a4KBiaOi.Ltj ? M a * > a WWfewia THE OMAHA BffE ; TUESPAt. HA.'Y 4 , 1881 ? . IflE RING ALARM SOUNDED , Political Tricksters Badly Frightened Over the Van Wyck Sentiment Developed , ( LANCASTER'S LEAGUE AT WORK , Whipping Tticlr Follower * Into Iitno far tlio Coming CniupnlRn Ijln- coln's 1'nvlnjj Problem Hrlck- layers for Nine Hours. Intow TIIK HUE'S LINCOLN nunnAu.l Alter a winter of idleness there is n mtihlim nntl suriirlsIiiK activity among the Lancaster county ring politicians. Secret conferences are nnniorons , and there is a mysterious llitting about the county of men who have boon notorious lu years pixst for skillful and unsuru ! > ulotmiunii > - illations. If the signs can bo ruad aright there has been an alarm sounded in the ling camp , and all hands summoned to strengthen the fortifications. There has lcen ) a belief , or rather a profession , by the politicians all winter that there was nothing to bo feared from Van Wyck , : iml that , so far as the election of a United States senator was concerned , the make up of the next legislature would insure a result entirely satisfactory to them. The developments of the last month , however - over , and especially thu nnmUtakaulo -voice and demand of the producing pop- 'illation for the return of the senior sena tor , have given tlw ring a bad fright , and there is homo lively hustling going .on. Political pipe IH being laid in nil parts of the county , and slates of every description written up , the declared purpose being "anything to boat Van wvck. " Tom Kennard , of course , is acting as ring master , and cracking his whip in a manner well cal- 'ciliated to terrify and sifbjugato all raw recruits. The venerable Tom doesn't want anything beyond a seat In the state convention for himself , but that , in sonn irabjn , In Ieu.- jiaru-8 case it can doubtless bo worked BO as to secure a renewal of the insurance policies on the various state buildings which are now placed with his agenoy. Tlio candidates that will be brought out for places in the stutu senate are I\l. \ . Cheney , John H. Wright , Alva Smith and Walter M , Seely. tor seats in the house , J. C. F. MeKcsson and Mr. Castor , of Middle Creek ; Anthony Hoed , of Stev ens Creek ; S. W. Hurnham , Yankee Hill ; Mr. Wcstoott , of Elk ; John B. Wright , W. W. Wilson , and C. O. Wlie- don , of the Third ward : J. C. Johnston and J. L. Caldwell , of the Second ward , and D. G. Courtney , of the Fourth ward , will enter the lists. Jn the .First ward , on account of the extreme modesty of the gen tlemen who have been solicited to be come candidates , there are no avowals as yet. Under Kennard's tutelage , how ever , it is expected that this litllo defect will bo speedily overcome. The inten tion of the ringmaster seems to bo to get a delegation from Lancaster county whoso yotcs can be sifted around among the various candidates for the United States senate. 'and ' at the proper time de livered in bulk to Ainiisa Cobb , who is now in training to run a hard race as a dark horse. Aside from this there will be a contest over the ollico of city attor ney , for which Captain L. W. Billingsly and Hon. Koyal 13. Stearns are under stood to have aspirations. HOW TO DO OUIt TA.VINO. Among the visitors to Lincoln yester day was Mr. B. , F. Smith , of Boston , a gentleman well known in the west for his heavy investments in Omaha real es tate ami business enterprises. Knowing Mr. Smith to be a jnan of large experi ence in the expenditure of money for pub- lic'.improvcmentH , the BEE representative asked for his opinion as to the advisabil ity of paving the streets of the capital city. ' 'It should bo done as quickly as possible after the sowers'aro put in , " was his answer. "Money 'paid for paving is T- well expended. I paid .OOO cash last year alone for my share of the new pave ments in Omaha , and.l really think it is the best investment I over made. It is unfortunate that your streets are so wide. I think they average 100 feet. Now a sixty-foot roadway is all that is necessary , and in many of the eastern cities an im mense tralho is done on streets less than thirty feet wide. How to reduce the cost , by narrowing the streets , will bo a big question. Parks in the cen tre look well for a while , but they soon become uusigtiily unless close ly watched , and besides , it makes a double item for curbs and gutter. Widening the sidewalks to thirty foot on both sides of the street is. I think , your only remedy. They won't look very well , but it is the best that can bo done. Two lines of water , gas and sewer nines should bo put down , one line on either side of the street , inside of tlio curbing. A separate section ot pavement could bo laid over the trenches , and thus when it became necessary to get at the pipes for any purpose , the roadbed would not Jiavo to no dug up. " "Tho manner of paying for paving in Omaha , " continued Mr. Smith , in answer to a question , "makes the tax on the property owner vnry light in proportion to tno benelit received. The cost of pav ing a certain district is ascertained , and bonds to that amount , to run ten years and bearing 0 pur cent interest , are is- tmcd. 1 was present when the bids for the lust lot of these bonds were opened , and they were taken by a Toledo firm at ItJ per cent premium. When the paving is done the cost on each lot is assessed , and divided into ten annual 'Payments , one of which is collected with interest even' year , like an ordinary tax , until the fiilf amount is paiu. Those who pro- tor , can pay the whole tax at once , und thus save the interest. That is why 1 paid the 125,000 , 1 spokeof. . There is no doubt but that this outlay has increased the value of my property fully $50,000. " LAI10U TIIOUIILUS IN LINCOLN. Bricklayers' Union No. 2 , of Lincoln , lias adopted a resolution not to do more than ninu hours work a day , and to in sist on payment of the present rate ol $4.50. There are about sixty-live journey men in the city , sixty ot whom are mom- burs of the union. The five non-union nnm consist of Contractor Hush and his son , and three darkies who were bounced from the organi/ation last winter. These men are now at work on the Townley hotel addition , whore they were visited yesterday by a committe , and solicited , inollitetually , to como back into the fold , Owing to the wet , backward spring , which has made it impossible to la } foundations , there is no brickwork , aside from the Townloy house job , in progress now , and as a consequence- them is no striko. The men merely serve notice on the contractors that when they do go to work they will insist on $1.60 pay foi nine hours labor. A leading member oi the union Mated yesterday that the oni Vloyors were notified of this move nearly throe niontns ago , and have all feigniliei their intention of acceding to the demand As eoou as the weather will permit , i largo number of brick buildings , includ ing the big packing liou.so at Wi'st Lin coin , will bo starlod , and it is the dcsin of the men to have the matter of wage : thoroughly understood and decided s ( that there will bo no trouble or interrnp tion. A rumor was current last night U the cfTed that if the bricklayers uro al lowed full pay for nlnu hours work , flu tenders , or "hod-earrierd , " will insist 01 a like reduction of hours on the prcscn pay oi $1.75 per day , or an increase h wages tp $3. THE IU1LWAY COMMISSIONED AGAIN. The spring sun has warmed ; the rail way commissioners into life aguiu with the other hSbcrnnlors , and bmlncRs has bean resumed for the .summer "nt the old stand. " Two complainU Avore Vtttonfile yesterday , nnd Stenographer Waring went about with the IOOK of a man satisfied that ho is earning his sal ary. Ono of the complaints is from A. M , Trimble , of Lincoln , who alleges that the Minneapolis & St. Paul road charges 70 cents par 100 pounds on lirst class frcicht between Blair and llarting- ton , a distance of 112 nillos , while the charco from Omaha to Hartington , 142 miles , Is only 55 cents. The commission- ore have notified Mr. Winter , the general freight agent , that this is contrary to the statute , and recommended a revision of the tarifi"sheet and refunding of all over charges. In the second case the Boss Harrow company , of Charles City , Iowa , say that they were charccd $3.28 on 400 pounds of freight from Norfolk to Madi son , by the Union Pacific , while the regular rate should bo only 52 cents. On complaining of the overcharge to Mr. Sherlock , the agent at Madisonthat gen tleman informed them that the rate charged was correct , and was made to discourage the shipment by other routes of freight to Norfolk that should proper ly bo given to tlio company at Council Blnll's. The Union Pacific authorities at Omaha have been notified by the commissioners ' missioners that the rate on tho'freight in question should bo < YJ cents for the -100 pounds , Instead of § : ,28 , and advised a settlement of the overcharge at once , and abandonment of the practice. TWO UACY mvoitci : CASKS. On the books of the district court are two applications for divorce , so similar in their nature as to excite comment even from this clerks who are In the habit of handling such papers daily. The lir.st is from Hattie Mitchiek , who was married to Frank Mitchiek , at Hannibal , Mo. , in 1875. Unmindful of his vows Frank is accused of having been guilty of exces sively cruel treatment of his wife , and calling her vile names , ending with a heartless desertion-lust year of her and their two children , aged 7 and ! l years. As Mitchiek is earning Sl''O a month as master mechanic in railway shops , his wife , in addition so a divorce , wants a suitable alimony for herself and children. The .second case is that of Abigail Rothschild vs John W. F , K. llothsohild. /jit * , --.jcv . . , „ i 3 j - - < ? juis voU5to | were mateu in Liverpool , Kng. , in 1873 , and lived together until February last , when defendant , by his cruelty , as the petition alleges , drove her from her home , Mrs , Rothschild wants a divorce and n share of defendant's property in this city. imiEK MKNTION. A twenty-live mile foot race for $100 a side , was arranged yesterday between Jlarry Tullield , ot the Fitzgerald JIoso company of Lincoln , and John Houri- ban , of the Thur.stons of Oimth.x. The race is set for May 10. on the track of the Lincoln Driving Park association. Dave Williams , a colored hostler , was arraigned yesterday on charge of burn ing the barn of II , K. Noble a few days back. The complainant was unable to identify Williams , and ho was discharged. The residence of Judge Reed was en tered by burglars Sunday night , and a number of valuables stolon. A reward of $50 is ollercil for the recovery of a gold watch , with bar chain and Knights Tem plar charm. Articles of incorporation of the Nebras ka Loan and Trust company , of Kearney , were filed yesterday. The capital of the company is $100,000 , and tlio incorporators - tors , W. S. Amotit , E. B Jones and R. A. Moore. Senator Van Wyck was in the city yes terday , and was entertained by General McBrido. Janitor Sisson , at the county building , has organized himself into a union , and struck for higher wages. Ho served no tice on the commissioners yesterday that they must increase Ids pay or get another man. Two unhappy wives are applicants in the district .court for divorces from cruel and heartless husbands. The Chinese minister and his suits went wcstjon the B. & M. yesterday en route for San Francisco. AMUSEMENTS. JAMES O'NEILL IN "MONTE CKISTO. " It is a pleasure to announce the reap pearance of the sterling actor , James O'Neill , at Boyd's opera house Tuesday and Wednesday evenings this week , when ho will present "Monto Cristo. " Its drawing power is strong , its interest as fresh , its plot and action as thrilling as over. It has lost none of its hold. Fre quent repetition has robbed it of none of its-ability to gratify the habitue of the or chestra or the irrepressible god of the gal lery , It is diflicuit to imagine any tic tor ot the time surpassing Mr. O'Neill in this character. Ho is an earnest actor , and it is an evident fact that his heart is in his work. The over-varying points of Monte Christo's life ho treats with skill and naturalness ; ho brings to boar upon his work a ripp experience , a sound judgement , and , if not profound , still a signal mastery of his art. The support ing company is largo and the scenery for this production is worthy of special com ment. Altogether "Monto Cristo" is ono of the strongest plays at present occupy ing the Btago. THE IIANLONS. The wonderful Hanlon Brothers will bo seen at the Boyd next Friday and Sat urday in their new fairy spectacle enti tled ' 'Fantasma. " That St. Jacobs Oil conquers paiu has passed into a household proverb. The Brick MoldcrH. The brick moldora , who demanded an increase of fifty cents per day in their wages , making the same ! ) , was working yesterday at tlio old schedule , and they will probably do so to-day. A meeting of the union has been called to-night at Wolfe's hall , when the question will bo fully ( liscussod. In all probability spmo definite line of action will bo decided upon. Benevolent Itolioniluun. Forty uniformed members of St. John's benevolent society , a Bohemian order , accompanied by Scdlacok's brass band , wont to Wahoo Sunday afternoon to take part in a celebration which will oc cur in that town to day over the organ ization of a branch of the .association. Thcv will return homo this evening. HCttl y flfcEBilKJMiay PILLS 25 YEARS IN USE. Tk Greatest Medical Triumph of tbe Age ! SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. I.oii of appetite , lloirels eoitlre , 1'ain in ( he bead , with a dull cusailuu lu the back part , 1'ala unftcr the ibouldcr * blade , 1'ullneis after eating , trilh a dU > Inclination to exertion of Lodr or mind , Irritabllilrof temper , LotTBplrlli , with nfoullnirorbnTlne neglected oinoUutr. WekrioeM , Olztlue * * , i'lulterlnt at tbo Heart. lut ) boforotbe tret , Ueadacbo oyr tbo right eye. Itcatlesineii , with flIt'll 1 drennu. Highly colored Urine , and CONSTIPATION. " TCTT'S flltlM are especially adapted to lacti cases , ono doea effects such a change of fecllngM toastonUli the eullercr. They Inrrcuo tbe Appetiteand caiue tba body to Take ou FlesUitbut tba lyitem U uourUbecl.and by Ibelr Tonic Action on tha Iliie tlveOrau , UejUlar8tooU ro productd. Price aBc. 4 Murray IU..N.V. TUTT'S EXTRACT SARSAPARILU Keuotatcu tba body , makes hoalthj fle&h , Btrongthens the > oat , repaint the vrasto * of the a/stem with pura blood and hanl muscle ; toaaa tba cerrous syitetn. invigorate * tba train , and Impart * thi * vigor ui manhood. 91. Hold br dnwrkU. MurriiSt..NcivYork. THE imaMIS1 HOTEL , A ITow Hostelry to ba Hun "hy Mr. Nat. Brown. A First Olnss Kstalillsliment Details of ( ho Furnishing KIcRant Ap pointments , Ktc. For years past Omaha has boon noted for her well-appointed , capacious mid thoroughly excellent hotels. Hut of late , with tlio increasing population ami the rapid development of the city , those ac commodations have gradually bccomo more and more inadequate to the de mands which are being made upon them. The feeling has been that Omaha must have another lirst-class hotel and that at once. Such an establishment his just boon ojioncd by Mr. Nat Brown , the well known and popular hotel man of Lin coln , who has recently located in Omaha. Ho has taken the house formerly run by Peter Ooos , on Itanium west of FifteiTnth street , and within two months , by the alii of a host of carpenters , painters , plumb- era and upholsterers has transformed it into a hostolery which is first-class in every particular , and equal , if not super ior to any in the stale. It will bo known hereafter as the "Merchants. " A reporter for the llin : , who had heard something of the hotel and its now man agement , took a tour through the estab lishment yesterday under the guidance of Mr. Drown. From top to bottom the scribe was escorted and everywhere no found things so completely changed that it was dillicu t to rnuli/.o that such a wonderful transformation had taken place. A brief description of the place may not bo uninteresting. On the llrat lloor are the olllcos ( occupy ing the front of the main portion of the building ) , the reading and writing roonis htt < l UlUVlthiLwnWTii ! ? r& ' the rear , the dining-room and kitchen. All of these apartments have been re painted and re-papered , and present a handsome appearance. In the west wing of the building la the bar-room , stocked with the choicest wines , liquors and cigars. On the second , third , and fourth lloors arc the guest rooms , sixty-eight in num ber , exclusive of the parlors on the second end lloor. Each room is iv gem , all of them being of good size , well-lighted and perfectly ventilated. The furnishing of the apartments , which was done by Dewcy & Stone , is elegant throughout. The turniture is of cherry and walnut , and of the very finest description. The carpets are of the best body Hrussols. and so soft and tine tc.xtuveu arc they , that in crossing the iloor , one seems to bo walking on down. The dillerent apartments are papered tastily , this feature of the reno vation haying been given the most care ful attention. All the room are supplied with steam iieaters and gas chandeliers. At the end of the corridors , on each lloor too. are to bo found water closets and bath roonis. The plan of the hotel is such that escape in case of tire is very easy. The rooms are ranged along one central hall or corridor , at one end of which is a lire escape leading to the ground , and at tlio other the stairway , so that it is practically impossible tu lese one's way. In this particular , the "Mer chant s" has a great advantage over the ordinary hotel , in which the roonis arc usually so arranged as to well nigh form a labyrinthfrom which an escape in case of lire is most difficult. The parlors on tlio second lloor arc in keeping with tiie rest of the house , in the matter of general elegance and complete ness of appointments. _ They tire fur- nisiiud with plush chairs , sofas , and di vans of the most sumptuous description. Here , too , the foot rests on the softest of velvet brussels , while handsome curtain drapery about the wimlows.and the rich papering of the walls contribute to the charm ot ttic general cH'oct. The parlor rooms are so arranged that in case of emergency , they can bo thrown into separate , apartments and used lor bed rooms. Heavy mirrors , whoho use one would never suspect from their appear ance , are unfolded , lot down and in a mo ment's time transformed into beds. A handsome center table is so arranged that upon lifting the cover one linds a pitcher and washbowl , with tlio usual ac cessories , nil ready for a morning wash. In the front parlor there is a cabinet grand piano , of extraordinarily line touch and tone , for the benefit of such of the guests as are musically inclined. Going down into tlio basement , the re porter was shown by Mr. Urown through the laundry , which is complete in every essential and ready to turn out lirst-class work. The cuisine of the establishment is to bo the best in the city. The kitchen will bo in charge of Mr. and Mrs , M. J. Frank , who were for eight years ut the Gorham house in Burlington , Iowa , and for the past year in the Windsor at Lincoln. The tables , wlilcli are located in an airy and well-lighted dining hall in the rear of the ollice , will bo presided over by Mr. Walker , late of , tlio Puxton. with an able and well trained corps ot colored waiters. The bar is in charge of Mr. Moxom and his assistants. Messrs. Otis Ramsey and S. 11. Brooks , both able and experienced hotel men , will attend to the wants of the guests , as day and night clerks , while tlio general managumontof the establishment IH to bo entrusted to Mr. James'P. Ewing , Mrs Ewing will also bo connected with the hotel , nn housekeeper. In this necessarily hasty and limited sketch of Omaha's now hotel , it has been impossible to convoy a perfect idea of the completeness and elegance which are the prime characteristics of the establish ment. The traveling public must see and satisfy themselves , for to quote an ancient adage , "the proof of the pudding is in the cuting. " tiullioo it to say that the hotel is a credit to the eitv and to tiio state. Un der the proprietorship of Mr. Nat ISrowu , who is an uxporionced hotel man with boats of friends throughout .Nebraska and the west , the "Merchants" is certainly assured of a future of unbounded success. Public- Buildings for Onmtia Architect Meyers arrived in the city yesterday from Denver , where lie has been supurintonding the beginning of the work on tlio 9500,000 court house which is to bo erected in that city. In conver sation with a reporter for the Bun to day ho said that ho had como to Omaha to attend to tlio closing up of the plans for the new city hall building , bids for which are boon to bo advertised for. "lhavo also come to your city , " ho continued , "to confer with tlio county commissioners about the addition of another btory to the court house. Do I think it can bo safely done ? Certainly , by Jetting down tlio basement nearly to the level of the street , and tlion putting in another story between that and the present llrst story. It can bo done easily and safely. " "What would the cost bo ? " "Thulls hard to estimate just , at pres ent , probably , however , not more than ? 8ox ( o or $ yoooo/ , | Hunting Her Husband. A middle-aged Scotch woman , accom panied by four Email children , arrived at the Union Pacific depot on Sunday night and commenced to make inquiries concerning the whereabouts of her hus band , Philip Monroo. She says that her husband left their homo in Dundee , Scotland , in Juno last , to' find a now homo In a nc world , lie came to Oma ha about three months ago and soon after his arrival here sent money to pay the passage ofjiis'wifo and children to this country. Mrs. Monroe and her children sailed frnm' homo on April 15. having sent a letter to 'her husband announcing li r coining. When she ar rived lirro aho.could find no trace of her liusbnml mct | immediately applied to the iiolico authorities for help. When slio last heard from her husband ho was working on the farm of his brother , John Monroe , about three miles from the city. She says tljat she has no fear that her husband intends to desert her , for it ho had such a purpose ho would not liavo pent her money with which to pay her way to America. Mrs. Monroe and chil dren are being cared for temporarily at tlio rooms of the Woman's Christian as sociation near the city building. A OM2V13R SCHEME. How JudRO Stcnbcrj * AVns Induced to Itclimsc n Prisoner. Judge Stenbcrg , of the police court , was telling yesterday of a mildjlittlo confidence game , of which ho was a victim. The story Is a good ono , and hero it iss One weckago | yesterday lie sent up to the county jail a negro , Archie Sporlman , who had been arrostetl for using a razor too freely. The follow was unable to pay his line , and was accordingly sent to the county hotel for a term of ton days. On Saturday night one of his friends approached Judge Stenborg with a long and mornful tale , to the ell'uct that the wife of Sportman had died in child birth , and that her hist request was that before ho was buried her husband might bo re leased , in order to attend her funeral. The judge , who is not by means hard hearted , at onceconscntcd to release the negro , and ordered Jailor Miller to dis charge him. Sunday Judge Stonbcrg made in quiries of Sexton Mcdlock , of Prospect Hill cemetery and found that no colored funeral had taken place , although the follow .who asked for Sportman's release hail said that the burial was to take place in that cemetery. A little later he mot ' ' 'ft'iAj 'ilL ' Jillli U'.l' ' ' UfJli'iL Will f.uoui ins wuu's tuneral. The negro re plied that lie had had no wife for several years , his last ono having died in St. Joe several years ago. He denied boiug a partv to the scheme to secure his release. lie claimed that ho thought it had been accomplished by proper means. Ho will not bo re-arrostutl , as lie has nearly served out the sentence against him. Kcvlvnl nt tlio Christ Ian Church. The threatening aspect of tlio weather last evening limited the opening meet ing of a revival service that has been in augurated at the Christian church , cor ner of Capitol avcnuo and Twentieth street" . An appreciative audience , however - over , greeted the evangelist , llev. II. C. Barrows , and were doubtless beiiclitted by his able address. After an appropri ate song service Mr. Barrows ohose for the subjcdt df his remarks , "Behold what manner 6f love the Father lias be stowed upon us that wo should be called the children of God. " This declaration of John , tlio i beloved Apostle , should challenge , the \ admiration of the world. There are innumerable ways of express ing one's love , but tlio strongest expres sion in the highest possible degree is to make an otuhaii your child. Paul said. "The spirit iLsclt boaroth witness with our spiritthat we arc the children of God. " There "Ms no testimony that the spirit of God is with us except that oflbrcil in the ss inspired atlidavits of tlio apostles. No doubt of the rumissjbji of sins can bo found in the mind of anyone whose spirit beans wit ness with the spirit of God that ho is a child of God. If wo arc children of God , we are His heirs and joint heirs with Christ , if it so be that wo suitor with Chritit. The evangelist spoke of the steps necessary to adoption into the family of God. There must be a change of form , the adoption of the Christian name , and a subjection to the discipline of God's household which is ruled by love. If wo are adopted into God's family we become his heirs and the in heritance is eternal life and a home in our Father's house. Hov. Barrow's closed with a strong appeal to all of his hearers to become adopted into the family of God thus securing the incorruptible blessings of eternal life in a home with God. Tlio meetings will continue eacli evening this week and until further notice. Army Gossip. Capt , Reed , who is in command at Hock Springs , Wyoming , arrived in the city yesterday He reports a peaceful condition at the coal mines , and says that the Chinese are working a ongsido of the white miners without any trouble. For the present the troops will bu retained at Hock Springs. There are now 100 sol diers there. In Saturday's Bin : the dimensions of tlio rillo range grounds desired by the government should have been 700 yards for the length and 100 yards for the width , instead of so many feet. Col , Henry stated this morning that if lie thought if the range could be secured at some con venient place jn the county the Union Pa cific would build a cut-oil' Dranch to the place , starting , say , from Fremont. Petit Jurors. The following petit jurors have been drawn for the May tciiu of the district court : Silas Austin , Fred Mauss , Bernard Sacliso. Yrcd Kumpf , J. B. Kitchen , F. J. Bui-dick , A. O. Wiirgins , Thos. Donahue , Patrick McGovurn. J. II. McCreary , Peter O'Mallpy , Gco. Guy. Jamas Mo Va tic , Hiram Piokard , Sr. , Win. MoHitgh , Fred lielim. Pat Loary , H. G. Van Ness , B. F. Welch , Henry , Norton , Thos. Nolan , I1 red Dellono , Win. F. Loren/.cn , J. S.McCord. T "J have no appetite , " complains many a sullerer. Hood's ' Sarsaparilla gives an appetite , and enables the stomach to perform its dirty. At Bridgeport , Conn. , last week , a doc tor extracted f om the foot of a Hunga rian a darning needle three inches long. It entered the foot six months ago , while the man was dancing a fandango , Anuotituru JlittorH do not only distin guish themsclviM by their tlnvor and aromatic odor above all others generally used , but they are also a bum proviMiitlvo of all diseased originating fn > iu < the digestive organs , lie- wait ) of counterfeits. Ask your grocer or duiggist tor the genuine article , nuuiufac- tilled by Drj J. p. , . Blcgeit & Sous. Some of the Wind can read five or six hours without feeling fatigued. They use both Imiidb' in reacting , the right foro- linger being ul/Qtl / chiefly to separate the words and syllables , while the left fore finger recognizes tlio word by itself. For delicacy , lor purity , and for im provement of the complexion , nothing equals Pozzonl'a Powder. On tlio Pottsvillo & Mananoy railroad a tunnel 800 foot in length is being cut under a mountain and through solid rock. Three hundred men are employed and work is prosecuted day and night. TTTien Baby WM Act , we pare her C.ulorta , When lite waa a Child , ebe cried for L'aatorU , When the became MUa , the clang to Cutoria , Wtn the td ChlUna , * U | TO them Cutari * PY1VtT \TT\tP T TTTT P 1T17TA ILLVELANDS LITTLE VETO , It Puts A Quietus on the Omaha Fort of En try Bill , WHAT MANDERSON HAS TO SAY , Tlio Action of tlio PrcMilont Severely Criticised by Western Senators Generally. Democrats who hold Jefferson ideas about the sparing use of tlio executive veto power , says the Washington cor respondent of the Chicago Tribune , are aghast at the evident intent of tlio Presi dent to place Congress on a level with the Now York legislature and repeat the record ho made while ( tovcrnor of the Kmpiro State. Western democrats are angry that a man who has never been west of the Allrghunics should pick out their section of tlio country to experi ment on. They felt free to say thl when the measure to quiet the title of settlers on the Dos Moincs river lands was vetoed. They are Iroor to say it tills evening , since the veto of the bill to ex tend to the port of Omaha the provisions of tlio act relative to the innncdiatu transportation of dutiable goods. Nouo of them have any personal interest in this bill , because the Nebraska senators and representatives are all republicans. But these who have pro tested against the treasury department's Wall street policy in financial matters have also been lead to believe that this department was looked upon ns a purely New York institution in other respects , since tlic manifest tendency was to dis criminate against western merchants in custom * matters. Attention was drawn to the Omaha veto when it camu in be cause another veto had been up earlier in the day. This related to the bill "to pre vent tlio desecration of graves , " giving tlio medical colleges the bodies of paunord 'li'-il's ' : 'JJtiULl2UU'kt. ' TVho had in. fn uil or relatives or made no requestforburial. The measure applied only to the District of Columbia and interested but two or three medical colleges ; so when Senator Vance called up the bill and moved to pass it over the president's veto there wore only six senators who cared enough about the matt1,11 to vote to override the veto. These were AllisonHarrlsIngals. ! Vance and Plumb three democrats and throe republicans. Later in the day sev eral senators who wore lounging in the cloak room hurried out when the word went around , "Another veto , " and lis tened to the president's reason for de priving Omaha merchants of privileges denied them by the treasury dooartment. The senate Imanco and the house ways and means committees , both of which had given the measure at least so much time and know as much about the subject as the president , had found tlin bill worthy of jJavorablo action. The bill nrovidcd y.hat thu privileges of immediate transportation of dutiable merchandise under tlio act of June 10,1880 , be extended to the port of Omaha. The act mentioned in the bill allows imported goods to bo carried through from the port of entry to their destination in bonded cars , and names seventy cities to which the act applies. One of these was Omaha. The proviso was attached that there should bo the necessary pllicers for the appraisement and collection of duties. As there were no such ollicors in Omaha the treasury oilicials struck the city oil' the list. At torney General Browster gave it as his opinion that under the act the secretary of the treasury could not reinstate Omaha as one ot the cities to which it ap plied. The bill was introduced by Senator Mandortion. In speaking of the bill this afternoon ho said : Alter the dccishm of Attorney General Brewster , to which the president refers , was delivered in February , 1880 , revers ing the treasury solicitor's ruling , I ap plied to the treasury department to have Omaha admitted to the privileges men tioned. To my letter 1 have never re ceived an answer , nor even an acknowl edgement that it had boon received. Fail ing in getting any satisfaction at the execu tive branch , I tried the legislative , with the satisfaction of having the bill killed by a veto. 1 shall now send to the treasury department a copy of my letter asking tliat Omalin'bc made an immediate trans- uortatlon port , a copy of the bill , and ono of the president's veto message , and see what they will do about it. If the only thing which stands in the wiry is tlio want of custom officers that can easily be fixed. There can ho no doubt as to the desirability of granting the prlvilcgo to Omaha , especially as the custom oili- cials in New York delay goods shipped west by appraising all shipments to east ern merchants first. It may be accidental , but it is unfortun ate that the president's vetoes strike west ern people. Of the four of these mes sages sent to congress , ono noted above alfectcd only the medical colleges in the District of Columbia ; another inter ested only an ex-army surgeon named McBlair ; the other two interest a great many people in Iowa and Nebraska di rectly. In the Dos Monies river land case the subject had been before congress - gross for fifteen years. Kvory phase of it had been examniined by members outside of Iowa who had not the remotest interest in the matter. Some of thorn were recognized in Congress as authorities on these subjects when Mr. Cleveland was only known as the Mayor ofBulialo. The bill for the relief of the settlers was declared by them to bo proper , just , and legal. But a clique of New Yorkers who have financial inter est in defeating the relief of the settlers had tint ear of the President , and ho , in a very short time , discovered n techical reason for defeating thu expressed will of Congress. In the Omaha veto it is not known whether Now York City mer chants have pointed out the Haws he found in the bill or not. m Kdtioatml aiiU ftxporlcnoed , Hood's Sarsaparlla is prepared by O. I. Hood & Co. , ipotlicoarios , Lowell , Mass. , who have aa thorough knowledge of pharmacy , and many years' practicad experience in the business , It is prepare with the greatest skill and care , under the direction of the men who originated it. Hcnco Hood's S : rsaparllla may bo depended upon as a thoroughly pure , honest and reliable medicine , The Lick observatory at San Francisco has ordered a set of instruments for automatically registering earthquake shocks. The British government intends to or ganize a fisheries commission. There is now no scientific man employed on this subject in either Great Britain or Ireland. PIMJSS "oPuTisSI ! PI I ; 133 A sure euro for Ulluil , Jlleodln ? , Itchln and Ulcerated Piles luw been tliscovcmd by Dr. Williams , ( an Indian leiuody ) , called I > r Williams' Indian Pile Ointment. A single box has cuicd the worst chronic cases of iHfor SOT4irs2 > tuiidlng. No one need suifer live minutes after applying this wonderful booth Ins medicine. Lotions and Instruments do more harm than good. Williams' Indian Pile Ointment abaoiustlio tumuis , allays the Intense itching , ( pAitleuIarly at night after pettinsr warm In bud ) , acts as a poultice , gives instant relief , and Is prepared only for riles , itching of private parts , and for nothing clsu SKIN DISEASES CUItEU. Dr. Fra/ier'B Magic Ointment cures as by m.ilc ! , Pimples , Ulack Jfeads or Grubs , Blotches aim Eruptions on the face , leaving the SKU ! clear and ueautlful. Also cures Itch. Halt Ulieum , .Sore Nipples , Sore Lips , ana Old Obstinate Ulcers. Hold by druggists , or mailed on receipt of CO cents. Kctiiiledby Kulm & Co. , and Sphroeter & Counid. At wholesale bC. \ . F. Uoodkuu At Griffin , Ga. , this week , a man who had boon mayor of the city and ono of its most prosperous and popular citi/onp , dlod a pauper In ltd poor house. Drink did it. Absolutely 1'uro and Unadulterated. IN US IN HOSPITALS , CURATIVE INSTITUTIONS , INFIRMARIES , AND PRCSCP.IDSO ov PHYSICIANS CURES CONSUMPTION , HEMORRHAGES Ami nil Wanting Difcntrii DYSPEPSIA , INDIGESTION , MALARIA. TIIK DNI.Y PURE STIMULANT FOR THE SICK , INVALIDS , CONVALESCING PATIENTS , AGED PEOPLE , WFAKAND DEBILITATED WOMEN. I'cr Kilo by Druggists , Uroccra and Dealers Price , Ono Dollar per not ! IP. tf T , and thfl n m of crnitunr blown In t > rlilr > O TfmouteHHtnrtbt Korltjr AIounUlnivxr pt Ili Tcrrtti rk"lt vn1 > 1e t * > vrocniIt rroro their * lelft , c n lift * 9 lUir Dosnn writ , In ] > 1 ln * , mm rkeJ , & prt M rMrgea ) trr | > * M , Ij wit ling six IolUr to The Duffy Malt Whiskey Co. , Baltimore , Md. p /w * nr /ai7/f Connmftto * Form. . - rfrartryfrtmnll It'iuHnff ft i < ttn. H i h * prcparnt to afttemlrptrt jHtixqtrtetCQuerrtatttitormtitn avdfAf Mtv/avr trAfitrrftt any dittitt , trill btctittr- fultV Bff i rfrf ty our Mttttcal J > rpmrttttt iortonU of MeuUlu ! ! iTor , w i4oTrlb Mi-Mift , DtnW * . Frttr ml An * . IB ) til wi. Ar wd p lnrvl dcliriMiflTDr * * * * " * uctutr Jr * it. Try II. mt J. V. S , COLE AOSST , ' , if. r. Cure without modi- A POSITIVE ctno. Patented Octo 1 bor 10,1870. Ono box will cure tbo mow obtlnnto raso In four days orloi * Allan'sSolubleWledicatadBougies ' No nauseous doses ot cubebs , copaiba or oil of BRndolwood that nro certain to produoo dyspop- Blu by -trovlntr the coating of the stomach , i'rleo S1.50. Sold liy nil drujfarlBts or mailed on receipt of prleo. For further particulars Bout forclroalar. P. O. Dox 1YU. flTTDl ? 7. c. u ijij-fiuW co. , IjlJlm. KJ John St. , Now YorK. tucs-tu-Kiitlyni&o Who VITALITY It talllneyBnln IIIIAINKU and F.XllAUHTKlt or Power I'ni.'MA'iUltJIl.V - flnd a perfect nnd reliable euro hi tbo DrlKlnated ' -&mmh&m$8N ! & Adopted brail Freneh I'liyjlclans and liclnit rapidly . ana BucrcnCnlly Introduced here. -weakonfiig lossci . > . drains promptly cnrelccd. TltKATlSKjftylnB now - ndin llcalcnJoriiemfnM. < ; .FJlKK. doimilta. Kpcr oHioo or l > y mall ) with sir crrluV-nt doctors FJIEE. CIVIAI.E AUENCV. No. 174 Fulton Street New Yolk. ONE OK MOIti : AT H'IIIHJ > A1D I'ltlCE. I I'AY all oiprp't clmrgcn tn all point i within UUO mllen. I.OOO earrlnfft1 * to nelott from. Bond two cent Uuup for lllu trntca catalogue , llrntlon this paper. L. G. SPENCER'S TOY FACTORY , 221 W. MADISON ST. . CHICAGO. CERJUS iSTIIIll CVK.F Inktnnlly rrllc e the ASTHMA unit vloUnt llacl , anil Infturt'ii romfurl. _ HbU ulrrp. Uiwd by Jnhilatlon.tbuflroKrhinjr tlo ) dieeaM direct , relax- as the tpum , hcilltatM free euwctoretion. and KFFKCTM l..r llolk.rreui.JU.f ll. i irUI ik > ptlr > l g | lu l i clUt , dlr it d itt fr-ftklllnl r eU rrl > 6Oa. a l.OO | ordniecliu or by mall. TflU ii > ' u t fur tump , iir. u. s fENNY ROYAL PILLS "CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH. " Th OrlKtiinl and Only Gciialue. Btfc u < Uw.fi BcllabU. Bovut cf wo ladlinniiibli u LADIES. A.k your l > rucct > t Ulileheittr'i E U.li * and lake no otler.or loiloM M. rUoDlan in trtftr bj return MUI. * Id by l > nispt > < a CTcrywbcra. Art lor "Cklrboc tet-U KiialUfc" I'uinr r i l I'llla. Tati c. th . | HCUII.IT rKBiLKi I. Allf xi rle ci. Biati1t&tiio anil qolek corti. Trlalp ti > tia. H.ail Hump f < r > le < ti | rileului. Addrrn , Dr. WARD & . co. . minsiANA , MO. CHICAGO AND NORTH w Omaha , Council Bluffs And Chicago Tn o only roaa to take for Dos Monica , Mar ital ItownCedar ItajiidH , Clinton , Dixie. Chicago. Mllwiiukuo and nil point * oast. To the pooplu of Neliriujlm , Colorado , Wyoinliiff. Utah. Idaho Novada.Urt'Kon , Wnshliiirtoii and California It olTdrtiHUpoiIor ailvaiitiitfoa not podaihlo by any oilier llnu Amonir a few of the numinous points ot suno- rlorlty enjoyed by the patrons ol IliU road bo- I\vucnOniiilni uud Chicago , uio Ita ttvu trains a day of DAY COAUHKS which are tlio llnu-l lli.it liuinun art and inxoiiulty can cii-utc. Us I'M , ' SI.KKI'l.NO CAIW. uhlcii At'K . nro moiliOs of coinfoit anil oloj'anco. ItH PAKI.OH DltAWlNO UOUM UAUS uiisuiniissuil by any. and Ita wlilo- ly ceiohrutod ! > AliATIA [ . DININQ OAlls , Iho ixiualof which cannot bo louud oUovrhoro. AtCounrll Ijlulls Iho trains of the Union Pac. flo Hy. connocl lu Union Uci > ot with those of Hio ChlcajroAt Northwestern tly. InClilcnjo tlio trains of this line iniiko close connection wltb those of oil oabtorn llnoa. For Detroit , Columbus. Indianapolis. Cinoln natl , Nlairaru Fulls. Ilutfalo , 1'ltUburToronf ) Montioal , Huston , Ncnv Vork , J'lilludulu'ila. 1U1- tlmorr.Wuehlnifton and allpolnitjlu tliuoast , U K the ticket neont for llckrli via the "NOIITH'WISSTKIIN. " If you wibh the bout accommodations. Alltloket uffiite isi'll tickets via this tine. tf. Huanrw. w. "Aiit. M uaacr. aa. I'uss. Aguat. V liiUAUU. Vroposalf. . . priloJilJ will l > o rcoMrod by .thX SBAI.P.n tlni7 , Noliratkn , until 10 o'cloo * n. in. May 19,1SS , for the furnlMilnif.owthn nnd completion of n v tom of water works f * , the oily of HnstliiK. > . > < elirn < kn. Said ! < ystcin of waMr works to bo nnd built In nceordmico wl'h tbo wans MiKrincatlons on Ole In thoofflco of the ONjr Oloikortho cltrof lln tlnff , Ntbra krt. Pmpo ah will lie rocelveil on nny or nil of In followlnp Horns. H 1st-riirnlshlnir nnd completing open Troll , or | fnrnl < hlnanil completing tubular well r tpm. 2 1 Kiirnl hlnv and completing oeglno bouao.j boiler boii'o nnd stnok. M Kuuil < lilnir nnd comjilctlnff foitnddtlonfl nndlm < oofntantlilpo. | . , , 4th-rurnlthliiff nnd complotlnir lAnd pips , fitli I'tirnlshltiB nnd f cttliiK tip machinery nna , . boilers. , . cth I'tirnlshlnjt cast Iron vlpo and spcowl , ' castlnps , ; , 7tli rurnljhliiB kalatnoln plpo. * ' sth-KiiinlshliiB hydrnnt , gates lind Rate boxes , ? i i tub I'urnlshliitrleait anioitkum nd < afia Inir , nnd l.iylnir plpo * , liyiWnntBi ( Mat jir lioxcs. tf \ . , Thocontratt pneo of w\ld eystemof w worl.3 iinnplcltNl not tir oxc * < Hlitlto sun m * pliltly thiU ) niul dollar * . ' W ' . .v 's Knt-li propovil must bo nccfcrtipfnlM vrMn M jrooil aiiilmllldontbonil lit thfliuiimf onolnOiM giuul dollars on cnoh of tlio llonis/bld / on. M r turlty for the nillnir of n jrood nocoptublo D * . tlio nuin of which ahull not bo loss than lullj amount of I'onlnu't price. . The Oily Council ii'scrvr-a the right to tojo nny or nil hid * or nny parts of bld . jtj rtoiio nN should bo nddre 3p < t to J. D. Mmcf , ] City Clerk ot Hatting. .Nobrnnka , mul m rko < M "I'ropOMtU for Water Work . " . . . . . I lly onlor ol tlio City Council of Uniting * , N H braikn , thlsi''th ' ' dav of April , A. D. 1MB. J Illililors nmy mibmlt their o n pl i fttnl Plicclllont loin with nii'thoilsi torouMlnlnKpumjn Inir unil storing the m > cH nry water aupply. ouu lu every cnso the plan of plpo , hydrants , valvWJ , Vo , to remain the same iw per plans ami ito lj llrntlun * now on fllti lu the onlcoof IhoUtn Clerk with the iiiuiorBtimdlnirthnltlioCity ComiJ rll will not pny for nny plans mul specification : ! f urnlshod by bidder * . . * I 8. SAMIIIil , ALEXANDRIA Maj J. D. MINK- * , City ClciK. ixpr2 Railway" Time Tablt. | mi AII A. Tno follnwlnp la the time of Arrival and d * | parttuoor trains by Central Stnnitnrd time the locnl uopols. Trains of the C. . St. P. , M.'J O. nrrlvo anil ilopitrt from their depot. oorM ot 14th nml Wobslor strocti ! train * on the B.4 M. , C. . 11. & Q. nml K. C. . St. J. * a n. from tk I ) . & M. depot : nil others from the Union r dcnoL * V'UH tlllttlflW , TBfATM \ , % llrliliro trnlnsi will lonx-o U. 1 * . ilooot tjj ' ; : . - , . , loa-lai-inu-ROO : : : : IOi : ) a : ) - :6i : > 6 ! i-j ' \anvo transfer for Omnna t7:18 B 8U-4 I 1 > : < lUtt-10n-nnt : : : ! ! .3 m.'l ) 1 Arrival nnd doiiarturo of trains from tl trunsfcrdopot ut Council niuffa : PKl'AI'T. AKIltTli CII10AQO , UOCK ISDANb fc PAOIKIO. B 7:13 A. M I 1 > Bil5 A , nil.lA.M ) II 6:30 : p. C 0:10 : f. M I B 7:00 r. RlltCAGO ti NUIITntruSTRIUC. It 0:15 A. , I J ) 0:15 A. UUM'Jr. ' M I U7:00p. : < cincAtio , BUiatsaroN * QDINOT. AtUA.u ) ! i A9:15Ai 11 OMiir. M I .B.82JIV ! 11 A7W IV CIIICAOO , MILWAUKEE k ST. PAUL. \ n 0:11 A. M It 1)0:15 : A. " C 0:4)1' : ) . M I" 117:00lf. KAN8AH CITY. ST. JOE't ' COUNCtI , ntUTIk. . AlniOJA , M I DU:5 A- U 8:5r : > f. M I A 5M P * WADASII. ST. UIUI8 ft PACIFia _ . < f | IS A 3:00r. : M I A OO9 SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC. i1 A 7:30 : A. M 1. A 0:85 : A-i AOifflP. M | i ' A8JIP. Depart. \VK3TWAKU T. M. " UNION l'"A01FlO. , . , .1'aultlo Uxprosa. . . . 10:53ix : . . . .Denver Kxprosa. . . O. * UKP. VAiLl.Br. 2tOu : . .Mull ana Express. . . 1) . AM. IN NKII. 8:10u . . .Mull mi J Express. . . , . . Nlylii li presg . . . . 10:40 : * Popart. SOUTHWAHD. -Arrtr < A. M. I r. MISHOUIU . PACIFIC. P.M. 10OTil. : . . lnv Kxpress . . w. . , . . . .NUrhtKrprosa. . . . Mb I R.C..ST. 3. & 0.0. 9:20a : H:4 : ! > 1 > . . .Vm PlntUtuouth. . . 7:00d Depart. NOltTllWAItU. V. t. I C. , ST. I'.i M. i O. . .Bloux City Express. . Aecominod'n loaOa | > a Dcpnrt. EASTWARD. A.M. lM. . I C. , J. . & O. A.M. ] 020 0:00 : | . . . .Vial'latt8inuth. . . . | STOCK YAHD3 TRAINS Will leave U. I * , depot. Omaha , at Oi 10:13 10:530 tn. : 2 : < 0 : | : TO 5:35p. ra. J.onvo Stock Vards forOmalm ut 7:5S : 19dSi. | | 13:01 l:2D-4:40-n:07- : : . m. NOTE A trains dally ; B.dallrozoept I . " dully except Saturday ; D , dally -except ; j dar. ' ! Red Star Lin Carrying the llol lum Itoyal nnd United.f ilnll.sullliiir uvery Saturday f Between Antwerp ItNiwYi TO TUG RHINE , GERM&NY , ITALY , . ! LAND AND FRANCE , 7 " SI'KINO AND SDMMEIt llATESl" Galen from $ iiO to $100. Excursion trip if { 110 to fiw. Second Cabin , outward , propiild , r4T > ; excursion. flO. BtoornKO niiw ut low nil ( is. 1'olor'rlght & Sons , uon AKunta , 53 Ilroadwuy. New York. Oinaliu , Nebrailca , Frank U. Moores , MT f * i V. tlckot WHO I ? UNACQ MINTED WITH THI OCOOnAFHr OP'THM COUNTRY Wlt.1 tEC OY CXAMININO THIS HAP THAT THC , , CHICAGOROCriSUND a PACIFIC IIIL inliiHl pi iniii. ronilltiitui tb niHpt Importaat conllnuntAl link In tlut nvMtim of Ilirmtffti tr tAtlon uhlch Invltu * and iiu-lltlntv * travvlani tmtwcKH cillea of the Atlmillo mid I'arlHa C'oaHi ffl alflo tint tavorlt iinft brut j onto toaudfroin Kttt. N'irtliea.t ' and Hoiitlifn t , and curroi : liolnti H'eit. Norlliifeit anil Buuthwfit. The Great Rock Island L Oniranti ) lu patrniu tliat lenfn ot pirtnna ) rlly nltuiilod hy u roild , tliurouvhlv balloted i on , ) , cmunlti tmcki u ( cnniliiuoni rlrul rail , aub tlallr liulU tiil rt nnd krldre > , Iolllnviiiwkaii pnifi-ctlnn a > liuiiian kklll ran inakii It , th * aa upphaucei of intent ImlTrra.pltirnriiii raa air bra and th.it pincilni/itUrlplliiu VliliIt icorernt llt u tji-al migration r.f all In tialai other > PM | .ill roiltu nre Tranifoni at ull ( unncctliiir p Union Dfiiuts , and the unfiini'niied coufei'U luiurlenof Ita PoJionx-ir hiij'l'i'- ' ' The Ko t Kxpret TraliiM lMitn cn Chlciirati rnorla. Council UhlIN , Kan u Oily. UaTcnworUi i AtclilKon ar coiuiMmvd of wull tfntllati'd. flaalv lioUtrml liar ( JuatliM. MainUHeent i'ullnian fil | ile | iiriii ( the Ult-it ilurlKii , and > unililuuu blaK Can. In wliicii clnliciratcly reeked liivult are Ixbur Bntrn. Htlw , IMI t'MofifU mill Killimflty uml Atrliln oru uUo inn the Ut luliralocj llwllnlncChair Cai T The Famous Albert Lea Rout * ' Ii Die illr ct and furorlto line liotwten Chicago IJIiiiieaimll.anclflt. I'aiil , wlcre conliudluui are In llnliiii li | ii > t for all polau In thu Tvrrlturlaa lirlll.li I'rorlncoi. Over t'il route Fait Einfeal ? Tralni aie rim lu thu walitlnir iilarri , iuinmer TO torn , iilctiirevino lui-Ultlu. . oci.i liuiiilnir and ( ItUlM ) l imi | < of Inwa nnil > Hnne olii. It ji alio.tbe .I1W - * IcU v'liat Heidi awl putur k'a'ki'/'li'i'iil'r/ ' ' ' / $ "r [ WKl T'f ' " " * and ' K niiolu'auil I.alATrUK.ulKlCillnrll lllutTn ICanVa'iCl MiuiieaH.II | iiii.j bt. I'cui nd lutemiodU i | HIIIU | a For detiill.d jiiforiijalliji u * > lapi BliU Koldart.l olitalualilu.ai i il in llckc | . ul all prlllcl | > alTlcIi i Cinim In tlio Uultvd buti. ) aud CuiiiUu | or by a4- K. R. GABLE , 1 ! . ST. JOHN , , J'ri-'t 4 , Utn'J M'ifT , Of n'l T'J.t ft 1'aaa , ij- Nebraska National Bui OMAHA , NEBRA Paid up Capital . , . $280 , BuplusMay 1 , 188C . 35 , 11.V. \ . VATI'.S , A. E. TOIIX.AI.IN , Vice President \V. II. S. 11UGIIKS , Ul . , . , UIItECVOBS ! W. V. MOWE , Jens S. Co U.V. . VATKS , LKW A.E. TOUY.AUN , BANKING OFFICE ! THE IRON m Cor. 12th and Farnsm Stretl. if Ocuerul llujlnnn