Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 08, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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    I / t T
I'ork Weak nnd io\\crj SS.X'i ( for cnsli ;
S0.02' ' < for .Mine : 80.12' * for .Inly.
l.fird Knsy ; SS.sTJj lor cash ; S3.JUX for
Juno : S0.03 for July.
Hulk MMls-Shotilder . S4.00. < 7 > l. 10 ; short
cli-nr , S.Vft.vai.00 ; short rlbt. S5 V .
IJuttcr Dull ; creamery , H@18c ; ilnlry , 13 ®
Cheese-Quirt Init firm ; full cream died-
tiara , lo lljiic ; skim clucscJ610KC. .
Kecs I0@l2j.
Hldpi ( Jrocn , C' < c ; heavy procn salted ,
7 c ; light , 8' ' c ; datimced , < f c ; bull litdes.
fi/o : dry salted , la c ; dry Hint , MOllo ; calf
Vkins. Iodine ; deacons WX- .
Tallow Orcase.vlilto country , A ,
U 4c\ \ yellow , a c ; brown .TO.
KocoltiK SlnpinciiK
Flour , bill ? . 7.0JO 8,000
Whcat.oti , . 4,003 1S1.0UO
Corn , bit . 81.000
O.1tR.bll . W.OOO ffi.OOO
UjC.Dll . l.)00 ( ) U.OM . U.OW 3OUO ,
Mvorpool , Mny 7. Wlicnt In loss tie-
mind ; new No. ! 2 uintcr , dull nt 7s Id ;
Jprlnj ? , dull nt 7s 2 < l.
Kloitr Poor demand ; dull nt 81 2d.
Corn Icss demand lor spot , nnd poor de-
mand'for fntiiies : spot , dull atis 3)fd ; May ,
June and July , dull at 4s .M ,
Toledo , Jtny 7. Wlieat Cash , t5@
Coin Cash. JiTj c.
Oats-Cash , : B&r
St. Lou In , May 7. Wheat Weak nnd
lower ; No. B red , cash , ST tSl e ; May , Wo.
Corn Steady ; No. 2 mixed , cash , Xijtfc ;
May , 3Hc. }
Oats Unchanged ; No. 2 mixed , cash , 2t > @
UFinn ! nt 02c.
Whisky S1.10.
1'orK-Steadj at Sfl.n.
hanl Jinsy at 5fl.70vitt.75.
Utittcr Dull hut steady ; choice 10 fancy
ctpameiy , It 'Oc ; cliolco to fancy dairy , 10
Arrnnxoo.v IJoAitn. Wheat , Irregular ;
near intuics } ( c lower , defencd futures } ( &
lilKher. Coin , 'elilahi-r. Oats , , ' ( , 'c lower.
Unnnnn City , May 7. Wheat Stion > 'er ;
Mtnnonpoiis. May 7. Wheat Opened
weak but closed stionc ; No. 1 hard , 7S e for
cash ; bOc for Juno ; SlJ 'c lor July ; No. 1
inn them , "flVfc for cash ; TtlKc for Juno ; No.
iiiinttlu'in , rlcfor casii.
KJour Patents , 54.504.7. ; bakers , 8i.f : 0@
Keceipts Wheat , 78,000 bu ; flour , IV >
Slilpmuiits Wheat , 10.000 bu ; Hour. lo.OOO
bb ! B.
Cincinnati. M ay 7. Wheat Dull and
lower ; No. 2iwl. b c.
Com Dull ; No. a mixed , : iSo.
Oats Dai ely steady : No. S mixed , Sic.
11 } e Easy ; No. 'J , O'c.
IJiii-ley Unchanged ; extra No. ! ! , spring ,
Laid Sn.77K.
Wlilsky Acilxo at S1.10.
Milwaukee , Mav 7. Wheat Stiong ;
cash. 7S 'n ; June , TUKc.
Coin-Steady : No.-J , B4J c.
Oats Firm ; No. a , su'jj'c. '
Hye StroilL' ; No. 1 , OJifc.
liiirlov Quiet ; No. 3 , We.
1'iovlslous Easier ; mess poik , cash and
May , SU.OO ; Juiu-.SU.O. .
Now York. May 7. - Wheat Receipts ,
7,000 ; exports , 7,000 ; spot , moderately active ;
options opened Ih m and y.a higher , later
lost but advanced nftcrxMiuN and rallied ? H'fiB
? ( c , leaving oil linn ; No. a red. OO HJOJio
i. o. b. ; No. 1 red. UN ) ; Juno closing at UlJ ; < c.
Coin Spot , lower ; options , without
change of impoitance but less doing ; re
ceipts. 01,000 ; fxpoits.ltt.OCOj ungraded. : K > @
tSlsc ; No. a , } ; { < > in elevator , 4'Jc allo.u ;
Junoclosiiurat 4fl c.
Oats hewer but moderately active ; re
ceipts , N,000 } ; expoits , 17,0.0 ; mixed weutern ,
.i7 it : : ! > c : white western , -iOvVM jje.
Petroleum Him ; United closed at 744'c. '
I'-girs Steady ; western , HKrtllKc ( ;
I'ork Dull ; mcbs , W .a.i.Ro. (
hard A shade easier but dull ; western
steam , spot , SIU8.
lintter Quiet ; western , 10@233 ; El ln
cjeamery , me.
Cheese Dull and weaker ; wcstcin , itifflfk ; .
Now OrltaiiN. May 7. Coin Steady :
mixed , 40@47e ; white , 47@ISc ; yellow , 4b@
Oats Quiet ; choice western , ! i'Jc.
Jlog products Nominal.
Hulk Meats Shoulders. 54.00 ; IOHL' clear
nnd clear rib , S5.4 > .
Chlcn o , Mav 7. The Drovers' Journal
reports :
; Cattle Kecclpts , 0,000 ; active and linn but
closed weak : shipping steers. S4.40@5.f > 5 ;
stackers nnd f < 'efeis. g.00tf4.75 ! ( ; cows.
bulls and mixed , S'J.40@4.2o ; bulk , 3.00 ( ( $
U. : ; tliiough Texas cattle , S4.004.75.
Hoys Itecclnts , in.OOO . : strong ; lough and
mixed , VI.80@1.M : ) : parking and slimplng ,
S4.10 4.4U ; light , S3.7.r4.XI ; skips , 2.XK3 :
H.tW.Sheep Heceipts , 2,000 ; steady ; shorn
natives , 8J.M ) : i.50.
St. LoulH. May 7. Cattle Itccoipts ,
MO ; shipments , fiOO ; active , stronc and 10c
hlulier on good medium weights : choice
shipping and export steers , S5.iO@r ! .00 :
common to medium , S4.ii.Vg'.i0 ! ; butchcis'
steers , SH.WO4.W : cows anil heifers , S'J.53@
4.00 ; stockers and feeders , Si.i'4.40. :
Hogs ilecelpts , : t,000 ; shipments , 2,000 ; ac
tive ; choice and selected , S4.10VJ4.'JO ( ; mixed
packing , Sa.40@4.10 ; light , 84.00CW.10.
City , May 7. Cattle Hccclpts ,
1,400 ; Hhipments. 700 ; opunud strong , closing
weak and 5@10o lower ; choice to fancy , 85.10
< a.r > . : )0 ) ; common to good , 94.00@.ri.OO ; stockers
nml feeders , Ji.40iM.0 ? : ( " : ! ; cows , $ a.X > , gu.GO.
Hogs Ht > cel | > ts , (1,000 ( ; shipments , none ;
stronger and fie higher ; common to choice ,
Friday Kvenliig , May 7.
There was little or no change In the cattle
market to-day. All pr.ides of fat cattle
are In demand. Quotations to-day are :
Choice to extra steers , iivi-rat'lni ; l.iiTiU
to 1,450 pounds , S4.aVt5.00 ; cooil ,
averaging 1,200 to 1 , : X ) pounds.
0(4.70 ; luedinin , averanin ; ; 1,200 to
1,300 pounds , S4.iv : < W,50 : fat , little
htceis , 1,000 to 1,150 pounds , ? 4.XX ( $
4.50 ; good fi-ederH , OuO to 1,0.10 pounds , St.fli :
( i.V > 5 ; iood to choice cows and heifers ,
uvciUKliiKllooto 1200 , { 5:1.5 : :1.75 : ; nuHlliun ,
avenurlni ; too to 1000 , S2.75 < < * : i.25 ; choice to
extra buUsaverai'iii 1500 to 2000 ,
8.25 ; coinnion , uveniKHii ; 1300 to 1500 ,
2.75 ; eliolco to extra htaKs , Si.00iti.75. : ( :
The hog market opened btroiiKcr and active
but closed lather slow. Ono load of
extr.i choice llirlit hops wore bold
as high as S.U : ) > . Chok-a Unlit mid
medium weiuhts. : i.7. ? : i.l"05 " choice heavy.
S3.VH/3.70 ( ; tr ( od to choice mixed. : ) .U5
H.N ) ; coiuinon loimli Knulcfi ! < 3i.50. :
There Is no oetlvlty In the slieep market.
Quotations ni0 4.00 ( 5.00 for choice block.
Cattle 400
Jloirs icoo
iShrup , 100
Nt ) . Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
It.10IS ! 54.40 a : ) V.VJ S4.B5
85 1-J18 4.00
HUTrilKltb' 81-KKIIS.
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
yo 1040 S4.'r
No. Av. No. Av. Pr.
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. ] 'r.
* ' . . . tilft Si.ii\ : 1 1500 84.00
6. . . . . .10ft ! y.i < o
No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. Pr.
1. . . . . 710
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. 1'r.
1. . . . . .mo SS.75
fellKEI' .
No. Av. 1 Pr. \o. Av. 1'r.
73. . . . 84.b5noas.
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
'JO. . . . . . .800 S3.70 07 'J45 3.h5
CO. . . . . . .20t 3.7TK & 'J -MO '
' * . . .24U 3.77H 75 StS 3.5
7J. . ; ! . . .245 H.N ) 03 223 3.b5
07. . . , H.bO 70 200 S.b5
70. . . , . .255 3.SO 58 23U 3.00
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
1 . . .140 53.50
Rauico of Prices * .
' Showing the Highlit and lowest tu-lcos pnltl
for live stock on tills market during UIK past
seven days , with comparative value * :
March April
Friday. . 3.50 3.63 @ 3.CO
April. May.
Satunlay S.1.50 @U 5
Monday , 155 ( $3.85 ! ) . .V ( u3.G2l
Titi'Mlay 3.IX )
Wednesday. . . . 8.0) ) ( nfl.
Thui.iday il.75 ( fet. 0
Friday. S.1.70 ( JJS.UO
All sales of stock In this tinrkct arc mntlo
per c\vt. live weight unless otlinrwlse stated.
Dead hints sell at Ko per Ib for all ui'luliti.
"Skins , " or IIORS wuUhlnz less than 100 Ibs ,
novaluo. I'lUKiiantsowsnio docked 40 Ibs
nnd stags 60 Ihs.
Cattle steady.
Ilotf inatkct strong.
Morse , Honors * Co. , North Hend , sold CO
E. I ) . Wclker , St. Edwards , marketed a load
o [ 77 hogs.
Clark , llcaton & Co.Vuston , marketed a
load of hogti.
Wm. UoirKcncamp Ucnnctt , disposed of a
load of ho H.
Marklson & Hough , Council ; Itluffs , ill.s-
posed of hogs.
Hawks , Hlley & Co. , Cedar Rapids , sold n ,
load of 70 hojjs on the market.
II. 0. Dollnnc , Schuylur , was In to-day and
.sold "A lientl of corn fed steels.
1' . A. Uanttt , Wcpplnc Water , was nt the
yards and disposed ot a Toad of cattle.
,1. M. Cliadwlck , Central City , had a load
of hogs and 71 > head of cattle on tin ; market.
D. S. 1'arkhui-it. of 1'aikhurst & Wells ,
canio in to-day with 11U head of cattle and
I'M hogs.
John A. McShane had a load of lioirs aud
.T ) head of cattle Iroin thu Collinan place , at
A. H. Slater , of the linn of Slater & Fra-
zler , Wayne , was at the yaids and matketed
! M head of cattle.
A , C. ( iilllln diovc In a bunch of 73 sheep ,
fioiu Ddiiulas county , which brought thu top
litk'u of nmllilim bold in thu market for
home time.
John Lnttoll , Wahoo , was at the yards and
Bold a load of light steers. This was his lirst
to thu Omaha yards and heas so well satis-
lied that he expressed his determination to
bcndall his stock hero in thu tutuie.
A litfln it Nulion , Utlca , were at the yards
and Mild 'M head ot cattle and ! i03 liogs. They
leport all lines ot business very quiet in Suw-
nid county , on account of the scarcity of
money among thu faimeis. It is estimated
that not moiu than half the corn raised in the
rounty has been sold : farmers have held It in
hopes of receiving better prices for it in May
nnd June. There an ; plenty of cattle , and
the county is full of hogs , In spite of the
lavages ot the cholcia.
General Market : ) .
Friday Etcnlne. May 7.
Eons The market is weak atSWc.
Ut'Trnit The iccelpts of choice tame but
ter aio not heavy but the poorer grades are
in excess of the demand. Choice creamery ,
iiViMOc ; choice fresli table , 15(2 ( > liic : good fiesh
table , ir@i-ic ; fair. H@10o ; poor , : tS ( c.
CIIKKM : Fancy lull cicam cheildais , Oc
tober inalcc , 11KU ; Hats , 13' < fu ; joiiug
Amoilca , 14Ke ; quality Swis > s cheese ,
VMS ; second quulltv , la QUc ; Limburger ;
llfiM'-'c ; skim Mats , lin)10c. ( )
Pori.i IIY The receipts of live chickens
are libeial aud the demand is lair. While a
few choice large fowls arc selling at 8.7r : ! > , it
is not saf to anticipate over S.r : ! > 0 per do/ .
I'nnsEUVKs , Jiiins : : , ITC. : Preserves , all
kinds , UO-lb. pails peril ) . 10o ; do in pail
lots , per Ib. uj-jc : assoitedfclb. pails per rate ,
pails , SH .1) . Jellies , all kinds , lirst gnule ,
i0-lb. ! pails , per Ib. 8c ; assorted , lirst grade ,
5-lb. palls per crate , 0 pails , ,3 , .50 : do
Mb. pails , per case , Sdoz. 3'J.ur > : < lo , tturtb-
leis. per ca e , 2 doz. , 81.40. Je ly. all kinds ,
second unide. 30-lb. nails , per Ib. 5c. Mince
meat , best grade M bbl. per Ib. 7cdo. ; 5-lb
palls , per crate. 0 nails , S2. < 5 ; do 40-lb palls
per Ib , 7 } u ; do , 5-lb palls , per crate , 0 palls
$ -.75. I'e.ich , plum and quince butter , as-
orted , 5lb jiails , per crate , 0 pails , 53.75 ;
hoise radish. Dint bottles , per do81.50. .
1'Kis' FIKT. Tnii'K KTC - '
: , 1-igs' tcet , per yt
bbl , 84.00 ; < lo , if bbl. 82.00 ; do. per kit , uoc.
hambs' tongues , per } g bbl , S.Vi" > ; do. per
kit , S-.50 ; do , quart jars per doz , § 5.23 ; do ,
pint iars jipr case , 3 doz. S0.7. > . Triixj. per } $
lbl ) , S4.00 ; do , per bbl , S2.00 ; do , per kit
COMU HONEY California 2 ID frame i > 0 His ,
Incase per Ib. , 15 ; 10 Ib. frames. Nebraska.
CIDEU MIchisan refined , per bbl. , SO. DO ;
do. half bbl. . S4.00 ; Motts , per bbl. , S7.00 ; do
hall bbl. , 31.00.
VINEOAII Wilto ! wine. lOc ; cider , 12K < s.
OitAN < ns : The maikct Is bare. Se\eral
car lots aio belngdelayed owing to U. 1' . K.
It. strike ,
LK.MONS Fancy Messina , per boxS7.00 ;
good to choice .Messina , per box. S .OOS0.50.
AiM-i.Ks Stock about cleaned up. Noth-
Iti ! ! in the market lit to shin.
HAN ANAS There fire very few In the mar
ket and prices mo correspondingly stronger.
Quotations are S3.wxa4.00 per bunch.
CltANBKitiiiKH Theiels very little demand
and then ; is not much stock being sold.
Dealers are clearing up their stocks as best
they ran. Quotations are 55.fiO@J.oo ( per bbl.
Jersey are hellnii : nt S2.00 per bush box.
CocoANim Per 100 , 85.00 ; less than 100 ,
.NEW Kios , DATES. ETC. Layer figs , 8 and
10-lb boxes , per Ib , lOc. Dates , fancy Fard ,
13-1 b boxes , per Ib , He ; l'eriun , 50-lb boxes ,
nerlb , 10 < ! . 1'runellcs , 30-lb boxes , perlb ,
MAIM.K SuoAn Urlcks , stilctly pure , 50 Ib
boxes , perlb , lOc ; penny cakes , 25-lb eases ,
I'liovisioNS-Hain. lOc ; breakfast ba
con b@We ; clear side bacon , 7 < < $7c ; dry salt
sides , Ojt ; ' < ; c ; shoit rib sides , OVc ; shoulders.
5t ; ; mess pork. S12.50 per bbl ; drlud beef , ham
pieces , iu : ! : lard , tierce ? , ' ! ' < ; c ; 50 Ib cans , 7c ;
70 Ib cans ( Falibanks ) , 7' c : 5 Ib cans , do ,
IVc : 3 Ib cans , do. . 1\c\ \ \ boneless ham , lOc.
xa California and Mlenlgan are sellIng -
Ing in : i small way. Califoinin Bii\o , per
bu. , Sl.X ( ) ; do 1'ea. pcrbu. , $1.05 : Michigan
Medium , per bu. , 81.75 ; Country , per bu. , 75
1'orATor.s There Is very little In
quiry lor jiotatoes , nnd dealers
aie not able to dispose of them
icadily. Thu very choicest assorted stock
can not be quoted over JIT ® lOc and slow sale
nt that. It is impossible to sell car lots , and
commission men mo compelled to bell them
out In small lots. Loral tarmeia are bilnging
in a good many which tends to lower the
wholesale price.
\KOKTAni.KS-Callfornla cabbasc ,
per Ib , 3J c ; c-aullllower , per doS2.50 ; eel-
uiv , per doSI. . 50 ; aspatagns , per Ib Ivio ;
spliuieh. per bbl , 82.50 ; green onions , per
do'So ; radishes , per dofiOc : lettuce , per
do ? , 50c ; piripl.tnt. j > er Ib , 4@5c : | > e. s ) > er > B-
busti box , S1.25 ; Ji-hiisli box. 83.00 ; cueuiu-
bein , 81.7.V'J2.00 per doHermnda ; onions ,
IM.T box , 83.50 ; Bermuda tomatoes , per box ,
UiiAiN At the mills ; Corn , 23c ; oats ,
2S u ; wheat , No. 2 , OOo ; rye , 4b&50c.
ti.ouu ANII Mii.iATUi'Fhylnter wheat
Hour , best quality patent , tfi.OOvVt.H.lO : ; second
quality , fc2.50c ( < 3.)0 ( ) ; xtiality spilng
wheat Hour , patent , 82.5U@2.75 ; buckwheat
Hour. In bai rels , & 5.M ! rcatlj' raised , 8 Ib paelc-
nges , S4.0ti ; 5 Ib packages , 83.1W ; bran , ( Wo
per c\\t ; chopped teed , 75o per cwt ; whlto
corn meal , bOo ; yellow coin nieul , 70uper
cwt ; bcieenlng , COc i > er cwt ; hominy , 81.M )
per cwt ; blunts , OOo per cwt ; graham , Sl.To ;
liny , In bales. sfH.oOG 7.00 per ton.
finis ANI > SKINS Mink. each. KXTZHOc ;
muskrat. winter. 5@li'c ; do. kits. lc : Otter.
SS.Sim'i.OO ; skunk , snort sliipi-d , is lsotdo.
bro d striped , 11X315 ; badger. 36@50 ; llao
coon. No. I large. 10C ( : do. No.JOfAiO ;
do. No. 8. lOisSMo : wolf , nnilrin WoilVj ;
do. mountain , b2.00@3. OH ; wildcat , l5lOj bea
ver. 81.5002.50 KT Ib : fox. each. 40oSl.75 ( :
deerskins drv winter , 10C l5c perlb ; do. fall
and bumni'ir , 15 ( j c : antuiope , 5(1(1(10 ( pet Ih
IHms-Uiefii : initelu'i > . OWV ; greeii rtirea
7'te7/cdry ' ; flint. 110 We ; dry salt.
damaged hide ? two-thirds price. Tallow tt' ' .
Grease , prime whit * ) . 8c : yellow , 2Vc ;
brown. 2o Sheeu 1'olU SViJTia
LKATIIKK I'limu blaughtcr buio leather.
3 ( 33c : prime O.IK sole leather. UliutfJe ,
bpper leather , per toot , 20. 33 ; I.em.
kip. 75 ! uV5 : oak kip , M@93e : Vivuch km ,
Sl.OJC'll.W ; hfiin. calf. SlioOvSl.lO ; oak calf ,
J1.00QI.25 ; FiiMichcair , S1.25Q1.8.5 ; Morocco
boot ICJT , S0ita2o : Moiocco oil pebble , fts X'c ;
toimliiL'S and linlnKS. S0.00cqio.ui per do/ .
COAL Anthracite gratt' SS5 ; egg , 6h.25 ;
rixiife. 8S50 ; cho-.tnit. ! SS.50 ; Iowa. SV j
Walnut block , 53.WllllnoU ) ; , 5.0-MUi } > yuri ,
HEAVY HAKDWAIIK Iron , rates , S3c ; ;
plow steel , spelal cast , 4c ; crucible sicel , 6.3
cast tools do , 12ftlSc ; Magon spokes , ircrsct ,
Sl.7Ka T.vo : hubs , per set , 81.25 ! u felloes ,
axles ,
. , , . _ _ . _ , . _ . Iron
wedges , Cc : ciowbars fie ; harrow tcetli , 4c !
spring steel , 7@ ! < c ; Hurdcn's horseshoe ? ,
trt.40 : IJitrtlen's inulo shoes , 85.40. Harbed
Wire , In carlois , S4.00 per 100 Ibs. Iron
Nails , ratp < * . 10 to 00. § 3,00. Shot Sl.M ) :
buckshot , 81.85 : or.ental powder , kegs , 5-3.50
© 4.00 : do , half kegs ! , 82.00 ; do , quarter kegs ,
81.50 ; blasting , kegs. 53,35 ; fuse , per 100 feet ,
OOc. Lead Uar. 81.0.1.
PAINTS IN On. While lead , Omaha , P. P. ,
zlnc,7.ic : vcrmlllioii. American. 18c : Indian
red. lOc : rose pink , 14e ; Venetian , red. Cook-
MIII'M , 2)/c ) ; Venetian , red , American , 1 Jfc
red lead , < ! ie ; cliroino yellow , genuine , 20c ;
chrome yellow , K. 12c : ochre , rochcllo : io. ;
ochre , 1'rcncli , 2 c ; ochre , American , 'Bo ' ;
Winter's mineral , ajfo : Lehigh brown , 2 c ;
Spanish brown. 2' c : Prince's mineral , so.
Unv PAI.NTS Whltolcad , be : Kiencll zinc ,
12c : Paris whltltur , 2j < c ; whiting gliders ,
IJie ; whllng | , coiu'I , 1'fc ' ; lampblack. ( Ser-
mantown. 12o : lamnhlack. ordinary , be ;
Piusslan blue , ' < ; ultramarinep IKc : vandyke -
dyke , brown. Sc : umber , btiint. 4e : umber ,
ravv. 4c : sienna , burnt , 4c ; sienna , raw4c ;
Paris creen , ceuulne. 25c : Paris preen , com
mon , 20c : chromegiocn , N. V. , 20c ; cliroino
Kieen , K , I2ecrnilliHin ; , English , In oil ,
70c ; raw and burnt umber , 1 Ib. cans , 12c ;
raw and burnt sienna , 12c : Vandyke , brown.
Kic : rrlinod lampblack. 12c ; coach blnck and
Ivory black , lOc ; drop black , Ific ; Prussian
blue , 40c ; ultramarine blue , 18c : chrumu
Krcon. It. , M. .fe 1) . , lOc : blind and simttcr
pieen , h. , M. & D. , lOc ; Paris ircon , 18c
ndlan red , 15c ; Venetian red , Uc ; Tuscan
22o ; American vermilllon. I/ . & I ) . . 20c
yellow ochre , "c ; L. M. & O. 1) . , 18c ; godi-s
ochre , Ific ; patent dryer , 8c ; Draining eolnrs
llL'lit oak , dark oak , \\alnui , clicbtnu t ml
ash. 12c.
Ditunn ANI > CiiKMicAi.s-Aclil , carbolic ,
34c ; acid , tartarlc , r > 'ic ; balsam copaiba , per
Ib , 45c ; balk , sassafras , per Ib lOc : calomel ,
per ll > , ? Jc ; chlnchonidla , per oz , 40c ; chloro-
loriu , per Ib , OOc ; Hovers powders , per Ib ,
S1.2A ; epsnm salts , per Hi , : ! Jic : glycerine ,
pine , per Ib , ISc ; lead , acetate , pet Ib , 20c ;
oil , cabtor , No. 1 , per gal. , 81.00 : oil , castor ,
No. 2 , ier ) gal. , S1.40 ; oil , olive , per gal. ,
81.40 ; oil. onfallmn. 50c : ouium. WM : ( Mil-
nine , P. & W. , and It. As S."per o8.K ) ; po
tassium iodide , per Ib , S3.00 ; saliclu , per oz ,
40u ; sulphate morphine , per oz , 52.00 ; .sul
phur , ner Ib. 4c : str\chnme , per o81.40. : .
VAIIMSIII > jJam-ls , per gallon : fuinl-
tine , extia , S1.10 ; fuinitme , No. 1 , Sl.OO ;
coach , extra , S1.40 ; coacti , No. 1 , 51.20 ;
Danmr. cxtni , & 1.7S ; .lanan , 70c ; asphaltuui
extra , 5Sc ; shellac , S3.50 ; hard oil linish ,
briHITS Cologne spirits. IbS proof , SI.12 ;
do 101 proof , 81.13 ; spirits , second quality ,
101 proof , 81.12 : do , IbiJ pioot , Sl.ll. Alco
hol , 18S ptoof , 52.10 pur wine gallon. Itcdls-
tllled whiskies , 81.00@1. : > 0. ( ! ln blended ,
S1.CO@J.OO ; Kentucky boiubons , SJ.OOC'10.00 ;
Kentucky and Pennsylvania ryes , S2.005.50 ( ;
Coiden Sheaf bourbon and rye whiskies ,
S1.50@3.00. Hrnndies , imported , SVOO ;
dotiiMtic , SUOmoO. Gins impinted , S4.50
WOO : domestic. S1.2. ( iKl.OO. Itiims , Itn-
case , S10.0J@10.00
Grocora' Lilat.
SYitur No. 70. Sic. bbla ; No. 70. 4-eallon
koirs.Sl.05 ; NuwOrleans 3b@45c per gallon ;
Maple hvrup , X barrel , strictly pure ,
70c per gallon ; 1 gallon cans , 89.25 per do/ ;
X gallon cans , 85.2.5 per doz ; Quart cans S3.00.
STAUOII Mirror gloss , 1 Ib , Uc ; Mirror
PICKI.KS M.edlum , In bbls , SO.OO ; do in
halt bbls , 83.50 : small , in bbls. 87.00 ; do in
halt bbls , 84.00 ; gheik us , in bbls , SS.O 0do. ;
In halt bbls. $4.50.
CANNK.I ) GOODS Oysters , standard , per
case. 83.5 ; strawberries , 3 Ib. per case , S2.85 :
raspbei i ies U-lb , per case , 82.35 ; California
peais , per case , 85,00 ; apiicots , percale ,
84.00 ; pe.iclies , per case , 64.75 ; white cherries
per case , 85.00 ; plums , per case , 83.00 ; whor
tleberries , per case , 82.40 ; egg plutur , S-ib
pcrrase. . 150 ; green gages , 2-lb , per case
8-.50 : pineapples , 2-lb , per case , 83.205.50.
l mii > FIIUITS No. 1 quarter apples , in
evauorutcd boxes,8@flcblackberries ; boxes.Oif
GfilWo ; peaches , castein , 4 < ( 5 } e ; peaches
evapointed , I5i @ 17e ; Salt Lake , new , 7Jf@
8c ; raspberries , now. WCKHioi currants. 7 @
7 e ; prunes , new. 4 ( < 4J < c
SUGARS Powdered , b. ' e : cut 'laf , 8ifc ;
Kranulated , 7J @ 7Xc : confectioners A , 7Jjc ;
stanuara extra C , UJ @ 7a : extra C , OJ/c ;
medium yellow , 0 > 4c.
SOAPS Kirks oavon Imperial. S2.WI :
Kirk's satinet. 83.15Kirk's standaul , 83.30 ;
Kirk's white Hussian. 34.35 : Klik's Whltu
Cap , 80.50 ; Dome , 84.25 ; Washboaru. 83.15
MATCHES Per caddie , 35c ; louiul , per
case. 45c ; square cases , $1.70 ; mule square ,
COFFRES Ordinary crades , 9c ; fair. 10@
10 > fc ; prime , llK@13c ; choice , I2 } @ 13i4'c ;
fancy green and yellow , U vJJHKc ; old KOV-
ernment Javu,20n)2Cc , ) ; interior Java , 10 (9 ( !
BOc : Jlocho , 22@24e ; Arbucklo's roasted ,
14e ; McLainrhliirs XXXX ! roasted , 14c ;
DI1 worth's , 13c ; Red Cross , 14c.
CANOI.US Boxes , 40 ID. Cs , 10ie : 8s , 10e ;
boxes , 401b , 10 oz , 6s , lo c ; half box , 201b , Ton ACCO Climax , 42c per Ib ; Horse
shoe , 37c : Star , 39c ; Spearhead , 39c ; Gold
KoII , 39o ; Piper lloidsick , OOo ; Punch , 3Sc ;
I'ouiiK FriU. : i8c : JT.I. 3 ic.
8,83. ; . . ,
dairy , S2.00@2.7ft.
SODA In Ib papers. 83.23 a case ; ealsoda ,
keg , per Ib. 2ii'ic.
SPICKS ( J'ouud Uioek pepper , boxes , 1
@ 22c ; allspu-e , 12@10c : cinnamon , 18@25c ;
cloves , 15@25c ; ging-r , I525c ; mustard , 15ri $
25c.CUACKEKS Uarneau's .soda , butter an
picnic , 5Mc : creams , % ; ginger snap
6 > fcocity ; soda , 7Xe.
fTiAH ( iinipowder , fair , 20@37c ; gooil , 4" >
® 55c ; choii-c. ooc75c ; good Imperial , 40M43 ;
cliolce , 00@70 ; Young Hyson , good , 30fi 45c ;
choice , 50 < ; 0c ; Oolong , good , 35@10c ; Oo-
lonij. choice. < 40@ < ! 0c ; Fngllshbreakfast , good.
8W ( 40c : choice. 5 ( > @G5c ; Souchong. Kood,30
@ 45c ; choice , 5@45e ; Japans , fair , 25gai5c ;
peed , : iya > 45c : choice , 55T5c ; Tea Dust , 15c ;
Tea Siftlnirs , 18c.
FIM : CUT Hard to Beat , 70c : Charm o.
the West , 60c ; Fountain , 70c : Golden Thread-
07e ; Favorite , OOc ; Buds , 6Uc Kooky Mo tin
till n. 50e ; Fancy , 45c ; Daisy , 40c ; North Start
Oc ; Good Luck. 55o ; Our Best , OJJtfc ; Good
News , 55c ,
, DI'H H'f II'U Q'r Ilblg'I'ls ' Kta
tncw nan S00 100 W 60 0 I 12 10
Munn'a B't No.l L'b 0 no 3 53 3 a ) 1 Si ) l m K )
T/geOlb-cd Funoy 5 00 8 5 a VI1 87 1 40 K ) 47
L'KO ifdsii'io fcyc suaasaun U7i < o 53 47
llbls-'llulf '
uvr FISH. aw - uw wui \ to S
BlonterMooa . 35 ( U 18 00 16 25 9 05 7 30'l ' ft )
Kx. No. IBh'r . MOO 13 Wll UDfl 305 10 I i
No. 1 Shore .
Med. No. 1 Shore. . .
" lluv .
Fat 7 CO ! 4 00 3 05,2 IX1 \ 10
I.AKE risn.
H'f llbls
100 U ) & ) 40 IS 1U
No , 1 Whlto riili. . . . , o - > n ns 3 41 L K ) m
000' ' ZOI 70,1 , Wl M
Trout. 4 00 a 802 501 ' . * ) 68
No. 1 1'lckoi-cl. a oo a roll K'i ' ) TO !
* ijititiiiiiiit iin i i v/vif o in un I'll ] mlibutfloj o t
Yaiiuuttth bloatersU5s ; new scaled b rriui ;
t-rw risn. llblaHlfllbUO'rllbh 1'alla orkiu
Mi 100 53 40 15 13 10
Norwotrian I
KKIC Hcr'llllfS 12 03,0 506 t 3 003 70
KK Hurrlnira. U 000 COR 453 bT2 60
IJriMllllgs. B 00.4 50,4 003 30,1
Dry Goods ,
American , S } { ; Arnold's. 6c : Co
chcco , Oc ; Mnnchci > tpr. Co ; Lyinan , 5e ; Glou
caster , 55C ; Uunnell JiuMjuard. Co : Dunnell
5 > < c ; Windsor , Co ; I'.icilic. Co : llarmou
4 o ; Anchor . bhlrtliiKu , 4 ileirhnac \ ,
bhlrtlngs , 4Xc : Uerwlck , 4c.
- Fanners' choice ,
i Cabot. < % c ; Hope , 7c ; H l * - < , 7 c
Biitf " Ifij J' ° "Mlllle' S Fruit , 80 ; Wainl
COKJKT JKAKg-Kearsarge , 7e ; Armory ,
7e ; IVpjierell , T c ; Indian Orctiard. 6i
Nauinkc'uif , lc. ' . .
DUCK ( Unble.iched ) 8oz. . JIairuolla ,
10t10 oe. Magnolia , 12ci 8otVeat 1'uint.
lOXc ; 10 OA Writ Point , Wtfc.
Ilnow.v COTTO.V I/xwrcnco LL , 6c ; Slmw-
mcnll.L. Be ; Uoa\or Dam liL , 5c ; Av untie
hUSe : Indian Head , 7ej Wanchusset , fijfo ;
Crown XXX , CW $ GMfton CCC , Cc ; Utlca
Cl U ; Atlantic f.f.Kc.
CIIKVIOTS Am < Kk < 5aK , checko.OJti'c ; Amos-
keair , stripe. ' ! , ! < c .Sliter , strl ) > e3 , Sc ; Kdln-
hurjj. O c ; WljllciHloii { , striiK-s , Sc ; ( Hen-
rose , PC : Otis , clients.fjn c ; Oli- , stripes , 1V- ;
llojal , fiWot Ainoske.1 , nanpt-d , lOKo ; l.u-
ray , book fold , 1'Jc : Oheron , book fold , lljfcj
Kndnrance , hook fold , 12c.
TICKINHS Atiioskenp ACA 12' ' < c : Thorn-
ilxke OOO , 7 c ; 'Ihorndyke fanrv , H c ;
Yorklo c : , oik fancy , laj c : Mlllmry ,
12Vc ; I'cail lllvcr , 11140 ; Hamilton , 12 < - ;
Swift Ulvcr. 0 fc ; Shetucket S. SJ e : Shutuck-
rtStfnXcMontauk : AA , 12c ; Montauk 1JH ,
lie ; Omeea ACA , l.'VJ
Dr.NUts beaver Creek AA , lie : Heaver
Crook 131) ) . lOc ; Denver Creek CC , "c ; .lalfroy
\X , lie ; .lairivy XXX , 12c ; .lalTrey I ) , fc'l ,
Columbian , I2 fc : Yorit. ite : : York ,
fancy , is c : Everett , I3e ; Haymaker's blue
and brown , 7' < r.
Dtfru ( co'ored ) Hoston 9 07. . brown nnd
drab. l" Xe ; Unston 0 II brown and dmb ,
( M : Boston XX brown nnd drab , lOc : Uosioti
XXX brown and drab , lljfc ; lloston O 1'
blue , llKc : Wnircn Tricot , luc.
Dry ljumbor.
No. 1 Com. s. 1. s. 12 , 14 and 10 ft . S17.00
No. 3 " " 12 , Maud 10 ft . 15.00
No.3 " " 13V 14 ami 10 ft . ii.X : ( )
No. 4 " " 12 , 14 and 10 ft . 11.00
No. 1 , 4&0lnch , 12 and 14 feet , rouih..S10. : > 0
No. 1,40 Inch , 10 fwt. rouirh . 17.01
No. 2 , 4&0 Inch , 12 aiuf H fcot , ronsh. . 14.00
No. 2 , 4 & 0 inr.h. 10 feet , roush . 15.0J
12 fi n 10 tt'is ' rtpo n'as ' n sttt
I.I.BO ufto ituvl .'i8.w ' ItuiiJ
15.00 15.0. ) i5. ' i io.oj i7.m auu ai
Sx8 . lS.Wlfi M 1S.M ) 10.50 17.M Ui.M
SxW. . il-ViO 15.M 15.BO lfi. %
ZXK . ' ' , 10.50,17. , auo ui.-j >
4 43(8 . Ifi.M 15.W 1VWJ 10.50 H.fiO 18.50 ID 0
1st Com. , 12 , 14 and 111 Icct . S2-J.W )
2d " " " " . 20.00
" ' " " .
d . 15.03
Fence , " " " . ll.OC' '
cntu.vr * AND PAIITITIO.V.
1st Com. , ? / in. White 1'iiic l'artltion..S33.
2nd Com. , jf In. . ' . . 27
Clenr. > , ? In Norway" " . 14
2nd Com. ? # lu. " " . . . 13
A Olnch. white pine . $35.00
HO Inch , " " . : . . 3J.IO
C 0 inch , " " . 20.50
1) Olnch , " " . SO 50
K Cinch. " " . 17.5J
STOCK no.vnns.
A 13 Inch , sis 12 , H and Ib feet . 840 OJ
C " " " " " " . BO 00
D " ii u ii . : j 03
No. 1 Com. 12 In. s. 1 s. 12 , 14 and 1(5 ( ft. . IS 00
No.l " " " 10 , IS ami 20 ft. 1800
No. a " " " 12. 14 and 10 ft. . 1000
No. l , Plain , 8 and 10 inch . S17.50
No. a , Plain , S and 10 Inch . 15.50
No. 1 , O. (1 . 1WX )
Aftandaid . 52.05
5incli , clear , S1.55 ; Cinch , cleat .
No.l . 1.25
Lath . 2.5
Qulncy white lime ( best ) , 85c ; cement ,
Akron , SI. 75 ; plaster , S2. M ) ; hair , per bushel
80o ; tarred lelt , per cwt. . S1.05 : straw board ,
A WIuc PlivHiclan Who Didn't Umlcr-
Htaiid 1114 OiMi .xyile'8 Corsngo
3 fake-Up.
Clara Hello : 'JTlioro'was a very wise
pliusiL'iiui at a rcuoption the other night
anil his own wife fainted in the ante-
ro nil. Ho nufscd f that she was too
tightly liiuud anil he' ' dutcrniincd to ease
her up. Her waist was one of those com
plicated construolionb of assorted mater
ial and involved doriqcs that are fash
ionable now. Wf'll , tlie doctor imagined
that he could lot it loose without any
trouble , lie conlidentially began to un
lace u ribbon that crossed thu vest in
" 1 don't think that will do it , doctor , "
I mildly intwpos'ul ' 'V Ihit he gave me a
look as much as to naj'that he ought to
know how the companion of his matri
mony was hitched together , and I said no
more , but of course he found , when the
lacing was all undone , that the garment
was us biuig as ever. Then lie observed
a row of buttons , enormous in. hi/.u and
beautiful in decoration , extending from
one shoulder across her bust to thu oppo
site hip. These he tried to remove from
tiiu buttonholes that didn't exist. Next ho
took out a knife and deliberately cut
them oil' , ono after another. Still the
waist was as tight and smooth as her
"Ijive it up. " he said , turning in
despair to me. ' 'Please help me. "
1 showed him thu concealed hooks and
eyes that held the corsage together ; but
she camuto just then and I lett tnem to
gether to suttlo the question of soiled
buttons as best they could.
Nearly Always Aching to Be Up in
"Why are voting ladies like born sol
diers' ' " asked a young St. Loiihan the
other day of an Ohio street damsel , who
was making violent love to him.
She looked at him sweetly and bash
fully murmured that she "Didn't know. "
"Because , " lie replied , "they are in
variably strategists ( she smiled ) always
fonil of conquest ( she blushed ) and arc
nearly always aching to be up In arms. "
She collapsed , ami a moment later pre
sented and shouldered arms.
A lady in St. Louis discharged a ser
vant , and as she left the lioiibu she said :
"I'll got a plaeu before von get another
girl , mum. " The lady advertised , but
received no answer , and on making in-
quiricf , through the medium of a friend ,
Kliu fount' that slio had been boycotted
by an organi/.ud society of servants , and
could expect no relief until she took back
the discharged menial.
The Hlllard ,
B. Shears , J. E. Mnrkul.ThoB. Bwobo , Proprlctorg
Omuha , Nebraska.
Job Printing ,
Job Printers , Book Binders ,
And lllunk Hook Mnuifilcturers. 100-108 South
Flour'and Feed ,
Wholesale Flour , Feed and Grain.
Manufacturers of W. J. Wclslmns & CO.'B Quick
llulbluir lluukwhcat Hour uud iirniirlctorsOnmha
City HillB , cor. tth und rurnum StrcutB , Orauno.
Leather , Hi'des ' , tie.
BLOMAN" nuoa ,
Leather , Saddlery Hardware ,
BadUlcry und Miou Finding , Hides , Wool , Ture ,
1'clla , ( irciieo , Tallow , Ktc. , Omuba. Not.
F. P. FAY d : CO. ,
Manufacturing Confectioners ,
Jobbers of Fruits , Nuts and Cigars. 1211
Farnnm St , Omaha , Neb.
Beer ,
Agent for Anheuser-Bush Brewing AsVn
Si > cclil ( .brands i'uuet , Dudsvtisor , Mrluiiccr
Cor. Vlli uud Capitol Avu. , Omuba.
Book Binding , Et : .
HKES rniXTiNO co. ,
Printers , Book Binders ,
Anil Illnnk Hook Manufacturer * . Nn > . I0fl nnJ
_ 1US South llth Street Uuinhn , Neb. _
_ Bridges Steam ile Driving. _
rnit.'ncers and Contractors.
Brges , Roof Trusses , Steam Pile Driving
Iron Comhlnntlon nntl Howe Truss ,
1'illnir nml ( ink Timber. 15th St. , ncnr 1'imintn ,
TclcplionoNo ) l.
Cigais and Tobacco.
MAX .v co. ,
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos ,
duns nnd Ammunition. 2IS to Kfl South llth
Strict , Ht'Oto 10M Kiirunm Street , Umulm , Nub.
lNTF.n-OCK\XCl(1A KACTtllV. )
Manufacturers of Fine Cigars ,
And Wholi nlu Dealers tn l.fif Tolmccos. Nos.
30S nml 110 N. 14th Street , Omnlm. Neb.
i/rocKcry ,
Agent for the Manufacturers nml Importers ,
Crockei Glassware
? , ,
LampB , Chlmncjs , Ktc. OUleo , U1V Soutli 17tb
iJtroot.Onuiln , Nub.
cTs. OOOD1U01I. * CO
Agents for V. A. Whitney Ciirrlngo Co. I
Children's Carriages ,
And Jewell's Cululuutcil Holrl crntors. S en
for price llata. _ 1415 Tanum n , Omnha. _
O. S. 1'ETTIS & CO. ,
Wholsala & Retail , Fiaa Cirriages ,
I'lmctdim , nucBlci unit Itimd WHBOIK. 23 per cent
MivciltnlniMneotUK. 1 M-1"1W Hi , linrtl fctreot ,
Omiiliu , N'plirmkii.
Ilnincli at Council lUntr * , Iowa. _
Cornices ,
Eagle Cornice Works.
John I'penotcr , 1'roniictor. Mitniirnr.turcr of
Oalvtinl/eillroii antlOoinlco. Itil Uodi'.o nml 101
nnlUNoilh Utli Stieot , Omnlnt , Neb.
& n > jira ,
Manufacturers of Ornamental
Galvanized Iron Cornices , Dormer
Windows , ritmls , Ktc. , fllJ S. 12th St. Workilono
In any purl ot thu country.
Western Cornice Works ,
C. SPECnT. Proprietor.
tinlvanlzrtl Iron Cornices. Eto. RpeciU'slm.
proved Patent Mflnll'u Skylight. * 08 and MOS.
lUli fr't. . Oinnliii. Kob.
Doors , Sash. Etc ,
The Gate City Plin'ng'ffill.
Doors , Push nml Hllnils. Also nil J-ltuls of
tnininif. Scnill unclS'.iilr oik ot ovciy do-
tcilptlon. "
Sfnnufacturcr and Dealer In
Doors Sash Blinds Etc.
, , , Mouldings , .
Stnlr Halls a specialty Telcjihono No. 02
Kith mid Mnrcr tit i . Omnha , Neb.
Electrical Supplies.
L. W. WOLl'E & CO. , Electricians ,
Electrical Supplies ,
Masonic Block , Omuliu. Unriflnr Al irrns , HolU ,
Klio Alunn3 , V'ustrlc .Mattin. ? , Spcnltlnir TuboJ ,
Iron Works.
Wrought and Cast Iron Building Work
ion 6iin : > , Hulling , Itolled llenins nnd Ulnlcrs
Stenin Knsrlnei. llras Work , Gonernl Konndry
Mnclilnn und lll.iekMiilth Work. Ollloo nnd
U. ) ' . Ity. uud 8 17th St.
Iron ar d Mails.
Cut Nails and Spikes ,
riro Kails p Fpr jirltv. Omnha. Noli
Omaha Safe Works ,
Manufacturer of Pit o nml nnrolnr Proof S.ifoi ,
Vmilt Doors , Jnll Work. Shutters nnd Wlro
Work. Cor. Hth nnd Jackson StR. , Onmlm , Neb.
Wagons and Carriages.
Established 18J3.
Tue Leading Carriage Factory ,
MOO and Ull DodKO Street , Omuhu , Nob.
Commission , Etc ,
Live Stock Commission
Oeo. Iliukc , Mnnnifcr.
Colon Stock Ynrds , 8. Omaha. Tola.riicno 583
W. F. 11UCWN & CO. ,
Commission Dealers in Live Stock.
Offieo ExchaiiKO Iulldiiir ) ( , Union Stock Yards ,
t South Oinalm , Nob. Telephone No. Ml.
Union Stock Yards Company ,
Limited. John K. licnd , buporlntcndonU
Live Stock Commission Merchants.
Eblj incuts of any und nil Kinds of block solicit
td. Union bt. ck YurU8Omiiliu , Nob.
Lumber , Etc.
Dealer in Lumber , Latb , Lime ,
Saab , Doors , Ktc. Yards ( 'or. 7th and
Manufacturers of Sasn , Doors , Blinds ,
Mouldlnps.Htiilr Woili iiiul Interior Hunt Wood
Finish. Jiisl opeiiod. N. B. cor. tth iinU Jx.'U\fii-
wortb Blrvi'U , Oniulm , Xtb.
Wbolosale Lumber ,
tit S. litb Street , Oumlm , Nulj. F. Colpoucr ,
C. N.
Lumber ,
2Jth and California gtrcot ? , Omolm. Kolx
men w. GIIAV ,
Lumber Lime Cement Etc. Etc
, , , . , ,
Cor. Ctu und Uouglug StreetB , Omnha , Nub.
Wholesale Dealer in Lumber ,
Omnlm , Ncbiusku.
Hardwood Lumber ,
Wnpon Stock , Fancy Woods , 1) ) rid BO Tlmbors ,
&c. , & W , Cor , Dili und IJouglus.Oiuutiu , Neb.
Dealer in Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Uuildlw. Paper , Kto.
rr :
Fish , Ltc ,
"TJKNSDK FISlfc'07 .
Euccoteoru to Ickc'n ' KicmsEon * CO.
Wholesale Fish Dealers ,
Importer * of Forclpn I'i.sli , Nos. 'J11-'J13 Joitei
. I'.TrucU.Ouiuba. .Nulx ,
Agricultural fmplemcms ,
Dealers In Agricultural Implements ,
Onice , Corner Ctli ntuJ 1'ncino Sts , Omnlm , Nolv
Wbolc u.-o Dealers In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons
mul IliiRglcs , Onmlm Neb.
\Vholfsnlo Dealer In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons ,
Cftrrlojres nml IUitrRlc . .Une < nnd
I'jtli , Omnlm , Neb.
Boots and Shoes.
V. v. jioi'-sn ' xco. . , "
Jobbers of Boots and Shoes ,
14)1 ) Farnnm Street. Omnlm , Neli. Mnnufnctory ,
Summer Street , llooton.
" *
"RA. oncHAttn.
Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths ,
Mattings , Curtain ( looiK lite. , H23 Farnnm
Btioct , Onmlm , NoU
" Coal , Lime , Etc. _ _
r w. UEDFOIU ,
Coal , Coke , Lime and Stone.
Oflco,213S. ! Uthrt.Onmhn , Nob. Ynrds , ° th
nnJ lpciipoi t Sti cots.
< (
' &SQU1UK3
Dealers in Hard ana Soft Coal.
Pest varieties. OHlco , 213 R. l.ltli Pt. Ttlephono
No. l tt , Oinalm , Neb.
Shippers of Coal and Coke ,
RltS. 13tliSt.Omnhn. Neb.
Oco. C.TOWI.K , President.
Oro. PATTiii iOX , Sco. nnd Trcas.
J. II. 11UI.I1P.IIT , I'A. . IlAT.CIt ,
1'rnprlctor. Mnnnger.
Nebraska Coal and Lime Company ,
Ofllco , SIT S. TMi Street. TclcphonoO. _
OKO. r. IMIIACII. Prcs. C GOODMAN , V. Prca.
J. A. StlMMi.AM ) See. iindTicns.
Omaha Con ; , Coke and Lime Company ,
Jobbers of liurd nnd "lift um'-.tUS. IJth St.
Oinalui , Neb _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Hard and Soft Coal.
Exclusive dcnlera In fiouldcr Colorado Conl.Slf
louth Hlli Kti eel.
_ Coffee and Spices. _
Homo Goifes and Spice Mil' . MTgCo.
Coireo KniihtiMB nnd Spk-o Gilidei : . iniinil
fnctiiuiigot linking Powder , 1'lnvrriiiif Uxtiac's ,
ItliiliiK , etc Try ono niM of our 1-Bi | ncknvo
Homo lllcnd Itoiihtod ColToc. 1IKJU Hounidht ,
Ciniilia , Neb.
Omaha Coffee and Spice Mills.
Tea . CotTeci , Spices. Itnkliik' Powder Klnvorlnir
Kitincts , I.iiiindry llluo. Ink , etc. 14U-1U Hur-
ticy Street , Onmlm , Neb.
Commission , Etc.
11UANCH k CO. ,
Wholesale Fruits , Produce , Oysters ,
1121 Knrnum St. , Omnlm. Apples Our own | . ck-
Jut , ' Matt A : Co.'s Tlg-cr Itiiuid Oybteis , llutter ,
KgBS , Game' , Poultry , Potatoes.
Genera ! Commission Merchant ,
Produce , Pun Islons , Fruits , Vlour and Feed , 103
S. 14tb St. , Oit.nhn , Neb. Conslanmcnts sollcittd.
Heturns imulo uromntlv.
815 12th Street , Onm'ja. Nob. Specialties : Hut-
_ ter. " .Ejriw. and ClncKuns * _
Produce Commission Merchants.
Poultry , llutter , Gnmo. Frultp , Ktc. IVOS. 14th
St. , Omaha , Nebraska.
General Commission Merchants ,
3 < OCDodgo Street , Oinalm , Neb. Congltfiimcnts
W. K.
Storage and Commission Merchant.
epECiAi.TiKh ClipfFo. llutter nirirH , Ponltiy
nml ( iniiie , 1U S. llth. , Onmbu , Neb. Tele
phone No. a35.
Storage and ConimissiQi Merchants.
Forolirn anil Domestic Fiutts n t.peclaltj' . Kl-
ciant BtnniKO fncllltles. Warnhouso und odleo ,
_ iyNqrthJlmi ] n. Jl'elop'.iouo 771. _ _
Commission and Jobbing ,
Duller , Eg-irs and Produce. A full line of Stone-
" are. Coiiblfinncutu tollciUxi. HU Uodfo SL ,
General Commission Merchant ,
Duller , s Cliecdo and Country Produce ion-
erully , aoa S. 12tb St. , Onmlm , Neb.
Buyers of Butter and Eggs.
efrigerator anil Pucklnir Houno.Htli .t IA-UVCH
north St. , on U. P. K. P. . Track , Omaha , Neb.
Established 187 ( > .
General Commission ,
Zll B. 14th 3t. , Oinuhu , Nob. Specialties natter
s , Poultry and Game.
Commission Merchants ,
' , Prcduco and Provisions' , Omnha , Neb
tn IsHao Grlllith.
Commission Merchant ,
and wholcsiilo dealer iucoimtiy piodiicn , fniltn ,
butter. tfc'KH , ( Me. Goods on conoltrmncnt a
.icilalty. ! ) N. lOtli Ft. ,'in , Neb.
( Bucccsfoid to A , P. Sclmek. )
Produce Commis ion Merchants ,
_ No. 213 South 1 h Stieot. Oiuuhi , Neb. _
Ury Goous.
* *
J. J. DROWN & CO. ,
YJholesale Dry Goods aud Notions.
1323 Doudiis Sucot , Omaha , Nob.
J * GINSlllIRG & CO. ,
Wholesale Deulciuln
Dry Goods , Hosiery , Notions ,
linens , /.uces , I'.inl'roldery ' mid Wlilto C oais.
lD20Dout'lus Street , Oiinthu , Neb.
White Lead ,
Strictly Pura White Lead.
20th Stand U , P. Ity. , Onmlm ,
Harness , Etc ,
Manufactuiere mid Johboiaot
Harness , Saddles , Saddlery Hardware ,
Tuif Goods , IllnnhetB and Holn.s. 1U1 Furnuio
Sti ' < Onmtiii. Neb. .
Mattresses ,
E. M. HUIJ3R %
Mattress Company ,
Manufacturing Mattrceeux , JUuMlntr , Feather
rillovvtf , I'Aile , Klc. 12UU mid 12Ui Douulun Street ,
Onmlm. Neb.
co. .
. Manufacturers of Overalls ,
JtAU8Punt , ° Shiit8itc. : , 1102 n-vll'tl
t , Ouia'iu , K.U
* *
OMAHA i. MIUU : co ,
Dealers In All Kln < ls of
Building Material at Wholesale.
1Mb Strict and i it oii'nc flJ : Track. Omfthv i
Wholesale Dealer in Lumber ,
101 h nml Izanl Streets' ' , Omnha , Nebraska.
J. A. WAKKFinU ) ,
Wholesale Lumber Lath
, , Shinglas ,
RulMlnff 1'aperj , Pn li , Doom , lllltiils Mntitf
lints , 1'ickcts , rojtc , i.lmo , PlaMor , Hflf ,
IVment , Omnlm J ob.
Nlntii mm Joiie , <
_ * _ _ _ . _ .y <
Importers niulJolilicrsof
Millinery and Notions ,
12UllauicrStrtctOiimlinJfoh , _
Musical Instruments ,
r.mioMi & r.mcKsox ,
Wholesalers of Musical Instruments.
Ptrltmajr I'lnnofVoln > r , Decker. liable * and
HrlRirs Vinnop , 1'ncKnnl Onruni , Clinbo Orirans.
101 nml IK ) IMli fctrevt.
Furniture. Etc.
c KS S111VKH
'Fnrnitur. Redding , Upholstery , Mirrors
I'.lo , K-Oll.ialfl nml 1210 Knrnim b'troct , Omnha
' " " "
Wholesale Dealers In Furnttura ,
Knrnnm Street , Omntin , Nob. _ _ _
mios. ,
Wholesale Grocers ,
_ 111C nnd 111S Douglna Street , Omnha , NcK
K. U. CIIAl'MAN 4 CO. ,
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigars ,
Tobacco mid Smokers' Articles , Ml" Howard St.
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas ,
pices , Cigars anil Tobaccos. 11117 nml 131V Doug *
Ins Sti cot , Omtiltn , Neb.
Wholesale Grocers ,
Comer 10th nml rarnnm Streets , Omnlm , Nob.
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
Nos. 706 , 707 , 709 nnd 711 S. 10th St. , Omiiliu , Nob.
Hardware ,
" " "
"w. J. mioATCir ,
Hardware Iron Steel
Heavy , , ,
Bprlnps , tt'iijron Stock. llnnlnmul Lumber , fcte.
1M > mill 1-11 1 1 ninety stivcx , Oumlm , Nob.
Wholesale Iron , Steel , Wagon
And Cnrriasro Wood Stock , llonvy Hiinlwftre ,
Ktc. 1217 uiul 1-1'J Lcuvunn orth Street , Omaha ,
Builders' Hardware ,
Mechanics' Tools nml IlnlTulo Scales. H05 Don-
IIIH Struct. Onuitiu , Nob.
LucnuEi > & co. ,
Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , Tinware ,
Sheet Iron , Ktp. Audits fur HOHO Scales luij
Miami I'o Ur Co. , Onmlm Nob.
Stoves Furnaces Tiles
, Ranges , , ,
Mantles , Unites , UIHS-H poods. Uil and 132J FM >
1111111 fc'tlCOt.
Wholesale Hardware and Nails ,
Emerson Steel Nails. Cor. 10th nnU Humor
_ _ Strcojs , OmiiUa. Nub. _ _ _
Harvesters ,
Wil.'nUElUNG & CO. , CHICAGO ,
Manufacturer oC tbo
Deering , Harvester Goods ,
tVrlta to Wm. M. Lei liner , Gouornl Agent ,
Omaha. Telephone 010.
Iron Pipe , Etc.
Pumps , Pipe and Engines.
Steam , Water , Hallway and Milling Supplies , Et 1
Itt ) , 022 mid VM Faiiuun Kt. Oiiiiilui , Nob.
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
5tcatn mid Wntcr fiupplles. Headquarters for
Must roost Co.'s Goods. 1111 i'ariiam Street ,
Oiniibn , Neb. ,
" "
Wholesale Jewelers.
Dealers In Silverware , Diamonds , Watches
CIm'ks , Jewclprs * Tools and Materials , Etc. , 10J
and 103 , IStb Street , Cor. Dodb'O , Oinalin , Nob. ,
tiotloni Etc.
Jobbois in
Notions , Hosiery & Gents'Fnrnishlng ' Good
lOOiS und 1U08 K.iiimm St. , Omulm.Ncb.
J. T. Robinson Notion Company , '
4(0 ( und 40r > P. Ifllli 8t.Onmlia , Nob.
Wholesale Deulera In Notions und Gouts' Fur.
nlslilnir Goods.
Oils , Etc ,
Wholesale Dealers in Oils ,
Orieollnc , Mien A lo ( Jroiiko , Elo. A. II. Illshop ,
Miiniilfcr , Oinalm , Nub.
Pork Packing ,
JAMES E. iiovn ,
Pork Packer and Shipper ,
Onmlm , Nebraska ,
Packers and Provision Dealers ,
Office , Union Maikot , ir > 17 OoilKO Street. Packing
lioiiho , U. p. it. It. Truck , Omulni , Nub. Tolic
phone No. 157.
Safes and Locks.
' '
'l > . IlOVEll i CO.
Agents for Hall's ' Safe & Lock Co.s'
Flro iirnl llnwlur Pi oof Hafos/rimo f ol'H.ViuilH
und Jull w 01 k. 1(0) ( ) I'arnum hi rout , Omnlm , Neb
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Seeds ,
tVuilcnltiirnl. Vrgetiililo , Klc. OJd Kcllon'X Hall.
_ N. W , Cor. llth and Dodge Ht „ Oiuuhn , Neb.
Drugs , Etc ,
Wholesale Druggists
And Dealer In Palm ? , OiU and Window Glasi ,
OiintliuNol > . ,
Winet and Liquors *
ll.Ell 4 CO ,
Distillers and Importers of Y/lues /
And Mijnoia. Solo innnufuctiirurK of Koun&ly'i
K.IM India DlttfTi. 1112 llmnoy Street , Oiimbfi ,
untv. . w ,
Successor to McNAMAltA & DI'.NCAN , Importorl
and Wbolevulo Duulerdlii
Wines , Liquors and Cigars ,
_ muudjaa S. llth St. , Omnlm , Neb. '
_ Notions , ttt ,
( ' " * '
Wholesale Job Lots ,
DrjOoinlf , Notloim , Gcntb' Furnllilns GooJi ,
from Now York. Ti Hdo alu < dullWl
cud UH SoutU IJlU .St. , Omuux