Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 01, 1886, Page 7, Image 7

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Advertisements under th a hood 10 ccntapor
I no for Ilia first insertion , 7 cents tor cnch
Subsequent Ir.6crUnmi < \ t 1.5C n linn per month.
No advertisement taken for lea ? thnn 25 cents
f or tlio first Insertion. Bovcn words will bo coun
to < l to the line : they must run conseoutlvelr
ana muBtbo pild > n advance. All advertise-
monla murt be handed In before8 o'clock p. rn.
nnd under no circumstances will they bo tak
en or discontinue ! by telephone.
Parties advertising In these columns an 1 hiv-
Ingtho nnsworg addressed in cnro of Tun llr.K ,
will plonfio niik for chock to enable them to got
their tetters , asnonowlllbo delivered except on
presentation of chock. All nhswors to adver
tisements shouldbo tnclosod In envelope * .
MONIJV to loan nt reasonable rntos on
liorFcs , furniture , watcho * ami other per-
noiinl property without rcinovnl. Bmixll pay
ments taken at nny time ttml Interest loduccd
In proportion. 0. .T.Cas-
well , Itonm 10 , Iron Hank lltilldlng , 12th nnd Far-
nam. Take elevator. 400 ,
MONTY" to lonn on buslnois property in
Omaha and Improved farms In Douglas
nnd ndjolngcounties ; low rnto. O. J. Cnswoll *
Co.Uoom 111. Nebraska National Ilanlc Ilulldln ? ,
12th nuil Fariiam. Sil
ONIJV to lonn on good security. .T. It.
M Frcodmun nt Blomau llros. , 1207 Douglas st.
MONKY To loan on Improved fnrms or rest
donco lots , on ono year's tlmo. Homo Flro
Insurance Co. . liilfi Douglas St. IK !
MONHY TO LOAN On residence property.
8i > crcent. No commlsilon. C. J. Cnswoll
ft C < i. , Room 19 Iron Hank Ilulldlnjr , 12th and
" Fnrnarn. ; 303. _
$ to loan. Hums J5UO and upwards.
Lowest rates. Ilemls , 15th and Dougla sts.
MONKY TO LOAN on business property.
Opposite PostolHre. W. O. Shrlvcr. 131
, to loan on business nnd residence
property In sums of $1,001) ) and upwards.
Ames , l 07l''nrnain ' st. 038
$ to loan on city rcsldcnco property
Geo. W.Day , IKlOFamnm. U39
rpo r.OAX Jlonoy many amount
JL On all clnFf-o of security ,
fihort time loans on real ostato.
Ixjng time loans on real ostnto.
Money to lonn on chattels.
Money to lonn on collaterals.
Money to lonn on nny good secuntr
Terms cnpy , tlmotosnlt.
Apply ntthr Omaha Financial
Ilarher'B Inilldlnir , SW corner of
Fifteenth nnd Fnrnum sts. upstairs
CRNT Money to loan on real estate.
Mortgages nnd bonds bought. Mahonoy&
IInirsUoom ! 11,150U Farnura. 37Sml ) *
MONEY fur everyoodylou can borrow
money on furniture , horses , woa-ons ,
Tilr.nns , stock of all kinds , diamonds nnd fine
wnlchcs on your own time. Payments received
nt nny tlmo , and interest reduced pro rnlo.
Property left In your own possession. Terms
low as the lowest. Call and see mo. mislnoss
confidential. Noadvnntniro taken. W. R. Croft ,
Hoom 4 , Wlthnell's Now UuikUng , Northeast cor
ner 15th and Hurnoy. 3
'ONKY TO T.OAN O. F. Davis * Co. Heal
Estate nnd loan agents , 1505FarnomSt.
ONR5T TO LOAN-On good securities. A
McGavock , room 7 Rodlck Dlock , 1509 Farnam
Bt. VU
TO LOAN On real cetato and chat
M tola. D.-L. Thomas. 015
MONKY TO LOAN-In auma of $200 nnd up
wards on first-class real estate security.
rotter & Cobb , 1515 Famam St. B4H
TVTONKY I.OANKD at C. F. Reed & Go's. Loan
JLU- office , on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons
personal property of all kinds nnd all other ar
ticles of value , without removal. 319 S. 13th.
over lllnuhiim'H Commission store. AH big
ness Btrictly confldontnU 017
T71OH SALK Or Hont To the the right man
-I ? n llrst-clnfs Imtchois business In n good
' town. Poor health the only cnu o for making
the change. Write to H. L. Strong1 , Kearney ,
Hob. 141-7
CIIANCK For Sale Honl ostnto
loan nnd insurance business In Northern
Nebraska ; good locution. Address C 31 , Hoc
olllco. B37-K *
TT'on HAT.K An excellent printing office In
JJ county seat- eastern Nchiaska. has county
pntrnnugoandlaigo business. Will Roll loose
of It furthico joins nt a bargain. Address 1 !
! I7 , Hco onico. OT7-5
TjlOK SALK Thonxtuiosof a flrpt-elnss bar-
J ? bor shop , good locution and good trade.
Proprietor wants to sell on account of poor
liualth. Address A. Wheaten , Orleans , Nob.
ttit-1 *
"ITT'ANTKD Young mijn with $13T us partner
11 In niaiiufiicturing horse nnd cnttlo romo-
dit'S. I'lollts large. Address 20 , Omaha lice.
958-20 *
* IJHil SALK A flrst-clncB restaurant bv
JJ Aichcr , Albright & Aylosworth , 218 S. 15th
street. 001
| TU > U SALK The Commoirlal hotel in the
JJ hoomlnirtownofOnkdalo.Non. havlngagood
tiadc ; or will lonttho hotel If lontor will buy
the lurnlture. Terms satisfactory to mir-
cluw er- U-2 *
nmou HAM : A first class bakery , restaurant
Jj und vonfcctloiiciy stand in n town of Rovun
thou iuid Inhabitants. IntjulroofFP Kay &
Co. . Omahii. M3-B
SAM : In Ihst-clusi location , grocorr
FOR und fixtures ; small capital romnrcd :
irnt low. Ihuulro at drug store , 10th and
Potiglus. 787
OU SALi : , OTO will buy a general stock
of miodi totrothcr with the good will of a
well p tiibltahcd mid nourishing bushum In ono
of Madison county'H bust towns , llulanco of
pavmont on very llninnl terms. lliiif.on lor
polling gutlHfnrtoilly glvrn on application. Address -
dross T. D. i : Co. . llcoOllico.
\ TJ10K SALK-ChPiip , n milk dairy. Seldoii
- 1Bros. . , f.24 p. 13lh St. BSTi
BALK Couter , Bhow en os nnd stock
of Mrs Toller's fancy btoro at 303 N 15th st.
Bhort llmo only. " 417
Foil i\tIIAS'nK : Stocks of goods of every
kind , for farms and land ; nlso lands to ox-
chnnirn for poods. If you want to trndo , no
inntU\vhat ) it iH youhavo , write , with full de
scription , to C. U. Mnyno , real estate broker ,
Oinnha Nob- 1C8
\A ANTii rooxchauKn for stock of hard-
> > waio nnd Kencrnl merohandlso , W1 noroiof
fine Tha > or Co.Nob. , hind ; fi lots In Uonoa ,
Nob. , good store biilldlnif ( best corner ) ; goo I
dwelling ( best location ) In Ksso.v , la. , also B. )
nci es ! J mile from town of Kssov , la , , seeded In
Mno frrn s. For further particulars address
John Llndorholm Central Cftv Nebraska. C5.1
IiitSONAL-lf : the young lady with blue
eyes mid brown hair , nnd wearing n close-
lilting dnrlc blue dress , who nt the corner of
1'Uh and I'arnain stopped nil an cusl-bnund car
nt 10:1I : > a , m. will correspond with mo , I will re-
tin n her the pnckngo of Crosscut Cigarettes
which fl\o \ dioppcd by accident. C. K. Flsko ,
Windsor Hole ] . 121-1
. Nrnt nnd tnsty all-wool busi
ness suits for only f".W ) . All nl7os. .Mall
orders tilled. L. O. Jones It Co. , 1309 F.irnnni.
To persons who wish to build n
homo In Orchard Hill , I will sell lots upon
pnymoiit of the nominal sum of ten dollars and
' balance at the end of llvo years. Interest nt B
per cent , payable seml-annually. This is the
best oircr over inado to nny homo-sookcr In this
city. Cull nnd see nio.k C. E. Muyno , 3. W. cor.
15th and Farnntn. f > 7
ion UKNT-ltooiu and board for two. 1613
F Caplloliivo v 13
LOST Two roan ponla't largest | > ony has
diamond biund on hind quarler. flO ru
iviird tor thuli' return to James Nelson , N. W
cor. 27th anil Da\oiiport. U4-fi *
OlTND Three flCO bills enclosed Inn Cross
Cut Cigarette wrapper. Tis stiungo that
Mhoruvcr tills Clunrctto is found uioiiuy U
yionty. _ 121-1
BOAHD and lodging by man and wlfo wllllni
to luiy $100 per month for Cioss Cut Clgur
cites , 121-1
TOTKN From the vault of tbe Mutual Co
operntlvu Co. , ono package of CTOES Cut
Clgaiul l cs. 121-1
TUiLff UV Dark bay muro , whlrn rlgli
hind foot , whlto etar furuhoad , strlpo ou
iioso. I'oul Tblfsson , llurr Oak ndd. , west o
' . 118-28
Qunluy's soup lueiory. _
rjXVKKN Ul'-Ono bhenp. Owner can have
-L eamo by proving nropurty and paying
atSlttS. lOtb st. AprS2-rJ-May 0-13-AJ
rpni : best bargain In Inside pioporly li
-L Omaha , is T G , Stnloy'a , west end Caldwcl
succt. Inquire on promises. 127-6'
HIVV and cesspool } cleaned Uy li. U Injr , I'
O. Ho * 1ST. ii *
GAnnnMNO-AUklndsof ( firdon work done
. . . . bJ' . n. Prnctlcal gardener. Frank , Nimtz
1 121 8. 10th U _ 3llm7
"IHIJU IIKNT- sloro on a good retail street ,
JApply the Omaha Heal Kstnte nnd Loan
* > 167
I'luno , & monlhly. A
Hospo. 1B13 Uouglua ill
Foil KENT Square Piano , $ l monthly. A.
_ Hospe , 1513 Dougjus. BIO
T710U11KNT oTguns , $3 per month. Hospo ,
JJS13 Dptiglfts. tO3
FOB BA3.E-MIBoiz.i.Anzb'DBi
SAI.K California canned goods nt 20o
JL' per can at Holmrod's. 135-39
37 > OK SALK \Vo oiler 400 3-y oar-old steers ,
1 noos-joir-old steers ,
3X ( } 1-year-old steers ,
400 hoofers and cows , mostly coming on.
The nbovo cattle are good straight Iowa and
Dakota stuck. Strange IJros. , Sioux City.
_ _ 72.Vm20
Tmoil HAI.K-Ur trade. Ono now 25 H. P.
JO Boiler nnd 2J H. P. Engine , Will sell cheap
forcaoh or trndo for dcslrablo real ostato. Ad
d ros < iG _ op . A. Fry. Dollanco. lown. C.P
POU 8AIK J'rcsh vcgotnhlos , tnoludllig
cauliflowers , cucumbers , now potatoes , now
turnips , asparagus , eto , every day at Holm-
rod's. 134-30
FOK SAT.n First-class soond-hand pirlor
bedroom Bctnt 1115 8. fith St. 10.V1 *
T71OH SAI.K A5-horso power boiler and on-
- ' Blue cheap , at Omaha Safe nnd Iron Works.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ . "
IMH MALI : Ono good horse. 1810 Farnam.
_ _ _ _ _ _ 200
TjlOllHAIjU s < iuaro piano , $50 , monthly pay. ,
X1 inonta. Hospo. 1513 Douglas. _ 0 ?
Foil HALK-Matoh teams and hone * of al
hinds to stilt outomors utstar Sale Stnhlos ,
Mth and Cumlng. M. Cannon. Prop. 777
Foil BALR Phaeton nnd harness , 1121 How
ardst. _ . OUO-1 *
T71OH SAT.K Fresh strawberries every day nt
J Holmrod's. 133 0
ITIOK HAI.H Anew stenm roller mill In No. I
J. ' business locality ; line wheat country ; but
Ilttlo comTotltlon ; f 17/XM ; cost moro. W. H.
Gioon,2iriai3th 8t _ 628
Foil HAI.K Upright plnno , * I9J , monthly
payments. Hospo. I5U Douglas. ' .O3
17 > OIl SALK Doslrnblo 0-room honso and full
JJ lot on gntiloiaUItisplendlil condition. Call
nt U07 S. Dill st _ _ _ 814ni83
JL1OIt t'ALK-cioar.dry saw-dust. J. F. Cools ,
JL1 Oth and Jones. CCS-ml
WANTKD A dining-room srlrl nt Scnndlna-
Ian hotel. 131-1 *
WANTKD sitlrt-mnker immediately. Mrs.
n J. Arnold , 1007 Davcnpoit. 130-3 *
WANTii : > Tluoo young nnd prcttv lady
canvii89crs to toke orders for n book en
titled : "Salvutlonor Why Cross Cut Clgaicttos
nro so Popular , " 121-1
WAXTKO Immedlaloly Two good girls for
kltchenwork ; good nagcs. 1G17 Howard
street. 113-3 *
\T7-ANTin > Girl for general housework ;
> > 450 Convent St. 117
ANTKD Button-holo makers. 1112 Far
nam. 110-1 *
W ANTbU A small girl IS or 14 years of ago.
713 N. 10th gt. 112-iO *
WANTED A good girl for general house
work. Addic33F,3y , lleooltlco. 103-1 *
WANTUD Immediately lixporlonced cook
for family of throe ; $4 per ucok.J03
Hurt St. 014-3 *
WANTKU Nureo girl ; also ghl for
housework. 2 14 Douglas st. 12.1
WAXTii > 40 good girls for private fami
lies ; good wngos ; places given free. Cull
at Omaha Employment Bureau , 1120 Farnam st
W ANTin : Good girl for gononil housework.
1512 Howard street Mrs. W. M. llushnian.
W 'ANTii : > First and Second girl as Cook nt
the Kin met houso. ! )7S )
WANTHO Ajjlrltodo general housework.
S.-010 Burt. 073-1
W 'ANTKO nrst-cla > sx cook und laundress.
2303Pnrnnm. Mrs. J. M. Thurston. 'JOJ
WANTKD Ooodiflrl for general houfiowork
In a small family , no children , 2211 Daven
port St 03'J-3l
WANTKD A competent coloiod girl for
general housowoi k. Apply tit largo house
front Crclghton college. 95J-M *
W PANTJ3I > A irlrl to do ucncral housework.
. I ) . Van Court , 1011 California st. ! )59 )
WANTKD A good iictlvo woman for chain-
boi maid ; wuffos $4 pur week. Apply nt
012 Douglas. Oil
WANTii > At once , n nout competent jrlrl
to do Kcnorulhousonork lor a small family.
Apply nt KWI Cuss st. Oil
V.T7ANT1..I. . A experienced Rlrl at N. I. , cerT
T ' Ibth und Lcuvcmvorthst ; good wutfus paid.
WANTKIJ A reliable person to tnko
of housework In a small tnmlly at 1'upill-
lon. Call corner 6th und 1'aulflo bts. Mrs. I. I.
Luiiltico. , 878-1 *
WANTiD Elderly ludy to tnko care of an
Infant : ono who understands plnln sou-hit , '
piofcrrcd. Mrs. B. A.-Blomou , 10U I'arimm st.
IANTKI ) Two good phis for gonoiul house
work , r. fflo House , 411 B 14th St. 832-1 *
WANTHD A white woman rook at the do
pot hotel in llmorson , Nob. Wages ? n0 ! per
month : tiniii for dlnnorpnly. 871-1 *
WANTKD A nurse nlil nt 410Couvoutst.
\\7ANTICDAglrltodo housework ; So per
T T week at Ihe B. 15. cor. "lit and Loavon-
worth. 8.M
WANTKD Ladles and Hontlcimm in city or
country to take light work at their homos ,
SI.00 to$3.00ndny eusily niiulo ; work sent by
mall , no canvassing. Wohuvon good demand
forourwork , andiurnlsh tilcitdv umploymont.
Address , with Btamp , Crown M'l'g Co. , S1) ) ! Vine
Htieel. Cincinnati. Ohio. K5ml4l
| 7ANTUU A girl ut Dorun HotibO. ill J Far-
V num. 4'Jt ' !
WANTKIJ Good girl for general housework
In small family ; good wages puldtorl.'ht
purly. Apply ut H2.J Jones st. flJ
kitchen jjhlat415 N. ltli ;
Vf/'ANTKU A good woman cook ; good wages.
> > Address City Hotel , Fairmont , Nob. 417
Ayoung man of fiood hablts 10
takucnio of hoiscs and ono tow. must
iinderstund his business. Inquire of Kdholm St
Krlcl.Bon , opposllo poololllco. loil-UO
WANTKD A thorough IhBt class cuok In
hotel. None olhnr need apply. Address ,
stating < iimiilcatlotiB ; , K , 40 , Hue olllco. 10M
WANTKO Bookkeeper younar man of
flomo oxiiorlciico mid ( rood ponmun who
Binoko Cross Cut Cigarettes all day , 121-1
WANTED young mnn at the City Steam
Laundry. 1S4-8)
\\7ANTKUA boy of good address who lives
v > with his pmouls nnd can come well rocniu-
men led forasalstunl LooUkccjior and cashier.
M , F , Martin. 120-30
w ANTKM-A good boy at 8. K. Lohmun's
Fruit and News store , 508 8.10th 81. 1177
WANTKU-At the I'oxton hotel , a Gorman
boy under 20 years of ago to learn the
baker's trade. Iiuiulio for tba steward. 1000-30 *
W ANTED A good wueou maker at Mul-
( loon's bhup , liith and Loavoinrorth , 030-1 *
WAM'KD A few poun ? men of education
und good addioss to go to lovru. Call ou
J , M. Fiouch it Co , , Kooui 10 , Ilushniuu block.
_ _ _ 023-2 *
WANTKU Laborers for new railroad work.
Steady employment. Good joe , K. 8.
Alhright , Labor Agency , 1U08 Farnam 8t. TO3
< \\fANTiU : Sulesinen needing prnlltublo 0111-
T 1 ploymcnU Salary 75 und cxpuneus. Goods
staple , sold by sumplo. Address , with t > lump ,
I.-8.Mftf Co. . Chicago. OOlmiS'
WANTKD A coed canvasser lo sell furni
ture ou weekly payments. Omaha Time
Payment Co. , 013 Boutli IQIli St. _ 451
WANTUU .Igood oanvusserj to soli furni
ture on Installments. Cull ou M. F. Mar-
till , 310 Bomb ISth St. _ 673
W ANTl'D Sixteen harness ranters at Slo-
roan Uros , . 13th and Dodgosts. 21S
WV _
\V ° ANTin : liy a younir man , n position 9
11 clerk In either diT cooJs , grooailcs , boota
nnd shoos ; with big experience. Wagua no oh.
locu With recomondatiou $ . Address U i2 ,
lieu onico. 13iH
WANTID : A position asioompaulon to an
Invalid by a Udy of ublllty. Address B 41 ,
Hoe Ofllco. 12C-3-
WANTiai-Sltuutlon us clerk ; tpoaks the
Scuudlnavian luuguugo and aba acquaint
ed wltli Gormiin. Good lefcmiccs. Ad
dress K 8 , llooolllcc.
ViTANTllH Situation by n young map In o
holol or restaurant us cook. Address li
UJ , Dou olllco ,
WANTr.n Situation Hy nn experienced
Insurance clerk nnd bookkeeper , who Is
also a stpnofrrnphor. Cixn furnish best of refer-
cneos and would accept moderate salary. Address -
dross W. O. Kundson. 421 N lTthth St. l -j *
\ 17"A StoadVorapioyinohMn 8to76 or
T private fnmlly by young rna n Under
stands care of horses. Address IS Si , Hoc onico.
U70-30 *
v\TAJfTii ; > A situation ns copyist by n young
ii lady who 1ms hnd experience In that kind
ofwork.AdlreciiK38 _ _ ( _ , Hoe office. 1IXM
MiscELtiAinsooa WAJTTS.
WANTKD llo'poetablo young mnn as room
mate by young gentleman , In private fnm
lly : all modern conveniences ; line location. Address -
dross 1' 43 , Hoc oIKco. 137-30 *
\\7ANTnn-To Lea o A. piece of land sitlta-
11 bio for n ooal yard , between 8th stand
SOthBt. on line of U.V. track. Cull nt Hlco &
Mooros Hoiil Ustato ollico over Commercial
Nnt'l Hank. 129-3
r\\7 \NTii > A location for n trup store nnd
T the practlco of medicine. Address J , &
Co. , HoJt OM , Omuln , Nob. 143-0 *
! - Uont-Housoof five to eight
WANTlD-To locality by permanent cash
tenant with louse for ono or two years. Call or
address Umnha Financial Exchange , 8. W. cor ,
of 15th and Fiirnnm. B3t
WANTKD Hy front and wlfo , room and
board ; private fnmlly preferred. K. II ,
M. care A. 11. liads , HornlJ building. M'J-30 *
WANTKD A young nnd promising cyclone
to convince smokers that Cross Cut Cigarettes -
ottos are fnigrunt , puic and sweet. 131-1
Flvo cor loads of Cross Cut Cigar-
cttos to supply the constantly Increasing
demand In Omaha.
WANTKO-To Itcnt-.V very nicely furnished
front room , central location ; must have
running water , gas , and bath , and connected by
telephone to the nearest tobacco store that
keeps Cross Cut Cigarettes. 121-1
WANTKD Desirable building lot at once ;
glvo number of lot and location. Address
E 8 , Tleo OlHeo. 701
A respectable young mnn as
room-mate by young1 gcnlfoinan. Address
ESS , lice olllco. TO-3 *
rANTlso Wo want to got at once n nont
house and lot on or half lot for loss than
$2,000 : must bo worth the money. Al o a doslr-
able vacant lot. Address Hush & Solby , 218 S.
15th. 123
ANTKD-A Hoyat llongal tlgnr of doubt
ful dlsposllloH , with teeth and claws nice
ly sharpenedto keep his eye on all parties who
do not smoke Cross Cut Uigur cites. 121-1
WANTKD A lady desires n position as
cashier , bookkeeper or nsslslant ; rapid
writer and quick and accurate accotinlant. Address -
dross U 23. lice Olllco KU5-1 *
WANTKD Desirable house and lot for homo
at modornto prlco ; no fancy prices wnnt-
0(1. Addtcsslii'r. Heo olllco. 703
TT/ANTKD Houses for good tenants. 3,11.
YI Evans & Co. . 151J Dodge. ' GUI
WANTKD To.uns ; steady work ; big pay ;
cheap fco I , and fioo pass to the work. C.
3. Albright , labor agent , 1303 rnrnam st. 031
WANTKD loohousoa and cottaircs to ront.
Can nnd you good tenants nt onco. M'i-
honey & Harris , Itoom ll.llijy rarnain 377m'J *
ItKNT First of May , 0 room cottage
'No. 003 South 19th St. Hlco & Mooro.ovci-
Commorchil Nat'l Hunk I3tlt und Douglas , Heal
Estate olllco. 128-3
OU KENT Now stoio with living looms
nbovo. No. 1707 St. Mary's ' nvo. 11. G.
Clark , N151(1 ( Douglas bt. 1150
7H > R UKNT Now 4-room lint 2 hlooksfrom
sttootcar , Addioss Nathan Kills , City.
T71OII KKXT A doslruDlo. realdonco ou Fur-
Jnnm ! Bt.npar court house , 9 looms , best lo
cation In the city. For puitlsulars apply to S. A.
Slomon , 1U14 Kiu-iinm et. S80
KKNT-Tho largo Gibson House , 25th
FOK Furnam fats. , 575. A , P. Tukoy , 1301
Fnrnam et. fafll
"T710II UKNT-Cottage 1-rooms , K'th and Mil-
J3 eon St.,515 per month. Inquire 1121 Doug-
Ins , Hit
TCTOIt ItKNT 70-acro farni.T. Murray .
Oil KENT Nicely furnished room with
board. 7U N. luth st. 017
ItKNT Snloon , and fixtures for sale.
FOK South 10th st. 500
FOK JtKNT 10 acres , near the fair ground
suitable for ( lain * purposes , by PatiUcn&Co.
' ' TOTi
HKNT 2 stores. 1412 S. 13th St G. H.
FOR . 744
Oil RKNT _ oncic stores on South nth St ,
bet. Howard and Jackson. Paulson & Co. ,
1513 Fat nnm St. 585
T. Murray.
TjlOK 1JKXT Dolinblo rosldonco , 6 rooms ,
J ? Bhlnn'82d add ; house of 0rooms , South.'th ,
also 2 burns with lofts. J. Thlpps lloo , Ioic557. !
Foil SALE At n harpaln , flue U-oom IIDUSO
with modern conveniences ; lull lot ; on
Ilarnoy st , nuar 25th ; S5P'JOJ. i'ottor & Cobbt
1515 Farnam at. ! I5'J '
" "
oil llKNT-Ganlon tarm. X03 ! S. Uth St.
HKNT Nlco fl-room cottairo. S. T.
Foil . 8. K. cor. 15th ami Douglas. Kit
TTJ1OII JlKNT Good loom and good hourd ;
-t ? lliQ3 Fai iiaui street 1IJ2-0
I TiOll ISIJNT Front rooms. I'lOi'a Cuinlng
JJ > St. 130-Ji
KKXT 2 furnished rooms , 001 North
17th St. 112--JO *
T7U > U HKNT Nicely fuiulslied front room ;
JJ good locution ; very cheap to parties who
will glvo mo u Cross Cut Cigarette occasionally.
Purity Prlnuosc , 121-1
Ion RKNT Tnounlurnlshod rooms. 1015
F Webster St 11KJ !
FOR HUNT Furnished rooms in now IIOUBO ,
modem Impiovumcnts , 8"i to $13 per month
2.113 Dodgo. InqilhO J. I. . Piorsou it Co. , 1500
Farnnui. 'J33-5'
TflOR UKNT Two nicely furnished largo
- 1fiont looms lth or without boaid in pil-
\ nlo family. Cull nt 81315 8.21st St. , near Leuv-
finworth. 110-1 *
Foil ItliNr 1'iontrooni with board for gen
tleman only. Uofcrcnco ronulrod. 1721
Douglas St. 109-1 *
Foil JtKNT-a plousnnt turiilbliod looms ,
20th rt. , near St Mary's avo. liujulio S. W.
Dodgu and 10th. 10J
FOR RiNT : Two furnlshod looms for light
housokooplnir nnd room for storage. 8. i : .
cor , Flonsunt and Hitrnoy sts. U3M *
TGIOU HKNT A'ery comfortable rooms , with
J-1 or without houid. 1415 Jones. UJ8-1 *
T71OR R1CNT Desk room In onico. Piovidont
J ? Life Co. , Mlllurd Hotel lllock. Oj--iS
UKNT Olllco BUltublo for real ostilo
Foil . Inquire of Douglas County Hunk ,
Uth and Clitcnffo tts. VbO-3
KENT Furnished nnd unfurnished
rooms , wlthor without Uounl : Inqulro 108 , 'JU
floor , Bstubrook block , or 41(1 ( N 13th bt , Blmo
FOR IUSNT Ntcelv furnlshod room In nlco
coltuge , 406 Walnut st ; olht mluutca walk
southeast U , P. depot WJ
T71OU KENT-About 20th , 8 or 3 nleoly f ur
JC nlshod front rooms with all modern con-
vonloncoa , la llrst-ulasa location , ut 2310 Bt ,
Mary's are. im-4
FOR RKNT Furnlahcd front room. Address
B 2f , Boa ofllco. Oi5-i
FOR RUNT Largo furnUhed front room for
ouo or two gentlemen , Address K 30 , Dee
offloo. 9531
T71OR RKNT A pleasant furnished front
J-1 room , $10 per month , Bt 703 N. 18th. 029-30 *
FOR KKNT Nicely fnrnUhodroom. S B
cor. iOih and Davenport. bl
FOR RKNT Large nicely furnished room ,
Bultublo for two gontluiuon , with table
board ; 3minutes' walk troru p , 0.1814 Dodge st
TfiOR RKNT 3 furnished rooms for light litiomor's block , cor Sth and
Howard , BS
TTIOR RENT Nicely furulshod rpom with al-
43 cove , 625 Fairvlow , on S3th St. , north bt
Mary's nra. B57-3Q *
OR RKNT Furnlshod rooms , 1816 Dodgo.
TTtou HINT : Elfguntly f imitshed rooms with-
J outboard. All tuodurocouveuloncos. 2-.2S
DodtfO. 833
Olt itUNT Furnished rooms. 1621 Capitol
X1 monue. 110-UO *
Foil HUNT Two store rooms ou 18th street ,
Water , eai and eo\vor oouueotlonj. 0. li
Mayoe , cor. 15th and Farpam. 821
OB RKNT Nice rooms , furnished and un.
furulslicd , at N. B. cor , of 3d aud Daven
port. 78&-t
OK ItKNT Tno inexpensive rooms , with
board. UU Wolmcr strtajt da
FOn HUNT Store room on Llth. C. E.
Hayno , 3 W porioth and Farnam. 4B1
FOnniiNT Qfflcoand store room. G ration
ft Drummontl. IU5 Hariioy. 8M
" binnjjrr liio7ntit and dojlralilo rooms ,
! furnished or utifurnlsho.l. 1BU7 Uoughu
et. Uoforencos required ot applicant * . CM
F OR UKNT ijjibf/c.T / nicely furnished front
room ! also oho njiok room ; pciitlomon pro-
ferrod. 8li7 yog3tojst. _ cst
T7IOK KKKTVltK board , one lariro nlooly
JU1 furnlshod front room , gas and balh room at
1409Jonoi St. _ 270
ron BAi.ii-nouBE3-r.oT3.
MONTHLY payments wilt buy 51,100 homo ,
south part of elty. Hush k Selby , BIBS.
15th. ) ' ' 123.1
_ _
Foil SAI.r. 13 nero lots not far from city
llmlls. f30 dollars down , f 10 monthly pay
ments without Interest. This Is the best offer
In Umnha. Inquire nt 1512 Duvonport el ,
l.aoo-Honutlfullotln Lake's ndd. Hush ,
Sclby , 218 S. 15th.
. P. Ulnsor , 11D N. 15tli St.
60x132 , house 7-rooms. llnrtlott's arid . , f J.500
POf 183 , cottage 4-room , Schull's 1st , (
07xH4 , beautiful house , N. 18th , $9,000
08x132 , fronting U. P. track , 51.100
44x88 , Jonoi , near Uth , $ ! ) ,000
ttlxlSi , trnckng-o , has 5-ronm house ,
4 acres ground , house lU-rooms , about 1 rallo
nw of postoPIco , flfi.COO
HoiiPo nnd lot. 8. K. Uodper's add , $2,153
8 houses , 4-rooms each , K. V. ijiulth's add. ,
t.2OCO ouch : easy terms
Cflxt40 , new hou e , E. V. Smith's add. , fl.OOJ
132xIlW , corni-r.S house-t , Heed's 1st , $8l l
n4xl ! , house ! i-ronmo , Kountzo udd , $9,500
Lots In nil pints of city
Ixits In Bhull's udd , fsiM to f I.WIO
I/ots In Improvement Awt'n. f"W to 81,330
TO lots In Okahomo , $ IOi ) to $500
lots In Jcromo 1'nrk , tOM to SI , 0 0
Tow choice lots In West Kud. 1,2IW to $1 00
2 > lots , Hill Side. $ TV ) to $ lwn
20 lots , Hews & Hill's ndd , JtOO to $2COD
100 lots In 'nlmit Hill
! WO lots In South Omahn , $ Tfl to ? BOD
60 lota In 1'nrk I'orost , fSJO U ) $ 'JOO
Ln lids-
Ill acres nnar Stock Yards , $ ! 8Ti per acre
30 acres 4H miles west ou Mllttaiy road , $125
per iicro
KO ncros adjoining Washington Hill , J350 per
txcro. A bargain
SOfnnns In Douglas county
Finest stock fnim In the stale : 1.3DO acres nt
f25 per acre. 101
1,350 for luind'omo lot , above grndo , on
I'opplolon nvo.HnnscomFlncci best ot lo
cations. Hush & Subly , 18 S. IMh. 12-H
FOUSATjK-Spoptnl bargains by J. L. Plor-
son A : Co. , l&W rnrnam , 2d lloor :
3 lots In Bimnysido. fronting on California St.
Fine lot In Uenlso's addition , $1.100.
An 8 room modern house on California st :
Full lot In Hoibnch's 1st add. , on Sherman.
ave , ? 2iOO. (
Vull lot , Doiijflas st- , near 21st , f 5,001
Full lot on Hnrnoy St. , nonrSltli , $4.859.
Huslncss rornor , IJth nnd Jackson , call and
get particulars ,
10 acres near city limits , $1,200.
Lots In Kllby Pluco , $ " > 'X ) .
Ixitsln Klikwnod , SBifl.
I-ow In Vinblor 1'lnco , $ VX ) .
Lots in U > ylght& Lrinnn's udd , fMO.
Allnolot on Douglas 8t , near 2Dth , ? 1,5:0.
Lot87xit2. : Hood's 1st add ; just the place for
nliomo , $3COO.
JLoti In llawthorn. easy terms , S500.
A rhoico lot In Illllsldo No. 1 , south front ,
Lot 40x140 , bouso 8 rooms , near business , nil
modern Improvements , S 1JOO.
Lntb In Ciinnlnglmin V IJrcnnnn'8 , S3DO.
If you want to Invest your money whore It will
bring jou quick returns , consult our lists. Will
bo glad to show you around the city nt any
time. 101-4
_ _ _
dtl.'jfio lor haiidsomo lot , above grade , on
U > Popploton nvo , lliiiifconi 1'Inco : best of lo-
cations. Hush & Sojliy , 21B 3. 16th. 123-1
JJ Moving day
Will huvo no terror
To you It youliuy ono of thojo delightful
Cottugos in ; } . P
Full-mount Place ,
27th and I/iko § ts , ono block from' street
cars ; honestly , bptlt , Imndsomoly finished ;
i-l,4W to * a,200 ; tarms iirtusimlly easy. No
ti-oublo to show you'tho property. T. S. Clnlk-
son , ISO ! ) Farnntn. 035
1.200 HpauliniL lot In take's add. Itush &
$ Selby. 218 Sl5tl . _ 12M
DON'T full to list jour property with mo to
have it bhown , and sold. T. S. Clarfcon ,
1500 Furnam. ' S 4
il.MOO Ilfuiitlful lot In Lako's add. Hush&
> Solby,218 S.-Inth. 123-1
OHCIIAHD HILti Lowest price ? , o.isiod
terms , uldW loH.p ( I ! Maj-no , ngent72tt2i !
MONTHLY , payments will buy $1.400 homo ,
south part of city. Hush & Salby , 218 S.
lfth. 12J-1
T71OH SALT ; At a bargain , n ten nero lot with
-t ? living spring , cultnblo for gardening. In-
qiiiro at 1512 Davenport et
dj I.OOO for 2 lioiifcs and half lot , N. W. part
tp 'clty ; easy payments. Hush & Solby , 218 S.
TT\OU \ SALK See the bargains otlorcd by the
J ? Omuliii llcal Kstato & Loan Co. , Witlmoll
No , KIS Trfit on Oth street , ? 13,000.
No. 232 4 lots In bJocS 12 , Kount70 & Ruth's
No. 217 Lot III block 12 , Kountro & Ruth's addi
No. 233-Lots In Wilcox add. , $400.
Several houses and lots on Georgia ave. , all
now buncos uud modern Improvements , offered
very cheap.
No. 2M ) Acres of land near city limits.
No. 81 Acres adjoining city limits.
Sovcrnl lots In Hnrlmch add. , i-ust of ICth St.
4 lots In Isnuo ft Pcldon'n.
Lots In nil parts ot the city. 83)
MONTHLY payments will buy $1,403 homo ,
south part of city. Hush & Sclby , 218 S.
15th. 123-1
TTIOR SALi : Lon od school hinds In tracts of
-iJ'H ) acrr > 3 and iipwuids , no tuv-oatopny on
thosoltindsfor2jyuars. ( O. F.Davis if Co. , 1503
Fuinumat , 720-m20
$ [ 175 for a suburban aero lot. Itush & Solby ,
218 S. 15th Blrcot. 604
TJIOIt RALK Special bargains on Furnam
JL ? btrcct. T. S. Cliirkfcon , 15UO Fitnmm. 333
( JJI.RfiO for hand omo lot above grade , on
P roppleton uvo. , Hnnscora I'lnco ; Dost of lo-
cntlons. Hush &BelUy , 218 B , 15th. 1S3-1
LOTS In Huiihcom , Marshes , Nowpoit. Hoi-
videio , Hillside , ilawtliorno , Sunnyflldo ,
Tliornliurg , Orchnrd IIHI , I'nttorion's I'urk ,
Kirltwooil , Wiuhlngton Hill , Jerome I'arlc , High
land 1'lnro and nil tun ctttor additions to Oiniiliu ,
lor Kilo by Hush &Solby.218 S. 15th fet. bOl
, Ik-ant Iful lot In Luke's add. Hush &
Solly,218H. IBtli. 12H :
Oil. M.VYNK'S nowmapof Bousrln ? county
* Iscomploto'ln nvory detail ; It 1111s n long
felt wiint. The price Is low , oonsidcrin the
amount \\oikiioccs3ury to pi-oduco It. For
snlo at C. 1' . Mayno's real estate ollice. 612-ml4
, Ilouiitlful lot in Lnko'audd. Hush &
Bclby , 218 S. 15th , 123-1
LMKS VLACK No such lots In nny other lo
cality at the prices askod. 411
TTIoit HALK Improved losidenoc nnd busl-
JJ ness property in all parts of the city. T. a
Clurkson , 1506 Furnum , 035
$1,000 for S houses and half lot , N. W. part
city ; easy payments. Hush & t'clby. 21B8.
15lh. lij-1
F n HALK-Lot iu Folham I'luca , $575 , easy
Lots In HnnEOomJlnco. $750 to tl,003.
lot on VlrglijftSyeS3.000. .
2 lots In Sunuyslde , $ i300.
Slots on Wen 1'arnura St , , 915,57) .
Lot In Lowe'i dd I5'J.
Corner lot In Ixuro's udd. , (350.
Lot on Hamilton tit. , MO.
2 lots on Hamilton St. , $ I , OM.
Lot on 8owaW 8V.m
Corner lot Inr 1'njjpoot Place. 1750.
Corner on rnrjmm 8t.lMx\IU \ ft. 5W.003.
8 houses und full lot , 10th nour Webster , $ ,033 ] .
Zlotsln Lnid'sndil. ,51,175 nnd ei.'JO ) each. ,
Mlot un J G-roora bouso , Izard St. , near 20th ,
f25 feet on sffitthflt , J1I.003 ,
, .
lots on Dccatur St. (1,60) .
Loton21rdSt , , Jl,500.
Ixit In Nolsoa * nd4. , $1,703.
House nnd full kit. barn , well , etc. , on Hamil
ton St. , $1COO. .Kasy terms. _
Goo. r. llomfi 15tn und Douglas Bts. 873
. " for EuiCiomo lot , nbovo grade , on
$1.50 , Hanscom I'luco ; best of lo-
cullona. Itush & iyplby. 8168. Uth. 1S3-1
FOUHALK Cnenp lots in Burr Oak , Just east
ofHanscom 1'ark. near stioot card , I5'J , ousy
terms. I'ottor & Cobb , 1515 Farnam Bt 831
1,000 forS houses and half lot , N. W. part
§ city ; tmey payments. Itush & BolLiv , 218 B.
h , _ 183-1
OI18ALK Three flue lota iu Bhlnn's 3d add.
utf8J3 oacu. Potter & Cobb , 1515 Furnam.
OK SALK Bargains in lots. T , & Clurkson ,
1503 Fumnui , l i
$3,100 Uanscom Place , full lot. now 8-room
nlco houso. A big bargain. Itush & Bclby ,
818 aBth. laa-i
_ _ _
P < ) H S.XLK } i aero lot , a good ft-roora nouso.
uarroccrv store , with stables , out-uousos and
cltywater , SM near Loavoaworth , rent XJ5.0)
or mo. , price $ J.5i ) . ThU Is a II t rat ? Investment -
ment : Omaha Uout Eitato & Loin Co. , Koomi
2and''jVitlincll block. 7W
Foil HXCIIANon-Hy C. R. Mayno.
100 acres , Mndlson Co , for drugs
3 sections In TrontlcrCo. tor stock rndso.
ICO acres near Falls City for stock mdso.
100 acres , well Improved , near Ulvorton , for
Etock of goods.
100 acres near IHvcrton for Quoenswaro ,
H20 acres , Harlan Co. for hardware.
320 acres , Franklin Co. lor hardware.
H20 acres Cneyonno Co. lor boots nnd shoes or
it aero ? , Vnlloy Co. foi md e.
ffl acres , Douglns Co. for Omaha property.
120 norcst Improved , S miles Irom Omahn , for
1,120 acres , Cheyenne Co. for books and sta
210 acres In Frontier Co. for drugs or hotel.
DM ncros , Jefferson Co , for hnrdwnro.
8fXU acres school land In Oolarado for stock
3.S.OOO In Colornilo , stock mdse.
ICO ncres , Dakota , for groceries
Stock lumber , llnio nnd coal , for Nebraska
land ,
Slock hardware lor ( rood fnrni.
Block Imnlwnro lor good faun.
Slock hnrdwnro for Omnhn property.
Block furniture nnd hnrdwnro for land near
Onmhn ,
drain elevator tu lown for Nebraska Und.
Slock dry good' , groceries , boot" , shoes and
hardware lor land In enMcrn Nebraska.
Grn'l stock mdjo. for land m oabtotn Nob.
Slock of drupa lor land.
Hotel for land In Neb.
Hold lor Omaha property.
Hotel In Iowa for NcK land.
Stock fitinlturo for farm.
Block Inioplcs mid spring wagons for land.
Slock furniture for bind.
For particulars write lo C. E. Mnyno , 8.V
cor. 15th and Farnam , Omnhn. 015-7
S3 , 500 takrs a now 7 loom
BAHCAINS full lot , on Hamilton stioot , near
cor line.
$1,700 takes a nlco cottage , barn and full lot
In IKJWO'S ndd.
$ l,5. , nleo lot on OeorRln nvonuo , ono lot
from Woolnorlh avenue : J700 cash , nnd tlivoo
year's tlmo.
f , r.O ) takes nnlcoplnco on Mason elrcot near
postolllcv , nnd Is n bnrgaln.
t > 7r > 00 takes a nlco pluco on Hurt street aud on
ousy terms |
It jou want lots In Klrkwood , Bedford Place ,
Hnwt hoi no , South Oinnhu , Thomas' and Sears'
additions , go and sou Bonrs , N E cor. 15th und
Dodge. M. F. Bears. 1424 Dodge. _ 140-a
$ li50 ! for handsonio lot , nbovo grade , on Pop-
plcton a\o. , Hanscom Place ; best of loca-
tlons. Hush A Solby. 218 3. 15th. 123-1
rOKBALE Womnkon specialty of selling
houses and vacant lots on ninHll cash pay-
inenls.nnd Imlunce small monthly payments.
A cottage on Buundora street , JJOO cash , bal-
nnco ? i" ) per month.
House on Lake slrcot , $103 case , balanco$20
per month
So\ oral cottHgcs on Ohio street ono block from
street cars , ( .Mi ) cash , bnlanco S25 ? per month.
Those houses are all new and convenient and
are bntgatns for purlins w 1th small Inmlllcp.
Cottages In other pui ts of the city on the sumo
fiivoitibio terms.
Lotslnnll purtsof the city on small cash pay
ments , bnlnnco to suit purchaser.
Don't pay rout toolbor paitlos when you can
npply It on payment fora liome for your rural-
lies. Hlgglns i- Pare , 1522 Douglas si. 0)0-30 )
MONTHLV payments will buy $1,400 homo ,
south paitof city. Hush & Sclby. 218 S.
15th. 12.1-1
_ _ _
dj l.OOOforS hou = cs and half lot , N. W. part
tp city ; ousy payments. Uush ft B lby.2l8S.
POKSALK-TivolotsIn Plumvioir , S155 e.ich.
Potter & Cobb. 1515 Famam st. 053
OK8AIl-Or Trado-Ono ot ,1. W. Tufl's
soda fountain apparatus' neatly now. Ap
ply to or address D. M. Huvcrly , 4.'t ) N. ICth St. ,
Omaha. 843-5
, Hnnscom Place , lull Int. new 8-room
$ nice house. A big bargain. Itush & Sel'iy ,
-IBB. 15111. 123-1
AliGAINS in improved and unimproved
property. W. H. Orocn. JJir > 3 13th st KB
TT1OII SALK ThoOm ilia Itoul EUato nnd Loan
JP Co. do not advertise as largely ns some , nul
they huvo Just as largo u list or property us any
other Hnn , and It will piy you to .soo thorn before -
fore buying. It is inannvod by old and well-
known residents of the city , and nothing but
honornblo und upright dealing Is Indulge. ! in.
Thclronieo is ItoomiM Wlthnoll lllock. ! b7 _ _
MONTHLY payments will buy J1.400 home"
south part of city. Hush & Scll > y,21SS.
15th. 1AH
T71O11 SALK First-class rosldonco property
-U on St. Mary's avo. ; largo lot , good house
and o.hcr mprovouionts ; prloo reasonable :
terms ousy. Cochran Bros. 150) ) Farnum. 0'i
< HlCOO for 2 houses nnd half lot , N. W. puit
p city ; cosy payments. Husli it Sclby , 218 S.
lAth. 12J-1
FOR SALK 1,200 aero ranch , living water
ninnlng thiough land. Can cut 1,000 ton
hay elf land ; also 1 ! > 0 bond cattle , 33 liuiul hordes
uith nocesinry imploiiioiits , &c. , &c. , .Vc. , to run
paid ranch. Price $13,5000. Address Hart A ;
McAnlrew , Alusivorth , Nobr.
Also , 010 acres buhool land appraised nt $3.00
per aci o , rnnnlug 20 years at six percent , with
in 4 miles of Alnswoith ; livln ? water and will
tnko 5040 tor lease. Address Hurt it McAn Irow ,
Alnsworth , HiowuCo.Nobr. MlniSl
FORSALK Bost5-nero tracts In the market ,
only &WO per aero. Iiiiuiro about thorn.
Potter A : Cobb , inn Fnrnura. boa
$3,100 Hnuscom Place , full lot , new 8-room
nice house. A big bargain. Itush & Sclby ,
2188.15th. 1ZM
TTIOUSALK-Acio lots , GHo's add. , only ? I,5W
-D I'ottor It Cobb , 1MB Farnam. 657
AMKS PLACK No grndlni ; uooded ; loval
lots. Amos. 15J ? Farnam st. 411
T7IOU SALK-Lota In Lowe's 1st addition ,
JL ! south fronts.ony terms , only $5J3. Potter
& Cobb , 1513 Faiiidin St. 851
EOltSALi : Atow oftho best ots In Wilcox's
ndi at $000 each. I'ottor le Cobb , 15H Far-
nam st. 805
Foil SALU Or Trade ImprOTcl an 1 un Im
proved lands in Furnas and otior western
counties. Address Win. Bimoral , Arupnhoe ,
I'lirnus Co. , Nob. 275
FOUSALi : iionr lor , cor. California nnd
IWth sts. , li blocks train proposed paving ? on
Cumlnifflt. , 850 and 5033oocli. I'ottor i : Uobb ,
1515 Farnam at. 849
$3,1OO Ilnnsoom I'hico , full lot , now 8-room
nice houso. A big buigiiln , Hush 4c Sclby ,
216 B. 15th. lg.i-1
.4 BIKS I'LACIC I jts Bold to those who want
x homos they cnnp'iy for. _ 411
FOU SALE Ono of Iho nicest Broom > ou og
In Bhlnn's nddltlon , with ci'y water , &o. ,
comploto. 1'rlco low. O. F. Davis It Co. , 1005
_ _ _ _ 7C8-m2
TTIOltBALK-oiDsonbas foraalo lots In IIafu
JL : com I'luco , $ J3 to $1,8)3.
Gibson has for sale houses and lots In Hans-
coin I'laco ,
Gibson has for sale houses und lots In all parts
Gibson has Improved farms nnd lands In all
parts of Nebraska fors'ilo or oxchan o.
Gibson has thousands of acres ot land In
Western Nebraska lor sulo from Sto ! SI pur
Gibson would llko to see you 1C you want to
( Jlbeoif sis the place to list your iiroporty. Call
and BOO him lit Hoom 3 , Wlthuoll Hlock , cor. 15th
and Hani w sU. S80
alonllansoom 1'lnco , full lot , now B-room
$ nlco lioiiso , A ! ) ! ( , ' bargain. Itush & Solby ,
2188,15th. 123-1
Faclcet Cornparxy.
Eneland , Franci & Girmany.
Thn steamships of this well known line ttro
built of Iron , In water-tight oompurtmonU ) , And
uro furnished with every requisite to make the
passage both safe and iiffrecablo. They carry
the United Stales and European mallsund leave
New York Thursdays and Saturdays for Ply
mouth. ( LONDONCl.erbouerl'AlU8 ) ( and HAM-
Upturning , the steamers leave Hamburg on
\Voduosdaya and Sundays , via. Iluvio , taking
pnssengcis at Southampton and / onJon.
First cubin $ JO , tfil ) and $73 ; SteeragejMI.
Ilallroad tickets from Plymouth to llrlslol , Car-
rillT , I jndon. or to any place In the South of
England , FHEE. Steerage from Uuropo only
* Buna ror "Tourl6 ! MH'AIID
& co. .
General I'tiiscngcr Agenls ,
61 Broadway , New Vork ; Washington nnd 149
Sullo fits. Chicago. 111.
Rooms 12 and 13 Granite Bock ,
Grade Systems and Soworaire Plant for Cltirs
nnd Towns a speciulty. Plans , Kstlmutcs anj
Eix-'clQcutlonsforPublfa and other Knfflnoorltis
works furnished. Surveys and Iteport made
on Public Improvements.
ANDREW IlosirrATUft , Monibor Amortcan Soola-
QtyCiTll Knglnecrs. City EnghiBor of Ouiahl
KO. U. ( JaiosTi- . Civil
ISV3 ?
BESS ? Ion Cor- I 3J * & Vs ? I VrfF I B In-iV./ v
Oneofthc Best and Lurr/ast Stocks in .the U.8 ' .j
to Select from.
No Stairs to Climb , Elegant Passenger Elevator
ana ntlUKB , Manager , _ * fy * ' < *
6W/c9/y / STOCK YARDS , OMAHA , ffEB. . ' , <
HEFERENCR3 : Morohnnts' nnii Knimurs' Hank , n.ivlil City , Ni'K Krarnny N
Bank , Kunrnoy , Nob. ; Columbus SLitn Unult. Columbua , Nob. ; MaDtmnld's Bank ,
rintlo. Nrb. ; Omaha Natloiml Hank. Omaha. Xcb. . , ' , . . . .
Will pay cuslomcis' draft with bill of ladlnc attacliod for two-tlilrds Value of stock. ,
i.iiT n
Full Assortment for snlo to the Trade by -
Properly of every ilescrition ) for Halo in all parts of the city. Lands tor salalb
county in Nobrnsku. A complete sot of Abstracts of Titles of louplus County keptJ
Mnps of tbe City , Slate or county , or any other information desired fuTn.lsb.ww
free of charge upon application.
Milwaukee S St , Paul
Tlie Short Xine
and Best
From Omaha to the East ,
Chicago , Minneapolis. Mllwuukoo ,
St. 1'nul , Cedar Ifitpidj , na jnporr ,
Clinton. Duhuquo , Itockfoid ,
Hock Island , Fieoport , Jnnosrllla ,
rciffin , Madison , Lacrosse ,
Jlelolt , Winoim
Aud all other important points East , Northuai
uud SoulUcast *
Ticket omco at 1401 Fnrnam street , ( in Paxton
Hotel ) , nnd at Union Pucillo Depot
Pulhiiun sleepers and the Finest Dining Cars
in the World nro run on the main lines of the
c\ery uttonllon Is paid to passengers by courte
ous onipioyes of the company.
K.Mir.LEU , General Muimiror.
J.F. TUCKEII , Assistant Goiieral Manager.
A. V. H. CtnpENTEn , Gom.ri\l Passenger anl
GEO. K. HuAFFonn , Assistant GonoralPasaou
Kor nnd Ticket Agoat
Short-hand Institute
The largest , iiost and cheapest short-hand and
typo-wiitlng school in the weft.
Learn this \ alunblo art nnd secure n lucrative
position. Short-hand taupht by mull to these
who ciinnot attend the institute.
Wo keep on hand u full supply of Pitman's
short-hand text books , also type-writer supplies
For puitieuluis scud for clioulors to
Valentine's ' Short-Hand Institute ,
1113 and 1120 O street Lincoln , Nob.
Carrying Iho Belgium itoyul nnd United States
Mall , selling every Saturday
Betessa Antwerp & Hew York
Palon from $ iiO to $100. K.xcurfilon trip from
F110 to 1B < J. Second Cabin , outward , $11 ;
prciinld , if45 ; excursion. SWSlcerngo nnssngn
at low mips. Pclor Wright It Sons , uouoral
AgcntP , 0) Bioudn'iiy. New Yoik.
Omnhn , NobrusUa , Frank II. Moorosf , , Bt , L
if P. ticket
Erhamted Vllnlltr. Ndrroni nnd Physical Dahilltr
Pnmatur * Decline la Man. Urrnr of Yontoand tda
unlola uiuerloa resulting from Indiscretion and ex-
ceiiM. JL book tor over' man , roang , -
nd old. Itoontitlni 1M prTKrlpUoni for all aeuta and
rbronladiiaufiet , o clioi. of wliluh li lnvnlu hlo. So
found br the author n boo experience for M run it
ucb probably navar tiefore'ell to the lot of nr
tini lcJiniooOpaBet. bound In beautiful Frencli mui-
'i. . embossed ooreri , f ci ! it | , gaarnntoad to ba a Oner
work In qverr tonaa mealmnlcnl.lltortrr nodorofa-
( lonal-thananrotber work In this country f or n.X
or tbe raonor will bo refund in erery Instanue. Prloa
onlr II by mull. | > ostpal < 2. llluurated asmBle. ilu"
Bendnoir. Uold raertal nvrarded tlioautborhr tui Nv
ttonalMedlcal Association , to ttin Hon. A. V. llisielt
fbeSclenr-oof UN' ' ' , worth more to tbe yn
tnldillo Huert men of tills uoncrutlnn than all the sol d
mlnos orCnllinmlaaud Uiu > lrcr mines o ( Nevada
coinWno4.-8. K. Chronicle.
TlioH'-lonroot LUeP'JlnUoat ' tba rooks nnd guide-
. .Hudson which ihe ounatltutloa and liouo * nt manr
arouiiifmanbare boenlalalljr wrookod. Jluiichejier
ThoBclencoof I.lfoliot eroater value tban lllUa
medical works iiubllshed In tnls ouantry fortbouasl
M ycurs. Allant.1 ConMltution.
lliot-clcncoof MfoU asuuorb iinduiasterlrtroit-
lia on nervous and i > Iijilca [ dobllltr. Uelrolt Krai
Addreislhe I'oaboJy Medical Institute , or Dr W. U.
Varker.No. I IJulldncb street , Uoilou , Mass. . vrbo mar
be consulted on all dlsousaa ruoulrlng sail laud ezpori-
enod. Ctiruiilaunit uliilnula illsuiius that liuvo oaf-
tied the skill of all ollieriihjrslctani specuHr. Hu3U
trouled successfully wltbout uui oilaacaof ( allure
Ucutloa OBitbu U9a.
P. BOYER & 00.
and Jail Work.
U > 20 Farnam Street , Ornuba , Neb ,
, uiiiii.iir ;
eiftrlesci , U w.kita d < itl.l uii. TrUtpl * .
DCW. BcB l > M f ( ir.U4r rlt"l _ . A44.UI ,
Dr. WARD & . CO. , LOt'ISU.NA , HO.
State Agents J
'sPiani '
Omaha , I Neb. * <
ftlioEO VITALITY IB rallltip. Brain BIIAINEDI
jvXIIAUNTll : > or Power I'KKM A'iUKKl.Y WAI
fuci-essfully Introduced heie. Allvm
drains promptly ctioclccd. THKATlRj' ' , . „
pa prrnnJiuedlesl endorsement * An.FHEK.Coniiul %
llo ( ofllc'o or by mall ) with MX omlxnmt doctors tTHlr
CIVIAI.E AGENCY. No. 174 Futtm Strtet Nell Yft
_ _ _ _
You are allowed a free trial of tMrtv day * ot the !
of Dr. Ujrc'a L'clcbratoil Voltalo Belt wltli Electric
pcnsory Appliances , for the cpeedy relief and i
niancnt cure ot ffenwa Dtbiluu. losiof Vitaiit ]
Manhooit , nnd oil kindred troublos. Also for
otherdtacoscs. Oompletorestor-tlontolfealth , !
nnd Manhood inmrunioiil. No risk IB Incurred.
tratod pnmt > hlPt In reaM tiivelnpt mailed fl
Bonortors and .Copjdsw.vf - Jj
Btato Agents for Ncbrasku.
Typo-wi Itcr Hiipplios nnd pnpcr kept In
Send lor ClUiUoKUo.
I PAY ull oipron rhnrfirs to all points wl
mllp . I.OOUrirrlaim to mlpct from. Bmd
stamp for HluUrulcacuUloeuo. tlentlonthls |
221 W. MADISON ST. , CHlCAQOu " '
. * .v
Tlio Original nnd Only O ! . ' i '
S. - 'rf
Or the Liquor llublt ,
Cared by AUniliiUterlair Br.
att * uiaea
It can bOKlvrn Inn cup of coK * or left w1
tb kDowluOfeof tbo | > crson
i , and will oQect a pnrmnntotand tftt& ?
cure , wlit ! > r lha patient is inod rU4rik rav |
in aicoUollo wrecV , It has been glviu li *
n : id ot cases , und In every Instance | jerf (
baa followed. It never TallK Tb uysten
liaprc.nated with lUo becomes uI
liapoaslulllty Jor tlio liquor uppctlU to exkt { " _ !
KHUN it CO. , Cor. 15th ud Doi.lai. a4
18th ib ( JumluB Su. , Onaius , N k.'i ,
A , D. vu-iTini Of nno. ,
Conncll Blnmi , lovnu
Call or writ * for ptmpldel containing lumdr
ol C tlmcnlals Irom I lit ) bc l woniia auu ID D |
"f > "
* "
j 1 ruM.cumvried. Uu4r jJtt
'unly ono la tbo vorld itn i
uiuntlnu&M KltcIHa < tla _
ml , Bdintjle , 1'owsrf ul BnS
bin and 1 abetlTt. _ r
( irrrii.ooiicund. " '
" " '
Di , HORHE."iiiv"ti3roiirrai'
mbslauoa , thus ninclilny tb
M tba spurn , fielllUt * * fr e _
upectoration.and KrFKUl' * W
kn > ll tl > trr < vllMtkll. A tftel
k.nlt l.IU l _ . II.Uillr.
Ptlu tOc. I.VUI < t i
[ > k o ftv * hi 4Utaf. llr.