THE DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , MAY 8 , 1880. FROJL THE STATE CAPITAL , In the Sewer- The Ground Opens and Swal lows a Horso. A GAY AND SABLE LOTHARIO. Odlco Holders Quarrel ntiit the I'nbllo Suffer Unhappy NcwHr lintier Men Amutuur Boxers Ocnoral Notes. fmOM TUB HKH'S LINCOLN tmur.Aul. Wednesday morning as the driver of Kendall & Smith's delivery wngon , was jogging nlong N street , "ho felt a shiver , ami then a shock , " and looking up found that his horse had suddeiily dropped out of sight. Ho pinched himself to makosuro that ho WM awaKe , ami then hcgan to prospect for the missing equine. The wagon was standing in the mud nearly hub deep , and between the shafts was an ugly looking hole , into which part of the harness was hanging. Peering down from his scat Iho driver found that the sewer roof hud caved in , and that the horse had dropped into the trench , his weight breaking the harness , and letting him free from the wagon , Down at the bottom of thu sewer , up to his knocs in fihifli , .stood the horse , meekly wonder ing how ho came there , and when and how ho was going to get out. The latter uart of the conundrum fcccincii to trouble the driver alsoi for ho tried numberless bchomes , in his mind , without success. At last aomo one suggested that ho get down In the sewer himself and load the horse through It to an opening about two blocks below where they would llml an easy exit. It was not a pleasant job , bat it bad to be done , and after a walk through the mud in abysmal darkness. Tin ; opening was reached , and the animal led out. WATCHMAN KKYSKIt'S HAUL. Night Watchman Kovsor reported to the police Thursday night that ho had hcen a colored man and two while women enter a building on his beat , and from their actions was convinced there was something wrong. The place was raided and the coon and his lady friends captured while occupying ono bod. In ' jiolieo court'yesterday the darkey gave his name as L. 1) ) . Hawkins , and said ho was a cook by trade. The girls called tlienihclves Rose Heed and ftlay Smith , 'They wcro ono and nil lined $5 and costs , amounting to $9.70 in each caso. During . the trial the prisoners swore that when they found out that Keyaor was "onto" them , they gave him a liberal tip to kcup htill. He accepted the money , and then went direct to police headquarters and complained of them , which they thought was very unprofessional in a guardian of the peace. A DELAYHD VOLUME. The nineteenth session of the Nebraska legislature was closed nearly fourteen months ago , yet the record of the doings of the lower house is just ready for dis tribution. The delay is said to have bi-cn caused by a dispute between James F. Xediker , the chief clerk , and his assist ant , Frank II. Wilson , us to which should do the work of preparing the copy , proof reading , indexing , etc. , for which an ap propriation of $1.200 was made , in addi tion to their regular salary of $0 per day. Alter u long tussle the printer finally succeeded in getting the job finished , and the representatives who served in the session of 1885 can get the fifteen copies to which each man is entitled , by calling on the state authorities. The book con tains 1014 pages , and is a fair companion volume for the Senate Journal , which was issued many months'ago. UHIKF MENTION. The inventory of the MeConnell stock not proving satisfactory to George M. Travor , that gentleman refused to com plete the negotiations for the purchase ) of the goods , and Mr. Louie Meyer yester day sold the entire lot to J. A. Schonnebcr- ' f V gc'r , of Jamestown. Dak. Mr. Schonno- b rger had boon waiting to see what Mr. Tnxvcr would do , and was on hand to take advantage of the .situation. The wordy war between Brucgmann nnd Blcudhorn has broken out again. The latter is insisting in the , Frio Presso that Brucgmann cannot show receipts for the money ho was given by the Gor- niania society to sand to the fatherland for the roll of of the Hood sufferers , am ! Bruogniann , in the Slants An/.eiger , inti mates that , unless the matter is dropped somebody will get whipped. Lillie Tobin , of Chicago , is the gmsst of Mr. ami Mrs. II. O. Kostka. Two aspirants for pugilistic fame , re- In the names of Sullivan am ! Juicing , wore run in by the police yes terday for lighting in the streets. As there was no stake or purse up , Judge i'arsons insisted on each contributing $2C so that there would bo something to light for. Like Paddy Ryan , they could not find backers for so much money , ami consequently were locked up. Joe C. Mitchell , formerly of tills city , was married Thursday to Miss Adele King at the residence of D. L , Draco Air. and Mrs. Mitchell have gone to Omaha to make their homo thoro. A number of changes in the police foroo nro bulletined. Will Ensoy , who was appointed a few days ago. has re signed , nnd James Malone has boon promoted meted from thu night force to the va cancy. Capt. Hiatt is to take Malono's place. Thirteen tramps were introduced to Judge Parsons yesterday morning under the now vagrant ordinance. The judge assessed them $0.40 for the honor , and in default they wtmi bundled off to the comity jail on a thirty days' son tonce. Ii. Cdnnor , ono of the gang , is wanted by the Uniaha authorities Prof , btrayor , a traveling magician , undertook to do a little slight m hand business with Al. K. Hall yesterday am ! foil by the wayside , it cost the profus or about $4 to explain matters satisfao torily to the police juutro. Hon. It. 1) , Stevens returned from Stromsbnrg yesterday , where , in the face of u .still' opposition and some knotty facts , lie succeeded in convincing the ex cise board tiiat it was proper to grant u license to ono Win. 11. Donalson. A committee of citizens waltod on ShurilF Molick yesterday to protest against the appointment of Harrison D Littloliohl as iv deputy sheriff. Little iield Is the Law and Order league police man who was released from uulv a few weeks ago by Mayor Burr , and his friends are anxious to havu him again Invested with an arrestingollicer's powers and prerogatives. Under thu treatment of Dr. Hillings , thu trottur MacMahon is improving rap idly , and will soon bo in shape fur traltr ing. The I'urado. Long before the hour llxod for the cir ens punulo usteiday the t > trcels o ; the city , especially about 1'fteeuth am Farnnm , woie thronged with men women and children , anxious and agape The crowd wjia composed principally o : the two latter , most of whom woru quite evidently from th "rooral deitricts , ' Thu infniillio element was also well rep rusontud , The nnrnde Itself wnt not an long a onu as hail buen anticipated , but what lliun was of it was good. A good d/.od crowi witnessed purformanre ihii aftui noon and laM i-vumng's performance was . well attended. A. Cnrpuntor'a Full. 1'esterday nbout 0 o'clock a carpcu tor named Johnson , who was engaged ii repairing the vavo on the north side o John A McShauo'a residence , on Wes r , la Great Bargain Sale To * > ay and All Next Week AT- J. L. BRANDEIS & SON SOS ao.d. SOS eoiitla. IGtli , street. To reduce our immense stock of dry goods , we will , today , offer the following unheard of bargains : Muslins. AH wo have more imisllm In stock than we liavc 5caY room Tor , wo will tomorrow , put It all on sale ( Tomorrow we will put on sale all our istaii nt 0c per yard , All the best brands of muslin third Calicos at U il-lupcr yard. in tlio market , Best Shirting Calicos , Pink Calicos , Dress Itoclied Muslin and Unlihclied 20 yards for SI , Calicos Only Twenty yards to one . Only 31 sold to each per , L.oiiMtalcaii < t nil the oilier well known brands son , person- GINGHAMS , LACES. DRESS GOODS India Linen 4c . I'or yd. . ONLY Icitsu wide India Llnun , World Ko. Good Quality Tomorrow we will put on sale 21) ) styles Tory 5c 1 ASE FirVK OU0NI.Y U ORIENTAL EACES ISLE FOLD , . 0NI.Y 9 CASKS EX. G001 > QUALITY Apron Gingham Tor Yunl. 1 oC SATINES Very wide for flouncing. All INDIA LINEN 40 Inches wldb. In all tlic latest , , ,1'or Ynrd. CURTAIN NETTING 30c a yard , worth 75c. shades Worth ; ia cents Short length. Only 8c , worth 20c. , , very nice wide Curtain N in white only , Only 15c worth 30c 1 lot Ladies' Silk Mitts , extra good 2 CASES SOLID COL , ONLY Lace Mitts. quality , all the latest shades , OKEI > : . 5c 1 lot extra good quality l lot Ladles' Ltxco Mitts in all shade , 250 SL Pair POPLIS . CURTAIN NETTING , Worth Per Yiird. 12K cU Only 9o a pair worth In white und ecru , 25c worth We , Worth OOc Very ulco. 25c. Given Away to every Ifjady ttending Our Sale To-day , we will give a Beautiful Japanese MikacJo'Fan ' , of our own importation. iti'i 5O6 and 508 South 13th Street. Farnam street , near Twcnty-liftn , icll to the ground , a distance of about twenty feet. He was considerably shaken up. though no bones wcro broken. The full was occasioned by Johnson's stepping on the end of a plank which was without support on the scaffold. The State's Inaano. Wm. H. Ijams , chairman of the board of commissioners of insanity , recently wrote to Dr. Matthowson , superintendent of the state hospital for the insane at Lin coln , in regard to the admission of a Douglas county patient. Ho received a reply that the patient would be admitted. "But , " writes the superintondant , "in the present crowded joon- dition wo can not receive continued incurable cases. I had hoped that the now institution at Norfolk would afford some relief , but the surplus hero now would till that hospital if they would re ceive them to-day , yet there are some hundreds of patients in the state besides those hero , " Mr. E. C. Pierce , the missing Blair un dertaker , has returned. Ho ofl'ors no ex planation of his strange absence except to say Unit ho went to California. It is supposed that ho has been laboring uiulor iv lit of temporary insanity. The Southwestern Strike. Ouo of the effects of the great south western railroad strike is already plainly noticeable in the increased number of tramps. Judge Stenborg says that every day ho has arraigned before him ono or moro men , whoso faces and manners give indication that they do not belong to the "porfcsh , " who were thrown out of work by the great railroad strike. They al ways show up their lianas , hard and grimy from long work on the trains , and the Judge , if satisfied that their story is correct , releases them , A Stolen Light. Thursday J. P. Dailoy , the sewer con tractor , who is building a sewer on tiio corner of Cupitql avonuu and Thirteenth streetsdecorated the opening ho is sew ering witli three red-light lanterns as sig nals of danger. This morning ho found that the lights had been stolen during the uight. j Hoyd'a IJenoflt. Thuro is every Indication that Manager Boyil , of the opera house , will have a rousing benolit next Monday on the oc casion of the appearance of Kato Castle- ton in "Crazy Patch. " The Klks will bo present in full force , occupying scats in thu front part of the house , TUTTS PILLS 25 YEARS IN USE. The Qrettcat Medical Triumph of the Age ! SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. the bead , witli a dull eoiatlon In [ Ii * back part , J'ala uurtr tlio ba lder blude , Vullneii after eating , vrllb * dis inclination to exertion of tiodr or mind. Irritability oflempcr , I > oir iplrlls , with a feellug of bavlnir neglected comodutn WeBiineii , Dlzzlucii , I'lulterlnc ot the Heart , lloie bclurulbe eyci. Headache over ( bo right eroi Iledleuneiis vrllb atrul Urenmi , Jllgbly colored lrla ) auil CONSTIPATION. TDTT'fl I mS are especially adapted to Buoh cajos , ono ttoso oifecu aucb elmngo of feollnE as to ustonlilitbo sufferer. Tbey In create the AppeUte.aod cau o tto body to T ke ou l-le litbu the irttem U nourUt > ilantil > rlbelrTonlo Action on U > l > ltf < UveOreaaUeuuLuHtooliaro productd. Prtf aSc. 44 Murray Mt..M.Y. TUTT'S ' EXTRACT SARSAP1R1LLA IlenoratM tba bod/ , make * healthy tteah. mtnfihtn * tb * weac , repairs the wutei ot Vie ijstoai vttb. pur * blooti ami hard miucle ; tones the DOTTOUS vstera. iuIxorates the brain , and Imparts the vigor of rrymhood. $1. Sold br dniKgUt * . OVSICK 44 liurrir 81. . Now York. Brevities. Pat Murphr. tlio "Irish Lord , " was shipped to Ireland last evening. The Fanlasma company arrived hero yesterday with all its wealth of scenery , and workmen. The liattle of Gettysburg panorama will bo open to the public on Sunday from 1:30 : to 9 p. m. floating at Cutoff lake is becoming moro and moro popular among the mem bers of the club and tneir frionds. There will b"e nogamoof ball on Sunday between the St. Joe Keds and the Union Pacilics. The former have backed down and out. * Tlio clgarmakers1 picnic , postponed from last/Sunday on account of the rain , will take place from Hasoall's park to-morrow. A county warrant for $10 , in favor of Martin tfahlon , was lost by Oflicor Whalcn yesterday , and if found should be turned over to him at the city jail. The grand jury was discharged yes terday. They found but ono indict ment and that is against the convict , Mc Carthy , who is now serving a term in tlio Iowa penitentiary. Ho has boon indicted for inducing the woman Swan to swear falsely in a case in which ho was inter ested. Frank Moody , a brakeman employed by the Union Pacificmet with a slight acci dent in tlio lower yards Thursday night. While coupling cars the draw-bars passed each other , permitting tlio cars to moot. Ilia shoulder was caught by ono , and the elbow joint by the other , causing the arm from the shoulder up to brace between the two cars. Although painful , it was not serious. Progressive I'rcsbytorituitsm. Rov. S. D. Bcatty , of Peoria , Ills , , is in the city. Hon. A. S Paddock arrived from Beat rice j'psterday. E. C. Morton , Fort Bridgcr , Wyoming , is at the Pax ton. . A. H. Swan , the Wyoming cattle king , is in the city. J. C , Osgood , representing a largo coa and Iron linn of Chicago , is in the city. L. M. Korty , superintendent of tele graph for the Union i'aeilie , is on the sick list. list.Mr. Mr. E. Kosowator left ycsjorday for the south , intending to bo absent two weoks. G. L. Patton , and Gcrtio nnd Edna Pat- ton. of Weeping Water , woru at the Mil lard yesterday. J. D. Donnolly , of Plattsmouth , cashier of tlio Cass County bank , was in the city yesterday. Charles A. Tanner and Mrs. C. T. Tom- ploton , of Nevada , Iowa , are visiting their brother in this city , C. II. Hammond , superintendent of the Iowa Institution for tlrj JJouf and Dumb , was in the city yesterday. T. M. Marquette , Lincoln , while in nt- tendance upon the United States circuit court , is a guest at the Millard. Mrs. Elijah Stoddurd and Mrs , Nathan E. Adnma returned Wednesday after an absence of sonic weeks in California. S , C. Stalls nnd wife , Chadron ; Charles Philpot , Weeping Water ; F. S. Cotton , Kearney ; are at ( do Canfiold. Mrs. A. J , White , from the south , is visiting her sister , Mrs. Harrison Buck- iier , of Omaha , and will probably make this her future homo. Prof. A. S. Marks , of Chicago , author nnd publisher of tlio "Holy Land , " is in the city mid will give several illustrated Idcturos ou Palestine , Mrs Louisu Hllleck. living near the corner of Thirteenth and Douglas streets , in suffering from a broken arm , which she fractured u few days since. Mrs. W. F. Allen , who loft for San Fran cisco with Mr. und Mrs. Coutant , together witli her child , will remain on the coast u couple of weeks longer. Postmaster Coutant arrived homo f day from California , where himself and wife have bucu for the last twenty-tiro days. Tlioyvrflitdd Los Angeles , Santa Fe , Monterojvjtha Geysers , Sacramento and San Francisco , jind spent .tlio time most delightfully. ifihn srCascmont , of Paincsvillo , Ohio , the railroad contractor , well known hero from his early connection with the con struction of Iho Union Pacilic , is at the Paxton. Mr. W. Smith , who has for several years been chief clerk in the construction department of the Union Pacilic , leaves on Saturday to take a place with Mr. Mc- Murray in the ' claim department nt Den ver. THE ROMANCE OF GOLD. Fate of the Men Who Discovered Some Great American Mlnex. Fort Keogii ( M. T. ) Letter : The super stitious belief is an old ono that unless the discoverer of a camp moots an un timely or bloody end his find will never amount to anything ; and this seems to bo berne out by the facts , since nearly all the discoverers of the great gold mines in the United States , witn but tow excep tions , have , as the saying goes , "died with their boots on. " Of thirty-eight booming towns in early days , the loca tors of twelve were killed by bullet , tlireo' were buried in their creations by cavo- ins , and the rest drifted away with the tide of immigration , have become lost in oblivion , or died and were buried in pau pers'graves. George II. Fryerfrom whom the celebrated "Fryor Hill , " of Loadvillo derives its name , died at Denver not long ago from an overdose of morphine admin istered by liis own hand. Two years pre vious to his death wari worth a million or HO , but ho died u pauper and almost with out a friend. Old Virginny , after whom the "Con solidated Virginia" was named , and who sold his claim for $25 ; a ponr and a bottle of whisky , came to his death by an over dose from a bucking mule near Dayton , Nevada. Bill Bodic , tlio discoverer of the great Standard' no in Mlno county , C l. , slept hiu llfo away in a snowstorm while making his way to the mines. Col. Story , who gave his name to tlio county in Novadu where the Comstoek is situated , was killed in battle by the Pyr amid Lake Indians. Thomas Page Comstook died a boggnr in a strange land. "OJd Pancake , " as ho was known in the mining camps , com mitted sulcldp nt Bozomun , M. T. , on September 27 , 1870 , by shooting himself. He was the loaUor' ' of the famous Big Horn oxpoditiou of i the Lost Cabin mines , supposed to be * somewhere among the Big Horn mountains. The expedition was n failure , . an Comstook , whether from disappointment or some other cause , while encAiilpcd ' o'ir ' Hozonmn. drove u pistol bull' ' through his head and died instantly , lie was buried there , and his grave is unmarked and unknown. Near the wild spot where twelve years before the hidtUm.treasuro of Alder gulch was revealed to him , William Fairweathor was laid down to , rest. Like poor "Old Paucako , " thiserratjo ; soul stranded on the shoals of dissipation , although each in his day had 'turAed ' a key the ono sil ver , tlio other golden which unlocked millions for othprsT.but nothing for them selves. William Farrell , who -.truck" Meadow lake , died a victim to remorse in ono of the leading hospitals in San Francisco , "haunted by tlio spirit of 1,000 deluded pioneers and prospectors pass ing and rcpassing liis uylng bed. " The locator of the famous Honiestako , in tlio Blaok hills , ii said to Jinvo afterward turned road agent. Tunes going hard with him , ho attempted to stop u stage loaded and prepared for just such emergencies , anil ho was planted along , side the road by tlio tender-hearted e.xnrcss agents whom ho had tried to rob and kill. Jlomor , of the Homer dis trict , followed in the suicidal tracts of Comstoek. After squandering a small fortune he- shot his brains out In the fctrccts of Sau Francisco. Doughnut Bill , ' 'Old Eureka. " Kolso Austin. Lloyd Magrudpr , "Ninc-Milo Clark,1' ' George Hankiuson , Henry Plummor , and scores of others died violent , deaths in one way or another and reaped noth- jug from the rich finds each had made in his day. Doughnut Bill was planted in the Lone Mountain cemetery in Utah in 1809 ; a lone grave under a white pine tree in a frontier mining town in Cali fornia tolls where poor "Old Enroka" slfcops his last sleen ; Kelso Austin was killed and buried in Echo county , Neva da , fifteen years ago. Lloyd Magruder , while conducting a number of wagons loaded with treasure from Virginia City to the nearest rail road , was murderedi and robbed by his teamsters , who were Plummor's outlaws in disguise. George Hankinson and Henry Plummor were hauled no by the vigilantes and strung tip without the delay and formality ot a trial. Plnmmor was a great rascal. In the early days of the mining caraws of Montana Plnmmcr was elected sheriff of the camp about Virginia City. Ho was the first locator of the rich ground about Virginia City , but thought ho could make moro money , and quicker , too , by taking what was already mined than by laboring in the gulch day after day and getting it by hard , honest toil. But he was tripped ill ) at last , and died a cringing , misera ble coward , on a gallows of his own con struction. Jefferson Davis In Irons. A correspondent of the Baltimore Sun writes : Tlio ceremonies at Montgomery , Ala. , on Wednesday last , and the allu sions made by Gen. John B. Gordon in his oration there to the imprisonment of Mr. Davis at Fortress Monroe in 180. " ) , revives - vivos some incidents rarely now men tioned , but , neverloss , of rare historical interest , and belonging to both , the period and the subject , they may now bo truth fully related. An eye witness , encased there in the ordnance department nt the fortress , now a resident and attached to the pollen de partment of Baltimore , says that when Mr. Davis landed from the gun-boat on tlio government wharf , the guard that received him kept back tlio lookers-on tea a considerable distance while they conducted - ducted the prisoner to the interior of the fortification and to thu casemate assigned for Ills incarceration. Soon after ho was lodgml ttiere the olllcer of the day called and advised him that orders had been re ceived from Washington to plnoe him in irons , and asked him to submit by lying prostrate on the cot when within the casement. Mr. Davis , with some vehemence , objected , anil asked that the order .should bo read to him. This was done , and ho .still refused , and declared that the manacle bhonld only bo placed on him by forco. The I blacksmith was then present with leg irons , ami a soldier being so ordered , i placed his musket across the breast of I the prisoner , pressed him to and then down on the cot. While held in that po sition the smith rived the irons on the ankles , and the prisoner , thus soeured , was locked in the casemato. A day or .so following orders came from Washington to remove the manacles , and soon atlur- ward to opc'i the door , and finally to al low Mr. Davis to excrelsn himself by limited walks within the grounds. The order to Iron was issued , it was said , by Secretary Stanton , and the preparation to do so were all made prior to the ar rival of the gunboat. President Johnson issued the ameliorating orders that fol lowed , TThcn lUbjr was rtck , we gtve bet When the iriui a Child , abe cried for Cantnrtx , When tlio became Miss , she clung to Catterla , Whan itio had Children , * ho fiMO thorn Cwtcris , Whitehall , Wis , a villngo of hws than 500 population , in September last voted to have the liquor license $400 for retail and $200 for wholesale dealer * Super * visors were recently ulp.ctod who .will raise the license for thu coining ycaV to $000 for. both eluss > us. The UAUSO of ttio Cyclone. Koclicster ( N. Y. ) Democrat : The re sults following the advent of the solar disturbance of the 14th were far moro disastrous than expected. Wo spoke yesterday of the barometric depri-hsion lingering in the northwest and expected that the solar llames pf the disturbance would hasten it eastward with high tem perature and electric storms. But it seems that as the extended factilar disturbance just in advance of the sun spot came to bear on our atmosphere tornadoes devel oped immediately in the depression , with the most disastrons results to throe pros perous towns of Minnesota , two towns in Iowa and one in Dakota. In Sauk Hap- ids and St. Cloud the destruction of prop erty and loss of life were appalling. The tornadoes scorned to have a partiality for towns. No such destruction lias opcurrod since six southern states wore visited the 1'Jth ' of February , 1881. On that day over a hundred people were killed and the skv was of a lurid hue at midnight. The facular disturbance Justin adyanco of the sun spot which came by the sun's rotation Wednesday especially attracted the attention of Dr. Vocdor of Lyons , who reported it by postal card Wednes day afternoon. As observed by us Thurs day morning , the disturbance was of the most remarkable character. What fiooniod like a vast billow of intensely white flame with its summit far above the absorbing vapors near the photosphere , swayed and twisted and changed form very rapidly. At times It was almost ob scured by cloud-like masses. This facu lar flame must have been 00,000 miles long , and added considerably to the sun's heat for a timo. It also electrified our atmosphere , as was evidenced by an aurora between 0 and 10 o'clock Wednes day night which was very striking , con sidering the brightness of the moonlight The electrical displays In the northwest were also very intonse.and the electric dis charges are probably responsible for the plowing up of the earth by the tornado at St. Cloud. A tornado is probably noth ing but tlio pasugeof an immense volume , so to speak , of eleotricity from the upper atmosplioro to the earth , forming a vertex - tex , with a practical .suspension ofgravity for the time being. - Simply Testing Ills hove. Detroit Frno Press : The other evening as a Detroit Flt/.noodlo called on liis gin lie found her with tears in her eyes and her face tied up. "It's the awful , awful toothache ! " she jobbed , as lie asked for an explanation. "Try camphor. " "But the deetist says I must have two of them out ! Will you go with mo , "Of course. " "And will you you also have a tooth pulled ? ' , "Cortninlv. " "Two of 'urn J" "Yes , " "Before I do ? " "Yes darling. " Then she flung the Imndorohief from her faeii , brushed the tears from lieroyc.s and gave him a long , lingering , iirouras- tinatin ; ' hiss on the left jaw , She had simply boon lusting his love and devotion. They will go to Niagara Falls on their bridal tour , Happy In His Diviuns at Fond Wife "Dili you have pleasant dmanis last night , George ? " Undo Husband "Why do you ask ? " Fond Wife "Botmihu I noticed a pleas ant Hinile on your face ai you .slept. " Kudo Husband "Y'es ; I forgot for the time that 1 was married. Pass Uiu butter. " Whiin thn Apache raca is decreasing yearly , the Navajo , though keeping p.ico in din-ay from ISO.1 to 1880 , is now at a standstill , if not absolutely increasing in numbers. 'Iho Apaches ntiinburod , in 187 : } , 10,003 souU. To-day they an- not quito 7,01)0 , ) btrong. The Navajojis dwin dled from 10.000 to 13,000 in 1830 , and have re main oil at about the latter figure OVtVSIIICO. Union Sowing Machine , 209 N. ICth st. T EXPENSES OF THE nOUSEROU Keeping Accounts the Beginning of Tru , gallty. Hamaslng Mfo by Contracting Untie * cssnry lclls Knso of Money * Getting Hostile to < 3ootl Husbandry. Philadelphia llccord : The misery o debts nntl duns hold nbout the snino rela tion to the disturbance ! of social happl- lies * that colds and consumption do to the lircvrntion of physiclal wcll-bolng. No disease carries oft' so many victims as consumption , and no avoidable mental allllution contributes so much to the harassment of llfo as the worry of debts contructnd in excess of ability to pay. The insane hospitals are full of crazy debtors , and thousands every year rid tlioiLsclvos of an nnondurablo weight of liability by running unprepared to their dual account. The writer of these papers , morn especially intended for tlio purusal of women , lists already preached a sermon from the text of "ray as you go. " But the way In which you go is important. You may go so fast that outgo exceeds income , and every year capital is en croached upon until your gait is reduced to ono of uncomfortable slowness. Aa wonum nro among * ho chief dobt-maKcrs of' the world it is important that they should understand the limitations within widen they may proceed safely To persons so eomfortauly situated that they own pald-for houses to live in , but nro dependent upon a certain lixcd income , or certain wage-earning capacity it should bo an oxtraotdinory inducement indeed which would justify them in in curring debts beyond the immudiato means of payment. Every debt pulls away from the security of the homo and of the homo comfort that grows out of its possession. Those who do not own their homes , but expect to , must miiko whatever dculal is necessary every year to lay by something toward the accom plishment ot the desired end. They must do more than pay as they go ; they must not go quite so fast as they are able to pay. The liousowlfo can , if she chooses , ad just herself to the circumstances witli the greatest precision. Once having ascer tained the earning power of her family she can adjust the pay department to necessary outgo as readily as the horsepower - power of an engine is adapted to the work required of it. Hut there must bo method. The true method is to keen nn accurate account of expenditure. Lven a running account mav bo kept within proper bounds by the housekeeper who makes it a point every day to know how far and fast the account runs. It is a thousand times bettor to only buy what you can pay for out of cash in hand. But the cash is not always in hand. The blacksmith's wages are sometimes ropro- rented by his book accounts for work ( Ioiu > and not paid for. The farmer's cash may for a tnno Ho in his unfathered crops or his unfattoncd oxen. But the running account should never bo per mitted to go beyond the surety of ac quittal. The blacksmith's bill at the store should never bo permitted to ex ceed the amount ho may certainly expect from solvent dobtros , and the farmer should never oat up his corn before it ripens. The housewife who keeps as close and conscientious knowledge of what she buys and does not pay for as what she buys and pays for within the limit of ability has adopted a rule , not of absolute safety , but of near approach to it. There has been a wonderful inoroaso in latter years in creature comforts Every honest weaver and shoemaker or other craftsman in Philadelphia can till his house witli luxuries and array his wife and daughters in fabrics mote come ly and gorgeous than Kichard III or Henry Vfll , or any other of our savage ance.stry in the ndddlo ages , could pos sibly procure for himself or those about him. But with case of living and case of getting has como a certain diminution of thrift. One cannot go back to the private memoranda of the business trans actions of George and Martha Washing ton , John Adams and his wifo. How careful the father of his country was about his shillings. Or oven to como later down , when Attorney General Marcy , of the state of New York , debited the com mon wealth witli 50 cents , which the tailor charged him for patching the seat ot his breeches , worn out in staging across the country in his professional capacity. His expense account went oven to the charges for his rum and thu blacking of his shoes. But there was not a farthing too much or too little. He did not ride on a tree pass and clmrgo the state witli mileage. If we could bring back into the house hold administration something of the care , precision and honesty ot an earlier day how much larger enjoyment wo might got "out of our improved facilities ! By remembering what a great man Mr. Muruy was , how well ho acquitted him self in trying positions when great affairs wore to bo dealt with , and how well ho prepared himself for the management of great affairs by the accuracy of his , deal ing with small affairs , wo snail bo vastly encouraged in adopting the Marcy plan as the guide of household adminisration , A young man in Athens , Ga. , has a val uable diamond nin with a history , which ho evidently isn t ashamed of. His grand father was a slave dealer , and ono day saw u wouch wealing a diamond pin. Ho asked her whore sho'got it , and what eho'd take for it. She said she had picked it up in a street in Montgomery , Ala , , unit would tradu it for a rod hand- kercldef , W hereupon the honorable Georgian gave the blavo girl in for it , ai\d handed it down to his admiring posterity. . The Texas & Pacific bridge over the Trinity river at Dallas , Tex , , is ninety feet above the water level. A negro walking across the bridge recently was overtaken by u tram , aim so scared that ho jumped from the bridge , went plumb down in the water , and after n mlnulo arose and swain ashore unhurt. The mild December weather caused , a pair of ravens to lose run of thu season , mid on the Oth of that mouth they wcro well along in housekeeping , having u nest 7)1 four young in it. This pair of birds built their homo upon a ledge on PHI high olijV lacing the Irish Channel , The ledge is on thu estate of Mr , Koij- nedy , in Glonapp , Ayrshire , MOST PERFECT MADE I'urfist mid ftronccsl Natural Fruit Flavor * . Vanilla , Jxmioti , Oranio ; , Almond , Knso. ulc. , llavor as dfjlc-vtely mid uuiurallv U3 the ( rult. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO. , CUICAQO. T. LODU , 3-- * pjA - Hfjl y fi