Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 05, 1886, Image 1

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Another Bloody Eiot Between Police and
Anarchists in Chicago.
A Number of Police and Anarchists
The Police Use Eovolvcrs with Deadly
\ Threatening Orowds Surround Factories in
the Suburbs of Milwaukee.
The KlK'it ' Hour movement Gathering
Strength Throughout the Coun
try Hundreds of Employ era
Concede the Dcnmnd.
A Bloody Illot.
Cntc'Aoo , May ! . 2:50 : p. m. A ilot Just
occnricd near the coiner of Moigan and
Txventy-sccond streets. A crowd of striking
lumbermen mid adherents made an assault
onubodvof police in thai vicinity. The
police charged the ciowtl repeatedly and
xvcro stoned antlllredat by the lioters. In
the encounler Detective Michael Granger was
seriously and probably fatally Injuted by a
llylng stone. Olllccr John Strong xvas shot
thiough tin ; hand. Squads of police aic hur
rying to Iho scene. A number of iloteis aio
icported shot. The casualties aio not yet
! J p. m. The Southweslcrn poillon of the
city this afternoon xvas the scene of another
riot. Towards noon a crowd of anaichlstsand
lilends assembled on Hie coiner ol Klgh-
teenlh and Morgan slrects for the purpose of
lioldlng a meeting. Ii Is also said they In
tended to teiiow the attack on McCormlck's
teaper works. The police xvho had been
notified of the uli'ulr kept u close
xvutch upon the proceedings. Hostilities
commenced at 2oO : , just in xvlmt manner
cannot be learned. A number of deteclives
in citizens clothes mixed xvith the ciowd ,
numbering at this hour neatly 1,000 persons.
Detective Mike ( liangcr , ol tlio Cential
station , attempted to aticslndlsordcily man.
The dclectlvo xvas immediately set
upon by a howling mob. Ucfoie ho
could escape ho xxas stiuck In Iho
forehead by a bilek , knocked senseless
and badly Injuied. llcxolveis xx'cro drawn
and indisciimlnalu shooting began , dining
which Olllcer John Strong xvas shot in the
hand. A number of lioterseroalsoln -
U juied. The police chaiged on the crowd and
made seven arrests , capturing Iho man xvho
llnew Hie bilck at Granger. At tlueo o'clock
the entire southwestern district of the city
was wild with alotm. Details ] of | police
ate awaiting orders at tlio Txvelfth and llin-
tnan sheet station.
3:15 : p. m. Tlio police succeeded In dispers
ing Iho ciowd which opposed them In the
lumber disti lets. Sullen crowds still remain
In the neUhboihood , but tlio large detail of
police now on the ground are conshtcicd suf
ficient to miel ! any new uprising iu that vi
_ _ _
Another Illot.
CHICAGO , May 4. At tlio meeting of
anarchists on the west side to-night a terri
ble riot occuried , Tlio police xvero Hied
uron , anilicplled xvltlt deadly effect.
A man xxho was standing In the crowd re
ceived a pistol ball In Iho thigh and has been
biought lo Iho central police station. Ha
says that dining Iho piogiess of the speech
by one of the socialists a. squad of olllcers
matched by close to the speakers stand , Someone
ono shouted , "Kill the . " Al
most as soon as the words luul been uttered
Ihreo bombs weio tin own fiom near the
stain ) Into tlm midst of the squad of olllceis.
They exploded Instantly and live policemen
fell. Others weio wounded , and sovetal of
thu socialists did not escape. An otllcer who
has lust at lived Irom tliusccno says there Is
haiilly any doubt that at least lixo olllcers
weie. killed. Persons living on the xvestslde ,
many squares Irom tlio bceno ot the dlsttnb-
a nee. repot t that the explosion of bombs ,
xvhlch xxas tettille , xvas instantly followed
by a fiisiladti of tevolver shots.
.Moiocolicicnt accounts aio cominc In , and
they point lo a much moiu disastions ultiny
thanatlllst tenoitcd , and about tUO ! olilcets
had been detailed to attend tlio meuting , and
had been in thn vicinity slnco the socialists begun to assemble. At thu time of thu
Ihiowiinrof Iho homlMho riowdhad dwin
dled to u > ss than 1 , < XX > . but the utterances of
the speakers xvciu still of a most Inllnmmato-
jy chinuctor , however , and the hcaicrs xvho
sllll lemaliied grow rlolous In Ihelr demean
or , The police concluded to put an end to
the dlstuihanco , and advancing onlctcd thu
ctoxvd to ( llsH'rso. ) At lirst the socialists foil
back slowly , the speakers still niglng them to
stand linn. Suddenly bombs weio thrown ,
anil thopollco retorted instantly with a xol-
loy from their tevolxets. The lioters an-
sxveted with theirs , which the sequel
shows they were x\ell piovldcd
x\ltb. The mob niicaiod ) crazotl xxitli
a frantic deslto for blood , and Holding Its
giound poinod volley alter volluy Into the
midst of the olllcers. The latter fought gal
lantly and at last dlspotscd the mob and
cloated the market place. They aio now
giimling uxeiy approach to Iho place and no
one Is allowed In Ihete. Immediately alter
the Hist explosion the olllceis xvho were left
standing dunv Ihelr rovolx'eis and 111ed totintl
ntter loiiiul Into the mob. Largo nunibcisof
these tell , and ns they dioppedxvoio linmo
dlutol } can led to the tear and Into the many
daik alloy xvays by their friends. Noestimnto
of the casualties can boglx en but the police at
Des 1'lalnes street station say that Inlly til ty ot
them weio wounded. The drug stoics In
thai vlelnily aio ciovuled xvith people xxho
xveiu hint , and doctois have been telephoned
lo in all dhi'ctions. licfoio tlio tiling hud
ceased the neighboring police stations xvero
tinned into lompoiaiy hospitals , At U
o'clock twenty policemen lay on the lloor of
Des I'lalncs station , all disabled , and piob-
ybly half ( hat number seriously Injined.
Olheis weio lepoited to bo still lying in the
open squaio either dead or badly wonudoJ.
A tclephono mcbsago fiom ono of the hospi
tals says that a woundedofllcerbioiitthttlieie
1ms slnco dlod. Olllcer Joieph D. died
on the xvuv to the station. Later topotts
from" Des I'lalncs stiect station indlcato that
even moro than wcrout Hist estimated x\cre
wounded among the socialists. Scenes at
Iho station aio heaitrending. In ono largo
loom Ho some liltcen otlicei-s with doctors
drcaalng tlioir wounds. The xvlfo of ono ol
the men has just como In , and upon teaming
that her husband was anumc the xvonndeil.
? cll down in u faint r.uU Jtnd to bo carried
11:00 : p , m. More flrhiK has boon heard
near the scene of the former trouble , and a
large foico of police has just left the station
for the place. Some fifteen shots xvoro heard.
It Is reported that AnininSpies Islu a .saloon
on l.nke street ana n detail of pollco has been
sent there to arrest him. Itclntivcs of Ofllcers
Timothy Flavin , George Miller anil Hcddin
came to Iho station a short time nito , accom
panied by n pilcst , xvho administered the
last s-aciaments lo Hie thtcn men xxho are
dylnp. In Iho basement of the station there
are some ten socialists xxho are having their
wounds attended to. The follow Ing is a list
of the killed and wounded among the pollco :
Joscpl Stuntmi , John _ A..Dyer , John McMo-
° " '
A r"
Krn'ger , J. "if. Wilson , ' Joseph _ - .
Halverson , F. Hilda , Kil. Uaitett , John
Henson. J. Mitchell , A. Flavin , Charles Fink ,
M. J. Shannon.
1B:15 : a. m. Inspector llanficld has just
been seen at the DCS Plalursstiuet station ,
and sa > s coiicciiilng to-night's tioublu in old
haymaikot : "Alter I'arsons had concluded
his speech , Sam Fielding , another nototious
socialist , mounted a xvagon and began to ad
dress the ciowd , his add i ess bolng ot the
mostlniluinmutorydcscrlptloit. Hociilledon
the men lo nrtn Ihomselves and to assert
I heir righls. Ho linally became so violent
thatxvoid xvas sent to the station , xvlilch xvas
only a block distant , and Inspector Hanlield
at thu head of txxenly-llxu men matched to
the plan : ot meeting , llanfleld called upon
the crowd to disperse , snd KicMlnir shouted
out to tlu'iirtroin the xvaion"To nrmsl"
Iho olllcur once moio called on
them to disperse , xxlion suddenly fiom
behind thu wagon which was nolsexcn tcet
from the trent lank ol polleo , two bombs
xvero thrown in between second and thlul
tank of thu men with the cllect nlieady
stated. The second lit Ing. which xvas heard
about an hmirau'o , pioved to bo nothing of
any consequence ; no one xvas hint , On n
table In thu station house xvhoiu thu xvonndeil
policemen ate , a poor follow lies sttctched
xvltha tenIblc bullet xvouiid In his bicust , n
few feet distant a \\ilht.\tteicd clothes
and mottal wound In h'.s side is lying in
sensible. On cots around tlio room and in
cliaits xvith their legs bandaged tip aim icst-
Ing on suppoils of dill'eient kinds aio
some Iif teen or txxcnty olllceis
xvho xvcto xvtiunded by the bombs.
Not a groan or complaint Is hoard fiom any
of them. Another ollicur , xxho xvas loutiil
lying In ndootxxay xvhcto ho had been car-
tied , or where ho hud diaggcd himself , has
lust been brought in irighttnlly xvonndeil.
I'heio atusoum twenty of the socialists In
culls In the basement , all of them aio
wounded , and one of them , a Noting fellow
of about QJ , Is dead. The following named
socialists , all ot whom ate wounded , have
been placed tinder attest : Joe
Nuclier , Kmil Lotz. John Ulcxvenz ,
Puter Day. John Fioser , August
Itobett Sehultz , FranWioch , B. Leplant ,
Chailos Sehumnker. When Iho news ol
killing of six policemen had i cached the
Fiist logiment armory , Anson Lebolte , mem
ber ol Company C , was disguised and sent to
the scene ol the conflict to take observations.
He xvas ancMcdchargud with being a social
ist and is still under ancit.
The list of casualties , so far ns can bo
Icnincd , loots uu as follows : One socialist
dead , txxo oHIeers dead , lour other ollkoib
xvho mav not suivixe till moinlng , and thlity
moioiollco ] wh'o haxo wounds , many ot the
most sci ions cliaiacter , In addition to
this iitobably titty people , neatly nil
members ot the socialists ciowd or cltl/ens
of the xiclnity weio shot or otnerwiso hint.
So gicat Is the panic and necessity of c.uing
tor wounded thai it may be days bolero the
lull extent ol thu disaster is made known.
Mayor Haiilson atrhed at the station as
soon as possible niter the bombs had been
tin own. Hi : walked around among the
\\oiinded olllceis and spoke cncontagn ! <
xxords to " ' " said he"at the
them. "Ixx'as" , meet
ing for a xUiilo dining the time Parsons xvas
speaking. 1cnt fiom them lo Des I'lalncs
.slicet station and learning that there xvas no
indication ot trouble , I went home to bed. I
had liatdly done so when I licaid of the
bombs and came directly to tlio station. "
"What action will he taken to subdue the
socialistic element ? " ho xvas asked.
I can't say now. 1 haven't had
time to think of any plan since this affair.
You can say , hoxvex-er , that the entire pollco
force of the citv will bo used lo maintain or
der , and nnfaxvful galheilngs , at xvhich
speeches are made thicatcnlng life and ptop-
erty , xvill not bo permitted.
liieltlnc to Bloodshed.
CmcAdo. May-I. The Aibeiter Xcitung , a
German paper edited by Spies , Iho .socialist
xvho xvas ono of the speakers xvho Incited
yestetday's riot at McCormlck's , announces
this afternoon tnat a gieat meeting of the
people xvill bo held to-night on Dcsplaincs
street , and whoever condemns the lioiiiblo
brutality of yestetday must bo there. The
paper further says : "Worklngmcn , thu hated
pollco yesterday murdered four of your
brothers and then wounded perhaps Iwcnty-
lixo moiont McCoimlck's factory. Had your
brothcts , xvho had nothing but stones to de
fend themselves , been armed xvith good xvoai > -
ons and a low dynamite bombs , none of tlio
imudcicrs would have escaped. As it was ,
four ot them ( the policemen ) weio wounded.
That Is sad. Yesterday's massaeio occnnod
that tho-10,000 slilkeis In lids city might bo
tilled xvitli fear and terror , and that the dls-
satlsliod and rebellious laboicrs might be
dtlven under the yoke of shivery. Will this
end be accomplished')1 Has not a miscalcula
tion been made ? The next fexv days xxiil an
swer tills question. Wo xvill not speculate on
Iho course of ox'cnls. "
The paper goes on to give a detailed ac
count ot Iho tumble , and places the icsponsi-
blllty enlitely on Iho police. Spies also says
that homo Bohemians and Poles In the back-
giound of the croxvd ho xvas ndilresslngialsed
"On to McCotmlelc's. " The
the cry , same pa
per says that the pollco yostetday used their
clubs in dispersing the procession ol sltlklng
gills , and adds :
"In x\hoso veins does not the blood course
faster when ho hears of this shameful net of
tlicst ) beasts ? Whoever is n man must show
it thcau clays. Men to the front 1"
The Contagion Spreading.
CHICAGO , May . [ Special Telcittam.J
A laigo majoilty of the employers and em
ployes liavo calmly discussed their dillei-
cnces and adjusled them to the satisfaction
of both , and would now bo at xvork
If they wore suto the laxvloss cle
ment would bo contiolled by Iho
police , This element is still Industriously nt
xvoik In some quaiters , partlcnlailv In tlio
lumber region , but has generally been pre
vented fiom becoming too demonstrative.
Onoortxvo threatening ctowds have been
dispersed by the pollco without bloodshed.
The pollco enter upon this sort of servlco
xvith spirit , and the engagements have In vail-
ably been shoit , slmip and decisive. The
freight handlers ate still out , but Iho toads
mo putting now men nt work , and these , as
sisted by clerks and others , are taking care
of all the business offctcd , though not ns
piotnptly us might bo wished ,
A mob near thu corner of Eighteenth and
Hiown streets was dispersed about 2so : :
o'clock by a squad of police , xvho used their
rexolxeisftcely , but nppaiently without in-
jilting anybody. The First leglmunt lias
been ordered to assemble at Its armory as a
ptccautlonaiy mcasute , anil Is now under
arms and le.idy In c.-uo it is needed. Only
live roadsaio moving fieight the St. Paul ,
Lake Slioio , U. .to , , C. , , & Q. , and Michi
gan Central and nothing can bo done until
tlio blockade is llttod. Opinions aio widely
ut vailaneo as tothe-merlti of the demands ,
but the belief U tlocplx tooled that the differ
ences between the industrial nwisos and
their cmployeis will bis adjusted xvlthout se-
ilous lioublc. The mouthlim 01' the anarch-
Islsoxcllussomo alarm , mid their frenzied
demonstrations r.r > > naturally disgusting , but
the givat mujoilly of Ilia xx'orklngmcn have
uothing in common with lawless olu-
incuts , and aio as heartily opposed ( o them as
tlio employers , and will as quickly unite to
put down lira and blood agitators If they at
tempt to carry their revolutionary theories
Into practice. '
The manufactories and workshops are
starling up again In this city , and the hosts
of Idle men are growing smaller ex-cry hour.
Umploycrs xory Kenoi-ally manifest a wllllne-
uos toUy the eight-hour plan , im-i lulovt it
l > crmanenlly If It xvorks satisfactorily , Many
liave granted an advance In xxagcs xvith the
understanding that the advance xvill bo per
manent provided competitors pay the same
scale , but not otherxvlso. Tlio labor situation ,
liowcvcr , xxlll be electric xvitlt excitement for
many days , no matter \\liat occuis , as tlio
contazlon Issprcaillnsovertho xvholo coun
try. It has nssumctl the ptoporllonsof a
giant uprising , but only xvhcro the Ignorant
foreign element Is In tlio ascendcnacy have
Iho people been carried off their feet by the
Intoxication of the moment. It is toward
Ibis danger spot that public attention Is
largely conccndatcd. Nothing was talked
of to-day excepting strikes.
In Chicago.
CIIICAOO , May 4. The McCormlck reaper
xvorks opened as usual this morning , fully
one-half the woikmcn returning to tlio fnc-
toiy dcspllo the Intimidation and bloodshed
of ycsleidny nflornoon. A succlal force of
pollco xvas on duty to protect tlio men on
their xvny to xvork , but their services xvcro
not requited as tlio aiintchists and followcts
of the day pi ex ions xvoro not to bo seen.
Scvcial crowds \\eio reported uathci Ing in
the lumber dlsli let. from xvlieiae the mob of
jostei day proceeded , but the police have no
advice of trouble from any quarter. Tula
moinlnu. a Miong detail of police xvas on
duty at Iho Cential station the same us yes
terday , and the cntlio torco held in reserve
for any sudden call for Ihelr services.
A ciowd of Bohemians1 , Poles and Ger
mans began lo assemble/ Iho prnltlo in the
southwestern poitlon of thu city this mom-
Inc xvhoto the incendiary harangues ot yes
terday woio ultcied xxhlcli proxoked thu ilot
later on. They weio etrectimlly scatteied by
the police without making any unests.
Two-hundred policemen liax-o been stationed
In the vicinity of yestcidny's dlstutbauccs.
Capt. Hathaway wltn a crowd of fifty police
men uut In an unexpected appearance nt
"Goose Island" at nine o'clock this moinlng
xlieio some damave occurred yesterday xvith
the Milwaukee and St. Paul piopetty. A
crowd ol Iwo-liundrcd idlers xvcro lonnd
guaidlng thu switches and the small tnlltoad
eiiglno house. The police descended on Iho
crowd , captured nine and dlspeised the to-
Having boon driven from the prairie this
moinlng thu idlers and stiikct.s , Incited by
the Icadets , ptocecdcd southeast , presently
foimlngn column three or tour thousand
sttong. They marched toward the lanio irluo
faculty near , ciosslng thn liver nt Thirty-
liflli sticet , xvith thclnlcnllon of cliningdow n
Iho xvoiks. A sliong foico of police anesled
nine of Hie rlnglcndeis and over-awed Hie
crowd , xvhlch moved olt xvlthout unking an
attempt to icscuo their felloxvs. The size of
ol the ciowdas such that the c.hluf of
police directed lelnfoiccment. The ollicers
on duty in that dlstilcl have knowledgoof
the gathering being kept logether and ap
parently uiged on by leaders to acts of violence
lence , and caused moro thorough precautions
to bo taken to guard against ttoublo. The
cominaiidctsof the several state icgiments ,
lolnfoiced by the guaids , ate at the nimorles
without special oitleis. simply nsapiecau-
tlonuiy measure. A crowd of strikets at
tempted an assairit on the Milxvaukco & St.
Paul shops nt Western aveniio this
toicnoon , but xvero driven nxvay
fiom the scene by a foice of police.
Switchmen on all lalhontts xxcio at xx"oik
this morning , but it Is stated -Milwaukee
& St. Paul switchmen go out at : i o'oclock
this allornoon for a. xvorklnjj day of eight
honts , and to aid the freight handlers
in their strike. All railtoads ate caiing lor
about all the Height being otlcied. The new
men of the St. Paul toad xx-oro nt xvoik as
usual this moiniiig. StiiKors remained In
thu vicinity of the yanls nttcmptlin ; to in
duce tcamstci.s having loads of meichnndlsu
lor tlielieiglit house to turnback wilh Iho
lonils , using ducats at times. A number of
teamsters woio Induced to turn back with
their loads.
Three hundred men of the First infantry
nnd ! iOO of the Fiist cavalry aio on duty at
their icspectlvo armoiics. Tito regiments
xvero assembled in accoidance with an Intl-
nmtion fiom die city authorities that a largo
body ot strikcis w etc assembling in the south
western portion of the city. The troops re
ceived no special orders liom the stale author
A committco of the lumbermen to
xxlilch xvas lefeired the demand of
the men for eltrlit hours xvoik at
ten houis pay propaied a carefully xvtlttun
answer winch will bo given to the stiikes'
committco at 3 p. in. to-day. The answer
states thai Iho lumber Irado of Chicago can
not meet the men's wishes , and lovlews at
length thn condition of ( ratio licic , slioxxing
the volume of business heio has steadily dc-
cicascd slnco IbSl , and Iho xvagcs hcie and
general expense of handling Inmuer xvas
much dealer than that at competing mar
kcts.Up to 2 p. in. the situation Is practically
unchanged in the lullioads yards. Thu men
ni rested yesterday aftcinoon at SrcCotmlck'n
reaper xxoiks for puiticlpating in tlio riot
xxeronrialgnculn coutt this morning. The
eases weio continued until May 13.
Mcmbcis of the Flist regiment who had
been under arms the greater portion of die
attctnoon , xveiodlsbinded nboutS p. m. and
sent to tholr homes. They had been called
logclhcr by Colonel Knox UDon his own 10-
sponslblllty , and at the hour mentioned a
suixey of tlio situation indicated nothing se
rious enough to xxanant keeping the men
any longer under aims.
Militia Under Arinn in Mllxvaukec.
Mn/WAUKr.E , May 4. Thotepoit xxas 10-
cclvcd fiom Hay VIoxv dial a mob had assem
bled at that place , and is about to assault the
xvorks. Fighting lias occuried. No details
hnvo boon icccix'cd. The lluht hoiso squad-
ton is now assembling at the armorv lo pio-
ceed lo the scene.
11 a , m. lioports fiom the southern limits
of the city show scveial crowds of Idle men
niimboilng Into the hundreds nro assembled
at various points. It is believed rioting will
be uvorte 1. Several manufacturing establish
ments have boon visited by commit
tees of strikcis and oidctcd to close
down. A number of proprietors comulicd.
DIlToicnt companies of the Fourth battalion
aio now nsbcmdlcd nt their various armories
icady to inoxoata moment's notice , Gov
ernor Hiiskulsoordeied thogox'ernoi'sguaids
ot Madison and Waleilown gnatds to tills
city and diey ate noxv on their xvay by special
train. With llieso companies aimed to the
local mllllla force upon the Held It Is beliovcd
the eiowds of Idle men will think better of
their Inclnlallon to Indulge in liotons pio-
ccedlngs , and quiet will soon bo icbtoicd and
Ili0a. ; : m , lleporls ftom Bay Vlexv an
nounce a gathering of idloxvoikmen to the
number 7,00 , ) lo 8,000. Twomlliliu companies
liax'o been Font to Hay View by tialn , and Iho
light hoiso sqiiadion xxill dcpatt in a lew
JSoo.v Upon icnuest of Mayor Wailbcr ,
thugox'ctnor Issued an eider to the following
companies of the Flist leglmcnt to appear at
Milwaukee at the eaillest moment , .lanpu-
villo , 1) , Monioo , Helolt. Dolavar. White-
xvatcr. Datlington , nnd Company I.Mndlscn ,
A message xvns just received by ( Jox * . Husk
from Hay View , saying tlio sttlkuis nro in-
cicasing In numboiiinndliax'o swaiming Into
the tolling mills. The Kosclusko Ktuuds have
been otdcrcd out.
Four companies of militia are stationed nt
Hay View. Upon tlio appearance ot tlio sol
diers Ihoyxxcro stoned by Iho mob ana sov-
cinl men slightly Injured. Captain Bocliault ,
of Iho Koscnlsko guards , xvas stiuck xvith a
biiek and oidmca Iho miin lo lire ono round
into dm air , The llav View rolling mills nro
closed , General Manager Miller , of Iho St.
Paul load , asked thoshcrlft for protection of
dm company's height houses , xvhlch nto
Thtco huiulird Polish laborers armed xvith
stones and clubs and iclnfoiced by n hun
dred socialists galbeic-d hero this morning to
inaugurate Iho clghl-honr sjstcin In die
Kinneckliintfl valley. They passed a num
ber of mills nnd then slatted lor the Noitli
Chicago lEolling Mill company's xvoiks in
Hay View , wheio 1'JOO men nio employed.
In fiont ot the ollico n halt xvns called anil a
committee sent to confer with the ofllclals.
It xvas explained that the mill men weio
mostly paid by the piece for xx oik , hut this
in no xvay satisfied tno mob , xvho could only
arguu ten hours pay forplglit hours xxork. A
number of socialist * xxero on hand
freely ciicnlating among the rioters
and niglng them on to violence and
a break was about lo bo made for the enclos
ure of the mills xvheu Unco Infantry com
panies appeared upon the scene , caiisfim tlio
mob to take a second Ihought The soldiers
were hooted and hissed , but fuither thsn this
no molestation xvas olteied until the last
company of the Koslusko tuitrd xvas passing
into tlio mill enclosure , when a shower of
rocks and sticks xvero luulfd by rioters' ' . The
company wheeled and llrcd ono volley , near
ly exeiy cnn being purposely aimed thigh ,
xvhlch had tlio effect ot scattering the crowd.
Amy Injury to property has boon prevented
: > y the militia , six companies bring stationed
therelo-nlirht , Kailythi.1 morning appeals
Lo Governor Kusk , who arrived hero
last night , were madn by Mayor
Wallber anil Sheriff Poschcn for
military protection. Orders xvcro immedi
ately issued to ten companies of the First
regiment , nnd ono company of the Second to
report hero at the eat llcst moment. Sovcral
came by special and others by regular lialns ,
and to-nlghtox'cr 1,000 armed men of stale
mllllla are on duty here. Txvo companies are
stationed at tlio Milwaukee & St. Paul's xvest
Mllxvaukeo shops. Thrco at K. P. Kills &
Co.'s xvoiks. and the 'rcnmlndcr ' , aside from
Ihoso In Hay View , are held In reserve at the
aimoiy. In this city quiet is also bolng re
stored , and should to-moirow pass xvlthout a
fresh outbreak , It Is believed Hint
all disturbance. will have passed.
All Quiet nt St. Ijouls.
ST. Louis , May 4 , Marlln Iton.s , by whom
Ihu Gould southwestern strike x\as ordered ,
when asked what efleel he anticipated thn
method of ending tlio trouble would have
upon the Knight of Labor , said : "Wo xxcro
lighting for lecognltlon and xxo got It from
congiess. Is not that complete enough iec-
ognillonV Our order xvill groxv after this o\cn
more rapidly than during the past lew xvceks ,
xvhcn applications havu been so numerous
for chattels that xvo could scarcely find time
I o consider them. The older sent to the mas
ter workman of each local assembly an or
der Informing them Hint did sttlkc Jiad been
dcclaicd off , nnd ordering them to notify
their men to make application for
xvoik to-day. The /older / auplies to all
Knights employed in East St. Louis. "
This looming at ? o'clock , the time Ihuduy
force of sxvitclimcn nnd freight handlers ,
etc. , go to xvoi k , a largo number applied tor
positions of the various companies , and many
xx'ero immediately placed on the pay rolls. A
fexv rccognl/cd ns tlioso xvho committed
depredations upon dm companies' ptoperty
xvcro denied employment. The striking cm-
ploxcs of the MissoutiCar | Foundry company
xx'ero otdeicd to loluin lo xvotk this moin
lng. This morning those xx'ho had been on
n stiiku applied tor tliclr old positions nnd
xx'cie taken back without exception. It is
expected die militia will bo withdrawn to
night or to-moiiow.
The Strike in tlio Southivcst.
KANSAS CITY , May 4. The Missotul Pa
cific stilkcrs applied forielustatcment this
morning. The company took back ns many
ns It could supply with xvoik , but the majority
of them could not bo accommodated. Truck
men In tho. various yards haxogone on a ceil-
ciul strike forun advance in xvages from Sl. "
to Sl.fiO. The movement botran in tlioHun -
nibal it St. Joseph ymds , and It Is rcpoitod to
have extended to all the yauls except the
Mlssotnl Paciiic. This does not have any
nppaicntcircct upon buslnbbs.
The Revolution in Boston.
BOSTON , May 4. About 4,003 men , com
prising a majoilty of the masons , caipontois
painters and plumbers , struck this moinlng
for a shoiter day. Work In their trades Is
in a meat measme. suspended duouzhoul Iho
city and subuibs. Thjhois no dlsoider. The
Mastei Builders associallon Issued a clicular
to Ihu cllect thai tlicjaie standing out for
principle against dlctatj6n.
Shop Men AVulk Out ,
Dm ISOIT , Mich. , May4. The umnloyes of
ho Michigan car shops did not teturn to xvoik
this morninz. A foxv desired to do so but
feared violence. A'couimilteo xxnsnppointed
by Ihcstiilvcrs to ask the cmployeis for ten
hours pay for elshticurs \ xvoik and nn ad
vance ot liltecn p r cent , xvhlch was
A Country Town Cremated.
PiTTsni/ita , May 4. The town of Fair-
vioxx ; , Erie county , xvas llame-sxvcpt yester
day afternoon. Scarcely a x'cstigo of the
business pottion icinnins. Thu conllagiadon
broke out in a Hx-ery stable. Thlitecn fam
ilies nio homeless without resources. Loss ,
§ 100,030 ; insurance , § 30,000.
Rochester's Blnzc.
ST. PAUL , Minn. , May 4. The Dispatch's
Rochester ( Minn. ) special says : A lite
broke out In Wlllingrlc's fmulture store ,
Pine island , last night , and destroyed u bhVck
of six buildings. Loss § 12,000 , partly in-
TJCSS AVorlc anil Moro Pay.
Jiiisv : : CITY , May 4. All xvunveis and
others employed In the silk Industry nt Union
hill , Jcisoy City Heights , and West lloboken ,
stiuck lor a dccicaso of hours and nn in-
cteasoofpay. About 2,500 poisons aio out
ol employment. _
The Favorite Tnno.
Nnxv YOIIK , May 4. The piano mnkcis
claim twenty-lhieo shops acceded to Iho de
mands tor eight horns.
I5lht ; Ilonrn in AVnHhinston.
AVASiiiNnro.v , May 4. Only COO men aie
locked out , Ixvo-thlrds of tlio employers ha\-
ing acceded to the demands.
Trouhlcs nt Other Points.
Jr.nsnv Cirx- , May f . The stiiking silk
xveavcrs at Union llfll xveio joined to-day by
the employes ol Krsklno's mill , xvhlch In
creases die number of strikcis to 4,000. Every
mill in diis section of the counliy Is now
Dr.TiioiT , May fi. Tlio biexvers who
have not alieady yielded to tlio
demands of the men capitulated this
morning , signing Iho union schedule.
Txvo bundled and Ufty men In other estab
lishments in the city havu stiuck or boon
shut out by the eight-hour strike.
CINCINNATI , Mnv fi. 'Iho laihoad stiiko is
seriously checking business heie.
iiAi/nxioiiK , May 5. All tuinlturo inanu-
fuctining honsos In this city with ono excep
tion shut down tolay. . The men demand
cighl horns and the mannlactuicrs refuse to
comply xvith their request , claiming that they
can not supply lliolrltadu wlllueduced xvoik-
Ing hours. _
The IlacoH at Drighton Itouch.
UitiniiTON' HIACII : , Mliy 4. The xvcalhcr
cloudy and cool and thu track good.
Fl\-e-cighths mile "lor maiden 3-year-olds
and unwauls Queen ollllearts won , ( ianloy
second , John Mullens third. Tlmu 1.0
Thicc-iouidis mile ( Ulead won , Hlnlon
second , Witch thlul. Time 1:18. :
Ono mlle Jacobus xvon , Woodllower second
end , Bahama third. Time 1:45. :
Ono mlle Lord Uisiciinslluld xvon , Peters
burg second , HIack Jocktthitd , Time 1 :4 : ( ) .
Koven-uighths mlhj Wycai-oids nnd up-
xvatds Singetly xvon ; reeksklll second , Jim
Bass Bull Guinea Yesterday.
The tolloxvlnir la dm rcwlt of tlio vaiions
games of base ball playful by the loading
clubs of thu country :
At Washlnjiton Hostons 8 , Nationals 5.
Al Plttbbiiig-PilisbnrKS 7 , SI. Louis 14.
Al Cincinnati Gliielnnatlsn , Loulsvillos 2.
Al Philadelphia-New Yoiks 4 , Phlladcl-
phlns 11 , Kljilit Innings on account of dark ,
At St. Louls-St. Louis 0 , Chlcazos 5.
Eleven Innings.
At New Yoik Htooklyns 3 , Athletics 1.
At Noxv Ymk Metroplltans a , Ualllmorcs
A. Jail lironk : in KanHas ,
WIKPJIM : > , Kan. , Jlay 4. The prisoners
conlined In the county jail made ndespeiato
attempt to escape last night nt 8:40. Deputy
Sheriff Period opened the Jail door lo lock
the ptlsoners in die cells xvhen lie. was
knocked down. Ono of thcrguards ( lied into
the crowd nnd instantly killed W. P. Hen-
nett , in foi .ountuifelting. Tlie cnaid tu-
celvcd a bloxv on the head renderinc him Insensible
sensiblennd four prbonets succeeded In es
caping. <
An oniu'a smuggle ! has boon 'defraud-
IHK Chinese at So.iltlo , W. T , by K lli iji
thonj n line quality of Victoria innU. any
eied by a. layer of the drtiR , at J10 a
The PoatofBco Appropriation Passes the
Senate With the Amendment ,
Weaver of town Itctnlns Illi Sent In
Congress by n Strlut I'nrty Vote
ol'tlio House Other
The Scti.ttn'H
WASIIINOTOX , May -I. Mr. Hoar , to-day ,
presented a letter , received from Knnnctt
Tompklns , secretary of the Ohio leulslutuio
invcstliratlou commit teerecaidlng the pilnt-
liig of tlie report that the eominltteo recently
submitted to thu United States bcnatc. The
ctterslati.HthatTonipklnson examination of
: iio copy piintetlby oidur of the senate , found
iurioptltlous interpolation lad been in.ulu
in the copy furnlslied the pilnter , the matter
Interpolated not being In the original copy
sent to the senate , lit ! asks an investigation
jf the subject by the committee In order that
the porpettatlon of the Hand may bo dlscov.
cied. The loiter was t cfcued to thncominlt-
eo on privileges and elections , thn matter
otdeted reprinted In the coirect foim and the
llstrlbutlun of the Inconcet cnny ouleied
After the passage of a number of ptlvato
bills the postofllco npptoprlatlon bill was
said before the .senate.
Mr. Call favoied the proposal to appropri
ate SBOO.OW tor the cairiago of the United
States mall to Central ami South Ameilca ,
Japan , China , etc. Ho did not legnul 11 as a
Mr. Siiulsbury opposed the proposition.
Mr. llalosaid thatnecor.lliu to Mr. Hock's
explanation given ycMmday , tlio nostolllco
deiiartment was moie culpable than ho at
litst supposed as to the leaving at IVinam-
.mcb ot : v huge body of Hlo .lancilo mail.
Prom Mr. Hi-ck's explanation , Mr. llalo-altl.
It would .seem that the postmaster general
had .sent the mail by an KimlNi Moauicr
while knowing that they would have to He
oxer at 1'ernnmbuco , a long way this bide ol
their destination , and would have to theto
await the coming of a United States steamer
lorliiurll. Mr. Hale could see no stiongcr
lllusttatlon of the nrcfeicnco of thu postmas
ter general tor loielgn ships since ho had
gcnt'tho mails pail way by loielgn ships.
Mr. Plumb said that no senator had shown
that the sum per mite provided for by tlio
amendment was too much. Mr. I'liinib
ciiticlsed the comseof the scnatois who
would ask for many millions to impiovo
the Mississippi liver for coiiimeico but xveio
not willing to dovelopo commeice Irom the
mouth of tlio Mississippi toother lands.
Tlio debate then closed and the voting
lciran. ) A number of amendmenttr wete
olTered , some of which were aciecd lo.
The committee's provlsl m for foreign
mails , ns finally amended by the senate and
agieed to , leads as follows :
For the tiansportation of foreign malls by
merican built and iccisteted steamships , to
secuio greater frfquency and to ulailty In
disoatch , and creator speed in the cairhige of
such malls to liia/.ll , the tcpubllcs of Mexico ,
Central and South Ameilca , the Sandwich
and West India and Wimhxaid iblands , New
Caledonia , New Xealand , Austiallan colonies
nies , China and .Japan SbUlUO ) ; and the
postmaster gencial is nuthon/.ed to make ,
after due auvcitlsement tor proposals , such
contract or contracts with the owners of
Ameijcan "steamships' For'tcrms of not less
than three nor mete than live years , and at
a late of compensation not exceeding 50 cents
pur nautical milo on the trip each way
actually ttaveled between leiminnl
points , in tlio most illiect and leas
able com so between terminal points
ns bhall bo louiid expedient and deshablc to
bccuiu the end above set Until ; and if unable
to make such contracts tor any such respec
tive sei vices , lie shall , as tar as possible ,
cause the mulls of the United States to bo
cairled to and from said places respectively
in tlio best and most expeditions manner
practicable In Amt'iican vessels and for rea
sonable compensation not exceeding the rate
bcfotc mentioned ; and the postmaster gen-
etal , if in his judgment it bn piactlcable ,
shall conttact tor semi-monthly bet vice be
tween Now Yoik and New Oilcans and the
portol ItloJuneilo under the piovislonsof
this law.
The vote on the amendment as thus
amended was : Yeas S'J , najn 18.
The senators voting In tlio negativewcio :
Messrs. Heck , ttciry , Blackburn , Duller , Cam-
dmi , Col ' , Otay , Harris , Jones of Aikansas ,
Kcnna , M.ixcy , Morgan , Itansom , tJaiiUbnry.
Vnnco , Vest , Whlthotno ami Wilson of
On Mr. Plumb's motion the bum of SbOO.OOO
was added to the amount alteady in the bill
lor the lallway postal car set vice.
The vote on the linal passage of tlio bill
was : Yeas 15 , nays 10. Those voting in the
negative weio : Horry , Coke , ( Jray , ilairls ,
Jones ot Aikansas , Kpnna , Maxcy , oatils-
buty , Vest and Wluthoine.
The senate then adjoin tied.
The house took up the Weaver-Campbell
contested election case from the Sixth Iowa
district , and atler an hour and a halt debate
theresolution of the majority of thocommittee
on elections adopted confirming the right of
the sltllng member , J. 15. Weaver , to the seal.
Tlio tcsolutlon was advocated by Messrs.
( Jieon , Tinner , Lowry and Hall. Thouiini-
menls of gentlemen weio to thoplfojt
that the contustco claimed that ho was not
lepiesented at the examination ol thu wit
nesses of the contestant , dwelling on the
tact that the testimony was not taken within
the time prc.scilbcd by tlio statue. The con
testant iestliled to a x'oibal agreement be
tween hlmsolt and the counsel lorcontestec ,
xvalvlng the taking of such testimony
within that time. Whllo they
\\onld , under oidinary ciicunistances ,
compel the jiaities to observe btrlctly the to-
nnlrementsot the statute thny had , that tes
timony ptesciitcd by the contestant disclosed
such wholesale ) and open bribery. Implicating
oven Uie contesteo himself , thai the house , In
justice to its own dignity , must tnku notice ot
'Tho resolution was opposed by Mcssis.
Hopkins , Kly , Howell and Spooner , who
claimed that the contest should not now bu
As a substitute , for the resolution Mr.
Spooner olleied a tcsolntion giving Mr.
Pteicofoity days within which to cross ex
amine xvltnesscs , and Mr. Page ten days
thereafter to tale evidence In tcbuttal. Itc-
jecteil-yens VJ , nnyb 12l .
Tlio lesolntlon reported from the commit
tee on elections xvus tlicn adopted yeas IIS ,
Clins. A. lina on the Stand No New
lilglit Thrown Upon the AiT'nir.
WASIIINOIOX , May 4. Tno telephone com-
mlttco to-day examined Charles A. Dana.
Ho read a letter from E. N. Hill :
nWAMii.vnTON , Nov. 0. Enclosed I bend
you a full history ot the Pan-Klectilo Tt-Io-
phone company , xvhlch 1 wrote you some
time niro , not with n vlow to publication at
the time. 1 liirnlshrd the Tilbunu cotics-
pendent xvltlt thu original Informution on
wlilch It acted , Kvcty allegation in this ai-
ticlo except the ono that ( lailand attended
the meeting at 1237 ( } street is upon my own
knowledge and not heauay. It you think It
is news \\oithy of publication , bend mo a
check for what ills xvorth ; If not jou can
give It to the ollico cat. K. N. lln.i. .
P , S. 1 shall not otter it to any other pa
per.To this letter Dana said ho directed a reply
to bo nmdo to thu eilect that ho had con
cluded not to publish it. Thu reason why ho
declined to publish Hill's communication , ho
hald , xvas not that It did not seem to bo news ,
he was not willing to take any paitin attack *
IiiK tlio administration or any member ot It ,
and that wus the. leason why 1J Ill's letter was
. Witness further said that lie considered the
mutter generally smacking ot bcandnl , In
\vlilch tlw executive of the United States Is
mi < ta RUxilliRry. Ho said .lie nevoi
fully appiovcd of Cleveland' * clvi
' prUcip's , but Uier xva * .
about that of a pcaudalom nature , U was bad
lollcy and bad patriotism , but the
'an-Klectric was of a different iiaturo.
Scandal , ho said , consisted in Inducing the
attorney general to become a stockholder and
lien nslng the deparluifiit of Justice to pro-
note thu purposes of piivato speculation ,
A Now HrlilKO nt St. IJOUB. |
WASHI.NOTON , May 4 , Ueprcscntatlvo
Jloxcr , Mr. Cotlhell , a civil engineer , and
sovcral other gentlemen appealed befoto the
must' rommltteo on rommi'ree to-day on be-
mlf of the bill Introduced bv Mr. Glover to
authoil70 the erection of a Inlilco over the
Mlsslsslnpltherat SU Louis Mr. Hender
son , of loua , and Mr. 1'ilco of Wisconsin ,
and several lepresuntatlvcs of the lumber In-
eicst , oppy < ed the bill on the ground that
hebridgu would bo so low as to Interfere
\\ltli the lumber business.
Addltlonnl Crop llcporls 1'Voin Our
Special Correspondents.
\Slicchtln \ to l/ift / 7JfC ]
TKICCMAII , Neb. , May ) . Tim leccnt heavy
lalns hn\o pievcnlt'd Iho faimcn fiom dolui ;
much In the \\i\y \ td plantlnc , and In n largo
number ot rases tin1 ciound Is .still unpiu-
laied. ThoHcieagp , as far as wo e.ui ascur-
lain , will bo about the same as last year ;
nlnu-tenlhs will in : coin.
Cot.u.Miius Nei ) . , May ) . Kiom a visit
over the enmity n linger ncicaco for eoin Is
tovealed than last > car , sm.iller for wheat ,
\\M\\t \ \ \ \ the same lot- oats , bailey thn same.
Some lye looks line. 1'iiimcr.s aio almost
tlonu seeding and aio steadily pit-paring
their gtound for coin. Some are planting
small emly llelds. They set'iu toleel smu
that they w 111 bo almost completed by May lu.
VAIIXIINI : : , Neb. , May I. Fiom nil pails
ol the county the most favorable rcpoils ot
props mo it'potted. Notwithstanding Iho
laigu lain fall this spilng the giound Is In
'ood comlltlon and tanners foi waul In work.
I'lio acieago of small ginln Is fully tlonblo
Jntt of last yoar. Wheat anil oats nt'xer
ooked better , and piomlsu the largest yield
I or years. A xoiy huge acteam ! of coin will
bo pl'itited as our faimeis am dotei mined to
irovo wo aio uot ninth ot Iho "corn bell , "
illhongli thu splendid ctops of last season
should fully settle that us an Indisputable
tact.Sri'AHT , Neb. May ! . The tanners In this
section have sown about ' > percent moro
small gialn this spilng limn any pievlous
vear. About 50 per cent moio coin will
jo planted this jear over thatot picvlons
\ cats. The giound Is in most oxculiont con-
Sin.vnv , Neb. , JluyI. . Nlne-lenlhs of the
"aimers liave their small giuitrlnumt aio
low planting corn. The condition of the
; iound Is very good as wo haxo had heax'y
alns lately. The Incieascd aeieago Is not
ess than : t5'J ' per cent , Foimerly we laKed
lull and cow punchi'is , but now wo arc lals-
ng good old king coin and small grain.
A Missing Man ,
VAI.KNTIXI : . Neb. , May ! . [ Special Tele-
uiam.J The town is much agitated ox'er the
supposed loss and death of J. J. McColIlstor
nn attorney and snrxojor of much ability.
McCollistci lelt heio two weeks ago to locate
a number of claims In the cential portion of
he county. Thice days ago County Sut\eyor
Jcbciry In passing llnotigh that section
'otind McCollistet's tripod p.utially buried
uidcr sand liom tecoiit rain , and at some
Ustanco Ills hoiso Jiom I lacks and
guv/Ing , looked to have been theie
sovcial days. Nothing could bo found
of the unfortunate man. This place wheio
tno horse and instinments wcio found was
icar Hodman cieek , some Ihiity miles sonth-
wi'ht ofWaite'Rianch. in a tolally uninhnb-
tcdcountiy , Wailc's being Iho nearest hab-
tatloii. Debeiry scaiohed all last night ,
Bringing in thosc.and , icpoiting the facts , a
IbuialinirRO madonp by eiil/ens , and a
> atty slatted to look lor the missing man or
lis lemalns. McCoIIIster's bane was liquor.
Ho was known to hax'o been drinking Iteav-
ly belotu stalling , and it is siipnosnd ills
sudden stopplngot drinking caused sickness ,
dining which ho wundeicd away from his
lousu. McCollistcr was unix'etsally tospcct-
cd and esteemed , and his unfai lunate fate is
i egret ted by all. Ho has a most estimable )
tamily In Iowa , one of his sousboinc county
auditor ot Ida county.
A Peculiar Fatal Shoot Ins.
CHADIION , Neb. , May 4. [ .Speclnl | Intel
ligence was iceotvcrt hcie to-d.iy liom Buffa
lo Gap , 1) . T. , of the accidental and fatal
shooting ofa the night watchman for the
Fremont , Elkhorn & Missoutl Valley
ompany at that place. Tlio accident
occulted about 0:15 a. m. yestctdny. It seems
that Wllkoy , as that Is the uufoitunato man's
name , was ascending a ladder which ted to
ils sleeping apaitinunt , wlilch Is dlicclly
over the baggage tootn In the depot. When
ibotit to step Irom the ladder
to the floor above , his revolver
accidentally slipped fiom Ils holslcr which
he cnitled on n-belt about hlb waist. II tell ,
shilling on the ladder below , when It was
discharged and the , ball ( a-Ci-callluei ) pono-
tiated his abdomen. It tool ; an upward
course and come out near the back ot his
neck and bulled Itself In the celling above.
Alter Iho shoiillng Wllkoy got down to tlio
lloor below and oxpited in les- > than half an
hour nttcrwuuls. Thu remains went east
last night to Long Pine , wheut tlio nnfoiUi-
nato man's mother resides. Wllkey has been
In the employ of the Ficmont , Klkhorn &
Missouri Valley company for a numbci of
ycais , is about ! ! ' . ) years ot ago , and highly in
spected and esteemed by all who knew him.
A Ilooin for
AIIAPAHOI : . Nub. , May 4. [ Special. ] The
now depot at Kdlson , Iho lirst station east of
Aiapahoo , Is now completed and the con
tractor Is cast making all the nccessaiy ar
rangements for the material , etc. , to com
plete the new brlduo across the Republican
tlver nt that place. , and it will undoubtedly
glxe It aboom. Kdlson , although only a tow
months old , has a bank , general nii'ieiiandiso
btoies , lumber ynrtlsand iivery ncccssaty lo
make 11 a good town , and thu now briduo will
give it access to the .soutueastern part of
Fmnas county.
A Bohool HOIIBO Wrecked.
UunciiAtit ) , Neb. , May J. At noon to-day
thoFchool house was sti uck by lightning and
badly damaged. Many of the scholars weio
Injiucd by the shock or unit by Hying glass
and timber. Tlneo llttlo bo > h weio uncoil-
conscious boinu time , but will iccover ,
although badly binned , Ono end of thu
building was toin to pieces.
Cleveland Put Oat uy Reports of Hia Com
ing Wedding ,
A Fnvornlile Report on the 11111 to nc
Imlld Nolirntddi'a Frontier Fort
Tlio mil Granting Now
Districts Signed.
Tlio President mill Hlfi Wcddlnj ; .
WASIIINUTON , I ) . C.May J. | SpeclnlTelo-
( 'intu ] There secnis to IHJ a IcelltiR among
tlm o \\lio claim they know nil about the
mutter , that the president has grown mtlto
restless under the Immense amount of Rosslp
which Is being published about his nppioach-
Ins Nvi'lUllii } ; , uinl Ihcy siy ; ho is anxious fur
\\liulotliliii , ' to take place niulbo over.
They ex en ROM > fnt as to say ho hns a
deep laid plot to fonle\erj olio about the dale.
He scorns to bu put out by nil the jabber from
the PoNum lauitly niul xxondcis xvlicro the
next olio ot tht ! liH biidu clwl'.s rotations will
turn up ami say It Is nil IKctl. The phui Mr.
Cleveland has now In vlow , Is to give out
that ho Is golutj to Now York on Decoration
day , that Is very June , and then
elude thox ateliers and llco to his bride ,
mniry her , and limo It all over
bffoio iinyouo knows anything about It
.hut what MHs KolMimlll tuy xvhon siio
anlxesntid hcaisor thuairaiiKcntcnls for n
quiet wedding Is nut known. Ono thltu ; Is
ccilaln , hewi'vur , she evidently wants alulae
xxcddlnj : . it icpoits liom Pails eau bo bo
llux oil , tor shuanU to .show elf nil her
tineiv. It Ihlslast plan Is to bo enried Into
eileci. Miss KoNont will have to postpone the
\uMilni : ot that Initial dies until the Hist
larjje leccpllnn Is given In the wlilto lioiibe. j Hiroui < ins SIAT. :
As anticipated In these dispatches some
tlum IIKO. thu house tu-iluy , bv a party vote ,
decided Intaxorol Ki'ucml ' Weaver in the
Cnmpbell-WiMver contested cloctlon fiom
tin.Sixth district ot Itmti. It was well
kiuiun hciothat this \\onld botho tcimlna-
tlon of thor.isc , and thete was but llttlo in-
tt' shown In It , thcio being but n small at-
tt'iid.inuu ot mcmbcis. A magnificent pres
entation of the oasti was made by Sir. Payne ,
of Now Yorlc , member of the committee on
election ! ! , lie maito a lucid and convincing
alignment Inhflhatf of ( Sovcmor Campbell ,
show Imj eonohislx ely that the scat beloncCtl to
him. but It was drciot'd otherwise. Weavers
clueheis dummied up as K < > od an attendance
of democratic mi'iiibi'is as possible , even go-
ius so fur in their light I'or Weaver as to se
cure the publication of thu following In this
iiioiniiiRS 1'ost , the dcmociatlc organ :
"The contested election case ol Campbell
against Weaver ot Iowa , v III bo called up In
the house to-day. Theio is a minoiityiepoit
Binned by two or Unco lepublican memlicia
of the committco on flections , but that icport
was the icstilt ol second thought , and it was
made ninety to let Mr. Campbell down easy.
The it-publicans themselves generally admit
that tlit ! contestant has no ease. "
Had ( lie ahovo falsehood and Its mithmslilp
anil purpose bei'ii known by this it'pulilican
mcinueiM , it Is piobablo that n laigcr veto
would have been given In the house on the
case. The publication shows the dospciato
straits Into which Weaver and Ills btrlxets
wt-io driven. Alt thoicpubllcansoflhelowa
delegation say to-night that Campbell will
defeat Weavei by an unmistnUablo majority i
this lull.
A favoiablc icuoit will bo nmdo to-morrow I
liom the bunato committco fen mllltaty iif- ,
fairs bv Mr. Maiidur.-on on a bill appioprlat- I
inKSSfVrtlolelmlld Koit Holilnson , S7,000 / '
lor Foil 1) . A. Itnssell. at Cheyenne , Wyo
ming Ten I lory , and 50U10 : ! to coniDloto Foit
NIobiarn , Neb.
( iineiiioi Motion Is expected hero In n few
ilajs to spllcn sumo ollico puns loaded by
Dr. Millet dining the lattei's vltit heio re
Hon. X. C. Dcerlng , of Osaxe , Iowa , Is .
Thoptcsldenthas apnioved the act to PSI I
tabllsh an additional land distilct in Nc- ,
btaska. _ _
Royalty on Pntiiilo.
LONDON . May 4. The queen formally
opened the colonial exhibition to-day.
Ctowds gathcicd along her louto fiom Httck-
Ingliam palace and gteetcd her with en
thusiastic cheers. The main Hall In which
the opening eeicinoules were held was
ciowdcd. A largo number of fotolgn piinccs
and diplomats and Kngllhh olllccrn , all in
unifoim , weio in attendance. The prince of
Wale ? , dnkc of Kdlnbuii ; , I'llnco Battcn-
beig , 1'ilncess Buatilco anil Crown
Princess Victoria , ot 1'itiBsIa , led the
loyal ptocciSlon thionyhont the building.
( ilnilNtonc KotuniH to London.
.LONDON , May 4. Gladstone niiived In
London to-day and met with a most enthiibl-
nstlo iceeptlon. eiowds ot people
biirged around the piomlci's carriage ns it
left the railway station. The horses became
restive and wcio nontiollcd with dlmculty ,
anil for a time the occupants ot the caitltiKO
xveio In Imminent danger. Cladstono Is en-
joxlni : robust health. This oxcnlng ho will
attend a cabinet council , atxvhlch , the Creole
question and Iiish homo tnlo will bo ills-
The Rrcoian K6w.
ATIIICNS , May 4. Tlio powcis Instructed
the mlnlbfeis to remain at their posts. It Is
believed the powers will accept thoguaianteo
It om Fiance that Blio will secure the tils-
aiinameiitof Ciiccce. They will Jiot Jix an
actual piuiod for Its accomplishment.
A' , May ! . It is leported Turkish
troops are advancing neater the lion tier.
Short FiindH anil Allying Mnn.
Unovii.i.i : , Cala. , May -J. lltilto rnunly's
tic.isuiv iiinds wmo counti'd to-day tinil
found to bo snort SH.fiOO. W. .1. Morgan , the
comity tieasiuer , lelt about ton days ngo
ostensibly to attend a shooting mutch In a
neighboiing city. Wednesday last a letter
was iccdvcd Iioui Moiiran tinm Han Fian-
cibco , Htating that \\onldbe homo Sunday.
This is the last licaid or seen ol him. Jim
tamily conncctloiib arc ol the veiy best.
" \Vcntlicr for Ncbr.iHlcn.
FDI the State of Nebiaska Fair w father
and no decided change In teinperaluio.
That Tired Feelini
That extreme llrcil feeling which Is so dis P.vcrybody nco < l3 anil should take a
tressing ami often so unaccountable inlio \ Ejirlng medicine , for tuo rcasoni t
spring months , U entirely overcomeby Hood's 1st , The body is now moro susceptible to
fjarsajiaillla , x\lilch tones the x\holo lioily , licncflt f rom ineillclno than ut any other season.
purifies the blood , cures scrofula unit all 2d ( The linjmilllcti xxhlch li.ive accumulated
humors , cures dyspepsia , creates an appetite , In the blood eluuild 1)0 expelled , anil the sys
rouses the torpid liver , braces up the ncncs , tem given tone anil strength , licfoio the Jiros-
anil clears the mind. Wo solicit a comparison tratlng effects of xvarm cat her arc felt.
of Hood's Barsaparllla wilh any other Wood Hood's 6.-.reiiartla ] | Is Iho best prhig mcill-
jaulficr In the market fur purity , economy , chic , A shiglo trial \\lll convluco you uf ! ta
Eticngth , niul iiictllclnal mciit. superiority. Take It before It Is too late.
Tired nil tlic Time The Jlcbl Sprlno ffcillclna
"I nail no ajipctlte or 6trciitli ( , and felt "I take Hood's H-rcaparllla for a tpdnf
tlrej ull tlio litnc. I attributed my condition ineillclno , and I niul It j list the thing. It tones
to scrofulous humor. I hail tiled ccxeral up my system and makes mo frcl like a tlll7cr >
Mads of incdlcluo without benefit. Hut as cut man. My xOfo takes It for dyspepsia , and
FOOH as I hud tukcn half a bnttlo of Hood's bhoilcrhcs bcncflt from It. Shu bay u It
Uarsaparllla , my iipjicllto was restored , anil la the licit iiiudlchio shu c\ei took. " I' 0.
my ttoiuach felt better. I have now I tkcn TuitNtn , Hook fi I/Jelder No. 1 , Huston , Mrs > . '
nearly three bottles , and I never xtaisoxicll. " "Last sjirliib' I xvaa troutlril x\lth t'olls ,
Jilts. JKSSIE V , DOLIJIUHE , I'ascoag , It. I. caused by my blood being out ot order. Two
Mrs. 0. W. Ifairlott , I.o\xell , Mass. , xvas bottles of Hood's Haisajiarilla cured inc. I
coinilctcly ) cured of tick headache- , which she CAII recommend it to nil troubled with uffccx
hail 1C ycais , by Hood's Sarsararilla. tloiis of the llooJ. " J. tciioc'ii , 1'eoil.i , 11 ! ,
BoU ball drucgliti. fl ; U for g ) . p/epared | Sold bj all titngKUU. for 55.
ty 0. 1. HOOD i CO. , AjiotKcMtU i , Lowell , Mati. I b0. . 1. HOOD A CO. , Ay rk-l , IAH ell , 1' ' m.
i iOO Dooos Ono Dollar 1 IOO Doecs Ono Dollar