Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 07, 1886, Page 6, Image 6

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    6 THE OMAHA DAILY BEIiJ : FRIDAY , MAY 7 , 1886.
Delhcred t > y carrier in nny part of tliocltyat
twtnty cents per week.
II. W. TILTON , Jlnnagcr.
TIUI'HONIS : : : :
ncsixr.fsOnicB , No , 13.
New spring poods nt Holler's.
Water Oolors cheap at Cooper & Me-
Save money by buying Refrigerators of
Cooper & Mctice.
lE corgo Simpson cclebrnlril circus day ,
uml was last night placed hi the cooler.
T. Hughes and J. Woodward were tir-
rested last night for disturbing the pence.
Permission to marry has been given
John M. Ayers and Kli/.nhcth M. Scunlon.
The Omaha Medical anil Surgical in
stitute Is to opun nil ollico hero , nt No.
2il ; Hroadwivy.
Kverybody is invited to the supper to
night given by the Woman's hxchango
in their new rooms on I'eurl .street. Sup
per 12.1 cents.
The ladies of the Methodist church
give ii social this evening ut the residence
of Mrs. II. Dale , No. S39 Wiibhingtoii
Regular meeting of Fidelity Council
No. 150 , R. A. , this ( l-rlday ) evening. All
members are requested to bo present.
Important business
A do/oii more tramps aud suspicious
characters wore picked up by the police
yesterday. The authorities arc bound to
nave the city rid of thl. ' class if possible.
The city jail has got M > full of tramps
nnd other prisoner- * , for petty oll''s ,
that a number hayo been sent to the
county jail. The rock pile isnoterowdod.
Better muko room for them thero.
The Mcrkel sisters of this city appeared
Wcducsduy night in the concert given at
Dus MoincH in connection with the
musical convention thero. The Register
says of them : The duett by tliu Misses
Merkel , "Fly Away Ulrdling , " wus so
highly appreciate. ! by their hearers that
they were recalled und responded in a
manner that brought them additional
Milton Kite , a rather spruce young
man , struck the city yesterday on his way
to Fulton , Kansas , having been spending
fiomo weeks in this stale visiting. Ho
pawned ono of liirf suits of clolliing , and
was last getting away with the proceeds
in a big imli-prohibkion comvcntion of
his own when Olliccr Leonard took him
in charge and let him sober up at the
calaboose. Ho was very much afraid that
he might got vcrmiuon his clothing from
such a lodgement , and gave notice that if
he found any signs of stieli trouble ho
would promptly sue the city for damages.
The Nickel Plated circus came very
near not showing yesterday. There did
not seem to bo much to show. The li
cense required by the city \yas too high ,
and the manager lopped oil' the mciag- )
eric part , and got out with a license for
a variety show. The weather was bad.
or had been some time or another , ami
this prevented the unloading of their im
mense trains , and for this or some other
reason , there was no street parade , cx-
cuut that made by a band and a few
horsemen , who looked as solitary as the
one of the opening chapter of the light
weight novel. There was a pretty lair
ring performance , but that seemed the
only excuse for giving any entertain
ment hero nt all. The show did not draw
ninio' people to the citv , and the day was
clmracteri/ed by very few of the features
so common to circus days in the liluflej.
The Nickel Plated circus gamed no great
glory here , nor money cither.
The ABC soap , whoso advertisement
appears in another column , may bo
found at the Boston Tea Co.'s store.
Room Mouldings Largest assortment
and lowest nrices at Beard's Wall Paper
_ _
Sprint ; Suits.
Delia Meyer has commenced divorce
proceedings in the district court against
J. G. Moycr , to whom she was married in
DCS Moines in January , 1882. She claims
that ho has been abusive , and she not
only wants freedom but a Mi are of the
? 12,000 to if 15,000 which she says ho is
worth. She thinks that there .should be
nt least $1,000 alimony allowed her.
W. E. Darling , as administrator of the
estate ol D. II. Kiilms , has commenced
an action against the Union Pacific rail
way company for $25,000. It is claimed
that while Kiilun was serving as switch
man at the transfer ho was directed by
the company to use a stick in making
couplings , and that this sticK , carried in
u bolt worn about his por.son , was a dan
gerous arrangement , and that the com
pany know it to bj such. In attempting
to make a coupling this caught , nnd
lie was drawn under the wheels and
Wanted. Insurance solicitors , with
teams , to work western half of Iowa for
Dwelling House Insurance company of
Boston. Ernest L. Smith , special agent ,
No. 1UO Main street , Council Blulls.
Go to Beard for loom mouldings.
Gcorco Holder , who travels for Grono-
weg & Schocntgon , was in oil' the road
yesterday , but claimed ho didn't know
there was to bo a circuH in town , consequently
quently did not como home to "take in"
tno show.
F. L. Clark , of Wells , Fargo Express
company , has gone to California on a
"Vie" Stepheiison has returned homo
from his California trip.
Miss Anna Pritchara , of Janosville ,
Wis. , has returned from her visit to Den-
, ver. nnd after spending a few days longer
with her friends hero will , on Monday , re
turn to her eastern home. '
Helslcr Mills the bust fie and lOo cig.irs
in the market. No , 403 llroadway.
* Dr. A. F. Ilanchutt has taken rooms in
Wr. Hazard'rf residence , No , 700 First
avenue , for the bummer. Ullico still at
No. ID Pearl utrcot. Hours 10 to 13 n.
m , , a to 4 uml 7 to 8 p , m.
Back From Jixpaii.
Professor J. A. Waddell , ot the on-
CioS&lng ( luiinrtnient of the Imperial uni
versity , whoso torin of service has ex
pired , WIIH granted an audience of his
majesty , the emperor , on the Dili lust , , in
view of Ins departure for America.
[ From tliu Japan Daily Mail of April 13.
Mr , Waddell nnd family nro expected
to arrive lieru this morning on the Union
Vucllio , Their many friends will give
I' them n cordial welcome.
Beard has an inimonsn stock of wall
paper and room mouldings which must
' DO turned into cash , go down go the prices
at Beard's.
. U. ofij. ISnll.
On next Tuesday the local assembly of
thn Knights of Labor will give a ball.
L Tliu tickets , which are now on sale , lead
MS follows ; "Knights of Labor ball , lor
the benolit of the Uonld system striker ,
t Masonic temple , Tuesday , May 11 ,
" 188(1. ( Tickets admitting gent and ladies ,
| 100. "
Mrs. Halcr Held To Answer In the Lulu
Mercer Oaso.
SprlnB Salts In Court Tnlks AVItli
Troubled Tramp * A Trio of
llnrd Ones Rifleman's IJrll-
limit Opening.
MM. Frnnk Hound Over.
Tito long drawn out case of Mrs.Hnbcr ,
alias Frank , reached n stopping
place yesterday. The cuso had been cm-
tinned to allow both sides to protluco
some additional testimony us to whether
the girl , Lulu Morccr , s > toupeit at the
Garni hotel , in Omalui , as claimed by the
ilcfcnso. The proprietor of the hotel ,
Charles Stuck , was on the stand yester
day , and testilicil tlint the Mercer girl
citmu to the hotel about the 28th of No
vember , in company with n man who
claimed to bo her cousin , anil remained
there until ho turned her out about the
8th of December lust. Ho huil her valise ,
containing her clothing , which ho wus
holding for her board bill. He refused to
bring over the hotel register , mid produce -
duce it in court , and would not bring
over the clothing to luxvo it idontilied.
On the part of the prosecution wit
nesses wore produced to .show that the
hotel niuii must huvo boon mistaken nOout
this being the girl who wis : at his house.
The members of the Mi-rcer fuiuily cited
incidents which went to show that the
girl wus here sit the time claimed. Miss
Hudson also tustilled to Her being in this
city , and &hn fixed the date by iv picture
card which hud been given her by Lulu
Morcor. on the back of which the Mercer
girl had written a sontiiui'iit ' and signed
nor name anil the date. The court was
convinced that the girl wus not at the
Gurni hotel us claimed.
This point being settled . .IudgoAylcs -
worth rendered his decision bindinjr Airs.
Frank OVIT to the grand jury in the Mini
ofJl.OOO. . The defense in the trial of the
cast ! liml not attempted to dispute the
faet Cthut Mrs. Frank was the proprie
tress of a notorious house in ( Jniuliu , und
that she came to Council Mlull's to got
girls to enter her house ; that .she learned
of tliu Mercer girl , and that she. went to
the house where the family live , and
there nersiuuicd her to go to Qjnnjui with
her. She represented to the family that
she was going to touch the girl dress
making , uml admitted that she deceived
the girl's relatives , but claimed that the
girl understood exuctly the character of
the busines" , und that .sho hud bi'on u
girl of loose morals before Mrs. Frank
had formed her acquaintance. The
whole brunt of the light was therefore on
tlie question of the girl's piovious char
acter ami reputation. The court became
satisfied that some of the evidence lor
the defendant was manufactured , and
not very well put together. With other
witnesses wco uttuckcd the gir's
chili act or there seemed a pos
sibility of mistaken indenity , and
other of the testimony was con.lined to
specific acts of the girl , on which there
wus a conllict of testimony , and a great
chance tor honest dillcronco of judg
ment as to whether those acts showed
her to bo depraved or only indUcrct.
Tim judgment of the court vindicates
the girl. The section of the statutes un
der which the case is brought provides
that "if any person inveigle or entice
any female , before reputed virtuous , into
a house of ill-fame , ho shall bo punished
by imprisonment in the penitentiary not
more tliun ten years nor leas than three
years. "
The woman was allowed 1o go on the
same bond which was given by her some
time ago , with the agreement that she
would arrange a new bond to-day.
The defense claims to bo greatly sur
prised at the finding of Judge Aylesworth ,
and that there cannot possibly bo any
conviction. The law and order league
and the attorney for the prosecution arc ,
on the other hand , equally delighted.
Go to Beard for low prices.
1 sell the celebrated Twin Burner gaso
line stove. That double burner beats
them all. A 4-burner same price as a 8-
burner ; a 3-biirncr same price us a 2-
burner. W A. Wood , 001 Alain.
Go to the N Y. P. Co fori
Opera House Block.
Talks With the Toughs.
A largo proportion of the "vags" and
'tough citizens" who have boon arrested
the past lew days arc from Omaha , hav
ing boon run out of that town.
Ono of them yesterday remarked to
Special Agent James of the Omaha Law
and Order league , who was in this city
attending the Hiibcr-Mercer case , while
James was looking iu through the bars of
the jail , that ho did not think it fair , as
"you arrested mo last night in Omaha ,
and Judge Stenborg gave mo thirty days
on bread and water if I didn't leave
Omaha iu fifteen minutes. I hadn't boon
in Council Blulls ton minutes before 1
was nabbed. It isn't fair , and I'd like
yon to toll Judge Aylesworth about my
case and see if lie won't let mo oil * . I'd
rather bo sout to the penitentiary than to
bo arrested t > o often. I'd know then
what to e.xpect. "
Another one then chimed in with ,
"You thought you was awful slick last
night when you tried to urrost three of
us. 1 just 'logged it' and you was afeared
the other fellers would get awuy and you
wouldn't come after mo. That judge
over the river there what's his name ?
Well he's nice he'll
Stenborg ? , a judge ;
listen to a fellow , he will , I never have
any trouble with him. Ho says , 'leavo
town in fifteen minutes , ' and I leave
when I got ready. But this now forcu
they've got here in the HI nil's , they won't
give a feller no show , they don't. They
yank him right in us boon as he lands
horo. "
14o per foot , 18oper foot , 24o per foot.
Of all styles.
Opera House Block.
Substantial abstracts of titles and rca
estate loans , J. W. & E. L. Squire , 10
Pearl street , Council Bluffs.
Go to Beard for wall paper.
A Brilliant A ( full- .
Last evening was the second night of
the May opening at Eiscman's Pcoplo's
store , and in point of beauty and the
numbers that attended , was u grand suc
The taste displayed In the arrangement
of the now articles on exhibition is simply
grand and the numerous plants and flow
ers in pots being distributed through the
entire building , the glare of many elec
tric lights and of the numerous gas lets ,
all unite in making the opening a bril
liant Bight.
Considerable ingenuity has boon used
in the decorations of the show windows ,
ono being tastefully dressed with silks
and satins , another with the latest novel
ties in dross goods , and tliu next with
handkerchiefs , which wheu well ar
ranged , rnuko u Hiio display always. Two
windows are devoted to gentlemen's fur
nishings , nnd are pleasing attractions.
Many persons from surrounding towns
have been in nttcndnncoat the opening ,
which will bo continued this evening.
The best lawn mower in the market is
" " sold Cooner &
tile "Philadelphia , by
Leonard & Jowctt refrigerators" nt low
prices t Cooper & McGoo's.
Lot USRO to Chnrlo II lslor'9 and get a
g6od cigar. No. 403 Broadway.
Tlirco Hard Ones.
Yesterday afternoon Policeman Nick
O'lhien , and James Anderson , captain of
the Merchants' police , arrested and
lodged in the police station three crooks
on suspicion. They gave their names as
J. lloonoy , Charles Lewis anil Fred Wil
liams. Roonoy , when arrested , was found
to have on his person n sand-bag of dan
gerous pattern and a pawn ticket tor an
overcoat from an Omaha pawn shop ,
while Lowi'i had n conductor's punch.
The police think in this trio they huvo
made an important arrest , and that the
one who gives the name of Williams is
a young fellow who broke jail in Des
Molni's a short time ago , while Ollleer
O'Brion him ni n follow ho ar
rested last fall for stealing hhoos from
Pierco's shoe store , for which lie received
thirty days in the county jail.
Cleveland Doilies tlio Tariff and Sil
ver Questions , but ISccoincp Lo
quacious About 1'otntoeq.
Washington correspoii'lcnco of the New
York Tribune : The olllclal dinners at
the White house are said to bo mom than
funereal in character. The president him
self rarely talks , and his guests are
thrown upon their own resources generally -
ally for entertainment. At one of the re
cent dinners Senator Vance sat on the
right of the president. On the ether side
ot Vance .sat a certain congressman ,
whoso name is not . \eoessary \ to mention
here. A chilling atmosphere scemud to
pervade the room as the company sat
down to tlie table. The oysters were
dispatched in .silence. The president
said not iv single word. The soup was
served while distressing quiet prevailed.
Even the Sauterne which accompanied it
was not able to loosen the tongue of the
executive. "Why don't you talk to him ? '
suggested the congressman as he mulgod
Vance with his qlbow sii'l looked in the
direction of the president , who tovod
with a croquet on the plate in front"ot
him. " 1'lniik , " whispered Vanoe ,
"haven't I tried to do it for the hist half
hour ? lie doesn't seem to take nn inter
est in anything.
"Talk to him on the taiifl',1' advised
the congressman.
"Mr. President , " said Vance "tho tariu"
is a rather important question nowadays.
What "
"Yes , I suppose it is , " replied Air.
Cleveland as he turned his face inquir-
jngly to the coiling. "Yes , L rather think
it is. " Then ho relapsed into silence.
Fifteen minute ; pab.sjil and again the
congressmen whispered into Vance's
ear :
"Why don't yon talk to the president ? "
"Blank , haven't 1 done so ? " replied
the unfortunate North Carolina sufiator.
"He doesn't seem to take any stock in
the Turin" , " ho added dospnringly.
"Try him on the silver question , " said
the congressman.
"Mr. President. " said Mr. Vance ,
smiling his most insinuating : smile , "an
impression scums to prevail that in jour
views on the silver question you do not
"Why , senator , your glass is empty , "
remarked the president blandly , "allow
mo to help you to some 01 this claret. I
think you'll like it , " and again the chief
magistrate of 55,000,000 freemen relapsed
into his accustomed silence.
Senator Vance was occupied with a
juicy canvas-back when bis neighbor
again reminded him by a stealthy glance
that it wuo his duty to talk to the presi
dent. Vance looked the picture of mis
ery. A discreet shruir ot his .shoulders
faintly indicated his feelings. lie was
about to launch one of his best stories as
n last resort to induce the president to
talk , when his neighbor again whispereu
behind his napkin : "Try him on pota
toes. "
"Mr. President , " exclaimed Vanco.
with as much dignity as if ho were nit-
dressing the senate on a proposition to
abolish the civil service law , "Mr. Presi
dent , 1 think that potatoes as staple of
food for the poor "
The word "potato" scorned to work a
transformation in the president. It acted
as if it were a scconil "open sesame. "
His tongue loosened and ho bpcuine all
at once loquacious , oven with erudition ,
on the important subject of "potatoes. "
The potato in all its aspects became the
subject of conversation for the next
twenty minutes. Vance sat openmouthed -
mouthed , struck with wonder and
astonishment nt the torrent of eloquence
ho had provoked. But there was no
stopping it. On it went , regardless of
consequences. Bermudas , Irish , sweet ,
seed every variety received consider
ation at the hands of the president. Even
that little story of Sir Walter Raleich and
the gardener was told with as much
relish as if it were something entirely
now and unheard of. Then ho gave his
experience in raising bolanum
tuberosum in the back yard of his
residence at Buffalo and in booing them
ut Holland Patent. There are many
ether points upon which the president
dwelt ut length , and with an apprecia
tion of the importance of the subject
truly admirable. But all good things
have got to como to an end , even n dis
quisition on "potatoes. " It was with
some satisfaction that Senator Vance
sipped the last ( Iron of hid coffee nnd ex
claimed to his neighbor , as he rose : "Po
tatoes fetched him ! " "PotatOLS fetched
him , " repeated the congressman , and
"Potatoes fetched him , " hummed Vance
to himself as ho tucked the bud clothes
around him that night and composed
himself to dreaming that ho had cor-
nere'l ' the market on North Carolina pea
nuts and suddenly become rich.
Gcncinl Grnur i'ulil ut the Unto of
$ ! ! Oa Miin for Ills Memoirs.
A British periodical has announced
that the editor of n high-class journal for
boys in America ollorcd Mr. Gladstone
$500 for an article of iifteon thousand
words , this being at the rate of about $4
per line , nnd that Mr. Gladstone had de
clined the oiler. Many publishers in this
city , when shown the extract , said that
they were not ut all surprised that Air ,
Gladstone should have refused to write
for that sum. Occupying as he does the
high social position of prime minister
in England , the price offered seemed
to bo ridiculously low. The ad
vantage of Mr. Gladstone's name
as a contributor to the journal would
have been worth the money offered even
if ho did not write a lino. Some of the
publishers said that , looking back on the
mist , it is really surprising to Hud what
large amounts of money have been paid
to writers for desirable articles. Harper's
Magazine and The Nintccnth Century
have often paid more than $10 per line
for suitable writings by popular authors.
It is not an unusual thing to pay $100 for
a sonnet of only fourteen lines , a price
nearly double that per line offered to the
chief state officer of the British crown.
More than $8 per line has
been paid by the owners of
magazines for several stories running a
period of perhaps an entire year , if
found readable , or possessing merit , or
written uy a person whose mime would
give it popularity. Especially is this the
case iu the matter of books wiitteu for a
special object or connected with the his
tory of the country. An instance majr
bo eitcd in reference ? 1o the recent work
published as Ocn. Grants Memoirs , 'lliis"
embraces two volumes , mid has also ,
even at this early yfago of the publica
tion , given to the general's widow a sum
equal to , it it docs noti OKCCCI ! . § 20 per
line , and may net her a much larger
amount. Miss Cleveland book Is also
spoken of as ono which will realize to her
a proportionate amount of money as
royalties far exceeding that oflered Mr.
Gladstone for the a iclo alluded to in
the newspaper extract. During llui early
days of tlio ow York Ledger Mr. Robert
Bonner was noted far giving largo sums
of money to authors | Wnbso names were
considered of more value than the
amount of printed matter which was the
result of their pens. Many of the
writers to whom ho paid what
might appear to bo almost fabulous
sums , were then not so well known by
mime us Mr. Gladstone to-day ; but they
were prominent enough for Mr. Bonner
to desire that they should bo rocognixed
as contributors to his periodical. On ono
occasion ho paid Mr. Tennyson , now
pool laiircul of England the large sum
of sf.'i.O.X ' ) for n poem which only made
twenty lines in the newspaper. This was
at the rate of $25 ! ) a line a price that
would almost seem beyond the value of
any written production' .
PltiES ! r
A sure euro for Blind , lllcoilln ? , Itcliln
nml Ulcerated 1'llca 1ms been discovered by
Dr. Williams , ( an Indian remedy ) , calloil lr
Williams1 Indian 1'ilo Ointment A studio
box has cured the worst chronic e.asos of 'A"i or
BO j ears standing. No one need suffer llvo
inlnutvs alter applying this wonderful sooth
iui : medicine. Lotions ami Instrument1 * do
inoto harm than pood. Williams' Inillnn
1'lle Ointment absorbs the tumors , nllays the
intense Itching , ( particularly at nlcht after
ccttlut : warm In bed ) , acts as a poultice , clvoi
InsUirit relief , ami Is prepared only fur Piles ,
itching of private ii.irts. and for nothing elsa.
Dr. Fra/ier's Mniric Ointment cure * as by
ma le , Pimples , IJInck Heads or Giubs ,
Hlotehes ami Eruptions on the face , leaving
the sKin clear and beautiful. Also cuioslteh.
Snlt JJl'eum. Sere Nipples , Soio Lips , and
Old Obstinate Ulceis.
Sold by ill-Heists , or mailed on receipt of
50 con ts.
Ketalled bv Kuhn & Co. , and Schroetor &
Conrad. At wholesale bv U. F. Gooilm.m
M. A. Mel'lko editor of t'io ' Cnmbr'a iKbo'is.
Imiir , I'u. ) Kmsmnii , lias IJTII llio | uivoiml
frleu loMho editor of the Olo'n to.1 moie t'.i.m
tuunly yoirj , and Is uhurover hu is
Kixnvii , iis ono on ho bust men llvlnx. Ho Is uNu
nn Inllumtorrlcml of Mr Clark of the Nonp.UMil.
Ho lull beuu uu ortmvitu Iu the fiittllwi hi ) ri'.h 'Ji-Jiitiicsla. imliriciuly
il'sirossoil ' Jlr. Cluik .iii.'liift lio.iril ocmsuti-
Iimilty 'cnl him sonn of Dr. JcIVerics' Dlph-
thtirlu fure , It was uol nt oiico , and thi'livui
of the toUol hUchlldivn sa\v < l , l.otteis liom
Mr. MeP.lco no uiilinumlo 1 hi tlmlr oxpus-lom
ol ffrut'lu lo tor Iliullnr t-omu 11 oinsol ti\oit-
liitr the losidf liirt whole jrmiip of little and ten-
rtppotio * Klvoof Mr. MoIMUu'H olillilio i out of
oiclit ( Hud fioni rllphthoil.ilioforohclnd nn oi-
poitimltyof uslua : Dr. Jollcrlos' ionic ly.
Or. Jctlcrlcs' dlpthuri ijncilldiiols hiralllblo In
nil kinds of sere throat. '
Dyspepsia ! Dyspepsia !
Dysi optic , why llvo in mNory , ami dlo in dls-
pnlr with cancer of the stoninch 1 Dr. Thomas
Jo'Tcrlcs cuioa every ease of in l'rstlon and
constipation in a very short ( Imo. Bestol iof-
crunccsRivon. Dyepepstn Is the cause of ninety
per cent of all di p.isoil conditions. 1' $ "
lor two wcoica treatment. '
Diirlntho last six ycftrs tifpro has not boon
death from Diphtheria in any ca = owhoro
CUHK was used. It has liocn the means of tnv-
Inf ? thousands of l\\os \ and mlcht have saved
hundruJs of thousands moreIndUpcnxiblo In
putrid sere tin out , In maliRnnnt. Fl-ulet iovcr ,
cliansln # It in 43 hours to the nlipplo form. In-
falllbln euro for all Inllanimatory , Ulccrativo ,
1'utiid , Cancerous Ulcerntlon ot the Womb and
all Catnirhal conditions , Price $1.
Full printed instiuulion1 ? how to xiso the modi-
clnoBont with it. No doctor reqniied.
Cnn only bo obtained at his Office ,
No.U3 S. EUhth bt. , Council Illuirs , Iowa ,
Orsont by Express on Uo.'olBt ot 1'ilco.
NOTICE. Special Mlvertlso-nouts , such ni
Lost.Fouud , To Loan , PoSa \ , To Ko it , W.inti
Bonrdlnffeto. will bo Inserted in this column U
thclowrate of TEN CBOT3 PBlt LINK for In
flwtinsortlon tad FIVB C1SNT3 PBlt LIX15 for
eaob eabsoquonc Insertion. Leave alvortU-j
mcntsat our oOloo , No. Ii Penrl street ,
Broadway , Council
\\7ANTKD-Two Hist class dressraftkcrs nt
IT MfFB Qloaon'B,81 I'ciul slicct.
TTIOR BAln OKTHAnn Ono mule , two horeoa ,
Jc wiiKOii. bnrey. harness , hanow , Imps , COHH ,
ctirpontortools , nn Iron tank und bollor , luiiM-
wit re , a pool tible.lonco po > < cs , housoliold ( roe Id ,
mid my house and lot. Kniiulro on promises ,
Ko. TOD Ilroa Iwny , Council IllulTs.
TCTOU SAr.K Old niipors. In quantities ( o suit ,
Jat Hoc odlco No. 12 Voarl stroot.
FOil SALR OU Til.\pE-Stock of mlllmory
and fancy notion * . All now. ( lood loca
tion. ulcH tl' UOO a year. O , Dee , Counci
Illuffs , lowo.
Choice DUplny of Latest Put-
tcrnx , All GrmlcN.
Council Bluffs
4O5 Broadway.
A Select Stock of Choice
NovclfiCM In.
Omaha Dental Associa'n '
Cor. IGth anil Douglas Sts.
Filling at loneit price , wltli gold , tllvrr and oilier
combination ! Uold plate und conllnuouiGuiu Tuelb
a tpeclaltjr.
Best Sets of Teetli , SS ,
Kormer price IU. J'srfccl fit und l > c t material. All
work uuurapiouJ.
Council Bluffs Office ,
X We Intend on next 4 h of July and Christmas following to distribute among thc ffiftners of oQ
A , B. C. Soap each time f , . " 7 i = r r ; ' t"T
f as PIAXOS , - - * ? " ' 98 < To L6 < tVj3rSieii'f KEO citmA mtaSEfi SET *
050 SEWItftt luUCIIIATCS , 950 SILVER TEA SETS , . i > 000 05-CuaUIo Power LnHlf '
and other fl" > - 9
All of them magnificent ; costly and useful. But at the same time we beg the public to understand rno
matter what our competitors say ) that we arc not running a gift enterprise. You do not pay us n fraction
of a cent for the chance to get the present. We are selling our A. B. C. Soap cheaper to-day than wo
ever did during thc three years that it has been placed on the market , and consequently you get full value
in Soap , We arc simply
our A. B. C. Soap on the most magnificent scale ever attempted by any one firm. . .
Three years ago we started out to sell A. B. C. Soap on its merits. to-day thousands of the most
intelligent housekeepers in this and all the principal cities of the Union use our A. B. C. Soap and marvel
why it is not used in every home.
The principal grocers throughout the Union tell s one reason why its use has not become general
is that
has not been sufficiently advertised ; and another reason is , because many people who have bought it , did
not give it the necessary and intelligent attention it deserves. They did not read the directions , and
finding that it would not wash by laying A. B. C. Soap on top of the bundle of soiled clothes , they fell
back to five cent soap.
1-liousands wr < ° us : "Your A B. C. Soap is all that you claim for itj it not only gives satisfaction
but we find that our most intelligent customers say that ii is
and are enthusiastic and speak in the highest terms of praise about it. Why don't you advertise it ? "
It is therefore that we arc making this extraordinary effort to bring A. B. C. Soap to the notice of
every intelligent person and in order to induce every one to buy it , and continue to use it until they have
fully tested its merits , we say to them
And send them to us during the months of June or December next , and we shall distribute among you
an array of presents which , for magnificence and usefulness , surpasses every I hing heretofore offered by
any one firm.
Send four cents in stamps and we will send you a catalogue , which is now in course of preparation
and which will give you a full description of nil the presents and the mode
Those who have not used A. B. C. Soap , of course , will ask , "what is it ? "
A. B. C. Soap is our own invention , and all who have used it cheerfully concede to it the merit of
liciug the greatest improvement ever made in domestic economy. A. B. C. Soap , and the MODE OF
WASHING WITH IT , is as different from all other soaps , and the old way of washing , and is as
, ch an improvement over the old system , as traveling by railway is over that by an ox-cart. A girl of
1 8 , or the most delicate person , can . . _
ii one hour , more clothes with A. B. C. Soap , than the most robust , with the hardest work and slavish toil
i an wash" with the best soap , and the old way of washing , in three hours. And withal , A. B. C. Soap is
t\je \ mildest and sweetest soap ever manufactured. We warrant you can wash baby with it and it will look
y Mvect and fresh as a rose.
Remember , that while yon can use A. B. C. Soap in anyway or manner you please , it is best to use
it i ceoiding to the directions on the wrapper , which will also teach you the new way of washing.
Kcmember , also , that in order to obtain one of tlieso presents you must save your wrappers and send
t ti \ to us V v mail , during the months of June or December next.
O-K.OOEK.S. * >
Manufacturer/lot all elzoiot
Automatic Engines
Especially Tlostjrnod for Ruonlnz
Tubular and Locomotive Boilers.
New Massillon Threslmw.
Carey and Woodbury Horse Powers.
Portable and Traction Engines ,
Factory Massillon , 0. Branch House
510 Pearl St. , Council Blulfe.
Horses and Mules
For nil purposes , bought and sold , nt retail nnd
n lam. Lingo quantities to eoloct from.
Slreelt , Near Pacific House , Counil Bucs
I Imvo a quantity of sound , well clennod sool
vrlilcli 1 oiler at roasonubls flf ( urea. St-oil of tlio
crop of Wt , Corrt' iondcnoo fcolicltul. F. U.
IIUTia'il , SuliuUvr , IOWH. C. i , N. W. Uy.
337 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Practices In State and Federal Courts.
Uooms 7 and 8 , Snusart JJlook.
Dealers in Milch Cows.
A At Out Stock Yards
No 503 nnd 500 E. Uromhvay.Council IJfls
China , Glusswnro nnd J < ainps ,
\V. S. Houior ti Co. .
No. 23 , Main St.Counuil lllulVs , Iu.
ExtnliliKlicd In 1HT7.
2OOOO Vclilolco Annually. So ml for Catalogue , I'riccx , Freight
and Testimonial ) * .
w. i3. .A."srLjS : WOIR/TIH : ,
Hrlck n.ilMln7 nnv Itlnd inl crt or moved nnd BntlsMetlon ( fimratileod. 1'iatno houses moved
ouLlitleCllaat truolca-tbo liostia the worlL
808 Eighth Avenua anl Eishfcli Strife , Council Bluff *
. IM
ti' nt'C-i' o-C 7r
l * , 4 itf. 226 Broadway , Council Bluffs ,
* ca tf *
8 3
s g
E ? e
P * 5-
Horsua und Mules kept roiiEtnnlly on hund
for palo nt retail or In cur lomts.
Ordure proindtly Illlod by contract on short
ootlco. block sold nn commission.
8IH.UTI5K 4 IIOLIiV , proprietors.
Stable CorniT Filth Aveiuio uud l-'ourlb St
Council HlulTa lawn.
\o. ttl-l llroatUvay.
MltS. 8MIMONS loru nuinlicr of jour ? WAS
culler with Jonlun . ' ; Mnislj , Huston , the
t BUit llOUbU ill the OUSI.
The Highest Market Price
For all kinds of second hand household
goods and
andSTOVES. .
008 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
Hn\InKinndc extensive Iminniomc nta nnd
inuuicoj our Ihiclllllou wish to cull o.snoel'U
attention to llio wuik now buln tiirnol out
by us. c'nlmlnglt totio to that or any
L'lifclcin laundry.
lunidorto Inlioduto our woil ; uiitaldo Ibe
city ornmncll HlulTB wo will upon icfulpt of
this ilckcl , lucompunhnl by mliuri nostaifo ,
Laundry Bix Collars or Cutfh ntl'.IJ , for oltlier
ludios or uciillumcn
Home Steam Laundry
r 10 Kroatlu ii ) , Council ISIulft ,
N , II. Out of town orders ( rlvon prompt at-
toiillon. Wo | > iv return churycs on till work ro *
yod whou-rjjmjuijj by pi1 ! In pa ymojj