8Ba j' iwusafBntWHv < iiuu * * * &aii& * > 'imara ' j 12 . THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , MAY 8 , 1886. t -PERRY DAVI6' PAIN-KILLER 18 tictiOMMENDnD 11Y I'hj-ildnns , Ministers , Missionaries , Munnpcra | | of FnctorkhVotkshops , 1'Inntntlons , Nurses In noplinls In short , every body everywhere who hns ; 01 or given It n trial. TAKEN INTEIINALt.V IT WII.I , UK VOU.VI ) A NEVEa FAU.INO cum : ron SUDDEN COLDS , CHILLS , PAINS IN THE STOMACH , CHAMPS , SUM MER AND DOWEL COMPLAINTS - PLAINTS , SO HE TUIIOAT , &c. IT 18 T11H MOST EtTECTIvn AM > IIE3T MSIMENT o.V jlAilTii ton CUUINO SPJIAINS , BRUISES , RHEMATISM NEUHALGIA , TOOTII-ACIIB , DUHNS , FUOST-DITES , c. Prices , 25c , , 50c. and $1,00 per Bottle , FOR SALE BY ALL MEDICINE DEALERS t33 ? " Beware of Imitations. , ( S3 017 St.C jnrIcsHt.S .IOnlsMo. Arntolirinlnittfif t'o M il ) l Colle m , J > Mb nlont | r nK M ID llie ipteltt ircfttmeot o t CHtonte. Ntivoui , SKI * ud Bioon DimiM thin > nr atbrrl'btilelia In St , Looll , u ellj f tpe ri ibow tnd ill old reiMtnti Know Nervous Prostration. Debility , Mental and Physical Wc&Knoss ; Mercurial and other AHeo tloni of Throat. SHln or Bones , Blood Poisoning , eldSoreiandXllccrt , r irntfi with nr > rtiitu < i lirrtii , en UHit-lM-mllM jirloetnlf i. Ktfelr. PUnld/ . Dlteaies Aflslhj from Indiscretion , Excels , Exposure or Indulgence , whisk rrodnc * ioraoorth followlDf tffccUl UfrouintM. dtblllcr , dlniDCM or llgbt udltreellre memory' plmplei on Ilii fate , | > htil lde r , trcrilon to th KutUtyorirrm&lai. eoufuiloa oridcal , tto. , rendering Marrlago improper or unhappy , wo Mnntneally enrol. ramphleU26 paces ) on l&o above. ieoi in tcalrd t crelope , fro lo any addrrn. Coniullallonatof- Ceeorbj mill rrei-.lnTlted mud ililtllj conHJ ell l. A Positive Written Ouarantoo Elrm ID ertrjea. tatleatjr. iledlcloo icfll ever jwbtretj mall or urrcsla MARRIAGE GUIDE , nee pxors , FINE PLATES , cieiani doit. ui nut tlDdlng , iraledrcr QOo. In iiotugocrenrreccr. Orcr flrir ondf rful | n plcturei , true to Mlo t artlclei on tb < folloirlnj ubjeeUl wliomar marry , nhotiol. whjriniaDhooil , woman- U A n | n A A ffl 'rcc.-A ' > ktimorout . i MMIIIIillllf ! " ' ni'ruacnco cauflni III U 1 1 1 1 U U U t jtan- iwnromnlr rerci bk J. ll.UiEVi3.4iCliaUiai ; troot. PAUL t WlfiT BEST IN THE WORLD. - HUM on any nor ) : nml in nuy Price $ 2.50 JBTrickey&Co WHOLESALR JEWCLKUS , for DlIALIUtS Sui'l'IJIIU AT FACTOUY RATKS. hW N.I ) . Tills Is not a Stylo- i pencil , but n first class J iUlloxlblo \ Kola pen of nny do- ehmlCncuessor point. Ladies Do you want a pure , bloom * Ing Complexion I If so , a few applications of Hngan's MAGNOLIA HALM will grat ify you to your heart's con- tout. It dona away with Sal- IOAYIIOSS , lloduoss riinplos. lilotchcs , and all discuses ami Imperfections of tbo skin , It overcomes the flushed appcnr- nco of heat , fatlgilo aim ox- citomont. It makes a lady of THIRTY appear hut TWEN TY ; and so natural , gradual , ud perfect are its oHbcts. that it Is iinpossiblo to delect its applicutlou , Polly. Chawltcr't Journal. Wo" were scnoolfcllows , Dolly nnd I , At n littlednino'.f school In tlio town close ly ) ; i carried her books , nnd she held iny hand- Two Innocent children of God's o Yn band. Wo would marry when we crew" tip , wo said , ( irnvo plans for the time-to oomO wo Inld , A small boy I , nun B W 6 glH she , lu those bjgone daya nil mol nh mol Wo prow wo were mnrrlrd Dolly nnd I , At the quaint old church In. Uie town close by ; The farm was wirchnsed , the fees were paid "What n blltho jounn couplol" the nelKh- bors said. . . And so we were until the wind ! blow bleak , And chilled the roses on Dolly's check , Uko the wanliiR tide of n wnvrlcss sea , Her llto ebbed gently nh mol uh mol If you want to know why I otttlmcs sigh , Yon must come with me to the town close by ; Yon must sco thu church where our vows werosald , And the mound that covers the restful ( load. Kor my love Is sleeping the quiet sleep That the Shophuid gives to Ills wearied sheep- Anil the world It not what It used to bo , Kit' Us sunlight fndrd for her nnd mo. HONEY rOlfrHE ljV01KS. Foulard Isle bo much woin this season , Glass buttons closely Imltnto carved ones. 1'nilsian modistes have done away with steels in skills. The Spanish comb is a favorite adornment for Incolionnuts. Some ot the silk fabrics show canvas cf- leets , Inco stiipes nnd ligure-i. HoMeiy for children mu t either r.orics- pond \N 1th the il IMS or ho black. Duck nndliltoor fancy llucn vests nro woin with tailor-made diodes. The Hottest btocrtdes me velvet lilse on satin grounds with llornl deslmis. ( liilmpo nnd ( Srelchi'ii diesses nro moio worn than OUT boloru by little gills. llnlMlltlin ; cloaks which icaeh to the , bottom - tom of thn slciituu ! woin by small gills. Fans for ornament , but Incitpnbla of stirr ing the ulr , aio made of natural lloweis. 1'lastrons of Kngllsh eraim have n high col lar and : uu tilmmed with Fedora lace. Flounced India mull dicfbes have Fiench bodices edged with a lull below the wal.it. Capes of lace , jet or peail beads aiu worn with low-in ck budk'us , making them high. Shephcidi'.ss hats of Icgltcm nro trimmed with ilbbon und have a cluster ol blossoms In iiont. A nhllauthioplc yottnirroinan In IJobton has opened a bathing' establishment lor dogs. hong-walstcd dresses beem Increasing in I'iuor. tUo best 1'aiis models being In this style. 1'eail ball buttons are used for thin sum mer dieses to the exclusion of 110,11 ly nil A wonmn and a now dictionary nhvavs try to ha\u the last word. [ Now Haven Ono of the nnwly appointed dliectors of the People's bank in Moekhulm Is n woman. , A darling pay rent the mother-in-law that pays the rent tor her Uaiighlci's husband. liioston iieacon. Some of thu caslimeics are embroidered ttltii plush and chenille , and also withopen- woik embioldeiy. cNoi folk Jackets of Jersey cloth In blue , scarlet , black , ecru , tan and white will be worn with skills ot all colois. Many of the newest lace mantles aie very lone in tiont nnd without sleeves. They nio proliibely It limited with beads. Undorskiits me olten morclv wide flounces , attached lo the foundation skht or petticoat. Tneso may bo kilted 01 knile-plc.iled. Dog collars woin with low and square-cut dresses nioelet or satln-covciod.wilh beads corresponding tt'lth those on the dress. The newest fancy In iilngo consists of popuy heads attached to a heading ot bended gimp , tassels of beads depending tiom them. Mull diesses have skills with bands ot deep iiiseillon between elustcis ot tucks. Tliu bodices have jokes and sleeves ol allover - over embioidery. Summer di esses have ono long flouncoof all over embioidery oor n nnuow embioid- ered one and ha\01 oifnd bodices with joke and .sleeves of the aU-zncr. New materials in tl'io stores are Unversed in nil diieetions with thicnds ot woistcdor of wnsto silk , the mixture , of colors looking ns though it weio due lo chance alone. Among the new colors in silk nre serpent , n peculiar gieen ; pistaelic , almost the color ot the nut ; opal , translucent gray ; sevies , a gray blue ; und Jiagdac' , a sort ot brick-dust tint. 1J , Velvet loops in cluster are arranged about thu throat nnd wrists , nno at the back" of someof the light mnntlcs. Vests comprised otloopsof ilbbon oveilnpplnu ; ono another are among the novelties lor diess eilricli- inent. When n younc huly hears a gentleman call ing "hansom" she may adjust hoi glove.- , and smile Hweelly all to neiselt ; but s-ho hnd bet- tei liist wait to see whether n cab is coming lotind the coiner. Col. Oliver Payne Is s.ild to have clvcn his sister , the wile of Sccietmy Whitney , a check for 550,000 , with instructions tlmt she .spend it iorthoV'ntcitalnmunt of her friends during her stay In Washington. A bonnet of lilac blossoms , with analgiotto of llowcrs in trout , liasn stiap ot ten a colla vel\et dividing the blooms at each side , and velvet lonnil thu bilm. 'I'his conliast ol color produces a singular effect. The new .spiing tissues have the gieat nil- vantage of ilianlnioll ; , with pralsowoitliy dlsrcL'nul "of the right way of tnohlull , " as milliners oxpiess It , and theiotoio lend themselves easy to all sorts of combinutions. A roll of uapyrns was oxlnimed from Ilcr- culanaeum in the middle of the eighteenth centuiy. It Is supposed this .shews tlmt the ancient Heicitlanneum pnpy-rustled lor bon nets and other necessaries of life as thu mod el npupy does. Flounces me still worn abiond in suite of a btiong attempt to abandon them , 'i hey are put on in couples , ono over thu othei , at the bottom ot round hklits. When of woolen they aiu homnied ; when ot bilk they nio punched out In lestooiib nnd vandycKing , othciwlbu "pinked. " Tim newest Kngllsh jackets for younc lilrlsnieof coideU , bioculed orel.isllecoul. They mo closely littlns at the back , with loose 1'ioiib , sometimes fastened diagonally. They have nnmbeis otr pockotb and have lingo wooden buttons. A bonnet , the crown of which Is of the color ot Tuscan stunv , Is coveied with folded moltii ilbbon of tlio samu uhude , the hi 1m he lm : edged with large bends termed of small onesgiotipeu together in a elide. A Tuscan ostiieli lenthei iinlblie.s tlio tilniinlntr.The fillliiKsninot brown velvet In a golden tint tlmt liai monUed tt Ith the Tuscan color , An J'l.vcellinit IlctiHon. With novera\vord aim passed mo by , With never a look or a Men , Slni .silentlyvent lierwny , and I As .silently went on mlno. Xo ono could have dream en who snwher face , Asvo bo coldly met , That her heart was touched by thefnlntest trace . " Of memory or regret. Nor do 1 think that ono apart , Who watched my tranquil brow , Would haul guessed that the memory stirred my heait Of a faithless , biol > en vow. And they needn't have guofsed or wondered , you see , For tills \vas the reason why 1 didn't know her nnd she didn't know mo , And 80-bho pashed mo by , NT imors. Awfully bored Aiteslnu wells. The swallow-'Alf ' " Knpllsli - nml 'Alf. Are hattcis nnd hootmakcis divinities because - cause theyBlmpe our ends ? J5ggs are eight edits r. tie.0 ! ' In Missouri. JayCiould could get a bigicci'ptlon thereat" a fciuall cost. The glass-eaters of the dlmo muemn nro most apt to suffer fiom nauu in the itouiach. ILottcIl Citizen. Theio's a now ccmctoiy- out \iest tlmt Is lushing up tiade in lot ! ) by adveitiblm ; bar gains In mislit gia\cs. " Mnmnm , " cried n 5-ycar-old girl. "I started to make uiy dolt a bonnet and It's come out a pair of pnnlb. " > Tlio ngltatcc * . condition of labor 14-not caused y the hlrcd mnn Indulging | ii early cucumbiirsDilladclpbla [ Heral An Irishman , , mourning hla t > ifo , tearfully uxclnlmcd , "y.Titb , &M' the WAS a ccod wo- mun ; she. always hit me wlrt tue iofl end o' the moji. " Theie Is .nU ! to tausoit ofeytaiothj be tween extremes. To Illustrate mnny n hnmcly man's hond has been turned oy n prettj * woman's foot. It Is boldly asserted that the American hen In not doing her duty. She stands around doing nothing and expects the patent Incu- bntors to carry the heavy end of tin contract. fPhilftileliilila Call. J. Simoson Africa announces his wllllnc- jie-s toinn for wncrnor on the democrntlo ticket , JJ''fors tno war the democracy would linvo ridiculed the Idea of going to Africa fern n candidate , [ Norrlstown Hernld. "Is there nny wlural to deer ? " nskcd Pro fessor Snore of hlsclnss In crnmmnr. " 1 think there must be. for there is a nlnral to beer. You cnn say 'two beers ; ' I've often heard It , " replied Tom Anjcrry. In Corcn , so we nro Informed by n returned traveler , both men nnd women wear hats In nnd out of doors , varying In width from three to six feet , under the'D circumstances tto nro not surprised when \\onro told that there has not been n theatrical performance In Corcn for the last four jears. , An elderly Indy , who , with her dnuirhtcr , hns but iccently letuined Irom n inpld Jour ney thtough Kugln .d , France , pail of Ger many and Italv , WPS asked the other dav if they nnd vlslttd Home , nnd she replied In the nojcathe. "Lai ma , yes wo did , " said the daughter , "tlmt was the place , don't you know , whciovo bouu'lit the bad. stockings 1" Grnntiriitlicr's "Watch , is Giandfnthcr's \\ntch \ Isb.Uleicdnnd old , Innoci'iit ( | ultool jinscl or gold : J'oorntid common , nndoin nnd cracked , JMucli like ginndtnther's sell , In fuel. Yrt Its whcur.y voice has n cheerful sound , And the child ns she listens In ttouder bound To Its mystic titles of disparted time , Is smiling ns though ut n pleasant ihymo. What aio the tales thu old wnt li tolls ? Ot seventy yeais It counts the knells ; " "V IMISluisu e\ery betting sun Was mniked by labor faithfully douo. With mlmltho term and clumsy skill , And clumsier help when tliu works went 111 ; i et f-orvlng their time ns best they can This Is the stoiy ofatch nnd maul Many n fall hns the old \\alch hushed , Many a blow hns the old man crushed. Meddled with , tinkeied and solely tiled , At labt tcjecled and tin own nside For modem ilvals , nil science and gold , Useless and cilppled , despised and old. bmlera cloud and under a ban Ihls is thu stoiy otatcli und maul 15nt there's a rcversn to the picture snd ; Human heat Is they can still make glad. 'I ho watch in its ( tented silver case Can bi hit ; u smile to the Inir child's face. I he man's all b.itteted nnd sllvery.too , With a iiioial can clierrlmth mo and you , "Mink our time ns well ns wo can" This Is the lesson of watch and man. aiUSlUAIj AX1 > OHAMATIC. Boston has caught the benclit craze. Daniel Sully ib wilting nn emotlunal play. Alyia Goodtt-In Ib learning how to play llio banjo. The theatrical linn of Shook & . Collier has dissolved paitncr.shlp. JCihvIn iJooth earned 500,000 for twenty weeks' woik thlsye.n. Nat Goodwin closes his "Skating Kink" season In Chicago May 17. Miss Anderson's leeelpts have reached nenily S50JOO : ! ( this season. Gus Williams elobes his season at Havlin's theater , Cincinnati , in Mny. John llnzelrlgg has been engaged ns lead ing btippoit to Hertna Welby. It is said that the Judlc season ended with hnanclal lo s to .Maurice ( iinu. Cliailcs Meiidum icceutly sailed for England In ( juebtol diamatie novelties. "Pisslon'bSliv < V'Jolm A. Stevens' drama , will Inn en spectacular Felting ncxtbcnsou. Nato Salisbury has stouped tionbadouiing and joined the Uulfalo Ulll Wild West show5 ! G.ihrielle du tsauld is a''alii In Janish's sup- poll , plajinu' tlio ballet-dancer , in "Andion. " Soilne ) Kyrc goes to San Finncisco to phiv a four tt'eeks' engagement , beginning ue.\t week. The ndv.inco sale in New York of the Meiningen Couit company amounted to over 540,000. Hilly Birch and Bon Cotton have organised a mlnlbtiel company to ua\elontlio Pacific coast. About S14.000 tt-oith of tickets Imvo been nhc.uly sold tor tlio May musical lestlral lu Cincinnati , Kyilc Belle\v will shortly snil for England and proiii.scs ] to return for the lull season nt Wnllnck's. Mndnmc Sembrlch has been slnglnc with gie.it success In Uiga , Wiliin , St. I'eteisbuig nnd Mobcow , Celln Alsbor is the name of a now dia- nintlc star to bo presented In thi.s countiy shoitly by Lewis Monison , ] 5ai mini's receipts lor the four weeks ot his perloi mauces ut the Madison Square , J\Tow Yoik , fooled up lo S 107,000. Mr. Lawrence lianctt will bo In a month's engagement In San Francibco to-monow night , which will end his season. Mile. Almco will enter upon a sei ics of rep resentations of opeia boullo in Engllbh at the Star theatre , New Yoik , on Mny 31. Miss Adelc Belgaulo hns been specially encaged in Fanny D.ivenport's jilacc to play Fedoia lor a spiing tour in Canada. Fatlma Al Hassan , a Turkish lady , edu cated In I'm Is for the stage. Is lecomcd as being the most beautiful actress In the world. Salvinl will sail for Italy on the 21st , and Is not likely to icturn to tills couutiy again , as ho pioposes to ictlro to Ills villa in Tus cany. Air. Max Mareztek Is busily engaged nt work on the music ol n two net comlu-opeia which Is to bear thu ti'.le of "Thu 1'eachblow Vnso. " Mr. nnd Mrs. John llndcllff ( Pauline lUtn ) have just letuined fiom a pi olitahlo conceit tour ot Australia nud will bail for England in a Jew days. Miss Crnbtice , better known as Lotta , Is busily engaged designing tlio Imuiturofor a now biowiibtono house th.it she Is having built in tliu upper pait of New Yoik city. D'Oyloy London's "Mikado" lottuned to Liveinool yesteulnv to begin an engagement In Ltveipool on Iho 15th , niter which they ttlll appear nt thu Walnut Thcatie , lleilln. Kugcnu and Arthur Tompkins puichased thu Boston Tho.itie. which had been pio- vlously appialsed by those Interested In the estates ot Tompkins nnd Hill , iccently de- censed , nt ? 3Vi,000. Fanny Itlco has ictlrcd from the "laK ? Baby" company nnd gone to her homo in Finnkllu. N. 11. toiestnnd ] ) ieiaio ) for her pnit ot Sknyslcks In ( ieome CJ.uk'a piny , "Stinngo Dlsnpp&uunco. " Lately , \vlulo the prlmn donna was sing ing at a rnrls music nail , the cilos ot n baby caused an uuroar In the nudlunce , while n L'innt held tliu littlu olfcnder up nt nrm's leimth. The singer , Intoiruptlng her song , exclaimed : "That intant Is mine and wnnts his snpptr. " after which she sel/ed her off spring nnd ictlied , but In a few minutes re turned and finished hei song. KKL10IOUH. PiotCbtnnllRin Is maklne rapid hcadwny In certain swtions of Mexico. The Jewish papcis think that ono of the needs of Chicago Is n Young Men's Hebrew nssocintlnn. Win. Scniboro , who died nt Applcton.Wls. , recently , bomicatlicd SW.OOO to tno church ex tension boaid. The FhhtPrcsbytoi Inn church of Chicago gave S7.-MX ) for the support of the rnlliond clip pet at the services a week nco. Itov. Dr. Schnlf hns presented to Union Theological seminary the table around which snt the American members of the committee. for revising the New Testament. The legislature of Connecticut hasTcjected without debate or comment the petition that the testimony of atheists and unbelievers betaken taken In coint the same as that of anyone. else. else.The The proposed federation of the Australian and Tasmania ! ! Presbyterian churches has advanced considerably , nnd It is expected UiiUtUe ! ! rst fcdoial assembly will bo held next July in Sydney. Chnn lion Kan , n CJilnnmon of Portland , Oregon , is n reu'idaily 6i'dr.i9 : ! < l preacher or the Methodist Kulseopal chinch nnd belongs to the Puget Bound eonference. Fau came to this country a coolie. The Presbyterian clergy of Maryland nro moving In tlio matter ot obtaining a change in tlio Etnto constitution , which debars min isters nud teachers ot religion from liolaiug seats in the general assembly , Tlie proportion nf ministers to membership In the evangelical denominations ot the Uni ted States Is said to be , , among Congreea- tfonallEts i to H'3 , among Episcopalians 1 to 100. among Presbj tcrlaus 1 to 110 , among .Mcthodbls 1 to H ) , aud auioog JJaptfsts 1 to 1W > - Miss Catharine LorlllardYolo has given S75.000 for the erection of a clergy liouso In the dloccso of New York. It will contain nn ofllco for the use of the bishop , a hall for the business meetings of thoclcrcy nnrt sev eral rcndlnjc nnd lodging rooms for the city missionaries , The annual report of the Open Church ns- socintlon of the dioceses of Chester nnd Liverpool Indicates the Incrcnslng success of the efforts In fnvor of free churches In Lng- land , nlthoueh It notes thd ff.Ct that ill ii3 ! ! country In 0.000 out of 12,000 of the churches the rights of the parishioners nre more or less restricted. It states that changes of opinions nro ; tnklng plnco In every section of the country In favor ol churches that open equally to nil. The following nro the latest statistics ot the church of England : Two archbishops , 81 bishops , 4 stiff rnpnn bishops , 10 retired co- loninl , whoso services am available on rmer- cencles , 81 deans. 85 archdcnns , 030 rural deans , and about U3.000 clergy of nil clnsscs. Probably one-lifth of thcse-aro without parochial chial charge , being engaged In education , etc. Tim total number of benefices is 13,500. The income of the established church may bo es timated at 8,000,000 per annum. In Scot land there are 7 bishops and about 3.0 clergy. In tlio li ) itish colonies and dependencies and on mission stations thcronio TUblshouilces , some of which nro vacant , nnd about 2,700 rlcrgy. There have been 5 vacancies In English bishoprics dining the jcar caused by death. COX.NimiAIil'i'lKS. Charles AVIllaid , of the llyion combina tion , und Ella Southern \\ero mauled in llrooklj n last Sunday. The rumor that Pi In en Albert Victor of Wales ttould soon many tlio 1'iincess Cle mentine ot Dcnmnik Is denied. Miss Franklo Folsom's ginndtathcr , at Folsomdnle , N. Y. , confirms the lepoit that thu piesldent will nmiiv In June. Colonel Folsom hns contributed S2OJO to the tious- M'att. M'att.Dr. Dr. William A. Hnmmotid , of Now Yoik , formerly surgeon-general of the United Slalcs army , was married to Miss Esther Dyer Chap- In , nt Providence , It. I. , on Mny 1. Miss Palms , the Detroit beauty whom Sen- ntor Jones has been In vain pursuing , will mniry n Now Yoiker. It is assarted by several Get man newspa pers that Queen Victoria is deshous ot bring ing about n mnirlnuu bet\\een the grand duke of Hcssoniid the duchess of Albany. The duchess originally met her Into husband nt Darmstadt during the autumn ot IbSl. Tlio New Yoik Moining Journal says that Katie Stokes , the pi city b.nebaclc rider , who \\astliocliaim of the clicusringa fo\v yeais ngo , will bi Ini ; suit against John Stetson , Urn theatrical manager , lor hieach of uiomisr , claiming S")0KX ( ) damages. Tim model husband has been found at Heading , Pennsylvania , and his name Is Kebstock. Ho .sent his wife to Kuropo and kept her in ItiMiiy until shu ran away with another man. Then hu a rial mod with her lorn dlvoico that.shn might marry her new IOAO , nud , In bidding her good-by , told her when bho wanted n true lilnd to let him know. A young woman nppeaied In couit nt Gen eva , III. , asked lorn divon'c fiom.her hus band nnd wns gmnted one , went lo the coun ty cleiu's ollice witli n geullem.in , seemed a maiilage lleonso. nud the two tteio immedi ately mauled. The v.hole proceedings did not take moie than twenty minutes. Thy gossips are busy trying to find a hus band for tlio s oung Pilncess Louise of Wales. The Stt'edish papers claim that she Is about to be betiotlied to the Clown Piinco Oscar ot Sweden , while another repoit , equallynn- theulie , no doubt , hns it that tin ; chosen britlesioom is the eldest son ot the Comtu do Paris. In any event It is not likely th.it the inclinations ot tlio young people will have much weight in the matter. Hojalty has no business with love. Two engagements have been recently an- nnunccd In Now Yoik , that of Miss Lena Potter , daughter ot the lilght Kev. the As sistant Bishop of New York , to Mr. Winlleld Cowilin , and that of Miss Amy Hewitt , daughter of the Hon. Ahrnm S. Hewitt , lo Dr. James O. Gieen. Dr. ( iieen Is tia\oling with tlio HowltN in the south ot Emope. Tlicii'isu Wnshlinitflii territory clrl who seems to have peculiar notions of bleach of piomlso cases , tor she thre.ituus to sue her own father lor bieach of piomlse. She ex plains that the old gentleman llrst gave his consent to her mm rinse with her liner , and then willidtcw It , and that In consequence her beau got tired of watting nnd has gone elf with another ghl. IMP1I3TII2S. Edwin Foncst Is n rcvirallst , nt present In Pennsylvania bonsts'tli.tt hu nab been a gambler , a tobbur and a convict. 1'irst Hinall boy "Say , Johnnie , where are you in Sunday sclieoli" ' Second snmll boy "Ob. wc'ie in the inlildle ot theoii inal sin. " Flist small boy "That itlnttmuchvcio's ; past redemption. " An address by a converted dndowas one of the leatuios of a meeting of thu salvation anny \Vashlimton last \veolc. The elfect of hifli collars and iiatciit-lcatlmr shoes upon thu morals was , undoubtedly , explained in detail. "Can't yon give us something with a stick In It ? " asked Mr. SniaitUl last Sunday , put ting a quarter on thu countcri nnd winking knowingly. ' Oh , certainly , " said the po lite attendant , and ho wrapped up a bottle of mucilage and swept the uoin Into the di.i\\er. A clergyman who was consoling a yotins \viilo\v on thu death of her husband Mioke in a \eryseiious tone , remarking that no was "one ot the few. Such a jenel of n Ulniv tian you cannot llnd his equal , yon \\ull know. " To which the sobbing talr one re plied , with an almost broken heart , "I'll bet 1 will. " Some ono calculates that wo shall not have another February containing live Sundays until llt'O. "It seems nretty haul to have to wait .so long for live cnurch-golng Sundays In the month of I-Vbrnaiy. " leplles a country , 'otith , "but so long us w havu August con- .aining llvo Sundiivs thu complaint will not ho 60 gencial. Tliu lishing Is better In August than In February. " Tiamp to housemaid : "Clmmo a little 1)1 ) tote to eat. please. 1 hain't ot nothing lor four days. " Housemaid : "Certainly , poor man. Como In and sit down. Hem is a nice niece ol loist beef lei yon. " "Vou'io mighty kind , mom , but 1 never eat meat In holy week. Can't you roll out a cup of ehocolato a bit ot biolliu shad.and a jilato ot Icucieiuni' I'm a Htnirln' wielcli. but I can't go back on my icll louspilnciples under no considera tion whatever. " That was a bold but effective move on the part of a city pastoi a Sunday or two ago. Ho had home long and patiently with the annoying demeanor ol his choir , but matteis weiu not glowing any better , so , Jtiht as ho was beginning thu bcrmon , ho paused , and , looking up to the gallery , lemarked : ' 'When thu members of thu choir aiu tlnongh with their discourses 1 shall bo icady to begin mine. " [ Huston Congiegatlonllbt , EDUCATIONAL. Eastern colleges are said to bo suffeilng from depreciated Investments. A stiong movement Is being madutosavn Chicago nnlveisityhlch Is closed under ft mortgage. The class of 1680nt Cornell numbers eighty- six men , wlthonuuxcuptlon tliu latgest class that ever i cached thu .senior year. Nearly S250,0001ms been subscribed for the erection of n Ituformed Kjibconal church chapel and theological seminary at I'hllndel- phla. The sum ot00,000 { was paid tor the lot. lot.Tho chair of paleontoloey at Yale , occupied by J'rof. Marsh , president of the National Academy of Sciences , Is endowed by funds from the estate of George I'eabody. who was the maternal uncle of the distinguished pio- lessor. A petition has been circulated amonR stu dents and alumni of Cornell , requesting the trustees of the unlveislty to give a peiihion { o Pi of. HoPhrlg , who has for seventeen yenfa L'l'en at the head ot the Oriental de partment of tile ttnSvssslty , which has been discontinued. The Harvard committee on requirements for entrance reported last \\eulc that the time has come when Harvaid should alter the ilgldrtilu which has made Latin and Greek essential parts of tlio education of eveiy voting man who wishes to enter the college. T\fS > io slblu substitutes occur at once , n scicntllio bUl > * tltuto nnd a substitute of mod ern languages , TiiD c uunlttep recommend the former , one or the other ot the languat'cs nlwayb being retained. The requisitions In hlstoiy tor entiaiico examinations sCCiil to the committee most infaufllciunt.and a knowl edge of the outlines of univeisnl history and of thu history of the United States Is recom mended as essential. "That tired feeling" from which you BuflbrsO much , jiarlicnlarly n the morning - , ing , is entirely thrown oil" by llood'a i hi. SIN'OOIjAUITlES. A four year old cow In Kentucky la the mother of ten calves twins , triplets and n quintet. Dttllock county , Ga. , hns thirty-two families thai contain arfl children. One family ohns twenty-two , and none less than ten. A ( Jeorclu man who has just died nt 07 could llftn barrel containing thirty gallops ofylnsky nnd drink out of the buiiR hole , and handle n 450 pound bale of cotton as It It was a baby. Four members of a niount county , Tcnnc- see , family ha\ehiarrlcd within as many week * . First two sons went olT , then n daughter , and now the father nged threescoto years. A Do Kalb county ( Illinois ) farmer him gathered Sl''O worth of scalps from the pro geny ot a pair of wolves which ho carefully guards from hunters. The county pays 85 lor o\ory welt scalp. Uartcrvllld , ( la. , IB proud of Joe , a dog of superior Iiucllleeiicu. lie has been known to seize an oar ot corn , cany It to a nit hole , shell olT a few kcmrls , back oil out of .sight , and then pounce upon the nit thus enticed to destruction. . David Hell , of I'ellcter's Mill , N. C. , found avoiy smoil t > carl In an oysler seven years ano. He wiappcd it In n paper and Inld It In a tiunk , and tliu Nun borne Jotnnal says that It has grown trom the sl/oof n KB shot to thusl/.e of n smalt nmihtc. During the seven years U has not been wet. A Ccnlralla. Kan. , paper burst. " Into n piran of joy over thu ntihnl of a tmiillyut that pl.ii'o ns follows : 'Thu glorious Mate ol Kansas leorhnl an addition of thltteen vo ters In one family Ilioother day by thu emi gration to Seneca of l.oia ( licmlnhl and fam ily lioin l.a Cioss , AVIs. Mr. ( iiciidahl is the happy futhcr ot twelve sons. Two jeaisago he had but six. A t > alr of twins wore then born , niul two months ago he recehed n fin ( her tuinaikiiblu addition ot four sons atone ono presentation. The four together wclehed twenty pounds , and. although thuy me now two months old , they aie as lively as young crickets , and growing as though deteimined to prove an exception to the guncinl fatoof qumlaiplcts of dying eaily. DEFYING OOOS. The Tmtcst Phnso of the Trouble A War With Hhovols. The trouble botwcon Peter Cloos ami the Hurnsluins was ajrain brought to no tice in n case which was calloil up for trial buforo Jntlgo Aiulursou at 8 o'clock yesterday. Goos' men , it seems , started Thursday to lay thu foundations for thu hotel which it in proposed to eruot at Fourtuunth and Jackson streets , on a portion of the pro perty which was leased by the Itarnstoins. After dark last nijrlit tin * Iturnsluins armed themsulve'j with shovels and started to work to till ni ) the trench which hud been dug. Mr. IJornstoin and Mrs. liurnstcln nnd their daughter , Hachol , worked vigorously and buforo the Gees party could collect their thoughts , imd the trench nearly filled. Finally Mr. Gees , as a last resort , had the father , mother and daughter arrested on si warrant sworn out in Justice An derson's court Constable Snowdun tumbled out of bed and brought all par- tics into court. An hour's wrangling be tween the Bernstein party and the Ooos party ensued , and tliun , at exactly half- past 11 o'clock , Justice Anderson dis posed of the case temporarily by releas ing the three IScrnstums under bonds of ! ? 5l)0 ) each. yesterday afternoon thclcnso was contin ued , as neither t > ide was ready for trial. A I'rairio Schooner. About 10 o'clock yesterdaVi just as the crowds on Farnam street were await ing , on the tiptoe of expectation , the ar rival of the "parade. " a "prairio schoo ner , " drawn by two hungry-looking horses and preceded by four .steers , passed up the street. The schooner , in stead of being built in the usual emigrant style , had more the appearance of a white tent house on whjculs. A small cook htovo shot up .smoke into the air through an opening in the top , while so\ oral dirty , shock-haired youngsters peered wondcr- ingly through roughly improvised windows dews in thu side. On the side ot the schooner was the suggestive legend , "Bound for the West. " Altogethur the rig was a unique- one , and attracted no little attention. At the corner of Sixteenth and Farnam the driver was unfortunate enough to col lide with an express wagon , upsetting a chicken coop which was in the rear of the wagon. The fowls escaped , and for a fuxv minutes the emigrants had a lively time in running them down. Police Points. 11. 0. Hnsley was fined $5 and costs in police court yesterday , on a charge of intoxication. Ho is a sad example of what whisky will do for a man. A few years ago he was chief train dispatcher on the Union Pacilic , having as liic .sub ordinates such mun its J. J. Diukoy , the present superintendent of the Western Union. To-day ho is a total wreck , with out moans or position , and with but few friends. The other cases disposed of by Judge Stenbcrg wure unimportant and uninter esting that of It. A. Stokes , one of the circus managers , who had been.arrested by tin over-zealous policeman as n sus picious character. Ho was released upon his proving who ho was. A Miraculous Kncapc. A most miraculous escape was related by Dr. Spalding to a reporter for the Hiu : yesterday. Thursday Clyde , the little two-year-old child of Mr. and Mrs , G. Hohrbaugh , of 3100 llarney htruct , fell out of the second story window , striking his head on a keg of nails which hap pened to he under the window. Barring u few Kcalp wounds , the ehlhl was unin jured , ami Dr. Spalding says that it will doubtless recover. German Coffee Party. About Jifty cotiplo , comprising the host Ciornmn element of the city , gathered at the Light Guards hall Thursday and inaugurated a series of parties whiuh they intend giving during thu .summer months. They will bo familiarly known , in the German language , as "Ivaflu- Kranchuns , " The party last night was enjoyed by all present. The success is duo to thu following ladies , who had the allair in charge : Musdamus liolln. Strut- man , Hiiburman , Stovers , Linholu , Doll- man and Pundt. Invalids' Hotel auiIBureicnl Institute This widely celebrated institution , locaU'd at Buffalo , N. Y. , is organized with a full fatall'of eighteen experienced and skillful Physicians and Surgeons , constituting thu most complete orgam/.a- tion of medical and surgical skill in America , for the treatment of all chronic diseases , whether requiring medical or surgical means for their euro. Marvelous success has been achieved in the cure of all nasul , throat and lung diseases , liver nnd kidney diseases , diseases of the digestive , organs , bladder diseases , dis eases peculiar to women , blood taints and skin diseases , rheumatismneuralgia , nervous debility , paralysis , epilepsy ( fits ) , spermatorrhcri , Impotency pud Kindred directions , Thousands are cured at tiioir lioniett through correspondence. The cure of the worst ruptures , pile tumors , varicoccle , hydrocelo and strictures is guaranteed , with only a short residence at the institution. Send 10 cents' in stamps for the Invalids' ' Guid-Book (108 ( pages ) , which gives all particulars , Address , World's Dispen sary Medical Association , liullulo , N. Y. The plan of throwing a bridge over the straits of Mussina , that separates Sicily from Italy , will , when consummated , be oiio of the most sinking feats of modern engineering. The place selected Is where the channel is two and one-half miles wide anil 801 feet deep , nnd two piers will support n viaduct ql steel rails to u height of 828 feet above the water. Few People Hflcnpo. The taint of scrofula in ( lie blood. With many it is hereditary ; but it may also bo acquired from want of air or lack bf exercise , from improper food , or any cause which brings about , weakness of the body nnd Imparity of tliu Wood. The disease is char.iclcrlzcd by running sores , abscesses , swellings , enlarged joints , sore eyes. etc. No medicine hns boon so successful in curing scrofula , hs Hood's Sarsaparilla. Thu most terrible running sores gradually disappear under the pur- if > ing nnd strengthening Influence of this great medicine. If you tire a suffer er from scrofula and demand more evi dence as to the wonderful SUCCORS of Hood's Sarsaparilla , send to C. I. Hood As Co. , Lowell , Muss. , for a book contain ing many remarkable cures. The nvcnngn salary in forly-thrco of the Methodist churches in the Now Haven district of Now York cast conference is $100. Aching limbs nnd teeth are relieved by rubbing with St. Jacobs Oil. Fifty cunts. Recent investigation shows th6 existing navy of Gieat Britain cost ? 210,000,000. and that its present value docs not exceed 500,000,000. No noxious narcotics. Ued Star Cough Cure purely vegetable. 1'rlce " 5 cunts. A law thai has been a dead letter for thirty yearn has bcun revived by the local authorities of Dover , N. 11. , for the pur pose of compelling barber shops to keep closed on Sundays. Angostura Hitters , the world renowned appctl/ur and Invlgoialor. Used now over thu whole elvlll/ed world. Tiy II , but bcwaru ol Imitations. Ask . \ottr grocer or druggist lor the genuine attlclc. prepaicd by Dr. J. G. B. Slotfcrt & Sons. Plans have been nerfectcd for the erec tion of a tower 1,000 feet high , to bo com pleted in time for the international exhi bition at Paris in 1 89. It will bo made of structural iron. Poz/.nnl. No name is better and more pleasantly and widely known than that of Air' J. A. Po//.oiu. For Years he lias made himself - self famous by the elegant perfumes and complexion powder that bears his name the lattur haying found its way to th belles of Paris. Gcrnnvny and London Everybody admires beauty in ladies Nothing will do more to produce or en hancu it than a usu of Mr. Pozzoni'.s pro parations. _ _ A Baptist missionary in China writes homo that what an American family throws away in iv year would keep a do/.en Chinese families ; and what a Chinese family throws away in the same time would not keep a mouse. PIliES ! PltiBS ! A sure cure for Blind , Bleeding , Ituhin and Ulcerated Piles has been discovered by Dr. Williams , ( an Indian remedy ) , called Dr Williams' Indian Pile Ointment. A single box has cured the woist cluoniu casus of 2."i or ! M ye.irs standing. No one need btilfcr live minute ! ) after applying this wondciful sooth Ing medicine. Lotions and Instruments do moie harm than good. William- ) ' Indian Pile Ointment absorbs the tnmois , allays the intense Itching , ( particularly at night alter cettlntr wium in bed ) , acts as a poultice , elves instant relief , and is piepaied only for I'ilus , Itchingof private pails , and for nothing else. "S1CIN mSKASKS CU1UOD. Dr. Kiar.Ici's Jfngiu Ointment emus as by rnacic , Plmplos , IJIack Heads or ( Juibs , Blotches and Eiuptlons on the face , leaving thesicln clear anil Beautiful. Also cares Itch. Salt Khcuin , SWC Nipples , Hoio IMps , and Old Obstinate UIccis. Sold by diugglsts , or mailed on receipt of 50 cents. Retailed by Kuhn & Co. , nnd Schroder & Conrad. At wholesale bv C. F. Goodman. A badge of white .silk was seen upon the coat of a. Raleigh colored youth. On ono side was a rtttlu sketch of a barrel and underneath this inscription : "Moo Whiskey ami Uetr. " On the other .side was another barrel and the words : "Whiskey MoandPucr. " Kirk'H Gorman Pile Ointment. Suiocuic for blind , bleeding , and Itching Piles. Ono box has cured the worst eases of ten years .standing. No ono need stiller ten minutes after using this wonderful Kirk's Gciman Pile Ointment. It absorbs Illinois , alia } s the Itrhiiifj ut once , acts as a poultice , gives instand relief. Kiik's ( Jerman Pile Ointment is prepiucd only lor Piles and itching ot the piivatu parts , and nothing el.so. Eu'iv bcv is wananted by our agents. Hold by druggists ; sent by mail on receipt of price , r > 0c per box. DH. C. O. BENTON , Pitor , Cleveland , O. Sold by C. if Gooodman and Kuhn & Co. By the nnrolcs'snuss of the pressman , SU.VH tlio San Franciscan , llio music on the fourteenth page was printed upside down , and the mistake was discovered too lao ! to reprint the edition. Our mus ical readers have the option of standing on their heads or turning the page over when they want to play the piuce. It is believed that over 1,000,000 , is spent yearly in pilgrimages to Mecca and Medina. Many ot these Mohammedan pilgrims travel immense distances. Thus nearly 0,000 of them are from the Soudan and neighboring parts of Africa , 7,000 are Moors , 1,100 Persians , 10,000 Malnvs and Indians , and some 25,000 Turks or Egyptians. Those are the figures for the year 188 ! ! , when there wore no fewer than OU.OOO pilgrims to these two famous shrines. Killln ; : an "Lancelot " asked Brooklyn Kaglo : , Klainu , 'liow do the Mrikcr.s 'kill' an on- ' undurrtand it nil. " " ginuV I can't "Easy as lying , " replied Lancelot , promptly , "you just climb over the tail-board into the ciib , open the blow-oft" cock by lower ing the connecting rods until the crank- pin is level with the cross-head of tlio fulcrum connections , push in the brass throttle ratchet till it reaches the crown sheet which lets the water-glares fall into - to the lire-box " "Oh , now J Bee , " she haid joyously , "and , of course , thai puts out the lire ; but , Lancelot , if I know as much about engines as you do I wouldn't stand at the ribbon counter another day. I'll just go out to wheni the strike is and bo a president of a railroad company. " And Lancelot kissed her and said he would , just as soon ash \ \ now tennis suit came homu. _ A Danbury , Conn. , hatter who sat down upon a pin placed on a chair by a com panion of his nsn practical "Jouo , " some weeks ago , is dying of necrosis , or decay of tliu backbone , caused by a wound in flicted by the pin. _ CONSTIPATION. "My attention , after sutfcrlng with conellpa- tloti for two or tlui'O yenii > , iviu cullej to Mut inous I.Ivor Itotfiilnior. und imvliu , ' trleJ nlmoft oiuirtuliiH else concluded 10 | ry lu I rtiai topic a whio-iflasbfiil and nftonviiuls r'j < ln < 'cnl am Uosoto R loiibi'oouliil ( n per Uircottoiig ) ntU-r each mini. I found Unit It bad duna mo to muub Koo.l tliin I continued U until 1 took luo bolt 103 ; since llion I huve not < apcrlonco < \ nny dlllluulty. 1 kcop U In ur lioiiio find won ] I not be without it , but bi ) o nq UIB for It.hntttw curort mo. " Or.o. W. BlMi , ujltitant Clerk Su perior Court , IJlbb Co. , On. "tlaviiirf 11 icdcnury life for number of ronra iny bftwola beor.me Very lirctMiltr n. | ray hnblt con&tlpatod. Uy tfcftuUvlco of Ir cndi J wns Induced to roiorttoSliutoOni I.Ivor IltjfU- later auil I now enjoy bettor litnllh Ibiin I huve known for ycaii. " OBCi. W , UOH.UT , Wniur Vi-p't , I'lillu. Railway Time Table * oTtAHA. Tlio following N the time of nrnval unit Jo- Pftrtuioof triilns by Contrnl Stmnlnnl tlrao nt the loon ) tlc | < ota Trnlmoftho ( i , St. 1' . , M. * O. arrive nml depart from tlielrdupot. oorner ot nth anil Webster strocM ! twlnson the . A * ' 0. . II. A Q. nml K. a. St. J. .V C. II. from the II. AM.dopot ! nil others from the Union PaolOo. C , , niUDQK TIUINS. IlrMiro train * w.ll lento I' . I' , itopotat fl"S- ! I17M-8iOO-8:10-S:50-lito.a-Upij : : : a. m. , ! ' l-la : > - lW-n:00-aM- ! : : ( 4 : < W0:053 : ! } - - 6:10-7ft : > -ll:10p. ra. Ix > nvo transfer for Omnlm ntTslS n RI5-0:30 : : -0:43-11 : iun-ion-MM7a. : : : : ; : m.siusr-ztia -2:37--3no-3:37-4:37-fi:5)-u : : : : : : 12-7:20-7:50- : : ! - ! - - . B61-llf P-tSS-SNBCTISO LINKS Anlval nml ilcimitnro of u-ntns from the trnn fcriloiiot nl Council IllulTa : Ai'T. ' Annivr CHICAGO , HOCK IfllANI ) fc I'ACIUC. * ' " . A. M I 1)0:18 : A , M lIOllftA. > l llfiij\ : ; C 6:10 : P. M I IITUO : p. M CIIICAOO fc NOI1T1MVT.STKUN. nP:15A.h : I 1)91S ! A.M. . , CO HO P. M I I ! 7:00 : r , M CIIICAOO , lIUItl.lMOTON A QUINCE. A ILK ) A. M i AUiU M II U : < nr. u 110:20 : p. M A 7(0 ( r. M cincvno , > iitwAiiKr. : sr. VAUU n nir : , A. M i i ) u-.n A. M 0014)1' ) . M I 117:001' : . M KANSAP C1TV. ST. JOB & COUNCIL nUrt ) > . A KIllWA. M I ) llUi : A. H U 6 : < Vi P. M | A f > :40 : I * . M > VAIHSII , BT. UIUI.S S PACIFIU. A 8:00 : l' . M I A 3.30 p. M sioux cmpAciriu. . A 7M : A. > i I A 0rM : A. M A 0:25 : p. M I A S:5Tr. : M 8TOCK YAUri3 T11AIN3 Will Icnvo U. I . depot. Uitfibn , nt fl : < 0--8:33- : 10:15-10:5511. : : m. ; 2:40-3:50-r : : > : M | ) . in. LcnvoBtoolc Ynrda for Oinnliu ut 7:53 : 10:25 : v. 12:01 : 1:21J-4:40-5:07-0 : : : > . > 0 n. in. NOTK A trains dully ; ll.ilullr except Sundar : f } di\liy oxooDt Saturday ; 1) , daily except Mon day , 13th St. Cor. Capitol Avcnuo. roil TUB THKATMENT Or AJt. Chronic & Surgical Diseaoes. DR. WcrflENAWIY , Proprietor. .SKIeen jiaia * lloxnltul mid 1'riruto 1'ractlco Wnliuvo tliu facilltlus , nppnrntim niul rdncdtca for ( he succe-sfiil trcntincut ( if ciery fnnn'Of dll- cu'u ri'miliin cither medical or Fiirglcnl treatment , niul Inutu idl to come ntnl luvcEttgatu for tUcmarlvoi nr correspond \\lth us. Lung Cipcrlcucc In trfnt- lii" CIIBOB by letter enables us to treat umuy cane * icicntific.illr \ \ Itbniit Keohithera ! WH1TB 1'OH CIKOUIuVlt onsDcfBrrnltlc anil lrncc ! , Club Fcer. CiirvaturoB-of the Sjilnc , Durxsui op WOJIKV. Piles , TiimorB , Cancers , Catarrh , Ilroiichittfr , InlinliitlcmJ.ncctrlclty , J'aral- ysla , Kiillensy , Kidney , Hje , 11 * , Skill , lllood and , „ all surgical ojicrntlons. " IIiittorU-H , Inhalers , llrnccs , Trtmsrs , and " ' ill klndn of Medical nnd Surgical Appliuiiccs , mun. ufactnred nnd for Bile. The only reliable Medical Institute making Private , vSpacial i Nervous Diseases ' A NI'CV'IAI/rV. AIJ , CONTAGIOUS AND Ill.OOD niSEASES , t from nhntuvercauseprodiiceilt ( iiccc8sfiillytrnatod..tj-x , Wo can remove Syiinllltlo i > ul o.i from tUo.tyBtciB'y * * ' ullliont mercury. * t"1 New rcbtoratlvc treatment for lotaof tal power , ACL COMMUNICJATIONS CONFIUESTIAL. Cill nnd consult us or pcnd name and poft'Ufltco addrcjn plainly rltton cnclbso flump , and \io will und > ou , In plain raiM > cr , nr PRIVATE CIRCULAR TO MEN UPON rmvATie , Srccuir. ANO Nnntucis DisiiAsra , SEUINAT > Aims : , Si'ESHAToimiiirA IMPOIKK- _ _ _ rv , Syi'iiius , HoNomiiunA , OtiET , VAnicocEi.r , BTmcitmi : . AM ? ALL I > MKA K or TIII : GBMTO- OniNnv OntiiN" , or tend UlsUirv * of ) our cr.so for an opinion. I"1 I'crrom unable tolit us m ijr 0 ? rented at Ilielr homes , by coircfpondcnce. Medicines mid Icslrii" mcntH tent by mall or ( " : | ) rt a SKCUniJIA' 1'ARli KD ntOJI OnilF.UVATlO.V. no marks to Indicati contentfl or sender. One personal Interview pre ferrcd If conxenlcnt. Fifty looms for tlin accom. inoihtlon of patient ? . Hoird nnd attendance-at rciisoiiublo pilces. Addrise nil Letters to Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute. ' Car. 13lh SI snd Canltol Ave. . OMAHA. H.:3. ' ' CHJ1 ! ! ! 1ST1DU Ul'.f Initiiiill } relln mllit muM > luli III tlnrk > ,5 und ln > urr > cnmf.irl-B atilo fire p. UHO < ! by iinlnUtiiin. llius rcnrhlna Hie dUoam direct , rclsi- ! | oa tliu rpuni , facillt li free jjolpectorallon , nnd IlKKKO'l'i * _ InkrrrDUiilhrrrfintdlraflitl. A IrUI roaitnrr * ikrntlral of 1U IntiicdUtkdlrrrt and DrTrr-falllor cffett. l'rl CUo. > nd i | > I.Ill ) of Jru IH < or bj luall. Trial ' afrMlormnii. Ur. II. Hlllll FIHN.hl. T DR. IMPEY. . IMPEY.ST. ST. Practice limited to Diseases of tlie EYE , EAR. NOSE AND THROAT , Glasses fitted for all forms of defective Vision. Artificial Kyes Inserted. . . j. w. varmiumi , BOLI Aoz r , ei URUA.HWAY. a. V' Nebraska National Bank ' v OMAHA , NEBRASKA. Paid up Ooiiital $260,000 SuplusMay 1 , 1886 26.00U H. W. YATKS. President. , , ' * ' A. E.Tou < s\MN , Vice I'rcalilcnt W. H. S. llytiiii'.s , Caslile/ , " " " ' " " " < \V. V. MonflB , "JOHN S , Cor.MKs , V ii.V. . YATISJ , l.uiviiri , Uijpp , A. R. TOUBAI.IN , * BANKING OFFICE ] THE IKON HAWK. Cor. J2lh and Tarnam Strooti General lluukluic Uualnoji T Sealed Prapojals Will bo rcculvta ul lliu olll-o of tliiunlof on- KliiOT. Union I'uvillc It lliK ) ' . nl Oinulin. until Kil.luy oYuiittiMiir IMIt , lor ln > Ki ' . I1,11" biliKm ) < n < l imck-fuyiiiif if 'ilioui forly mio ! < of n. y Cli v i > ne Si Nurlliaru ItHllwuy lioiu . . . . r-jtllf.b in < \ n > ocllcntion ! o n bu teen ( it I 10 chief enirtniura o.'li--o In Oiu-ilm. or on tha , U.