THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : FRIDAY , MAY 7 , 1880. Whlsky-Sl.14 , nutter Lower : fancy creamery. 18 < 3lOc ; good to choice. l&317c ; dairy , 10@lflc. Cheese Full cream Cheddars , 0 > i@llc5 flats , lOJrtiMlc ; skims , 4@ < 5c. Eccs-stcady nt lOc. Hlcirs-vftccJ ? ) , oWc * lifavy green salted , 7'fc ; lightstfc ; damaged , otfc ; null hides , skc ; dry salted , 12Kcdry ; lllnt , 13@14c ; call 7klns. lo@13c ; deacons.riOc. Tallow Grease , while country , A , B 4c { yellow , 8) c ; brown He. llccelnLi. Shipments. Flour , bbls ' . 1H.OOO 11,000 Wheat , oil 43,000 103.0UO Corn.mi 41.000 iwJ.OoO Oats.bu 4f..OOO 142.000 Kycmi 1.000 8.000 Uarley.bu ,000 8,000 Now York , May C. Wheat Nccelnts , 0.000 ; exports , 43,000 : spot , { @lc lower ! ojh tfons oponcd fiomcwhal stronger , declined KGJIXcralllcil about Jtfc. closing ; un- graded red , WftOOoj No. 2 red , OX@OOKc F. o. I ) . , Wtfc delhercd : Juno closing at Die. Corn Spot , J < c higher ; ojitlous. * ( ( ftc lower , closing weak ; receipts , U.OOO : exports , 131,000 ; ungraded , CTtf&ISc ; No. 3 , 41Jfc ; No. 2,48c In elevator , 49@49c ; alloat ; Juno clos ing at 40 0 Oats Lower and heavy : receipts. 78.000 ; exports , nmio ; mixed western , 8Gftg40c5 } white western. 41@45Uc. . . . Petroleum Steady ; United closed at TSJfc. KRKS CJulct ; western , llKfffll-tfc. Pork Firm ; old mess , SO.iSj 'J.oO. Lard Steady ; western steam , spot , 50.20 ' Uuttcr Quiet ; western , 10@23c ; El ln creamery , inc. Cheese Steady ; western , old , T@8c. Milwaukee , Mav 0. Wlicat Weak ; cash , 78c ; June. TOj/c. Com Dull ; No.2 , SIJ c. Oata-No. a , 2a ; c. Jlye No. 1 , ( Vikc , Uarloy-No. 2 , 4'Jc. Provisions Steady ; mess pork , cash and Way , 50.03. Cincinnati. May 0. Wheat Quiet ; No. 2 rod , b'J@ttc. ) UarJoy Nominal ; extra No. 3 , spring , 55Q Cle. J'ork-SO.60. Laid S5.77J { . Whisky 81.10. Minneapolis. May 0. Wheat Depressed and J < c lower ; No. 1 hard , TUc for cash ; blo ) for June ; 81J < c for July ; No. 1 noithurn , Tfic for cash : 77c for June. Flour Oulct ; patents , S4.50@4.7o ; bakers , 3.M3.7S ) Receipts Wheat , OM.OOO bu ; flour , 450 bills. Shipments Wheat , 20,000 bu ; flour. 14,000 bbls. Liverpool , May 0. Wheat Coed de mand ; new No. 2 winter , weaker but steady at 7s 2d ; sprint' , htcady at7s2il. Flour Poor demand ; steady at Ss 4d. Corn Fair demand : spot , stead vat 4s 2 d ; May , Juno and July , steady at 4s 2il , Toledo , May 0. Firm ; cash , E5J Corn Steady ; cash and Mav. ! > Sc. U.tts Unchanged ; cash , 'K } e St. lioiilf ) , May 0. Wheat Weak and lower ; No.2 led , cash anil May , 8rtc. Corn Lower ; No. 2 mixed , cash , : i3c bid. Oats Firm ; No. 2 mixed , cnsh , W&m c. Kve-StroiiB at 02c bid. Whiskv S1.10. Pork Firm at SO.rwftO.'lO. Lard Easy at S5.70gi5.75. Uuttcr Quiet and easy ; choice 10 fancy creamery. iu < i " 0c ; choice to fancy dairy , 10 . AFTEIIKOON BOAHD. Wheat , weak at U % c lower. Corn , } { c lower. Oats , J o lower. Kansas City , May 0. Wheat Lower ; No. 2 red. cash , Wc ; June , G4Jic. Corn Quiet : No. a cash , 25 > { cJune ; , 27c. Oats No quotations. Now OrlemiH. May C. Corn Dull and unchanged ; mixed , 4Co ; white , 47e ; yellow , 48c. 48c.OatsQuiet llog products Unsettled ; not generally higher. Pork-S9.87K10.00. Lard llulk Meats Shoulders. S4.05 ; IOUL' clear and clear rib , S5.43. liIVE STOCK. Chicago , May ft The Drovers' Journal reports : mixed , S2.2.X34.Q5 : bulk , 3.XK$3.X ( ! ) ; thiougli Texas cattle , Sa.KO@4.75. Hogs Receipts , 13,500 ; stronger and a sbade higher ; rough and mixed. S'.70@4.25 ! ; and shipping. S3.Uot ( 4.35 ; light , Sacking " 3.75@4.30 ; skips , S3.WJ < aiJ.BO. Slieei ) Heceipts. 1,500 ; stiong ; slicarings natives , 8i25 < R5.25. _ St. Louis , May 0 , Cnttlo Ueceipts , 1,200 ; shipments , 1,0)3 ) ; active and Ntionic ; shipping , S4.5ci.r.00 ! : : butchei's steers , S3.7 : > @ < 5.00 : cows ami heifers , S2.51rf4.00 ( ! ; stockers and feeders , S3.25@4.40. Hogs Kecelpts. 0,000 ; shipments , 4.000 ; ac tive nnd staady ; butchers and selected heavy , 4.10M.20 ( ; common to good packing , S3.KXit > 4.10 ; light , S3.lKXau.10. KniiNan City , May 0. Cattle Hccclpts , 600 ; shipments , nonu : shipping and butchers lOc higher , others firm ; choicu to fancy , 85.10 < ( Io.30 ; common to good. S4.00@ri.00 ; stackers and lecdcrs , & 3.40C 1.30 ; cows , S2.CO @ 3.rx ) . Hogs Hecclpts , 0,000 ; shipments , 5,000 ; choice lirm : cominoii niul mixed lower ; com mon to choice , S3.45u3.l)0. ( ! ) OBI AHA LIVE STOCK. Thursday Evening , MayO. Values continued to advance and the market Is tttiong. The demand was good for all kind : ) of clioico stock nnd everything In the yards was sold. Quotations are : Choice to extra steers , averaging 1,350 to 1,450 pounds , S4.B5@5.00 ; cood. averaging VJOO to 1,300 pounds , S4.SO ( $4.70 : medium , aveiaglng 1,200 to l.soo pounds , 54.ittffl4.00 : fat , llttlo stccis , 1,000 to 1,150 pounds , S4.oo(3 ( 4.50 ; good feeders , ( MO to 1,050 pounds , 53.65 ( .43.85 ; good to clioico cows and heifers , averaging lioo to woo , : < ? : vr5 ; medium , nveiairliigbuoto 1000. S'J.75C t > 3.2r : choice to oxtia bulls , averaging 1500 to 2000 , 3.00 < e 8.2. ' . ; common , averaging 1200 to 1500 , 52.50 ® 2.75 ; ctioico to extra stags , S3.00ffl3.75. The ling market was 5oglOe slionger and mcrytliiiiic hold. The receipts were lighter than on thu day previous. Choice light aud iiu'diumelghlH. . 53.7.X < < 3.S5 ; choicu lieavy. 83.0. 3.70 ; peed to clioico mixed. S3.U5QI 3.bO ; common rouch grades at S3.40@3.50. Therit Is no activity in the sheep market. Quotations ar 84.00 ( < ? , 'i.OO torcholro Btoct. HKCKU'TS Caltlo 400 IlllL'S tOQ Sheep 500 ! SALKS. hTKKIta. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No.M ' .11S3 84.50 100 14011 84.SO M ! , .1310 4.75 73 l'"JO 4.75 .121)2 ) 4.75 1IUM.S. I'r. J'r. :3.b5 1'r. 3.bO as5 ! U.S5 COA1ISK UK AW IIOUM. Nn. AV. Pr. No. Av. Pr. Itnitce of Prices. Shn\\lii the highest nnil lowest in Ires fur livi1 stock on this market ilurlnK the past t > o\oii < I.iyslth coiuparatlvo v.iluiis : nuiibSKiJ IIKKK AMI siiii-i'iNd : . Dates. Ibs. Wednesday. . . . 4.70 TlmiMlay Friday. . . 4.CO Saliuday. 4.49 4.75 . . . . . . . 4.20 . : n 4.75 4.10 .50 .t'5 ! ! S4.75 ifoos. March April Thiirt-ilny. . s.-ucTiifvw Kihlay. . 8.50 ( ( JS.IO April. ilay. Saturday. . . . . . . & % lftS.B7 > Monday 8.55 © 3.S5 Tuesday , . a. o . Wednesday. . . S.CO 0 ( § 3.75 Thursday. . . . . 8.75 JHJ.M All sales of slock In thU market are made pcrcwt. llvo weight unless otherwise stated , llead hogs sell at \ < o iicr Ib for all weights. " 8klnVor liogs wclRhlnp : less than 100 Ibs , no value : Pregnant sows are docked 40 Ibs and stags W Ibs. Notes. Everything sold. HoKs5@10c higher. Cattle market stronger. The hog market Is 5c lower than one month ago. Hicks & Florin , Coleridge , sold n load of hogs. llariIs & Fisher received 420 sheep from Lowell. J. A. Kchoc , Pintle Center , sold a load ot fi'J hoirs. Mr. ( lammcl , of llorman , maikctcd a load ot hogs. C. AV. Miller. Concord , marketed a load of 03 hogs. .1. J. Hormcs , Fifth , sold a load of hogs on the market. McKldcrry & McDonald , Mlssoml Valley , sold 74 hogs. F. M. Hlldcrbrant , Wood lllver , maiketcd a load of hogs. Nelson & Jacobs , Staplchurst , disposed of a load ot hogs , Hawks & Kllcy , Albion , sold two load-j of hogs on the mnilciit. J. ( Ircenmeycr , Council HlulTs , had rxhrad ) of calves at the yards. O. AV. Gelston , Klkhorn , was at the yards and sold a load of hogs. C. A. heakprand ( ! Islandwas at the yards and marketed a load of hogs. Tiomaln AsTrcmaln sold a bunch ot 100 cattle on the market to-day. C. Phllpot , AVeeulng AVater , disposed of a load of bulls on thu market. F. Ij. Cotton , Kearnev , was at tlio yaids and sold 138 head of coin-fed cattle. Mr. Sntton , of Mclntosli A ; Siitton , Chap- mans , was at the yauH and sold Oil head of fat cattle. Mr. Stilton says that theio ai-o a good many cattle in his county. ( Mcrrltt ) but that the summer inn of hogs will be light on account of the ravages of the hog cholera last fall and early this sprlnir. Colonel Savasu hnsieturned from a visit to his faun at Sargent , Ouster county. The colonel repot Is that the farmers are holding laigouautltiesof | corn and that the market pi Ice is not ai good as last fall. As many as am able-arc feuding It to stock. In diivlng tliroii'li ! thu county on can sen in every dliectlon hugopllus of coin , which nt a dis tance li.ivo thu appearance ot straw stack" . A good uuny ol the laigcst feeders' , who formcilv shipped to other markets , have signified their Intention ot nutting their cat- tlu on the Omalia market this summer. The now freight rales on stock , which went Into effect the latter pait of April is cieating a gieat deal of unfavorable com ment nmoiur hipneis. The Iormur charge was a lived tariff , the same on all cais. Thn now method is as follows : Cars less thauUli feet 1110 ! M pur cent of tariff : caia from -ft to MM fei't ' , at tin 111 ; "a to : B feet Is 104 pur cent , or4 percent alo\o ) tariff : : w toiBfeot , is 107 , or 7 per cent above tailff ; M to ill ft-ot , is 110 , or ID per cent abo\n taiifT. In the long run this makes very littlt ! diirrrcnci1. but It does make a good deal of difference' in individual cases. For example , a shipper lias tun cars of stock to ship and oidei.s thnt manyiMis , it muv Impuuii that the cats \\ouhl all bo small and in that CIMI ; he would he the trainer. If tln > cars aw laigo It is no advantage to him , but he lias to pay a mncli heavier tariff. OMAHA.VilOLiKSIiI3 MAHItETS. General Markets. f Tlnnsday Kvuning , MayO. Enns The market is weak and slow at u The receipts of choice table but ter arc ; not heavy hut the pooier grades are in u.ris of thu demand. Clioico creamery , ystjKfic ; choicu flush table , l. > ( < t > tic ( : good liesh table , WtaHo ; fair. 8@lOc ; poor. : ! @ < > c , CHIISI : : Fancy full cream cheddars , Oc tober make. HKc ; Hats , I'-J' e ; young America , 14' c ; lir-st quality Swiss cheese , ICc ; second ( puility , 12 @ 14e , Limburgcr , llffllSc ; skim Hats , iJ10c. ) ( Potn.Tiiv The leceipts of live chlckuns aie Ilbcial and the demand Is lair.Vhilun few clioico largo fowls aio slliug at SM.T.'I , it is not Mif to anticipate over SU.50 per do/ l'itisKiivis : : , JKI.MU& , KTC. Preserves , all kinds , 'JO-lb. palls per II ) . lOc ; do in pail * * UJ. | lilllr * , \I\i \ dull ; , U | juiin , M. JW , uir 1-lh. palls , per case , 2 doz. S2.25 ; do , uiinb- ler.s. per ca < e , 2 dot , 51.40. , ) e ly. all kinds second Kiade.30-lb. nails , per Ib. 5c. Mince , meat , best grade } i bbl. perlb. 7c ; do. 5-lb pails , per crate. 0 pails , 82.73 ; do 40-lb pails perlb , 7i c ; do , 5-lb pails , per crate , 0 palls 52.75. Peach , plum aud nuinco butler , ns- orted , 511) ) pails , per crate , ( I palls , 53.75 ; horseradish , pint bottles. PIT doz 51.50. Pins' FIKT. : TIHPE , KTC Pigs' teet , per K bul , 54.00 ; do , K bbl. S2.00 ; do. tier kit , Due Lambs' tongues , per % bbl , 83.25 ; do , per kit , 52.50 ; do , quart Jars per do55.25 ; do , pint jars per case , 2 doz. S0.75. Tripe , per K bbl ; § 4.00 ; do , per tfbbl , 52.00 ; do , pur kit 9UC. 9UC.COMH COMH HONEY Caiilornin 3 ID frame 00 Ibs , In case per Jb. , 15n ; 10 Ib. frames. Nebraska. NX017C. CiDKit Michigan rclined , per bbl. , 50.50 ; do. half bbl. . 84.00 ; Molts , per bbi. , S7.00 ; do half bhl. , 54.00. VINEQA White wine. 16o ; cider , 12J e. Oii.vNdiis Tim market Is bare. Several car lots are being delayed owing to U. P. It. ] { . strike , LRMONB Fancy Messina , per box,87.00 ; good to choice Messina , per box , Sn.OOMO.50. Arri.KS Stock about cleaned up. Noth- tnir In the market fit to ship. BANANAS There are very few In the mar ket and prices are correspondingly stronger. Quotations are S3.50rt4.00 ( } per bunch. CitANBHitiiiKS Thciols very llttlo demand and there is not much stock being sold. Dealers are clearing up their blocks as best they can. Quotations are S.r .50@0.oo per bbl. Jerhoy are selling at 82.00 ner bush box. Coco AN UTS Per 100 , 55.00 ; less than 100 , 55.50. NEW Kias , DATES , ETC. Layer figs , 8 and 10-lb boxes , per Ib , lOc Dates , fancy Fard , 12-lb boxes , per Ib , Ho ; Persian , 50-lb boxes , per Ib , 10p Prunellcslb : boxes , per Ib , MAI-I.H SuaAn lirlcks , strictly nuro , 50-lb boxes , per Ib , ICc ; penny cakes , 23-lbcases , aW . ' 'jfovisioNS Ham. lOc ; breakfast - bacon con HCsiSKc : clear side bacon , 7@7Kc ; diy salt sides , Oid c ; slioit rib sides . 6 } / : shoulders , 5c ; mess pork. S12.50 per bbl : diled beef , ham pieces , Ute : lard , tierees , f H'c ; 50 Ib cans , 7c ; 70 Ib cans ( Faiibanks ) , 7J c : Sib cans , do , l c ; 8 Ibcans , do. . 7Kc ; boneless ham , lOc , IIANS $ : Calilornia and Mlcnigau aie soilIng - Ing in a small way. California liayo , per bu. , l.nO ; do I'ca. per bu. , Sl.tW : Jllrhleiin Mcdluin , per bu. , 81.75 ; Country , per bu. , 75 ' Por.VTOKS There la very little In quiry for potutoes , and dealers ate not able to dispose of thorn readily. The very choicest assorted slock can lint bo minted over iKOlOc and slow sale at that. U is Imposilble to sell car lots , and ( omiuf | > inn men aid compelled to sell them out in Biiuill lot * . Local Inriners aio bilnging In a good many which tends to lower the wholesale price. NKW > KaKrAiiiiKS-California cabbacc , per lbH > ccaullllo\\or : , per doz , S2.W ; cel ery , iier Aot , 81.50 ; nspaiagus , per Ib 12c ; splnaeh. per bhl , 52.50 ; green onions , per do35o ; radishps , per doWe ) : lelture , per lo7,50o ; piiiplant. j ) r Ib , 4 ( < W : peas perX- bush box , Sliilnish ; bo < . S3.XJ ; cuciiin- beis. 8l.75 s.oo per doKeimiula ; oiiluns , per box , S3.50 ; IJennud.i tomatoes , per box , 52.00. OiiAiN At the mills ; Corn , 2.5c ; oats , 28K ; wheat , No. 2 , OOo ; rje , 4b 50c , FI.OUI ; ANII MII.I.STUPKS Winter wheat flour , best nuallly patent , SU.OO ( ( H.lO ; second quality , S2.50if.OO ( : ; best xnallty spilng wlicat Hour , patent , S2.50 < < J,2.75 ; buckwheaT flour , In bai rels. 55.75 : ready raised , 3 Ib pack ages , S4.00 ; 5 Ib packages. S3.W ; bnui , OOc per cwt ; chopped feed , 75c per cwt : white , Nk > ; yellow corn meal , 70 < spor rwt ; screoulng , Oiic per ewt ; hominy , S 1.50 per cwt ; shorts , GOuper cwt ; grahaai , $1.7.- ) ; hay , In bales. * il.00@7.00 | > er ton. i-ints AND SKINS ilinlr. each. 1040o ; ; skiuAc , short striped , 15i5cdo ! broad striped , 10Q15 ; badger. 25@50 ; Hao coon , No. 1 large , 40QiO ( ; do. No. 2. 2 < X < i30 ; do. No. 8 , 10uW.Vj : wolf , prairlo MX/iTSc ; do. inouuuun. k2.00@3.oo ; wildcat , 15 ® 10 ; bea ver , Sl.50@2.50 per Ib ; tox. each. 40cs ( l.75 : deerskin i. drv winter , 10@l5o per Ib ; do. fait nuil summer , l&WJ'c ' : aiiteioiHt. 5VltJii ( pet Ib HIIJKS Ureen tnituhcrs. 6K ° : preen cured 7K@7ic : dry Hint , ll@13c : dry salt. OC 10c : dfinnged lilde ? two-lhlrds price. Tallow aii'c. Grease , prime white. : > c : yellow , 2 > , c ; bru\vn,2c. Sheen Pells 25dJ75c LKATIIUII Priino slanglitcr solo leather. 2S i'o : prime eau solo leather. UCAfCDu. Upper leather , per toot. 'JCVu oc ; hem. boot leg , SO a Jc : iforoeco oil pebble , OS < ; M2c ; topnlncs and linings , SO.OO@10.00 per doz , CoAt. Anthracite crate. ? a25 ; egg , S8.2.-i ; ranee , SS 50 : chestnut. S8.50 ; Iowa , 53.2.1 ; Walnut block , 53.WlIllnols ; , S5.00 ; Missouri , 84 no. HEAVV JlAitnwAun Iron , rates , S2e ; ; plow steel , special cast , 4c ; cruclblo steel , 0.3 cast tools do , ISWlSc ; wagon spokes , pcrt > ct , sl.V.vaa.00 : hubs , per set , SS 1.25Dfelloes : , sawed dry , S1.40 ; tongues , caclC "fle ; ajslcs. each , 75c ; square nuts , per Ib. 7tlc ; cell chain , per Ib , 0 ( < il2c : malleabK 0@6c : Iron wedges , Co : ciowbars Oc ; ImrrowTeeth , 4c ! spring steel , 70 ; liimlen's liorsesliocs. Jl.40 : Burden's mule shoes. 85. w. Harbcd AV ire , in car lots , 34.00 per 103 Ibs. iron Nails , rains , 10 to 00. sn)0. ( ) Shot S1..V ) : buckshot , S1.S5 : oriental powder , kegs , 53.50 (5)4.00 ( ) ; do , half kegs , S2.00 ; do , quarter kegs , 51.50 ; blasting , ke 's , 53.3,5 ; tuso , per 100 leet , 60c. Lead liar. S1.o. > . I'AINTS IN On. AVhllo lead , Omaha , P. P. , 7 fc ; wldtu lead , St. Louis , pure , 87.80 ; Mar seilles green , I to 5 Ib cans , 'JOc ; French zinc , frcun seal , I''e ; French zinc , red seal , lie ; 'rench zinc , in vainlsh asst , 20c : French zinc,75c : vcrmilllon. American , ISc : Indian red. lOo : rosn iilnk. 14c : Venetian , led. Cook- son's , ajfc ; Venetian , led , Amcilcau , 1 3fc red lead , 7J < fc ; ehiome yellow , genuine , SOu ; chrome ycuow , K. 12c : ochre , rochcllc He , ; ochre , lieiich , 2 c ; oehio , American , 2c ; Winter's mineral. vJ e : Lehlgh brown,2'tfc ' ; Spanish brown. Vi'rfe ' : Prince's mineral , He. Ditv PAINTS White lead , NJ : b'lcnch zinc , 12c : Paris whiting , 2)f ) ; whiting gildei-s , IJiu ; whiting , coiu'I. 1K ' ! lampblack. Ocr- mantown. 12c : lamnblack. oidtnary. be : Prussian blue. Wo ; ultramarinep l c : vandyke - dyke , biowu. Be : umber , burnt. 4c : umber , ia > v. 4c : sienna , burnt , 4c : sienna , rnw4c ; Paris gteen , genuine. 2.c : Paris crcon. com mon , 20c : cluomogreen , X * . , 20n ; cluonio green , K , I'-Jo ; v > imillion , Kngllsh , in oil , TOc ; raw and burnt umber. 1 Ib. cans , 12c ; raw and burnt sienna , 12c ; Vandyke , blown , : rcliued lampblack. 12c : coach black and ivory black , lOc ; drop black , Itfe ; Prussian blue , 40c ; ultramailnu blue , ISc : chroinu gre n. L. , M. & ] ) . , KK ; : blind anil .shutter green , L. . M. & 1) ) . , ir ; Pails gieen , ISc ndian led , r > c ; Venetian red , UcjTino.Ali Stic ; American vuimillion. L. & . . ' 20e yellow ochre , 'Jc ; L. M. & ( ) . 1) . , ISc ; godrs ochre , lOc ; patent dryer , He ; malning coloi.s lltrht oak , dark o.ik , walnut , cliestnu t nd ash. 12c. DIMKIH AND Uitr.MioAi.s Acid , catholic , "Ic : ncld , tiirturic. NJe : balsam copaiba , per tti , I5c ; balk , sassafras , per Ib lUc : calomel , per It ) , 72c ; eliinchoiildia , per oUK1 : chloro- lorni , per lt > , O0u ; Movers powdi is , pur II ) , Sl.'JS ; epsom .salts , per It ) , : i 'u : glycerine , pure , per It ) . ISc ; lead , acetate , pnt l . 'JOe ; oil , castor , No. 1 , pur , 31.00 : oil , castor , No. 2 , ixsr gal. , tfl.40 ; oil , olive , per iral. , SM9 ; oil. orlir.inmn.riOo : opium. SI.IL'I : : qul- nine , P. A : AV. , anil K. it S. . per oSxj ; po tassium iodide , per Ib , § 3.00 ; sullcln. ) ier 07 , lOu ; sulphaUt morphine , per o52.00 ; sul phur , nor It ) . 4c : stivclininu , per ox , § 1.10. VAitNisnr.s iiaiiels , iiur gallon : r > 'iuiil- line. c\tr.t , St.10 ; turiiltnri * , No. 1 , Sl.OO ; coach , uxtra , sSt.40 ; eoaci ) , No. 1 , 51.20 ; Daiimr , extra , $1.7. " > ; .lanm , 70c ; asplmltum extra , 5Sc ; bhellac , SS.oO ; hard oil liulsh , biMKiTS Cologne spirits. 183 pioof , 51.12 ; do 101 proof , SI.13 ; hpliits , second quality , 101 proof , St.12 ; do , IbS proof , 51.U. Alco hol , IbS pioiif , 'r-J.lU per wine gallon. Hod Is- tilled wlnskles , Sl.Offfll.SO. ( Jin blended , ( ; Ken' ' ' " ( lomeMic , Sl.07l.w. ! ! ! (41ns ( , Impoited , Sl.f > 0 < jrt .00 : doiiip trc. S1.2.W1.01) ) . Kuiiis. im- ] Mitcd , SI.50iJ8S.tX ) ; New England. 81.7.T@A03 ; domehtic , Sl.'iW'l.O.l. Champi'snes , impoit- ed , ] icr cnse. § 2.300 11.00 ; American , per case , 510.WaglO.OJ Grocora' Lilat. Sviiur No. 70. 2ic , bbls ; No. 70. 4-sallon keirs , S1.05 ; Nuw Oilcans ! W@t'c per gallon ; Maple byrup , % barrel , strictly pure , 70c per gallon ; 1 gallon cms , S'J.'iipur ' < io/ ; } a gallon cans , S5.2. > pcrdo < ; quart cans &J.OJ. 6rAitcii .Mirror glosi , I II ) , < . : .Mirror ford' sbulk.4 ( % Pirivi.ns Medium , in bbls. Sfi.OO ; do In halt bbls , 83..V ) : hinall. in bbls. S7.00 ; do In half bbls , 51.01 ; glicilc us , in bbls , 558.0 0do. ; in lialt bbls. S4.50. i 4 - - ? - - , , - - , - . , _ _ _ . . , 5'4.iO ( ; ] ) eaclies , per case , 5l.7o ; whltuchcriies , l > er case , 55.90 ; plums , per case , 53. 'JO ; whor- tlcben ies , per case. J5i.40 ; egg plums , 2-Jb perc.tsu. $2.50 ; green gages , a-lo. per case Si50 ; pineapples , 2-lh , per case , SVW : > .5'J. DniiH ) FHUITS No. 1 quarter apples. In evaporated boxcst | ticblackl ; > errlcs boxes.0'4' ' prunes , new. SUOAKS Powileieu , h. ' c ; cut 'laf , S/c ! ; ci an iiluted. 7it7 ! ( ( ! e : coufuctloncrs A , 7 } < ? c ; btaiKiaui extra C , ( % @ : extia C , CJ/c ; medium yellow , . SOAPS Kirk s oavon Imperial , S2.)3 ) : Kirk's satinet. 53.15Kiik's standard , sa : ) ; Kiik's white Uiiasiaii. S4.r : : Kirk's AVhlte Cai > , S0.r > 0 ; Dome , S4.25 ; AVashboaru. 83.15 M.VTriiES Per caddie , : ! 5c : lound , per r.iM1. 45c ; square cases. Sl.70 ; mulu square , .i" > . COKKKKS Ordinary irnides , 0 > fc : fair , 10@ lO c ; prime , ll' < f ( ) l'ic ; choice , 12Jf@13)ic ) ; fancy gieen and yellow , 18Jf@UKc ; old gov- ernmuntJava 20r20c ; inteilor Java , 16' ( oi 30c : Mocha. 2J@24c : Arhuckle's roasted , 14e ; McLanclillnls XXXX : roasted , 14c ; Dilwortli's , 13 c ; lied Cross , 14c. CANDI.KS Boxes. 40 ID. Os , lOjfc : 6s , 10Je ; boxes , 40Ib , 10 oi , Os , lO c ; luilf box , 20lb , Ufc. PLUG Ton ACCO Climax , 42cpcr Ib ; Horse shoe , 37c : SUir , 3lc ! ; Si > earheail , H9c ; Hold Iloll , SOcj Piper Heidsick , We ; Punch , 33c ; Younu Fiitz. ! iSc. : JTJ. Sic. CANDY Mixed , o ; @t2c : stick , 9 > llc. SALT Dray loads , jier bbl. S1.55 ; Ashtou , In sacks , 535 ! ! ; * { sacks , Ashton , 85c ; bbls , dairy , 2.00@2.75. SODA In Ib papers. 53.25 a case ; salsoda. keg , per Ib. 22J4C. SI-ICES ( .round Ulaek pepper , boxes , 1 @ 22c ; allspu-e , 12@l(5c ( : cinnamon , ISQ'i'ic ' ; cloves , 15@i c ; ginger , l aaSc ; mustaid , 15 ® 25c. 25c.CitACKKits CitACKKits Uarncau's soda , butter an picnic , f > j o ; cieams , 8Xc ; ginger snap bUeaclty ; .soda , 7Xe. fcTKAH Gunpowder , fair , 20@37c : good. 45 © 55c ; choice. ( X75c ) ; good Imperial. 40ft(43 ( ; choice , C0@70 ; Young Hyson , good , 30 ; < | 4' > c ; choice , 50J70c ( : Oolong , good , 35@40c ; Oo long. choice. 40@f)0c : Kngllsli breakfast , good , SttaMOc : choice , WKgtBc : Souchong , good.30 © 450 ; choice , 35@45c ; Japans , fair , il i'ic ; peed , ! { .vai45o ; clioico , 85@TScs Tea Dust , 15o ; Tea SltthiL's , lt < c. FINK COT liaid to Heat , 70c : Charm o , the , GOo ; Fountain , TOO : ( lohlen Thread- 07c ; Favorite , OOc ; Huds , 60c Uoeky Mo un tain. 50o ; Fancy , 45c ; Daisy. 40c ; Noitli Starf Oc ; Good Luck. 55u ; Our lieat , OJ 'e ; Good News , 55c , nan. .irntTs . q'r iiiiisjpig KU K W 100 tt ) W 40 I 12 10 Hunn'a B'tNo.l L'b noi : ft'JS a ) I 801 tt ) M SO I/go Qlb'od Funcy5 | 6U.U IT ) S 07 1 67 1 40 6.11 47 I/KO U'UBIi'io l'"cy.r | > 5UJJ go a 07 1 07il 40 53 | 47 MACKKIIKU llbls. jllidf Ilbls'Q'r ' JJIils Mi 1UO M ) CO 40 Hlontcr JIosi , , . , . , .15 0) ) 18 00 18 MO 037 80 1 93 Ex. No. ISh'r . 4 00 13 50,11 , 306 ! U5JO , | 40 No. 1 Shore . 13 00. 60 8 r.H H)3IK)1 ) ) 10 Med.No. ISIioro. . . 1300 700 0 aii3 KiSOJI 85 Hay 11 U ) 000 6 15 3 uVi 50 75 V ( M 500 4 & . ' > < 2 tf3 \ 10 1'ut TOO 400 3 G5 2 05 1 70 I.AKK FISH. H'f Ubla NEW 113IU 1UO W 60 40 | la I 10 No. 1 Whlto Fish , , , . , 6 J-T ) 5 Di ! : i 45 - ' bO , 114 i & Family- U002 ! 01 70,1 , 60 M , 60 NO. i Trout. 4 CO 3 00 a & 0 1 W 68 No.1 1'ickorcl. UOU2 "Ull BUI M ! ! A 60 llolland.hciring , bOit ; smoked c ; Yarmouth liloateis.OSe ; new scaled hurrlugs , risn. KBW T1EII. llbls HfrllbU O'r Hlils 1'iills orkiU 200 100 W 60 40 IS 13 10 Norwegian KKK llcr'lllffe IS WO 505 W)3 ) 30J 70 Norweciun KK . II 306009 413 Of 3 50 llilstliugs . 8 00,1 M.l ( X ) J 30 1 W Dry Goods. Pin NTE American , 5X ; Arnold's. 6c : Co chcco , Cc ; Manchester. Gc ; Lyman , 5e ; Glou center , & } fc ; Duunell Jacquard. Go : Dunucll 5Uo ; Windsor. Co : Pncitic , 6c : Harmon 4 > io : Anchor Shirtings , 4 > < c : Merrlmac , Sllirllngs. < Kc : Bcrwick4c. UL.KACIIKH COTTONS Farmers' choice , ( We ; Cabot. OKc ; Hope , 7c ; Hill 4-4 , 7Kc ; itlil. jtf. C fc ; , be ; Fruit , So ; AVnm- sutta , JuANs-Kearsart'e , 7c ; Armory , 7cE ; Peppcrell , 7ptc ; Indian Orchard , Gi ; N'anmkcai , ' , 7c. 1 . Dt'cK ( I'nbleached ' ) 8 oz. Magnolia , lOc ; 10 oz. Maitnolla , u'o : 8 oz. West Point , lOUc ; 10 OA Wts J olntJsitfc. IfitOw.v COTTOV I&wrcnco I L , 6c' Shaw- mcul LI * 5c ; Hcayrr ] ) am LL , 5c ; At antic LL , 5 ? ; Indian Head , 7c ; AVauchusu-t , OWc ; Crown XXX , fl'ic ' ; Clifton CCC , Oc ; Utlca Cl M ; Atlantic P.lKc. CIIKVIOTS Amo < Xeng , checks , PVc ; A mos- keatr , stripes , S' J Slater , stiipes , Re ; Kdln- burg. O'fe : Ahlttcndon. . stripes , PC ; C5len- rose , PC : Otis , cheeks. OJc ; Otis stilpes , s > c ; Iloyal , OKc : Amosk nr , imnpctl , lOKc ; Lti- ray , book fold , 12c : Uberon , book fold , ll > tfc ; Kndurance , book fold , 12c. TicKiNns-Ainosknng APA 13 fc : Tlioin- dvko OOO , 7te : 'Iliorndyko fanev , ni c ; YorklOi c : Aqrk fancy , 12 c : Mllbitry , 12 c ; I'eail Ittver , IPj'c ; Hamilton , 12o ; Swift IClvcr , O'fe ; SliOtucketS. S ciSlictuck- et SS. PKc : Mout.iuk AA , 12c ; Montauk HB , He ; Omega ACA , 13c. Heaver Crook AA , lie' Hca\er Creek HB. 10o ; Beaver Creek CC , Uc : Jalfrey XX , lie ! JatliuyXXX , 13e ; Jafliey D.tT , 12 < je ! Coiuinblan , 12 < c ! YnrK. l = tc : York , fancy , 13' e : Kverctt , 18c ; Haymaker's blue and blown , 7J < c. . DUCK ( colored ) Boston 0 oz. brown and drab , IHXc ; Boston O H brown and drab , Ik- : Boston XX brown and drab. lOc : Boston XXX brown and drab , llh'e ; Boston 0 P blue , HXe : AVaireu Tricot. lOc. * Dry Immbor. no Aims. 'No. 1 Com. 8. 1. s. 12 , 14 and 10ft . S17.00 No.2 " " 12 , 14 and 10 ft . 15.00 No.3 " " 12714 olid 10 ft . 13.00 No.4 " " 13 , 14 nnd 10 U . 11.00 FKNCINO. No. 1 , 40 Inch , 12 and 14 feet , rough. . $1(1.50 ( No. 1 , 4 AO Inch , 10 feet , rotten . . 17.0) ) No. 2 , 4 A 0 Inch , I'l and 14 feet , rough. . 14.00 No. 2 , 4 & 0 ilip.h. 10 feet , rough . 15.00 DIMKNSION'S AND I 12ft 14 ft to ft is n a ) ft art 2ift 1.VBO 15.fiO 15.50 111.51 I7.M 18.V ) 19.50 . > .no ir.oj I5.oo 'I.OJ 2x8 II5.W in.M 1J.M IO.M 17.M I'J.M 2x10. ' 15.WI 15.BO ln.50 1I1.M ) 17.BOa.MI ) 3I.W ! ixU' IIR.M ) ir > .wi lo. auo 4xt-8Ji8 . . . „ _ . . ISjn15.50 I3.'i0 lll.Ml'i.Vl | IS.M S1II1XO. 1st Com. , 12 , 14 and 10 loot 821.10 2d " " " " 20.00 : ! " ' " " < l 15.00 Fence , " " " H.OC' AXfl I'AltTITIO.V. 1st Com. , ? f In. White Pine Partltlou..S-'n. 2nd Com.i in. " " " . . 27 Clear. ? H' in. Norway " " . 14 2nd Com. ? H'in. " " . l n.ooniNo. A Cinch , white pinu . . . S-T > .oo HO inch , " " . 3J < C 0 inch " " . 2 < .i. : > o D Cinch " " . 20.V ) K Cinch. " " . l7.r > D STOCK nn\iti > . A 13 inch , sl s 12 , U an it 1U feet . 540 03 ( ' ' ' ' ' ' C " " " " " " . ! . ! ! . . . . 3003 D " " " ' " " . MS 01 No. 1 Com. 12 In. s. 1 s. 12 , 14 and HI ft. . IS 00 No. 1 " " " 10 , 18 and 'JO 1 1. . 1800 No.'J " " " 12. 14 and 10 ft. . 1000 BIIII > IAP. No. 1 , Plain , 8 and 10 inch . 517.50 No.2 , Plain , sand 10 Inch . 15.50 No. 1 , O. ( } . ly.OO sin.\lLis , : , I.ATH. A * Standard . . S2.C3 5 inch , clear , Sl. ' > ' > ; 0 inch , clcai . ! . ( > ' > No. 1 . 1.2' ) Lath . 2.25 I.I MR , I.T(7. Quincy whitOf limri ( ) , S5c ; cement , Akron , S1.7. . ' , ; plaster , 32. so ; hair , r/er husliol BOt ; timed foil , per cwt. . Sl.'JS : straw board , Tlic Small UoyiAntl llic Cannon. Detroit Free Pn-sm A boy was sitting on the steps of Jfi hotiso on Fort btreut utist yusic.Tdayi , his arm in ; i slin : ind Rovornl iuces''ol his | ) loourt-plaslor on luce , whun , when ii'inan euiiKi itlong and observed : > ' Lut's sco , but didn't you have a toy cannon out herto the other day ? " "Yos. " - i "And didn't I toll you it was : i d incur- ous iIaythinijV "Yes. " , "And warned jron that noonur or later it would bust on you ? " "Yes. " i ) "Ami you Iwivo now discovered that I was talking for your good ! 1 liopo tins will bo a lesson to you. " "Say , mister , " replied flip boy , as he exhibited the cnnnon "this is outs of the times when YOU gut loft. Cannon is nil right , nowtfcr is nil right , and buckshot nro all riglit.j I got pulviri/ud by fallinj' down-stairs while trying to bo nn ungel to please my mot hur. Goon with your disinterested advice ! " Money Collect Ins Iu Dakota. Estellinc IJell : " 1 .sent you nn account of ! ? 2o for collection. " suicl n man coming into the ollico of a Dakota lawyer. "Yes did. " , you . "AVIiat Miccess have yon had ? " "Sued him last week and got it. " "That's good. Give mo the money and tell mo the amount of your fees jincl I'll pay yon. " "My fucs are $ HO. 1 have given you credit for $23 collected pay mo another $25 and we'll be square. " "AVhatl" the "I don't gasped man , sec whore I make anything by collecting the debt. " "Nothing , my dear sir , from a money point of view ; but you have thu satisfacion of knowing that a dishonest miin has been brought to justice ! You can use your own pleasure about paying that $2. " ) now I took thu precaution to commnnco suit against you for thu amount this morning. " How Mucli OPT for a Wooilon Coldeash "AVInit do you charge for embalmingy" Undertaker "Fifty dollars , nnd make the late lamented look liku n bloomin' angel. " aCoIdcash ' 'AVell , say , ain't that pretty high ? " Undertaker "Not for a first-class send- off. " DColdoasli "AA'cll , what discount would yon make for the dccasod having a wooden - on logy" OMAHA HOTEL DIRECTORY. The Millard , 8. Shears , J , B. Harkcl.Thos. Swobe , Propriotort Omuba , Nebraska , " Job .Printing , RKESil'JlIXTJNG CO. , Job Printers' ' , Book Binders , And lllnnk Hook 'Miuiiifnctiireig. 100-108 South foufpnd | Feed , W. J , WELBIIANS & CO. , Wholesale Flour , Feed and Grain , Manufacturers of.W. J. Welshnns & CO.'B Quick lUlbliiif liuckwbeUt Hour and proprlotoisOmana City Mills , cor , Etb. uiifl Farnain Utrceta , Omalia. Lealher.j Hides , ttc , Wholesale Leather , Saddlery Hardware , Saddlery nnU Shoo llndlnt'S , Hlilcs , Wool , Furs , 1'clU , Uiviibo , Tallow , Etc. , Omulm Nul. Confectionery. F , P. FAY & CO. , Manufacturing Confectioners , Jobbers of Fruits , Nuts anil Cigars. 1211 Farnnm HL , Oiimhu , Neb. Beer , M , KEATING , Agent for Anheuser-Bush Brewing Ass'n Special brands Kuugt , lludwclgcr , Krlunger Cor. 9th and Capitol Avp. , Omaba , OMAHA MANUFACTURERS , Book Binding , Et : . nKKSl'IUXTlNO CO. , Printers , Book Binders , And tllnnk Hook Mnnufncturrn. No ? . 100 and 108 South 14th Street. Omnhn , Nob. Bridges Steam PilcJ riving , UA.YMOX1) As C AMP11KLL , Knglnccrs nnd Contrnctors. Br 'es ' , Roof Trusses , Sicam Pile Driving Iron Comhlnntlnn ntul HOMO Truss tlrlclgrs , rillna-nnil Onk Timber. 15th Et. , nenr Fnrnum. Teloplioiio No 73J. Cigars and Tobacco. . MAX MI1YK11 & CO. , Johhers of Cigars , Tohaccos , Oung nml Ammunition. 215 to 223 South llth Street , lft'0to ltt.4 Farnatu ftrcct , Omnlui , NC'J. iNTKU-OCEAN ClIUH TACTOHV. WKST &FHITSC11KU , Manufacturers of Fine Cigars , And \71ioH' iilo Dcnlcrs In Loaf Tolmccos. Nos. 20S nnd 110 N. Itth Street. Omulin , Neb. vuVK1QUT , for the Manufacturers nnd Importers , Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Chhnncj s , Utc. OHiec , U17 South ntb Stieet.Oiuali , Neb. & c Apcnts for F. A. Whitney Carrhtso Co. a Children's Carriages , And Jewell's Colebinted ItBrriKurnton. S en for price llita. _ 1411 F.xrnam St. , Omahn. _ O. S. I'KTTIS & CO. , Wholsala & Retai' ' , Fine Carriages , Phni-ton * . IliiBRlPs nnd tin id Wocotn. a ) ppr cent . . . ' , Itiud lrcct , Hived In buying lit UP. l. B-ni01U. Uni.ilul , Neliruska. llninch nt Council lllutTn , town. Lornlccs. Eagle Cornice Worts. John Kpcnotor , I'roprfctor. Slatiufnr.turcr of finlvniilzccl Iron and Oortiii o. ( t l I'odito ' nnd 101 nnd lOoNoUh Utli Street , Omnbn , Nob. KUEMl'INQ & UOIVrii , Mnnufactui era of Oi naincntnl Galvanized Iron Cornices , Dormer Windows , rinnk , Ktc. , S10 8.12th St. Worltdono hi nny pnt t of the country. Western Cornice Works , C. SI'KCHT , Proprietor. ( ! nlvanl/ol Iron Cornices , Ktc. Spccul'slm- l-rmi'd I'nlcnt Jlrlall'chkjlight. ' iil'S ' and 6103. Kth f-'t. . Omaha. Net. Doors , Sash. Etc. fiTiiato CT.y Pkn'Eg Kill , Doors , Snpli niul llllnds. AKo all Kinds of tinning. Stroll oiulStnlr work ol every do- eerlptlon. A. Mnnufncturcr nnd Dealer In Doors Sash Blinds Etc. , , , Mouldings , . Etnlr Halls n specialty Telephone No. 02 _ Jjth mid Murev Sti..Oranlui , Neb. Electrical Supplies. " " L. vT WOLFE & CO. , Electrical Supplies , Mnsonlc nioek , Oinulu. nur lar Alarms , llclN , Flro Alarms , Vcctrlo Mnttlivr , Spcnltlns Tub.ij . , Iron Works. PAXTON & VIEKLINO IKON WOIl'vS Wrought and Cast Iron Building Work ron Stairs , llnlllnir , Rolled Ilonins and Ulnlera Steam Kiiplncs. Itrass Work , General Foundry Mncblno and ItlacKemllli Worli. Ollieo and Works , U. J' . Hy. imd S 17th St. iron ar d Nails. _ _ _ OMAHA NAIL JU < UFACl'URINrcOu ( Cut Kails and Spikes , Tire Nulls n. SrrHy. . Omaha. Nrb Safes. Omaha Safe Works , Q. ANDIH5EK. Mnnufncturcrof Fiionml HnrRlnr Proof Snfo , Vnult Doors. Jnll Work. SliuttcrH nnd Wlro Work. Cor. llth and Jackson pis. , Onmlm , Nub. Wapons and Carriages , A. J. SIMPSON , The Leading Carriage Factory , J40U and Ull Dodco Street , Omaha , Nob. Commissioni Etc. M. BUIIKE & SONS , Live Stock Commission Gco. Ilurko , Mnniuer , Dnlon Stock Yards , H. Omiiliu. Tolo.jhcno 583 \V. F. IJROWN & CO. , Commission Dealers in Live Stock. OOlco Exchange Ilulldinir , Union Block Yardd. , South Onmlm , Nob. Telephone No. 603. Union Stock Yards Company , OF OMAHA. Limited. John F. Iloyd , Superintendent , SAVAUK & (5UEEN ( , Live Stock Commission Mergants. Ebl | inenlH of any und nil kinds ojj .7ck solicit , cd. Union bt ck Yiirds , Oiuuua , Neb , Lumber , Etc , "LOUIS Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Baab , Doors , Etc. Yards Cor. 7th nnd Cor. Uth and Dout'Ui. DOHN MANUFAOTUIUNQ COM ' Mannfacturers of Sash , Doors , Blind : , Mouldings , Stulr Work aud Interior linrd Wood FinlHli. Juut opened. N. E. cor , 6th i und I.eavon- wortliSlit'tts.OmuUa , Nob. _ CUICAGO LUMUEIl COMPANY , * Wholesale Lumber , Hi S. 14th Btrcot , Omaha , Nob. K Colpctzcr , Manager. C. N. DIETZ , Lumber , JBth and California Street ; , Omnbn , Neb. KHED W. QUAY , Lumber Limo Cement Etc. Etc , , , . , , Cor. CtU anil Uouylau Struvte , OiuuUa , Ntb , GHO. A. HOAQI.AND Wliolesale Dealer in Lumber , OmuUii , Ncbrubka. " " CHA8. K. I.KE , Hardwood Lumber , Wnron Block , Fancy Woods , llridgo limbers. &c. , ri. W , Cor. Dili und DoiiylusUumlia , Neb. Q. F. iiVMAN , Doors Blinds Mculdi&i ! Dealer in Sasb , , , & UuUdlnjrl'aj.erElo. S ' " Flth , ttc. BFNSDN FISU CO. * Buccctsors lg Ickcn Hcmtscn 5c Co. Wholesale Fish Dealers , importer * of Forelprii l-'lih , Nos. tjll-013 Jonei < = u t and U. J' . TrucLUuianaNcU. . , OMAHA JOBBERS' DIRECTORY " Agricultural Implement : , ' LINING Ell Jk MKTCAL1 * CO , Wholesale Dealers in Agricultural Implements. OOlco , Corner Cth nnJ I'nclfloSts , Omalm. Nclx ' PAltUN , OIlllNlXmiT & MA11TIX , Wholesc.o Dealers In Agricultural Implements , Wagons nnd lluirgles , Oinnlui Neb. ' ' 'cilt'JtOHILli ' PAUKKU , Wholesale Denier In Agricultural Implements , Wagons , Cnrrloffcs anil ItimBlr ? . Ji nc St. , bet. 8lh and 13th , Omnhn , Ncli. Boots and Shoes. V. V. MOl'SK .t CO. , " Jobbers of Boots and Shoes , StreetOmnlia , Noli. Mnnufiictorr , Bummer Street , Iloiton. Carpels , S. A. OUCHAnD , . Wholesale Carpets , Oil Clollis , HMtlnirs , Curtain a < > o < ! . Ktc . H23 rixrnnm Struct , Omnhn , Nob. Coal , Limj , Etc , JKFFAV. HEIKOUl\ Coal , Coke , Lime and Stone. Offlcc,213S. th n. , Omnhn. Noli. Tunis. ° U | and lr . 'cnpoi t Sti-ccls. COUTANT ft SQUIRES Dealers Jn Hard ana Soft Coal. Best varieties. Onico.SUB. 13tli St. Telephone No. lUC.Otr.nlm.Nuli. Nr.llHASKA TTJElj CO. , Shippers of Coal and Cofco , 14 S. IHIli St. , Oiimim , Kub. Oro. O.Towi.i : , President. GTO. rATrrnson , Sco. niul Troas. 3.11. , 1' . A. , Proprietor. MnmiRor. Mraska Coal and Lime Company , OMAHA , Nr.llltAHKA. Ofllco , 17 B. liitli Street. Telephone 43. GEO. r. l.AiiAoit , 1'rcs. C. r. GOODMAN , V 1'rca J. A. tSumiciibiNU Sec. nnil Tri-n ? . Omaha Coal , Coke and Limo Company , Jobbers oflmrd ntiil oft conl , b9S. IJth St. , ' OMAHA COAIi AND 1'HODUCll CO. Hard and Soft Coal. Exclusive dciilors In Ilntiltlor Colorado Conl.Zl ? Hill BtlCCt. _ Coffee and Spices. GATKS. COLE i'c MILKS , rm Home Coff63 and Spies K ll-i MTg Co. ( . 'oltuu Hon-lcis niul .Spk'o Uilnlci8. : liinnu- fnultnuiflol laklnlMwiIer ! , Klnvor.inr.\tiiio's , Hilling , ute Try ono cum of our Mb | .nukniO ! Homo lllcnil Hoahtud CoBce. lfiO-3 llovuml tt , Cmiilm , Nch. CLAHKK llHOS. & "CO. , Omalia Coffee and Spice Mills. Tcnc , Coffees , Spk-cs , nnkliiB I'owdc-i KlnvorlnR Extincts , Ijiuii'lry Uliin. Ink , etc. 1414-1U Har- licy Street , Omaha , Neb. _ _ Commission , Etc. ' uiLVNCH & CO. , Wholesale Fruits , Produce , Oysters , J121 Fitnmm St. , Onuilia. Apples Our own i.ack- In ) , ' 1'latt & CO.'B Tltjcr Iliiuul OystuM , Uuttor , F.KKS , ( inino , 1'oultry , Potatoes. JOHN F. FI ACK , General Commission Merchant , Produce , ProvUlono , Fruits , Flour niul Food , 10f 3.14th .Jb. , Omiiha , A1V. ' . ConBlKliuionts bollcitcd. Kotiuns inadu nromutlv. K. MCDONALD. COHMISSIOH MERCHANT. 315 12th SliucI , Omahn. Neb. Specialties : flut ter. WIKDEMAN & CO. , Produce Commission Merchants. Poultry , Uuttcr , Onmc , Fruits , Kte. SOS. 14th St. , Omiilui , Nebra&Ln. WESTEUFIEM ) General Commission Merchants , , Omnbn , Neb. Consignments Solicited. W. E. 1UOOELL , Storage and Commission Merchant. SrECIALTIKS Clll'ObO , IlUttlT EffKH , Polllliy and ( Jiiiiie. 112 S. 14th. , Omulm , Nub. Tcio- pbonu No. OT3. " OT3.VEKKS \ ATjIllTLAKbi Storage and Comminion Merchants , I'oroltfn nnd Doiiiosflo Fruits n specially. Ill cennt Etornj o r.icllltle-t. Wiucboiiso und ofllco , 111 Norlli lilth su Telep'iono ' 775. D. A. HURLEY , Commission and Jobbing , Butter , EXKS nnd Produce. A full line of Stone ware. Coneltfiimcnts bolicitoU. 1414 Uodiro bt , , Oinnho. E. MOKONY , General Commission Merchant , Duller , Eptf , Clicc'so nnd Country Produce sen- craliy , 'Mi tj. 12th St. , Omaha , Neb. WCSHANH & SCIUtOEDEn , Bojers of Bnttcr and Eggs. Jlefrlperntor und Pneklnir HOUPO , Mlh & ; Lunvon < worth St. , on U. P. U. U. Track , Omuliu , Neb. Eslnbll hpd 1R70. HOHEIIT I'UKVIS. General Commission , HI B. 1 ! th St. , Omalia , Nob. Specialties Uuttur , Poultry itnd Uninu. TEYCKB DUOS. , Commission Merchants , I'rnlti , Produce und Provleiona , Omnhn , Neb THU.MAh. fii" i-(8irs to Ifl'iiu Grlllitli. Commission Merchant , nnd wliolosulo dealer In coiinliy pinduce , friills , butter , ceptt. do. Goods on consignment a Bpttlalty. ; ut ) N. 10th tt. , Omalm , Neb. KiusomwAUN v SONS ] ( Siioocssors to A. P. Schnck. ) Produce Commission Merchants , _ No. 213 South 1 h Slroot. Omatin , Nob. Dry Goous. " " j | 5t niiowN & co.i Wholesale Dry Goods and Kotions , , Omaha , Neb. L. OINSIIEIIQ &CO. , Whok'Ealo Dry Goods , Hosiery , Kotions , Ucens , Ibices , Emliruldery nnd Wliito Coeds , lUX ) Douglas btrcct , Ouuilui , Nutk V/hlteLead. / "CAIITEU WHITK LKAD CO. . Strictly Pure While Lead. 20th Stand U , P. Ity. , Omalm , Harness , Etc , WHLTY * MNIWOCK , Manuttuturt'rs and Jobbcrsof Harness , Saddles , Saddlery Hardware , 'Intf Goods , IHunkcts and Hobos. I' _ btit'it4 _ _ > mutiu < Ntb. Mattresses , Mattress Company , MBniitActurlntr M ttres8ca , Ilcddlnp , Feather l'lluni | > , Cote , Etc. 11XC and l-t ) > Diiutrlas Street , Omubu. Neb. Overalls. CAN'MELD M/CTti'At'TuiuNa co , Manufacturers of Overalls , iihkU , K'u. , llty undl 'J4 ' ijuoct , OMaitu , Kub. JOBBERS' DIRECTORY OMAHA Ii'Vltr.K CO , Dealers In All Kinds ot Building Material at Wholesila. IPth Sttcotnnd 11.0:11'iic : 11 'Track. " flKKMAX D. WVATT , Wholesale Dealer in Lumber , SOth mull innl Street ? , Omnhn , " " j. A. vrAKKnni.D , Wbolesalo Lumber Latb , , Shinglas , Diilltllntr Vapors , Posh.Doors , HllrnH , Monlf IIIRS l'ld ct . Posts l.une , Tlustcr , lltf , Criucnt. Nlntn unit Jono , Omnlm Nub. Millinery , I. OIIKIIIT.I.DKU , Importers and Jobbers of Millinery and Notions , 121 ( Harnoy SI root , Omnhn , N'clx Musical Instruments , " ' r.DIIOtM & KUtCKSOX , Wholesalers of Musical Instruments. , Flclnwuy I'lnnoi" , Weber , Decker , llnlnrs anil rlKKx I'mtioo , I'ucknril Oijfiuis , ( 'huso Or nns. 101 nud 110 IMh ftroot. FLtriUie. Etc * C ES SH1VEUICK , Fnrnitur1. Bedding , upfcolstory , Mirrorsi Klo , ISOJ.lUls nnd Ix'IO Varnim Street , Omthtt * TR\VnV tt BTOXC , j Wholesale Dealers In Fnrnltara , Fnrnniu Street , Omnhn , Nob. Groceries. ALLltN 111IOS. , \ Wholesale Grocers , lllGimilina Douplixs SticoI.OmalmN U. 11. CHAPMAN t CO. , "v Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigars , Tobacco nnd SmoKora' Articles , 1217 How nrd fit M15VK11 & UAAl'KR J Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas , ' Eplccs , Clears nnd Tobnccos , 1317 niul 1310 Dau - lusijticot , Onuihn , Kcb. JJcCOHD , II1UUY& COMI'ANl' , Wholesale Grocers , Corner 10th nnd Farnain Streets , Omahn , Noli. PAXTON , OALI-AttHKR & CO , Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , Noa. TU5 , 7U7,709 mid 711 S. lOtli St. , Oniaho , Neb , Hardware. AV. J. I1UOATCII , Heavy Hardware , Iron , Steel , Spring , IVaium Stock , llimlwooil Lumber , Ota 12t9 niul liill Hiinioy eticit , Oinnhn , Nob. I CDNKV& i Wliolcsala Iron Steel , , Wagon And Cnrrlaio Wood Stock , Heavy Hardim , ro , Lie. 1217 ouil I''l'J LuuvonuoithStiocc , OmabAj Neb. 3 1UMKI1AUGH * TAYI.OH , Builders' ' Hardware , HcchnnlcB1 Tools and llullulo ijcnlca. li.s Stiti ; ! . Omulin , Nob. " LKB , FHIKD & CO. , Jobbers of Hardware and Hails , Tinware , Shcot Iron , Klo. Agents for Howe Scales nnil itlumll'oK'iU-r Co. , Onmlm Neb. rt ' JIILTON HOG KltS & SONS. Stoves , Ranges , Furnaces , Tiles , Jlmitles , Grille ? , llrass prood . 1K1 and 132J Fttis num Btreot. BECTOlt & WIUIEU1Y CO. , Wholesale Hardware and Nails. Cmcreou Bteol Nnlln. Cor. 10th and llarnoy Htrvuts , Omalia , Nub. Harvesters. Wil.'DEEHINO i CO.CHlCAGb Manufacturer of the Deeringl Harvester Goods , Write to . M. Lorlmor. Ojncrn Onmtio. TelcphonuOlO. Iron Pipe , Etc. A. L. STItANQ COMPANY , Pumps , Pipe and Engines. Steam , Water , Itallw ay and Milling Supplies , Et'J IKU , V i nnd tr.4 Fai imm St. Omubu , Nob. f CilUKCHILIi PUMP CO ? , Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings , Stenm and Water Supplies. Hcndqunrtora foj Must Foobt CO.'B Uoodb. 1111 Furimni StroeU Omuba , Nub. \ Jewelry. " EDIIOL > ! & EltlcivSON , Wholesale Jewelers. Dealers In Sllverivnro , ItlnnumdE , Watobd * Clnckn. Jowclcr.s' Tools and MiiterluH , Etc. , 1 and llXI , ICtli Slrcut , Cor. Dodge , Omalia , Nob. Notion ! Et : . VINYAltD Motions , Hosiery & Gents'Fnrnishing ' Good 100J and 1W3 Furnani fct. , Oniulm.Ntb. J. T. Robinson Notion Company , M 4K1 und 40.1 S. 1011) ) HI. , Omaha , Nob. I Wliolcsulo IJfiilcrs In Nntlonu unU Goato'Furt nlHlilnff Goods. " Oils , Etc. CONSOLIDATED TANK LINK CO. , Wholesale Dealers in Oils , ClMollno , MIcu Ailo Grouse , Kte. A. H. Ulshojk Manuver , Omalm , Nob. j . . Pork Packing. Vt/h/v. w * WVl JAMES . IJOYD , ' Pork Packer and Shipper , _ Omalm , Nebraska. I . HAIIUIS k F1SHE11 , j Packers and Provision Dealers , Offlto , Union Mnrkot , 1517 DodRO Street. Paclcln * UOUEO , U. 1 > . It. H. Truulr , Oinahu , Nob. Toiw phone No. 1D7. _ _ Safes and Locks , , " ' " " "p. IlOYEIl & CO. ] - Jigents for Hall's Safe A Lock Cos' ' Ffro and Ourelar Pi oof Snfus.Thno Ixwlo , Vault ! und Jail woik. Itt-'O Furnani btreet , Oinnlin , Neb Seeds. _ _ " J. EVANS , Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Seeds. Agricultural. Vegetable , Etc. Odd Fellows' Hull , WjUir. nth and Dodge St . , Omnbu , Drugs , Etc , THK fiOODMAN OUUG CO Wholesale Druggist' , And Dealer In I'nlnlK , OllH nnd WIndoir lAJk OmaliK , Neb. , _ _ J Wines and Li jorj. ' II.IMl li CO. , Distillers and Importers of Wines . \ml Lliuorri. ] Solo manufacturers of KunnoJy'f Kail ludiu lllttfis. 111J liurnuy UKt ) . w , tiur/OAN , fucccsior ! to ML-HAUAUA &DUNCAM , Iapovk i < und \Vliolciulu Ueulora In Wines , Liquors and Cigars , i Sll and K10 S. Hth St. , Oinnha , Nob. Motions , tie , " " " " J. L. miANDJiS : * SON , Wholesale Job Lots , Pry Gnod , Koiioiia , ( Jems' J'uriildilCf Qo h Uouil fiuin New Yc > rk. Trade iiiloi daily , VM | aud M Suulli Jjlh 8t. , Omuba. " . , . '