G THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; .WEDNESDAY MAY , 5 , 188G. THE DATLY BEE. COUNCilTBLUFFS I , WEDNESDAY MORNING MAY 5. OFFICE , NO. 12 , PEARL STREET. Ccllvcrctl liy currier In nny pnrtof the city nt tn inly cents per week. II. W. TH.TO.V , - - - Manager. Tl'.Mn'HONBSi Ilt ; i > EP OFFICE , No. W. NIOIIT r.niTOii. Ko. 81. MINUlt MENTION. New spring goods nt Roller's. Wntor Oolors client ) nt Cooper & Aic- Gee's. Sn u money by buying Refrigerators of Cooper & Motion. The nx-hnnillc factory lias stopped tompornrlly , having ran out of timturlnl. The Omulin Mcdicnl tind Surgic.il in stitute is to opun nn olllco here , nt No. 231 Uroiuhviiy. J. S. Stemberg nnd John Hell were booked yesterday as plain drunks. Don't fail to attend the grand Mny opening nt ! isoman's 1'eoplo's ' store tins evening. Elscinan's Mny opening will bu tlio grandest allair ot the season. Don't full to cnll this evening. Permission to outer wedlock was given yesterday to John J. Lar.son nnd Kntlu A. Ronan , both of this city. Several trumps were ycstordny gnth- ere l In by Hit ! police. Tim fellows were imiting about depots nnd railwny yards. D W. Archer , of the Council KltHls Canning fnctory , has leased the former residence of 1. A , Miller , No. 1)05 ) Second avenue. The now machinery of the i > ncr ] ) mill is being put in plncn and the establish ment so remodelled that it is practically u new mill. Being in the hnnds of ex perienced men thu enterprise cannot but prove n successful one. Judging from the great preparations made by Eiseinnn's People's store , their opening , which commences this evening nnd lasts for tlnvo nights , cannot help but be the grandest event of the .season. Fred.V. . Newbonld , of Uitflalo , N. Y. . Hon-lii-law of Mrs. E. W. Dennett , of Lovchmd , died yesterday noon. Ho came hero n week ago for his health , being very feeblo. The funeral will beheld held in Missouri Valley to-day. Grand Mny opening for three evenings , commencing at 7 : ! 0 this evening , at JUso- man's People's store. No goods will bo sold during the opening hours , from 7tO : ! to 10:30 : o'clock. A cordial invitation is extended to the public to attend. II. Elscman & Co. In the district court the the Phoenix In surance company of lirooklyn , has com menced action against A. Guns and D. Maltby for $112. Gnus was the agent of the company at this point , and the other defendant wiuon Ids bond. It is claimed that Gnns failed to pay over Iho moneys collected as premiums , nnd tins suit is brought to secure the balance due from this source. The Hind's City hose team is planning to go to the state tournament nnd to bring buck some of the best prizes. The Rescue steamer. which is nn almost sure winner , will also bo taken to the tournament which is to bo held in Juno , and there is recood prospect for Council Bluffs to win honors in several of the contests on the programme. An cilbrt is to bo made to secure the next tournament for Council Binds. It js about this city's turn to be again favored. It is understood that some of the citi zens are determined tltnt Council Hind's shall have stock yards for the accommo dation of the business which naturally would come hero , nnd which should have fiomo chance here. Air. J. J. Brown the other day wont to Omaha and ottered $5,000 for the old slock yards , but was informed that tlioy could not bo bought. Some of these lively Council BluHitcs will mnke n stir in some other direction , with out doubt , if the present stock yards uro not kept running ns they should. They linvo nn unshaken belief that Council Ulull's has great advantages as a stock shipping point , and they want it main tained. Personal Paragraphs. Architect Mann , of St. Joseph , is in the city lookingafterthonow courthouse. B. Shouts , the ox-jailor , who has ouencd up , in the agricultural machinery business , in Correctionvillo , Iowa , is in the city on a brief visit to his family , who have nut removed from hero yet. For the month of May the Mueller music company will , with every pur chase of GCc , give a ticket in the drawing for a line music box costing $25. Go to Heard for loom mouldings. Holslcr polls the best 5c and lOc cigars in the market. No. 403 Broadway. at Avocn. Henry Cranchalk's ( a farmer living about two miles northeast of Avoca ) barn was struck by lightning last night bet - t woe u 13 and 1 o'clock , burning it en tirely , also two cows , one horse and n sot of Jiarncss. The barn js said to bo in sured for $150. The live stock carried eonio insurance but it Is not stated how much. Dr. A. P. Hnnchctt has taken rooms in Mr. Hazard's residence , No , 700 First avenue , for the summer. Oflico still at : No. 12 Pearl street. Hours 10 to 13 a. Bi. , 3 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. in. A Mlmlon Illnzo. ' Karly yesterday morning Nicholas 1 Piper , of Minden , Iowa , on leaving his , house to care for his horses discovered bis barn had during the night burned to the grcund. In the barn wore four horses and about 400 bushels of corn , all of which wore destroyed. It Is supposed that lightning , about ! i o'clock yesterday tnqrning , struck the barn and sot lire to It : It was located some live or six rods from his house. The loss is between WOO and $1,000 being partly covered by Insurance. The horses were insured for Hoard has an Intmonso stock bf wall paper nnd room mouldings which must be turned into cash , so down go the prices k it Board's. > Thu recent Hood in the south has beg gared tvAIucon.Ga. , citizen , whoso wealth , some $700 , which ho kept in a hole In the ground was carried oil' by tno raging , wHtiirs. [ Substantial abstracts of titles und rea ( wtato loans. J. W. & K. L. Squire , 10 Ltoarl street , Council BlnlTs. The little parish of St. John the Bap- ! list. Louisiana , has contributed $220 to , ' Iho widow of General Hancock , The [ parislj recently contributed'$1,800 for a [ locul charity. lr ) McLeotl , oculist and mirist , No. \KH \ Broadway , Council Blntrs. > Go to Beard for low prices. Go to Beard for wall paper. , , . .Room MoultHnus Largest assortment r.sVnd lowest prices ut Beard's Wall Paper _ . . . . . us go to Chnrie Heislor's and got a cigar , No. 403 Broadway. c 800 the now'Mlkado gloves atllarkncss fp * ' . Just out , UoUlcr don't handle any''buidc'1 ' cigars. THE COUNTY'S ' GOOD CREDIT , It Oausna Lively Bidding for the Ocrart House Bonds , THE NEW CANNING FACTORY. A .Jewelry Thief Cniifiht Prepara tions for Decoration Jny Too Much Water on I'cnrl Street I-'Iro nt 311 mien. . . County Honda. The county board met yesterday to open the bids for the county bonds , to bo "old for the purpose of building the court louse. The bids were moro numerous , and were moro favorable than was ex pected. The supervisors were made Imp- jy over their success In disposing of the muds , nnd the practical tribute paid to thn credit ot Pottawattamlo county. The successful bidders were Codln & Stanton - ton , of Now York. The bonds amount to $120,000. divided into three series of $10,00. ) each , one scries with eight years , thu ne.\t nine years , the next ten years. Collin & Stanton offered to pay n total premium of $2,2:10 : , if Interest was fixed atH per cent ; or ? COTI ! premium on the whole amount , with interest at fi per cent. The former bid was considered the more favorable , and was accepted. The premium paid brings the interest down to1 } per cent. Air. Stanton , one of the linn , wiispiesuntin person , and ar ranged the details of thu contract , taking i.r)0 , < )00 ) of the bonds nt once , $10,000 nuxt fall , and the balance onu year from now , giving security to take the bonds at thu time named and lor thu price offered. There were numerous other bidders. Among them was vl. T. Stewart , of this city , who od'crcd to take them at par , in terest to bo 4 } percent. Lcmpuck Bros. & Co. , of Cleveland , of fered a premium of J of 1 per cent on thu bonds , if they bore 5 per cent in terest. James Oliver , of South Bond , IniL , of fered 2 per cent premium on the bonds , interest to bo fi per Cent. C. 11. Vonnor & Co. . of Boston , oll'ered to nay ? f.Ol 10-100 for 5 per cent bonds. * ook & Co. , of DCS luoines , oll'ered 0 per cent premium on the first two series , the bonds to bear -13 per cent interest ; the long time bonds to draw 0 per cent interest , on which they offered to uay n premium of141. . Preston & Co..of Chicago.oil'crcd $2,508 premium , the bonds to bear 5 per cent Interest. N. W. Harris & Co. , of Chicago , $ n38 premium , bonds to bear -1 } per cent in terest , semi-annnul. S. A. Kunn & Co. , Chicago , premium ? ; t,180 , , bonds to bear 5 per cent interest. Leonard & .Tewott refrigerators at low prices at Cooper & AlcGeo's. The New Canning Factory. The now enterprise , known as the Council Blull's Canning company , is rapIdly - Idly getting its arrangements completed for having a stirring and successful season. The company has already con tracted for all its material for canning tomatoes , corn , etc. The amount already contracted for amounts to 1)00 ) acres. Fourteen carloads of tin cans have been ordered. The machinery is arriving , and it is expected that steam will Do on by the first of July , and that work will begin by the first of August. The farm ers in this vicinity arc taking hold of the enterprise with more enthusiasm than was even expected. The company has contracted with L. A. Caspar for nearly $1,000 worth of tomato plants. The canned goods from this factory will be sold over ti wide extent of territory , reaching from Ohio to California. This canning factory will be tlio largest west of Baltimore. The capacity will be 120- 000 cases , or 2,800,000 cans. In shipping 500 cases can bo put in a car. Fro'ii those figures some little idea may bo iniined of the extent of the enterprise. The buijd- ings iirb in course of erection on the site selected , corner of Tenth avenue and Twelfth street. The basement of the main building is completed , and the work is now progressing on the bupcrstruoture. This building is to be 48x120 Icct , three stories and basement. Another building , SlOx'.H ' ) , is two stories and basement. The second story contains room for twelve car loads of cans. The main building is to be made tire- proof. The Northwestern railway has n sidetrack , and the B. & M. , in Ne braska , also wants to rim in a sidetrack for the accommodation ot the western shipments. The odicursof the-company are S. Haas , president ; George F. Keelino. treasurer ; D. W. Archer , secretary nnd manager. L. Hammer , E. L Shngart , J. P. Weaver and J. J. Brown are also largely interested. Air. Archer his : had a long and varied experience , in this busi ness , and is thoroughly familiar with all the details , so that the management will be a vise and successful one , beyond question. Ho is interested in a largo canning factory in Chilllcothe , 111. , with his brothers , and is also manager of the canning factory at Atlantic. The plant here is thu most expensive and extensive of all , nnd the buildings will cost bo- twocn f.10,000 and $35,000. A few such enterprises will set thjs city into a boom. Go to the N. Y. P. Co. for . GARDEN HOSE. THEY WAKKANT ALL TIIBY SF.LL. Opera House Block. The best lawn mower in thu market ia the "Philadelphia , " sold by Cooper & AIcGco. A Jewelry Sneak. A few days ago a sneak thief entered the residence of Air. McVengh , in Oma ha , and took a gold watch tmd chain , und a gold neck chain. The lo.sor placed in the hands of t.o ! police and second hand dealers here a description of the stolen jewelry , and the other night u young man sought to secure a loan at Air. Gold stein's , on a chain which answered the description of one stolen , Airs. Gold stein slipped out , and Iclophoucd Mar shal Guanella , who soon entered the store , and being in citizens' clothing , was not suspected by the fellow , who wont right along with his negotiations , The chief of police and Olliccr Beswick soon arrived , and tlio follow was nicely nabbed , Hu insisted that the chain was given to him bv his wife , and ho gave his numo as Boyd , Ho was held , and yesterday Air. AIoYoagh came over hero und fully iden tified the chain. Unrecognized the fel low , too , as one he had accidentally mot In Omaha , and with whom ho had a cas ual acquaintance. The fellow claimed that he was drunk when ho took the jew elry , and that ho had been drunk over since. He said lie could not toll what ho had done with the watch and neck chain , and could not remumbor anything about soiling them. It is Icarued that ho sold the watch for eight dollars to a man liv ing out of the city a short distance , The value of all the still ) taken amounts to about $100. Preparations arc being made to tuko him buck to Omaha to bo tried there , 1 sell the celebrated Twin Burner gaso line stove. That double burner beats Uiem all. A 4-burner same price as n 8- burner ; a il-burnur same price us n 2- burner. W * A. Wood , 001 IVIaiu. Tlio Dny AVe JJccorntc. The following nrriingcnicnts ln\vo been mrule for ( ho conihiR observance of Decoration Day : All posts of the G. A. H. In western Iowa nro invited to participate with us as posts , us far as possible , and all old soldiers , wliotlicr members of posts or not. arc cordially invited. All tlio civic societies in tlic city arc invited to participate us organizations as far as pos sible. Tlio following arn the committees ap pointed at tlio meeting of tlio general committee on preparation for .Memorial Day services : 1-inanco Comrade J. M. Phillips , of Abe Lincoln post ; Comrade Metcalf. of Ilunry Osbornu post , Hon. J. W. Chap man. Speakers J. 11. llcctl , of Abe Lincoln ; U. W. Higlit , of Henry Osbornc , and J. J. Steadinan , On motion of Comrade Limit the fol lowing were appointed committee on ( lowers : First Ward Mrs. L. A. Casper , chair man ; Mrs. II. CoHt'un , Mrs. I5eo. A. Keo- line , Mrs. U. C. llnblmrd , Mrs. ,1. L. Foreman , Mrs. John Hone , Mrs. .lames Wiekham , Mrs. Gilbert Lttwler. Mrs. S. J. Abbott. Second Ward Mrs. George Coanda , chairman ; Mrs. G , A. Chain ) ) , Mrs. S. S. Keller , Miss Atla Fox , MrH. Theodore Gnit- tar. Mrs O'Neill , Mrs. Frank Grass , Mrs. Litla Warfnl , Miss Mamie Simpson , Miss Kmma Fox. . . . . , . .jii.iuu. iin i'ijivAirim , itiin , iy 11. vji.n i\ | Mrs. John T. Stewart , Mrs. John Hail' thorn , Mrs Mossier , Mrs. S. liiseinun. Fourth Ward Mrs. J.U. Atkins , chair man ; Mrs. J. J. lirown , Mrs Owen Wiekham , Airs. O. M. Brown , Mrs. J. H. Rockwell. Mrs. Dr. Stillman , Mrs Gco. 1'helps , Airs. Dr. AlcKnne , Airs. Dr. Mucrnu , Airs. T. J. Jloskay , Mrs. S. Couch. Instrumental AInsic Comrade F. A. Sackelt of Abu Lincoln , Comrade Henry Collin of Henry Osbornc , nnd James Uaird of the Sons of Veterans. Vocal Aluslo-r. AI. Troynor , Ed Spoonor , L. W. Ttilley. Martial AInsic Wall McFadden of Abe Lincoln post. Invitations Comrade Sackett , of Abe Lincoln , Adjutant Holmes of Henry Os- bore , anil Al. Sears of Sons of Veterans. Graves Wallace AloFadden , Abe Lin coln Post. Platforms Ed Brooks of Abe Lincoln Post , Adjutant Holmes of Henry Osbornu Post , and Einil Schnrz , Sons of Veterans , Divine Service Hev. AlcCreary , Rev. Alackay , Rev. Cooley , Rev. Bates , Rev. Crofts and Rev. Father AIcAlenomy. The committos then adjourned to meet in the ante room of Grand Army hull on Thursday evening , the Cth inst. GARDEN HOSE , WARRANTED GOOD 1-lc per foot , 18oper foot , 21c per foot. HOSE NO//2LES , Of all styles. IIosKllKnr.s L.YW.vSi'uiXKi.r.iis , Etc.Etc NEW YORK PLUMBING COMPANY Opera House Block. O" \Vntcr on I'cnrl Street. There has been some trouble caused by water in basements on Pearl street , south of First avenue. Yesterday the steamers were employed pumping out the water from Casudy's buildinir , but the work was not very satisfactory. The water hccmed to come in about as fast as it was pumped out. It seems that when the .sower was laid along Pearl street , the ground was not sufficiently tamped down , so that it amounted in fact to the digging of n ditch to be left open for the water to run down , and not linding any outlet it soaks through into the adjacent basements. The city has to keep filling in dirt from time to time , even now the recent ram has caused the surface to settle down , making bad holes. Those who have ex amined the condition of the street , ox- pro.ss the opinion that the contractors should have been made to have tamped tlio dirt in more sjlidly , .so as to prevent all this trouble. A great deal of the pub lic work done here lias been done under the inspection of men who seem to have let the contractors do as they pleased , as evidenced by the tc.st of time. If the city only profits by these experiences , good and well. rircnkinc Up An Auction. For about two months past there has been running on Broadway an auction store , stocked with cheap jewelry and no tions. I. Colin and G. Al. Levi seemed to be the men in charge. Yesterday they got into some wrangle about their ac counts. Colin got out an attachment on the goods , and while he was trying to got tin ! goods Levi run the goods out of the alley door anil delivered them to A. Goldstein , claiming that he had sold them to Goldblein. Colin then had Levi ar rested , and threats of Colin's arrest next followed. There was u hot season for about an hour , and goods , constables and auctioneers were badly mixed up. Notice. Uids will be received by the school board of Council Blull's until the 5th of Alay. 1880 , for lowering tlio high school building at so much per foot. 1'ho build ing to bo lowered forty feet more or less. The board to reserve the right to reject any and all bids , Bv order School Board. FROHlSe COUNCIL BLUFFS DAILYGLol M. A.Mol'iko , editor of the Cnmbrla ( Ebens- Inirir , Pa. ) FrnLMiiun , hits buen the purtonnl friend of the editor of the ( Helm lor more tliiui twenty jenM , und In known wheievor hu IB Known , us onu of the best men livingHo Is also nnlntlniatolrlondot'Mr. Clnrk of the Nonpiuril. Ho hiu liccn uiUortunntu In the fnct thnt Ills Iniiilly wiiariiviiifcd with diphtheria , nnd uriontly distressed. Mr. Chirk Inuliiif huard ot IIHCII- liunlly Mint him sumo of Dr. Jolfcrios' Dipli- thnrlii Cure , It wns use I nt once , and the lives of the ioH of lilychlldroii saved , l.otlois Iroin MrMcl'iknnro unbounded In tholr etprcssloin of Knitltuc'ro for llmllnir boinu IIIOIIIB of uvcrt- IIIK tliulosjcif his whole Bioup of little und tun- ilcronoi , Flvoof Mr. McI'lku'R childro I out of oliflit died fiom diphtheria bofora ho luid an < > i > - jioitunlty of nsiiiK Dr. Jeirurlos' rcinody. Dr. Jclferlcs' dlpthorm mcdlclnolslufnlllhloln ull kinds of sore I hi oat. E Dyspepsia ! Dyspepsia J Dyspeptic , why live In misery , mid dlo In dls- jmlr with cnnccrof thoMoninch 1 Dr. TliomaH Jotrerlcs eiiies every case of inlircstlon nnd constipation lu u very Blunt flmo. Rcstofiof- eri'nces Kivon. Dyspfpsia is the cause of ninety per cent of nil diseased conditions , Price f for two wockj treatment. During- the last six yenr > thcro has not boon dcntu from Dlplithorln In nny case wheio Dlt. THOMAS JKFKKIUKS' I'liEVENTlVU and CUIIK wna used. It has been tlio means of EIW- Ing tlioupaiuis of lives nnd might linvo saved hundreds of thousands moro , Indlspcnslblo In putrid sere tin oat , in malignant Rlarlet fever , chmiRlnir it In It hours to the rImplo form. In- fnlllblo euro for nil Intiaiiinintory , Ulcerntive , I'utrld , Cancerous Ulccrntlou of the Womb and nil Catanhnl conditions. Prlco $ J. Full printed Instructions how to use the medi cine Eont with It , Xo doctor required , DR. JEFFER/ES' REMEDIES Can only bo obtained nt his Ofllce , No.SJ 8. Khfhth bt. . Council IJlulft , Iowa , Or sent by Express on ( tocelnt of Price. DRESSMAKING ( UV TIIK TAYLOR SYSTEM. ) MBS. L. SIMMONS , JVo. ; tl4 Itr < ia l\vuy. , MltS. BMI.MpNS for iv number of years was hciul cutter with Jordan .V Mmsh , Uoiton.tUO it suit bouso lu Messrs. llnrkncss Bro < j. will ( his day plnco on sale the below ciuuncrntcd articles besides numerous others at prices ( hat will siu-prise everybody , They arc f ' CenuineBargains Towels. Titlics , Splashers , Handker chiefs , Japanese Fans , Hatchets , Bas kets , Porlcmoiiimics , Vaccs ; I'latcs , Card nud Fruit Baskets , Tin I'lalcs , Doll Babies , Pie Plates , Wash Pans , Crumb Pans and Brushes , Dish Pans , Milk Pails , Work Basket , Glass Dishes , Comb Hacks , Pockctliooks , Feather Fans , Hosiery , Macrame Cord , Flour SIHers , Hat Hacks , Ilainnicrslnpaneso Screens , Collar Buttons , Murilaffc , Marbles , Blank Books , Turkish Towels , Scrub bing' Brushes. Coal Shovels , Baby Bibs , Wooden Spoons , Hair Crimpers , Koll- incr 1'ins , Transparent. Slates , Atrato Buttons , Collars , Jewelry , Kstubrook's Slccl l cns , Lace Collars , Spool Cotton , Baby Rattles , Hair Nets , Clothes Lines , Table Salts , Base Bulls , Match Safes of all kinds , Glass Cups , Tin Dippers , Tin Buckets , Mosaic Mutch Holders , Sauce Pans , Looking Glasses , Perfumery , Castile Soap , Shoes Blacking , Moat Forks' , Toilet Soaps , Stove Blacking , Wall Pockets , Harmonicas , Boxes of Slate Pencils , Willow Baskets , Black ing Hi-ashes , Pearl Buttons , Silver Thimbles , Frying Pans , Rick-rack Braid , Table Outlcry , Combination Russian Leather Toilet Sets , Pins , Laces , ami every article you can think of. All to be on sale to-day. Every body go and get a chance to select early us the stock is all new ami where Bargains for Sc WORTH /5c / and $1,00 $ , i Arc to be found , they itlo not last ' O long. , < No. 401 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , ' IOWA. DKAI.KUS IJTf I 11 ! * . DRY GOODS ; "Etc. , Etc. HOTEL. O den House Kutcs on nnd allcr Buy I t will be S2.0O and 32.5O Per Day , Kvcoptliijf iront jmrJor looms. Dny Itoiu-d , 3 5 Per Month. 11. BIM.OIV.VV , I'ron. M OIK DuitVEA , Mnnnfcr. ( Council ONLY HOTEL In Council Bluffs having Fire Esoa/p © And all modern Improvements , call bo'a , flro alarm bolls , etc. , istbo CJRJESTON HOUSE ! NOB.215 , SIT and 219. Main Street , MAX'JIOHN , Proprloto B. RICE , M. D. or ether tumors removed wlihoilt the knife or drawlnsrof blood. CHROMIC DISEASES or an wu)8. ) Over thirty ycnra1 pract.onl ernorloiua. No.ll Pciirl Struct , Coum II llluffi. IVCONSULTATIO.N KllCJ. Locking Bracket for Fences AND OTIinit HA1IA HOD3 , ETC. FENCES BUILT WITHOUT HAILS. Any pnrt rendlly tnkon out or replace I. For picket or mil fences , Iron or wood , cannot bo excelled - celled for railing of nny sort. 1'or particulars wrlto C. J. IIECKMAN , Inventor. Council lllutfd. Stnlo and county rights for enlo. STEAM DYE WORKS MRS.C.L.GILLETTE'S ' HAIR GOODS STORE No29. Main St. , Council BlufTs , Opo , Postoflice. TBOB. OFFICER , M , F. F. I't'SBY orncsR & FUSE ? , BANKER COUNCIL BLUFfS , JpWA , Estubllshod 1857. Jj M'l RINK LIVER ? STABLE. FJrel-cliiss Accoinino.lutlonH In-Kvurythlnir I'or- tnlnlns to the UWAr/'fiiiBlnosa. Finest Landausiithe City i / FOR LADIES'.VI8ITINO. Donrdlng n spcclulty. Telephone 178. FIELD & COLE , Props. PEARL STfiEET RIKK STABLE. L. W. TOI.I.EVB , Pros. T. J. EVANS , Vlco-1'res. JAMES N , JlnowNCushion National Bank 102 MAIN STREET , Capital. , $100,000 Authorized Capital 360,000 Stockholders Represent..1,000,000 Do a general banking businosi Accounts of bunk * , bankers , merchants , man ufacturers nnd Individuals received on fuvprv- t > Io terms. Domestic und fmclgu ejiclianjo. The very best of nttentlon trlrcn to all bmi ness couiiulttud to ourcarv. WHOLESALE AND JOBBING X-SOTJSOSS OF COUNCIL BLUFFS. WholoMlo Agricultural Implements , _ Cnrrlnpos , Kto , Kto. Council IllnlTs , town. KEYSTONE MANUFACTURING CO Cora Sellers , Stalk Callers , Dlf cllnrrowfi , Seeders , Corn Planters , Koocl Cut ters , Hta. Fnctory , llock Pulls , 111 * . Nos. lEOI.mi , 1S03 , tW7 Mnln St. , Cotlliell IlliirM. IA V1I > HUADIiKV tte CO. , Mnmtf'rsnn 1 Job'ierj of Agricultural Implements.Wagons . , Buggies , Carriage" , mid nil klnU of Knrm M.io'ilnarr. 11UU to lllu South Mnln Street , Counsll IIUlDTj , lowo. AXK HAXDMS. r.O. QUURON , T. H.DomiiA ? , GKO.F. Wittnnr. Pres-ATrcas. V.-l'ros.&M'in. Sos.&Cnunsul. Council Bluffs Haadla Factory , ( Incorporntod.l Manufacturers of Axle , 1'lek , Slo.liro nnd Small _ Handles , of every description. _ CAHl'KTS. _ _ COUNCIL BLUFFS CARPET CO. , Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades , Oil Cloths , Ciirtnln Klxturos , Upholstery ( looJa , Kto. No. 495 llroiulwny Council lllulf j , Iowa. ' _ GWAHS , TOHACCO , KTC. _ PKUEGOr & MOOHE , \Vliolcsnlo Jobbers In the Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes. Nos. S3 Mnln nnd 27 I'enrl Sts. , Council llluffs , lown. COJ/.W.S\SK.V. ) _ _ SNYDEIl & LEAMAN , Wholesale Frnit and Produce Commission Merchants. _ Xo. 14 1'oarl St. Council Slu Jd. _ CRAGKKltS. McOLUHG CKACKEIl CO. , Miiniifnctiirors of Fine Crackers , Bisoultj aid CHOCK KllY. MAUREK & CRAIG , Importers&JobbersofCrockery.Glasswars . Lninps , Fruit .Iiu-a , Cutlery , Stonowiiro , liar Goods , Tancy Uoods. 1'Uc. Council Hlults , Iowa. HARLE , HAAS & CO. . Wholesale Druggists , Oils , Paints , Glass , ts' Sundries. lite. No. Sj Mnln St , nnJ Xo. 21 I'eiirl St. , Council HlulTs. nnr aouns. M. E. SMITH & CO. , ypDrtcrs and Jobbers of Dry Goods , Notions. Etc. No . 112 and It I Mnln Ft. , Nos. 113 and ll.i I'cnrl St. . Council lllulls , lo'.rn. O. W. 1UJTTS , Wholesale California Fruits a Specialty General Commlps'on. ' No. 5U llroa hvny , Council Hlutfa. WIKT & DUiUETTE , Wholesnlo Fruits , Confectionery & Fancy Groceries , Nos. 10 niul 18 I'cnrl St. , Council lllulfs. L. KIHSCHT & CO. , Jobbers of Staple and Fancy Groceries. Ale Wholcfiilo T.Upior Donlcra. No. 410 llrond- wny , Council Itlnlfs. P. C. DE VOL , Wholesnlo Hardware , Tinware , Gasoline Stoves , Refrigerators , etc. Nos. 604 Hroadwny , and 10 Main street. Council SESS , KTC. HECKMAN & CO. , Manu'netnrurs of end Wholosala no.ilcrs in Leather Harness Etc. , , Saddlery , . No. KJ Main St. . Council Illn'Jj , Iowa. JIATS , CAPS , ETC. METCALF UHOTIIEUS , Jobbers in Hats , Gaps and Gloves. NOB. 342 and 314 Ilrorxjwuy , Council IllulTi. IIKAVV IJAUDWAHK. JCEEL1NE & FELT , Wholesale Iron , Steel , Halls , Heavy Hardware , And Wood .Stock , Council Itluirs , lown. WOKS AND WOOL. D. il. McDANELD & CO. , Commission Merchants for Sale of Hides , Tulle w'Wool , Pelts , Grt-nso nnd Fur8 Council lllulfs , Iowa. OILS. COUNCIL BLUFFS OIL CO. , Wholesnlo Dealers In Illuminating & Lubricating Oil ; ETO. , ETO. B. Theodore , Agent , Council Illulfs. loivn. H , I'lLIXO , ETC. A. OVERTON & CO , , Hard Wood , Southern Lumbar , Piling , And Ilrldtrp Miilcrlul Siioclaltlr-u.Wholcsulo Lum ber of all Kinds. Ollloo Xo. r Main tit. , Council lIlnllB. Iowa. ll'lNES AKD LIQUUKS. JOHN LINDEK , Wholcsalo > Imported and Domestic Wines & Liquors. Agent for St. Gottliard's Herb IllltPM. No. 13 MulnSt. Council Illulla. SCHNEIDER & BECK , Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors , jVo COJ .Vain St. . Ci.uu Justice of the Peace. OOlco Over American Uxprcss Couinnny. THE MBTEB WHITE IttO CD'S ' , DIAMONO unAsn or STRICTI PURE LBJD , Z11IC AHD OIL Are absolutely pure , as represented. Onu gul- Ion will cover two hundred nnd nfty equuiu feet two coats , nnd will slay on longer than nny other paint manufactured. Fur mile by DKALKU JM DHUUS , I'A J.NXS , Ou.s , Kic. j FIRST CUSS Ml RESPECT IMnlilNlitMl in 1S77. CINCINNATI , OHIO. BUILD OVER FIFTY DIFFERED STYLES , ! 2OOOO Vehicle * Annually. Semi for Catalogue , I'i' Hates niKl Testimonial * . w. : P. HOUSE MOVER AND Uriels li.illclliia nnv klml rnUcd or moved mul sntlsfnctluii cunvnnleiM. l'inine houses moved onLIUleEUitdt trucks tlia licit tn the woflJ. 808 Eighth Avenue and Eighth Shuit , Council BhilTj. a/ n x 226 Broadway , Council Bluffs , KIEL SALE STABLES oat c t r HorfC'j uiul Mules kept constantly on hiinil forsnlont tctull or In cur loii'l ' ? . Ordure iiromilllv llllo.l liy contract on short notice. Stock sold on commission. SIU.UTKH & liOIjGV , Proprietors. Stable Porner Fifth Avc-nuo tuul Fonrtli Si Council Illutfs IDWII. TIMOTHY SEED. I linvo n quantity of round , well clcanoil seed which 1 olTcr at rcnsonnbla iUruri'S. Seed of the crop of 1SSJ. Corrcbpondenco Eollultcd. F. 0. 11UTLFH , Scballcr , lown. C. & N. W. ly. { Omalia Dental Associa'n ' Cor. Kith and Douglas Sis. FIllliiK nt lowest price.iVn \ pold , ellvor nml other combinations Gold pluto nnrt continuous ( iuiu Tcclh a epcclulty. Best Sets of Teetb. , $ © . Former | > rlco ( IS. 1'crfcct lit und best rautcrlul. All ivork uuuruntced. Council Bluffs Office , 231 WIOADWAY , WEST SIDE. Horses and Mules For nil purposes , bought and sold , nt retail and n lots , lartio quantities to select fiom. MASON WISE , llnelt , Near Pacific HouseCounil , Bucs MRS. D. A. BENEDICT HAIR GOODS TO ORDER , 337 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. JACOB SIMS , ATTORNEY AT LAW OOTXNOIlj lu Htntj and Keduial Couits. llouins 7 ami 3 , Snu urt ttlunlc. CUT THIS OUT ! rooi > U.NTII , MAV 15. IlnvlnirmudL extcnUve Improvomcnts nnd InureiiMiJ our llucilillej , we wish to call espcclul atli'iition to the work now being turned out by us. claiming It to bit eyuul to that of any eastern laundry , lu 01 dor to Introduce our nork nutbldo the city of Council IllutTs , wo will upon leeulpt of this ticket , accompanied by lotiirn pottngo , Laundry Six Colloid or Cults FitUU , for ultucr Home Steam Laundry > 1O ' , C'otincll N , 1) ) . Out ot town order * given prompt At tention , Wu jmy return clmiges on nllitork ro ved nhrn Auouinpaolod by o.u'.i lu payuvn { ull uuiuun : . RUSSBLL&Go Manufactiircraof nil siznsot Automatic Engines Especially Doslsnoil for Kiinnlnz MILLS , GRAINiKLKVATORS , AND ELEOT1UO LIGHTS , Tubular and Locomotive Boilers. New Massillon Thruslian. Carey and Woodbury Horse Powers. STATIONARY , SKID , Portable nnd Traction Engines , SAW MILLS , ETC. Factory Massillon , 0. Branch IIouso 510 Pearl St. , Council Blnlfe. SEND FOB 1888 C'liulcv I > isi > ! uy < > l * Latest lat- lerns , All tirades. Council Bluffs 4OS Broetciwcty. A Select Htoek of Choice IVovellles In. SPECIAL NOTICES NOTICE. Speolnl ddvortlsomoiits , suuU ni Lost.Vound , To L34n , i''J' sUlo , To Itoiit , W.l-iti Doardlnsr.eto. will l > o InaortoJ In this column it tholow rate of TBM OK NTS J'Ull LINK for. ID flrstlnsortlon and VIVX CH.Vf3 1'Klt U.Vli for eachKUbiaquont Insertion. Leave alvorlin menteat our olllco , Ko. U 1'curl strout , ua\t Uroadwuy , Council lllulfs. WANTS. FOK SAM : oiiTuioi.uin : < iio. two hoiBt < s , wn on , biiirilinriitsfi , hunow , luigs. CDMS , cnrponlortools , nn linn tiink und liollor , ImrJ- nre , u pool tiihli-.tcnc o juots , lioiibchold j-io 13 , nnd my lionsn nnd let. Kniiulio on iroiiiitc.3. No. 71M Ilion'iwny , Council llluira. FOR BAMJ-Itu.il IMalo In till purls ot the city. I.urifi'it list. .Most B.UOJ. i' . J , Day. No. yj I'onrlBlifot. F ) lt HAf.K-Old iiuiiora. In ( | iinnlltlosto suil ? nt lloo offlco No. 12 1'eurl blrout , Fill BAI.n OH TUAUK-PIOCIC of millinery nntl fancy notions. All now. . Ciooil locu tion. fcnlea * iaoou a yunp. O , lice , Counul ItltilTs , Jowiu SWAKT BROS. , Dealers in ilileh Cows. lit Out Stock Yanb NoC03 nnd GOO K. Kr iul\vnyCouucH IWs r The Highest Market Price For all kinds of second hand kouoehold goods and andSTOVES , M. DuoHircn , OO8 Broadway , Council Blulfs. Cliinu , ( Jhissu'ai'c uml Luinp.s , \V. S. Homer & Co. . No. 33 , Muiu StCouno il'lUtifft , la.