Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 06, 1886, Page 6, Image 6

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Eclhrrcd l > y cnrricr In niiy pnrtof the city nl
twenty cents per week.
II. W. Tii/rojf , . . . Manager.
! Tics IKMS Omen , No. 43.
New spring Roods nt Reltcr's.
' Water Coolers cheap at Cooper & Me-
Save money by buying Refrigerators of
Cooper & Mc ( > cc.
Ticket No. 104 wns on Sntnrdny
nwnrdcd thu buggy at tlio Mueller Music
company's stoic.
Permit lo wed wns veslorday given
William A Russell nnd Lulu M , Kitner ,
botli of .Macedonia.
The work of grading is progressing
on Park avenue preparatory to an exten
sion of the paving.
All wiio have jiromisud fancy work for
the Woman's Exchange , please send to
the rooms Friday morning.
The local assembly of the Knights of
Labor will hold their ball on next Tues
day evening in Masonic hull.
The steamer wns yesterday pumping
water from the basement of buildings on
Penrl .street. The work will bo continued
Mnson Wise lias sold out all his mules ,
but has n lot of line drivers , single and
double , and also sonic buggies which ho
will toll very cheap.
McMahon & Co. have removed their
real estate , loan nnd abstract olllee toNe
No 2'M Main street , corner of Fifth
mcnue , opposite Kid's hotel.
For the month of May the Mueller
Music company will , with every purchase
of TiO cent ? , give u ticket in the drawing
"ox a line music box costing $ :35. :
Berry Myer has sold hist interest in the
ycnix saloon to Jncob Krnstdorf , of
4gnn * , who nowgoesin pnrtncrship with
I > corgo Smith. Jerry Myer now leaves
lor Minneapolis.
The pritionurs in the city jail made an
attempt to break out last night. It wns
discovered jusl in time. They had suc
ceeded in iorcing open the iron door
lending into the corridor from which they
uould have escaped easily.
At the concert given by the Iowa music
teachers convention at DCS Moincs
Wednesday night , the Missus Morkel , of
this city , were on the programme for
vocnlduet , "Fly Aunv Birdling. "
The Modern Woodmen are prcpnring
to give a social on the evening of the
J2th , in the ( i. A. R. hall. This is one of
the youngest lodges in the city , but ono
which is growing very rapidly.
As a fnvoniblo result of having paved
streets the sight is often presented now
of one team drawing two loaded wagons
between this city nnd Omaha , the trans
fer being made on the ferry train.
The Council Bluffs oflico of the Omaha
Medical nnd Surgical Institute is now lo
cated nt No. 234 Broadway , to nccommo-
Uato their many patrons in western Iowa ,
Dr. ( J. M. Coo , late of the Chicago hos
pital , being in charge.
\ John Templeton is soon to have a new
cigar factory , the building now being in
ilroccs of erection , the locution being
jiwt cast of the opera house. It will not
boas \ large as some factories , but will
doubtless serve to turn out as of old some
ve/y popular brands for the smokers.
Those who had the privilege of hear
ing Bishop Nindo at the Broadway Meth
odist church last Sunday will bo glad to
learn that his cllbrts in behalf of Simp
son college nt Indianola , Iowa , have been
quite succcsstul. lie has just closed a
BerieB of eight meetings in behalf of thu
college , spunking in DCS Moincs , Nor-
wn'lk , lioone , Dcnison , Harlan , Red Oak ,
Ghariton nnd Council BhillV. One of the
[ results of these meetings wns the scnnr-
Jipg of $3,500 for the college.
I Tuesday night William Robertson , liv-
King on Third avenue near Tenth street ,
Iliad some trouble nt the lireside nnd his
ftvifo called for a policeman to arrest him ,
( plniminc that ho had beaten her shame-
fiully. On hearing the cube yesterday
midge Aylcsworth discharged him. It
Hccins that ho jokingly lifted his wife to
\eo how much she weighed , and she got
Jnad and war begun. No blood wns shed ,
nnd the family peace wns restored with
the dawning of a new day.
1 ] / The trustees for the institution of the
11)deaf ) nnd dumb have been in session
J- * since Monday. Most of the time has
been given to the transaction of routine
business , nnd the - ques
tion has not been formally ucUm upon.
, It is understood that the board has the
/ disposition to consider thu finding of the
legislative committee us mandatory , and
that Governor Larrabeo so considers it.
The probability of the retention of Super
intendent Hammond therefore hardly
amounts to a possibility.
Go to Board for zoom mouldings.
Heisler fells the best 5c nnd lOc cigars
In the market. No. 403 Broadway.
* * Dr. A. P. Ilanchctt has taken rooms in
Mr. Ha/.ard's residence , No , 700 First
, avenue , for the summer. Ollico still nt
No. 12 Pearl street. Hours 10 to 12 a.
m. , S to 4 nnd 7 to 8 p. m.
Beard has an immense stock of wall
vapor und room mouldings which must
be turned Into cash , so down go the prices
nt Board's.
14o per foot , IScpor foot , 21c per foot.
Of nil styles.
; Opera House Block.
; < The Sheriff's Capture.
- , Sheriff Reel has made two arrests in
: Nebraska of men wanted hero , Ono is
1 JTom Mc ( row , who wns nrrcstcd nt
- . Ainswortli. Ho is charged with par jury ,
; „ an indictment being found against him
\ t last full by the grand jury. It is claimed
, that the perjury wns committed in a
1 * civil action brought by him ngninst Willis
r Downs for damagus for personal injuries.
; " The other man arrcbtcd was found nt
k O'Neill City. Ho is wanted for the lar-
c cony of u quantity of clothing at or near
' , Neola.
Substantial abstracts of titles and ron
estate loans. J. W. & E. L. Squire , 10
I Pearl street , Council Mills ,
I' Go to Beard for low prices.
i ' 1 soil the celebrated Twin Burner gnso-
L line store , That double burner beats
' them nil. A 4-burucr same price as a 3-
, burner : u 8-burncr same price us a 2-
1 | burner. W A. Wood , 004 Main.
L The ABO soap , whose adverlisemcnl
yf appears in another column , may be
A * found nt Iho Boston Tea Co.'s stove.
1' Bids will bo received by tlio school
A board of Council Blufl's until the 5th ol
t9 > Nny. 1880 , for lowering the high school
| Wi' building nt so much per foot , The build
ping to be lowered forty feet more or less
nU'liu board to reserve the right to rojecl
any and all bids. By order bchool Board
. Heisler don't handle any "guide" cigars
ff *
The Captures Made in the West by Sheriff
A Mysterious IJody of Fifty Armed
Men Trouble With Trntnps Nl lit
Prowl era Get Ninnll IMuiulcr
DcnCmul Dumb Institute.
Troubled With Tramp * .
The chief trouble- given the police of
lalo has hecn by trumps and loafers , who
are unusually thick in and about the city.
Yesterday word was received at head
quarters that a gang of a dozen had a
keg of beer in the woods in the eastern
part of the city , and that they were run
ning nloiit the residence streets annoy
ing people and indulging In lights and
other disorderlincsH. Chief Matthews
and Olllcer Cousins went after them and
captured three. In bringing them in tlio
chief had onein his buggy , while Cousins
marched the two others along the streol ,
the olllcer keeping his revolver
in his hand until they reached
Broadway , whore he put it up.
Taking advantage of the presence of two
ladies walking along in front of them
one of the tramps made a break , and the
ladies being between thu olllcer and him
he sped down the street , thu ollicor not
being in a position lo shoot or chase. Ho
turned the other tramp over to a 0111x011
to care for , and then gave chase to the
tram ] ) . The chief having just landed his
prisoner in jail , saw the living Irani ] ) and
joined in the chaso. The chief hud to
pull his revolver and threaten to shoot
before the fellow would stop. The
olltcers Ihen went baok after tlio others
of the gang , but most of them had
Go to the N. Y. P. Co for
Opera House Block.
The best lawn mower in the market is
the "Philadelphia , " sold by Cooner &
Tlio Auction Row.
The war between the partners in the
auction store , J. M. Levi nnd I. Colin ,
seems to bo a badly mixed one. Colin
ImdLovi arrested on a charge of einbcx-
/.lenient , the information being filed in
Justice Frainey's court. A change of
venue was taken to Justice Hendrieks ,
and there the ease was dismissed on the
pronnd that the information did not
eh vrgo definitely any crime , the com-
> lunt not Mating to whom the goods be-
onged and not giving any description of
ho goods. The information seemed
ery clear , as will be observed by its
vording , which recites that ho "wilfully ,
inlawfully and with intent to
onvert to his own nso cor-
: ain coeds and personal property
n'rustcd to him as bailee , which said
ooils and personal property and in his
lossession entrusted to him aforesaid ,
id , on the 4th day of Mny , 1880. feloni-
tihly and willfully cmbe/zlo nnd appro
priate same to his own use , and did there-
i.y take , steal and carry away and con-
ort the same without the consent of the
iwnor thereof , which said goods so ap
propriated are of the value of $100. ' '
There has been some talk about the
art taken by Constable Itiekotts in the
mutter. In justice to him it should bo
stated that he did not kick or abuse the
ivoinan , but that he simply made the levy
in some pictures found by him at tlio
louse , and that she ordered him out of
ho house. He refused to go , and she ,
lying into a rage , made a scene.
Dr McLcod , oculist and aurlst , No.
502 Broadway , Council Blulls.
Olllcial Proceedings.
Board of trustees met at the institute
'or deaf and dumb , and organized by
electing Louis Weinstein as president ,
and A. T. 1'lickingcr as treasurer for the
ensuing two yearn. The most of the time
was devoted to settlement with B. K
llayton , the outgoing treasurer.
It was found that there had been ex
pended since Juno 30th , 1883 , the sum of
& 108.893 , of which $ -10,000 luid been ex-
Dondcd for construction of new school
buildings and $120,000 for teachers' sal
aries , repairs and current expenses.
A committee was appointed to adver
tise for bids for construction of a new
kitchen , under appropriation made by the
twcnty-lirst general assembly , with plans
to bo submitted by them.
A complete examination of the several
departments of the institution was made ,
and their condition found to be complete
ly satisfactory. The action on tlio report
of the investigating committee of the legis
lature will be considered at the Juno
Leonard & Jowett refrigerators" low
prices at Cooper & McGeo's.
Lot us go to Chario II islor's and get a
good cigar. No. 403 Broadway.
Tlio Grand Opening.
Last evening the May opening of the
People's store took place. It is without
doubt one of the most interesting dis
plays to the ladies , that has taken place
in this eity. Messrs. Henry Kisoman &
Co. have devoted much time and expense ,
and have spared neither , to make this
opening u grand affair in every sense of
the word. They have engaged extra
clerks of much experience to attend to
the drapery of their goods , nnd , as a consequence -
sequence , their immense dry goods store
presents an elegant appearance.
From the beginning , 750 ! o'clock , to
the close , at 10tiO : o'clock , largo crowds
of ladies and gentlemen visited the expo
Much praisn is duo the clerks of the es
tablishment for their untiring efforts to
make the opening a success in every par
To-night and Friday evening the open
ing will bo continued , and grout crowds
will no doubt attend.
Go to Beard for wall paper.
Room Mouldings Largest assortment
and lowest prices ut beard's Wall Paper
Financial Trouble.
Last fall II , G , Fibber , of Underwood ,
turned over his stock of general mer
chandise to his sons , who were to run
the same under the firm name of Fisher
liros. At the time the senior Fisher took
n chattel mortgage for $0,000 , on the
stock , and as the boys wore running be
hind , the old gentleman , who is quite
wealthy and owns u largo farm near
Underwood , recently had the mortgage
placed on file. This caused claim after
claim to come in and be presented until
now Council Itlulls presents claims to
the amount of $1,100 , Omaha $1,200. DCS
Moincs 1800 and Chicago $3,300 , II. G.
Fisher has secured all claims except
those from Chicago.
Tlio Mercer Case.
The case of Mrs. Ilubcr , alias Frank ,
charged with inducing Lulu Mercer to
enter upon a lifo of shame , is to come up
again before , lwlgo Aylesworth to-day ,
The case was continued to give the do-
fcnso a chance to show up further ovi-
dcnco to substantiate the claim that the
girl had been kept at an Omaha hotel by
n railway man , andtlieproccution prom
ising lo bring in robultal evidenceto
show this to bo a slander against the
girl. This point is the only one to bo con
sidered. and the hearing upon this will
probably bo brief. The decision of the
matter may therefore bo expected to-.lay.
Wanted. Insurance solicitors , with
tcami , to work western half of fowa for
Dwelling House Insurance comnany of
Uoslon. Ernest L. Smith , special agent ,
No. 130 Main street , Council Hlulls.
Special Assessments.
The city council has passed to a second
reading the ordinance providing for the
enforcement of the collection of special
asscsments for improvements , nntj , as
soon as the ordinance is passed the coun
cil is to arrange for a special sale of
property on which Iho special assess
ments arc still unpaid. Those who are
behind In the payment of their paving or
grading taxes should not delay sottnng
these claims , and thus save trouble ami
At the meeting of the city council last
evening all were present except Alder *
man Straub and Mayor Chapman.
An invitation was presented from the
G. A. 11. and Sons of Veterans asking the
council to participate in the memorial
services. It was accepted.
William Siedentopf proposed to sell to
the city lot 50 in Johnson's addition , as
the same was tv part of Harrison street.
Alderman Shugnrt stated that ho
would bo absent from the city some lime ,
and permission was granted him to turn
over all papers in his hands to the others
of Ms eoinmltlee.s.
Complaints were made by citizens-
about ovenlow of water from the old
Pottibono ditch , and referred to the oily
Complaint being made that James
Goultlon's contract for filling Kightli and
Ninth avenues , had not been completed
in accordance with contract , and that the
avenues were in bad condition , the coun
cil instrncto 1 the pity attorney to at once
take sueh action as uould protect the in
terests of the city and the property own
Alderman Hammer was authorized to
repair First street between lirond way and
' ho bridge.
The city scales matter came up again.
\s Alderman Uennctt would not vote for
he ( lending ordinance , and it could not
be passed without his vote , tiic matter
.vis . : laid over.
The council then adjourned until this
Night. Prowlers.
Some time during Tucs hiy night sneak
hievcs attempted to enter M. White's
) hieo on Hroadway. A pane of glass
ivas cut cut of the rear door , and then
ho bolt slipped back , but tlio presence of
some one sleeping in the place prevented
"urthor progress.
The cigar factory of K. Foeti ch was
also entered in about the same way.
There , however , some plunder was
trained , including live nieersehanm pipes
and a number of cheaper pipes , in all
about $10 worth of goods. There was a
"ittlc money in the drawer , but this was
lot disturbed.
A MystoiioiiH Guard.
Attached to the fast mail train last
night was a car in which were fifty mon.
The reports as to who they were , and
what was their mission , were varied. It
is said that they were armed with WinChester -
Chester rilles and billvs , and probably
with revolvers. Some declared that they
were lifly of Pinkerton's men , going
west to guard railway interests in case of
trouble. Others that they were men to
ake the place of strikers. The otlicials
wore as usual very ignorant as to what it
ill meant.
Thn Calaboose Full.
A hard crowd struck Council Binds
yesterday , evidently following up the
circus which shows her to-day. The
noHce run in about twenty yesterday ,
lilling the calaboose pretty full. There
ire plenty left outside ye { .
Bailed Out ,
Tom McGrow , of Neola , brought back
here from Ainswortli , Neb. , last evening ,
by Sheriff Reel , to answer to ; i charge of
Eerjury , has been released on § 800
_ _
Personal I'nrncrniihs.
L. R. Bolter , of Logan , is ut the Pacific.
C. Baird , of Dunlap , was in the city
F. W. Morse and wife , of Boston , are
nt the Ogdun.
A. H. Edwards , of Audubon , visited the
Blufl's yesterday.
P. Wicks , of Harlan , was ariiong those
at the Pacific yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Smith returned
yesterday from California.
B. Zovely has returned from a trip into
Nebraska and is at the Ogden.
B. F. Clayton , of Macedonia , is in the
city , stopping at the Ogden house.
Miss Julia Ofliecr has gone to Des
Moincs to attend the musical convention.
John W. Hutchinson and George W.
Lee , of Sioux City , were in Iho city yes
Mrs. O'Brien , whoso husband is ono of
the police officers , is recovering from her
severe illness.
Arthur Barber , lately from New York ,
who has now become a resident of Omaha ,
was in the Blulls yesterday.
Mr. nnd Mrs. A. J. Rising and daugh
ter of Silver ClilF , Col. , are here on a
visit to J. 1) ) . Atkins anil family.
W. C. Boyd , representing W. W. Colo's
circus and shows , which appear here
Juno 7 , was in the city yesterday.
G S. Morrison , of J. F. Shccly & Co. ,
pork packers , Omaha , was in the city
yesterday looking tor a driving horse
that suited him.
Mr. Hutchinson , chief of the flro de
partment , and Goo.V. . Lear , n real es
tate agent of Sioux Falls , are in the city
trying to purchase some fast horses ,
Pat Lacy returned from Lincoln , Neb , . ,
last night where ho has been trying to in
duce tlio Fitzgerald hose team to enter in
the free-for-all race in the Dubuque
tournament. >
William Lathrup , who is'no doubt bet
tor known to the community at largo as
"Swedo Bill , " has returned from a four
months' visit to his old homo. "Bill1
says Council Blulls is still good enough
for him. 'lliis last trip makes the seventh
time ho has traveled between Denmark
nnd Council Blufl's.
Diving for 1OOOOO.
Pall Mall Gazette ; The English divers
and Capt. R. F. Stevens , Lloyd's surveyor
have just returned from tlio island o
Grand Canary after raising u sum of no
less limn 00.000 , This amount was lying
submerged ir > 3 feet deep about a mit |
from the southernmost limit of the Islam
of Grand Canary. The treasure wen
down about two years ago in a brunt
now Spanish steamer called tno Alphonso
XII. The steamer had on board 100,000
worth of Spanish dollars on their way to
Cuba. The insurance was efi'cctca a
Lloyd's and was paid over to the insurers
after the vessel foundered.
Aflcr a lapse of over u year Capt. R. F
Stevens and three English divers were
sent oat to Grand Canary to try and re
cover the sunken treasure , They succeed
ed in bringing up nine boxes containing
specie to the value of 10,000 each , bu
tuii tenlh box could not be found , lind the
divers hud lo come away without it. The
money was in the mail"room , almost at
ho bottom of the shi i. 'Tho decks had to
> o forced by explosion , and when the
nail room was reached the plucky divers
iad to haul the boxes from one deck to
ho other until tlio tppdpck of the vessel
vas reached. The wreck lay on a ridge
of rocks , and ono oftha-icars , entertained
before Iho explosioa.waV . effected was that
he force miaht prcoipltalo tlio vessel to
almost fathomless depths. Fortunately
ho fear wns not realized , nut the cxplo-
ion scht to the surface thousands of dead
isli , ' , '
Dreams or.liivcntors.
Cleveland Leader ! One of the leading
olegrnph men in tho'bs.nntry loldmo not
eng ago that ho had no doubt but that
vo could soon telegraph a man's hand-
vrlting , and I suppose that the day will
come when Iho artist In New York can
elcgrnph his cartoons to illustrated
icwfcpapors nil over the country. A gen-
Ionian connected with the lypo-scUing
naehinc , by which a man who owns it
can set up n book or newspaper in his
own room , lolls mo that the machine will
won the market in u year , and 1 have
icard visionary men who are Interested
n electrical experiments say that it may
) o thai through the telegraph wire nnd
ho powerful medium of electricity ono
nticliino of tlio kiod operated by a man
n New York might set up the thought of
that man's brain in a thousand news-
> aper olllees nil over the country.
Tlio Vital Quest Ion ,
Wall Slrcct News : They were survey-
ng Iho route of a new railroad over a
nountain farm in Western Virginia hist
all , when the owner came out with his
gun and demanded :
"I want ye to slop light whore ye air
till I know what's goin' on V "
"We arc surveying for a railroad" was
he reply.
"And you want to go across my farm. "
"Wo do. It will increase the value of
your lund. "
"That liaint nuthin to do with it , "
loggcdly announced the old num. "What
1 want to know is , is tlio dnrn tlunggoln'
< t oll'ect the price of coon skins one way
> r t'other ? That's what 1 want liggerson
K'.foro you squint any further. "
51. A.Mul'lko , editor of tlio Cambria ( Ktiong-
mrir , Piul Vrocmnn. His : been tlio icrtonnl
frlcn lol the editor of the Olobu for moiu tlitin
twenty year. ! , ; u ! Is known whorovcr ho ts
mown , us ono or tlio bu&t men livliu. Ho Is also
in Intlnmto frit-mi ofMr. Clark of tm ! Nonpareil ,
lo luu Ill-oil nn nrtnnnto l.i the Inct tluit his
ntn'lr was ravaged wlih iliphtlirrlii. nmliically
distressed. Mr. Chirk having heiinl ol Ins en-
'Unity ' Kent him s'imo of lr. .Icllcrlo ? ' Dlpti-
tlinriii Cure , It wus ni-ol tit once , uid tlic ) i\O3
> r the ro < t of hU chiMron sun U , 1/Hlcis Ironi
Mr. Mi'Piknmo nnhoimile 1 In t'lolr ovprcs-lotis
) ! 'gratitude for llmllirr > mo n oinsof nvort-
ii tholcaiof his whole titonp of little nnd ton-
ieronoi. Klvoof Mr. .Mnl'lko's chllilto i out of
olxlitdlcd fiom dlplithcil'i before ho hud nn op-
lortunity'or using Dr. JelTcrics'romoJy.
Dr. Jclfcrlcs' illptherm medicine l < 3 infallible in
all kinds of sere tluonk
' Dyspepsia I Dyspepsia I
Dyspeptic , why live In misery , nnd < Ho in dls-
mlr with cnnccr of tlio yoninch / Dr. Thomas
losrerlus clues every cyso yf IniipcBtlon and
const I pillion Inn very slTort tlmo. Host of iof-
crencestfivcn. Dyspupsw is tjio cnuso of nmsty
jpr cent of all diseased conditions. 1'rico $5
: or two wcolu treatment-
Durlny tlio last six yonrs Ulcro 1ms not boon
death from Diphtheria , in omy cnso vrhuro
3uiiK was used. It has licon tlio means of HIV-
nj ? thousands of lives and jnliiht have savoJ
lumlreJs of thousands ruorac Iiidispcnsiblo In
putrid sere throat , in inHllfrnnnt $ lulet : fovcr ,
chanslinr it In 43 hours Uj thcfflmplo form. In-
Jalllblo euro.for nil Inflammatory , Ulccrativo ,
[ 'utrid. Cancerous Ulcoratlon of the Womb and
all Cutarrhnl condition ? . , Price $ ! .
Full printed Instruction's how to use the mcdl-
cine sent with it. No doetor required.
Can only bo obtained nt his Olllee ,
No.23 S. Eighth St. , Council llluifs , Iowa ,
Or sent by Express on HoelDt of 1'rlco.
NOTICE. Special fidvortlsoraonta , such ni
Lost.Found , To Lon , Fo Silo , To Rait , Waiti
JoajdJng-.oto , will bo Inserted in this column it
thelow rate of TBN CENTS PER LINK for fha
flntlnsertloniad FIVE CB.VI3 PBlt LINE for
ench Biibsoquont Insortlon. Leave ivlvortin
mentsat our oifloo , No. U Pearl stroat ,
1) road way , Council UlufTs.
\\7ANTKD-Two first class dresamrtUers nt
T > Miss Gloason's , 81 Pearl street.
FOU SALE OHTrtADR Ono raulc , two l.orsos ,
wagon , Uuygy , harness , harrow , lions , cows ,
carpenter tools , nn Iron tank und bailer , hard
ware , a pool tablefence posts , household eooJs ,
nnd my nouso und lot. Knmiiro on premises.
No. 70J Uroa'Jwny , Council JllmTs.
[ 71011 SALB Estate in all purU of the
- city. Largest list. Most Snlej. F. .1. Day ,
No. uaPonrl street.
T7VDR RALE Old tmporH. In quantities to suit ,
.1 ? at Rco ofllco No. 12 Pearl street.
FOK SALK OK THADE-Stoek of millinery
and fancy notions. All now. Good loca
tion , falcs fc.12,000 a year. O , Ileo , Councl
Uluffs , Iowa.
Choice Display of Latest Put-
( crux , All Grades.
Council Bluffs
4O5 Broad-way.
A Select Slot-It of Choice
Cor. 10th miiHJoujflas Sts.
Filling at loweit price , with gold , diver and other
combinations Gold plate and cuutliiuouiUum Teetti
a ipecUltjr.
Best Sets of Teetti. , $ @ ,
Former price ( U. 1'vrfoct Ut uud bcit mutcrlul. At
work guurunlced.
Council Bluffs Office ,
We Intend on next 4th of July and Christmas following to distribute among th < TcoStirncrs of ottt
A. 33. C. Soap each time y % < = r JL ° yi
SflO SinVBA'G RIACIILNES , 350 SILVER TEA SETS , ooo 03-Cuaaio rower JLnnf
and other
All of them magnificent ; costly and useful. But at the same time we beg the public to tmdcr'stantl ( nil
matter what our competitors say ) that \vc are not running a gift enterprise. You do not pay us a fraction
of a cent for the chance to get the present. We are selling our A. B. C. Soap cheaper to-day than wa
ever did during the three years that it has been placed on the market , and consequently you get full valu
in Soap , We are simply <
our A. B. C. Soap on the most magnificent scale ever attempted by any one firm ,
Three years ago we started out to sell A. B. C. Soap on its merits , to-day thousands of the most
intelligent housekeepers in this and all the principal cities of the Union use our A. B. C. Soap and marvel
why it is not used in every home.
The principal grocers throughout the Union tell us one reason why its use has not become general
is that
has not been sufficiently advertised ; and another reason is , because many people who have bought it , did
not give it the necessary and intelligent attention it deserves. They did not read the directions , and
finding that it would not wash by laying A. B. C. Soap on top of the bundle of soiled clothes , they fell
back to five cent soap.
Thousands * * . us : "Your A B. C. Soap is all that you claim for it ; it not only gives satisfaction ,
but we find that our most intelligent customers say that it is
and are enthusiastic and speak in the highest terms of praise about it. Why don't you advertise it ? "
It is therefore that we are making this extraordinary effort to bring A. B. C. Soap to the notice of
every intelligent person and in order to induce every one to buy it , and continue to use it until they hav
fully tested its merits , we say to them
And send them to us during the months of June or December next , and we shall distribute among you
an array of presents which , for magnificence and usefulness , surpasses everything heretofore offered by
any one firm.
Send four cents in stamps and we will send you a catalogue , which is now in course of preparation
and which will give you a full description of all the presents and the mode
Those who have not used A. B. C. Soap , of course , will ask , "what is it ? "
A. B. C. Soap is our own invention , and all who have used it cheerfully concede to it the merit of
being the greatest improvement ever made in domestic economy. A. B. C. Soap , and the MODE OF
WASHING WITH IT , is as different from all other soaps , and the old way of washing , and is as
much an improvement over the old system , as traveling by railway is over that by an ox-cart. A girl of
18 , or the most delicate person , can wash
ii one hour , more clothes with A. B. C. Soap , than the most robust , with the hardest work and slavish toil
i tn wash with the best soap , and the old way of washing , in three hours. And withal , A. B. C. Soap is
t\je \ mildest and sweetest soap ever manufactured. We warrant you can wash baby with it and it will look
y sweet and fresh as a rose.
Remember , that while ycm can use A. B. C. Soap in anyway or manner you please , it is best to use
it nccording to the directions on the wrapper , v/hich will also teach you the new way of washing.
Remember-also , that in order to obtain one of thcso presents you must save your wrappers and send
I ti ) to us V > v mail , during the months of June or December next.
Manufacturcraof all sizes of
Automatic Engines
Especially Designed for Itunnlaar
Tubular and Locomotive Toilers.
New Massillon Thresher * .
Carey and Woodbury Horse Powers.
Portable and Traction Engines ,
Factory Massillon , 0. Branch House
610 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs.
Horses and Mules
For all purposes , bought and sold , at rotall ami
u lot * . Largo quuntlttes to ( elect fioin.
Elreelt , Near Pacific HouseCounil , Bucs
I have n quantity of sound , well cleaned sool
which 1 offer at reasonable Ugwts. Seed of the
crop of 1881. Correspondence solicited. F. Q.
nUTLFH. Behallor , Iowa , a & N. W. Ky.
' 337 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Practices in State and Federal Courts.
Kooms 7 aud 8 , tiuuu'art 13 look ,
Dealers in Milch Cows.
At Our Stock Yards
No 503 nnd COO E. UrouhvayCouncU : Uflfs
China , Glasswnro and Lamps. '
\V. S. Homer & Co. .
No. 23 , Main St.Council IHuffa , , la.
mm ® w. DAVIS & GO.
In 1877.
2OOOO Vehicles Annually. Scntl for Catalogue , Prices , Freight
Itutes ami Testimonial * .
Brick D.ilMlna nny hind raised or moved and satisfaction guaranteed. 1/Vamo / houses moved
s the bait la the worlJ.
808 Eighth Avenue aai Eighth Strost , Council Bluffs.
226 Broadway , Council Bluffs ,
Horsca and Mulea kept constantly on band
for ealo at rotall or In cur loads.
Orders promdtly llllod l > y contract on short
notice. Block gold on commission.
8IIMJTK11 A H01.KV , 1'roprlctors.
Stable Corner Fifth Avenue and Fourth St
Council Illutfg
\o , 314 ItrouiUva ) ' , <
MUS.'SMIMONS lor u number of years was
head cutter with Jordan i : Muisu , lloston , the
t suit lunisu In tliu vast. w _ '
The Highest Market Price
For all kinds of second hand household
goods and
andSTOVES. .
008 Broadway , Council Blum
GOOD Ult'TII , MAY 15.
Havlnjf made rxtcnslvo ( inpiovomonta And
Increased our ilaclllllos , uo wlsli to cull csiiuolal
attention to tint work now Lifliijr turnud out
hy us. claiming it to bo uquul to tliat of nuy
eastern laundry.
In oulur lo Introduce our work outside the
city of Council Illnffs. o will upuu luculpt ol
this tlcKct , accompanied liy leturn
Laundry Six Collars or Cuffs VH1312 , for either I
ladies or Kontlvmcn
Home Steam Laundry
a 1O IlroiuUvuy , Council ISIiilft.
N , II. Out of town orders trhon prompt at
tcutlon. Wo pay rgtnrn cbartfcs on all work te
red vrlion aujJiu.jnluJ ; by ua U In puy tuoo
lull niuouul.