THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; SATURDAY , MAY 8 , 1886. THE DAILY BEE. OMAHA Omen , No. u AND DM FAJIKAX ST K W YOHK Omen , HOOM W.TnintiNB IltnuilNO WASHINGTON OmCH , NO. 813 FOUHTF.EXTII ST. Published every morning , except Sunday. Tlio only Monday morning paper published in the rtato. TK71MS HT MAIT , ! On ? Year.i.i..tlO.OOThre | Month * . $2.rrt Six Months. . 6.00Ono , Month . 1.00 TUB WEEKLY nr.r. Published Kvory Wednesday. TKHMfl , 1'OSTPAID : One Vcnr , with promlum . . . . . .t2.00 One Ycnr , without premium . 1.25 BU Mouths , without promlum . ; > OnoMontli.on trlnl . 10 connKSPONnr.NCs : All communication ! ! relating to nsws nnd edi torial nwltcr * thould bo addressed tothoKut- trail or All tin lncM loiters nml remittances should bo nnaroRwt to THE HEE FcnMsntNn COMPANY- , OMAHA. DrnfM , checks nnd poitofflco onlore 10 bo niado payable to the order of the company. HE DIE POBllSBIlfciPAH , PROPfllETOHi K. nOSKWATKR. BDtron. Tlll-J MAtliY EK. ft wortr Statement urOlrctilntlon. Ktnto of Nebraska , I „ „ , f " 8f County nf Douglas N. 1' . Fell , cashier of the Heo I'libl'.shlns company , docs solemnly swear that Hit ) ac ; nml circulation of the Dally l eo for the week ending April aotli , ISbO , was as follows : Morntnn Kventna . Date. . MUttm. Million. Tfltnl Sutunlny , 24th. . . 0,500 5,070 12,470 Monday , 30th. . . . 7.10U C,005 12,70-1 Tuesday. 27th. . . o.noo 5,715 12,0in Wcilnosilay.asth. c.noo Thursday , aitli. . 0 , : 0 Friday , 80th . 0,375 5,800 12.17.-5 Average 0.47U 5,777 12.25C N. P. FKH. Sworn to and subscribed before mo , this 1st day of Slay , A. D. 181. SIMO.V J. Notary Public , N. P. Fell , being Unit duly sworn , deposes and says that he Is cashier of the Bee Pub lishing company , that the actual average , dally circulation of the Dally Dee for the month of January , 1SSG , was 10,378 copies ; lor February. 18SO , 10,5115 copies ; for March , 181 , 11,537 copies ; for April , 1830 , 13,191 , copies. Sworn to and subscribed before mo this 5th day of May , A. D. 18SO. SIMON J. Fisitnn. Notary Public. IN seeking a now trial Mr. Laucr is pos sibly making a grout mistake , and wo believe - liovo that his attorneys fuel the same way. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ No moro time should bo lost in Omaha in the matter of building. Tlio brick layers and contractors ought to patch up their differences at once and go to work. Tim Manhattan bank has declined to pay 1 per cent interest on Now York city municipal deposits. Nebraska county treasurers who turn a nimble penny by private arrangements with local bankers \rill put the name of the Manhattan bank down on their books for future inference. Two Now Haven , Conn. , dry goods firms were determined to undersell each other in disposing of prints called crazy cloth , for which each had paid 12 } cents n yard. One at last sold the goods at 1 cent n yard , and the otiicr reduced the price to 5 cents for ten. yards. Omaha dry goods ilrms who cut each others throats in the days of the lamented Iioyal L. .Smltli.know how it is thorn- eelves , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TUB disturbance reported from Rose bud agency is suggestive of the danger which threatens our'northern border so long as nearly 30,000 Sioux are settled In reservations along the Nebraska lino. Every interest of public safety and a wise economy of life and money demand in creased military protection for north western Nebraska and the immediate strengthening of Forts Robinson and Niobrara , which guard the southern boundary of tiio great Sioux reserve. MATOB BOVD is at his old tricks of'bar- tor and sale. The latest move on the part of the mayor is an attempt to trade off the building inspectorship for votes lor the removal of Marshal Cummings. This little game which failed at the organization of the council will not sue- any better now. The majority of the city council wore elected on an issue forced into the canvass by the mayor. Their election was Mr. Boyd's defeat and he recognized it as such. He will find it dilllcult. wo apprehend , to gain his point DOW that the contest is decided. , THE pay of a second lieutenant in the Trench army ia but $37.00 per month , and _ is sword knot costs $5. The pay of a econd lieutenant in the United States rmy varies from $110.00 to $ 185. 00 a Month , which is generally greatly in ox- ws to the value of these young gentle men to the service. The pay of an old flrst sergeant is about the same as that of French lieutenant. A rovison of the pay table which would increase the pay of fret sergeants to $75 a month uud do- Venae that of young graduates to the wuuo amount would fill a long felt THE manner in which the Farnam troot pavement is being treated is simply utrageous and ruinous. Whenever trenches are dug for gas , water or sewer fipu connections , the dirt is not properly Mplacod , and the paving blooks are very Mruloasly put back. In some instances the blouks are not replaced for weeks , but re allowed to remain piled up on tiie ftldowalks whore they muko dangerous obstructions. Farnam street already has numerous ruts and holes in the pavement ia consequence of this loose and careless way of doing things. The board of pub- Me works la responsible for this condition f affairs , and it ought to bo ashamed of itself for such a neglect of duty. No one should be permitted to tear up the pave ments without giving a guaranty that they will bo replaced in as good condition 98 they were before bning taken up. TUP. Herald , which at one time was very busy with the aflulrs of Omaha work- ingmcn , and In a way that would proba bly have unsettled the situation lutro en p tirely ( lad they listened to its double- Iwutoit leaders , is now hedging by advis f I ing the workingmmt to keep right on with their work and to give the public a formal assurance that they propose to do $ a. All tills from the IJeruhl is entirely mmecasstiry. The worklngmen of Oma ha need no such advice , They tire tin Intelligent class and know what they are About , and probably uro aware of their wn Interests. There never has at any . time boon any serious prospect of oxton- tyt ) Ubor troubles in Omaha. The work- IMCIUOII of Omaha have not boon alluded lif the striklnz mania , but have kept cool throughout the en tire excitement that hi prevailed over nearly every section f the country for the past six weeks.- Repeal the Every case brought Into federal courts where land grabbers are on one side and a swindled government on the other sup plies fresh ovldonco for the use oi these who hold Hint the laws governing the dis posal of the public lands must bo repeal ed because it is impossible to prosecute to conviction these who violate them. Ne braska has had eight such instances. California now furnishes an equal num ber. On April 8 eight men ( three of whom wore worth 15,000,000) ) were in dicted for having stolen from the govern ment by means of fraud and subornation of perjury 00,000 acres of the most valua- bio redwood timbgr on the I'acific coast. This timber they had sold to a syndicate In Scotland for $2,000,000. On Mon day last the indictments were quashed. Two years npo the same men wore indicted for the same crime. They escaped then just as they escaped now. The pre-emption , timber culture and desert land acts should bo repealed. They cannot be enforced against the shrewd sharpers who use the nation's bounty to heap up immense fortunes by fraud and perjury. The pre-emption law was passed originally to assist in tin ? rapid disposal of the surplus sovornnient lands and to raise funds for the treasury. The timber culture act was intended to promote tree planting. The first law has outlived its usefulness. Our national do- ni.iln.hns dwindled down to 250.000,000 acres. The treasury has a surplus. There is no reason why the homestead bill will not lill every requirement of the intend ing actual settler much bettor than the much abused pre-emption law. As for the timber culture law , it is the specula tor's bonanza and the jobber's isly.-iitim. Timber planting in the west needs no such encouragement now-a-days as n bonus of 100 acres to men who will grow 10 acres of timber in eight years time. Nine-tenths of the land en tered under the timber culture law is used for speculative purposes and afterwards relinquished at an advance for pre-emption purposes. Both the laws should bo removed from the statute books. They have been fertile in frauds which , under the loosely drawn statutes and still looser rulings of the land ollice , can not bo punished as they deserve. The west will lose nothing by their repeal. Resident settlers and not eastern non resident speculators have built up this growing country. Anarchists nnd Socialists. The red handed riots in Chicago under the lead of foreign anarchists are every where being taken as a text for wholesale denunciation of "socialism. " The public must not confound two very , different theories , and in confounding them con fuse the distinction between law abiding citizens and outlaws of society. SocialIsm - Ism is ono thine. Anarchism is quite another. In Germany , the hot bed of most of the modern ideas , there are four distinct and separate schools of socialists. They all agree in agreeing that the present system of society needs reforming so that equality shall bo more general , and every man shall bo afforded an opportunity to rise to the level for which his talents and industry lit him. The most able leaders of this theory are professors in the universities , who form a school called "Socialists of the Chair. " This school advocates the regeneration of society by the education of the masses , the enlargement ol the sphere of govern ment , and by legislative enactments , which will enable the pcoplo to partici pate moro thoroughly in mak ing their own laws , They recog nize in the present constitution of society a sufficient basis upon which to build the now social struc ture. The moans which they propose are through a peaceful reform of the laws and the constitution. Between the "Socialists of the Chair" and the an archists there is a wide gap. The an archist creed denounces the present so cial order as rotten , corrupt and ordered for the solo benefit of the few. It preaches that society must iirst bo overthrown be fore the now social structure of equality can bo reared. It looks upon wealth and rank as fungous growths which cut away before a healthy circu lation can bo promoted in the body politic. These fanatical promoters of social warfare gain their idea by a study of continental despotisms whore the neo- pie are nothing and the king everything. Anarchism nourishes only where an irre sponsible government furnishes it a soil. There need bo no danger in free America , where the people rule and where every man , however humble , may boldly aspire to the highest positions of honor and trust , that anarchism can secure a footing. It is opposed to the spirit of our institutions , repugnant to the sense of our people , and based on premises which have no application to existing conditions. Socialism , pure and simple , is the study of the people of America. Its primal principles have been hero most success fully applied and its peaceful theories put into active operation. No citizen can bo or ought to bo persecuted for an expression of opinion upon social reform which does not strike at the roots of law and order. But anarchists who use the liberty of a free country to spread the revolutionary theories of Prussia and Russia among American workingmen should bo promptly suppressed. Incen diary speeches should not be pormittod. Harangues Inciting to riot and dynamite should bu summarily closed by the pun ishment of the lirubrand orators. An orderly discussion of social topics is ono thing , preaching riot and social ruin is quite another. Stirring Up Strife. The small-souled spitcfulness of the Republican under its present manage ment has cropped out so often on many points ttiat it has reacted atrainst itself even among thosu wore formerly the stnunohest supporters of the paper. The continued and uncalled-for abuse of Sen ator Van Wyok by that concern has done him n great deal more good than harm. The latest assault upon the senator is in koopine with all the other performances of the small-bore editor of the sheet that is last going out of existence. Because - cause Senator VanVyck. . has seen lit to respond courteously to the call of the Omaha board of trade which , regardless of party or faction has asked our delegation in con- grcda to place the Union Pacific Oil an equal footing with other roads in the matter of building feeders to its line , tli.o Kepublican sees in Van \Yy < } k a corrupt couvbrt to monopoly. Because the sena tor tins socn fit to commend the present management In comparison with Jay Gould and his wreckers , ho it pilloried as a knave and a demagogue. Comment on such a course Is unnccos * sary. There is ono point , however , that wo will notice. The charge is trumped up in this connection that the BEE now supports the funding scheme ot the Union 1'ncilic which a ycnr ago it opposed , and furthermore that Mr. llosowator now has passes where ho used to have tickets. Both these assertions are downright lies. The Hr.K has not changed Its position In regard to the funding bill and does not propose to unless the fraudulent debt of the road is Iirst wiped out. Rosowatcr has no passes over the Union Pacilio road. Ho bought his tickets at the Union depot Ilko every other passen ger the last time ho went over the road two weeks ago. Ho has no transporta tion arrangements with the Union 1'acl- Ho , oven for mileage tickets , and wo defy proof to the contrary. Ho has such ar rangements over other roads , and they are strictly an exchange for advertising. Our relations with the present mana gers of the Union Pacilio have never been unfriendly. Wo have had no personal q'tarroh ' with them because unlike their predecessors they have kept out of poli tics so far , and niado no personal war. To some of the methods of their road and particularly to the practice of charging what the traflle will bear wo are just as much opposed as wo ever havu boon. What the Republican is driving at now in attempting to reopen old sores and force another bitter controversy where it is un called for we do not know. In the past wo havu understood it. It was an effort to capture all the job work on the road and dragoon lu employes into the politi cal lights of Yost & Co. But wo havu no job olileu and ask no tavors of the Union Pacific and do not interfere with any fa- vor.s they may wish to confer on anyone else. " * " MJ" " < " Our Duty Towards Labor. There should be no delay on the part of the council in approving the contracts for public improvements. There will bean an abundance of employment for labor ers as soon as work starts. The curbing , guttering and paving already contracted for will keep our streets alive with labor ers for some months to conic. Another question has an important bearing upon work for workingmon. Wo refer to a proper assessment of property. With a fair assessment , which means a tax list double the total of that of last year , the city and county will bo able to do a la'rgo quantity of much needed grading later in the season , and to lurnish continuous work for lab orers until snow falls. If the same sliort- sightcd policy of the past is pursued , if the. assessors simply copy .the books and the valuations of their predecessors , and list thousands of acres of unimproved city and suburban property at farm land prices , the city will find itself seriously embarrassed for funds before the iiscal year is ended. Whether Omaha is to maintain her present growth during the uresunt year , depends very largely upon her ability to keep her workingmen at work. The city has done its share when it supplies em ployment enough for the1 idle. If after that isdono wurkingmcn tlironglinmcon- sidered counsels and. unreasonable de mands block their won paths they will have only themselves to blame. MK. ADAMS and General Manager Cal loway have weeded out a good many of the old barnacles who have kept the Union Pacific in hot water throughout the state and made thorn hosts of enemies. There are a few of the old cang left whenever never will bo reconciled to attending to railroad business and leaving politics and petty spiteful schemes against politi cal opponents alone. Prominent among this disgruntled job lot of marplots is Sam Jones. Ho feels very unhappy over tilings as .they aro. He would like to assist his bosom friend Yost , not only to all the job work in the passenger de partment , but would like to enlist all the Union Pacific ollicials in resuming poli tics on the old gravel train and section boss system. He keeps up the lire in the rear and back-handed warfare from be hind the ambush of the passcn- gor department and will doubtless continue to do so as long as he remains there. If the broom of reform hud swept such follows as Jones out at the start , Mr , Callaway would find him self less hampered in currying out his design to make the road ; i strictly busi ness institution. Personally we care no moro for Jones than wo do fora chimney sweep. But his impertinentund ollicious work concerns the public and affects the standing of the road. Tun Philadelphia flccord a few days ago celebrated the tenth anniversary of its ownership by William M. Singorly , who has made it one of the loading papers of the United States. It is a people's paper and tlio opponent of monopoly In every shape and form. The Uecord has ever 100,003 circulation daily , and is a daisy for u cont. Tin : cable company is doing a great deal of talking. Wo would like to see it go to work and spend some money as an evidence that it moans business , other wise it is liable to bo put on the list as a natural gas organization along witli that new gas company. Otlior Lands Than Ours. Greece has at last precipitated the war towards which she has been hot-headedly rushing for the past two months Her reply to thn ultimatum of the powers de manding the immediate disarmament of her troops collected on the Turkish fron tier has been considered inadequate , and the ambassadors have left Athens in an ticipation of the impending conflict. Lat est cablegrams announce tlu hurrying forward of troops to the Epirus , amid the enthusiasm of the Greek pcoplo , and the pre parations of the allied licet of England , Germany and Austria to enforce the demand of Europe for a prompt settlement of the trouble. Thn report that Greece expects Ru lnn sup port is probably true. The trouble has undoubtedly boon actively fostered by the agents of the czar who Is eagerly waiting for an opportunity to attack Turkey and seize the key to the Dardanelles , Europe , however , is likely to prevent any such contingency by settling the ditlioulty before much blood has been spilled on cither side. * ' ' . Mr. Gladstone's address to his Midlo thian constituency h now generally ac cepted as a notification to 'the country that the , premier has decided to shortly dissolve parliament nnd appeal to 'the country on his Irydi measures. Liberal England stronglylondorscs Mr. Glad stone and his poliur , fcut It is n serious question whetherTtwill bo able to give Its endorsement voice In the present parliament. The ministry profess them selves confident of paislng the bills to their second roadlmiiiioxt week , but lull- mate that nothinghnl a swinging majority will satisfy them. gAhything but a hearty endorsement would bo mot on the con servative side by-ailio chargrfthat the present parliament was not elected on the homo rule issue and on that account does not represent the will of their con stituencies. Mr. Gladstone feels certain that thu pulse of the country is strength ening every day for homo rule for Ire land nnd will not shrink from testing his bohot by an appeal to the ballot. * . While the tory calculators es timate eighty-seven liberals as pledged to support Hartinglon motion to reject the homo rule bill on , Mondny , impartial judges show n very different roll as the result of their can vas. The best estimate given places 53 liberals as definitely committed against homo rule , and 181 committed In favor of it. Parliament now consists of 050 members. On one sldo tlicro are 131 un- ofllclnl liberals , 28 ministers and 80 Irish men , a total of 218. On the other there are 5T > liberals , nnd 243 lories , a total of 207. This leaves 114 members whoso status on tlio question is doubt ful. Of these Mr. Gladstone must got 87 nnd his opponents 23 in order to have a majority. These figures show the tremendous stress of the situation , but of the 114 there are fi who will not vote at nil if they decide not to vote for the bill : Mr. Bright , the two. Chamberlains , Mr. Calno and Mr. Courtney. This Is possi bly truu of 10 other liberals. Of the re maining 1)9 ) the utmost the tones hope for is 10 , winch will give them 317 , and make Mr. Gladstone's strength 837 , or a ma jority of 20. On tlio other hand , the liberal - oral whips deny that the , lories will got 10 more. They place the abstentions at 0 , and claim a vote of 830 against 313 , with a majority of 37. * * The Prussian diet has been debating during the week on tlio now ecclesias tical bill which is intended to take fur- her steps to modify the May laws of Hcrr Falk. The relations between Prus- si t and the Vatican are becoming in creasingly friendly , and there is little doubt that Germany may shortly bo placed in her old position with regard to the freedom of religions sects to minister to the people according to their beliefs. # * * About the worstexhibition of landlord ism to bo found ib , .Great. Britain is in Scotland , not Irofandr * Ihe population of the county of Sutherland is 21,317. It contains an area jif ' 109,253 acres. Of this area the Duke of outliurland owns 1,170,813 acres , sl othr persons 100,000 acres , and the renmln'ing 5,295 acres are divided moro or Mess- * equitably among the other inhabitants , of that rent- ridden county , yt ITlSs six hundred men who constitute the house of lords own nforoTh'itif one-fifth of the whole kingdontaand + QOllcct $00,000,000 annually in ront9 , < ° nn.rVerago : of s110,000 a year. There avo' OOOjOpO people in the kingdom , and 7,400 ofUViem own one- half the land. The other halt own an average of ono acre each , .but throe- fourths of them do not own n singln foot. Such is Adam Badcan's report of the con dition of affairs as regards thn land in Great Britain , and it seems to bo no longer tolerable. * * * The Spanish floating debt is 05,000,000 pesetas , a reduction since April 1 of 11- 000.000. The Spanish government has proceed with the consolida tion of the Cuban debt as authorized by the cortes last year ; also to renew nego tiations for a treaty of commerce with the United States with a view of improv ing the trade- and revenue of Cuba , in order to case the burden of the guar antee. . * The New Brunswick elections have re- suited in a defeat to the torlos. The Macdonald party held the provincial government from the admission of Now Brunswick into the confederation until 1883 , when the legislature , elected the previous year , voted want'of confidence ; Mr. Blair became prime minister , ana the Dominion torlcs have been unable since then to dislodge him and the liberal party of New Brunswick. * The Spanish senatorial statistics have resulted in the return of 128 ministerial ists , 28 conservatives , 0 independents , 4 republicans and 2 members of the dy nast lo left. There docs not seem to bo much show for Castolar's republic in these figures The regency is well sup ported so far , and Spain Is tranquil. PUOMINENT PEUSON8. William 1C Vniulerbllt proposes to devote his whole time to literature and the cultlvn tionof his mental poweis. I'.ittl has returned from her Spanish tour , The mit Rains of the engagement were 8200- 000 , of which Pattl received 03,000. Dr. Win. A. Hammondex-surgeon general of the United States , was married re cently to n Miss Oliapi'n of New York. Mr. Gladstone's biittouholo posey , worn when ho made his great speech , was a rose with shamrocks , the glft'oT Mr. J'arnoll. J. It. Oisooci wl | | nidke a | > leiu\ld \ agent of the Harpers In I.oiuip ) ! . , , Ho Is universally popular , and knows ( liobopk trade fiom alpha to omega. j Kx-Prcsldont linyej * bus long been am bitious to appear as nunagazlnist. Brooklyn has the honor , In its laagatlue , of Intioduclng him to the world , ' . ' ' General Sherman ( ojks of spending the Mimnier with his dai'iqhtlr ' , the wlfo of Ltout. Thackern , who has jnatjreinoved from Phil adelphia to Marietta ) | 'a. * , A tircat Ilint. tfdiraslcu Ctlli Ktia. It has been discovered that Miss Knlsom has relatives In Omaha. It might bo well for tliuso lu politics to cultivate their acquain tance. Ooubtlutr ( lie Promise. JMplllltm Tlmu. Iho Union Pacilio railway officials promise to build a monster union depot In Omaha. This promise Is not now , nor la It of tiny more value than its long line of predecessors. Omaha will have a uulou depot when her cit izens donate the money for Its construction. Imporlshablo Itcnown. l\oclmtcr \ Chronicle. The youth whoflied the Kjmestan dome and the widow O'Leary's celebrated cow which' fired Chicago are Invited to share their Imperishable renown with the unknown superiuteuduut who Jired Charle * A Hall , of Texas. Hall Is the man whose discharge from the car shops of the Texas Pacific railroad nl Marshall \vns the immediate cause of the strike _ Gabriel's Horn , AVbrtuAd Cify Xt\ct. \ It seems to bo the prevailing opinion that Gnbrlcl must have blown his horn In the south or Jed Davis would not bo making his journey , lie Is the skeleton ot the dead past. What tlio South Fought For. Chicago llemM. Tlie"nlzRcr , " as ho was called In these days , was what the south fought for. To keen him In involuntary and shameful bondage it took refuge under the ncsls of state sovereignty and mtule , through four years of awful strife , an effort to destroy a government which belonged to It \\ollas to the north , and In which the highest hopes of mankind were conteicil. With positions reversed It would have fought Just as desper ately for the obliteration ot stale lines , If by that process slavery might Imvobeen spaicd. It Is easy to cnloel/o the bravery of the southern armies , for that was proved on many a field , but It Is Impossible for anybody to invest the cause In which they struggled with a halo of glory. Thny fought for a bar baric Idea. Thov lost , but they lost no liberty , for tliat hail never been threatened. The True System of Pnylnjj for hnhor. R'cio Yoili Time * , " The common sense of the problem Is that no labor should bo paid by the day. All .should bo paid by Iho hour. " So says the Sun. The principle thus set forth Is entirely wrong and vicious , and is nt thn bottom of a large part of the labor troubles. Labor should ho paid , whenever possible , neither by the day nor by the hour , but according to Its re sults. To pay a workman accoidlng to the limn spent upon the \\oik Is the \voist for him. It puts a premium on tardiness end Incompetence and brings the most skilled and export mechanic down to the level of the least fit. The true theory is to pay the woik- man for what ho does , not for the tlmo occu pied In doing it. In this way skill will ho stimulated and Industry rewaulcd. This method , too , will have the effect of removing from the trades unions a stigma that has long rlum : to them that , by putting all the In- borcis in any given trade on the same bcalo of wages , they offer no Inducement to specia excellence. The Spring Poet. Philadelphia Ntics. The fair young nont In some shady nook , With a cheweu-up pencil and a brand-new book , Shrugs his .shoulders , saws the empty air , And runs his lingers through his curly hair. Now a smile illumines his fair face , Quickly turning to a sad grimace ; A thought had he , but ero'twas written down It lied , and loft In lieu thereof a trown. lie knits his brows and bites'his bloodless lips , Then quickly counts upon his fingertips , Then shakes his head and mutters very low , "Ono syllable too many ; that's no go. " Thus o'er and o'er our young poet essays To find material for his vernal lays. The Muse at last loluntsanrt lends her aid , And thus tlio best sprint : poetry is made. VIEWS AN1 > INTERVIEWS. Snlvuit at Home. "The recent performances of Booth and Salvini In New York have recalled to mind several Interesting bits of personal Informa tion regarding the latter actor , which Mr. Werthelmer , Salvlnl's assistant manager , told mo some months no when ho was In Omaha , " said a newspaper man. "Salvlnl's homo is in Florence , and it Is a most elegant residence. Ho owns a largo theater in Flor ence , but hardly over plajs , theioor any where else jn Italy of late years. " The house Is occupied either by u stock company or by traveling troupes. Salvini is wealthy that Is to say for an Italian , lie will prob ably make a farewell tour of the principal cities of Italy before he ictiius. Whenever ho plays In his own country nowadays It is only for some benefit Besides the son ho has traveling with him In the United States , lie has another son In Italy who Is a very promising actor , upon whom the nmntle'of the paternal Salvini will fall. So the name of Salvini is likely to bo perpetuated on tlio stage. Salvini Is very popular throughout Italy , not only on account ot his eminence as an actor , but his many line qual ities as a man. " Has Scon Better Days. "That old man has seen better days , " said a man about town pointing out "Old Char ley , " as ho Is called , who at the time was en gaged In washing the windows of ? saloon , "Ho was well educated , and at ono time was In prosperous circumstances. He 'stood up * with Theodore Tilton when that noted per son was married. When Tilton lectured In Omaha some years ago , the 'boys' around the old Crystal saloon made Old Charley's heart glad by presenting htm with a now suit of clothes and a stove-pipe , so that he could call on his old friend Tilton without being ashamed of his appearance. Charley called on the lecturer and was cordially received and entertained. The Incident forms ono blight spot In the old man's memory since ho has been In Omaha. What is his real name ? I really don't know , but I know that hn Is very sensitive about anything being brought up about his past career. " Alt. Desert. "Some of the advances lu Omaha real es tate may be regarded aswonderful , , but they are not half so tomarkablo iw the advance In real estate at my old homo , " said Mr. Benson , who upon being asked where his old home was replied Mt Desert. "It Is a small Island , off the coast of Maine , " continued he , "and my family have lived there from way back. Four years ago a tract of laud on the island , containing 400 or COO- acres , was offered for sale for 6700. It has recently sold at the rate of 830,000 an acre , and has been divided Into Btnall lot * . Thu island U fifteen miles long and eighteen miles wide. It has thirteen mountains and thirteen lakes , Ono mountain U 8,200 feet high , and has a railroad running to the top of It , where there ia a hotel , and from which point the eye can see for seventy-five miles. James O , Blalno lias recently built a cottage on tuo Island at a cost of SCU.OOO. President Kllot , of Harvard college , also has a cottage there whiisli cost about the same. The Widow Vniulerbllt nnd one of her sons propose to build a eotta'o there this spiIng. I remember one tiact of land on which the owner some years ago refused to pay the taxes. That land sold tor 8:30,000 : not long ago. Thu Island IB meruly n barren rock , but Is In de mand for a summer resott. " ProlltuUlo Investment * * . "Somo years ago I had among my em ployes an Industrious woman"said a loading ineichant , "and ono day she came to mo ami said oho hml saved up a fmv luuidieil dollars , and wanted to know what to do with it I told her to go out near the western outskirts of the city and buy n small piece of ground and build a little liousu there. She did so , and the other day blio came Into my store and told mo she had bold her property for $15,000 cash. She had given her husband 5,000 , and he had put the money In bank to draw a-'aliist It at his pleasure , and was drinking It up as fast as possible. She lelnvcsted pait of the money In real estate further out , and built her n nlco house , nnd still had 80,000 or $7,000 left In bank as a. nest egg , Fifteen thousand dollars frpioa | ] few hundred not moro than $500 , If I re member correctly. in about six years Is what I call doing pretty well. Another of my em ployes , a maiij bought a lot near the western city ljmlt , .u few years asto , and built a little cottage , the propeity coating him about GU ) . The other day ho sold It for 83,500 , Mid tw of his neighbors , nlso mechanics , did noon ns well. They have none further west and reinvested n portion of their mnnoy In hopes that the growth of the city westward wll soon catch up with them again , nnd glvo the in another similar opportunity to soil out These are only a few of the many Incidents ot this kind that I know of. " "Nolso" Patrick Soils a l nrt of Hap py Hollow. "I understand Noise Patrick has sold fifty-six acres ot his Happy Hollow prop crty , " remarked a well known gentleman. "Ho got 8003 an ncro , or n total of SMMOO. The purchasers were a Now York syndicate. The property lies Just west of Walnut hill , I think Patilck has about 2.V ) acres moro. That beats a torpedo boat by an overwhelm Ing majority. " Tito Postnftloo GlorkH Worked to Dontli. The BnnThursdnyovcningromnrkcd ed itorially that thnro should bo moro ofllcion- cy on the part of these who are employed in the postolllcc , nnd instanced the rcconl failure of the ofllco to deliver before 8 o'clock p. m. , postal cards which had been deposited there nearly twenty-four hours before. Referring to it Chief Clerk Pickons said to-day : "Nalllngcr , secretary of the board of trade , put these postals in the street box shortly alter midnight , and on the early morning ot the day they Were to have been delivered. When they were dumped on the table they were mixed up with moro than GOO others advertising a cigar , which hud been sent in by Ktihn. Now wo haven't tinm to look at every postal card and learn whether it calls for immediate or rou tine delivery. For that reason , wo did not know but nil the cards in that mass were advertising Kuhn's cigar. We don't deny that advertising postals and circulars are sent out less oxpcditionsly than mail , be cause wo know they are not so important to the party addressed. Besides , we are compelled to do this , because of the size of our force. Wo must got the important mail matter oftour hands flrst , and leave postal cards , especially advertising onus mid circulars , till wo can handle them later. If Nnttinpcr had told us of his cards , wo would have bent them out with the Iirst letters. Tlicro's no use of talk ing about it. Our men are doing their best , but there are not enough of them , nnd these that are here are nearly worked to death. " AVboii Should Girls Marry ? Clilcagn Neii't. Recently the Brooklyn Magazine asked several of Iho best known woman writers in America for their views respecting the ago when young women should marry. To this important question Louisa M. Alcott replied "from 23 to 25 , " as before then few girls are ready for the duties of married life , either physically or men tally. She thought , however , that the question "When shall our young men marry ? " a still more important ono. Rebecca Harding Davis wrote that slio thought the time for a girl to marry is when she moots a man who heartily lovns her and whom she heartily loves , If she is old enough to bo a helpmates to him and , not a dead weight. Madeline Vinton Dnhlgren thinks that a young woman of 20 must have soon enough of the social atmosphere in which she lives to be able to discriminate wisely in the choice of n husband. Lucy Stone docs not bcliovo in early marriage , so she put the suitable ago at from 25 to ! iO years. To her mind tlio di vorces which come from wa'ntof ago and the death rate among children of incx- porioncod mothers are "danger signals" against early marriages. Helen Campbell is down on the girl who dreams of lovers from the time she can walk and marries at 17. She believes no man is tit to marry before 80 and no woman before 25. Eunice White Boechcr takes issue with nearly all of her literary sisters. She be lieves there arc many reasons why mar riage of girls from 18 to 21 would seem to promise the happiest results. Young people moro readily conform their habits to those of ouch other than when indi vidual habits become fixed by indepen dent lives. Mary L. Booth avoids figures , but re gards immature marriages as a fruitfu [ source of uuhappinosb. She deems it desirable that young women should have an opportunity to see something of the world and to partake of the amusements of her ago before marrying , that she may not afterward be pursued with re gret for having been dotraudcd of the en joyment of her youth. I ucy Larconi says th6 old adage. "Mary in haste and rcpont at leisure,1' reserves its keenest barbs for many of those who have embarked early and thoughtlessly upon _ the voyage 'matri monial. She admits that early marriages ate sometimes the happiest , and that in delay a young woman may learn to love her self-reliant lot so well that she will not marry nt all. But she thinks that curly marriages tend to rob women of the most delightful period of their lives the interval between the experience porionco of a child and that of a wife the period of beautiful , delightful , and gradual development. "Let girls marry young if they will , " she says , "but not so young as to lese the swuutness of gn/- ing quietly out into life through the fresh dews of 'maiden meditation fancy free. ' " Louise Chandler Moulton thinks that moro girls are capable of a wise choice at 25 than 20 , and that nine-tenths of our girls would be happier should they wait until the mnturer period. The two hap piest marriages sliu can call to mind of ono wife at 28 the other nt 80 , Country girls and daughters of tlio wealthy class may venture into matilmony atoarly ages with less danger of mistake than the great body of well-to-do and work ing Americans. To her mind unshared aspirations , unshared tables , unshared acquisitions are the fatal rooks before early marriages. There Is one thine all those good and wise counselors nugleet to consider the ago nt which the opportunities of choice are greatest. They seem to forget that the mill will never grind with thn water that has passed. These opportunities un questionably llourish most profusely be tween the ujres of 18 and 25 , the period between tlio bud of maidenhood and the full blown rose of womanhood. It is durintr this stage that men of ail ages nbovu thatof , a college undergraduate delight to eeleot their partners. They do not think of the men tal or physical maturity of the woman so much as they do of nor attractiveness of person and disposition. The latter is of fur moro consequence in married life than mental fitness , and it can bo judged moru accurately in thu woman under 29 than when the dews of maidenhood have vanished in the light of worldly exper ience. Wo should answer our contcin- porary's question that a woman should marry before ulie is 23 if she has a good chance or she may have to take up with a crooked stick if she delays , The op portunities grow fairer and more plenti fully on the gentle slope of her life be- twtuin 20 and 26 than they do on the grade which btoepons every year after that. Water Capital. St. Isiuli lltiniMlcan , There are about 180,000 miles of rail roads in the United States , represented by stock and debt to the amount of $9,000- , 000,000 , or over $00,000 a mile. But it ia u well-known fact that the roads did not cost this much. An average mile of rail road can now bo built for $20,000 , , and although the roads built buforu 1S70 cost the states and individuals who built thum treble this rate , It would not bo out of the way to estimate that the whole 180,000 miles of road in the country to-day have cost their present owners 130,000 per mile , or 1,000.000,000 for the whole. But what of the other half of their pre tended coitf If they actually cost tnelr present owners onlv f 1,000,000,000 , what docs the other f 1,000,000,000 represent t Wntrr. Ihelr stock and sccurltlai have been diluted to double their real cost for thu fraudulent purpose of forcing the country to pay a double rate of dlvi- domfc upon thorn. Six per cent on their actual cost would bo a fair return for the Investment. But the corporations thai own them demand 13 per pent , nnd the * got it by doubling their pretended capi tal ami requiring tlio country to pay them 0 pnr cent on the doubled sum , The corporations say this is their or- elusive business , and the public have no concern hi it. This is not true. The public have a very intense concern in it. Railroads are public highways , nnd tlio bodies that own them nro quasi-public corporations. They are In no real prao- tical scnso private. It is the country that furnishes tlio roads with business. They nro common carriers , whoso duty It is to carry 20,000,000 pagbcngors a year and the commerce of the land ; and the whole country Is taxed in freight nnd passenger rates to pay dividends to their owners. It is a bald fraud on thu poo- pie , Uion , to niako thorn pay a dividend on a cost of $00,000 n mile when the act * uni cost has been only $30,000. , ASPINWALL SPIDERS. Tlio Big IntiootR Which Sometimes Co in o to America. Macon Telegraph : "Look out for the tramps ! " said Corput , the fruit dealer yesterday. The telegraph m.ih was admiring the bright bull' color of a bunch of bananas ycbtcrday.whcn a big ugly spidur crawled out and ambled along on the counter. Ho was a bundle of bark brown ftiz/ about the si/.o of your thumb , into which were struck several long , black logs. lip was a tramp all the way from Aspinwall. And like a tramp who had stolen a ridu under a freight car on a breakbeam , his legs scorned cramped from the lonjr journey in tlio crevices of u bunch of bananas. The poor fellow was at a loss whcro to iro. Ho was thousands of miles from homo and friendless , for people do not take kindly to big ugly spiders. Ho was a tramp and in a strange country. ' Wo killed ono hero the other night with a body as big as a biscuit. His body popped like n torpedo. They come often in bananas , but wo generally manage to kill them. Up at the old store ono muda his escape and made his homo under the counter Then another escaped , nnd for a long time we lost siuht of them. Ono day we found a web under the counter , and on looking closer wo found the homo of the two tramps. They had raised a large family of spiders , and they were the cutest little things you would euro to soo. They ran nimbly into the web it you mndi ) a motion to strike them , and many a day wo have watched thorn sim- plv for the amusement. They caught every fly that came within range , and now ami then a bug happened within their reach and varied their bill of fare. Although we know they were dangerous pets , we did not disturb them For thu reason that they seemed to bo industrious fly-catchers , and were never inclined to stiu r. One afternoon a new clerk saw ono big fellow run around a corner of the counter , and as he had never seen a spider of such enormous size , he imagined that to allow it to go at largo was equivalent to turning a tiger loose , and he killed the pet. Tlio others ran out , and for about an hour the new clerk had about as much as ho could stand up * to killing spiders. " . * " "Do they over bite ? " "Yes , but it is a rare occurrence. They fight like wild eats , and they are high- tempered , but they never trouble any body unless aroused and teased. Al though there are millions of bunches of bananas brought to this country every season , and many a thousand spidur steals its way across will them , you never hear of anyone being a iunc. They arc very peculiar things , and differ widely in their habits from the common spider of this country , which makes a web like the centerpiece of a rising-sun. crn/.y quilt. They make a kind of nest and then spread out lines of web In every direction. Un this sin- < ' \a \ line , ( which is as small as a silken thread , they run with ease , hanging to it by their long , flexible legs.Vhou dan- jor threatens they have n way of drawing in the lines , and , huddling together , await the attack of the foe. When thus disturbed they make prodigious leaps and arrange in a circle around the nest , which they seem to guard with jealous caro. Then , when provoked , they run all ever the attacking party. They are game and put un an ugly light. House rent is so high In the City of Mexico that ninny houses are vacant in .ho older quarters of the city , new com ers nearly all seeking the suburbs , espce- nlly toward the west. Landlords do not come down , however , preferring to wait , since their property is not taxed when unoccupied. An extraordinary fact in connection with the Russian conscripts drafted into ho ranks in 18S5 is shown by some sta tistics just published. The total number of conscripts accepted was 847,587 , of lower than -12,880 were Jews. ECZEMA And Krcry Spoolcs o Itching and and Burning DlaonscH Cured by Cutlouro. ECZEMA , or Holt llbeum with IU ngonlzlntr llclilnu and burning , Instantly rollovod by warm bath with Cinlciira Soap , and a aluirlo ap plication of Cut lou ra , the grout skin euro. Tlilj opoutod ilnlly , with tivo or three Uo oa of Cull- oura Koeolvont , the now blood purlflor , to keep ho blood cool , the pomplratlon pnro and uulr- rltutlng , the bowels open , the llvoraml kldnoyl active , will Kjmutllly uuro eczonm , totter , rlnif- worm , psorliixH , llvhun , pruritus , gculil bend , Unndrutr , mfd tivory upoolcs of Itching , sculy mil pimply humor * of the ncnlp unit akin , \rboii ho boat phyilolnni and all known romoilloj fall. Win. MQDnHAU > , S5i2 Doarhom et. , Cliloiuo , grntot'ully ucliuowludgos a euro of oc/emn , or nit ihuiim on bond , nrck , face , urnm uud IUJM or Huvcuilcuii yearn ; not ublo to wulk uxtopt on HiiiiUnnd knooi foronu year ; not able lo help liniselrfor uightyeiua ; tried liumlioilsof 101110 lieu : doulnrg proiiounuod hln ciuo hopoloas ; icrmmii'iitly ourod by Uutlcuru Huaolvont blood pmlllor ) luloriiiillr , rfiid Cutlouru and lutluiini Soup ( the tfruat Ma euros ) oxturnully CIIAS. HnunnroN , Kan. , luwyor , 23 Htato et , , Inslon , reiioituii cafio nf ou/tmm under hUob- ervntlim lor tun yunis , which covuiiul tha pii- lout's hotly uuJ llmbH , and to which nil known nullmdit of tioutiiifiil hud boon uppllod without lunulll , which way coinplutoly ciuod Koluly by bo Uutluuin Itomodles , Joining R clean and Mil. JOHN TIIIKI. , Wllkcstmrre , Pa. , urltos : 'I bino enltoioil trnm Milt rhtuim forever olsbt turn , ut IIIIHHSO bud that I could not attend lo ny hnalnoiH lor wcuks ut n time , Tluco IHJKCJ ot Cutloura nnd lour hotlloa Itosolvcnt buvo en- uoly curud mo of this ilruu.lful disease , " I'UVSICIANS I'llKhOIIIIIUTilKM , I llUVO llOtlilnd iut Iliu lilylio t pnrsu lor thu ivdiilts obnilnuil row your Outluiiui Hoinoillcj.of which 1 have oil moro than all otlior * of tlio kind. MUMIO KOMI , M. D. . KXO N. lliouU St. , I'lill.idbllililil , Pit. Ssold by all diUKRlst * . I'rlco ; Ciitlfuin , M ts. ; Hceoh-ont ; tl.W , .Soap'M. . I'u-pnied by llO 1'OTTMI DIIUIJ AM ) ClIt-MIUAI. CO. , llOatOU lam. hend for piiniililet. liV1 A TTWt the complexion anil llu ; by JJJLiJ.1. V ueln tboCutlcuinBoup. HMKUM ATldj NKTfri AfcaioT SI/'IATIO , Sudden , tump nnd iiurv OIID pulni absolutely annihilated by tbo ( Jutlouiu Atitf-I'uln J'lattur , perfect imtldote to ruin and lutlnm- inutlon. Now , orljiuul , lufiUUUe.