THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : . TUESDAY , MAY 4 , 1880. i-v THE DAILY BEE. .COUNC'liTBLUFFS. TUESDAY MOUN1NG MAY 4. ) OFFICE , NO. 12 , PEARL STREET. i Etllvcicd ty cnrricr In r.nypnrtof the city nt rj twrnty cents per week , i II. W. TILTON , - - - Manager. ! TCM'.PIIONESl E , No. 43. i'.Dtioit , No. 21 , MINUH MENTION. Stttbbs. the linttcr. New spring goods nt Holler's. Water Oolers cheap nt Cooper & Me- Gee's. Sivo : money by buying KefrJgcrittors of Cooper & McGoo. To-ilny the bids for the imrnhnso of the county eourt house bonds arc to bo opened , Ticket No. 104 was on Saturday award ed the buggy at the Mueller music com pany's etoro. Miss Kato Castlctoti and her company f nppeaml at the opera house last evening ijln "Cra/.y 1'ntcli.1' ' \ Tlic N. Y. P. Co. Imvo lately been 'Ifunii.shinir ' the J. J. Shea property , on MUaklnnd tivunuo , with water service. For tlio month of May the Mueller miiisic company will , with every pur chase of i"iCc , give a ticket in the drawing ( for a line music box costing $ ' . ! . ' > . The ( } . A. It. have appointed commit * ileus for making preparations for the memorial services to be held on the 30th tlnstant. Tlio work of scraping up the mud on lower Main street has commenced. It Jisis boon allowed to accumulate there until it is several Inches in depth. If cleaned tin oftener it would bo more economical and far more satisfactory. Amos Coyler lias commenced proceed ings to secure n divorce from Mary U. ( /'oyler , to whom he was married in 180V. f- - . ; . ; . „ .i ; .t , tIll . , , . ' . . . Ill ) Ullllllln olio (1U CI Iv .ni itim rears ago. and that she has since been living with a man named Joshua Gar- roll. roll.The The poles in the first district ot the American district telegraph system have ill I been set , ami tlio work of planting Iliusc in the second district has com- ncnecil. J'ho wires in the Krst district re being stretched , and Instruments ill soon bo put in. The second course of stone on the third tory of the now government bulldiiiu is Jjeing laid. The "Jumbo" derrick will ijo raised to the third lloor to-day , and thu Inttcr part of the week steam will be } i ? tl to lift the cut stone. The members of tlio county board of supervisors were in the city yesterday ind had a conference with residents of Kane township , outside of thu city , in re- nirdto the taxation of property , the sub- irhanitcs claiming the assessments were oo hi < di. The saloons must close Sundays. So lays the present administration , and it svulcntly means so. Yesterday Mr. iviins , who keeps the California house , , ves called on to contribute $10 to the ; ity treasury for selling coll'eo drawn 'roin ' a beer keg. Permit to wed was yesterday given Henry Scott and Carrie Kmington , the former from Ha/el Doll , the latter from : his city ; Fred C. Dickson and Emma Btrcmqnist , both of this city ; Charles K. Soar , of Mills county , and Mary A. 3auerkemper , of this county. _ _ _ _ Cy Parker , the letter carrier , \vas rc- fnoved to his homo yesterday , and was -oportetl to bo quite seriously ill. His wrvcs fiecm badly shattered and his de ponili'ticy is deep. It seems that by jaro and treatment ho may bo brought nbout all right again , hut the outlook at present is not very encouraging. ' Jick Webster and Joseph Webb , two > oys who have been in jail for some vceks on a charge of larceny , were re- eased yesterday and given a sharp lee- 'lire ' and wise warning : by Jiulgo llen- Iricks The boys had 'a sort of dug-out Vhcro they miulu a rcndevous , evidently ntonding to carry into ett'ect some of the omantio plans inspired by sensational iovel reading. The lads hail supplied homsclves with meat by shooting sheep olonging to Pace & Schmidt , and had Iso sneaked ti number ot keys from icobo'c furniture warehouse Some of hcso ko.ys were especially made for cer- lin elegant desks , and duplicates could ot be socnred without great cost and rouble , while the loss of the keys caused rait inconvenience. A large number f such keys were found in the boys' ave. Some charges against the boys i'cro left hanging over their heads , and f they do not show a decided disposition j reform their ways the boys will bo ronght up to answer to them and sutler irther punishment. Sec the now Mikado gloves at Harkncss iros' . Just out. Iluislur don't handle any "snide" cigars. Leonard & Jcwctt refrigerators at low rices at Cooper &McUcu's. PcrHonal Paragraphs. Mrs. J. J. liliss 1ms go no cast. ] ) . II. L'iuhl lias returned from Cull- irnlii. Mrs. J. M. Lane loft last evening for lilcago , Colonel Kent toy returned yesterday om Dos Molnus. Jr. ) Macrae and wife , Dr. Suybort , and ' , O. Wirt loft yesterday for St. Louis. J. K.Davidcon , of Logan , was in this ly yu&turduy and visited , while horc.liis Id ae iuilntanco , Rev D. II. Cooley. Mis ? Jcnnlii Watson , manager of tlio /estorn Union Telegraph company ut ru'uont , JJeU. , was in the city yesterday , n route eaht. Among the lownnii at the Ogden are : . S. Hank , Iowa City ; \V. \ S. Cottrell , Ittlu Sion.v Bert Thomas , Iowa City ; olin Dierks , lint-Inn. Among the lowans at the 1'nciflc house o torda > were : O. , J. Kin" , Corning ; f. U , Cochran , Neola ; L. Upponhuiin , liudou ; It. F. Jones , Carson , J. 11. oulks , Malvern. Judge Samuel M. Ilnnch , of Fort r'lono , Ind. , la in the cily. stopping at 10 Oguon and greeting hi * > old friends , o was u resident of this city nuarly lit- ienTho The , woman's exchanges will open their ow rooms on Pearl titrecl with n supper n Friday evening. All kinds of work ml articles to sell are solieitcd , only a null commission , 10 per cent , being liargc'il for thoi-nlc. Kvory ono , whether lemuers of the oxclinngo or not , are in- itcd to bring their work to cell. Any- ling within the range of woman's ork. An intelliReneo ollico will also ho jnm.Ttcd with thu exchange. All wish- ( JB liclp or any OHO out of employment fill bo assisted by applying : U tlie ex- .imigo rooms. > Vantcd , InsuranciiFolleitors with teams I lfVork > wttstern half of Iowa for Dwell- ig'ljloiiso Insurance company i of Huston , most L. Smith , special ajjcnl , No. 130 .Uijt'alrcet , Council IMutiti. Notice. , „ . , . . . . will lo received by tlio school L oimfpf Council Hind's until the 5th ol rJjJliyvJ680 , for lowering thu high school ' " ' . The bnild- - - - - at so much per foot. - Mt'to be lowered foitv fuet more or less , TUo boaui lo ris crvo the right to reject till bids. Bv onlrr bchocl lioard , FROM A JEWISH STANDPOINT , An Eloquent Exposition of the Hebrew Faith find Feelings. SALE OF THE DRIVING PARK. A Iittoky Tlclcct The City's Economy ' A Fat ainii Pinched l > y I'm- lit billon Various Affairs of the City. nnlihinlcnl Oratory. Sunday evening the First Baptist church of this city was crowded to hear the lec ture of llabhi Hanson , the rabbi of the Hebrew congregation of Omaha. The lecture was opened and cloyed by prayer to (5oil ( by tlio rabbi , and many in that audience for the first time heard a public prayer offered to the 1'athcr direct in stead of through the mutlhUorslilp of Christ. Ilu prefaced his lecture by saying that the question had been and would bo' asked a good many times how it was that a Jewish rabbi was lecturing in a Christian church to a mixed aiidicnco. He an swered it by saying that since ho came to this country ho had noticed two greatly felt wants : l''irst. In the United Slates there are only 280 Jewish rabbis. In Ne braska none other than himself. In Iowa not one outside of DCS Moincs. As a re sult of there being so few to tench Jew ish religion it was grossly misunderstood anil misrepresented , nn'd a part of his mission was to endeavor to eradicate the prejudice existing to a largo degree through ignorance. Second. It is well that his co-rellg- ionists should have opportunity to hear the faith of their fathers expounded by one having the authority to teach. "It is for these reasons , brothers and sisters , that I appear before you. Yon may bo surprised to hear me , a Jew , use the terms of brother and sister , but 1 use them * not unmeaningly. I qlaini the right lo use them , ami" ) ! you JSllm know the price I have paid in heart aches you would accord me the full right. The lime has now come when the Jew and the Christian and every man who wor ships the one true God should join hands as brethren and work to advance his cause , and to stem the tide of atheism and infidelity in our land , " Hi ! then entered upon the lecture pro per , not choosing any toxt. but .speaking on the theme : "Tho religious problem of the nineteenth century. " What is the cause of the religious apathy of the age , an apathy that per vades the Christian church and the Jewish synagogue ? It will not do to content ourselves by saying nu'tMUiist have more faith. Heligion and science must go hand in hand , and true science will give faith in ( Jod. The time has come when Jew and Christian must join hands and stand like a bulwark against the materialism of the day. ( iocl bless the press , and rccogni/.o in it a mighty aid , disseminating knowledge not to bo purchased by the wealthy few , but teem ing with news , and full of practical in formation , educating all. Ono of the reasons of decline of relig ious faith is that the pulpit docs not seem fully to understand the needs of the age. When questions are asked by young America , it will not do to answer "Don't ask question ? , go on in the way of your fathers , go to churclt and have faith in God. " Ho declared that all men beliovc in a God , and read from Tom Panic- him self , n declaration of a belief in God. The rabbi acknowledged all the wonder ful attributes of Jehovah God , but admit ted thatthc hnite mind was not canabln of grasping tlio infinite , therefore diiler- cut minds might have ditl'crcnt concep tions of God. 15ob Ingot-soil believed in God , but it paid him bettor to preach no God to the crowds. If Hob Ingersoll was an evangelist he would give us some kind of a religion , buthe simply preached dis beliefs , and for that he charged a dollar a head. If it was announced that U\bbi : \ lionson would lecture on how to avoid the payment of honest debts , no hall in the city would hold the crowd , but if tlio lecture was to tell men how to pay their debts , the liaptist church would bo largo enough. Some men argue that God js nut tire but the human mind is greater than nature , and has already made many of the supposed im mutable laws subservient to his will , and if yon could live 200 years from tins day you would be surprised to f-ee hoy/ com pletely the laws of nature are subjugated by the mind of men. Therefore nature can not bo God , else the created is greater than tlio creator. He thought that another cause of the decline of religious faith , was that the children were not educated at home. A man would be considered cruel if ho should take his son and throw him into the Missouri river witli the injunction to go and swim. Yet boys arc thrown into the turbulent stream of life with no other instruction than "Ho a man. " The ques tion is often asked what does the Hebrew believe in reference to Christ. Wo be lieve , and the Hcformcd Hebrew church believes that Christ was a great reformer , the equal of Moses. Ho is my brother , bono of my bone , and blood of my blood. Ho preached the religion of love to man. Hut oil , my brother , where for ages was that love to man exemplified ? Thu doc trine of love is taught all through the bible. The ChristlKii should not despise the Jew. Judaism is the nurse , the mother of Christianity. If we had proven false to our blood , if , when cruel war , with lire and blood and death swept down upon us , if wo had lowered our knees to the religion of our conquerors , where now would have been your bible ? Why is it that you dcspiso the Jew ? You do not find him in your prisons , as a violator of your laws. do not meet him as a beggar It is not that ho is lucking in patriotism , His blood ( lowed freely in defense of the hon ored Hag when such defense was neces sary. This is my country , and I love it. Hut yon say if wo believe in the Jewish religion , why do wo not attempt to con vert others to it , and then yon answer your own question by asserting that wo do not boliovothat the Gentiles arc worth saving. My brothers and sisters , this is a iiii.-tiko- : do not claim to liavo the key tn lu-avun. Hut wo huvu , thank God , a wide-open door , through which all who love and servo tioit may enter Jew , Christian and Mohammedan. If you would stem the tiito of materialism , join hands all , and have the pulpit speak the truth and reason , and lot all cartt for and teach their childreneradicate undenom inational prejudice , and thcro will soon be no scoll'crs , Heard has an immense stock of wall paper und room mouldings which must ID ( u rued into cash , so down go the prices at Heard's. _ * GAKDKN HOSK , WAUKANTEl ) GOOD llo per foot , IPcpor foot , 34o per foot. HOSE NO/4/iIKS , Of all styles. HOSK.HJ-.F.I-S , LAWNSpiciKKMiits , Eto.Kto NEW YOKIC PLUMWNG COMPANY Opera House Hloclc. Too Fly For tlio III u ( ft. Yesterday afternoon u stylish young gentleman from Otnnha , whoso face and form are familiar to many of the busi ness men hero , was seen in ooiupnny with a woman driving recklessly through the streets , splashing the mud over himself and his. fair companion , until both were beyond easy recognition by oven friends. The young man was evidently cjraxy drunk , and C'apt AmU'reon , of the uier- chants' police , called the pair to n halt. The officer , taking the horse by the bit ? , led the procession at a slow walk up to the police headquarters , the scene at tracting the attention nnd exciting the curiosity of a largo number , who fol lowed on lo see wlrat was up. The young man gave his name as Edmund Luther , and the companion's mono was not booked , she appearing to bo reasonably sober , and being not directly to blnmo for the street exhibition. The young man deposited the nionoy to cover his line , and after getting sobered up and cleaned off , was allowed to depart. The voting couple succeeded during the afternoon in creating the only street sensation of the day , and the young man will proba bly come to a realization to-day that ho made a bad break in trying to have so big a tlmo in the Kind's. The horse nnd buggy was hired by him at Maso Wise's ( table , but was not serionsjy damaged by the reckless and speedy drive. Go to Heard for loom mouldings. 1 sell the celebrated Twin Humor gaso line stove. That double burner beats them all. A 4-burner same price as a ! J- burner ; a U-burncr same price as a 2- burner. W. A. Wood , 501 Main. Tim City's Kconomy. The report of the city auditor is quite interesting this month , as it shows how the city administration is trimming sail. Hy deducting the warrants drawn for the library and park funds , and for condem nation purposes , the actual running ex penses of the city arc found to be quite small in proportion to the showing made in maii3' months in the past Hy the best calculations it appears that the city is running along at about $4,000 a .mouth for general expenditures , outside of spec ial assessments and special improve ments. The following is the report in detail : To the Honorable Mayorand City Council of Council HIulTs , la. ( tcntlcmcn : I here with submit a report of warrants drawn from Anrll 1 to ApulSO. also total amountol' warrants drawn to dntc : - " " ' - ' into MoiitlTof "ich'io- FMxnA April Lmtsrp't Tonl ! 1'ollre 44128 li fU 4U 11 Ocnernl runt ! l , o < " . IbD O.'i lnis fij Streets urn ! tiilry.PiMU S TO 4I P ) Klrntlopmtliliyit 7M ! 11310 ! OT 111 nnoKmlttrpctlr.miM UiSOO M1 .V > SI l'rnlllKmilFll.iilUM ! | IS. ) II ) 10170 E8J I'iO City ciiirlntoi.TO ! 10 ! i'i7 7.1 KJI ! U li.Hr-LTtloti . i nInir. . C'J ' M ( il ! Library tuiid . . . . . " . . 471 t'fl . 471 t > 0 Dillimrcs 2,4IK ? 1)0 ) ? ,400 00 Park fjnil St7.t ! HJ 3,071183 Intersection KCiullnir W CO DO CO Totnl P.07G SO 'M 0 O.HS ) ( Above amount Inclusive of tlie psik fiiiul collected tu date , library fund : ind Phillips nnd .Mynsler coiuleinnntion , ainuiiiilluir to il.4ri.7i ? ! ' ( In all. Also a Iar o amount of claims allowed and audited by the nicvious council , for which warrants Imvo been drawn timing the adniiiiKtratlou ofthupri'M.'iitclty nlliccrs and includes nil claims allowed by the lux-sent council to date. The following Is a statement of ncco'ints as audited nnd allowed by the council to date : Streets nnd allevs StSl 15 Klrodejiaitinciu SW ) si Police and marshal 1,01 ! ! OS City eiiKlriew : irr 1 ! ) Printlnc and supplies 12.188 ( ! ns and street lumps Ml 70 Park levy 2,00 : | ss Miscellaneous SI-tt : Salaries of olllccrs JiT.O 07 Library 471 00 Old gradlnir aoj : 20 Sewerage 20 00 Intersection paving 20 yd Condemnation , Phillips and Mynstcr 2,400 00 Total 58,753 27 iiespcctfnlly submitted , I. , . KiNNnitAN , Auditor. Wanted , Insurance Solicitors To work western half of Iowa for Dwelling House Insurance company of Huston. Ernest Smith , special agent. Council Hlufl's. Substantial abstracts of titles and rca estate loans. .1. W. & E. L , S juice , 10 Pearl street , Council HltifTs. The Lucky Ticket. Among the attractions at the sisters' fair last week was the $100 in gold , to bo rallied off by Jots. N. J. Stellenson , a young man who had been employed in W. D. Kirklaml's ' jewelry store , in chat ting with Mr. KirKland about the fair , mourned the fact that he had never any sort of luck in drawing prizes , and asked Mr. Kirklnnd whether his two little fel lows , one aged seven , the other three , were lucky sort of boys. Air. Kirkland thought- they had a reasonably bright star , and the young man concluded that he would buy one ticket in the name of the older one and one for the younger. To his great surprise the ticket bearing the name of Ernest Kirkland , the elder of the boys , was the lucky number which called for the $100. Ho presented the ticket yesterday , got the gold nnd carried it to the boy , giving it to him as a egg for the future. GotothcNA' . P. Co for GARDEN HOSE. THEY WAUUANT ALL TIIEV SELL. Opera House Hloek. The best lawn mower in thu market is the "Philadelphia , " sold by Cooper & McGee. Dr. McLcod , oculist and aurist , No. 502 Hroadway , Council HlullH. / Snlc of the Driving Pnrlc. In accordance with the advertised fore closure of mortgage , the grounds of the driving park association were sold at auction yesterday by the sherifl' . The property was bought in by P. Lacy for | 0,000 , who made the purchase in the in terests of those who hold the mortgages. The amount of indebtedness win more than twice the amount realized by the sale. The sale will have little practical effect on the driving park , und the meet ings will be hold nero as planned. The association now will get onto some solid basis by which thu enterprise can bo car ried on probably moro successfully than in the past , as llieru can hardly be suuli a run of misfortunes as has characterized the attempts of the association in the past. past.Go Go to Heard for low prices. Go to Heard for wall paper. IMnchocl Ily Prohibition. D. U , Harr has been brought hero from Carroll county and lodged in the county jail where he will remain for the next iivu months , Ho was found guilty of "maintaining n nuisance , " or in plainer language , selling intoxicating liquors , and was lined by Judge Loofbourow $500 nnd 200 costs. Not being able to put up cash thu jail sentence was given him , Harr Is A portly fellow , who could hardly squeeze into an ordinary cell , and looks as if personally it might bo a benefit to him to have such a change to get some of tlio extra flesh oil'by such u period of confinement. Room Mouldings Largest assortment and lowest prices ut Hoard's Wall Paper Store , Let us go to Charic Heisler's and get a good cigar. No. 402 Hroadway. The practice of cheap publishing in England U about to ivach its lowest level in the issue of a series of new , orig inal novels by wtdl-knowa ivriiers , printed in demy 8vo on lair paper with itr.khijj covers , ut a penny apiece. The Council. The city council held its regular monthly meeting last night. The mayor ami Alderman Straub were absent. E. I ) . F. Fisher complained of damp ness in his cellar by reason of , a leakage in the sewer on Main street. The city engineer was instructed to sco it rcme- diell.Mr. Mr. Mueller and Mr. Sackelt com plained of assessment for grading in front of property on Willow avenue. Re ferred. Mr. Mueller complained of the filthy condition of the alloy from Willow nvonuo between Main and Fourth streets Re ferred. 7 " Petition to have Krcppo "street widened ten feet. Referred. The street commissioner made n very full report of the month's work. The city clerk reported tlio receipts of his olllco for April $1,000 , of which $1,000 was from licenses. The chief of police reported 13(1 ( arrests during April , of which Hfty-thrco were viigrunls Mid forty-one drunks. The regular batch of bills was allowed. Petition for crossing at Eighth street and avetniR II. Referred. Petition for filling alloy in block 10 , Uayliss" addition. Referred. Petition for sidewalk by old Englo property , Eighth avenue andMain street. Street supervisor ordered to notify own ers at once. Petition of property owners asiting lo cation of hose cart on lower Main street. Thu lire committee was instructed to con tract with Mr. Cole to keep hose cart in his stable at $ ' , ' 0 a mouth for ono year. The city engineer reported estimates on various improvements , the most im portant being on Mitchell Vin cent's contract for excavating Indian creek sewer , $1,200. This brought up the old discussion about the sewer ditch , and whether the contractor should be made to level uti the banks at once , or wait until the ditch was completed. It was decided that it was not advisable to make bank levee at at once. The estimate was allowed Mr. Vincent. Deputy Marshal Jerry Mullen returned lust evening from Ottawa , III. . , where ho was c.illbd by the illness of ins mother. When he left she was recovering rapidly. THEODORE ROOSEVELT. Ills Prompt Pursuit nnd Capture of Three Thieves in Dakota. Dickinson ( Dak. ) Letter to Newbnry- port ( Mass. ) Herald : To illustrate what manner of men we need 1 will relate an incident which is to the point , i pre sume you are all acquainted , lirongh the newspapers , with the lion. Theodore Roosevelt , who is quito prominent in Now York politics and society. He owns a ranch on the Little Missouri , about eighty miles north-west from here , and created quite u .stir last Sunday by bring ing to town three thieves whom be had captured with the help of two of his "cow men. " From him 1 heard the following story : : About the middle of last month these roughs , who had been operating in his vicinity , stole a number of saddles and placing them on board his boat , made oil' with their booty , thinking themselves secure from pursuit as they wore in the only boat on the river. Mr. Roosevelt built another boat , and taUingitwo of his men followed the outlaws 100 miles , came ujion them in camp on the river's bank , covered them with his rifles , dis armed them , brought thcm KiO miles across the country to Dickinson , and turned them over to the sheriff. On the iournoy their food save ouf , and Mr. Roosevelt was obliged to dispatch one of his men to the nearest "cow camp" for supplies , and send the other on't hunting , while ho pressed on alone with Ids priso'n- ersj anil for four days ho , subsisted on bread made of nothing but Hour and water so muddy that the broad was brown. When I saw him Mr. Roosevelt had been on the "trail" for three weeks , and wore a cowboy's hat , corduroy i-icket , llanne ) shirt , and heavy shoes , but was in excellent health and spirits. Said ho. "I don't know how I look , but J feel rate ! " The next morning he appeared in the justice's court , saw the outlaws indicted , and a little later took the train , bound west , for his "cow camp. " 1 had never seen Mr. Roosevelt before , although I had road many articles from his pen ; and when I left home I had no idea of meeting a gentleman of his standing on tlie frontier inn.sqnerad- ing in the character of an impromptu sheriir. Hut only such men , men. of courage and energy , can hope to suc ceed in this new , beautiful , but unde veloped country. pSick and billions headache , and all derangements of stomach and bowels , cured by Dr. Piercu's "Pellets" or anti- bilious granules. 85 cents a vial. N. cheap boxes to tdlow waste ot virtues Hy druggists. There is no attraction like a beautiful skin. Po//oni's Complexion Powder gives it. A Georgia woman stopped a wedding because she was interested to the extent of having paid for the groom's clothes , with the idea that she was to be the brido. Twenty-five cents , a trillo. Red Star Cough Cure , unvalnablo. Prompt and sure. sure.Tho The largist coal breaker in the world is in operation at Edwardsvillo colliery , Luzcrno county , Pennsylvania. It pre pares for market -Is000 mine cars of coal every ten hours. Ilnir.ird Siuiuo ninkcs your food more iiutiltlons. Hohokcn , N. J. , has a mayor who wis first elected upon the democratic ticket , and next on an independent ticket , and now the republicans have nominated him for a third term. FROM the CjUNCIL BLUFFS DAILY GLO ! B M , A.Jlcl'lko , odltor of the Cnmurtu ( Ilbo is- liurir , Pu. ) Krouiniui , hug been the | ummul frlcn lot' tlio editor of the ( ! lob ( ' for iiioru tliini twenty yoar.i , mid Is known whnrovcr liu Is Known , us ono of the best mon lU'in : , ' , I ID IK ul.-o an Intlmnto friend of .Mr. Clurko.f the Nonpiiroll. Ho hits been un'ortiiniito In jhojuct Hint | IH ! liunlly wiiarnviiKcd with dliihtlit'rlit.iindeicntly ' distressed. Mr. ( Jlurk liuvln liuaisl ol' hm uu- Inmlty tent him somO of Ur.i.loll'erlos' lIli- | thurlii Cure , It was ute 1 nt once , n id the lives of the rest of hU chlldron Kiivrd. Itcttoia Irom Mr , Mel'ikoitro nnlioiindod In thulr ovprcs-lons of gratltiu'o for llncllnir KiinU li'oins of uvurl- lin , ' the IDS' ) of Ills whole uronp'of ' llttlo mid ton- ilcronos. Klvoof Mr. MoPlko'H ohlldro'i out of ol.'lit died fiom dlphthcilii liofnro uohnd nn op- lioitnnltyof usingUr , Jell'urles' romojy , < i > iil Dr. Jclfcrlcs' dlpthorm iiiedlclnoUlnfiilliblolii ull kinds of sere throut . [ Dyspepsia ! Dyspepsia ! Dyspeptic , why live In misery , and dlo In dis- pulr with cancer of the stomach ( Dr. Thomus Joircrlcs euros every case of inclKCBtloa und conetlpatlon Inn very shoit tlmo , Best of rof- crencosKivou. Dyi-pepsiu U the cuiibo of ninety per eent of till diseased conditions. 1'rlco J-'i for two weeks troutmcnt. During tlio Inst six years thcro has not boon death from Diphtheria In nny case where DH. THOMAS JKKKUllIKS1 I'HEVKNTIVB and CUKE was used. It has been the means of sav ing thouEnnds of lives nnd mljtht Imvo sitvod hundreds of thousands moro , Indlspcnelblo in putrid tore throat , in malignant slarlet fovcr , changing It In 4S hours to the Flniplo form. In- fnlllblo euro for ull Inflammatory , Ulccrutivo , I'utrld , Canovrouti Ulcoratlon of the Womb and ull Cutarrhiil conditions. 1'rtco ja Full printed Instructions how to use the uicdl- clno sent with it. No doctor rciiul'rod. DR. JEFFERIES' REMEDIES Can only bu obtained ut hU Olllcc , No.SJS. Uliihth St. . iounillllliitls ; , Iow . Or tout by Kipru.j ou liuuclpt ot Triuu. -A. DEPARTURE Messrs. Ifnrkncss Bros , will this day plnco on sale tlio below enumerated iivticlcs besides numerous others nt prices that will surprise everybody , They nro GenmneBargains Towels. Tidies , Splashers , Handker chiefs , Japanese Fans , llntclicts , Has- kcts , Porlcmoiiiinles , Vuccs , Plates , Card ami Fruit Baskets , Tin Plates , Doll Hahics , Pic Plates , Wash Pans , Crumb Pans and Brushes , Dish Pans , Milk Palls , Work Basket , Glass Dishes , Comb Racks , PocUctbooks , Feather Fans , Hosiery , Mu.cramo Cord , Flour Sifters , HatRacks , llammersJapanpso Screens , Collar Buttons , Mucilage , Marbles , Blank Books , Turkish Towels , .Scrub- bins1 Brushes. Coal Shovels , Baby Bibs , Wooden Spoons , Hair Crimpers , Roll ing Pins , Transparent Slates , Acute Buttons , Collars , .Jewelry , Estahrook's Steel Pens , Lace Collars , Spool Cotton , Baby Rattles , Hair Nets , Clothes Lines , Table Salts , Base Bulls , Match Safes of all kinds , Glass Cups , Tin Dippers , Tin Buckets , Mosaic Mutch Holders , Sauce Pans , Looking Glasses , Perfumery , Castile Soap , Shoes Blacking , Meat Forks , Toilet Soaps , Stove Blacking , Wall Postals , Harmonicas , o.\es 01 Slate Pencils , Willow Baskets , Black ing Brushes , Pearl Buttons , Silver Thimbles , Frying Pans , Rick-rack Braid , Table Outlcry , Combination Russian Leather Toilet Sets , Pins , Laces , and every article yon can think of. AH to be on sale to-day. Evciy- Loly ; go and get a chance to select curly : ts the stock is all new and where Bargains for 5c WORTH 75c and $1,00 $ , Are to be found , they do not last long. No. 401 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOAVA. DKALKItS IK DRY GOODS , Etc. , Etc. OGBEN HOUSE BATES On ms < l A1UM.13ay 1M Will lie S2.OO anil @ 2.5O I'ciDay , IS.\cnptliir | front purlor lo'iins. Day Hoard , # 25 IVr Month. II. Sir.uwAV , Prop. MAHK IuiiviManager. : . Council Ululls ONLY HOTEL In Council Ululls huvln ; [ Fire Esoa/jo © And nil modern Improvements , call bofs , lira alarm bells , etc. , Is the CREST ON HOUSE ! Nos. 15 , SIT and 219 , Main Street , iu X M01IN , 1'roprloto B. BIOE , M. D. fiivpppc or othur tumora rcmovoJ vrk'.iout l/BnuGinu the knlfo or drawlnif of blood. CHRONIC DISEASES or M klnda apoclaltr. Over thirty years' pnct.oal oxporloujj. No. 11 Pearl Struct , Count 11 lllutTi Locking Bracket for Fences AND OTHKIt HAILS. KOD3. ETC. FKXCES 1JU1I.T WITHOUT HAILS. Any part rcndlly taken ont or rcplaco.1. For picket or rail fences , iron or wood , ciinnot lie excelled - celled lor railing of nny sort. For purtlculiirg wrlto C. J. 11KCK.MAN , Inventor. Council Uluffs. State and county rights for sale. STEAM DYE WORKS MRS.C.L.GILLETTB'S ' HftIR GOODS STORE No 29 , Main St. , Council Bluffs , Opo. Poslofflce , THOS. OFFIOBH. M , F. K I't'MBV OFFICER & FUSE 5T , BANKER COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. KsttlbllBhcd 13J7. RINK LIVERY STABLE. l'n | > t'ClnM Accommodations in Kvorytliln ? 1'cr- tulnlnjf to the l.lvery linslnucs. Finest Landau in the City FOR LADIES VISITING. Hoarding n specialty. Telephone 173. FIELD & COLE , Props. PEARL STnEET RINK STABLE , L. W. TUM.KVS , 1'rcs. T. J. KVANS , Vlco-Pros. N. IJiiows , Cashier. 102 MAIN STREET , . Capital . $100,000 , Authorized Capital . 260,000 Stockholders Represent . 1,000,000 , Do a ecncrat banking busings * . Accounts of banks , bunkers , incrohunU , roan- ufnctilrers und Individuals resclvod on favoro- Liu terms. Domestic and foreign exchan . The very bust of uttout'loh elvco to ull bust cits Lomiulitud Jo ourcar * . WHERE DO YOU BUY BUGGIES ? FIRST CLASS ID EVER ! RESPECT HIRAM W. DAVIS & CO. I > lul > IMic l In 1S77. CINCINNATI , OHIO. BUILD OVER FIFTY DIFFERENT STILES. 20.OOO Vclilflc * Anntinlly , Send for Culuto-uc { , Prices. Freight ICalcs and Testimonial * . .w. HOUSE MOVER AND MISER llrlck li.illillm nny kind rnl < p > l nr moved nnd satisfaction ffimranUca. Frnmo houses movotJ onLlttloaiaat truokj-tlio boil la the worlt 803 Eighttx Aveiiuo mil Eighth Streak , Council Bluffj. -X- t J/ . . - - 226 Broadway , Council Bluffs , KIEL SALE STABLES lloi'hos ntnl Muloa lopt constantly on hand for Rixlo at retail or In cur Ion Is. Ordure vromiltly llllod by contract on short notice. Stock sold on coiiiinffKian. SHLUTKIt & I1OEV ! , Proprietors. Stnfolo Corner Tilth Avenue and Fourth SS Council Hluirs lawn. TIMOTHY SEED. I Imvo a quantity of Found , well clonnoil sooJ which 1 oiler nt ronsonnbla fljrtircs. Seed of the crop of ] f8 > . OorrpFpomlenco solicited. F. U. IlUTU'll , Schallor , Iowa. C. & N. W. Hy. Omaha Dental Associa'n ' Cor. 10th and Douglas Sts. Filling nt lowest price , with gold , Oliver nmt other combinations Oold ( ilute unit foiitlnuutm Uiiui Teeth a upeclulty. upeclulty.Best Best Sots of Teeth. , S , Former price tu. Pcifect Utinid Lent material. All woikcuarnntccd. Council Bluffs Office , 234 BROADWAY , WEST SIUK. Horses and Mules For till purposes , bought and eoM , ut icUill and II lotR. Largo lumntltlfd to select from. MASON WISE , ! retlNear ( , Pacific HouseCounil , Bus MRS. D. A. BENEDICT HAIR GOODS WIGS ftADE TO ORDER , 337 Broadway , Council Binds , Iowa , JACOB SIMS , ATTORNEY AT LAW OOXJNOIIJ Practices in State ami Courts. Hooni3 7 uud a , Sinu.irt Jilot : * . CUT THIS OUT ! cooi > ti.vrii , .11 A v id. it.ttoneltru Impiovoiuenta and Increased our tluuilitlcj , wo wljli to call usiic.-'lnl iiitentUin tu the .vork now tjclntr turnO'l out by us. clulinliiirU to bo i-fUal | to thut of nny tiutoni lam , dry. Inurdor to introJnce our work outc.ldu the city of ( 'iinncll Illitirs , o wlil upon itci'pt of this lli-lu't , iiicMinpauli'd i > v icttiru pi t.i v , l.unndry Six c.illars or Cuff * I'HKU , fur oUhvr Home Steam Laundry 3 < | 0 Itnuulxvay , ttoimcll isiiilU. K , 0. Out of fovrn urdcn Klvcn ] > rein | > t n' * < tcnU > n. Wo pay return.vliufffi o.-i all work n- | elvt-dwhen Hccompaulud tiy vuali In RUSSELL&Co ilnnurnclm-crsof all sizes ot Automatic Engines Especially noslcrnod for Running MILLS , GKA1N.ELKVATOKS , AND ELECTRIC LIGHTS , Tubular and Locomotive Boilers. New Massillou Thresliun. Carej' and Woodbury Horse Powers. STATIONARY , SKID , Portable and Traction Engines , SA\V MILLS , ETC. Factory Mossillon , 0. Branch House 510 Pearl St. , Council Blullk BEND. FOR 1888 ANNUAL. C'liolcc Display ol' I atCNt Pat tern * , All Ciruclc * . Council Bluffs 4OB Broadway. A Select Stock of Choice IVoVClliCii III. SPECIAL NOTICES NOTICE. Special adrortliomnnts , such n\ Lostouad , To Loan , t'o'dilo , To ItjntV.tati Boordlnir.eto. will bo Insortoj In this column it tholow rata of TEN CBNT3 PUIl MSB for. In flretlnsortlon ind VIVJ1 CliNfS I'Klt MNU for each auhsaquont Insertion. Lunvo ali-orllo inciUBUt our olllco , No. U 1'o.iri street , UOJF Uroadwur , Council llhiirs. ; ) \ . ) - raulc. two hoiscs -I. ' wauon , liui'fy , Imrni'Ss , huriow , lious , COUH , curpciiler tools , uci Iron timk nnd Imllur , liunl- wiiro. u pool Mblif.lonce po ts , honeohold KOO I ? , mill my house iinu Irt. I'.miiilrc on promises , No. 701. ' Jiroa.1wn7 . , Council Ilinirs. Tjioit SAI.ii-llonl icstnto nil' part * of the JP clly , I.iirBcsl Ut. Most Bales. ! ' . J. Ruy , Na UUI'onrl street. IWH HAI.K Old pnpers. In quimtitlus to suit , 1 nt lice olllco No. 12 1'uarl street , S.-M.K OK TltADH-Stocfc of mul luncy notion ; . All now , ( iood locu tion. fiilos t-'WO ! , ' n your. O , Hoe , Couucl lllults , low.i. SWAW BBOS.7 UcuIei'H in MilcIiCowH. II At Our Stock Yank No S03 and 50U E , HrrwdwnyCotmcll UfTs The Highest Market Price For nil kinds of secondhand household ( foods and andSTOVES. . M. DROHLICH , 008 Broadway , Council Bluffu. China , C.lasswaro nnd I/amps. \V.H. llomcr&Co. . o. 2a , .Main St.Conup 11 JUulls , la.