Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 30, 1886, Image 3

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The Eight-Hour Movement on May 1 Causes
Obicago Speculators to Hesitate ,
Corn , Onts anil Provisions ClmiiR-
Inn Over The Cnttlo Market
Grows Steadier , llut Prices
Not Quotably Higher.
CHICAGO , April 29. [ Special Telegram. |
\VIIKAT Market cables \vcro steady to-day ,
nnd Now York was strong early on reported
new export business. I'lio market hero
' opened higher and buoyant on yesterday af
U \ ternoon's engagements of wheat , lighter re
ceipts at primary western points and signs of
nn outside revival of conlldence. The May
deal Is tapering off with no llttlonbiuptncss.
considerable business In tliat near-by
option passes to-day , nnd further
liquidation was witnessed. Hut trade
was nothing compared to what
It has been for the past ten days. AH a matter
of fact , tiadlng In other futincs was not ex
cessively heavy. May sold up to 78 c and
Juno toMJXc , nn advance of } c from yester
day , nnd after holding steady at very nearly
the best prices of ttio day for quite nvhllc.
the market cased oil under free olfcrs and
declined ton point below the range ruling at
the close of business yesterday. St. Louis
ponied In nn unceasing Hlrcam of dispatches
idatlng to the glorious crop prospects of
the southwest , but the underlying secret of
the weakness was nn all-pervading fear that
labor agitation would grow to such proportions
tions after May 1 as to paralyze the business
Interests of the country. This uncertainty
unquestionably tends to demoralization In
lines of business likely to bo first atfcctcd by
Inturiuptcd transportation.
Con.v "Changing over" continues to bo the
principal feature of the corn deal , thnimh
to-day witnessed some covering of shorts.
Values wore somewhat firmer , and slightly
higher quotations resulted. Tiadowns fairly
OATS Oats were slow and raster.
1'novisioNs Provisions were nervous but
prices underwent only mlnuto fluctuations.
Trade was light , nnd confined to "changing
over. " Operators arc awaiting developments.
Unusually heavy dcllveilcs of pork and laid
are anticipated , and It is the general belief
that after this week the hog pioduct In this
city will bo more concentrated than it Is now.
Changes In quotations today nro Infinitesimal.
AFIKIINOON BoAim Wheat was higher
on the afternoon board. The close was Jc
above 1 o'clock quotations. The latest was
that the lake chatters of wheat for the- day
aggregated 803,000 bushels , nnd to this was
duo the late strength. Corn and provisions
were easier.
2-10 ; p. in. Puts on June wheat TO c , rails
Clmmllcr-Brovm Co.'s Itoport.
The following report Is furnished by
Chandler Urowu Co.ot : Chicago and Milwau
kee :
Cables quoted foreign maikets steady this
morning. The amount of wheat on passage
to the continent increased 240,000 bushels ;
the amount to the United Kingdom was un
The receipts In primary markets was 112- ,
000 bushels ; shipments , 49,000.
Juno wheat opened at SO c , sold for S0c
and gradually declined to 79c , at which
point It closed at 1 p. m.
Corn nnd provisions were steady.
2:80 : r. M. Wheat easy ; only one load for
export ; late cables weak ; corn and provis
ions weak.
CHICAGO , April 20. [ Special Teleciam. ]
CATTLE Tlio market was steadier to-ilay.
Yesterday It was quito ilcniorallzed , and
Bccnicd to crow weaker every minute. To
day It was better , because the tide was
checked. Values steadied considerably and ,
\vliilu juices weio not onotably higher , there
was a really much bettor fouling in the tiado
limn Wednesday. Among the notable sales
to-day weio meal-fed Wyoming steers , 1201
Ibs , at 5I.W ) , and cows , 1000 Ibs , nt 84.03 ; Ne
braska corn-fed Wyoming htcers , 1412 Ibs , at
Sl.2G ( ; 131)2 ) Ib htill bulls nt 53.40 , and
MM Hi still bulUntP3.15'r08atol2301b still
fed steers nt S4.5jjioo : ! ( ; corn fed Texans ,
KM to 11SJ Ibs , at S-J.15@-4.70. A car of 1100
1b stews and Jielters sold nt SO,00123No- |
braskns , 1 ! 5 Ibs , ? S.OO ; 120 Nt'bnibkns , liSJ
Ibs , 55.05 ; KH NcbrasUns , 1070 Ibs , 54.70. *
HOOB Tnulu was nirtiln blow , and prices
took another tumble of 5@10c , making a ilo-
tlino of 15@JOe for thu week so tar. The
bulk of fK\r \ to good mixed sold around about
C4.00tiHOr , nnd tlio best assorted heavy nt
51.10 4.15 , with blir , fat , rmujh lots at 5475
Light sorts soul at
Now York. April ! . MO.VBV On call
eusv , atUT ( < aier ) cunt
1'iiiMK MinoANTir.E : PAIMJII 4Q1 per jSxniiANOK Dull but linn ;
54.87 forslxty days ; S4.8sjf for ilmnand.
CiOVIIUSMKSTh Dllll itllt stt'illlV.
\\oru soiuowlmt more
active , but jirlces were a aln weak most of
the day. The market closed linn , generally
} { & % lr < > t11t ? higher that the lowest prices
reached , The only unfavorable reu oit of
the afternoon iclated to tlio alleged cut by
thu manger loads between Chicago and
8S cent bonds. , . 101 U. &JS. W 100
. . preferred. . .
New. . 120V N. Y , C 101 Jrf
I'aclfloO'sof ' 0 > , W7J < Orecon Trail. . .
Central 1'aciUo . 1'auiticMalL. . . .
C.&A. . . . . . 1W I' D. &E SI
' ' preferred. . . . 165 I'.V.O 183
C.n. & itoclt Isliinn. . . , 125
1) HUh. &S. V. . . . IB
' preferred. 89HJ
I . & N . . . . * . . . * 4 * W f
Midi. Central. . . . CO preferred. , ,
Mo. Pacillo Western Union
N 01 them 1'ac. . . 24 A X
vrnfoneJ. . .
Clilcnco , April SO. Flour Quiet and un
chanced ; winter wheat , S4.40S4.75 ; suiithvrn ,
liiuicr. aud e better , ad
vanccd % c , declined &c , then nilctl steadier
and closed lfo under yesterday ; TTJo for
cash nnd April ; 78c for May.
Coin Steady , starting out nt yesterday's
close , Implored } ( c , became easier , closing
tlio same as yesterday ; 30) ) @OOMc f or cash ;
! WVo for April ; JV utfOJfc for May.
Oats Ensy and not materially chanced ;
20ffl29 c for cash and April ; 29Kc for Alny.
Hatlcy Dull at 59c.
Timothy Ptiino , S1.T7@1,76L
Whlsky-51.14. , , ,
Pork Declined BS7Uc , liccnmo stoadler
and recovered the decline ; 85.8TH@l)0 ) for
cash , April and May.
Lard Steady and unchanged : 85.00 for
cash and April ; SXSrWfi&'i.oO for May.
Shoulders $ : sliort clear , S3.55
(3r ( .00 ; short ribs , S.L.20@o.K.if.- :
Duller Steady ) creamery , ISfllOc ; dairy ,
llGU&c ,
Clireso Qnlot ; full cicam cheddars , 10 ®
lie ; sklin"r > ffl7c.
Kcps Dull and weak at lO' ' lOXc.
llldps ( Ircen , OUc ; heavy green salted ,
7'fc ; light , 8ifc ; damngi'd , o' ' e ; null hides ,
f-kc ; dry salted. l2Kc ; dry Hint , i14c : ; call
skins , lo Wc ; deacons " > 0c.
Tallow Grease , white country , A , 4 > jc ;
H , 4c ; yellow , 'A c\ \ brown ! 5c.
KecelnK Shipments.
Flour. bbl3 . UI.OOJ 0.000
Wlient.ou . 1'J.OOO 22,0'W '
Corn. OH . l'J7.0 < JO 50,000
Oats.bu . 110.000 01,000
Hyobti . None None . 13.0JO 11,000
Now York. April -Wheat HecelDts ,
is , lKi,000 ; spot , a shade lower ;
UJ < e f. o. b. ; May cloalnjcatOic.
Corn Spot , higher ; options shade lower ;
receipts. 2,003 ; cxpoiK 4.KO , ( ; ungraded. 40
© 450 ? No. 8 , . % (34.Vgc ( lu elevator ; May
closlnir atrAfc. \ .
O.Us-Falrly active ; receipts. 50,000 , ; ex-
poits , 400 ; mixed western , 35@4''e ' ; white
western , 41@48e.
1'etroletim Closed at 72) ) ft.
Kijcs Lower ; western lily J-fc.
1'oik Steady ; mess , SlMlxgWJO for old.
Laid Less active ; western steam , spot ,
Uuttcr Dull and declining ; western , 12@
2ic ! : Eluln crenmuiy , s$24c. : ! (
Cheese Steady.
Milwaukee , April S3. Wheat-Slroni ; ;
cash , TSJ i1.
Com BOKc.
Oats 20j.fc.
Jlyu Nominal.
Jlnrlov No. 8 , 47) , < c.
Provisions Muss" poll : , cash , and May ,
Cincinnati. April 29. Wheat No. 2 red ,
Corn No. 2 mixed , SiHjfivjSOc.
Oats-No. 2 mixed , : Jj | < c.
live No. 3 , CM 'iOc.
ley Nominal.
J'oil-Sli.SO. :
Ltud S."i.77J
Mtnucapoiis. April 20. Wheat Dull ;
No. 1 haul , cash and May , blj o ; June , Ko ! ;
No. 1 1101 thorn , Muv.TTJfe ,
Klonr Patents , 54.50@4.75 ; bakers , S3.W ) @
O.7. ) .
llwclpts Wliont , SO.OOO bn ; Hour , 120 bbls.
Shipments Wheat , 1 ,000 bu ; Hour. la.UOO
Iiircrnool , April 20. Wheat Loss demand -
mand ; new No. U winter and spring , no
Klour Poor demand and steady at 8s 4d.
Corn Fair d ( > nmii < l , and linn at 4sd ! :
April , linn at 4s 3d ; Alay aiulJune , btemly
St. Louis. April 29. Wheat Lower ; No.
2 icd. cash , SCc.
Corn Easier ; No. 3 cash , ! > 'J ? c.
Oats Kasler ; No. 'J led , cash , 2Jj"aC. "
Jte FI i mcr at fiii c.
I'orl : Steady at SU.W ) .
Lard Steadier at So.7o.
Whisky At 81.10.
Uutter Quiet and cusy , choice 10 fancy
cioamcry. ! il@-ou ; clioicu to lancy dairy , 10Q
18c.AFTHUXOOX BoAim Wheat , firm and , } c
bettor ; corn , 'n'o higher ; oats unchanged.
Now Orlt-nim , April 30. Corn White
and mixed. 47(24Sc ( ; yellow , 50e.
Oats Choice western , SO@3'J c.
Corn meat 82.00.
Others unchanged.
_ _ . . _ .34.85 ; cow
and mlVL-d , 3'iOO@4.10 ; bulk , S2.70@.20 ! ;
throngli Texas cattle , com fed , s4.15@4.75.
IIous Uecelpts , BO.r-00 ; Mow and rotOc ( )
lower ; rough and mixed , ' 8 < .50@4.10 ; pricking
and shipping , s.8.-j : ! ( < 4.20 ; light , 83.00024. IS ;
skins , 52.00rj ( ) , < .25.
Sheep Kecelpts , 1,800 ; stiongcr ; natives ,
31.00Ii. ( > .75.
St. Ijo'ils. April 29. Cattle Kecelpts ,
1,000 : shipments , CO ) ; shipping , steady and
hrm at S4.J5@5.fiO : ; butclicrs' stock strong
and lOc higher ; butcher steers , & : ! .50@4.75 ;
cows and heifers , 8i.503.85 ( ; stockers and
feeders , Si.00@l.n. ; :
Hogs lleceipts , 4,000 , ; shipments , S.OOO ;
So lower : butcheis' and selected , S4.10@4.15 ;
light and mixed to good packing , S3.80@l.05.
City , Amil 29. Cattle-llo-
coipts , l.fcOJ ; shipinents , 1,100 ; snippets , lOc
lower ; butchers' , shade lower ; good cows ,
bcaico and steady.
Hngs Hecelpts , 9,003 ; shipments , 3,500 ;
marla-t slow and lOc lower ; skips and pigs ,
Thursday Evening , Apiil 29.
Theie wcie very few cattle on the markei
to-day , and not cnouzh In the yauls to make
n market. The unfavorable reports fron
eastern markets nro felt here , but not to sucl
an extent. While the cattln maiket
here has declined , it has kept uj
much better than the Chicago mar
ket. Quotations for to-day were : Choice
to extia steers , avein'/ing lrx : ) to l,45 (
pounds , 54.85V54.00 ( ; ccod , aveiaglng 1,300
to 1,300 pounds , S4.GO@4.70 : medium , over-
aglnlt 1,200 to 1.300 pounds , 5f4.a"M.50
fat , little steers. 1,000 to 1,150 pounds , 84.00d7 >
4.CO ; good feeders , two to 1,030 poundn , S3.6"
C 43.85 ; good to cliolco cows and heifers
averaging 1100 to 1200 , S3.W@3.75 ; medium
averaging MX ) to 1000 , S3.7S@ > : i.2. > : c-hoico to
extra buFlH , averaging 1500 to 2000 , S3.00 ®
3.25 ; common , averaging 1200 to 1500 , 32.50 ®
2.7R ; choice to extra Htags , 3.00@3.75.
The hog market opuiird very ( pilot and dnl
niid r. ' ittc ) Jowerthnn the closing , and I0jt ( >
ifio' lower than the opening Ot the day
before. The decline is due to the
much heavier decline In eastern markets.
To-day's quotations were : Choice light and
medium weights1. g3.G5Q2ti.70 ; choice hoavv.
S3.0'Ji33,05 ' ; good to choice mixed. S3.T >
@ 3.00 ; common rough grades at 83.40(33.45. (
There am no sheep on tlui nun ket , and good
grades are In demand at 8I.OOJJ5.00.
Ilango or Prloos.
Showing the lilghest and lowest jnlcc.s paid
for live stock on this market during thu past
seven days , with comparative values ;
Ijlvo Htook Pnrohnscfl.
Showing ine cattle nnd hoc < ! purchased by
ho leadlnc buyers on the market to-tlay.
itoo s.
lark Bros j v ?
U. II. Hanimoiul & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UK )
All sale of stock In this nnrkot are inado
per cwt. live weight unless otherwises stated.
) ead hos sell at ' < c par ib for all weights.
'Skini , " or ho wclichln ? les ? thin 100 Ibs ,
lov.ilno. 1'regnaut sows ate docked 40 Ibs
nnd stags 60 Ibs.
Hogs 5Q10c lower.
Hogs a\erased 72 to the car.
C. T. Waid , Hlslngs , sold a load of hoes.
T. I'almoiton , Hlvciton , innikpted 08 hogs.
C. lliulnt , Norfolk , innrkctvd a load of
Ostcnberg & I'rlhli , AVahoo , inaikcted a load
Of llORa.
K. M. Brass , North Loup , disposed of aload
of lions.
.1. M , ( Jiovcr , Valparaiso , Is registered at
tiio hotel.
Fra/lcr & Benton , Silver City , Iowa , sold a
oad of ( M hogs.
J. U. Tlinr itoii. Dorchester , sold on the
market a load of ) iog < < .
( Jco. Iloetcl , illllard , was In azaln to-tlay
and sold a load of hogs.
. .Mr. Lnak , of Leak & B.ill , Phllllns , was at
llie i aids and disposed of a load of noes ,
Mr. ( Ircen , of the liun of ( Jrcon it Meeker.
Cedar Cieek , was at thu yards with 5S head of
John Hlcey ! : came over fiom Council
Blairs with a load of stems , which he told on
the maikut.
U. A. llcatou , of Claik , Ht-nton & Co. ,
AVes-ton , was at theyatds nnd marketed two
loads of hogd.
W. Uavs. Valpatalsn. was at the yards and
sold n load of hoirs. Ho also had two loads
of tat steers at the yards.
J. 1C. Hale , Xoith Loup , was at the yards
and sold a lo.ul of butchers' stuff , stc-crs and
cows , and hu also had a load of hogs on the
liobest Fowler , of Fowler Bio-s. , Chicago
packi-is. was at the yauls to-day , nccompa-
nicd liy hli aroliltect , tor the nurposc of ex
amining thu location lor his nuwpacklng
Tliu Onmha stock yards bid fair to have a
blir boom dining Ihu picsout so.vsou. In ad
dition to Fowler Bros. , several other p.icklnt
bonnes have offered to locate heio nnd will
piobably do so.
A novi'l live stork car Is beln ? tried on the
Northuin 1'ncilio A stout , heavy deck of
oak is .snsiK'iided from the outer edges of thereof
roof , wlilun can bu let down , when It It ue-
slicd , to IHO the car as a double deck. These
decks , which are in live sections nro loweiod
to tliucontt'i-of the car , and the stanchions
upon the under side lilted Into lion sockets
seio\\ed to this lloor of the car. The % > hole
operation of littlnir up the double dock docs
not lake ten minutes , und when the double
deck Is no lonner wanted , the dojks nro sim
ply pulled up and fastened to the loot of the
car , which is then In thu same condition as It
wotil 1 bo without the extra decks.
General Markets ,
Thursday Kvenincr , April 20.
Eons The receipts are In excess of the
demand and weak at ! > c.
UuTTin : The receipts have been more
llbi'ial and prices arc not qnlto as stioni ? .
Clioleu cieamury , 25@T > e ; choice fiesh table ,
l.XSlOc ; Rood fresh table , i@ltu : : ; lair. 8 ®
lOc ; poor. 3@r c.
OIUJKSE Fancy full cicam Cheddars , Oc-
iober make. lljfe ; Hats , rijfe ; young
Amcilea , Hjijc ; lirst quality Swiss cliccse ,
15c ; biicond Quality , 12-KGDUc , Limburper ,
ll ( > 12c ; skim Hats , 'JftlOe.
POUI.TIIY The iccoipts of live chickens
are moie liberal and sales are belns made at
( lAMi : The receipts are llslit , Mullanl
ducks ifio quoted at SUO J.OO ; teal , Sl.-5 ;
mixed , 81.50 ; jack snipe , Sl.50@1.75 : plover ,
OYSTUIIS The season closed at Baltimore
on April 15th. Dealers Iiave disposed of
about all the stock they have on hand and a
lew days will finish the balance. New York
counts , 45c ; extra selects. 40c. selects , 8."ic ;
standards 80c ; mediums. Sic.
PnusBiiVBS , JKII.ISE ETC. Preserves , all
kinds , 80-lb. palls per Ib. lOo ; do in pall
lot's , per Ib. OKc ; assorted 5-lb. palls per .rate ,
pails , S3.75. Jellies , all kinds , Hist grade ,
20-lb. pails , per Ib. 8c ; assoi ted , lirst grade ,
5-lb , pails , per crate , 0 pails , 82.50 : do
Mb. pails , per case , tide * . 82.25 : do , tumb
lers , per rase. 2 do51.40. . Joily. all kinils ,
second KI ado. 30-lb. pails , per Ib. ! > c. Mince
meat , best grade M bbl. pcrlb. 7c ; do. 5-lb
pails , per ciafc. 0 palls , S2.75 ; do 40-lb pails
per lo , 7J c ; do , 5-lb palls , per crate , 0 palls
82.75. Peach , plum and quince butter , as-
Foited , 5lb pails , per crate , 0 palls , § 3.75 ;
hoise radish , pint bottles , per doz 31.50.
Pins' Fr.irr. Tr.ii'i : , ETC I'lgs' lect , per J '
bDl , S4.00 ; do , Kbbl. S2.00 ; do. nor kit , SWc.
hambs' tongues , pcr,1 bol , § : ! .25 ; do , per
kit , 82.50 ; do. quart Jars per doz , 95.25 ; do ,
pint jars per caM2 doSJ0.75. . Trine , per \6 \
bbl , 84.00 ; do , per Ifbbl , 52.00 ; do , per kit
UOc.SAUinKi : A.UT Best quality , 80 gal bbl ,
S0.50 ; 15 gal bbl. S3.75.
Cosm lloNEV California 3 ID frame H ) Ibs ,
In case per Jb. , 15o ; 10 Ib. frames , Nebraska ,
CIDEU Mlclilcnn refined , per bbl. , 50.50 ;
do. half bbl. . 84.00.
VINEO AH White wine. 16c ; cider , 12 c ,
OKANOES Mediteiranean Sweets , per
box , 81. 00 ; 5 to 10 box lots , per box. 55:1.80 : ;
.Los Angeles , per box , 83.25 ; do 5-box lots ,
per box , SH.OO ; Valencia 420 , per case $ &M.
LEMONS Fancy Messina , per box,83.00 ;
choice Messina , per box , 555.50.
BANANAS There are very few in the mar
ket nnd prices aie conc.spondingly stronger.
Quotations are SJ.504.00 : per bunch.
APPI.RSThe maikct Is overstocked with
Inferior apples which are being sola for what
they will bilnz. Western stock , ? 2.00@2.3.'i :
Michigan nppics. $2.50 ; choice Missouri
stock , 82.50 per bbl.
CitANBKiutir.n There Is vorylittle demand
nnd then ; is not much stock bolng sold.
Dealers arc clearing up their stocks us best
they can. Quotations are 85.50@'J.OO per bbl.
Jersey aio sellinc at 83.00 per bush box.
COCOANUTS Per 100 , $5.00 ; less than 100 ,
NKW KIDS , UATHS. ETC. Layer figs. S and
10-lb boxes , per Ib , iflc. Dates , taney Fard ,
12-lb boxes , per Ib , He ; IVrMan , SO-lb boxes ,
per Ib , lOc Prunelles , 30-lb boxes , per Ib ,
l c.
c.MAPM ; Bricks , stilctly mire , 59-lb
boxes , per Ib , llic : penny cakes , 25-Ib eases ,
' Breakfast ba
con S@SUeclearsIdobac'on : , 7@7Ke ; dry salt
sides , ft OKo ; shoit rib Mdes , CJ/c : Bhoulders.
3 Ib cans , do. , 7 > Jc ; boneless ham , lOc.
BIANS : California nnd Michigan are sellIng -
Ing in a small way. California Bayo , per
bu. , 81.00 ; do Pea. per hu. , 81.05 : Michigan
Medium , per bu. , 81.75 ; Country , per bu. , 75
© 81.83
POTATOKS Tne market is In a very unfa
vorable condition. There have been several
car loads iccelved timing the past fovv days.
There la very little Inqulrv for potatoes , and
du tiers aio not able to dispose of them
leadlly. The very choicest assorted stock
can not bn n noted overi5iOc ! ( nnd slow sale
at that. It is Impobsiblo to sell car lots , nnd
commission men are compelled to sell them
out In Miiail lots. Local iaimeis aio hilnging
in a good many which tends to lower the
wholesale price ! .
NKW \ i : < ! : : bbace ,
per Ib , Jtjfc ; caullllower , per doz , S2.0 ; ccl.
erv , per doz , 81.60 ; asparagus , per Ib 15s ;
Bplmirli. per bbl , SJ.50 ; grei-n onions , per
doz , H5o ; radishes , per do * , 50o : lettuce , per
dor. 50c ; pieplant , per Ib , 4@5e ; peas per > tf-
biihh box , S1.-5 ; Jf-busli box , 83.00 ; cucum
bers , $1.75@2.00 per do ; Bermuda onions ,
per box , 81.00 ; Bermuda tomatoes , per box ,
< F .00 ,
OIIAIN On the streets and at the mills ;
Corn , 2,5c ; oats , ' aoheat \ , No. 2 , eec ; rye ,
4S(250c. (
Fi.oun AND SIii.i.STUFi's Winter wheat
flour , best quality iiatont , S3.00@8.10 ; second
quality , 2.fA < l .00 ; best xuidlty spilng
wheat Hour , patent , S2.502.75 ; btickwlieat
Hour , In barrels. $5.75 : ready raised , 3 Ib pack
ages , 84.00 ; 5 Jb packages. 8H.IW ; bran , ( JOc
per cwt ; chopped feed , 75o per cwt ; while
corn meal , bOo ; yellow corn meal , TOopcr
cwt ; scieenlns , oOe per cwt ; hominy , Sl.W
per cwt ; shorts , GOc per cwt ; giaham , S1.7o ;
liav , in bales , 8 < i,00@T.OO per ton.
JliDKS Green tmtuliers , Cc ; crcon cuied ,
7 > cdry ; tlintn@13c ; dry salt. OWlOo ; dam-
aeed hides two-thirds price. Tallow 'c ,
( i reuse , prime white 8c : yellow , 2 > ic ;
brown , 2c. Sheen Pelts SMiTte
tfuits AND SKINS Mink , each. lX340c ( ;
muskrat winter. 5@l o ; do. kits , lo ; Utter.
52.50(25.00 ; bkunk , short striped , l 'iV. do.
broad striped. 10@15 ; badger. 25@50 ; llao
coon. No. 1 largo , -jOcii'A ) : do. No. 3. 20O30 ;
do. No. 3 , lO iVs ; wolf pralrin 50O75c ! ;
do. mountain. 5 > iOO3.oowiiacatl&-lO ; ; bea
ver , S1.50@2.50 per Ib : fox , each , 40c@l.t5 :
deerskin drv winter , 1D&15C per Ib ; do. fall
and summer. 15 ( < 0.iu : ; anteioiie , .X < riOo pet Ib ,
I AYUKU Piiuie slaughter solo leather ,
boot IcV , no 32o : Morocco oil pebble , 88 ( < t32c ;
topplncsniid llnlncs. Sfl.0010.00 pcrdo/ ,
CoAt. Antliiaeito ( irate , SS.25 ; ei. % S8.25 ;
ranee , SS 50 : cho-tunt. SS.50 ; Iowa. S.1.C5 ;
Walnut block , S3.f,0 ; jlllnols , 55.00 ; Mlssouil ,
4 00 ,
JlnAW JlAiinwAltK Iron , rates , S2.35 ;
plow steel , special east , 4c ; crucible steel , Cc ;
cast tools do , IWJlSc ; Wipon spokes , per set ,
Kl.75fSXl.00 ! hubs- , per set , 81.35 ! .felloes ,
sawed dry , § 1.40 ; tongues , each , 75c ; axles ,
each , 75c ; square nuts , per Ib. 7@tlc ; cell
cnaln , per Ib. 055120 ! malleabK iT@8c : Iron
weilpcs , Oc : crowbar tic ; harrow teeth , 4cS
spring steel , 7aSc ; Hurden's horseshoes ,
? l,40 : Httrdcn s uliiler shoos , S. > .40. llaibcd
Wire , In ear lots , S4.U3 per 103 Ibs. iron
Nails , latcw , 10 to 00. gioo. ; Shot 81.50 :
buckshot , Sl.MJ oriental powder , kegs , § 3.oO
( S4.00 ; do , half kegs , 82.00 ; do , quarter kens ,
Sl.60 ; blasting , kc s , 53.85 ; luso , per 100 feet ,
GOc. ) A-ad Har. " > .
PAINTS IN On. White lead , Omaha , P. P. ,
7 > c ; whitu lead , St. Louis , pure , 87.80' Mar
seilles preen , l toft lt > cans,20c ; Fietich zinc ,
preen seal , K'c ; French zinc , led seal , lie ;
Flench zinc , In vainlsh asst , 20c : French
zlnc,75c ; vcnulllloii. American. 18c : Iiullnn
red. lOc : io < > oplnk , 14c ; Venetian , icd. Coo It-
son's , 3'fc ' ; Venetian , red , Amuiican , 1 J/c
red lead , 7J c ; chioino yellow , genuine , 0a\ \
chrome yellow , K. 12c : ochre , "locliello 3c. ;
ochre , I'lench ' , 8J c ; oclnc , American , ' 8e ;
Wlnlci's mlncnil , 8l , < jC. : Lehlgh biown , 2J o ;
Spanish biown. 2 As : Pi luce's mineral. 8c.
Unv J'AI.VTS Whltclead , tc : Krench zinc ,
12c : Pails wiittln ? , 24c ; ; whitlnff pilders ,
lc ; ; whiting , coin'l , 1'fe ' ; lampblack , tier-
inantown , 18c ; lampblack , outlnary. c ;
Prussian blue. 5.V ; ultrainailnep 18c : vandyke -
dyke , biown , tks ; unibu'r , btiint , 4c ; nmber ,
ra\v , 4c ; slonnn , burnt-to ; slcnim , iaw4c ;
Palls aiuen , iennlnc.35c ! Pnrls trrccn. com-
mon,30o ; chromeKi'cenN. V. , 20o ; cliiomo
Ktecn , K , I8c ; vcrmlllton , Knullsli , In oil ,
70c ; raw and burnt umber , 1 Ib. cans , 12c ;
lawand burnt sienna , 12o : Vandyke , blown ,
lo'e ; icilnril lamplilack. 12c ; coach htacK ami
ivory black , 10o ; drop black , 10o ; Prussian
blue , 40ii ; nltnunarlne blue , 18c : chromu
grcnn. L. , M , fc 1) ) . , lOn : blind and shutter
preen , L , . M. A : I ) . , Ific ; Paris RUTH , Ka
ndian red , 15c ; Venetian ieil , Uc ; TIHS.UI
2-'c ; Amc'iiciui veimllllon. L. , fc O. . 20c
yellow ochre , S'c ' ; L. M. it O. 1) . , ISc ; podrs
ochre , ICe ; patent dryer , He ; grain inu colors
llulit oak , dark oak , walnut , chcstmi t nd
ash , 18c.
DtlOOH AND ( JllK-MlCAT.S Add , caibollc ,
84c : acid , tartnrlr. Me ; bal = am copaiba , per
il ) , -ific ; bnik , s-isjsutras , per Ib lOc : calomel ,
per Ib , T''c ; vhlnclionidla , per oziOo ; chloro-
term , per Ib , O0o ; Dovuis powdnr.s , per H > ,
81.3T > ; ci > som salts , per Ib , 3) c : gljvorine ,
ptite , per Ib , ISc ; lead , acetate , per ll > , 20c ?
oil , castor , No. 1 , per pal. , SJ.GO : oil , castor ,
No. 2 , pur gal. , SI. 10 ; oil , olive , pergnl. .
81 .40 ; oil. 01 iuaimm. 50o : omnni. Si'.iu ; iinl-
nine , P. & W. , and It. t S."per oz , Sjc ; 110-
taS'tlum ' loilldc , per Ib , 83.00 ; salleln , iier o/ ,
40o ; snlphnto moipliine , per OA 82.o ( ! ; .sul
phur , per Ib. 4c : sttvchnine , per oz , 61.40.
On.s 110 ° caibon. po cullen , lOc : 150a
headlight , pergalion , lie ; 17. ' > y headlight , per
gal , l. " > c : loO" water white , lie ; linseed , hard ,
4 c :
B'"per "gailon , " ? f.0o'"iisiii' ;
per gallon , Oou ; neatsfoot , extra , i > er gallon ,
70c ; No. 1. CSc : lubricating , yero , per gallon ,
lone , perg.illon. 14c. .
VAit.visuns u'iirrcls ,
tuie , extra , 81.10 ; furniture. No. 1 , 81.00 ;
couch , extra , 81.40 ; co.icii , No. 1 , 81.20 ;
lainar , cxtia , fil.r5 ; .Japan , 70c ; asphnltnin
extra , 58c ; shellac , & . .ti ; hard oil Jinlsh ,
bi'HUTS Cologlio spirits , 1S8 proof , 81.12 ;
do 101 pi oof , 1.13 ; sbiilills , second quality ,
101 proof , 81.12 ; do , 1 > 8 proof , 81.11. Alco
hol , 188 proof , S'-.K ) per wine gallon. Itcilis-
tlllcd whiskies , ; S1.00@1.,0. Gin blended ,
S1.50@2.00 ; KentuckyTwurbons , S2.00 ( < ZO.OO ;
Kentucky andPolinsylvanla ryes , 83.0jgr ! ) ( > . .1 > 0 ;
fiolilen micat btmibon and rye whiskies ,
case , 810.00@10.00
SYRUP No. 70. 25c. bbls ; No. 70 , 4-eallon
kcirs , 81.03 ; New Oilcans 38@41c per gallon ;
Maple byrup , barrel , strictly pure ,
70c per gallon ; 1 gallon cans , ? y.25 per iloz ;
yt gallon cans , 85.25 perdoz ; quart cans fcS.dO.
bi-Aitcit Mirror gloss , 1 Ib , Oc ; Mirror
gloss , 8 Ib 5J c. Mirrorgloss , 0 Ib , G c ; Graves'
corn , 1 Ib. ii } c ; Kingsford's corn , lib 7e ;
Kingsford's gloss , 1 Ib , 7c ; Klnssfoid's uloss ,
( i lb7 c ; Kingstord's pure , 3 Ib , 5c ; Kings-
ford' sbulk.4i' .
PICKMS : Medium. In bbls. 80.00 ; do In
half'bbls , 83.50 : small. In bbls. 87.00 ; do in
half bbls. 84.00 ; gherkins , In bbls , 88.00 ; do.
iu hall bbls. 84.50.
pears , per case , 85,00 ; apricots , per case ,
fel.OO ; peaches , ] ier case , 84.75 ; white cheriles ,
* .i.fu ; [ } UlitlliJirniu , iiui u.i i ; , % ? o. ui.i
Pi.uo TOUACCO Climax,42cpcrlb ;
shoe , 87c : Star , ma ; Spearhead , : ! ! ) c ; ( Jold
Jtoll , 39c ; Piper lleldsick , GOj ; Punch , 3Sa ;
young Fritz. 8c : JT.I. ! Vc. !
CANDV Mixed , n > tf@l3c ; stick , OX 31lo.
SALT Dr.iy loads , per bbl. 81.55 ; Ashton ,
in sacks , SS.lCi ; sacks , Ashton , We ; bbls ,
dairy , 82. ( > 0@2.75.
SODA liub papers. 83.23 a case ; salsoda ,
keg , per Ib , 22)ie. )
IJHinn FHUITS No. 1 quarter apples , In
evaporated bo\esa@9cblackbciriciihoxes.9K ;
BjJIc ; peaches , eastern , 4jt5 ( > c ; peaches
cvapoiated , I5) ) < f@17c ; Salt Jakc , new , 7K@
8c ; raspberries , new. 20c62lc ( : currants. 7 % ( < g
7c ; prunes , now , WdfrMe.
SUOAUS Powdered , 8 , c ; cut 'laf , 8J c ;
eranulated , 7&tc : confectioners A. " > % c\ \
stanuaut extra C , 7 , ' < @ 7 > .fe. : < extra 0 , 7c ;
medium yellow , 0c.
SOAPS Kirks oavon Imperial , 82.03 :
Kirk's batlnct. 83.15Kirk's standaid , 83.80 ;
Klilc'H white lliissian. ! : Kirk's ' White
Cap , 80.50 ; Dome , 84.25 ; Washboard , 83.15
You are allowed a free trial oftMrtu dayi of the UE6
of Dr. Uyo'g Celebrated Voltaic Belt with Uectrlc Sus-
* * * 1\HOTV > ' ' "in Bl for llio tnecdj- relief and Jietv
Manhood , and all klnrtred troulilos. Also for nmnj
otherdlsoaarc. Coraploto restoration to Health , VBor ,
and Manhood ( Oisrnnterd. No title Is Incurred. Hlu -
tratMpnmphUjn i'fi ? < w''PS ' ' mailed rej > r-
Tne Hillard ,
6. Shears , J. B. MartolTlioB. Swobo , Proprlotcr *
Om Uo , Ncbruaku.
JyB Opting.
JU51CS Pltl-NTlNJ ( CO. ,
Job Printersp Book Binders ,
And nianlt Hook U\umfacturera. \ 100-103 South
Flour and Feed ,
& CO. ,
Wholesale Flour ! Feed and Grain ,
Manufacturers of Sv. J. WrUhuns & Co.'s Quick
IlalsliiK ituukwhcai'Uonr and proprlotorrtOinalm
City Mills , cor. fctu jmd , Karuuiu Streets , Omaha.
Leader , liides , Etc ,
6LOMAN UU03. ,
F. 1' . PAY & CO. ,
Manufacturing Confectioners ,
Jobbeiaof Fruits , Nuts and Cigars. 1211
Fainain St. ,
Beer ,
Agent for Anhenser-Busn Brewing Ass'n
Special brunJa Fauet , Uudwelscr , * Krlungcr
'Cor. 9th * and Capitol iiVC. , Ouiaha.
T'T"ifa.'nli i jia ijiui i HJjP .liil
-l " .
Cook Binding , Et' ,
" ' " " " " *
Printers , Book Binders ,
And Blank Hook Mntinfntttirer * . Nns. 100 and
_ IDS South 14th Street. Otnnha , Neb. _ _ _
_ Bridges Steam Pile Driving , _
UnRlnccrs nnd Contrnctors.
Brgcs , Roof Trusses , Steam Pile Driving
Iron Combination mill llowo Tni.'S Ilrliii ! > ? ,
llliiff aiitlOnk Timber. 15th St. , nciir rnrmim ,
Cigais and Tobacco ,
" * "
MAX MB Vim & CO. ,
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos ,
Chins niul Ammunition. 21 * , to 223 South llth
Street , NKO to 10. ' ! I'arnam Slrcct , Oiaalm , Nou.
IMCII-OCGAN Cio \n rcronr ,
Manufacturers of Fine Cigars ,
And Wholcsnlo Dealers In l.faf Tobnccosi. No *
_ 108 mul 110 N. 14th Street , Omaha. Nob.
v/rocKcry ,
. . . .
.j , , -
Aficnt for the Manufacturers ami Importers ,
Crockery , Glassware ,
Lamps , Chimneys , itc. : Oillco , K17 Bouth I3th
Stroot. Onmlia , Nob.
Catrijge ; .
c. s. ( soomuoii & co
Is lop V. \VhltniV ! Ciiirlmso Co. s
Children's Carriages ,
Jewell's Celebrated Itu'rujerntor ? . Send
uo * price lals. 141 > Fnrimm ft. , Onmiui.
O S. PKTTIS & ( ' ( ) ,
Wholsale & Retail , Fine Carriages ,
( Innvliii , Nrlirnlii.
llrnnch nt Council Illtiirs , | O H.
Cornices ,
Eagle Cornice Works.
John I/pcnolcr , Proprietor. Manufacturer of
flnlvnnhri it Iron ami Ooinloc. fL'.J ) DoiUo ; 11111 tdl
niul IttiNoith lUth Street , Uniiih i , Neb.
Kur.Mvixo & uor/ri ! ,
Mamifncturcraof Oniiuuontnl
Galvanized Iron Cornices , Dormer
Windows , I'lnala , TItc.,3103. K'tb St. Workdono
in tiny pnrt of the conn try.
Western Cornice Works ,
C. Sl'F.rHT , Proprietor.
Ualvnnlicil Ir-Jti Cornices. Etc. Spcciit's 1m-
liiini'il I'lilontMi'tall'i BUyilHht V.OS uiiU S1US.
12th St. . Omnha. Nut.
DoorSi Sash. Oc.
Tno Gate Ciiy
Door ? , SnMi anil nilniln. Al o nil Minis of
tuinlng1. Scroll nnd Stnlr oik ol c\cry do-
Munufucturcr anil TJonlortn
Sash Blinds Etc.
Doors , , , Mouldings , .
Stnlr Hulls a specialty Telephone No. W
_ pth niul Marcv t-t a . Omulm , Nub.
_ Electrical Supplies.
' "
L. W.'WOLFB & CO.Elcctrlcfon7
Electrical Supplies ,
llnsonlc Rlock , Ornulia. nttrglar Alarms , Tlclls ,
rhoAluima , v'cctilu jlattin.r , Sjiuakintr ' 1'ubcj ,
Iron Works.
Wrought and Cast Iron.Bnilding Work
r on Stairs , HuillmrTRollodtltqama and Ulrilers ! ,
Stciiin Uiiglnes.-urasB Wbi * . General Foundry
MnctiHi&nnil BlacksinUh Workr Office anil
Worlc3-tf. , J' . Ity. and 8 17th st. * ?
. Iron a d Nails ,
JT . . .V - .
t Cut Hails and'Spikes ,
FlroKsilla n SD' jSi-.Hv. Omnlm. Neb
_ '
Omaha Safe Works ,
Manufixcturer of Fire nnd llurplnr Proof Safes ,
Vault Doors , .Inll Work. Fhiittcrs nnd Wlro
XVorlc. Cor. llth nnd Jackson Sts. , Omaha , Nob.
Wapons and Carriages ,
Estnbllshpil l&- .
The Leading Carriage Factory ,
liOQand UU Dodt'o Street , Omahu , Nob.
Commission , Etc ,
Live Stock Commission
(5co. lUirko , Manager.
Union Stock Yards , ti. Umuha. Tnlo.hnio : 583
W. F. BROWN & CO. ,
Commission Dealers in Live Stock.
Ofllco Evclmnpo Ihilldlnir , Union Stock Yuvd3 ,
L South Ouiulm , Nob. Telephone No. GOJ.
Uiiion Stock Yards Company ,
limited. John V. llo > il , aiipcrlntondunU
BblimontR of any nnd nil hinds of stock Bollclt
tU. Union bt cl ; Vuid3UiinitiuKeb.
Lumber , Etc ,
Dealer In Lumber , Lath , Lime ,
Bash , DOOIB , Ktc. Yards Cor. 7th und Do
Cor. Vth uuU Iout'lit3.
Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Moulding , Btulr Work and Interior Hiird AVood
Finish , Juel ojicnoil. N. K. cor. tith mid J.uu\oit-
wortli Stic'uta , Oumha , Neb.
Y/holosale / Lumber ,
EH S , Uth Etrout , Omuhii , NuU V. Colpotzer ,
Lumber ,
53th and California Streets , Oronlm , Nob.
Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc , , Etc ,
Cor. Oth und Doubles Stieets , Oitiuba , Neb ,
Wholesale Dealer In Lumber ,
Omuhu , Nubrubkn.
Hardwood Lumber ,
Wnxn Stock , Fancy Woods , nridso Timbers ,
&o. , a. W. Cor. Ulh und Uoutfl.w , Omulm , Nub.
Q. S1. LYMAN ,
Dealer in Sash , Doors , Blinds , Moo&ii&s ,
Buildliur 1'upcr , Etc.
FUh , Etc ,
Eucccs&ors to Ickon ElcmEbcn & Co.
" Wholesale Fish Dealers ,
Importers of Tori-ten Fish , Nos. 011-013 Jonei
= 3.6trtvt ( ma U. V. Truck , OinuJniuNoU.- i
Agricultural implements , "
tlNlNQBK JtMirrCAU ? CO. ,
Dealers in Agricultural Implements ,
Office , Corner Cth nn > l rntltloSts , Omaha , No' *
Wholes.- Dealers In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons
and llugalos , Omaha Neb.
Wholesale Denier In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons ,
Hup-fllci. .1i nt > 9 ft. , bet. Pth anil
loth , Uinnhn , Noli.
Boots and Shoes ,
' '
w. v. jtoi'sr. & co. >
Jobbers of Boots and Shoes ,
Hit rarnnm StreetOmaha , Nob. Manufactory
Sumtncr Street , Iloaton ,
Carpels , _ _ _ _
" " v n
Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths ,
Mattings , Curtain Oootiff. Kto. . 1423 Karuain
_ _ Street , Oiiiiilm , NcU. _
Coal , Limo , Elc ,
,7LFK w.
Coal , Coke , Lime and Stone.
Omcc,213S. thrt.Otiinlm , Ni-li. Ynrds , Pill
anJ lr vennort Streets. _
Dealers in Hard ana Soft Coal.
Beet varieties. Olllce.Sina. UltliSt. 'Telephone
No. UW.Oinalia.Nfb. _
' ' "
Shippers of Coal and Coke ,
Z14 S. IStli Pt. , Omnnii. Neb.
flro. U , Towi.t , I'l
GFO. PATirusoN. See. unit Trcns.
3. II. HUMlEltT. F. A. 1JAI.C1I.
rrojirletor. Mnnniror.
Nebraska Coal and Lime Company ,
Office , S17S. loth Stieut. 'Telephone 49. _
GEO. V. LAiunn , Pros. C. P.nooi tixV. Prca.
J. A. SUMIKIIIM > L'C. ailtlUVllll" " .
Omak CoaJ , Coke and Lime Company ,
Jobbctsof ImrJnnil tott com , AM ) 8. Uth St. .
Oinnbii , Keli.
Hard and Soft Coal.
Kxcluulro dcnlcrs In Douldor rolorndo CoalJ )
t-outh 14th street.
Coffee and Spices ,
Ho'Ji3Col33 an ! Spici Mill HTgC
Aiircn Itonstors inul Spleo ( iilndeip. innnti
fncttnoisof HahiuKl'owiler , Klnor.n > -K\tiiiet8
Hlulng1 , uto. Tiyuiio MI .U cif our l-lt > piiekujro
llnmolllend Itoustoa CotTeu. lOU'J Howard bt ,
Ctnnha , Nch.
illlOS. &CO. ,
Omalia Coffee and Spice Mills.
Tea" . Coffees , HplcfM , Hukinir Powder I'liivortriff
Kxtincto , Laiunlry llliui. lull , etc. Hli-lo llur-
nuy Street , Oiiiahn , Neb. _ _
Commission , Etc.
Wholesale Fruits , FroducBitOystsrs ,
J121 l-'iiriuim KU , Omulm. Aptilcs-Our own | .aek-
liiT ( I'lutt It Co.'s TtwrUmu ! r Oysters , Uuttor ,
Eesf , Oiuno , I'gultry , Potatoes.
* r Joim mcK , r5
General Q0mmissfon'Mercnant , ,
Prortuco.Piovjrfona. Fruit * . Flour nnd Feed , lOp'
S. l h St. , Orallm , Neb. Consignments solleltod.
ItotmnsTOticJo croniutb"-
Storage and Commission Merchant.
HPECIAI/HK4 uncase. Huttor R tf1' , oiiltry
nd Oninn. HJi S. llth. , Omti'i.i ' . , Nob. Tolo-
hone X7o. 3Di.
BIG 121U Street. Omuliii. Nob. Bpociullios : nut-
tor. E 'un , mill ChlcKuns *
Produce Commission Merchants.
Poultry , Uuttcr , Omne , Fruits , Etc. ZQ8. 14th
Kt. , Omnhii , Nobrasku.
General Commission Merchants ,
HCGDoJgo Street , Omulm , Neb. Consignments
Storage and Commissioa Me
FoiolBii and Domoatlu Fi ults a specialty. El-
epant i > triiuo ) I'lic'llltlC'i Warvhouso nnd ofllce ,
] U Noith LJtli ht. Telopiiono 776.
Commission and Jobbing ,
B\itter , Eg-rs ( and Prodnuo. A full line of Stone
ware. Conviffninunts tollcitoU. 11U Dodge St. ,
Oinuha. ' * * > * '
r. . Monoxr ,
General Commission Merchant ,
Butter , KKKS , Chceso mid Country Produeo son-
cruily , 'Ml S. 12th St. , Omuhu , Neb.
Buyers of Butter and Eggs.
Befrlfrorntor and Pncklnir HOURO , 14th & Leaven-
worth St. , on U. P. It. It. Track , Omuha , Neb.
Established 1870.
KOI1E11T I'Ul'.VIS ,
General Commission ,
2118. Idtb St. , Omulm , Nob. Specialties Butter
Hut's , Poultry mid Uunie.
Commission Merchants ,
Fruits , Produce and Provisions , Omaha , Neb
Commission Merchant ,
and wholesale dealer in country pioduco , frnltp ,
butter , I'fe-cs , olo. Goods on consignment u
specialty , itw W. 10th , Omaha , Neb.
( Succo'or8 ! to A. P. Scliaek. )
Prodnco Commissioa Mercaaats ,
No. 213 Bouthjj-iu Street. Omaha , Neb.
Dry Goous ,
" ' 3,3. nnowiTifc oo.l
Wholesale Dry Goods and Notions ,
1323Douilu3 Street , Omaha , Nub.
L. aiNSUKiia & co. ,
Dealers in
Dry Goods , Hosiery , Notions ,
Uncns , J.ucoa , Ei l < roldory mill Whlto Cooda.
10SO Uouclns Street , Omulia , Nob.
While Lead , _
Strictly Putd White Hal ,
i St- , und ( J. 1 > . Ity. , Oiuahn ,
Harness , Etc ,
Mannfactuiora und Jobbers of
Harness , Saddles , Saddlery Hardware ,
TuiT QooUe , lllankota uiul Itolios. 1421 Farnuta
Street Oinulia. Neb.
Mattresses ,
E. M. HULSn ,
Mattress Company ,
Mnnufocturinir Mattresses , ncildlntr. Feather
Pillow , Cols , Inc. Ute and 12UB Douglas Btrect ,
Omalui , Neb.
" _ Overalls ,
Manufacturers of OveraUs , .
JeansPunteBhlru , Klc 11CU mull H Douirlu
, WcU
Dealers in All Klmls of
Building Material at Wholes
lth Street nnd i i o < i i'ao n Traoty
Wholesale Dealer in Luml )
SOth irtiil Iwinl Streets , Omaha , NobJ
Wholesale Lumber , Lath , Shin
rtullilliiff I'npcw , Push , Door * , llllud
lnp , l > fii > if > , 1'ostK , IJnio ,
I'cnu-nu Nlatn ana Jones
Millinery ,
Importers and Jobbers ot
Millinery and Notions' ,
Kin nnd 1214 Hnriioy Street , Omnhal
Musical Instruments ,
Wholesalers of Kiiical InsW
Ptolnway 1'lnnos , Weber , noekor , ltd
'mnos 1'nckimi Organs , Cfc * e
101 nnd 1KJ 1Mb street , _
Notions , Ett.4
J. . .
' ,
Dry Oood , Notion ? , Uoni&FUrnkhi
UooiU from Nmr Yo.rl < . Trade BU
mill IXW South Ulth Su , CHHlm. '
. _ Furnilura. Et
Fnrniture , Boidloi , Upholster/
llio , l.'jl. i..h mil tHiJtarft in tr "
Wholesale. . Dealers In Partita ]
I'm mini Street , On > oUaIJeK _
Groceries ,
AU.KN I1I103. ,
Wholesale Grace
_ 1110 mid 1112 Douglas
K. II. CHAJftf.
Wholesale Fancy ( jrocfa
Tobacco und SmiHi6rs"Artlcif 9 "
: * * : " '
Wholesale G
Kos. 705 , 707,709
Springs , SViioou Stdck , Hardwood
ttli { larncy 6ti-co\ . Omaha ,
Ana Carrfad Wood Stock. Hoavy.i |
IHcv J K and ttO'LoSiytm\vorth ; 8Ufl
' Hardware ,
Tools and.Buffalo Scales. Ul
ins StreO Omnha. Neb , f I
& CO. ,
Jobbers of Hardware and Ms , Tl
Sheet Iroii , Etc. Aflcnts for llowo ScJ
Miami 1'owdcr v Co. , Oraaha . * * Ncb.1 _ i
Stoves , Ranges Furnaces , Till
Mantles , Grates , Urass poods. TS21 ouif IF
. * '
Hum Ktreot.
Wholesale . 'Hardware 'and
Emerson Steel Nails. Coiv 10tU
Streets , Omaha , Neb.
Manufcoturer of'the " * |
Deering" " Fmester Goods , !
Writs to Win. H. Lorhner. Qaoewl
Omaha. Telephone 8H&j I
Pomps , JJM and En
Steam , Water , KiillwuJ-nndMllllriii i
KdK2 \ und trJl Farnam Bt Om
Wholesale jiips Pipe .
, , „ _ „
Btcam und Wutcr'Supiillcs. Hcad < iiHrt1
Muet FoofUCo.'u Ooodb. 1111 iToriMMiil
Oiunhii , Neb.
. . . . . . .T
Wholesale Jewelers , i
Dcnlors In Silverware , Diamonds
CloekK , Jcwrlors' Tools and Matcrl
and 10J , inth Street , Cor. DodirojJn _
Notlou Etc.
> * > 'jobtOiB m
Notions , Hosiery ftGentsTurife
1000 und 1UOS Fiirnam St. , Omahi
J , T , Robinson lotim.C-C
403 nnd 405 S. 10th Pt.Omhlm. Neb
Wholesale Dculcis In Notions r
nlshlritf OooUn ,
'Oils , Etc , * -7 |
* - * * . * * !
Wholesale Dealers lo
Gasoline , Mien Axle Groatio , Klo. _
, Omaha , Neb ,
Pork Packer and Shipper/
Oiuaua. Nubraalui. 'A ,
HAHItli If 1'JBHER ,
Packers and PmkJoa
OfUcc , Union JInrkit.U17t > d roStree ,
houno , U , V. it. a. TrMlc , Omaha , K1
phone No. 157. >
undL5ek _ *
"iClJOVBIl &
Agents for Hall's ' Safe & Lock Co ]
Fire und Ilurglur Proof fiufea.Tlmo Ix > clcgl
und Jail work. ltx ( ) Farnuiii street , Omaiii
Seeds ,
Wholesale and Retail Dealer lo
Agricultural. Vegetable , Bto. Odd Followa ,
N. W. Cor. Uth und Uoduo tit. , OmuUu-Jj
Drugs , Etc ,
Wholesale Druggists ,
And Dealer in I'ulnts , 01U and Wli
Omuliu , Nub. ,
Wines and Liquor *
IU2U & CO. ,
Distillers and Importers of )
And Minions. Solo nmiuifucturora'of _ ,
KaetlndlulJIttei'd. UU llttvncy HUcctl
Nob. ' '
n'KJ. w. j'Jun'OA ,
Successor to HoNAsiAiiA & DUNCAN , Im (
und Wholceato UcalcrdIn \ \
Wines , Liquors and Cigars , '
UHund lUH..litbSt. , Omaha , Nub