Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 10, 1886, Page 5, Image 5

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    i saa jaMami wa' ' g 1 ' ' 1' " U ,
E. E. Brown , of Lincoln , Doming Up ns a
Candidate For the Senate.
liberty for Both DOR nnd Mnti Co > -
onno I'pppcrThnt Didn't llcach
trio Jailor's KJ-CH A Radi
cal llomcdy for Strikes.
I most TIIK nV.E's MNPOLK nunr.Atr.1
The scnntorirtl flglit in Laticnstor
county Is assuming a curious shapo.
Juilgu Uobb , ns nearly every ono
knows , 5s a r.nbld tcmpurnnco mnn , Ills
utterances at time on tliat question
bordering almost on fanaticism. Ills
chief supporters , .strange to say , however
llio men who arc candidates for the
legislature in his interest have almost
to a man identified themselves with the
liberal * in the struggle that is going on
between the two great factions. This
has caused many well meaning men to
put their thinking caps on nnd the result
is the proposal by the bettor middle class ,
of Mr. K. E. Urown , president of the
Stale National bank , ns a candidate
against Judge Cobb. Mr. Urown , ns is
well known , is a , man of largo prop-
cry interests hero , a conservative
citizen anil thoiotiglily to bo trusted in
all allalrs of state , lie averages tip well
with Judge Cobb , ami if he will allow his
name to bo twed , lias many warm friends
who will wage a hot light in his behalf.
The canvass is young yet , and it will not
bo u matter of surpribo to well posted
politicians If the vote of the Lancaster
county delegation is tcndured to him.
The attempt of Judge Cobb and his
friends to straddle the fence on the local
issues is likely to cause a complication
that nothing short of a capital operation
will relievo.
Judge Pound has granted the order
asked lor by the attorneys of the plum-
tin * in Holmes vs Shinier , ct al , to com
pel Andrew J Sawyer , ono of the do-
lendants , to exhibit the deed transferring
the .title of lot 4 , block 89 , this city , from
( Jeorgo H. Walker to V. A. W. Shinier.
: * Tliu order provides that the deed must bo
produced in court on Mav 18th , anil the
plaintilV's attorneys given full opportunity
tor examination. In this order Judge
Pound says that ho is guided by an alH-
davit from Hon. J. 11. Webster , and dep
ositions from Gcorgo II. Walker and F.
A. W. Shinier. The deposition from
Walker is lo the efl'ect that ho lives in
Ilarlan , Shelby county , Iowa , and up tea
a ccrtain.datc was the owner of the prop
erty in question. This property , Walker
swears , was to be sold to Holmes , by ne
gotiations through Sawyer , for $000 , pro
vided Sawyer could got his commission
outside. Walker is very clear on the
point that the deed was to bo made to
Holmes. Ho first heard of Shinier , no
says , when Mr. Webster visited
him in February. 1880. On
cross-examination Walker declined to
swear positively that the deed to the
property was made to Holmes , but said
that to the host of his memory it was , and
that it was his intention to have it so
transferred. Walker also identified his
signature on certain letters aud papers ,
the contents of which defendant's attor
ney refused to exhibit.
Shimcr , in his deposition , states that ho
bought a certain piece of property in
Lancaster county , Nob. , at the solicita
tion of Mr. Sawyer , and on the roprobont-
atlon that ho would take it off his hands
nt- the priiio , which ho did.
Shinier says ho never received any rents
from the property , and doesn'trcmombur '
any of the details except that Mr. Sawyer
seemed to want the accommodation , and
that he look the property ofl his
( ShimorV. ) Hands as soon as ho was able.
In January of this year Shimcr received
a letter from Sawjcr saying ho had
failed to record-the deed to the property
and asking for another , which was made
and forwarded. This last deed , Shinier
says , was given to cover what ho under
stood to be the loss of the first ono.
When Sheriff Melick was making his
weekly tour around the county jail Satur
day ho found a can of ottyonno popper ,
which had been secured by some ot the
prisoners withtho intention of blinding
the jailor and making their escape.
Lizzie Webb , one ot the fair but frail
damsels who live In the old Journal
block , will bu In police court Tuesday to
demonstrate , through her counsel , Judge
Urookor and Judge Urown , that she is
an injured Innocent.
Schomiiiorhorn'8 dog was fished out of
tliu well at Tenth and S street yesterday
by John McCormick , a prisoner in the
city pen , who volunteered for the job.
Judge Parsons , in consideration of his
services , discharged him on the spot.
The attention of all mombori * of tbo
Nebraska division Traveler's Protective
association , in called to the mpotlng to beheld
held at 4il South Fourteenth street ,
Oniaha , nt 8 p. ni , May 10 , for the pur
pose of electing delegates to the annual
convention at Baltimore on June 24 , 25
ami 20.
The remains of Dr. Spoaro wore dlsin
turruil yesterday and given to his wife ,
who otiinn on from Detroit to save them.
The banquet of the A. O. U. W. , on
Friday eyuning , was onu of the noatcul
ullalrs of the kind over given in Nobnis
ka. Ono of the most pleasing features
was an Indian club drill , given by Mrs.
Kinilmll and daughter , who were present
iwtho guontsof W. H , Waring and wifo-
The proprietors of the West Lincoln
. _ ihu other utt.y , uy summarily discharging
two or tliruo men who were heard talking -
ing about eight hours' work.
CntiRlit In HlH Own Trap.
Unviil Kor in Ilarpnr's Mngnzino for
May ; "Men will sham nny complaint
nowadays to avoid their work , " said our
worthy skipper us ho sat nt the head nt the
breakfast table on our first day out. " 1
had a fellow once who prtflcnucd to havn
lamutl hlmsolf when we were about half
way out to Calcutta ; and ho did it bo
well tlmt nobody over suspected him a
bit , till ono night there was n alarm
of lire , nnd the way that lamu man How
up the ladder would have astonished tin
acrobat. "
"Well"said I , "you remember that
story of the Irishman who went about
Dublin with ' ' the blind1
1'ity poor on n
board around his neck , nnd made qulto a
good trade of it , till tit lust ono of the
people who used to give to him met him
in a by-street , stopping along like a prize
" 'JLUU Old UUmvi'g1 ' ! Cried ho , ' 7511 55b
ns well as I do. '
" 'Suro , thin,1 says Paddy , looking
down nt the 'blind1 board that ho carried ,
'thoy'yo hung the wrong board on mo
to-day by mistake. It's deaf and dumb
1 am.1 "
"Well , I once saw something almost ns
good us tlmt myself , " said my right
hand neighbor , Professor T , "when
1 wus on a visit to my friend Dr. L ,
in tliu east of Franco. Thcro wns u great
conscription going on just then for the
Crimean wur , and L huu to test the
recruits as they came in , to t > co whether
tho.v were lit for service.
"Now among these fellows there wns
ono line , sturdy Anvorgnut , just the stuff
for a soldier , it ho hadn't unluckily been
stone deaf. So ho said , at least , nud it
certainly appeared to bo true , for nil the
tests that they applied to him couldn't
mnko him give any sign of hearing a bit.
I fully believed his cuso to bo genuine ;
but I could see by tliu twinkle in Dr.
li 's eye tlmt he didn't.
"That'll do , my rnau , ' said L to
ilm nt Inst , in n low volco. 'You're too
deaf to bo of any u o to us. Yon can go , *
' 'Instantly j the rocrnlt , forgotlng him-
soli in his Rico at having pot offso easily ,
sprang toward the door like a cnt.
" ' .Not EO fast line follow ' sli
- " a u Vf my W A\jlV/tf SllO lllCtl
the recruiting olllccr , 'If you can hear
that , you'ro not too deaf for the army.
i OIITO a mighty cunt ing rogue , out this
time we've caught you in your own
The Stolen Brondxvny Kallroatl Krnn-
clilso Atinullcd.
The passage by the New York assembly
of the bill annulling Ilia Broadway rail
way franchise by an almost unanimous
vote was a striking testimonial to the
power of public opinion. The Sharp
scliumu was conceived in corruption and
born in iniquity. This valuable Broadway -
way franchise was virtually stolen from
the people of New York and sold by the
aldermen for a ilxcd sum of $ ; H)0tH)0. ) ) It
took the press of Now York nearly two
years to arouse the public sentiment
which lias finally brought the perpetra
tors of that crime to the bar for judgment
and which was yesterday crowned by
the annulment of the fraudulent fran
l ) < nplto lobby inlhicnciH and powerful
lawyers wire-working the legislature
came squarely , up to the work. It know
full Well that the people of the City of
Now lork were not in the mood to bo
trilled with.
To the press belongs this triumph , to
bo justly shared with lloscon Conkliug ,
the able counselor of the senate invest- !
the radical culmination at Albany yester
day. Ho wove the chain of testimony
and drew the bills which now neoil but
the roiuly signature of Governor Hill to
become law.s and which will leave the
cunning sharp and his knavish crew with
the ashes of Dead Sea fruit in their hands.
That ( lay in August , 1881 , when the nl-
clcrmanie board met by preconcerted
stealth to ronsimimnlo the theft of
Broadway , every citizen know that a
crime had been committed. Everybody
know thai the aldermen had been bribed.
But the public shrugged its shoulders.
Not one man in a thousand bcliovcd that
anything could or would bo done about
it. The press raised the hue and cry at
the heels of the thieves , and for months
it had little encouragement and loss ac
tual support. But it determined , in the
najneof justice and public morals , to ex-
iiose the crime and bring the criminals to
mstieo. To-day it sees seventeen mem
bers of that infamous board of boodlcmen
under indictment waiting trial , three of
the chief conspirators in exile , fugitives
from justice , and Jacob Sharp , the prime
beneficiary , deprived of his plunder and
bemoaning the loss of his ill-spent
Is not this a magniticent tribute to the
power of the press , the majesty of public
opinion , and the incxorablcncss of jus
tice ? Ana is it not , above all , a warn
ing and a burning admonition to munici
pal thieves here and elsewhereV
Beaton's Hair Grower.
All who arc BALD , all who are becoming
BALD , all who do not want to bn bald , all
who are troubled with DANDUUKF , or
1 1'CHING of the scalp ; should use Benton's
Hair Grower. EIGHTY Pun Cr.NT of those
using It have grown hair. It never fails to
stop the hair from tailing. T hrotich sickness
and fevers the hair sometimes falls elf In a
short time , and although -the person may
have remained bald for years , If you use Ben-
ton's Hair Grower according to directions
you aiosurcof a giowth of hair. In hun
dreds of cases wo have produced a peed
gio\\th of Hair on those who hnvo been buhl
and glazed for years we have fully biibtitnn-
tinteu the following Incts :
Wo grow Hair In 80 cases out of 100 , no
matter how lout ; bald.
Unlike other preparations , It contains no
sugar of lead , or vegetable or mlaeial
It Is a specific for falling hair , dandruff ,
nnd itching of the scalp.
The Hair Grower is a hair food , and Its
omposltlon Is almost exactly like the oil
wlilrh supplies the Imlr with Its vitality.
aWlion the skin Is very tough and iiard , and
thofolllco is apparently effectually closed ,
the single strength will sometimes tall to
reach tue papilla ; in such cases the double or
tilplo strength should be used in connection
with the single , using them alternately.
Price , slnele strcnKth , 81,00 : double
strength , S2.W ) ; triple strength , 83.00. If
your druggists have not got it wo will send It
weparcil on iccolpt of price.
Cleveland. O.
Sold by C. V. Goodman and Kuhu & Co.
There was an exciting time In Paris at
the wedding of Gounod's daughter.
Gounod had invited MM. Talazicand
Baiissagol to sing in the mass. When
they arrived the priest refused to admit
them within the choir , as he had person
ally asked Madame Fuchs to sing. This
led to an unscemingly struggle , during
which the two singers were "chucked
out , " and young Gonnod , wlio took their
part , had his head punched. The wed
ding party was in an uproar , aud the po
lice had to bo called in.
Philadelphia's city hall is still unfin
ished. Between eleven and twelve mill
ion * of dollars have been expended upon
it since the laying of the corner stone , in
1872. It Is the largest building , finished
or In the course of completion , in the
United States , and is estimated to cover
2,800 more square foot , than the capital at
Washington. The tower on the north
side will be surmounted by a stutuo of
Penn , and its extreme height whan com
pleted will be 535 feet. It has now
reached a height of 270 feet.
Mr. I. B. Noxon , Cashier of First Na
tional Bank , of Sing Sine , N. Y. , suffered
greatly from Cpstivoncss and Dyspepsia ,
tlus to overwork and want of regular
exorcise , After wasting much time a'nd
money in seeking u remedy , he uesan
taking the old reliable Brandoth's Pills ,
two every night for three weeks. Ho
now has a good appetite and capital
digestion , and will answer any written
or personal inquiry regarding his re *
murkuble cure.
Two men wore arrested in St. Louis
the other day. It was alleged that the
men had perfected a means of taking the
change out of cash boxes on street cars ,
mitt upon one of them was found an in
strument for abstracting the coins. It
consist of a long and moderately still'
strap split at the end , into which are fit
ted two pieces of y.ino or tin , which are
moderately flexible. Pushing this down
into the box the coins are caught be
tween the two pieces of tin andabatuctcd ,
Halfbi d Sauoo kept by A1 grocers. Ask
for It.
In acquiring Hannah , Knglnml has got
possession of vast forests of teak , which ,
never plentiful in India , wns becoming
commercially very rare. Of all the wood
grown in the east this is the most valu
able It Is neither too heavy nor too
hard. It does not warp or split under
exposure to heat or dampness ; it contains
an essential oil which prevents its rotting
under wet conditions , and at the same
time acts as a preservative to iron and
repels the destructive white ants ; it is ,
withal , a handsome wood , of several
varieties of color and grain , and taUcs a
good polish.
A Ho u it n zu Mlno
of health Is to bu found in Or. It , V.
Pierce's "Favorite Prescription , " to the
merits of which , us n remedy for female
weakness and kindled affections , thous *
sixudf testify.
J. Ei. Minor , chief clerk of the supply
department of the B. tie M. at 1'hitts-
mouth , is in towa aud spent Suuday r
wtli old friends
Opening of the League Base Ball Season
of 1886.
The Racing Season- Notes of Diamond
and Trnok Calling the Turn
on the IJnso nail Knee.
CHICAGO , May 0. [ Special Corrcspon-
pomlcnco of the BKK. ] At last it is
upon us the league champion
ship season of 1880 , and never
never before in the history of this great
organization were the prospects so bright
as at the present time. ThoChtcagos
were strong enough last year to win the
championship race in one of the most
remarkable struggles on record , but this
year It will prove oven stronger , the
infusion of young blood and young
muscle into Ha ranks promising n. dash
nnd brilliancy in Its Holding work and
general execution that was not there
last season to such noticeable an extent
as it will Ijo this , llynn aud Moollo
have won their way straight to the heart
professionally speaking of their bap-
tain , and as Anson himself predicts , they
promise to become the greatest young
battery in the League before the season
Is over. James Uynn , our brilliant
young fielder , IIPS within the iast two
weeks developed Into a left-handed
pitcher , and Anson thinks ho will make
jiis mark in the box as well as in the Held.
The older members of tne team play ex
ceptionally well , and altogether the
prospects for n great showing by the
present league champions are excellent.
Speculation as to how the great race
will end , is only speculation , and al
though prollts have arisen in every base
ball center of the country to toll which
learn will be first and which last , at the
finish , their guesses differ so materially
as to show tlioir purely speculative nature
upon their faces. It is a noticeable fact ,
liowcver , that the majority conceded the
race to lie between Chicago and Now
York for first place , and unless there
should bo n woeful letting down in the
battery strength and effectiveness of the
New York team , I cannot see but that
? oed judgment is expressed in this opin
ion. Philadelphia scorns to be a prune
favorite for third place- this year , but I
liavo uu idea that Boston is going to show
up particularly strong , andon the whole
1 would class the old Red Stockings above
Harry Wright's team in general play lag
strength and battery ability. Detroit isa
conundrum. If each man should play up
to liis record the team will knock the cal
culations of many prophets silly , but it is
liardly likely for many reasons that they
will do so. St. Louis is stronger , much
stronger this year than last , but while it
is beyond doubt wonderfully cflectivo in
the field , its batting strength is still a
long way from the standard. To wind
up , we have Kansas City and yashing-
ton , and while I do not wish to disparage
the national team in the least , 1 think
Kansas City much the stronger organisa
tion. To foot upwere I to attempt to call
the turn in this race I should adopt a
somewhat conservative policy and state it
as follows :
For lit&t place A dead heat between
Chicago and New York , or very close to
it with chances in favor of the White
For third place Boston.
For fourth place Philadelphia.
For fifth place Detroit.
For sixth place Kansas City.
For seventh place St. Louis.
For eighth place Washington.
Put this in your pocket , reader ; and see
liow nearly I have hit or else , call the
turn yourself and see which of us wins.
Theuboi guess has been filed with A.
G. Spaulding Bros. , ot this city , with the
liope that it will win the premium of $100
offered by the firm to the individual who
correctly places before Juno 1st , the rela
tive standing of the eight league clubs at
the close of the championship season of
Mickey Welch , the great Twirler of the
New York team , has at last signed , and
will pitch tills year for the giants.
Corcoran is reported as pitching in his
old time stylo. It is said Mutrio has de
clared his intention of putting him in
against the White Stockings , May 13
and 1G.
Washingtoniansaro rather discouraged
over Mike Hines' poor support of Barr ,
although report says that he is now do
ing much bettor.
The Bostons have oflicial contracts
witli sixteen players. The Chicagos , 14 ;
Detroits , 12 ; Now York , 13 ; Philadelphia ,
17 ; St Louis. 17 ; Washington , 11 : Kansas
City , 11. Total , O'J.
Tom Deusloy was a long while in mak
ing up his mind to sign with New York ,
but Mutric has now got him on the libt
Dig Thompson of the Detroits is doing
some wonderful strong batting for his
team. It is thought ho will give Drouth-
crs and Connor a hard tussle for first
place in the batting record this year.
Johnny Ward promises to set uu exam
ple for his men this year as a base
runner. This is what Now York is weak
It is said that Washington has not a
single good base run u or in the team.
Sliding is an unknown accomplishment
to them. '
Boston is working her experimental ,
pitchers in exhibition games , and , mean-
wllilPi lUulboruoamlBullinton are taking
tilings easy. - i
The Critic and Umpire is the name of a
bright nnd newsy base ball paper eight
pages which made its appearance'hero
last week.
Eight fully equipped base ball associa
tions arc now in existence , employing
over 700 players , whoso baluries amount
to $800,000 , In addition to these are a
number of state and other semt-profcs-
sioniil character employing at least 800
more players , who will receive in salaries
nt least $1COOCO. And yet some people
do not look ou base ball as the national
Stolnmoyer , of the Bostons , is looked
upon as one of the most promising young
pitchers in the league.
Sunday oxpicssos his willingness to run
either Latham or FouU when the Whites
arrive at St. Louis.
Capt. Anson , of the Chicagos , and
Capt. Ward , of the Now Yorks , have
ordered one of Sam Morton's now base
sliding pads for each of their men.
A crank has estimated the railroad
fares of the lengno and American associa
tion for the season , at $51,050.
The Kansas Citys won their first game
of the season in good stylo. Whitney and
Ilackett were the battery.
The opening of the league season in
Chicago. May 0 , between Chicago and De
troit , with their "Big.Four , " will bo
made u great event , arrangements hav
ing been made to escort tlie clubs from
their hotel to the grounds by tiio Morgan
Park Cadets , headed by Austin's First
Regiment band.
Green Morris is said to have a clipper
in his two-year old , sister to Borsan.
* Jim Gray moved a mile and u quarter
at Memphis last week in 8:241. :
Ed Corrigan has ordered a thirty stall
stable at Memphis for winterings.
Joe Cotton was , during the lust week ,
backed tor the Suburban at $4,000 to
Con Crogan Is the special favor for the
bhrewd Now Yorkers for the Derby.
This map represents Solomon's addi
tion to Omaha ICO
acres platted in one
aero lots. Th'p land Is one mile from city
limits , one-quarter mile from deaf and
dumb institute , fifteen minutes' drive
from postolficb , near Belt railway. The
boulevard will lie
completed this sum
mer , it runs near our east lino. Land
contains ICO acre lots , which I offer for
sale without rcsovorvo at f 330 to $300 per
acre , on very easy terms one-third cash ,
balance five years' time , 8 per cent inter
est , or ? 50 cash , balance $10 per mouth
with interest. Here 1 ? the best oppor
tunity lo secure homos nt a small outlay.
Really loss monev per ncro than parties
are now selling snrill town lots five lots
to one aero. Real estate dealers are now
platting out town adjoining us on the
south and also west of the above lines
live lots to one aero.
Remember , that you can sub-divide
your ncro lots In llvo town lots nnd sell
them at once at a iiandsomo advance.
Thcro is no doubt you can double .your
investment inside of six months. The
above land joins Tuttlu's addition west.
I offer 33 acres of the above land with
three story brick dwelling , 10 rooms , II 3
02 feel , heft and hard water supplied
through pipes forced by wind mill , brick
bain 00x100 feet , one frame barn 82x103
feet , mill house , grinding mill , corn
fehellor , hay scales , 14-foot wind mill , ice
house , now well-llllcd with ice , one-aero
chicken house and fence , with other out
houses , etc. There is now on the above
28 acres 1,000 choicj fruit trees three
years old ; 5,030 grape vines , four years
old ; 5,000 , raspberries , also gooseberries ,
currants , blackberries , strawberries.etc. ,
etc. Also a good half mile racetrack now
co mplclo , The improvements cost over
For further particulars call at
1509 Farnam St. , Omaha , Ned ,
M. I. 1 > . SOLOMOX.
More than 100 horses at work at Louis
ville , but most of them arc backward.
II. G. Thomas , Radiant , has been de
clared out of the St. Louis Fair Futurity
Both Frceland and Sweeney have re
cently pulled .up'lame after gallops at
Memphis. , ,
Puritan , once'pretty smart on the flat ,
is being schooled 'for chasing and hurd
The mare Tiiree Cheers has been sold
to J. II. Cormaclc for the asserted sum
ot ? 2COO. ; "
Bud Doblc considers his string of trot
ters for this year ttie best he has ever
iiaiullcd. J'
Ed Corrigan'is ' handling eight of his
string himselffwhilo Abe Perry runs the
balance. i
Binnette is said'tp have shown a milo
at San Fruncis'do last week with weight
up in 1:41 : * . J , ( ;
There are lG49Amorican thoroughbred
foals reported for. last year , as against
1.131 In 1884. '
It is now said that the colored jockey
West will this season wear Corrigau S. ,
first colors.
Levant is training at Louisville under
the disadvantage ot having a badly swol
len knco.
Lancaster , who has been laid up for
some little time at New Oorlcans , is on
his feet again.
Frceland has ricked one of his stifle
joints , nnd was serously lame at the cud
of last week. CON CKEGAN.
Only fifty cents for a bottle of St. Ja
cobs Oil , the conqueror of rheumatism.
Evcrytliiiijj IB Lovely , and the Geese
* Hangs JHiih.
"Jack-in-the-Pulpit , " St. Nicholas for
May : This expression is a corruption of
an old-fashioned saying that originated
in the early days of this country.
As most of you know , wild geese , when
they migrate in autumn , formthemsulvos
into lines shaped like the letter V , the
leader flying at the point , the two lines
following ; nnd as they sail away , far
above the trees and bo.yond all danger
from guns on those cold mornings when
the air is clear and the sky beautifully
blue they seem full of glue apd join iu u
chorus , "Honk , honk , honk ! "
Any one who has hoard those curiously
sounding notes never could mistake
them. And the folks on the earth below
who heard the birds' wild call in old
times roili/cd : the happiness of the
winged creatures in bcinc so high and
safe. And eo it became quite imtnriil ,
wncn two persons mot each other under
peculiarly favorable circumstances for
this or that enterprise , for them to say ,
"Everything is lovely , and the goose
honks high ? '
The Great Southern Remedy Tor all
There nro very few who do not know of tills
little bush grow fine alongside of our mountain !
nnd hilU ; but very few realize tlie fact , tlmt
tlie little purple berry , \Uilili MI many of u
liuvo eaten In i-joit every ehnpo , tbrre la a prlu-
clplu Iu U Iiavltu a wonderful effect on the
bowels. Dr. Lllg er'a Jl ucklebcrry Cordial Is
thjQiiKAT fcoUTiirHN lituKDv that restores
the little one teetblutr , aud curia DUirrliaa
D ) lentery nnd Orarnp colic.
W ten It U considered that at this season of
tliojear sudd'nauil dancorous nttarks of tlia
bowels art ) so frequent , aud n o hear of to many
deaths occurring before a pbytlclan can be
railed In , it Is Important thatCTcrv Uomc-
hold should provide tliemtt-Un with dome
tpecJy relief , a dose of which will relieve th
pain and av much anxiety. Ilr. ItUteci'
llueklfbrrrv Cordial Is a simple remedy hlct
- - - child Is pleased to take.
' f , U > tents a bottle. Manufactured by
I Bit A.TAYLO11 , Atlanta. Ua. '
'lavlor'n ClicrokcuIIcuicdv of b l tiuiii
and Mullein will cure C'ouKba , Croup and Con
sumption. 1'rlce25ctii ana It abottle.
66 66
I , L D.
w W
A sure cure for Blind. Bleeding , Itchln
and Ulcerated Piles has been discovered by
Dr. Williams , ( an Indian remedy ) , called lr
AVilliams' Indian Pile Oiutmoiit , A single
box has cured the woist chronic cases of 25 or
SO years standing. No one need suffer five
minutes alter applying this wonderful sooth
im ; medicine. Lotions and Instruments do
more harm than good. Williams' Indian
Pile Ointment absorbs the tumois , nllays the
intense itching , ( p.utlcularly at nicht after
cettiii' ' warm In bed ) , nets as a poultice , elves
instant relief , and is prepared only for Piles ,
itching of piivnto parts , and for nothing else.
Dr. Frazler's Mimic Ointment cures as by
maclc , Pimples , Black Heads or Grubs ,
Blotches ana Eiuptloiis on the fnce , leaving
the sicln clear and upautlful. Also cures Itch.
Salt Kbcnm , Soio Nipples , Sore Lips , and
Old Obstinate Ulcers.
Sold by druggists , or mailed on receipt of
50 cents.
Ketalled by Kuhn & Co. . and Schroctcr &
Coin ail. At wholesale by C. F. Gooduiun
Royal Havana Lottery
Drawn at IIavannCubv : , Mtiy 1,15,20 , 1883
Wholes $5.00. Fractions Pro rata.
Tickets In Firths ; Wholes * 5 ; Fractions ps
Subject to no manipulation , not controlled by
the pintles In Interest. It Is the fulrost thin ? In
the nuturo of cluinco In existence.
FortlcUots npply to 8HIPSBY& CO.,1213Broad-
vny , N. Y. City : JL O1TBX8 & CO. , 019 ilula
street Kansas City , Jiu. tuilin&olw
And others suffering from
.nervous rtemUty , exhausting
ft chronic Uiaeatrt , prunalurt *
fldecllno of JOUDR or old ro
KisHireljr cured by Dr.
orne'fl famous Electru-
v J6 " " ' Magnetic lltlt. Thousands
In OTCrytfeAiStnto In the union have boon cured.
Kltctrkf35nstr liiAtoiitly felt ratcnirdand euld IU
> oar . Whole funillr can wonr same belt. Klrrtrlc
oHBpcnftorlrAfreo with male belt * . Avoid worthier Im
itation ana bogus companies Electric Tru ct fur
Kupture. 700 cured ln'8S. Bend Mampror pamphlet.
Red Star Line
Carrying the nol lum Royul nnd United Statoj
Mall,8ulllu < r ovury k'uturdny
Between Antwerp & New York
Bftlnn from SCO to $100. Excursion trip from
1110 to $180. Second Cabin , on twin d. ti3 ;
prepaid , MS ; excursion. $00. Stoorngo nnsantrn
at low nil OB. Fetor Wright & Sous , Cionoral
Agents , M Uroailwny. Now York.
Omaha , Nebraska , Jb'rnnk E. ilooros , W. , St , L
& P. ticket ngcnt
Or tliu Liquor Ilultil , l > o itlrely
Cured by AUtMlitlMterlni ; Dr.
. Huliiea' Uoldcn HpcclUn.
H can be Riven Inn cup of cofTra or ten without
the knowledge of tht > person taking It , Is ntisolCituly
Harmless , aad will effect a permanent ami speedy
cure , wlicl'jf r the patient l a moderate I'rinker ' erin
in uicouollo ivri-cU. It Ijni been given In tlioo *
runils ot cuiea , and In every Instanceii'ieilm cure
h&s followed. It nrrur fnlli The tystcm once
Impregnated n Ith tlio , It become ! an utter
Impossibility for the liquor appetite to oxl t <
KUHN & CO. , Car. 13th mid Uaaala * , and
18th < V f ; u in Inn Sis , , Umaba , Keb.i
A. D. FOSTKll < fc Itll(7. ( .
Council niuflii , loita.
Call or write for pamphlet containing liutdreds
cf testimonial ! from the beet wouieu nuu rneufrou
Kilpsrtsol the country. _ r. . . . .
The Original quit Only Ouiiulue ,
g te u > 4 ll ji HelltMi. Dtwut fl uvrth ! < ImlUtlr/U.
Icdliuiiitle to LADIES. A L jour I > ru glit ta
* Cblcbc t r' CiiKU > b > oilUk < nootliir.or fi'loMH.
' ) to Uf for iftrtlculMI fn tttttr br return inall.
KmoE'i PAPEH. < 'llchwt ' r C'hrinlcnl Co. ,
It SI b MuilUuii hquurt ) , J'Mluilu. , i'a >
Bold bj Druziil.l" ntrrwlicr * . ilk for "ChlrLc *
ter4 lh < 3Uii&'f I'ujiiijrural I'lll * . Ttltt aooib/ ,
Rooms 12 and 13 Granite Bock ,
Grade S)6tOtns ana SoworaKe Plans for Cities
ana Towns a specialty. Plans , E&tltuutc * ana
Bpfcincatlons forl'ubllo nna other Kiijfliiooriiig
\\ork8furnl9litxl. Burreys aaa Keport made
on Public Imiirpvemcnts.
, Member Amerloat : SoOle
Uty Civil liiiKlnecrs. City laiglnoer of OlnultH
to. U. QiuitsTii : , Civil
Oneofthe Best an < l Ltrye&b Stoofos in the U.S.
to Select from.
No Stairs to Climb , Elegant Passenger Elevator
Property of every description for sale in all parts of the city. Lands lor sale in
county m Nebraska. A complete set of Abstracts of Titles of Douglas County kept.
Maps of the City , State or county , or any other information desired furnished
free of charge upon application.
ana BUHKE ,
IlEFEKENCES : Merchants' and Fanners' Hank , David City , Neb. ; Koarnny National
Hank , Kearney. Neb. ; Columbus State Hank. Columbus , Nob. ; McDonald's Bank , North
Platte , Neb. ; Omaha National I3ank. Omaha. Neb.
Will pay customers' draft with bill of ladlne attached for two-thirds value of itock.
Tlihauitort Vltilltr. Hnrroui Ond Ptirsleal Dobllltr
Premature Decline In Mnn , Irr0r of Youth , nrt tha
untold mUerles rojulllnsfrom Indiscretion and *
ccmei.-A. book for nvcr mnn , young , mlddlo-ngod
and old. Itoontilns ll > p.r ncrlpllonft for nil acute anil
chronic enchoi.r or which Is Invaluable. Ho
found by the author whoeo experience for U raxrili
lucu B > probably neror DRforo foil to the lot of unr
pnyiictHniou'lpuKea. bound In beautiful trrenoti ran *
' . . . .cmbosied rover * , fu ! ! iltcu > iranteadto beatlnar
work In overjr ennu merhanlcnl , literary and profnv
lonnl tlihnanr other work la thli oountrr forll-M ,
orthe money will be rtfund In ovorr Instance. Prl
onlr II bjr mall , poitpald. Illuitrntad unmn 01 x
ecndnow. Hold modal awarded tua author brtlu Hv
tlontl Medical Aaioclutlon. to the lion , A. I' . HlMftll ,
and iijBoclate offlrori of tha boiril tb9 readerlira-
ipectfiillr referrjil. , .
The Helen co of Lit19 ' . worth more to ta ) romw aiil
rolddle-aeeit men of thli Kenoratton thnn nit thn cold
milieu of Calltornlaand the illrar mlnei of Ngruilt
comblnod.-S. K , Chronicle.
The S"l nce of Ufu point ! out the roolw mil quick-
.undsoniT'ilcli tlio con tUutlon und lioooi of nunr
n younjs man hare boon fatally wrecked. Mancbeiter
The Science of I .If o Is of greater value than all thi
rnedluiil work ! publubed In thla country fur tha put
Wyoarn. All uitii CnnJlltutlon.
' /lie Science of I.lfoln iiHiiiioru ndmiist8riy trait.
lao on nervous mid physical daUlllty. Detroit Kroi
Addroiitbo I'a body Mo llcul Initltula. or Or W. IL
I'arker.No.lllullUnca , Uoiton.Mittt.iWho rair
beooniultod oa all Jliou je ruqulnnii ikll luud vxparf.
onoo. Clininloun I otxlniite iiljjuei that h tvo o if.
lied the ( kill of nil utliiirntiyilcluui u tpaolaltr. Huoa
treiitod tuccetsfully without an , iiU-mca ufJllur *
Mention Omuha lloe.
England , France & Germany. *
. - u5pa0r this well linown line are
built or itoii , In mucr-tluht compui tinunta , nud
nro furiibliovl with u\oiy roitiUito | to inuku the
juiESUifoliotli sufo uiiil ngrouulilo. Tliuy curry
thb Uniloil States "ml I'.unipium miillti.iinil lnn\o
Now York Thursdays nnd Saturdays for
Upturning , the Etoumcrd loin o llulnbiire on
Wodnosdnjs iinJ Sundujbla. . Huvio , taking
imHseiiKCisut Soutliumpton mid Jxmdou.
First cabin $9) , HA. ) iinU $75 ; Stooriiuo STI.
Itnllroud tklatfl front I'lymuutlt to Ilrlolol , Cur-
illir , London , ur to uny place In the Houtli of
Knshnid , Kltr.K. HtouruifO from Kuropo only
( SO. Bond for "Tourist ( iu/otlf. "
0.11. IIIOHAUU&CO. ,
Ocnoinl 1'nssengcr Aguaia ,
tl Hromlwnr , Now York ; WiisliliiBtou utid J.a
Bullu gtu. CUIuuxo. 111.
O.NE OU WOUE AT \ \ * B I'lilfl'- .
I I'AY all express cliargr * to all points within 800
miles. I .IKK' carrt > irts to holttt from brnd t o cuu
stamp for lIlustrateJcatalOKUo. MdilloniliU lupin
Allfe it rlric .
S4U. H.uJIl up lbtt ltitullculiri. J.e ,
Nebraska National Bank
Paid up Capital $250,000
SuplusMay 1 , 1885 25,000
U. W. YATES. President.
A. B. TOUZA.UH. Vlco President
W. H. B. HUGHES , Cashlor.
W. V. Mown , DIUE070UJbiiN S. COLLINS ,
Cor. 12th and Farnam Strotts.
General Jlankln * Builuoil Traui43tL
mm cci. _
l lantlr relieve. tk |
ASTHMA moft violent . ull. < k > .l
itna Invurr. comfort * !
. lr > U p. Unedtr" \
mhiUtlon ) , thin reaching UiodlMai direct , raluw
oa the opum , Ucilitatei free f
ipeetor tlon ; mid KVITKCTH _
| j r. ill othtr riu 4lrf fell. A IrUI r < l rl tk
l lllcl oflU lmm dUt .dlrtl " 4 > rl tr.ffelllpf fffrc
l'rl. r > ( ) c. 41.OU | otdruciliu or I'T utll Tll
pt'cc frra for tump. Dr. B. SUIltnUH. ! ! . . lil , la ;
CIVIAI.E AUENCV. No. 114 Fulton Street. New Yo
You iiro allowed a free trial of thirty datit of the U5
of Dr. lije's Crlcbratttl Voltaic Belt with V.lcttrlo hua-
pensory Appliance * , for the inttdy nlU-f and iwiv
rrmnent euro ot ftcnvut VtMltlti , Ions of Vitality &W
4/ijiiiuuv / < tu4 ( Jl ( tlodjcd tronl.lai. AliO tot " "IPE
otbcrdlscasra. Uoratlct ? restoration to llfaUB , V'S&ri '
find ttauliood iniArauWd. No rub u InciiVred. IlTu > !
tratcd iianii'hlia In unit * ! oiK-Jopc mnllivl f n e , ny oil.
dressing VOLTAIC 11KI/TCO. , JUumbnllnrtcb-
Hal'sSafesVaulfsTimeLocks ! ,
and Jar ! Work ,
1020 1'uinam Street , Omaha , Neb ,
State Agents
' n1
rn o Mi n'YP
Omaha , Neb.