17th st.
Inquire nt fill , two doors noith. 887
KENT For ono Beaten , 2J ucros liny
Foil lu Kensington Plnco , For further In
formation aidless Mat Hovel , 1'leico , Nob.
3U.13 !
TOOK KENT-Or Snlo-Tho Aillngton Hotel
-E in Holurcgo , Nob. ; hngoit house nnd best
hotel In the city. Address T. M. Honwood.i
Holdroeo , Nub. U5S-H
KENT Grand Army Hull , No : 1311
IpiOK . sticot , will bo let to lodges nud
societies at loasonnLlo rates : Is ou the second
Iloor , cusy of access und only ono block Irom
the dltlon-nt vtroot cur lines. Apply tn 1) . A.
Hurley , U14 Dodge street. HC5-12
KENT Rrlck house , corner llth und
FOK . 27S- *
TOOK KENT A closlrunlo rosldonoo on Fnr-
-U imm Bt.noar court house , H looms , hosl lo-
cullen In Iho city. For paitluulurs apply to S. A.
Sloinon , 11)14 ) Fnrmim Bt ESO
T71OK KENT 70-acre furm.T. Murray.
JJ 7 00
1OK KENT Nicely furnished room with
_ bqnrtl.L714N. llthst. ! _ _ 017 _
oil KENT Saloon , und flxturos for snlo.
F IPS Bouth inth st. 500
FOK KENT Uiickyard. T.Murray. 531
SALE At a bargain , Hue U-oom noits'j
with modern conveniences : full lot ; on
Harnoy st. near 25th ; $5,3JJ. Potter & Cobb ,
1515 Furnatn St. UYJ
TOOK KENT-Gardon lurm. 303 3. Hth St.
J- ? 7-il
" 171 OK KENT Nlco B-room cottnsrA.S. T.
J } PctL-rsen.S. II. cor. 15lh and Dojglus. 581
OK KENT-Tivo "i.oyiy funlishod ( rout
rooms , 2511 St , Mary'ii , mo , ou-Grcth Ci.r
Line.- ' , 'jfl ' , rij4v"rW \ i
KENT Front room'wltltboitld for gou-
FOK only. Itofcrcntu ro/julrixlt 1721
Douglas bt y t . . < ltfJ-10 *
Iiioil KENT Newly furnished .ronmTSlnfrlo
nud pn Btilto , lor goiillotiioii'only. . Over
Lester A ; MoirellS pluiruuicy , 1IH1) und Dodsro
bt. < . 44U. _
TfTlOK KENT Fiirnlstiod rooni3 3i > ev jnonth
V lit COS N 17th St. .1 4J311 *
1 ) K KENT AlurnUhodcottngO' BOtlthwCSt
cor 2Jth nud Suward st. 'Apply at onci- .
-4.H-IO . *
OK KENT Furnished
rooms. 607 S. Kith St. ,
TTIOK KENT A well fUi'UlshCd ro < JtiuJtt'dlck
J ? block , 1500 Viininm-st.'lnciulro ' Hoom'17. '
415-b *
FOK KENT-llooui and bonr.d lu strictly
private family lor ouo or two gcntlQiaci ) .
114 N. 18th st , bet , Dodge and Capitol ave.
1 - li'Jl-12 *
HUNT FurnlshuU or unfurnished
looms , 2121 , coiner of Lotivcnworth nnd
25th BIB. .3H2.12. *
FOK KENT Largo front room , fiirnUhod ;
Eultublo for 2 guntlonion , III 13 Chicago st.
OK KENT 2 rooms , furnlshuil or unfur
F nished , outside ontrunco. 'Mil Howard st.
350-b *
KENT Nlcoly fumlshea rooms In flno
Foil , 400 Walnut at , eight minutes walk
southeast U , p. depot , to , tj nnd $8 per month.
F OK KENT Furnished rooms. 22fl9 Dodge
Btroot. U3'j-ll *
TjlOK KENT Nicely furnlshod room with or
X ? without board. 117 8.17th Bt , Holoronco
rcnuirod. 315-11 *
FOK KENT Ono largo ulcovo room , east
front , with board. KU Ploassmt et , 314-11 *
FOK KENT Goodrooms , and good board ,
KVJ.-J Farnam Etroet 332-10
FOK 11ENT Nicely furnlsUoJ room cheap ,
42il Convent st. 2&I
KENT Nicely furnlshod front room
Foil board. B. W. cor. Uth and St. Mary's
avcnuo. 265
FOK KENT Newly furnished room * close to
P. 0. The moil doblrablo iurnlslmd rooms
hi Ibo city , tit reasonable prices. 15U3 Cuss st
FOK KKNT-Niccly furnlshod rooms ; all
all modem couvunloucos ; gentlemen pre
ferred. ICUUUuitft. 27J-8
KENT S unfurnished rooms for liglit
JL1 hoiiBokcojilng.ln Hociuer's block , cor fcth and
Howard. 25J
Pi ) fl KENT 3 ploasiint t ii rn"lshdd iooTii97
20th st. . near St Mary's avu. liuiuiio s. W.
Dodge andjiHh. _ 102 _
TJHIIPKENT Lurgo nicely furnished room ,
JL' suitable for two pontfomun , with table
beard ; 3 minutes' \vulk irom P. O.lSli Dodgust
_ _ DIP
171 OK RUNT FuruUheJ rooms , 1818 Dodge.
' _ 8t5m2a
TTIOU KENT Elojuntly furnlshod rooms with-
JL1 out board. All modem convenience * . 222o
Dodge , _ _ _ _ too
Tmoit KENT Two stort ? roomson 16th street ,
Jnter , gas and 'sower connections. O. K.
Mayoo , cor IMh and Fnrnam. ' ail
MKNT Two" inexpensive rooms , with
board , mi WcUitcr slreoU 632
TTlon nnNTl-Storo room on 13th. C , K.
JJ Mnyno.SW cot1 15th nnd Fflrnnm. 4B1
POn KKNT Olllco and store room , Ornlton
JcDrummond , 1315 Htirnoy , 699
oiTTiiSNT TTogntTt "nnd" desirable rooSTsT
furnlshoilior.inirurnUhoa. 10J7 Donirl.u
Pt ltoforonccro < itilrodotnppllonnU. CC5
FOK KKNTr-Wlth board , ont > Inrgo ntooly
furnlshedfroui room , gas and bath roomnt
110B Jones St 1 27B
l > USH & sntvnY 213 S. 15th st , hnvo 0 nent
JLVcoitagcs lojtollion monthly pnymcnts. 460-8
OK SALE-aUots In Hoggs & Hill's addition ,
$1500 to $2iW. ! Easy terms , Hoggs A ; Hill ,
rcnUjSlnto , 1403 Fn'rnnm st. 453-8
T > USH & SI5I.HY 218 S tfith st , hnvo.6 nont
JAcottages to sollon monthly payments. 45U-S
" iTon SAl.l-251ot8ln Hoggs & IIIll's addition ,
1 $15 to $2500. Kasy terms. Hoggs & Hill ,
ronl estate , 1403 Farimin st. 453-8
T > USir& 8I5MIY-3I8 S. 15th St. , hnvo 0 neat
-lAcottagoa to sell on monthly payments. 450-8
OK SALE-25 lot ? in ifoggs : Hlli's addition ,
$1500 to $2500. Kasy terms. Hoggs * Hill ,
real estate , 1403Farnaui st. 45M
liUSIl & "snLnY-2l8 S. 1Cth st. , have 0 ncnt
Xtcotlagos to Poll on monthly payments. 450-8
TOOK SALE-25lots In Hoggs & HIlU's addition ,
JP $1500 to $2500. F.ay torms. Hoggs & Hill ,
real estate , 1(03 ( Farnam st 451-8
IJsTf & 8ELHV-213 B. Kith St. , hnvo 7 nont
cotlngos lo soil on monthly payments. 4V1.8
TOOK HAL"E S5 lots In IloBs fcltilrsiiddl-
J-A tloti$1.500 , to $2.510. P.usy terms. Hoggsic
Hill , lonl cstuto , HOS Fnrimm st. 453-8
& SI3LUY-218 S. 15th st , hnvo 0 nont
J-icoltayos to sell on monthly pnyinuuls. 4.'iC-,7 ,
FO ftHALK 25 lots In Hoggs & Hill's nddltlori ,
$1,500 to $2riH ( ) . Busy terms. Hoggs & Hill.
real estate , 1403 Fiuimm st. _ 45-'l-8
p USH & 8KlH\-218 a 16th st. , hnvo fluent
L cottngcs to acll on monthly payments. 455-8
Foil SALE 'TiotsinTioggs Hlll'a addition.
$1,500 to $2rou. Rosy torms. Hoags'&llill ,
real estate , 1 408 Fnrnamst t453-8
& SlSLHY-218 8. IGlh St. , have 0 ncnt
cottages to sell on monthly pjyinonts. 4V1-B
OK SALK-25 lots In Hoffgs& Hill's addition ,
? 1WO to ? 2,50 ( ) . Kiisytoims. Hoggs & Hill ,
rcnl estate , 1108 FArnnm st. 451-8
T > USH & SRLHY 118 8. 15th St. , have it Kent
-i-icotlngcs to soil on monthly payments. 45'-3 ' !
OK SALE-25 lots In Hopes .VIllll's nildltlon ,
Sl/jOO to f 2tm Knsytuims. Hoggs iIllll ,
rcnl estate , HOS 81. lol-S
TJUSH is 8FLUY 218 S. 15th st , hnvo o'nWt
J-icoitlges to sell on monthly j ayincnts
_ < M-St
oil SALK-SSO choicest lots in Omaha Vio\\ ' .
F UTOO. Will build houses. Terms to
suit nil. llOKtrs & Hill , real estate , 1403 Fnrnuni
street 45'J.8
$ in.0 , monthly pn/incnts , liundsoino
Chailosncar SiunJers st. Hush it Sulby ,
21Ssiah. 450-8
FOK SALE ISO choicest lots In Oliinhl Vlow ,
SIWDtn ? 700. Will build houses. 'Irrmsto
suit nil. Hoggs & Illll , roul cautc , 1403 I'lirnnni
btrcot. 4 VI. 8
$2,1)53 ) , monthly payments , haiid-omo cottngo ,
Cliailuanoar Sauudors fet. Itusligolby ,
218 s IKth. 4)li-a
TTIOll SALE-25lots In Hosprs & Hill's nddttlnn ,
JL1 $1,100 to S2-,0i. Misy torms. Hoirjjj & Hill ,
icjlostixto , Hffj'yaYlmniBt. _ j. " > 3.8
$1'J.)0 , monthly'jtni-inonts' hnn Isorno cottage ,
Chailes ucui' nindcis | st. Hush & Helby ,
JIB s 2.-th. 450-8
. . . _ | _ , _ _ _ _ , _ . _ , -
Foil SALE 231ots In llOff As Hill's a'JIdltlon.
$1,500 toSJlWKCliEiwy terms. Hoggs & Illll ,
iciil cs.ulc , U'j Famamst. 25.S-S
$ l.n.'fl. monthly payments , Imiulsomo cottiiito ,
Charlns liesJtmders St. Itusli Ar Hclby , . , . ; 4tJ"i-S
TfT'Olt SAL-v3 : hvln Hoygfl
- SI , W lo ? . ' , ' .m l isy terms. Hoggm Illll.
real estate , HUt I.'iiliiain st , 45'J-8
$ ll50riiiontliltrila ! ? , linnilsomo cottaco ,
Clmrlo * near , i-uunilots st. Hush & Holby ,
218sr > th. " ' - n" 457-3
TT10K SALESlJhs lu Uoirgs & Hill's nddttlon ,
Jv.J.l/)0 ; ( ) to4ii"iCO..J3i y terms. , Jloggs i : Hill ,
real obtuto14M/Fai / nnm st. ' 4:3-8
$1)0 ! , inonttily ravmbnts , liniuUomc cotta < ; o.
Clinrlos IQJV. : Sn.nders bt. Hush & Sclliy ,
218815th. 43U-8
FOK HALE 25 lotsi in Hoggs & Hill's addition ,
Sl.fiTJtofJ.HW. Kasy terms. Hoggs A : Hill ,
real estate , 14i)8 ) Furnum ht. 453-S
$1T > 0 , monthly payments , ImuiHomo cottTpe ,
Chailcs nonr Saundcra st. Hush & Sclby ,
218 s 15th.
FOU HALE 25 lots In Ho ss , S : Hill's ndditlou ,
Slr 00 to $ : ! .r'00. Kusy lei ms. Hojgs & Hill ,
ronl ostnto , HOrt rnrnnm Bt. 45'J-8
$1 , TOO , monthly payments , hnndsomo cottiiRO ,
Clmrlus ncnr b'nunileis fit. Itusli & Sulby ,
218 H 15th. IS'J-'J '
Foil SAl25lm8lii Hoigs & lllirp nddltlon ,
SI.'iCOtoS..nM. Easy terras. Hoggs A. Illll ,
renl cstuto , 1103 Funmm Ht. 453-8
$ ! . " > ? , monthly payments , hnndsomo cottagu ,
Charles near Suunder. " st. Itush A : Sclby ,
Sib s 15th. 450-S
FOK SALE-Sfi lo's In HOKPS& Hill's nddltlon ,
51,530 to 12.5.0 UBf-ytcuus. Hoggs * Hill ,
icnl estate , 1403 rnrnnm n. 453-8
llM.O'O , monthly payments , hnndsomo oottniro.
Poiuulos near Bnuiulcr3 st. Hush As Solby ,
218 Birth. l.iU-8
FOU SALi : lOO lots In Park Foiost , $5 down
nnd $5 pcrmontli- > 0 to J3JO. Hoses U
Hill , ) enl estate , 111) ) } 1'iirnuin Bt. .45J- > <
rpHE iip.s't nargaln on Fouth Slvlcunth s'troot
JL 133vl5j , only S5.0JJ , If taken In ll ) d iys. C.-
.1. Caswell & Co. , Itoom 1'J , Kebinsun Nalinuil
Hani ; . -1 > 0H4 ; 1
FOlt K.\TE-00 IoH In 1'ilik Forest , S5 dowii
imilS" per mouth , S25U to3W. HtVKSv
Hill , rojilfbtito , U08 rariiiim Pt. 4.TJ-
T H. KVANS it CO. . lm\o lor sn'o- '
f I The bos' business corner lull lot on Sauu <
ilcrsst i
A line corner Bont'i nndcnit front , Shl WiO
Corncr.Siuinilurs It llimb.iuirh's ndd , o\'or
250tectlront . . . . i. . .
Corner , kouth nnd cast tiont , Piospect
I'hioo , 55vl20 . KO
Coiner , i-outh and ei'st fiant , Piospect i
I'laceC5\75 . F5U
Coiner , south and east front , Prospect' i
I'Jtleo. and cottiiTO . , ' . 2,500
I.ots in 13 V Smith's add , cor ! J.'d nnd Ulnci1,104
HOST corner. funnyMdo . j . 1,200
Choice Inside lots Kuo them . : . . . . ; 'JOO
West Und lot , south front ou Oodeos n bar
gain. > . , -.1,100
OTTHH &JOHNSON-Henl oslnto'nifd'10TiilB ,
211 toulh 15th St. , up staliu
A lull lot on 20th bt. , onus room Ifouco nnd
ono 4 loom IIOUEO , paying 10 per cent , on ,
terms. H,50n
41 foot In MoCormlck ndd. fronting on two
stteots. uiilinprnvcd. A flno Investment. J2.50'J.
Two lot-i In Ilunsjom jihico in block ID , which
can bo bo \ \ RcUoap \ \ us owner needs montnr.
A full ncro of ground , n good 0 room'tiouso
and a burn , In ojioofthe most doslrublo loenl-
Ities In the olty.iTM-iiis to milt. & 3.XOO.
A flno 4-rooiiffioiiso , Shlnu's udilltlon , 33x127.
nil modern tmmiwomonts , $1G50 , i-0) cash , nud
bnhmco$20 per iiMnth.
A tulllol on.IoiieiBtrcet.
0 lots In lx v.udd , $50il to $600 n mo nth.
3 lots in Mursli's iWtl , f l.HOO each , nutuully worth
$2,500 cnch ; linudllgli ; splendid view of aur-
roundlnsCOUIK ry. *
UUxl25o-roomliousoon 17th st rcct in great bar-
An elegant i'-roomcottao ' In ono of the mott
doslrnblo locaflpnOQi city , $ U , ' )0$500cash ) ; 1-25
per month for Bamflco
Wo hnvo the ihiuit ilist of business and residence
property In tlujiftlty , i 'JUoso looUlnv for Invest-
uionts or lioniL's \ rcuiljilooll to cull uiion us.
f _ 407-10
POHSXLK ! lots.nnd tine liouso. Hnnscom
place , t6,05 U T-Jco. Oisen,218s. 151 h stioot.
TmOH SALK-Ixj | ln Plainvlow nt$450flnu
Jlots lu Hawthojcho and Hiinscnra plnco. The
tlncstc-Bt front lots In .Scliull's Ibt. Small and
lingo houses und lots in tiny iitirt of the city ,
Easy payments. Thee , Olsun , 2181 > . 15th slrout ,
JfOli HALE-Houfcs and I/its. Will bullO
ho n PCS lor all wanting homos In Onuihii
View If arrangements cnn bo mailu Eoon. HoggE
& Hill , Heal Katulo , 1438 Farimm Bt. 4M-8
) LoTS-Ne\vport.
ACltt Ants , 1507 Farmun.
OK SA LI100 lots In Park Forest , t' dowr
und $3 per month , f J.VJ to fJOO. lok' ! 8 A
Hill , rual cstuto. HCW Furnnin st. 453-8
G OOD Lot Virginia uvo. , near Woolwortl
f 1200. Graham & Ucnuwu , Crolgluon block ,
THOIt SALE-Houses and Lots. Will bulk
-L houses for all wanting hpmei in Omaht
Vlow if urraiitrumonts cun bo uladu teen , Hoggi
& Hill , Huftl Katato , HtH Farnam 6t 453-g
PATTEIISON 1'AitK Acres very cheap ;
only fc 0 lo 1350 cnch.
K ZS-farms of lt0 ! acres each , ncai
Omahtt , f30 lo f 10 per acre. Hogg * * Hill
1408 F inaw . . 453-8
Fen SAT.n Two corner iJts la Trospoot
I'lncofiuO onohony tormj.
Corner lot on Sownrd St. , 3 blocks from street
lxt In Nelson's add. , onst front , ( l.TOO.
Ixt ) on Sownnl St , , fSX ) .
Ixtt In Sunny Slilc. $1.150.
Ixit on IHlh st. , in I.nlio'8 ndd. , $1,17S.
n lots on 21th St. . near 1'iminni , $20,000.
1-ot In Polham 1'lneo. $000 ; easy terms.
I < ot on llodirc St. , InVoM lind. (1,100.
2 IIOIISM nnd lots , 16th St. , nrnr Paul , $ IOM.
Houeoof 0-rooins , lot notl3J , l7.nrd st , ncixr
2011 ] , $2,500.
Corner lot on Fninam st , , ( Oflrini ) $ M,000.
" lots on Knrnnm st , ( cnrncr ) $ .UOOJ.
2 lots on West Fnrnnm st , $15,500.
2 houses nnd full lot , IBth near \VcljStor St. ,
? O.OJJ.
125 foot east front on S. 13th St. , $11,000.
41 feet cast fronton S. 13th St. , $4,5X ) .
3 lots In llurr Onk , $3,20J.
Wnrohoiiso lot on Oth St. , $9OM.
txttlAon ! ) DodTO St. , near 12th , t4r,00.
Lot on Virginia nvo. , near Lesivomvorth St. ,
fS.OOO , terms onsy.
fl lot ? In Lowe's ndd. , from $475 to ? fi03 cnch ;
onir term1 ! .
Money to loan ntlowost rate of Interest , Goo.
T. Ilomls , S. W. cor. 15th nml Douglas. 200
FOlt VAt7iJrfoo lots In Park 1'orogt , Ki down
nudM per month. $ % 0 toguOQ. HOITKS
Illl , real estate , UQj Fiirnnm st. 4' > 3-
> ATTi :
TT10R SAI.n-Hotisos nnd tots. Will build
- houses for nil wnnlliiR homos In Omnlm
View Ifnii-niHTcnioMls Gun bo inndo Boon. Hoggs
& Hill. Itcnl Cslnto. 1103 Farnnm si. 4538
ATTliltSOX I'AltK-Sltuntcd 3J ! mites 8.
W. of court house.
. SAIi-Hoii es nnd lots. Will build
1 houses for all wanting homos In Omnlm
Vlow If nrrniiRpincntscnn DO mmlo soon. Hoggs
& Hill , Heal Estate , 1403 Fnrnatn st. 4l-
. ss fiirms of 1GD noros cnch near
FOKSAt.K $30 to f 10 per noro. Hoggs & 11(11 ( ,
1403 Fnrimm st. 4.-.M
F SAMC-ltnilSOS nnd Lots. Will build
i-1 lioiisos for nil wnntlnti : homes In Omnlm
Vlmv if arrnitgomunts run bo nindn soon. Ho
& 11111 , Heal Kslnto , H03 Furiiam tt. 451-8
. EVANS & CO. , hnvo for snlo good ohrnp
TH. wherever you want them Cull and
verify in Is statement _ 400-10
"CIO It SAM3-100 lots 111 Park Forest , $5 down
JE and : > pi-r month. $2V ) to $300. HORUS As
Hill , real estate. 1103 Fnrnnin st. _ 4KI-8
ATTKIISON 1'AUIC Acres sold on the In
P stallment plnn. Kach ncro Inrso enough for
i big residence lots. Situntod nonr Bolo l.lno In
the inaniifncttirlni ; locality they nro the best
ncros to buy. 1) . C. Pattarson , Owner , 1st iloor
Iron Hunk llulldlng. _ 210
SAI.n-Hoiiscs end Lots. Will build
houses for nil wnntmir homos In Onmhn
VIowlCnrraiiRomontscmi lie mndo soon. Hoggs
& Illil , llciil Kstatn , 1403 Farnnm st. 453-8
the btmollt of the working people I
will keep my olllco open until 9 p. in. ex
cept Sundays. 0. U. JInyno , southwest corner
llith'and Fnrnnm. 2C3-12
> .u SAM : iiou < oi nnd Lots. Will build
Ft houses for all wnntlnjjf homes In Omnlm
Vlow It nriMiivrnicntacnn bo mmlo soon , llogps
& illll , Ktnl Kstllte , 1108 Fiirnnin St. 453-8
JTlTl' 'ANS & C0..1ill3Dodjfo
You do not want to furm BO cull on us nnd
get n good lot within n day's travel of your busi
ness 405-10
TTioU SAUC-lloaso ? nnd Lots. Will bul'd
JIIOIIEC < ! for nil wanting homos In Oinnlin
View It niraniroiiiuntsonii bomaao soon. Hoggs
& Illll , Heal Kslnlo , 110H Farnnm st. 45J-8
HostS-noro tracts In the market ,
FOHSAMJ ) per ncro. Inqulra about thorn.
Potter AsCobli. 1515 Fnrimm. _ 8 > i
OK SAMC House ; and Lots Will until
house ? for nil wanting homos In Omnlm
Vlow If mrniiKomonNcnn bo made soon. Hoggs
& Hill , Ucul rotate , HOS I'anmin St. 4f't-8
Tmo IS SAM : Acre lot .nisc'sndd. , onlySl,5M
J Potter & Cobb , 1515 Fiirnam. P57 _
TTIOIl NAI.I3 I10UE03 mid Lots Will build
-U hoiifos for nil wuntlng home ? In Omnlm
View It nrranccments can bo mudo soon. Hoggs
& Hill , Uoal hstato , liOJ Furiinm st. ij'J-a
MKS : I'LACK No pradinar needed : level
A lots. Ames. 1507 Fnrnnm st. 411
SALE Houses und Lois Will build
houses for nil wanting homos lu Omuhn
Vlow If nriaugomentscnii bo made soon. Hoggs
& Hill , Heal Estate , 1403 Farnnm st 4M-8
IT1OK HALE -Flno 7 loom house Shins'3rd ,
JD ncur slicct cur , $2OSO. Theo. Olaan , 218 B.
15th ht. 4J7.15
SALE 25 farms of 1GO acres each , nenr
FOK . $3J to ? 10 per acre. Hoggs A : Hill ,
1408 Fill nam St. 453-8
T/1OK SALK Lots In howo's 1st iiddlllon ,
JD south fronts , easy terms , only S53J. I'ottor
A : Cobb , 1515 Furnain st. 851
SALE Houses nnd Lots-Will build
house * lor nil wanting homos In Omnhn
View If nrinngomcnts can be made to jn. Posga
& IIII1 , Heal Kstutc , 1103 Fnrnnm St. 45'1 8
T71OKSALE AtOW oftho host ots In Wllcox's
-C ndil. nt $300 each. Potter A : Cobb , 1515 Fur-
mini st _ _ _ _
SALE 101 lots In P.nk Forest , S.1 clown
FOK 15 per mouth , $ > 2ij lo ? 30i ) . lloggs &
Hill , ronl estate , HUB Furnain st _ 453-8
F OlT'SAl.liJr Trnito Improve und uiilm.
piovod lands In Fiiinns and ot lor western
counties. Address Wm. Slmornl , Arnpahoe ,
FurnasCo. Nob. 275
fT1OK S VLE Houses nnd I.ots Will build
-L ? houses for nil winning homos in Omalm
View If arrangements can bo made soon. Hoggs
is Hill , Heal Kbtntc , 1408 Furnain St. 453-8 '
. JIAYXE'S now map of Douglas county
GE. Iscomnlntoln civory ( let. ill ; It Mils n long
felt want The prlco H low , considering the
mnouutof work noscsury to prod ueo It. For
snlo nt C. 12. Mayno's real ostntu olllcc. Bl3-mU
| 7\OK \ SALE Houses and Lots-Will build
Jj houses lor nil wr.ntlng homes tn Oiuiihu
View il nirnngumonts pan bo made BOOII. lloggs
yHljl , Itenl listato , 1403 Furna-.n Bt. 453-H
rtOTK HIULLf ANTK Aero lots III $150 to $200
Vyniothocboapest in the marUot. Adjoining
additions snmo dlstaitco nro soiling for fr2. ' > 0 to
S400. MhU is your last elmiico to ecctiro gomo of
those lots on easy torms. W. A. ii. Olbbon 1217
ami 1210 Loavonworth st. 4VJ-S
"CWti hALE Houses and Loth Will build
4-1 houses lor nil Mailing homos tn Omnhn
Vimv If iiiTungoinunts < an ho mndo toon. ISofcVS
, llo.ilEsli. la , 1403 -uamht. . 4Y1-8
: PLACE No such lots in any other lo-
Aaiis at the prices nskoil. 411
SALE 100 lots in Park Foiost , S'ulown
Foil & 5 per innnth , 2.jU to $ JOO , Hoggs A :
11)11 ) , run ! estate , 1106 Fiirnam st. 1V1-U _
OK HALE Two lots on Georgia avo. , each
' Urhnam A : llonawn , Orolghtoii bloulc.
SALE UK ) lots lu Park Foiost , $5 down
FOK Killer month. S.J50 lo $3JI ( , llogh' 3 ; A :
Hill , icul ostiito , HOB Fnrimm bt. 453-8
( ) K.SAIE-Cniup lots In Hurr Oak , Just e.m
ofllnnscoin P.irk. noarstrouto.iM , ? 75'J ' , easy
terms. Potter As Cobh. 15I5 Fiunumst B51
100 lots In Pai- : Forest , f 5 down
nnd f 5 per month , ( > ' ) to $300. Hoggs ft
Hill , real utule , HOS Fat mini st 4V ) a
I71OII SALE Fiuo east front lot Hntiscom
J3 place f 1500 , Graham & Houuwa , t'rolgbton
block. 43c.ll !
- cholco t lots In Omaha Vlow ,
FOKSALE-280 Will build lioiison. Toruis tc
suit all. Hoggs & Hill , Kstalo , KOS Farimra
Bti cot. 4.VJ.8
OTH HIULLlANTK-Acrolots. cluslng "sale
-Will soil lots In this uoautllul addition lei
the next thirty days ullM lofJOO ,
mill 6(101110 a bargain. Terms easy , W. A L
Qlbbon , 1217 A ; 12IH Lenvonwirth bt. 452-a
A CHKLOTS-CotoHllllanto
Jiio AMBS , 1507 Farnnm ,
oil HALU Houses und Ix > ts. Will bulU
IIOUBLS lor nil wanting homes in Onmlu
Viuw if nrrnngomontscnn bo mndo Boon. Hu-
& Hill , Heal Katnto , 1408 Furnain St. 46 > 8
lTOKSArnjrTirooniiolot9 \ In Bhlnn'sSd add.
-13 utfSJO each. Potter & Cobb , 1513 Farnnm.
. KVANS & CO. , 1513 Dodge
JH. Call for rholcu Improved residence prop
crty Wu hnvo more than we canndvcitiac
much that wo are not permit led to 402-10
T7foK SALE-HoilSOS wid Lots-Will built
-C houses tor nil wanting homes in Onmhi
Vlow if nrrangomonts cnu bo nui'lo suou.
& Hill , Heal F.auito , HU3 Fiirnnin st.
AlTci.VINS W3not ) takes u now 7 roon
B housQon full lot , on Hamilton sticot , noui
car lino.
fl,70J takes n nice cotlago , burn and full lo
in Ix > wo'g add.
t'l.STiO , ulco lot on Georgia avenue , ono lo
from Woolworti avouuo ; * 703 c.i h , and thru
year's time.
fd,50) takua a ulco plnco on Huson stteot uca
postotlico , and Is u bargain ,
7,500 tuVr.s a nice place on Hurt street and 01
Oityy terms I
It you want lots In Klrkwood , Hcdford Piaco
Hawhorno , South Omalm , Thomas' und Scare
additions , go and see Bears , KB cor. ISIh am
Dodgo. M. F. Benrs , 1421 Dodgo. U08 _ _
fjlO K SALE House * and LoUH WluTuI I
J3 houios for all jvutitlmr Uoiiioa In Oiniih
Vlow If urn moments can bo madv 90011. Hnvg
& Hill , Uoal Ketate , 1408 Farnam fetl -8
FOKS.iLK-TivoIotalu PlainVi ; w , St oasa
Potlor & Cobb , 1315 I'm uum at , I'ii '
BARflATNS in Improved and unimproved
proporty. W. H. Oroon , 815 8 13th st 633
[ ) ATTRHRON PAHK ACHKS-Nonro t , best
L and clicapojt. 218-12
ouscs nnd r ts-WIll build
houses for nil wnntln ? homes tn Omnhn
Vlow If arrangements I mndo BOOH. Hoggs
V Hill , Heal KMntc , 1103 Fnrimm st. 451-8
U. KVANS & CO. , Solo agents , lots In Cros-
i ton 431-10
_ _
Foil U.YI.K-SO ncros to subdivide , S 5inlles
from Couit House , A fortune to the
buyer. T , S. Clnrkson , 1500 Fnrnnm. K S
DL'PONT PLACK Is only two blocks south of
llnn com's Pnrk. Kvory lot covoro.l with
bcnutlful foiojt trees. Clark A : lYinch will
tnko plcn uro In shojvlng you the lots. Terms
to suit No. 1MO Douglns street. 420.13
JI1. KVANS * CO. , Solongonls , lots in Cros-
ton. 401-10
TOOKSALE 25 farms of 1IW acres ouch near
J' Omnlm , $30 to ? 40 per ncro. lloggs & Illll ,
llOSFninnmst. 453-3
SALE 25 farms ot 10) ncrcs onoh near
FOK , $30 to $10 per ucro. Hoggs & Hill ,
H03 rnrnnm st. 4S3-8
- ACUnS-Greonwood.
O 410 ' A MB * , 1M7 rnrnnm.
HAI.K-lly Htockdalo & Uuiichor , 1511
FOK st Vacant lots In nil paits of the
city nnd suburb * .
Mouses mid lots everywhere.
UutlnuM property In the best localities.
1'nnas nud wild land throughout the stnto.
Don't fortrct the pluco , Stoekdnlo & Uunchor ,
511 Dodge st. Tolophnno No. 703. 3:15-3 :
SAI.K 25 farms of 100 acres onch nonr
FOR , $30 to ttOperucro. Uogg4 to Hill ,
4'J8 Fnrnnm st. 4r > l-B
QPKCIAL HAUOAINS-77 feet on rnrnnm ,
O SViO ! ) : 2W foot on 1'arnnm HO.OCO. T. S.
ClurKson , 150tl Farnhnm. _ 867
. - lota In Park Forest , $3 uown
nnd $5. per month. $250 to S310. lloRns &
Illl , loltl ostntn , I40J Fariiam el. _ 45J-8
PAHK ACK13S-NcnrcM. best
and chcnpost _ 218-18
OK SALE 25 farms of ICO act os each nenr
F Omnhn , $30 to $10 per ucro. lloggs & Illll ,
403 Furnnin st
. F.VANS & CO. , 1513 Dodge Cnll on us
JH. bargains In cheap lots _ 401-10
j > OK SALE 25 fnuus of100 urrui each near
I 1 Omnhn , $30 to $40 per ncro , Hoggs & Hill ,
< 03 Fnrnam st. 453-8
.ion SALK 3 room cottasos on very onsy
F terms. Prlco $1.0 JO. Wm. J. Paul. 3Jth und
Chnrlcs or 1139 N. 19th st. 212-23'
jlOK SALE 25 farms of IbO ncros onch near
F Omaha , $30 to JlOporncio. lloggs A : Hill ,
403 Kuril must. 4538
ACHH AMES , 1507 Farnnm.
SALE 25 farms of 100 ncrrs encli near
Omaha , $30 to $10 per ncro. lloggs \ Illll ,
1408 Fariinni st. 4S' >
nnd chonpogt. 218-12
SALE 100 lots In Park Forest , $5 down
FOK $5 per month. $250 to $300. Hoiws &
Hill , real estate , 1408 Fnrnum st. 453-8
' loads thorn all In number of
JOKES'addition a nation "would back out If
10 could. " At 1301 rurnnmst. you cun tlll ttrt
lent mid tasty nil-wool suits loronly$7. 413-7
OK SALE 100 lots In Park ForostR down
nnd f "i per month , § 350 to S301X llo , i.
Hillreal ostnto , 1403 rarnnm st. 4W-8
Jnud chcnpost. 21S-12
171011 SALK-283 cholcc t lots In Omaha Vlow"
JJ $300 to $70X Will build house * . Terms to
suit all. Hosga A : Hill , inal estate , UOi Fiirnam
btioct. JI538
nrid oheiipcst. 21b-I2
SALE 2SO choicest lots In Omuliu View ,
FOU to S70J. Will build houses. Terms to
suit all. Hoggs & Hill , teal estate , 1403 I'm iiain
staoot. 45'l.a
PLACK-27th nnd Lake stroots.
FAIHMOUNT , low prices. Wo build houses.
P. S. Clarltson , 1501 Fninniii. BJU
OKSALE-2SO eholcoit lots In Omnhn Vlow ,
$330 to $700. Will build houses. Tnrms to
suit nil. Hoggs & Hill , rcnl estate , 1103 Fnrnam
street. i'l'J.S
PARK ACHUS-Nonrost , best
und cheapest. 213-12
T1OII SALK 280 Choicest lots In Omuhn View ,
- ' ? 300 to $700. Will build houses. Terms to
suit all. Hoggs & Hill , real estate. 110S Furuain
Btroct. trn.H.
TT1OH SALK Lonsod school lands Intinptsof
-Iv to ncros nnd upwards , no taxes to pay on
those lauds for20 yours. O. F. DAVIS & Co. , 15U5
Funmm Bt. T20-m20
SALE 100 lots in Pnrk Forest , S5 down
FOK ? " > per month. 5250 to $ 'JOU. UVPKS &
Hill , real cbtnlu , 14U8 Furnum st. < VI-H
In Btore houao nnd Hats , routs
for ? 50 per month ; $3,000. Grnhnm S :
Houawa , Cioighton block. 433-11
: ACHE 01 Cote niillliinto nt $150 to 200
ONi make six of the city lots thnt nro sclllm ;
onoml'o neiuor the postollico nt S'M ) to $ .7K )
ouch. Doom "r no boom which U thu snfust In
vestments. T.iko your cholco but call nnrly
W. A. L. Gibbon , 1217 & 1210 LoavcuwoithBt.
"I71OKS.4LE 25 fauns of IliO ncns ouch near
J ] Omuha , $30lo J40 per uiio. ; Hoggs i : Hill ,
1405 Furnum St. 4VI 8
FOK SALE 1,200 ncro ranch , llvms ator
running through laud. Can cut 1,000 ton
hay off land ; nlso 150 head cattle , 30 linad liorsoa
with necessary Implements , & .C. , Arc. , Au , to run
snld ranch. I'rlcu f 13,50)0. ) Addrtbs Hart &
SlcAndrew. AliiBivortb , Nobr.
AI oBIJ acroi fichool laud appraised nt $3.00
per aero , riiiinliijri ! , ) years ntslv poroeul , with-
Hi I mlle-iof Aliiswoitli ; llvlnf wntcr nnil will
take $ Hl'l ' lor loaso. Address Huit & .McAmlrow ,
Alnsworlh. Drown Co.Nohr. f37ui2J
TTMIl SAf.E-2iO choicest l'tl ( lu Omaha View ,
X1 WOO to < 700. Will build house. . Terms to
suit nil. Hogijs & Hill , real estate , HO ? Fnrimm
direct. 453.8
nHU.uo ) lost liypurtlos that I'ntlPd to buy
ucroa In PattPrBou 1'nrlc , IW ilayd 1170 nl 8176
nn ncro. Tlio tame property now ( ollimr nt an
nilviiiipo of 10 percent 217-12
TOOK SALE 2H ) choicest lots In.Onuilm Vlow ,
JL1 8Kto570J.Vlllliiilld ) houses. Tnnus tc
fliilt all , Hoggs & Hill , icnl estate , 1103 1'utnmn
Street. vl.TJ.S
lots sell nn their merits
OHCIIAKDII1LL easy terms given. Call al
O. E. Mnytio's olllca und got n pint , 20i
FOK HALE SbO pholei'st lots in Omalm View ,
? 300tofc700. Will build liotisin. Terms u
Riilt nil. Hoggs & Illll , real estate , 1(08 Fmiintr
Btroct 4V1.B
"IXrillSS Sub div-S ! ncro lots H milo frou
t > city limits. % xyto \ SWjperucio , that is hull
price , L'Jdwlck A ; cay , so cor 15th ; Dnuglug
TT OIt SAI.K 25 farina of 1IW noros ouch urni
J ? Oinnlin , .S ) lo 14 ppr ncro. Hoggs A : Hill
150S Farmun at. 451-8
\\rF.IHS Subdlv.-iH ncros Just platted In iicn
T > lots for sale , oomiue'icliiij Mou'Jay Mny 10
from flM to S.Vkl. AclJolnliufKcvo sol ) tor ) ,
to fS-X ) . Lituwlck & Huiiy , l.c cor luth am
Douglas. 471.
OH 8.VLE 25 fiiims of 1K1 acroi onch noni
I 1 Omalm , $ .K to 810 per acre. liogt A.-HIII
HOS Fiirnam st , 45'8
WIvlS.S . Sub dlv ncro lots nt half prlco , M
cilbh , bi',1 1,2 itnd3yi'HVii. tSiilncoiumonri * !
Monday , May 10th , to I u rlosodxnit In onu wm-U
Ltittwick & 8o'iy , so cor 1'ith ' und DoncliH. 47
> OIt SALK 25 furini : of IbO ncres pacb neil
Ii 1 Oiniiha. $ : n to $ lu per r.crc. HojrgsA : Illll
HOS Farnnm st.
75 feet on Hunscom Park , pnrfoot$2S.
8-room house and lot , car Hue ; S70J c , itl : , ti |
nucti munthly.
. ' . bt'iry btoro building , Bt , Mnry's ave en
llllli. 11,400.
lull , btveot lot nnd store dulidliig' , 2 storloi
buigulu , $ ' 1.5 .
( iuoiihoitsos , W.Vn it Hill , easy tcinu. liar
\Vtst Sldo lots , J'100.
Ilcautilnl ncroi , FAlrvlow , f"MQ.
Acros. Illiiiabinuh nnd Hiooklluo.
Lincoln 1'laco , on licit Line , VK5.
Sp'cndid roild'Jiiuv iala Ira C.ipltol ndd , S , K
h'o\onil lots am ] ucrua ou Lcnvoiuvorth st
Aml.U'r Pluco lots , ? 500 ,
( lood propoi tii ! ou I'nrk nvo.
Snlundli ) c'USt Iroiu lot ou Ciltborlne St , f2,000
> ( iusli add lots.
Hutiiu nii'l lot , Isaac * Scldcn'tiudd Cl.COO
t'nvcriil proper I let. In Kountxu's adds.
21oti , house and l > arn. 115 font liom Leaven
worth 6t , Oiisy payiueau , $3,5'.fl. '
Lmiv-'iiwouh m , pmpeity , pyr foot , $ ,
Wimt Slilo lots , M.O.
Lot ! ' . : Uunu A ; Suldou'8 ndd , f IM.
Knlrviuw , the highest Innd at lowest prices
ncni ? , J300.
HIilnn'B ' ( i nnd lot , f S.O'JO.
HaiiNlR turiiifr nnd nillio.ui lutorcft ? v-i
nlnko Wott KIJo lutt \ nluable , uo'.v ioO1'lol ' ! ! . '
l Uuil-e. a-V-15
riWO-Lots Qconln nvo. , $2,000 for boUj-
JL Grfthnm le Hcnftwn , Crelghton JBlOClti
SALK-100 loll In Pnrk Forest , M down
FOK $5 per month , $250 to f300. Hog * ? * *
Hill , ronl cstnto , 1408 I'nriinm st. 6K - T .
A JfSCOMT' LA G K ; choicest lots. Cheap ,
lluy quick. T. 8. Olnrksjn , 1600 Fnrnlmns.
rum SALE-100lots in Park Forest , $5 dowrt ,
I 1 nnd $5 per month. $350 to $300 , Hoergs * ,
Illll , i-enl ostnto , 1403 Farnnm st. < M- ,
TOOK SALK-rmo lot onst front Virginia -
JL1 nvo. flOJO. Umlinm A Uotmwn , Crohrhtoti
block. 4:18-11 :
77011 SALft-Housos nml l-ots. .Will build
JJ houses for nil wfttitlng homes In Omnlm
Vlow If nrrnngomonls cnn bo mndo soon. Hoggs j
& Hill. Heal Kslnto , 1408 Fnniain si. 453-8 1
TOOK SALE-Stookdnlo & Hunohor. 1611 1
Jj Dodge st. always Imvo on hand n nno lilt of r
good properties nnd many bargains. All klnjw i
of prices nnd terms , lloiieo * nnd lots In nil |
parts of the city. Always coo us ooforo you
liny or sell. Stoekrtnlo & Uunohor , 1511 DoJgo .
Bt. Telephone No. 705. 031-8 j
. . .1 SALE-28) ) choicest lots In Omnhn View ,
JL' $300 to $700 Will build houses. Ternls to
suit all. Hoggs A Hill , real ustnU , 1403 Fiirnnin '
snoot , < ' ' 8- '
UKEE-cood kits Clifton Plncoi SHOO and
SlSOOcncfi. Giaharn & Bonawii , UroUrhton
block. 433-11
T OK SALE 2SOuhotco t lots In Omnlm Vlow , i
Jj $ : 0 to f.700. Will build houses. Terms to i
suit nil. Hoggs & Hill , rcnl ostnto , 1403 iwnam
slroiO. 463.8.
OK SALK 25 farms of 100 acres onoh npnr
F Omnhn , $00 to $10 per acre. Hoggs * Hill ,
1408 Fnrimm nt 453-S
. EVANS A CO. ) 1513 Dodge Bt , QftVO
Jll. siilo ; _ . , ,
Abn rgnln In Arbor Plncn li'XJ ' .
211noTots In llurrOnk , the best. . 1,900
20 of the best lots In Kllby Place $300 to 600
4 choice lots , south front , flue timber , ,
Marsh Plnco , easy terms , . liBO I
nno enst front on Shormnn ave , with
fronton ITtli. . . 8,503
Choice corner , Shull'fl ndd , south nnd onst
front . . . . . . . . . . . * . . . . ,500
10 feet on Cunilng , for business. 3,000
Sovornl good coutu front corners on Leav-
.Choice graded lots , cor. 2Id nnd Grnco on
onsy terms . . . . . : 1,110
Flno corner , Clarondon,2 lots , now oot-
tngo , only 8,090
So mo of the best In Hawthorne nt bnrgnln
10 best corners * south of the trnoks.f 1,200 to 4,000
Flno 132x188 ornor , good house U.OOO
If you want
To select from
The bpst property
In town , come
And sco our
Wo Imvo It. nnd the sales show wo have It at
prices Hint sell. 4018
SALE 20 choicest lots In Omnlm View ,
FOK to $70U. Will build house * Terms to
suit all. Hoggs & Hill , ronl ostnto , 1408 Fnrimm
Btiuot. 453.B
SALE Ono of Iho nicest 8-room ousos
FOK Bhlnu's addition , with cly wntcr , &o. .
comploto. Prlco low. O. F. Davis it Co. , 1503
Fnrimni street 7CO-m22
SALE sso choicest lots In Omnhn View ,
FOK . Will build houses. Terms to
suit nil. Hoggs & Illll , rcul ostalo , 1408 Farnnm
stieet. 453.8
. EVANS & CO. , Solo ngents , lots in Creston -
. ton 401-10
SALE 280 choicest lots III Omnlm Viow.
Foil to $70t ) . Will build houses. Terms to
suit nil. Hoggs & Hill , roalustuto , 1408 Farnnm
Blrcot. 453.8
- Ims fors-Uoi ots in linns-
com Plnco , $8X1 to $1SOO.
Gibson Ims for snlo houses nnd lots In linns-
com Pliico.
Gibson has for sale houses nnd lots In all parts
Gibson has Improved farms nnd lands In nil
purls of Nebraska for B.ilo or oxchungo.
Gibson 1ms thousands of ucros ot Innd In
Weslern Nebraska for snlo from S3 lo li per
Gibson would llkolo see you If you want to
buyorsfcll. ,
Gibson's Is Iho plnco to list your property. Cnll
nndsoo him ut lloom3 , Wllhuoll Olock , cor. 15lh
and Haniuv sts. S30
[ TIOll SALE--100 lots In Pnrk Forest , 85 down
D and $ "i per month , $250 to $300. Hoggs &
Hill , rcul ostuto , 1 IDS Furifnm st. 453 8
OATl' HSON PAHIC ACHES Nearest , best
JL nnd chenpost. 218-12
SALE SbOchnicost lots in Omnha Vlow ,
Foil ) S700. Will build houses. Terms to
suit nil. Hoggs & Hill , ronl ostnto , 1403 Fnrimm
sti oat 453.b
. EVANS is CO. , Solo ugoiils , lots 111 Creston -
JD. ton 401-10
TOOK SALE lly W. G. Shrlvor , rcsldonco
Jl property.
Two line InrHO houses ncnr 18th and Clark 9t ,
rent lor Ku $5,000
Full corner lot,11 no cottngo , Chicago St.$0,000
Full lot , cju't liont , largo room IIOUEO , 2tth st.
nonr St. Mary nvo 55,500
Kow cottut-'os , full lots each , In sightly locution
on vpry easy terms ? 1,05U
Full corner lot with 0 room near high eohool
Two'i'u'li lots''iVlii "and ' Mu'so'ii''w'lih 'colliWo
3 fViHIotsi'coVneiV'wYtirioiiutirurcoUagb'on
1'arU live 81.WO
Corner lot and 5 loom collage , Parkers add
, , $2,100
CoUttgo on 30ft lot ncnr Suutidois Bteasy lorms
< t . , , . . . . . . <
Slots it nnd hotiBO 8 rooms lu Shlnn's add..S2,100
Full lot , 11 room house , modern Impiovomonts ,
nonrhlgli BOhool on Uodgu $12,0011
Urlck hoiifc , 13 moms cm Cnss st $1,600
4 lots R0xl40 on 17th and Paul Bt , $ 'i , 100 lo $2,000
Nii'olot ou I'm It nvo , 75x11(1 ( 83,20) )
Lot 00\107 on HIII uoy nud 20th st 54,5011
LolS , lu Runny SUIc $900 to SI,800 f
Nice lot lu Pcllinm placii . ' * " ' ° JK
Jxiton Hurt , | 1,10J
Full lot on Dodge near lilgh boliool 55,530
Full lot. l.''sndd.lioiirBtruot Tnr.llCO ;
! ) bo'iutlful lolbon CnUlornfn st , onu iiiiln from
1 > O fl,2oOto 81'JOOoach
25 lots Hunscr.m place $ WW tn 81,500
Lots in Amblpr piano , OvtoHl.lupolit , Thiini-
buiKi West SUlu , Plnlnvlow Shtivcr Place. Arc ,
: S OO to 5050.
LoavPiiwnrth , Torr.ico mid lots 2i pur cent
cheaper than bunoundlng lotj. Holt Iiliio
iiassos through this add , und It Is near the M.
P. It. It. simp , easy terms. , , o.$500 to5Vionoh
Let us show j ou the hPiuitltnl mid "Shrlvor
Place. " It is located wllhliiilll'lks ' of the M P.
WO SII1UVKII , Opp. 1' . 0.
SALH : . - > forms of lOD ncres carh near
FOK . flW to tlU per auru. Hoggs A ; Hill ,
1408 Fiirnam Bt. 4r < 3-8
TTI OK SALE 21 farms of 100 acres cnch none
JUOK , pora ro.
1108 runiumst 45J-8
\\rKiss-Sul ) . div. This now Biib. djv. Is
ilayodciui In ncro lots lor s.ilo .Monday May
IQIh nt linll prlcu. Luilwlok & Soay , s , u , cor.
15th nnd Douglas.
17UHI SALE Fiuo lot ougrndo ono block from
.C Btrrclcar on Otiiumliigti , $1200.10 , ou easy
pnymcnts. Tliuo , Olsun , 218 s. 15th st. 457 10
\\7EISS Sub dlv. ThU bountiful ncio prop
v't urty will bo closed out In ono week at halt
price , commoiicing Monday , May luth. Lud-
wick A : Sony , s. o. cor , Htli and D.iuglas , 4,71
) K SALK-UM choicosl lots in Omalm VJow ,
$300lo $70) ) . Will build hoiifcos. Turmalo
r.uit all. Hog B & Hill , real estate , 1103 Fat nam
fit ret t , 4M1.8
TOOKSALI5 liour lots , cor. l/ulifovnlft aul
X : 30th els. , 2 blocks from proposed paving ua
Cumluidt. , f8.JO aurt fJ50 oocli. Potter & Cobb ,
ItlG Farnam st. 849
SALE 3SO choicest lots In Omalm Vlow ,
Foil to f70) ) . Will build IHHISUJ. Terms to
suit all. HoggBi Hill , leal Ldtntc , 1W3 1'nrimoi
etieel. 45.a : !
MKS I'LACE Lota sold to tlmso who want
A homes they cnn pay for. 411
OK HA I.K-2.1IOU In Hoggs & Hill's addition ,
S1.5W to 52.5'JH B isy terms. Hoygs A : Hill
icalestuto , 14'JH Fnrmitu st. 4W-8
T710U HALE-l20xl57 on Hamilton st tlO' ' It
J- gold EOOII. Ui'.x'mm ' A ; lU'imiva , Crelghtun
block. 8J4-11
K-2 lots III llo Bi & nli's addlUm
l.snj u > . r.uay louns. Vuu i A. Hilt.
rcnl cHf.uo. 14'H ' Fnrnam bt. _ 45J-8
JH. F. VAN'S Ac l'.6 , , Solo UKUUt87iotsln"JiO5 (
. Ion 40MII
TTJIOK SALH-25lols 111 jlojort A ; Hill's ndditloVl ,
JJ 51,500 lofi'/irm. iusy t'jrms. lioui/s & Illll ,
lonlfstato , HJHFiunumt4VJS |
FAIIIMOWNT PLAOB , ' . ' 7th und
red orgruon cai ; sue tlio proju-ii/ mid ion
Will sin ply bttv a hit or liousu n < l lo > . T , U.
Clarkson , IJU'J ' F.iiiiam. V ) < i
TOOK SALE 2JO clmloul lots ill Omnhn Vlow ,
JL ; ? : ) , Otot7UO. Will build liousc-a ToiiiiSi Jesuit
suit all. HOKKS iV Hill , rcul pfitato. HO ) Furiiuiii
street. " 45'J
I7MU SALE 2 } farms of UJJ ucri3 ! on h
pmitha.pjj to 440 per ncie. i'.o jr-t Ajllll ,
140S Fnrnam el. 4KJ-H '
"TTIOKSALE 25 fnrmi uf 100 acir : onch ni'iir
-L ? OjuatiK.fjiJto % 1J PIT poro. Ho ga A ; Hill ,
1403 Fiirnniit6t. .
FOK SALE 25 farms of 1GO net is each 'noui
Omalm , f3JtoftOpor ucro. Jlogga A ; Hill
IJO&Fuj until ct. _