6 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , MAY 8 , 1886. THE DAILY BEE. i ' COUNCll BLUFFS. SATURDAY MORNING AlAY. 8. OFFICE , NO. 12 , PEARL STREET. Ecllvcrcd by cnrrlcr In nnyjiartof tliocity nt tncnty cents per week. II. W. TH.TON , . . . Manager. NIIHIT KlilTOtl , No. 53. MINOR MKNT1ON. Now spring goods at Roller's. Water Coolers cheap at Cooper & Me- Gco's. Savu money by buying Refrigerators of Cooper & MetJeo. Dr. J. J. White has purchased the Central drug store. Another circus Is coming. It is called King , Burko&Co.'s. Fresh bread , homo made cakes , etc. , nt llio Woman's exchange this morning. Leonard & Jewell refrigerators nt Cooper & McGcc's , No.11 Main street. The "Quick Meal" is a quick seller ; come and get one before they are gone. Cooper & McGeo. Grand onenlng at the Bankrupt dry goods store , No. 18. Main street nil day to-day Everybody call. The Bavarian band will bo in attend ance nt the grand opening nt the Bank rupt store this evening. Jacob Appcl Is building himself a nice residence on Fourth street between Eighth and Ninth streets. The clerks In the Bankrupt store have been busy the past week in preparing for the opening which takes ulaeo to-day. The ladles of the Baptist church will give a strawberry festival in a few weeks , the proceeds to be applied to repairs on their chapel. A grand opening takes place lo-day'at the Bankrupt storo. An extra forceof clerks will be in attendance upon all wishing to < purchase. The large drinking fountain on Broad way , near Fourth street , was yesterday gilded , making the presiding prohibition angel look decidedly ' 'gilty " E. M. KisKJngcr , whose claim against the city has been n frequent subject of discussion in council meetings , has com menced suit in the district court. 11. G. Fisher , of Underwood , has re leased the Chicago creditors of Fisher Bros , by mortgage , and that linn wijl thereby be enabled to continue their busi ness. Services at the Baptist church Sunday nt lOtfO a. m. , and p. in. Subject for morning : "The Tolerance of tlio Gos- pel. " J'orovoningt "Tho Intolerance of the Gospel. " Seats free. An invitation is extended to the ladies of Council BluIVs and vicinity to attend tiie grand opening at the Bankrupt Store beginning at 1) ) o'clock this morning and continuing until 10 o'clock to-night. lave Costello who takes a "brother- net" in the Nickel Plate show , that re ceived an injury of the .spine at Atlantic Wednesday , was yesterday able to leave his room at the Revere house and go to Omaha to join the show. Services in the Congregational church to-morrow as usual. Preaching by the uastor. Morning subject , "Christ , the In- Biiiration and Power of the Church " .Evening , "An Anxious Mother. " A cor dial invitation is extended. Dr. Montgomery has just supplied his oftlco with one of DoPow"s convertible operating chairs. It is a marvel of inge nuity , and can be adapted to any and every possible want of the physician and surgeon , the patient being placed in any desired position for examination or oper ation. Leave to wed has been given Shedrick Mowcry nnd Caroline Hudson. The couple are only eighteen years old , and made an attempt last fall to get the need ed license , but failed. They claimed then to have the written permission of their parents , but the clerk found that the parents bad not thus consented. When they reappeared with a like request , and showed lip the written consent of the parents again ho naturally was suspi cious , and rotuscd to grant the permit unless better evidence of the parents' willingness was presented. Alter some trouble the matter was arranged , the parents having concluded it was better I to let these school children wed , and have it over with. The many friends of President Parks , I of Simpson college , Indlanohi , la. , will I bo surprised to learn of his resignation. Only last Sunday he was hero with Bish- I op Nindo , working in the interest of the institution , and there was no intima- I tion then that ho was soon to sever his I connection with it. The main purpose I of his resignation is to accept a proffered I position as professor in the Gammon I School of Theology at Atlanta , Georgia. I President Parks has been the main stay Iof Simpson college , and during his ad- r ministration the old debt has been paid I' off , and the attendance of students more I than doubled. I"1 'The ' Nickel Plated circus , which showed r' hero Thursday , seems to have been prop- I crly named. It was properly iv nickel I show. The demand for $175 license ul- I most paralyzed the manager , and he sue- I. ceoiled in ranking the city authorities be- r Ileve that , after all. he did not huvo n clr- I ' ous nnd menagerie , but only n variety k ehow , for which the license was only $50. IBy not having any menagerie , nnd no I horses , the performance of a few turn- I biers nnd a decrepit clown was declared I by the circus manager to bo only a vnr'- I oty show. The city should not have let r these fellows oil' with a $50 license when I a first-class circus has to pay $175. When I' irshow comes along advertising itself as I being a complete circus and menagerie , I und inducing the people to spend their I money under this belief , they should be I made to pay double license , instead of I being let-oil' with n small one. If any I fnvors are to be shown , it should be to I ' .the shows which give tlio people their 50 I ; cents worth , and not to those who adver- IUse ono thing and show another. I Substantial abstracts of titles anil rea I' ritata loans. J , W. & E. L. Sulru { , 10 I c Pearl street , Council Blulls. I 'Go to Beard for wall paper. I , The best lawn mower in the market U I the "Philadelphia , " sold by Coowur & I MeGee. If Leonard & Jowett refrigerators' at low I > prices at Cooper & McGce's. I i - I Lot us go to Charle U Islor's and get a L good cigar. No. 403 Broadway. I. Colonel Weiilner has sold Ins farm and I rented n farm of Mrs. West in this city , I His family will occupy it while he goes | > West to look up n new location. I ; Do Viil sells Golden Star gasoline : < r ranges , best in market , No. 601 B'wny. I Unbans Corpus. I - ' S , 1 , King , of Logan , was in the city I , yesterday to take action in the superior 1 court towards getting John V. Evans re- I leased on u habeas corpus. The petition I sets forth the fact that Evans had been I ; arrested on u charge of larceny , J. A , I "lipics. being llu complainant. As a re- I"itultof the examination before Justice § JMcLaln \Vooilbnii > . Evans was bound I over Thu mutter w.ill bb brought up bo- I fare Judge Ayleswcrth for a hearing and I argument to-'Uay. I , n- Seasonable goods of nil kinds at hard- I ' -time price * utCoopor & McGee's , A GREAT DRY GOODS STORE , Grand Opening at Eiseman's People's Store Which Attracts Everybody at the Bluffs. COUNTY SEAT OF HAMILTON. Court nnd Society News A ClrcUB l nt- nlyzeil WcdilliiRfi , Divorces mill Arrests $ BOOO for In jury to 11 Spine. A. Ornml Succcas. For the past throa nights Eisomau's People's store has been the great attrac tion for hundreds of people , the occasion ot such a rusii being the grand opening. Tlio crowd last night * amounted almost to.a eru h , and the scene was more like the opening of some immense exposition rather than a merehantilo house. Eisc- man & Co. , who have already established their reputation for enterprise , have fair ly eclipsed all their former efforts. Their establishment is of mammoth size , taking in several stores on Broadway , nnd running back on Bryant street a long way. Arches arc cut between the differ- cut departments , and thus a number of \v hat would separately form largo estab lishments arc thrown into one of mam moth proportions. Aside from being ono of the largest houses in the west , the variety and quantity of stock is fully In keeping. The goods were arranged with wonderful taste , necessitating an exnen- diture of much time and no small ex pense. It formed n scene worthy of the llriu and of the great crowds of ailmircrs which wore drawn thitlier. With attrac tions throughout every department , with n score of large electric lights and many scores of gas jets , with natural ( lowers scattered throughout the establishment , with ladles and gentlemen in throngs dressed as If in attendance at some fashionable reception , the scene was one which might well bu termed brilliant. .No event of this kind lias occurred in the history of the city which could equal it for brilliancy and extent. Many from out of the city have been in attendance , and throughout the city Itself , tlio dis plays and the attractive features of the opening have been the constant theme of talk. talk.The The dress goods department was ono of the most admired of all , the goods being arranged in pleasing uraperies on stands , showing oil'to line advantage the great variety of silks , satins , velvets , and other goods , Potted plants mid bloom- ins flowers were placed hero and there , giving a bowery appearance to the ultico. In the notion department appeared the handsomest line of parasols ever shown here. There were all the latest styles , coaching , Louis XIV. , gondolas , tans , browns , etc- . , there being a great variety of the leading styles and colors. The display of hosiery was also remarkable. In prices they varied in lisle thread from HO cents a pair up to $ : t.OO , while in silk hosiery one could choose anything from $1.00 a pair to i&lU.OO. & There wore shown longi tudinal stripes , Egyptian plaids , solid colors with mace soles , opera tints , in endless variety. Many of ( he more expensive goods were shown in cases. Then through the other departments were shown a great variety of goods , the arrangement nnd display of which were marked by the same rare taste. There were many suns , shawls , wraps ami in fants' clothing. A special display was made of misses' and children's hats. White goods , lawns and embroideries were admired greatly. One show case contained real laces amounting to hun dreds of dollars. In the lower room at the rear were shown curtains nnd draperies , fancy table linens , ginghams , muslins nuda va riety of goods. In the clothing department there was not sucn tin opportunity for making fancy displays , but the quantity ot' stock , the quality and variety were shown to be fully in accordance with the other de partments. Of gents' furnishing goods there seemed no end , nnd much was of the finest quality. There was also a com plete stock of boys' and children's cloth ing. ing.It is impossible to enumerate , much less describe in detail. The stock , as a whole , is larger and better than even this firm lias carried before , anil the estab lishment takes rank as one of the finest as well us the largest in the west. It is a credit to the city , and will be appreciated and patroni/ed not only by Council Binds , but by the surrounding country for many miles about. The ABC soap , whose advertisement appears In another column , may bo found at the Boston Tea Co.'s store. Room Mouldings Largest assortment and lowest prices at Beard's Wall Paper Store. RuslncsH nt Tlio Bar. As a result of .circus day and the vigi lance of the police a number of prisoners appealed before Judge Aylos worth yester day morning. Most of them wore charged with being vagrants. Joseph Miller and II Merwinshowed themselves to bo cigarmakcrs , who were anxious to get to Clarinda , where they had places waiting for them. They wore allowed to depart. Thomas Dunlap hailed from Boston. He had a very poor idea of the west. Ho had been arrested in Omaha , but was allowed to go free provided ho skipped out of that city at once. Ho hurried over to this side only to bo picked up by the police , and was told to leave hero or go to work on the stone pile. He wanted to get back to the land of baked beiins , , John Evans , of Detroit , and John Paxtou , of St. Paul , were in about the samit condition , having boon driven out of Omaha. They were allowed to go on the promise to strike Sioux City next. John \\illiums and Joseph Harrison , of Youngstown , Ohio , Hud also come over from Omaha. They were given work on the streets. Frank Williams and Charles Loomis claimed to bu gas and steam fitters from Ottumwa , who had been to Omaha , und having blown in all their money there wore anxious to go back to earn some more. John Hoonoy was looked on with sus picion , Ho had a band bag in Ids pocket when arrested , but declared that ho was not in favor of striking , but carried it simply for self protection , lie claimed to hive lived in Omaha for sixteen years , and watt a lather by trade. He had came ever to i > eo the circus , lie had carried tlio sand bag bceauso another lather had threatened to liok him. Ho was allowed to return to Omaha. Olllcer UnthaiiK brought in a young man whogavo his name as Saml.Nickloy. hailing from Washington comity , la. , and who claimed that ho was on his way to Fremom , Neb. , where ho and his brothers had some teams at work on a railway contract. Thu olllcer hud boon informed by some 0111x0118 that ho was going through the passenger conches of an incoming - coming train , and they thought ho acted like a pickpocket , lie explained that he expected Ins wife to moot him hero , and was watching for her. Ho showed up all right , and was allowed to go again.- M. T. Kite , a wagon maker from Fut- ton , Kan. , was lined as a plain drunk , Fred Cash , a .young but hard one , said ho was hunting for work. The judge- told him ho need look no further , as ho would give him work on the streets. Tom Hughes and John Woodward bcforo the bar for disturbing the prace. It appears that Hughes went Into Woodward's saloon and commenced us ing abusive language , and Woodward threw him out , and following kirn up knocked him oil' the sidewalk. Jhoy wore fined f" > .00 each and costs. Woodward was also charged by a painter named Langdon with threaten ing to kill him. This case was continued , and will probably bo dropped , there scorning to bo little to it. John Anderson did not prove to be. much of "My Jo , John. " His wife was anxious to go to the circus , and he want ed to go on with his work teaming. At dinner time she hid the bridles of the harness , so he could not take his team out , ami ho got mad and said nho should n't go to the circus anyway. She throw an ax at him , and ho smashed a chair and then slapped her face. Ho then wont oil and got drunk , while she took in the show , and at night they renewed thn war. The judge lined him fj.OO and costs , and told tlio woman that while she ought to bo lined also , ho would simply lay it up against her for some future Wanted. Insurance solicitors , with teams , to work western half of Iowa for Dwelling House Insurance company of Boston. Krncst I. . . Smith , special agent , No. 1150 Main street , Council BUttl's. Go to Board for loom mouldings. Hoislcr cells llio best 5c and lOc cigars in the market. No. 403 Broadway. A IloylHli Wanderer. About midnight Thursday night a little fellow was found at the dummy depot who claimed to bo lost , anil who could not or would not givu any information about himself further than that his mime was Frank Gibbs , that he was about 8 years old , and that his folks had just moved over hero from Omaha. Cliiet Matthews took the little fellow homo with him and there kept him till yester day morning. The little fellow then told him ho lived somewhere near the blue front furniture store. On taking him down Broad wa p to that place , ho said lie lived across' the creek. The boy guided him then to a house on Mynster street , where the folks were found , the man whom the boy called Id's father giving his name as Bowman. The folks did not seem to be much concerned about the boy , and in formed the chie.f that the little follow had run away to go to the circus , but had boon brought back and his shoes and hat taken from him so that ho could not go out again. Ho got away , however , and did not turn up again until about 10 o'clock at night. Tlio doors wore locked , and sifter trying to get in lie was told to go around to { ho other door , but instead of doing so lie loft again and was not seen until he appeared in the morning with thi ! officer. Thu unconcern of the folks and the recklessness of the young lad were alike noticeable , and served to rather mystify than clear up the case to the minds of the police. Dr. A. P. Ilanchett has taken rooms in Mr. Ha/.ard's residence , No , 70(1 ( First avenue , for the summer. OMico still ut No. 12 Pearl street. Hours 10 to 13 a. m. , 3 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m. - Beard has an immense stock of wall paper and room mouldings which must be turned into eash.sodowngolhc prices at Beard's. \\unt It IJucl. Missouri Valley is urging the voters of Harrison county to let this people vote on relocating the county scat , and is evi dently anxious to secure tlio seat itself. The following guarantee has boon filed with the chairman of the board of super visors : To the Board of Supervisors of Harrison County. Iowa : We , the miiier.sicneil , do hereby cuaranteo and bind ourselves lirnily , tiy thc'io presents , that , in cuse of the relocation of the county seat of said county nt Missouri Valley , Iowa , to furnish all Inilldlnirs' unit grounds for county purpose's butter than the county no\v \ has , free ot expense to tlio county , by irootl warranty deeds , anil In case an election Is or dered on tin ) question of relocating salcl coun ty seat at Missouri Valley , Iowa , tlio money for said bnlltling will be placed In the hands of the board ot supervisors of said county bc fore the election on said question : M. Jloi.nuooK , 11. . Cox. ( ! . H ; MRiAiinr..v ( , L. .M. KKI.I.OOO , K. W. lllllHAKI ) , C. J. CAIII.ISI.K , A. Kixir.co.Mii , C. H. Du-uit , O. 15. DUTTKV , AlATTiiuw UBXKISO.V , F. .M. DANCI : , K. .1. CHAPMAN , KollKltT McCAUItKN , . W. H. FKSSI.UII. Heisler don'thandlo'any "snide" cigas. Go to Beard for low prices. 1 sell the celebrated Twin Burner gasoline - line stove. That double burner boats them all. A 4-burncr same price as a I- ! burner ; a ii-burner same price as a 2- burner. W A. Wood , 504 Main. Mtallt Couples , Mary Ann Coon has commenced di vorce proceedings to separate her from her husband , William II. Coon. She was married to him at Magnolia , Iowa , in 1800. She claims that ho has got so into the habit of drinking as to become more of a brute than a man , and that lie has shamefully used her. Mrs. Coon arrived here from Avoca Thursday to file her pe tition , and in the evening the chief of po lice bore was telephoned to by her hus band to have her arrostcd for running away from him , and carrying away some of his property. The arrest was not made , it appearing that the woman had taken nothing but what belonged to her. Morroll Gump wants to bo sot free from his wifq , Mary J. Gump , to whom ho was married at Dos Moines in 1873. Ho claims that she has deserted him with out cause. * GARDEN HOSK , WAUHANTED (50OD Me per foot , 18opor foot , 34o per foot , HOSE NOZZLES , Of all styles. HOIK KEELS , LAWSSIMIINKUJIH , Etc.Etc NEW YORK PLUMBING COMPANY Opera House Block. An Important Catch , Among the tramps arrested within a day or two Is one who Is looked upon as an important capture , Ho is the feJlow who drew a knife and threatened to carve Oflirer Cousins. Ho answers very closely the description of a man who is wanted in Chicago for the murder of a policeman - man , and for whoso capture there is a $5(10 ( reward , Ho is being held and in vestigated. Go to the N \ . P. Co , fori UARDKN HOSE. THEY WAHHANT ALL THEV SKI.L. Opera House Block. Wo liavtf a few water coolers which wo will soil very cheap to close them out. Cooper & McGeo. Personal I'nrnuiaphs. J , M , Metcalf.of theLiningcr &Mctcalf company , of Omaha , was in the city yes terday. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Beck now loavd on a two weeks' visit to their old homo , in Springfield , Hi. Colonel Orr and G , W ; Crossbv rfl- turned yesterday from' Chicago where they went to sell their cattle. Colonel Coehran hits employed as fore man of his 3.000 acre farm in Llttlo Sioux township , Mr. J. J. Cunningham , of Mo- dale. J. Woodward and George Hudlo , both representatives of different eastern soap manufacturers came in off the road yes terday. "Cy" Parker , the letter carrier , was out yesterday after bo'nig-.cenlined to his homo for the past ton days , which will bo good news to his many friends. C. H. AVIiltc , who for a.iong while has been a driver of the ' 1'acilu : Express com pany , bus been promoted express mes senger on the Union Pacific. Ho will run between the transfer and Omaha , begin- lug to-morrow. Before buying a gasoline stove sec the "Quick Meal" at Cooper & MeGeo's. After a thoiough Investigation wo are convinced that the "Quick Meal" Is the best gasoline steve made and shall make It our leading stove this season. Cooper & McGcc. Satisfaction guaranteed with every "Quick Meal" gasoline stove , or money refunded , Cooper & McGeo. Wants a Greenback Plaster. . Mrs. Katie Green has commenced suit against the city for damages on account of Injuries received by her by falling on a defective sidewalk on East Broadway on the 20th of March. Shu claims that her wrist and arm were sprained and her spine injured. She deems the injuries permanent , and wants the city to pay $5,000. Her husband , John Green , has also commenced suit against the city , also claiming $5,000 damages on account of the injuries received by his wife. R3M tin CJUS3IL BL'JS MILYGL 03E M. A. McPIko , editor ot tlio Cnmbrlu ( Khons- Iniur , Pa. ) Kractnnn , has been tlio | or.-oiml frlvivl ol' tlio editor of tlio Olotxi for more tlmn twenty yonr , unit Is known whurovur ho Is Known , us ono or tint host men living , llu IN itl o nn tntltimto fi-loncl of Mr. Cltirk of thu Noiipan-II. Ho Ims brun ini'nrtnnnto In tlio fuel t lint li Is 1'nm'lvvns niviijfcd with illptitlirrlu , nmlKiontly dls ro83od. Mr. Chirk Imvlni ; hoar.l or Imou- Imnlly font him sniuo of Dr. Jo Merles' Dlp'.i- thorln Cure , It was n o 1 nt once , mid tlio lives of tlio rort or Ills children saved. I llfis Iroin Mr. McP.ko uro iinlxinnilo.l In tholr ovpi-tsMoiis offrrntltude for.llucliiix . KOIDU nioiiisof averting - ing tlio los-ioC his w.'iolo vroni > of little ami tun- dor onus. Fivoiif .Mr. Mol'lko's children out of olitlit < llcd from dlphtlicrlu liofnro hohtid lit ) op- poitimltyof tishiff Dr. Jotforlos' roinody. Dr. Jcircrlcs' dlptlionn meiliclno is Infallible hi nil kinds of soio tlinmt. ' Dyspepsia ! Dyspepsia ! Dyspeptic , why llvo In mlsory , nml dlo In dls- pnlr with cr.ncoiof the stonmcli 'i Dr. Thomiis .loTcrlcs cures ovcry cneo of Iniltfesllon and constipation Inn very short tlnio. llcst of ref erences Riven. Dyspepsia Is tlio canso of ninety per cent of nil diseased conditions. Price i for two \veck3 treatment. Dnrlnirtho lust six years there 1ms ml boon dciitn from DIplitlicHa In nny cnio wliuro DH. THOMAS JHFKKltlgS1 3'HBVEXTiVK nml CUIIK wns used. Jt hns boon tfio means of f > uv- Ins : llioisnnils ; of lives nyd mljrlit hnvo suvo-1 hundreds of thousands morpjiliidlspoiislblo In putrid sere throat , in unuisilifiit Harlot fever , chnmrlnjr It In 48 hours toithb > | mplo form. In- I'alllblo euro for till InllilJumhtory , Ulcerntivo , 1'utrld , Cimccrons UlomitfonVt' the Womb and nil Cutnrrlml conditions. * J vj Price t' . Full printed Instrnctlonspiow to use the medi cine sent with It. No doctpr VSiiuh-od. DR. JEFFERIES\ \ REMEDIES Cnn only be obtained atjhta Olllre , No.23 S. Eighth tft..Cbliicil-IIIiillK ( , lown , Or sent by Rxprosj on lio.lntor . Price. SFEPIAL NOTICES , NOTICE. Special adfortlssraonti , sush at LoBtFound , To Iioan , Fo3jla , To Kant , Wantj * BonrdJnff.etc. will bo inserted la tills column it thclow rixto of TBN OUSTS PE LINE for. hi nretinsortionuud VLVE CBXId PKIl LINE Car each gubsoiuont ItHortlon. Leave alvai-tUj montsat our blUao , No. IS Pearl street , njir Broadway , Council Itlulfs. WAVTS. TJT'ANTED Three llrt c'liss dlalnjr room T Klris , nl > o Itnly couk m-.il I'fli'o mil. Apply in person ai No "M Ilruiidnuy , Council Illutis. FOH KENT Hy .luno let , two lingo barn" . KiKjuIro at Klol'ti lintel. FOH SALE Old nnpors. In qunntltlos to suit , ut lleo olllco No. lUTcurl street. FOIl SALE OH THADK-Slock of millinery nnd fancy notions. All nunfJoo.l locu tion. Pnloi $12,000 n year. " 0 , lice , Counel Uluirs , lowo. CARPETS Choice DUpluy of Latent I'al- teriiH , All GradcN. Council Bluffs ICOHPflHYl 4OB Broad/wety. A Select Slock of Choice Novell leu In. CURTAINS , Omaha Dental Associa'n ' Cor. 10th ami Douglas Stx. Filling nt lowest price , with paid , ellvcr nnd other comblnutloni Gold plulo aincontiguous ( ( ium Ti'fth B ipcclaltjr. a Best Sets of Teertli , S , Kormrr price fli. 1'erfcct lif uriJbest material. All work Guaranteed. ' i Council Bluffs Office , 231 BHOAUVVAY , WEST SIDE. L. W. Tci.usvs , Pros. T. J. KVANS , Vlco-l'roa. JAUKS N , JJuo\vsCuslilcr. National Bank 102 MAIN STREET , ' ' Capital . , . . . , . . . , . , $100,000 Authorized Capital , 260,000 Stockholders Represent 1,000,000 Do a mineral bankingbuslntsa. . Accounts of biuikd , bunkers , mcrjlinnti.uiiui- ufacturiTSand Individuals rocoivuJ on fuVor-v bio terms. Domestic und foreign c-tchanxo. The very best of attention itlvcn-to all bul iifcw commuted to our euro. A PLAIN STATEMENT OF FACTS We Intend on next 4th of July and Christmas following to , distribute among the consumers of otrr A. B. C. Soap each time 25 PDAWOS , SCO GOLD WATCHES , V50 CHINA DINNER 8ET9 , SO PAEtl'Oll ORGANS , 250 SELK DRESS PATTERNS , COO CIIIUA. TEA. SETS , 250 SCWINO MACHINES , 350 SOLVER TEA SET9 , COO 05.ullo li'owcr Lamps. and other 20,000 PRESENTS All of them magntficcntj costly and useful. But at the same time we beg the public to understand matter what our competitors say ) that we arc not running n gift enterprise. You do not pay us a fraction of a cent for the chance to get the present. We arc selling our A. B. C. Soap cheaper to-day than wo ever did during the three years that it has been placed on the market , and consequently you get full valu in Soap , We are simply ADVERTISING our A. B. C. Soap on the most magnificent scale ever attempted by any one firm. Three years ago we started out to sell A. B. C. Soap on its merits , to-day thousands of the most intelligent housekeepers in this and all the principal cities of the Union use our A. B. C. Soap and marvel why it is not used in every home. The principal grocers throughout the Union tell us one reason why its use has not become general is that Tias not been sufficiently advertised ; nnd another reason is , because many people who have bought it , did not give it the necessary and intelligent attention it deserves. They did not read the directions , and finding that it would not wash by laying A. B. C. Soap on top of the bundle of soiled clothes , they fell back to five cent soap. Thousands < > . us : "Your A B. C. Soap is all that you claim for it ; it not only gives satisfaction , but we find that our most intelligent customers say that u is A. BLESSING IN THE HOUSEHOLD and arc enthusiastic and speak in the highest terms of praisn about it. Why don't you advertise it ? " It is therefore that we are making this extraordinary effort to bring A. B. C. Soap to the notice of every intelligent person and in order to induce every one to buy it , and continue to use it until they hav fully tested its merits , we say to them SAVE THE ABO WRAPPERS And send them to us during the months of June or December next , and we shall distribute among yon an array of presents which , for magnificence and usefulness , surpasses everything heretofore offered by any one firm. Send four cents in stamps and we will send you a catalogue , which is now in course of prcparatioa nnd which will give you a full description of all the presents and the mode TO OBTAIN A PRESENT Those who have not used A. B. C. Soap , of course , will ask , "what is it ? " A. B. C. Soap is our own invention , and all who have used it cheerfully concede to it the merit ol being the greatest improvement ever made in domestic economy. A. B. C. Soap , and the MODE OF WASHING WITH IT , is as different from all other soaps , and the old way of washing , and is as . nuch an improvement over the old system , as traveling by railway is over that by an ox-cart. A girl of 18 , or the most delicate person , can wash WITHOUT THE LEAST EXERTION. in ono hour , more clothes with A. B. C. Soap , than the most robust , with the hardest work and slavish toil t \n wash with the best soap , and the old way of washing , in three hours. And withal , A. B. C. Soap is t\ie \ mildest and sweetest soap ever manufactured. We warrant you can wash baby with it and it will look * M sweet and fresh as a rose. Remember , that while ycm can use A. B. C. Soap in anyway or manner you please , it is best to use { \i\ccording \ to the directions on the wrapper , which will also teach you the new way of washing. Remember , also , that in order to obtain one of thesn presents you must save your wrappers and send . t n i to us V > mail , during the months of June or December next. SOAP BOILERS AND CHEMISTS , TO 963 NORTrf WATER STREET , MILWAUKEE , WISCONSIN. RUSSELL&Co Manufacturers of all elznsof Automatic Engines Especially Designed for Hunnlnir MILLS , GUAIN.ELEVATOKS , AND ELECTRIC LIGHTS , Tubular and Locomotive Boilers. New Massillon Threshers. Carey and "VVoodbury Horse Powers. STATIONARY , SKID , Portable and Traction Engines , SAW MILLS , ETC. Factory Mnssillon , 0. Branch House 510 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs. SEND FOB 1886 ANNUAL. Horses and Mules For ull ptirpoEus. bought and sold , ut retail and n loin. Largo iiunntlttcii to toloct from. MASON WISE , Elrcetl , Near Pacific House.Counil Bucs TIMOTHY SEED. I hnvo a quantity of sound , well ck-iinoj geoJ which 1 olfor ot rciiEonnbla flirIIITB. Feoil ol' the crop of It&'t. Corres | > oiuloncu fcolleltcd. 1 < \ U , 11UTI.KU , Sohullor , Iowa. C. & N , W. Hy. MRS. D. A. BENEDICT HAIR GOODS WIGS MADE TO ORDER , 337 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. JACOB SIMS , ATTORNEY AT LAW OOTJNOILi Practices In titnto and Federal Court ? . Rooms 7 aud 3 , Sauiwrt SWAN BROS. , Dealers in Milch Cowa. A At Our Slock lards No 502 and 000 E. Urouilwiiy.Council Ms ChinaGlnsswn'ru nnd Lamps. \V.-S , ilomur & C3. . No. 23 , Main SC ( , < nmuil mulls , Ii. : FIRST CLASS IN EVERY RESPECT mm w. DAVIS & GO. KtflnhllxliccI In 1877. CINCINNATI , OHIO. BUILD OVER FIFTY DIFFERENT STYLES. 2OOOO Vehicles Annually. Send for Catalogue , I > rlccs , FrclRlit Kales ami TcHtliiioiifals. W. HOUSE MOVER AND RAISER Tlrlck h.illdlm nnv kind riilcwl or mnvnil nnl satisfaction Kiiaranteoil. Frame homes ranveJ cnUiUeDlaat truoUi-tUa hMt In tliarnril 803 Eighth A.vcnu3 aiiJ Eijjhfcli S trout , Council Blufls. X. frYT r" 226 Broadway , Council Bluffs , KIEL SALE STABLES „ and Mules kept constantly on hund for enlo nt rutall nr In cur loitds. Ordefc prorndtly Illlod by contract oiishoit notice. Htnclc sold on commission. SHI.UTKIt 4 110I.UV , Proprietor * . Btablo Ctirnor Kllth Avenue mid fourth Bt Council HluITt I3WH , DRESSMAKING ( BV TIIK TAYLOR SYSTEM. ) MRS. L. SIMMONS , \o. ; tl-l Btroiuliviiy. MUS. SMI MON8 fur number uf yeir WHS lui.nl cotter wJth Jordun .V WmV.i , Itotlon , the tUuuusu R. RICE , M. D. PJNHRRS or nthor tumira roincivod without WtflWuKB the knlfo or ilrnwlny of blood. CHRONIC DISEASES or all kind , cpe Over thirty ycmrs1 nruct.oal oxnoriim J ) . No. II I'utirl .Slri'ut , Council lllulli KlIBi CUT THIS OUT ! < ; oo > iJ.vrii , .13A v ir . Having mud f rxtuiulvu fmiiiovoini.'nta uul InciriiMi.l ( Mir lliicllliUw , wo wlah to cull odnci'lul attention tcj HIP work now liolny tiiini > l nut by iiH.c'tilnilnif It tn ho o'juul ' to that ul nny uutitcrn laundry. Iiionlor to introduce our work outside the city of Council Illiurn. HO will upim lucolpt ( if Ihiu tleKot , uccotiiiunlid | ! by return po > tw. : Laundry Bi.v Colliuaor Cutli l'Ki. ! : , fur. villivr Indies or untiumuu Home Steam Laundry Sift Ilroiultvu ) ' , CouncilIliud'n. N-l > . Out'nf town orilun Kivcn prompt u't- tcntlon. We | < uy return cLuwN'oil tUJ work ro- VB.I > vhiiiiuy > ia < i4Ulj jMfi la pu yiuco iulliuuuuut.