' THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : FBIDAY , MAY 7 , 1880. Y WHOLESALE AND JOBBING oo ? COUNCIL BLUFFS. itT3. DEEKE , WELLS & CO. , WllOlOSalfl Agricultural Implements , Buggies , _ Cnrrlnrcs ( , rte , Etc. Council 'Huffs , town. KEYSTONK MANUFACTURING CO. , Corn Shele3 ! , Stalk Cutters , DlecIIarrows , Seeders , Corn Planters , Food Gut ters , Kto. Factory , Hock Falls , Ills. Nog.iroi , . , miJ'Mi , 1507 Main St. . Council Hint's. DAVID UUADLKV & CO. , Mnnuf'rs nnJ Jobbers of AgrlCDltnral Implemenls.Wagons . , Buggies , Carriages , and nil kinds of Farm Mnohlnorr. 1100 to 1118 South Mnln Street , Council lllurfa , Iowa. AXE P.O. ar.iusoN , T. n.Douo'AS , OEO.P. WittmiT. Prcs.&Trcns. V.-Pros.&Man. BoaACounsol. Council Bluffs.Handle Factory , ( Incorporated. ) Manufacturers of Axle , Pick , Sledge and Small Handles , of every description. CAKPKTS. COUNCIL BLUFFS CAUl'ET CO. , Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades , Oil Clolfn , Curtnln Fixtures , Upholstery Oood * , Eta No. 403 Ilroadway Council Uluffs , _ Iowa. _ _ CIGARS , TOBACCO , ETO. _ PEUEGOr & MOORE , Wholesale Jolbors In the Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes , Nog. 28 Main and 27 Pearl SU. , Council town. SNYDER & LEAMAN , , , Wholcsalo Fruit and Produce Commission Merchants , _ No. 14 Pearl St , Council illuHs. _ _ CRACKKRS. _ McCLUUG CRACKER CO. , Manufacturers of Fine Crackers , Biscuits and Cakes , _ Council Dlnffi , Iowa. MAURER & CRAIG , Importers&JobborsofCrockeryGlasswara , Lamps , Fruit .Tari , Cutlery , Stoneware , IJar Goods , Faiioy Goods , lite. Council Iliads , Iowa , DtluaaiSTS. HARLE , HAAS & CO. , Wholesale Druggists , Oils , Paints , Glass , Druggists' Sundries. Etc. No. 22 Main St. , and No. 21 1'oarl St. , Council Bluffs. cier GOODS. M. E. SMITH & CO. , Importers and Jobbers of Dry Goods , Notions. Etc. Nos. 113 nnd 114 Main St. , Nos. 113 and 115 1'oarl St. Council Ululfs. Iowa. _ FltUlTS. _ o. w. uu'rrs , Wholesale California Fruits a Specialty .General Commission. No. 513 Broadway , Council Bluffs. 4 v ' . ; WIRT d DUCjUE'lTE , ' Wholesale Fruits , Confectionary & Fancy Groceries. Nos. 10 and 18 Pcnrl SU , Council muffs. aitOOEltlKS. L. KIRSCHT & CO. , Jobbers of Staple and Fancy Groceries , Also Wholesale liquor Dealers. No. 410 Broadway - way , Council Bluffs. P. C. DE VOL , Wholesale i f Hardware , Tinware , Gasoline Stoves , Refrigerators , etc. Nos. G04 Broadway , and 10 _ Main Btroot , Council HlutTg. _ _ IIAltXESS , KTO. _ DECKMAN & CO. , Manufacturers of and'Wholosulo Boilers In Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc. No , Ka Main St. . Council lllulTa , Iowa. _ HATS , CAPS. ETC. ' _ _ _ METCALt' 1WOTIIEIIS , * I Jobbers in Hats , Caps and Gloves. Nos. 813 and 314 Ilroadway , ConnQll Bluffa. ICEELINE & FELT-4 Wholesale Iron , Steel , Nails , Heavy Hardware , Aijil Wood Stock , Council Illulffl , Iowa. HIDES AND WOOL. IX II. McDANELD & CO. , Commission Merchants for Sale of Hides , Tallow , Wool , I'elts.GroaKoimd Furs Council muffs , lowu. COUNCIL BLUFFS OIL CO. , Wholesale Dealers In Illuminating & ' Lubricating Oils Gasollm . HJTO. , EJTO. S. Theodore , Agent , CounuU Illuffa. Iowa. LVllllKR , PILING , ETC. A , OVERTON & CO. , Hard Wood , Southern Lumber , Piling , * * .ud Bridge Material Siioclaltlog.Wholusnlo Lum ber ot all Kinds. Olnco No. 130 Jlulu BL , Council Bluffs. Iowa. H'lKES LJQVOHS. JOHNWholesale Wholesale Imported and Domestic Wines & Liquors. for fit. Gottuaro'8 Jlcrb Blttors. No. 13 Mnln St. Council Ululls. SCHNEIDER & BECK , Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors , AU CO ) JM III St. , Council lilufft. N. SCHUBZ , Justice of the Peace. Omco Over American Express Company. DUVIOSU nnANDOF STRICTY PURE IBSD , ZIHCJ1IDOIL Are nbiolutely pure , ns roprewntort. One gal Ion will cover two hundred and lirty tquura feet two cents , mid will stay on longer than uuy other paint manufactured. Forsulu by DEPARTURE Jlcssrs. Ilnrkucss Bros , will this day plnco on snlo tlio below cnnincrntcd nrtlclcs besides iiunicrons others at prices that will surprise everybody , 1'hcy are- GenuineBargains Towels. Tidies , Splashers , Handker chiefs , Japanese Fans , Hatchets , Bas kets , Portemonnalos , Voces , Plates , Card anil Frnlt Baskets. Tin Hates , Doll Babies , Plo Plates , Wash Pans , Crumb Pans aud Brushes , Dish Pans , 3111k .Palls , Work Basket , Glass Dishes , Comb Racks , Pocketbooks , Feather Fans , Hosiery , Macrame Cord , Flour Sifters , Hat Racks , Haniuiers.Tapancso Screens , Collar Buttons , Mucilage , Marbles , Blank Books , Turkish Towels , Scrub bing1 Brushes. Coal Shovels , Baby Bibs , Wooden Spoons , Hair Crimpers , Roll ing Pins , Transparent Slates , Agate Buttons , Collars , Jewelry , Estabrook's Steel Pens , Lace Collars , Spool Cotton , Baby Rattles , Hair Nets , Clothes Lines , Table Salts , Base Bulls , Match Safes of all kinds , Glass Cups , Tin Dippers , Tin Btfckots , Mosaic Match Holders , Sauce Pans , Looking1 Glasses , Perfumery , Castile Soap , Shoes Blacking , Meat Forks , Toilet Soaps , Stove Blacking , Wall Pockets , .Harmonicas , Boxes of Slate Pencils , Willow Baskets , Black- inrr Brushes , Pearl Buttons , Silver Thimbles , Frying1 Pans , Hick-rack Braid , Table Outlcry , Combination Russian Leather Toilet Sets , Pins , Laces , and every article yon can think of. All to be on sale to-day. Every body go and pet a chance to select early as the stotik is all'iiew and where Bargains for ' 5c WORTH 75e- and $1,00 $ , Arc to be found , they do not last long. No. 401 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA DEALKKSIN DRY GOODS , -Etcv : Etc. HOTEL. Oirclcii House Itntcs on and after May lt will bo $5i.OO and $2.5O Per Day , Excnptlng front parlor rooms. Day Board , $25 Per'Month. 1J. SII.LOWAY. Prop. MAUIC.DURVEA , Manager , Council llluflp. ONLY' HOTEL In Council Bluffs having Fire lEsosu-pe And all moaorn Improvements , call boys , flro alarm bells , etc. , Is the CREST ON HOUSE I Nos.215,217 and 219 , Main Street , MAX MOHN , Proprloto B. BIOE , M. D. or other tumors removed without the knlfo or drawing of blood. CHRONIC DISEASES of aU kinds a Bpoola\ty. \ Over thirty years' practical oxpodonaa. No. llTcnrl Street , Count 11 lllulti KURi Locking Bracket for Fences ' AND OTiUitt.BAILS. HODS , isi'c. 'FENCES' UUILT WITHOUT HAILS. Any part readily taken out or replaced. For picket or rail fences , iron orwpod , cannot bo ex celled for railing of nny sort. For particulars write C. J. HKCKMAN , Inventor. Council muffs. Stntb and county rights for enlo. STEAM DYEWORKS MRS.C.L.GILLETTE'S ' 1IAIR GOODS STORE No29. Main St. , Council Bluffs , Opo. Postofflca TDOS. orncin , M , F. F. Pusuv OFFICER & PUSSY , BANKERS COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Eltabllshod 1S57. RINK LIVERY STABLE. First-class Accommodations In Bvnrytbltiff Per taining to the IJvoiy Dueluess. Finest Landau in the City FOB , LADIES VISITING. Hoarding a specialty , Telephone ITS. FIELD & COLE , Props. PEARL STREET RINK STABLE. U W. TULLEVS , Pros , ft KVAKS , Vloo-Pros. N. UJIOWN , Caslilor. National Bank 103 MAIN STREET , Capital $100,000 Authorized Capital 250.00C Stockholders Represent 1,000OOC Do n K0r.er l banking buslntu. AccoUnti of bank * , baukors , merchant * , man. ufaoturcr * and InJlTiduala received on favora- bio tct'int. Domostloana forolgn exchange. The very best of attention glicn to > U bust not * committed la earp r . SPECIAL NOTICES. Adrcrtlscmentsundor th shoad 10 cones per 1 no for the first Insertion. T cents tor each subsequentIniorUon.nml S1.5C a line pormonth. No advertisement tnkcn for less than 25 oonU fortho first Insertion Bcrcnirords wlllbo ooan ted to the line ; they must run oonsooutlrcly nd inuitbo puld In ndranee. All ftdrerttso- nionts must be handed la before 3 o'clock p. m , and under no circumstances will they bo tak en or discontinued by telephone. TartlcsadvertUInu In those column * anflMr- Inptho answers addrowod mcnro of Tin ? Ben , will plcaso ask for chock to enable them to got their letters , nanono win bo delivered except on presentation of chock. All answers to adver tlsotncnts shouldbo enclosed In envelopes. TO BOAJf-MOITEY. $ 160,000 to loan on city residence property _ Oco. W.Uay , 14C3 Farnam. KB TiNKV to"loan on * cTiBttoTToT any dcscrTp" tlon In sums or f 10 and upwards nt reason- iblo faipi' . City I < oanf anil Mo'rtirago Co. , Hoom 5,1404 Farnam nt. , opposite Taxton llptolL.8jj | MONKY to loan nt rcasonnblo rates on horses , furniture , watclla' and other per- soiinl property without removal. Small pay- npnts taken at nny time nnd Interest reduced n proportion. 1liiKlnoMconlldontl.il. C. J.Cas. well , Hoom 1ft , Iron Hank llulldln ? , U'th nnd l- nam. Take elevator. 400 , MiTNKY To loan on improved farms or rcsl dcnco lots , on ono year's time. Homo Fire nsurnnco Co. . 1515 Douglas St. 1S3 IVTONEV TO tOAN On fpuldcneo tiropcrty , Lu. s percent No commission. , C. J. Coswell * Co. , itooni 19 Iron Hank Building , lath and "nrnam. " -To * . w $ 3Oooo to loan. Sums * * and upwards. P Lowest rates , ncmls , 15th , and Douglas sts. nooooo to loan on t > usinc < 4 nnd. $ property In Bums of 51,000 and upwards. Ames , iwn Hwrnam sU 938 TO IjOAN Money m nny amount On all clnsf.08 of security. Bhort time loans on real ostats. Ixinir tlmo loans on real ostato. Moncytn loan on chattels. Money to loan on cnlMtorals. Money to loan on any Rood security. Terms enpy , tlmo to unit. Apply nt the Omaha Financial Kcchanw , Ilarkor's building. SW corner of Fifteenth nnd Farnam sts. upstairs 611511 ( JfiNT M'oncy to loan on real citato Jlortunpos and bonds boURht. Jlnlionpyi Harris. Hoom 11.1BTO Farnam. S.Pmfl * MONKY for everyuodyt Vou can borrow money on furniture , her es. watroni , plj.nos , flock of all kinds , diamonds nnd tine watches on your own tlmo. Payments received Bt any tlmo , and Interest reduced pro rum. Property left In your own possession. Terms w ns the lowest Call nnd ROO ino. nuRlness confidential. Nondvantntro taken. W. It. Croft , Room 4. Wlthnell's Now HulWJng , Northeast cor ner 16th and Hnrncy. " _ . U- 'ONKY TO T.OAN 6" K. Davis & Coo Heal Estate and Loan agents , ' " o MONEY TO l OAN-On freed securities. A McO avock , room 7 Rcdlok Block , 1609 Farn nm St _ _ 0 < * . > ONKY TO I.OAN On real estate nnd chat M tola. D. ! > . Thomas. M5 MMONKY MONKY TO LOAN In sums of fSOO nnd up. wards on tlrst-clnss real estate security. Potter & Cobb. 1B1B Farnarn St VM LOANKI ) at a F. Koed & Co'B. Ixia MONKY , on furniture , pianos , horsos. wajjon personal property of all Kinds and all other nr flolesof value , without removal. 319 H. nth. over ninchnm's rommlssion store. AH bus- nosa Btrlotly confldontal. ( " 7 BUBIVSSS CHAHOE3. FORSAT.E Moat matkct , includlnor build ings , team nnd ovcrjthlnoc complPto. Will uxchnngo tor cltv property or land in Nobrnsku inqulroof E. FUlnijcr. _ 523 SAI.K One of" the best lostnurnnt * In FOR the city : splendid locution : peed trade ; terms very reasonable. Hljgins Parko , 337 oil SAI.i : Or trade for Omaha ronl ostato. n small steck of millinery. Address H57 , Bee olllco. : t.'l-7 * T7IOK SAT.15 A very choice 1,00(1 aero Kansas JP ranch , stocked with ohcup , Address D. C. MoKnyaiiisUcgon , Mich. P.'i7-6 * Foil 8AIi-Or : Kent To the the right man n first-class butrhors business in n good town. Poor health the only rau = o for making the change. Write to H. Ij. Strong , Konrnoy , Nob. 141-7 _ TjlOU SAI.K Aflrst , class Imlcory. rcslaurant JP and confectionery stand In a town of Bovcn thousand Inlmbltunts. ImiulroofrP Knv i : Co. , Omaha. fS'l-8 FOIi SA1.1I In flrst-clnss locntJoii , grocery stock nnd fixtures : gnrnlt capital ronuiroil : rent low. Inquire nt drugstore , lOtn nnd Douglas. 7S7 FOR 8AI.K S3.CXX ) will buy n froncral stools of goods together with the iroorl will ofti woll-cstnblUlied and flourishing business in ono of Madison county's be. t towns. Unlanco of payment on very lIDornl terms. Hemon for Foiling sntlsfiietorlly pi von on application. Ad dross T. I ) , ic Co. . lleo Olllco. < W8 F Ion SAI.i : Cheap , u milk dairy. Soldcn Hros. . 524 S. 13th st C85 T7 OIl BAI.K Coittor , show cases nnd stock JT of Mrs Folgor's fancy store at 303 N ICth st. Bliort time only. 417 Foil 1CXCIIANO13 Plocksoriroodsof every kind , for farms and land ; also lands to exchange - change for goods. If you want to trfldo , no matter whnt It is you have , write , with full do- Bcrlptlon , to C. E. Mayno , real ostnto broknr , Ojimha Neb. 1G3 _ \ rANTEI > roovcliaunn for stoeJc of hiinl- ware nnd genc-rnl merchandise , WW ncroiot fine Thnyor Co.Nob. , land : 5 lots In.Genoa. Neb. , good store bnildlnir ( best corner ) : goo I dwelling ( host location * In HSSO.Y. In , also 81 acres V mlle from lown of Hssox , In. , aoo.lo'l In blue Brass. For further particulars nddrnss John Undorliolm Central < ; iiv.i -I3KUSONAT. "Uttlo One. " write nirali | . JL Yonrt received to lute tf > pae jtnuj ( $ 28th. I. a . ! _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ s"-ri * _ PKIlSONAIv A pontloman , strnniror In the city , woil'd llko to meet n young l.uly. Ob ject fun and socml mmisomcnt. Address K GO , carlils ofllco. a.V'M" ' Neat tind tiisty.nil-wool bust- A ness'suits for only 4T.iOn. ' * .AIl f QSMn" orders tilled. li. O. JOIIM-.CO. , 1309 Vurnam. PKItsoNAT. To persons wnoi wish to build n (101110 ( In Orchunl Hill , I will sell .lots upon mo nt of the noinlnuljum oC ten aollioi nnd Gay at the end of flvo ynnra. Intoro.t at H per cent , jiaynblo fioml-annunlly. This 1 ? the post oiler over miulo to any homo-seeker In this city. Ciillnnd seomo. " ( ! E. Mayne , S.-W. cor. ] 6tnnnd Fnninm. C7 F Ion liUNT-ltoom iind'ho rd for two. mil Capitol nvo > ( ' - ' 142' I.OST. . T11AVKU While cow and calf ; also ono red cow. Information inniislioj to K. A , , 01 N lUth st. , will bo rownrdcd. 3jB LOST Two roau ponies : largest pony boa diamond binnd on hlncl iiuurtcr. 10 ri < > - ward lor their ictuni to James clson , N. > N cor. 27th and Davenport. 141-fl * TOUND. TAICI'.N DP-3 calves nt II. W. Hall's , nortl end Ifth st. 374-B * /TV.1KKN UP Dark bay mnro. white rl ht J. hind foot , white star forehead , stripe 01 nosa. Paul Th lesson , llurr Oak udd. , west o Quuley's BOnp factory. 118-28 rpAKKN UP One sbeop. Owner can Imvo 4. eame by proving property nnd paylnir cbargw at 318 a 10th etApr 23-29-M y 0-13-3 Dll. AltCHHUlato of tbo firm of Archer Albright & Ayloa worth , and William Fitch , the ice dealer , have formed o partner ship lo do u Konoroi real estate business 01 commission , and would cordially Invite all their friends lo list their property with us. Archer & Fltcb , 21ti .S. 15th Bt. Telephone 274. 300 A WKKK uuslly made ut homo ; pleas ant work for ludlcs und gciitlauicn ; no canvusslng1 ; sent ! "u for circular. Clironotypo Co. , Don von 311-y' THK best bariraln in inside property In Omaha , Is T , ( J. Staluy'a , west end Oildwel etrocu Inquire on proicfaoa. 1276 * > IIIVV und cesspools cleaned by K. Kwinff , P O. Ilex 427. C40uiy " GAItUKNINti Al ! kinds of gtrdon work done by a practical giirdcuor. Frank Nlmtz im B. 10th bt. lillmi * F ( ll KKNT A store on n good rctull street Apply the Omaha Koal Estate and jUoui VAI. 107 TTlon nKNT-Squaro Piano , f3 monthly. JJ ? Hospo. 1813 Douglas. Ml Fen UKNT-Squaro Piano , f I uoathly. A. Hospu , 1513 Douglas. _ 010 Tnon IlKNT Organs , $ S per mouth. Hospo K 1513 Douglas. DU ) TOB Fen SALE Household furniture , bone bufgy liftrnesa , saddle , oto : will soil cheap Inquire 1(110 ( Vurnnu. yiO-a FOIt IAI.C-Flu * innro pony , Elnglo or dou bio driver ; alto slnglo bujffy ; bargain. Cull or address H15 Jouoa. * JI-S * Fen SALE llakcry and confectionery In n rapidly growing town of the liMlthloH part of NcnrnsXn , It would pay very well to Combine It with riHtnurnnt. Good reasons for nlo Riven. . App\y \ to Chas. Gastyro , bov CO , b . Futnlturo nn < l Dvturos complcto In seven-room' house ! homo can bo rented orfnntno : M'fllinso self moat market or rent bo Mimo. Cnlllor address 1K4 Howard streou Omnlin , Nob. 3T7-12. oil j-Jcroom set , Rood as now , at a bargain. Apply 9(0 ( Wlionton st. 034 till SAI.K-Afc'itty shares Nebraska and lown If 1 Insurance jaoiajmny'8 stock , also fifty shares Voslorn Home "Insurance company's stock. I A. Miller , Couiicll lllulH , Ulff-12 Foil SAI.I : clienp My hotel flxturos , or will trndc for other proporty. Call or ad- lrc 9 Omaha House , Hftrnoy , between 12th and 3th streets. 80MO POIt SAT E Tlnwnro snd steve business ; tlnshopconnected. Address KOI , Hcoofllco. 271-8 * F OK SAT.K 13 stand boos cheap : west end 3 Caldwcll street. 2H-8 * J oit SALK Wo olTcriD03-yoar-old stccra , 1 KM 2-j-oar-old steers , HOO l-ycni-oltl strei 8 , 400 hccfcra nnd cows , mostlr coming on. The uho\-o cuttlo are Rood straight lown and ) akotastock. Htraugo Bros. , Sioux City. 7KVIU20 FOK SAI.K Or trade. Ono now ffl 1L P. Iloilcr and 2 } It. P. Knslno. Will sell cheap foroash or trade for doslrablo real ostato. AU rlroM Oco. A. Fry. Dcnanco. Iowa. C39 POK SAI.K A 5-horso power boiler nnd on- glno cheap , at Omaha Safe and Iron Works. JHOmayT Foil SAL.U Ono good horse , 1010 Fnrnum. 300 7\OIISAI.E \ Sauaro piano , ( SO , monthly pay- - mania. Hospo , 1513 Douglas. BOf FOR SAT.K Match teams and horses ot al kinds to milt customers at Star Sale Stables , 20th and Cumlnir. M. Cannon , Prop. .77 ? IJIOIl SAI.K A now steam rollur mil ) In No. 1 J- business locality : tlno wheat country : but Ittlo competition : $17,500 ; cost more * , w. II. aroon,21.i813th SL ' 82 F OH SAr.K Unrlcfht piano , $19J , monthly paymonta. llospo. 151H Dauglas. PQ3 Foil 8AL.K Doilrobln fl-roo-n houio and full lot on irrndoiallln splendid condition. Call nt HOT S. nth st BI4m22 WANT1H-rjDMAtE WANTIJn A inirso ulrl. Apply at once nt J. G. Willis , North KM and Lakestioct Pnko srccn cur. 379-7 'ANTKD A good girl for geiior.il liouso- woik. 1009 Fnninm. ,3J7-S W ANTIM ) 17 ulrls for Konornl housework ; liood wa o1 ! . Nebraska Kmi > lo > ment , 119 10th st. nnd Cupltol avc. 375 WANTii : > Good girls for Bonornl house < wort , first and si-cond woik : good places , peed wniro and no chnrtrcs. Call at Onmba Employment llutoaii , 1120 Karnam. 370 W ANTKD Several girls for cooking nnd Bonoral housoworK. 335 N 10th 3C8-8 * W ANTKD Young girl for light work. 1017 Cupltol nvo. 371 0 * 'ANTKD ' A girl for General housework. 1813 Webster st. 383-8 VT7ANTED A lady assistant bookkeeper ; 'i must write n plnln business hand , nnd come well recommended : none need apply thut liavo not had some experience either us cashier or assistant bookkeeper in Omaha. 21. K. Mar- till. 310 S. 13th St. 373 V\7ANTKD Girl to do goncrul housework. V > Apply -J4H Harnoy. 251 * * for conoral hoii. o\vork. \ An- plytoGGo.'A Wllcox.at oinco N. II. Fal coner , . , , „ 327-7' girl for general housework. Apply atdlS a. .lolforson st. B2fl-7 * iTANTEJJ-hlrl. " No washing. 117 N. 14th. \ 1' li' ' 330-7 * A llrst-class girl for general hoiisewoik ; must bo'n good cook ; none hut flr't-closs ncodTnpply ; wagosS' " per month. S422 Davcuiioil5'6t ' 3TO " \SrANTKD-Sonpistrcsses at Cnnflold M'f'g Co..llth/uidpougl / ! > 3. up stalr.s. 23-7 W at St. Ilarnabeo's rcctorv , fiSl JtJOtb st. 323 W A'bbVhihii ' girl 'or boy to work In restnurnnt. ' S15 S. 12th rt. 318-7' WANTED Girl for general housework , corner Itlondu und Campbell streets , north west Corner. 305 Girl for general housework ; sinnll family. Sounrd street , between Kins nnd Campbell. Mrs. Wright. UOJ-6 * W IANTKIi A girl to do general housawnrk. 2010 Burt. 2t7 WANTJID A goo-l girl for general bouse- work ; good wtigcs. Inqulro 2514 Capitol avenue. WANTI5I > A competent girl for general nouscworK. Apnb' nt largo uousolu fiont of Crclghton CollCffC. 293 0 * YfTANTiU : A Bli'l for housework in small W family. Mrs. It. llliigliaiu , 810 S. loth st. 2flVO * NUKO girl , lifl Convent st. WANTiU SOorflO girls from BUrrouiullnj ? towns to orklnpooil private liuiiilles lor frcnornl housswork ; gooil wages will bo paid. Uhomnl ( ) > a Kmploymcnt Kuicuu , 1130 I'nrnnm. Can jilaco nil thut w ill como at any ! lino. 259-U TANTKO nirl lor general houwmoVk nt W 7AXTKO Glil for general housoworlc ; 4,10 Convent . St . . . . , . . . . . 117 . - - - - - - - - - J.-- J t.M VirANTUIJ InimodlatPly lixpcriwuci l.cook V > lor fiimlly of tluoo ; St ncr.weulc.i Sifi Ilurtot. , , tni-fiV ; - WANTKU First-class cook and hmndrV'ss 2303Tainnin , Mr.s. J. M.TIinrstoii. 001 WANTKI ) At once , a nont competent girl to do general housework tor iiMuulI family. Apply nt ItfJJ Cnes sr. ' ' 11 ; \\7'ANTiD ; Ludlcs nnd gontlciuctl nrx'lty or i > countrv to tnko light work attholrhninos. Sl.COto t.Ciuaibiy oa > llv made ; work sunt by mnll.no ciinvnsslnif. Wo have u good dcnmitd lorourwork , auJ IiirnHli steady oiniloyi | ont. 'Addresswith Btaiup , Crown M't'tf Co. , 2miVino Street. Cincinnati , Ohio. * , 52'uul t\ \T7ANTKI > Agiri ut Oornn HOUBO. uiail'iu1 \ \ nAm. " ? ZW ' | 7ANTKM-Good kitchen girl lit 413 N. 15th gt. * trt.isi U Afjnoil woiniincook ; proodwntres. Address City Hotel , i'lilrmont , Nob. 447 JIEI.P. WANTKI ) Bnibor A nwt-class mini cnn llnd u conu job und KOOI ! pay ill Clia * . Mosor's , Norfolk , Neb. p'll-H ' W ANTKD A goo < l baVcr. N , E. ( tor 10J1 : niulCnpllolnvo. U07-8 "tTJ'ANTKU-iBoy from rospcolublo paients to lonrn the iowelry mauulucturlnfr biislnois. JlnxMojori-Ilio. B8.r8 irANTKU Throe iiholstcrors. ] Dbney & \ Stono. JUS \\TANTKD-iA tHlabloynunfr man of about TV 16years tov jcollocting ; i-ofcreiicoi it > fcroncos rcqutniiflAdilross lloic BIS. City. 315-6 , WANTKI ) fcnjkirera , teamsters , anil pick -idMiovdlmcn ; steHdy lob , E. B. Al bright U. H. Cidb&\guiiux , 13JS Vurnam. 331 \VANTK1) A good Iron moulder ; ono who Tt can make stoio fronts , columns , allU , general oral muohlnory etc. , at once. Cull or address Bhonandoah Iron Works , Blicnsniloah , lowu. 312-7 \TrANTKlJ-4Tli H > broad bakora nt once T > Smith & LodJ/e , Council Uluffd. : no WANTKl-rGguiio.sltor. | Duy woik. lie- porter offlcoftU Uioad > vayCouncU Illutls. Cull this a. in. ,35 1BO , rcllalilo fimilturo sales como well rocommemloJ 15tb. ifil W n.iiu to take an nfllco and rep . . jnmifntturer ; fa per week small capital rdijulrcd. Address , with stamp Hex 70Vctt Acton , MuSJ. 2i.-7 * \T ANTEI-Agonts for pur now engraving T > tluld for marking.kllvorwuro , steel , lion oto. Very simple tn apply. Sample bottle ana prk-o list l'5c , JlliUlor if Co , , y05 6. Adams Ht. i't urla , 111. ati-7 * WANTiii : Salesmen noodlng prOlitHWo em ployinent. Salary 75 uud expenses. Goods Btnplo , bold by sample. Address , with stamp l.-S. Mfg Co.ChlcUfO. ( MJImSi * ISJTUATIOH WAWTBD. TsANTED Situation ns bookkeeper by young man of BOIUO oxpcriuucu. Addrot KM , Ucoofflco. 340-7 * WANTED lly reliable and steady youn man , Bltuatlou as salusman In boot an hoe store la Iowa or Nebraska ; can do repair * lug. Addruas K i'J , Ueo oOlcp. UOi-lu * W ANTKIJ To do wushliiir and Iiouwc1e u lag. Inijulit ) VAi B. 10th u. Wl-I * it'AJfTHOSltuflllon'by young man wconch T T man nnd gardener , or ns useful mnn on A gentleman's place. Address G 61 , Uoo olllco. 8S7-7 * W ANTKD A Bltuntlon M nurse girl. Call at 81d S. aid st. K6 JifTED llyn womnnn situation as house keeper. 1'lcaso cixll at No. S13 N. nth SU WANTEU-PosIllon by lady as stono- prapher nnd typo-writers has Rood busi ness education and lias had several years ox- > oilonco as stenographer. Address li 4 , Dee fflco. MISOEtLAHEOUS WAJTTS. \17NTKO-aporRln or Vlrplnla nvonuo lot , i worth ( lnooto fl.fOO. WohnvociiMomor llnff. C. J , Coswcll & Co , room 10 , Nebraska National bank. 378-8 A7 fTK'i > Topurchaso before May 15th full lot with or without house , east or south ront.hlRh ground , sightly location , west or outliA'tut from postoHlco ; tnodornto amount lown.balaiiooROOd monthly payments. Address SM , hcoonico. 8i4-7 * ANTKI > A location for a drufr sloro and the practice of medicine. Address J. A Co. , Ilex QJ4 , Omaha , Nob. HM- WANTI5To llcnt-llouso of flvo to eight rooms In good locality by permanent cash ermnt with loasn for ono or two years. Call or uldrcssOmnlm Financial Bzchango. 3. "Vf. oar , of 16th nnd Kanmm. W" > WANTF.D-Boslrnble building lot at onooi giro number of lot and location. Address S 8 , Hop Olllco. 701 WANTKI > Wo want to got nt once n neat homo nnd lot on or half lot for loss than > ! ,000 ; must bo north the money. Also a doalr- nblo vacant lot , Address Hush & Solby.2183. 5th. 123 WANTKI ) Desirable house and lot for homo at moderate price : no fancy prices wiiut- cd. Address R7 , Dee ofUco. 7Cd WANTKI ) Houses for good tenants. J. II. Bvans & Co. , 1513 Dodge. C13 WANTKU loohousos and cottanos to rent Gnn llnd you good tenants at onco. Mn- honey & Harris , Uootn 11 15J Farnam 3T7mfl * HEKT-HOUEEa AHD Z.OTB. Foil IlKNT-Brlck building , good for stor age , broom factory , carpenter shop , etc. lean s Ice cream parlors , 13J2 Douglas st. Foil IlKNT Or Sain The Arlington Hotel In llolarogo , Nob. ; largest house nnd boat hotel In tbo city. Address T. M. Hoiwoo ; < l , Holdreso , Nob. 3.58-8 7 > 01l HUNT Orand Army Hull , No. 1J14 > ji ; Douglas street , will bo let to lodwos and societies nt roiisoniiblo rates : Is on the second lloor. easy ol access nnd only ono block from ho dlllorcnt street car lines. Apply to 1) . A. Iliirloy , 14H Dod o street. S05-12 IOJl III5NT All-room house , furnished. Call at 1103 S. Wth st. anj-7 * i7OltJtKNT Hrlck house , corner llth aud L1 Doilgo. 1J78- * OH IIUXT IJrlolt j-ard. Apply 1'eck & Dodge , opposite Postofllco 23C-7 * Pen KBNT A doslraDIo roildonco on Far nam at.near court house , 0 rooms , boat lo- jatlon In the city. Kor particulars apply to S. A. Slomon , 1 14 Karnam st. 880 F IOIl 11KNT 70-ucro farm.T. Murray. 709 OIt JinXT Nicely furnished room with POIt 11ENT Saloon , nnd flxturos for snlo. 103 South 10th st fiOO POIC HliN'T 3 stores. 1U2 a 13th st 0. H. Peterson. 7-J4 F Oil 11ENT Brick yard. T. Murray. 531 rj\on SAI.B At a bargain , nno ll-oom nousa _ 17 with modern conveniences : full lot ; on llnrnoy st , near Seth ; 85,330. Potter i Cobb , 1515 Fsirntim bt. 95" F 1O11 nuNT Garden tarm. 803 S. llth St . " .jrt F Oil KKNT Nloo 0-room cottago. 8. T. 1'olbrsen. S. E. cor. 15th and Douglas. 63J FOB KENT KOOMB. TT > On IlKNT Front room with board for gen- r tlcnmn onii' . Itoferenco required. 173J Douglns Et 109-7 * Foil KKNT Uooms for geiillemon , NW cor , 12th nnd Howard. 3yi-7 * _ poll KKNT Furnished or unfurnished I 1 rooms. 2421 , corner of Loavenworth nnd 25th sts. 302-12 * FOIl IlKNT Largo front room , furnished ; suitable for S gentlemen , 1013 Chicago st. F on nilNT Furnished room nnd board. 1019 Capitol ave. 370-0 * um KKNT 2 unfurnished rooms In Cun- nlnghiim's block , corner 1'ltU ami .lackson sfs. I ) . Cuiinlngrlium. Arlington block , 1511 DoJffe. t8'J-7 F Oil IlKNT s rooms , furnished or unfur nished , outside entrance. 2031 Howard Bt Foil IlKNT Nicely furnished rooms In line cottage , 400 Walnut st , eight minutes walk > utlicust U. P. depot ; SO , * 7 nnd fSpor month. * 312 F ItIl HUNT Furnished room ? . 22nT Dodge fctroet. U3M1 * TJiOll HUNT A nicely furnished front room JJ with iiloovo , No. 623 Fnlrvlow or KJth Bt , north St. Mury's avo. 317-7 * "TTion IlKNT Nicely furnished room with or Jwithout board. 117 S. 17th st. Jlolorenco required. 315-11 * B ll IlKNT One largo nlcovo room , onst Tiont , with board. KM Pleasant . 311-11 * F 1)11 ItKNT Good rooms nnd good board , 10J3 Fnrnnin street 3,2-10 FOIl lliNT : Nicely furnished room cheap , 420 Con vent st. 2S1 TTlOll KKNT Nicely furnished front room Jj with board. S. W. cor. Ulh nnd St. Mury's avenue. 'M Oll KKNT Newly fiirntshfd looms close to P.O. The most doslrablo furnished rooms in the city , tit i eusomible prices. 15U3 Cuss , at 2U3 POll HUNT Nicely furnished looms ; nil nil modern conveniences ; gentlemen pro- 'Icrivd. ' > lBiO liuitst. S7J-8 Tjion IlENT-Furnishod .O-'l . - rooms , - Cap. nvo. J ? 110-7 * KK.Vf-Furnished room , (507 ( "North inh St , Mlf ) KKNT s unfurnUhod rooms for hrht ( ioiisokeeplntln llocinor'd block , cor fclli ami Howard. 2o FOIt ItKNT-Furnlshcd room. 1707 Cuss fit. . 211-7 * H KKNT ( iood room und # oed lie 1003 Fiinmui street. 132-0 "T71OU IlKNT 3 pleasant furnished rooms , J ? 20th st. . near St Mary's avo. Inquire S. W. Dodge mid lUth. 1112 "CIO 11 U.KNT . JurKo nicely furnished room , -1 ? sullnhto for two ROiiUomon , with table board ; il minutes' walk trom P. 0.1814 Dodffo at. -TTton nUNT FurnUhod rooms , 1810 Dodno. ' B45m23 TTlon IlKNT Klcguntly furnished rooms with' ! ' out board. All modern conveniences. ZSR KM Foil IlKNT Two store rooms on 10th street , Wuter , KOS and sewer connections. O. li Mayno , oor. 15th und Farnam. & . ' ! Foil IlKNT Two Inexpensive rooms , with board : l'J14 Webster slruot , 6&J oil IlKNT-Stpro room on Wth. (1 B. Muyno , B W cor 15th and Farnam. 401 fT'Oll KKNT Odlco und etoro room. G rat ton -C &Drummond. 1315 Harnoy. WJ FOIt HUNT I'.luRunt nnd doslrablo rooms , furnished or unfurnished. I8U7 Dous-'laj Et liolerunves roqulrod of applicant ! . 603 TTIOll HUNT With board , ono tartfo niooly Jfurnlshod front room , gas and bath room at 140a Jouoj St 27U BjU.B-HO03Ba-I.OT3. Koal estate. We do not buy It , Wo have uouiiiig of our own to fore f ulos upon. Tboroforo , 1,1st your property with us. Therefore , Come tous for investments. J. H. Kvans & Co. , 1513 Dodge 6t 833 FOlt SAI.E-iitockdale & Uuncher , 1SI Dodge Et , always b avc on band u line Hit o good properties and many bargain * . All klnJ of prlco * uud turius. .Hounos und lots in ull parts of the city. Always see us before yo buy or sell. Stookdal * i Iluucbor , Ull at. TelepbQuo Ko. 785. rpllK beat oargaln on South BJxtoontb street JL 13Jjt 1M , only 5/M , taken In 10 d y . C. J. Ouswcll & Co. . Iloom IV , Kebrtutu Nut local Dank , Stti-li BKl.Tj * M'CANDl.ISH offnr : 75 feet on lUiucom Park , per foot(3 . 8-room house and lot , car line ; $709 ca h , bal- nnco monthly. 2-story store building , St. Mary's nvo car lino. $1.400. 13th street lot nnd store building , S stories , bargain , $3.fUi. Hood houses , Wn'nnl Hill , easy terms. IJar- pRln. , WostPIJo lots , MOO. lloautlful acre < ! , Falrrlow , ( GOO. Acrc % HlmebaiiRh nnd llrookllno. Lincoln Plnco , on Holt Line , ff&5. Splendid rosldoncu lots lu Cnpllol ndd , S. 15. front , cheap. Fovoral Ints and ncroi on Lcnvcnworth st , $000 to * ltW. Ambler Place lots , fSOO. ( Jood propoitlPS eu Park nvo. Splendid rnst front lot on Catherine st , f .OOO. Marsh add lots. House nnd lot , Isnno ft iJclJcn's add (1,000 ; cn h ynoo. Bevornl proprrllo ? In Kountro's adds Slot * , house nnd barn. 115 feet fioin Loavon- worth st , cosy payn > on ( , $ .1X ) . Ixinvcnworlh u property , per foot , 130.3 ! , West Side Ion. ff.WO. Lot In Isnno , V Scldcn's ndd , $400. Fnlrvlcw , the highest land at lowest prices , ncrrs , | 300. Shinn's ndd , house and lot. $3.005. Mnniirncturliiff nnd rallioad Interest will rnako West Side lots valuable , now $30a llcll .t filcCandllSh , 1511 DodKC. 832-15 Fen SAI.K .1 , H. Kvans tc Co. have for sale choice lots In Marsh Place , $1,700 , 2 flno lolsSlilnu's nilil. , each a bargain , > 7. > 0. Fine ooincrfor business onSaundora , $8wn. A number of cholco corners south of the tracks , $1 , W to CnOUa llargalns In lots In every part of the city. Call ami > co our list before buying. * & 1on SAI.K-40 lots In Park Place , ( WO to t'.HW. Jj i lots In Hniisi-om Place , $8T4 to $2 0X 00 lots In Hod ford Placo. tots In Omaha View. * 2T > 0 to $750. Pat k Forest. $2M to $3 . South Omnhn.giflO to ROd. Ambler Plnco. $ . ' > 00 to $000. Shinn's ndd , $750 totUiOO , I'tti-kcr's add , $850 to $2XHl ( K V Smith' * mlcholco ! lots , $1,500. Hawthorn. f.r > V ) to $ H)0. ) Marsh add , $1,000 to f2.M . West Rml , $1,100 to H.wyi. JoromuPnrk , tKO\o \ ffWO. Kllby 1'l.too , $5)0 ) to $0r,0. , 100 cholco houses locatnd.lndltTaront purls of tbn city ranrlng In prlon from 31,300 to $2fi,000. 50doslrnblo IniiJo rasldenco aud business lots from $4TXX ) to $70,000. _ I do a strictly commission business. K. F. Winger , ll N. 15th street. aa NKWPO11T nnd nelvoaoro aero lots ro sell ing rapidly at the remarkably low prices asked. If joil w nt to pro the finest ncro property orty nrotind Omaha bj' all means tukc a drive to Newport and Itolvodero. The udo will co t you nothing whuthor you buy or uoU C. U. Mnyno , litli nnd Furnam. OUCIIAnDHlLVLowostprlcos.oaslcs1 terms , nicest lots. C. K. Mayno , agent. 728-i'O FOIl SAI.K lly Btockdalo & Huncher , l.rill Dodge st Vuonnt lots In all parts of the city nnd suburbs. Houses and lota everywhere. HnslncHS propoity In the best localities. FtirniR and wild land throughout the state. Don't forgot the place , Stookdolo & Unnchor , 1511 Dodge st. Telephone No , 795. 3.1V8 TTlOIt SAliR Choice roildonce lots. On Irwln JC btrcct , botn con Uoavonworth and Farnnin , $ l.r > 00. On Georgia nvoiiuo , between LCIIVPII * worth nnd nirnam , $1,83) . On Alnsworth street , ono block west of Purk nvonuo , and ono block south of Ixjuvonworth , the very fluent Kits In that neighborhood , $1,700 onclL C. B. Muyno , 15th nnd Farnum. 200 o PATTRItSON PAHK ACUUS-Noarost. best and cheapest " 18-13 Fen SALE ,1-rooin cottages on very easy torms. Prlco fl.OJO. Win. J. Paul , : Wth nnd Chnrlcs or 1133 N. 181h St. S13-U3 * NKWl'OHT and Uolvcdcro acre lots nro sell ing lapldlyut the remarkably low price * asked. If you want to see the finest ncro prop erty around Omaha by all moans tnko n drive to Newport and llolvudoro. The ride will cot you nothing whether you buy or not. C. K. Mnytic , 15th nnd Farnam. 03-0 LOOK nt every piece of ground in nnd nround Omuhtt , then go to C. K. Mnyno's ofllco , corner 15th and Kuril am. nnd tnko n rldo to tbo garden spot , "Orchard Hill. " 07-0 PATTK11SON PA11K ACUES-Ncarest , best und cheapest. iMB-12 BA11OAIN Business houss. rents for SoO per month. SDUlh lath St. , fJ/MO If sold Boon. Graham & Bonnwa , Croighton block. 1KI4) ) . KVANS & no. Imvoforsnio : J A line corner , south and oust front , Shlun's ndd , fl 'jO. A flno corner , name fronts , near Castollnr Street school , f 1,403. Corner , 1C5 feet front , on Leavenworth st , $4/03. 8S2-7 NKWPO1CT and HolvlUoro ucro lotsurosoll- Ingrnpldly ut the reiniukably low prices asked. If j ou want to see Hie llncst acre prop- mty around Omaha by nil means take u drive to Newport nml Uclveiloro. Tlio ride will cost you nothing' whether you buy or not. C. E. Mayno , 15th nnd Fnrnnm. 'MM PATPEHSON PAHK ACUCS-Ncarcst. best and cheapest. SIS-K DON'T full to list your property with mo to have It ehown and sold. T. S. Clarkson , 1508 Fnrnum. 034 LOOK Bt every ploco of ground in , nud mound Omiihu , then go to C. K. Mayno's ofllcc , corner 10th und Fnrnam. nnd tnko n ride to the garden spot , "Orchard Hill. " )7-fl ) NKWl'OltT und BolvoUciro ncrn lots nro ( "oil- Ing rapidly nt thu rcinnrknbly low prices asked. ' If you want to see the flnoU ncro prop erty around Omaha by ull moans tuko a drive 10 Newport and Holvoiloro. Tim ride will col jo'i nothing whether you buy or not. C. H. Mayno , 15th und Fiirunm. 'Ut ) 0 FOIt HALK Houses nnd loin In every pint of the city. No mutter whnt you want to buy In ourlicodo not iimko n purchase without first rxnmliilng our 1I-.I. Ilngglos nlwnys nt tbo door , and snlosmen rciidy tit all times to t-liow you around tlio city. Wo hiivotlie largest list tochoso from und give the best terms. Cull nud see C. E. MuynO , southwest corner 13th nnd Fiirunm. 201-41 ) ATTiitSON : PAHK ACKES-Noarcst , best nml cheapest. "IS-12 T OOK nt every piccd nf ground In und i aroundOnmlin , then go to C. K. Mayno's ollieo , corner 1Mb and l-'niiiain. nud take n rldo to tlio garden spot , "Ort'liurd Hill. " 207-0 OltCIIAKU llll.r , lots roll on their inorltB. Low price ? nnd easy terms irivon. Cull ut C. B , Miiyno's olllco and nut u plat. 2iii- ) PAUIC ACUKS-Nonro5t , best J and cheapest , 2ll-12 ! _ TTlOll SAIjIS Ixtn-oil school Liiidj ill tracts of J-1 faO iicroa 'and iiinvanH , no fixes to pay on thpsolniidjfora ) yours. O. F. Davis & Co. , l.VJj I'm nam Bl. 7 'J-mUJ OHRIIAItO HIM. lots sell on their merits. Lou * prices nnd easy forms irlvon. ( 'nil C. E. .Mnyno's oflleu and Ket u plat. 207-0 unJ nalvodoroicro lots nro sell- - lliiBTnplilly at the remarkably low prices asked. If you wiint to f > oo the finest Hern profi- iirty avunnd Omaha by nil inojii * tukoudrlvu to Nowpoit and llclviuleio. The rldo will cost you nothmir whether you buy or not C. U. .Muyno 15th and Fnrnam. 'M'J ' 0 A MKS l'IACi-No : such Iota In any other lo- jti. callty at the prices asked , 411 LOOK at every ploco of ground In nnd around Omiifia , than HO to 13 , B. Mnym-'s olllco , corner 15th und Fnrniim. und tuku n ride to the garden iipot , "Orchard Hill. " 207-0 F SAT.K Oneap lots In Ililrr Oak , just oust - of Hanscnm Purk , near street caH.I5J , easy jrms. Potter & Cobb. 1.114 1'urnam Bt B3I TJIOILSAdK Three One loU In Bblnn's 3d adj. X ? atfSJOouou. Potter it Cobb , 1513 rurimm. 847 LOOK nt every ploco of gi-ound In und around Omaha , then go to C. K. Mnyno's olllco , corner 1Mb uud 1'aniain , and tuka u rldo to tbo "Orchard Hill. " garden tpot , MU7-6 TJ C. 1'ATTKItSON , Heal Ustiito , 13th an J-V. Dougliu. llMldcuces and Cottngot Ileautllul cottngo and lot , desirable local ity , , JVO Fine result-nun. N. What , fuelutr uust . . 4WC 2-story lioubo , full lot , Wcat Luuwnwoith street l Hoii-iomid lull lot. Illokory Placn.cheup. 1HJ ; Cotmtro and full lot.Hhlnn'it.'ld add . . . . I , ' " ! Btoro buildlniraiid lot , a I3lh ft. . . , . , , . 3OX 7-iooiu house and 2 lull lots , HuiiM-om Plnco . . . . . . ' > Irfirgo ootiiitronnd JJ lot H. loth tt. . . . . . . \ttf. \ Hmall cottuiio mid Si lot , B. lUth st ! X" A beautiful rcildcnco mid Z lull lots on Davenport HI , ibu prettiest hoiiiw In ( be city , very cheap 6.00C IJu&incbs and losldcnuo lota , linpiovod an unimproved , thioughoiit tl o city. Call on or uddrcsi K. 0. Patterson , 13th an Dou flap Telephone 792. 2113 B Kl.VKDKHKim ] Newport ucro lot ) atf- to $333. lluch will icturn liunilsoino pro fits to the fortunate buyois. Call and Investi gate. C. K , Mnyne , 151 u and 1'aniam. SllMl kr.VKDKUIC and Nowiort | aero lots ut $ i > 0 to $353. liioU will ruturu Imndwiuc pro tils to tuo fortuuuto buyers Call aud Invchtl- nalc. a E. Mayno , 15th und Furiiam. iilMi ( KLVKIIKUK and Nowportfiero lou at"ittO to * UiO. KocU iv 111 rWum Imndsoiiie pro- flu to Ibo fortunute buyers. Cull aud lu\o tl- fate C. E. Mjyuo. litli miJ Furiiaui , L'IO-0 Fen SALT : Two corner lots In Prospect1 J'laco $759 eooh i cn y toi ms. Corner lot on Sownrd su , 3 block ! from street , car linn , tl.ouu. I < ot In NoNun's add. , east front , $1,700. Ix > tonSowar lSt , JSM. lx > t In Sunny Side , $1.10. I/ot on loth si. , in Uiko'sadd. , ft , ITS. , n lots on 24lh St. , near Knrimm , $ -'i\OOa * ' lx > t In Pclham Place , $300 : o.iiy terms. Ix t on IXiiDro St. , In West Knl. JI.100. 2 IIOIIAOS and lots , ISth Bt , near Paul , $1,0)0. HoiKonf 0-rooms , lot < U.xl , Irard st , ncnf Wth , tifln. Corner lot on Fainfim St. , ( C6xlS ) $20,0)0. 2 lots on rnrnnm st , ( corner ) $ .l7iXM. 2 lots on We t Fnrnam Kt , $1.VVIO. 2 houses and full lot , Ittb near Webster St. , SP 0) \ 1S > feet cast front on 8. 13th St. , $11,000. 41 feet run front on S. 13th St. , $ I,5JO. n lots In llurr Oak , $ n,3V ) . Warehouse lot on Oth st , $3,000. Lot 2ixlSW on Dodffo St. , no-ir ISth , $1R ! . Ix > t on Virginia nvo. , near Lonvcnwortn Bt $2. ( W. terms easy. . 0 lots In I/owo'sivld , , from $173 to $003. oacnfj easy terms Money lo loan nt lowest rate of Interest. Go * P. Homls.S. W. oor. 1Mb and Douglas. VOO _ p.vfri 'ifsoTT " PA.TTKHSON' r.VKIC Sltunttxl 3K miles 8. W. o r co u rt lioiigo. 15ATTKHSON 1'AKK- : Aorcs rcry cheapj JL only C00 ! to txa onch. IMflK Acres sold on the In- PATTKItSON . Each ncro lanro nnouRh for 61)Iff rusldoncu lots. Situated near Uolu l.luo lit the nmnufacturlnir locality tlipy are the boat acres to buy. O. C. Patterson , Owner , 1st floor Iron Hank building. 218 Foil the benefit of the working people I will keep my office npenmlll 9 p. m , except - copt Sundays. C. K. Moyno , southwest corner UthandFnrnam. 205-13 FORSAI.R no3t5-i\oro trauts In tlio market , only $200 pur aero. Inquire about them. Potter iV Cohb. 1B1.1 Karnam. _ BM TJ\OKSAI.K-Acre \ lots. Olso'sndd. , only M-M * J ? Potter & ebb , 515 IfArnam. _ 8i7 _ A MES rrACIC-No Bradlnff noodoJ ; level loU. Amrt.l&JT Farnam at , 411 _ KI.YKDKKK and Newport ncro lota nt r 0 to (151 liach will return hundoomo pro ms to the fortunate b\iyor \ . Gill and Inrcstl. goto. C. B. Mnyno , r.lli and Karnum. 31M ( SAMi-LotS In bowo's Ut addition , south fronts , easy terms , only $500 , Potttt aCobb.151.Farnam st , 8.U _ TT1OltH.VLlJ-A.loiT oftho best ots In Wllcoz' JD add. at $000 each. Potter & Cobb , ISIS Far- nnm st. * y > 5 _ Tmoil SAt.K Or Trade Improve ! nuil unlm < JD proved lands In Furna * and otior wostoru countlo' ' * . Address Win , titiuoral , Arapahoe , FiirnasCo. Nob. -75 > KliVitKUR : and Newport aero lots nt $350 > to $350. Kucli will return Immlsonio pro- tits to the fortunate buyers , Call nnd Investl- ffnto. C. li. Mayno , ISth ana IM-IIUIII. 810-B OK. niAVNK'S now map or Douvlnt oouuty la complete In nvory doUUl ; it I1IU u loiitf foil wnnu The prlco Is low , considering the amount of work noccssary to prodiico It. For sale ot C. U. Mayno's real estate oltloc. & (2-mU BAKC.AIXS 83,500 takes n now 7 room house on full lot , on Hamilton street , near car lino. . $1,7iK > takes a nice cottiujo , barn and full lot in I/owo'snOd. lC.'iO ' nice lot ( - lot $ , , on leoi-pln nvonuo , ono from Woolwortb nvonuo ; J70J cash , and three yonr's tlmo. tU.uOl takes a nlco placa on Mason street near jioslolllco , and is a bargain. $7r > uo takes a nice place on Durt street and on onsy terms | If you want lots In Klrkwood , Dedford 1'Iaoo , nnwthorno , South Omahu , Thomas' und Scan' additions. R < > and sco Hours. N K cor. 15th and HodBO. M. P. Soars , 1M Dodro. ( 110-8 FOIlSACilS Two lots In Pluinviow , $15D caoh. Potter & Cobb , 1315 Furimm st. OJS in Improved and unimproved proporty. W. 11. Green , SIS S llltli St. 832 PATTIJHSON PAIIK ACUES-Noarost. boat nnd clu'iipobt. 21H-13 T7IOKSAI.E lour lois , oor. California nad -IJ 30th sts. , - blocks from proposed pavirur on CumlnKSt. , JSJOand f950 oaclu Potter St Cobb , IMS Farnam at W9 A rr.ACK fxits sold to those who want homos they can pay for. 411 Fen SAM : Quo of the nicest 8-room < ousci in Shinn's addition , with clV wuter , So. , complete. Price low. O. F. Diivls & Co. , 1505 Farnnin street. 7CO-mS3 TTHHlSALH-Gibson has forsalo lots In Ham- X ! comPlaco , tSJO to $1,800. .11- Gibson hns for sale houses nnd lots In Hans- com I'Inco. Gibson has for sale houses and lota In all paru f the city. Gibson has Improved farms nnd hinds In all parts of Nebraska I or sale or oxchungo. Gibson has thousands of ucros ot land la Western Nebraska for sale from S3 to tlper acre. Gibson would llko to BOO yculC you wautto buy orsnll. Glbson'sls the place to list your property. Call and BOO him nt Hoom 3 , Wlthnnll Block , cor. Utli andHurnoysts. 330 PATl'KltSON PAUK ACUKS-Noarost. best and cheapest. U18-13 TTIon SALK 1,300 ucro ranch , llvmx water JJ running through land. Can cut 1,000 ton hay otf lund ; also 1M head cattleI3 ! bond horses with iiocos iiry Implements , &c. , &o. ( &o. , to run Mild ranclu Price 813,50JO. Address Hart & MoAndrcw. Alnsworth , Nebr. Al-o , 040 nores school land nppvnlBPd at $3.00 per uoro , running BO yours at 8K per cent , with in 4 miles of Ainswoitli ; llvlnir wuter and trill tnko $ WO tor lease. Adilrosu Hurt & MoAnlrow , AI n sworth. Hrown Co..Nobr. B.'nin23 O'lU'TlAitU HILL lots sell on their merits. Ixiw prices and cn y terms given. Cull ut C. E. Muj no's ollli-o nnd got a plul. i.03-O Foil K.\CIIAN < iK-Hy C. K. Mnyne. UK ) iicros , Madison Co. , for drugs. 3 Factions In Frontier Co. lor stock mdso. 100 ucres near Fulls City for stock mdso. 1UO acres , well Improved , near lUvortonIor stock ol goods. IliO ucies near HUerton for Qucoiiswaro. 112.ucres ) , Hiirlnii Co. for hnrJwnro. 'CO ucrus. Fr.uiUIn Co. tor hnriltviirp. 320 ucros Cueyoiinu Co , lor boots und shoos or gro ccrirs. 323 ucres , Valley Co. foi lud o. H ) acres. Douglas Co. for Omaha proporty. 120ucros , Improvedp miles liom Omubu , for Omuhii juopcrly. 1,120 ncrcs , CUoyunnu Co. for books und sta tionary. 240 ncros In Frontier Co. fonlriiifs or hotel. 6MaciosJolloi > onCo. for liurdvvuro. B.dOu ncccs school land In Colorado for stpeU incise. ! ! HOuO In Colorado , stock inoNo. IPO uoio.s , Dakolu , for trrnocrleK. Stuck lumber , lime und coul , for Nebraska land. Slock tinrdwnro lor ( rood farm. Slock bnrili\ lire I or food fnriii. Stock hnrdwuu ) for Omaha piopurty. _ Stock lurnltiiro uml huidwnro for land near Oinalui ( lialn clovntor In lowu for Nohrueka land Stock dry goods , giocerioH , boots , bhood Dud hardwure tor land In eastern Nobrtsku. ' Grn'l Mock nuUo. for tiind in onstuin Nob. , block of driiKS for lunU. Hotel lor land in Neb. Hotel f01-Omaha prmiurty. Hotel In lowuforNun , lund , Stock furniture fur farm , Stock buggies uud spring wagons for Und. Stock lurnituro for lamU For partlculan write lo C. 12. Mayno , 8. W cor. 1Mb uud Fnninm , Omnhn. 015-7 $ r)00.00 ) lobt by purtles thut lulled to buy ucros In Pattoison Park , VO days uifoulfliS an ncro , The mime property noir cclllntr at an Hdvimco of 40 per cent. jfflfjji.-/ OIlOIIAillMIII.I , loin sell on their merits fxiw prlcos and nany leriii8Kivcii , Cull at 0. B. Mnyno's olllce nnd eel n plul , EDWARD MAUIBTKlt OV I'ALMVSTUllV AND CONDI- TJONALIHT.aOJTentta dtreot , botwoou K rn&m und Haruoy , will , with the aid of guardian eplrita , obtain for nny ono n trlanoo la tue past and present , and of oortuiu oondltlon * lo fliofuturo. llfiotj and ahoui inado to orJor. Porfoctsatlsf action ituariinluud. Dissolution Notice. NOTICK Is hfiruby glvt'ii tbut thu co-partner * slilp hcri'liitoi-u iixUttng uiidur tliu firm iitime nndstlu of Aichcr. Allul'illl ( i Aylofl- wuii b Is tblf > day dlssolvixl by mutual cuiiFCtit , Mr. Aivherietlrlnv troin tlui liuslneis of the linn , wliluli will burumud on ut 21H South I'nh btrct-t by Albri hl Ayloswoi-tli. 'Ibe HUHsi biinilnt , ' nil Inilcbtedncas and colli'i tlnjr ml UO' accounts ot tUuolJ llrm. . D. It. A1IUI1KK. W. C. AMlltH.IIT. \yM5-5WOUTH. . A"UAUD. Hnvliif. purchpsed ( ho Interest of D. II. Aruti- or In the ubntu llriu , > u wish to tliiuil , Ibu puolU : lor the liberal iiiitionugu uxtc-iuled In tbu piut , nml trust wevill merit ( ontiniuincu nfIhu / Notice to Contractor ! . . SKAI.HD prooaU | will bn received at tlia'l utllcoof tliu sc'cicilnryof thu bontilof oJu.1 cutlun unlll 0 oVIock p. in. M onlay. May 17 , ! > & * > , I lor thu erection of u two story brick school < " building on the nuttliwoit corlUsr of Goorelt , wnd Wuolworth avenues. In ncocrdunca wiiM' plunsaiidtipecllluiitloiislobo cen HI Ihi oHIi-uof Cluvvs llruti , mcbltccta. ticiiuiiitu bid * vrU | lu received for each plut > * of woi-k , and for lp bulUliiiK complete. Tliu buurd. rcsoiYCt .lli rljrbt to reject nnyiir ml blu . t lly order of Ibu Ixiaril ol education. , May/idiot CIUIII.KH COtft > YKu < SecicUrir. I