THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY MAY 5 , 1880. BUSINESS AT A STANDSTILL , Speculative Maikeis Lifeless Awaiting the End of tbo Labor Agitation , WHEAT UNSTEADY AND HIGHER. minor Grains nnd I'rnvlKloim Follow the I/cadlug Ccrcnl The Cattle * Market , Weak lint Not Cjuotiibly Ijowcr. CHICAGO GRAIN' MAUKP.T. May 4. [ Special Telegram. | WIIKAT Speculative markets \veio to-day. .Business hascomo to a .iandstll ( ) . Merchants and speculators have set tled down In calmness to await the end of the labor azltatlon. The whole speculative list was firm and prices were a shade better. Trading In wheat was left entirely to scalpers , who extracted what amusement and ptollt they could within U'c limits. .June wheat closed > csterday at JSOc , opened this morning nt fcOJ/c , fell away to Tl > X@7 ; < c , advanced ( o NH'c , sold down to tOo , nnd listlessly swung between Me and hOJ4'c for the last two hours of the long ses sion , theio being protiated waits between changes. There was no piessmo to buy or sell , but whenever the maiket got down to MX ; a disposition to buy manifested ttsclf.and at N.fc ) { < tNlJjC some property came out. MI.NOII ( SnAiSS Corn and oals were like wise dull and linn , nnd buyers had to pay more for proH'ity | than they could have gotten It for yesterday. The advance In both cuiralH was IJS'Vt ( ! . PIIOVIHIONS Holders of provisions were not anxious to do business at the current lates , and ( lie few purchases that were made were on a basis ol hardening values. The consumption demand is icportcd as being light. Arrniixonjf IJo.viin The afternoon mar kets weio steady , with very little clianno In the speculative situation or In quotations. S:40 p. m. Puts on June wheat , bOc ; calls , fcOJj@SO c. _ CliJindlcr-Ilrowii Co.'s ftoport. The following repot t Is furnished by Chandler Urown Co. , of Chicago and Mllwan- Uue : CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. CnicAcio , 31ay 4. [ Special Tolecram.j CATTI.I : There was so milch doubt and un certainty a-i to what would bu the. ontcomu of the labor troubles that there was n very general oral fcelliiK of uneasiness. The business of the day was quite uneven , but on the whole f prices -wcro about the same as on Friday. Several | lo s of 1411 Ib to 1403 Ib cattle sold at sr > ° o@r 10. Some of the bl ? cattle at U the latter price would have sold at S5.7Q within the past ten days. Some corn fed cattle from Texas , soldeat S4.03@ 4.85. Some OS coarse l"4t Ib Kansas Texans sold at S4.7.'i , while 215 head of 1350 Ib Kansas halt breeds sold at S. > 0."i. The icn- market was slow and weak without quotable change. HOOK The market was fairly active with a slight advance that was held from start to llnislL The best heavy sold nt S4.30@.2Ti. | best mlxwl S4.10@4.15 and rough lots at c'3.60 @ .05. , New York Dry Goods Market. Niw : Yoitir. Jlay 4. The dry goods maikct was qnlot. Tlio dullness was more Reneral because of labor troubles. The tone of the market for low and medium grades of cotton shows an improvement. FINANCIAL. New York. May 4. MONEY On rail , easy nt 2 < S3 per cent. 1'lllMi : MCKCANTILU PAPKIl 4) ) @ ' ) per cent. STIIIII.INO KxciiAxnK Quiet but steadv ; actual rates have declined to S4 lor sixty days ; S4.88 for iteiimnd. ( ! oviitXMKXT.s : Dull but steady. STOCKS On more favorable news In the morning napurs stocks opened active and Ktroni ; . The advance was soon checked and prices reacted small fractions , but became firm before noon , and the highest prices of the day were , In some instances , reached at that time. In the afternoon there war another slight decline , but this was also re- cox cred before 'J o'clock , the market in the meantime becoiiilnir quiet , and at times dull , in the last hour there was an Increase In activity and the market showed renewed strength , closing at or near the highest 11'- itrc's of the day. Of the most active stocks only four show a decline , and two remained stationary.STOCKS STOCKS OK WALT. BTHEEf. 8 * cent bonds. . . 0. &H. W 1129 , preferred. . . Nt3\V 48 . . . N.Y. O 1'aclucC'sof "J5. 27j Oieiron Trail. . . 20 Central 1'acllio . 1'acllioMall r > H C.&A IB * r.i ) . &K preferred. , . . 1M l .l' . 0 12B C. , B. & 0 125 ! Hock Island. . . 125 1)L.AW 12- : ; at. L.its. F. . . , 1) . &RG l.r > preferred. . Erie , C. , M. & 8t. 1' . . . . ; Eriepreferred. . . . . Kl preferred. . 110 Illinois SUV. fcO JIS I. , U.&W preferrea Kansas A Texas. oxas LakeShore 77T ( Union I'iicllio. . . 48 U&N JHJ/lW. , HtL. _ tcl' . . Mich. Central. . . . preferred. . . Wo , Tactile IttiH Western Union Nortlieni 1'ae. . . preluneJ. . . wS K STOOIC. Chicago , Mav 4.-Cattlo-lecPlpts { , 4.WX ) ; btionc and TKi lOc higher ; shipping .steers , SI.OO ( 5. < X ) ; IVedt-rs. { jiUO@4.70 ; cows , bulls , and mixed , SiW < ? 4.00 ; bulk , S'.0Xrln.JO ( ! ; through Texas cattle , eotnfi'd , 5j4,00(44.K ( ( ) . Hois Itccidpts , 12.WO ; Ntront : ; nvoraslnic steadier ; tough and inlved , S'l.6'jil.'JO ; Sacking nml shipping , Si.'JO : ( l.v5 ! ; light , : LllO4.20 ; bklps , jfU..VHVji.40. : Shi > ei > Hecelpts , ! i,000 , ; blow nnd 1025o lower ; shorn natives , SJ.OO ( < ? 5.00 , Ht. lAiula. May 4. Cattle Itecolnts. 700 : shipments , 100 ; active nnd llrm ; Hglit and medium bhlppeis lUo higher ; choice hhlpplng and export. S5.1XS5.00 ; common to good ; : biiU-het's steers , ga.60@ 4.05 ; cows and heifers , 82.5Xil4.00 ; Btockeis ami feedtus , sa.'J'XjM.-lO. Hogs Itucolpu , 5,000 ; shipments , 400 ; firm nnd 5o lilgher ; butchers and selected heavy , S4.10 ( < W.20 ; mixed packltif , 53. ( .05 ; light , , , n . City , May 4. Cattle Kecelnls , 1,200 ; shlpmonls , boo ; urtlvu and s@10o high er ; common to fancy , 85.KKg.VKi ; btockers und teedei-s , SU.1MI.20 ; common to good , .005.00 ; cows , C2.MjJ3. ) . ' > 0. llogs-Uecelpts , 8.50J ; slilpnu-nts 3,400 ; steady ; common to choice , g3.COOy.W. CHICAGO PUOUUCE. Clilonuo , JlayI. . Flour Dull and unchanged ; winter wheat , Sl. O.'Sl.lT ; pouthwn , S1.00 ( < J4.05 ; Wisconsin , S4.W ® 4.75 ; Michigan soft sjiilns , 8X70 .00 ; Mliini'iota bakers' , satoJlM.SO ; patents , 84.05 rallied } d and close Ybpvo < @ , U o ves- teulay ; W/oI / ciish atul May ; ' . Corn-Advnuccd : closlns > c abdyo . Osls "itroni ? and a trltlo better than yes- trrday's close ; iKc for cash and May ; 2U # ( iji ; { c for June. Hye-lnll at Olc. JafIcy-.V.c. ! ) Tlinothv-Prime , S1.TO@1.72. KInx-Sl.m. Whisky 51.11. Pork Advanced 557' < c ; closed steady nt .ledlum llsnre.s ; O.O.WftOOi for cash and lay ; SSU2K ! U' for June. Lard Sloidy and unchanged ; S5.Vi@5.87ij } 'or cash and lav ; SVltiUW.1 ; . ! ) " ) for Juno. Hulk MeaJs-Shouhlrr * , SI.10 ; short clear , .VkXaaoo ; short ribs , S.Vi" > . Hiitter-Qiilef , crcnmeiy , 14@IOc ; dairy , 11 Dull ; full cream chcddars , 10 ® ' 'c ; light sklnio , 40c. Hides dii-cn , r > Kc ; heavy green sailed , i'c ; light , Vc ! daniaired , titfc ; bull hulas , ! fc : dry salted. 12 > < fe ; dry Hint , 13@I4c ; call uns. loiSI" c ; deacons NV. Tallow ( tic.iso , whllo country , A , 4) ) c ; , 4c ; yellow , 8) ) < c ; brown .Tc. UecclpU * . Shipments. ' "lour , bbls 12,000 12,000 11,003 IM.OOO torn , on ) ats.bll biOTO 10:1,000 : tye.ou 8.000 4.0X ) Bnrley.bii 23,000 12,000 Now York. May 4. - Wheat Uccelnts , 1,000 ; exports , 03,000 ; snot , linn : options , teady ; No. 2 red , Die elevated , WjQVlliQ .o.b. , , hinu clnslnc atWVc. Cnrn Higher , closing steady ; receipts , S,000 ; e.xpoits. 104OCO ; nnciadc'd. .W6I5MC ; Vo. 3 , 42M43c : No. 2 , cash. ( ( I7J4c ele- ated , 475fc alloat , .Iiiuo closuiir at 40 > fc. O.its-llerelpts , 02.003 ; expoits , 110 ; mixed vestern , : KHi 42c ; while westein , 42 < 34r > ' , < o. . IVtroleiim Steady ; United closeilnt Wfc , Kuirs-Diill and declining ; western , lljfc. I'ork Firm but uulct ; old mess , Sn.2. < ( ; 9 > .M ) . Laid Shadestronier : western steam , spot , -.1T0.2 | ) ' < J : June , S0.210. . Hutter Quiet ; westein , 10 ® 232 ; ElKln reameryto. . Cheesu Steady ; wcUcin , oid13S3. ! Milwaukee , Mav 4. Wlicat StroiiKcr ; ash , Tli p ; June. fcO c , Corn No. 'J , 3t < c. Oats-Quiet ; No. 2 , 20Kc. Uve Lower ; No. I , Oljfc. llarley Nominal. Piovls'.ons ' 1'oik , cash and May , S0.05/ Clnclniintl. May 4. U'heat Nominal ; Vo. 2 , h'it'JOc. ' ) Corn-Quiet ; No. S mixed , no a'S Te , Oats-No. 2 mixed , : ! 2c. Kye No. 2 , fi2 < 3 > TOe. Hiii-loy Kxtra No. 3 , Miring , 55@01c. 1'oik Laid Sr > .7.\ Whlhkv-FlimatSl.lO. MtnncnpoiiR. May 4. Wheat Quiet nit Htoadv ; No. 1 hard , WIJ c cash ; SJo 'line ' ; tuVseJuly ; No , 1 nnithem , TTc cash ; "s'/e ' . .JuiiiNo. ; . 2 northern , cash. Sic. Flour P.itents , S1.304.7. > ; bakers , S3.M ) @ 'itecclpts Wheat , SSOM bu. .Shipments AVheat , 12,000 bu ; flour , 11,000 bbls. ijlvernool , May 4. Wheat In fair de- nand ; No. S winter , steady at 7s 2d ; spring , steady at 7s 3d. Flour Poor demand ; steady at 8s fid. Corn Poor demand for futures ; spot , steady at 4s iKd ; May , June-ami .July , 4s 2d. ToledoMay4 Wheat Steady ; cash , fc5'f ' 5 < 1Wc. Corn Firm ; cash. :175' : < < . O.its Active : cash , JUJfe. St. Lou in. May 4. Wheat Firm and duller ; No. 2 led , cash. bOKc bid. Corn Higher ; No. 2 mixed , cash , 3 . % ® Be. Oats-Stron ; ; ; No. 2 mixed , cash 2'j ' ; 2'J' ' < fe. live Kasler at OOj c bid. Whlsky-Sl.lO. Pork F.asy atS'.ro. ' liard Steady at S5.7.1) . Uuttor Quiet and easy ; choice to fancy creamery , rj < 320a ; choice to taney Uairy , lii ' 18c. AKTKKXOOX BOAIID. Wheat. Ic higher. Corn , Ic higher. Oats unchanged. OMAHA JtaVK STOCK. Tuesday livening , M ay 4. The cattle market was more active to-day and neatly evciylhlng was Mild. Values ic- main steady at yesterday's ( imitations. Quo tations for to-day were : Choice to extra steers , avcraelni ; 1,350 to 1,450 pounds , S4.8ortZ-l..H ) ; good , averaging 1,200 to 1 , : 0'pounds , S4.iX4.70 ) : medium , aver aging 1.200 to l.ioo : pounds , 84.35 ® 1.50 : fat , little steers , 1,000 to 1.150 pounds , S4.00T ( ? 4.50 : good feeders , 900 to 1,050 pounds , 83.05 G3.S5 ; good to choice cows and heifers , averaging 1100 to 1200 , S3.GUff3.7r > ; medlnui , averagim ; 800 to 1000 , S2.75 < S > 3.2o : choice to extra'bulls , averaging 1500 to 2000 , 83.00(3 ( U.25 : common , averaging 1200 to 1500 , S2.50Q 2.75 ; choice to extra stags , S3.00 ( < 3.75. The hog market was 5e to lOc higher and fairly active. The receipts were light. To day's quotations weie : Choice Hglit and There are no sheep on the market and good grades are In demand at 81.00(25.00. ( uucuiprs. Cattle 400 Hogs 700 JUII'lir.SBNTATlVK SAM'.S. WYOMING COUX Kill ) STEintS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 20:1 : t : l S4.75 TJATJVi : STIIKHS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. I'r. 18 11 ! § 4.35 WKSTKItX UAY KKD STiEIIS. : No. Av Pr. No. Av. Pr. 60 11 5 S4.20cows. cows. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 1 13 JO S.M ! ! ) 4 10- S3.bO HTOCKKIIS. No. AV. IT. No. Av. Pr. 17 055 $3.75 $3.75UUM.M. . No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 3 1325 53.25HOOfi. HOOfi. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. O'J 185 3.00 74 213 S.G5 01 224 8.CO 82 201 3.05 SO 2US 4.CO 75 210 3.C5 45 ! ! 00 3.00 fJO 2 ! > 3 3.05 01 2.Vi U.63 72 242 3.07 51 825 3.05 01 281 3.70 of Prices. Showing the highest and lowest prices paid for live stock on this market during the past seven days , with comparative values : niussia : > IIIIK : : AMI sini'ri.vo c.vrri.i ; . 1250Q1450 Dates. Ibs. Monday 84.00 @ 1.5.5 84.2.5 ( S4.75 Tuesday 4.70 ( i ? Wednesday , 3.W > 01.70 4.70 @ 4.80 Thursday . . . 4.W ) ( < f4.55 Friday 4.00 Saturday. . . . , 4.40 4.75 Tuesday. 4.23 4.75 110US. March April Tuesday 03.0 : ) 83.70 < as.tO Wednesday. 3.0.5 @ 3.75 Thursday. , . , 3.70 @ 3.75 Friday. 3.50 3.60 @ 3.00 April. May. Sattnday aes i. S3.50 ( § 3.55 Monday. . 3.55 ® 3.b5 3.55 @ 3.02ii Tuesday. . H.OO ft ; i.70 All sales of stock In tills market are made pcrewt. live weight unless otherwise stated , Dead hogs soil at KI ) per Ib tor all weights , "Skins , " or hogs welching less than 100 Ibs , no value. Pregnant sows are docked 40 Ib * nnd stags bO Ibs. Notes. Cattle market active. Hog market 5@10c higher. U. Ewlng , Exeter , marketed 03 hogs. F. Ki oft , Schnyler , marketed n load of 5 hogs. C. Cusack , North iicml , sold a load o hogs. Jillas & liliss , Schuylcr , sold a load of 4 hogs. 15. A. Bliss. Elkhoru , marketed a load o : cattle. Huckloy & Ross , Stromsbnii ; , marketed load of hogs. John Wiggins , Columbus , disposed of loan of hogs. ( J. W , Shipley , San Antonio , had 4 cars o : horses nt the yards. John /it's. Valley , sold a load of cattle t the packing house. W. K. Smith , St. Paul , sold a load of 82 hogs on the market. Fnuler Itcntou , Council Ultilfs , sold 12 cow son the market. C , 11. Parmelo it Co. , Cedar Creek , mar keted n load of 01 hogs. S. II. Elwood , Nellgh , had 43 head of good corn fed cattle on the market. Arrcns .fcKenyon , Howard , disposed of a load of 09 hogs on the market. The Hay State Cattle Co. sold 201 head of cattle to U. 11. Hammond & Co. J. A. Kchoe. PJntto Center * was at the yniils to day nnd sold n load of hos. C. U. llanna , of llnntia & Co. , Grand Island , marketed 10 corn fed steers. ( Itoen iV Meeker. ( Greenwood , regular slilp- peis to the yards , sold another load on to day's maikct. Mr. Evers , of West Side. la. , and I * , neck , Itemsen , were nt the jards to-day looking after yeat Hugs. _ _ OMAHA WIlOliKSAIiE MAUK13TS. General Markets. Tuesday Evenlne , May 4. Eodt Small lots are being sold ntOc and round lots nt 5'n'c. Hi'TTiiii The rcccljds have been more liberal and prices are not quite ns sttong. Choice creamery , 25 ® a * * ; choice fresh table , 15 ( < ? } lic ! ; good fresh table , 13@l4c ; fair , M lOc : pt > or , 3@0c OitKKflK Fancy full cream chcddars , Oc tober make. UKc ; Hals , m 'c ; young America , llj e ; lirst quality Swiss cheese , 15c ; second quality , I2 , ' 14c ! Linibiirgcr , Ilf il2c ; skim Mats , IK lOc. POUI.TIIV The receipts of me chickens , ire more liberal nnd sales arc being made at - R , , ITO. : Preserves , all kinds , 20-lb. palls per Ib. lc ( ) ; do In pall 'ots , per Ib. OMc : assorted 5-lb. pall * per tale , uxlls , 83.75. Jellies , nil kinds , lirst grade , 20-lb. palls , per Ib. tk1. ; nssoi ted , lirst grade , B-Ib. palls , per crate , 0 pails , 82.50 : do Mb. palls , per case , sdoz. 82.25 : do , tumb lers. per ne , 2 do81.40. . Jo ly. all kinds , second ginde. 30-lb. nails , per Ib. 5c. Mlnco iirat , best giado } i bbl. iier Ib. 7c ; do. 5-lb alls , porcmle. 0 palls , 32. 73 ; do 40-lb palls per Ib , 7Kc ; do , 5-lb palls , per crate , tl palls 82.75. Peach , plum and quince butter , ns- oiled , filb pails , per crate , 0 pal Is , S3 , 75 ; lorse radish , pint bottled , per doz 81.50. Pins' KIKT. : Tini'i : , ETC Pigs' tcet , PcrH til , 84.00 : ttoi bbl. 82.00 ; do. per kit , We , Lambs' tongues , lcrf ( bbl , 83.25 ; do. per kit , 82.50 ; do , quart jars per doz , 85.25 ; do , : ilnt jars per case , 8 doz , 80.75. 'J'ripe. per } f ilil , 84.00 ; do , per > f bbl , 82.00 ; do , pur kit OW. OW.SAUKU KitAiTT Best quality , 30 gal bbl , Sfi.M ) ; 15 gal bbl. 83.75. COMJI HONKY Calllornia 8 ID frame w Ibs , In case per Ib. , 15o ; 10 Ib. frames , Nebraska. WKc , CIPKH Mlchlcan refined , per bbl. , 80.50 ; lo. half bbl. . S4.00 ; Molts , per bbl. , 37.0,1 ; do Hall bbl. , 84.10. VINKOAU White wine. ICe ; cider , 12 0. OiiANiins Mediterranean Sweets , prr box , 81..r)0 ) ; 5 In 10 box lots , per box. $4.2 > ; l.os AngeiP.smer box , 83.50 ; ito 5-box lots , > er box , 33.25. LUMOXS Fancy Messina , per boxS7.00 ; choice Messina , per box , SK.OJi&ii.r.O. HA .VANAS There are very low In the mar et and prices are correspondingly stronger. Quotations are S3.MKrei.OO per hunch. Ai'i'i.r.sThe maiket Is overs-looked with nterior apples which aie being soht for what .hey will bring. Wc.-ti-rn stock , SJ.005l2.2.- ; Michigan aimles , $2.30 ; choice Mlssouil stock. § 2.50 iier bill. CiiA.\niitinis : : Tlieiels very little demand and ( lieu : is not much stock being sold. Dealers are clearing up their stocks : is be-t they can. Quotations arc S5.50 ® i.oo per bbl. Jersey aie sellinir at 82.00 DPI- bush box. Coco AX UTS Per 100 , 85.00 ; less than UK ) , 85.50. NEW Ktos , DATKS , ETC. Iaycr figs , 8 and 10-lb hoses , pur Ib , 10s. Dates , fancy Fard , 12-lb boxes , per Ib , lie ; IVr-laii. 50-b ! boxe.i , lierlb , 10iPuiiiellcs , 3J-lb boxes , pur Ib , MAi-i.r. SroAii Hrlelss , strictly pure , 50-lb boxes , per Ib , lic ( : penny cakes , 25-1 ! ) , S Ham. lOc ; breakfast \n.- con S Ke : clear side bacon , 7iJ7K ( < ' : < lr.v salt ides , tl jtij ' e ; hlunt rib sides. Owe ; shoulders. So : mess po'rk. S 12.30 per Dbl ; ailed beef , ham pieces. 13o : laid , tierces , ri'c , : 50 Ib cans , 7c ; 70 Ib cans ( Kalibaiiks ) , 71A' : 5 Ib cans , do , l > 'H'e ' : 3 Ib cans , do. , 7 ! < c ; boneless ham. Uc. ) liiJANS Calilorula and Mlcnigaii aius ll- ing in ii small way. California Uayo , per bu. , Sl.fiO ; do Pea. pt-rbu. , Sl.i5Mlchlcan ( : Medium , per bu. , 81.75 ; Country , j > er bu. , 75 ® S1.23 POTAIOKS The market is In a very unfa vorable condition. There have been several car loads received dining the past fe'.v days. There Is very little Inquiry for potatoes , and dealers are not able to dispose of them readily. The very choicest nssoited stock can notba quoted ovorn0 : ! < s and slow sale at that. It is impossible to sell car lots , nnd commission men are compelled to sell them out in small lots. Local larmeis aie bringing in a good many which tends to lower the holcsale price. Nnw \ : ( : : bbazo , per Ib , 3JJc ; cauliflower , per do , 82.50 ; eel crv , per do81.50 ; asparagus , per Ib I''c ; spinach , per bbl , 82.50 ; gicun onions , per do7. , JlSj ; radishes , per do50c : lettuce , per do50c ; pieplant , per Ib , 4@5c ; ITO.IS perX biibii box , 81.23 ; f-lmsh box , S3.00 ; ciicnm hers , 81.73W2.00 per doz ; Hermuda onions iior box , 83T30 ; Uerinuda tomatoes , per bux 82.00. ( iii.vix At the mills : Corn , 2 % ; oats , J e ; wheat , No. 2 , 00e ; rye , 4Sfa50c. I'l.ouu AND Mn.i.srtTFKs Winter wheat Hour , best quality patent , S3.00(3.10 ( ; second quality , S2.50(53.00 ( ? ; best xiullty spilng wheat Hour , oatcnt , S2.5S ( ) ( ( > J.75 ; buckwheat Hour , in barrels. 85.75 : ready raised , 8 Ib pack ages , , 84.00 ; 5 Ib packages , S3.K ! ) ; bran , ( We per cwt ; chopped feed , 75o per ewt ; white corn meal , bOj ; yellow corn meal , 70e pur cwt ; hcieenlng , OOc per cwt ; hominy , SI.50 per ewt ; shoits , COo per cwt ; graham , Sl.'n ; hay , in bales. 80.00 7.00 . ton. rims AND SKINS Mink. each. lo40c ; mnskrat winter. 5@U'c ; do. kits. Ic ; Ottor. S2.505.00 ; skunk , short striped , 155WTxj" do. broad'striped. . 10@15 ; badger. 25@50 : Kao coon. No. 1 largo. 40iO ( : do. No. 2. 2030 ; do. No. 8 , 10t , < # J5c : wolf , nralrln 50iJi7Je : do. mountain. 5f2.0003.00 ; wildcat , 1540Dea- ; ver. S1.50@2.50 per Ib : fox. each. 40c l.75 : deerskin u dry winter , 10oll5c ( Dor Ib ; do. fall and summer , KKaWJc : anteiono. r > < jcwi pel Ib HIDKS Green butchers. 0) 0 : preen cured 7. ' < ( < i7cdry { ; Hint. Iii ( l3cdry : salt OC'Oluc : damaged hide ? two-thirds price. Tallow 3'jc. ( iicaso , prime whltn. 3c : yellow. 2 brown. 2c , Sheen Peltsysamxs nn Prime slaughter solo leather. prime oaic solo leather. 3Cf < 43Je , tipper leather , per toot , 20rtM 3 : hem. kip. 73 < SiS5c : oak kip , 85@y5c : French kip , 81.0JW1.2.-i ; hem. calf , S1.0J1.10 ; oak calf , $1.00081.23 : Fieiichcalf , $1.25 1.85 ; Morocco boot leg , 032c : Morocco oil pebble , 2 @ 3Jc ; topplntrsand linings , SO.OOfglO.OO per do/ . COAL Antluacito grate. S8.25 ; egg , 88.25 ; ranco , 88 50 : chestnut S .50 ; Iowa , 83.25 ; Walnut block , S8.MIlliiiol.s ) : , 85.00 ; Missouri , 84 oo. HEAVY HAHDWAKK Iron , rates , 82.35 ; plow steel , special cast , 4c ; crucible steel , Oc ; cast tools do , 12lSc ; wagon spokes , per but , S1.753.00 : hubs , per set , 81.25 : , felloes. sawed dry , 81.40 ; tongues , each , 75o ; axles. each , 75c ; suuaro nuts , per Ib. 7llc ; cell clialn. per Ib , fi@Vio ; malleabl" . ( l@8e : Iron wedges , 6c : crowbars Oo ; harrow teeth , 4c ! spring stool , 7@vic ; Hurdcn's liorseshoes. $1.40 : Burden's mule shoes , 85.40. Uarbcd Wire , In car lots , 84.00 per 100 Ibs. Iron Nails , rates , 10 to CO. 83,00. Shot-Sl.M ) : buckshot , 81.85 ; oriental powder , kegs , 88.50 ( gyl.00 ; do , half kegs , 82.00 ; do , quarter kegs , 31.60 ; blasting , kegs , $3.85 ; Jnse , per 100 feet , 60c. Lead Uar. 81.05. PAINTH IN On. White lead , Omaha , P. P. , 'Ko ; white lead , St. Louis , mire , 87.80- Mar seilles green , 1 to 5 Ib cans , 20c ; French zlne , green seal , 12e- French zinc , red seal , lie ; French zinc. In varnish asst , 20o : French zinc , 75c ; vermlllion. American , IHc : Indian led. lOo : rosoiiink. 14e : Venetian , red. Cook- son's , 2 > fo ; Venetian , red , American , 1 Jic red lead , 7Ke ; chrome yellow , genuine , 20c ; chrome yellow , K. 12c : ochre , lochelle Ue , ; ochre , French , 2 jc ; ochre , American , ' 2oj Winter's mineral. 2K ° i Lehlgh brown , 2 } o ; Spanish brown. 2 We : Prince's mineral , to. Diiv PAINTS Whitolead , bo : French zinc , 12c ; Paris whiting , 2Kc ; whlllng gilders li'c ; whiting , com'l. life ; lampblacK. Ocr- mantown , 12o : lamublack. ordinary , be Prussian blue , 55c ; nltramailnep 18c ; van dyke , blown. Bo : umber. , burnt. 4o : umber ratv. 4c ; sienna , burnt , 4c : blenna , iaw4o Paris green , genuine , 25c ; Paris green , com mon,20c ; chrome green , N. V. , 20e ; chrome green , K , 12c ; vormlllion , English , In oil 70e ; raw and burnt umber , 1 Ib. cans , 12o ; raw and burnt sienna , 12c : vandyke , brown. I3c ; lelinod lampblack , 12c ; coach black am ivory black , lOc ; drop black , lOc ; Prussian blue , 40e ; ulliamarlne blue , 18c : chrome green , L. , M. & ! > . , lOc : blind and bluitter green , L. , M. XlOo ; Paris gieen , Ibc ndnin red , 15o ; Venetian red , Uc ; Tuscan 22e ; American vermlllion. L. & 1) . . 20c yellow ochre , Uc ; L. M , A : O. I ) . , 18o ; godrs ochre , 10o ; patent dryer , be ; graining colors liirlit oak , dark oak , walnut , ciiestmi t in ash , 12c. Uuuns AND CHEMICALS Acid , carbolic , 34c ; acid , tarturie , 53e ; balsam copaiba , per Ib , 45c ; bark , sassafras , per Ib lOo : calomel per Ib , 72c ; chlnchonldla , per 01 , oc ; chloro form , per tt > , COc ; Uovers powders , per K > SI. 25 ; epsom baits , per tt > , Vv : glycerine pure , per lt > , 18c ; lead , acetate , per Ib , 20c oil , castor , No. 1 , per gal. , 81.00 : oil , castor No. 2 , per gal. , 81.40 ; oil , olive , per gal. 81.40 ; nil. orliniimni. 50o : opium. 83.U5 ; qul uiue , P. iW. . , and It. Jc S ; , per ob5e ; po- tassluin Iodide , per > , S3.00 ; sallcln , per oz , 40csiilplirit ; morphine per oz , 52,00 ; sul phur , tier U. . 4c : sttvehnhne. per oz , 51.40. VAit.sisur.s ilari\ilsijier gallon : furni ture , extra , 51.10 : furniture , No , 1 , 51.00 ; coach , extra , 51.40J1coacti , No. 1 , St.20 ; Damar , extra , 51.75r.Idn i 70e ; a i > haltnm extra n. , eSc ; shellac , ; hard oil ilnlsli , do" 101 1..V.- , ' ' ' hoi , fsTpioof ,' iiervi'ne g'alhSn Illed wliisklc.s , SI.TXKai. : > o. ( iln blended , S1..VKW.OO ; Kentucky bourbons , 2.XXa0.oo ( ; Centucky and Pemuylvmiln lyes , 83.tKicrtn.BOj WO.OO ; domestic. Sl.2. * > @ : i.OO. Hums , Im- i-itcdS4.50 < ys.oo : New England. 5M.7iXjM.Od ; lomestlc , Sl.TirtZ'l.Oi ) . Olmmpacne.s , Import ed , per care , t > 2300jj')4.00 ) ; American , per ise , 510.00@10.OU Grocer * ' Ijlst. Sviitir No. 70. 2ic , bbls : No. 70 , 4-callon coirs , Sl.0" > ; New Orleans ; W@4io per gallon ; itaplo Ssyrup , } { barrel , stiictly pure , "Oc per gallon ; 1 gallon cans , SU.25per doz ; i gallon cans , S3.vUi > erdoz ; quart cans 3.00. ST.VIICII Mirror gloss , 1 Ib , Ik ) ; Mirror f , lord ] 'ICKI.II : Modluni. In bills. Srt.OO ; tin In lalfbbls , SS.SO : small. In bbls. S7.)0 ( ) ; do In inlt bbls. S-4.03 ; plicrk ns , In bbls , S8.0 0do. ; n half bbls. S4..W. OANNKD toot)3 ! ) UyMors. slaiulanl , jier case. S3. . ' > 5 ; strawberries , a Ib. porcasis. S-.5.V. raspbcrrlc.1' , 'J-lb , per ease , S'J.K ! ; California wain , pur cnso , S. > ,00 ; nprlcnN , per custs , t'4.CiO ; | ) i.icliL'.s ! , perc.iM' , S4.7.1 ; white ehenie- * , > ercaseS" > . ! K ) ; pltiius. pcrcaso , SiUHvhor ) ; - lebcrncs. per case. Si.40 ; egg iilumsib icrcase. Si50 ; green gniii-s , 'J-lb , per e\se ; J.fiO ; iilnnapplt'S , 'J-lb , percasuSU."OW.r > 0. Ditini ) Knurrs No. 1 ( iiuirtcr aiiplcs. In evaporated boxes,8ii.ioblacklt'irleHboxes. ( ( ; ) kC ( lilijje : pcaclies , pastet n , 4 * < ( < t.VhC ; peaclnu evaporated , l" > J < ( gl7u ; Salt Lake , now , ? ! < ( < < > c : raspbertlcs. new. l'i ' ! ( 0c : curiaiits. Tj 'dS Wc ; prunes , now , WiWtc. suo.viw I'owdercit , y. ' c : cut 'laf , 8 | e ; Bi-aiiiilaU'd , 7l @ 7 ? < c : confcetlDiiers A , 7 } < i' ; stnnuarii extra C , ( % © 7o : extra C , OJi'o ; niedinni yellow , ( > xe. SOAPS Kirk s oavnn Imperial. S2.tK ! : Kirk's .satinet. * ! . ! " > Khk's stinidaul , SI."K : ) ; Kirk's white Kiissian. S4. : : Kirk's U'ltlttj Cap , SO..VJJ Dome , S4.'r ; Washboard. S3.lTi MAICIIKS Per cadtlle. ! Wcs lonnd , puf ease. 43c ; siittaiu cases , 5U70 ; iniilu sqti.iro , . 'i" ) . COKFIIS : Ordlnarv irrades , H e ; fair , 10 ® 10jie ! ; prime , UHfttl'is ; ehoii-e , latfcMatfc ; iuiiey en-en and yellow , ii : ) JMt4 > rfo ; old KOV- crniuuiit.Invii 'J'JC ? ; Oc ; inteiior .lava. 10' ' JOc : Mocha. 2'C'Wk" Arhnoklo's roasted , l-lc ; McLanehlin's XXXX- roasted , Me ; Dilworth's , iJ3fc : ; Kfd Cross He. CANi > t.t : > * lloxes , 401b , Os , I0c : as , 109 0 ; boxes , -lOlb , 10 m , Cs , I'J ' c ; lia'.f box , SOlD , CANDY Mixed , 9J 12o ; stick , 0Tillc. . SALT Drav loads , per bbl. S1..V > ; Ai-lilou , In sacks , S3.5 : { ; If sacks , Ashtnn , b. > c ; bbls , dairy , S2.C.O@2.7.- > . SODA In Ib papeis. 53.2. ) a case ; salsoda , keg , per Ib. 22Ue. SIMCIJS JSi-oiind Uliclc puppor , boxes , 1 @ 22e ; allspu-e , 12@10c ; cinnamon , 182. " ; cloves , iri'io ; ging"r , 15J2oe ? ; miibtaid , 15ig s ( larneau'i f.oda. . butter an creams , t ? c ; ginger snap @ -(5c ( ; choice , 35@4. > c ; .laiians , lair. 2"u > :5-'c : ; pood. .T > rti > J5c ; choice , 53M73C ; Tea Dust , 15c ; Tea Siftinss. ISe. PINK Ct'T Hard , to 15eat , 70c : Charm o. the West , OOc ; Fountain , 70c : ( ioltlcn Tliread- 07e ; Favorite , t0c ! ; Unds , 5'Jc ' Itoeky Mo 1111 tain , r.0c ; Faney , 456 ; D.usv , 40c ; Nortli Start On ; Coed Luck" 53e' ; Our Uest , 02Kc ; ( iood News , 55c. . , 'Fish. . Ill's H'f , H'ls Q-r IJhls Pis ICts nsa. a lye o w 40 | 12 10 Munn'B S't No.l I/b 6 1X1 If BO 3 20 1 8) ) 1 M ) 'ffO Gib'ed l-'iincy ? GJt : 2J 2 ! I7 1 07 1 40 ifdau'ru rcy6 toiiyisur i C7i 40 G3 47 UACKKRKU lllllsHlllr " "IsQ'r Hills g 10J uo so 40 I I I Bloater Me" < 8 . , - oo is oo 10 2.-i a a , 7 w i y > BZ.NO. ISIi'r . M ooi3 nun ajosur , 10141 No. 1 Shore . 18 OJ DO , 8 ft ) 4 K > U ! IO 1 10 Med. No. 1 Slioro. . . 13 00 , 7 00 ( I ! ! o 3 fil a UJ tu llav . ] 1 Oi ) 00 B 4.V3 052 M 75 Family 'J 00 5 OJ 4 M'2 ' Ki'2 ' 10 C5 Fat 7 00 , 4 CO ] 3 C.- , ; ' ji ; 701 03 LAKR FISH. Il'f Ilbls Q'rllbU 1 > 'U Kts 1UO HO C ) 10 I K , 1U No. 1 W'lillo FHh u 2 : > n < i : > : i 152 i 1:4 : > tr , Family " s 002 roll 7o'i GO ! no ca No. 1 Trout 4 00l ! liU2.VJl ! Hl | Oj i 0) ) No. 1 Pickerel 7iij i bi'i ' so nn ! no llollamlihenin ; , ' , Mc-.Miio'.ml ' halibut , Yariiiouth bloaters , OTia ; new scale herring , ! MPOIITEI1 FISH. Hblsllllf ilbl- O'iIlhls Palfs or kits < y 15 jo j0 Norwegian I KKK Her'lngs 12 00 0 50 5 W 3 31 3 0 ? 8D Norwegian ' ' Kit Hurrings. U OO'fl COG 453 | Wi3 GO en' 75 Ilrlalling-s . u uo,4 no 4 ojjj ; w.i OS GO Dry Goods. PJIINTS American , r > \ { ; Arnold's. Co ; Co checo , Oc ; Manchehter. Oc ; Lyinan , 5c ; ( ilou cestcr , K < c ; Dunncll Jacquard. 0 : Dnnncll- QKc ; Windsor. Cc : Paoillc Oc : liarinon , 4Xc ; Anchor Shirtings , 4.J c ; JMenlniac , Sldrtings , 4 , c : Berwick. 4c. COTTONS Fanners' choice , fii/e ; Cabot. % ; Hope , 7c ; Hill 4 4 , 1I1II % , ( % c ; Lonsdalu , bu ; Fruit , 8c ; Wain- sntta , lO e COIISUT JKANS Kcarsarse , 7o ; Armory , 7c ; I'epperi'll , 7Xc ; Indian Urchaul , Os ; Nanmkcai ? , 7c. DUCK ( Unbleached ) 8 oz. Macnolla , lOc ; 10 oz. Mnifiioll.1 , 1' c : 8 oVbt Point , lO' ' o ; 10 Point , 1'J c. liuoxrx COTTO.V Lawroneo LL , Co ; Shaw- OMAHA HOTEL DIRECTORY. The Hlllard , S. Slieare , J. E. JInrkol.Tlioa. Swobo , Proprlctcrs Omubu , Ncbruslto. HUES pyjNnNJ ; ( co. , Job Printers j- Book Binders , And Illank Hook Mannfi&ifiirors. 100-108 South Pourtaan'tH iAVaj FlouP'cmtf Feed , /I. Ivi . W.J. WEJ } 1ANS & CO. , Wholesale Flonr , Feed and Grain , Manufacturers of wl.3. Wblshnns &Co.'sQulch liaising llucUwhoat ttourfliiU proprietors Oinulm City Mills , cor. btu aiTcl Tarnum Streets , Onmlia. Leather , Hjdes , Etc , " " "BLOMAN" : Wholesale Leather , Saddlery Hardware , Saddlery and Bhoo Findings , IIIilcs , Vool , run , 1'cltB.arcnto , Tallow , Etc. , OmuUa. Not. Confectionery. F. P. FAY & CO. , Manufacturing Confectioners , Jobbers of Fruits , Nuts and Cigars. 1211 Fainam St , Omaha , Neb. Beer , M. KEATING , Agent Tor Anheuser-Bush. Brewing Ass'n ' Special brunOj Fiiuet , liudwolscr , Kilungo Cor.Otb nnd Capitol Avo. , Ouiuhi. , OMAHA MANUFACTURERS , Book Binding , Etc. HEES miNTlNO CO. , Printers , Book Binders , And lllnnlc Hook Mninifncturers. No ? . 10S ntul 108 South lllh Street , Oumlm. Neb. _ Bridges Steam Pile Driving. HAYMOND t KiiRlncers nml Contractors. Urges , Hoof Trusses , Steam Pile Driving rou Coinblnutlon nnd llnn-o Trues llrldr > s , Illntr nml Oak Timber. 15th tl , , neur rnrnam , "vlcphonoNi73l. ZT _ - . : " " " * - - " " " " " _ J Cigars and Tobacco. " " * * " MAX Ml'.VKU & C0. , Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos , Inns nnd Annuuttiti-m. SIS lo 2 1 gouth lltli Strict , 1KO ( to 1021 riirnam Strict , Omnlm , Nob. Fvcronv. WEST.VKHITSC1IUH. Manufacturers of Fine Cigars , And AVholeinlo Dcnlrrs In Ixjnf Tolnceo . Nos. IIW nnd 110 N. 14th Street , Oinalia , Neb. wocKery. W. T * WltlOI , Agent for tbo Mnnufacturora nml Importers , Crockeiy , Glassware , tamp s , Chimneys , Eto. Ofili-o , U17 Setith 11th Street. Omtiha. Nub. 0. S. ( UODKICH A CO Agents for V. A. Whitney Cm-rlimo Co. a Children's Carriages , Anil Jewell's Celebrated HorriKfnuor . ScnJ or price lists. 1115 Fnrnam ft. , Omalm. o. s. I'K'rns & co. , \Vholsal3 & Retail , Fine Cirriages , Ifiptnni , HIIHKI | < I nml lti \\'iieon t . ? 1 per cent i\ctMnliulnitnfni > . , Irnnl Street. Oinnhn , Nolinukn. llnincli at ( " < nimll ItliilTK , Innn. Cornices. Eagle Cornice Vforks. ,1olii ! Eponoter , I'lonik'tor. Mntiufni.ttircr or ( iiilvancil ! Iron und I onilro. IC.'U Dodije and 131 nnd 1UT ) North Uth Struct , Omiih.i , Nub. liUEMPINd & 11QI.TK , Jlnnuracturorsot' Oinamental Galvanized Iron Cornices , Dormer Windons , riuaH , iio.ilQS. : : 12lliHt. Woikdono In r.nypnrt of the country. Western Cornice Works , ( ' . Sl'ECHT. Proprietor. inlvnnl/ed ! Iron Coinleo . Kte. Spccnl't Im- nited 1'iilentMi'lall'uSkyllt'lit. ' f.OS and S1UH. ijtliPt. : . Oinalin. Nut. _ _ _ _ _ Doers , Sach. Etc. _ _ fiif Gate Ciiy Phn'ng Mil ! . noor. , Pash and minds. Alro all Muds of tinning- . Scroll niidS'.nlc work l o\ery di > - Ecrlptlon. A. IIOSENI1EHV , Mnmifncturcr and Dealer InDoors Sash Blinds Elc. Doors , , , Mouldings , . 3t lr Kails n specialty Telephone No. f2 13th and Muror HI . Oninha , Neb. _ _ Electrical Supplies. " " " " " " " " "iTw."WOLFE" & CO.ElcetrlclirnV Electrical Supplies , Mnsonlc lllock , Oiuulm. Alarms. Hells , Pho Alarms , > "colriu .MuttIn i , Spcultlni ; Tuboj , Iron Works. TAXTON & V1KKLINU JKX ( WOUKS V/rought / and Cast Iron Building Y/ork / run Stairs , Itiilllnir , llolled lie 11113 nnd Ulnlr-rs Bteatii I'.iinliics. lira-6 Work , General Foundry Maehlneand HlucKsinllh Woik. Ofllco and Works U. P. Ity. and S 17th St. iron ar d Nails. "b MAHANAlLMJIflfAtrrUKlNG CO. . Cut Hails aud Spikes , Tire Nails r Sp' ; ! ultv. Omnlm. Neb Safes. , Omaha Safe Works , 0. ANDHEEN. Manufacturer of 1'lro nnd Ilur/rlnr / 1'roof Safei. Vault Doors. Jail Work. Shutters and Wire Work. Cor. 14tli and Jnckson Kts. , Oinnhii , Neb. Wagons and Carriages , Established 1851 A. J. SIMPSON. The Leading Carriage Factory , 14C9nui ] lill Htnluo Street , Omaha , Neb. Commission , Etc. M. BUIUCB & SONS , Live Stock Commission ( jeo. llurko , } ( anaicr. Union Stoek Vurds , K. Omulia. Tolo.iliciio 583 W. P. IlItOWN & CO. , Commission Dealers in Live Stock , Office lUchaiiKO Dnlldlnir , Union Stock Yards , South Omaha , Nob. Telephone No. COA Union Stock Yards Company , OF OMAHA. Limited. John F. lie > tl , auporintundunl. SAVAC3E & ( iUKK.V , Live Stock Commission Merchants. Bbl ] uionta of any und all Kindt ) of slouk bollclt td. Union buck VarddUuiubuNcb. Lumber , Etc , LOUIS UHAUFOUD , Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Bash , Doors. Kte Yards Cor. 7th und Cor. ilth and Uougla3. DOHN MANUFAOT0HINO CO ' Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds , Moulding ? , fitnlr Work nml Intuilor Hiird Wood 1'liilhh. Jiibtopcnud. N. K. cor. bth uud Leuveu- worth Btrocta , Uuiuhn , Neb. CHICAGO LUMUEH COMl'ANV , Wholesale Lumber , Clt & Uth Btrcot , Omaha , Nub. F. Colpctzcr , iliuin er. C. N. Lumber , 33th and California Street' , Omaha , Nob. FI1ED W. QUAY , Lime Cement Etc. Etc Lumber , , , . , , Cor. Cth und Douglas Struct * , Omaha , Nclv GEO. A. HOAGLAND Wholesale Dealer In Lumber , ' Omutiu , Ncbrubko. CHAS. 11. LKB , Hardwood Lumber , Wnrcn Block , Fancy Woods. Ilrldgo Timbers , be.p. W. Cor , Uth uiicl Douglus.Oiuubu , Nub. O. F. I/VMAN , Dealer in Sash , Doors , Blinds , Uulldiuv Paper , Qto. South Uth Htr , CC2t . Kubriuko. Fith , Etc. C0.r 6ucccfRors to Ickcn Slcmsscn & Co. Wholesale Fish Dealers , Importers of Forolxn Fish , Nos. till-311 Jonoi otitruct c d U. 1'.Track.OmuhuNuU. , . , mm JOBBERS' DIRECTORY Agricultural Implements , _ _ _ J fc > > " "UNljOKH ; & MCTCAU. ' CO , Wholesale Dealers in Agricultural Implements. Office , Corner Gth nnil I'nclfloHU , Omnlm. NeX 'I'AULIN , blir.NMKMtlT & MAKT1N , \Vholcs.o Dcnlcrs In Agricultural Implements , Wagons niul IliiptflcssOinntm Neb. " UlllWeitlLh PAKKKU , * Wholesale Dinlcr In Agricultural Implements , Wagons , Cmrimrw mid Ittiwlos. J < nSt. . , bcl.Oth nml IJth.Oimiliii.Nol ) . Boots and Shoes. v. jioi'si ; & co. . Jobbers ot Boots and Shoes , 1411 rnrnnm Street. Onmlin , NVb. Manufactory , Summer Street , lloaton , _ Carpets. _ * * . _ . _ , . A. OHCHAUD , Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths , Mnttlngn , Curtain ( loot ! ? . Kte. , 14SJ Knrnnni _ _ Street , Onmlm , Neb. _ Coal , Lima , Etc. JhFF \ \ * . HKI > KOIli\ Coal , Coke , Lime and Stone. Oflloo , I1SS. ] lllintOnmlm , Neb. Ynrus , nli | unJ JWcnport Streets. " _ < ( COUTANT & SQU1HKS Deolers in Hard and Soft Coal. ties t vnrlctloK. Onico , 2IH S. llltb PU Tclephono No. nK..Oinutin.Ni'b. ' NlillllASKAFUEliCO. , Shippers of Coal and Coke , 811 S. 13th St. , Orannn. Noli. Oro. O.TOWI.K , President. Giro. IMTTrusoH , See. unJ Trciis. 3. II. I' . A. H.U.CII , 1'ioprlotor. Manager. Nebraska Coal and Lime Company , OMAHA , NKIWASKA. Office , ! ! I7 8. liitli Street. Telephone 4 % CEO. 1' . Ian Kfitt. 1'rc ? . C. r. GOODMAN , V. Pres. .1. A. 8UMii.iu.ANl ) Sue. nmlTu'iiis Omaha Coa ; , Coke and Lime Company , Jobbers of hard nnd toft eon ! , -'u'J S. lath Ht. , Oitmlm , Nub. OMAHA COAL AND IMlODlJCi : CO. Hard and Soft Coal. Exclusive dealers In Houlilrr Colorado Conl.21 [ touth HtlibtiicU Coffee and Spices. ( JATKS , COLK & I\lfUvS. \ J Home Coffes and Spice fill1 , MTg Co. CoBee ItonMcis anil Spliu ( ! iliilcr : > . . iiiiinu- furl in ui a uf linking Pointer , Muvf r.nir Vh tine's , IJIirinif. ute. Try ono ea-o nl nur 1-Ih | uukiiuo Homo Illend Hoastcd Cotluc. IfltfJ lion mil St. , N'i'l' . CI.A11KC rtllOS. &CO. , Omaha Coffee and Spice Mills. Ten = . Colfues , Spiers , linking 1'owdor Flavoring Kitinets , 1.numlry lliiiii. Ink , etc. 11U-1U Hur- noy Struct , Oinului , Neb. Commission , Etc. _ ' ' nilANCH & CO. , Wholesale Fruits , Produce , Oysters , 1121l-'nrimin St.,0mnlm. Apples-Ourown i-ack- Jnif 1'latt is Co.'s Tljjep llrunil OyMors , lluttur , KgBf , Gtiniu , Poultry , Potatoes. JOHN FLACK , General Commission Merchant , Vroduce , Provisions , 1'rultn , Flour nnd IVcd. 105 5. lltli St. , Oinnlm , Neb. Consignments boliclt itiilui-113 Hindu uroniuUv. J5. McDOXAU ) . COMMISSION MERCHANT. 815 12th Street , Oiim'jn. Nub. Specialties : nut- tc > r. UKKSI. and Chlukeas. WIUDEMAN & CO. . Produce Commission Merchants. Poultry , Duller , name , Frultc , Ktc. L JO8.14th St. , Omaha , NeliniEln. WKSTKUFIELD I1UOS. , General Commission Merchants , 1406 Doclgo Street , Omnlm , Neb. Consignments Solicited. W. 13. Storage and Commission Merchant. SPLOAUTIIIS Clierpe , llntler Kpgi , Poultry nnd liiiiiic. IIS. . lllli. , Uinnhii , Nob. Toll * phone ; > > ( > . olj. olj.V \V K K K S .t M 1 1 A.Min , Storage and Commission Merchiuts. orolsii anil Doinostlc Knilts a spcclnlly. Kl- nt etniairo facilities. Wart'hoiibe and ollicu , 10 Noilh Kith " HTelopionu _ ! 'i" ! > . _ _ "D. A. ZtUHLEV. Commission and Jobbing , flutter , Keifs and Trodnco. A full line of Stone ware. Conslt'iniienta tolicttcil. J1U Uodiro St. , Oiuului. r. MOKONV , General Commission Merchant , Butter , EKKf , Cheese and Country Produce con- eriilly , : WJ H. 12th St. , Oinahu , Neb. MCSHANE &SCIIKOIDEU : , Buyers of Butter and Eggs. ncfrlprrator and Pauklnp IloiiKo.llth .t Lenvon- worth St. , on U. P. It. i : . Tinek , Oinuha , Neb. Established 1870. UOI1I3IIT PUl'.VIS ' , General Commission , SUB. I'.th St. , Omnlm , Xob. Spoalnlties liuttor 1-Kirs , Poultry und Unniu. PEYCKE Commission Merchants , Fruits , I'r : duee and ProvItionB , Oinulm , Neb ISAAC ORIFFITII. Commission Mercliaut , iilo dealer In eountiy produce , fruits , butter , < KKH , cic. UondH on coiiBlKniuunt u ; KO N. lOtli M. , Omnlm , Neb. KIllfiCllIlllAUN A ; SONH , ( Suc < iis < ors to A. P. Boluiok. ) Produce Commissioa Merchiati , No. 213 South Will Stieot. Oninlm , Nub. Dry Goous. Y/holesale / Dry Goods and Notions , l U loiilas ) Stioet , Omaha , Nub. a * co. , , Wholesnlo Ucalurslii Dry Goods , Hosiery , Motions , Uacns.nee , Hinl'ioldery nndVhllu C'oo < 5s , JliaUJouKlusSttcet , Oinalw , Nub. White Lead , OAHTKIt IllTK J-KAI ) CO. . Strictly Pita Wliita Lul. ftth tit- , und I ) , P. Ity. , Oiimlni , Harness , Etc , VlKI/tY * I.ANDHOCK , Muuufucturors andJnbburaof Harness , Saddles , Saddlery Hardware , Turf Goods , Ulunkots and Kobcs. 1421 rnrnam Btrcot Oinithii , Neb ; Mattresses , Mattress Company , ManufRcturliiK MnttreESOU , Iloildlnp , Feather 1'illou 8 , Cold , Eta UUU uud li-W Jou lau Street , Oninlm. eb. _ Overalls , _ * ' cANi'iEr.'ir i/fNTiFAJrtriUNa ( co. , Manufacturers of Overalls , , llu. ! . 1IK and I'M Uouuiot ujutta , Jxub. OMAHA JOBBERS' ' DIRECTORY OMAHA I. M1IKIICO , Dealers In All Kinds of Building Material at Wholesale JElhSlioctuiul n otil'nc fl'Trnck , " HttUMAN D. WVATT , Wholesale Dealer In Lumber , IPth niiil lzml : Street' , Oinnlm , NobmsVa. J. \VAKIKHU : : > , \Vholesalo \ Lumber , Lath , ShingUs , HilldliiK' I'npow , ? nsh , Door ? , lllliuN , Mntilf IIRS , I'lcU'ts PojN , l.lnio , I'liiMiT , llnf i 'cnu'iiu Nlntn aim . .IOIHIUiimlm Neb. Millinery. . * - - - I. OIIKltrKt.liHII , Importers nud .lobbersot Millinery and Notions , _ _ tS13 nhd 1214 llnrncy Street , Onmlia , Nob. Musical Instruments. " lUMIOIiM .V r.IUCKSON , Wholesalers of Musical Instruments. Stolmvny I'lnnoR , Wobcr , Decker , llnliipsnnil Irlpus I'miio * . I'lii'kurd Oiirnus , Chn u Ortfiins. ,01 , nnd HO 15tti blrcot. _ FurnUtir , Etc , U KS S1HVEKICK , Furnitur\ Bedding , Upholstery , Mirrors , * . : o , 19Misig nnd 1210 Kninim Street , Omnlm ' " " DIIWKYASTONK , Wholesale Dealers In Farnltura , Knrunin Street , Omiihii , Nub. _ _ _ " Groceries. _ _ "AM.KN nitos. , Wholesale Grocers , _ _ 111G find 1112 HonglnB Street , Umnhn * , Nob. ' K. 11. CHAt'.MAN CO. , Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigars , Tobacco nnd Smokers' Articles , 1217 Howard 8 * MKYUU& IIAAI'KH Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas , Spices , Clgnrs nml Tobacco * . 1317 und 1310 Doug * his Street , Oiuuhu , Neb. MCCOHI ) , IlltADV & COMl'ANiT , Wholesale Grocers , Corner lOlli nnd Fuumm Streets , Omnhn , Nob. 1'AXTON , UAU.AG1IKU At CO. , Wholesale Groceries aud Provisions , Kog. .05 , 7U7,70-J nnd 711 S. 10th St. , Oinulm , Nob. Hardware. W. J. 11UOATCH. Heavy Hardware , Iron , Steel , , . , , : < \Vnjrou Stock , llarduood I.umlicr , eta. 1XVU nnd 1211 llnrnoy street , Ouiuhn , Nob. UONKY& G1I1I1ON , Wholesale Iron , Steel , Wagon And Carriage Wood Stock. Ilcnvy Hnnlwnrc , Kte. 1217 aud 1210 Leiivonw urtli Btreet , Omaha , Neb. 1IIMKI1AUGH & TAYLOll , Builders' ' Hardware , McchnnlcB1 Tools nnd llutlnlo Bcnles. H03 Doun- Int , Street , Onuilin , Neb. LKB , FllIED & CO. , Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , Tinware , Sheet Iron , Etc. Audits for Ilowo Pcnlc3 nnd Jlluinll'o > dej'Co.Oniiiha Neb. _ MILTON HOOEHS k SONS , Stoves , Ranges , Furnaces , Tiles , Mantles , Gmtes , llrnss iroodi. 1321 und 1023 Fur- nnin Street. linCTOH & W1M1KI.MY CO. , Wholesale Hardware and Nails , Cmcrbon Steel Null ? . Cor. 10th und Humor SticotB , Omaha , N b. Harvesters. _ _ , WM.'DEEHING .t co. , CHICAGO. Manufacturer of the Deerinfi Harvester Goods , Write to Win. M. horlmcr. General Aceiit , Omaha. TcleplionuOlO. _ _ _ _ _ _ Iron Pipe , Etc. A. L. STHANG COMPANY , Pumps , Pipe and Engines. , Steam , Water , Itallu ay and Mllllni ; Supplies , Eta ] VM , V ! und tr.4 Farnain St , Oinahu , Nob. J CHUllCIIILL PUMP CO , , , Wholesale Fittings"t4 l Pumps , Pipe , , Steam nnd Water Supplies. Hcadiiuaitors for Mast Fuost Co.'s Goods. 1111 Farnam Street , Omaha , Neb. 4 Jewelry. EDHOLM & EHICKSON , " " Wholesale Jewelers. Dealers In Silverware , Diamonds , Watohari Clocks , Jewelers' Tools aud Materials , Kta , 101 und 1 J , 15tli Street , Cor. Dodjre , Oiiiaha , Nob. ) Notions ECI ( V1NYAHD SOHXKIDER. JobDorfl in Notions , Hosiery & Gents'FurnlsWng ' Good lUOt ) und KKW I'ltrnum St. , Omnlm , Neb. J. T. Robinson Notion Company , J\ < U1 nnd 405 P. 10th St.Omuha , Nub. ' WholCBulu Duulera In Notions und Oontb' nlslilng Cloods. Oils , Etc , CONSOUIATKD TANK LINK CO. , Wholesale Dealers in Oils , Gnsollno , Jrilca Ailo Grcuto , I5to. A. II. Illshon " - , Oinulm , Neb. Pork Packing. JAMES n. iiovn , Pork Packer and Shipper , Oiimlm , Netiriiskn. HAIIItlS & Packers and Provision Dealers , Onico , Union Market , I61T DO.IKC . fitroot. 1'ackliif houho , U. I1. 1L 1L Truck , Omaha , Nob. Teltx phone No. l.W. Safes and Locks , "l . IIOVBK i CO. Agents for Hall's ' Safe & Lock Co.s'- ' Flro and llurtflar Proof KaRis/I'lino IiOulfSVault ( unil Jail work , llt-l ) I'nriniiii ulrcet , Omaha , Neb Seeds , ' " - ! . ' J. KVANS , -p. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in SeetJ ? . ' Airiiciilturnl.YeKOliihlo , Kto. Odd I'l.'llowrt' llrtll , N. W. Cor. llib nnd led ) o St . , Onmlia , " ' ' Drugs , Etc , J THE OOODMAN DHUO CO Wholesale Druggist * , And Dealer hi 1'alntp , Oils nnd Wlndoir OliuV Omuhu , Nub. , ' Wines and Liquors * II.UU & CO. , Distillers and Importers of Wines And J.IimrH. | Solo iniinufurturorsof KunnoJr'tf / liist ! luuiu liitlui-ti. 1112 Hurnvy btrcct , Omaha , / Neb. | uno. w. nuri'OAN , Succcesor to McTJMJAiu k DUNCAN , Importer * und Wholes-nlo Dciilcrti In Wines , Liquors and Cigars , SH und S10 8. lilli Bt. , Omulm , Nob. potions , tit , ' Z ! j * ' " " " r" ' * * " * "juf ! . RKANDiES i 80.1 , Wholesale Job Lots , } , Dry Ooodx , Notions , Guilts' r'urnlalilnR Oooji. Goods from New York. U'riulo eitlut ilkilMl And f < W South 13th Bt. . Ornnha. j.