Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 30, 1886, Page 2, Image 2

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Harry Brown , an Omaha Gambler , Arrested
by a Gotham Detective.
A Lawyers' Ghost Story A Olnnilnrs
Scene llallrond Notes and Inter-
CHtltifj School Census
Oilier liocnl.
Ho Stole Diamonds.
George C. Martin , n Now York dotce-
tivcmado a capture jn'lliis city Wednesday
of Harry Brown , who is wanted In Now
York to answer for a dinriiond robbery
committed two years ago. Brown was
ho loader of a gang of burglars who
tapped n Now York jewelry establish
ment of several thousand dollars worth
of sparkles. Ho escaped and was at lib
erty for some time. A little over a year
ngo ho was arrested in St. Paul , but tak
ing advantage of the carelessness of llio
ollicor who had him in churg and the
darkness of the night , jumped
from tlio train between St.
Paul and Milwaukee , and
escaped. Soon after that time ho ap
peared in this city and has lived hero
cilice. Ho served in the capacity of n
cook at Jack Ntigunt's place for some
time and has been before the police
court tlmo and again , charged with
drunkenness , vagrancy and oilier petty
ofTeimes. Dotocttvo Martin hoard of him
nt Council Bliill's and came to this place
Yesterday , nrmed with requisition papers
i'rom Governor Larraboc. of lown , for tlio
purpose of arresting him. Brown had
just crossed tlio river mid the dotcctivo
followed him. Ho found him in a sa
loon in this city , and , gaining
Ids confidence persuaded him to go
across tlio river and have a good lime at
tlio Blulls. As soon as they reached the
Iowa side Brown was placed under ar
rest and the detective started for Now
York with his prisoner this morning.
Brown is a young follow , about 20 years
of ago , of line appearance and was well
known in sporting circles. There was a
reward of $500 for his capture. The po
lice say they liavo never boon notified
that ho was wanted elsewhere or his cap
ture would have been cil'ectcd long ago.
Ho Toll's A Tale of the Milton Ghost
It was the lawyer's turn to toll a story.
A small group of professional men in llio
Paxton hotel rotunda last night were ex
changing yarns of hairbreadth escapes ,
college crapc.s , etc. , for mutual amuse
ment nnd edification. The disciple of
Blackstone relit his cigar , which ho had
forgotten to puff during the recital of tlio
last thrilling narrative , and started in.
"I have never had much faith in ghosts
in fact , since my early childhood I had
much difficulty in believing in anything
'supeuinturnl. But when I was a Fresh
man at collcgo I hud an experience which
came very near upsetting nil my beliefs
nnd theories concerning the ghostly.
You want to hear it , eh ? All rlpfit.
"Tiio littlo. * occurrence that I am going
to relate took place twenty years
ago , near a little town known as
Upper Alton , in central Illinois.
I was then just entering upon my Fresh
man year nt Sliurtleff college , a noble old
institution which is still flourishing and
turning out. graduates e.vory , year. Ojio
day the report came that the scourge was
spreading in the. little town of Milton ,
some few miles to the southeast of Upper
Alton. An investigation was made and
it was found sure enough , that the chol
era was raging in this little village.
Everything was done to stay the course
of the plague , but in vain. It ran its
course and before tlio ravages ceased the
town of Milton was almost entirely de
populated. The houses were empty , the
graveyard was filled. Fortunately
through extra precautions that were
taken , thu cholera did not invade the
surrounding towns.
"Somo PIX months after this times
there began to bo strange rumors circu
lated about in collcgo to the effect that
one of the houses at Milton or rather
wlicro Milton used to bo , for there was
no longer any town there was
inhabited by n ghost , who was
accustomed to doing all sorts
strange things. The house which was
said to bo haunted formerly belonged to
an old man , who , if I remember aright ,
was named Reynolds. Ono day when
the plague had been raging fiercest , lie
had wandered off into tlio woods and
was never seen thereafter. His wife and
, daughter , in the meantime , wore stricken
down and died. In the midst of the ter
.nblo scenes of death and suffering which
were being enacted , little was thought
about the old man's whereabouts. It
was supposed by these who gave the
matter any attention at all that ho had
wandered oil' into the woods and had
died of the cholera.
"The strange rumors were confirmo-
by parties who went out to investigaot
Die old Reynolds mansion , which was
known to bo unoccupied , in common
with the other houses in tlio descried
village , would bo regularly lighted up
joyory night. Strange apparitions would
bfi seen flitting from window to window.
Mysterious noises , first in this part of the
house and then in that , were to bo hoard
.nightly. There was oven a report that
regularly at 1 o'clock uvory morning , a
"nrvbtorioua man in white could bo seen
to mount thu old horse which Reynolds
used to own and gallop wildly over the
. hills.
"Those stories I , for ono , regarded as
the wildest nonsense. When a party of
my classmen proposed to investigate tlio
mystery , I fell readily enough into the
sohonio , and promised to do all in my
potver to show what a ridiculous myth
the Milton ghost was. Wo wont out to
tlio house ono dark evening and took up
our post of observation m one of the
grooms. There , were live of us in the
"party , and wo determined to enjoy our-
jJv siatlio best of our ability , though it
tutut bo confessed , wo did not feel extra
"Cheerful. Howuver , wo smoked and told
stories , fully determined to await the ar
rival of the ghobt. It was not long bo-
vjloro the ghostly noises began to bo heard
Jn the upper stories of the houso. Lights
were soon flitting from ono portion
tion of the house to another. Groans
and stranco supernatural noises
tell on the ear and caused cold chills to
run up and down the back of the listener.
But the ghost refused to appear on the
first floor and so wo determined that one
of us must mount the stairs and make an
investigation. Lots were drawn nnd I
was selected as the unlucky committee
of ono , I made up my mind not to falter
and , screwing up courage to the sticking
point , rushed up stairs I won't tell you
. of how the strange ghostly noises were
lYopcntcd with tonfoldelfectasl wandered
\about the rooms on the second nnd third
glories. It is enough to say that my
Kailh in tlio supernatural began to bo
y strongly formed. I shivered like a
n. with the ague and longed earnestly
a crisis of bonio sort. It was not
Ing in coming. It was ono of
lo awful moments of my life and
Song as 1 live I never shall forget it.
it 1 remember very few details about it. I
recollect an apparition in while rushing
lit me , shrieking like a madman. I gave
' 'one ' good look at the face of hlsghosuhip.
It was the spirit of old man Reynolds. I
Humbled down stairs , how , I don't know
- 'rushing into the room where my
companions were , fell fainting on the
floor When 1 became conscious I ex
plained as best I could , what I had seen.
It'didn't take us moro than thirty seconds
after that to l ° ave the hou o. The
mystery seemed moro impenetrable than
over before.
"But I must not weary you with any
more details of tills yarn. To close ab
ruptly , the next day after our adventure ,
I , with ono Of tlio parly wont out to thu
haunted house Wo opened the door and
wont in. Tlio lirst thing wo saw , stretch *
cd across the hall floor was the dead body
of old man Reynolds , in ouo hand clutch
ing an unliirhtcd torch. The explanation
of the mystery was not difllcult then.
Tlio old man , worn out by discaso , de
mented by hunger and sufToring , nflor
weeks of wandering about in the woods ,
had returned to liml his wife and child
gone , mid had occupied his house as the
'ghost of Milton. ' That was my lirst and
last nxncricnci * with the 'supernatural. ' "
Ijlvo Stook Comtulfisloncrs Rxnntno
Douglas County Horses.
For several days back there has been a
report in circulation to the effect that
about twenty horses had died from a con
tagious disease on the farm of Martin
Cannon about ten miles from tlio oily.
Tlio report was so damaging that parties
in the neighborhood were unable to
make sale of their stock for the reason
that it was thought thu latter might bo
effected with tiio disease also. Accord
ingly , the State Live stock commission
determined to investigate. Wednesday
G. W. Barnhardt , of Columbus , member
of the commission , and Dr. Ramac-
cioti , veterinary surgeon for the
oily wont to tlio farm. The
horses belonged to a family named
Northrup who liavo gone into the cattle
business. A thorough examination was
made. The whole farm was driven over ,
and but two carcasses could bo found.
Those , it was claimed had died from cold
and exhaustion. The other horses were
found in healty condition , though thin
and weak.
With those facts both the examiners
concluded that the report was unfounded.
PiWcdnesday morning Dr Gerth and
Mujor Birnoy , the other members of the
commission came to town to act deci
sively in tlio matter. But as thorn was
no need of their services , all the mom-
burs of tlio commission wont homo
Ilnll Notes.
The heads of the passenger depart
ments of the Union Pacilio and B. & M.
were in consultation yesterday. An
agreement was entered into by the terms
of which a rebate of § 10 will bo offered
on all first-class tickets sold to Los An
geles , Cai. , with a JJ5 rebate on second-
class tickets. This makes tlio rates $40
and § 35. This move is made to meet the
recent action of the Santa Fo in cutting
D. B. Keelor , of Denver , Col. , assistant
general freight agent of the Union
Union Pacilio railway , is in tlio city.
The B. & M. headquarters building is
nearly completed. The carpenters are at
present working upon n fancy stair case
from the first to the second stories.
Though Pacific coast rates liavo boon
Sroatly advanced within the past ten
ays , the travel lias fallen oil but slightly.
It is not anticipated that the passenger
trallic will reach the normal point be
fore the end of next week.
The School Census.
County Superintendent Bruunor lias
prepared the" school census report for
1830 and has made ids report to the state
superintendent. According to these fig
ures , the total number of scholars in the
county is 15,503 as against 14.-184 for last
year. This makes the net gain for the
year , 1,0(58. (
The highest per cent of increase in any
one district was in 53 , which is Walnut
Hill. Thu increase is 81 per cent.
The second highest was in district 37 ,
near Harris & Fisher's packing house ,
increase 70t per cont.
Tlio third highest was in district 3 ,
South Omaha , where the per cent of gain
was 07.
The Fnro Didn't Suit Him.
Paul II. Dunlap engaged board at tlio
homo of David Ilurd in Soutli Omaha
two months ago , representing that lie
had fallen heir to a largo estate and
would have plenty of monoy. The
money lias not been forthcoming , al
though Paul 1ms never missed a meal or
paid a cent. Wednesday he made com
plaint that tlio bill of faro for the oven-
.ng meal was not quite up to fho stan
dard. Mr , Hurd slightly remonstrated ,
when Diuihip assaulted him with a chair ,
inllicting a bovore wound across the
scalp. The pollco were summoned and
Dunlap was lodged in jail.
Foi'nory In llo.Htimj.
The list of forgers from Boston was
increased yesterday by the notification
that a shrewd scoundrel named John P.
Hildrotli , who had left Boston for his
own good , was expected to bo in this
locality. Tlio police were notified to Do
on the alert to catch him if opportunity
Glimhinu a Brick I'llo.
The salesmen of C. E. Mayno are in the
habit of liilclung their horses in front of
that gentleman's ollico , on Farnam near
Fifteenth street. Ono of- the former , J ,
B. Parrolt , hitched his steed at tlio accus
tomed place yesterday morning. In front
of tlio horse stood a pile of brick. Some
thing frightened the animal , and , with
out waiting for an order , he commenced
to climb the pilo. And ho succeeded ,
though he barked his limbs and domoral-
i7.od the buggy. The horse's name was
Ike. It will now bo changed to "Brick-
top. "
Pacific Slope PoBtofllcos.
F. W. Pickons , chief clerk of the post-
office , has returned from a thrco weeks'
trip to the Pacific coast. While fioro , ho
visited thu postoillcos of San Francisco ,
Oakland , Sacramento and Santa Fo , and
instituted comparisons between thorn and
tlio homoolllco. His hospitable reception
by brothers of the pouch was appreciated ,
but did not servo to warp his uoliof that
in so far as it goes , tlio postoflico of
Omaha is equal to best.
It Might Have lloon Worse.
Wednesday night as Roy Mayno ,
brother of C. E. Mayno , and Will Crary
were driving south on Sixteenth street ,
in a lignt buckboard , the horse of Al.
Ton/aim which lie was riding with a
bit in it.s teeth , came along at u furious
gait. The rider could not stop him , and
the drivers of thu board could not get
out of tlio way. The horse jumped upon
the vehicle , reducing it to splinters and
throwing Ton/aim heavily to thfc ground.
Ho was stunned , but not injured. It
was quite a shaking up all are u ml.
Gripped a Grip.
Cliarlos Bocou , a big-shouldered man
who some time ago traveled with Whis
tier , tlio renowned wrestler , was arrested
last night for stealing a valise and roll of
carpet , which he found in tlio waiting
room. Ho was caught by Otliccr Green ,
Wanted u ConU
Harry Thomas mode away with the
coat of J. Eakins , and last night slept in
tlio cooler. He will bo arraigned to-day.
The MUcrnlito Weather Pnlls to Affect
the HncecsR of Kcvlvnl Meetings *
About 230 people faced HIP inclemency
of the weather last evening to attend the
revival at the Exposition building. The
meeting was opened by a song service
in which the congregation joined with
7.cst. Rev. McKalg offered prayer. Ho
invoked blessing upon tlio meeting , atid
returned thanks for the conversions that
nro being made dally , llo prayed that
tlio conscience of f > 00 homes in Omaha
might bo disturbed ; that every back
slider might be reclaimed , and that men
might bo converted upon the streets
and in their places of business.
Dr. McKalg staled that the expenses of
keeping up the revival were greater than
the amount of the collections , but lie was
thankful that a spirit of liberality had
taken possession of thn attendants upon
the services , lie said if one soul wuro
saved for Christ it would bo worth moro
than thn expense , even If the entire build
ing had to bo purchased.
After the singing of "Tlio Half Has
Never Yet BecnTold , " Mr. Jopiin led in
a brief but feeling invocation of divine
blnssiii" .
Mr. Bltor mounted a chair facing the
nudieiico and read from the scriptures
the story of tlio conversion of Saul of
Inraus , which ho said would bo found to
contain encouragement for those who
contemplate giving themselves to God.
Ho said wo would learn from this that wo
are able to hope to gain the hardest cases.
no must try to save the hard cases , the
miserable drunkard and the blatant
iiilidcl. Jesus had made an apostle -
tlo of Saul , who had hntcd
Hun and despised His * saints.
Wo want to reach these who hate the
Christians. You are afraid to pray for
jn-oud spirits. Tlio Lord has shown that
ho can conquer any power. May God
convert tlio worst man in Omaha. I
emphasize this , because if God can save
the worst ho can save all tills side of the
worst. I want God's power to roach down
Mid save Hie man who is just at the gates
of hell. This conversion of Paul was just
nko the conversions of to-duy. The cir
cumstances may bo different , but tlio
changes of heart are the same. The
same marvelous power that worked llio
transformation of Paul is tlio same power
that presides over these meetings and is
working upon our hearts. There are ev
idences of this power in the 250 converts
winch have been made during these
Following Mr. Bitler's remarks Rev.
bavagc offered prayer.
When Mr. Bitlcr asked those to stand.
up who felt that they had boon converted
during this meeting , seventeen of the
audience arose. Many others expressed
a desire , to know the truth and come to
the Savior. Five of the uudienco sought
the solace of the inquiry room.
The meeting closed with a song and
prayer service. _
Thrco Moro licttor Carriers to bo
Added to the Present Force.
Sir. Contaut recently wrote to the post
master general informing him of the
aapidity of the growth of this city , and
requesting an increase in the number of
his letter carriers. Special agents came
hero to investigate and reported in favor
of an increase of the force by three men.
Tlio ollico folks lioro think five men
should have been allowed , because during
the coming summer and fall the letter
carriers' work will be the heaviest they
have ever experienced. The thrco now
men are D. C. Brown , E. L Gidding and
II. H. Kirby. These men will go on duty
on the 1st ot May. For the first year
their salary will bo $039 ; for the second
$850 , and when the city's population shall
reach 75,000 they will bo paid $1,000 per
This increase of the force will necessi
tate n cutting off of some parts of the
old carriers' districts , and attaching them
to territory which will now , for tlio first
time bo blessed with mail delivery. The
delivery as a consequence will perhaps
bq slow and irregular for a few days , but
will disappear when routine has boon
established. The force with this accession
will comprise twenty-four men. Even that
is inadequate to the demands. Many of
the carriers are overworked. Although
they are not required to carry moro mail
than can bo dopositcd in their sack , yet
it is a frequent occurrence to see them
with p stack of loiters and papers as high
as their eyes. Denver has twenty-six
carriers and Omaha could safely keep
the Panic number very busy , especially
as it is now intended to give some part's
of the city as many as five deliveries per
There has boon fin unprecedented in
crease in tlio number of packages hand
led at this olliee , and during thu past
year , it has equalled about U3J per cent.
About 20,000 letters nro handled daily ,
and the number of people to handle them
is no greater than it was when they had
about a fair day's work to perform.
Another fact suggested by an examina
tion of tlio place in company with Chief
Clerk Piekons and Superintendent of
Carriers Evors is that the office is now
too pnmll for its uses. Every available
space is occupied. It is therefore a ques
tion how the furniluro required by the
proposed increase of the torco is to bo
These are questions which are shortly
to bo submitted to the authorities at
Washington They are becoming moro
important daily. The ofllco people claim
a respectable hearing when they appeal
to Washington because last year ttio
business of the office netted $85,000 , to the
U hero Tlioy Are mill AVhoro They Are
Until recently , the house in which the
tragedy of Sallie ' Laucr was enacted , re
mained untonnn'tcd , as it was on tlio day
of that unfortunate girl's funeral , for
about a week back it has boon in tlio po-
session of a family , tlio name of which is
not material in this connection. About a
month ago , however , application was
made to either buy or rent tlio house ,
but both were declined , The house
could not bo sold , because , having
been the property by her husband's act , of
Sallie Lanor , it comes into Lauor's pos
session only to bo used during his life
tlmo , and at lib death to descend to Mrs.
Lauor's heir or relatives. It was not for
rent , it was claimed , because Lauer did
not desire to do anything with the
place until ho should got out of his
trouble. It was a surprise , therefore , to
many people when the change took place
and the property was. rented.
JSow comes the question , what became
of the property of the Lauors. The house
still stands , but the furniture and other
effects are scattered to the tour winds of
tlio heavens. With this scattering there
has been no small amount of dissatisfac
tion among the friends of tlio deceased
lady. In a furniture store on Douglas
street , is quite n number of picqos of
tlio household furniture. Inside tlio door ,
stands the magnificent mahogany cham
ber set for which now $150 are asked. It
Is as good as now. JPH a scratch
defaces it And yet , one fecU lie
could almost trace tlio very line across
the foot of thn bed made by the deadly
bullet as it sped to its fatal obicet- Near
by , an ebony fiand-painted lire screen , a
gem in design and execution , which sold
originally for $75. It cannot now bo
bought for much loss. OA u table there-
is a cose of china dessert plates , fresh as
if just from the works. They will com
mand u fair price , Looking over
the bed is a rod plush velvet
chair , which revolves on a pivot ,
wilh a back made out of Texan
steer horns ingcnjotifdy combined. This
was n gift to Laiujr from the nail works
men. In another part of the sloro is a
beautiful clock , nnd n. plain chamber sot
that which belonged to ( ho room in which
Minorvn LnuiT 3l6pt.
Upon all of 1)1930 ) , the dealer expects to
realize a handsome profit. When it was
known that the goods were to bo PO dis
posed of , the momborn of the Gootsoliius
family bccamo Indignant. Some of them
visited the sloro. Jxmlgavo expression lo
severe censure Unit goods which had been
gifts of other * to Sally on her wedding
day should bo so uncormotiiously dis
posed of. It loft ithem completely with
out u souvenir of her , unless , indeed , they
bought back their own glfls.
It is stated that at the house not long
since olhor of the effects of the poor
woman were disposed of , among them
being some slock in llio nail works. Sim
ultaneously with the tlisanpearanco of
those goods was also noted the absence of
Mrs , Lauor's jewels. It was known that
she possessed some gold ornaments nnd
diamonds , But tlieso are not now to
bo soon. Where nro they ? Some people
claim they were buried with their owner ,
and others that Ihcy arc being hold as
security by a big linn in this city for "ac
commodations , ' ' wlulo a third class say
they liavo boon put on the market just as
have the lady's otiior goods. Whatever
may have boon the disposition of them
certain it Is some people hold Hi at Laucr
has acted injudiciously In disposing of
property which did notbolong to him. His
wife's goods were his only in trust ,
and ooiild not therefore bo sold. It was
no excuse lo say Hut Latior nuodod
monoy. Whatever may be his falo , ho
will not want lor pecuniary assistance ,
The question is an open one , nnd yet it
cannot bo answered by the nearest rela
tives of the victim of that awful shot on
that fateful November night.
Buttcrmo and Butter.
A reporter for the BEE , in passing
along ono of the business streets , saw ad
vertised what was claimed to bo butlor-
inc. Buttorlno might bo oleomargarine
for anything the scribe know , so ho en-
teroil to gain needed information.
"What is butlorino ? " ho queried.
"Buttcrino is n composition , about
three-quarters lard and one-quarter but
ter. 1 will guaaaiiloo that , to any ono
who is not an old fogy , buttcrlno will
satisfy him just ns well
as regular butter now docs.
Congress is not attacking our material ,
noitlicr is Mayor Boyd. You must not
confound bultcrine with oleomargarine.
Tlioy are two different things entirely A
package of my goods is always branded.
Oleomargarine is not. Since last Febru
ary , I have sold over 1,5)00 ) packages of
bultorinu. Tlio people know what they
wore about , and accordingly bought a
second and third time. "
"Do you soil to consumers ? "
' Oh , no. I only soil to dealers. "
"Then dealers sell to the people ? "
" " " r
"Yes , sir.
"Do you know , of any grocoryman in
tliis town who sells bijltorino * "
" 1 know of a do/.on of thorn. "
"Will you givomio their names ? "
' "No. sir. Itisnono'of ' my business if
they choose to koup tfioir patrons in the
dark as to what they l.iro selling. If the
consumer buys 'alleged butter which is
really bnttcrinc , and palls for it again , it
is proof , isn't ' it , | Jlinteither / ho can't tell
the difference between butter and butter-
ino , or else ho satisfied . with what ,
under other cinjumstanccn , ho would
deoman imposili6"n.'j
"Do many cqmnu sion men in this
town handle buttcrinq/ "
"Everyone of thorn' , witli perhaps one
exception. " u * w
"Where do Ihoy get it ? "
"Our house nirninlicS nearly three-
fourths of what is consumed throughout
the slate and city. "
"What process do you use in making
"Wo make alternate layers of lard and
butter , and then churn them in swcot
milk. "
"At what rate do you sell ? "
"That depends upon the quality. My
best 1 am selling at 28 cents nor pound.
I liavo other grades at a smaller figure. "
"Why have you more than ono price ? "
"Because ono of our gmdos of buttor-
ino contains loss butler and moro lard
than the other. It is decreasing now ,
because the manufacturers fcol that dairy
butter is losing its hold , and that drops
ours down because wo do notgct a chance
at your game. "
"Can tlio grocers detect buttcrino if it
is sold as butter ? "
"Yes. "
"Why don't you soli butter ? "
"Because I know bultorino to bo bolter
than it. "
The reporter luft with the impression
that many of oin ; people are consuming
lard when they think they arc using but-
tjr. _
Trades a Kaplst From "Wisconsin and
ISriiiKs Him to Trial.
- Last night another fugitive from justice
came to grief in Council Bluffs. His
name is Edward E. Walker , and hi ? homo
is in Juncau county , Wis. Ho is charged
with rape , nnd for nearly six months has
been fleeing from the ofiicor.s of the law ,
whom ho knew lo bo upon his track.
The assault was made on tlio I'.Hli ' of
September , 188.5. On the pretense of
bringing a young woman to his wife to
secure a position as liouscniaid , ho in
duced his" victim 'to" sfiaro his carriage
witli him , and when a certain part of the
road had boon readied brutally olfocled
her ruin. Since that time the young wo
man has boon in a dangerous condition ,
in fact , injured for lifo. A warrant was
issued for the brute's arrest. Before it
could bo served , ho Joft his homo , wife
and children , to escape punishment. The
authorities , however , have spared no
means or expense. They liavo followed
him in ono or another to Illinois , Iowa ,
Dakota , Nobraskrtfand finally to Council
Bluffs. His stay iri Oiuaha was of short
duration and preceded his capture by
but a few days. Tua tracking and arrest
have been skilfullyjxjrjormou by Sheriff
O. G. Loomls , oft'Junimu county , who
made the arrest , and .who will leave this
morning with the } criminal. In Wiscou-
for raiio is ten
diance of escaping
' most encouraging
Young Dunlap.itho hid who cracked n
friend's hoiid with 'a"uiir night before
last on Pine strcct/oWHF ycstordaj fined
§ 10 and costs. lid Fufd not the money lo
liquidate , and in . .company with Officer
Whalon , looked lif/so'mo / of his relatives
to raise tlio assessment. But his uncles
wouldn't contribute. The young man
therefore bed lo go to the county jail.
The Freight Depot.
At an hour too late to obtain them , the
articles of incorporation for the construe-
lion of the now freight depot in this city
were filed in the county clerk's office yes
terday. The substance of them must bo
reserved until this afternoon's BEE.
R. C. Lange , of this city , lias sued
Heniy Haubons for 1 150 because of in
juries sustained during an assault by the
latter. The case will bo hoard by Judge
McCullocli. _
JVery riph finds of placer gold are saU to
have been made near the headwaters of
Crow creek , Col.
* * -
Au Editor sxnil Correspondent Gives
Slight Information.
WASIMN-OTOX , April 2I > . John Halo Sy-
plicr , ux-inoinbcrofcongioss from Now Or
leans , was examined by llio telephone com-
mltteo to-day , and ho said lie had suggested
to K. N. Hill llio compilation of the newspaper -
per articles mentioned In evidence yesterday.
An arllclo had been piuparcd for the New
York Tribune by the Washington correspondent
pendent prior to this. Witness did not re-
gat-das confidential anythlnj ? that had oc
curred between Hill and Casey Young.
They drank together , slept together , played
poker together , and did other tilings. Ho re-
niaiked that ho had taken lillPs statement
for wlmt It was woith.
Whltclaw Held , ot tlio Now York Tribune ,
was flic next witness. The first article con-
ccriilng Attorney ( ionoral Uailaml's connec
tion with llio Paii-Klcclrle company had
been pieparcd by Major Clark , ono of the
Tribune1 * correspondents. Witness had no
detailed knowledge wlioro Major Clark ob
tained the Information. The Tribune had
not paid anything for the matter. Ho did not
own any Bell telephone stock , nnd had no
communication ot any kind with any olllccr
of that company.
In reply to a question from the chairman
askln ? if Hie Tribune had not Riven a politi
cal cast to the matter , witness said :
"I think vou will lind wo generally call at
tention to the political beat ing , Wo put our
Interpretations on the facts , which you will
liml in editorials. "
Chalimaii You had .seen Mr. Garland's de
nial and published it'.1
Witness I think so. I should not take the
view that Mr. Garland's statement freed him
from censure. Whatever statement Uarlaud
mauc on tlio subject , I printed in full nnd at
once. Witness had no personal feeling what
ever against Mr. Uarlnnd.
T. C. \Vashiugloncorrespondcnt
of the New York Woild , was ttio next wit
ness. He said the facts on which ho based
the letter In evidence , ho obtained from n
Untied States senator nnd must decline to
name him without his consent , llo had ob
tained the original history ot' tlio case from
U. I1. Hill. The committee then adjourned.
WASHINGTON , April SO. The fourth of
July claims ibill , after some deb.ite. was
The postolllcc appropriation bill was then
taken up , on which Mr. Beck had the floor.
A long debate ensued in which Messrs. Beck
and Plumb joined. Mr. Beck occupied tlio
floor , though with considerable Interruptions ,
three hours and a half.
Mr. Halo ( hen addressed the senate In Invor
of tlio amendment appropriating 8309,003 to
pay for carrying the malls to Central and
South America , Australia , China and Japan.
But before ho concluded the senate went into
executive .session and when tlio doors reopened -
opened ml join nod.
Tlio committee on coinage , weights and
nicasmes reported the bill for tlio ictlrcment
and rccolnaco of trade dollars. Placed on
the house calendar. It provides that for six
months after its passage trade dollars shall
bo received at face value In payment of all
duos to the United Stales , and shall not
be again paid out or Issued In any other man
ner. The holder of trade dollars on prescnta-
1 tion for sale may receive in change an equal
amount of standard silver dollars. Trade
dollais so received shall bo recoincd Into
standard silver dollars.
The house then went into committee of the
whole , Mr. Wellborn In the chair , on tlio
river and harbor appropration bill ,
the pending amendment being one
providing that the appropriation for
the Missouri river bo expended un
der the direction of the secretary of war.
without the intervention of the Missouri
river commission. The amendment was re
jected , Out It was agtecd a vote should bo
allowed on it in the house. The paragraph
making an anpropriatlon of SS,250,000 lor the
improvement of tlio lower'Mississippi having
been reached , the committee rose.
Mr. Van Eaton , from the committee on
public lands , reported the bill to grant the
right through public lands to any canal or
ditch company formed tor the purpose of ir
rigation. Placed on the calendar.
The house then adjourned.
The Historical Association.
WASHINGTON , April 29. At to-night's ses
sion of the Historical association , the last of
the meeting , the committee appointed to wait
on President Cleveland and request cooperation
tion in securing the proper commemoration
of the four hundredth anniversary of the dis
covery of America , reported that the presi
dent assured the committee ho felt an Inter
est In the matter , and intimated no would
take pleasure in bringing it to the attention
of congress in his next annual message.
A resolution was passed thanking the re
tiring president , Hon. ( icnrgc Uaucroft , for
the services reudeiod the association by his
presence and sympathetic intcicat.
The following oilicers for the onsiilngyear
were elected : President , Justin Wlnsor ,
librarian ot Harvaid university ; vice presi
dents , Charles Kendall Adams , president of
Cornell university ; William F. 1'oole , of
Chicago nubile library ; secretary , Bcibert 15.
Adams , John Hopkins unlversitv ; treasurer ,
Charles Wlnthiop Bowcn , Now Yoik.
Tlio following were elected members :
Chief.Tiistico Wifllo , Senators Kvarts , Hawley -
ley , Plait , ' Logan , Hon. William Homy
Siullh , genera ! manager of the Associated
press , Commodoio George 1C. Bulknap ,
United States navy.
Sliles Is Alter Them.
WASHINGTON , April iM. The adjutant
gcneial of thoarmy lias received tlio follow
ing Iclegram from General .Miles :
Tucfto.Y ; , Apiil2T. The Ainchcs in small
numbers liavo been committing serious dep
redations In the country adjacent to the Sonora -
nora uiilroad , thiity to fifty miles south of
the boundary , and to-day , the arth , killed one
man north of tho-lino , near Calabasis , Aiiz.
Ourtioops and thiity men of the Mexican
troops aio in active pursuit , both crossing the
Concerning Olilncso Seamen.
WASHINGTON , Apill 20. The treasury de
partment has decided that Chinese seamen
do not fall within the piohlbltory provisions
of the Chinese restriction act , and may be al
lowed to land teuipoiailly in the ordinary
puiMilt of their calling for the of
shipping on u icturn voyage as soon as pos
Thu house committed on rules agreed to re-
poita resolution , fixing the hour of mooting
of the house at ll o'clock.
Military AHKlKimiciitfl.
WASHINGTON , April 2U. Brigadier Gen
eral linger has been assliriiedto the command
of tlio duiiaitmentof Dakota , and Brigadier
General 1'otter to the department of the
" * Personal Paragraphs.
Judge F. H. Hall , of Chadron , is in the
city.J. .
J. A. Hamilton , of Ncola , Iowa , is in
the city.
( i. H. Purdon , Dublin , is n Paxton
guest ,
E. W. Murphy , of North Platte , is at
the Paxton.
Hoy. J. Milllgan , of Princeton , 111. , Is
in the city.
N. W. Paddock , of Mankato , Minn. , is
at tlio Millard ,
J. R. Buchanan , of Missouri Valley , is
at the Millard.
F. S. Parmaleo returned yesterday from
a month's trip to ilio Pacific coast.
F , W. Vosswinklo , Fairbury's real es
tate agent , was in the city last evening.
Judge Stonborg disposed of a few un
important cases in police court yesterday
Detective Cfias. Emery Joft yesterday
on an important business trip in
eastern Iowa and Illinois.
W , W. McBride , of Adams &MoBrIdo ,
returned yesterday from Ohio , where
lie was called about a mouth ago by the
illness of Ids father.
W. B. McKinney , of the Wells-Fargo
and American Express companies , re
turned yesterday from nn extended trip
to the Pacific coast. He says Omaha and
the state of Nebraska beat anything he
could so ? ; in tli
The Poet oT the Sierras Criticizes the
Newspaper Writers.
Jonquiii Miller , writing from Los
Angeles to the Chicago Times , sayas
Away down yonder within a hundred
miles of the Mexican line , wlioro tlio
wind blows so hard that it whistles down
the telegraph poles with the sharp little
stones which it whirls through the air ,
wlicro men are soaro and woman coma
not at nil , and where life therefore must
boa bit dreary , I came upon the cam ) )
of an old soldier , whom I liad known and
loved for thirty years. This most endur
ing , patient , ind honest of nil our many
true soldiers was being abused like a
pickpocket by the many people whoso
lives and property ho had given tlio best
days of his life to protect. On the
second page of the Dally Tomlistono for
April 1 , I counted tiflccn false ntid
insulting paragraphs about ( too. Crook.
Other papers , in proportion to tlicir in *
significance , were as Insolmit. And Unit
is saying tliov were as insolent as limited
capacity could make thorn. The fact is
tlieso potty papnrs with their falsehoods
keel ) people out of tlio country. Their
recent accounts of tlio turriblo Apnuhos
and Gen. Crook's patient attempts to got
them back on the reservation , wlicro tlio
largo number of well-disposed Apaches
are doing so well , would lead uo to believe -
liovo that Arizona is a dangerous land to
Let us look at the facts. Two or thrco
dozen drunken and badly-disposed In
dians almost as bad as some bad white
men advised and influenced by bad
white men , loft the reservation n year
atro. They became outlaws and com
mitted murders. But it is safe to say that
at least nine out of ten of the lurid and
gory stories about the recent Apache out
rages were fabrications. Tlio sensational
telegraph must bo fed by that wonderful
novelist , tlio "special wess agent. '
What if it is not true ? Wliy , at the
worst it will only have to bo contra-
dieted. And that will make more news !
But without stopping to say more about
this , let us look at the closing campaign
with which tlio sensitive press of tlio
Arizona border is finding fault. A man
who has done as much for tlio border , to
say nothing of his great record in the
civil war , "Is entitled to now and then
have the truth told about him. Briefly ,
then , about the end of this lust campaign
the fugitives from the Indian reservation ,
who wore over tlio line in Mexico , sent
word to Gon. Crook , who was close on
their trail , that they wanted to see him
and talk about terms of surrender. It
was a dangerous thing. The murder of
Gon. Can by by Capt. Jack and similar
records arc not forgotten. But what
bettor could be done ? Spend your lifo
in lava-beds , as Gen. Crook hat , hunting
Indians , and you will be slow to wisli for
renegade Indians to come down from in
accessible heights and light you fairly on
tlio plains.
When only two oflicer.s. some scouts ,
and some friendly Indians , this old sol
dier , certain that death was not far off
and might meet him any instant , wont ,
like Caiiby and Mcaeham , calinly , in the
midst of these murders down there beyond -
yond the Mexican line , and received
heir promise of surrender.
Having accomplished this Gen. Crook
had the Indians pack ui > and follow on
after him , while ho rode on ahead and
from Fort Bowie telegraphed to the trov-
ornmont tlio glad news that the Indians
had surrendered to him In Mexico and
were now coining in to return to the res
ervation. But at the Mexican line tlio
Indians halted nud refused to como on.
They camped there and that night left
the oamp. Why ? I will toll you why.
A white man furnished them drink , for
Mexican money , with which to glad
dened his mean heart ; and then he read
them the Ari/.oua papers stating that they
would all bo hung.
So you sco it is the newspaper men ,
and not Gen. Crook , who is to blame be
cause the Indians are not again on tlio
reservation. These papers have persist
ently insisted that the Indians would and
should bo hung. The renegade whites
can read , if the Indians oun not. Tlio
many papers that announced the sur
render hud long and bloody editions de
claring that no Gen. Crook , the governor
of the territory , not even the army of
the United States , could save these In
dians from the rope , but that the last
one should and would bo hung. And
so Citi/.en Lo , sipping his codec as ho sat
in his rod blanket safe on the Mexican
side , read those enterprising papers.
Then lie laid them quietly down , after ho
had his breakfast , in the language of
Arizona , to "got up and dust. "
I take the responsibility of saying that
if those same papers that have neon try
ing to insult tills noblostof allourolliccr.s
had attended to their own business and
lot him attend to his , the Indian war in
Arizona , would have been over long ago
and tlio savages safe back on the reserva
tion. And perhaps I ought to add that I
alone am responsible for the assertion.
Gon. Crook never so much as suggested
anything of the sort jx > mo.
UlyssoH in Ijuek After All.
Mr. Kothaker , the editor of the Wash
ington ( D. C. ) Hatchet , who lias recently
returned from Colorado , publishes the
following paragraph concerning the es
tate ot the late ox-Senator Chaffee , of
Colorado : "Ulysses S. Grant , Jr. , has
been out in Colorado attending to the
details ot settling the estate of his father-
ill-law , the into Juromo B. Chalice. The
value of the property which is left to
Airs. Ulysses S. Grant cannot bo deter
mined , as the hulk of it is in mining in
terests. Carefully nursed , liowovor , it
will aggregate probably about SlJOO.OOO.
All this will remain in Mrs. Grant's
name , as her husband is legally Imblo
for the debts of Grant & Ward. Mrs ,
Grant lost her dower of ? 100,0ui ) and n
residence which her father presented her
in tlio failure. Chaffeu lost 500,000 of
securities which ho had on deposit.
Ulysses , Jr. , will bo comfortable for tlio
rest of his life , nevertheless. Ho and his
wife live upon a farm in Wostchestor
county , owned by tlio late Mr. ClmfTco , ' '
A Blacknialler'H Huso Destroyed by
Coolness iincl Nnrvc.
On the crest of one of the hills near the
new court house of Douglas county , is
an abode which is sometimes styled adon.
Tlila den has aa inmate or two , neither
of whom , bocausa of facial comeliness or
symmetrical form , would ever aspire tea
a Joseph. And yet , the path to the den
has | not boon unmarked , unfortali/.od
by human bones , Strange though it
scorn , human bones , symbolized In mor ,
al weakness and blasted repudiation-
mark tlio path trodden by careless feet.
The song of the siren has done its wprk ,
and continued to do it witii impunity , un
til a short time sinco.
She had lured a man to his ruin. Tlio
door of the house had scarcely .shut both
siren and victim in from the world with
out" , when the panel resounded with a
knock ,
"My husband I" exclaimed tlio siren , in
accents of mingled amazement and
dread. "Ho must not sou you. "
Tlio victim drew his revolver. "If
your husband is in front of that door one
minute from this , he'll never know what
hit him. " Mr. Victim meant what ho
said. Husband wont away , and siren
and sinner parted with glances like
flushings of lightning.
The Protest Hocolvod.
WASHINGTON , April 2S. A. memoiial
from the legislature of Iowa , icmoiibtratlni ;
against the cancellation of the bond
ed indebtedness of the Union Pacific
rallioid was presented in the sonata to-day.
F.V. . Brown , of Milwaukee ; J , Hiloy
and wife , of St. Paul ; W. C. Diiggan , of
Topeka ; Kan. , are at thu Cantiuld ,
Thinks Ijovo Is l ny Enough.
A Wife , in Boston Glebe : In all our
marriage services , if I remember rigidly ,
some such stipulation is made ns ( hat wo
shall "lovo our husbands. " It is , ns I
understand It , tlio principal part of the
contract. Let those wives who arc cla
moring for pay ask thomsolvo.s if they
understood this part of their obligation ,
Lot thorn ask their woman's heart if Ilioy
know what love is. If they do not they
nro not wives , and if they do they will bo
patiint. Tennyson says in "Locksley
Love took up the narp of life and smote on
all Its strings with might ;
Smote the choidof f elf that trembling passed
in musicout of sight.
The wife who values her labors for her
husband also many dollars'nndccnt/ilia ! )
not lost self in her love for him. She lias
not yet experienced the holy joy of giv
ing all and asking nothing. N\ hen Ma
mind and body are alike wearied and
overcome by tlio toil and caro. the disap-
pointimmta and In justice , thonevcr-cons-
Ing conflicts of lifojio will not bo refreshed
and stronghoiied by the society of such a
woman. Ho will liavo to turn to the
wine-room , the pool-room , or still worse
( huv nc no one loromind him that ho is
bettor than an animal ) , ho will finally
seek distraction in some form or other ,
for tlioru are very few men who can
qulolly cat tlicir hearts out in silence , as
wo women often do. The wlfo who al
lows her husband to seek thesn distrau-
lions will Unit they cost something , too.
She will got loss and loss money from
him in consequence. It will bo wiser in
every way to love him out of them. Save
htm from Ids very faults It is easier than
many think. Be his bettor , nobler self.
12 von if she cannot succeed alasl there
are men whom an angel cannot reclaim
verily she will have her reward , in thai
she shall bo an aimol. In Hourly every
thing I think wo are not tlio equals of
men , but lot us romi'inber that in our
capabilities of serving and suffering wo
nro fat higher. Just so long ns women
become wives for any consideration ,
or ease , or anything less noble than u
pure love , just so long there will bo mis
erable , disappointed aiid ill-paid 'wives.
A canvass of the house of representa
tives is said to show 153 members in favor
of the bankruptcy bill , 71) ) against it and
29 non-committal.
JIo Guvo It Awny ,
Detroit Free Press : "Madam , " ho
said after a. long survey of a flower stand
at tlio Conlral nmrkct yesterday , "could
you recommend mo something to piaco
on my wife's ' ravoV"
"I think so , " she answered , as she
looked him over. "llo\v \ long lias she
boon dead ? "
"Six years. "
"Married again ? "
"What is that to you ? "
"Oh. you needn't bo so cranky. I'vo
dealt in cemetery flowers for the last
fifteen years , ami 1 know about how
things work. If you are still a widower
you want about $1 worth of flowers ami
a border of moss. If yon are married
again you'll ' pick out a ! io cent rose bush
and boat mo down to 15 cents , and send ,
it to the cemetery by a car driver. "
Ho pretended to Go very indignant and
went to tlio oilier end of tlio market and
bought two feoblo-looking pinks for
seven cents apiece.
It was recently decided in a Cincinnati
debating .society that a man is not nocos-
stirilv an Irishman because ho wears a
cork leg ,
Throat trouble dangerous. Red Star
Cough Cure , safe and sure , 25 cents a
The number of pictures sent in for the
spring exhibition of the Paris salon 5
5,000 , but there is room only for half of
Ilalford Sauce makes cold meats a luxury.
o -
[ [
Kansas' winter wheat acreage is placet !
at 10 per cent below that of last year.
About 40 per cent of the sowing has been
Ilalford Sauce for family use. Sold evcry-
Tcmpcrnnco speakers arn swarming
into Rhode Island , and u great effort i §
to bo made to carry tlio prohibitory
O. II. Holbcrg , Pastor Woodhnvnn M.
E. Church , South Woodhavcn , Queens
Co. , N. Y. , states : "I liavo used Allcoek's
Plasters for thirty years. Never found
them fail to euro weakness of the back ,
spine and kidney dilUcullics. Tlioy are
very agreeable and strengthening. A
short time ago I got in a profuse perspir
ation while preaching. Imprudently go
ing homo without my overcoat , I lost the
use of my voice , and the next day had u
violent pain in my back , kidneys and
chest. 1 could hardly breathe. Three
Allcock's Plustors applied to my back ,
chest and kidneys cured me completely
in six hours. I was astonished how quick
my breathing became easy after apply
ing. "
Hog cholera , which is so dreaded by
farmers , can bo cured by St. Jacob's OiL
t >
SICK IlKADAOin : . Thousands who have
fiiiUbri'd intensely with siok hoadaoho say
that Hood's Sar.saparilla lias completely
cured thorn. Ono gentleman thusroliovcd ,
writes : "Hood's Sarauparillu is worth its
weight in gold. " Header , if j-ou are suf
fering with sick headache , give Hood's
Sarsajwrilla a trial. It will do you posi
tive good. Mudo l.y C. I. Hood & Co. ,
Lowell. Mass. Sold by all druggists. 100
Do es Ono Dollar.
If , It Not
that consumptives should bo the least np-
prohonsivo of tlieir own condition , wluo
all their friends are urging and beseech
ing them to bo more careful about ex
posure and overdoing. It may well bo
considered one of tlio most alarming
symptoms of the disease , where tlio pa
tient is reckless and will not believe Unit
ho is in danger. Header , if you are in
this condition , do not noglcct the only
means of recovery. Avoid exposure and
fatigue , bo regular in your hnbiU , and
use faithfully of Dr. Piorco's "Golden
Medical Discovery. " It has saved thous
ands who were steadily failing.
When IU1 > j TTM ilck ,
Wlion ihe triw B Child , < he cried for CutorU ,
When eba bocama lllis , the clung to CutarU ,
Wliau ibe ludCUldien , elei ; T6 themCistori * ,
PILHS ! c PlbKS ! PlhKS
A sure cure for Blind , Bleeding , Jtahln
and ulcerated Pitas has bouu discovered by
Dr. Williams , ( an Indian icinody ) , called lr
Williams' Indian Pile Ointment. A single
box has cured tlio worst chronic cnum of 25 or
SO years standing. No one nt-wl miller five
minutes nllcr applying this wonduiful sooth
ing nuxlicine. Lotions and Instruments Uo
moro 1mm than good. Williams' Indian
Pile Ointment absorbs the tumors , allays the
intense itching , ( particularly at ululit after
cettln warm in bed ) , acts as a poultice , elves
Instant relief , and Is prepared only for Piles ,
itching ot private parts , and for nothing olsa.
Dr. Frazicr's Magic Ointment cures as by
magic , Pimples , IJIack lfcad or Orubi ,
Blotches and Kruptlons on the face , leaving
thesKln clear and beautiful. Also cures Itch ,
mi'/u",1"1 ? , ° .re NIPPlcs , Sere Lips , ami
Old Obstinate Ulcers.
Hold by druggists , or mailed on receipt of
KfcUjiod by Kulm & Co. . and Schroetor *
Conrad. At wholesale by U & Uoodiuaa.