V" THE O3VIAHA DAILY BEE : FBIDAY , MAY 7 , 1880. THE DAILY BEE. OMAHA OFFICE , No. nit ANH 016 FAUWAM HT NMT YonKOmcr.llooM M.TIUTIUNK llmuimo WABIIINOTO * Orricr , No. 613 FOUUTRRNTII ST. riihll hwl CTcrymomlnjf , except Sunday. The only Monday morning pnpor published in the ( tBtr. TKTUH HT MAtr.t Ono Your. . . . . . . | 10.00Tlireo Months . .f2.KO BUMonths. . 6. ) ! oiio Month . 1.00 Inn WEEKLY HEP. . Published Kvory Wednesday. TF.IIMH , 1'OSTPAID ! One Ycnr , with promhim . . . . , . f2M Ono Ycnr , \ \ Itlinut pi-vmltim , , . 1.25 BU Months , without tiroinlum . 75 Ono Month , on trial . 10 A II commtlnlcntloni rotating to news nnd odl- torlnl mnttor * should bo ntldrogsod to the Koi- ion or 'HE llr.n. BUSINESS t.ETrr.nst All luulnoM loiter * nnd remittances nhnutd ho undressed to TUB IIEK I'um.ismrco COMPANY , OMAHA , nrnfts , chocks nnd postofflco orders to lie nindo pnynblo to the onlor of the company. 1HE BEE FUBLISHIIIGliPAXr , PflQPRIEIOfli K. UOSKWATBrt , BDTTOH. TJ1I-J BEE. Sworn Statement ofClrotilntlon. State of Nebraska , I Conntv of Doittrlai. fB < 8 < N. P. Koll. cashier of the Ueo Publishing company , floes solemnly swear that the ac tual circulation of the Dally Hco for tlio week ending April UOtli , 1SSO , was as follows : Morntng fivrntng Date. Kill/foil. / Ktiuton. Total Satuiday , 8-tth. . . 0,500 fi , ro 12,470 Monday , 20th. . . . 7,100 6 , M 1B.705 J. UU.-HUIY. Ml lilt . . 000 , ! ! 8,715 12.01S Wcdniistlny.asih. 000 , : ! 6,845 18,145 Thursday , IMth. . 000 , : ! 5.WK ii.uar. Friday , JJOth 0,875 5,800 12,175 AvcrnRO 0,470 6,777 12,250 N. P. KKIU Sworn < o nnd subscribed botoro me , this 1st dny of Mny , A. D. IBSD. SIMON J. FISHER. Notary Public. N. P. Foil , bolnc llret duly sworn , doposoa and says Hint lie is cashier of tlio lice Pub- Halting company , tlmt the nctttnl average dally cltcnlatlon of tint Daily Hcu for the month of January , IBSfivat 10,378 , copies ; for February , 168(1,10,893 copies ; for March , 18SJ , 11,537 copies ; for April , I860 , 18,101 , copies. Sworn to nnd subscribed before me this 5th day of Mn.v , A. D. 1BSO. SIMON , ) . FISHKH. Notary Publfe. Notice to AKCIUB nml Subscribers. Horenftcr nil orders for papers , nil complaints about postal delays , and nil remittances should Undirected to the BEE Publishing com puny , Omnlm , Nebraska. Mr. Filch will still continue- manager of the circulation of the BEE , west of the Missouri. TENNYSON has ground out another odd. lie had otic too much. THE r < Sd flnfe must go. It won't bo safe oven for nn auctioneer's flag to float in the breeze during those days of excitement. to bo hoped that there will bo no further delay about the paving now that tfio price of curbing has boon reduced nnd the contracts nppr6vod. fot1 the idle Moans prosperity for the industriobs as well. A thrifty and con ton ted industrial population is the aounu basis of national prosperity. AND still the immigrants como pouring into fertile Nebraska. Five yoara heneo even the telescope of the great Lick ob servatory will fail to discover the old- tlnio frontier. MIC. PowoEHLr's ' ringing voice is hoard denouncing the murderous agitators who boast that their aim is to destroy Ameri can institutions by the methods of the coward and the assassin. TnniiK may not bo much rail splitting in progress in Nebraska as compared with the offbto east , but in rail laying she ia boating the rooord just now with several - oral counties to hear from. TUP. Apaohes have again found the Uuited States troops undo r Captain Lobo , Who got away from Qcrommo's ambush with the loss of two men , and struck at onoo for Arizona. Two Apaches wore re ported killed , but Oeronimo will probably - bob up serenely in a few days with his original command unimpaired. General Miles proposes to improve on Crook's methods on Indian warfare , but there has been as yet no improvement in the results noted. WE must have bolter service in the Omaha post ofllco. If there arc not clerks enough , our business men should unite in asking the postmaster general to in * crease the force. Thcro should bo more efficiency on the part of those who are mnloyod in the pflico and Postmaster Coutunt owes it to himself and tbo pub- He-to give the foroo his active personal attention. The 'failure to deliver the Mtiflontions of the board of trade meet- teg shows that there is n screw loose emowhero. CONGRESSMAN ANDKKSOH'3 bill tO &d the railroad land grants has passed th hoiuo o ( representatives by a vote of lift 160 , This important measure culls fee an Investigation nnd Adjustment of tb0 Innda granted to railroads by con- | ii guess tn the several states nnd territories. Millions of acres of the public lands have * ; been illegally obtained by u variety of Bcthods , which Mr. Anderson's measure proposes to expose , and to remedy by wresting the land so taken from the hands of the ri'.llroad grabbers. Attention has from time ' to time been directed to tlio repeated failures of most of tlio land grant roads , to comply with the terms of the grant. Yheso terms vary in dilVoront cases , but ' - Moat of Iho roads have obtained their * ' ' Mids under grunts containing some of | bo following provisions : (1) ( ) That if any . { tovtloa of tha roads ia not completed within the time fixed , no further sales kid ) bo matlo nnd the lands unsold shall revert to the United States ; (3) ( ) tliat if the entire road is not completed in the time sot , uo further patents shall bo issued and . the unsold land shall revert ; (3) ( ) that if the companies fall to lilo their assent to thu terms of the nut or complete , 'tholr roads , us provided , the measure Itself becomes null and void nnd all lauds rovcrt to the United States ; (4) ( ) that if the companies make any broach in the conditions of the grant , congress may do fcny nud nil ncta necessary to secure the \ tpcedy completion of the roads. It 1 estimated that fully 30,000,000 acres , 9t govcrnmunt land have boon illegally vmaquired. Ooniircsj has boon so long uadcr the control of the railroad lobby ' .ttwtit is gratifying to ubto the large ma- by which Mr , Audorsou's bill yinr'1 the house. It must not bo prc- from this , however , that the bill is lUwly to become a law. It must yet run MM gauntlet of the sonata , which is p * ked with railroad niilliouaires and it rolled by the corporation lobby. Oorncrlnfc Hrlotc. When Omaha had 15,000 or 20,000 pop ulation , It was well enough for the brick- makers to bo also builders and contrac tors. In these days it would have been rather risky for a linn to confine'them selves to the mnnufacturo of brick alone. The brick might have bcon lolt on their hands ns dcnd capital , unless they had contracts from builders for all the brick they turned out. Omaha has now reached a stage when men can with safety manu facture brick for sale , without any risk of loss by the lack of demand. Itrick making and brick laying need not go hand in hand. In fact this combina tion has become a serious detriment to the growth of tlio city. As long as llto brick- maker only proposes to turn out brick enough for tlio building contracts which he has taken , it is to his interests not to sell bricks to ethers who might underbid him in building contracts. The cll'oct of this is Hint every year wo have suffered from a brick monopoly which discourages people from building small houses. Hrick- makcrs are asking twelve dollars a thou sand for brick which actually cost from five to six dollar,1) ) to make , and thuy are willing to lay brick in the wall for about the prlco they ask for the brick alone. Mechanics of small means who want to take contracts on their own account can not do so without loss as long as they have to pay twelve dollars for brick. This compels them cither to work for the big contractors or leave the plnco allogolhor. In this matter wo are going through the same process every-year. Half a dozen heavy contractors who own brick yards have created n brick monopoly and put up the price until they have all the contracts they consider worth taking. For Ihe rest , they care little whether the men of small means nro able to build or not. Many people who would otherwise build small houses give them up , and many small jobs of brick-laying are made so costly that they might as well bo lormed downright robbery. This mailer has no relation to Ihe ques tion of bricklayers' wages. The cost of making bricks is not increased by that and oven the slight increase asked by brick-moulders and laborers docs not justify the exorbitant price put upon brick in the yards. T.ho time U seems to us has como for largo brick-making concerns which have no other business than brick-selling , liriclc building is n Boparnto trade nnd it is to the Interest of Omaha that this sys tem of cornering brick every spring should cease. Sparks and Van WyoK , The great hue and cry which the anti- Van Wyck press makes about the differ- cnco bctwocii SenatorVan Wyck and Mir. Sparks about the seizure of timber cut by Hall & Bros , in Idaho Territory is after all ntornly campaign buncombe. It docs not in any way detract from the senator's merit ns the defender of the public domain. So far as the right of Hall & Co. to cut timber promiscuously on the public land with the solo yiow of selling the lumber wherever it has a market we believe Commission er Sparks is eminently right. This has been our position from the outset without knowing who was the owner of the timber seized by the government. Wo believe Senator Van Wydk has made a mistake in at tempting to support Hall's claims , and wo do not propose to mince matters in saying so. Tins .paper . , without reference to Senator Van Wyck , believes Sparks to be an honest man , fearless in the dis charge of his duty and earnestly desir ous to reform the land oflice and stop the raids by corporations and bogus claimants upon the public lands. Mr. Sparks may have made mistakes in his rulings , but they wore made in tlio interest of tbo public , so far ns ho saw that interest. His predecessors nearly always squinted in the other direction , and had private interests to subserve or these of railroads , land grabbers and largo syndicates. Senator Van Wyck is not infallible. Ho is just as likely to bo imposed upon or to blunder as other men who mean to do right. In this case the senator has been oycrzoalous in the in terest of a friend. The senator al ways has boon true to his friends , oven these , for instance , who nro utterly useless to him and cannot in any way advance - vance his interests poll ticallyor otherwise. As between Senator Van Wyck and Com missioner Sparks in the matter of the timber depredations wo side with Mr , Sparks. While Senator Van Wyck claims that Hall has boon acting under permission of a previous assistant secre tary of the interior , we say that the per mission never should have been given because it was against the law as defined by rulings that expressly provide that timber shall not bo out and transported for sale from ono territory to another. It is manifestly against public policy to allow parties to maku merchandise indiscriminately out of the public timber. This a fleets alike- friend and foo. Mr. Sparks has been on the right track from the beginning , and is on the right road now. While the senator Is lit ml.y of the opinion that an injustice has boon ilono Hall , we trust ho will not press the claim. Dr. Miller ami tlio Horuld. Wo cheerfully respond to the request made by Dr. ( Jcorgo L. Miller to con-not any wrong impression in regard to his alleged intenllon of giving up his citi/.on- ship in Omaha and the control of the Omaha Herald. The doctor takes the public Into his confidence by giving an outline of his tuturo in a letter , from which the following is an extract : 1 caniH Into active life In Omaha nearly thirty-two years n o , I nm going out of It by tlmsnme door , Omaha will always bo my permanent residence and homo so long as 1 shall live. Neither Mr , Ulclmrdson or my self has any plan or purpose to sell or sur render their coutiol of the Ilemhl. * * * * 1 do Intend to so anango my alTalrs as to secure early and certain relief liom the cares and labors , too severe at times oven for a lobast man of 21 years. It U true that I Intend to bo absent from Omaha In New Yoik and elsewhere several months In the year. While I u alUe nsclcaily as others do that Nebraska , Omaha , and the Herald long ago outflow any need of my personal services as an editor , It Is only proper that I should say that , * o far ns I now know or bulleve , I shall retain my ownership aud control of this property and paper. UI'.OIIQK L. Mir.T.un. It is hardly necessary for us to say that this paper has given no currency to the reuort that Dr. Miller proposed to aban don Omaha and Nebraska with which ho has been prominently iduutilied for moro than a quarter of a century. It Is equally unnecessary for us to retract anything wo have said in regard lo the doctor or his partner , Mr. Richardson giving up the control of the Herald. There is no need of lliclrmnking such a sacrifice , nor is such n valuable property ns the Her ald likely to bo thrown at auction into the open marKCt. Tlmt Dr. Miller has for years needed rest nnd recuperation from exhausting editorial labors is well known nnd it can surprise nobody to learn that ho Intends to lake things moro easy in the future Ho is financially in n condition to do so , aud with a competent stnfT whioh the Hcrttld now has , his periodic absences from Omaha will not bo seriously felt. Whiskey nml Dynamite. The main trouble in all these labor riots is whiskoy. If liquor could bo kept away from worklngmcn when they are on n slriko , there would bo very little danger to Ufa and properly. The anarchists nnd communists who want to destroy prop erty for the sake of building up a now system are not numerous anywhere. Sober worklngmcn would spurn their counsels and refuse lo follow thorn in any attempt to create disturbance. On the contrary if the saloons and gin mills were closed in every city whore there arc labor troubles the sober , moderate counsels of conservative , honest laboring men would prevail. They would reason with their employers and adjust tholr differences without resort to violence. Mayor Harrison risen is largely to blame , in our opinion , for the fatal ufl'ecls of tlio Chicago riot. He has now Issued a proclamation against thca sscmbllng of crowds in the streets nnd public meetings of agitators. Had iio issued his proclamation at the outset to close all the saloons until the trouble was over , wo doubt whether there would have been any bloodshed. Even now , as a matter of safety , the saloons in Chicago , and inall other cities where largo numbers of workingmcn l.avo walked out of factories and mills is re quired as a mailer of safely. Largo droves of drunken men , whether they are laborers or belong lo any olhcr class , are likely li bring about riots and com mit outrages upon properly. If nl any time there should bo any serious Iroublo in Omaha wo should feel it Iho duty of the innyor to close nil the saloons and keep them closed until the trouble is over. Dymunito is dangerous , but whisky and dynamite together make a terrible com bination. Rni'OUTS from throughout the state show that the acreage corn will bo great ly increased in Nebraska tha ! year , es pecially in the central and snuthnrn per tions. Corn is the surest and the safest crop for Nebraska farmers. Our soil and climate are specially suited for its culti vation. But , for all this , it is a question whether wisdom docs not dictate a great er diversity in the products of our farms than has been the case during the past five years. The moro fact that the corn crop is so certain and prolific ensures a heavy nroduction and consequent low prices. Where farmers are tnr removed from the markets the cost of transporta tion consumes n lartre part ot the profits. If our farmers could bo brought to see that corn on the hoof is more profitable than corn on the car they would soon notice the difference in their annual bal ance sheets. Slock feeding in the corn counlry would rcvolulionixe many scclions of our slale. With portions of the farms turned into pasture and hay lands , the corn fields would soon become largely independent of railroad facilities , and freight pools nnd combinations. The establishment of canning factories in several counties opens up a now avenue - nuo for profit from truck farming. The richest farmers of the cast are the vege table growers of New Jersey and Long Island. A few acres , carefully and in dustriously lillcd in vegetables for which there is a steady market , would bring in handsomer returns than live times their number in corn. With tlio crowth of large cities and towns the hay crop will become more and moro important. The demand for first c.ass timolhy hay is now grealcr than the supply. Our farmers in the eastern part of the stale will doubtless find it to their advantage to turn their attention in tlio direction of the hay field and tame grasses grown on well fertilized ground. In n largo portion of the northweslcrn part of the state where the elevation is high and the climate closely correspond ing to that of the Black Hills , oats will sooner or later bo one of the staple crops , The oat crop of the Cheyenne river , and of the farms along the foot hills of the Black Hills , scarcely fifty miles north of Dawos county , is famous throughput the west. There is no reason why equally good crops should not be raised in north western Nebraska. SociAussr and anarchism linvo been nursed In Chicago for seven years. The red ling has waved unchallenged all that time ; tlio incendiaries have had their Sunday parades ; tholr picnics , and their meetings unmolested. Chicago lias bcon the headquarters and hot-bed of red- handed communism , and It was eminent ly proper that Chicago should bo given n dose of anarchy and dynamite in order lo bring that cily to a realization of the facl lhat she was simply nursing a vol cano , While many nro sutlering in con sequence of the murderous warfare of the anarchists , the result cannot bo otherwise - wise limn salutary , not only upon Chicago cage , but upon the whole country. The days of the red flag in the United Stales nro virtually ended. The uooplo every where now realize the danger of permit- ling incendiaries to enjoy the freedom that is accorded to peaceable and honest men. The communistic assassins will never again bo permitted in any city in this country to go unchecked as they have in Chicago for years. AT first it was a wild western congress man who wns credited with having won ? 50,000 nt.pokcr during the past winter at tlio national capital. Now it has been narrowed down to a Nebraska congress man. This causes the Nebraska City News to remark that it is glad to learn that ono of our representatives is good for something. Whoever the lucky gen- tlcmnn is , ho is evidently looking out for a big campaign fund for next fall. OMAHA claims to be a metropolitan city , but she hasn't a street sign in sight. This Is a defect which is not only annoy ing to-strangers but also to rosidunts. it is high time that lite city council should take stops to havd'hro'pcr ' signs plncod at every intorsectloiljn Ijio city , cither upon lamp posts or In some conspicuous place. SENATOU VAN WIYCK nnd the board of trade found no difficulty in agreeing on a bill for Iho relief of the Union Paclllc , which , if passed , will , protect all the in terests involved those of the govern ment as well ns of ithoipooplo. GENEHAI , HOWAKD llmls San Francisco the most delightful ciKv In 'the country nnd its people Iho most hospitable , Tlio general must have kissed tlio blarney stone on ono of his numerous Irlps abroad , Tun InrilY bill Is rcporlod ns practically dead. It is no moro so than Iho early which 1ms bcon vainly attempting for months to unite on n policy of tariff re form. INTUKI28TING l-'AOXS. Imprisonment for Uobt has been abolished In Now York state. A baby born In Now York during n tcrrlblo storm has boon called Cyclonla. Based on Iho names In the Insl city direc tory , St. Louis claims a population of 420- , 000. 000.The The marshals In Southern Illinois towns have procured blood hounds to hunt down burglars. Daniel Arnold , of Macon , Ua , , hid STOO In a hole near his house. The Hood came and bo Is now offering 8GOO for the hole. Walk Twain lold a recent vlsllor that ho could print single copies of General Giant's book for 55 cents each. The selling price Is $3.50. Prcachinc docs nol keep men poor In l ug- land. The Uov. Ailliur Gray-Howe u-ccntly left S'JO.000,000 to the poor llml Is to say , tote t\\o sons ) . A Montreal merchant has been fined for exposing In his show-windows two stat uettes of "Night" nnd "Morning" nfter Michael Ancolo. The agricultural department Is sending out large quantilics of the ORL'S of th'k ' sltkwoims , it having bpen proven that ( lie leaf of the osage omugo makes us good silk as the mul berry. The big gun recently cast nt Boston has been lakcn from the cooling pit and Is re ported perfect. When finished It will bo thhty feet In length nnd lifty-four inches In diameter. John. DiiboU Q ClearttelU , Pa. . IB consicl- Ciatlon tit 51 , hns just deeded property amounting to eight or ten millions to his nephew , John . Dubols , aged twenty-live. The uncle Is n bachelor , and cuts off his biothers , sisters nnd other heirs to insure the carrying on of Ills nlfalrs in single ownership ns ho himself hns conducted them. THE KIEfjD'F INDUSTRY. Troy caipouters Wave" gained the eight hour day nnd SO cents per , hour. In St. Louis quite it number of Industries have adopted the eight or nine hour Any. Cincinnati Is spending ' 54,000,000 in rcpav- inp her streets , mostly with granite pave ment. ' < ' Mammoth pipe nmi.'foujidry ' works are to bo erected at Chattanooga , Tetui.t whteh will give employment to POO uicii , A separate tederntlbiV , similar to tlio Knights of Labor aufl working in harmony with it , Is to be established In Great Britain. Agas and oil comnauy.jias been organized In Pitlsburg to devclqp.n belt of nearly 14,000 acres of gas and oil land In .Alleghany and Washington counties , Westerns Pennsyl vania. Notwithstanding the depressing dffectof labor agltallon upon the industries , the New England boot and shoe manufacturers nave manufactured and shipped 3,530,000 moro pairs ot shoes so far this year than last year. Even if times are hard people will liotgo barefooted. Last week 55,000 boxes of boots and shoes were sent from Boston to the west and south. How Trnclo IB Hurt. I'Mbvlclphla Itccorii. Trade Is hurt moro by the apprehension of mischief than by the actual extent of it. * Oinnlia Una Some on the Ijlst. Chicago Herald. It Is passing stranze lhat no relative of Miss Folsom 1ms been discovered In Chicago. Aspirants for federal office are catching on very generally In other towns. Fully Accounted i < or. CMcaon Herald. A Now York gentleman who has visited Washington bays It seemed like a section of Manhattan Island or Albany or Buffalo , so many of the faces on the streets and behind tlio desks nnd counters were familiar to him. Perhaps this may account to tlio wild west ern mind for the scorning slowness In mak ing changes. _ _ They've Como to Stay. Aew YinltSun , These unions among \\orklnginon have como to stay. Every employer must take them into account nnd It Is folly to attempt to combat the feeling which leads to tholr for mation. Itlghtly trealed , too , such fraterni ties will be of advantage lo both labor and cap ital , for they increase the self respect of the men , stimulate their pride In calling , teach them , to dlsclullnc themselves and encourage harmony aud ( idelity. Yankcf DooilloBliould bo Resurrected tfliritia/lcfti / ( JfiiM. ) Union. Isn't It about time to have n little renais sance of Yankee Doodle In this country ? What with socialism , nihilism , anarchism , boycottlsm , strlkolsm , etc. , It seems ns if the gicat original Idea of "life , liberty nnd the purmilt of happiness" wns getting snowed under. "Mind business" your own was one of the maxims for which this Yankee nation fought and bled a century ace , and the wis dom of It Is not worn out .yet by nny menus. The Jletl F. 0. Jlennett ttiCMcau < iui. ' . What nation and what government , This crimson tatter all besprent With human skulls' and ilamo and gore , Circling and llHiintiiigeveimore Wlml people does It repiestfnt ? Kmblcin of licason ariij'o'f/liale ' ' / , Itiul banner of an outlMVCtt state , Kach fold a llghtcd'toix'h'conccals ' ' , Kach wave a glittering pike reveals , Kach with Its lurking , coward mate. Baptized In riot , blood and lire , A taggot saved for freedom's pyre ; Companion of the garb of bhame , Without a home , without a name Base bubtard ot an utikno.Wn Hire ! What deed of valor has It wrought. ' What hero hosts have cheered and fought , Keeping It ever In tholr Bight. Aim died for principle and right , And blessed liberty , blood-bought ? No emblem can Inspire so well A sortie of the hosts of hell I Whern malice lurks and treason plots And foreign lepers bare their spots- There floats this , ghastly beiitlnel. Haul down the flaunting alien rag l-'mil Insult to our b tarry Hag I When they go waving side by sldo Whore U the f iceman's vaunted pride ? Haul down the led , spuw out the ga l i The Railroad Lobby. 1'MladdphU Record. A territorial delegate In congress has no vote , but helms the privilege of fieo speech. Delegate Vooihees , of Wyoming Territory , has ui.tde use of his privilege to some pur- pose In calling attention to the presence of a formidable lobby ot tx-mombors of con gress , who ro Industriously nnd Impudently pushing the Interests of the Northern Pacific railroad on the floor of the house. In Iho senate there Is no need of such n lobby , ns tlie railroad corporations nro amply repre sented In Its membership , STATE AND TERRITORY. Nebraska Joltlngq. Work has begun on n $ ( J000 | school nt fctlgar. The Fairmont creamery churns out 800 pounds of butler daily , Flllmoro county has B.183 children ol school ago , an increase of 414 in n year. The U. & M. company is completing a Inrgo depot at Fnfrmont. The branch road to Geneva will bo finished In ten days. Dan I'nrrdl , the noted sheriff of Mills county , Iowa , captured a horscthluf at Dunbar , Tuesday , uf tor an axclting cliaso through Oleo county. The residents of Lottp City are making - ing groal preparations to culobrato Iho advent ot the railroad next wcok. A grand barbecue and ox roast , speeches and other edibles comprise ihu bill of faro. faro.The The blasting of nn obstruction in the river near Nobtasku City , Sunday , startlud the residents for nulos on both sides of the river , and a number of tele grams wore received inquiring as to the cause of the earthquake. Papllllon is pleased with the work of Judge Wakoloy at the present term of court. According to the Times , "busi ness proceeded with the utmost dispatch consistent with duo administration of justice. " Andcrshoot , the horse thief , was sent up for two years. 15. F. Allen , of Marlon , Cuss county , tested the cllicacy of an alleged "mad- slouu" for a dog bile , but it would not slick. This stone is the pioporly of C. P.Sauturs of Shelby , it is 'J | inches long , 3 Indies wide nml about J of an inch lliio.k , of a dark { ; rooii color , wlion laid in the sun it reflects all thu colors of the rainbow. It was brought from Franco twenty-nine yours ago. "There is a great deal of speculation , " says the Papillion Times , "among the farmers on this side of the Platte , over the fact that the surveyors have bcon .selling out grading sticks , nnd report that it is a branch road from the Missouri Pan ! lie lo the stone quarries at South Bund. If the comuany build a road that far , and they already own the most of the right of way , they will no doubt in a short time push on to Lincoln. This would give them the shortest line from Omaha to Lincoln. " Iowa Items. There are 788 old soldiers in Boone county. Clannda has decided to invest 10,000 in a waterworks plant. Scott county distribulcd $030 worth of food , fuel and clolhing among its poor last month. Sioux City had a mad-dog chase Mon day. The frothing brute bit several dogs and horses , but distanced the human race. race.An enterprising farmer has stnrted a mushroom patch near Kastport , opposite Nebraska City. Ho linds a ready and prof itable market for his "fruit. " The internal revenue collections in the stale for April amounted lo ? 208,159.88. Prohibition does nol appear to affect Uncle Sam's business in the least. Ch.is. Tomash , a Muscatmo farmer , was run in for vending bootleg budge without a license. Ho wns bound over to appear at the Juno term of the United States court at Kookuk. Tomash is well fixed , has a l.BOO-acrc . farm , and why ho should violate the. revenue laws is not clear. Amccling of Iho eseculivo committee of the First Iowa Cavalry association was held at Cedar Rapids , April 15.1880. It was decided to hold the triennial reunion of the association at Cedar Hapids , Sep tember 31 , 33 and 23 , 1880. Ex-members of the regiment nro invited. A circular. giving full information as to railroad rates and hotels nnd programme , will be mailed to members about August 20. Dakota. ' Ono man in Douglas county last ivcek sot out 29,100 trees. Two years ngo there wns but ono pub lic school it ; Edmunds county ; now there arc thirty-six. Iho recent prairie fire in Sanborn county is reported to have destroyed many thousands of dollars worth of prop erty.An An immense amount of seeding has been done in Potlcr county , ami the prospects for a good crop arc most on- coin-aging. The Huron council has sotlled the ar tesian well controversy by giving K. W. Swan n contract for a well 1,000 feel deep for $4,000. It also repealed a strecl rail way frannhjse awarded to Frank L. Shcl- i of Lincoln , Nob. , n few weeks sinco. Wyoming. Sixty minors are employed in the Sil ver Crown district. The city marshal of Cheyenne collected 97,000 in lines during April. Delegate Carey writes from Washing ton tlmt it is scarcely possible that wool will bo placed on Iho free list. V Twenty thousand brook Ironl hnvo been ' ant ml in Sun'd crock , and 13,000 in S'ant creek and Tripplo lake. The assessed valuation of real and per sonal property in Cheyenne i.s $3.023,031. The actual value is nearer tun millions. The capital commissioners are holding a series of meetings juftt now to con sider the plans submitted to them by the board is to creel n building which , while oomplelo in itself , can hereafter bo en larged by eastern and western wings , and thu plans being considered tire drawn in reference to this idea. Montana. The Lexington comnany shipped $31- 0-18 bullion hist weak. Workmen on the court house shaft at Helena struck pay gravel. The police of Helena have pulled all tlui opium dens in town. During Friday and Saturday last ? 35- 370 in bullion were hhlpped from Buttu. The Moulton company last week ship ped twelve burs of bullion valued at f IB- , 753. 753.Tho The Grnnllo Mountain company ship ped * 03,000 bullion in the llr.-H half of April. Three hundred head of catlla huvo been killed during the past winter by Piegnn Indians on thoTeton and Marais range , Thowifoof William Bovlo. of Cold Springs , was burned to death last week. Her dress caught lire from n stove , nnd before help could roach her , tlio unfor tunate woman was burned almost beyond recognition. The I'nwUc Coast. A bed of alum hns been loiuul near the Longfellow incline of thu Colorado rail- roau , Arizona. Several new copper and antimony mines havu been discovered in Allison Valley , Nevada , nnd are reported rich. A lire in the Bancroft building in San Franoibco , Saturday , destroyed half a million dollars worth of property nud caused the death of four men. The practical educational work of the Nevada stale university commenced Thursday. Twcnty-thrco young ladies and thirteen young gentlemen were en rolled. The beautiful yellow flower known as California poppy , which grows * o pro- fusoly on the hills near Napa , contains a largo percentage of oulurn. It is sah that the Chinese steep them and make n sleep producing draught. A consignment of opium pnssoi through the custom house to a white llrm In San l-'rnnclsco Monday , upon whits ! the duty alone wns $90,000. The amount iu weight was over 9,000 pounds. A telegram signed by thirty-six dairy firms In the state lias been sent to the California representatives nt Washington urging thorn to do tholr utmost to aid the passage of Iho bill whloh was reported to the house levying n heavy tnx on all Imi tatlons of dairy producls. SIX MONTHS VBOVK EARTH. The 1'roHpcroua Cnrcor of the Now Town or Howard City. IloWAun CITT , Howard Co. , May 4 [ Corrcspomlcncoof the BEI ; . ] During the fall of 1835 , as the now road , O. 11. V. K Railway branch of the Union Pnclllc wns being built , great excitement prevailed , until at last It was known to all , thai there was to bo a town aomo twenty odil miles from St. Paul. Thu llrst train that headed toward the now town sitc.renchud its destination , November 10th. Then , there was only ono building under head way , but the train \vis : well loaded with the necessary materials , and workmen were soon seen erecting buildings hero and there. Since then ono building after another has loomed up , until to-tlay wo can count forty-live well constructed buildings. It is n thriving industrious town , not ono of your wayside towns wo somotlmu.s sen. with dry goods , grocery store , drug store and post olhco com bined ; but an independent well to do place. Several stores ot general mer chandise , two drug stores , u hardware store , moat market , three good first-class western hotels , a line depot building , with lumber yards , grain buyers and stock dualurs doing good business. The mill , the most important features of tlio town I mu.st not omit. It is as line a Hour- iug ns nny western town can boast of ; tlio machinery Is of the bust and will soon bo in running order. The town has a bank , also a good school , although the school building is a short distance from town ; but soon a school house is lo be cruclud which will bo a credit to the town , and ono her citi/.cns may well bo proud of. SociotyKvory ono knows the failings of a now town ; but consider the age of this ono , not yet six months old , but it has a good Sunday school and all scorn interested and anxious to attend. Drop all business matters ; lay all en terprises away lor a moment nnd notice the situation of Howard. It is about half way between St. Paul and Loup City , just the right distance for : i thriv ing town. It is ( ilttintcd a short distance from Middle Loup river , just far enough to give it a healthy , glowing appearance , anil cause those who stand on the rise of hind just north of the town to turn nnd with admiring eyes view the scone once more. The land on which the town is fiilunlod is suflicionlly high not to allow low , dense fogs which arise froni the river to soltlo thereon , thus causing un- honlthiness. Boautif'il ' residence lots can bo obtained. Just north of the business part of town , which overlooks Ihe whole town-site and the flowing river beyond. Who would want a prettier or moro pic turesque or hcnllliy site for a western homo ? The land for miles in all direc tions is lakcn and under cultivation , llitis affording nnd supplying Ihu town's de mands. A ferry-boat is in good running order just south ot Ihe town , so the people ple from tlio south side of Ihe Loup are scon on Iho slriicls. II is hoped soon to have a bridge rcross Iho stream. Slill Iho work continues. Teams and men are at Work on the south side of thn Mid dle Loup , following the new line through to North Platfo. Thus the town , afford ing every possible advantage for im provement. A. S. Hip : Fronts of tlio Stars. Mr. Edwin Booth only fnils lo stand at the head of the list of American moneymaking - making actors this season for the reason that he would not act moro than twenty weeks of the season. His average re ceipts during those twontv weeks were $700 a night , or n tolnl of over $90,000. Next year ho is paid $150.000 for 200 nights , but ho will have to work a great deal harder , for Mr. Lnwronco Barrett Intends to get all there is out of it. . Next to Air. Booth in the proportion mndu , but lirst in the actual amount , comes Mary Anderson. She will not see less than iJlOQ.OW . ) as her profits of the present tour. Hoi * terms are SO per cent of the gross rcjcoivjts. The best week she played to WHS $15,000 in Philadelphia , which would give her very nearly $5,000 for hnr shnro , but of course this was ex ceptional. The business has averaged probably about $10,000 a week , and the ficapon lasts about thirty-two weeks. Strange to say , Miss Anderson is disap pointed at tills result. She expects more , for when she first came , it will bo re membered , seats were put at $ > 3.50apioco. but very wisely nnd disurcotly dropped to * ? 1 (50 ( , Which Hlie has been playing to all through the country. Mr. Joseph JaU'orson , who is one oLtho money-making stars , also cut his season quita short HUH year. He acted for about sixteen weeks , and thnro wns no single week of that time that he did not make over $2,000 , for his own share. Lotta tins not boon doing us well this year as In the past. Tlio public insist up on taking bur to be older than f.lio is , nnd thorolsa material decrease in receipts compared with what used to bo her record. She works nwny ao hard as over , though , arid is ns noxious for the cxcitu- mimt of the stage. This really accounts for her continuing this hard llfowhensho has a. fortune in her own hands already of fully a7 ! > ,000. Mr. Bnrrutt will not make much monny this year. The defection of Louis James nnd Maria. Wainwnght gave him a biul blow from which ho has not re covered , and it is very likely ho will end his so.ison only a triilo bettor off than at its beginning. Mnggio Mitchell is slili piling up the ducats. She hns had sumo phunoiuuiml business at certain places , nnd is yet one of the most popular r.tar.s before the public. This in spile of the fact that she started a good many years before Lotta. She IH n tough little woman , who look : ) almost ns wull to-dny as ten years ngo. 1'iinnio Davenport liaa had n good sonsou of it , Tim fact of engaging Man- tIl has aided nor very Inrcoly. It is a poor week when MKs Dnvonport'fi pro- Ills nro not. $1,500 , and very often they go as high as 83,000. Sulvini will Inko awny from Iho coun try about $10,000 , It is rockcnml by ono ot his InMmntos Unit out of the $10,000 , not more limn i 1,000 will click hero. There i.s a now pe * > t for western farm- on ) lo fight In the fhapu of a yellow worm which develops inlo a black lly about the eighth of an inch in length , It is very thrifty in some parts ot fiio Willamette Vnlloy , Oregon , The Insect is known lo entomologists as the "wheat Isosomu , " It has appeared in Kentucky , lllinolh and Missouri. The.re is only ono breed a year. year.Mr Mr , I. B. Novon , Cashier of Firsl Na tional Bank , of Sing Sing , N. Y. , suflVrcd greatly from Coativenes'i ' and Dyf.pep.sin , luo to overwork and want of regular exercise , After wasting much time nnd money in socking a remedy , ho Ocean taking thu old reliable Brandtith's Pills , two every ulght for tlirco weeks. Ho now hns a good appetite and capital digestion , and will answer any written or pcreon.il Inquiry regarding his re markable euro. STRICTLY PURE. tT CONTAIN * NO OPIUM IN ANY FORK IN THREE SIZE BOTTLES. PRICE 25 GENTS , 50 CENTS. AND $1 PER BOTTLE OCtOEM I' BOTTLEJ.oro put vp for the AtUrommnrtntlonof all who desire * goo and low r > rlcnd Ciueh , CoIdtndCroupRimidy T1IOM ! 1IUP1H1NI1 A HKMMIirrnn CONSUMPTION ANf LUNG DISEASE , Bnould secure the Inrtfo $1 buttles. Direction i nccompnnylniroucli bottle. Bold by all Modiciuo Dealer . WHITTIER 617 ( It. CtiorlonHt. , St. onln , Mo. AreflUrlMdgiKor lot MtdlttlC lltll , UlboiloltM1 t ( a | dlt tfet ipKlftltrvfttratDlof CNBOVIO. Nlltatr * . Rmim knd ULOID Diiitin Ihtntnr other fbrilelu laSkLtuli , Mrlty ripcri thow tndall oldrcildenti in v. Nervous Prostration. Dtbllltr , Menial and Physical Weakness ; Mercurial and other Artec- lions ol Throat. Skin or Bones , Blood Poisoning , old Sores and Ulcers , ro ire.t i * ith np.r u.ui tccnonUl itcl < otln tirlnclj > t..s relT. Prlr l lr. Diseases Arising Irom Indiscretion , Excetf. Exposure or Indulgence , vhith yr i.e. . orth. foliowlni n i i otMooinni , a.blllij , dlmntu of iltbl uddibetlttiMnorr. pimrl.icmth. fit. , phT.I.,1 jt.j , tttrilootolbe locleljof remilil , confuiU * or I4ti , tto. . rendering Marrimio Improper or unhappy , J Mtnuntntfj ured. nmphUt ( ! t c i ) a tbt ibote , lint lni l < dcnTtlop , frtetonnjKldrt.i. CeniulUlUn Mot- Dee or t > f null fre * . lorltxl and iltletlj etmOdtnlkl. A Positive Written Guarantee ite ia ntrjn. raolooue. Uealelaeioattrcr/wbtreb/mtUortiprfii * MARRIAGE GUIDE , 300 PAOE3 , riNB TUTBS , ltto ! ° th 4 III ! bUdlof , irileiUorBOo. In poiUfior err ooj. Oter tnr wondirful p l pletnrti.trtie ( o lifts rtleliion lt r.UewIni luejoeut who rnnj mirrr. bon l. whji roinbood , vomin. ESTORE I'm. Hoodi lfniuru rromnturo Decay , voiuDoMllty.Loi { " tal"vlmftrl ainT lnoTenr known retnolr E11'dlscoverpd * Mmple solf.ctircwllrti bo will eeui fllRR to hlii follow.mir ( r < ) H. Addn s 1. U. UEKVE8.43 Clitlwn traot. Now York Cllr. PAOL L WIRT PBUHTAIN PER BEST IN THE WORLD , to * ! vo sotlsrao- Bna ta Mir m Price $ 2.50 J.B.Trickey&Co WHOLESALE JEWELERS , Lincoln , Sole Wholesale ncontJ for Nebraska. DEALERS SUPPLIED AT FACTOR * KATES. N. U. Tills U not a Style graph pencil , but nurst doss flexible sold pen ot any do- elrcd entities * of point. Do you want a pure , bloom ing Complexion } If 80 , A few .implications of Hagan'n MAGN&LIA MALM will grat ify you to your heart's con tent. It rtoos away with Sal lowncss , HeduflHS , Pimples. IJlotcho.s , and all diseases and imperfections of the fikin , It overcomes tlio Hushed appearance - anco of Jioat , fatigue anil ex citement. It makes a lady of TJl I HIT appear but TWfcN- TY ; and go natural , gradual , and perfect . are ids cffecta. that it is impossible to detect its application.