Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 06, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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    ' '
Milwnnk'c , May5. Wheat Firm } cash ,
r Rife ; June , Me. .
Corn Dull J No. 2 , 8.V.
Outs Easy : No.o,2Siifc.
Kye-Nomlmxl ; No. lGi > { c.
Jarloy-No. ! 2 , 49c
Provisions Steady : pork. cash ana Slay ,
Cincinnati , May 5. Wheat Firm ; No.
I rod , so tawc.
Corn Steady : No. 2 mixed , 3S@38Kc.
Onts-No. 'i mixed , 2@32Ke.
live Unchanged ; No. 2 , o-70c.
y Unchanged : extra No. 3 , spring ,
Minneapolis. MayB. Wheat Unsettled ;
No. 1 hard , 80c for cash and May ; 81Jfc for
Juno ; No. 1 northern , 70Kc for cash and
May ; No. 2 northern , cash. 73c.
Flour Quiet ; patents , 84.WXg4.75 ; bakers ,
Kecelpts Wheat , 83,500 bu.
Shipments-Wheat , 82,000 bu ; flour. 14,000
Ijlvcrpool , May C. Wheat Offered spar
ingly ; No. 2 winter , steady at 7sM ! ; spring ,
btcady at 7s 3d. .
Flour Offered freely ; steady at 814d.
Com Offcicd moderately ni > ot , steady at
4s2) < d ; Mayi Julio ami Jiity , steady at 4s d.
Toledo , MayO. Wheat Finn ; cash ,
Corn-Otilct ; cash. BTJfc.
Outs Unchanged ; cash ,
Bt. IjoulR , May G. Wheat Strong ; No.
2 red , cash. 87)fc. )
Corn Firm ; Mo. 2 mixed , cash , 33 ( 33 { c.
Oats Finn ; No. 2 mixed , cash and May ,
Jive Strong at ClKc.
Pork-Steady at 80.35.
Lard 85.7.7.
Huttcr Unchanged ; choice 10 fancy
creamery , 19@20c ; choice to fancy dairy , 1(5 (
@ 18c.
AFTIIIINOOX BoAiin. Wheat , unchanged
to3fc | higher. Corn , Xa higher. Oats un
Kaiifms City , May B. Wheat Quiet ;
No. 2 red , cash , fjOJfc bid , 01 > < c asked ; Juno ,
C5c bid , OHfc asked.
Corn Stronger j cash , Cfl'fcasked ; Juno ,
Oats No quotations.
New Orltiuis. May fi. Corn Easier ;
mixed , 40o ; white , 47c ; yellow , 48c.
Hog products Unsettled ; not generally
Pork SO.87K@10.00.
J > ard
Hulk Meats Shoulders. 4.05 ; lone clear
nnd clear rib , S5.45.
, May n.-Cnttle-Keceipts , 4,000 ;
active and lOc higher ; shipping steers ,
84.S5@5.05 ; feeders , S-.7fl@-4.75 ; cows , bulls
and mixed , S'J.OO4.10 ; bulk , 2.00@U.30 ;
through Texas cattle , 83.70@1.75.
Hojrs Kecelpts , 14,000 ; stronper and a
shade higher ; rough and mixed , 33.75@1.23 ;
packing and shipping , S3.0004.30 ; light ,
S3.70@4.30 ; skips , S2.50@3.50.
Sheep Kcceipts , 14,000 ; stronger ; natives ,
Bt. tioula. Mav 5. Cattle Kcceipts ,
1,100 ; shipments , COO ; active and stroue ;
bulk sales 10 l5c higher ; choice shipping
and export , > ; butchei's steers , 83.60
@ 3.65 : cows and neifers , S2.5Xig4.00stoekers ;
and feeders , ? 3.00@4.40.
Hogs Uecelpts , 0,000 ; shipments , 4,000 ; ac-
tlvoand 5e higher ; butchers and selected
heavy , S l.00@4.20 ; mixed packing , S > 3.80@4.03 ;
light , 83.00@4.10.
Kaunas City , May ! > . Cattle Itecelnts ,
750 ; shipments , none ; active and 5@10c high
er ; common to fancy , gl.00@3.25 ; stackers
and feeders , S4.20@4.80 ; cows , SU.cO@j.7r : .
Hogs Hecelpts , 8,000 ; shipments , 3,400 ;
choice Re higher ; others steady ; common to
Choice , $3.GO3. 5.
Wednesday Evening , May 5.
The cattle market was in a very healthy
condition to-day , though the receipts con
tinue light. The demand was good for all
kinds of cholco stock , and values about lOo
stronger. Poor , thin stuff is slow sale hero
as in other markets , and is not wanted.
Uvciythlng atall desirable was disposed of
early in thu day , only a few odds and ends of
poor stock being left over. Choice to extra
Bteers. averaglnc 1,350 to 1,450 pounds ,
S4.85rtio.00 ; good , averaging 1,200 to
I ! 1,300'pounds , 84.50@4.70 ; medium , aver-
aglnz LfJOO to 1.300 pounds , S4.i54.50 : :
fat , little steers. 1,000 to 1,150 pounds , 84.00 ®
4.50 ; good feeders , 000 to 1,050pounds , 83.65
( ciS.tiv good _ to choice cows and heifers ,
8.25 ; common , averaging 1200 to 1500 , 83.50 ®
B.75 ; choice to extra stags , 88.00@8.75.
The receipts of hogs wcie liberal and the
market opened active ami strong at an
advance of fi@10e. Choice light and
medium weights. S3.708.75 ; choice heavy ,
S8.00 ( < J3.G5 ; good to choice mixed. S3.fiO@
8.70 ; common rough grades at 83.40@3.50.
There was one bunch of sheep ou the mark
et to-day which sold readily. Good grades
are quoted at 4.00@5.00.
of Prices.
Showing tlto highest and lowest prices pah !
for IIvo xtock on this market during the pas
seven days , with comparative values :
i iissii : : ) IHKKA.NI : _ > Buii'rixo OATTI.K.
All sales of stork in tills market are mad.
percwt. live weight unless otherwise stated.
load hogs sell at } < o per Ib for all weights.
" .Skins , " or hogs welching less than 100 Ibs ,
no value. Pregnant sows are docked 40 Ibs
and stags SO Ibs. ,
A SIgman , Beatrice , maiketed 117 sheep ,
Itotli the hog and cattle market was 510o
BW. Itoggeiikamp , Bennett , marketed a load
of hogs.
T. J. Taylor , Shelton , marketed a load of
CO hogs.
F. L. Cotton , Kearney , had 14S hogs on tiio
E , M. Brass , North Loup , had 214 cattle at
tlio yards.
( ieo. Uoetel , Millard , marketed another
P , Kilkenny , Council Bluffs , marketed a
load of hogs.
Lobman & R. , Plum Creek , had 89 head of
cattle at the yards.
E. II. Cowles , Gibbon , was at the yards and
sold a load of cattle.
J , Cllnkenbcard , Mondamln , had a load of
hogs on the market
The first bunch of clipped sheep , for this
season , was received to-day.
F. J. Koine , Albion , hail a load of hogs and
41 head of cattle at the yards.
II. W. King , Albion , was at the yards and
disposed of 1U1 head of hogs.
Reynolds & Iloblnson , itaymnnd , sold a
load of CO hogs on to-day's niaikot ,
F. Wlllott , Albion , was at the yards and
sold two loads of hogs and two of cattle.
QMr. Mclntosh , of Mclntosh & Slitton ,
Chapman1 ; , was at the yards and disposed
of 10 cattle.
J. 11. Allison , a prominent feeder of Silver
City , Iowa , was at the yards to-day and
marketed 38 head of cattle.
Mr. Frank Sanders , a well known livestock
dealer and the father of T. Sanders , buyer lor
Harris & Fisher , was at tlio yards to-day. Mr.
Sanders has great faitli In the Omaha market
and has decided to remain here tlio balance
of the season.
The average valuation of hoes In different
states , according to the agricultural report , is
C I.Mt7 , ilUlllI V llltjllllll , MlvJIUItl mill 41.Ji u < lllllfr ,
83.15 ; Kentucky. 83.4S ; Missouri. 83.40 ; Cali
fornia. 81.15 ; Indiana. 54,00 ; Illinois , 84.70 ;
Ohio , 84.80 : bakota. 84.1)8 ) ; Iowa , 85.07 ; Ne
braska , S5.08 , and Wisconsin , S5.18.
General Markets.
Wednesday Kvcnlntr , Mayo.
Eoos-Tho liberal receipts and accumu-
ated stocks Is weakening the market. A few
: ascs are being sold at He , but the meat bulk
, ro going atSKc.
BUTTIU : The receipts of cholco table but-
: er are not heavy but thu poorer grades are
.n excess of the demand. Choice creamery ,
S5@2r > c ; choicefresit table , 15 ( ! lc ( ! ; oed fiesh
table , 13@14e ; fair. 8lOc ; poor. 3& 0c.
CIIKHSK Fancy full cream cheddars , Oc
tober make. ll > < c ; Hats , 12) ) c ; young
America , 14Ke ; quality Swiss cheese ,
15c ; srcoiid nuality , l8K@14c ; Umburger ,
ll12c ( ; skim Mats , ii10c. (
POUI.THY The receipts of live chickens
ire liberal and the demand Is fair. While a
, 'ew choice largo fowls aicselling at 83.75 , it
s not safe to anticipate over § 3.60 per doz.
PnnsKitvis : , JIII.I.IKS , KTC. 1'reserves , all
Jtinds , 80-lb. palls perlb. lOc ; do in pall
lots , per Ib. O'jc : assorted5-lb. palls per rate ,
palls. 83.75. Jellies , all kinds , first grade ,
20-lb. palls , per Ib. 80 ; assorted , lirst grade ,
6-lb , pails , per crate , 0 palls , 82.50 ; do
Mb. pails , per case , 2doz.S2.85 ; do , tnmb-
> rs. per rase , 3 doz , , 81.40. Je ly. all kinds ,
iccomi grade , 30-lb. pails , per Ib. 6c. Mluco
.m-at , best grade } / bbl. per Ib. 7c ; do. 5-lb
palls , per crate. 0 palls , 82.75 ; do 40-lb palls
tier Ib , 7J c ; do , 5-lb palls , per crate , 0 palls
82.75. 1'eiich. plum and quince butter , as-
ortod , 611) ( tails , perorate , 0 pails. 83.75 ;
Horseradish , pint bottles , per doz 81.50.
Pins' FKKT. Tjtiri : , ETC 1'igs1 teet , per Jtf
: itl , SJ.OO ; do , K bbl. 82.00 ; do. per kit , Hue.
Lambs' tongues , pcrK bbl , 83.35 ; do , per
kit , 82.50 ; do. quart jars per doz , 85.25 ; do ,
pint jars per case , 2 do80.75. . Tripe , per %
bbl , 84.00 ; do , per tfbbl , 82.00 ; do , per kit
Xc. )
Xc.COMIJ HONEY California 3 iDfraino no Ibs ,
n case per Jb. , 15o ; 10 Ib. frames. Nebraska ,
Mlclilcan reflned , per bbl. , 80.50 ;
rlo. half bbl. . 84.00 ; Molts , per bbl. , 87.00 ; do
iiall bbl. , $4.00.
VINEOAH Wiito ! wine , lOc ; cider , 12J c.
OIIANIIKS The market is bate. Several
iar lots arc being delayed owing to U. P. 15.
It. strike.
LKMO.VS Fancy Messina , per boxS7.00 ;
food to cholco Messina , per box. SO.OOM0.50.
Ai'i'i.iis Stock about cleaned up. Noth-
ii In the market tit to slilp.
BANANAS There are very few in tlio mar
and there is not much stock being sold.
Dealers are clearing up their stocks as best
hey can. Quotations are S5.50@.00 ( ! per bbl.
Jersey are selling at S2.00 ner hot.
COCOANUTS I'cr 100 , 85.00 ; less than 100 ,
NEW FIGS , DATES , ETC. Layer figs. 8 and
0-lb boxes , per Ib , lOc. Dates , fancy Fard ,
12-lb boxes , per Ib , 14c ; Persian , 50-Ib boxes ,
> erlb , lOo. Pruuelles , 30-lb boxes , perlb ,
8c *
MAPLK SUOAII Bricks , strictly pure , 50-lb
boxes , per Ib , IGc ; penny cakes , 25-lb cases ,
"PnovisioNS-Hain. lOc ; breakfast ba
con 8@8Xcclcarsldcbacoi : ) , 7@7l c ; dry salt
sides , OjOKc ; slioit rib sides , ( We : shoulders.
> c ; mess pork. 812.50 per bbl ; dried beef , ham
ileces , I3u : lard , tierces , flh'c ; 50 Ib cans , 7c ;
70 Ib cans ( Fnlibanks ) , 7&c : 5 Ib cans , do ,
IjWe : 3 Ib cans , do. . 7Kc ; boneless hniu. lOc.
BIANS : California and Mlcnlgan are soli
ng in a small way. California Hayo , per
bu. , 81.00 ; do Tea. per bu. , 31.05 : Michigan
Medium , per bu. , 81.75 ; Country , perbu. , 75
POTATOES There Is very little in
quiry for potatoes , and dealers
ore not able to dispose of them
readily. The very choicest assorted stock
can not be quoted over Xtdt-lQa and slow sale
at that It is impossible to sell car lots , and
commission men nio compelled to sell them
out in small lots. Local farmers are bringing
in a good ninny which tends to lower the
wholesale price.
NEW \ KOKTAIILKS-California cabbaee ,
per lb,3J c ; caulIllower , per doz , 82.50 ; col-
erv , per doz , 81.50 ; asparagus , per Ib 12c ;
spinach , per bbl , 52.50 ; green onions , per
doz , 35c ; radishes , per doz , 50c : lettuce , per
doz , 50c ; pieplant , per Ib , 4@5c ; peas perX-
bush box , 81.25 ; i-bush box. 83.00 ; cucum
bers , U. .OO per doz ; Hermuda onions ,
per box , 83.50 ; Bermuda tomatoes , per box ,
TiitAix At the mills : Corn , 23c ; oats ,
28Kc ; wheat , No. 2 , OOc ; rye , 48ftZ50 < j.
iioun AND MILLSTUFTS Winter wheat
flour , best quality patent , S3.00@3.10 ; second
quality , 82.50.00 : ; best xuallty spiing
wheat Hour , patent , S2.50@2.75 ; buckwheat
flour , In barrels , 85.75 : ready raised , 3 Ib pack
ages , 84.00 : 5 Ib packages. 83.1W ; bran , OOc
per cwt ; chopped feed , 75c per cwt ; white
corn meal , bOc ; yellow corn meal , TOcper
cwt ; screening , COc per cwt ; hominy , 81.60
per c wt ; shorts , cooper cwt ; graham , 81.7a ;
hay. In bales. Sfl.00 ( < 7.oo per ton.
eiittB AND SKINS Mink. each. I0@40e ;
muskrat , winter. 6@tOc ; do. kits , lc : Otter.
83.50ffl5.00 ; skunk , short striped. 15@35c : do.
broid striped , 10@15 : bad er. ! 25@50 ; K o
coon. Wo. I large , -10@ < X ) : do. No. 2. 20(330 ( ;
do. No. 8 , 10i$25o : wolf , prairie . rxx < Z7V3 ;
do. mountain , fc2.00@3.00 ; wildcat. 15 ® W : bea
ver , 81.50@3.50 per Ib : fox. each. 40e@l.75 :
deerskins drrwinter , 10gjt5o ( perlb ; do. fail
ami summer , I5a ( > ; ' , ; c : auteioi > o. 5@lOu pet ih
lliinH Ureon butchers , OXc : green cured
7j M7 cdry ; Hint , Iliil3c ( : dry salt. OwoiOc ;
( tamacod hidetwo-thirds price. Tallow We.
Grease , prime whita 8e : yellow , 2) )
brown. 2e. Slieep Pelts 25r < 87&c
LnATiun : Prime slaugliter sole leather ,
prune oaK sole leather.
upper leather , per toot , 20 $ 3 : liem.
kip , 75 ( < iac : oak kip , French kip ,
81.00(31.25 ; bom. calf , Sl.OJ@l-l ° ; oak calf ,
S1.00@1.25 : French calf , S1.25@1.85 ; Morocco
boot ICK , 30 < < 38o ; Morocco oil pebble , 2S@32cj
topplnus and linings , SO.OO ® 10.00 per doz.
COAL Anthmciio grate. 88.35 ; egg , 8H.25 ;
ramie , 8860 ; chestnut , 88.50 ; Iowa. 83.25 ;
Walnut block , S3. ' ,0Illlnols ; , 85.00 ; Mitsourl ,
84 ( K )
HIJAVY JlAnD\VAnu Iron , rates , 82.35 ;
plow steel , spwlal cast , 4cj crucible steel , uc ;
cast tools do , 12@l8c ; wagon spokes , per set ,
S1.75M.00 : hubs , per set , 81.25 : jfelloes ,
rawed dry , _ 81.40 ; tdngues ,
Wire , in car lots , 84.00 per 100 Ib * . Iror
Nails , nites , 10 to 00. 83,00. Siot-81.50 )
buckshot , 81.85 : oriental powder , kegs , 83.50
( SH.OOj do , half kegs , S'J.OOi do , quarter kegs ,
81.50 ; blabtinir , kegs , SiM : lusu , per 100 feet
60c. Lead B.xr. Sl.Oa.
I'AINTS IN OiL--Wlilto load , Omaha , P. P.
7 > $ c ; whlto lead , St , Louis , pure , S7.WJ : Mar
Millies green , 1 to 5 Ib cans , 20c ; French zinc
green seal , 12o ; French zinc , red seal , lie
Fionch zinc , in varnish asst , 20c ; French
zinc , 75c ; vermilllon. Amerlcnn , 18c : ludiai
led. lOc : iosopink.l4c ; Venetian , led. Cook
son's , 2Jfc ; Venetian , red , American , 1 Jfc
red lead , 7Kc ; clirome > ollow , genuine , 20o
rliromo yellow , K. 12o ; ochre , rochelle 8c ,
oclne , French , 2Jc ; ochre , American2c
Winter's mineral. 3)c : I hlgh brown , 2) 0
Spanish brown. 2Wc : I'rlneo's ' mineral. 8c.
DUY PAINTS White lead , be : tfrencliinc
12c ; Paris whitlnp , 2 0 ; whiting gilders
IJie ; wlilting , coiu'l , l/c ; lampblack , der
mantown , 12c : latuublack. ordinary , be
Prussian blue , 55o ; ultramarine p ibc ; van
dyke , brown. So : umber , burnt. 4c : umber
raw , 4c ; sienna , burnt , -lo : sienna , raw 4o
Paris gieen , genuine , 25o ; Paris preen , com
mon , 20c ; chrome green , N , V. , 20c ; chiolne
green , K , lUo ; vormlliion , Kngllbh , In oil ,
lUc ; raw and burnt umber. 1 Ib. cans , 12c ;
raw and burnt slenun , 12u : Vandyke , brown.
ISc ; retiued lauibblack , 12c ; coach blaetf and
very black , lOc ; drop btuck , lOc ; Pnissian
) Iuo , 40c ; ultramarine blue , 18c : chromo
rreon. U , M. A J ) . , ICc : blind and snutter
rreon , K , M. & U. , lOc ; Paris green , 18c
idian red , 15c ; Venetian red , Uc ; Tuscan
22c ; American vcrmlllion. I/- & I ) . . 20c
yellow ochre , 9c ; L. M. * O. I ) . . 18c ; godfs
ichre , lOc ; patentdrycr , 8c ; crainlng colors
iKht oak , dark oak , walnut , clicblnu t nd
ish. 13c.
Uuuns AND CHEMICALS Acid , caibollc ,
He ; acid , tartirlc , 63c : balsam copaiba , per
ft , 45c ; bark , sassnfins , per Ib lOc : calomel ,
ter Ib , 72c ; chlnchonldln , per oz , 40c ; chloro-
orm , per lt , OOcj Dovers powdnis. iwr Ib ,
81.85 ; epsom salts , per Ib , SJiu : glycerine ,
mre , per Ib , 18c ; lead , acetate , pet Ib , 80c ;
ill , castor , No. 1 , per pal. , 81.00 : oil , castor.
"Vo. 3 , per gal. , SMO ; oil , olive , per gal. ,
81,40 ; oil. orlcanum. 60c : ouium. 83. > 5' qui-
line , P. * W. , and It. it S."ier oz , Sic ; po-
asslutn Iodide , perlb , 83.00 ; sallcln , per oz ,
Oc ; sulphate morphlno , per oz , 82.00 ; sul
phur , nor Iti. 4c : strvchnine , per oz , 81.40.
VAIINISIII : " ilarrels , per gallon : .r'urnl-
ure , extra , 81.10 : furniture , No. 1 , Sl.OO ;
each , extra , 81.40 ; coacn , No. 1 , 81.20 ;
> amar , extra , S1.75 ; Japan , 70c ; asphaltuin
extra , 58c ; shellnc , 83.60 ; hard oil Mulsh ,
JjriniTS-Colocno spirits. 183 proof , S1.12 ;
lo 101 proof , 81.13 ; spirits , second quality ,
01 proof , 81.12 : do , 188 proof , 81.11. Alro-
lol , 183 proof , SilO per wine gallon. Itedls-
Illed whiskies , S1.00@l.50. Uln blrudcd ,
! 1.60@2.00 ; Kentucky Tjoiirbons , SJ.OC % < j.oo ;
Centucky and Pennsylvania ryes , 82.00fjii.50 ( ;
iolden tihcaf bourbon and rye whiskies ,
81.6003.00. Brandies. Imported , 85.00 < s.50 ;
imported , 84.60
cd , per care. 82300 > iM.OO : ; Amcilcan , per
case , S10.00@10.00
Grocer * ' Lilat.
SYnur No. 70 , 8'ic. bbls ; No. 70 , 4-callon
tegs,81.0j ; NewOrleans : W@t to per gallon ;
iliiplo byrup , } 4 barrel.- strictly pure ,
0c per gallon ; 1 gallon cans , 80.25 per rtoz ;
eallon cans , 83.25 perdoz ; aunrtcans 83.00.
fttTAiicii Mirror gloss , 1 Ib , Oc ; Mirror
gloss , 3 Ib 5 > e. Jlh ror gloss , 0 Ib , OJifc ; ( Jravcs *
: orn , 1 Ib. O c ; KliiicsforiVs corn. 1 Ib 7e ;
Clugsford's gloss. 1 Ib , 7c ; Kingsfoitl's irloss ,
0 Ib , 7 c ; Klngstord's pure , 3 Ib , 6c ; Kings-
oul1 sbulk.4c.
PICKLES Medium. In bbls , 80.00 ; do In
mlf bbls , 83.50 : small , in bbls. 87.00 ; do in
mlf bbls. 84.00 ; ghork ns , In bbls , 8&0 Ojdo.
n half bbl.s. 84.50.
CANNED ( Jeeps Oysters , standard , pet
: ase. ; stra wherries , U Ib. per case , 8'.85 ;
raspberiio ! " . 2-lb , per case , 88.35 ; California
tears , per case , 85,00 ; n\irlcuts \ , per case ,
S4.rx ) ; peaches , per case , 31.75 ; whlto cheiiics ,
> er case , 85.00 ; plums , per ease , S3.Wlior ) ; -
leberni's , per case. 8J.40 ; egg plums , 2-ib
icrcaso. S-.50 ; green gates , 8-lb. pur case
82.50 : pineapples , 2-lb , pur case , 83.80tfM.50.
DKIED FHOITH No. 1 quarter apples. In
evaporated boxesy@ycblackbeiriesboxusi.0..f ; !
( atij c ; peaches , e.ibtcin , 4J < ( fe5 c ; peaches
ovapoiated , ! 5 } < @l7c ; Salt Lake , new ,
> e : raspberries , new. iWWOc : currants.
7c ; prunes , new , 4J @ 4J < c.
SUOAIIS Powdered , MMc ; cut 'laf ,
cranulated , 7J5ffi7 ( } < c : confectioners A , 7 } < c ;
stanaam extra C , ( % ( $7c : extra C , Cc ;
medium yellow , 0 > e.
SOAPS Kirks oavon Imperial , 82.03 ;
Kirk's satliii't 83.15Kirk's standard , 83.30 ;
Kirk's white Russian. 84.35 : Kirk's AVhito
Cap , 80.50 ; Dome , 84.25 ; Washboard. 83.1. )
MATCIIKS Per caddie , 35c : round , per
caso. 45c ; sciuaro cases , S1.70 ; mule square ,
31. 85.
COFFEES Ordinary trrades , 0 > c ; fair. 10 ®
crnmeut Java
BOc : Mocha. - .
14c ; McLauahliu'.s XXXX : roasted ,
Dilworth's , 13fc ; lied Cross , 14c.
CANDLES Boxes , 40 lu. Os , lOKc : Ss , lo fe ;
boxes , 401b , 10 oz , Os , I02 c ; half box , 801b ,
PLUG Ton ACCO Climax , 42cper Ib ; Horse
shoe. 37c : Star , 30c ; Spearliead , 39c ; ( Jnlil
Koll , 39c ; Piper lleidsick , OOj ; Punch , 38c ;
Young Filtz. ! JSc : JT.I. 3c. !
CANDY Mixed , OM@l2c ; stick , OXiigUc.
SALT Dray loads , per bbl. S1.55 ; Atmton ,
in sacks , 83.35 ; } sacks , Ashton , 85c ; bbls ,
dairy , S2.00@2.75.
SODA Inlb pajiers. 83.25 a case ; sal&oda ,
keg , per Ib. 28'ie.
Si'icns ( t'-otiml Utaolc pepper , boxes , 1
@ 28c ; allspi.-e , 12@10c ; cinnamon , 18@35c ;
cloves , 15@-i' c ; gingT , I5@85c ; mustard , lo ©
25c.CKACKKHS Garneau's soda , butter an
picnic , 5J o ; creams , 8J c ; ginger snap
8X ; aclty hoda , 7 ; < c.
ir/riAS : Gunpowder , fair , 20@37e ; good. 45
® 55c : choice , G0(7 ( 75c ; good Imperial , 40i443 ( ;
cholco , 00@70 : Young lly on , good , : ! 0 , ' < J5e ;
choice , 60 70c ; Oolong , nooil , 35r610c ( ; Oo
long. cIioIce.40@JOcFiiglMibreakfait ( ; ! , good
SOViMOc : choice , 5n@r 5c : fjouehong , go ( li : iO
@ 45c ; choice , : i5@4.c ; Japans , fair , 25@i5.jc ;
cond , KtdtVto\ \ choice , &X$75c ; Tea Dust los ;
Tea Slftlmrs , 18c.
FINK CUT Hard to Beat , 70c : Charm o.
the OOc ; Fountain , 70c : Golden Tlucad-
C7c ; Favorite. OOc ; Buds. 6Uc Kocky iMo 1111
tain , 50c ; Fancy , 45c ; Daisy , 40e ; North Start
Oc ; Good Luck. 55c ; Our Bust , C2 > c ; Good
News , 55c , _
nsn. Ill's li'f It'ls Q r Hbls.l'ls . KM
NSW aw , 100 no w 40 12 10
JIunn'8 S'tNo.l L'b 6 00 503 01 80 t 60 6A , CO
L'BO Glb'od Fiuioy fi 5U.3 i" 2 071 67 1 40 > 47
L'tfO It'U Sll'ro K'oy5 | SOB jiTi 2 B7 1 b7 1 40 S3 | 47
Hbls. fHoif Ilbls'Q'r lllils
HEW FISH. 00 I 100 IX ) 50 40
Bloater Moss . 350018 0018 250 057 30 1 W
KT.NO. IBU'r . 24 00 12 50,11 , 806 30,5 , 10 1 40
No. 1 Shore . 18 CO. B 50 H to4 MSUOl ) 10
Mod. No. 1 Shoro. . . 13 00 7 00 ft 35'3 : ' 5.r.2 ' IW | 85
JJnv . 11 00 II 00 6 45'U ' 05 2 50 75
U 00 5 OJ i K'2 ' nri'2 ' 10
TOO 4 00 | 3 05J2 Dull TO
H'f Bbls O'rBbls P'Is'KU
NEW FISIL 100 03 5J 40 13 I 10
No. 1 White Fish . 653 4r,280 , V4 I I-S
Family " 3 00 S Nil 70l ; 60 M ,60
No. 1 Trout 4 00 "J 003 C01 ! K ) 63 6J
No. 11'lckorol auo.a . 7u i BO'I ' w ! M I w
jiuiuiuu.iicAiiuft , uOc ; smoked imiiiiiu.iu u ;
Yarmouth bloaters , 95c ; new scaled herrings ,
llbls'HIf Hbls O'r Ilhls.Pnlls
MEW TlSll. or kits
2UO 100 00 GO 10 | 15 12 10
KKK Hor'lniTB K 000 SOS f03 312 70
KK Ilorrlng-s. II 000 DOS 45.1 0-'U ( I , ' 50 I
llllbtiltl S 8 00)4 ) 60,4 , ( X ) M.I OJ 63 60
Dry Goods.
1'iii.NTS American , 5K ; Arnold's. Oc : Co
checo , Cc ; .Miincliestcr. Uc ; Lyiuan , lie ; Olou
cestur , AKC ; Duiiuull Jacaunrd. Gu : Dunnell
5He ; Wlnilsor , Co : 1'acllic. Oc : Harmon
Anchor Shirtings , 4 > < o ; Werrliimc ,
: Berwick , -Ic.
COTTONS Farmers' cholco ,
CJ/c ; Cabot. % ; Hope , 7c ; Hill 4 4 , 7J < ; c ;
Hill , X. 0c ; Lonsclalo , Be ; Fruit , Be ; Wain-
sutta , 10 } < c.
COHSKT JKANS KearsnrKc , 7c ; Armory ,
7c ; I'epjicrell , 7 0 ; Indian Orchard , Oc ;
Nnumkcag , tc ,
UUCK ( Unbleached ) 8 oz. Mncnolla.
lOc ; 10 ox. Magnolia , Itfo : 8oz. Wn t Point ,
lOKc ; 10 OLVtst \ j'oliit , Kc. *
Bitow.N Corro.v Lawrence LL , Sc ; Sliaw-
inctilLL. Be ; Ueuver Dam LF/ , 5cAt.nutio ;
LL , 5c : Indian Head. 7cj Waucliussot ,
Crown iXX , 6Wo : Clifton CCC , Oc ;
C4J ; Atlantio P , SKc.
CiiKVlors AniQskeajj , cliccks , O c ; Amos-
keair , stripes , Sj c ; tilaturv stripes , Be ; Kitln-
burt , ' , O c ; WJilttendon , stripes , fie ; ( ilcn-
rose , Oo : Otis , cliecks , OJfc ; Otis , stripcs.t , > c ;
Itoyal , 0o ; Amoskuat' , napped , lO
ray , hook fold , 12c : Obcron , book fold ,
Knduranco , hook fold , 12c.
TICKINOS Aniosknatc ACA 12 } < c : Thorn-
ilvko OOO , 7 c ; ' 1 horndyko fancy , Koi
YorK , lOi c : York fancy , 12Kc : Jlllbury ,
l'J > < c ; Pearl Itiver , iij < 0 ; Hamilton ,
Swltt Hlver , Ojfc ; Shutucket S. 8 c ; Shetnck-
pt SS , Kc : alontnuk AA , I2c ; Montauk BH ,
lie ; Omeca ACA , JIlc.
Heaver Creek AA , He ; Heaver
Creek UU.lOc ; Heaver Creek CC.Uc ; Jalfroy
XX , Uc ; Jatfroy XXX , lite ; Jalfroy D & T ,
12' c : Columbian , ! 8 > < c : Yom , I8c : York ,
fancy , 13 } < c : Everett , 18o ; Haymaker'a blue
and brown , .
DUCK ( colored ) Boston Ooz. brown ani
drab , 13 } c ; Boston U H brown and drab
Do : Boston XX brown and drab , lOc ; Bostor
XXX brown and drab. UKc ; Boston O 1
blue , lltfc ; Warren Tricot. 15e.
Dry ljumbor.
No. 1 Com. 8. 1. s. 12 , 14 and 18 ft . 817.00
No. 2 " " 12. 14 and 10 ft . 15.00
No. 3 " 18 , 14 audio ft . 13.00
No. 4 " " 12 , 14 and 10 ft . 11.00
No. 1 , 4&0 inch , 13and 14feet , rough.,816.50
No. 1) 4&0 Inch , 10 feet , rouah. . , 17.0J
No. 2 , 4&0 Inch , Wand 14 feet , rough , . 14.00
No.2 , i&einch , 10feetrou u 15.00
Zxl . IS-SO M 16.M 10.60 1T.BO ] 8.Mloo9 ) * !
15.00 15.0(1 ( 15.00 10.03 17.0) ) OT.W ) Sl.OO
2x8. . . . , . , 'ifi.wiri.w ' ! 10.50 ivjio awe
2x10. 1B..WJ5.WJ 1S.60 16.50 17.BOi.Uri02l.SO
Xl2..llB.WSr..f.01.1i.5010.M,17.rfl20.S02l.rlO ,
X - 3t8 15.81 JS.Ml .fiO 10.MIH.HO 13.fiO,19.rO ,
stCnm. , 12 , 14 and 10 feet 82-3.50
d " " " I" . . . 20.00
< t " " . , " . 15.00
' " " ' ' " " '
i'cncc , 11.00
st Com. , ? f In. White Pine Partition..SM.O
2nd Com. In. " " "
, ) f . . 27
Clcar , ? < rin. NonMay' . ' " H
2nd Com. ? < fln. ' " 13
\ Cinch , white pinu . . . . . .S.nuo
J Cinch " " . 81.00
30 Inch " " . BO.M
> 0lnch " " . 20.V )
K Cinch. " " . 17.50
STOCK itn\nn ? .
A 13 inch , slsia , Hand 10 feet . 10 , 00
U " " " . 43 DO
0 " " " " " " . SO 00
; ) " " " " " " . ! MOO
No. 1 Com. 12 In. s. 1 s. 12 , 14 and 10 ft. . IS 00
* o.l " " " 10 , 18 and 20 ft. . 1800
'io.a ' " " " 12. 14 nnd 10 ft. 1000
smr LA. ! * .
No. 1 , Plain , 8 and 10 Inch . 517..V )
o. a , Plain , 8 and 10 Inch . 15.W )
tfo. 1 , O. U . 1S.OO
A * Standard . S2.C5
ilncli , clear , S1.55 ; Oinch , clcai . l.c > 5
tfo.l. . . . . . . . . 1.2.5
Lath . ass
Quincy \vhlto lime ( best ) , 85c ; cement
Akion , S1.7f , ; plaster , ? ; lialr , rxir bushel
X , ; tarred full , per cwt , Sl.US : straw board ,
_ _
A Wild Man Mko an Apo.
Crucar Dam , N , J. . Corrcspoiulcnce
L'liilndelplila News : Two sons of Archi-
wiltl Tyson , a farmer , returned from a
unit last evening , loading by u rope a
.frightful spectacle of humanity in the
shape of u wild man. Botli of the Tyson
jo.ys are full crown , and tell the follow-
ng story of tlio capture : About noon ,
when tfioy we're climbing the Hanmpo
nountain on the north hide , they heard a
shrill voice howling as if in ngony.
Approaching the spot where this voice
cnmo from they encountered what ap-
) earctl to lie n huge ape.
-One of tlio boys , bileman , raised his
nm to iiro tit the subject , but was stopped
i > y his brother. Then they advanced
closer and discovered that the object was
i man. Scarcely a whole article of cloth-
, ng covered his body. His hair and beard
were long , matted and partly gray. They
spoke to him , and ho jumped towards
them in a threatening manner. Both
.Iroppcd their gnus and grappled with
liim. After a terrible struggle he was
overpowered and bound. Tie uttered a
few unintelligible words and quietly al
lowed them to do as they pleased with
After searching in vain for a hut or a
cave they led him home , wiiero lie was
exhibited lo the neighbors. Reappeared
lo understand the ( turman language , and
whenever a woman approached would
run and try to escape. It is thought
that ho must have escaped from some in
sane asylum and wandured wild in the
woods. I /
When a piece f raw meat was offered
liim he grabbed at and ate it ravenously.
Mr. Tyson locked him up in a barn , and
is waiting for some relative lo claim
liim. ' ij _
The Dominion ) government has determ
ined to establish national park at some
point ou the Canadian Paeilic railway-
probably in thu < Ho i llivcr district.
A question likely jsoon to come to the
fore is the practicability of tunneling between
tween England'ttnxl Ireland. At one
point the distance " is under twenty-two
miles. ,
A congress of k&t players ( "skat" is a
game of cards which lias supplanted all
other scicntilic card games in Germany )
will bo held at Altcnburg , from August
14 to August 18 next.
.It is claimed that n lady in Oshkosh has
a coilin for a bedstead , and every night
lies down to rest in it with as much sere
nity as those who retire in the conven
tional manner.
"My attention , after flufforinir with constipa
tion for two or three years , wns called to Sim
mons I.Ivor Regulator , and uavlnt , ' tried ulinott
everything else concluded to try It. I flrst IOOK
a wine-glnssful nnd afterwards reduced the
dose ton teaspoonful ( ns per directions ) alter
each meal I found that It had dona me so
much good that 1 continued It until 1 took two
bottles ; since then 1 hnvo not experienced any
difficulty. 1 keep It In my house und would not
b.o without It , but hnvo no UFO for It , having
cured mo. " OKO. W. SIMH , Assistant Clerk Su
perior Court , HlhbCo. , Cia.
"Having led a sedentary llfo for n number
of yenrs my bowels bocnmo very im-gulitr and
my bnbli constipated. Hy tl.o advleo of friends
I wns induced to resort to Simmons Liver Regulator
later and I now enoy | better health than I have
known for yeuis. " GEO. W. KCDKUT , Wnter
Dop't , Phllu.
( Successors to J. G. Jacobs , )
At the old stand , 1407 Farnnin St , Orders by
telegraph solicited und promptly attended to.
Telephone No.ii" ,
The Millard ,
B. Shears , J.E. Marltel.ThOB. Bwobo , Proprietors
OniitUa , Nebraska.
Job. , Rrjnting.
Job .Prinferr/EBook Bladers ,
And lllnnlt Hook ] itd'iiifacturers. ( 100-108 South
Foil rtoJi ) tiiStreJ
Flijir ( d Feed ,
W. J. V BUillANB & CO. ,
Wholesale KouK'Feed and Grain ,
Manufacturers of % . iftSVclshans 4 CO.'B Quick
Halting-liuckwlietit Hour and proprietors Omaha
City Mills , cor. 8th-tuiO-r"arnum Streets , Omulm.
Leather'Hides ' , ttc.
nil 'I1 !
nuoa ,
Leather , Saddlery Hardware ,
Bnddlcry and Shoo Kinainis , Illilcs , Wool , I'urg ,
I'flts , Gtcnsc , a'allow , Ktc. , Omuhu. Not
F. P. FAY & CO. ,
Manufacturing Confectioners ,
Jobbers of Fruits , Nuts and Cigars. 121
Farnam St , Omaha , Neb.
Beer ,
Agent for Anheuser-Bush Brewing Ass'n '
Special branda Fuust , Uudwclser , Erlunifc
Cor.Dth imd Capitol Avo. , Ouiuba. .
Dook Binding , Elc.
' " v
Printers , Book Binders ,
And lllnnk Hook Mnnufacturers. Nos. 100 and
108 South 14th Street. Omnhn , Neb.
Knprlnccrs'ntul Contractors.
Irges , Roof Trusses , Steam Pile Driving
ron omnaton and ONO russ rdpoj ,
'Ulna and Oak Timber. 15th St. , near Fnrnnai ,
Telephone No TH.
Cigars and Tobacco. .
" " ' * " *
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos ,
Ouns nnd Ammunition. 21ft to 223 South llth
Etrcct , loco to UCI rtirnam Street , Oinnlm , Nob.
Manufacturers of Fine Cigars ,
And Wliok'snlo Dcnlora In I/cnf Tobncx-m. Nog.
108 umUION.JUli Struct , Onmlin , Neb.
uocKery ,
lor the Manufacturers nnd Importers ,
Crockery , Glassware ,
, Chimneys , Kto. Ofllcc , al7 South nth
Street. Omaha , Mob.
c. s. Goomucii A CO
Agents for F. A. Whitney Carriage Co. 8
Children's Carriages ,
And Jewctt's Cclobrntcd Hol'riKerntors. Sen
or price lists. I4Ui Farnam St. , Omnhn.
O. S. PETT1S & CO. ,
Whalsale & Retail , Fine Cirriages ,
hactimi , Itiiaalfs nml Itnrul WiiKon . W per cent
mvt'il In bnyliiR of 111. 1 KB-W10-1 112 , Uanl Htrcct ,
Oinnlin , Nclirntkn.
llnmcli nt Council HlntTs , lonn.
Cornices ,
Eagle Cornice Works ,
Jolin Epenotor , Pix > prJetor. Manufacturer of
Rulvanlrptl Iron and Oornlro. OS ) Dodr.o and 101
ami 1U5 North Uth Street , Omabn , Nob.
Manufacturers of Oiuamcntnl
Galvanized Iron Cornices , Dormer
Windows , Final ? , Etc. , 310 S. 12th St. Workdono
_ in any part of the country.
Western Cornice Works ,
C. SPECHT. Proprietor.
Oalvnnircd Iron Cornleeo. Etc. SpcciH' ltn-
irovt-d Patent Mctnll'c Skylight. Ma and
1Mb St. . Onmliu. Net.
Doors , Sash. Etc ,
Doors , Snph and Ullnds. Also all Kinds of
urnitig. Scroll und Stair work ol' every de
Mnnufaettirer nnd Dealer In
Doors Sash Blinds Etc.
, , , Mouldings , .
? tnlr Hulls n ppocliilty Tclephono No. 02
J5th and JIarcv St I. . Omaha , Neb.
Electrical Supplies.
L. W. WOLFE & CO. , Electricians ,
Electrical Supplies ,
Masonic Block , Omaha , llnrglar Alarms , Hells ,
. "irc Alarms , F'ectrlo Matting , Spcalclnf Tuboj ,
Iron Works.
Wrought and Cast Iron Building Work
ron Stairs. Itiilllutr , Rolled licunis and UlrdorA
Stcnm Enplncs. llrn s Work , Ocnoral Foundry
Mncblne and Ithu-lisinllli Work. OUloo and
Works , U. P. Hy. and S 17th Bt.
Iron ar d Nails.
OMAHA'NAIL M < UFAcrruiiiNd'coli
Cut Hails and Spikes ,
Fire Nails r. Six jialtv. Omahn. Neb
' "
Omaha Safe Works ,
Manufacturer of Fli-o and Ilurplnr Proof Safes.
Vault Doors , Jail Work. Shutters and Wlro
Work. Cor. 14th nnd Jackson Sts. , Omahn , Nob.
V/aprons / and Carriages.
Established 1858.
The Leading Carriage Factory ,
HCSnnJ Ull Dodge Street , Omaha , Nob.
Commission , Etc.
Live Stock Commission
Oco. Ilurko , Mnnatfcr ,
Dnlon Stock Yards , & Omulia. Tolo.icno ! 683
W. F. BROWN k CO. ,
Commission Dealers in Live Stock.
Office Exchange Iulldhir ( , Union Stock Yards ,
i South Omaha , Neb. Telephone No. flfft
Union Stock Yards Company ,
limited. Jolm F. Doyd , HuporlntondcnU
Live Stock Commission Merchants.
Bblinentu ; of any und all kiuds of stock solicit
cd. Union Sti.ek Yards , Ouiuba , Neb.
Lumber , Etc ,
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime ,
Bash , Doors , Etc. Yards Cor. 7th nnd DougUs ,
Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Mouldings , Stair Work and Intel lor Haul Wood
Flnlbh. Just opened. N. E , cor , 8th und Leaven-
wortn Streets , Omaha , Neb.
. 'Wholesale Lumber ,
SU 8. 14th Street , Oiimlia , Nob. K. Colpetzor ,
Lumber ,
33th nnd California Sti ecu , Oinaba , Nob.
Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc , , Etc.
Or. Cth and Douglas Streets , Omaha , Nch ,
Wholesale Dealer la Lumber ,
Omaha , Nebraska.
Hardwood Lumber ,
Wnren Ftock , Fancy Woods. Bridge Timbers ,
ic. " , S. W. Cor. Uth uud Douglas , Oumlm , Neb.
Sash Doors Blinds
Dealer in , , ,
Bullduur Paper. Etc. South 1
Flth , Etc ,
BEKSoTTFisifco. "
Successors tp Icken Slonsson lc Co.
Wholesale Fish Dealers ,
Importers cf Foreign Klsli.Nos.011911 Jonet
- btrt-ct and U. I1. Track.
Agricultural Implements , _
Dealers in Agricultural Implements ,
Office , Comer Ctli nnd 1'nclfloStJ , Omnhn , Se5
Wholcic.o Dealers lu
Agricultural Implements , Wagons
nnJ ItupglM , Omaha Neb.
Wholesale Denier In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons ,
Rlc ? . .If ncs St. , bet. Ulh ntul
h , Omnhn , Neb.
Boots and Shoes.
W. V. MOl'SK ' k CO. ,
Jobbers of Boots and Shoes ,
Hit Fnrnnm Ptrcot. Omahn , Neb. Manufactory ,
Bummer Street , lloston. _ _
' " " " %
's. A. oncHAiro ,
Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths ,
Mattings , Curtain Goo < ! . Kte. . lia Farnnm
Street , Onmhn , Neb.
Coal , Lime , Elc.
Coal , Coke , Lime and Stone.
CfflocZ13B. lllhRt. , Omnhn. Neb. Yards , "Ui
and Divenporl streets.
Dealers in Hard ana Soft Coal.
Best varieties. Office , B13 8. lillhSL Tclojlione
No. 141)2 ) , Oinnlm. Nub.
Shippers of Coal and Coke ,
SU 8.-13th St. , Omirtm , Neb.
i OF.O. C. Towi.r. , 1'rcsldont.
GTO. PATrr.nsoN , See. nmlTrcns.
3. II. llui.iiciiT , F. A. nAt.cil ,
Ti-opilctor. JlannKor.
Kebraska Coal and Lime Company ,
Office , 217 S. Will Street. Tolcpliotio43. _
GEO. r. TMiiACit , 1'rea. 0. V , GOODMAN.V. Trca.
J. A. Su.NDKHi.ANl ) Soc. nnd Trens.
Omaha Coal , Coke and Lime Company ,
Jobbers of hard and oft coo ! , 2C'J S. UtU Su.
Ouitilm , cb.
Hard and Soft Coal.
Exclusive dealers In Hmililer Colorado Cool , 21 ?
touth Ulli street.
Coffee and Spices.
Home Coffee and Spice M Us M'f ' g Co.
Cofl co ltoiisoi-a ! nnd Spluo ( ! iln < loriniinu -
fnctiiroisofltnkltwPowilcr , Klavor.nt ; l'\ti not ,
HuliiK , etc. Try one ox o of our Mh ] uckaeo
lomo lllc-nd Hoabled CoUce. ICO'J HoWni-d St. ,
CLARKE JIKOS. & 6o ! ,
Omaha Coffco and Spice Mills.
Ten'.ColIucs , Splcos. BitkhiK 1'owder Flavoring
Extracts , Laundry llluo. luk , etc. 14U-1U Hur-
ncy Street , Omulm , Neb. _ _ _ _ _ _
Commission Etc.
, _ _ _
" '
Wholesale Fruitb , Produce , Oysters ,
1121 Furiiuin St. , Onmlia. Applua-Our own i-aek-
iiiK 1'latt k To.'s TiKor Ilrand Oystcis , lluttor ,
, aiinio , Poultry , Potatoes. _
Genera ! Commission Merchant ,
Produce , Pi ovWons , Fruits , Flour nnd Feed , 105
g. lltb St. , Omaha , Neb. Coiiblgnments solicltod.
Kctunm madu uruniutlv.
K. JIoDONALl ) .
315 12tli Strrut. Oiiia'.in. Neb. Siociulti03 : flut
ter. Jk'ttn. nnd ChlcKens-
Produce Commission Merchants.
Poultry , Huttcr , Gnmc. Fruits , Etc. 220 8.14th
St. , Omabii , Nobruska.
General Commission Merchants ,
140CDodgoStnct , Omahn , Neb. Conslunmenta
W. E.
Storage and Commission Merchant.
riCiAi/rifcS-G'hocsu , llutti-r EBRB , Poultry
nnil ( iiinii ! , 112 8. Htli. , Omulm , Nub. Tclu-
phone No. 333.
Storage and Commission Merchants.
Foreltf" uinl Domestic Fnilts afcpeclnlty. El-
rpant stnrngo fitcilltlfH. Wurchoiiso mid olllco ,
1U North Illtli M. _ Tr > | pphono 77S. _ .
D. A. : iURLEV ,
Commission and Jobbing ,
Huttcr , Kpgrs nnd Prcidueo. A lull line of Stono-
warn. ConBlifniucnts Eolicitod. 1114 Uodito St. ,
E. MORON r ,
General Commission Merchant ,
Gutter , EKITS , Cbeeno nnil Count ly Produce ffcn-
crully , yyj ti. Kill .St. , Omaha , Neb.
& sciiitouninr.
Buyers of Butter and Eggs.
Refrigerator und I'acklnir HOUBO , 14th & Ixinvcu-
worth Bt. , on U. P. U. JS. Truck , Oiimlia , Nob.
Established IBTo ]
General Commission ,
2118. litb St. , Omaha , Kub. Specialties lluttor
EIWB , I'oultry and Game.
Commission Merchants ,
Fruits , Pnduco : and Provisions , Omaha , Neb
Fui'ceiBirs to Isiao Grllllth.
Commission Merchant ,
and wholesale dealer in country produce , fruits ,
butter , cfe'trs , eta ( leeds on i-'onslgnmt'iit a
itij N. 10th bt ; , Oiimlia , Nob.
( Siiccosfors to A. P. Sctmck. )
Produce Commission Merchants ,
No. 213 South 1 h Street. Omaha , Nob.
Ury Goous ,
J , 3. IJHOWN k CO. ,
Wholesale Dry Goods and Notions ,
1323 UouKlas Siroot , Omaha , Nob.
_ J * OINSHKUQ & CO. ,
'Wholctulo Dealers in
Dry Goods , Hosiery , Notions ,
Linens , Luctm , Einl > roldcry and Whllo C'ooJs ,
lX.'OI ( oufuBHtrcJt ) , Oraului , NeU.
While Lead.
Strictly Pure White Lead.
80th St. , and U.P. Ity. , Omaha ,
Harness , Etc.
Manufacturers BnU Jobbers of
Harness Saddles Hardware
, , Saddlery ,
Turl'Hoods , Illutikets and Robus.
Sticct Oiniihu. Nob.
M attresse J
Mattress Company.
Manufacturing Mattrossca , IlodtllnK , Feather
1'illon t , Cote , Ktp , 120G and law Douulas .Street ,
Oinaba , Neb.
i . _ , . . .
" " _ _ _ _
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jransranta.MilrU.-Kla , ) ) W nnd I'M Douglas
t , Oiuu'au , Nub , f _
Dealers In All Kinds of
Building Material at Wholesale.
IfthStiectnnd i n.oa I'nu II > Track. Omaha
Wholesale Dealer in Lumber ,
JOth nnd Unrd Streets , Omnhn , Nebraska.
Wholesale Lumber Lath
, , Shingles ,
InlUllnK 1'niicr ? . SaMi. Doors , minds , Moillf
litre , rickets , rest , l.limi. 1'lnster , llnf i
'omcnu Nlntn mm.1amOmnlm Nob.
Importers nnd Jobbcrsof
Millinery and Notions ,
inn find 1214 Hnrney Street , Omnhn , Nob.
Musical Instruments.
innoi.M : .t KIUCKSON ,
Wholesalers of Musical Instrument
Ptclnway Plauns Weber , Decker , Hnlm
rlirirs ruinnn. Packard Organs , Chase O
01 Mini 1W 15tli btrool.
Furnilurj. ( :
Fumitur1. Bedding , Upliolstery , Mirrors ,
.to 120(1,1218 ( nnd 1210 Knrnnni Street , Omnlm
' "
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
Fnrnnm Street , Omnhn , Nob.
Groceries , _ "
Wholesale Grocers ,
111Cnnd 1112 Douglas Street , Omahn , Neb.
K. . CHAPMAN 4 CO. ,
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigars ,
Tobacco and Smokers' Articles , 1217 llownrd St
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas ,
! plci'S , ClBiirs nnd Tobnccoa , 1317 nnd "
Ins Street , Omuha , Nob.
Wholesale Grocers ,
Corner 10th nnil Kanmm Etrcots , Omnhn , ' .
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
Nos. 705 , 707,7t nnd 711 S. 10th St , Onmho , Neb.
Hardware ,
w. J. nitOATGit ,
HeaYy Hardware , Iron , Steel.
'prlnps ' , rt'upon Stock , Hardwood Lumber , oto.
li.Ulnnd 1211 Harney Btret-v. Omaha , Nob.
" "
Wholesale Iron , Steel , Wagon . .
And Carrlaao Wood Stock. Heavy Hardware ,
Etc. 1217 and 121U Loavoiiwoi tli Street , Omaha ,
&TAYU > ,
Builders' ' Hardware ,
Mechanics'Tools and Ilutruto Scales. 1405Douy
It'.s Struut , Oiunlia , Neb.
LKK , ntlED k CO. ,
Jobbers of Hardware and Kails , Tinware ,
Shcot Iron , Etc. Aircntsforllowo Pcnles r- '
Mluinl 1'owdi-r Co. , Omulm Neb.
Stoves , Ranges , Furnaces , Tiles ,
Monties , Grates , Brass poods. 1321 and 13231
limn Street.
Wholesale Hardware and Nails ,
Emerson Steel Nails. Cor. 10th and llaj 'noj
Streets , Omaha , Nub.
Manufr-cturor of the
Deering arvester Goods ,
( Vrltd to Win. M. l-orlmer. General Agent ,
Omaha. ToIoplionofllO.
Iron Pipe , Etc.
Pumps , Pipe and Engines.
Etcam , Water , Hallivay nnd Milling Supplies , Et
V20 , tr ± i und U21 Farnam St. Omaha , Nob.
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
Ftonm und Water Supplies. Headquarters fc
Mubt Fooet Co.'s Goods. 1111 Furnam Strerj
Omaha , Nob. ,
Wholesale Jewelers.
Dealers Jn Silverware , Diamonds , WntchdiJ
Clocks , Jewelers' Tools nnd MtttorlaK Etc. , ICt
and 103,15th Street , Cor. Dodge , Omnhu , Nob. J
Notions Etc ,
JobDors in
Notions , Hosiery & Gents'Furnishing ' Good
lOOtl und 1008 Funiuiu SU , Omaha , Nob.
J. T. Robinson Notion Company , -
4 < U and 405 S. lOtii St.Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Dealers In Notions und Gents Fur *
iilshlng Goods.
Oils , Etc ,
Wholesale Dealers in Oils ,
Caroline , Mica Axle arcane , Etc. A. II. Jllshon
Manager , Ornahn , Neb
Torlt Packing
Pork Packer and Shipper ,
Omulm , Nebraska ,
Packers and Provision Dealers ,
Office , Union Market , 1517 Dodge Stroot. 1'aeklnf
bouse , U. 1 * . 1U It. Truck , Omaha , Nob. Telo *
phone No. 157.
Safes and Locks ,
' " "
"r. itoYvn & co.
Agents for Hall's ' Safe & Lock Co.s1
Fire inidllurKhirl'ioof Sufus.Tlmu Ixickx.Vnnlti
nnd Jull work. lU'-'O Furnnm utrout. Omnlm , Neb
Seeds ,
J. . EVANS ,
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Seeds ,
Agricultural , Vegetable , Etc. Odd Fellows' Hall ,
N. W. Cor. llth mid Dodge St . , Omulm , Nob.
Drugs , Etc.
Wholesale Druggist' , '
And Dealer in Paints , Oils and Window Glasv
Omaha , Neb. , i
* . ) i *
Wlnei and Ll ujr } .
I Mill &CO. ,
Distillers and Importers of Wines
And IIinoi8 , Bolo mumifnctnrors of Konnudr'f
Katt InUlu Ulttcra. Ills lliirnoy Btroot , Oun
IIKII. W. iJii , ii ,
Successor to M ( > NAMAH\ & DiNaANImiXit
una Wliok-Milu Doulors In
Wines , Liquors and Cigars ,
t'Uniul i'lO B. Uth Bt. , Omuhu. Nob.
' " '
Motions" , ttcl
J. U nnANDIES * SON , t
Wholesale Job Lots , '
Dry Goods , Notions , Omita' i\imlBlilii Goodc
OooilsfiOm Now York. Triulo suU daily. IUM
uud W BoutU lUtb St. , Ouiuhu. 4