lf M * . THE OMAHA DAILY BEJ ? : SATURDAY , MAY 1 , 18SO. FROM THE STATE CAPITAL An Attempt by a Legal Athlete to Eido Two Horses. SUING BOTH SIDES TO A SUIT. runny Storloa About a Queer Char- nctcr The Ijnzlcat Man In tlio West and Seine oi * Ills Practical Jokes. fmoit THE nr.R's raxoor.v ntmr.AUI. Many n rich mlno of newa Is often opened unexpectedly by tlio reporter who digs among the dry and musty CHI records of tlio district court. In the vnult in Ulcrk Sixer's ofllco nvo documents that , put In print and properly explained , would conjure up frightful ghosts of the foigotten past , and , in the Innguagoof tlm baul of Avon , "cnuse each particular hair to stand on end" on tlio heads of those diicolly interested. Fortunately for the peaces of mind of many people , yo ricribo is gener.illy too busy with the live tiflalrs of tlio day , and lee jealous of the mopriotioa , to give time or attention to the dishing up of such doses. Once in awhile , however , some case- freshly lllcd will force itself on his notice , find chal lenge a comparison with similar litlga- lieu of another date. Tlioro is a lively instance of this in tlio notion brought by Hon. J. It. Wobstcr , of this city , to com- 1 > ot Air. Charles E. Lewis and the latler's attorneys , Grant & Grant , to pay him $3r,03 for forcing the payment of defaulted - faulted interest on certain Lancaster county lioiuls , and un acknowledgment by the commissioners of tlio validity of ( ho securities. Air. Webster's claim , as pel forth in his petition , is that Lewis is tlio owner of $07,000 in Midland I'ncillc bonds , the locality of which Imd been at tacked by the county , and payment ot the 10 per cunt annual Intel cat refused. The principal and interest at tlio time suit was begun amounted to nearly $80- 000. To collect it Mr. Lewis engaged Giant & Grant of Davenport , Iowa , agree ing to pay them , if successful , a con tingent fco of 10 per cent of the whole- num. Grant & Grant in turn retained Mr. Webster to conduct the case , for 40 per cent of tlio 10 per cent. The matter was tinally compromised the coinmis- fiioncrs consenting to pay Mr. Lewis' claim , and he agreeing to accept interest nt tlio rate of 01 per cent for the rest of the time the bonds have to run. This was n virtual victory for the plaintiii' ho got all ho demanded in his action at l.iw , and Mr. Webster of cour.se presented his bill for services under the contract with Grant & Grant To his surprise v they refused to pay , and ho brought tlio suit mentioned. This would bo all right were it not for tlio fact that this same at torney has proceedings now pending in the state supreme court for a mandamus to compel tliucommivsioners of Lancaster county to pay his bill of $14.735 for suc cessfully contesting the payment of in terest on these same bonds. It would bo u ludicrous , but rather expensive joke , if Mr. Webster should obtain his mandamus and force the payment by the county of his bill for icsibting tlio payment of the 10 per cent interest on these Midland Pacific bonds , and then get a judgment against Mr. Lewis for 111,270.42. for forcing payment by the county of the full 10 per cent in- tuieston the bonds up to Apt 111 , 1880. Such a performance in legal athletics would dwarf the great circus act of riding six horses baieback. AN OLD TIME CIIAHACTEK. Hon. J. N. Carlisle , of Colorado , the notca railroad builder , who , with General Jank Casement , of Ohio , has the contract for constructing the Missouri Pacific ex ; tension from Weeping Water to Lincoln , has been a gncst at the Commercial for a few days , chatting over with Landlord Kitchen the incidents of thpii early life in Now Mexico. Last evening Mr. Car lisle , for tlio amusement of a select few , recited a number of stories about the noted Zan Hinckloy , that for pure , native wit and humor rival anything over pub lished in the alleged comic papers witli which the country is flooded. Hinckley was a rough diamond mend who , in tlio early days when Carlisle was freighting across the plains , and Kitchen was runningaliotolatSanta Fo , lived away up in the Greenhorn ter ritory in Colorado , in a poverty-stricken hovel that ho dignified with tlio name of ranch , lie was probably the la/.iest man in the west , but as honest and true as the best. One day in returning from Santa Fo , whore ho bad boon cleaned out at poker , ho stopped at the ranch of a friend about 200 miles from his home. Ho liad no horse , and kept lus mind pretty busy trying to hatch some plan by which ho could get a ride. At dinner ho noticed there \\oro no potatoes on the table , and look his host severely to task for the shortage. Potatoes were a great luxury in that country'then , and the ranchman was not ashamed to own that ho didn't have any. "What ; haven't got any potatoes ? " said Hinckley. "That's too bad. Just send a team up to my place , and I'll give you all you want. " The oiler was a good one , and the next morning the ranchman btarted a man oft with a four-mule team , and Hinckley had a pleasant ride homo , 200 miles away. When the man got ready to return Hinckloy loaded the wngon up with dogs , nutting in all the worthless ours ho could lind among his Mexican neighbors. The diivnr protested , saying his employer wauled potatoes , but Hinckley. who of course never had a potato on Ids place , said ho knew butler , that it was pups ho wanted. Three months later Ilinckluy slopped at the much again , and the owner inquired why he had sent all the dogs. " 1 know lhat dorn fool driver was making a mistake , " was his answer. "I told him you wanted potatoes , but lie eald it was pups he was after , and I lot him have 'cm.1' ' Hinckloy's genius in gelling the ridn homo without asking for it was appro uiated by the ranchman and a hearty laugh followed the explanation. At another time Hinckley was at a small hotel , and as the liouso was full could not get a bed. Mr. Cailislo. who was present , offered to share his shake down witli him , but Hinckley snicl ho could sleep well enough in u chair. After the landlord had retired and th < house was quiet , Ilinckluy , telling Carlisle lo follow and he would hucnro a good room took on"his boots and crawled up stairs In tlio hallway liu jelled " 1'irol File ! " in the top of his voice , and Iho lodgers came tumbling out of their rooms , and made a dash down stairs , liy the time they found Itiib a false alarm Hinckloy hai pre-empted a comfoitable room , locket the door , and was snoringso soundly thai oven the huidloid'svigoious demand tha ho vacata it at once went unheeded. Ono night a freighting outfit stopped a Hlnckley'a ' ranch indeed , everjbodj made it a point to stop there , as much to sue and talk with 'Ann as anything else for the food and lodgings no had to oiler were of thu most primitive sort. On the night in question Ids ranch was destitute of anything like a bed , and his \isitor.s viewing the bare cartli lloor , wonderei where they were to bunk. At last one man vcntuiod to say that ho was ready to go to bed. 'Got any blankets ? " queried Zan. amen on receiving a negative reply ho pointed out a biiol in the corner , saying "You cat bleep thoio. " This was continued , even man without blankets being sent to bunk i on thu bare ground , until he struck one ohnw who , in nnswerto hla question , nnld : ' 'Why , yoa. Jlr. Hinckloy , 1'vo got two olnnkuts and two buffalo robes. " " ( Jed bless you , .young follow , you can sloop with me , " was the immediate reply. HIUEK MF.NTION. William T.Comstook , sent to the poni- ontinry from Cherry county in July , 88.1) , for inanslniightor , hnsbcpn released , mving mnda two months good time. A fair-sized nttdicnco listened to n tem perance addrcs by o\--Govornor St. John it the city hall , Thursday night. Our old friend , E , 1) Wobstcr , who is n from his ranch near Stratton.saya grass on the rrtngo is very btckward this year , nnd stock looks rather thin niter the hard winter. Tlio members of Miss Wilcox's nrt class will hold a parlor reception at 1101Q struct to-day , from 3 to 0 p. m. .All pco- Dlo Interested in iminting nro invited. The bonds and coupons of the No- jrnska Stock Yaids company uro being signed by the olllcorH. STA.TI : AUWVALS. Thomas Piico , Hunnott ; Lewis Carlilo , Weepliur Water ; Ernest Bros * , Omalin : 10. D. Webster , Stratton ; H. M. Tidball , Gxctor ; A. Alansliold , Ashland ; Joint A. Dodds , Onmhti ; John Carter , jr. , tiuvvard ; A. Nonis , Grand Islnnd ; C. G. Eustis. Jmitlia ; H. M. Kiii ey , Omaha ; Dr. nnd Mrs. Conatighy ; YOIK ; John Ciigno.v , I'lattsniouth ; C. J. Storms , Grand Island ; S. W. Powers , Kournoy ; D. 1) . Johnson , Camp Clark. A Saratoga Entertainment. Lyceum hall In Saratoga was well filled Wednesday evening , notwithstanding the unfitvorablo weathur , nnd those picsont were well repaid , as the programme was llio best presented to the Saratoga pcopla for some timo. The ninslo was dollght- ful. To tins portion of the programme Mrs. J. U. Shrivor , of Omnlm. very no- coptnbly contributed. Miss Emma Wai- kur , of Florence , also contributed an enjoyable - joyablo instrumental numbor. The en tertainment was under Ihu direction of Mr. Louis Littlclluld , assisted by Misses Hopkins , Wtud and Elton , with Messrs. llustin , Vorc and McKou/.io. Mr. D. II. Christie acted as stage manager. Thu entertainment clo.ed with a bur- losqtiu in three acts entitled " \Villiam Toll. " Mr. H. F. Vore is entitled to com mendation for his able per&onilication in the title role , while Mr. D. II. Christie was nn unusually good "JMitcltoll. " Ono excellent point was the artistic stage set ting , some of the bconory boina especial ly minted for the evening's presentation. iJelow is tlio cast : Gcsler The Austrian Uutchcr Mr. Louis Llttletield. William Tell A Demasjosnu In a con- stantstatoof notation..Mr. U.K. Voro Mr' W- usti X ? lton I Other j ' - - Mitchell j Dutchmen \ Mr. a a Nlbl)3 Tcll's son : Mr. D. A. Amo Guards. Peasants , Citizens , etc. A Newspaper TMnu'nIflckol. A newspaper man's ' nickel was the in nocent cause of considerable trouble on car No. 24 on Ninth street yesterday The nickel , when dropped into the box , covered a ten cent piece which had been passed up bv a gentleman to pay the faro of two Indies in the car. The driver rang the fare boll several times nnd accused the gentleman of hav Ing held out tlio dime ana put a nickel in the box for the two faros. This angered tlio passenger nnd ho called the driver a shallow patud Swede. The driver retorted by calling this passenger an unconverted thief. The ladies trembled and guvo exclamations of fear , while the rcpoitur onlv smiled and waited for the culmination of tlio trouble. It came when the car stopped on Tenth street. The irate passenger wont around to the front end of the car and shook his fist under the driver's noso. The list canto in contact with an iion grab hock hold in the hands of the driver , who yelled for the police. The nassongcrs left tno car , the ladies screamed and the trouble was nt an end. Hulforil Banco la invaluable for soups , etc. IMPIETIES. In a popular choir In Philadelphia n man whistles an accompaniment. Wonder If brother Talmago is coini ; to allow the Wil liam I'cnuites to get ahead of him In this way ? Fogg took the limited to Now York the other day. As he sat. in the hotel car dis cussing the hill ot fare ho rcmaikeu : "This Is what I call Easter. " When called upon to explain ho said : "Because it Is a movable feast. " A llltlo boy asked his father a few davs ago If it was wicked to say Kottordam. "Why , no , my son , " replied the fond parent. "Hot- toniam Is the name of a laira and Itourlfahlnfr . do ask ? " "Becau-ic " city. Why you - , replied thu youni ; heir , "sinter has oaten up all my candy , and I Just hope It will Kotti'idam teeth off. " A HttloKlrl. a regular attendant at ono of the Prcsbytcilon Sunday schools , went out with her mother the othei day. A young lady , a vhlter likewise , asked her what church she attended. " 1 don't know exact ly. " the little Klrl replied. "I'm not a Meth odist and I'm not a Baptist. I uuess I iiuibt be an advertisement. " A fair and buxom widow w ho had bulled thrro husbands recently went with a gentle man , who in his younger days had paid her marked attention , to inspect the graves of her dear departed. After contemplating them In mournful silence , she inmmuied to her companion : "Ah , J nines , you might have been In that row now if you hod only had a little more courage. " A lady unable to read thought she could impress her neighbor that she hod learned , aim accordingly asked for the loan of u book. Tlio neighbor , "sinelllni : a tat , " lent her thu Ulblo. Keeping It a few days , sliu biought It back and was asKcd by the lender how she liked It She replied : "I think it wus just lovclv ; they got married , after all , didn't theyV" Minister ( dlnlnw with the family ) My youiiKfiiend , > ou must comu ono of thcso days and spend an afternoon with my llttlu bojs. Llttlu Johnny ( dollithted ) And can I neo the skeleton , too ? Minister Skeleton I Why , What do you mean'Llttlo Johnny ( paralyzing the whole company ) Oh. 1 heard ma tell pa that hho didn't know what shu'ddo If shuhad fauchan ugly Mcoleton In her closet as j ou hav o. While there Is a circus In town very few children got excited over i elisions matters. Last Sunday Deacon Uucnu ' , , a uood man , but u rather crude talker , addressed the bun- day bchool. "Dear children , " hu beuan , plunging at once into the subject , ' 'Jesus said : "Suffer llttlo childien to Louie unto mo , of such is the kingdom of heaven. ' Now. dear chll- drmi , thu little ones came to linn In largo numbers , and In In their mother's aims , and hu took them and and , can j ou tell mo what Jesus did with all thcso dear llttlu chil dren ? " "lit" took them to the circus. " vocit- eratcd a small boy near the dooi. ( Life. BILIOUSNESS Whloh may bo termed AN AFrECTION OF THE LIVEB , And cuu bo cured by that errand Itogulutor of tUoLt > eruud Ultluiy orguus , SIMMONS LIVER KEGULATOB. "I sutTerod with biliousness and dlsoidcrcx ] Ihur and would frequently throw up bile , I pnn-uud ubottlo of Simmons Liver Koirulutor and aftcf uelntf ubout ono-hiilf of it was com- plutcly cured. Ouoof in v lady customers told mo the other day that Simmons I.Ivor Hegula- tor completely cured her of faick hoaducUu. H. OLDS , nruKtr'.t , Cedar Itaplds , Iowa , ' 'DurjiiKtuo last six months I was very biliousoccasionally hat luir n dumb chill lolloui'd by \\hlPhprostiutednie. . 1 took Simmons U > or Ko ulator , and lor sovcral months 1 nave bet nai stout and boail ) as any man could desire to bo. I urn tborouHhlysutlstled. that it is till It is icoouimcndod for billons complaints , for mlno was certain ! } a stubborn caso. I have huAnl manj ot my friends epoakqf it and they atn < o It IKISSOSSCS all tbo vir tues cUimod for It A. II. ll Conductor on UU i W. 1L 1L A Slmplo nnllad. I love to pet up In Iho morn , When nil Is bright nnd fnlr , And iicntly menu my housors torn . T'mt ' lie upon n clmlr. I love to sow the buttons on The neck-bund of my shirt ; 1 love to rnb bnnzlno upon Jly gsirmonU soiled with dirt 1 love to hunt around the room For things the chnmbermnlil lias sncpt nnyUtliruthless broom , And burned up , I'm afraid. I love to cat my frugal meals At n cheap icstntniuit , Where , notwithstanding my appeals , 1 can't Kct w nt 1 want. 1 love to co to bed at 3 , ( Sot up again nt 8 , And know tlmt no one cares n sou Why I was out so late. I love nil other things nbovo , When I'm asleep , to snore In short , kind friends , 1 aearly love To bo n bachelor. I10NEY FOn THE LADIES. Many bonnets nro strlnglcss. Silk gloves nro novcr full dress. The reign of the Jersey g/o\vs stronger. Ktnmiiio iibboiis nro n popular novelty. Black nnd jellow Is a favorite combination. Now silk ioods nro striped with seersucker oltccts. Canvas mnturlnls hnvo fringed bordcts for drapery. Stilpcd pongees show dcllcato combinations of color. The color ot Tuscan straw la vary popular this soason. Garnet nnd jot dog collnts nro 1 ancles of the moment. Spotted mull handkerchiefs nro among the novelties. Shoi t strings nnd big tluoat bovvs nictho ink1 on bonnets. Ulnck Spanish lace scarfs are much worn aionnd the nock. Striped bended sttilts are much used for short dressy wrapt. Dongola crepe doth forms many pietty doml-tollct mantles , DlrcUoIrerovcis and high collais appear on many dross bodices , liodiccs foi bridal dieiscs aio low In the nccic and slioit ol Bleovo. Etainlno ilbboiis conio In coloi combina tions to match Inney itraws. Very high collars nio a fuattuo on short mantles as v\ell as on j.ickeU. rousiiiietalio suede gloves icinaln thofa- voritos lor dressy btrcct wear. William K. V.iiuknbilt's mlddlo nnmo Is Kissiun ; but the irirls say ho dousn't. Cactus cloth Is n new material with asm * face composed of soft silvery halis. Light summer rotdmoy will boused for skirts with light woolen uvortltosscs. Cninasnnd .silk Rtirali aio combined for diosses for spring nnd sunimei wear. 131ank and colored velvets nro used for trimming cotton ns well as wool dresses. The woman who neglects her husband's slilit fiont Is no longei tlio wife of his bosom. White canvas , clntddah nnd scigc nro combined with black velvet for demi-toil- cites. Street costumes of wool arc preferred , although black nnd Uaik silks nru also ue > ed. Chemisette plastrons , icscmbllng1 u gontle- nmn's tucked bosom , are thu tuncy in new lingerie. Anioni : fancies for summer aie gauze fans , on which arc pain ted designs ot lloweis , birds nnd bnttei Hies. Itcd and blue oil calicoes aie made into cliarmlng Uictehen nnd gulmio ) diessea lor llttlo glils under 7. Itecoptlon diosses of velvet and lace , com bined with ich ! jeweled net , nro among the latest impoitations. Collars of ruby \clvet arc edged with jet beads nnd Listened with bows ot velvet ilti- bou coriesponding in color. "Do you think tlio t.ice is nil index ot tlio mind ? " ishe asked. " jiever heatd oln mind that was painted nnd powdered.1' Tlio white em'jroiilcied ' rntislln bonnet , with a very hluh crown , Is the piclcncd headge.irior little u'iils under 0. Silk tricot I no , the now improved silk jeisoy webbing , lorins many pietty vvnihts intended foi wear with a viulety ot skirts. Among wool novelties mo those in which the vve.ivo imltato Hussl.in leather , crinkled moiocco , alligator nnd rnttlcbimko skins. "Aiithoilties" nio assorting that white will bo used for walking costumes during the summer ns well as foi Ill-door toilettes. The seieiitiliosyritoin of dtess cutting Is to be i.uight in the national schools ot Jieiand. Why not also In England and Scotland ? Epaulettes are woin on fiocks and wraps , but they are generally In the foi in ot a pointed wrap reaching ncailyto the elbow. Now London pirasols luvo handles of wood corned pnrt ot their length by the sur- al , pungce , 01 silk that Is used lor the canopy. The wlfo of Mllluls , the gic.it aitist , sat In hereaily mauled Illo ho the stoiy goes ai the model for thu lady In "The llugnenot Lover.- , . " Black tulle , ombioidoied with cut glnss beads in nil colors and coloiless foi ins the bkirts and drnpciles of iiuuiy summer festival diesses. Quaint and cunning little old-fashioned nveidresses wlthshoit waists and long s'.chts nro worn by some liltluglils who > < o motheis have tabto. A Kansas City woiimn has Invented n new preventive of hydrophobia. Shu turned n vvashtnu oxer the dog anil sat on It until a man biought n gun. Tncro are fifteen millions of ladies in the United States who are eauiestly discussing nt picsent 1'icsldent Cleveland's vveddimr. Ho Is the adoicd ot all ndoier.s. There niu few novelties in handkcichlofs. Nanovv hems aiumoru populai than wide ones. NIIIIOVV Incu is used foi tilmmiug. Some styles wIth inltiiUsaio veiy pietty. Among the newest oiiiamcnts lot the hair are rosettes of ends of ilbbon cut in swnllow-tail points and l.istone.l as haii-plns. Largo rosettes of the fiamu style ate worn at the belt. Slnco the Introduction of female street car conductors In Chill , they mo so crowded up with uinaliini tlmt there Isn't a chance of n respectable old washei women or a wet mine with twins , getting u beat. In diesa material the long reign of spots Is over , or nearly over , and thu deslirnei'.s In genuity is now directed Invar ) Ing the ar rangement of stripesaud erois-bars , which , uttei nil , may bo teimed the simplest inanl- lestntlon of decorative art , "Aro you going to send your wlfo to n watering place tills summeiy" "Yes , 1 gueas I'll hnvo to do so. 1 have paid enough money to keep tnat woman In lepair , to have bought three 01 tour now ones. " The new wlfo ot thu Chinese ambassador at Paris Is only 17 yeais old. Slio had very little choice In the mutter. Her awlul dad , the inandailn , said go and she went , Still she Is happy , and 1'aiis Is a icvelatlon ot perfect loveliness. "Ladles ns a ruin nro not gamblers. " said Henry Ward Ueecher , "but when they deck themselves out In regulation oven Ing costume - tumo to attend thu opera , thoassoitlon may IMS mndo with grentcoiilidencu that they carry a "cold deck. " 1'El'PEnM INT DUOPS. Telephone Is feminine It talks back. The way of the world Hound Its axis. Thn oiiginnl boy cot Cain's llltle crib. Truth crushed to earth will rise ngaln ; so will aspiing biibtle. A common elpht at the theatre Ballet girls in binlles and bald headed men In tii-in. A Troy man sneaUs through liiu under thu name ot Unsleek. He ought to bo caught and attached to a meter. You may us well try to squelch an Irish man's love of country as undertake to con vince u young mother that her baby is no ) "forvvaid for its nge. " Piofcsssr Dailing lived on twenty-seven cents H week. This reminds usot niuan who lived ou nothing. It is true tlmt hollvodbut one week , but then the principal was the same. "Witness , 1 bellevo you said jou were a saloonKccpi'iV" "Yes.bir. " "Uo > ouknovvtho mlbonci nt the bar ? " "Well , that depends. When ho has money about'nu I do , but when ho wants to put U ou the slate I don't. " lln was a Dutch barber on a coroner's jury , and after sitting cpjletly lornn hour during the i inmost , arose , peered Into the facu of tlio corpse and then , turning to tlio rest of the jury , t > ald : "ileln Gott , dot man isli ilead ! " Jay Uonld bhcil tears on the subject of the MUsouil I'acilic railioad befote the cougres- slonnl Investigation committee. The . . . . . . . . . . . has seldom been /called to his attention wltli < out his watering it. | "I belloxo you , . Iiknow your mouth never uttcrH a Ho , " roiilled Illrdio McGlnnls. "Thank you , " said Miss Esmeralda Lonir- colllii. "Do you Knovv why your mouth never utters n llo ? " nsked ( llrdle. "No. " "Hccnuee > on do nil your 'talking ' through your nose. " And now they novcfpnss ns they speak by. The objectors' to the decollclto dressing of fashionable womciii will please- picture to themselves our ( leaf mother Eve clothed In n dress whoso walfct reached to her ears and Its skirts shaded her heels. Isn't it preposter ous ! Do wo nut all love to think of her as clothed In her own < lwir and putttne on n be coming blush wltenuAor Adam looked at her ? Lovo'8 Kirst Kiss. All nulvcrlng like the tender leaf When storms around prevail My finmo shook like an anxious thief. Who hears disclosed his tale. \ ct In the trembling of my heart i felt unwonted bliss ; And tluough the fear that Inward start , The Joy ot Lovo's lirst kiss. Though kisses fanned my cheek before , And fond caresses warmed : To tlmt they no resemblance bore Which nil my soul nlnimcd ; 'TIs tutu they stlrr'd my nature oft , lint nothing like to thlsl They woio not Imlt so waun and soft , So sweet as Lovo's llrst kiss. Ah , then the lapturo lingered long , And lulled my heait to test As dotli the melody ol song . When liinetnllyb'qiKHtl 'Mid caithly hopes and leats and strife- .My hcnit hath taught mu this That nothing clings .so long lo life Asourtuio Love's Hist kiss. IlKIjIGlOUS. The Income- thu Tilnlty church property In Xow Yoik last jeai was SVJD.OJO. The Itov. Aithnr ( tray-Howe , an Knglish clerg ) man , died lecentlv , leaving S20WOOOJ to two sons. A Sioux Indian , a gindunleof the Hamp ton school. Is piep.ulng lei holy oideis at thu theological sominaiy , Alexandria , Ara. The Methodist totals , accoidlng to the year bookot 15S3 , will show 3J,11C Ulitciant 01 leuu- lav picauiuis(77,8 0 local pieacheis , and t > , lZl- , W. ) niombors. -ViMis. Jlaluh , leecntly dcceasod , left by hei.will ? 0inoo ) , to bo equally dlvl-led between tvvelvu clnuclics in tin ? west ildlng of Yotk- bhhe , Lnglnnd. Unohundieil and twenty rolorod persons \vciobaptlsedbvlmmcislon in the Itiip.ihan- nock ilvei last Sunday , neai hhlloh chutch , I'li'deilcKsbuig , Vn. Iteseivatlon Indians nt Hontid Luke , WIs. , hav u begun the erection ot a cliuich ; and at n temperance meeting iccently seveial of the ml men .signed thu pledge. Thu Baptists nio about to commence the erection of a theological school at Louisville , Ky. , which will be tno Imgcst school of the denomination in thu vvoild. Tno statistics of tlio older ot Jesuits show that it counts U.500 missionaries , 24 S saints. l.'iUO mnrtvis , 13 Dopes , 00 caidlnals , 4,000 nichhisliops and bishops , and 0,000 authors. At ix locent continuation nt Tiinlty chinch , Lancastei , weslein jSevv Yoik , onu ol tlio candidates , a woman 81 yeaiot ane , stalled to walk two miles to the seiv ice , but was as sisted on the way by hei neighbors. Two thousand , children marched In pro cession nt tlm nnntul Mtnday-school lestival , a few weeks iiijo , in hucknow , India. The bojsw Pie neatly nli Hindoos and Moham medans , and two elephants graced thepio- ces Ion. Thu number of .Christians In Japan from 1&3 to l l lnci' < ? .tted fiom 5,0 0 to 10,000 , nnd the tliegoveinmcntjsi.ivorabletotheeliange. Jtcliginus i > ci-sccutiin 1ms been eutiiely done away and Clulstininty is advocated by the Japanese piess i' _ Ole Co Sprint ; . Thou art t'o mo so dear. ( Ithlulc this line is Poo's But net PI mind , it goes. ) Thou ait to mo so dear I - ( bo is thy lamb At lifty cents u uoiiiid. ) Thou'iirfrswsvvectly giecn , ( lliKowiseam . I bought a stnnmei ram Fet vernal nitflton and toithwith found "TliU' truth of goody Whittler's "Might havu been. " ) MUSICA.IJ ANI ) OllAMATIO. Madame Ja auschck is to begin a scries of faiuvvi'll toms ot Ameile.i in iiepteinlipr. Tlio Dlxev "j\donis" rompaiiy of loity-fivo people sail foi EiiKland , May 11 , on the Wis consin. Homy Ward Bccchcr will bo among the Rpc.ik.cis at the Actois' Fund cclebiatiun at W attack's. JunuO. CdgarStiakosch lately sailed lei Liverpool on business connected with Saiah 13cm- haidt's coinini ; tour. Unbinstoin has been appointed grand mas- tei of music to thu couit of Itussla , with llio ran k ot court nmishal. T. W. Kecne. whose health is entirely re established , nnd his manager , W. 11. llajden , will sail for Llveipool June 1. Louis Aldilch will sail tor Ilambuig next Tuesday to icvlsit BeUin , lioin whence hu was buiuxht when onu > ear old. Henry living's icoelpts since ibTS aio said to have been neailj , r/)0OOJ. ) including the pioceedsof his Ameiican tom. bignoi Unvelll has biokcn his contract with Colonel Maple.son In San Ft.incKcn , claiming tliat the linpiessaiio owes him Sl.Mw. H. ( irattan Donnelly lus writtsn a comodv foi Kvaiisaiul Hocy tntltleu "A Heign of Tenoi. " It will be biought out next season. Madam Vullcihi has engaged with Call ICosa lot the season at Diuiy Lanu to appear In Macken/lu'8 new opera , "Uuillem du Co- bchtan , " June 2. Mhico out of live dramatic companies tlmt lately plaiud In St. Louis wetu atliiched at thu instnneu of cieditors befuio they could get out of town. The roof of the thciterat Huiomal , Japan , gnvowny ipconllv and tell upon the bpi'cta- tois , I50of whom weru sejJously injuicd or killed. Miss Louisa Sims , nil American , lias bcnn singing at Uu\enna in "II dinntnv" and has tnKuu the audience of that quiet but classic city by htoim. Agnes Hcrndon will star ns Belinda foi Mix weeks In Hojif's ' 'Kncaged" company , utlei which she will devote the hummer to stud ) lug a new play by John M. Morton. A now version ( it "Othello" Is being made foi thi ) southern states. In thu tilth act Othello Is lynched tor being a negio ami lago Is elected to congiess as a too to negro domination. Mine. Nevada Is now en route to Paris wheie , It Is said , she proposes to invest laigely In diminutive laces and liannels witli which to costume her anticipated "lullaby" next August. The directors of the Academy of Music at New Yoik havojcoiicrouHly leased that htiuc- turo lo tlm American Opeia tor next season at a lontal ot " & > iTnlgnt and "OS lieu seats and boxes lor each pcuoimancu. Mrs. Potter bo's made tlio poem " 'Ostler Jo" so famous Ihu Sin Francisco Alia says , that thu people of IKansns City wanted to lynch Colonel M.aplet-011 because they thousht It was a r.ait ot "Carmen" nnd nad been omitted. , j , John A. Macka > 'a , benefit in Now Yoik netted him S'J.MJo , A. man who can raise a staku like tlmt doesn't ' have to go on the load foi a bcggaily S160 a week. In addition Hciiiy L. llxo ) ) seii t Mr. Mackay n check for Sl.0.0 In payment fprn box. MI--S Churlotto Thompson , who owns a line homestead nndiOUDacies : ot land within lour miles ot MontKompiy. Ala. , has bulluicd enoimous losse.s by the Hoods of the past week. Nearly all tile buildings , hoiees and cattiuhavo been -submerged and lout ncgio servants have lost tfiuli fives. J. K. Kmmet failed to appear last wenk nt the matinee in the Kuclid opera house , Cleve land , whore ho was lilling a week's engage ment It was learned on Inquliy tlmt Mr. Kmmet was engaged In decorating the tow n with colors of Intense red. and tlio money was iclundcd to the holders of tickets. Miss Violet Cameron , prlnia donna , will como to this country next reason , btmportetl by an English opera company , willed , It Is piomlsed.Avillboono of tnu most complete organisation * that have visited America Iroui England. The lamous English comedian , Mr. Lionel Biough , will bo a member ot the company. Many cosmetics for the complexion have f loin time to tune been put upon tlio market. But nouh have stood the test us 1ms Pozzani's medicated complexion powder. It is an absolute curative for blotches , dlscoloratlons , fiecklos , etc. For sale by druggists and at depot 007 H. Sixth street , CONNtmiAtilTlES. When love Is blind , marriage Is a success ful oculist , A rumor comes from Detroit that Miss Palms , whom Senator Jones became in fatuated with , Is to bo married to a New York man , More than four thousand devices for coupling have been patented , nnd yet thou sands of bachelors and maidens go It alone In this country. . John U. lioecrs writes from London that ho will bo married to .MissM In nio Pnlmci ou September 8th , and they will sail lor Aus tralia per steamer IJorrlck on September Uth. Lieut. Charles U. Vogdes , First lufnntrv. is to bo married next mouth nt Chicago to Miss llancoks , of that city. Mrogde3 Is stationed at Whlpplo HnuacKs , Ariz , and will SDOIH ! tluco months in the cast after his mariiago. AUeoigla justice was recently called out of bed at midnight to mniry a runnwav couple whoso u-spectlvo ngesweio Wand 75 jears. As thino was no likelihood tlmt their pai < ; nts weio follow IIIK them with shot-guns them was llttlo necessity for such a ntio w of impatience. Pielly Nellie Dusoy , of ( Srnntl Hapld , fell In love with a irnmblei named lllckock , nnd ns she had Ji"iOJ " hu mauled her. Alter Bpundlng her money ho deserted her. She lolhnvcd him , and the othei day met him on thostieet In St. Pnul. Ho roughly repulsed lici. nnd she fell dead at his feet. Thu now H comes from Foil Lcavcnvvorlh of the coming marringo there In July nuxtot Lieut. Lleiijamin Alvoid , Twentieth infiuitiy to Miss Maggie McClcary , the damrhter ot Test Chaplafii John 15. McCIeeiy , U , S. A. Mr. Alvoid Is the son of the late Gen , Henja- mliiAlvord , paymaster giMieinl of them my , and was unpointed to West Point In 1S77. Mrs. Tllllo Von Mnnn , a widow mred 40 and woith mine than onu bundled thom.uul dollais , has eloped fiom Uoclcy lllll , N. J. , with wm. ilioun , the son ot her giudenoi , wno Is only It ) j ears old. True to her manly name , she commenced tlio com ting by ask ing him to ilinnei and driving out with him. lluthmo haiidsoinu aiidarucnjovlng a lolly wedding till ) . Them Is much shakjug of heads In Paris nt thu uishncssof thu Pilnct'ss Ameltu In eon- tiaetlnga nmuingu in the iatal month of May. aioieseilous inognobtliMtionsof conjugal - jugal mislmpniopeiliaps dcrlvublo liom the liter , told me by nil eve witness of the mai- ria u of thu Spanish cousin of Piincess Amcllo iccently ut Madild , that thu roval bilde lelimed to take the hand of the biide- gioom until she was positively ordeioil lo do so. The leasou necoiding to out com t gos sip , lor this llagiaut bleach of Ironlmtuid Spanish eiiiiuettu , is that slio preteiii-d the I'oitunuesu Pi luce , Amcllo'a alliaiiccd , to the man she wau about to wed. THE WEAK AMD DEBILITATED. Why Women Become Invalids. ( from the SL I'aul Flontar Trui. ) Tbo home lifa of woman bus its pen alties. Their confinement and close ap plication to household duties and the K. dcntnry pursuits which are a part of their duties , brine ; with them a tiain of evils whose nnmo is legion. From her peculiar organization , she is nioro sensitive than the stronger sex more easily persuaded nnd raoio ready in her belief of causes and effects. Hence , for tbo thousand ilia which flow from her position und habits , Bhc is prone to Uy ut once for relief to drugs nnd nostrums. Besides , women are not permitted tbo advantages men hsvo in the use of proper preventives , and she Is l ft a prey to quackery and bad advice. In turn , cod liver oil , beef ten , iron , iier- vlnes and notions arc token , which deranga the stomach and cnfceblo the nerves , without possessing any food value , and which iuciease the weaknesses of their delicate organism. In the dovclopmont of tbo special functions from inadequate nutrition , tlio w nuted form is only a too common sight. Under thcto conditions of an Irregular and dteordcied system , the married state Is entered into , and the pangs of maternity are encountered. The harmful effects of all kinds of drugs nnd nostrums , which women would never take if they knew what they contain , is a prolific source of tbo ailments with , which they uro afflicted. A pure stimulant Is often tiulispcnsiblo to their malady nnd is highly recommended by the most eminent'phjsiciuns The ques tion has be ou heretofore , where to procure on absolutely pure and unadulterated arti cle , free from fusel oil anJ other poisonous Ingredient ? , that could bo safely pi escribed for their benefit. Eminent scientists and chemists hnvo failed to find a trace of fusel oil In Duff.v'a puio malt whiskey , nor nny adulteration whatever , and hence it baa not only become the standard of purity , but n specific in medical practice. For such diseases as dyspepsia , indiges tion , heart burn , faints cud swoons , and wasting maladies , to which delicate women are prone , the highest medical authorities give tfcls pure stimulant n preference , and recommend its uee medicinally. In New Hampshire I\stycar80porcont : of t hoicooints of fu uinsutunco companies were absorbed by tli3 losses. If yousuflcrl 10111 looseness of tlio bowels AiiBosliirit Blttors will suiely euro you. llovvnioot counteiteitsnnd ask your giocer 01 duuirlst for the genuine article picpared by Di. J. G , U. Siegert A : Sons. - - The largest bievvcry in Massachusetts 1ms been sel/ed by revenue ollleerd for using their beer stamps a second timo. Beautiful Women. are niado puliil anil unnttractivo by fnc- tionnl irregularities which Dr. Piorco's "Fnvorlto Prescription" will infallibly cuio. Thousands of testimonials. By A Kentucky woman sues for a divorce becnn.so who has just discovered that her husband haa ono-sixtconth colored blood. 'Tor economy nnp conilort every spring , wo use Hood's SnrsupnriHn. . ' writes- Bufljilo , N. Y. ) lady. 100 doses Ono Dollar. At n hanging in Texas last w-eok friends of tlm deceased took up n collco- tion to defray the expenses of n high- toned burial. Dread , saturated with St. Jacobs Oil , cures chicken'cholera. . Force it down tlnout. Humor 1ms no clinnuo in England. A British 0:1 : lion has jn&t denounced a biothor clergyman for culling him a binoutli-boro. When Baby wu ilefe , wo gtre bet 0 vtort * . Whca aha w s a Child , she cried for C'astorli , When ahe became MUa , Uo dung to Caitoria , WLnu ihe hod Chlldnn , the gaio them CaetorU , An Knglibh syndicnto ! ms just pur- rlmscd 1,000 uuros of land in California , which they will subdivide for un Hngllsh colony. PIM38 ! Di > un3' A sine euro for Blind , IMeedlng , Itchiii and Uleeiated Piles lias boon discovered by Ur. Williams , ( an Indian lemedy ) , called Or Williams' Indian Pile Ointment. A single box has cured the worst chronic cases of * > or Uijcarsstaiulinj , ' . No 0110 need sutler live minutes after applying this wonderful hooth Ing medicine , lotions and Instruments do more harm than good. Williams' Indian Pile Ointment absorbs the tumors , allays tno Intense Itching , ( particularly at niulit after getting warm In bed ) , acts as a poultice , L'VOJ ! instant relief , nnd is piepaied only for 1'iuw , itching of private parts , and for nothing else. HK1N DISHASKS CUIll-M ) . Dr. Kfazler's Mairio Ointment cmoa as by magic , 1'Imnirs , lilack Heads or Grubs , lilotchos and Kruptlons on the face , leaving the SKin clearand beautiful. Also cures Itch , Salt itUeuui , Sort ) Nipples , Sere hips , and Old Obstinate Ulcer * Sold by druggists , or mailed on receipt of CO cents. .Retailed by Kuhn & Co. . nnd Schroeter & Courad. At wholesale by 0. F , Cluodmau. IIott o OIcnnltiK Timo. Now comes the times of weeps nnd wall * , Of scrubbing biushcs and water palls , or carpets gone and restless brooms , Of spattered paint and cheerless rooms , Of wretched men and weary wives , Of children scolded out of lives , Of breakfasts bad and dinners worse , Of suppers lonesome ns n hearse , When man prefers the streets to ro-xm , And thinks the dreariest place Is homo , And slehs to bo In heaven , where There's surely no spiing cleaning there. It "I nin a lawyer's dntightor , you know , Gcorgo dear , " she said , after lioorgo hail pioposud and boon accepted , "and .you wouldn't think it strnngo if 1 vvoro to ask you to sign rx llltlo paper to the effect tlmt wo nro engaged , would you ? " ( tuorco was too happy to think any thing strange just then , nml ho signed the pnpor with n trembling hand and a bursting heart. Then she Inul Imr car ngninst his nnd- dlo vest button and they were very , very hnpuy. "Tell liiu. darling , " said liporgo after a long delicious silence , "why did you want mo to sign that paper ? Do you not repose c.xplicll confidence in my love for you1 "Ah , yes , " she sighed with infinite content , "indeed I do ; but ( Jeoige , dear , 1 lui\u been tooled times. " \ : > o many . 25 YEARS IM USE. The Oreateit BTedif al riBn h of the Agel SYMPTOMS OP A TORPBD LEVER. Io § ofttppctlloi Uovrelucnatlvc , 1'nin In the bend , nlllt n dull aenntulon In llio bacti pint , 1'uIn un rr the honldcr * blarto , Fullncsa nftev e.itlnc , > rltU ndli * Inclination to exertion of budr or wind , Irritkbllllrof totutmr , I < OIT iplrltn , with nroollnffof liiiTliiE ncclfctcd name duty , WcBrlncsa , DIz lnuBi , I'luttorluE nt Iho Heart. Dots hefoiotlio cro , Headache over tlie right eye , Hentlcsnnon , with fltfal tlrenmi , Illuhly colored Urine , aud CONSTIPATION. T TCTT'S m.r.9 are cspcclnlly adnptod to such cases , OMQ dose clTocta snoli a chanRaoffceUiiffnatoastnnlihthosufforcr. Thoj Inorcnsc i lie /lpi > etlte , nU caiue the body to TnUo ou Klcili.thu * tboiT'tem Is nnnrlilioil.Biul by IholrTonlo Action oa the l > lne tlve Orirn , ] lraiilnr Stool * nro portuwl. PriceUflo. 44 flflirrnv Ht..I .V. TUTT'S EXTRflGT SflRSflPAniLLft Kenovntes the body , m ki > .s hpalUiy llesh. BUongtlions tha wralr , rupalnt the wastes of Vie system with pure blood and hard muscle ; cones tha nervous system , Invigorates the brnia , and Imports the vigor or snauhood. 51. Sol 1 hv d ni ? lRt3 CAPITAL PRIZE , $70,000 J J Tickets only $0. Shares in Proportion. LOUISISKA STATE LOTTERY COMPANY. l'\Vo do horob5'certify tunt vre euporviso the arriinBoment' ! for nil the Monthly nnd Quarterly firmvitiKS of 'Iho Ixjiiialunn Stnto Lottery Conipuny and In person muiiiiRe and control the DniwIiiKS thcmsolvos , and Unit tbosmno are conducted with hnnosty , fulrnos'j ' nnd In Rood faith toward nil jMrtlos nnd wo authorize the Company to UBO this cortlQcato , with fao-slrnlios of our eieaaturos uttaohoJ in Its udrertUmont OOM ri83IONRH3. _ Wo , the undersigned Hiinta nnd Bankers , will pay all Prl/cs drawn Iti The Louisiana State Lot- torioa whtcb may bo presented nt our counters J. If. OOLKSIJY , Pros , Louisiana National Bant J. W. KIT.iilKTH , Pres. tate Kational B an * . A. IIAtDWIX , Pres. Hew0rleans atlonal Bant _ Incorporated In 1803 for 35 years by the lesrls- Inturo for Kducatlonul and Cnarltablo purposoa with n capital of $1,000.000- which n rosoryo fund of over t55UUX ) has slnco boon added. Uy nnovorwholming- popular vote Its f i anohlso was mndo a pnrt of t ho urcHont State Constitution adopted OecemberiM. A. D. IttTtf. Thoonlr lotteiy etorrotod on anil endorsed by the people of nny state. It never scales or postpones. Itfijmuid Hlnfflo number drawings take place monthly , and the oxtianTdlnary drauliifrs totcu- Inrly e\ory three months Instead ot sc.nlouinu ully us norutotoro , DOS Inning Maich , IbbO. A Sl'I.ENDin Ori'OIlTHMTVTO A FOUTUNE. 2th Grand Urawlnir , Cliiss I' . In the Academy of MIIBIC , Now Orleans , Tuesday , Jltiy Utli , IdjJ lU'd Monthly Dramnir. CAPITAL PRIZE $75,000. lOO.OWTi'lcltotfl at Klvo Dollars Kuoh. Fraotlona In Fifths , In Proportion. MHT or i-nrzEc : 1CAPITAL P1UKU . $75,000 1 do do . ffl,000 1 do do . 10,000 8PUIIU3 OP . $ ,000 1J.OOO fi do . 2,000 10,000 10 do . 1,000 10,003 'M do . MO 10.IMO 100 do . X ) 0IXW m do . IM 80,03d COO do . M Z.'i.aW ' 1000 do . 2j a.OOO APrilOXIM VTIOH PIII7ES. fiAppro\lroatlon Prizes of > 7.VJ . d.780 o do do MO. do do 'JoO ltC7Prl7oa.nninuntliiir ) to Applicnlloii for ratot to clutis should bu made only to tbo olllco of the company in Now Or Itans. For further Information wnto cloarlv , tnvltii fullii.lUio.s-i. POSTAL NOIK3 , Kxprosj Money Orders , or Now York ISvchango m ordinary lot. ter , currcnar by oxpieu at our txpensu ad M. A. DAUPHIN , Mow Orleans , La. Or M. A. DAUPHIN , Washington , ! ) . 0. Make P. O. Money Ciders paynblo unS addrosj rcglstorod letters t NEW01UKAN3 NATIONAL UANIC , Muiv Orleans , La , Or Jl. O1TKN3 S , CO. , IWJFainuia su.Omalm ebnuKa , KIWJUSHED r ? USED If , ALL Catalogues and i'rlcai on application , bold by nil thg bfbt CurrlHf e llullilera uiul Dcnlcra. tllNC'INNATI. | J. H. A. Cablu AMniu , COO OIN. Cuio without inoill- A POSITIYEi Uuo. I'atuntoi ( X-to- burlO , JH70. Onu box will cura tbo moot obtlnato rnsa In rourdoya orloii. Nu DOUBeouA doses of ciibolia , copaiba or oil ot Eundulttootl that uro cortuin to produce ilyapuii- em by dor > ti-oyliu ; tha couthuj of tlio stoumUi , I'licofl.M. Bold by ftll JruijjrUH or inulliMl on receipt of pi Ico. For further nnrtlculuis Bout forclreular. 1 > .O. Uoxl'vU. /I IT D 17 7. C. u .XjIjuA.2iT CO . , Ill I K K v w A1'J UJohu St. . Now York. ' F. M.ELJUJLS&CO. OHAHJ.JEB , and DES KOIKES , IL Otllcc , Cor. llth mill Kurnam etreou , llooral ) QtonuK Uuuujioiiffr with F. M. INTERS , , 60U A SKAUi : > srir > ro i.ls wilt bo rfocRwIl oily of Iliisttiitfn , Nebraska , ua'JI WJ n. m.Mny IS.IHM , for the furnlshliw r | nnJ completion of n systora or wntor iho city of linstlng * , Nebraska. . , . Slid pystum of waterworks to b Cb nnd Inillt In accordance whh the Jp * wnceltlcatlons ou nio In the office m ' Clerk oftho city of Uatlnw , Nctir * * j | 1'roposnN will bo recolvud on ftiy or il follovUnjr Items. J 1st 1'imilJlilnff * rtd oomptotlnff Of N * | fiiinMilinriiml coinplotlmr tubular w w | "d I'ninMilnuiuid completingOBBH bolloi hone o ntid shvck. : M KiiinMiliur and completing , few midbiuooCsmmlplpo. f f- . 4th- furnishing nnd completing BtMr 5th KurnlMiIng nnd totting up tnMfc boiler * . -I'mnlslilniT cast Iron plp 7th riirnlMiliijf knlnmoln plpeit 8th ruinlshlutr hjJrunus gnto * < ) boxes. Oth Viunlililnfr lend nndoakum r Iiur , nml InyliiKplpr * , hydrant * , gi bovcs , v The contract pnurf of Bold ytcM vvork eomplotod notMo exceed tlr olirhty thnusnud dollar * . , Knch proposal must be aooompand Rood anil sulllciont llond In the sum of t Bimd dollars ou encll of tha Items bid r ujrllj for the lining of a Rood nccopti thomim of which MiaU not bo less uiiioimtol contract price. . . . . . .n The Oily Council reserved the riant ten nuy oi nil bids or nny parta of lld . A , t'ropoanlj should bQ iidsjKo tcd to J. IJ. - City Clerk of HiistliuM-jretirnsku , i "I'lonosnls for VVntcrvorki. | ? " . - „ , , Uy older ol the City Council of Unttlflj binskii , this antti duv of April , JL D. IbSO , llklilcis may mihmlt their own nli spccllluUloiHultli mothoda forobtnlnm IIIK nnd 8lorln tlio nocossnry wntor tupp In o\ cry cnso the phut of plpo , Hydianlu , T\ \ Ac. , to loninln the same as per plnnsnnnf Deal Ions now on llio In the ofllceof * Clerk with the nmlorstnndtnff that the Cll | ell w ill not pay for any plnnj and specif rUnlliUCd8J8A" ? ULBXANDER , J. D. MINKS , City Clone. np , - f * * tvcwji - - ' " T,5J , ] WHO 19 UNACQJAINTID WITH THI OEOQ P Tl ( j COUNTRY WILL SEE 0V EXUMININO THU HAP THAT 1 GKICAGO.ROCKISUNDa PIOIFIfiUHWt BT ruason at Its central position andrlaM rIUtM sin principal linn ant and West , at Initial uf1 uilnal poluti. lonstlttitss tb taoct ImporUM contlnnnlnl link In that nitfm of tbrouch tr * ration which Intlttn unil facllttatfi tnrtt ' t > it ppn cltlei of the Atlantic and Paclflo Is Also the fnTOilt0 aud best rout * to Una from Cut , Nortlieaiit nnil Boutheast , and e ! point ] VVeii , North\rnt and Bouthw . , fr. The Great Rock Island Rout * ! , GnarftntfAH Itc patrons thst * 0nsp of personal il * ' rltr atfordAd by n t > olld , thorouclilr ballasted il ( b J. smooth tracks of continuous ateel rail , tlallr built culverts nnd bridges , rollUis ; ! ' perfection as human skill can niak * I ! appliances of patent buffnnplatforms and that exaollatr dtsrlplln * which tro' ' tlcal operation of All ItM trains otner sj H .his rout are Transfers At all oonnoei Union ! ) epots.nand tno vnsnrpassau tuiilrleBof Its Passenffor \ The Fast Txprens Tralni betwMn CL . . PnorU. Council Illutrn. Kansu Cltr.LaaTeawer Atehlson are ooinpniied of well ventilated , fljsi tinldtored Pay Coaches. Magnificent ruling Sleepers of the latest design , and sunvptuo- . . Can. In which elaborately reeked weali SLTi * . eifiten IletweenUlilcaco nnd KanstsCltyandAt nro MHO run the Celebrated Reclining Chair CSH The Famous Albert Lea Rout. Is the direct and favorite Una between Chlcffi Minneapolis andHt. Paul , where connections artBM ) In Union Depots for all points In tba Territories ! nrltlsli 1'rorlnres. Oror.thls route rut K > H Trains are run to the watering placet , ai Porte , picturesque localities , ana buntlnir s grounds of lowit and Minnesota. It Is aJSL . . desirable routn to the rlcli wbeat Holds neil I lands of Interior Dakota 4 . Still another U1KRCT mtB , via Bensca anal kake , bae been opened between Cmcliinatl. l i nnolls and Lafavette , and Council Dmtta , ff Minneapolis and Bt Paul and IniermadijUei t- lor detailed Information Maps and I obtainable , as well as tickets , at all prlnd Offices In the United Stat and Canada ) er ( jr ! drenlnR R. R. CABLE , fc. ST. JOHM , . \ > i Frce't ft Uen'l H'c'r. . Oen'IT'atAPMiiAl'l THE CHICAGO * " lf NORTfl- " 'iSTER Omaha , Council BlQdS AM GM ( Th e only roiul to take fir Dog MOIOM. hulitownCedar ItapldsClinton , Dixie. Chh Mllwuukoo end all polnu oatt. To the pees Nebraska. Caloiwlo , Wyoinlnjr , Utah ; f Novndn.Urciion , Wnshlng-ton BOd Callfnr. otrern Buporior ndvantntrcs not possible br other linu Among a Iow of tlio numerous point * ot i rlorlty uujorod by the patcons of this rot IwcunOmnrm and Clilcnifo , are itttwotntss dujr of DAY COACHKa which are the OnMtj hurnim urt and Invunulty can create , lu I Afi : HLI'.UI'INU CAJIS , whlcn nro model comfoitaml elutfiuioo. ItaPAKIvOK PHAW , HOOM CAItS iinsuruasiud bvunv. mid lUirissi ly coiotimtod 1'AI-ATIAI , DIN1NO OAIW , & > equal of which cnnnotpo found olsowhore. ' At Council lllutTrt thn truiiiH of the Union F fin Hjr. oonnoct In Union Uepot with thojo of ! Chlcutro& Northwestern Kjr. InCtiloaao' tintiis of this line mukocloso oonuuotlomr tliofio of nil outturn Iliio . For Oolioit , Ooluinbm , Indianapolis , u null. Nluiruru KulU. llutralo , i'lttaburjr. Tor Monticul. llinlon. Now York , PblladblD > ili tlmorc.VVusliliiKloiiiincl nil points lutb tv the ticket ngent for t IckrtR via the "NOUTH-WHSmiN. " If you wish iho bout ucooimnodatlona. _ _ 8. HAI Oonora aca.i' M. s. MEALY , ; btatv it Mnnruo bl . , * DAHD.CATALOGUEj i flltr ui uubulu , t | , lwlu.1 RUiiJf , I'truin Jtlijur'i 5lkl % 01 II.u , HiuJrr IJ. ,1 Oulliu , Ibniltuii VI > | > UU Ua luclaj.i U.KII I incbr * fur Asivltur Uo4Si s m Nebraska Mtiomi OMAHA NEBRASKA. , . 4 Paid up Capital > 1$250 , . SuplusMay 1 , 1885 85 , II. W. YATKS , 1'riMldout. T A. E , TOU/.AI.IK , Vioq " ' W. HVfc. He , . , . . DIMBOKOU81 „ W. V. MOU3K , H. W , VATU3 , A.E. BAMKMG THE