Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 01, 1886, Image 3

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York. April SO.-Mo.VEY-On call
easv at23 tier cent.
I'IIIMJ : MintcArmi PAPCK-4Q"i per
ctnt. JijcciiAJfOK Dull but fnm ;
1.87 for sixty daj-i : St.Ssjf for demand.
Uovint.Nvti.Nis Hull tint steady.
StorKMSlocks vvoie asaln almost wholly
governed by the news regaidliiK the proba
bilities of the general extension of labor
troubles , and the news of thti kind to-day
was very unfavorable , especially from the
noitlivvcst. A soniov\hat heavy tone pie-
? vailed until 1 o'clock , when n deelded weak-
t ne-s attended thu vvliolo list , the dollnus
tI ranuliiK trom 1 to neaily'Jpercent. 'Ihe llnal
I dcaltnics dli-playcd some firmness , the market
closing abontbfeady and generally about X
* pei cent lower than lastevcnlng. Theioaro
I Important exceptions , however , Including
r.icllic .Mall which hold down 1
flSlcontboniK. , , 10" | C. &M. W
if. . ' . . . '
S. 4J8 preferred. HW'f
New 4's N. L'.O. . . . . . . . . 101 %
iOiceon Trail.
Central 1'acillo Pacllie. Mail
C.&A . I' . , I ) . &ii
refci ml. . . . I'.V.O
. , JJ. * ( ) . itock Island. . . .
AW . I , . , tS. I1' . . . .
I ) . &U. G ptcferied. . .
Krlc. ' ! % C. , M. AcSt.1' . . .
lirefeiied. . . . M prefoired. .
Illinois Central. W , SUV. &O
I. , 11. &W 21 > < prefeireu.
Kansas ifcTexas. 1SJJ < Texas I'aclllc. . .
LakeShore 7S'i ' Union 1'aci lie. . .
L.&N ' W. , St. TJ. i\j 1' . .
Mich. Central. . . . no profcired. . .
Mo. I'acllic Union
Northern I'ac. . . ' - " ;
laefeiied. . . r
ChlosiRo , April TOr-Klour Stcajllorand tin-
Kiadus , 8' ' . .
Wheat Opened Ihin , became weak , receded
) < fc , advanced Jfi- , later rnlod raslui , closlnj ;
5ce above > ust idav ; Iibkil7i ( " > > fc for e.ish ;
78Kcfor April ; 78'c , , fen "May ;
lor .Mine.
Coin Opened steady , then leccdc'd J
closing steadier with May about ? tfu nnder
\cstciday , and.liino Jfc Itwcr : : i."i @ 'ilI ( < c
for cash ; : i58'o ; ! for Apill ; WWli'Jiu c lor
Oats Modoiatcly active and J e below ycs-
leidny's Insldo li ilics ; 2Uc lor cash und
AnillM.Jfe ; ) ( for May.
. ' .
llailey Dull at Wp.
Tlmolhj-Piline. S1.71 ! .
Kln\ Lower at 1.0 ! > f.
Whisky 81.14.
Pen k Steady ; closed at Inside prices offer
thod.iy ; 1111 eliaiige ; fcb.b7 > j(3b.W ( ) for cash ,
April and May.
ly lowcr3 ; for
cash , April and May.
Hulk ; Steals - Shoulders ! , . . shoit
clear , r..V > < TtT.r,0 ; shoitilbs. ? > .17U@r.UO.
IJullei Cie.imeiy , l.XJililidauy , 12i ? ,
Cheese I'ull eieam clieddais , iimlllats _ ,
10 ( > ] lo ; youiip Amcilcasbcaice at" " "
l.'irirs mwini'r'
Hides ( iieen , OJ c ; heavy giccn salted ,
7 c ; ll ht , S o ; ciainaitfd , ( > J c ; null hides ,
flifc : dry salted , 1'J c ; diy Hint , lS@Ho ; e.ilt
.skins. lo@le ! ! ; deacons iWe.
Tallow ( liease , Avhlto country , Al > c ;
U , 4e ; yellow , a ; c ; brow n :5c. :
Kecelpt ? . Shipments.
Flour , bbls 0,000 lfi,000
Wheat , ou 10OOJ , 10.000
Corn. DU 140.000 2.M.MO (
Oats.bu ir.i.OCO 107,000
Hjc-.ou fi.OOO None
iiailey , bu l-t,000 7,000
Now York , April : ! 0. - Wheat IJeceipts ,
GO.OOO ; expoits. 170,000 ; .spot , a shade lower ;
options opened he.ivy , but inled btioimcr.
advaiiird J @ > < c and elo.sed linn ; uiiRradcd
red , 'tldt'.vc : No. a icd , UOc In stoic ; Jlay
Coin bpot declined ? ( 3 } < c and options
J/diKc , closIiiK vveakviecoipts. 2,000 ; oxpoits
6.OCO ! , ; ungraded , 40@4-c ) ; No. a , 4na45' ( < fein
in elevator ; May closing attr Xc.
Oat -lli her ; icceiiits. 100KJ ( ) ; cxpoils ,
2rtnijxed ; we&tein , SOtMu'o ; white wcbtein ,
I'etrdieum Closed at To c.
Kfjirs Lower ; western l-c.
I'ork Active and liuner ; old mess , 50.25
( gaso.
Lnrd A sli.idehlRhor ; western steam , spot ,
lluttei Dull ; wcstcin , I03 ! ej El ln
cie.unery , ! 2. ( < Wc.
Cheehc fste.uiy.
Mllwaiilcoe , Apill W ) . Wheat bleady ;
' cash , 7Se.
< 1 Corn : iOHe.
Oats-2iJ ! < e.
Uarlpy ifl p.
1'iovlsions Mess pork , cash.SS.OO.
. Cincinnati. April : iO. Wheat No. 2 icd ,
b'Je.Corn Xo. 2 mixed , SS )
O.its No. 2 mixed , ! > j
Kyo No. 2 , fi-Q-Oe.
IJiuloy Unehanijed.
Mlnncnpoiifl. April RO. Wheat Dull ;
No. I haul , cash ami May , Sl c ; June , bHc ;
No. 1 not tliei n , Mav.771. < c.
Floni Patents 51. ' < 0@4.75 ; bakcis , S3.M@
"iti'celpts Wheat , 50,000 Im ; flour , 120 bbls.
Shipments Wheat , 19.000 bu ; Hour. tt , 00
lilvorpool , Apill TO. AVheat Moio de
mand : now Iso. 3 winter , steady , 7s 3d ;
now No. UHprliitf , no stock heie.
Flour Tool demand and bteadv at Hq 4d.
Corn ( Joint demand lor spot , and lair de
mand for future ? . Spot Inm at 4s 4d : April ,
turn at 4s 'M ; May and June , ste.idy at 4s
" 'stl Louis. Apill T.O. Illghcr ; No.
2 led , cash and May , NJJ e.
Corn Steady ; Wo. 2 mixed , cash , fS c.
Oats Lower ; No. 2 led , , 2'j4'c. ' ;
Itvo Steady at COc.
I'ork AVealc at S9.2.530.SO.
Lard-Kasy at ? 5.7S.
lititter Quiet and steady ; cholco 10 fancy
cuMiiiory. iiottu ; choice to lancy dairy , 10 ®
'AI TI-.HXOON HoAiin Wheat , H ® } &
lower ; coin , n shade lower ; oats , tf lower
Now OrlcniiH , Apill ! ! 0. Coin Scarce
hut thin ; white and mixed , 47Q4So ; jellow ,
o'ats-Choleo western. : w@50 } c.
C'ornnieal Lower at gl.lO.
Hog I'loduet ! ) Quiet and steady.
Kilday Kvcnlnu' , April SO.
The receipts of cattle vveio veiy light. The
inaiKot opened dull and inactive , only ono
load ot cov\8 being Mild timing thu moinlnir.
l.ato In the dav a load ot btojr.s vveio hold.
lu\c'i ! > vveio all aid to hid on stock , by le.ison
> t the uluht hours ol labor agitation In Clilc-.i-
10 , v\hieh. it is tcaied , may caiiso a gcneitil
itilkn in Unit city. Such an event would ho
apt to Intulcio with thu shipment ot diesscd
me.itsand "would .send values down so that
litijers vvcro unwilling to take their chances ,
to-day , on the uncertainly. As soon as the
clllUouUy U settled nnd theio is no long
er any dauirer of tratlio bclu
Mopped , a better maikct Is look
ed for on all kinds ot llvo stok.
( { notations tor today vuro : Chulco
to extra steers , uvi'i.r.'iuu l.iW ) to 1,1.10
liotinds , 34.b-Vifl.tW ; iood ; , nveraclni ; 1,200
to 1,800 nounds , S4.004C4.70 ; medium , aver-
au'liu 1.WK ) to l.wo : Hounds , S4.a
fnt , little steeis. to 1,150pounds , v..vws
4..V > : iood ; feedeis , IKK ) to 1,0.10 pounds , 8:1.6 :
( cU.n3 ; peed to cholco cows and hoi fins ,
aveniKlnK lioo to luoo , si.ouviti.7.l : ; ; medium ,
uvcraKinptOOto 1000. S2.75 3.25 : iholc-o to
,1 extia uulU. averaging 1 M to 2000 , Sil.
, a.-i'i ' ; common , aveiaglnjj 1200 to isoo , 52.
2,75 ; choleo to extra stags , S3.oo\ic.i.75. :
The receipts of lions v cio Ilbeial , .
not as heavy us during the few days past.
Values \ > ere lower In sympathy with Chica
go , but thcio vveio no bids even at the decline ,
liuyeis would not enter the maiket tor the
Eamo lensou that they Kejit out of the cattle
maiket. Two loads of extra choice a oitcd
hoRs , representing the selects Irom several
loads , vveie sold by a speculator at & : i.0o. Juit
nt the clobo of the imukct seven other
loads of mixed ho s vveie sold.
To-day's quotations vveie : Choleo light and
medium \ivlelits , S3.650r3.COj cholco heavy ,
Sa.fAjl3.55 food to cholco mixed. S3.41CI }
S.1.W ; common lough guides at i$3.85g $ ( : < .40.
Theie aie no hecpon tlioinaiKetand good
gnides are In 94.00 ( 5.00.
Cattle 200
No. AV. I'r. No , Av , I1/ .
U ) . 13
No. Av. I'r. No. Av. J'r.
I . Utt
No. Av. I'r.
3 1470
No. Av. Pr.
81. . 1073
No. Av. Pr.
OT an
70 241 V3..10
m 2.13
03 R57 3.CO
Ilango of t'rlcos.
Showing the hlghost and lowest prices paid
for llvo stock on this uniket during tlio past
seven clays , with comparative values :
. 125 1450"
Datct. His. Ul3.
Friday S .U > Ml.Ci
Saturday 4.70
Monday. J.OO
Monthly Ilcvlcw.
thi' highest nnd lowest juices jiild
for heirs on tlils'inatkut iliirint'tliu inontit of
Apill. In coinu.irlson with tlm niontli of
Maicli. AprFl.
Thnrsdav 1st. . .
Satiudayd : ;
Monday nth
TucMtavnth. . . . 3.1K ) Ml.OO 3.75
Wednesday 7th. : © .sio 3.75
ThuiMlaybtli. . . ' ' wt..r : '
Filclaylitli ll'.bO ( iXuV ) i''i ' °
SaluidaylOth. . . 3.SO '
Monday 12th. . . . h'.sr !
Tuesday 13th. . .
Wrdlie'dav 14lh : i.7n
Tlini.silay loth. . 3.n
Fildity Kill ( a !
Katuiday 17th. . .
MnmlivlWh. . . .
Tuesday 20th. . . : t.7 : : .7. " , ( Vcji.j'O
Wednesday SI st ' ' '
Thursday 22d. . h'M'
' ' . ( @ y.7.1 CS ) .bO
Sattiulny 2J'tlY. ! 3.10 013.S5
Monday 2flth. . . 3.70 ( i7'l.'i5 ' 3.70 ( ffiXsO
Tuesday Si Hi. . 3.70 C'i".80
Tlnu-Mlay afl 11.70 ( .CJ.7.- . )
All sales of stock in this nnikot ara made
perewt. live weight unless othnrwis'j statt'tl.
D nct hoijs suit at l e pur Ib lor all weights.
"Skins , " or ho-5wemiinu'less tlun 100 Ibs ,
no value. IMemiantsowsaro doskuJ 40 Ibs
and sta a * = 0 Ibb.
Hop maikct lower.
Evciybody utiald ot stilkes.
.1. A. Mooie , Ulbbon , Had CC IIOL'S on the
T. .1. Panisli , Keainey , had 'Jl ho s on the
A load of hogs was received Irom Fisher it
W. , York.
K. C. llaywaid , Westtjlde , la. , was a visitor
at the i aids.
A SItrman , Ilealilce , was on the maikct
with ai hogs.
Snull & Agnuw , Ashland , had a load of C3
hogs at thii yards.
Jolin Reiuers , Central City , had n load of
hogs on tlicmaikel.
Tlioliog inaiktit for April closes 25 < 3.30c
lower than the open 1 in , ' .
A. Jenkins , Mauley , was on the market
with a load ot 7(5 ( ho s.
W. WcMint , jr. , ( icimantown , was at the
yauls with a load ot hogs.
Itlvett & Hates , Ijincoln , were on ihe mar
ket again to day with a load ot hois.
A. J. Calllnder , Suw.ird , and Vail & Co. ,
BoniRtt , each had a load ot hears on the mar
llenry Illch was at the yards with a load
ol hogs belonging to 11. D. lEcynolds , Central
Commission men advise their shippers to
exeiciso caution until the "labor troubles"
scaio is over.
l-.S. Manvillo/nmnager of the Conveiso
Cattle company , was at the yauls with OJ
head ol cattle.
General MnrkctB.
Friday Kvcnln ? , April ! X ) .
Rooi The receipts are in excess o f the
demand and wc-.ik at He.
Uurrnn The receipts have been morn
Ilbeial and prices aio'not cmlto as stiong.
Choice creamery , U3@j5p ; choice fresh table.
I5 ( lie ( ; peed fieah table , in@Ho ; fair. HQo
lOc ; poor. : i@nc\
Ciinnsi : Fancy full cicam clieddais , Oc
tober make , lljtfe ; Hats , l i c ; jonng
Amoilca , 14Xc ; lut qnalitv Swiss cheese ,
ISe ; second nnalitr , i'ii@14e ) , hlmbinger ,
lirW-'i ! ; skim Mats , 6lOc. ( (
I'oui.TiiY The iccelpts of llvo chickens
mo iiioio ilbcial and sales aio boIiiK made at
0 A MI : Tlio reccljits are light.Miillnid
clucks aio limited at Sl..Vji ) ( > J.OO ; tc > al , $ l.- > ;
mixed. Sl.fiO ; jack snipe , &l.ro1.75 : plover ,
Oysruns The season closed at lialtlmoio
on Apiil Mth. Di'alcis have disposed ot
about all the stock they have on hand and a
lew dajs will linish tlm balance. New Yoik
counts , 45c ; extra selects. 40c. selects , 85c ;
standards KOc ; mediums. 2T > c.
1'iiKsitKvr.s , Preserves , all
kinds , 2011) ) . palls peril ) . lOc ; do in pall
lots , per II ) . ' .iie. ; assoilodS-lb. palls per late ,
iiails , 3i.7.r : > . Jellies , all kinds , liist grade ,
20-lb. palls , per Ib. 8c ; assorted , first (
> -lbt jialls , per crate , 0 palls , S2..10' ; do
Mb. palls , per case , 2 doz. 82.25 ; do , tumb
lers , per case , 2 do31.40. . .lolly , all kinds ,
second grade. 80-lb. nails , per Ib. 5c. Mlnco
meat , best grade x bbl. pcrlb. 7c ; do. 5-lb
pails , per crate. 0 iiails , S'ii.r ; do 40 Ib palls
per Ib , 7 } cdo,5-lb ; palls , per crate , G palls
$2.75. Peach , plum and quince butter , as
sorted , Mb pails , per crate , 0 palls , S'J.75 ;
hoise radish , pint bottles , per doz 81.50.
1'ios' FKIT. : TIIIPK , KTC 1'igs' tcct , pe
btl , 84.00 ; do , } { bbl. S'J.OO ; do. per kit , IWc.
Lambs' tongues , , per bbl , 3:1.25 : ; do , per
kit , 82.50 ; do , quail jars per doS5.21 ; do ,
jilnt Jars per case , 2 do80.75. . Tripe , per K
bbl , & 4.00 ; do , pur fbbl , 8'J.OO ; do , per kit
UOc.SAUnnKiiAiiT Heat quality , SO gal bbl ,
Sd.50 : 15 nal bbl. n.7S.
C'OMII HO.VKV CallfoiniaS jofraineiiO Ibs ,
In casupcr Jb. , 15 ; 10 Ib. frames. Nebraska.
CiPKit Mlehlsran rcllncd , per bbl. , S0.50 ;
do. halt bbl. . S4.00 ; Motts , per bbl. , S7.00 ; do
hall bbl. , 5H.OO.
V IKKO AH WJilto wine. lOc ; cider , 12 > c ,
OiiANciF.s Medltenancaii Sweets , ] ) cr
box551.00 ; 5 to 10 tm\ Jots , per box , si.M ? : ;
I < os Angeles , per box , 58.50 ; do 6-box lots ,
per box , $ .1. 10.
IjUMoxb Fancy Messina , per boxSO,60 ;
cholco Messina , per box , Sn.oo.
UANA.VAS Thcio aie very few In the mar-
kcit and in ices aio eouesiiondingly stionger.
Quotations lira S'A'a : ) 1.00 per buneli.
Ai' Tlio imuket Is ovciPtoeked v\lth
Intel lor apples which aio being .sold lor what
they will bi Inc. Westein stock , 82.Kic32.a5 ( :
Michigan apples. $2.50 ; choice MU&omi
block. f..W ) per bbl.
Cn.vxi3iitiiiis : : Therols voiyllttlo demand
nnd theio Is not much stock being sold.
Dealers arc dealing up their stocks as best
they can. Qimtatloiniiuo 35.50 ® 1.00 per bbl.
Jersoj aio selluii : at S2.00 pinluisli box.
rCocoANUis 1'crlOO , 5.00 ; less than 100 ,
.NEW FIGS , DATES , ETC. Layer figs , 8 and
10-lb boxes per Ib , lOc. Dates , fancy Fard ,
12-lb boxes , per Ib , llo ; Persian , 50-b | boxes ,
pci Ib , lOc ; . Prunellcs , ! ! 0-lb boxes , pur Ib.
MAPI.K Uilcks , strictly pure , 50 Ib
boxes , pcrlb , Kic ; penny eaKes , 2o-lb cases ,
1'novisioNa Hani. lOo ; breakfast ba
con h5Keclearbldebacon,7ipi7ac ; dry salt
bides , OgCj e ; shoit lib hlde.s , fi'/c ' : shoulders.
6c ; me s pork. 812.50 per bbl ; diicd beef , ham
pieces , Uc ! ; laid , tleices , dH'c ; 50 Ib cans , 7c ;
70 Ib cans ( Falib.uikh ) , 7Je : 5 Ib cans , do ,
1 'e : 3 Ib cans , do. , 7 ! < e. ; boneless ham , lOc.
HKAXS Calitoinlaand Mlclilgan aie sellIng -
Ing in a small way. Callfoinla Have , per
bu. , ; do Pea. porlm. , Sl.HMlchiean ( ;
McHlImn , per bu. , 81.75 ; Countrj , pei bn. , 75
POTATOKS Tno market is In aveiy unfa-
vomblu condition. There have been &ovtnil
car loads reeclvud during the past tow davs.
There Is very little Inquiry for potatoes , miii
de.ilcis are not able to dispose of ( item
leadlly. The very choicest assailed stock
can not bo onotcd ovcrUAC tOo. and slow f.ilo
at tliut. It h tmposslblo to sell car lots , and
pommlsmon men are compelled to sell them
out in small lots. Local tarmeis aie bilnclng
In a good many which tends to lower thu
wholesale price.
NKW \ KOKTAni.r.s Callfornlaea bbasc ,
per Ib , S } < c ; canllllovvcr , per doz , $2.50 ; eel-
crv , i > tr doz , 81.50 ; aj-paraguS , per Ib l''c ;
bjlnach. per bbl , . SiSOj'gjeen onions , per
do ? , S5j ; radishes , per dor , 50c ! lettuce , per
do50c ; pieplant , per IDKtMe , : peas per K-
bush box. Sl.2"i ; / bn H box. 53.00 ; ciicnm-
bcr , 81.75a2.00 per doz ; lierniuda onions ,
per box , 54.00 ; Ucrinnda tomatoes , per box ,
' 00
" '
S"OH'AIX At the milts : Corn , 2c ? ; oats ,
"Si < cwheat ; , ; rye , 4Sil50c. ( ,
FI.OUU AND aiu.iATUKpfl Winter wheat
flour , best oiiAlltv patent , saoosn. 10 ; second
quality , $2.MV".00 ; host xu.illly spilug
vv hear Hour , patent , ? 2.50@2.75 ; buckwheat
Hour , In foil n'l . SVrt : ready raised , Slti pack
ages , S4.00 ; 5 Ib packages , ? 3..W ; bran , 09c
per cwt ; chopped feed , 75c per cwt' white
com meal , SOc ; yellow corn meal , 70ci'r )
cwl ; screening , COc per civt ; hominy , ? 1..V )
per cwt ; shorts , copper cwt ; graham , $ l.7o ;
hay. In bales , S0,00 ( < b7.00 per ton.
lltnT.s. tlrccn butchers , Ce ; ercon cured ,
7' cdrv ; IIIntlli3a ; dry salt. Otrtlpc : dam-
need hides two-thirds price. Tallow ' 'c.
Orease. prime whitec ! ( : yellow , 2'nc ' ;
brawn.Sc. Sheet ) I'elts 2.Vt752
runs AND bKLV Mink , oacli.
muskrat. winter , r@K'e ; do. kits. Ic ; Otter.
S2.50.A5.00 ; skunk , short stilpcd , inwijo : do.
broad"stilpcd. . 1015 ; badger , 250oO ; llac
coon. No. 1 large. 40@,0 ( , : do. No. 2. 20,7830 ;
do. No. 3 , lOvJoct ! wolf , nralrio fiO > ( D7"x : ;
do. mountain , & 2.oo3.oo ; wildcat , 15 ® to ; bea
ver. S1.5002.5U per ib : fox. each , I0c@1.7.1 :
deerskin : , drvwinter , UXfitoc pcrlb ; do. fall
andbiiminor , l tvi c ; antelopo. 5&410J pel Ib.
LiAniKii : Pilmo slaughter solo leather
23ii.ic ! ; prime oait solo leathern. 30M3'.V' ' ,
Xiiiper leather , per loot , 'JOW" ; Iieni.
kip , ( ! oak kip , Kl@.Vx ! : French kip ,
Sl.OJ l.2.1 ; hem. calf , Sl.OO l.lO ; oak calf ,
S1.00&gl.2" > : Fienchealf , il.35QJ1.85 ; Motocco
bootleg0fri3 : ! c ; Moioccooll pebble,23@Wc ;
topplnu'sand linings , Sd.OOjfilO.OO per do/ .
COAL Anthracite grate , SS.2.1 ; egg , S8.25 ;
rauue , SS50 ; chestnut , S3.50 ; Iowa , S3.2.1 ;
Walnut block , S3.f,0llllnols ; , § 5.00 ; Missouri ,
S4 IK ) .
llr.AW IlAiinvvAni : Iron , rates , S2.3.1 ;
plow steel , special cast , 4c ; cruclblo steel , Cc ;
cast tools do , r-iBlbc ; wagon spokes , per set ,
Sl.7.'ifiK .00 : hubs , per set , S1.25 : felloes ,
savveildry , 51.10 ; tongues , cach JTfjcs ; a\les.
c > ach,75u ; sinnto nuts , per Ib. IGJUc ; cell
chain. ) isr Ib , G 12o : malleabl" . ( T@Sc : lion
weiigos , no : ciowbars Oc ; harrow teeth , 4ci
spilmj steel , 7@ . c ; lUuilen'h hoiseshoes.
Si.40 : fiuiden's iiinlo shoes. S'.IO. Uiubecl
AV1ie , In car lots , Sji.OO pur 100 Ibs. lion
Nulls , rates , 10 to CO. 5.y > 0. Shot S1.50 :
buckshot , Sl.W : internal powder , kegs , S8.50
© l.OO : do , halt kegs , SJ03 ; do , iniaiter kess , ; Mastitis , kivs &U.33 ; luso , per 100 lect ,
SOc. Lead Sl.tti.
PAINTS i.On. . White lead , Omalia , P. P. ,
zinc , 7/ic / : vermllllon. Ibc : Indian
red. lOc : lose iilnk , 14c ; Venetian , led. Cook-
SOII'H , 2Jfe ; Venetl.iii , led , Ameitcan , 1 Jie
reel lead , i Kc ; ehrome yellow , jr nuiue , 20c ;
chioini ; yeflovv , K. 12c : ochio. locliello He , ;
ochre , 1'ieiich , 2c ; ocluo , Ameriean , 2c ;
Wintet's mineral e : Lelilgh blown , 2 } c ;
Spanish brown. 2 > < fc : 1 1 luce's mineial. Ho.
Diiv PAINI.S Wliitolc'ad , be : iieuch * zinc ,
We : Paiis whiting , 2Ko ; whiting gildei.s ,
IJic ; whiting , com'l , u < c ; lampblack , ( ler-
manlown , I2c ; lampblack , ordinary , be ;
Piiisslan blue , 5"ic ; ultr.imailnep ISc : vau-
dykc' , blown , Sc ; umber , buiut , 4e ; umber ,
ia\v. 4c : sienna , buint , 4c ; .sienna , invv4e ;
Paris frteun. genuine.Uc : P.ult meen. com
mon , i0c ; chiomegu'isn , N. i. , 2 < ) c ; clnoino
giecn , K , l"c ; veimllliou , Lngllsh , in oil ,
70c ; law and buint umber , 1 Ib. cans , I'Jc ;
lawand burnt sienna , 1'Jc : vandyku. blown ,
loc : lelinud lampblack. I''c ; coach black and
ivory black , ifie ; clroj ) black , Kie ; Prussian
blue , 40c ; ultiamarine blue , Uxj : chroino
greon. L. . M. it 1) . , Kie : blind and simtter
gieoii , L. . M . it 1) . , liit1 ; Paris gieen , Ibc
nilian red , lie ; Venetian lucl , IV ; Tussan
2.V ; vennlllion. L. it 1) . . i0c !
yellow ocluc , Us ; L. M. it O. IX. ISo ; godrs
ochre , Kic ; patent dryer , Sc ; irialniiig colois
lii'lit oak , daik oak , walnut , chcbtnu t ml
ash , l-'c.
Dtiuos AND UIIKMICAI.S Acid , caibollc ,
34e ; acid , tartaiic. 5.c ! ; balsam copaiba , per
Ib , 4."c ; b.nk , per Ib lOc : calomel.
per Ib , ? c ; cliiiiehonidla , jier o , 4Ue ; cliloio-
lei in , pei Ib , ( Wo ; Doveis i > owd ( > is , per II ) ,
M.21 ; cpsom salts , pcrlb , : ! > < Jc ; : glvcomie ,
pine , per Iti , ISci ; lead , acetate1 , pei Ib , 20c ;
oil , castor , No. 1 , pei gal. , Sl.O'J : oil , castor ,
No. 3 , pur gal. , 81.40 ; oil , olive , per gal. ,
81.40 ; oil. 01 igiinniu. TOO : oninni. ? 0.ii1 : qui
nine , P. it W. , and It. it S.rpcr obTc ; po
tassium iodiclu , per Ib , 11.00 ; silicln , per o/ ,
40c ; sulphate ) morphine- , per o2.00 ; sul-
phiir. per Ib. 4c : strvclinine-per o81.40. .
On.s 110" caibon. po gallon , lOe : 150
headlight , per gallon , lie ; IT.V hcadlliiht. per
gal , l.'mjJoO water white.i4c ; linseed , hard ,
" ' ' " " " '
bpeim , W. I3."pcr 'gallon. sf.bu"nsti"W."B. ; ,
pc > r gallon , 05 j ; ucaNfoot , extra , per gallon ,
7c ( ) ; No. 1. OSc : lubiicatlng , yeioier \ gallon ,
No. 1 summer. 15c ; golden machine , No. 1 , per
gallon , HOe ; No. 2 , We ; speim , signal , per
gallon , 75c : turpentine , per gallon , 55c ; gaso
lene , per gallon. 14c
VAU.VISUI : * Uairels , per gallon : 'urnl-
tuie , o\ti.i , 1.10 ; fninltnie , No. 1 , Sl.OO ;
poach , e.\ti.i , SI. 10 ; coacli , No. 1. S1.20 ;
Damar , o\lra , 31,75 ; Japm , 70c ; asphaltum
extni , 5So ; bliellnc , 8o.50 ; hard oil linlsh ,
bi-iKiTS Cologne- spirits , 188 pi oof , 81.12 ;
do 101 proof , il.luj spit its , second quality ,
101 proof , 81.12 ; do , Ib8 pioot , & 1.11. Alco
hol , 183 pioot , S'J.10 per wine gallon. Kedls-
tllled whiskies , SI.X@l.r,0. ( ) ( ! in blended ,
81.50S2.00 ; Kunliuky louibons , s > .00 < HO.OO ;
Kuntueky nnd PCIIIISJ Ivania iycs , § 2.00i ( > i.50 ;
Coldcn Sheat bouibon and ivo wliiskles , : Hrandles , imported , ! frXfeb.50 ( ) ;
domestic. 81.x : ) ® . < .oo. Gins , Impoitcd , S4.50
CTfl.00 : clomestli ; . Uuiiis , im-
jwi ted. 84.50(28.00 ( ; New England. S1.75@2.00 ;
domestic , S1.2"ia'100. ( Champagnes , impoit-
cd , per pii'c. 82 ! > 00@4.00 ; American , per
case , SlO.OOQiilO.OO
Grocers' Lilst
SYnur No. 70. 2ic , bbls ; No. 70. 4-eallon
kegs. 81.0V. New Orleans 3S@4 k ! per gallon ;
Maple Syrup , } { ban el. strictly pure ,
70c per gallon ; 1 gallon cans , 80.23 per do/ :
K gallon cans , 85.2o pur doz ; quart cans SJ.K ( ) .
SrAitcii Mirror gloss , 1 Ib , Ho ; Mirror
gloss , ! ! Ib 5J e. Mirror gloss , 0 Ib , f > \ 4aOiaves1 \
coin , 1 Ib. ty < Ju ; Klngsfonl'H coin , lib 7c ;
Kingslorvi's gloss , 1 Ib , 7e ; ICIngsfoul's ' gloss ,
o Ib , 7Xc ; Kingston's pure , 3 Ib , 5c ; Kingv
foul' sbnlk.4c.
PICKI.KS Medium , In bbls , SO.OO ; do In
halt bbls , S3.50 ; small. In bbls. 87.00 ; do In
half bills. 84.00 ; gherkins , in bbls , ? 8.00 ; do.
in half bbls , $4.50.
CAN.VII ) HOODS Oysters , standard , ixr ?
case. ? 3.5 ; strawbeules/J Ib. tier case , SJ.M ;
Humbert leVJ-lb , Per Plsl- ! , 8-5 ! ; Callfoinla
pea is , per case , fe5 , ( > 0 ; apricots , per case ,
sM.dO ; peaclies , per ca e , 84.7.1 ; w hue chei lies ,
per case , &V.K ) ; plums , per case , 8.1.00 ; whor-
tlebei lies , per case. 8J.40 ; egg plums , S-lli
pei easo. S-.50 ; giecn gages , a-lli. per case
& 2.M ) ; plneapIes | ) , 2-lb , per case , 83.20 5.50.
Itoll ,
Vouug i . _ .
CANDV Mixed , OK@l2o ; stick , .
SALT Dray loads , per bbl. SI.55 : Ashton ,
In sacks , ? i.ti5 ! ; } sacks , Ashton , b5c ; bbls ,
Uulry , 82.OOX42.75 ;
SODA In Ib papers. 83.2. ) a case ; salsoda ,
keg , per Hi , 22 ' .fe.
JniiKii FnuiiH-.Vo. 1 quarter apples. In
evaporated boxei > ,8@0cblackbcrileslioxes.lj ; )
' > > < c ! ; peaclies. easlein. 4XC 5/'tfu ; peaches
ovapomted , li17o ; hl' ' " Lake , now , 7 }
8c : raspberries , new. 20Cilc ; currants. 7 Q
7 40 ; prunes , new , \i ( < tWl < i.
SiroAiis-Powdeieci , bi4'c ; cut 'laf. 8 > 4'c ;
cranulated , 7 @ 7 fc : confeelioners A , 75 < e ;
stanuaiu oxtu C , 7 < fa7 ( fn : . exlia C , 7c ;
medium yellow , ( J c.
SOAPS -Kirks oavon Imperial , S2.0J : :
Klrk't , satinet , SU.1V Kirk's standaril , SM.aO ;
Klik's white Uussian. ; Kirk's White
Cap , 8(1.50 ( ; Dome , 84.21 ; Washboard , 83.15
MAI runs Per caddie , : t5o ; round , per
case. 41c ; squaio cases , 81.70 ; undo square ,
COITKHS Ordinary grades , OKc ; fair. 10 ®
pilme , lHi@12o ; choice ,
d yellow.
OANIH.KS Boxes , 40 Ib , Os , lie8s , lie ;
boxes , 401b , 10 oz , Cs , He ; liuJf box , 201b ,
SPICKS ( ii-ouucl Ulack pepper , boxes , l
(3i-.2c ( ; allspue , 12@l5c ; cinnamon , lb@ ' o ;
cloves , 152Jc ; glnt'or , 1525o ; iuustard7l5 < r §
CiucKints-Clainpan's soda , butter an
picnic , ftHo : creams , 8 > < c ; ginger snap
bi | ; aclty soda , 7 > < c.
Tea Siftinirs. 1S ,
FINK Cui1 Hard , 70c : Charm o ,
the West , OOc ; Fountain , 7.0o : UolJcn Thread-
07e ; I-avorilo , COc ; Units , 60c Itocky Monn
tain. SOo : Fancy , 45C ; Daisy. 40o ; NortliStart
OoJooi ; ( | Lui-k.fi5cOur ; litst , (33 ( > fv ; Good
Dry Goods.
TJIINTH Ainetlcnn , 6J ; Arnold's. Oc ; Co-
checo , Gc ; Manchester , lie ; Lyinan , fin ; Ulott-
coster , f Kc ; Diinncll Jacnnaid , Co : Dutinoll ,
6 0 ; Windsor. Go ; 1'ucilic. Cc : Harmon ,
4 fe : Anchor Shlitlncs , 4J c ; Meriltnac ,
ShhlliiKs , 4 > < c : UurwIcK , 4c.
IIIACIIKD ! : COTTONS Fanners' choice ,
( U/c ; Cabot. OJ.'c ; Hope , 7e ; 11111 4-4 , 7)tfe )
Hill , H , Wfc ; Loiibdale , bo ; Fruit , 8c ; Wuiii-
btttta , lOJic.
CousinIANS | : Kciisarvo , 7c ; Armoiv ,
7c ; 1'epimrell , 7 > < e ; Indian Uielmid. Oj ;
Naninkeai , ' , 7c.
Dttcic ( Unbleached ) 8 or. Maenolla.
lOc ; 10 07. Magnolia , 12c : 8 oz. West Point ,
10' ' < , c ; 10 o/ . West Point , l'J-'c.
Wno\v.v Corro.v Lawienco LL , fie ; Shaw-
inut , LL. fie ; 15ea\cr Dam LL , Co ; At antic
KL , 5c ; Indian Head. 7c ; : Wnnchussot , r > % o ;
Ciown XXX , OKeClllton ; CCC , Cc ; Utlca
C , 4J4eAtlnntfcPr.Mc. ;
Cinvioi s Ainosliuat ; , checks , t' ' c ; A mos-
Ke.iL' , stripiN. H' ' c ; Slntor , stiliH't , 80 ; Kdln-
bniij. Oi < fe : Whlttcndon. stripes , NJ ; ( ili'ii-
lo-n' . PC : Otis cheeks , ) ) ; Otis , stripes , He ;
Itoyal , fiv AniObUcaif , naped ] , lOJ-fe ; Lu-
lay , book ( old , l-'c : OlieKin. book fold , llj c ;
Knduraii''P , book told , 1'Jc.
Ainoski-ai : ACA 12'ifc : Thoin-
d\ltc OOO , 7 ( c ; 'Ihouulyko tancv. ii' ' c ;
YOI-K , lO o : York fancy. l2Kc ; Mllbiuy ,
I'JKc ; Peail Hu-r ! , IlUc ; Hiunilton , TJc ;
S\\1tt Itlvi-r , Vic ; SlH'tucla-t S. S' ' < fcSlietii-k- ;
c-t SH , 0 , ' c ; .Monti\ik : \ AA , 12c ; Montauk HH ,
HP ; Omeiia ACA , HV.
DKNIMS Ueavcr Creek AA , lie ; Heaver
Cn-fk B15. lOc ; UcnvcrCiei'k CC , ! ) c ; .laincy
\X. He ; Jallioy XXX , ! ; .lalTiuy I ) it T ,
1'Jj e : Colninblnn , 12 ; < c : Yonc. iic : : Yoik ,
luncy , i : > Mc : K\eielt , l5c ! ; H.iyinakci'.s blue
nnd blown , 7J < | 'o.
lrnco'oivd ( ) JJoston 9 07. blown and
club , IHJ c ; Huston O H blown and drab ,
Hi1 : lioston XX brown and cliab , lOc : Hoslon
XXXbuwn and di.ih. HKi' ? Uoston O P
blue , ll > < fc : Wairen Tilcot. I5c.
Dry Iminbor.
No. 1 Com. s. 1. s. 1'J , 14 nnd 1(5 ( ft . 17.00
No. 2 " " 12 , 14 and 10 ft . 15.00
No. 3 " " 12 , 1 1' nnd 10 ft . 13.00
No.4 " " 12,1-f andintt . 11.00
rro is.iu ID.
2.\a . is.vr > r > i r > .r.o . in 59 IT..V )
_ ' \1U. . l.-i.WJ'I.'iMn'i.M ) lfi.5fll7.MJ XO.W ) 21.50
-.XU. . 15,0 in.5 ! ) { A6010.UI 17.fOW.r,0-Jl.ffl
< A4-8\S . . . . lSfiH13.'illjS.'i01iCOil7.ftailiOU1'J.tiO |
No.l , 4&fl Inch , 12 and Ufeet , imuh..SliViO
Mo. 1,4 & 0 inch , 10 feet , roivili . 17.0)
No. 3 , 4 & 0 Inch , 13 and It feet , rough. . 14.00
No. a , 4 A ; 0 inch. 1(5 ( teet.rouah . 15.03
1st Com. , 12 , 14 and ID feet . § 2-2.50
2d " " " , " , . 20.00
IJil " ' " . " , . 15.00
Fence , " " J" . . 11.00
1st Com. , y in. Wiiite Vine rartition..83S. 0
2nd Com. , Jf in. " " " . . 270
Clear. ? g in. Norway " . 14 >
Slid Com. ? < fln. " " . Io5
A Cinch , white pine . $3" .oo
U 6 Inch , " ' . 3J.OO
CO inch " " . 29.50
I ) Oinch , " ' . 2050
E Cinch. " " . 17.5J
STOCK no\uns.
A 13 inch , si s 13 , , u and ib tcet. . . . . . . .540 09
% .
' " '
C " " " " ' " . . . 8(5 ( 00
I ) " " " " " " ! . 2809
No. 1 Com. 12 In. s. 1 s. 12 , 14 and 10 ft. . Ih 00
No. I " " " 10 , 18 and 20 ft. . 1800
No.3 " " 12. 14 and 10 ft. . 1000
No. 1 , Plain , 8 and 10 Incli . 517.50
No. a , Plain , 8 and 10 Inch . 15.50
No. 1 , O. G . W.OO
* AStanclaul .
clinch , clear , SI. 55 ; 0 inch , cleai . ,1.115
' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
Lath . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225 !
Qulncy white limo ( t st ) , S5c ; cement ,
Akron , 51.75 ; plaster , 52. 0 : hair , per bushel
80u ; tanedfelt , per cwt. . 81.05 : btravv board ,
nml CuHsodncsH.
Mrs. Goorgina Hull has filed a petition
in the district court asking to be divorced
from her husband , Willis E. Hull , to
whom she was married in Lincoln in 1874.
Tlio petitioner ullego.s as grounds for her
case that Intr husband 1ms become an
habitual drunkard , and has abused her.
threatening at ono time to kill her , und
has wholly neglected to support her , al
though ho is u good mechanic nnd able
to provide u good living for his family.
Tlio prisoner albo alleges that in October ,
1885 , her hutibaiu ! committed adultery
with a colored woman on Capitol avenue ,
and that since November. 1885 , ho has
been living in open iidultory .vith ono
Nellie ( iiiro , on Cnming street. The
plaintilVnsks a divorce , restoration to her
maiden name , Georgina Voshbtirg , nnd
that the defendant shall bo restraine'il
from attempting to get possession of
plaintill'H property in Hurclan , Shelby
eountv. Iowa.
Tbe Mlllard ,
S. Shears , J. B. Markpl.l'd'os. Swobo , Froprtctcrs
Omubli , NblirusLu ,
JotP.rnting. | .
HK1CS I'm jf'lNU ' CO. ,
Job Printers' ' , Book Binders ,
And lihink Hook Mauufcaturors. 100 10S South
Flour and Feed.
W. J. WEt SIlANS & CO. ,
Wholesale Flour , Peed and Grain ,
Manufacturers of WuJ. Vtetehans JtCo.'s Quick
liaising Huckwlicat flour ami iiropriolors Oinuliu
City Mills , cor. till and llipium Btreeta , Oraulio.
Leather , Hides , Etc ,
SLOM AN intoa ,
Leather , Saddlery Hardware ,
Eaddltry and Shoo Findings , Hides , Wool , Furs ,
I'ulU , ( Jiciuo.TuUow. Etu. , Oinutiu. Nul ,
F. P. FAY iV CO. ,
Manufacturing Confectioners ,
Jobbeis of Fruits , Nuts and Cigars. 1211
FainamSt. _ . Om.jha , j > eh.
Beer ,
Agent for Anheuser-Busa Brewing
Special tranjj Kuust , liuUuoiaer ,
Cor.fith uod Capltul Avo. , Uuiaha.
Book Binding , Etc ,
11EES P111NT1NO CO. ,
Printers , Book Binders ,
Anil Illnnk Hook Mnnufnctuicr * . Nn . 1M anj
103 South Hth Sticst , Omnha , Ntb. _ _ _
_ Bridges Pile Drvmg. ! _ _
1'nfrinccra nml Continctoi .
Brges , Roof Trasses , Steam Pile Driving
Iron Combination nmllno \ Truss ItihK-oj ,
Plllnir nml Onk Timber. 15th si. , nenr Pnrnuiu ,
Telephone. No 731.
Cigars nnd Tobacco ,
" " _ ' _ .x.
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos ,
Ouns nml Aniiniinltion. ! ilr > to EJnSouth 11th
niriiiim Street , Omalm , Nob.
Manufacturers of FIne Cigars ,
Anil Wholt iilo Deiilors In Ix-nf Tobncco * . Nos.
i ( nml 111) ) N. , Kill Sticet , Oiniilm , Neb.
uocKery ;
Agent for the MnmifueUirci-a nnd Iinportora ,
Crockeiy , Glassware ,
Iiomp , Chliinc ! > 8 , lite. OIllco. 317 South nth
Carriages ,
0. S. (3OODH1CH & CO
Agents lor P. A. Whitney Cnriliigo Co. s
Children's Carriages ,
Jewell's Cclcbintcil ItoriiuenuorK. 8onj
noi prleol lats. Kl.'i Pin nain ft. , Oiniihn.
O. S. I'KTTIS & C0.7
Vholsalo & Retail , Fine Carriages ,
Phnptnn * , llimales nn.l lln.iilVneo.i * . ! 0 pnr cent
nivcillnbHjIiiKiiMi" . 1 M Ilin-lll.1 , liairt Sticet ,
Umuli.i , Ncbu ka.
Urnnch nt Council HhilT * , loi.u.
Eagle Cornice Works.
John Kpcnotor , Pinptlotor. Mnmifnrturcr of
uiilviutbctl Iron uml Ooi nil oId loho ; ami 101
nml 105 Ninth Will Stiect , Omalia , Neb.
Mnnufncturcrsof Oinamcntnl
Galvanized Iron Cornices , Dormer
Windows , ritnilKtc.ilOS. ; . 12th St. Workdoao
Innnypnitot tliecounlry.
/estern / Cornice Works ,
C. SPECI1T. Proprietor.
Onlvnnlzctl Iron Cornices , nic. Specnl's tin-
Trovctl 1'nlont.Motnll'o ' SliyliuliU f.OS mill 5103.
lth ! ! Ht. . Oniubil. Nob.
Dcors , Sash. DC.
Doors , Pn ! li nml llllncls. Also nil Minis of
tinning. Scroll nnUStulr woik of c\cry do-
Mnmif ncturor nnd Dcnlcr In
Doors , Sash , Blinds , Mouldings , Etc.
Etiilr Itnils n spcclulty Telephone No. 03
intbn'id Miuey SH . Omuliii , Nub.
Electrical Supplies.
L. W. WOLFE & CO. , Electricians ,
Electrical Supplies ,
Masonic Block , Oiniilu. llnrirlar Alnrms. llolH ,
l iroAlarms , > 'cctrlu ilultlii'r , Speaking Tubo-J ,
Iron Works.
Wrought and Cast Iron Building Work
ron Ptnfrs , Itnlllnv , Kollod llouins and Ulnlcis
Stcnm Ensrlncs , llrass Work. Ccncuil Poumlry
Mnchlnonnd Hliieksinltb Avoik. Ollloo and
Works , U. P. Ity. nud S 17th Bt.
Iron ar d Nails.
> M lU
Cut Nails and Spikes ,
Fire Nulls P. PKrfnlly. [ . Omsh.i. Xcli
Omaha Safe Work's ,
Manufncturcr of I'll o und llurglur Proof Sifoi ,
Vnult Uoorp , Jnll Woik. Sbutlerh nnd Wlro
Work. Cor. 14th nml JnckBon fits. , Oinnlin , Neb.
Wagons and Carriages.
Estnbllslied 1V,3.
The Leading Carriage Factory ,
UU Podgo Street , Omaha , Neb.
Commissioni Etc ,
Live Stock Commission
Uc-o. Itutko , Mnnnver.
Union Stock Yards , B. Oinulni. fiBJ
w. K nuowN & co. ,
Commission Dealers in Live Stock.
Onico Exchange Hulldiiiir , Union Sloelt Yiud3 ,
k. South Ouiuhu , Nob. Telephone No. iXXI.
Union Stock Yards Company ,
Umltod. John F. lloyil , biipcilnlondeiiL
Live Stock Commission Merchants.
Ebiiinonts of liny mid nil ) . iiuii of Mock h
ed. Union buck I'm cH lhniihuNub. ,
Lumber , E'c. '
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime ,
Bash , Doors , Ynids Cor. 7th mid Doug-Ja : ,
Cor. '
Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Moulding ! ! , Blair Woik and Intuilor Hun ) Wood
Klnltb. Just opened. N. E. cor. fcth uud Ixiavua-
worth StreetB , Oiniilm , Neb.
Wholesale Lumber ,
fl4 a Hth Street , Omulm , Nolj. F. Colpotzcr ,
Muna er.
Lumber ,
33th nnd California Stioels.Otnnlm , Nob.
rilED W. QUAY ,
Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc.
Cor. Cih and Douglas filrecU , Omulm , Nub.
Wholesale Dealer in Lumber ,
Oiuului , Nebrusku.
* " " ' '
CHA8. K. LEG ,
Hardwood Lumber ,
Worcn Block , Fancy Wooils. Itildfo Tlinbprs ,
ic. , A. W. Cor , 'Jlh und UoUfUs.Umuliu , .Nob.
Q. F. &YMAN ,
Dealer in Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
lluildin * rujiur , Etc South 13th
Fish , Ltc.
Bucceftors to Ickcn Slciusccn & Co.
Wholesale Fisli Dealers ,
Importers of Foreign FUh , Nos. yll-013 Jcv ? * *
&Wbtruct and U. f' . Tntck OiPuy a * -
Agricultural fmplemcntSi
* " * "
Dealers in Agricultural Imploraonts.
Office , Corner Ctb nml 1'ntlfloSts , Oiimlm ,
" "
1'AIU.IN , omNlOHFK : A. JIAUl'lN ,
VTholcie.o Dcnlcra la
Agricultural Implements , Wagons
nml Dulles , Onmlm Sob.
Wliolcsilo Dcnlor In
Agricultural Implements , \Yagons \ ,
Cnirlotrrs ami Iliigglo ? . .IcncsS . , bet. Oth mid
th.Oiini' , Neb.
Boots and Shoes ,
VT. V. MOl'T. ' & CO. ,
Jobbers ot Boots and Shoes ,
3411 Fnrnnm Street. Oinalin. Neb. Mnniifactory ,
Summer Sitecl , llooton.
k A. ouciiAiro ,
Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths ,
il'i , Curtain Ooot' . Etc. , 142U Kft
, Oiiiillin , Nub.
Coal , Lime , Etc ,
Coal , Coke , Lime and Stono.
OflluoE13& Hthrt.Oninha. Neb. Ynrds , "Hi
nnJ Or yonpart streets.
Dcslsrs In Hard ana Soft Coal.
Best varieties. Onico,2iaf. 1 KhSt. Tclephono
No. 14l , Omalin , Neb.
Shippers of Coal and Coke ,
S14S. Uth St. , Omnli.1. Neb.
Or.o. CTo\vi.i : , 1'rciMcnt.
i. I'ATTMISON , Sec. nnd Ti CUB.
3 , II. Htii.iiniiT , 1' . A. ,
l-iopriotor. MniiRRor.
Nebraska Coal and Lime Company ,
Olllee , 217 B. liilliSticut. Tolciitiono40.
GEO. y. IiAjunit , l'ic-1. C. r. GOODMAN , V.l'rea.
J. A. SUMiiu.AMJ : See. niiil'i'ieutf.
Omaha Coa ; , Coke and Limo Company ,
Jobbers of. Imrd imdoft ( eon ) , AS ) S. IJtU St. .
Oinah.i , Nob.
Hard cad Soft Coal.
Exclusive dealers In lloulilrr Colorado Coal,2ll
fLOtilh HUi hticil.
Coffee nnd Spices ,
( TA/rKs , COLK < fe MILKS ;
Hom3Cl8) ) ) ail Spio Mil5 HTg C
Colleo llo.isti-rs nml Spk-o ( ! il.ulor < % iimnn
lllulnK. ote Tir ono cn u of our ) ! > pneUm-'O
lloinolllend Ho'.isleil Collce. ICJO HowaulM ,
Ciiinlin , N'ub.
CI.AHKE "illtOS-'icb ! ,
Omaha Coffee and Spice Mills.
Ten" . Coirocs , Spiers. Iliilcliitr Powder Vlnvorlnj ;
Kxtinct' , I-mmilry Jlino. Ink , ete. 1111-lu Har-
ncy Street , Onmhu , Neb.
Commissioni Etc.
" "
uitANcu & CO. ,
Wholesale Fruit ; , , Produce , Oysters ,
J121 I'm iium Ft. , Onmlm. Appli-s Our own i-nek-
iiic T''H TlKi'i' lrmiil ! Oydlius , Huttor ,
l-Ptf > CJiiuio , 1'uultiy , I'otutous. _
General CommissioQ Merchant ,
Vroduc6 , PiovhloiH , Fruits , Dour tuitl IVoil. Wi
5. 14tli St.Oii.ilm , Kcb. Consignments bollclao.
itctuiiHiiiailu uroinutly.
AV. E.
Storage and Commission Merchant.
Sl'uci I.TIES Clion o. IJuttor Kgna , 1'oultiy
ml 1IJ S. 14th. , Uniiilu , Nob. Telo-
luiilo No. 3J" ) .
815 12th Street. Oinn'in. Net ) . Ppoulultlos : But-
_ UT Uirio * . iind'Iilclcuus > _
Produce Commission Merchants.
Poultry , liuttrr , Gnino , FniltP , Etc. y.'OS. 14th
St. , Onmhu , Nebraska.
General Commission Merchants ,
1406Dodgo Street. Onmlm , Neb. Conslffiimonts
_ _ _ _ Solicited. _
\vfKKS : iM MIJ.LAUi
Storage and Commission Merchants.
Koio.'ffn iind Domostlo l'i nils u i-pecliilty. El-
cpnnt stoiiijjo fuelllllu Wiuiilioiisu und oillcc ,
10 Nortll lath St. Teloplioiio 77 ! . . _ _ _
Commission and Jobbing ,
flutter , KBITS und ProJuco. A full line of Stono-
yuie. Coiihltfiiincnta tollcitod. 1411 UuOiro M. ,
General Commission Merchant ,
Duller , I'.Kpf , Cheese nml Countiy I'loilu
crully , WO S. Klh St. , Oiniihu , Neb.
Buyers of Butter and Eggs.
Hcfrlgeintorund Paelln lloiihoi4lli A : Lonvcn-
\\oUhBt. , on U. p. It. P. . Tinek , Oinuliu , Neb.
TsTnlillslied 1870.
nouEiu1 PUPVJS ,
General Commission ,
118. UtU HI. , Oin.ilm , Neb. Rpcciiiitles n > ltti > r
_ EffifB , Poultiy nnd Quinu.
Commission Merchants ,
rnit ! > , I'rcilucu nml 1'tovlaiom , Oinalui , Neb
Commission Mjrcaant , '
nml whoH'Milo dra'tr In ( Oiintiy pin luen , frullp ,
biiltc'r , cans , do. OooilK on coiiblKnuiunt a
BjnU&lty. W N. frt. , Oiimlm. Nob.
( Sicros ! < ow to A. P. Pi Imok.i
Producfi Commlssioa Merc'mt ? ,
No. S1J South J th Sticot. Oinuliii , Nub. _
Dry Goous.
' " "
J. J. munvN .t co. ,
Vlhclesalo Dry Goods and Motions ,
, Omuhn , N
I. . filNSIlKUC & TO. ,
\Vholcbalo Dcnlcra In
Dry Goods , Hosiery , Notions ,
Unens , I.ncos , Knil < roiiory ! anil V.'hlio
_ U O UcuKh'3 { treet , Onmln ,
White Lead.
Strlctl/ / Para YM ) Lnl ,
SOtl : St- , und U , P. Ity. , OinuUii ,
Harness , Etc ,
JlnnuliiclurciB nnd Jobbers of
Harness , Saddles , Saddlery Hardwara ,
s ) , llliuikets iind Hobed. IU1
Mattresses ,
Mattress Company ,
Mnnufoctnrliiic MptlicuKPS IkuMIn , rrntlio ?
' j , Coin , Etc , UOU uuJ l"ito DiiUKlUH Hticct ,
Oinuliu , Null.
CO ,
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Juns Punts , Shn ! , Etc. , IK' . ' irul 1 'H
SUoot ! Ki-'j-
, Ouwia , - -
. . . . . _ Ma'tiial at Wi'
Iflh Stictt „ Hint I'no lurnwj
OIItlMAtf n. WYATT ,
Wholesale Dealer in Lu
rcth nnd Ininl Streets , ( finnhn , W
J. A.
Wholesale Lumber , Latli , S
lilliiK I'npcw ' e * li. toor ) , U
Inns , rickets , IWw , JJnio ,
Ci muni , Nlntii nnct Jono , Oinnba , }
Millinery ,
. *
- * A
Importers and Jobbers ot
Millinery and Notions ,
I215nml ! ISUHiiniojr StreetOmnha , !
Musical Instruments
Wholesalers of Musical lustrum' ;
Stclnwiiy I'lnuo * . VV'obor , Decker. Hnln
111 Ires I'rtuiiH , I'uelmrd Organs , Ctmso O
101 nnd 10U 15tli btreet. i
Notion ' Etc
* , *
Wholesale Job Lots
Try Goods Notions , Omits1 Turn !
Goods from New Vork. Tindo Miles clW
i\ml WSSontli 13th StOmahiu j
Furniture , Elc
Fnrnlture , Bedding Upholstery ,
V o , l.-J , l H nml 1-IU Km n itn J.tic
> \
Wholesale Dealers in Purnltar
I'luniun Street , Oniuliu , N
AM.KN nnoa ,
Wholesale .Grocers ,
_ Dons las Street ,
E. 11. CHAPMANt * CO. ,
Wholesale FanSy Grocers , C
Tobacco mid SmokcriS" Articles , 12
Wholesale Fancy Grocers ,
Eplces , ClgivrR nud TolneeoSvini7 nndI8
_ InsStiOLljOnmku.Nob. " "
Wholesale Grocers
, „ ?
Corner 10th nnd rnrnnm Streets , Omirtin , r ,
Wholesale Groceries and ProTisioi
KOB.705 _ , 707 , 709 nnd 711 B. lOtli 8t , Omaliu , |
Hardware , Ovl
" * W. J. IlROATClK
Heavy Hardware , Iron , Steel , j
Bprlnpo , tt'iiROii Stock , Hardwood I.umbcu ]
lartJ nnd nil llnrnuy strcei , Omahu , No * .
Wholesale Iron , Steel , Wagon
And Cirrina-o Wood Stock. Heavy Hnr
Ktc. li7und lil'J I.cuvunwoith Street , U :
Biiklcrs\Hardwaro ! ,
Mcchnnlcfi' Tools nnd ItutTulo Scales 14Qj >
Ins bit cor , Omaha , 6 ? * > "rf
iir : : , KUIED & co. ,
Jobbers of Hardware and Hails , Bi
Sheet Iron , Etc. Airrnts for Ilowo 8ci *
Mlunil I'uu'dci-Co.Onmhu Neb.
Stoves , Rauges , Furnaces , Tiles
Utilities , Qrutci , lir.isa R-oodH. 11:1 nnd I "
limn HtreOt ;
Wholesale Hardware and NaH , ,
CmcrEon Sleol Nulls. Cor. 10th nnd njjrti
fati ecus , Omulm , Nob. < jy > j [
Harvesters ,
WJJ.'nEHHINO * 0 (
Manufacturer of the
Deerlng Harvester Goods , * f j
tVrlts tofm. . M. Lorlmor. General k"/
Onmlm. U'clophonoOlO.
Iron Pipe , Etc ,
Pumps , Pipe and Engines ,
Etcnm. VVntiir , ltull ay und Milling Suppllei , B
WO , lea und tui I'niiiiiui St. OmahuNeb. , ' ;
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings , J
1 Btcnin nnd Wutor Supplies. Headquarters 'to
| Mubt Foobt Co.'s ( Joodj. 1111 Karnam Btre
| Oiuuliu , Nub.
Jewelry ,
limiOLM & EIUCK6ON ,
Wholesale Jewelers ,
Dcnlrrs In Silverware , DlapiondB ,
Cloekh. Jowelois' Tools and MutcrluU , Eta. ;
umlllii.lMli Sticet , Cor. oOgoOnmho , Xo
Notions W , j
V1NYA111) it .sblIXIiIJEIl.
111 jj
Notions , Hosiery & Gcnts'PiirnlsMa G
1UOO nnd liWS Km iiiun tit. , Unmliu , Nub.
. .
J. T , Robinson Notion Coipaiy , - \
4U ) nnd 4iTi ( S. 10th St.Omuha , Nob.
? uilo Duuleis In N'otlona uud QonU'Fu
nlshlng ( Joodd.
Oils , Etc7
Wholesale Dealers in Oils ,
Ur.BolIno , Mien A\lo Ureato , Kin. A. II.
Malinger , Omaha , Nob.
Pork Packing. _
Fork Packer and Shipper ,
Omaha , Ncluaska.
HAHltlB k
Packers and Provisloi Dealers ,
, Union .Mnrtil,157 ) ) | Doiltrc Btruot. I'liekra
, U. 1 . H. H-Tiaek , Onmhu , Nub. T
" ' .157. ' ]
Safes and Locks ,
1' . ItOYlill & ( X ) .
Agents for Hall's ' Safe SL Lock
Tire nml ItuiKlnr 1'rnof Hutrs.Tlmo Ixxk , VdicJ _
nnd Jull woik , JUJU I'm 11:1111 : tlioet , Oyiului , No4l
Seeds ,
3 , nVANH ,
Wholesale and Retail Dealer ia _ . . ,
Airrji-ultuinl , Veucitnbli ) , I'.tn. OJd Fcllovvii' lift ,
_ N. VV. Tor. lllh mi 1 DoJrfoHt . , Oraulu , Neb.
Drugs , Etc ,
Tin : noonMAN DRUG co
Wholesale Druggist' ,
DeeJer In I'nlntf , Oils uud WJnrtoir I
Onmhu , Ktl-
i ;
11 Kit & CO ? ,
Distillers and Imporlvs o
And Liquors , riolu iiimiurucliTu
l.utt India Illttpr. . llu llurilo
f5iCfessor : to McVttuitA
und VVIiilc ulo 1) )
Y/ines / , Liquors auP