3 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY , MAY , 4 , 2SSG. SIX DAYS SHALT THOU LABOR , The Divine Injunction to bo Enforced by the Omalm Sabbath Association , | | . / SUNDAY TO BE A DAY OF REST. Pulpit Conshlprnlion of the Law of God Concerning Uic Hnblmth and the Manner In \ \ lilcli It is Uutlilcssly Vlolatcil. Sonic time ago , the attention of Bishop Worthington was directed to a number of cases in which the Sabbath was violat ed by a number of the working people of this city. Ho brought the mutter to the attention of the ministers of the city. Tlio result was the formation of what is now known us the Omaha Sabbath asso ciation. Tlio object of this pocicty for the pres ent , in advance of the adoption of the constitution , which took place yolcrday is" to discourage work on Sunday where that may bo done by solicitation and argument. Later on , it i.s proposed to utilize the law to enforce the Sunday observance , especially with those upon whom other argument fails of ell'ocl. At a recent meeting of thli association , it wns determined that the ministers on Sunday would ] ) i each on the subject of Sabbath violation. Dishop Worthinglon was out of towns Rev. Juo. Williams had previously set another .subject for consid eration ; Kov. Air. Dotwiler had surren dered his liulpit to another , and Nov. Mr. Copeland had not been apprised of the datn of consideration. Among the ser mons delivered were those outlined be low : Pulpit Opinions. I'lltST I'UKSUVTKUIAN , Ucv. Mr. llarsha look for his text the ninth verse of the fourth chapter of He brews : "There remaineth , therefore , n rest ( or keeping of Sabbath ) to the people of God. " The idea of the discourse is that the Sabbath of the present is the typo of the Sabbath rest in heaven. The essential elements are the same in each. Rest js the Sabbath of the body , but activity i.s the Sabbath of the soul. This is true of our present Sunday. The tired body needs refreshment and repose. But the soul lias oblivion enough during the week. On the Lord's day. it should bo filled with inspiration , with contempla tion and praise. It will bo the same in the Sabbath rest of heaven. The mate rial part of us will have rest from the toils of earth and will bo transformed into the likeness of Christ. The spiritual part of us will have an eternal employment of contemplation , progress , communion and praise. ST. JIAUY'S AVENUE COXGliKGATIOXAI , CHUHCII Rev. Willanl Scott took his topic : "Sab bath Observance in Cities , " and after an introduction concerning the origin and intention of the day said : Can this ideal Sabbath bo secured in a city such as Omaha ? Why not , if it was once ob served in Jerusalem ? The dillicultics in cident to city life arenotinsnrmoiintabel. Toronto , Canada , has : i population of 120,000. Montreal i.s still larger , and is two-thirds French Catholics. But these cities have Christian Sabbaths. There are no secular papers issued. Groceries , bakeries , markets , museums , barber shops and saloons are closed. Even drugstores have only a private entrance open forca&cs of necessity. No teams or street cars are in motion. No cabs are rim. Milk men linihh their rounds be fore service time. Only one man at tends the telegraph ollicc. The streets uro empty except at church time. Edin burgh , Scotland , hrs 228,000 population , and has nearly the same Sabbath order. No cars are run and few carriages. The cab stands are va- > cant. The castle 'soldiers attend church. No bootblacks are busy. Each policeman is oil' duty two-thirds of the day. No liquor is sold either hero or in any part of Scotland. No excursions leave by rail , though sometimes a steamer goes 'down ' to the harbor. Only drug and imilk stores and a few shops are open. Even London is better than Omaha. No Sunday papers are issued. There is ! no Sunday delivery or general collection iof mail. A hot breakfast cannot bo got- lien before three o'clock. New York has no crying of Sunday papers , yory little labor awltrading : no processions except funeral , with subdued inuslc'and before churches no music at all ; no base ball and no open theatres. WIiatDinaha shall bo on the Sabbath is largely what its better people allow it to bo. Jt may bo made as orderly as Toronto , or allowed to become as dis orderly as San Francisco. The remedies for what it now is , are a Saturday half- holiday for all employees ; payment of wages on Monday or during llio week ; as little work on the Sabbath as possible ; no Sunday papers or delivery of mall ; no public games in the city or suburbs ; and I closed .saloons and cigar stands. Most of | ( -'the to-called "necessities , " of our Sunday .are only conveniences by which the day Us robbed of its intents and wo of its Jbenelits. I FIHST CONGltKOATIONAT , . J The text the Rev. Mr. Siuirrill took was , the fourth commandment , to remember ; J hoSabbathdayandkeop it holv. His line of thought was that the commandment is [ not arbitrary but was found in the need iof the human constitution. Humboldt had said that it could be shown by scion- Allio analysis that a man needs re.st on of iBovonday as well as lie needs the rest of 'night ' , and furtiior , that this law of rest on the ccvonlli day is founded on the 'needs ' of the constitution , and it has ex isted for all time. This rest is just as ( necessary for the moral welfare of the teoul us well as the physical health of the body. It was given to mankind in the beginning in IhoUurduuof Eden. It was ratified on Mt. Sinai and endorsed by Christ himsolf. He removed the tradition iof the Plwrrialoal Sabbath and restored that which the church has long boon encouraging of iwt anil holiness , Mr. Slierrill cmphabixed his remarks by quotations from the bible , showing that the law of industry nnd rest and holiness with regard to the Sabbath uro just as much in force in the lllth century as they liuvo been iu any time in the past. TIIEX "SHAUOWHIi" HIM. Two Omalm Dotcotlvos I'roouro Hvl- Uoiicn in an Interesting Divorce TwoOnwIn dvtoctivcs Imvo just ro. turnctl from jJiibuquo , lowu , wlicro they ettyo ov'.doncolu ' u ilivorco suit , peuUIng in the tllsirlct court of that city , wJiioli is of inoro than onllnnry local intorcsst. The pluiulili' in the cuso was Mrs. Annto Lani-NVdrtliy Gibli5 , tliotlufciulaut Ailri.'tii II. ( Jibbs , n resilient of Onml.a. v Sonin twenty-two years afro , Mr , Uibbs was ami-null to Miss Langworthy who Wisthon livliiR in nulnqtio. Her par ents , who wcro qitlto wealthy , dccitlctliy , r > oiiuoscil the nritch , ami threatcncil before - lf fore the nuptials wcro consumniatctl to ioyoimKlii'lyif ' sl' ' pcrsistod s tl ' ol > ro.\Uvis suitor. ThU ittler the hilv i liowuvcr , from lnj ; out her parposo. n ycsrsor llini'cabouts , Mr Mrs , , tilbbs.wlilcil in Diibiiqu.o. It 1 $ snhl ihttt lliclv aiarripd ! Ic ( was not n V rV' happy one. However lhat tnav Ui , cerUlu it S left Ills wife and c.inio out to Omnha , wlioro ho has since been engaged in busi- ncsH , part of thu time In the Union PncUio headquarters. It is nllogcd ihnt ho has totally failed to provide lor the support of his wife during the past four years , though he has kept up an occasional correspondence with her. Some months ago Mrs. Gibbs' father , Mr. Langworthy , who was declining in years , determined to have hh daimmcr procure a divorce from her husband , liven after nearly a quarter of a century ho was rcaily to take her back as his daughter and settle upon her n goodly portion of his handsome estate , pro vided the obnoxious ties wcro dissolved. Ills lawyers entered into a correspon dence with the Omaha Detective agency , as n result of which two experi enced men wcro employed to work tip the case. For two weeks , ( hbbs was "shadowed" by the detective' ' , who were positive that a little close watching would reveal evidences of Oibbs unfaith fulness to his marriage vows lav ) or night the ' 'shadows" never left his track. The every movement of the suspected mail was noted down. Finally the de tectives succeeded in catching Mr. G. in a liasou with n married woman who passed under the name of MIN. Fannie Kraft. The pair were traced to an as signation house on Davenport ctrcot be tween Twelfth and Thlrlcenth , where proof positive of the husband's guilt was discovered , The evidence of the detectives was In troduced at the trial in Dubinnie , and as a cosequonce of it , tuo courj entered up a decree granting Mrs. Gibbs u divorce srom her sjiouse. She is once more heart and fancy free , and has been taken back into full dauglilcrhood by her loud father. Kot- Sale or Trade. Forty sections of extra choice western agricultural lands ; twelve hundred and eighty acres of York county. Neb. , land , divided into ten very desirable farms. For particulars address the owners , HoriuNs & COWAN , York , Neb. CAKING roil TJIK PIXGEK NAILS. An Intcreitlnj ; Interview AVitha Manicure An Opera I Ion. "JJello D'llull , Clovnhmd , Ohio , " was tho'namo which a reporter for the HBI : found on the Millard register Saturday. Ho had learned that the lady was ti man icure , aud having u curiosity to see and interview ono of these artKts , whoso business is to beautify the linger nails of humanity , the newspaper man sent up IMS card , lie was shortly ush ered into thu presence of the lady , and was most graciously received by her , Madame D'llull readily consented to an interview , and propose to supplement it with a practical operation upon the lin ger nails of the scribe. "The work I have to do , " she said , "is apparently easy , but at the same time , it requires no little skill anil ox periencc. Taking care of Hie linger nails is as important a , detail of the toilet as taking care of the teeth or hair. People ple are beginning to realize this. I Jook lorward to the time when you men will say not 'what pretty teeth she has , ' or 'what handsome eyes she's got , ' but 'oh the beauty of her linger nails. ' No. J am not joking. 1 mean exactly what I say. Now I'll show you how my work is done. Put your lingers in this cup of warm water. " The subject obeyed. The water was pretty warm , but as the operation was not under his direction ho could do nothing but follow instructions. Pretty soon the manicure allowed him to withdraw his lingers from the now tepid water , and commenced to work upon the nails with knife and scissors. Carefully she pared the edges to symmetrical curve , at the aamo time cutting out the cuticle , so as to fully display the "crescents. " This accomplished , the inside of the edges wcro thoroughly scraped and cleaned so as to remove every particle of foreign substance. "Now"satd the manicure "tho _ , , next stop is to polish the nails. You see , I dip them in this red liquid , ( no , I won't ' toll you what it i.s that's a secret of my own ) and then anoint them with ( his "salve. Then I rub them thoroughly with this pink powder , using a chamois skin pol isher. Then they are thoroughly washed in cold water , and again burnished with the powder and polisher and , there you are. " The operation wno over , and the news paper man arose from ttio chair with llio sense of having as nerfcct set of linger nails as ono could dcsiro. The operation had taken something over half an hour , but had been PO neatly and cxpcditioiisly performed that the time seemed very much hhortor. "Yp.S" said Madam D' Hull , "I find plenty to do both among the ladies and gentlemen. My customers among the gentlemen are generally substantial busi ness men , who arc careful in the details of their toilet , No , the dudes do not form a liberal class of patrons , contrary to gen eral impression. They are not educated up to the proper standard yet. The profession off ho manicure was llrst in troduced mlo America from Franco , about eight years ago. Since that time , tin ; sphere of the pj'ofuaMon has been rapidly enlarging , until : it present there is scarcely any city in the United Stales without its one or two manicure parlors. ' Wnonyou come to Lincoln , stop at the Commercial Hotel , if you want homo comforts. C. W.JCrrciiKN , Proprietor. Federal Court , U. S. court convened yobtord.iy Judge llrawer presiding , The work of the ilny consisted in the disposition of a few unimportant equity matters. The court horn is without a jury fund lor Iho pro.sont session , no funds having been ah- .signed for llio department of jus tice in Nebraska. The jurors who have not already reached the city have be'iii ' notified of the condition of ull'aH's ami will save the department additional expense by re. maiiiing at homo. There will bo no money available for jury purposes in this district until after the no\t appro priation which will not be made until about the hiht of Juno , More Paving. A petition has boon presented to the city council , asking thorn to order Far- nam .street payed west to the city limits. When tldti is completed , which un doubtedly will bo this season , the lots on Ji'A'ln street , only ono block bouth of Farnam will soil readily for .f',503 to $ y,00fl , each , Now I * ttio time to buy. G. K , Mayno is olll-iin" .tu-m tvt 1,509 ruch. Decoration Dny , The Gr.uid Army post ? . are tailing stops to luvnugn for an appropriate ob.'orvantio of Memorial d-iy , M-iy .10 , which falls ou St : rlay this year. Custer post had planned to observe the day in a great manner hy dccoral'mg the gniVfw of the dead heroes without any public demon- itralinn , out ns they huyt boon invited by Omaha po l to join in a programme of public observoncn , this plan will iiionublv ba adopted. A meeting will bo hold OIR evening this week to complete - ploto the arrangements. " " " F.M , khileclsand Building Superiors OMAHA , NEB , and DRSMOINES.lt . OJHcff , O > r Ntj ; and y.rpnm trci > t lloora ! > Oeoauc JIUM..34/W nUU r , M. Kills. TOST PERFECT MADE Purest nml stronppit Natural Fmll Flavon. Vnnllla , I/mr.n. Or.itiRe , Almond , liosc. ctn. , ilavoras cldlcntelynml naturally as ttio fruit. PRICE BAKINQ POWDER CO. , cincAoo. sr. Lotnr. DR. IflKPEY. 1503 .Uisr ulv Practice limited to Disease of EYE , EAR , HOSE AND THROAT , Glasses fitted for all forms of defective Vision. Artillcinl Kyea Inserted. WOODBRIDGE BRO'S ' , State Agents FOIIT1IE Omaha , Neb. P. BOYER & CO. DUALEUSIN Ml Work. 10CO rarunm Street , Omaha , Nob. * ESTABLISHED 1870. Lincoln Steam Dye Works W. D. HOHERTSON , Prop'r. Offlco No. 1103 O St. , Wotlts S.i ; . Cor. V. & Otli. r.lncnln , Noli. Gems , ' Clothing' ClcuncJ and U palicd. MAUL , ( Successors to J. 0. Jacobs , ) UNDERTAKERS , AUD EMBALMEUS. At the old stiiiiO , 1407 Fnrnnm St. Orders by tt'lcgrupli bulIclteU and promptly iittonduJ to. TolculiuuuMn.U'i REHIN&TOII STANDARD TYPE WRITERS. Law Reporters and Copyists , Stuto Agents for Nebraska. Typo-wrltcr supplies and paper kept In stock. Send for catalogue. OMAHA NATIONAL HANK Bim.niNn OMAHA Best Goods in the Market kford , III. Aslt for our fjooils autl BOB that the lieiiv our trade mark. OEV3AHA l.llh St , Cor , Capitol Avenue , 1-OH THE TRFATXtrNT Or AM , Chronic St Surgical Diseases. PR. McMENAMY , Proprietor. Hlxtci-u ) iivu' : Hospitalunit 1'rivutu 1'ruUico W l.ivii | HIP facilities , npparatuf anil remedies for thiiiiirrrtrfnl treatment of c\cry form of dis ease ri'nulrlnj ; i'ltlur medical or nirilcnl ; trentnunt , ami iuvilu nil lucumo anil liivi'tllguti ) for tlifmsdu'a urcnrrwpnnd us. Long experience In treat ing emeu by letter enables im to treat many cases edinliflrslfy without nccliie them , WlttTK KOll CIHOUI.AU on Deformities nnd Ilriuri , Club Feet , Curvatnrrs of tlio Spine , l'siu. ) i'8 01 * WOMES , 1'llca , Tuinarj , Cancers , raUrrli ; Hrcnchitis , InhaUtlnn , Electricity , 1'nral- y , ' . , KplitlJiy , Kidney , 12 } e , Car , tikla , lilood am } nil surKici.i 'jiirrnlloiiB. llnltet'lPH , Inhalers , ItracPH , Trussi-s , nml nil kudfi : uf .Medical und iiurtjlccl AppUauccg , uiun. ufrictuieil ami for eali . The only reliable Medical Institute making Private , Special t Nervous Diseases rA ' . sriiCIAI/l'V. AU , CONTAGIOUS AND Ht.OOI ) DTSKASES , fiom white vtrtaueoliroJncciI.eucccesfully treated , \Vo can r.'iaovc fiy killtio j > otou ! from the 6j6tcm -.iHI'.oat luer.ury. New reitorati > otrnlmrnt for \oe \ > \ltalpower , ALL COilMUNII-'ATIONS CONriDn.NTlAI , . Pull an > l consult u or vend iiamo anil pobt-olllro r.ildrost plilnly written cuclr o itamp , and ve , ulll ICDI ! yon , In l.ilu ) ! wraiiprr. oar PRIVATE .CIRCULAR TO MEN t'los riu/iiB , Si'iiciii , AMI Nisntoiii TJIDUISEB , HKUI.IAI , WKiKNLtf , SrEi * TonmiKi JsirorEK. rr , Si niu.ia , OoKonimu'.i , GLKKT , VAIUCOCKLE , fllUjlfftK , AND Alt , lllM'AFEt or Tllli GEN1TO- t'ntMAiir OnaAX ? , or tend hlitory of jour caec for an opinion , I'erionj uniblc to vlitt in may bo ttcntei ) at tlielr r.otiuj , by cnircfpundcnce. iltilicintd a a Iiutru- menU eat by mall or cxpres SUC'OItEJ.V PAt'R KU J'UOH UD8I.HYAT10N , co marks to ImUcaU ronttnli or icndtr. One pcrioni Interview fto- ff-r i | If eonnlont. . Fifty roonu for Hie arconi. inodttloa of ptticuts Hoard and attendance at > iUci. . Addrcn all Letteri to Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute , ' SOLOMON'S ' ADDITION. This map represents Solomon's addi tion to Omaha ICO acres platted in one ncro lots. The land Is one mile from city limits , ono-quartor mile -from deaf and dumb institute , IIfteen 11111111(03' ( drive from postofllco , near Bell railway. The boulevard will be completed this sum mer , it runs near' our cast line. Land contains ICO aero lots , which I offer for sale without rescvcrvo at f J3Q to 5300 per aero , on very easy terms -one-third oash , balance five years' time , 8 per cent inter est , or ? 50 cash , balance $10 per month with interest. Hero is the best oppor tunity to secure homos at a small outlay. Heally less monov per ncro than parlies are now selling Mnill town lots live lots to one aero. Heal cstato dealers are now platting out town adjoining us on the south and also west of the above lines live lots to one arro. Remember , that you can sub-divido yoiirnero lots in five town lots nnd soil them at once at a iinmlsomu advance. Tlit ro i.s no doubt you can double your investment inside of sk months. The above land joins Tuttlo's addition west. 1 oiler 23 acres of tin above land with three story brick dwelling , 10 rooms , 32 v G2 feet , soft and hard water supplied through pipes forced by wind mill , brick bainGJxlOO feat , one frame barn 3.2x100 feel , mill house , grinding mill , corn fihellcr , haV.scales , 14-foot wind mill , ice house , now woll-illlcd with ice. one-acre chicken house and fence , with other outhouses - houses , etc. There is now on the above 28 acres 1,000 cholcj fruit trees three years old ; 0,020 grape vines , four years old ; 5,003 raspberries , aho goosubcrric. ? , currants , blackberries , btr.iwborrie.s.etc. , etc. Also a good half mile race track now complete , The improvements cost over $ . 0.000. For furt'ior ' particular ; : call at 1509 Farm St. , Omalia , Nefi , ? J. I. E > xoivni ® AMES AVENUE 66 66 I. I D , W V I N E L A N D S T R E E T w - H MCI CONCORD S T R E 12 T BEATRICE , NEBRASKA. THE LEADING ASSOCIATION OF THE'WEST. CASH CAPITAL , PAID TIP IN $1OOOOO.OO GROSS ASSETS , DECEMBER 31st , 1885 150,820.30 A certificate of membership in this Association turnishos belief ! t at the lowcs cost. cost.Men Men and woman , batwecn the ages of 17 anil G"5 years , who are in good health , may bucnmo members. There is no changing from one class to another , and assessments do not increase with advancing ag . The Company lias a guarantee fund of $11.030 paid up in cash , which is an ad ditional security to that furnish jd by any company in the united Slate- . . It has a Reserve fund which provides for a non-forfeiting policv and a paid-up policy. . 'Hie Company is located in the 'West ; its business is confined to the healthy West , and applications from persons residing in malarial districts ace not accepted , which will insure few as-'ossments , and a consequent exemption from any onerous liability. A local Advisory Board , composed of not less than live lending citi/.uns of each vicinity , may b3 formed , who may act as advisory counsel in the sottlemunt of claims by the death of mem bora and as to the admission of applicants to membership. A member who lapses his certificate may re-mstato the sumo at any time upon satisfactory evidence of goo.l health , by the payment of all delinquent dues and ( isc.t8inents. .Noinstirancs company in this or any other country lias over failed by reason of of the death-rate experience The failure in each instance has been caused by pecu lation or speculation. The safe guards introduced render both impossible in this Association. Our business is confined to the endowment for old age , and the payment of the widows and orphans after death. The policy is more liberal , and the plan more secure , than any company in the United States. Co-opor.itivo Insurance Companies existed in England 200 years before the stock plan was thought of , and the same companies exist to-day , some of them having nearly one million members. When managed judiciously , they cannot break. We guarantee every promise wo maked with ? lGOo03this being in uddjlion to the $100- 000 provided for as a Reserve Fund which is a more liberal provision and oiler than ny other company makes. The Strength of This Association Consists of GUARANTEE FUND , ENDOWMENT PLAN , PRESERVE FUND , NON-FORFEITING POLICY , GRADED RATES , PAID-TJP POLICY , SELECTED RISKS , A DEPOSITORY TO PROTECT THE TONTINE SYSTEM , RESERVE FUND , LIFE PLAN , CAPITAL STOCK. The cost of life protection in tins company is less than any company in the United St-ites , The company Ugood and payments prompt. This Association is now entering its third year , and has a largo membership , which is constantly increasing. At do'itli or maturity of endowment the member receives his interest in the Reserve Fund in addition to the amount due on the policy. All policies bacomo non-forfeiting after the third year to the extent of the mem ber's intero.it in the Roiorvo Fund. AGENTS WANTED in every town and city whore not supplied in all of the states west of the Mississippi river and north of Kansas. Good reliable canvassers can obtain most favorable rates by writing to the company. The Western Mutual haseonsolidatodtho mombnrshipof the "Nebraska Mutual , " ' 'Farmers' and Mechanics' " and "Lincoln Mutual , " and with its own members insure - - sure s perfect protection. "Wo regard the Western Mutual as one of the very best lifo insurance associa tions in tnis country , and expect to see , at no very distant day , it covering the entire fluid of the he.ilty West with its active , gentlemanly agents. " Daily Express , March - 28SJ , ' OFFICE AUDITOR OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS , ) Sr-ATB OK NlUIKASKA , f LINCOLN' , February 1 , 1888. ) It is hereby certified that the Western Mutual Benevolent Association Insurance Company , ot Hoatrieo , in the State of Nebraska , has complied with the insurance 1 _ w of this state , ami is authorised to transact the bnsmes- life insurance m this st ! l t for the current year. i ' j Witness my hand and the seal of said of said office , the day and ! SKAL , { yi'ar Urot above wiittcn. < - , ' ' II. A. BABCOCK , Auditor Public Accounts. Omaha National Hank : the company's financial agent , at Omalm , Nebraska. Refer by permission to'ilon. J. 11. Millanl , Omalia , Neb. .All coininunioatioiid .should bo addressed to " " " " ' i i. l i . I11 > " N " " " " "T t 51V "C3T"Tv"T" v J \ i I \ / 1 r * i I T , ti. . j " * > fi. ,1,1 -Nl . Secretary and General Manager , BEATBIOE , NEBRASKA. OTIS -HAYNES , General Affcut. Oinco , Ilooiu 10 , Creitflittm Block , Oinulia , Neb. SIX-CORD SOFT FINISH SPOOL COTTON. Full Assortment for sale to the Trade by VINYARD & SCHNEIDER M. BXJBKE & SONS , LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS , QEO. DUItKK , Manasrer , UNION STOCK YARDS , OMAHA , NEB. REFERENCES : Merchants * and Farmers' Hunk , Davlil Clty NVb. ; Kearney . Bank , Kraimiy , Nob. : Columbus State Hank. Columbus. Neb. ; lii'h Hank , . . ; O maha National llanlf.Umahii. Xvb. , , . . . . . \Yill i > ay cujjtouieis , ' Uiall with bill ot lading attached for tNyo-tUIrds value Fine Business Lots at the South End , and In Uic north end of this Town. Two and ono luilf miles from Iho Omaha pos ollicc , Thes © are Quarter te@ L ® ! § ( Tnklt.3 Into consideration thu streets nncl ullcjsnnd ) are soUl One Quarter Down , Ilnlntsccln 1,2 nnd 3 years at 7 per cent. , The Finest Suburban Lots , Around Omnhn. 2"jO foot above the Missouri Itlver. Non hero clso nbout Oin nm are loc.ttocl such uaml- poino nttcs for Modest , Mc'llmn ' orKloir uit home * . Investigate this anil secuio some of tills flno property. Before a Higher Appraisement is made. DON'T liKT.IKVE a wonl of his until von have thorouahljr Investigated It. That this property Is only two anil ono b-ilf allies from Om.ilia'4 uaslucii ccatcr , Tbnt tlio nltltuilo la high. That the location la beautiful. lhat rauplo trees uic pi intod on c.icli side of the streets. That each lot contulns H.TO ) sqnuro feet with 23 foot alloy. That the stioets aro80 nnd 100 feet wlilo. That thcic uro elx dummy tr-ilns each Tray , beMdai tlio ro ulir trilni. Uhal tlio ticut cars run to within ono half mlle uf thcro. That the flticcu.-ir.i will inn thcro this } car. ' 1 hat the pi Ice Is onu tltlnl less 111:1:1 : : lauekcd for property the ninn ; ilUtinco In otucr Jlrjctlani. 0 hat the Juts nro ono thlul larger than most nthi > ri. That they uro bickoil by n nynillc.ito roprojentlnis $15,031,00) . Tlinxtlioro h.is ulro > dy boon expends J between tl.OJJ.Oll an 1 ! ? , ) H')1. ) That thcro Is u linn t-ystcm or w.itcrworUa , f urnlnlilnj p jro BprlP-a w.i'.Jr. „ Tilnt the railways nil center thoro. Thut Soiitli OliKilui Is u tuwn of Itself. lh.it It has Its own postolllco. That U him Itiown lallnay statlou. That it has Its own newsp ipcr. In P"act It nan OTCiytbliiu to make the property Iho very boat paying lnvcitm'nt In ncol-Ritate toJiy , Look Into It. Examine It Carefully Don't Buy a Lot. Until you are eonvlnccii thut there is no pruslblty of InciirrlnK n loss. The hnndjorna rosldeucc Sots nro ono mile this sMu ( illicitly north ) of the L'Niux Sroci ; VAIIIJU who a arolocalca the Ii-M.mor.ce JSrecccd. Ecct , Esto.'tallalj.ttJ.osj. . t \Vhlchln ten ymrs will ho Iho TiAnnKS'l1 INDUSTltVIn the wetland will m.iko property worth per fotf ; ' what la non urtml for n lot. 1'hc dmlnugo ot the ubovo institutions l perfect anJ flowsBouth fnui tliotowii THE ABOVE DESCRIBED LOTS ARE SIMPLY PERFECT. Any rc.il ncfiti1 njerit will irll you lots. Man with horse anil cjnl.io ; ; at the Globa-Journal olllco , nt Ilia " Lin.rinlt , " Miuth Omaha , li.u m.ipi > nud pricu llstb unil l always ready to uliair projiort ) ' . For further In- IUI.M ailou mill's , ( iriin listr mid ilLt > oiitlvi ! | ! circulars , uddii-is. I MILLABD HOTEL BLOCK. Omalia , Nebraska. TKC23 C CflilUCESItc , One of tf 10 Best ctiel Luryvsb Stocks ii tliK (18 , to Select from , No Stairs to Climb , Elegant Passenger Elevator C. E MAYNE , LEADING REAL ESTATE S3EHLEB , N. U' , t'OIC. I5IH AM > FA2C.\A.lIO.tIAII\ . Property o < every dwrlptlou for sale iu all parti of thu city. Land ) or sain Ir. county in Xubruku. A complete s > yt of AMrauls of Title * of lougts ) ! : County kopl. Mnpsof the City , State or co.iuty , or any other iufunaaUon duiiro U ( uuUthud free of charge upou application.