Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 10, 1886, Page 6, Image 6
G THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : MONDAY , MAY , 10 , 1880. THE DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS , MONDAY MOUSING MAY. 10. OFFICE , NO. 12 , PEAIIL STREET. Etllrciea by cnrrier in any part of the city nt twenty cents per week. R. W , TII.TON , Malinger. TF.MJPHONK3 ! JlrJMXESS OFFICE , No. 13. Kinitr KniTon , No. S3. MINOlt MBXTIOX. New spring Roods at Rcitcr's. Rov. Dr. McCreary prcaehcd on the la bor question last evening. Leonard & Jewell refrigerators nl Cooper & McGcc's , No. 41 Main street. The board of trade holds its regular monthly meeting to-morrow night. Tlic Northwestern Teachers' associa tion is to be held here , commencing Juno The "Quick Meal" is n quick seller ; come and get ono before they are gone. Cooper & MeGeo. Fred Green , a colored boy , is unilor lock and key for petty larceny from Wies & Clausen's store. There were no services in the Presby terian church yesterday on account of the nbscnce of the pastor , Rev. Mr Bates. All kinds of woman's work , and all kinds of commission goods solicited by the Woman's Exchange on Pearl street. I * II Stlllman , tried to stop off a mov- ' ' g train. He is rfatislicd with the e.v irimcnt , and is now nursing a sere ; md. A dog near the Northwestern depot 1 was yesteiduy shot on suspicion , lie looked .is if lie might go mad , if he had n't a ( ready. I' Married , at No 15 North Main street , M. Christiansen and Mary Anderson , both of tills city , by Justice of the i'eaco A. L. Hendricks. A little son of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Rate- kin was run over Saturday by a team of horses and a buggy , and had a narrow escape from .serious injury. The board of equalisation meets this morning to decide upon the assessment of the banks , and conclude some other important business matters , which have been under consideration for some time. Frank Itoyil , arrested hero for the lar ceny of McVeigh's watch and chain in Omaha , consented Saturday to go across tlie river without a requisition , and "will have to bland trial there for grand lar ceny. It is said that Woodward's saloon , on Broadway , was open until about2 o'clock yesterday morning , when a lively rumpus occurred. The Sunday ordinance got smashed all to pieces and will probably have to bo patched up in court to-day. "Sport" Miller is in the calaboose for being drunk. If the man who sold him or gave him the liquor was there too , it would bo nearer right. The authorities have long since notified everybody to no longer feed poor "Sport's" appetite. The Knights of Labor ball , in Masonic hall to-morrow night , promises to bo a grand , success. Since tlie great strike on the Gould system has subsided , for which purpose the ball was originally intended , the Knights of Labor now will use the proceeds for the lilting up of their hall iu this city. A boy , giving his name as Ed. Middle- ton , has been arrested on suspicion. Ho was going from ono pawn shop to another , trying to dispose of some ar ticles , and when arrested had a revolver , gold pen and pencil , and pocketbook. Ho claims to hvo only . short ways out of the city , and that no got these articles nt homo. Mr.Dohany has decided to have a new drop curtain for his opera house. This will bo a relief to the amusement goers who have greatly wearied of eyeing the grotesque proportions of the doers and Indian wigwams and wild geeso. which have so Jong called upon the pcoplo to strain their faith to believe that in the -nrly days of Council 1 ! hill's the geese were larger than horses , and the bluffs smaller than the wigwams. A change would bo greeted with delight. David Tostevin lias been taken charge r of by the authorities , and adjudged m- § sane. Ho will be taken to Mt. Pleasant to-day. Ho is an old resident , and a man of more than ordinary natural en dowments , but his brain seems to bo in a whirl about some wonderful discoveries ho has made in what he terms "occult sciences. " It is to bo hoped that by treatment the cloud may bo removed from his intellect , for when himself ho is ono of the best men in his profession , and abundantly able to care for himself. The dear old grandmother has adopted , n new child , and has set the youngster at | work on weddings as a specialty. Sam- 1 pies of his spring llowers are : "The bride's trnsscau was ono of the most elegant in design , quality and finish the art of milli nery could furnish. The brido's dross was of the finest garnotto gros grain Bilk. White French lace folfin artistic profusion about the necic and shoulders , a diamond studded pin holding the lace . in position at the lady's throat. Orange vblossoms were nicely woven in her hair , presenting a picture of bounty seldom , Been before the hymeneal altar. Coming down along the cou'rso of the blue Boyer wo catch the fragrant odor from oraiuro blossoms which are now most skillfully woven Into a wreath and will before long . ' rest upon the womanly brow of the charming and artistically beautiful ( daughter of the talented jurist. " The old lady should get another bag of salt. Substantial abstracts of titles and roa estate loans. J. W. & E. L. Sqniro , 10 Pearl street , Council Bluffs. Go to Beard for wall paper. The lloyn Are lloncly. The work of construction of the lines 3 of the American district telegraph is bout completed and the boxes will bo put in place within a week. The porvico , , will commence , however , to-day , Some of the messenger boys will bo on duty , although the uoxes are not In placo. r Anyone desiring a messenger can use the ; telephone , calling up 170. Until the ' . boxes are put in place the calls will hayo ' ' to bo made in this way. ! Lous ) go to Chario II islor's and get a / good cigar. No. 403 Broadway. Do Vol sells Golden Star gasoline ranges , best in market , No. 001 B'way. Jccorntioii Day , lu respuiiau 10 invitations sent out by the local posts of the G. A. R. to attend the memorial services on Decoration day , May UO. Macedonia responds bj accept ing and saying ( hey will send in thrco oar loads of people , and Persia will turn out en masse. The police department , . .through Chief Mathews , have siguiiied ; their accoptanqo of the invitation to pa iu n body , Seasonable goods of all kinds at hard- ' time prices at Cooper & McGoo's , 1 soil the celebrated Twin Burner gaso- 'line Btovo. .That double burner beats ( thom all. A 4-burner saroo price as u 3- burner ; a a-burncr same price us u 2- burner. W A. Wood , 601 Main. BgjjgwnS'Team Killed. r r Ott-SattmSay morning , during a short , 1 heavy rain storm , about six miles north f Minden , la. , .the litteou-yeav-old son of John Caulseu , while plowing in .the field , was , with the team ho was-llriviug , firuck by lightning aud killed. .V * * . PUNISHING THE PROCURESS , A Judgment Ecndered In Favor of the Mercer Girl For Damages. A VENTRILOQUIST IN * JAIL , UfiJUnliiK Kills n Hey nntl Team \Vns Onko's Dentil Accidental ? DoliiKs of the Oily Solons A Woman Kobhcd on tlic Street , Given Ilio Mercer Girl. Another chapter has been added to thu Murcor case. About the same time that Llic Huber woman was arrested for cnlic- ngLulu Mercer into a house of prostitu tion in Omaha , a civil suit was com menced her for damages by the Mercer family in behalf of the girl who tail been thus ruined. The criminal pro ceedings have so engrossed the attention of those concerned that they evidently thought little about the suit for damages. After the Hubcr woman had been bound jvcr to await the action of the grand jury , Attorney Scott Williams , who has been so successful in prosecuting the woman , turned his attention to the civil action. The defendant put in no ap pearance , and judgment was obtained by default , and on presentation of the proof , Judge Ayhisworth entered up a judgment against Airs. Hubcr and in favor of the girl for sf'J.OOO. It is understood that thu woman has some property , and steps will be taken to enforce tins collection of the judgment. She will probably resist such an attempt , and will hardly rest without carrying the case up to the supreme court. \ \ Imtcvcr may be the ultimate re sult of tlicf-o it i.s of - cases , a cause gratili- eation that it has been made evident that notorious women cannot come to Council UlulTs for the purpose of getting girls to enter their diyes without , nt least , getting into trouble. The experience of Mrs. Hubcr will probably servo as a warning to others of her class to look elsewhere for victims. After a thoiough investigation wo are convinced that the "Quick Meal" is the best gasoline stove made and shall make it our leading stove this season. Cooper & McGec. Satisfacion guaranteed with every "Quick TSltal" gasoline stove , or money refunded. eCoopcr & McGee. A Vcntrllotiuist in Jnll. Tom Hughes , a well known character. is at present con lined in the city jail on account of his inability to pay a line im posed on him for disturbing the peace. Few even of those who know Tom are aware of the fact that he is a pretty fair ventriloquist. He was using his peculiar power with a grcot , deal of cll'uct Satur day night. There is in the lloor of the corridor an iron grate , and Tom made ono poor German prisoner believe that it opened into a room below , whore some of the police stayed. Tom threw his voice clown into this grate , and the German had quite a lengthy conversation with the man down stairs , whom he thought was ofiiccr wiio sirrcstcd him. The supposed ollicor got the Gorman quite mad oy de nying that he had taken any money from him when he arrested him. The German raised such a row about this denial on the part of the otlicer whoso voice cimo up turough the grating that finally the otlicnr told him that if ho would not com plain of him lie would give him $30 to square it. After some further talk the oftlcer was heard to deny that he had offered to square it. and then the per- nlcxed prisoner was madder than ever. The olliccr told him that he was arrested for horse stealing , and that he had been found In * a house of ill fame and in a most disgraceful condition. If the pris oner could have got at the supposed of- licer ho would ( loubtless have thumued him. or tried to , so angry was he , and yet he never suspected for a moment that the real voice was from the man who stood beside him , and that there was no olliccr , or any ono else , down below the rating which really leads into the drain. § inally the German got so mail at the way the officer talked to him , and es pecially at his going back on the bargain to give lam $20 to keep quiet about taking the money from him , that he concluded not to make any more compro mises with him , but to report Ms case to the mayor and the judge. When the court meets this morning and the German is brought before the bar , it is expected that ho will make his troubles known to the judge , and will doubtless tell how the olliccr tried to rob him of his money and afterwards tried to compromise it. Ho expects to prove by the other prison ers that they heard the otlicer talking through the grating , and their evidence will therefore corroborate 4iis statements. When ho finds out that it was only Tom Hughes' ventriloquism the joke may turn on the latter , for the German is a thumper. _ _ We have a few water coolers which we will sell very cheap to close them. out. Cooper & McGeo. Before buying a gasoline stove sec the "Quick Meal" at Cooper & McGco's. The Fruit Prospect. Council UlulTs and vicinity is getting to bo widely known for its wonderful fruit producing advantages. The blufls scorn to bo particularly adapted for fruit culture. It is said that an analysis of the soil composing these bluffs shows it to bo almost exactly the same as that which produced the famous grapes on the Rhino. While the climate may not bo in all respects as favorable , still it is sullicicntly so to insure an average of ex cellent f-ruitago. This year opens up very promising. The ! : : man had the pleasure Saturday of driving out with Mr. McGee , of Cooper & McGee , and seeing some of the blossomy promises of what tills year will produce , unless some unforseon set-back occurs. The auplu trees on the fruit farm of Mr. McGeo's mother present a wonderfully beautiful sight. They arc so thickly covered with blossoms as to almost hide every oilier part of the trees , and where the blossoms iirfl ucgUlPI ! ! ! ! to fall they strew the ground as though llioro had been S SHOW storm. Mrs. Mclico has a beautiful place , of about twenty acres right in the border of the city , and the sight there presented now is a most charming ono to any lover of nature. The practical can Beu in it fie promise ot a wonderful fruitage this year. Go to'tholf. Y. ICo. . fori GAUDKN HOSK. THEY WAUUANT ALL TIIKV SILL. : Opera House Block. It Accidental Death ? About two years ago J , Fred Oakcs died in this city , lie was a clerk at the transfer and a member of the Y. M , C , A , , and had a large circle of friends here , The young man had a policy in the United States Mutual Accident associa tion , of Now York. The body was taken to liobton for interment and now hJg friends in the cast uro sueing the com pany for the amount of tlie policy , $3,009. Dr. Montgomery was- the physician for the company , The attorney of the cQ'm.- puny , 'William 1) . Smith , was here recent ly investigating thu causes of young Oakcs' death , and arranged for Dr. Mont gomery to go east and testify in the case. The friends of young Oakes claim that while ho died from a carbuncle , still that was the result of an accident , and thorn- fore the company is liable under its pol icy. The company claim that death was from natural causes. Dr. Montgomery will start next Friday for Albany , N. Y. , whore the case Is to be called up on the following Monday. The friends and ac quaintances of the young man in this city will watch with interest the result of tins lititration , and the case is in some of its features sullicicntly unique to attract general attention , GARDEN HOSE , WARRANTED GOOD l-lo per foot , IScpcr foot , 2lo per foot. HOSK NOZZLES , Of all styles. Hosn UKEI.S , LAWNSPUINKLKKS , Ktc.Ktc NEW YORK PLUMBING COMPANY Opera House Hlock. Go to Heard for low prices. Crumbs From Council. The council met Saturday night , all the members being present. L. D. Amy protested against his paying tax , claiming that he had been assessed for more frontage of property than ho owned. Referred to the city attorney and city engineer. In consideration of the factthatGeorgo Fnublu has been deprived of the use of his brick yards by an injunction the council decided to remit his taxes for last year and this year , provided the couhty would consent Tim city attorney reported that ho had seen Mr. Vincent and that Mr. Vincent had agreed to govern the water so as to prevent damage during the progress of the work on the new sewer ditch. It. Hoist asked that the alleyinthe rear of his hotel bis paved at once , and that the street also uo paved from Fourth to Main street. The ordinance establishing thu grade of Worth and Third streets was passed , In the matter of Sehult/ & Hill for an area at their carriage factory , tlic com mittee reported favorably , and the city was instructed to prepare the necessary ordinance. Adjourned until tbis morning at 9 o'clock. Dr. A. P. Ilanchett has taken rooms'in Mr. Hazard's residence , No , 700 First avenue , for the summer. Ollico still at No. 13 Pearl street. Hours 10 to 13 a. in. , 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. in. Heard has an immense stock of wall paper and room mouldings which' must uo turned into cash , so down go tlic prices at Hoard's. Heisler don't handle any "sindo" cigas. Social Doings. On Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. John N. Baldwin entertained about thirty lady and gentleman friends at a card party at their residence on Sixth street , opposite ISayliss park. Progressive euchre was the order of the evening. Eight tables occupied the elegant parlors and an enjoyable even ing was spent. Strawberries , cream and cake were served. Those who attended were : Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Gault , Mr. and Airs , George W. Thompson. Air. and Airs. A. T. Ilice , Air. and Airs. II. C. Cory , Air. and Airs. ' II. H. Van Brunt. Air. and Mrs. A. AI. Jackson , Air. and Mr.s. C. II. Tyler , Air. and Airs. S. P. AlaeConnell , Air. and Alr.s. D. J. Rockwell , Air. and Alr.s. George II. Champ , Air. and Airs F. C. Clark , " Air. and Airs. J. E. Alycrs , Airs. J. A. Jack son and her daughter. Airs. Wilson , of Kansas , Airs. L. C. AlcDonell. Air. W. W. Loomis , the Alisses Alay and Nellie Chap man and Mr. Horace Lvans. The pri/os were awarded Airs. Alc Donell and Air. A. Al. Jackson. Air. and Airs. F. AI. Gnult will this evening entertain a company at cards at their home on Seventh street. Cut Kntcs to Chicago Again. On Saturday afternoon the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul road made a second end class passenger rate from here to Chicago of $3.50. Heretofore there has been no second class rate , the first class being § 12.50 on all the roads. This new rate is looked on as a slap at the Chicago cage , Hock Islan d & Pacific , because of that road's cut between St. Paul and Chi cago. UP to last night jiouo of the other roads had met the new rate , but possibly to-day the Chicago & Northwestern may. The Rock Island folks claim that they belong to the Chicago and Missouri River Passenger association , which is now com posed of the \Vabash , Chicago , Hurling- to & Quincy and Rock Island , and they will not cut unless thu other roads in the compact do so. The scalpers on Saturday evening an nounced 011 their bulletins the $8,50 rate over the Milwaukee. A Woman Kouucd. Airs. Gorstenberg claims to have been attacked and robbed on the streets Satur day night. She was walking along with her sister about half past 8 o'clock and in crossing Willow avenue by Jamci & Havcrstock's store , some fellow snatched her hand satchel in which she had about $13. Her pocket book was found yesterday morning in Uayliss park , its contents cone , the thief having evi dently thrown it away after emptying it. Personal I'arautaplta. Airs. W. W. Loomis has returned from her eastern visit. J. D , Lake , one of Panama's promi- nents , was in the city Saturday. Air. Frank Prouty Is at home visiting his friends , Ilojwiil return home in a few days. J. II. Green , of Omaha , traveling pits- scngor agent of the Union Pacific , was in the city Saturday. C. W. Hobble , city passenger agent of , Omaha of the Rock Island road , was in the city Saturday. "Tom" Orr , secretary to General Man ager Callaway , ol the Union Pacific , was in the city Saturday , J , W. Bishop , jr. , of Kcokuk , la. , Is in the city , visiting his aunt , Mrs. J. W. Rodcfer and family. A. R. Houghton , whose business keeps him at Little Sioux most of the time , spent Sunday with his family in this city. James Ssi'fOtt. of the Northwestern freight department , 1ms a tiut > 2 > w.ok leave of absence , which ho will spomTiil Ohio. S. Quick , of Sigournoy , has been ap pointed postal clerk between Council Bluffs and West Liberty , taking the place of W. D , AlcGibbon , resigned , A. T. Aluir , who formerly worked the PacUio slope in the interest of the Coun cil Blufl's nursery , came to this city on Saturday , and starts in again with the eanio company to cover the same terri tory. Ed. Ryan and wife , of Long Pine , Neb. , are in the city visiting J. J , Brown and wife Air. Ryan is a brother of Airs. J. J. Brown , and having sold his busi ness in Long Pine , has concluded tore- main in Council 1lull's ! , Ids former homo. J. 0 Mitchell ticket agent of the Wa- bnsh and Northwestern roads , loft last evening with Ids wife for Owatonna , Minn. , whore Airs. Alitchell will remain during the summer season. Mr. Mitchell will-return thp.lattcr part ot the-week. Mr. and Mrs , F. S Pubov left Saturday for Chicago , where they will make their future home Mr Pu'sey having decided to engage iu busiuoEs , m this city. He has spent his years in * his > city from boy hood up , and has won anil held the con fidence and esteem of , , all HH noble wife will also bo misled from the social circles , and the dcparttira-of so woithy a young couple cannel but bo greatly regretted by all. Prof. J. A. L. Wadtlt-ll r.nd wife re turned homo Saturday after a sojourn of four years in Japan , where ho has been occupying the position of 'professor in the government polytechnic school. Accom panying them is their little child , born in Japan. Prof. Waddcll wi\s \ offered spe cial inducements if ho would retain His position , but ho preferred to come back to the United States. Prof. Wnddell left yesterday for n brief eastern trip , while Airs. Waddell remains hero with her friends. _ _ Wanted. Insurance solicitors , with. teams , to work western half of Iowa for Dwelling House Insurance company of Boston , Ernest L. Smith , special agent , No. 100 Alain street , Council Bluffs. Go to Beard for loom mouldings. Heisler foils the best fie and lOo cigars in the market. No. 40-J Broadway. "K. B. " WltiB Another Victory. The case of E. Lee , of Carleton , Neb. , who was indicted a year ago , charged with selling "B. B.has recently been dismissed and the entire costs charged to the prosecution. "B. B , " as is well known , is a beverage manufactured by Alcssrs. Wheeler & Hercld , Council Bluffs. DEPARTURE Messrs. Ilavkucss Bros , will this day place on sale tlio below ciiniucmtctl articles besides numerous others at prices that will surprise everybody , They are Towels. Tidies , Splashers , Handker chiefs , Japanese Fans , Hatchets , Bas kets , I'ortcinoiiiinics , Vuccs , 1'latcs , Card and frruitUaskcts , Tin Plates , Doll Babies , Pie Plates , Wash Pans , Crumb Pans and Brushes , Disli Pans , Jlilk Pails , Work Basket , Glass Dishes , Comb Racks , Pockctbooks , Feather Fans , Hosiery , JIacramo Cord , Flour Sitters , Hat Hacks , Hammers , apiuese ( Screens. Collar Buttons , Mueilape , Marbles , Blank Books , Turkish Towels , Scrub bing Brushes. Coal Shovels , Baby Bibs , Wooden Spoons , Hair Clampers , Iloll- iiiff Pins , Transparent Slates , Acato Buttons , Collars , Je 'elr , Estabrook's Steel Pens , Lace Collars , Spool Cotton , Baby Rattles , Hair Nets , Clothes Lines , Table Salts , Base Balls , Hatch Safes of all kinds , Glass Cups , * Tin Dippers , Tin Buckets , Mosaic Match Holders , Sauce Pans , Looking Glasses , . Perfumery , Castile Soap , Shoes ) jBhYckhiff , Meat Forks , Toilet Soaps , Stove Blacking : , Wall Pockets , Harmonicas , Boxes of Slate Pencils , Willow Baskets , Blacking ing- Brushes , Pearl Buttons , Silver Thimbles - Pans Rick-rack , FryingPans , - Braid , Table Ontlcry , Combination Russian Leather Toilet Sets , Pins , Laces , and every article you can think of. AH to be on sale to-day. Every body RO and get a chance to select early as the stock is all new and where Bargains for 5c WORTH 75c and $1,00. $ , Arc to be found , they do not last long- . No. 401 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA DKALEHS IN DRY GOODS , Etc. , Etc. HOTEL. O ( ; < len HOIINC Itaten on and niter Itlny iNt will be 82.OO ami 92.5O Per Day , U.\cnptliitf front parlor minis. Day Hoard , $2tt 1'or .Month. D. SILLOWAV , Prop. MAHK IUKYIA : , Manager. Council llhiirg. OFFICER & PUSEY , BANKERS CONNCJL BLUFFS , IA , Established 1337. "i ' ! Creston 'House , The only hotel In CounpJl laud's having1 And nil modern Improvomentu. K1& , 217 and SlUQtnln st. MAX MOHN , Prop. STEAM DYE-WORKS - i 'i ' MRS.C.LGILIETTE'S ' HAIR GOODS STORE No 29. Main St. , Council Bluffs , Opo , Postofflce. RINK LIVERY STABLE. Firbt-chiBs Accommodations In Everything Per taining to the Livery liuslnojg. Finest Landau in the City FOB- LADIES VISITING. Hoarding a specialty. Telephone 178. FIELD & COLE , Props. . PEARL. STREET RINK. STABLE. ' WHOLESALE AND JOBBING ISO-O-SES or COUNCIL BLUFFS. DEKKH , WELLS & CO. , \VllOlC8llO Agricultural Implements , _ Carrlairr , Kto , IJtc. Council HlufTs , Iowa. KliYSTONK MANUFACTURING CO. , Cora Shelters , Stalk Cutters , DIscHarrows. Scodors , Corn Planters , Koo I Cut- ters.Kto. Factor- , Hack Tails , I IU. Kos. UOl. IWI , ina % l.V)7 ) Main St. , Council lllulTs. DAVID IWADLKY & CO. , Mnnur'rs nn I Jobber * of Agricultural Implements agons , Buggies , Cfirrlnffpi. mid nil klnli of 1'arm Mno'ilnorr. J100 to 1110 South Main Street , Council lllurfs , tona. .l.VB HAXDLHS. K.O. Ut.msox , T. , UEO.R Wiuintr. Prcs.&Trcaa. V.-1'rcs..VM in. So3. > tCuiisol. Council BluJs Handle Factory , ( Incorporatod. ) Jlnnufacturcrs of Axle , 1'Ick , Sb'Is-o nnd Small llandli % < , of every doisilptlon. CAltl'KT * . COUNCIL BLUFFS CAUriCT CO. . Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades , Oil Cloths. Curtiln Fixtures , UplioUtory ( JooJa , Etc. No. 40j llroii'lwny Council lilullj , Iowa , CIOAIIS , roiuccn , KTC. PKUKGOY & MOORK , Wliolofulo Jobbers In the Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes , Nos. 8 Main and ST 1'cail Sts. , Council lllurts , Town. SNYDER & LKAMAN , Wholesale Fruit andProduco Commission Merchants. No. 14 Pearl Pt , Council MlulT * . MAUREU & CRAIG , Iraporters&JobbarsofCrackery.Glas . wara Lamps , Fruit Jura , Cutlery , Stonowuro , liar Goods , Fancy Uoodi , ICie. Council HlulTj , lown. DltUGGlSTS. HARLE , HAAS & CO. , . Wholesale Druggists , Oils , Paints , Glass , Druggist ? ' Sundries. Etc. No. E ! Main St , and No. 11'carl ft. . Council Illntrs. ' GOODS. M. E. SMITH & CO. , Inters and Jobbers of Dry Gojds , Notions.Etc. Nos. 113nnd 111 Mnlu St. , Nos. 11.1 and 115 I'carl SI . Council Illuir . Iowa. O.V. . BUTTS , Wholesale California Frails a Specialty General Commission. No. 543 Broadway , Council niutrs. W1HT & DUQUliTTE , Wholesale Fruits , Confectionery & Fancy Groceries. Nos. lli and IS Pearl St. , Council Bluffs. L. KIRSCHT & CO. , Jobbers of Staple and Fancy Groceries. Also Wholesale Liquor Dealers. Xo. 110 llroad- way , Council Hliills. P. C. DE VOL , Wholesale Hardware , Tinware , Gasoline Stoves , Itcfileerators. etc. Nos. 6JJ Broadway , and 10 Main street. Council IllutN. /MRiVBSS. 11TC. BECKMAN & CO. , Manu'ncturcis of and Wholesale Doilors In Leather , Harness , Sadilery , Etc. No. CM Main St. . Council IllutTd , Iowa. H.r/.S CAPS , KTC. METCALF BROTHERS , Jobbers in Hats , Caps and Gloves. : ( I2 and 311 Uroadwny , Council HlulTs. UKAVY IIAHDWAJIE. KEELINE & FELT , Wholesale Iron , Steel , Hails , Heavy Hardware , Anil WooJ Slock , Council llhi'Ja , Iowa. HIDES AND WOOL. D. H.'McDANELl ) & CO. , Commission Merchants for Sale of Hides , TallowWool , I'clts , Orenso imil furs Council llliiirs , Iowa. OILS. COUNCIL BLUFFS OIL CO. , Wholesale Dealers in Illuminating & Lubrlciilni Oils Guallni 3HTO. , E1TO. S.Thcoiloro , AKCIU , Council IllulTfi. To\yn. : . PILING , irrc. A. OVERTON & CO. , Hard Wood , Southern Lumbar , Piling , * ud IJrldgu JIatoi lal Snoclultii's.Wholohalo Lum ber ot all Kinds. Onico No. I'W Main St. , Council llluirn. lowu. AND LIQUUltS. JOHN LINDEU , Wliolesalo Imported and Domestic Wines & Liquors , AHOUt for St. nottum-n'a Herb Illttord. No. 13 Council lllulls. SCHNEIDER & BECK , Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors , Ko CU3 .Uillil St. , f.'iiiincd Itluffi. N. SCHUBZ , Wee of the Peace. OfflcoOrcr American Express Comrmny. China , Glassware and Lamps , W. S. Homer & Co. , No. 23 , Main St.Council , Bluffs , la. THE CARTER IITE LEAD CD'S ' , DIAMOND DKAND OP STR1CTI PURE LESD , ZINC AH D OIL Are absolutely pure , as represcnUd. One K lIon - Ion will co\or two hundred and Hfly sau&ro feet two coats , and will ttuy on louK r than any ether paint inanufactuied. 1'or dale by . EC , KE i-rsr i jji Uwucfc- , PAINT 6Ou.s'h-jc WHERE DO BUY BUGGIES ? FIBS ! MS III Hffl BFKI HHUHW. DAVIS S 00. IMablixlivd In 18TT. CINCINNATI. , OHIO. BUILD OVER FIFTY DIFFERENT STYLES , 3OOOO Vehicles Annually. Ncml fur Catalogue , I'rlecs , Freight Kates and TeMliiionlsilo. W. HOUSE MOVER AND RAISER Urlck b.MMhis nnr kind rnl < : o'l nr moved nnd satisfaction piinrniilcod. 1'rnino liouaca movo.l onLItlloainattruoUs-the bajkln the wnrlt 803 Eighth Avoiuw and Eighth Stront , Council Bluffs. rU , a-/ n i 226 Broadway , Council Bluffs , TIMOTHY SEED. I Imvo n quantity of Bound , well clcnnod sooJ which 1 offer nt vciisonnblo flffui-os. Fcol or the ciop of 1833. Correspondence Eollcltcd. F. O. m'TM'H , Eclmllcr. Iowa. C. & N. W. I'.y. SPECIAL NOTICES NOJICE. Special advcrtlsomonts , Biioh a ( Loet.Found , To Loan , ; ) , To Iloit , W.nt BoardJner.cto. will bo Inserted in this column it thelowrato of TEN CENTS PKIl LINK for tin flrsttnsortion ad PIVIS OBNrd 1'EU LINK tor each subso-niont Insertion. Leave lUvortln montsat our o.Hco , No. Li I'turl street , uj.ii- Broaowajr : , Council WANTS. ) A jjiioil mill cstntosalcnmn. Me- Mn'inn Jc Co ,21(1 ( Miiln * trrot. VI'ANTi : ! ) Tlnco llit clnss dlnlti loom V t'Irls , iiUo lady cook nrd is s nnt. Apply In poihon itv No XII Hroatluay , C < nin > 'll Ululls. OlTltEN'r Ily .luno 1st , two liirgo barne. Knqtilro at Kiel's hotel. ! Old import In Humilities to suit , nt tlco olll co No. li. Pearl slroot. SAM ! OH THADK Stock of inlllmory FOH fancy notloin. All now. Ooo'l loca tion. Falos ! MiOJO ! a year. O , Hco , Councl ItliilTs , Iowa. Choice Display of Lacst Pat terns , All Cii't Council Bluffs 160MPSNYI 4OB Broadway. A Selct-t Slock of Choice Novelties In. JACOB SIMS , ATTORNEY AT LAW COTTJSTOIXj Practices lu State and Federal Courts. Uoomb 7 auu 8 , Suu-cart SWAN BROS. , Dealers In SIllcli Cows. No 502 aud COG 1C. llrouhvuyCouncl : , ! UlTs Looking Bracket for Fences AND OTHIiU HAII.S , HODS , KTC. FENCES UUILT WITHOUT HAILS. Any part rat'llly tukosi out or replaced. For picket or mil fcncus , lion or wood , cannot liu ox- icllod lor ralllnif of any sort , l-'or particulars write C. J. 11KCKMAN , Inventor. Council Illuirs. Btato and county rights torsalo. W. TUU.CVF , I'rcj. T , J. EVANS , Vico-1'ics. JAUKS X. Iluow.v.Cutliiur , llational Bank 10i ! MAIN S'iTuLET , Capital. . : . , . . , $100,000 Authorized Capital. , . , 260,000 Stockholders Beprosout 1,000,000 Do a general banking business. Accounts or bunks , buultcra , iiicrslmtU1) ) , maiv ufacturersund Individuals receive J on 1'uvora- blu terms. Domestic anrt foreign exchange. Thovcu best of attention glvou to all biui Dots committed to our euro. DRESSMAKING ( BY TIIK TAVLOH SYSTEM. ) MBS. L. SIMMONS , \o. 314 UroiuUvuy. JIUS. BMIMON.y for iv number of yeiihi WHS liciul outtorwith Jordan fc Muieli , Uobtou , the luiti tt suit liwito la the cast. RUSSELL&Co Manufacturers of all elzniof Automatic Engines Ebpcolully DcslgneJ for Kuniilnjr MILLS , GKAIN.ELEVATOKS , AND ELECTRIC LK5IITS , Txilnilar aud Locomotive Boilers. New Massillon Thrcshorj. T Carey aud Woodbury Horse Powers. STATIONARY , SKID , Portable and Traction Engines , ' SAW MILLS , ETC. < Factory Massillon , 0. Branch House 510 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs. SEND FOB 1886 ANNUAL. Horses and Mules Far all purposes , bought and gold , at lotull ami n lot * . J-iugu ( luantlttos to bclect fiom. MASON WISE , Slrcett , Near Pacific HouseCounil Bucs KIEL SALE STABLES CT rLTid T = J and Mules bcpt constantly on liunJ for f Hie ut rutall or In cur loit.K Ordurs promdtlyllllod by contract on short notlco. Stock sold on commission , SFIUJTKIl & HOrBV , FiOprlotore. Stable Corner Fifth Avenuu uuU FourlU 8t Council Illulfs lawn. MRS. D. A. BENEDICT HAIR GOODS f,1V3E TO QHQI-K. 337 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. B , BICE , M. D. or othur tumors removed without thu knlfo or drawing ot blooi. CHRONIC DISEASES or an kk Js 3ociur. | Over thirty your * ' practical otpurlunjj , No. 11 1'earl Set eft , Count 11 Dlulti. J''UBi . CUT THIS OUT ! GOOD UXTII. NAY 15. limingmudo extensive lni | > invom < mts nnd Increased our llucllllk > i , wo wlsli toe-all OM/cul'il ' attention to tlie wnrk mm litlntr tninu.l < > l by ii3.olalinnirlt | to bo equal lo that ol any eastern laundry. Inonlur to Iiitioduco our uorl < outside the city or Council Uluira , wo will upon mcolpt ot this ticket , atcoinpunlud l > y letiirn pobtujfi- . Uumdiy Six OolluisorCulT * 1-MtUU , lor ultuer ludlcb or gentlemen Home Steam Laundry 5IO Ilrotulu'iiy , Council. Ulull * . N , II. Out of town orders cltcn prompt in tention. Wt > pay return charges tin allwoik ro' vcd when nccomVunicd by ca 6li Iri j.uymcu full amount. , V