Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 08, 1886, Page 11, Image 11

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    , . . - * - . < M > > < - >
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Advertisements under th i head lf ( cents par
1'no for the first Iniortlon , 7 cents for each
iabicqucntlniortttaiml ( fl-BC n line | > cr month.
No advertisement tnkon for los ? than 25 cents
fortho first Insertion BOTCH words will bo coun
ted to the line ; tboy must rua eonsoouttvclr
anil mustbo pttd In ndrftnee. AH advertise-
tncnts must bo hnndod in before 3 o'clock p. m.
And under no ciroumstanooa Trill they bo tak
en or discontinued br telephone.
Parties advertising in these column * and h r-
Ingtho answers nddroMol mcaro of Tun BEE ,
will please nsk for check to enable thorn to trot
tholr letters , nsnono win bo delivered ozoopt on
presentation of chock. AH answers to adver
tisements should bo enclosed in envelopes.
$ l ooooio loan on city residence projvnrty
_ Goo. W. Day , 1413 Fnrnnm.
MoS'HT'to loan"on oTiattols of
tlon In sums of $10 and upwards at rcnsoti
able ratrs. City I/oan and Mortgairo Co. , Itoom
16 , HOI Furnam st , opposite Paten llotol. 283
TITONKY to loan at reasonable rates on
JLlJL hones , furnlturo , watches and olhor por-
eonnl property without removal. Small pay
ment * taken nt any lime nnd Interest reduced
In proportion. IluslncusronndotitMl. C. J.Cas-
welt , lloom 10 , Iron Hank llulldlntr , 12th and Fnr
nam. Take olovnlor. . 400 ,
MoNhV To loan on improved farms or rosl
donco lots , on ono year's time. Homo FIre
Insurance Co. . IMS Douglas St. 153
MONEY TO LOAN-On residence . . .
8 per cent. No commlsilon. C. J. Caswoll
* Co. , lloom 19 Iron Ilank Uulldlng , 12th and
Farnam. HOT.
530,000 to loan. Bums * S)0 ) nnd upwnrds.
i > Lowest rates , llcmIs , 15th nnd Douglas gts.
T25 to loan on business nnd rosldonco
* P property In sums of $1,000 nnd upwards.
Amci , 1507 Farnnin st. 838
TK > LOAN Money many amount
On nil clasws of seonrlty.
Short time loans on real ostato.
. .Long tlrao loans on real estata
tn Money to loan on chattels.
. \f Money to loan on vrimiuni .
i llu i/Pney to loan on nny gooi seourlty.
"v Terms eosy. time to null.
.Apply attho'omahaFlna'nolal Rzehan ? ,
Ilnrkcr > building , 8W corner of
. _ Fifteenth nd Farnam Bts. unstalrs _
6Irfit : CENT Money to loan on rnnl cstatn
> forlgngefl and bonds bought. Mnhonpy &
Harris , lloom 11. inn Farnnm. _ 3i8m'i
MONKY for evoryoodylou can borrow
money on furnlturo , horcs. wagons ,
rlr.nos , ( stock of nil kinds , diamonds and flno
watches on your own time. Payments received
M any time , and interest reduced pro rain.
Property left In your own possession. Terms
l w as the lowest. Call and see mo. Ruslnoss
confidential. Noadvantacro taken. W. It. Croft ,
Room 4 , Wlthnoll's Now Bulking. NortheaiUcor-
mil 15th nndllarncy. 2i2 _
ONKY'TO'iToAN-o. F. Davis * Co. Uoai
M Estate and loan agents , 1505 FarnnmSt.
ONTIF TO LOAN-On good securities. A
McQavock , room 7 Redlok Block , 1509 Farnam
St , M <
TO I > OAN On real estate nnd chat
tola D. L. Thomas. 815
MONKY TO LOAN In sums of $200 and tip-
wards on flrst-clnRS real eslate uccurity.
Potter & Cobb. 1515 Farnam St. MB
LOANKD at C. F. Heed & Go's. Loa
offlco , on furniture , pianos , horses , wagon
ponwnnl property of all xinds and all other ar
flclonof value , without removal. 319 S. lath ,
over ninoham's Pommtsslou stora All bus-
Bhlctly confldontaL Oil
T ? OB SALE Moat market , including build-
J Ings , team nnd everything complete. Will
cixchango lor city property or land In Nebraska
incitilroofJB. Flllnor. _ 32 ! )
oii'SATTK One of the host restaurants In
the city : splendid location ; good trade ;
terms very reasonable. Hlgglns & Parko ,
FOK 8Ar.KOr trade for Omaha real estate ,
a Rniall. tTk of millinery. Address B 07 ,
Hooofllco. y t _ 321-7 *
TTIOK RAM : 0f itont-To the the right man
JL : a llrst-rhi'S-'butcliors business In a good
town. Poor health the only cause for making
thu change. Wrlto to 11. L. Strong , Kearney ,
No i . 141-7
FOK SALIC A first class bakery , restaurant
nnd ronlcctlonory stand In a town of seven
thousand Inhabitants. Imiulro of F P Fay &
Co. , Omaha. _ PKt-8
- ifTS ( Uf BALK In llrst-class location , grocery
+ u. . 4 * . * ri small
ock and fixtures ; capital rcnuircd :
-lent 'low. InquIrH at drug store , 10th and
Pnugliv. 787
FOR S AT. K $3,000 will buy n gonornl stock
of goods together with the good will of a
wfcll-cMabllshed and flourishing business In ono
of Madison county's bent towns , llalanco of
payment on very llocral terms. Hea&on for
polling Riitlsfartoiily given on application. Ad
dress T. D. Is Co. . Uco Onico. C80
fyiTfu SAI.K Chnnp. a milk dairy. Soldun
J Hros. . 521 Si3th , ; ; at 635
| 7\OIt \ HAI.K 'fToutor ' , show discs and ptock
J1 of Mrs rblgbr's ' fancy Btoro at 303 N 1Mb st.
Bliorttlmo only. 417
FOIt KXClIANfJK Stocks of goods of every
kindfor faring nnd land ; also lands to ox-
clmuyo for goods. If you want to trade , no
matter whnt It is you have , wrlto , with full do-
Boriptlon , to C. B. Mnyno , real oslato broknr ,
Omaha Noli. IC3
VIT'ANTJJI ) roip.xclinngn for stock of hard-
t T ware nnd gent-nil morcbaudlso , 600 acres of
fine Tlmvor Co.Nob. , land ; n lots In Genoa ,
Neb. , good stnrn building ( host corner ) ; gooi
dwelling ( host location ) In KPSOX , In. , nbo S3
ncros M mile from town of Kssox , In. , soo'lod In
blue crnwi. For further particulars address
John Llndorholm Ontrnl Cilv Nebraska. 039
* OIJKHONAL See these bountiful China tea
J. sots in elunv window of Moody's China
ptoro. ! W2 Noith Hith et Their beauty attracts
the nttentlon of everybody. 4.H.8
PiitsoNArKcat : and tasty all-wool busl-
HOBS suits Tor only $7.00. All xl/os. .Mull
oriH'is tilled. It. 0. Jones & Co. , 1309 F.irnam.
PIJKSONAL--'J'o persons who wl".h to build n
homo In Orchard Hill , I will soil lots upon
rmvmonl of the nominal sum of ton dollars and
balnnto nt the cnilol llvoyc.irs. Interest nt 8
per cent , paynblo Rcml-annunlly. This Is the
Lost oilorevpvniRile tonny honio-scokor In this
city. Call and fco mo. 0. B. Mayno , S. W. cor.
If.tu and Farnam. 67il
F iOlt IlKNT-ltooiuandboaidror two. 1013
Cmiltol nvo 142
GJTIIAYKO-On M'nv 0 , u brown-red ganin
O ruoRtcr A reward will bo paid on return to
SVVcorDodjo and li-th st 41MU"
rnAKUN Ill'-a calvrs at II.V. . Hull's , north
lir-Daik bay in-ire , nUUo right
JL hind foot , vrhltc star fi > rolii > ad , strlpo on
noso. Paul Tliloeton , llurr U.ik add. , > yost ot
Qualay'8 roip f ctor > . _ 11 6-28
mAKKN UP Ono fthrnp. Owner can hnvo
Jsnmo by provlntr property and paving
rgeintaiSS. It'thM. Apr22-J-Ma > 6'J20
DII. AKCIIKK , Into of th firm of Archer
Albright J Aylrsworth , ami Wllllnra
Pilot ) , thu Ice dealer , have formed a partner-
flilp to ilo a KPiioral real eilato buniuua < on
fouimlsaton , nnd would cordially Invtto nil their
f rlcnda to list thi-lr property with us. Aroliur It
yilcli. 2li ) tS. lith St. Tcluihonn2T4. | iitU
tioA A WUKK easily inado r.t hume ; pleas-
'P < W" aut work for UJIes i > ud i/oiiiloiu u ; no
canvatslng ; send 2o for circular. Chiouotyuo
Co.lifiiycr. _ BU-iB
1)1(1 VV and cesspools cleaned by U. liwlng , P ,
' C Om - ± ! '
O.Jiox 4'J7. _ > _
G' itnK I Nil Al ! klmlsof eunlen work doiu
by H pnicllful parJcuor , Trank Nlmti
1121 3Um7
Jjinu ItKVr A store on si ifoo.5 retail ttri-oi. '
- * - Apply the Omaha Itual i : mte divl I. < IHH
C > . 187
Tivnt ui.vr-uaro : ) Piano , t3 uioatbly. A
.1. ' Hnsp. | 1.113 JJouglaii.
F Biiunio Piuno , 14 monthly. A ,
15li : Douglas.
unmtn. Hospc ,
OIt SAL.R lloutohold furnltuic , horse
F yhr.rntes , ladJIu. cto : vill Bell uhcnp
I91'J ' I'nrniiui.
T , > < > 11 HAr.U nrumaro pony.elnglo or don
Jt ? bioditvcr ; also blnglo IiutTttyi a burtuln. Cal
orivOlrcs ltlt Jones. _ m' L
iiM > lt SALT : Kurnlturo and fixtures complete
In novpn-ntom house : haute can L < o rontM
forewarnwlllrlto it'll mc-Ht market or ren
thoMuuo , Call or Utldrr l lfo ari ) itroct
377U. .
TJ OK SAT.H llcd-room ret , icotid u * nr.w , at u
J. bargain. Apply 91'J WUemon tt. oit
FOB SAI.K A of y ono if and slyllsh
l-.orsoj , tlrti-clati it , ot'crr rt < . < | Hct. liftjulru
f A lrlck - . - - toillco
B4hflui $ on , oppc-ilij.- ; _
' * J17-7
Fen SAT.E DaVcry nnd confectionery In a
rapidly growing town of the healthiest
part of Nobraaka , It would pay very well to
icmblne It With restaurant. Good reasons for
sale given. Apply to Cha . Onjtyro , bov 60 ,
: x > up City , Nob. _ 03J.8 *
"T. Oh SAI.K Fifty shares Nebraska and Iowa
J1 Insurance company's stock , also fifty shares
Western Home Iniurnnoo company's stock. I
A. ' Mlllor , Council llluffg , _ 810-12
Volt SAI.K Cheap My hotel fixtures , or
will trndc for ether property. Call or nd-
1rrs Omaha House , Ilarnoy , between 12th and
18th strcotg. 307-10
TT1OII BALn Tlnwatts ind steve
* - ' tlnshop connected. Address K51 , Iloo onico.
| 271-8 *
_ _
Foil HAI.K 13 stand bees cheap : west end
313Caldwoll stroct. 243
OK SAI.K Another car loftdof No. 1 milch
cows at Bridge Yards. Penny & Jestor.
418-13 *
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -
1p ( Ml SAI.K Wo oUor400B-yoar-old8tocw ,
1 WO 3-j onr-old steers ,
nOOl-yoar-oldstecrB ,
400 hoofers and cows , mostly coming on.
The above ciittlo are good straight Iowa and
DaUoUistock. Htnmgo Ilros. , Sioux City.
. _ 725-m20 _
FOR RVLK Or tra < lo. Ono new 25 II. P.
Hoilor and2j U. p. Knglno. Will soil cheap
rorcash or trade for desirnblo real ostato. Ad
UroM OOP. A. rry.Dcnanco. Iowa. _ CJ3
FOR SAI.K A Miorso power boiler nnd on-
Bino cheap , at Omaha Safe nnd Iron Works.
Foil HA1.K one good horso. 1010 Farnam.
I/IUUHAI.K Squnro piano , ftt ) , monthly pny- .
-a.1 monts. llospo. 1513 Douglas. 007
Foil 8AE.K-Mntch loams nnd ho os of al
kinds to suit customers ntStar Sale Stables.
gOth nnd Cumlng. M. Cannon , Prop. 777
Tmoil A now stoatn roller mill lu No. 1
* - ' business locality ; flno wheat country ; but
llttlo competition ; 117,000 : cost tnoro. w. H.
Orcon.2ir > 313Ui Bt. 828
Foil SAT.K Upright piano. f95 ! , monthly
paytncnts. Hospo.lBlil Douglas. DOS
Foil HAt.lC Doslrablo 8-rooiu hou o nnd full
lot on grndotall in splendid condition. Call
nt 1407 B. nth st HI4m22 *
gEI. I
W'ANTKldLadyor young mnn'to ' wash sll-
Terwnre , hours of moms , for troard. Onto
City lies tan runtcorner 15th and Capitol avcnuo ,
. 430-3 *
WANTUn-Qlrls or boys for dining room.
Onto City Itestuurniit , corner inth nnd
Capitol avenue. 431-a *
WANTED Girl to do general housework.
Apply 3414 Harnny. 2M-10 *
WANTKD-Tn-o active ladles to sell light
household articles In this city on salary.
Call or ndilresa 2417 Mareh 8t. 4'iil.8
WANTKD A midillo need lady for general
house work. Cull between 10 and 12 n. m.
nt 1211 Davenport street. 428.H *
WANTKD-OIrl for second work nt 10078.
llth street 421.8 *
"TITANTKD Girl for gonornl housework ;
T I Binnll family. Pownrd street , between King
nnd Campbell. Mrs. Wright. 3Q.MO *
WANTJ3D-A nurse girl at 415 N. 20th st.
. 414-7
WANTKD A competent girl for gcnornl
housework in a family of three In a final !
and convenient house. 1124 Park avo. 41C
TlfANTKI ) A girl for general housework.
H. E. Copson , 10D 8. 15th st , hot Center
and Doi-cas. 300-8 *
\i/ANTJjn A good skirt maker. 102 N. 10th
V > Blrcot. 393-7 *
WANTICU A nuiso girl. Apply nt once nt
J. ( J. Willis , North S2d and Lake street.
Take green car. 370-7
ANTKl ) A good girl for general house
work. ItlO'J Farnnm. JCT-8
WANTK1J 17 girls for general housework ;
good wniros. Nebraska Employment
Agency , 110 ICth st. nnd Capitol ave. J175
WANTKD Good girls for general house
work , first nnd second work ; good places ,
good wages and no chariros. Call at Oman a
Employment liuroau , 1120 Furnam. 37(1 (
WANTED Several girls , , for cookng | and
general I housework. ' 32J'N 10th 303-8 *
"YVANT'PP A girl for" general housowoi
1813 Webster st. 3S3-8
WANTED A lady assistant bookkeeper ;
must write H plain business bund , and
como well recommended ; none need npply that
have not had gomo experience olthor as cashier
or assistant bookkeeper In Omaha. M. F. Mar-
tm.3108.15th St. 072
WANTKH Girl for general housework. Ap-
jilylo Goo. A. Wilcox , at olllce N. II. Fal
coners , 327-7 *
ANT.KD A girl for goncr.xl hou owork.
Apply at 113 S. Jefferson st. 820-7 *
T\TANTKU-Glrl. No washing. 117 N. 14th.
> V 330-7 *
WANTED A first-class girl for general
bouscwoik ; must bo a good cook : none
but first-class need apply ; wiig03$22 per month.
2422Imvcnpoit8t f *
ANTKD-SoamBtro 8cr t Cnnfluld M'fg
Co. . llth and Dougla0.p ; stairs. 222-7
W ANT15D A rcllanlogirl nt St. U.irunlico's
roctorv , K3 N. lUtb st. i23 !
WANTED A Gorman girl or boy to work In
restaurant. 2158. 12th st. 318-7 *
WANTKH Girl for general housework ,
corner IHondo nnd Cnmpboll streets , north
west comer. iiUJ
W ANTKll ARfri to do goncral houwvorkT
2010 llurt. SJW-7
WANTKD A good girl for gnnoral IIOUBC-
work ; good wages. Iiitjuiro 2514 Cailtol |
avcnuo. SSt'J
\ \TANTKU Girl lor ( rencral housouork at
> > 2101 Fiirnam. SHU
First-class cook and Inumtrcsi.
WANTKH . Mrs. J. M. Thuiaton. 'JKJ
WANTIJD At once , a neat competent girl
to do general housework tor a small family.
Apply at HUB Cuss St. Ull
WANTED Ladles nnd gentlemen in city or
country to take light work at their homes.
Jl.tK ) to $3.00 nduy easily iniulo ; woik sent by
mallno canvassing Wo have a good demand
for our work , and tiirnlsh steady omplnymont.
Address , with slrtnip , Crown M't gCo..2Ul Vine
Strool. Ciiic'liinatl , Ohio. ttamU *
f ANTKD A girl at Doran House , 813 Far-
num. W.i
\7ANTii-Goocl : kitchen girl at 415 N. 15th
> _ ht. U T _
\r\N'riD ! A nnod woman cook ; good waged.
> Address City Hotel. S'alrmont , Nub , 447
l\7.VNTKI > Hey with fine or two years' o.\-
> pcricnco. ilociJcr , DrugKUt , 12th and
llarnuy. 421-8'
WAXTii ; > fJwt-class nd01 thing solicitor
foraspfitiliilty : big salary to good n.nn.
Addrc-ss K 02. Itco Ofllco. SbS-8'
WANTIJD llatlior A Hrit-cl sii man can
find a good Job and guod pny at Chas.
Mospr's.Norlolk , Neb. 351-8
ANTKD A good bnUor. N. K. cor ICth
amlCHpltgl avo. a07-8
VXTANTKD-.Doy from rosprctable parents to
T T loiirn the Jiuvclry luniiufacturlDg business.
Mnx Meyer & Uro. 385-8
IX/ANTI D Tiiroo upholftarero. Dewey &
_ 1 _ ' 'toiia. 318
W ANTKD Laborers , tcamstera , nnd pick
andsliqvol men ; steady job. K. S , Albright -
bright U. It Labor Agency , 13JJ FurDnin. 831
\T7ANTKD-Auoodlroa iniml.lcri ono who
Tl can make itoro fronts , oolumns.jilIU , gen
eral inarhliiory , nta , at onco. Call or nddrou
SUoimiiJoah Iixm Work * , tiliptiandoah , Iowa.
WANTKH Tbroo broad baker * ut onou.
Smith .l-lxKTbo.Onmcll Ulillfs , 310
ANTKhCompositor. . Day work ! it
poilcrotUcu.&U Hioud\ruyCouncil Uluils ,
Call this a. m. 3oa
WANTIiH A KOOrcllivblu \ furulluro f ales-
man who uuu como well rocumuiuuaod ,
M F. Martin 310 .S. llth. SffJ
WANTKU-.A man tn take an o III to nnd r i > -
ii'scnt a ronnufitcturci ; fW pi > r wc-uk ;
RUiiill crtplt&l ic-julrid AiMrc.i.S with stamp.
HQJC 70. West Acton , Mass. 28 7 *
AI'ANTIU ) Aecntc for our now anprnivlnii
tiuld for iiiaiklm fUvcrissro , s : vi. iron ,
i-ia very ftinrlc to apply. Bamplo bottlp nnd
iiiicolisl-'Go. Minklcr&Co,20J b. Adams St. ,
K-orl.i. . 111. | 20.-7
'V\rA > "TKD Salesmen uacdiiig profitable cm-
TT ployiuont , Halurr t"5 und I'lDinibu s. Oooda
etaplo. told by samplu , AUJvcajIIUeliiuip ,
l.-S. Mfj ? ro.'cuicaw. Klm'.V )
OB bookkeeper b )
yijtiutfinnu of como cx | > crlonco. Addrosi
n c > ,
WA NTUU A iltitftUoii n ciiamborinald 01
sucondftnltu iitlvnte rnmlly , or uskltt ii
llsht lioujowil-k. 411 Kqrtli Kth nt. *
\ f A MKDjr rellubl * * ni steady jouns
i T man , 6ltuuiiQ > i Ha sulosiuau in bout * n >
suoo stoie tn Iowa or Nebraska ; CAD du repair
lug. AiMrum fi W , ligp pUJoe.
\\r AVTUU.Tn ( < e > waihlnp and liouTa-rlstn
T Ins. laiulrolfBJS. lOthst. UiH *
\ \ * ANTED Sllttallon by younff man as conch
man nnd gardener , or as useful man on n
gentleman's placo. Address B 81 , Itco onico.
8S7-7 *
i Ily a woman , n situation as nouso
kocpor. Please cell at No. 213 N , 9th St ,
250-8 *
WANTKU-l > 6st6n ! ! by lady M Meno-
frrnplior and typo-writer ! has good busl
ness education and lias had several years ex.
| ) orlonco as stenographer. Addrcsj u 49 , OOd
oraco. S8
WANTKD-60 toanw. E. 3. Albright , U. 11-
Labor Agency , 130J Fnrnam Bt , 425
\VNTKl > Georgia or Virginia avcnuo lot ,
IT worth $1,000 to $1,800. Wo have customer
waiting. C.J. Coswoll&Co. , roomlU , Nebraska
Natloiialbank. 878-8
WAS-tnu-Topurohftso boforoAIay 1Mb lull
lot with or without liouso , east or south
front , high ground , sightly location , west or
south * oit from postotllco ; moderate amount
down.lmlancogood monthly payments. Address
KM , IJeoonioo. ! Hl-7
WANTii-To Ilcnt-Housaof ( Ivo to eight
rooms In good locality by permanent cash'
tenant with lease for one or two years. Call or
address Omaha Financial Hichangu , S. W. cor ,
of 15th and Farnam , 035
WA.NTKU Desirable building lot at once ;
glvo number of lot and location. Address
K 8 , Iloo Omco. 701
WANTteU Wo want to got at once a neat
liouso and lot on or half lot for loss than
$2,000 ; must bo worth the money. Also a doslr-
able vacant lot , Address Hush It Solby , 218 S.
IMh. 123
WANTED Desirable liouso and lot for homo
ot moderate prlcos no fancy prices want-
cd. Address * r , Iloo olllco. 760
V(7ANTliD Houses for good tenants. J. U.
V > Evans & Co. , 1JS13 Dodgo. 013
WAXTKD lOOhousos and oottogcs to rent.
Can find you good tenants at onco. Ma-
honojr ft Hnrrla , Hoom 11 Wf ) Fnrnam ; i77m9'
I71O11 IlKNT 10-room houso. 1012 Fnrnnm.
C It. a PattOMon. 424
C1OII IlKNT Largo rosldonco. 813 S. 17th st ,
E Inquire nt 014. two doors north. 3H7
Foil itKNT For ono seafon.2) acres hay
land in Kensington Place , For further In
formation aJdress Mat Hovel , Picrco , Neb. ' '
Foil RKNT llrlok building , good for slor-
ago , broom factory , carpenter shop , etc.
Bean's Ice cream parlors , \3" \ Douglas st.
RrtUT *
F ) U UKNT-Or Saln-Tho Arlington Hotel
In lloldruxo. Neb. : largest house nnd best
hotel In the city. Address T. M. llopwood ,
HolclrcL'o. Neb. KS-B
IfiOU IlKNT-Orand Army Hall , No. 1311
Douglas street , will Ira let to lodgc-H and
societies nt reasonable rates ! Is on the second
lloor. easy of access and only ono block from
the ( lltrcront Btrnct car linos. Apply to D. A.
Hurley , 1414 Do.lgo street 3G5-I2
TjlOH ItKNT Alt-room liouso , furnished. Call
JL1 nt 1103 8. lath st. 3.U-7 *
FOK HKNT Hrlck hou o , corner llth nnd
Dodgo. 278- *
F OK RKNT-Hrlck yard. Apply Peck
Dodgo. oppo < lto Postollleo 23B-74
TJ1OK KENT A doslraDlo rosldonco on Far-
-L' niun St.noar court house , 0 rooms , best lo
cation in the city. For particul.irs apply to 3. A.
Slomon , 1014 Farnam st. 8SO
IOll KUNT 70-aoro farm.T. Murray.
FOK KKNT Nicely furnished room with
board. 714 N. IDth St. C17
F OK HKNT Silicon , and Bxturos for sale.
10S Bouth 10th st. HM
FOK HUNT Brick yard. T. Murray.
FOK SAT < K At a barpaln , line ll-oom nonso
with modern conveniences ; full lot ; on
Hnrnoy pt. , near 23th ; $ j,2JJ. Potter & Cobb ,
151. ) st. u.yj
Cl II IlENT-aardon tarra. 30D S. llth St
F 1OK KKXT Nice i-room ) cottage. 8. T.
Peterson , S. 12. cor. 16Ui and Douglas. DSt
ron BEUT aooms.
P OK KKNT Km nls hod rooms and board.
203 N. llth street. 417.7 *
WANTJCD Furnished room within 20 blocks
of U. P hca'lquaitois fi-om $7.10 to $10X0
per month. Addfp"g 1 ! . C3 Dee olllcc. 417.B *
FOK KKNT Furnished or unfurnished
rooms. 607 S. ICth st. S-'G-IU *
FOK HUNT A well fiu-nlshcd room. Itodlok
block , IJO'J rarnam bt. Inuuiio Uooin 17.
4f8 ! >
"I7IO It KKNT Room and board In strictly
-U private family for ono or two Rcntlomcn.
114 N. 18th st , bet , Dodge und Capitol live.
831-12 *
FOK HKNT Two unfurnished and ono
nlshod rooms , 20 mlnutos' walk fromfii" '
P. 0. ' 2012 C.iliilng bt. 38J-7 the
FOK KKNT Nlculy turnlshod room for ono
Of two gentlemen 01U N 17th st 412-8
FOK ItKNT front room with hoard lor gen
_ tleman onll' . Itotoicucu required. 1721
Douglas at. 109-7 *
FOK KKNT Rooms for xcntlemcn.MV cor
liithand llowiird. 3.VJ-7J
iOK It IJNT Fin nlshod or unfurnished
Jj rooms. 2421 , corner ot I/oivonworth : and
25th 818. : KM3
KiNT Lnrgo front room , fuml.Micd ;
EOK for 2 gentlemen , 1013 ciilciuni bt.
3'V ) 8'
1T1OK KKNT 2 unfurnished rooms In Cull-
JJ nlngham's block , corner iilh : mill , lack on
sis. D. Cunningham , Arlington block , 1511
Ooiluo. ' lOW
KKNT 2 rooms , furnished or unfur
nished , ouUIdo cutranco. 2U21 Howard st.
ItKNT Nicely furnished looms In flno
FOK . 400 Walnut at , eight mlnutos walk
southeast U. P. depot , SO , $7 und J8 per month.
OK ItKNT Furnished rooms. 22rf ) Dodge
TTIOKKKNT A nicely furnished fiont room
Jj with iilcovo , No. 025 Fulrvlow or 2. " > th fit ,
north St. Mary's avo. 317-7 *
"IjlOK KKNT Nicely furnished room with or
-U without board. 117 S. 17th st. Itoloronco
ruiiulrod. _ 313-1 1 *
OK KKNT Ono largo alco\o room , onst
F front , with board. 62il 1'loiauut bt. 314-11 *
TJ1OK KKST Good rooms and good board ,
A ? 1110:1 : Farnum street. 302-10
ItKNT Nicely furnlshoj 100111 cheap ,
420 Con rent st , 2SI
Tj > OH ItKNT Nicely furnUhod front room
JL < with board. & W. cor. 9th and at. Mury'a
avonuo. 285
HKNT Newly furnished rooms close to
P , 0. The most ilorilrnhlo iurnfsliad rooms
In the city , iit'rcnEonuble prlcos , 150S Cass st.
* 11KNT Nivuly furnished looms ; all
IOH 1 modern i-onvunlcncosi gentlemen pre
ferred. IBiO llurt at. 2m
FOIt KENT Furnished rooms , . & ! ! Cap. uvo.
110-7 *
Tjjum ilKNT-Furnlahod room , flST 'North
J JITthSt. 184-8 *
OU IlKNT 3 unfurnlshod rooms for light
! iuusokcoplnir > ln llcomer'a block , cor Hth und
Howard. 25 J
OH KKNT Fuuilehod room , 1707 CassSt.
F 211-7 *
ElOlt IlKNT Good room an good board ;
liiOJ FJ ru n in etrcot. l'J2-0
Foil ItKNT 2 plomant furnished roonu ,
0lh St. . near St. Mary's nvo. Innuiro S. W.
Dodge and li'tli. ' _ 102
T,1Oll HKNT Largo nlsoly lurmstioil room ,
JU eulmhlo for two gontionien , with table
bonr.i ; amliiutos' walk from P. 0. 1814 Dodge st.
1)10 )
TMW KKNT Furnlshol rooms , 1810 DoJgo.
.T 8l5m2i ;
TJlOll I KNT Kloaantly furntshoU rooms with-
J outboard , All modern conveniences. 2225
Irwii IlKNT Two stoio rooin ? on 18th street ,
Water , gas ana sewer oonnoctlons. 0. li
Jlnync , cor , llitli and FaniAtii. 8.11
"IJ OK RiST : Two Inexponilvo rooms , with
-L1 board. 1914 Webster trt < ot. 032
FOK U Store room on'ISta. . C. B.
Mayno , S W cor 15th un4 Farnam. 411
THOU IlKNT Omco nnd store room. Oration
JH 411ni3imonJ. 1J15 Harnoy , b'/J
"lv(5Jl ( KRNTKldsfSnTTind" desirable rooms ,
' furnished or uufurnlibod. Ian Douirlii
st. Kufurooees i ugulrcd of applicant . o35
P ? " K T WIth leSTd. ' onr largo mooly
-I-1 ralsbed front room , iroH and room at
140JJouosSb tf
A CIE ! LOTS-Jfowport. '
} l T AMES , 180T Farnam.
. A Sl'C.VNDMSH offer :
7ft feet on Uanscom Park , per foot , fSS.
8-room house and lot , car line ; $700 cash , bM'
nnco monthly , I
3-story store building , St. Mary's nve car
llno.JMOa ,
13th street lot and store building , 2 ttorlos ,
bargain , * .1.l-00.
Good houses , Vi a'n-il Hill , cay terms , Dar-
Sfwest PJdP lots , fm
IloftVitRul ncrb3 , Falivlow , * M3.
Acrc , Hlmobaugh and Ilrookltno.
Lincoln Plftoo. on licit Mno , f-KS.
Splendid rcildonco lots In Capitol add , 3. E.
front , chcnp.
Severn ! lots and acres on Lcavonworth st ,
ffiooto * , io.
Ambler Place lots , tMO.
Good properties on Park nvo.
Splendid east front lot on Catherine st , $ .3,000. ,
> larsh ndd lots.
Hou o nnd lot , Isaac & Beldcn'sndd $1,600 ;
cash 800.
Several properties In Kountzo's adds.
Blots , house nnd barn , 115 feet flora Leaven-
worth st , easy payments , $3,100.
Lonvcnworth st. property , per foot , $20.31.
West Side lots , $300.
Lot In Isnno KScldcn's add , $400.
Fnlrvlnw , the highest land nt lowest prlcos ,
Bhlnn's ndd. nouso and lot , $1.000.
Manufacturing and railroad Interests will
mnko West Sidolots valuably , now $300. IlollA
McCandllsh , 1M1 Dodge , 33M5
rANSCOM PLAGE .TO choicest lots. Clionp.
L lluy quick. T. 8. Olarkson. 1500 Fnrnlmra.
RAI.R-Stockdalo & Uunchor , 1511
Dodge st ; always huvo on hand a fine list of
good properties and many bargains. All Itlndi
of prices and term * . Houses nnd lots In all
parts of the city. Always BCO us before you
inly or sell. Stockdalo & Uunchor , 1511 Dodge
St. TelODhonu No. 705. 334-3
fTMti : hrst oargaln on Pouth Sixteenth street
JL 133xbVionly > .000 , If taken In 10 days. C.
.1. Caswoll & Co. , ItooDi 1U , Nobiaska National
Ilank. C01-14
T n. EVANS & CO. . have for sale
f J The beat business corner full lot on Eaun-
A line corner south and east front , Shlnn's $1 , " " > 0
Cornor.Saimdors &lllnibnugh's add , over
2M feet front 350
Corner , south and oust front , Prospect
Place , 55x120 KO
Corner , south and oust front , Prospect
PlncoK5x75 850
Corner , south nnd east front. Prospect
Plnco.nndcottngo 2r > 00
Lots In K V Smith's add , cor S2d nndGraco 1,100
Host corner , SunuyMdo 1.200
Choice Inside lots Scothcm 000
West Kndlot.southfrontonDodgo ; n bar
gain 1.1CO
Foil SAI.K 2 : > ,000 nei-03 In ono body lu Clio-
ycnno count10 ml les of running water.
T. S. Clarkson , 1530 Farnam. 3i)5 )
JONES' addition has water works and electric
lights , and still sells moil's blue llannel suits ,
all-wool and indigo color for ? U ; English worsted
suits at 815. nud stylish nil-wool suits to order ,
525. 413-7
CHE ( LOT'S Prott's Sun-divlslon
410 AMKS , 15')9 ' ) Farnan.
TT1OII SAMS , T. II. Kvans& Co. have for sale
JL1 choice lots In Marsh Place , $1,7M.
" flno lots Shlnn'a aild. , each a Iniwihi , S-7.V ) .
Flno oornorfor business on Saitndcrs , $ , r > 0 > l.
A number of oholco corners south of the
tracl.s , SI.SK ) to $ : i,000.
Haigalnslnlotsln every part ot the city. Call
and see our list boloru buying.
B. 15VANS & CO. , Solo agents , lots In Creston -
. ton 4J1-10
FOK S\lM SO acres to subdlvMo , Wt miles
from Court Houso. A fortune to the
bujer. T , S. Clarkson , 11JOO Fnrnam. ! ) US
G10KSAT.B 40 lots In Park Place , $800 to SSKK ) .
JJ 2Ti lots in II mi too in Place , f KO to $ ' . ' ,5'JJ. '
200 lots In llodlonl Plaeo.
Lots In Omah.i Vlow , JsiV ) to S750.
Pai k Forest. ) to ? 3 W.
South Oniiiha , $250 to $ SOO.
Ambler 1'laco , $ TiOi ) to ? 000.
Shlnn's add , $7fiO to $1.600.
Parker's add , J8 ) to S2Xa ( )
K V Smith's add , choice lots. 81 .jO } .
Hawthorn , ? 5V ) to ? SOO.
Mai-sh add , H.OM to ? 2.505.
West Knd , 51,100 to S ,500.
Jerome Purk , 10.10 to SSOO.
Kilhy I'liiro , S5M to 50.TO.
ire clinlee houjos located. In different parts of
the city rnnfflnJin prlco from 1,330 to $2r > , llOO.
M do-lrnlilo Insldo rasidenco and business lots
from $4uOOto $70,000.
1 do a Ptrlctly commission business. H. F.
Itlnger , HON. l.'itli street. IMS
DUPONT PI.ACB Is'onty two blocks south ol
Hnn com's Puilt. Kvcry lot covered with
bcnutlfill forest' trees. Clark It French will
take pleasure In showing you the lots. Terms
to suit. No/rTiiq JJoilgliH jitrcot. 4.30.12
JH. KVASS & CO. , Solo agents , lots in Cros-
ton. , [ ' J 401-10
NE-FOiniTH 4CUKS Orconwood.
q 410 U ( . A.MKS , 1507 Farnnm.
JON'KS'iiddtHonils not only very popular in
Omaha , but people In other states nnd terri
tories in o Investing. Call at 1339 Furnam fit. for
further particula
I7IOK SAl.K-llyVStookdalo & Uunchor , 1511
? Dodge f-t-Wucaut lots In all pints of the
cltv and suburbs. *
Holism and Jots everywhere.
IliHlncss property In the best localities.
KiirniA and wild land thiougliout the Htato.
Don't forget the place , Stockdalo & Huncbor ,
1511 Dodge St. , , Tocimono { No. 793. 3J5-8
SPF.CTAI < UA1MJAINS-77 fcot on Farnam ,
S < ,60l ! ; 20i ) feet on Farnam 510.0CO. T. d.
Clurltson , lrX)3Faiimnni. ) . 3OT
-L and clieapo t i 211J-12
Il7 KVANS & CO. , 1513 Dodge Call on us
for bargali.s In cheap lots 401-10
FOK SALK 3-room cottages on very easy
torms. Prlco * l."fl. ( ) Win. J. Paul. IHHIi and
Charles or 1133 N. 19th st. 212-2S *
ACRK LOTS-Ilrlghtou
4'0 AMCS , 1507 Farnam.
i nnd cheapest 21H-12
BAKOAI.V lluslncssliousa , lonls for f50 per
month. Ssuth lllth St. , fl.tMJ It eold goon.
Graham & Bunnwa'iclglituii block.
. KVANS A(5O liavo for bale :
T1J. line corner , south and east front.Shl'm'd
add , * lm
A flno corner , same fronts , near Castollar
Strpot8ihool.ji,400. ! ;
Corner , Jlij loot front , on Loavonwortb El.
$ I'OJLJ , 3X.-7
JONF.S1 addition lo ids them nil In number of
i-ulcs mid not a ii.ition "would buck out If
ho could. " At 1301 Farnam st. you can fitlll get
neat and Insty all-wool suits forouly$7. 413-7
PATl'UltSON PARK ACRES-Noarcst. best
mid cheapest. Uls-12
PATl'lIRSON PARK ACHBS Xoarost , bust
and cheapest. 21K-I' '
TpAIRMOUNT PIACr.-27th and I.ako streets.
1 } Klcgunt lot.- ) , low prlcos. Wo bulki IIOIIPOS.
T. S. Clark-on , 150) ) Furnum. ma
pATI'KUSON PARK ACRHS-Noarost , best
-L mid cheapost. 214-12
"ITIOK SALK Leased school lands Intrants of
JL' to acres and upwards , no tuxes to pay an
thosolund3for20 years. 0. F , Davis & Co. , IMJ
l''urnnmat. 7Ji-mSO )
A SIKS PLACK-No such lots in any other lo-
foallty at the prlcos askod. 411
P OK SALK-Cnimp lots In llurr Oak , Just east
ofllanacom Park , near street CUM , 1153 , easy
terms. Potter & Cobb. 1515 Farnum st OH
A CIIK LOTd-Coto Ullllanto
410 AMKS , 1507 Farnam.
POHSALK-Tljroo Quo lots In Shlnn'a 3d odd.
ot$5 > J each. Potter & Cobb , 1515 Farnam.
JU. EVANS & CO. , Solo agents , lots In Creston -
ton 401-10
T AIIIMOUNT PLAOK , 27th and Lako-Tako
A1 rod or green cars ; see the property nnd you
Will surely buy u lot or hoiibo und lot. T. S.
ClarkDon , 1.7W Farnam , 390
EC. PATTKltSON , Keal Estate , Uth and
Hf-Hldcnccs and Cottages
Iloautitul cottage audiot , doslrublo localIty -
Ity , . . f3ro : )
Fine rcslilenco. N. ! 8tli Bt , faulng east 4,500
2-Elorr liouso , full lot , West Lunvcnwortb
felruct 1RM
House and full lot , Hickory Place , chcup. l.OJ )
Cotlagoand full lot.Bhlunrs3iudd 1'iHO
Store biilldlnirandlot.a 13th 6t 3,0)1
7-room hausuf und 2 full lota , 'Iftiisconi
Pluco / 6WO
IJIIKO eittapo and H lot S. 10th tt , . l .W
Smull cottuuo and ii lot , S. 10th st vO )
A beautiful lOsUoiico und 2 fulj Jots on
Oavonpoit st , the pioitiGarho"usu in tbo
clty.vory cheap 8,000
Iluilnosa iij > i rosldcnco lots , improved untl
unlinnrovf d , throughout the city.
i\Ilouor addrcsi It. C. Puttcrjon , 13th and
Dougla ? Tulcphono 7VU. 34'i
Tl. EVANS & CO. . have tor sale
iX'lcct s.-jilaroou UPtruck
305x167on UP truck
Cornorwltli largo warehouse on &t , P ul truck
1'ull corner wltb tracka ooiil2th ut " < < *
31 fuot on Uuru. licit IHnu track
For sulofor loiusocor ) llth autl UowuIJ-TS fool
on N IbthM.iMiouiib-i.$5.000
liuelncgjpibpoi-t/on all principal ttroeU , va
cant and luiprovod , '
T7 On SAT.i : Two corner IMS in Prospect
i1 PlftOOfTSl cfichon ! y terra * .
Corner lot on Seward St. , 3 blocks from street
car linn , U.OUU ,
Lot in Nelson's add. , cast front , $1,709.
Lot on Boward St. , * SOO.
I < ot in Sunny SIJo , ji.iaa .
I/it on IDth St. , in Lnko'S add. , $1,175.
3 lots on 2Uh St. , near Farnam , $20,000.
I/ot In Polham Plaeo. $100 : easy terms.
lot on Dodge St. , In West End. f 1,100.
2 houses uml lots , IStU St. , npnt Paul , ? ,0X1.
llomoof G-rooms , lot TWxli ) , Unrd st , nfitttf
Corner lot on Farnntn St. , (03x13 ( ! ) $20,033.
2 loti on Fnrnam st , ( corner ) $ .17,003.
2 lots on Won Pnrnatn st , $15,50) .
2 houses nnd full lot , l lh near Webster St. ,
123 feet cast front on S. 18th St. , $11,000.
U fcot cast front on 3. 13th St. , f I,6JO.
3 lots In llurr Oak , $ .1,209.
Warohoiifo lot on Oth st , $0,0X1.
I.ot22xr:0on l > edge st. , near 12th , $1,500.
Lot on Virginia nvo. , near Lcnvonwortli St. ,
? 2noo , terms oasy.
0 lots In liowo's aid. , from $175 to $003 each !
e y term * .
> lonoy to loan nt lowest rate of Interest. Oco.
P. llomls , 3. W. cor. lutli and Douglas. 200
ATTKHSON PARK Situated OJ { miles 8.
W. of court liouso.
ATTI5IISON PARK Acre very cheaps
only $20Q to $ TjQ each. _
JB. 75VANB & CO. , have for sale good eho |
tots wherever you want them Call and
verity " Alils statement _ 00-10
ATTI5R8ON 1'AUK-Acrcl sold on the In.
Htallmcntplan. Each nero lurgo enough for
5 big ruslOonco lotR. Situated near Bolo Line In
the tmimifaoturltiR locality the/ are the best
acri-s to buy. 1) . C. Patterson , Owner , 1st lloor
Iron llnnK Building. 210
FOK the benefit of the working people I
will Keep my offlco opou until 9 p. in. ox-
ccpt Sundays. C. H. Mayne , southwest corner
loth and Farnam. 303-1"
TONES' addition , 1303 Farnam st , is thronged
ullko by rich and poor.
Strongluid durable men's suits . fit 40
Oooil rill-wool suits. . , . . . . . . . . . . . T 00
Stylish plaid Kiilts . 10 00
1'lno gray cusslmoro suits . li 00
You do not want to furra BO call on us nnd
not 'a Rood lot within aduy's travel of. your busi
ness 405-10
BostS-aoro trautsln the market ,
only $ .230 per aero. Inquire about them.
Potter A : Cobb. 15P > Fnrnmu. _ y 3
TmojlSAIK-Acro lots , Olso's add. , only SI OS
JJ Potter & Cobbj13l3 Fiimiim. _ 857
tHS rrACK-Nn ffrmllnir needed : level
A lot : ) . Amc3.1517 r.irnam st. 411
/IOK S.Vl.i : Lota In LOWO' ? lat addition.
-A } south fronts , easy tarins , only 8395. Potter
Cobb , 1313 I'arntim st. & > 1
TmoKS.via : Atowoftliobost otsln Wilcox's
JL1 udii. at $000 oaolu Potter & Cobb , 1515 Bar
naul bt , 833
FOK : Or Trade Improvtl and unhn *
piovedland < tln Furnai nnd otior woatom
countloi. Address \Vm. Slmoral , Arupiinoo ,
I'uruust'o. Nob. 273
OK. MAYNK'Snowmnpot Douglas county
Is complete In nvory detail ; It nils n lena
felt want. Tlio i > rlco Is low , eonslderlns the
amount of woHc necessary to produce It. For
sale at C. U. Mayno's real estate olllce. 513-mll
J1I. KVANS & CO. , 1513 DodRO
i Call for choice Improved rosldonco prop
erty Wo Imvo inofo than \vo can udvortlso ,
inuch that wo nro not porinlttod to 40J-10
BAlUlAlNS-S.roo ! ; takes a new 7 room
house on full lot , on Hamilton street , near
car lino.
Jl,7iW tnUoa u nlco cottuyo , barn and full lot
In Low o's mid.
Slf > M , nice lot on Ooorfrla avenue , one lot
from Woolwortli avenue : t703 cash , and throe
yonr's time.
SU.CO ) takes a nlco place on llason street near
poMofllcc , and Is u bargain.
$7 , ! > QO takes a nlco place on Hurt street and on
easy terms |
11 you want lots In Klrkwood , Ilodford Place.
Itnwtboruo , SonthOmalm , Thomas' and Sears
mldltlons. go and see Scars , N E cor. 15th and
Dodgo. M. F. Sours , 1121 Dodge. 140-8
T710IlSVLK-Ti\-olot3ln Planmow , 315 ] each.
J ? Potter & Cobb , 1515 Fatnamst. 038
BA1UJAIN.S m Improved and unimproved
property. W. H. Urecn , 215 B 13th st. 8ti !
JL and cheapest. 218-12
Foil SALK i our Inti , cor. uiiicornln nnd
3Jth sts. , a blocks from proposed pavlnsr on
Cumlng-st. , 830 and SJ50 o eU. Potter & Cobb ,
1515 Farnam st. 619
ri.AOK Ixits sold to these who want
. homes they can pay for. 411
"IJIOU .SALIC Quo of the nicobt 8-rooin ouses
X' In Slilnn'B addition , with cl'y water , &o. ,
comploto. Price low. O. F. Davis A : Co. , IMS
Fanmm struct. _ 7CC-m2J
JH. KVANS & CO. , Solo ajrenta , lots InCres-
ton 401-10
FOKHAMc-oitiso ! ! has forsalo lots in Huns-
com Plaeo , SSM to Sl.SOO.
Oibson has for sale houses and lots In I tans-
corn Placo.
Gibson has for sale houses and lots In all parts
t the city.
Gibson has Improved farms and lands In all
parts of Nebraska forsnlo or oxohnuffo.
Gibson has thousands oC auros of land In
Western Nebraska for sale from $ J to $1 per
Gibson would llko to see youlf you want to
buy orsbll.
Glbson'sls the place to list your property. Call
and see him at Koom3 , Witlmnll IJlock , cor. 13th
HndllarnovsU. _ 839
"pATl'KHSON PAHIC AOUKS-Noarest , host
-L and cheapest. : ! 18-li ;
T n. KVANS & CO. , Solo agents , lots In Crcs-
fj. ton 401-10
TONES' addition. lilO1) ) I'arnnni st. Go and sco
t ) it. Fiooot'cliui'Koday or nlRht. 41U-7
T71OII SAI.I' 1,300 aero ranch , HVIIIR water
JJ running through land. Can out 1,000 ton
hay oil land ; also ITiO head cattle , ; ) ) Head horses
with necoj-ary lnipoinent.s ! , Aic. , &o. , &o. , to run
fold ranch. Prlco fia SOOO. Address Hart A :
MoAndrow , Alnsworth , Nobr ,
Al-o , ( ! ! ! ) aeros pcliool land anprnlsod at $3.00
per aero , rinmlmr 20 years at six per cent , with-
nM inlk'suf Aliiswuith ; llvlnur water und will
take $010 tor louso. Addioss Hurt i ; MaAndrow ,
AliiEworth , Itrown Co.Ncbr. B37m2J
FOIC KXOIIAXni : Ry C. K. Mayno.
1X ( ) acres , Mudlfdii Co. , lordni s.
a Boctlons In Frontier Co. for stock mdRO.
ICO acres near Falls City lor sleek mdso.
Id ) acres , well Improved , near Uiverton , for
stock of goods.
10) ) acres near Hlvcrton for Quocnswaro.
ttJO acres , Iliirlim Co. tor hardwaro.
IKO acres. Franklin Co. lor hardwaro.
. ' 0 acres Cnoyoiinu Co , for boots and shoes or
Bro cork's ,
HJJacroN Vnlloy Co. foi mdso.
M aeies , Douglas Co , lor Omaha property ,
12) acres. Improved , 8 miles from Omaha , Tor
Omaha property ,
1,120 acres , Cheyenne Co. tor books and sta
240 acres in Frontier Co. for drugs or hotel.
fM aoros , Jctfoit > on Co. for huidwaro.
H.i.HWiioi-os school lurid In Couuado for stock
UH.OOOin Colorado , stock md > o.
IfO acres , Dakota , for groceries.
Btook lumbar , llrao end coal , for Nebraska
Block hardware lor good farm.
Htock hardware lor Rood farm.
Slock hardware for Omaha property.
Stock furnltiiro and hardware for land near
( iruln elevator in Iowa for Nohraslia land ,
Stock dry ( roods , trrooorloj , hootn , shoos and
hardware for land in eastern Nebraska.
Qon'l stock rodBo. for land in eastern Nob.
Btook of drutra for land.
Hotel for land In Neb.
Hotel for Onmhu property.
Hotel In Iowa for Nod. land ,
Stock furniture for farm.
Ktork bUHKlos and spring wacont for Und.
Stock furniture for land.
For particulars wrlto to C. 13. Slay no. S. W
cor , 15th und Furmun , Omaha. U15-T
, . lost by parties that tailed to buy
$ acres In Patterson Park , U ) days airo at $17ri
an aero. The game property now cclllnir at an
iidvaiH'O of 40 per cent. _ 217-U
ItCIIAItl ) llll.l. lots sell ott their merits
Low prices and ouflytiimis ylvou , Call ut
0. E. Muyno'B olllco unj get n plat. _ 201
II. j-VANS & CO. , JCilJ IJuiUo bt , have
tor mile :
Abarirulnln Aihor Place . $400
211nolots In llurr Oak. the host , , . 1,60) )
SOofthobost lot ! in Kllby PJacn . S'jOOtoOOO
4 choice lots , touth fiont , II no timber ,
Marsh Place , easy terms . . , , . . ' ' < * >
line east Iront on Blioiman nve , wltb
trout on 17th . t . 2,500
Cholro corner , Si'.m'rs add , bouth und cast
: . : . x.100
10 loot on Cumluir , lor business . 3,003
Boverul Kooil south ftont coiners on I.eav-
Choice Kraded lots , cor. 2M and Grace on
easy terms . . . . . . . . . . . . MOO
Flnu corner , Clarendon , 2 lots , now oat-
tufro , only. . , . 3,000
Some of the best In Hawthoruo at bargain
prices. * # ?
10 best corner * south of the tracks , ? 1,200 1C 1/X
Flno 132x188 corner , good liouso. . . . , , . , . - . .
If you want
, ' *
W feu * It. ted tbo , sales , tbow v Utfo It at
* IBR wilj.- . '
TONES' addition is not affected by strikes , but
U sales met * i o weekly. 1309 Farnam 8t ,
M n's fttyllslinll'Vool pftnts , $3.
Elegant plaid punt * . $4.
Fine caaslmoro punt , $ % . _ 411-7
ADAUOATN-MiiKt bo sold.\rro (
boarding hoas'o , bnrn.tofrcthor wltb siiloon ,
pool room ami biirfoor Shon on Icn'Pd lot ndjoln
Ins. istabll : hp > l bitjilness. J,600 for nil.
Uomls , mill nnd Douglas streets. _ 4tt
rtK sAtK 40 ncro < for subdivision , Cheap.
T. .1. Clarkson , IS'JO ' F.irnam. _ 400
KUFOltll t'LACK-
70 lots
In two works.
Cunningham \ llronnnn ,
1511 Dodge street.
PLAOK will ho studded With
manufacturing industries during the sum
mon lluy a lot at present prloos and double
your money. _ _ _
Sltn lledfonl Place nnd you will bo convinced
that It Is tbo ohnapcst addition.
, will buy a good house and largo lot
on Popplctou ave , Cunningham & llrcnnan ,
1511 Dodgo. 427-7
Messrs. Ilarkncss Bros , will this tlay
place on sale the below enumerated
articles besides numerous others at
prices that will surprise everybody ,
They arc
Towels. Tidies , Splashers , Handker
chiefs , Japanese Tans , Hatchets , Bas
kets , Portomonnaics , Vnces , Plates ,
Card anil Frnit Baskets , Tin Plates , Doll
Babies , Pie Plates , Wash Pans , Crumb
Pans and Brushes , Dish Pans , Milk
Pails , Work Basket , Glass Dishes , Comb
Racks , Pocketuooks , Feather Fans ,
Hosiery , Macrame Cord , Flour Sifters ,
Hat Hacks , Hammcrs , > Tapaneso Screens ,
Collar Dutlons , Jludlaffe , Marbles ,
Blank Books , Turkish Towels , Scrub
bing Brushes. Coal Shovels , Baby Bibs ,
Wooden Spoons , Hair Crimpers , Roll
ing : Pins , Transparent. Slates , Aerate
Buttons , Collars , Jewelry , Estabrook's
Steel Pens , Lace Collars , Spool Cotton ,
Baby Rattles , Hair Nets , Clothes Lines ,
Table Salts , Base Balls , Match Safes of
all kinds , Glass Cups , Tin Dippers , Tin
Buckets , Mosaic Match Holders , Sauce
Pans , Looking1 Glasses , Perfumery ,
Castile Soap , Shoes Blacking , Meat
Forks , Toilet Soaps , Stove Blacking1 ,
Wall Pockets , Harmonicas , Boxes of
Slate Pencils , Willow Baskets , Black
ing _ . Brushes , Pearl Buttons , Silver
Thimbles , Frying1 Pans , Rick-rack
Braid , Table Cutlery , Combination
Russian Leather Toilet Sots , Pins ,
Laces , anil every article yon can think
of. All to be on sale to-day. Every
body go and pot a chance to select
early as the stock i all new and whore
Bargains for
5c WORTH ? 5c and $1,00 $ ,
Arc to be fomul , they do not last
No. 401 Broadway ,
DRY GOODS , Etc , Etc.
fifoimo States on inul
aftur Itlay Ixl ill be $2.OO and
B.-'iO I CM- May ,
Kxcnptlng front pnilor rooms.
Day Hoard , $ 'Jt > Per niiuith.
U. BILI.OWAV , Pi op MAIIK DUIIVI.A , Manager.
Council Illulfs.
lu Council Illuffd bavlnir
Fire Esoaioe
Andall modern improvomontu , call Oufa , ilrg
nlarm bells , etc. . Is the
NOB. 215 , SIT and 219. Main Htrott ,
MAX SIOIIN , Proprioto
THOB. orricen M , F. F.
Itetabllshod 1357.
Locking * Bracket for Fences
AND oriimi itAiiA HODS , rc.
Anypurt readily taken out or fiiplacuJ. For
picket or rail ftmcosjroii or wood , cannot bo ox-
culled lor railing of any tart , for pnr'cular.t
wrlto C , J. illX'KMAN , Inventor.
Ctmiioll lllutll.
Etato and county rljrhti fnrnnle.
No29. Main Sl.t Council BluiT3iOpD..Poslofilce.
I'in > t-cui3 ! Accommodations In Everything fee-
titlulni ; to the I.h'ury Ilualuo's"
.Finest Landau in the City
Tj tf lH'y Tdlophono 13.
* COLE , Props.
HOTJ-S333 03 ?
Wholesale , , ,
Agricultural Implements , Bn&tes , s ,
Carriage. * , Elo , lito. OouucU lllulfs , Iowa. .
Corn Shellers , Stalk Cutters ,
DlscIInrrows. Scoilerw , Corn T/lnntors , Peed CdU
tcrs.Kto. Factory , Kock Falls , Ills.
Nos. tISOl , IVn , 15Q.1RJ7 Main St. , Council tlluCfa.
Mnntifrs and Jobbers of
Agricultural Implemonts.Wagons . , Boggles ,
Carrioles , and nil kinds ot farm Machinery.
1100 to 1110 South Mnla Street , CounoU Hlutfs ,
F.O. Gt.KAROX , T. H.DOUOt.A9 , ORO.F. WltlOHT.
rros.&Tron9. V.-Pros.&Miin. Boo.&CounsoU
Council Blaffs Haadla Factory ,
Manufacturer * of Axle , Pick , SltxtM and Small
Handles , of every doftoripilon.
Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades ,
Oil Cloths , Curtain Fixtures , Upholstery Ooodi ,
Etc. No , 403 Broadway Council Iliad * ,
Wholesale Jobbers l'u the
Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes ,
Nos. 28 Main and S7 Pearl 8U4 > JOoanoU Bluff * ,
Fruit and Produce Commission Merchants.
No. 141'oitrl 8t , Council ! ) lulTfl.
Manufacturers or
Fine Crackers , Biscuits and Gate ,
Council * , Towa.
Lamps , Fruit Jnn , Cutlery , Stonownro. Bar
Goods , Fnuoy Goods , Ktc. Council llliius ,
Wholesale Druggists , Oils , Paints , Glass ,
Drug-gists' Sundries , Kto. No. 22 Main St , and
No. Sl'l'ourl ' St. , Council lllulls.
M. E. SMITH & CO. ,
Importers and Jobbers of Dry Goods ,
Notions , Eo. ( Nos. 112 nnd 114 Main St. , Nos. 113
und 115 Pearl St , Council Hlulfs. Iowa.
Wholesale California Fruits a Specialty
General Commission. No. 643 Broadway ,
Council Bluffs.
Fruits , Confectionery & -Fapay Groceries.
Nos. 10 nnd 18 Pearl SttfCouhell ItlutTa.
Jobbers of Staple and Fancy Groceries.
Also AVholesnlti Liquor Dealers. No. 418 IJroad-
Jrny , Council HIuff37
p ; c. DE VOL ,
Hardware , Tinware , Gasoline Stoves ,
Refrigerators , etc. Nos. 604 Rroadway , and 10
Main ftreot , Council Illulfs.
Manufacturers of and Wholesale Doators in
Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc.
No. K Main St. . CQiinoll lllUffg , Iowa.
Jobbers in Hats , Caps and Glows ,
Nos. 312 and : jlI llrondwuy , Council HlulU ,
Iron , Steel , Nails , Heavy Hardware ,
And U'uod Stock , Council IllulfH , Iowa.
UIDKS iroof *
D. II. AIcDANEU ) & CO , ,
Commission Merchants for Sale of Hides ,
TuIlow.Wool , Pults , Grease and Furs Council
Jiiuirs , Iowa ,
Wliol'jsnln Jk-aliJi-g In
Illuminating & Lubricating Oils GasoHaj
HTO. , E3TO.
B.Thftnloro , AKOIII , Council Jlluiri. Iowa.
Hard Wood , Southern Lumber , Piling ,
Mid HrlilK" Matuilal Spuciultl'Vliolomlo Lumber -
bor ol ell Kinds. OMIra No. HJO Malit Bt. ,
Council Illiiira. luwu.
Imported and Domestic Wines & Liquor
Azcnt lor St. flottlinrd' * Hurb ( tlltori. No. 17
Mulriat , Cotinvllliluila.
Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors ,
.VufcW AUln SI. , ( . .iincltJln .
. ,
OfUcoOver Amorlcun Express Cvuipnny ,
Arc absolutely purr , ai rcprcjcn ; ! , Ono 3
I Ion will i-inor two Inut.iiud anil lluy
fuel tuo.cnuu , and will kt ay ou longer than nuy
oilier paint mntiufactui * J. rormilo by
. EC.
PltlCi' , rAl.NVh.Ojif.KTC ,