THE OMAHA DAILY : BEK FIFTEENTH YEAE. OJVIAHA , THURSDAY J HNING , MAY 6 , 1886. NUMBER 270. CUT THROATS CAGED The Anarchist Leader and His Satanic Sub alterns Jailed in Chicago. THE COWARDLY CURS QUIETED. Bomanded to Await the Action of the Grand Jury on the Charge of Murder. FORTY-FOUR OFFICERS INJURED. Ono Gallant Patrolraau Dead and Several Othorc Beyond Hecovciy. RESULTS OF A POLICE RAID. Abundant Evidence Secured of Bloody So cialistic Conspiracies- DYNAMITE IN A PRINTING SHOP. ( V Orapblc Account of the Iliotous Demonstrations of Tuesday Nlilit Ijnbor Troubles at Other Points. Chicago's llelgu ofTorror. * CiiiCAao.JMay 5. [ Special Tclegram.J The occuncnces of last night have created a tremendous sensation. Nothing else is talked of and tlio greatest excitement and In dignation prevails. Forty-four names of the wonndeu fill nine full pages ot the register at the county hospital. In tlio conIdor before 0 o'clock was a group of men and women , friends most of them of the police ofllccis , anxious to inqitiie alter or to see them. The attendants wcio haggard and excited. Tlio first patrol biought the dead body of Olllcer Dlegun licie a little alter 10 o'clock. From that on until 0 o'clock this morning the am bulances and police pntiol wagons weie con stantly arriving with wounded. Tlio whole stalf of phjsicinns nnd attendants was called In nnd everybody was devoted to the care of the Injured. A little tab is Kent at the desk of the men who aie in a prccaiiuus condition. Marvellous ns it may seem , nil of these nro police olllcets. Thcio are eight civilians in tlie wards , and not one is fatally or even salons- lyluiit. The entile police fotce of the city is on duty , and should they come In contact with tlie mob to-day TMKV WIU , SHOW NO MKIICY. TIneo bundled of them have been armed with Spiinglield lilies. August Spies Is under atiest. Ho was captuted by the police at S o'clock this moining. The anarchist and incendiary editor of the Aibcltei- /Ccituiur , who was the first ono to addicss the meetlnu nt Desplainos nnd Randolph sheets , who occupied the wagon fiom which the dynamite bomb was thiown which did such bloody woik last night , who was one of the spcakcis at the mob meeting on the prairie near McCoimick's Monday nlteinoon , whoso wotds Inflamed the mob until It was icady to bum down the gicat factoiy , had tlio tcmeiity to appear in the editorial looms of his paper this morning. Hete ho met his hi other and a man named Schwab , associate editor of tlio paper , who weie his associates m these lucondlary har angues. They met at 107 Fifth avenue to talk over the scenes of last night and wcio taken by detective ? to the Central station and placed under lock and ley. : As tlio news spread through tlio city that tlie leaders of the nlhllNtlc mob weio safely caged , ex- piesslons of the liveliest satisfaction weio heard on oveiy baud. Spies and his friends' , when the police chaigcd tlio mob , ST.UNIC OFF and could not bo found until this morning , though earnest search was made lei thorn all thiough tlio night. Just what chaigo will bo lodged against them lias not at piesent been deteimined. The Ai belter Xoitunc , the or gan of the socialists , is pi inted In the thiid story of tlio building at 107 Fifth avenue , the lower floor of which Isabuer saloon. The editoiial rooms moon tlio second floor , and It was thcio that the five Cential station de tectives found Spies this morning. Spies is tlio responsible editor , and when thodotec- tives enteied ho was in a room with his biothcr Chi is , who is a fuinltiiie woiker , and Michael Sclia b , an associate editor of the paper. The socialists said not n woid as the ofllccrs threw open the door. Detectives Bon Held and Dulfy entered ( list. "Aro you August Spies' . " ' Honlield Inquired , directing his look at th anarchist. Spies' thin lips I'AItriM ) IN A SICKLY SMII.i : , and ho displayed two lows of shinIng - Ing teeth. .Ho hesitated n moment before speaking and with tlie artful tact of a malevolent disposition gnvo , tlio ofllccr the full benefit of his tantall/.ing smile. At length his lips moved and in a weak anil husky voice , In alaimlng contrast to Ills smile of simulated IndifTeicnee , ho made uns\\or : "i'cs , 1 nm August Spies. " "Well , " replied Honlield "wo want you , and yon too , " said tlio olllcer tinning to Spies' brother and Kdlt6r Schwab , tlio latter was deathly white and his hands tiomblcd ns ho put on his hat. Chi Is Hie.i | ! was Inclined to bu ugly , while the pilsoneis weio being seaidied. They nst their oycs to the floor and kcroiiPd the very IMCTUIIKS OP AltllAST COWAimifK. Tlio olllcens were too Indignant to speak nndhllu the men's clothing was uclng ovcihauli'd simply glaied at them as If I \\ouldhoaplensiiro to annihilate ) them nn the spot. Oiders were IssuoJ to allow no ono to spcr.k to the pilsoners. THKIIOMII IHItOlVl'.ll CACKD. The man \\lio tluew the bomb utlast night's ilot was niretted to-day and la now looked ui ut the Central station. His name Is Julius Carpenter , The police- claim to have ample proof that ho Is tlio man , and Lieutenant Klpley says that the public need have no fear of evil fiom bombs. The twonty-flvo pilnt eis who wi-ro ancstedat the Aibcltor Zoitutik luil Id Ing w'cro brougat bofoic Justice Leecl and held on the charge of murder till May 14 Caipentcr Is sain to ha ouo of Uielr number Tlio fellow stood In fiont of John liurnctt , a candy maker In the employ of Mr. Harry , n the coiner of Washington and Sanganiot streets , nnd was seen by him to throw the inlssllo of dentil. According to I'm ' net t ho was seen to abstract the bomb fiom hU pocket and light It just as the police dtow near , IJmnett said ho stood within two fjct of tliu man , and would certainly bo nblo to Identify him should ho meet him again Hardly a moment elapsed after the bomb was lighted until the man elovnted his arm , pic pnntory to casting It fiom hint. Every de tail of this performance was witnessed uj liurnctt , who did not know wlut to make of the stranger's action. Presently the fusout Inched to the bomb coinmoiued to hiss. Then lor the first tune Unmet * began to realize what was about to hapvit. The nun with a quick jeik of his arm ' ' SKNT THE KIA MING UOlin flyInz through the air , nnd the next install turned to fly. Uurnctt started ID 111:1. : but ; llrny bullet e'.vuck hlia In tlio Itft nnu UK 10 lost his footing nnd fell to tlio sidewalk. Vhcn ho got tip all was confusion. The entire dislilct In the lumber region , rom Twenty-second street to Western nvcnnc , was conspicuously free from crowds of agitators , socialists and strikers. This Is loubtless wholly owing to the fact that the Kjllce are to-day aimed with rifles , and have strict orders to compel nil loungers nnd lilfcrs o "move on. " At Eighteenth street and Center avenue , the headquarters of the nnaichlsts In that neighborhood , a small crowd gathered early and seemed somewhat ngtiled ! over tlio reports of last night's dyna- nlteexplosion and the riot which followed , mt no demonstration was made. Itttdolph Stclnoerg , a McCormlck machln- st , unmarried , and ngcd30joarswliosohomo sntfi93 Bine. Island avenue , was attacked by Hie mob at Kightoenth street and Center avciitto last nlglit and beaten Into Insonsl- Jlllty. He Is now at the county hospital. At about 0:30 : o'clock this morning the Me- Jonnlck employes Detain sticamlng Into the 'actoiy , about tlio same number that went In yestoiday ptobably 70J or bOO. There were oine crowds of strikers on tlio back stieets watching them , b'tl theiowasuo Interference except by a small mob on Oakley street , west of IJIuo Island avenue , which pelted several McCormick men with stones until dispersed by the pel ho. ho.NO NO ONH WAS IIUHT. LieutenantShoppaid , with thtity-llvo otll- cct.s , will to-day patrol Hltto Island avenue from I.envett stici-t to Western avenue , and permit no orowds to congieguto. llesldes ibis protection , Mr , McCotmlck has In his soivlc'j twenty-three armed private watch men. Business firms , mnnufactmers and lumboi- inen in tlio dlstuct said their fcais ot Inccn- diaiy flies \\eio greater to-dny than over , ow ing to last night's desperate woik by the dy- iiamiteif. They say tlio hope that tlie few Poles and Jioliemlans ownlnit their own iiomes In that section would save the rest was useless , because such owneis were hope lessly In tliu minority. It Is furthermore be lieved that tlieio aie cuouch men xvilling to goto woik to stint nil to its full capacity e\eiv factoiy and workshop in the distiict , wete it not Hint tiicy aiedctened from doing so by leais of violence at the hands ot tlio so cialists. At Nineteenth and Klsk streets , in the li ( > soci.illotie section , an ugly teni- peicd mo1) ) tilts morning toie down and wreaked their \cngeanco on n police patiol liox. No box Is now left In that dtsti let. Tlio lioteis nio inery bad temper since last night's work , and they aio displaying it fieely. This morning A MOM CUMl'I.Kl T.D Till ! WllHCK Of Kosenfold's drm : store , at Klchtccnth stieet and Centie avenue , tlie windows being smashed and tlie iroods thiown into tlie stieet. Itas over this stoio that tlie social ists Imd their secret meetings. Kosciifeld , liadly scaled , galheied up all his valuable pei.sonal cllects , and with his family fled to tlio 1101 th side lor satety. His drug store is now a complct'ireik. . Itoscnteldis stionely antagonistic to the socialists , and lias no sympathy with their Incendiary doctrines. "Tlieieero nineteen of my company of twenty live shot , " said Lieutenant Howler , the six-foot two officer who headed tlio squad into which the bomb was thiown. Ho was slttlnu sin rounded by the uninjuied surviv ors ot his little band at tlie Desplaincs street station. "I never lieaul dynamite explode before and 1 don't want to again. It deaf ened me nnd all tlio men who did not icceive deadly wounds. Tlieio was one company ahead of mine and lour behind us. Wo had just eome to a halt , icady for the next order which would have been a flank movement. The bomb came from close to the speaker's wagon. 1 saw anil heard it coming , but it exploded too quick lor anybody to have done anything witli ft or get out of the way. I was knocked do\vn by the explosion , but not wounded. It was "a terrible time. I can tell you. They had everything cut and dried. " LUAUEIIS llltl.U FOIt MUllDiil. At 8:45 p. m. the coionci's juiy letnrned a vcidiet hqlding Spies , Fielding , and their pals to the grand jury without bail. When the findinc was read in the city clerk's office It was loudly applauded by the anxious spec- tatois. Tlie pnsoncis had been returned to the cells in the oasemcnt. They will be taken to the county jail to-night. Some sen sational evidence was given at the Inquest. "I made scaicli of the Arbciter Xeitung of fice " Olllcer Maittn Marks testified.'On a shelf in tlio recess ot Spies' piivatoioom t louml a bundle maikcd Adams Kxnress com pany. Tills bag conlained a lot ot saw dust , sand and ultra-glycerine. It looked exactly the same as what we found on Desplaincs stieet alter the bomb exploited last night , only it was not so hard. " The witness described the ellect of the explosion upon some rocks nn- dcincath which It was placed. 1'iamnents of thobouldeis ivciocanied away an immense distance. "Most of the stuff , " said the ot- licor , "Is stored in the vault , and one of our men , who is an expeit , says thcio Is enough In It to ni.owui' THIS nim.mxo. " Tlio coroner moved uneasily In his scat and ttio witness signed his deposition. The powder In the bomb found to-day was what Is known as "giant powder. " This in its oidinary form is brown- paper mixed with nltioghceilnc , but in tills case It was mixed with sand. Tlio effect ol this Is to ntako the \Yonuds Inflicted by It far moro ghastly and ugly than tlio wound would be If itas caused by an explosion of It in Its original form. A sisiun OK Auou&r srins. canto to the Central station to-day , and after consulorabln talking Lieutenant Kepley elicited liom her the confession that n thiid brother , who vns in last ni ht's affray , was lying dangerously ill at his home , It Is thought that lie will die. Mis. A. U. PaiSons ( negro ) the wife , of the fugitive anarchist , was arrestcn this after noon and was looked up at tlie Cential sta tions She wiis pie.sent tills mm nlng when thuolllecis undo the laid on the Xcltung building , but thn ollleers did not then wish to airest nor. They had planned to shadow her hoping that she would make some ap pointment with her husband , so that tlie lat ter could bo captmed. A siscnivr ri.or nmonc the Bohemian aimichlsls In tlie south- westein section of the city to Mail Incendiary flies in the lumber distiict to-night was ID- vc.dcd to the police by a man in the employ of tlio detectives late this altornoon. Thn plot Includes preparations to cut tlio | u > sa of the mo department and disable the machinery \\lienthuvicspondtoalarms. The prepaia- tlons of the pollfronio ample to copn with the Incendiaries. An extra tire tu ; : will bo sent up tlm river and tlm dtvlctill ! be carefully patioliod. The police at thn ftliiman hticet station are on tlio alcit , ard any attempt on Ihopaitof the ineendhuics will meet with snmmu ! ) dealing. Affairs in Detail , CHICAGO , May 5. T'ho oxcltoment of Jim general populace is very Intense , growing out the mu-jsacio p'nmifld ' and ran led out by a small band'of annichlsts and their blind fol- lo\\eislast night. Thoclty ismttwaidly\ory quiet. In the street cars findutovpjy poinl of gathering In the rltv the ovonli ; of last night aie being snrloiHy dlsuu.vied. The lanjo and conservative element in the popu lation , It is proper to say , Ins iieuT seriously contemplated that an outbreak of such serious piopoitions nnd ntioelouschoj.ictcr could be meditated bv any tlasa In the com munity. The words heard on every side this morning nio of utter nnd nhhorrunt condemnation - nation of the assault uindo on the police. The occunences of Mor.dny and last nlglit urn ascilbiid In the public mind to the teach ings and icceut ullfcvance.s principally ol thiee mon August Sulcs , X It. Parsons and Samuel Fielding , the speakers of last night. They Imd been pointed out by noaily tvciy paper In the cliy dining iuit font da ) sand ! ! . ( traIe culmination on Dts ; > ! alnessiiiilonly ! appeared tqrmphasUo the&e wainlngs. Uhcir urrost has becu re peatedly demanded. WHEN TIIK mtiNo moAN : LAST NIOIIT I'm tons was the only man seen tube rec ognized. Ho was in a liquor store , on the coiner of Desplaincs and Lake street ? . The socialists'headquarters \\ithlnl50feet of the point \\licru the- deadly bomb yvis thrown the rutik * of the pollvc , The liilus ut ho police came from tbo same direction , and t Is surmised that the criminals obtained their guns and made the socialist hall the rendezvous , and from whciico they proceed ed to make their assault , They wore conceal ed behind boxes and barrels on the sidewalk , evellugthelr gnus nnd tiring during the con fusion following the explosion of ho bomb. Parsons was seen In the place accompanied by his negro Wife for only n moment and then disappear ed with other anarchists. The police searched for the tlneo men nil night , but 'did not succeed In finding them. A lltllo after 8 o'clock this moinlng nil thrco were found in n cloo loom In tlto office of the Arboitor-Xel- tnng newspaper , at 107 Fifth avenue. They wcio In consultation when the ofllccrs came upon them. They exhibited alarm , but made no resistance. They were taken quietly to thn central police station a block away , and up to 0 o'clock the public had not been made aware of thoiraiicst They are kept closely guarded and no oun Is permitted to see them. His not known what , If any , charges have been made against them , and what is the ex act policy tlm city authorities Intend to pur sue. They hau' in evidence against Spies his utmided but Inllammntoiy utterances In his newspaper , In which ho has within tlio past few days urged dynamlta warfare against tlio police nnd all roKitlaily constituted authori ties. His ditcut connection and that of his companions in the events of the past few days appears very clear. Mayor Hat i Ison reasserts - assorts liis ability TO riiKsr.nvu AUSOI.UTK ITACI : In Chicago without outside aid. He argues that the occineiiec of lust nlclit could not bo foreseen and \\nsunparol el led even In Am erican history. Tlie entiio police torce Is on duty to-day nnd Its members arc appaiently In lirst class condition. While their duties have boon arduous , tlio fact that tlio depart ment is equipped \\lth numerous patrol wagons , they nave been able to leach scenes of dboulcr without the fatigue consentient unon a sliictly marching body. The police nro nccoidcd by the ontno picss the most unstinted piaiso tor their discretion , bravery nnd excel lent discipline. The only published criticism upon the mayor wns in Ins not foiblddlng the assemblage last nlglit nnd similar other ones dm Ing the piccedlngthrccor four years. Thus far to-day no piochunntlon has been is sued forbidding nil futitio gatherings , but it is assumed by the piessthls will and for some time any assemblings by tlio red Hug advo cates. ANOTIIKII aiir.AT STIIIKT : was inaugurated this morning. Seventeen bundled men cmplovcd in tlio Deerlng Har vester works stopped without notice or warn ing of any character and without making any demand. Whether they have been In lluenced by the recent liotous events directed against woikingmen icmalning at their posts Is not known. The nianageis of the winks asked for police piotcctlon. Tlio woiks are located in a aistilct largely popu lated bv foieign speaking people. The inilioad situation was further complicated this moining by thn stiike ot all freight handlers on the Lake Shoie load. The switch men of the same road also decided not to hiindln any tieiehteais loaded by any pui- son other than Milkers. ANOTllii : ( OPTItllKAK. About 9 o'clock tills moining a crowd of ! ! ,0i0 persons made nn assault on a ding stoio belonging to Samuel itoscnfeld. "Tear down " "kill Rosen fold he's the place , they yelled , , a police sny , " and pther like oxpiesblons. The mob had the idea that the druggist was giving Ihe police tips through his telephone. A wagon load of police was soon on the scene and conveyed Kosunfcld and his family to the station , leaving a guard in the vicinity. ANOTlIHIl Cl'H OAOKI ) . Sam Fielding , tlio rabid annichist and companion ot August Spies , is under arrest. He it was who siioko tlie last woids to the mob last night. Ho was found this moining and safely ca' cd at the Central station. Fielding was sullering from a gun shot wound In tlio Ie . A WALKOUT AT PULLMAN : . Three thousand men employed in the great car shops at Pullman went out this morning , lolning the thousand who quit yesterday. A ilg mass meeting was held at nine o'clock. Resolutions weie adopted condemning tlio liotous action of socialists , declaring they had no sympathy with that element or its methods , and counseling quite and good order. THE POI.TCK rnnPAiinn. Chiel-of-Police Ebersold said this morning that the police foico was amply able to deal with this trouble without outside assistance. Tlio sheriff has not yet been called on. Both First and Second regiments and First cav alry and batteiy D aio icady to turn out at short notice. Hetwcen tlneo and four bun dled Spiinglield rifles have been given out tea a special guaid of police. Fveiy man on the force Is mined with two 44-callbroievolveis. The mayoi has bjen in consultation nil tlm mm nlng with the ollleers of tlie city law de- paitment and prominent citizens. Various city aiders me nioparing ) o take action ic- gnrdlngtho minderoiis occuncnces of last night. Tim ANAllCIIIST CONSinACY. Tlio police aie lapidlv collecting evidence against tlio chief conspirators among anarch ists. They sonichcd Spies' ollice tills morn ing and found absolute pioot ot tlio inflam ing clicnlnrs mentioned In these dispatches headed : "Revenge ! Woikingmen to Anns I" and on another headed "Attention , Woiking- nicn , " were found witli tlio form in type. These weio taken possession of and locked up at tlio central station as evidence that Spies and Schwab direeily incited riot and bloodshed. Anarchist Paisons has not been captuicd as first icported. Ha Is still hiding. Schawb was mistaken for him vvli ° n the first auests weio made. Inspector Honlield mided Zcpp's hall , cor ner of Lake and Desplaincs streets , this morning. Hero were found a lot ot muskets , red Hag * and Ceiman books expounding the socialistic doctrines. Nearly 310,000 has alreadyjbcen subset ibed on 'change for families of wounded and dead officers. CAPTUIIJ ! OP DYNAMITE. Sliortly after noon the police made another raid on the office of the "Arbelter Xeituug. " They arrested a man In the olllco who , upon being 83nichcd produced a large revolver and dhlc. Ho was placed under aiiost. In the ofllco was dlscoveied snveial boxes of dyna- mltn and a number of red flags and Inceiidl- aiy banners. They vvoio all seized. KAIIUNd ST01IUS. A mob of six to eight thousand persons 10- assomblcd near the coiner of Klghtcenth stieet and Center avenue at noon and raided Rothschild's diy goods store , cairying away everything poitablu in the stoie. Then then inldcd a liquor stoio In tliu vi elnity kept by n man named Woiskof , carrying away or drinking liquor. Women and childlun joined in this laid. The polica letuined to the scene and succeeded In dlspeising tlio mob. The stitkcrs at Deerlng Reaper woiks held n meeting on the pinhlo near the factoiy at 1C o'clock tills foionoon. They demanded eight hourb woik , ten houis pay , double pay lor ovcitlmo nnd twenty per cent advance lor piece woik. It Is learned that Schwab , one of the men now under auest , addiessed the strikers last nlcht , niging dynamite. The freight handleis Intended making a parade to-day , but Issued orders counter ? mantling it. They also adopted resolutions condemning the anaichlsts and tcndeilng their services , If needed , to preserve tlm public peace. It has filially been decided by tlio mayor to Issue a proclamation , Tha document will call on all people to Keep oft Ihosticeth alter diuk , and will warn people not to cathcr in crowds on the streets or in vacant lots. PltlNTKIlS AIIRAIONKD. Tnenty-livo printers nnes.tcd In the Ar- bolter-XtMtung building were amtigncd bo- foio Justice Mcech , charged with murder , and the cases continued until May H , bail being lefused. The dynamite , found In the Arboiter-Xeltung office this morning , vyas ai noon to-day taken to the lake front and ex ploded. A piece the size of a lien's egg was placed In a coupl ing link nnd exploded. The heavy Iron was shattered into line bits. T'ho mayor vvithscvcinl detectives visited tlie A i belter Zeltiuig ofllco and held a consultation with Oscar Nclbe , employed to get out the paper. The mayor told him the paper would not be Issued until Inspected by Mr. Hand , whom he would sent for that purpose. Nlebo promised that nothing ot an inflam matory nature should appear In the paper , lictoro the p\uer wns issued , a raid was made and tucnty u prlnteis arrested. An Inquest upon the body of Police Olllcer John Diegan , killed last night , began at the city clerk's ofllco this morning. It Is thoujhi evidence will result In an Indictment of Spies nnd other anarchists for minder. 2:30p. : -Thecity remains quiet up tp this hour , The railway companies lia\e BUS talned no molestation of any kind , and with the exception of I-aKoi bhoro are moving about all freight ottering. I'OMCE llAIDS. Inspector Bonnold'raided M West Lake street about 1 o'clock. This Is the notorious resort for socialists. One of the rooms was occupied by the freight handlers. The police cleared the place , . . . The police raided the establishment kept by C. 11. Blssell , 115 South Clark street , this af ternoon , carrying away ninety guns and re volvers. It Is declared HIssolI has been sup plying the socialists with guns. The Northwestern road has arranged to re sume operations to-morrow with a full force of men , Tiir.iKitmnD POLICE. Fourty-fonr mounted ollleers and mon are at the county hospital. Olllcer Dloznu is tlio only ono dead amone the Injnied officers. The announcement of tlio death of Officers Barrett and llanscn were wiongly reported. At two o'clock Ofilccr Ilar- ictt was icpoited dying and there appears to bo little hope ot saving the lives of Officers Miller and Jacob llrnsen , Nelson Hnnscn and Ucddcn. Tlmicnmlnlng twen ty-four olllccis in the county hospital vvnids all have a show of recovery , but some are ex- ticmely low. _ Impaneling a Coroner's Jury , ca CIIICAOO , May 5. Another outbicak at the corner ol Eighteenth stieet nnd Centra av- cnuoocctiricdnbout 5 p. m. Crowds lined the sidewalks for several blocks , but weio be ing kept In motion as much as possible. Suddenly n bottle wns huiledfrom the vicini ty of a ding store at several nollcc who wcio situated on an opposite corner. The ofllccrs Immediately diew their revolvers and ( lied. The mob scatteicd In every direction. Whether anyone was seriously Injuicd or notlt was Impossible to ascsitain. The In quest over tlio remains of Police Ollicer Dlegan , who was murdered by the atiaicliist mob last night , was conclude..atSMO ! o'clock this evening. Chris Spies and Michael Schwab , two of the prisoners , made state ments in their own behalf which damaged rather than helped them. Schwab admitted that ho did not believe in n personal God. Fieldcn made a statement that was unin teresting and unlmpoitaut August Spies made no statement , and the jury letlrcd. They wcio out half an hour and then atiiced on a verdict recommending that all the ptlsoncis bo hold for murder without bail , and that Parsons bo apprehended and held. WAS IT A 11OMI1 ? One of the policemen who raided the Ar- beitei-Xeltung ofhce , gave some sensational testimony. He said that on a shelf in Spies' private room he found a bundle containing sawdust , s.ind and nitro-irl.vceiine. It looked exactly thn same as that which tlicy found on Ieplnines > street nfter the explosion last night , only it wns not so haul. Witness de- sciibed the effect of tliu explosion upon some rocks underneath which it was placed , fiag- mentsot boulders' were carried away an im mense distance. Most ot the stuff , concluded the officer , Is stored In n vault , and one'of our men , who is nn expeit. says there is enough of it to blow up tlie building. Mrs. A. K. Parsons , wife of the fugitive nnaichist , was arrested this nfteinoon nnd wns locked up at Central station. She was present tins moining when the ollleers made n laid on Iho Aibelfer-Zoltung building , but the officers did not then wish to her. They had planned to , shadow her , hoping that shn would make some appointment with her husband , so that'the latter could bo cap tured. ' i MOIIE EXl'LOSrVJM FOU.VD. Lain 111 the nfteinoon. the ollleers burst open the private desk ofxPnrsons at his place ot business , and .in doing so found that the drawcis contalaed a largo quantity of- powder , luse ahd' ether 'explosives. ' Ono of the cxplbslvus/ ? brass cartiidgc , of tlio kind thatIs used in heavy blasting , was six inches long and ono and n halt incites in diameter , and was full of giant powder'with fuse attached toady tor light ing. Parsons had not been caught up to tlie time of vviltine. Scarcli was made lor him at his home , but ho was not found. His mul atto wife told the police that her husband was so well hid that tlieio was no danger of his being found. PLOT TO DISAIII.E FIUKMHX. A secret plot among Bohemian anarchists m the southwestern uccilon ot the city to start incendiary fires In the lumber district to-night , was revealed to the police by n man In the employ ot the detectives late this after noon. Tlio plan Included pieparations to cut the hose ot the fiio department and dis able their machinery when they responded to the alarm. The preparations of the police are ample to cope with incondlailes. An ex- tia lire tug will bo sent up the river and tlio distiict will be carefully patrolled. The police at Pinman stieet aie on the alert , and any attempt on the pait of the Iiicendlailcs will meet with summary dealing. I'UIII.IO APPHOVAL OP TIIK AltlinSTS. El The indignation and concern ot the gen eral public respecting tlie atrocious occur- laiices of hist night have been no wise les sened as the day passed. The prompt action of the authorities In ar resting thrco ot the chief conspirators , and in accumulating evidence w hich it is believed will fix a great crlmo upon them , has called forth unstinted praise. All oulinaiy places of business aie open , but theie is an almost entire cessation in all oidtnaiytiansactions of business. Men are discussing the event in all Its scilous aspects. Major Haiiison has been assured by nil clnsses of citi/.cns of their detciinitiation to aid him in every pos sible way. OPINION OP MINlSTEHWASlinUUNE. Hon. K. B , Wnslibtirne , ex-minister to France , remaiked that ho had not known dining the carnage enacted by the commune In Pans , so utterly cowardly and atiocious a minder as lhat of last night. If tlieio Is any law to reach the perpetiators and instigntois of the nlTair , it is now positive that eel tain death avvalts them. P1IOCLAMAT1ON JIV MAYOIl HAHIIISOX. Mayor Hanison tills nfleinoon , niter con sulting with his department olhceis , pub lished the follow Ing pioclamatlon : Whereas , Uieat excitement exists among the people of t'als good city , growing out ot labor troubles , vv hlch excitement Is Intensified by open defiance of the guardian's peace bv a body of lawless men , under puitcnse of aid inghibpilng men , but who aio ically en- avorlnt to desnoy all laws. rVnd , Whereas , Last nlitht , thpso mon , by the jusnof weapons novtn iesoitid ; to In clvf- ll/.ed lands , except in times of war or for revolutionary ptn poses , caused itreat blood shed among the citizens and ofllceis ot tlio municipality who weio .simply in the per- lornmiico of their duty. And.Whereas , Tho. city authorities propose to protect life and pioporty nt all tin/aids , and In doing so will bu .compelled U bieak up all unlawful and dangerous gatlieilngs. And Whereas , Even' when mon pi arioso to meet for lawful tmrposcs , bad men will at tempt to mingle with them , aimed with cow ardly missiles , for tlio purpose of bilnging about bloodshed , thus eudaugcilng innocent persons. " 1 ' Therefore. I , Carter JI. Hanlson , Mayor ot tlie city of OhIcaKoldotHejebr proclaim that tlio gatherings ot people In crowds or proces sions on sheets and public places of tlm city , are dangerous , undi .cannot bo permit- led , and orders liavo been issiibd to prevent all suchcashorlnu's , and to break' up and idlsnerse all ciowds. Topiovcnt Injury to Innocent persons , I nrgo all law abiding ixjoyjo to quietly attend to their own ntudis nnd pot meet In crowds. It police order any gatherings to ilispeise and they bo not obflyod , all persons so dlso- hex ing are to bo treated as uvv hi takers and will surely Incur the penalty of their diso bedience. I further assure the good people of Chlcairo that I believe the police can piotect their lives and propcity nnd Iho good name of Chicago , -and will do so. CAIITKB II. HAIUUSON. Conductora Won't Strike ; CHICAGO , May 5. At an informal meet ing of conductors from Chicago division , No. 1 , Stanchtleld division , No. 41 , Uelknap division , ' No { 00 , nnd Hovver City division , No. 113. Order of Hallway Conductors , held at If5 Dearborn street to-day , the following preamble and resolutions weie adopted : In view of the fact tlmt a largo number ot people In this city aio engaged In a stiike ayainst their employers , niid will not work themselves nor allow others to d.o so , nml t.iat the several lines of railway onyhlcji Wo me employed ba\e their business and property endangered thereby , therejoro bo It Uesolved , That we , ns members of the order of railway conductors , whoso principles are directly opposed to strikes , desire - sire to place ourselves and our organization In n tmo light before the public. And bo It further Kcsolved , Tlmt wo , as nn organization , stand ready at nil times to further the best Interests of our employers , and to that end will use our best endeavors to protect their propcity entrusted to our care , and by all available means to dissuade others Irom aiding and abetting In acts of lawless ness and riot. THE CHICAGO PKESS. Its Volco Rained In Condemnation or Tuesday's Illot. CinoAao , May / > . The following are some of the comments of the Chicago papers : The Evening Journal says : There can bo but one sentiment among all classes In view of the outrage and crime last nlglit. Hhoit , sharp and decisive mcnsmcs must bo dlicctcd against the mob whatever It gathers. The most pressing need is for an adequate force of United States troops who ha\o been taught to shoot and who shoot to kill. This revolt ngninst Amcilean law and civlll/.allon should bacuishcd without dclnv and withoutmcicy. The Dally , News says : Let thcvo men who defiantly boast of their law lessness , bo made to fed the full penalty ot a long outraged law. Their crime appeals moio despicable In view ot their own peisoiial eowaidlco after having involved theli dupes in tumble . Let there be no teinpoii/.lng with their followers should any ol them attempt a continuation of last night's lawlessness. Let there be no firing In the nlr. In such times leniency to ward lawlessness IsuU Injniy totlielnw-abld- liur. liur.Tho The Mall says : The ruffians , Parsons and Soles , and the other rntlian , Fieldun , should bo made to leel the chastisement of an In sulted and outraged people. Not one ot the leading anaichlsts , not one of the whelps who has helped to bring down upon us the condition ot tctrorlsm w hlch eveiy where pre vails in Chicago , should bo treated with leniency or consideration. Stamp out the In famous set. Tlie Inter-Ocean says : Thooccuireiices of last nlglit show how far the ngitatois of Spies' and Poisons' school aiepicpared togo. Tlio rcsoit of piolossional lioters to such methods calls for Immediate action on the pait of the citizens. The nuthoilllcs nio doing all that ino nuthoiltles can do , but something more is needed. Strikes and strikers ntc lost sight of now ; tlieio can bo no difleiences between employer and em ploye when It comes to condemnation of such outrages as that ot hist night. The la- boi ing men must disentangle themselves fiom the circumstances that have been thiown ibottt them by the anarchists and socialists. They are less than men If they will penult Ihemsolvcs to bo used in any way to foiwaul the schemes of the enemies of society and government. SHOOTING A POUOI2MAN. Oniccr Mnildon Follows n Suplcious Character , and llccclvcs His Death Wound. CmcAcioMay5. A lioniblo outcome of the excitement lesultlng liom last night's ilots occurred this evening shortly after 0 o'clock. Two officers had boon stationed on Dcs- plaines stieet viaduct near Ihe Chicago , Mil waukee & St. Paul freight yards , to piovent crowds fiom gatliciing and Idlers from cny- inz men at woik In the place of the stiiking fieight handlers. The ollicers noticed two imrticulaily suspicious looking individuals slowly cioss the viaduct and enter a saloon on DCsplanes street near Cairoll av- enuo. OlUcer- Michael Madden , of Desplnines street station who was somewhat closer to the saloon than the othertvvo policemen - mon , was given the signal to keep his oycs on the ugly pair that had attracted attention. At tills moment niuvolvcr wns thrust Irom Ihe saloon door by one ot the men and a shot filed into the street in the dhectlon ot the olllccis. Policeman .Madden stepped biiskly to the saloon door and at once grappled with the man who had the revolver , while two other olllccis hurried to Ills aid. Inthescuf- llo the man with the levolvcr picsscd the mur/Io ot his weapon to Madden's bieast and fired. Madden teclcd but steadying himsclt almost instantly brought his own revolver Into pioxlmlty with his assailant's head and pulled the trigger. Madden and his piisoncr , locked in each others arms , reeled to the floor , just as of ficers Daley and Harnett , i mining , reached the saloon. Tlio companion of Madden's as sailant had vanished , lioth Madden and Ids prisoner were taken lo the county hospital. Doctors say that the man wns somewhat under tlio influence of liquor and the result ot his Injury cannot yet bo told. A paper found on his pci son shows that his name is John Loelfelliaidt , of Englewood. Ofllccr Madden's wound is uioital. A TALK WITH SPIES. Jmu-8 in His Opinion Are Crim inal to tlio Furthnriiuco of Social Growth. CHICAGO , May 5. In an interview to night August Spies , in a cell at tlio cential station , claims that hn attended hist evening's meeting reluctantly , nnd went moro to calm the crowd titan with any oilier intention. Said ho : "I consider tlio throwing of that bomb a most iiiational proceeding. It should not have been done under Iho circumstances. I have no objection to the use of dynamite. People have at lived at a certain state vvlieio they will do all kinds of violence. We have pie- dlcted these things to come. They vvno n necessity. Yes , I Imvo advocated In my speeches the use ol foice. " "Aro yon In favor of killing police with dynnmitoV" wns asked. "Well , Hint all depends on If yon have an enemy you must kill him ! 1 look upon police as icpicscntntlvcs of the capitalistic class. As a class the police do something which , in my opinion , is antagon istic to the wclfaio ot society , and thbiefoie , they must bo removed. " "You do not caio lor laws , cither , Mr. Spies ? " "lam opposed to the present laws ; Iain op posed to nil fa ws ; I consider them Inimical lo the iuithuinnco of social giowtli. " "Do you consider the woik of Tuesday night a victoiyV" 'W > ; ltwns disgusting ; n meio unorgan ised outbreak. " "Now Unit yon aio In this place , do you con sider yoilrself a inaityr ? " "Of course , what else would you call ItV" ie nl led Spies with a foiccd laugh. Then he added : "No I nm no maityr we tuo all chlldicn ol clicumstaiices. " Spies was appaieittly disinclined to talk much fuithcr , liutbuloio the suggested that the dynamite found in tlio Aibultcr Xeitint ; ofllco was possibly put there by tliu police. Fiolctcn was also seen and talked much in the same stiain , Funds for tlio Wounded. CHICAGO , May 5. The iuudiniscd for po licemen wounded by last night's bomb throwing amounts to-night toifcST.OOO. Of tills , about gl'-.OOO w'as contilbnted by mem bers of the boaid of tiado , 510,750 by rail- toads centeilng In Chicago , and tlio balance by pilvato Individuals. Wholesale gioceis araalsoiaislngaa laigo fund 10 bo tinned over to-mono w , and so far none ol them have contiibntcd less than S100 each. A PliqailNENTOITigBX DEAD. Legislator nnd Historian About to Kujoy a Trip , When Strlok- cii In Doatli. MATTOOX , 111. , May 5. To-day Hon. O , B. Ficklino died at his homo In Charleston , of paralysis of the brain. Ho was stiicken down on Sunday , and only lemnlned con scions for a few minutes. Ho was born li Kentucky , In the year 1803. Ho was admitted to the bar of Illinois and commenced practlc Ing at Mount Carmol. In 1630. iror six yeais and up to Ib43ho had servcil in the lower house of the Illinois legislature. Ho was elected to congress In ISl'J and was re-elected In ISM 1&4Q and IbSO. hince his ictiicment frou public lite ho had devoted himself to writing tl.o early history ot Illinois. At the time o his death ho and Mr. Washburne , of Illinois wemananglng tornn extended trip to- the jlUt settled towns and counties lu the uorlh em party f the state. . . . , . . . BLOODSHED IN MILWAUKEE Polish Socialists Pirod On bj tlio Militia With Fearful Results- THE SOLDIERS SHOOT TO KILL. Repented Warnings Disregarded The llloters , Crying Out to Kill tlio Mllltln nnd Hurn the Mills Are Quickly Dispersed. Poles Peppered \Vlth Cold bond. MII.WATJKIH : , WIs. , Mny fi 9 n. in. He- ) orl8 fiom liny View say that tlio mllltla I red on tlio mob tills morning. Tha mob Is unrchlng towards the Allls woiks , which tnrloil under military piotectlnu this morn- ng. The llcht horse smiiidron Is on the way o the Allls works. A laigo gathering of loclalistslsroported atthoMllwaukuo garden , rite police nro on their way to tlio spot. 0:80 : a. in. A mob of socialists assembled it thoMllwnukeo gardens tarted lor Host's nowcry. Three companies ot Infantry , a platoon of cavahy nnd n platoon ot police mo on the wity to Intetcept tliom. 0.10 : a. in , An eye-witness of the shooting at Hay View tills moinlnc says that two men vcie killed outright , two mortally wounded , ind a number of others slightly mitt. The collision occiinoil at Deer Cteek bildgo , close o the village ot Hay View. FIVi : 1.1VKS LOST. Latest repoits fiom Hay View show a much noio seilous condition of alfalis than hrM cportcd. A crowd of stilkcis coiiimencud o lonn at 8X : ! ) and matched towaids the nllls. Six military companies marched out of the grounds mid stationed In trout of the vvoiks itndas the croud approached , paying 10 attention to the outers to halt , n voilov of mlluts was pouted Into the crowd. The lotus beat a hasty letroat Then It was found that live lives had been lost anil several > orsons wounded. A schoolboy was among Jioso killed. A laige crowd of socialists ns- icmblcdat Milwaukee gatdcn , ineiuiliiR to airy out the piogtaiiimeol riot nnd destine- ion. A platoon ot sixty policemen and tlneo nfaiitty companies were dispatched thi-ie uid denied the promises. The mob then 10- nssembled aniLpiocecdcd to Best's biewery , ind word hits just been received at the mill ; ary headquarters that a disturbance took lace there , in which It became necossaiy to csort to thing and two pcivins were killed Noon The iiimor that two men had been silled at Host's bioworv was louml to be nitrite. The list of killed and wounded ut Uav View i ns follows : l-'llANX - KUNKIEL , killed. MICHAEL HUHOLISKI , killed. Tlio wounded me : MAurix . ) A.vuoYi\ : . Hey named NowAcmric. CASIMI-.K Dri > iiv. : ALIIKIIT UKI.IAXN : , mil two or thrco otltcH dangciously tvnnnded. The. linn ; : of militia resulted in lisperslng Ihu mob. The Polish rloteis 10- : uincd to the city and proceeded to sack the icsldence of Captain Hoorchaids , of the [ \oscinslto en uds. Tlie residence is a com plete wreck. The Poles then assembled lear tlio Polish church. It is rumoied they ieoided to at m thcinsclvct > and make a raid on the militia at Hay View mills thir after noon. Later Details of tlio Riot. MII.WAUKKI : , May r . \0 p. m. By 0:30 : o'clock this morning 400 Poles assembled learthc laige Polish chinch in the southcin .section of the city , each bearing a huge club , in hon barpr some other implement of vyai- , , aie. Tlie liimi iormed Into line and pro ceeded in tlmdlicctlon.ot Hay View , raising he ciy as they went : "Kill the militia and nun the mills. " Major Traumer oidcred our companies under his command from Inside the rolllnir mills' enelos- ire wheio they tiad" been In camp during the night and stationed them In tlte jest position to check the advancing mob. Major Trauemer oidered them to stop , ma gave ttieni fair warning that to ulvanco meant ccitnin death. The crowd ignored the caution and prebsed toward the bridge. Major Traumer had orders to keep any ciowd item nppioaching the mills , and to lire upon them as a last resort , it tlio older could not otherwise be enforced. SIX COMl'ANIUS KMl'lY 1IIK111 OUNf. Accoidiugly , when no attention had been given to the second wainini : , ho gave ordeis to 11 ic. Asncailyas could bo learned hix companies emptied their guns with steady aim Into the throng. Seeing sovcial ot their number tall , wounded or killed , the mob therw themselves Jlat on the ground , and sought tlio sholtcr ot the railroad embank ment. The level ot South Hay sheet and Lincoln avenue was also sought by fiantlc men , who tumbled headlong into tlio water. There was every cvldencu on the suiiound- ing objects to show that the militia Imdlhed low and with Intent to kill as one of them expicssed it. TheieaiiltoC tlio hist volley having had such a salutoty cltect , the militia companies stacked their aims , and pot tions of the united mob icturncd to the scene of the tingedy. A squad of police also put in an anppai.inco and be an to as sist tlio wounded. Homo ol the latter were taken to neighboring saloons and dosed with whisky , after which inoy wcie convejed to their homes. LIST OK 'llli : KU.I.El ) AND WOUXDCT ) . The kill'-d and wounded aio : MICHAEL UUOHOLSKI , laborer , shot thiouuh thobieast. Expired shoitly alicr- vvaid. Kit AM X KUNKEL , aged 0) ) years , shot through the lieait bv a stiay bullet while feeding his chickens In his y.ud. JOHANN MASSEKA , ( hiboicr. ) shot tinough the bowels , the ball going thiough liim. He died In uicat agony , MAHTIN JAXKOWIAK , ( lubr.rer . , ) shot through chest , ball entoiliig In iiont nnd passing out in i ear. Ai.miur AIII.KANX , sliot through the nbdo- mcn , and cannot live. OASIIMIU Di'uuic , shot in left cheek and nun , halt Ids lower jaw cniried awaj by two bullets , not expected to liu' . KiiAXK NOWAT.SAK , aged in , school hey , shot Hidcways through the abdomen by stitiy bulletcannot live. JOHN Osi.v.sKi , shot In light i houliler. Not serious. Kiti ; ( ioi.TtUKCU , shot thiough both thighs , not dungeions. TliuoKoltuiuoiit tliioiu-hotit the fourteenth (1'olMi ( ) , ward icached a high pitch , and thtoats of vengeance nioheaid on eu-iy cor ner. KnoU > ol men nto seen gesticulating aiiddlFcusslngtlm tiagedy. All am Indig nant over they tcim the unuiovokcd murder of their countrymen. Illi : OIJIIMANHTAKH A HAND. In tint we.stein poition of tlio city the ( ! cr- man socialists caused the police and millti.v loncrvo at the aimoiy a Kicnt amount of double. Thieo times they hnvn been called to tlio Milwaukee garden , 200 stiong , to dis- peiso a ciowd ot 2,000 or mote httikers and womllbls. Two leaders ( socialists ) have been attested , and Governor Husk will remain on the Held with tin ) suite militia until all trouble Is ended and quiet ro- stoicd. His action was endorsed ut a lnro ; meetlngof business men this afternoon. Tlio U , P. Krnkttiiien'a Strike. CJUIYKNNI : , Wyo. , May fl. [ Special Tele gram. J The stiike by the biakomcn is In fctntuoquo. The men went out at Noitli Platte to-day. Fifty big men from Chicago , going thiough to Luramie City on the train this evening , weiobnorn In by United States Marshal Cnrr as deputies. They state thuy are going to gitatd piopuitv along thii road but It is suspicioned tluty will net as hrakumcn and try to muvw tialns to-motiow. Nino-tenths ot the people ot Lninmle City aio railroad men and lhcn'may ( bu tionble. All isqu'.ct ' at this point. One bundled moil big men arc coming to-monow night , and It Is stated tialns will bo i iin if it is neecbtai } to call on the military to do so. ILoxlo's Terms tt > tlio Striker ; * . Sr. Loins , Mo. , May 5. Jlcneial Manager Hoxloof the Mlsbouil 1'adiic iniluay sent Instructions to Supciintendent Kcnigan to guide him In dealing % \lth nppIcatlons ! for woik by the late bUilters. Jl quotes as t part ot these tustiuctloiiR the wording ot ad veitlscmcnt3 lor- help publUluM dining the \\hlcU the couipnuy ui.dvilalius no o ask any questions of applicants as to vhethcror not they arc monibcrs of anj' abor orgonliatlon , agreclntr that the rates ot vagcs reocotncnded by the governors ot Missouri and Kansas In adjustment , or the rates of March , 1&5 , equal to that paid by ilhor roads In the same section of the conn- ry. Kerrigan is Instuicted that men who mvo been encaged during tlio strike arc not obo dlscluugcd ; that the men vho hnvo committed acts ol vlolonre , orlio have ad vised such acts , are not to bo taken , such hay- ng already been announced as the company's erms. _ The Hesolvo of Fttrnlturo Mftkcrs. NEW Vonic , March 5. The FurnlturoMan- ifacturcrs' association of Now York and vicinity passed the following : KcsoJmf , That tlm mcmbors of this asso ciation tun their factories on a basis of ten tours as a day's work , from MomUy , the 10th list. , and Hint if the employes of any man- tfaeturor beloiiglni ; to this association shall Mi Ike by reason of this rule , \vo plcdgo ourselves - selves \ > e will , ono and all , close our lactor- es and remain closed till tlio matter Is ad- listed. A committee on atbltration was appointed- liljclit llonrn in Hoston. UOSTO.V , May fi. About twohunilrcd tailors icte nio on a stilkc. Their employers have oiganlred "The Uoston Clotlilni ; Mnnufae- uicrs1 association.Tlio sttlkcis assert that ho association has been tiyln ? to get a nun ndontedto pievcnt stiikes by a ot irbltratlon , Intending to keep ( ill nrgotla- ions until the dull season set In and then Mint down altogether. To-day nliio moio Inns of the muster luintci < signed the ncrco- ncnt pic.sented by tliiil/JOQatilktiigpainters. Powderly's VlftoroiiH Dciiiinciati.ti. ScitANioN' , Pa. , Mny 5. Cencial ! Master Workman Povulorly vlcoiously denounced he Chlcasro anarchists nnd their desperate woik. Ho added Ills tlio duty of eveiy or ganization ot woiklngmcn in Amcilca to con temn the outrages committed In Chicago In ho name of labor , and said If any knights lave taken pait in the murdcioits pircccd- ngs icpoitud tlioy sltould bo piomptly ex- lelled fiom the outer. No Moro Unlawful Mcctin&H. CIIICAOO , May --Tho coioner's jury recommended that the conslltuted authori ties in the future stilctlyentorco the statute iHohlblting ilicholdlngot unhivvlul meetings. The WhcolH AVIilrltUK Acnln. INDIANAPOLIS , May 5. The Woodburn Satven Wheel company lesumed woik this 11101 nlng , 500 of tliu old employes icpottlng lei duty. DKNOUNO1NO HOME HULE. Flcrec Denunciation by Conservatives of tlto GliidstonPtirnell Policy. LONDON , May 5. A collective note signed ly ) Knglaud , Germany , Austria , Ilussla and Italy was piesentcd to Giceeo to-day. Tlio note states that while tlio poweis icco nizo the fiicndiy intervention of Fiance tlioy must icqulio tome moie precise nssiii-anco that Greece will dis.iiin. Fiance added Hint unless the demands of the powers weio piomptly acceded to the slgneis will withdiaw their ministers liom Athens. The dukeot Noilollc presided at a eoii'-eivativo meeting this evening , at SI. James' hall , to nirninst the homo-iulo policy ot Glad stone. The attendance was large. The duke admitted that licland had In the past been misgoverned bv England , but contended now that tlio Irish peasants enjoyed tlie best position of any of hjs class in the vvoild. Addresses denunclnry ot the measure vvoio madeby Viscount Cianbrook , liurgn iiiam- vvell ( prominent liberal ) , Sir Michael Hicks- Benchand ViicouiitCiatibioolr. These trantio- men were apitoluted a.conunittee to to patllainaiil a petition ugalnst giantlng homo lulu to Iiclnml. llcaolntlons weie unani mously adopted denouncing In sluing Icims the policy of lilsh home rule as fatal to the integilty of tlio emphc , and callina on all loyal subjects to co-operate for the defeat of the iiicusuie. Natives , Set Flro to Mnndnlay. LONDON , May 5 , A dispatch liomBurinah states that the insurgents liavo taken posses sion of Mandalay nnd destioyed by the 4,000 houses. The Chinese nnd Siamese ba/nnis wcio binned. The British ofTiccistelcgiaphcd Loid Diifleiln thin they ate powerless to pre vent rioting , and ask for loinUucemcnts. ti OF A HUGE WALL. Fourteen Injured Workmen Tnlccil Fiom thn KuliiH Not Less Thau Four Men Killed. ST. PAUL , May 5. About 3 o'clock this afteinoon one of the walls of the liiacicelt block , Minneapolis , to which an addition was being made , foil out and Into the base ment which was being excavated , and bury ing a dozen or moio woikmcn. A icsciiliiK paity , under the lendcishlp ot Mayor Ames , immediately set to woikand up to this hour , 10 j ) . m. , lour killed and ten wounded men have been taken out. Two of tlio dead are unknown , and the other two aio named J. Council nnd John Jnnish. Tlio latter loaves n wife and six chihlien. 11 is fcaied that one or two morn bodies will bo found by moining. All the wounded will lecovcr. , , Woikmcn wcio engaged taking out tlie Ihe wall to build ad dition. They Imd no permit from tlio city to icinovo the hie wall , and tlie city inspcctou says that improper suppmts and too iiiucli weight of building matci ial on the loof and ( loots caused tliu catastiophe. ' The aichltcct and the owner of tnu building coincide in this view , and the loimcr.says tlmt tiio men also excavated dlicctly under the line of wooden snppoits and used a battcilng tain to rumovo tlm wall. Fntal Wreck on tlio Alton lload. PIKIN. : Ills. , May fi. The last fielght tialn on the Chicago & Alton , liom Chicago to Kansas City bioko In two a mila south of Delator at 2:30 : tills moining. The speed of tlie ( list section slackened nnd when the other caiscamo up they knocked tlucijcnis with lumber down an embankment llihty feet deep. Four unknown men weio lu the wieck tenlbly mangled. A caid waa found on one witli thcnnmoof L. 11. Gan non , On another w as a scrap of paper bear ing the uddicss of John \Yoolf \ , 1UM Thirty- liist stiei't , Ohicigo , Kioin Ihe two who es caped it vvsio teamed that a ciowd of ten stdited liom Chicago ; that four got oil nt liloomlnglun , two were lu n box cai and tlio othei llnee wore In the lumber car and weio ciushcd to dentil by the tlmbeis. The acci dent delated all tmlns until 11 o'clock. Twelve cars nio ruined and will have to bo burned. The brakesman Jumped off nnd < saved hl.s life. The engineer wns a new man nnd did not know the piade. Ill Health oI'Diivid Davis. INDIANAPOLIS , May 5. Tlio Journal's Bloomington , III. , special conesnoudont re- poifa that I ! o friends ot ov-Vico Picsldt-nt David Davis utoalarmod over tliu condition of bin health. His general health has not been good lor some tlmo pnbt , nnd tlio pics- enl alttim Is caused by the nppcaiancd on his loft shoulder joint ol n huge caibnnno which , it 1 $ tciiicd , wlllcndnngcrlils life. IJiiliealtliy Arlchluu Water. NKVV "Votiic , May fi. The health hoard has concluded nn nnnly/e ot the uitcMan well water used to wash down beef in the Chicago cage slnuglitciliig houses of .Swift & Co. and Aimour .t Co. It has deckled it unlit for contact with food. Denver & Hlo r ; ran do to Tto Bold , Dr.\vin : , Col. , May B. At the instance of the liist moitgngc bondholdeis of the Denver 8 tt ItioOinndo railway Judge llnllett , in the United States clicult couit , to-day , ( iitcied final di cicn for foicclosuio nnd , sale of tl'O.t ' toad on July 12. > Upholding I'urucll and Gladstone. PQIIII.AMJ , Oicgon , May 5. The demo/ ciatic state convention ndopted a lesolullorj In sympathy with ( ilndsloneand I'jirnell nud wishing them Uod speed lu seeming hem | rno ! foi Iiclniul.