10 Ti ± E' OMAHA PAILY BEE : SATURDAY , MAY 8 , CAPITAL 1'IUZE , $75,000 Ticket * only S3. Bhtires in Proportion , LOU1S1M STATE LOTTERY COMPANY , li'Woilolioronycortlly that vo supervise tha Rrrmiffomcimfnrall the Monthly and Quarterly Jnilnirs ) of The I/onlslnnn 8tato I/ottory Company and In ncrann irmnnpro nnd control tbo Ira ) lii5 ) thrmaolvo , nnd that thcfnrnoarn conducted with honesty , fairness and In Rood Jnlth townnl all ititrtlo ? , and wo authorlro the Compnnrto UEOthl corllllcato. with fnc-slmlioj ofour Blirrmturoi attached In Its advnrtlsment COMMISSIONED Wo , tlio'vndonlffnod nankg and llimltors , will tiny all Prizes drawn In Tbo Ixnilslnim stnto Lot teries wlllcli may bo prosonto.l at our counters J. It. OOLKSHV , Pies , Louisiana National Bank j. w. Kmmirrn , Fres. State Rational BM. A. HAIMWI.Y , Pres , HewOrleansNational Bank. _ Incorporated In 1868 for US years bythotogU * btttiro fur Educational and Charitable purposes with u capital of $1,000.000 to which n reserve fund Of over ( .ViO.UJU has sluco been added. BjrRUQVortvholniliiK popular vote Its franchise was maun a part of t ho present State Constitution * doM Uccumbor.M. : A. L > . 1H7J. The only lattorv over voted on and endorsed by the-Dcoulo ot any state. It nornr scales or postpones. Its arand Blnglo number drawings take place monthly rand the extraordinary Uranlnirs regu larly every three months liisteml of eo.nl-annu ally as norotororo , DCKlnnhiK March , issrt. A BiM.KNiitn OPPOHTDNITYTO WIN A FoitTH.m Bin Orand Drawing , ChiM r. . In the Academy of Music. Now Orleans , Tuoaduy , May lltli , 133 } lt d Monthly Drawing. CAPITAL PRIZE $75,000. 100,000Tickets at Vivo Dollars Each. Fructlous In Filths , In Proportion. , Application for rates to clubs should be made onlr to Uiu olllco ol' tbe company In Now Or For" further Information write clearly , win ? ' full addt osi. I'OSTAJ. NOL'ES , Exprcis Money Orders , or Now York iKxchanifo in onllnnry let ter , currency by o.turesa at our oxpcnso ud M. A. DAUPHIN. New Oi leans , La. Or M. A.DATTPIIIN. Wasblnaton , D. 0. Make P. O. Money Orders payable and address rcKlstorod letters to . NKW OllLEANS NATIONAL HANK , " * Now Orlouus , La. Absolutely 1'nro and Unadulterated. IN USI IN HOSPITALS , CURATIVE INSTITUTIONS , INFIRMARIES. AND PRCSCRICIO ai PHYSICIANS EvtnrwHtati CURES CONSUMPTION , HEMORRHAGES Anil nil Wasting Dlseniest DYSPEPSIA , INDIGESTION , MALARIA. TUB ONLY PURE STIMULANT FOR THE SIOK , INVALIDS , CONVALESCING PATIENTS , AGED PEOPLE , WEAK AND DEBILITATED WOMEN. lror &alo by Druggist ? , Groccra tind Dealers. Prlco * Ouo Dollnr per Itottlc. eilM bottlef , nn4 nont ffonln * ei * , u alute , aj tlia ntmu of fumpanr llown In bottle. C3l'er oDlfftRtortlio Itnrky JUoutilalni feirepl tht Terrltaritti ) , unfttlo to rrocura Hfroui llielr tlekr § , r ( ili&\e tUUUaifU tent , lit plain r * t , unonrkeiJ.Kx * j.rBM chtrgei prtjulj , ty rriuiitliif tlx Dcllorilo The Dutfy Malt Whiskey Co.DaitImorcMd , Stint t trt it amp /or tor t'vfoili g rotttmptiem Form- ttlatc9nttttlng priHtlpallv vj raw btffittaiaml ottr wAi * ley , Enuatfyraluallf Jmligttt0Mt D rtcoitfTitfr&talt'tutla \ Viitattt , Jtcan i - < riti by 9 A'Bpothovcn Sonata , a llnch Cbomatlo Phan- Inslo , can only bo fully approclatod when rend orcd upon ono of your pianofortes , KicuAiiuVAQNKH , STEINWAY. LYON & HEALY , 1305 and 1307 Farnam Si , IT P. BOYER 4c CO. NairsSifii.Vaulis.Timilocks and Jal ! Wark. 1020 Faraam Street , Omabti , Neb. r'lu > mdW.nn. C Uau. tie. if ( < . LYQN.AHEALY , Chicago THE LOCAL OBSERVATORY , It Comprehends Interesting Metropolitan Mows from All Sides. LATEST PHASES OF THE STRIKE , Tlio Kiitlmslnsm of tlio Revivalist Luck nml Confidence In ft DOR AUnrdcti Oily Altlormnn on tlio Anarchical Strike in Clncnco. _ PrnctlcnllyKiilci1. _ ( _ Tlio Union I'nctlic brakemcii's strike U practically broken. At 11 o'clock yes terday the freight trnlns began to move out of Lanmtlo , with some of tlio old brakcmon on board , protected by .several deputy United States marshals. Depu ties were also scattered through the mob on the platform , fully prepared to quell any trouble. No demonstrations were made. By to-night nt the far thest freights will bo moving out ot find beyond Laramie with nocustomod regu larity. Ono passenger train moved through that place yesterday without being - ing interfered with by the strikers. Tlio men tlioro are weakening and arc ready and anxious to bo taken back. Gen. Supt. .Smith , however , has determined to adopt no half way policy with the men , and lie sent out instructions to all divis ion supcrintcmlcnts not to take back .those of the men who were engaged in the troubles. Ouly those who were not engaged in the demonstrations against tlio company , and who were retained from workinir through fear , will be taken back. This will throw out about 125 men most ot them brakcmon ou the Wyoming division A telegram received from Laramic yes terday state tliat.Noasliam , the prominent K. of L. man from Denver , is in the city , and has , it is understood , ordered the strikers back to work. Wllkcson , chief of the Urakemcn's brotherhood , passed through Omaha yesterday and will meet Ne.ishtun in Laramic. In that place tlio strike is nioro seriously felt than in any other. Tlio rolling mills have shut down on account of tlio hick of coke. At Uuttc , Montana , and Englo Rock , Idaho , the trouble has also been serious. Yesterday however , ovcrj thing was re ported quiet. Two brakcmon at Dry Creek grow obstreperous and drew load ed revolvers on a trainman. They were promptly arrested. At Biulc , the smelting people , and in fact tlio best classes of citizens generally are in sympathy with the Union Pacific , and say that the company nmi > t not give in to the strikers even if it takes thirty days to settle tlio trouble. Yesterday a telegram was received from Division Superintendent Dorranco at North Plattc , stating that the men ou the western Nebraska division were com pletely broken down and asking to betaken taken back to work. Between North Platta and Cheyenne , that gentleman says , the freight business is fully resumed.1 Between these ( joints everything Is cleared except nine cars of stock and twcnty-onu cars of "dead freight. " On the Nebraska division Iharoifiavo been no acts of violence on the part of the strikers and no outside assistance has been re quired in starting the trains. From this brief review of the situation it will bo seen that the company so far has decidedly the best of the fight. As already intimated , it will rid them of a very objectionable cla s of men on the Wyoming division , and to these the com pany will show no mercy. Already , on all except the Idaho divisions , all of the brakcmen who will be allowed to return to Nyork , have done so. On the Idaho division notices liavo boon posted up ordering such of the men as desire rein statement to report for Uuty before 9 o'clock Saturday morning. The strike is not without its ludicrous fiidq. From a telegram received from Assistant Superintendent Dickinson , it appears that he had three or four men arrested in Laramie Thursday afternoon tor pulling pins from the freight cars. When arraigned before a justice of the peace , those men perjured themselves , and not only bticccoued in clearing them selves but swore thatMr. Dickinson him self had done all the pin-pulling ! They oven wont so far as to swear out a com plaint against him on these grounds , but upon examination the justice concluded that the charges were false and released Mr. Dickinson. lAJCIv IN A DOG. A Gambler Tells of His First mid Only Mascotte. "I am not much on superstition my self , " said an Omaha gambler to a report er the other day , "but I do believe there is something in 'hide. ' Furthermore I believe that 'luck' influenced is by cer tain circumstances or combination of cir cumstances. At the same time , as I hinted before , 1 am inclined to laugh at those foolish little notions which some sporting men entertain , about picking up a crooked pin , meeting iv cross-eyed ne gro , etc. " "Four years ago , " ho continued , seeing that his auditors were getting interested , "when 1 was playing bank in Denver , I had a small dog. There was nothing ex traordinary in his appearance ho was nothing but a common mongrel cur yel low at that. Mlsfortuno had made him still uglier in one of uis numerous lights his oars had boon chewed ofl' , and a goodly section of his tail was missing , Whore I picked him up I don't know , i found him following me one day , and taking a strange fancy to him I pelted him and allowed him to remain with mo , Ho proved to bo my "Maseotto. " 1 found that whenever the dog was sitting under ( he table , cuddled up at my feet , that I could play a btrong game ; in fact that 1 never came out the loser. On the other hand if the cur was away for some reason or another , my luck would turn , and the tirst thing I know I would bo dropping heavily. Ono day 1 ran across a man whom I had known for ten years or more. I entertained a strong dislike for him , and I nave no doubt but that ho did for mo. At any rate wo f re- quently ran across each other in the dif ferent wostcra towns , and when wo met as opponents across the table the fur was bound to ily. For a week wo were pitied against one another , each plaving with the avowed intention of breaking the other up. I was for bcvon nights steadily the winner , and cleaned him out to the tune of $4,000 or STj.OOO. The next night 1 sat down with the intention of winning the hist cent ho had. But my old luck scorned to have left mo. Everything turned in my opponent's favor. I grow restless , and glancing at my foot noticed that Jack that the dog's name was not in his accus tomed place. I played on , and growing rccklcss.found before I loft the table that 1 hud lostiflCOJ , When I got homo that morn ing , I found the dead body of Jack under my bed. Ho had boon poisoned , end as I lirinly believe to this ; day , by my enemy. Yes , I played on for three or four days more , managing to drop every cent I had won. My luck imd.gqmptatoly deserted mo , mid it was weeks' audiuonths before it returned. And that is the sloiy of my lirst , last and only 'Mascottoi' " Work on the Barker building oil the' corner of Fifteenth and Pnruojii ifrcots' . has n ached the tirst story. OHUISTIAN UllUltCU. nEVlVAI * ' A Lnrao Audience Ycsjordny Even- ItiB "Tho Conversion of Saul. " The audience at the Christian church Thursday was the largest gathered dur ing the scries of meetings , and the Inter est Is evidently rapidly increasing. The discourse by Hov. K. C. Barrows was a re view of the conversion of Saul , and the course pursued was in many respects far from tlio boatcn track of theologians. Saul was an honest persecutor of Chris tians , following his conscience and strong In tlio religion of his fathers. All the progress - gross over made in the world Is made by getting away from and beyond tlio teach ings of our ancestors. Our ancestors of a few centuries ago were pagans' . Saul had a double experience. Ho was permitted to see Jesus that ho might bo a minister and a witness , " erin in other words , an apostle , but it was not necessary to sen Jesus in ordror to become a chrisU'in. When ho mot Jo.sus in the way ho foil on his faco. in accordance with oriental custom , and asked what to do. Jesus sent him to Damascus to learn from a man what ho "must do. " There nro no conversions without human agency. Although not instructed by the saviour to pray , some fasted and prayed until Ananias came to tell him what ho "must do. " The apostles never taught an alien slnnor to pray for pardon until he had first entered the kindgom of favor by faith , repentance and baptism. Ananias , finding Saul a. believing peni tent , told him to "arise and bo baptized and wash away his sins , calling on the name of the Lord. " Acts 22 , 10. The speaker sketched the life and labors of the great apostle to the Gentiles , closing with a pathetic description of the closing hours of his life and his oxcoution by order of Noro. The speaker hold the rapt attention of his hearers , and many favorable comments wore made at the close of the sermon. Rev. Barrow will preach every night until further notice. A CHICAGO ALDERMAN. "What lie llns to Say About tlio So cialistic KiOtH. Alderman William Wlialon , of the First ward , Chicago , is in tlio city , en route , with liis wife , to San Francisco. Ho is spending a day or so with a number of friends , and will shortly resume his journey to the Golden Gate. Speaking of the riots in Chicago Mr. Whalen said this morning that in his opinion the worst of the trouble was over. "I do not believe that there will bo any more scones like those of Tuesday night , " ho said. "The police have the situation well in hand. Ono thousand special policemen have been sworn in , and under Chief Eborsolo will bo used to good advantage. Yes , Kb or- solo is a good man , of course , though I do not think ho is an Austin J. Doyle by any means. Still ho understands what ho is about. " "The fact is , " said Mr. Whalen , in re plying to another question , "tho Chicago city government is partially to blame tor all this trouble. It has been allowing these socialists to hold their secret revolutionary utionary meetings , have their red flag processions in broad daylight , and in fact has given them full swing. If she had squelched all tids from tlio first , these scenes of terrible bloodshed and carnage would never have been enacted. Socialism has boon allowed to grow and ilourish. whereas it ought to luivo been stamped out from the beginning. Yes , Chicago has learned a terrible lesson , and from now on all her efforts \yill bo directed toward tearing out socialism , root and branch. " JIo Bought Two Tickets. Wm. Dysart of Waterloo .didn't go to the Nickel Plato circus. William came in on the early morning train with his girl , Emma , and took a stand at the cor ner of Fourteenth and Douglas waiting for the parade. During the delay the peanut vender , the gas balloon shark and numerous other fakirs got in their work upon William until the clink of the silver dollars in his capacious pocket was an unknown quantity. William feared ho wouldn't have money enough to get into the circus if he didn't ' escape from the fakirs , but he couldn't. Einnia stood there munching a stick of barber polo candy , toying with a balloon and blistering her nose in the summer's ' sun , and William's heart wasn't hard enough to break her dream of peace by a request to move on. Just as ho had re solved to attend to Emma's wants at any cost , his soul was gratiiiedby the ap pearance of a peddler selling tickets to tlio show. Ho yielded up a sil ver dollarfor two tickets. and. assuming the air of a bondholder , re solved to spend the rest of his Mirplus lucre to gratify Emma's appetite for sweetmeats , and lie did. At 2 o'clock a disconsolate looking couple wore seen picking their way through the crowd around the circus tent and heading for the depot. The young man chitchedncr- vousiy in his hand two advertising cards of u Fifteenth street restaurant. The young man was William Dysart. Welcome , Sir. A laboring man opened the door to the reading room of the Y M. C , A. n few days since , and after looking in a mo ment said : "I guess yon don't allow such as mo in hero , do you ? " "Why , sir , are you a 'dead beat' or a 'crook' ? " ubkcd tlio secretary. Ho straightened up to a full six foot two , and fired back with a vim these words : "No , sir , I'm not , but I'm an honest laboring man that earns my bread by the sweat of my brow ; that's what I am , sir , " and started to go. "Hold on. " the secretary said , "give mo your hand. Wo not only allow you to come in hero , but we invite and welcome you with all our heart. Wo delight to honor the honest laboring man. Wo invite - vito you to come often and brln your friends. All men are welcome hero ex cept 'dead beats' and 'cranks. ' These wu havno use for. " This gentleman now visits the rooms frequently. Wo have soyoral times hoard it said that the poor man witii common clothes was not welcome in the Y. M. C , A. room. The secretary says that if you belong to that class to como and try thorn , ana if they don't give you a cordial welcome , then judge them us they deserve ; but try them lirst. Moderation in Reducing Hour * of linbor. To THE EDITOH : On behalf of the car penters of Omaha , wo thank you for the article headed , "A Word to Working- men. " It takes in entirely our views of the shortening of hours of labor. Wo desire moderation and have the welfare of the city at heart , desiring only that wo may increase in our welfare and prosper ity in common with other citizens who may bo more wealthy , as on them our welfare , and in a measure also the future of the city depends. All we want is just and equitable rights. Hold to your opin ion that a fair compromise could bo made to accede nine hour * with ten hours' jmy. and so it would end this mat- tar amicably. Everything at the present time justifies shorter hours us a fact ucccdcd by all deep thinking men , as a step in the right direction , aud should be treated in a generous uud patriotic spirit. UO3IM1TTEE. It was rumored yesterday that a 5Wf.il boy had been. run O70r and seriously injured lihortly after the uarade , but nothing of the particulars have sa far boon ob tained. THE BF Fine Business Lots at the South End , and Beautiful Residence Lots ! In the north cnil of this Town. Two nml ono half miles from the Omaha pos office , 1,000 SLOTS These are Quarter Acre Lots. ( Taking Into consideration the streets and allcis ) , nnd nro sold . ' One Quarter Down , Balance In 1 , 2 nm ) 3 rcnrs at 7 per cent. The Finest Suburban Lots , Around Omnha. 550 foot nboro tha Missouri Ulvcr. Nowhcro else about OmaUa nro locatcl such hand- dome alto for Modest , Medium orKloaunt homos. iDTCittgato this > nil itscuro tome of this fine proptrty. Before a Higher Appraisement is made. DON'T liEMKVE a word of bis until von hnvo tboroughlr Inrcttlgatod It. Tlint this property Is only tire and ono bait miles from Omalm'a business center. That the nltltudo Is high. That the location Is ticnuttful. That maple trees nro planted on ouch nldo of the streets. That each lot contains 11,000 tqunro feet with SO foot allay. That the streets are 80 nnd 100 feet wide. That there arc- six dummy trnlns each way , besides the roirnlar tralni. That tbo street can nin to within ono half mile of tlioro. That the street cars will run there this year. Tlint the price Is ono third leas than Is asked for proparty tha stmi dlstinco In other Jlraelloai. That tbo lots are ana third larccr than most other * . That they are backed by a syndicate representing 110.0)1,033. Thauthcro has already boon expanded botvroon tl,033,0) ) uiiJ 5T ! ) W ) I. That there Is n line system ot waterworks , furnishing pura sprhu wator. Tlint the railways iilicontor tlioro. Thnt South Omaha Is n town of Itself. That It has Its own postoOlco. That It has Us own railway station. That It has Its own newspaper. _ In Fact It has everything to make the property the very best paying Investment In Ilcnl-r. tatn today. Look Into It. Examine It Carefully -Don't Buy a Lot. < " Until yea are convinced that there Is no posslblty of Incurring a loss. The bandsoino rcsldencollots arc ono mlle this sltlo ( directly north ) ot the UNION STOCK VAIWS whore are located tbo IzrimcK.se Dressed. Eeet , aaa. a. Beef Oazm.in.s- VThlch In ten years will bo the TjAHQKST INDUSTRY In the west and will miiko property worth per Too t what Is now asked for n lot. The drainage of the above Institutions Is perfect and flows south from tbo town THE ABOVE DESCRIBED LOTS ARE SIMPLY PERFECT. Any real osUtto agent will soil you lots. Man with horse and carriage nt tbo Cloba-Journal office , at the "Buinmlt , " South Onmlm , has maps nnd prlco lists and Is alwnys ready to show property. For further In formation maps , prlco lists und descriptive circulars , address , M. A0 UPTON , Manager MILLABD HOTEL BLOCK. Omaha , Nebraska. n A THE BESTTHREAD FOR SEWING MACHINES ! SIX-CORD 'SOFT FINISH SPOOL COTTON. Iull ) Assortment for sale to the Trade by VlftYARD & SCHNEIDER IS DFWEY & STONES' CM W V E ai IXt Va > i \ = t > ? 3 ELuV Oneof thG Best ari'l Larryest Stocks in the U.8. to Select from. No Stairs to Climb , Elegant Passenger Elevator C. E MAYNE , limm HEgL ESTATE DEALER , S. W. COI6. l th AXI > FAK.\AM , OMAHA. Property of ovorj' closcriptlon for silo : in all parts of the oity. Lunch lor sale In county in Nttbrnikii. A complete set of Abstracts of Titles of Douglas County kept. Maps of the City , Stuto or county , or any ether information dusircu furnisnuu frco of cliargo upon application. M. BURKE & SONS , ' LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS , GEO. BUHKK , Manujfer , UNION STOCK YARDS , OMAHA , NEB. REFERENCES : Merchants' nnd Farmers' Hunk , David Oily , Neb. ; Kearney .National Bank.Kearney. Neb. : Columbus State Hank. Columbus , Nub. { McDonald's IJank , North i'Jatto , Nob. : Omaha National Hank. Omaha. Nob. Win pay customers' draft with bill of ladlim attached for two-thirds value of stock WmNliE ! Khcae VITAllTvT ! f lllug. Drain IIIIAINKU and PSii\lffit3ilr : Power ' fiSiWfttWA8fe. ! - U ? r'2riKJ'irtu ? , . 1B.l.uJte ucctiABfullr lotroclucad bcrv. AMwwlenfiialo&seaai SSswSSSS JJffiiilfeKS J Mar lionfofllee orty mall ) with Mix tinUuLht doctors I Jll K * C1VIAIX AtiENCV. No. 174 Fultoa Street New York. ROSEWATER& CHRISTIE , CIVIL & m\M ENGINEERS Rooms 12 and 13 Granite Bock , Plani for Cltlpa and Tuws < rti epeolalty. Plans , Kstimates uml B jrnciitlona for 1'abllo and ether Engineering works furnlsliod. Burvoyii and Uoport made ou I'ubllo Iraprovomonta. ANUIIGW BosAWATKU. ilemborAmorlcar. Soolo Uly Civil I'-iitfluocri City Kng-lnoor of OiuuU * ta U CuiusTiE. Civil isiifflnocr. PENNYROYAL PILLS "CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH. " The OHvlnnl ad Only Ornulne. U ji B lUtle. n.winorwurtilf Imlutl'n , lallipcouklt to LADIES. Aik jour Uruultt M 'Oblth uler'i Emu * ! ! * o * k BO tbrr , er [ LiloM . W DI tot putloulus in tttttr by rtturm ma old by Ilrn t.l * nrrr hfr . i'k ' ' "Clilcht * ' I'cnnjroral 1'IIlfc Ttkt BB ttbu , WOODBRIDGE BRO'S ' , , State Agents FOR TJIE DeckefBra'sPianos Omaha , Neb. Horn ' Klcctra.UacnelU belt. TftMcombined. Ou&raoUedtbf oulooo la ttio world KirucrtUni cootluuous EttctrtoJS Itagntlli nt , Eolentltlc.l'OHerful - , Durable , - - - A STANDARD MEDICAL FORYOUNft AND MIDDLE-AGED MEN ONT.T st nr MATT * POSTPAID. SAMPLU rilUH TO KNOW THYSELF. < ffl tr , Norroni nnrt Phr rrematur * Decline In M nKrrnrs nf Vonlh , nnJ tin ) nmold miseries roiuHlnj from imlKcreUon and ox- costcs. X two * for oyor mm. yowne , mM > 1lo-isc1 nml old , . Itcontilns lUprr crl | > tlon < for nil acute an > l chrontcd | ci c'cachoi. ot which Is Invaluable. M > Jound tiytho author who o oTn rlonro Mr It yatnli * uch nMirotmbly noror Dororpfell tothn lot of miy imjuclnni * Opnirc9. bound In bountiful Kronen mat- ' /i. rmbowod covers , fc ! ! it.iniiirnntocdto | ho r > finer work In orcry fonnw-mpchnnlral. lltornry nnd rtr.if ov rlonal-thfinanr other worn In thu country forll.M. orthe money will bn refund In every Innnnco. Prhu onlr II by rnll , postpaid , lllmtr.itoil sample , rtU. B ndnnw , Hold medal awardsd tha author rirttia Na tional Modlcal Association , to the Hon. A. ] ' . limoll , and njjiwlato oinoors ot the boird the reader Is ro- ' Ih 9cl nroo7u'f0s [ worth more to too yoimunml mldrtlc-nosJ men of this BOnnratinn than nil thozoU jouru nun h T boon fatnl The Hctcnco at T.lfoUof irOMerTnlu * thunul motllcnl norni published In lm country for the pill fjtiTCiin. Atlnnts Constitution. The Science o ( UoU niimorb nnd milorlr troU- | io on nortoul nnd phjelcaf dobllltr. Datrolt Vta ) Addrenlha Ptnbour Madletl Institute , or Or 7. It , | * arkar.No. luUtlnot > itntt , Uotton , Mn s..wbo our beooninltodonitlldUMir qulrlniikll lanJeiporl- onoo. Uhronlonnd obslunt * UUomuj Unit Imvo but tled the ( kill of nil pthorutirslcmus n speclnltr. Hue trontPd miccosifiillr wllhoul on i nsUncnot fallura Mention Omaha IJrfo. Best Goods in the Market III. ' , . Ask for our jroocls and sec that the bcai * our trade mark , Cure without modi- A POSITIVE ; clno. I'utonted Ucto- borlO , 1870. Ono box will euro the niost obtlimto cnso In four days or loss. No nauseous doses of cubebs , copnlbaor oil of Bonilalwood that are certain to piodueo dyspon- Bla by de trovln r the coating of the stomach , Price 81.50. Sold by all druwijlsts or mailed on receipt of prlco. For further particulars sent forcircular. P. O. Box l.TO. j. c. .UL Nco. . , t > 3JohnBl. , Now York. luos-tU-Bntlvin&o Ur tlio Liquor ilnblt , I'oslllvly ( 'urccl l y Adntiiilstrrlng- . IBulnos' ol < loii HjM'Cillr- . It . .mi be given Inn cup of coiruc or tcnnltbont tUeUnowlcilKCof tbe person Inking It , U absolutely barmleas , and "ill cDuct a pcnnaiicntr.nd upecdy cure , wlictbfr the pntiont li n moderats drinker or \n nicouollc wreck. It 1ms been given In tliou. : ii.id3 of cases , and In every Instance fterfpct cure bos follow oil. It novrr falln The cyatcin once Imp cgiintcd with tliu HpocISc , It becomes nu utter Impoiallilllty for tbo liquor appetite tooxlnt FOR s.\rn v ronLowiKo DiiuoaisTS : KUHN Ac CO. , Car. tStli and Itiuclnn , and 18th iV C'uinlnc SIH. , OninbUi Neb. ' A. 11. FO.STKR A : Itlt\ ( , Council niufTn , 1'nra. Call or write for pamphlet contulnlne bundreda 0 ? tertlincnlal > from the t ) . : t vtuuiun und rueu treat alt rsrts of the tountrv. „ MEN" Tea nro allowed a freeMai of thirty dai/.i ot the me of Dr. Dye's Celebrated Voltaic Belt wltn Electrlo bun- pcnsory Appllnncea , for the speedy relief nnd per manent euro of A'crroiM Debility , loss of Vitality nnd Mantumd , aud nil kindred troubles. Aim for innuj other ( llTCasc. ? . Complete restoration to llealtb , VlKor , nnd Manhood tmnruntc.il. No risk Is Incurred. Ilium tratod pnrnphl tln ttfnlfit enivlnpc mailed frrc , by ad dressing VOLTAi O UEI.T CO. . Mur.boll. Mlcb- U.SB OK MOII : : AT WIIIII.I > AM : riiicii , 1 I'AV nil ejpi-i" ! rlmrKCs to all | lnH vlililn 3OD nlle . l.Ofn'onrrlflins to nelcct Irom Sendtwoccin itamp for Illustrated ciitnloiruo. Mention this jui per. L , G. SPENCER'S TOY FflGTORY , 221 W. MADISON ST. , CHICAGO. s : . _ . Is will bo received by thk O city of llustliit'ti , Nobrnskii , until 10 o'olo n a. in. Alny IS , USD , lor the ItiriitMilnsf.orcctlcir nnd ciimplutlon of u bvtloin of wntcr works too tln > c'lty of Hasting * , NebniMcu. S ilil hyriluni ol wulor works to bo furnished nnd built hi iiecoidance uith the | ) liun mill Kijclllcatoiiri | ! on Illn In thu olllco ol the City Cioikortlio clly or Hnitliijrs Nebr.iiku. 1'iopositU will tioiocclreilon a'iy or nil of the 1st KnrnlsliltiK and conipli'tlncr open well , or lshlinranil coinplotlnir tubular well symrni. " ( I FiiiiiNilnirninl coiiiiktlng | ccfjlno hoiiBO , boiler hoii'O and staeX lid Tin iihlilnt-- and complctln ; ; foundallon and lin-oof stand plpii. 4lhKiiiiilshln and complotinar Btanil pipe. Mh Kiirnlshlnif nnd setting up inacbliiuiy und holler * . -riiinislilnj ? onHl Iron plpo aud Epuclul cnsiliijis. 7tli rurnlshlng kitlamoln plpo. fth-Kuiiilchlim liyili nuts , K'atos and Riito boxes , Uth I'm nulling lead nnd oakum and o.Tcuvut- luff , anil I" ) liwplpos , hdr.uit * , Bines mid Kiitu boxes. Tlio contract price of Raid pyBtom of wutnr uorliH complolod not lo exceed the sum of olKlily thousand dollura. Hacli proposal limit be ncoompanloil with a Kood and Hiilllflent bond In the sum ot oiitithou. sund dolliirn on each of the Items bid on , as so- cjiity lor tliu llllhuof a ( food novuptiiblu mind tliounm of which eball not bo lo. 3 than lull amount of contract prlco. The City Council icscrves tlio rlglit to reject any or all bld or any parts of bids. 1'ruposaU should be addressed to J. D. Mines , City Clerk of Hastings , Nebraska , und marked "Proposals for Water Worlts. " Ily unlor of the City Council of Hastings , No * braska , this 2Ulh day of April , A. O. 1830. Hidden may submit their own plans and specifications with methods for obtuliunii iiiimp * luff and storlux the nooosmiry wutor supply , but In ovcry case the plan of pipe , hydiants , valtes , Aa , to icumln tbo same an per plans und sped. llcatloria now on Illu In the olllco of tlio Clly Clerk with Ilia undorBtundlni ; that the CliyCoun * ell will not pay f r any plans and specifications furnished by bidden ) . 8. BAMUni. AI.BXANIKlt , Mayor. J. D. Ml.Nfcs , City Clot a. aprdlflt ESTABLISHED USED IN ALL OTEIi 200,000 , PARISOFTHE SOL.D ; WORLD rotaloguosnurt I'rlrcjon application. Ho4dby all the best Carrlnnn ) liilliUjn < uiid Dculcro , UINC1NNATI , V. S. A. CnUlu Addivu. COO CIN , TIMKEN SP VEHICLES. CVEk 400,000 IN USE. n lmt BldlDC Tcblcle made. vitUtmn per on A o. Tbe - _ g to the wol curt. liqaiUy vrll Bdapll-d la rouub couolry road , und line drive * ulcltic . Alunururlurcd und bold lif I1 leadlaK CarriiUio Uullder * and Dealer * CHICAGO * NORTH IH mMVffotf Omaha , Council Bluffs And Chicago Tfi p only rend lo tnkn for DCS Momm , Mar- Im Itown , Ceilnr llnpl.ls . , Clinton , DIxlo. Chlciura. Milwaukee nml nil point * onsU To the people o { Nobrnskn , Colorado , Wj-omlnf , Utah. Idaho Noviulu , Oregon , \Yn hlnrton anj California it offers superior mlrnntncrcs not posMblp by nnf ether line Among n row of tlio numerous points ot supo- rlorlty unloved by tbo patrons of thu rend between - twoon Onwliu undCblcaro , tire Its two trains a dny of DAY COAUHKS which nro the durst thn liunmn nrt nnd Ingenuity onn orcato. It * I'Aln ACi : St.KKl'INQ OARS , whlcn nro model * nf comfott nnd oIi'Rnnoo. Its I'AKLOU DRAWING KOOM OAKS uiuunmsstHl bynnr.nnd IMvrldo. ly coiotirntod I'AluYTIAL DINING CAHS , liiu equal of which cannot bo found clflowhoro. At Council Illuttrt the triilnn of tha Union PACV. flo Ily. connect In Union Depot with thereof Ilia Chicago A Northwestern tty. InChloilffo tha trnlin or this line mnko oloso oonnuotlon wltii thosoof nil custom linos. For Dot roil , Columbus. Indianapolis , Cine In nntl , Nlnimrn Fa IN , Iluffnlo , Plttaburpr. Toronto Montrnnl , lloMon , Now York. PhlladoluMa. Unl- tlmore.WiishliiRton nnd all points la the east , * jic tbo ticket agent for f lokon via the "NOKTIMVK8TRKN. " If you wlshtho host accommodations. Allttoket H.B.IIAIB. donor * Jluni > Korinn Gen. I'ass. AtronU inn n Chicago Milwaukee & St. . Paul The SliortLine j and Best Route From Omaha to the East. TWOTHA1N3 DAILY IIBTWCUN OMAHA AND Chicago , Minneapolis. Milwaukee , St. 1'anl , Codiir ItupidJ , Diivjnporc , Clinton. Dubu < iuo , Uockfoid , Hock Island , Fruoport , Jimosrlllo , Klein , Madison , La Crosjo , lU'lnlt , Winonn Audall other Important points Cast , Nortuu.u and Southu.ut- Tlckot onico at 1401 Fnrnain sti cot , ( in I'axton Hotel ) , nnd at Union 1'aclllo Depot. Pullman tflcoporri find the Finest Dining Cm In the Woild in u i mi on the main lines of the CiiicAooMit.\vAUKii&Sr. : : 1'Attr. ituiiWAr.iitui ovury attention Is paid to imisoiigurs by courte * ouaumployos of the company. II Mir.LKii , Uunuml Manager. J.F. TUCKUII. Assistant aoncrnl llfinaoror. A. V. II. CAiii'KNTUit , General Piwaougor al Ticket Affont. QKO. K. HKAFtouD , Assistant Oouorall'nssoB Eor and Tlckut Acont. MHO 19 UNACQ MINTED WTM | THE OEOCRAPHY OF Till ! COUNTRY WILl BEE BY EXAMINING THI1 MAP THAT THE CHICAGOROCKISLMOa PACIFICRAiLWAV Urrenion of Ita control position andclo'n relation to El I principal lines Cant anil vfoft. at Initial anil If r- ziilnal points , ronstitutnt the most Important inl& continental UnU In tlmt nvHtain of throtiili trnntpor. Cation wblrh lilTltus anil ruoliltnlrs tra\el unit ttAllIa lietwpon rltle of tht Atlantla nnd I'acino C'oailn it is also the favurltu nnil lipit mute to nnd fioin point ) Ka.Rl , NnrttioBot anit BouthonNt , and currLeponulntf points West. Northwest and Bouthwebt. The Croat Rook Island Route Guarantee IU pttronn that cn o of personM Been , rlty nlToicle.l by a w > MJ > IhoroUKlilr bulliitml raail. , . . . , . . , , . . _ l > nt. Rninntli trnr > u. r\T .lAtirltinnii utf > l .nil „ > t rnl operation if all Ha tialnt. Other tncclallllt M * route nro Irnntten nt all connecting uolnu union Dq > ot . und the ilnturpoBscd comforts aad luiiirlesor Its I'.utBontor l jnlpmcnt. The Kmt Kjir K Trains botwfen Clilrdpo pj Penrla , Council 111 I Ufa , Kanwu ritr.t avrnwnrth niij AtrhUuTi ar compoifd 6f well VdlHIIXlrt. llnsly ur * holntroj VAT CoaolKx. JlntnlUcfnt I'ullrunn I'uIaA BlecptMHor ttio IntoHt ilcHln ( , and euiniituouN IJtnlnflr Caw , In which elahorntolr cookfi ] inenlsnrtt lefmnelr tnten Hct cenCI > leit n and KuiiMsG'llymiilAlihlaoa are aUo inn ( ho Oclubralrd llecllnlni ; Chair Can. The Famous Albert Lea Route I ; the direct nnd f rorlto line between Ohlcnirnand MlnilfopollsandSt I'nul , wliein connectloninrelnad In Union llepota for all polnln In Ihn Trrrltaile * and MrllUh I'roilmoj. O\ci lliU route Vnn Kiprea * Tralnn nro run tu the watetlni ; iilncvn , runinii- ; - Boru. plctuic 3nno Inrnllilps , arid bnnilnK > " > Hrlilnl ( Jioiiihljof lawn nnd Jlliinomln. It in ulcu tlio niOBt drilrnUIn rnutn to tliu rldi hent llclds nnd puitorid lanilint Interior D/ikoli HUM anoilii-i DIIIKCT LINK , via Bfnjen nnd , K K. , linker , hut iiiun < > | ienud l > . 't\rit-n cnii Innntl. IdnlmN ntml sand Lnrnteito. anil Council Jiluire , KanetiCltr , WuiloapollsniiilNt I'.iul and intc-rinedU.e lioliili. 1'nr di'tallmt liifonnatlon tua .Mapi and I'olilari , olitnlnililo , n > vi.i | nt lioltcU , at all principal TlcVoi Ollkci In thu Unilod Utatca mid C'auaCai or by id- R. R. CABLE , E. fT. JOHN , I'nc't ' ' ' A : Otn'l Jl'n'r , _ _ _ _ _ HAMBURG -AMERICA ! 3aolcet A DIIIUOT UNB FOIC Esmlend , France & Germany. Tbo8tuamshlp9of tills well known line uro Inillt of lion , In wntor-tlKht coininutinonta , and niu fiinilslHxl with every ioiiilsllii | to miik.i the putriiuro both sulo anil uurei'iiblo. Tlioy uurry tliu Unitoil Stilton nnd Dunipniui mtilN.nnd lonvo Now Vork Thursdays nnd Baturduys for I'lv. mouth. ( IlNUO.\Cl.orbiiUf1l'AUI8 ) ) ! ( mid HAIL ' ( he KteamcrH leave Hamburg Woilnosdavs ami HundayH , vim Hnyro , taking rasnirursut tioutlimnploit uml l.oiulon. Kant oublii $ V ) , fUJ and fT5 ; SUHirn o f3\ Hallioad Hclicis iroin riymoutltlo lirlbtol , Car * illir , l.uiKldii , or to any place In Ihn Houtli oC 1'iiKliiinl , I'HUK. HtooriiRO liom ljuropo only f25. Bend for "Tourist ( liiiclti' . " C. II. UIUIIARD&CO , , 01 I ! road way , Now Vork : WiitliliiBton and Lit Bnllo ts. CblciiRO , III. Red Star Line Carrying the Holfliim Koyal and United Statol Jlull.eullliijf ovt-ry l-'utunluy Betwiftn Antwerp & Now York TO THE RHINE , GERMANY , ITALY , HOLLAND - LAND AND FRANCE. SPIUNfl AND HI'M-MI'.H II.VTKS ; Salon from $0) ) to (10) ) . Kxcurslan trip from till ) to $160. HeconiJ Cubin. uulwuid , i piopiilil , ! ' > ; oxfiiNlon. f'.O. BlooniKd l > asiijii at low laics. 1'otor WilK'lit & . Sons , Ocinorul AHOIIIH , D5 llroadway.-Now i'ork. Oiniiha , NubnuKu , Frank P. . MoorosV . , 81 , It & V. ticket _ " DBEXEIT& M AUL , ( BuoooBsors to J. O. Jacobs , ) UNDERTAKERS , AND EMI3ALMEHS. At tbo old stand , KU7 FarniunSt Orders by tcU'triiipliRollulUid aud promptly atecu | u to. Telephone No.aiA _ _ _ ES'J'AULISHEU 1870. LincolnSteamDyeWorks W. . HOHEKTSON , Pron'r. Olllco Ko. 1105 O 81. , Work * S.R. Cor. F. & QUi. Lincoln , Nob. UonU' Clothlujr Cl ganed and It palied. _ Allf ltrilM. . | K m > lk > U < aa4quickcuril. TrUl ; | > U . . UK. 8 ai ) uinp c e U v fllcol Dr. WARD & CO. . M