Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 08, 1886, Page 2, Image 2

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    2 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , MAY , 8 , 1880.
S , P ,
* * ' t
All day Saturday we will liave a special sale of
our new styles of
Children's Lace Caps.
3 Little Maids from School
Swiss Medallion , back rich and dressy
15 dozen children lawn caps , 3 styles
, 4i to choose from , at 50.
to choose from , as good as any hereto sy styles
fore shown at 50c ,
Our Price 25c. LACE CAPS 75c
Normandy style , very pretty , entire
IACE CAPS 39c ly new ; another with double fluted
niching in trout , medallion hack ; trim '
med all round with rnfllo of Swiss' em
broidery ; several styles to choose from
20 dozen child's French Caps , medal at
lion back , 4 full flutings in front and
round back , as good as any sold last 75c
for 75 ;
Mail orders filledi Agents for Butter-
Our Price , 39c. ick's patterns. ,
I X 1 f <
T r _
I * A Prohibition drank in Serious Danger of
Having His Neck Stretched.
Dcfl Molncs Much Kxcltcd Over tlio
Liquor Question A. Case ofSlioot-
rionils to a.Small-
Sized Itlot.
A Prohibition Crank.
DCS MOINT.S , Iowa , May 7. [ Special Tele
gram. ] Shortly after noon to-day a lingo
crowd gathered In the court house yard , and
" him " " him " ana
shouts of "Hang , "Lynch ,
Pother excited exclamations u ere heard. The
object of the threats , \\lio was safely lodged
in the Jail behind the court house , was a
special constablu named 1'lercc , Nsho attempt
cd toniakeabcnich for liquors south of the
city , and being resisted , Nhot n man. llo hu-
incdlatolv jumped Into Ids wagon and drove
back to town , followed by an excited crowd ,
fyjfld was at once nnestcd and locked up on
charso ot assault , lor clubbing a man
last night \\lio resisted his search \uir-
rant. Crowds hung about the Jail
all thoafteinoon and much talk
vasireaVd. Soipo trouble is fe.ued to-night.
This man who was Hhdt , Hairy hlo > d , was
, , the LnttemloT , and I'loico claims that hens
shot by mlstaku , the bullet being Intended
- for \V.\utt , the mopiletor of the .saloon , who
came at him with u shot gun. .Wild btoiles
me atlont that Llojd was killed , but his
" nhyslcla ) ! says hip wound Is not scilous , the
ball ir.'andng ' along thn libs. Several dusnor-
ate characters late | been at work tlds aftor-
jioon tiylfig to stir up a mob to brealulnto
" ( ho jail and lynch Pierce , but the sheriff and
police aio thoionghly lacpiued tor tiny out-
. . oThls man Pierce Is something of a crank
on the subject of onfoiclng prohibition , and
when irmi'd witUa boirch waimnt and a 10-
volver Is'a diuiianous character , lie has no
dlscietlon , and 1msnairowly escaped Iniuiy
several times before , llo foimuily was ou
the nolleo fdiee , and afterwards was a deputy
slicull' , but. was not consldeied safe In those
positions. Ho Is now acting us a constable ,
'Hiaving locolved hls'authority from a justice
"in North * DCS Mollies , an incorporated
fiubuib , and ho claims the right
tomakeselzmos of Honors aiiywheio In the
S country. Public feeling' ' is very strong
against him. He icfused to bo taken out of
town .for safe keeping , for ho Is a dare-dovll
sort of fellow and "utterly reckless. If the
, saloons wore open there would bo trouble to-
iUlght. but not much danger la feared from a
sober mob.
lis MOINKS , Iowa , May 7. [ Special Tele-
, gram.J At 11 o'clock this morning word was
received that a mob of about 400 had gath
ered at Wyatt's suloon In South Des Molnos.
and would probably come over to the jail
later. Kveiy pieparaUon has boon made to
' ulvo them-a wtnm rcveptlou. The sheriff and
1 Ills deputies , armed with Springfield rllles
and lovoheiH , mo Inside.tho court house , nnd
the police uio patrolling the couit house
yard If the mob attempts to bicak Into
the Jail them > yII ) bo soiuu deadly woik done.
Sheiitr Painter Is moving very pro nip-
ly , und expresses hla entire ability
to taUe cnre of things without
calling upon the militia and the police.
Wlitlo thu eiowd about the Jail \\as making
wild threats , one man shouted "Let's get
uioponnd haug Painter. ThN wasrepoilcd
to tlioblieuil and ho came out and asked the
rjiian if ho so immuUi'd.
"We II settle that light now , " said the
shcrltl , ashu marched thn follow Into jail ,
, where ho has kept him ever sliKc. The man
.was a biaUcimui ou the Diagonal toad. Lute
to-night the sheiill said ho bad removed
_ l'leice fiom thu Jail tor t > ate keening.
n lowix Uontlsia Organized.
IOWA CITY , May ? . The State Dental as
sociation * closed Ita iwenty-fomth annual
session here to-day after rendlns ; nnd discus-
ilon of bevcrnl papers. Cedar Haplda waa
, chosen as the place ot holding the nextsos-
lou , and tlm lollowlug olUccra were elected ;
FrMldeat. Dr. IA E. llogers , o ( ;
vie * Hident , Dr. W. 11. Ualrd. of Uiiilinsc-
' 4o ; wctftliiry , Dr. J. 13. Moutort ; treasurer ,
\l \ > t , J. 8. Kiclly ; ol Miucatluc ,
Gone to That Homo Whence no Trav
eler Returns , JC.vcopt in
CharRO of the 1'ollco.
DKS MOINKS , Iowa , May 7. | Special Tele-
Brnm. ] A Vieston special says : Cluulcs
Smart , night clerk In the llcvcio house , lefc
suddenly carrying with him a sample case
of jewelry belonging to George Yancy , ot
Lincoln , Neb. , who was a truest at the hotel.
The case was valued at SS'JO. No cine to the
whereabouts ol' the absconding clerk.
Thrown Into the Klvcr.
DunutjUE , Iowa , May 7. Harry McFadden
nnd Miss Axle Taylor , both of Savannah ,
111. , while taking a pleasure rldo last evening
from Savannah to Uellcvnc , got their buggy
entangled In the brush close to the rl\er
banlc and weio tipped over , , buggy and
both occupants being thrown Into the liver.
The drowned bodies of the couple wcio
found this evening.
Prohibition Doesn't Prohibit.
Sioux CITY , Iowa , May 7. The city coun
cil to-night passed an oidlnance fixing saloon
license at 825 a month. Since prohlbltoiy
law wont Into effect saloons have been payIng -
Ing no llceiisf. There are about 100 saloons
in-tho city.
Tlio nrlcklnypi'8 to Consider.
The rcsolution'adoplcd at the meeting
of the contractors Wednesday night , with
retercnco to asking the bricklayers to ap
point a cotnmiUoo to meet a similar com
mittee to arbitrate tlm question of wages ,
was handed to the ollicers of thu union
yesterday. To consider the question pro
posed a meeting of the union was
held in the morning at 8 o'clock , at
the rooms of the association , corner of
Fourteenth and Douglas streets. A com
mittee was appointed to confer with the
contractors upon the question proposed.
A committee was appointed to notify
the contractors that the association would
be pleased to moot them in the afternoon.
At that time , , accordingly , both con
tractors and bricklayers met , tiio former
being represented by Messrs. Ittnyer ,
Withncll , Johnson , Olson nnd Livesoy ,
about sixty of the latter being present.
A long talk ensued nnd was finally
closed witli tin understanding that the
wages demanded , namely $4r > o for nine
hours work on full days of the fl.fiO for
eight hours on Saturday , was acquiesced
in uy the contractors , The latter in turn
demanded that they be permitted to de
cline to hire any except men whom they
considered capable of doing a full day's
work , valued at 60 cents per hour. Tula
was nlso agreed to by the bricklayers.
This closes the question , and to-day
some of the men will go to work , while
others will wait for Mxmdav.
The Ilanlons have never boon Identi
fied with an indifferent show. Their suc
cesses of the past have been of the most
pronounced order , atrd resulted in the
heaviest returns of both fame and money.
But of all their achievements none haa
been ns'sticccssfnl as that of Fnntnsma ,
which was produced at the Bovd last
night. There are but two speaking char
acters in the piece , and yet there are
about forty persons in the company.
Every one of these is accomplished , and
the variety of the accomplishment was
displayed m almost a hundred character
izations. Pantomime , of course , pre
dominated , and made laughter resound
through the lioiibo from the beginning to
the close of the picco. The scenery was
magnificent , and the transformations
wore rich , gorgeous and most excellently
designed. The same piece this afternoon
and evening.
Mlkailo I'ana.
Every lady visiting J. L. Brandeis' sale
to-day or next week will bo presented
with K handsome Mikado fan of their
own importation. Read I heir advertiser
meut on the lifth page of thia issue ,
To-Monw Morning.
Made of all over
Swiss Embroidery ;
bade of solid embroid
ery ruffle ; full front
edged with fine nich
ing , $1.25.
$2.00 ,
$2,50 ,
$3.00 ,
$4.00 ,
, " $5.00.
The most complete
line shown in the vest
open Saturday Morning -
ing , May 8th.
Block Corner ,
Embroidered Corners ,
Scalloped Edges ,
Linen Lawn ,
Sold everyivhere else
at 50c. , 65c. , 75c.
? : Morse &Co
Which Eeajiito Leading Clergymen for Their
Talk and Prayers.
First Stnto Council of the C. K. of
A. The Overworked. Employes
in the Postofilcc The
Closing Revival.
Ministerial Ducats
It is within the power of ti certain di
vine in this country to say that , for one
year , ho received as salary , the princely
sum of $50,000. But neither that divine
nor his congregation resides in Omaha.In
the matter of salaries , the congregations
of this city have seen lit to dr.iw a line
and they have drawn it , leaving consid
erable margin this side of $ jO,000. At
least , such is the impression made by a
cursory inquiry as regards tlio roniunorn-
ion ot our .s pirilual advisors. Despite
this fact , the churches thrive , and , if the
number of mortals who nro to be Hayed
from eternal loss does not increase , itccr-
ainly is not because ij-TiO.OOO shepherds
aie not standing around ready to do
the snatching. Our divines have learned
to labor and to wait , and the
case and grace with which some of them
accomplish the latter , is somewhat re-
maikable. There uio about fifty places
of divine worship in Omaha , and tiio
pastors of most of tlio- have become
most accomplished in the act.
Rev. A. F. Sherrill has waited. But lie
waits no longer. His seventeen years
have not been spent in vain in Omaha.
He has not lost the grace of motion , the
elasticity of youth , the raven darkness of
Ills hair , for nothing. Ho waited. lie
came to the front. Ho climbed the
height of congregational appreciation ,
and now draws yearly $3,000. Ho docs
not dispose of it with the liberality with
which ho receives it. He has no car
riage. .Ho uses not the weed , neither
looks h'o upon tlio wine when it is red. He
lives in keeping with his position. His
homo is large. comfortable and
shared with him only by hit )
wife and and adopted child.
Ills loft docs not always know what ia
done with his right , but poor people do ,
who assort that perhaps a third of his
wages is devoted to their comfort ,
ifov. William E. Copolund , of the Uni
tarian church , is voted $ 1,500 per year.
He is also given house rent free. But ho
has not yet been able to got the lull
amount of the good Intent of his people.
His people ore few. nnd they are mainly
poor. When he gets $1,200 yearly ho Is
doing well. Ho strives to supplement it
by sundry efforts on the slue , such as
striving after the secretaryship of the
board of education , and again the assist
ant secretaryship of tlio same board. Ho
is still striving. Ho writes book reviews
for the Republican , the remuneration of
which is problematical. Ho edits Pro-
Kress , with a pecuniary return of about
$15 per week. If there- are other roada
lending fortunes to him it may not bo
necessary now to mention them.
llov. W. J. Hnrslui , of the First Presby
terian church , is paid $3,400 a year. He
js n very wealthy son and son-in-law , Ho
is independent of his salary. He is also
independent in his opinions of recioation ,
He has his horses , and carriages ,
und babies , Ho also owns a gun , n
pair of waders , a corduroy outfit ,
nnd a brace of setters , fie takes
several of the mentioned things with him
when he goes hunting , which ho does
sometimes with the hope of seeking Inno
cent recreation and doing good to him
self at the same time. Not every one .of
his flock possesses these possessions of- the
I 1
i i
JT *
Newest Styles
Ladies' ' Spring Wraps ,
Special Sale .This Week ,
1 lot Spring : Wraps ; clioloo for $7.50
In this lot will bo found brocade velvet
wraps , wool Ottoman wraps and boucle
cloth wraps , all nicely trimmed with
cither fringe or laco. Choice for $7.50
Brocade Velvet Wraps , $10 ,
The brocade velvet wraps wo offer at
this price , are aa fine and well
trimmed and made ns nro being sold in
this city nt $15. Our price $10.
Fine Spring Wraps ,
Will be sold very cimap this week by
us , if you wunt any extra fine late style
wrap take a Ioob4hrough our stock you
can get u bargain * .
$4,98,1 , worth $750 ,
' " . a
Choice of 7 nc\y \ strylcs , size 33 to 40.
$7.47t ; worth $10
Choice of 10 styics.spring jackets , sizes
82 to 40.
Ml'ttil Tilled.
. . . . ,
ungodly. But Ih'nfis their own business.
Mr. Harsha is an 'author nnd rakes in
some money frorh a"'trinity ' of novels
which lip has published. Ono ot these ,
"A. Timid Brave , " the reporter recently
saw at the Omulm Publishing company's ,
Sixteenth street near Capitol avenue.
Sonic ot the passages of the same dis
played considerable bravery on the part
of the timid brave , the author himself.
lie has recently sold out his interest in a
book-house in this city , nnd still edits
the ' "Christian Hour. " But these are
rather to do good tlianicurn money.
Kev. J. S. Dolweilqr hns no outside
means of making 'a livelihood. Every
month lie draws 150 from the treasurer
of the Kountzo Memorial. His bouse
rent is also pflid 1)3 ; , th.o congregation.
The latter costs about $800. thus malcing
his salary about $2,100. Air. Dctwciler
lias a small family. But he fi&hcs not ,
neither does ho luxilrhito in thu game-
thick fastnesses of the forest. He is sup-
nosed to s.avo his money , and apparently
has no other means of acquirinjr it than
by the wages of the Gospel.
Rabbi Benson , of thoi Hebrew syna
gogue , is a small steam engine , always
ready for thonrond. illo earns $1,51)0 )
every year and spimds considerable of it
on good cigars , rfn'd rtow and again in
slaking his thirst , pr joining in the social
circle , with a friendly tip. Foes for mar
riages , births ; .deaths , circumcisions , if
they presented themselves frequently ,
would 80911 enable the rabbi to retiro.
But they do not , nave at irregular inter
vals. As a conscquencot , the rabbi's op
portunities for , . becoming a millionaire
are observed from the naked eye.
llov. John Williams' .School had been
abandoned. Mr. Williams , is to bo con
gratulated. lt > brought no money , but a'
great deal of Jab'or. Ho has now time to
rest. His liouso Imlongs to the parish. It
would rent for $05 per month , llissalary
is $1,200 per year , independent ot ins
rent. Mr. Williams walks and patron-1
iy.cs tlio street pars. His money goes n
Jong ways , partpf it providing for a wife
nnd two children. '
llo\r. Willard Scott earns his ? 3,000.
Ho is tall , severely ascetic in appearance ,
and always searching fortruth. . Ho has
a horse and buggy. But ho does not
smoke , neither tastes lie fermented
liquor. He likes a little deal in real es
tate , nnd likes nlso to have thu balance ,
on his side. That's where it la at present. '
Exchange of his own property brings
him a pretty good return without attract
ing much attcn.tjpru from his clerical
duties. „
Bishop Worthlnetan receives a salary
of $3,000. This amqunt ia the interest
upon the cndo'wmoht fund of about
130,000. He is itciVcrful giver , yet the
oxpenssos cut no ilguro m connection
witli his oflico , Ulitllu of his salary is in
his hands at the end of the year. The
diocesan funds aw iiuufllciont to pay his
expenses , so Ida la'huvto exchequer is fre
quently called' 1 nj/on to supply the
delicioncy. " .
Kev. J.V. . IlftTjrls'dpmincnccd to smoke ,
years ago and grow fat. A short tlmo
ago , he ceased smoking , went under the
doctor's orders aVldi tllen was accused of
tlio tendency lobinokowhcnho had given
the pufithno up. 'iKuf Mr. Harris rides
mainly in the btroot car , and uses con-
sidcaable of his salary of $1,800 in house
rent , , family cares , and the endeavor to
look like a layman when rushing upon
the streets.
llov. Thomas Hall Is about 28 years of
ago. Ho is wealthy by marriage and de
scent. His salary is a nominal ono , less
than n thousand per year. Ho is about
oix feet tall , and mpst stalwart in ap
pearance. Ho needs 119 buggy , though ho
sometimes rides. He is strongly in favor
of exorcise and enjoyment and takes each
when the idea occurs to him as a natural
necessity , Ho can command a greater
salary , and has refused it because he is
daily engaged in both reflection and
study ,
The brick moulders will meet next
Wednesday evening at Wolll's hall ,
Twenty-second and Cutning streets.
100 blnok satin pnrasolsparagon fnuno
Inco trimmed , nil colors niul blnok lin
ings ; our bargain at $3.50
COACHING $1.25 $
PARASOLS $1.50 $
All colors end black satin parasols , a
uargahr\vorth $2 and $2.50 a bargain tit
$1.25 and $1.50
SAJIN $3.90 $
10 ribbed , paragon frame , trimmed
with Spanish Guipure Lace , ns good ns
can bo bought elsewhere at $ o ; our price
Satin Parasols
Changeable silk lininzs , best 10 ribbed
paragon frame , s tylish handles , black
and till colors , changeable linings and
cqcelleiit vnluo at $4.50.
Mail orders filled.
Agents for Bnttcrick's patterns and pub
lications : Subscribe for the Delineator ,
the best fashion magazine in the world :
monthly $1 u year. Send for catalo
gue. Fashion shoot mailed free.
Rearing Its Close.
Last evening's services were varied as
much as to substitute Dr. Lowry as the
speaker. Mostly a popular audicnco is
suited with variety , and on this occasion
not only as making change , but ns fur
nishing for the curs of the auditors u refreshing -
freshing repast , full of soul and very in
structive. The meetings at the Exposi
tion building will close with next Sun
day night , but the temper of Pastor Mc-
Knig is not likely to allow the meetings
to close , but possibly will propose hold
ing a few services every week'at the
First Jli-thoilist church.
llov. MoICaig made the following an
nouncements : Mrs. Lowry will hold n
meeting in this building : it 2:30 : o'clock
to-day , and nt 8:30 : Dr. Lowry will preach.
On Sunday morning at 9 o'clock a love
feast will bo held in the Exposition
building ; nt 10:00 : Dr. Lowry will preach ;
at 2 o'clock the young people's meeting ,
including the children of the Sunday
Hchool , will bo la-Id , nnd ut SI.30 o'clock
Huv. J.V. . Phelps will preach : At 8
o'clock Uio jubilee meeting will bo hold ,
attending which will be people and
clergymen from abroad.
Dr. Lowry took as bib text , Romans G ,
20 , nnd said :
Wo are all sinners. Sin i ? universal and
all-pervading. Itgrows with our growth ,
anil lives in corruption. Sin is not the
primordciil condition. It is neither tlio
work or fault of God. The most success
ful strategy of Satan is to promote sin.
All that crown of rectitude has boon torn
away and is trampled in thodnsl. Thorn
is no natural sanctity in any of us. Thid
slnfulncss occasions the need for some
help. Some lime or other there must bean
an elimination of this sinfulness from our
natures , if wo shall bo partakers of the
joy of heaven.
Every degree of religious experience
inwrought religion m n stage of the
process of cleansing us from sin.
Ono stage is called justilication , nnd
another stngo is called regeneration , and
is a long Htndo in the way to holiness. It
is holiness begun. lint a true nnd cir
cumspect Christian js aa n sliool of white
pnpor. The saintlicst man that walks the
ourtu is only .a transformed man , nnd the
change has boon wrought by groco.
"Brethren , let ns nleanbu ourselves
from all filthincss of the flesh , perfecting
holiness in the fear of God. "
Entire sanctilication freedom from
sin is a consummation of the work of
grace , subjugating and destroying the
cuomios of tlio HOiil. It is putting our
will into perfect accord with tlio will of
God. In a word , it is being freed from
sin.The quostionTrccurs , What is freedom
from sin ? It is not to bo freed from all
the disorders and inilrmltics of our
bodies ? If you want to beautify your
moral character , this condition is Touched
by subjecting omselvcs to God. But it
is not designed to change the idiosyncra
sies of a man. The man who was willful
before will bo willful btill , but ho is con
secrated to the service of God. It is not
freedom from temptation.
Entire sanctilicution implies a restrain
ing and managing of nil our propensities -
ties , Temptations are allowed , to test
the ability of n human to resist nnd Htand.
Possibility to sin ib not taken rway ; only
sin is brought under control. How wider
ly is it circulated if some who profess ho
liness shall fall away. If an mebrlnto ,
after restoration falls , not much is
thought of it , because , may bo , not much
ulso was expected of him ; but of him wlio
professes holiness1 , much is expected , and
his fall is an occasion for criticibing the
doctrine , and abusing its adherents.
Freedom from sin is freedom from the
condemnation of sin. May not the man
who enjoys such blessing gr.ulimto in
moral acquisitions * It is a rich gr.ulo of
justification , "There is , thcrcfoiu , now
Ladies' ' Ready-madeSuits
Wo have mmlo a ilecltJeil "hit" this spring by
offering Myllsli , well nmdo and perfect flltlng
suits at prices nvornglmj but anymore
than woiiUl bo clmrgoJ for making nlono In
this oily.
\ VllllMijngooj suit , good material * , well madi
nnd a perfect flt. 8lo32 to 40.
Iliiys n ( tool wool gorjro , or a Ladles' Flannel
Suit , both of stj llsh design ; r
Will buy n flno all wool Tricot Suit , 4 shades to
select from , this suit could not bo mnUo to order
dor for loss than $18.
Other styles of finer material can bo bought ol
us for 3t5r $10 50 and ( ! ) onoli , that nro equally
as cheap as tlioso mentioned above.
Buys an extra flno Ores Grain Silk Suit , tlmt
couUI not bo iniulo for ic's tlmn SJ5 , flvo colors
to select fiom ; this Is the boat u.irg-uln o\or of
fered In Omaha ,
When necessary pulls nro nltcrod nnd made
to Qt perfectly without extra churgo.
Misses' ' Suits.
Wo show a largo variety of Misses Wash
Suits In Olnghnm , Bcor Suolior nnd other popu
lar materials , all now and stylish designs , wel
nmdo und stj Ilsh designsu ell made and cheap
er than j ou can mnho them. Also
Misses' White Suits ,
From 2 to 10 years , at very low prices.
s. Morse&Co
no condemnation to them that walk not
after the ilesh , but afte.r the spirit. "
Freedom from sin is expelling from the
heait all that is like scorpions in your
beds. You can hardly take in jour ling
ers a morning daily without reading of
some graceless ono having taken bis own
life. Freedom from sin is freedom from
tho'dobasinf ' ! ' qllbcts of sin. This dcbas-
ingotUict of sin isa nerversiou of all
that is right. The man who is free from
the debasing effects of sin , to such , vo
luptuousness is distasteful. Freedom
from sin is a great salvation , and must
bo a full redemption. You will bo
prepared to grow in grace when you
possess this- complete salvation. The
sublime marchings of the feoul are yet to
Mow , do you want this freedom from
sin ? Seek it at once , and possess it.
The Last to Bo Conferred This Year
in Grcffhtoii College.
Aii account of their work during April
was'given to the students of Croighton
college yesterday afternoon. This is the
last of its kind for the present term , the
next being the annual commencement
which will take place about the last of
of Juno.
For the month of May , there will bo a
few contests for gold medals to be award
ed to the best.competitor who may enter
the contest.
Tliobo who took part in the cxctclfcs ,
did remarkably well , anil have the honor
of closing the monthly exhibits for the
present year. A good average of notes
for the month of Apiil was made by the
following students : Thomas Knssell 01 ,
John Wlialen 01 , Frank Barnes 83 , John
Furny 00. William Doran 83 , Ed Smith
88. Charles Furny 83 , Ed Furay 81 , Benja
min Hello 08 , Josenh McCarvillo i)0 ) ,
Michael MeGriny 83 , ( jcorgo Mercer 1)2 ) ,
Daniel Muldoon 80 , Chailes NemeU 87 ,
Aithur llertol 00 , Thomas Lyman 01 ,
Joseph MeC.irthy t)5 ) , Thomas McUlvorn
! ) , Patrick McGovorn SS.Jfnrtiutt Murray ,
8h , Michael O'Coimer 81 , John O'Neill IM.
Uiohard Purcell 80 , Thomas Burke 05 ,
Emmet Cavanaugii 81 , Win. Clarke 87 ,
Francis Furuy 85) ) , Francis Gallagher 80 ,
Maurice Hinohey ! > - ' , Ed. Maginnis 81 ,
Emmet McCroary 01 , Martin McEvoy 87 ,
Wm.MoIIugh 1)1 ) , Hobcit Heed 80 , Joseph
Smith 04 , Bernard Wittig 05 , Simon Car-
mollo 00 , Mike Donahoo 81. Cluroueo
Furay 84 , Nat Field 83 , Chas. Garvoy 85 ,
Chas. DHoward 80 , John Hartigan 01 ,
Palmer 01 , Joseph Fnnfrdlok 80 , John
Mulick 82 , Hurt Murphy 81 , Lawrence
Tlio Nickel Plato Glroua.
The days of monster aggregations
in tlio circus world have not passed. The
aggregations arc with us , but do not
always nflbrd the pleasure that did the
single-ring show of our boyhood. Harris'
Nickel Plato Show is ono of the lattor.
It has but ono ring and everything done
in tlmt can bo scon by people in any part
of tlio house. Both performances at
tracted full houses. The riding was ox-
col.out , the athletic exorcises as line as
anything that has yet been put befoio an
Omaha audience. The camel lady ar >
roused great curiosity , The show will
bo in Fremont to-night.
The Belt Mno.
Contractor Stephen Hoblnsonycstoidny
finished the work of driving the piling
for the bridge woik ou the Oniuha Belt
railway. Mr. Robinson sontulargo force
of men to Weeping Water last evening
whole he has the contract for diiving the
piling for about forty bridges ou the
Missouri 1'auilio extension.
Trade In Brisk , but Prices Unsettled ,
With Eho at Close ,
Socnoa In the Cnttlc Market Rocnlt
War Tunes Countirmon Wnrnml ,
Jlownvor , Not tolto too MniiRiilno
Hogs , ns Usual , Dull ,
CHICAGO GltAI.V MAtlltirr.
CIIIOAOO , Mar 7. [ Special Tolocratn.J
WIIIAT : Interest continued nil day to bo
centered In wheat. There was ncllvo Irade ,
but nu unsettled market. Based on opening
figures there was a very fnlr degree of
sticngth If It can bo Judged by the fact tlmt
thoiangoo\cr Ihst quotations was n lltllo
greater tlmn the fnll below them. When
trading began tbero WAS nothing In sight to
cncouraco belief In any higher in Ices. Near
ly ovorj body niiiiearcd to bo n seller. Jones
and Cuilaby were said to bo unloading liber
ally , while Itcatns * nnmo was also .mentioned
as a heavy seller. Crop reports were generally -
ally favorable. From an otioulngat TSJtfo Juno picked up to tt7S c , but at this
point they weakened and under heavy
selling dropped back to 78'fc. ' lie-
fore noon there were U'lcgratm
on thn floorannounclngthnt thirty-four boat
load * were taken at New York jostorday and
estimating 400,000 bushels ot , wheat to go out
this week. This brought out n good line of
local buying , nnd Juno wheat once nioro
started on an upturn , this tlmo advancing to
T8Kc. But It was followed as usual by a ro-
action. The inornltiK BONSlon closed steady
and about llrm at quotations. Northwestern
advices aio that receipts at Dututli and other
points are decreasing and next week nro ex
pected to bo considerably lighter than this.
Hog product was undeniably weak , not so
much from any sympathy with other aillclci
as bccausu no ono wanted to buy It. whllo
sellers were moderately freo. .fnno pork
opi'iied at S0.13J4 and fell to SO.OO wltliont
any largo amount of trad Inc. Corn was also
lower , to the extant of nearly KC-
! iiiO : p. in. Wheat was llrm and steady.
Ccitamtv that export movement had again
started hardened values materially. Twelve
boat loads were taken in Now York to-day
and thirty-lour yesterday. No change of Im
portance In other commodities.
2:40 : p. in. Puts on Juno wheat 78Jc , calls
Chandler-Brown Co.'s lloport ,
The following report Is furnished by
Chandler lirown Co. , of Chicago and Mllwau *
kee :
No new featnics were developed In the
wheat market to-day , and the market
fairly active. Juno wheat opened at
sold MiiKc ( ) , closing at 7SJ c at 1 p. in.
Receipts at prlniaiy markets , 142,000 bush
els ; shipments , 331,000 liushels.
Corn and Provisions Weak and lower.
2:00 : p. m. Evcrj thing uulet and steady.
U. S. i'Aitns Hecciuts HOCH , 1-1,000 ;
mixed papism , S'l.7.'X 4.0 : ! ; heavvS4.10 4.n : ;
Hi-lit , ? : i.7.XHaO ( ; left o\er , 3,000 ; cattle re
ceipts , o.roj.
Cat loth Wheat , 13 ; corn , 02 ; oatsGO / ; ry < \
none ; barley , S.
CIIICAOO , May 7. [ Special Telegram. ]
CATII.K Theie were oxtniordinaiy scenes
in the eattle market this morning , lemitiaititf
ono of the struggles and scrambles tor fat
cattle ( liiritip ; war times , when anxious con-
trnctois did.not ottcn hesitate to bid against
each other to thn extent of 31.00 to $1.60 per
100. Buyers vieio In tliolr saddles looKlng
stock over as early as 7 o'clock , and bofuiu 8
o'clock they were weighing tlu-ir piuchnses.
Such scenes nl activity ate seldom witnessed
In the maiKct , and pi Ices uero fully I5o
higher tlmn yestculay , and a good )0@50c )
hiu'licr than Monday. Countrymen aia
wanted against mailing in stock next week ,
as evcij body anticipates a bad bro.ilc. Kur
export and shipping stecis ( SoUlsmlth
it Meyers pihl S1HK > @j.80 for a few
head , the latter lor oxpmt alive.
Elliott bought rfevon loads ' > vlthln
range of $3. : > o@liVi. ( A few oxen were
nought foi export at SI.75. Medium and
light little steers sold all the way Irour 81.01)
to6V > 0.If ( distillery led stock Moirls Ji
( ireunbanm had forty-thico loads from
lYoila. Them \\eio between ! ! 00 and -10J
cows In from the city distlllfilcs. Koity
of Moiiis' cattle \\eio fonuuded on to New
Yoik , und finm there will be sent on to
I.heipool. Distillery cows sold at : i.8D ©
f.yi ; stoui.s nt SWiOO'fe.M ) . and bulls at 4S.i. ( ' > f.
llofjH Business Inhly ; ictl\o anil
inlet's about the same as jesleidav. llest
heavy and butcheis' nigs sold nt H&Xgj.-IO.
and best mixed at 5l.r > @ < . : ! 0 , with lounh nnd
common atSH.OO@UO. Light sold at SUfi ©
UO , hugely at SI.-'S.
Now York , May 7. MiEV"-Oii ( ) pall ,
easy at 1& X per cunt. Last loan maJo at
1 pei cent.
I'liiMU MincAjniiir ; PAi'iu : 4MCS5 per
aricm.iN'n KXCIIAMIK Dull but steady ;
SJ.bfljf tor sixty days ; Sl.bO for ( Ummiid.
( Jo VKIINJII'.NTH Dull but steady.
SIOOKH Stocks wenifirm tluotuhout the
dayMitJuct only to slight leactlons. l'ilro at
thoopenlng were boimnvhatliicgnlar.but gen-
eially Him , and advanced blowly dm Ing Ilia
foienoonvilhexcuptiomil stiongthlu Luclca-
wanna on active trading. A.Hhglit louctlon
followed by a steady tone until uftet 1 p. m. ,
when In Hjmiwthy with decided weakiies *
In We.sUirn Union , the whole list
fractions , but In the last hour again" became
stiong and closed ut or near the best figured
ot the day for the most active.
SVeentbouda. . . C. &N. W 100
U.S. 4lfa preferred. . . Kt7 #
New4's N. Y. 0 1UI
Pacific O's of 'yi. Oregon Tran. .
Central PaclUu . 1'ncliln Mall. . , .
C.&A 18 P.,1) . &K
prefeired. , . . ) M P.P.C 137
O.n. &Q Wli Hook Island. . . . l' )
D..L.&W Vti. StL.&S.K. . . . M
D.1C.G 10 preferred. . .
Erie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 } 0. , M. AtitP. . .
preferred. . . . W pioferred. .
Illinois Central. 137
I. , 1)&W ) & piefcrrtiU. . .
Kansas < Texas. 25 Tex us Paullic. . .
Lake.Shoio 7d Union Paulhc. . .
L.&N . W. , St. L. to P. .
Mich.Contra ! . . . . i 4 nicferwl. , . WJ
ilo. Pacllic 107 Western Union 01J
Northern Pac. . . 8JWO.U.&N W %
prt'fened. . . 51 1
Ohlontco , May 7. l-'lotu' Dull nnd
Uiiclmnge-d ; wlnteivheat , M-10-I.-17J
boutheiii , Si.0l4. ( ; Wlscoiibln , ts4JO ( &
4.75 : Michigan soil bpilng , S'i.70if-J.OO :
Mlnne&ota haUeis' , iy.tOjJ. . ' > Oj patents , 81.01
( i iQ' low grades , SAOCIMLW ; lye flour ,
ll -0 , In baiieUSAOD J.iiO In sacks.
20o foi .Illlli ) .
HjoDull ntCOJ .
Ji.iilei Nominal at 59c ,
Tlmothj-Prlmc ,