Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 06, 1886, Page 7, Image 7

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    4-r * ar > * - *
Agricultural Implements , Boggles ,
Cnrrlagos , itc : .Etc. Council llluffs , lown.
Corn Shelters , Stalk Cotters ,
Dleotlnrrowfi , Seeders , Corn Planters , Food Cut
ters , Kto. Factory , Hock Kalis , Ills.
Nos. IfOI , 1WI , l.Wi , 1007 Main St. . Council IllutTa.
i > AVlI > UKAULKY & CO. ,
Manufrs nnl Jobbers ot
Agricultural Implements.Wagons . , Buggies ,
Carriage * , and nil kinds of Farm Machinery.
1100 to 1118 South Main Street , Council Ulurfs ,
_ _ _ _ lotrn. _ _
F.O. Ot.r.flnx , T. H.HotrnrAS , Qco.F. Wittmrr.
Fres.&Troas. V.-Pros.&Mau. Soa&Counsol.
Council Bluffs Handlu Factory ,
( Incorporated. )
Manufacturers of Axle , I'ick , Sledge and Strmll
_ Hamllcs , of every ilo3crlillon.
_ _ CAItPKTS. _
Carpets , Cnrtains , Window Shades ,
Oil Cloths , Curtain Fixtures , Upholstery Goods ,
Kto. No. 405 Ilroadway Council muffs ,
_ s , TOUACCO , ETC , _
Wholesale Jobbers In the
Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes ,
NOB , 23 Main nnd SI 1'cixrl Sts. , Council Uluffs ,
_ Town. _
_ _ CO.1f.UfSS/OiV. _
Fruit and Produce Commission Merchants.
_ No. UPonrl St , CoimclHllulIq. _
_ _ CltACKKRS. _
Manufacturers of
Fine Crackers , Biscuits and Cakes ,
Council Itluffi , Town ,
_ CHOCKKlir. _
Lamps , Fruit Jnrs , Cutlery , Stonowuro , liar
Quods , Fancy Goods , Etc. Council lilulTs ,
Wholesale Druggists , Oils , Paints , Glass ,
Druggists' Sundries , F.te. No. 23 Main St , and
No. 81 1'earl St. , Council Illuffs.
M. E. SMITH & CO. ,
Importers and Jobbers of Dry Goods ,
Notions , Kto. Noq. 113 nnd 114 Main St. , Nos. 113
and 115 Pearl St. Council lllnll'g , Iowa.
Wholesale California Frnlts a Specialty
Qonorul Commission : ' .No. 543 Oroodway ,
_ _ g f y - : .mouucii Bluirs.
I Frnlts , Confectionery & Fancy Groceries.
Nos. 1C nud 18 Pearl St , , Council Dlulfa.
Jobbers of Staple and Fancy Groceries.
Also Wholesale Liquor Dealers. No. 410 IJrond-
way , Council Illufs. (
P. C. DE VOL ,
Hardware , Tinware , Gasoline Stoves ,
Ilofrlgcrators , etc. Nos. 501 Ilroadway , and 10
_ Main street , Council Illulf < . _
_ 1IA11NKSS , KIC. _
Manufacturers of and Wholesale Dealers in
Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc.
No. 525 Main St. . Council Illulfg , lown. _
_ HATS , CAPS , KTC. _
Jobbers in Hats , Caps and Glove's.
Nos. Ul'i and 314 Ilroadway , Counojl
Iron , Steel , Halls , Heavy Hardware ,
And Wood Block. Council lllulfa , Iowa.
1) . H. McDANELI ) & CO. ,
Commission Merchants for Sale of Hides ,
Tulle w , Wool , Pelts , Grease nnd Furs Council
lllulfti , Iowa.
Wholesale Dealers In
Illuminating & Lubricating Oils Gasolln )
B.TIioodoro , Agent , Council lllulfa. Iowa.
LVUHKlt , VlLlNd , KTC ,
Hard Wood , Southern Lumber , Piling ,
Aiul llrldgo Material Spoclalllna.Wholnsnlo Lum
ber or all Kinds. OIUco No. 190 Main St ,
Council , lliulfd. Iowa ,
.Imported and Domestic Wines & Liquors.
Agent for St. Gottharn's Herb Ulttors. No.U
Council DIutTs.
Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors ,
Ko OK > Main St. . Council Uluff * .
Justice of the Peace.
Oflico Over American Express Company.
; p-A.i3srTs
Are absolutely pure , a * roprosenled. Ono Bal
lon will cover two buadrud and Ctty square
feat two coats , and will tay on longer than any
otbar ! > alnt uiwiufacturod. For sulo by
1'AlSTS.OjLS , lC ,
Jfcssrs , Havkncsg Bros , will tills day
plnco oil sale the below enumerated
articles besides numerous others at
prices that will surprise everybody ,
They are
Towels. Tidies , Splashers , Handker
chiefs , Japanese Fans , Hatchets , Bas
kets , Fortemoimalcs , Vaccs , Plates ,
Card and Fruit Baskets , Tin Plates , Boll
Babies , PJo Plates , Wtish Pans , Crumb
Pans and Brushes , Dish Pans , Milk
Pails , . Work Basket , Glass Dishes , Comb
Racks , Jockctbooks , Feather Fans ,
Hosiery , llacramo Cord , Flour Sifters ,
Hat Racks , Hamnicrs.Japancso Screens ,
Collar Buttons , Mucilage , Marbles ,
Blank Books , Turkish Towels , Scrub
bing1 Brushes. Coal Shovels , Baby Bibs ,
Wooden Spoons , Hair Crimpers , Roll
ing Pins , Transparent Slates , Agate
Buttons , Collars , Jewelry , Estabrook's
Steel Pens , Lace Collars , Spool Cotton ,
Baby Rattles , Hair Nets , Clothes Lines ,
Table Salts , Base Balls , Match Safes of
all kinds , Glass Cups , Tin Dippers , Tin
Buckets , Mosaic Match Holders , Sauce
Pans , Looking Glasses , Perfumery ,
Castile Soap , Shoes Blacking , Meat
Forks , Toilet Soaps , Stove Blacking ,
Wall Pockets , Harmonicas , Boxes of
Slate Pencils , Willow Baskets , Black
ing1 Brushes , Pearl Buttons , Silver
Thimbles , Frying Pans , Rick-rack
Braid , Table Outlcry , Combination
Kussian Leather Toilet Sets , Pins ,
Laces , and every article you can think
of. All to bo on sale to-day. Every
body go and get a chance to select
early ns the stock is all new and where
Bargains for
5c WORTH /5c / and $1,00 $ ,
Are to be found , they do not last
No. 401 Broadway ,
DRY GOODStc , Etc.
Ogtlcn House Rates on and
al'lcr May l t will be § ! 2.OO ami
$ ! 2.5O l cr Day ,
KxcnptinB front porior roDins.
Day Board , $ iir Per Month.
1J. SibLOWAY , Prop. MAIIK DuiiYFA , Malinger.
Council lilulTs.
In Council Bluda having
Fire msoefp ©
And all modern Improvements , call bop a , Uro
alarm bolls , etc. , is t no
H08.215 , SIT and 219 , Main Stroat ,
WAX S1OIIN , Proprloto
B. BICE , M. D.
or ether tumors romovoil without
tie knlfo or drawing of blood.
CHRONIC DISEASES of all kinds a spoclalty.
Ovorthu-ty years' practical oxporlonaa.
No. U I'oarl Street , Count 11 UlullJ.
Locking Bracket for Fences
Any part readily takoit out or replaced. Kor
picket or rail fence * , Iron or wood , cannot bo ex
celled for railing of any sort. particulars
wrlto C. J. HKCKMAN , Inventor.
Council Ululli
Btatonnd county rights forsalo.
No 29 , Main St. , Council Bluffs , Opo , PostoFfice ,
inos. orriOER. M , F. F ,
Established 18J7.
First-class Accommodations la Krorythlng Per
taining to the Uvory Business.
Finest Landau in tbe City
Hoarding ft specialty. Telephone 178 ,
FIELD & COLE , Props.
It. W. TUU.EVS , Pros. T. J. EVANB , Vlco-Pros.
K , Unuwf , Cashier.
Council Bluffs National Bank
Capital. , . „ . , . . , . , , . . $100,000
Authorized Capital . 250,000
Stockholders Represent . 1,000,000
Do a general banking bmlniu.
AccounU of banka. bankurs , merchants , mnn-
ufacturerf and individual ] received oa faror *
bio terms.
Domestioand foreign eitcb ni .
Itio very boot of attention 'flvao , Cl : i busl
ncMoomialUo4 to ourcaru.
Advertisements under th t bead 10 cones par
I no for the first Insertion , 7 touts tor each
Subsequent InscrtVnnnd. ) ? J.BC fl line vcr month ,
No ndvbrtl'cmonttakon for losithan 25 cents
for the first Insertion Baron word * w 111 bo ooun
ted to the llnoi they m l run consecutively
and must bo pMd In ndranoo. All advertlio.
tnonts mutt bo handed in before 3 o'clock p. m.
nnd under no circumstances , will they bo talc.
n or discontinued far telephone ;
Parties adTOrtlsJnqr In these columns and har-
Inptho answers addressed m csro'of Trie lint ,
will please ak for chock to enable thorn to ? et
their letters , as none win bo dotivorod except on
presentation ot chook. All answers to adver
tisements should bo enclosed In envelopes.
UMlVto loatToiFoiinttolg of any doscrlp-
* ( ton In films of $10 and upwards at reason *
able ratn . City I/onn nncl Mortgniro Co. , Iioom
15. 1404 Kiirnnm St. , opposite Paxton Hotel 8M
to loan nt reasonable rates on
horses , furniture. watches and other per
sonal property without removal. Small pay
ments taken at nny time nnd Interest reduced
In proportion. lluslncs eonndcntUI. C. J.Cns-
well , llooin in. Iron Hank Uulldliifr , 12th and Vnr-
nam. Tuko elevator. 400 ,
MO N KY To loan on improved fiirmsor rcsi
donco lots , on one year's time. Home Flrq
Insurance Co. . 1515 Douglas St. _ 153
TO LOAN On residence property.
. 8 percent. No commission. . C. , J. Caswoll
* Ox , lloom 18 Iron , Iank nulldmir , ISth and
Farnftm. _ ' A _ 3CJ.
130,000 to loan , sums $3 < JO and upwards.
$ Lowest rates. Hcmls , 13th and Dougrla * sts.
TUS to loan oni.bu lh nnd rojldonco
property In suras ( Of , $1/WO and upwards.
Ames , IfiOT Farnam at. " _ B38 _
$ ino,0ooto loan on ctty residence property
Gco. W.Day , 1600 Fnrnam. _ 830
mo ff AN Money in nnr nmount
JL On nil clnsfcoaof eccurlty.
Short time loans on ronl ostnts.
f mtr tlmo lonns on real cstnto.
Monoyto lennon chattels. "
Money to loan on cnllatorBls.
Money to loan on any ( rood security.
Terms easy , tlmo to suit. _
Apply nttlioOmnhn Flnanelri Rxchamie ,
Ilnrltcr's building , 8W corner of
_ Fifteenth tmd Fnrnom Bts. unstnlrs _ ,
' OKNT Mono/ lonn on real estate
Mortpsffos nnd bonds bought. Mnhonoy *
Harris , lloom ll.infM Fnrmim. _
MONKV for uvorj'Dodylou cnn borrow
money on furniture , horses , wniroiis. , stock of all kinds , diamonds and lmo
watcbcson your own tlmo. Payments received
ixt any time , nnd interest reduced pro ratn.
Property left In your own possession. Terms
low ns the lowest Call and PCO me. IluplnoRS
confidential. Noadvnntniro tnlten. W. H. Croft ,
lloom 4 , Wlthnoll'B Now llulk'JiiK ' , Northcar.t cor
ner 15th nnd Harney. _ 13
ONET TO r.O AN O. F. Davis * Co. Heal
M Estate and Lonu sitonts , 1503 Farnnm St.
ONET TO LOAN-On ( rood securities. A
McGavock , room 7 Hodlck Block. 1509 Farnnm
Bt. _ 1)14 )
1ONHY TO X.OAK On real estate and chat
_ M _ tes.D. ! _ L. Tliomns. 015
MONKT TO I..OAN In auras of $200 and up.
waitls on first-class real cstuto security.
Potlor & Cobb. 1515 Farnam Bt Oil
LOANKU nt C. F. lteed& Co'S. Loa
MONKV , on furniture , pianos , horses , wairon
personal property of all kinds and nil other ar
flclcsof value , without removal. 310 a. 13th ,
o\er ninirhiin's Commission storo. All tins-
ness strictly confldontal. nn
TT > on SALE Moat market , Incliidlmr build-
1 inns , team nnd ovorjthlnir comploto. Will
oxchnnBO lor cltv property or land In Nebraska
inqulroof R. F. lllnzor. ! 12 ! )
SALE Ono of the best restaurants In
tlio city : splendid location ; good Undo ;
terms very reasonable. Hlgglns Parko ,
Foil SALE Or trade for Omaha real estate ,
n small itock of millinery. Address57 ; ,
tloo ofllco. : c.'l-7" ;
Poll SALK A very choice 1,000 ncro Kansas
ranch , stocked with slic-cp , Address D. C.
MclCHy.MuskrKOii.Mloh. .357-4 *
Fen SAtEOr Bout To' Hid "the rlghtman
a llrst-clnes buicho'rs tulslndss tn ti peed
town. Poor hrallh the on Is' cau o for milking-
thn clmuiro. Wrlto to H. L. Strong , Kearney ,
Neb. 141-7
OirANCK-ForSnlo-llpal cstnto
loan and insurance business In Northern
Nebraska ; Rood location. Address K HI , Dee
ofllco. 037-fi *
TTOIt SALK An o.\collont printhifr oflico In
-U county sent , eastern Nebraska , has county
patronnpo nnd larsre business. Will soil lease
of It for tbreo years at u bargain. Address E
it" , lloo onico. OT7-5
TT1O11 SALK A llrst-cla'S ro < tniirant by
-t ! Archer , Albright & Aylosworth , 218 8. 15th
street. | 1)01 )
TTirni SAIi : A ilr t class bakery , restaurant
JL nnd conlrcllnnory atnnd In utown of seven
thousand Inhabitants. Inquire of. FP Fay &
Co. , Omaha _ > -st-8
Foil SAl.i : In llrst-class location , ffroecry
stock nnd fixtures : small cnplUil renuired :
rent low. Jnqulrn at drug store , lOtli and
Douglas. 787
FOK fiATK-$3,000 will buy a Konora ! stock
of poods toffclhor with the peed will of a
well established and nourishing business In ono
of Madison county'H best towns , llalanco of
pnytnont on very lluoral terms. Itoason for
polllnp satisfactorily erlvon on iippllcatlon. Address -
dress T. D. & Co. . lieu Olllco. QSQ
TTIOIl SAI.K-Chonp , u milk dairy. ? olden
J ? llros. . KH 3.13th at. CS. >
FOH SALE Center , show cnsoi nud Moo ! :
of Mrs roller's fancy store nt303 N 15th st.
Short time only. _ 4)7 )
FOK KXCIIANOH Stocks of poods of every
kind , for farms nnd land ; nlso lands to ox-
cluuipo for ponds. If you want to trade , no
matter whnt It is yon have , wrlto , with full de
scription , to C. K. Mnyno , ical estate broker ,
Omaha Neb. _ IBS
YlfANTj ; ! ) To oxcnannn for clock of hard'
* waio nnd general merchandise , 600 acrosot
flno-Tlmyor Co. , Nob. , land : B lots In Oonox
Nob. , peed Btoro buildlni ? ( best corner ) ; pool
dwolllnB ( host Ideation ) In IJsfio.xi In. , also 83
acres } } mlle from town of Eseor , In. , seodM In
blue pras . ' For'furtlior particulars nddross
John Iilndorholm Central Citr. Nebraska. Kfl
TmJHSONAL-Ncat and tasty all-wool busl.
J IIOFH suits for only $7.00. All pl/os. Mull
orders llllcd. U O. Jones & Co. , laoO'Farnam.
PERSONAL To persons wild wish to build n
homo In Orchard HIM , I , ' will soli lota upon
payment of the nominal Bum of ten dollars and
balance nt the end of live y < WH. Intcn- at 8
per cent , payable soml-aniiually. This Is the
best oiler over made to any homo-8ooker In this
city. Call aiid oo mo. , C. E. Mayno , 8. . W. cor.
35th nnd Farnam. ' 670
Foil IlHNToomaridboaixlf6r t\vo. 1 13
Capitol nvo 143
LOST Two roun ponies ; , larHC t jwny has
diamond brand on bind quarter. ' $10 ro
wan ! for their return to James Nelson , N. W.
cor. 27th and Davunport. 144-0 *
npAKKN UP Ited and whlto mlloh cow , May
-L 4 , which will lie sold MaylStli , if , uot redeemed -
doomed before tale. Dan U Homey , City.
Foundimuter. Omaha , May & . 1830.
rpAKEIf UP Dark bar mire , white riffht
JL bind foot , whlto star forehead , stripe on
nose. Paul Tli lesson , Uurr Oak add. , west of
Qnitloy'a soap factorr. _ ' < Ha8
fTtAKKN UP One shcop. Owner can bare
J. vuno by provlnir property and' payiDir
chargM at 318 B. 10th ft. Apr a s9-M > y 8-13-aj
° > o4a at homo ; pleasant -
ant work for ladles unit gcntleinon ; no
canvassing ; send 'Ai for circular. Chronotypo
Co.ijJonvor. _ ail-d
TIIK best barpaln in Inside jpropo'rty In
Omaha , Is T. G. Btoloy's , west end Caldwcll
street , lii'iulro en promises. in 6 *
1JBIVV nnd cesspools cleaned by 15. Kwlnif , P.
J O.Jlpx 427. _ C40maig
\JT by B practical gardener. "Frank""Ni'ratz
H21J3. loih bt. _ juiiujj ;
TpOlt ItKNT A Btoro on a good retail street.
- * Apply tbo Omaha Itoal Estate aud Loan
Co. 187
TIIOH liKNT-Squnro I lane ; 93 monthly. A
* Slodpo * 1513 Doujflns * _ vll _
TWOIi UKNT-aquare Piano , I i montbly. A.
J Eospo. 151J Domtlas. _ BIO
TTlOlt ItKNT-Orirons , | 2 per month. IIospo ,
J-1 1618 Douglua. u > 3
FOB BALE A team of ypung and stylish
horses , flrit-clusa lu every rwpcct. Inqulru
ot Edholui i Krlcksou , opposite pottoOlco.
Ti > OU SALE- fifty aharos Nebraska and Iowa
-T1 Iniurnnco company's stock , also nftyslmrei
Woitciu llonip Iniiiranc * couipanjr'a stuck. I
A , Mlllor , Council liluai , 319-18 '
SALK Clie p My holel fixtures , or
Fen trade for Kthcr property. Call or ad
dress Omaha llpU5o | Harney , between l th and
13th streets , t , ii' _ 307-10
Oil SALKTItrtnro 4nd steve bnMnoss :
tltishopcoifncctcd. Address E51 , lloo onico.
" w 871-8'
_ _
17011 SALK 13 s\nnd \ boos chcnp ; Test end
J3 3 Caldwcll8tfcot [ _ 8U-8 *
IJiOK SALK-4WopITcr 400 3-yoar-old steers ,
1 POO 2-year-old elcore ,
3001-rear-oldMccrt ,
400 hoofers and cows , mostly coming on.
The nbovo cattle nro ( rood straight Iowa and
I > .i kola stock. Strange Uros. , Sioux City.
/ , TJ5-inSO
SALK-rOr trade. Ono new 25 H. P.
FOK nndM H. P. Knirlno. Will sell cheap
for cash or trade for doslrablo ronl estnto , Ad
di-ossOeo. A. Fry. Dennnco. lown. 039
SALn A S-horso power boiler nnd on
Blno cheap , at Omaha Sato nnd Iron Works.
_ _ a mar7
OUSALK-Ono good liorso. itilO IMrnam.
AOUsALlSfiunro piano , fW , monthly pay-
monls. llospo. 1513 Douglas. _ 007
SALE Team of bay horses , 5 nnd 0
Foil old , from Kentucky ; very stylish nnd
fast , nnd warranted sound nnd kind ; the oldest
has trotted last fall In 3:40 : without trnlnln ? ,
and cnn do It niraln. Sold cltbor single or to
gether. Inquire at James Stophonson's livery
stable. STO-5 *
F Oil HALi : Match toamB nnd horses of nl
kinds to suit customers ntstnr Sale Stnblcs ,
SOth and Ginning. M. Cannon , Prop. 777
T710K SAl.H-A now steam roller mill In No. 1
JP business locality : fine wheat country ; but
little competition ; $17,500 , ' cost moro. w. H.
Orcon , 215 8 13th st _ Kg ,
FOK SALK UprUrht piano , 19 > , monthly
_ payments , llospo , 1513 Doiigliis. CT)3 )
Flirt HALK Dcslrablo 0-room house and full
lot on irnidoaU : In splendid condition. Cult
at HOT a. Ulli at 8l4m3i'
i ; ANTEO German girl for general hongo-
T worlc. Inquire nt the Btoro , 1322 Farnam
street. 3105'
WANTED A plrl who Is a good plain PCH or.
C31 North IPlli st. 340-5 *
V\T ANTED Qlrl to do general housework.
T > Apply 2414 Hanioy. _ 311-C *
WANTEIl Qlrl for Rcnernl housework. Ap-
plylo Goo. A. Wlloox , at olllcc N. II. Fal
coner's. *
. M37-7
WANTEIl A itlrl for Koncr.\l houcowoik.
Apply at 113 8. Jefferson st. Uiil-7 *
\ \VANTKD-QW- washing. 117 N. 14th.
V > 330-7 *
WANTED A nrat-class girl for general
bousewoik ; must bo n rood cook ; uono
but first-class n cert apply ; wages 5" per month.
LML'-JDavcnpoitst _ a.0
\XfANTED-Seamstrcsscs nt Canflold M'f'g
Tt Co. . llth and Douglas , up stalra. ! K3-7
\\7A-NTED-A i-cllatlo pill at St. Uarniiboe's
TT rectory. BJJN.iath st. _ J.3
\C7ANTKD QIrl for housework ; Gorman
> > preferred. 4il N. 17th bt. _ Slti-S'
° \X7"ANTiD : A linen seamstress for private
T > family. Apply 83(13. ( 1Mb st. 310-5 *
' X7" ANTED A ( lormnu plrl or boy to work in
it restaurant. 'JI5S. lith st. 318-7 *
WANTED 2 good girls , Central House. 13th
and Cass. 3905 *
ANT15D Girl for general housework ,
corner lilondo and Campbell streets , north
west corner. _ 303
TTTANTED'-lllrll for general housework ;
T > small fnirfrtyi Seward street , botnccn Kl
nnd Campbell. rMta. Wright. 303-C
ANTE U 'X'go'od ' girl : one who Is n peed
cook prcfcrrift ! Apply 1903 Farnam street.
.rt 301-5
ANTKllY gll'l to do general hoiii-owork.
gQlODurtH I- fflKl-7
WANTED A pbod girl lor general hoiisc-
w oik ; good wages. Inqulro 2514 Capitol
avenue. suu
_ y _
" \TSTANTED GotiiHgirl for gonoml housekeop-
. YY ing. H3Sil7tiBti ) _ ! , ' -8
TpVNTEn-lA' 'competent ' girl for general
T > noiiBoworB. ( .Apply at largo house in 1 rent
of Crolgbton U > HOtf < . - > 20,1C *
ANTKOi-A'felH for housework In Email
family. Mrt.'lt : Dlnsham , 810 S. 16th st.
a 'f tIJ > m lintiiU < r" < ol J v >
TTTAI TED NurjO girl. 4M Convent Kt ,
. i 1
- - i - - -
W 'ANTED A half-grown girl us ntirso. Ap
ply ati2314 St. Mary's aonuo. . ERW *
AtJTEIJ SOorOJ girls from surrounding
towns to work In good private Inmilios lor
general housework ; good wages will be paid.
The Omaha Employment Kuioaii , 11-J Fiirnam.
Can place all that will como at anytime. 259-ti
WANTlIDi-Competcnt Blrl for housework
In a'Biniill family. 0 4 Park avo. 27U-5
WANTED Girl for general housework ;
must bo coodcook : lumily small. Apply
between ! ) and I o'clock. 2426 Cnpltol avc. gtfl-6 *
\\TANTKD-Glrl lor general housonoik ut
Y > 2103 Farnam. _ 250
\T7ANTii > Girl for general .housework ;
> > 4M Convent St. _ 117
XT/ANTED Iinmoillatcly Kxporlonci.Ml cook
* > for family of tluoo ; $4 per week. 2JJ3
Hurt st. 1)14-0 ) *
_ _
WANTED First nnd Second girl as Cook nt
the Emmet houfc. 1)78 )
First-class cook and laundress.
WANTED . Mrs. J * . M. Thurston. OOJ
WANTED Gord girl for poneral housework
In a small family , no children , 2211 Davcn-
port fit. _ lJ'J-5 ) '
WANTED A ( rlrl to do general housowoik.
R.D. Van Court , 1011 California st. 05' )
WANTED A good active woman for cham
bermaid ; wages $4 per yrcok. Apply at
1)12 ) Pouglas. _ tO >
\TTANTED-At once , n neat competent girl
IT to do general housework for n small family.
Apply nt llKM Ciii-8 st. _ Oil
WANTED Ladies and gentlemen in city or
country to take light work at their homos.
fl.OOto ia.oOiulay easily inojlo ; work gent by
mull , no canvassing. Wo have a good demand
for our work' and furnish steady employment ,
Address , with stamp , Ciown M'rg Co. , 2111 Vine
Btiocl. Cincinnati. Ohio. 525ml4 >
WANTED-JA girl at Dornn Houso. 013 Far-
nam. _ _ 4M
ft/ANTEO-Good kltchon girl at 415 N'r < tli
St. _ OJ7
\\f ANTED A good woman cook ; good wngos.
? Address City Hotel. Fairmont , Neb. 4 7 ,
WANTED Three upholsterers. Dewey S&
Stone. _ 34a j
" \\7"ANTED A reliable young man of about
TT 1C yours to do collecting ; references IB-
loroncos I oiiiilfcd. AdllrotB Hey 815. City. ; II5-U
\T7 ANTJu floy who can make tablets ; aljo
ii to loam the llthograptilng business , at
Onmlm Lltbographliifj' and Stationery CO.'H.
WANTED IJiborcrs , teamsters , and jVlcl ? shovel men ; steady job. IS. S , Al
bright It. It Labor.Agcnoy , 13.14 Farnam. 331
\Ti7'ATKU A ftwAl Iron moulder : one wheT
T i can make sUirce fronts , columns , ( Ills , gen
eral machinery , Mr. , at once. Call or address
Bhonandoah IrojtWorks , Bheuandoab , lowiu
_ _ 'fjjl aia-7
\\rANTKO-Mullsiclaii who playfiring und
I' sings , also a good singer for Open Air Ad
vertising Medicine company. Only gentlemen
need apply. Address Texas Tom , Council lilulTs ,
Iowa. 313-5
"ITf ANTED Throoi broad bakers at pnop.
T T timlth & Locriyt Council Bluffs. , qio
ANTKICoQ Asltor.Day work : llo-
ixirter ofllco , &C.Uroadiiay , Council lllutfs.
Cull thia a. tn. nfc [ | aoa
WANTKU A < tfd , rellablo furniture Biles-
man whojti * omo well rocouiuiciidod ,
M.F. Martin , 8fy | tth. an
WANTKD Kinan to take an oflico and rep
resent a manufacturer ; (50 per week ;
small capital rwiunrd. Address , with atamp ,
Hex 70 , West Actop. Mass. gitf-7'
TlfANTKD Smart , active boy about 10 years
f l of ago who is willing-to vork. Novelty Iron
Works , llth st. 375
WANTKU Stonwraphor and typo-writer.
Address , in owu uundwritlng , J. M.-Box
445 , City. . gttM *
\ TANTKO Agents for our now onfrravlnsr
11 iluid for marking silverware , Btool , Iroa ,
etc. ViiryslmiilOttoapiOy. Sample bottle ana
prlco list 5o , MliiKlir ) CoSU3 , 5 , Adams St. ,
i'corui , III' 803-7 *
-ANTKU-A good boy at 8. M. Lehman's
Fruit and News store , 5'JH B. 10th at. U77
\X7 ANTKU Salesmen needing proUtablo em-
T T ploymeut. Calory f75 and exocnsos. Goods
staple , sold by samplo. Address , with stump ,
\I7AMTKU - Situation ta bookkeeper tly
T youiifr man of. ooiuo exp rieace. Addrosj
B & 3 , bee ollic * . ' . 16-7 *
Young Ituly Trants position to
tnkecaroof nnd t ich children French In
good family i best of roforoncos. 423 Convent.
WANTKO Situation by an experienced
druggist , lJo t of references. Address
Frank II. Mllnor , AthUnd , Nob. aa-i *
WANTKU-A slluatlon OS nurse girl. Cnll
at 810'4 S. 224 st. 833-0 *
WANTKi ) Situation by n young man in n
bold or restaurant ns cook. Address M
33. lloo onico. 084-6 *
\\7ANT1U > llyn womannsltuatlon as house
keeper. Ilcaso call at No. 313 N. Vth St.
250-8 *
WANTKU-Posltlon by lady as slono-
graphor nnd typo-writer ! hns good busi
ness education and nai had several years ox.
porionco as stenographer. Address Ii 4 < , lloo
213-8 *
WANrnt ) lly n mlddlr-agod gent not In
goud health , n room and board with the
comforts of u homo with an elderly couple orn
widow needing help. Will pay well If pulled
Address E55 , lloo olllco. 325-5 *
WANTKD-To purchase before May 15th full
lot with or without house , east or south
front , high ground , sightly location , west or
soutliA-ojt from postollico : modoiato amount
riown.tmtnncogood monthly payments. Address
K 50 , lloo offloo. 824-7 *
VI7ANTKI > For cash , a sorond-hand sot of
TT tinner's tools. Address U 53 , lloo offlco.
2C2-5 *
WANTKO CO tonnn for light railroad work ,
1150 per day. Frco transportation. B.
a nollo-Ulo A Co. , 1120 Farnam St. 831
IfTiTANTii > A location fora drug store ixnd
TT the practice of medicine. Address J. &
Co. , Box KM. Omaha , Nob. 14M *
WANTnn To Kent House of nvo to eight
rooms In good locality by permanent cash
tenant with leaio for ono or two years. Cnll or
address Omaha Financial Exchange , 8. W. cor ,
of 16th and Farnntn. 895
WANTUU-Doslrnblo building lot atonce ;
give number of lot nud location. Address
B 8 , Boo omco. 701
WANTKU Wo want to got nt once a neat
house and lot on or half lot for loss than
92,000 : must bo worth tbo money. Also a desir
able vacant lot. Address liush & Bclby,2I8S.
15th. 123
Dcslrablo bouso and lot for homo
nt moderate lrico ) ; no fancy prices wnnt-
cd. Addicsa K'7 , Hoc QllU.'O. 700
Houses for good tenants. J. H.
WANTKD & Co. , 1513 Dodgo. C13
100 houses and cottages to rent.
Cun ilnd you good tenants nt onco. Mahoney -
honey & Harrb , Uoom 11 15J3 Faiuam 377mil'
TOOK HUNT A It-iooui house , furnished. Call
JP at 1103 3. 10th Bt. JUJ-7 *
TOOK ItKNT All tobacco houses that don't
JL ? keep In stock the general favorite. Cross
Cut Cigarettes. 2 ! M
ItHNT Hrlclt house , corner llth aud
Dodifo. 27 - *
FOR HUNT Urlck J'nrd. Apply Pock &
Dodgo. opposite Postolllco E10-7 *
1JKNT A doslraoio residence on Fur-
nam st , , near court house , I' rooms , best lo
cation In the city. For particulars apply to S. A.
Sloinon , 1U ! ) Farnam st. b8J
E OK ItENT 70-acro farrn.T. Murray .
THOU KENT Nicely furulshud room with
-D board. 714 N. lath st. C17
ItKNT Saloou , and fixtures for sale.
103 South 10th Bt. TOO
OK KliNT-3 stores. HIS a must G. U.
I.F Peterson. 724
Oil IlKNT-Diick yard. T. Murray.
F 531
Foil SALi : At a bargain , flno U-oom nousa
with modern conveniences : full lot ; ou
Harney su , near Situ ; S5.2JJ. Potter & Cobb ,
1515 Farnam st. iti ! )
TOOK KENT Garden Inrm. 303 S. llth St.
OK ItKNT Nlco 0-room cottage. S. T.
P Poturson.3. K. cor. 15th and Douglaa. 534
ItHNT Nicely furnished looms In flno
FOR , 400 Walnut st , eight minutes walk
southeast U. P. depot , $0 , t > 7 and fcb per month.
HENT Furnished rooms. 2205 Dodge
Foil . 33(1-11 ( *
TOOK KKNT A nicely furnlblied front room
JD with alcove , No. 525 Falrvlow or 2.1th Et ,
north 8t. Mary's nve. 317-7 *
TjlOK HUNT Nicely furnished room with or
JD without board. 117 S. 17th st. llelorcnce
l-cqulrcd. 815-11 *
1J1OK IlKNT One largo alcove room , cnst
-C front , with board. fr-'U Pleasant tt. U14-11 *
Foil IlKNT Good rooms nnd good board.
ItKUl Fnrntuii bti cut. ace-10
Oil JlliNT Fiont room with board lor gcti-
tlcman only. Kcfcicncu required. 1724
Douglas st. 100-5 *
OH ItKNT. Nicely furnished room cheap.
420 Convent su 2M
TJxJll HINT Nicely < iirnl hod front room
JC with board. S. W. cor. Uth nnd St. Mary's
avenue. "bS
oil ItKNT rurulslicd rooms. 1IJ13 Cull-
F fornta et. 2J1-5 *
fj'OH ItENT Newly furnished looms close to
JU I * . O. The most ( U'Slrablolurnlshcd looms
In the city , at reasonable prices. 150s Cash st ,
oil ItKNT Nicely furnished rooms ; nil
all modern convcnluucoa ; gentlemen pie-
Icrrud. KUUIIUltst. 273-8
F Oil KENT Furnished rooms , 1621 uap. uve.
110-7 *
Foil ItKNT Furnished loom , W7 North
HU-0 *
17th St. -
TTHMt ItKNT U unfurnlsbed looms lor light
JU houRukcoplngin licomot'b block , cor Eth and
Howaid. U
FOlt HKNT Fiont room nicely furnished ,
suitable for man and wile , on Ilrtt lloor ;
iiNoonoon second ttoor : ono block north Mil-
liirdhoicl , 111 N. iilli : Miect. ! J1M
OU JtUNT-FuiliUhcd loom. 1707 Cass St.
F 211-7 *
FOIt JIKNT Fiirn'sliod sitting-room and
bed-room In family of two. Alee wanlod ,
day DoaiiU'M , at JJ a n cck. 1103 North 17th.
S03-5 *
T IOK HUNT Good room and good board ;
. | J i 03 Farnam btreet. liU-fl
FOIt HUNT Fuinlshod moms in now house ,
modern Improvements , 8" > to ( IB per month
2511 } l > oJge , . Imjuiio J. L. 1'lcrbon A : Co. , liotl
Farnam. osa-fi *
TfTlOIl HUNT S pleasant furnished IOOIIIB ,
J3)1 Ii St. , near St. Jlary's uvo. Inquire S. W ,
IodjoaudJlOUi. ; _ 103
POUKUNT Largo ulcoly furnished room ,
eultallo ) for two gentlemen , with table
board ; 3 minutes' walk from 1' . O.1B14 Dodjru EL
FOtt RKNT Furulshed rooms , 1810 Dodxo.
ItENT KliNjantly furnished rooms without
out traard. Alt modern convonleaco& . 1S3K
'DOdge. ' _ 838
ItKNT Two store rooms oa 18th Btreet ,
Water * g * and sewer connection * . C. E.
Mayao , cor&th and Farnam. til
U KKNT Two iiicxpcnsh-e roorna , with
board. 1814 Webster streot. fltB
TCWK RKJfT Store room on 13th. C. X.
J Muyno. 8 W cor th and Fnrnam. 4tl '
Tlion HUNT Offloo and fctore room. Qratton
XI ft Drummond , 1315 Barney. ww
TT OIt ItUNT Ulcgaiit and desirable rooms ,
J ! furnished or unfurnished. 101)7 ) Douirlas
Bt , Uuferonees required of appllcauta. CO }
"T71OK KENT With board , one itirifo inooly
JL ! furnished front room , eta and bMh room at
l 0a Jones Bt. 870
W Itcal estate.
We do not bur it
Wo have nothing of our owu to foico
sales upon.
Therefore ,
I.lst your propeity with us.
Therefore ,
Come to us for Investment * .
J. LC Kvuus If Co. ,
15H Dodge St. IE3
TOOK HALU-titoekdale & Uunchor , 1511
JDoJgo st. always Imveou hand u fine lUt of
good propi-rtios und many bargains. All kinds
of prices and terras. Houses aud lots in nil
paru of tbe city. Alrayi eeo us before you
buy or MIL Stuckttale i liuuohor , 1511 Dodge
Bt. Telephone No. m
TIIK best oargaln oa South Sixteenth street
1X1x155 , otuy Si.000. if taken In 10 days. 0.
J. Caawell & Co. , itoom IV , Nebraska National
Bank. 803-H
TlOHSAI.K1.300for.ia aorcc ! goodioaa-
JL tlou ; fVM coab , balance 10yean' tin * . Cor.
10th and Hickory. I' . Henuoasca. 3ST-6 *
lotilntnrkTlrtco ,
1 Si lota In Hnnteom Place. tSTO to J2.&W.
200 lots In llod ford Place ,
Ixitt In Omaha View. f250to573A
Patk Forest. $230 to WW.
Ambler Place , tMOto froo.
Bhlnn'n add , $750 to f 1,500 ,
Parker's add , t JJO to $2,000.
KV Smith's mil , ebolco lots ,
Hawthorn , JVfl to J'VO.
Mamh add , (1,000 , to * 2,500.
West Hnd , Jl.lOOto $1,500.
JoromoPark , $ ( Wto ) WW.
Kllby Place , $5)0 ) to $6.VX
100 choice houses locatod.ln different parts of
tbo cltyrnnirlnjrin price from $1TOO to flooO.
CO doslrablo inMdo residence ami business lota
from W.GOO to $70,000.
I do n strictly commission business. 1 ! . F.
lUngor , 110 N. lith street. ita
HAUTJtAN ntnsox llcnl n-tnto and
I/oan ARonoy , 1412 rarnam street Some of
our barf nl us :
Seven-room house and corner lot near l/onr-
rnworth street , in Marsh addition , for $1,000.
Ver ) ' cheap.
Ka t front on Colfnr street , nonr Ixiai on-
worth , for only $1,7W. Splendid bargain.
Now house nnd ono half lot on Ueorgln nvo-
nun , ono block from street car , $4,0 0. Very
t'orner lot on Virginia nvonno for $2,000. Flno.
Four beautiful lots In IlurrOak addition , only
JSOO nach.
Sixty-six feet on Fnrnam strcot , at tljO per
front foot. IllR bargain.
I/ot with three good bouses In Kount7o &
Iluth's addition , near Lcavonworth , for $6,500.
8i1ontlld ] invostniont.
Flno rosldcnco , Capitol nvcntio nnd Twentieth
street , $10,000. Bplcndld.
8Uty-six feet on Ilnrnoy , between Kkhtconth
and Nlnotocnth. $100 per front foot. Cheap.
Thlrty-throo feet on 10th st , , bet H con Far
nam nnd Donclos , $ .1,000. Fora few days only.
House nn small lot on Sid Pit out , near Call-
forntn street , for $2Jj U. Spook qulok.
East front lot with flno dwelling on Pleasant
st , for ? 7,503. A beautiful homo.
East front corner with now liousoonOeorgla
ave , Hnn com Placo. $ r.ino. Blihtly rlow.
Corner lot , Hauscom Place , fl . " > 0. Clood bar
gain. Insldo lot In same block , $1,063. Hotter
Full lot with 4-room house near llnnscom
Park , for fl.UM. Just tliq thing for small fam
ily.Fifty flno rosidcnco lots In Kllby Plnco nt from
KA ) to Jl.flo'J. Oolmr llko hot cukos.
Thirty-lire lotH of the cronm of Hanscom PnrK.
Will give bargains to parties who will build nloo
Full lot In Dwlght & Lyman'fl addition , $4M.
Only $4Xcash ) , balance monthly.Viiy down.
llcautllul resilience with all modern Improve
ments and roomy lot In Improvement At. ocla-
tlou addition , ior $4,090. This Is n fplonrt'.d
homo and oh * > ap.
Lot with good house In Shull's Pccond Addi
tion , for f li'SO. Good property nnd terms oniy.
1,000 other peed barcnln lu city proper , and lu
nil the ilcBlraltln addition * .
.Also 75,000 acres farm and grazing lands in Ne
Money to loan on Nebraska farms In sums ot
SoOOaml upwards nt low into of Interest. 300-5
nnd nolvoctoro aei clots nro null
NKWPOllT at the remarkably low prices
a < iVod. If jou want lo BCD the flnost acre prop
erty around Omaha by all means take udrivo to
Newport and llolvodeio. The ride will oo'-t jou
notlilni : whether you buy or not. C. . Mayno ,
15th nud Fai nam. Stri-G
OllCIIAllDlULIj-I.owo itprlco'onislest terms ,
nicest lots. C K. Mayuu , ngunt. 7ia.-0
HAT.n S ) acre lots not far from city
FOIt . $ .10 dollars down , $10 monthly pay
ments without interest. This is HID best oiler
In Omnho. Inqulro at 1312 Davenport st. UOi-5
Oil SALK-lly Stockdalo & IJuncher , 1111
Doclgeht Vacant lots In all parts of the
cltv and suburbs.
Houses and lot * everywhere.
lUi-.hicss property In the best localities.
1'arnis and wild land tlnouirhout the state.
Don't forgot the place , Slockdnlo A ; lUnuhcr ,
1S11 Dodge Bt. Telephone No. 70 > . 3J.V8
FOK SA1.U Choice residence lots. Onlr\\ln
street , between Licnvcnwoithnnd rarimm ,
Sl.VW. tin Ooorgla avenue , between Luiivwn *
worth and Farnam , $1,81) ) . On Aiaswortli
street , ono block west of 1'nrk avenue , and one
block south or l.o.xvonwoitb , tlio very tlnott
lots In that neighborhood , $1,703 , each. C. 11.
Mayno , 15th and Furiiam. 200 0
pATTEllSON PARK ACKF.S-Ncarcst. best
Jnnd cheapest. 21H-12
Foi : SAM : 3 room cottages on very easy
teims. Prlco $1,050. Wm. J. Paul , autli and
Clmrlps or 1133 N. lUlh Bt. S13-28 *
Ni\VI'OKT : and llelvodcro nero lots are Roll
ing rapidly at the rom.irkubly . low pilous
asked. If you want to M-O tbo Ilncst ucro prop-
ortv around Omaha by all means take n drlvo
to Newport and llolveilore. The ride will co = t
you nothing whether jou buy or not. C. E.
Mnync.l'Jtli ' and Farnnm. 209/0 ,
IOOK nt every piece of ground in and
I around Omaha , then go to C. K. Mayno's
olllco , corner 15th and Farnam. and take a rldo
to tlio garden epot , "Orchard HIM. " 207-0
PAllK ACllES-Nccrest , best
-L nud cheapest. 21t-l2 )
BAltOAIX usIncs hous3. rents for $ " > 0 per
month. 83Uth 13th St. , $1,0)0 ) II sold soon.
Graham & IH'iiuvra , Crolghton block. 1UJ-U
. KVANS & < ; o. hnvo forEiuo :
Jit. line corner , south and east f rent , Shl'in's '
ndd , S1.2MJ.
A flno forncr , same fronts , near Cnstollnr
Street school , $1,403.
Corner , lOj feet front , on Loavonwoith st.
$ i/Qj. _ : ii2-7 ;
Moving day
Will have no terror
To you II you buy ono of these delightful
Cottages in
Fnirmount Plnco ,
27 th and I.ulio stp , ono block from rtri-ot
cari ; honestly built , handsomely llnlshoil ;
( 1,400 to i ? A)0 ) ; terms unusually easy. No
trouble to show you the property. TB. . Clark-
tou , 150U Taruam. 0'15
Ni\Vl'OllT mid Jlolvidero acre lots are soli-
iugiupldly at the louialknbly low prices
uskcil. If > ou want to see tliollnest noic prop-
city around Omaha by all means take a drive to
Newport and Hclrodcro. The rldcwlll oeM you
nothing whether you buy or not. C. E. Moynu ,
15th nnd I'm num. SUiM )
1 > ATJ'HltSON PAHIC ACHKS-Noarest , best
and cheapest. 2112
"l ON'T fall to list jour projiortr with mo to
JL/ have It bbown mvi sold. T. S. Clarkson ,
1GM Faniam. 34
IOOK nt every jiloco of giound In and
1 around Omaha , then go to C. 12. Mayno'B
olllco , coiner Ifith and Fimmin. and taken ride
lo Uio Kardon biiot , "Oiclinrd Hill. " 2U7-B
Foil HALIC Spccjal bargains on Farnnin
street , T. & t'larkt-on , 15JU Farnam. IM3
I5WPOIIT imd Ifc-lvwloro ncro lots IU-B soil-
intr rapidly at the i emarkahly low pilcra
asked. If you want lo hco the finest acropi-op.
crty iiroundOmaha l y all means tnko a drive in
Newiioit and HulvoJcro. Tlio ride will cost you
nothing whether j-ou buy or not. C. K. Mayno ,
151 la und Farnam. " ( H-U
1J cTlt KAI'ii Houses and lots lu ovc-cy imrt of
' the city. No matter what you want to buy
Innuiliroclo not make n purclmuu without
Unit examining our ll t. Dupgleg always at the
door , and salesmen ready nt all tlinoH to tliow
you around the city. We have the largest list
to chose from and give the best tornm. Call
und see C. I ! . Miiynu , southwest eorni'r 15th and
Farnam. JM4-0
ATrKUBON PAUK ACKES-Ncarost , best
auclcheupctft , Sllt-13
TOOK nt every plcco of ground in nnd
j around Omaha , then go to C , K. Mayne'd
odioo , corner 1Mb ud FuiTiam , and Uikc u rldo
to the garden epot , "Orchard Hill. " 207-8
TCUm SAtK At a bargain , * ten ncro lot wltli
JC HrlngepHujr , nultublo for tfardeulug. ! D'
quire at 1512 Uarunport it , VJj-6
KOIfAKI ) tllUf lots sell on 1holr merits.
Low prices and easy terms iclr o. Cull ut
C. B , Maytio * office and vet 4 plat. 8004
PATTERSON PAlUt AOKKS-Noarost , best
and cbouiictt. HB-13
TTIOJt HALK Loaicl Bchoo ] lundl Ju Irac.Uof
X to acres and upirnrdi , no taxes to pay on
tbosoUndi for 20 years. O.V.Davt & Co. , 1503
yarnuunt. , 720-ina )
_ _
OltcilAKU llll.t , lots sell on their merit * .
fx > w prices und easy terms given. Cnll at
C. B. Mnyne'a oHlouniid got u phtt. _ liOi l
N : HlVI'OltT nnd liolredeie ncio lots lire srJI-
ing rapidly at the remarkably low prices
. If you want to u the Unfit HCIO prop
erly uround Omnlia by all moans take u drive to
Newport aud Iteltedoro , lhu tide will cost you
nothing vrhoUicr you buy or uoU C. K. lluyno ,
I5th uud 1'amuc. 20C
AMKS VLACK-No such lols in nny olhor lo
cality at the prices aeked. 411
T7WU HALi : Iniproted residence and busi-
X > nosspiopnrtyinull paitsof tbo citjT , S.
Claikson , 1SOU Farnam , V3J
T OOU at every piece of ground la and
AJ around Oniaun , ( Uoii gu to < J. K. Muj'ue'i
office , curuer 15th uud Fiu'iium. und taku u lido
totbognrdoncpot , "Oreliui'd Hill. " 07-0
TmoilSAI.KciteBplou la Burr Oak , just east
-L1 of lUntoani Park , oeir street oara.JIJJ , easy
torpit. rotter & Uotu , 1415 Farnaoi ut. 8j |
-Tbret QOB lot * in 3hmn' 3d all.
fttSSWuufc. fottcjCotiU , lili Farnam.
_ _
TOOK t rerr pic of yrounJ ( lu and
J- < Around Omaha , ttan gu to C. E. iUynp'i
ofHce , corner 15th and Pariutm , and lake u rule
to the garden spot , "Orchard Hill. " , 9)7-0 )
K. C. PATTEttSON , noftl EMato , 13th tlB $
. . . . . . . . .
Residences and Cottages
npautlful cottage nud lot , doslrablo locality -
ity > tt * * * * it * * * * * . * * * . * * * * * v * * v *
Flno residence. N. ISth st , facing east 4,500
3-story house , full lot , West Lcnvcnwortb.
street . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . , 1,800
House and full lot. Hickory Plnco , cheap. 1,00)
Collage nnd full lot. Shlnn's 'Ul add . . . . I.NM
Btoro building and lot , a luth st. . . . 3,0
7-room house nnd 3 full lots , Hniiseom.
Place 6,500
I.nrgo oottago and M lot a. 10th st. . . . . . . LftiO
Small cottiiBo nnd H lot , 8.10th * t IKG
A beautiful resilience nnd 2 full lots on
Davenport st , the prettiest house In Iho
city , very cheap 8,009
Huslnoss and residence lots , Improved ana
unimproved , throughout the city.
Cnll on or addrcM It. C. Patterson , 13th nnd
Douglas. Tolophonb 7P2. 813
" MMl SAfiij-IlRrKalusTn lots. T. a. Clarkson.
15W ( Fariiam. OJS
B Kl.VKl > KKKMiJ Newport acre lots nt$2J'J
to $35) . Knch will luturn hnndsomo pro *
tils lo the fortunate buyers. Cnll nnd Investi
gate. C. K. Mniio , 15lh nnd Farnnm. 810-0
B Kl.ViT : lKU"mid Newport aero lots ntVno
to RIM. linoh will return lmtid omo pro-
llts to the fortunnlo buyers. Call nnd Invoitl-
gate. U. K. May mi. ISth nnd Fnrnam. SIO-
> oil MAI,11 TWO "comer luts In Proa | > cct
' I'laoc$7r > 'J ' pnohoa ; y torin * .
Corner lot on Seward St. , 3 blocks from street
car Unit , $1 , < U > .
l/ot In Nelson's add , east front , $1,700.
Lot on Reward St , , $300.
I-ot In Sunny BMo , $1.160.
I/ot on luth St. , in Lake's add. , $1,17,1.
5 lots on 24Ui St , , near Farnam , $20,030.
Lot lu Pclhnm Plnco , $91X1 ! tonni.
Lot on Dortffii Ht. , In Wast Und. $1,100 ,
2 houses nnd lots , IHli St. , near Paul , $1,010.
House of Brooms , lot ROxlX ! , Izard et , ucar
20th , $3,5 W.
Corner lot on Fatnnm si. , (08x13 ( ! ) $20,00) .
2 lots on Farnam st , ( corner ) $ HUXX ) .
2 lots on Woat Farnnm it , $15,500.
2 houses nnd full lot , 10th near Webster St. ,
125 feet east front on 3. IBIh sL , $11,000 ,
44 feet cast ft out on S. 13th St. , $4,500.
a lots In llurr Oak , $ il,20X
Warehouio lot on Oth st. $9,090.
Lot 22x120 on Dodge RU , uoar 12th , $4,600.
Lot on Virginia uve. , uoar Lonvonworth it. ,
$2.000 , terms easy.
6 lot * In Lowo's add. , from $173 to $000 each ;
oa y terms.
Money to loan nt lowest rate of Interest Geo.
P. llomw , 8. W. cor. 15th nnd Douglas. COO
KI.VICDEHK mid Newport ncro loin at I50
to $ , ' 110. Knch will return handsome pro
fits lo the fortunate buyord. Call nnd Investi
gate. C. 15. Mnyno , 15th and Farnnin. 210-0
1'AKK ,
PATTKHSON VAHK-Sltllnted 3 < A mllOS B.
W.ol'couit house.
ATTKKHOX I'AKK-Acros very 'choapi
only -03 to t-'KM each.
rAUK Acres sold ou the In-
ttullmonl plan. Kticli ucro luii e onoueh for
G Mg rusldcnco lots , tiltuntod nonr Dele I.lno In
tint trmnufncturliiff looullty they nro the bet
acres to buy. I ) . C. Patterson , Uvracr , 1st Hoof
Iron llnnk llullillng. 210
the benefit of the wortlnir people twill
will Keep my olllco OJKMI until 0 p. m. ox-
eoptSunda.\s. C. 11. Mnyne , southwust oornor
ISIIinnilFiiriiam. SU5-18
: Host 6-acro trmts in the raarkot ,
FOliHATji per ucro. luqulro about them.
Potter If Cobb. 1B1 Fnrnam. 85J
T71OllSAl.l-Acro lots , Glso'sndd. , only 81,501
Jt ? I'ottur & Cohb , 1515 Farnam. 85T
MES I'l.ACK No grading uoedoil : level
L lots. Ames. 15J7 Farnam st , ill
BKI.VKDKHIC and Newport ncro lots nt $2M
to51 ! Kach will rotnri ) linndoomoprO'
fits to the fortunate Iniycrs. Cull and invostl-
K"to. C. B. Slayiio , 15th and Parnmn. " 10-0
fjion S.vr.i : Lots In UOIVO'B 1st addition ,
south fronts , onsy terms , only S30J. Potter
& Cobb. 1515 Farnam Bt. Kit
. . . ; Alow of tlio best ots in Wllcox'a
FOIt.s.Vl.i GJO eacli. Potter & Cobb , 1215 Fur-
nnm st. B55
EOIl SAI.I2 Or Trade Improve ! and unlm-
piovod lands In Furnns nnd otiorwostorn
counties. Address Win. Slmoral , Arupuhoc ,
FurnusCo. Nob. 275
Bii.ViDi : : Biind Newport ncio lots at f230
to $350. Hauli will return hnndsomo pro *
Ills to the fortuniito buyciB. Call and Invostl-
goto. C. E. Mnyuo , 15th nnd Fnrnam.100
LOTS In Hiui.scoui , Marshes ; Newport , llol-
vldoro , llfllsldo , Ilnwthorno , Sumiysldo ,
Thoriiburgr. Orclmul Hill , Patterson's Park ,
Kirk wood , Wiieliingtonlllll , Joiomo Purk , IllpU-
land PJuco undiill tno otnoruddltluns lo Omnlia ,
forsalo by Jiush & Sol by , : i3 S. 15th bt 801
OK. JlAYN'Ji'H noxviuupof Dou la ) county
Is complete In every detail ; it IIlit 11 Jong
felt wuut Tlio prlco Is low , considering tlio
ninountof work nocessm-y to pioiluco It. For
f.nlo at C. 15. Mayno's real estate olUce.
TAHOAlNSiBOO : takes n new 7 loom
JJbousoon full lot , on Hamilton stioot , near
cur lino.
f I,7W ( take ? a nloo eottago , barn and full lot
In J.OHO'H add.
fl,5.V ) . nlcolot on Georgia avenue , ono lot
from Woolworth tivonuo : S70J cash , and three
year's time.
$ uCOJ tukert n nlco place 011 Mason street near
jioptolllci' , and Is n Imwiln.
S7riiiO takus n nlco jlaco ) on llurt street and ou
o.isy terms ]
II 3011 wunt lots In KIrk\\oo ( ] , Hodfonl Place ,
Hawthorne , South Onmlm , Tlionnn' nnd Sum's
additions. KO nnd sou Boars , NEoor. J5th and
M. F. Scars , 14 1 Dodso. 140-8
T71OKS.YLK Two lots In PUmviow , S15J each.
J ? Potter i : Cobb , 1515 Km nam fit. UH
A1KJAINS m Impiovod nml unlmprovod
property. W. Jl. Circuii , 215 B 1'ltlt bt. 83J
PATTF.HSON PA11K ACKES-Nenron , best
and cheapest. 18-12
T71OK S.vrjl ! 1'onr ' Ion , cor. California mid
J-1 ajth sts. , 2 blocks fnvn pronnsod pavjnff on
Cumlnjrst.f8JJaudfJ50oaoii. Potter * Cobb ,
1IJ15 Farnam ft. M9
A3IIJS I'LAKK Lots sold lo llioso who waut
lidincs they can pay for. 411
TOOK H.VLK-OIIO of the nicest 8 room 'oiitoa
JL ! In Blilnn's addition , with cly water , Ua. ,
complete. J'rlee low. O. F. .Uavfs & Co. , 1503
FariiainBt _ reet. 7CC-in23
FOK , S.V"l7lC-(3ltison bus for sail ) lots liil
coin Plaoo , $350 to fl.SJQ.
Gibson has for sale huiisod and lots In Ilans *
com Placo.
Gibson 1ms for.salo houjosand lots In all parts
f thu city.
Glbsnn bus lmprovc.1 farms and lands fri all
parts of Nebraska fors tin or ovehango.
Gibson bus thousands of acios ot land In
Western Nebraska lor uaio troin SJ to llpur
Gibson would llko to sue you if you want to
Ulbson'sis the place to list your property. Call
nnileoohlmntHooin : ) , Wltlinnll Ulock , cor. LltU
andllarnevBta. S33
JL anilcliuniust. ] 21H-12
roll SAI.K 1,200 acre ranch , living water
running Ihroiigh lnnil. Can cut 4.100 ton
liuyolf land ; also l.'iO lii-nd uuttlo,30 noadhortfoa
with necessary liiiplomrnt * , ic. , &c. , &o. . to run
said ranch. Prlco fVJflW. Address Hart &
McAndifw , Alimivnilh , Nolir. .
Alio.OC ) aeics school land appraised at JJ.OO
per aeic , riiniilng20 yean at six porount , with
in 4 mlles of Alnbwoith ; living water and will
take $04U tor lease. Addixusr
Ainsworth , Drown Co.Nobr.
1tJIIAUI > IllfX lots sell ou tbolr moritc.
l w pi-loosnnd easy term * tfU'on. Cal ( mt
C. K. Mtij nu' < olllcfl ana get a pint.
FOB KXCIIANr.E-riy C. K. Muync.
J60 tcrvt. Madlsoa Co. , for drugs.
8 sections in Frontier Co. forelock rodta.
100 acres near Fttlii City for itook mdso.
109 acitJB , wull improved , nuar Hlvcrton , for
ctoek of rood * .
UK ) aores nnar lUverton for Quoeiuvare.
aaj acrej , Harlan Co. for uardwara.
KO aerei , Franklin Co. for Imrdwaro.
320 ncres Uaeyenno Co. for boots and sheen or
Brocorlc * , '
'JSt acres. Valley Co , foi nidso.
50 uurrs , UoughiB Co. for Omaha property.
120ucretluiprovt ! > dBiuilcsroia ] Omaha , 'for
Omnha property. .
1.12UucrcfUhcyeiiuoCo. for books and ntil-
210 acriii In Frontier Co. for drugs or hutoL
550 acreJefferson Co. lur b rdwnre.
HWWacres scliool Jund In Colaiudu for stock
ind > o.
as.iAtOln Colorado , stock mdso.
IPO acres , Dakota , for groceries.
Stock lumber , lime mid teal , for
Slock hiir.twaro lor good farm.
Htock bardwaro lor food farm.
Block hardware for Omaha property.
Block lurnlturu und hardware for '
Grain elevator lu Iowa for Nobra&ku Juno-
Slock dry goods , grooorios boots , bhooa"K. .
hardwuiu tor Uud In witlern NtbrmLa.
Gcn'l block rndfo. for land ID oobturn Nob.
htofk of dru g for land.
Hotel ior land lit Neb.
Hotel for Omalm proiierty.
Hotclln loualurNcu land.
8u > ck furniture for farm ,
Block InuKlKS and spring wagons for land ,
Stock furniture for land.
For p i tkjnlara wrlto to C. E. Ueyno , fi. '
cor , litU nnd Farnnui , O wall a. V16-T
< > 5,000.00 lout by parties that failed to bur
P ( icren inPattenton I' day * axoatHS
an aero. Ti.toi property pow cuulair at tt
dvammof 40 pur cent. ZIT-J *
OUCUAKUIIIU. lou sell on their nicriU
I otr itrictis mud !
C K. SUynw's olllco and gt-t a plat ,