Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 30, 1886, Image 1

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Great Apprehension Pelt in Chicago Over
the Arrival of May First.
Frclcht Handlers Will WnlkOnt , Fnr-
< iilturo Makers Shut Down , nnd
General Stagnation Predicted
N. 1' . Imbur Demonstration.
The AVnjc Workers' Struirgle.
CniCAfio , April 29. [ Special Telegram. ]
It appears now to be Inevitable that Saturday
will witness the beginning of a gieat struggle
between employers and employes over the
eight hour question In this city. The more
the subject Is canvassed , nnd the closer the
clay approaches , tlio Inclination of employers
appears to bo very thoroughly In thodliccllon
of withstanding tliedeinaiidsot the men for
the same pay for eight hours work as was
formerly paid fe > r ten hours. The unions ,
almost without exception , have accepted and
lormulak'il tlio demands of the agitators fern
n woikiug diy ; of eight hours , but have
Ignored the suggestion thai they would con-
sen t to a reduction In pay. In nearly every
Instance tlie old rate of f&y Is not only de
manded , but in numerous cases an Increase
of pay for the shorter hours Is called for.
It Is stated that the freight handlers on
every road In Chicago would strike on Friday
night for eight hours. It Is said that the
movement originated some two weeks ago
nmougtliu men In the Lake Shore < & Michigan
Southern freight houses , who consulted with
the freight handlers of the various roads nud
called a ironcrnl meeting. At this meeting It
was decided that , without giving tlio railroad
L oillcmls any warning , the men would iiuit
work on the evening of April 'U ) . This
rumor was Investigated , but railroad men In
general seemed entirely Ignorant of tlie
whole affair , mid no corroborative Informa
tlon was obtained till 11. C. Gnno , foreman
of the Chlcojo , Burlington & Qulney freight
house , was seen.
"Yes , " said he , "llio report is undoubtedly
true. I heard of the meeting last week , and
immediately consulted with my men on the
subject. They reluctantly admitted the facts
whicli yon already have. "
It is expected that there will bo a strike of
the freight handlers in the freight house
of tlio Galena division of the Chicago &
Northwestern railroad. They sent in their
demands this afternoon. Tlio action of the
men was a complete surprise to the ofllcials ,
as , although theiy know there was soaie agita
tion among tlie men , they did not expect It to
como to a head qulto so suddenly. About 1500
men employed In the four freight houses of
the Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul railroad
signed a petition to-day asking for tlio eight-
hour schedule.
"I think , " said a prominent furniture man
ufacturer to day , "that every furniture facto
ry In tlio city will bo shut down on Saturday.
That is tlio outlook now. Wo expect that
nearly all the workers will bo out by that
time on the demand for eight hours work and
ten hours pay. and it la understood that even
the members of the furniture manufacturers
association , whoso employes don't go out on
a strike , will close their factories out of sym
pathy with the stand taken by tholroigaiiiza-
tion. They will all stand together. "
Now York for Shorter Hours.
.Nnw YOICK. April 29. [ Special Telegram.J
From present indications Saturday night
will bo made niemorabloby | ono of the largest
gatherings for organized labor over scon in
this city. A demonstration will bo held In
Union square uuelor the direction of the Cen
tral Labor union , which represents about ino
trades unions and labor clubs. New trades
arc being organized as rapidly as possible.
The meeting lias been called to favor tlio sys
tem of shorter hour * of labor , and not to
nialco n demand for eight hours , and , in case
of a refusal on tlio part of employers to
brim ; about a .mammoth strike. All the
unions bcllovo in short hours of labor ,
but they have cometo the conclusion that
the tlmo has not arrived to make a united de
mand for eight hours. Some of the trades will
make an eight-hour demand on May 1 , others
will ask for nine ; , and some will ask for ten
hours. The mooting will endorse these de
mands , and while it may favor eight hours
for nil trader , It will not Insist on obtaining
n concession at present , excent in the case of
trades that have already notified thnlr em
ployers of the adoption of tlio eight-hour rule.
The meeting will probably , d clare that men
who worlclHtccn or slxtoucn hours per day
should have twelve , that men who work
twelve should have ton , and that men who
work ten hours should have eight or nine.
By reducing the hours of won ; , tlio Central
I/ibor union hopns to Incre-iso the domanel
for labor , and enable tlious.iuds of people out
of work to get steady "employment.
The Freight Handler * ' Pcmnudfl.
CHICAGO , April 29. General Superinten
dent Wheeler and Yico l'roldewt Hughltt
Bald they would take no notice of tlio de
mands of thu freight handlers. Wo cannot
penult , wild they , our employes In any de
partment to Interfere with tha business of
our load. Wo must , iinil will , run our
trains ami shops to suit ourselves.
Tim freight handlers on the Chleago &
Alton lesmvod to-night to Join In tliu del-
maud for eight hours without a correspond-
| nur oeeivaso In wages.
Tim Baltimore ) & Ohio and Illinois Central
freight men are also reported to bodlssutis-
lied witli tlio present condition of affairs ,
ami It Is said to-night that the Wabasli
freight house men aru inclined to join tiio
movement Inaugurated on the St. 1'aul and
other roads.
MILWAITKIK : , April 23. General Manager
Miller , of the St , I'aul railway , was seem by
an Associated press reprusentativo to-night ,
and while ho wouhl not give a elolinlto reply
In regard to the freight handlers' demands
In Chicago , It is understood from incidental
remarks by him that tlie demand will not bo
gnintril. He evidedtly thinks them unrea-
bonablej ,
It seems to bo the opinion of Iho ofllccrs of
the lo.uls whose- men have-uslccd fora reduc
tion of hours , etc. , that tlio employes will bo
unable ) to Micco..s. " > tully Imnuitiratu n strike , as
they have no union. It Is the intention of
the men , however , to foim a society tor this
purpose * . A me'utlng of all persons employee )
In local freight houses will bo held to-morrow
even I ng ,
An Eight Hour Shut Down.
MII.WAUKKK , April 29. Kvery planing
mill of any importance- shut down to-day ,
in coiisc'queiico of the demands mudo by the
workmen for eight hours' work nt ten hours' '
pay , which was refused. The men recently
organized an assembly of Knights of Labor
witli a membership of about 000 , and the
htrike was ordered by them to-day , Several
hundred woikmen at the mills not knight ;
were thrown out by the shut down ,
Shut-Downs In Milwaukee.
CIIICAOO , April 29. The Inter-Ocean's
Milwaukee ) special says : I'laiiUInton & CVs
pork packing establishment shut down thu
evening. Two hundred men arc idle' . A
member of the lirm said the estftblishmoiil
will remain closed until there Is n ele-cldeel
change In thu labor situation. One tliousani
tanners ot this city made a demand for the
eight hour day. No reply has yet been given ,
Strlko nuel Poverty.
NKW Yonif , April t . With few excep
tlous ( lie old employes on the Third avtmue
lines bhow evidences of poverty , coinlnc
from lack of work. All tell thu hamo fetor ;
of liaiusnlj > 3-iu many cases pf abject need
Hlvnls Endeavor to Plnco Powdcrly
In Dlnrctmtc.
WASIUNOTON , April 29. [ Special Tele-
gram.J The Knights of Laooraro losing
confidence In Powdcrly , theirchief , andthcio
are signs of trouble brewing within the ranks
of the order. A knight , In conversation with
. our correspondent , cxpiessod tlio opinion
hat there would soon bo serious divisions in
assemblies. The ono theme of discussion at
all meetings nttho present time Is the late
sti ike nnd. action of the general master work
man In connection therewith. Thorn Is much
: omplalnt against I'owdcrly , and ho Is
ihmed for thu rontinuanro of the
ate dlfllcluliejs nnd the serious turn
they took. Some of tlio leaders
aver that If Powderly had been
I'rnan of grealcr firmness tlie trouble would
lave been brought to an end at the outset ,
it Is claimed ho docs not possess the conli-
lenco of his subordinates In that degree
which will enable him to bring out of the
order nil the good of which It Is capable. It
s true that most of this seditious talk comes
from ambitious rivals nud others who cannot
leas they please under the present admluls-
: rallon. But , for all that , they Intend to give
ho present chief some annoyance and make
ils continuance- ollico as unpleasant as
possible. Among oilier thing ? charged up
airninst , him Is that he allowed Jay Gould to
get thu best of htm in tlie negotiations that
passed between them.
Archbishop I'olinii Upholdn the
KnlghtB or Tinhor.
CIIICAOO , April 29. Referring to the re-
iioft that Archbishop Tascheran , of Montreal ,
liad Issued a mandate forbidding Catholics to
become Knights of Labor , as being ono of
Iho dangerous societies condemned with free
masonry , Vicar General Con way , of Chicago ,
sneaking for Archbishop Fcehan , salel to-day :
"The Knights of Labor is not ono of the so
cieties condemned by the church. It is not
lo bo placed in tlio same category with
free masonry and similar secret
societies. There Is n wide difference
ictween their purpose , as well as influence ,
on the religious life of Individual members.
Tlio Knights of Labor is composed of labor
ing men , having no ulterior object other than
lo receive just compensation for their labor.
If there lias been blood shud In any place ,
accomnanylng the existing strike , it lias
rather been caused by tlio starvation wages
ilvcn by monopolies than by the malice or
Ill-will of the worklncmon. Tlio Knights ot
Labor , as a society , 1 do not believe
are responsible for this shedding ot
blood. Tlio workliiKinati lias a right to
receive just compensation for his
labor. The wives and children of the em
ployer live sumptuously and dress finely ,
while the laborers family barely have the
necessary food to keep away actual want. 1
am perfectly willing to publish my views on
this question , sei far as limy relate to better
pay for the working man. And because the
society has but tnis one object , and does not
interfere with the religious belief ejf its mem
bers , nor assume the nosition of religious
teachings , the church has not and does not
forbid Catholics from joining it.
The Southwest Strike.
bT. Louis , April 29. The executive committee
mitteo of the Knights of Labor has held no
formal mooting as yet to consider tlie propo
sition of the citizens' committee looking to a
settlement of the southwest strike. All the
members of the executive committee are neit
in tlio city , and no action can bo taken till
they bring together a quorum. Ono of the
committee ) said thesy would consider the letter
of tlio citizen's committee , but did not think
the propositions it contained would effect a
speedy .settlement of the strike because it
takes no cognizance of their grievances.
Strike Committee at St , liouls.
ST. Loins , April 29. The congressional
commission , to take testimony In regard to
the causes of the strike on the Missouri 1'a-
cllic railroad , arrived hero to-night , The
commission has uo plan of action yet ar
ranged ,
Glnss "Works Close Up.
riTTSmmo , April 3D. The O'Hara Glass
works closed down indefinitely to-day on ac
count of differences between the lirm and
some of the employes. Over SOO men arc
thrown out of employment ,
Now \Tork Defeats Boston After
Eleven limlnjju.
Niw : Yor.ic , April 29. Tlie league cham
pionship season was formally opened in this
city to-day by ttio Now York and Boston
clubs. The attendance was 12,000. , Eleven
inninps had to bu played before the game was
decided. The excitement was Intense , and
the reiar of voices defies description. The
chances of war liuiiK In the balance , and In
clined first on one side and then on the other ,
and tliu result was delightfully in doubt until
tlio end. Gcrlmrdt carried off the honors.
Thousands Hocked eiver tlio fences at tlio
close , amid a din like thunder , and wanted to
earry tlio players oil the Held. Bostons 4 ,
Now Yorks 5.
WASHINGTON , April 21. Tlio champion
ship season of the national league opened
hero to-day witli a game between the Na
tionals and Philadelphia clubs. Never before
has such an assembly gathered in this city to
witness a ball gaum as that which test oil the
capacity e > t Capitol park to-day. Many ladies
were present. The Marine band end the
blowing. The Nationals outplayed their op
ponents at all points. Nationals 0 , Phila
delphia ! ! .
ST. LOUJH , Aiiril 29 , Tim league season
opened hero to-day , and notwithstanding the
raw atmosphere r > , tOJ people were on tlio
ground. The Detreiits played an almost per
fect game , whllo their balling was very line
nud heavy. The home team also played well ,
but falleel to get on to Baldwin , making but
tlireo lilts off his delivery. St. Louis 2 , De
troit 9.
KANSAS CITY , Apill 29. The Inaugural
came of the league season to-day was pre
vented by rain.
At Baltimore Ualtltlmoros4 , Brooklyns 9.
At Philadelphia Athletics 8 , Metropoli
tan si. :
At Cincinnati Clnclnnatts 4 , St. Louis 9.
A Doulilo TraRcdy.
OIIICAOO , April 29. Tito Inter-Ocean's Ra
cine , Wis. , special says : Joseph Uhllr , a
wealthy farmer 70 years of ago , icsleling at
Caledonia , this mornfiigshothis wife tlironzh
Iho body , indicting n moital wound , and
then committed bincidu witli the same re
volver. Thu connle were married but two
years , and tlio wlio recently sued for divorce
on tno ground of inhuman treatment. This
Is supposed to bo tlio cause of the tragedy.
Itonth as a Drunken Jngo.
Niw : Vonic , April 29. [ Special Telegram. )
Ono of the sensations of Now York to-day
Is the unfortunate condition in which Edwin
Booth , the great American tragedian , ap
peared on the stage last night as lago in the
play of Othello , Salvina appearing in the
title role. Booth was tipsy , and made a pit !
fid exhibition of himself.
A Broken Hunk ,
CINCINNATI , April 29. The Times-Star
Mailetta , (0. ( , ) special says the bank ol
Marietta closed Its doors this morning , and
made an assignment to F. W. Moore and A
F. Lye. Thu failure Is duo to embarrassment
from real estate transactions. Thu deposits
amount to over SIOO.OOO. It is thought the
real estutu will bu sullielent to pay all depos
Its In lull.
Weather for To-dny.
MISSOURI YALLV.Y. Cooler Intho north
west , followed by warmer southerly winds
light rains , followed by fair weather ,
The Charges on Which the Webster Oity ,
Iowa , Postmaster WasEemovcd.
Snm ItandnU's F hnrly Tnllc to
Cleveland ou the Tariff Question
Opens the President's Jilycs
Manning Will Ilcslgn.
More Secrets Hcvonlcd.
WAPHi.NOTo.vr , April 29. [ Special Tele
gram. ] In the executive session of the sen
ile this afternoon Mr. Wilson of Iowa moved
to remove the Injunction of secrecy from Ids
report on Hie case of George W. Bell to bo
postmaster nt Webster City , Iowa , In place of
John D. Hunter , suspended. Bell was re-
Icctcd some clays ago. The report is qulto
long , and recites that all of the papers con
cerning the suspension of Mr. Hunter , as
well as those that related to the nomination
of Mr. Bell , were furnished the postofllcc
committed by the postmaster general , from
whicli It appears that Mr. Bell determined to
get tlio appointment of postmaster at Web
ster City as soon as Cleveland was elected ,
and before the Inauguration addressed
a letter to President Cleveland enclos
ing Indorsements from all of the leadIng -
Ing democrats in Iowa , who testified
to his political activity and uselulncss and
asked that tlio office as a reward therefor.
These documents did not have the desired
clfcct , so In April following ho got up an
other lot of endorsements which he for
warded with a letter , In whicli ho acts upon
tlio suggestions made by the postmaster gen
eral in ills "oltenslvo partisan" letter , and
charges Hunter , tlio Incumbent , with offen
sive partisanship , and asks his removal upon
these grounds. Ho specifies that Hunter Is
the editor of an offensive partisan paper ;
that ho attended political conventions , ami
did political work. There was no fault
round with hunter's management of the of-
tice , but he was removed upon these charges
made by Bell. Tlio latter , by his own confes
sions In tliu same letter in which were
the charges , was guilty of tlio same
offense. He said that ho was the editor of
the democratic paper ; that ho was a member
and chairman of the democratic committee ;
that ho managed the Interests of the party In
his county , and enclosed a circular from the
executive committee of the state to show
how many speeches ho had made during the
campaign. Ho asked the office as a reward
for his political services , and that he might bo
enabled by the salary it would give him to do
more political work than over. Ho was ap
pointed in August , 1SS5. The committee
show by a circular Issued by tlio state execu
tive committee , that he made eighteen demo
cratic speeches after ho became postmaster ,
and by the newspapers that ho continued to
take an active part in the management of tlio
campaign as a delegate to conventions and a
member of a political committee. They
charge that lie loft his postolllce
for weeks at a time to do political work , and
neglected his olllclal duties. The committee ,
from these facts , drew the conclusion that if
Hunter was unlit to hold tlio ollico by reason
of his partisanship Bell should bo judged by
the rule , and say : "He abandoned his post
of duty to engage in more active , extensive
and continuous partisan work than was al
leged against Mr. Hunter , and the committee
cannot but conclude that his conduct was not
brought to thn attention of the president , and
that his nomination to tlio senate was an un
intentional violation of tlio policy oi the ad
ministration in such cases. " His nomination
was therefore rejected.
The tariff men are jubilant to-day over the
reports from the , while Morrison
and his followers are equally oj > -
pressed. The latter have claimed
that the president has been mak
ing a large number of converts to the Morri
son tariff bill , and that they were sura of vic
tory when It came up. But to-day the tide
has changed , for It has become known that
Sam llandall has called on tlio president
within the last few days and had a fatherly
talk with him. Mr. Randall did not mince
matters , but laidboforo Mr. Cleveland his po
sition In the light , and gave him tlie names
of the democratic members of tlie house who
would vote with him against the bill. Ho
told the president that any further interfer
ence In the mattur would only hurt the ad
ministration , because defeat was certain , and
it would not do for the democratic adminis
tration to father a dcfoat by a democratic
house. Ho explained that tlio free wool
clause had hermetically sealed the Ohio dem
ocrats against it , and brought with them
many others. The president saw the logic of
his remarks , and promised Mr. Itandall that
henceforth ho would keep Ills hands oil' and
stand aloof In the light. This satisfied Mr.
liandall , and ho left.
Talking about the wool question , alarge
woolen manufacturer in Ohio recently told a
member of the house that the passage of tlio
bill meant a transfer of the capital now em
ployed in this trade to Berlin or Liverpool.
"Tlio capital will go , " ho said , "but the labor
cannot ; and henca that vast number of people
ple now given work here will bo Idle. " The
impression Is growing among tlio members
that the proper tiling to bjclono with the bill
will bo to order It rccommlttcd'to ' tlio ways
and means committee , with the instructions
to the committee to strike out the tarilf portion
tion and report tlio administrative purt of the
"Will Morrison ever consent to thus killing
His tarilf billi" ' was asked of an anti-Morri
son member o [ the ways and means ,
"Well , If the bill Is not reported again , the
blame will rest with Mqrrl&ou andtlmanti-
tariff men , " was tlio reply.
It Is stated that when the president called
upon Secretary Manning yesterday ho was
informed by the secretary that a new head
for the treasury department must bo chosen ,
as It would not bo wise for him to return to
his desk. Mr. Manning told the president
that ho had a very narrow escape from death
during his recent Illness , and the physicians
nad warned him against resuming bis official
duties. The president expressed his sincere
regrets at the announcement that ho must
part with his secretary of the treasury , and
said that as soon as ho could select a now
ono , who was a stalwart democrat and capa
ble man , ho would accept the resignation.
Mr. Manning said that ho was willing tc
allow ample time for the selection of Ills suc
cessor tlueo or four months if ho desired
but ho believed a man could bo chosen within
a few days. It is not at all probable that
Assistant Secretary Fairchild will be selected
as has been reported.
So far as tills is concerned.tho people
ple of the country can safely dismiss from
their minds all thought of the passage otelthei
the Blair or Willis education'bills. The house
In a number of ways , lias expressed against
appropriating so much money for educational
purposes. It Is possible , however , that II
tlio proposition should come up fairly il
wouhl get a majority voto. but It Is defeated
already by keeping it off 'th j iloqr of the
house. There Is not so much said about eeltt-
catlonal bills now as thrco or four months
ago , since so many measures of moment
have come up , and it Id not likely that any
efforts will bo made to push the proposition
to a conclusion , The action of a committee
affords no criterion.
iAtion DiKPicvr/riRs.
A number of statesmen have expressed the
belief that some now plan will bo reached for
avoiding or settling labor difficulties by the
time congress meets again In December , and
that although there are only'about forty
working days in that session , an effective
bill will bo passed. The committee that has
just gene to St , Louts to investicato tlio dif
ficulties will not report in time for any action
at this session , and the agitation of the sub
ject will lead to many new suggestions be
tween now and December.
It Is the intention of the republicans in
their struggle to elect a majority of the lower
house of congress this fall to make a strong
light in the south In Ylrglnla.tho C.u-olinas ,
Georgia , Alabama , and In every state where
protection cuts a llRiirc , as the taillf question
vylll bo one of the leading points. There are
four districts in Vlrclnia which will bo
fought for by the republicans , as they only
gave about 1,530 democratic majority at the
last election , and then the democratic
majorities were raised everywhere , ns
a president was then elected.
The icturns from other slates at the presi
dential election show a number of congres
sional districts In Iho localities above Indi
cated as good lighting ground , as democrats
were elected by fifteen hundred or less , and
a district with only that majority is con
sidered hopeful by the republicans on a tariff
Issue where there are interests to protect.
There \ very llltlo hope by the most san
guine In South Carolina , but North Carolina
lias two close districts , Georgia one , Alabama
three , Louisiana five and West Virginia one.
The close districts for congicss are nearly all
In the north and west , however , there being
many with from ono to three hundred ma
jority either way.
No ono believes that an Inter-state com-
mcrcobill of any kind can bopasseel by this
congress. Ono may pass either congress , but
there are so many opinions In each house
that one will kill what the other docs by
A majority of the senate , and probably a
majorltyof _ the house , favor a bill whicli
places tlfc discretion of railroad rates In the
hands of a commission , but neither house
has anything like the Ideas of the other as to
howfar tlio commission should be Instructed
to go. Then there Is another largo and
powerful class , led In "the house by Mr.
Keagan of Texas , that holds that , a law that
is vested in cither a commission or the attor
neys of the United States and the federal
courts , In conjunction with a commission , is
no better than the present law ; ami they are
probably right , as tlie laws would be nut of
the reach of the people. They want laws for
the people and roelress in tlio local county
and state courts , so that common people
can demand and obtain satisfaction. It will
take some time to get these Ideas all on the
same level.
As the Pan-Klectfjc telephone-Investiga
tion , which Is belmr couelucteet by'H'speci.M
committee of tlio house , begins to near its
end , it becomes .more and more evident that
its termination , or.rattier tlio results of thn
work , are to bo political. It is not likely
that the Investigation will close for several
weeks yet-or that a report will bo made , but
when It elocs coma It Is fullyexpcctcdiby
every ono to bo partisan in its observations.
When the investigation started out , it ap
peared to be neutral In every dcslro except to
get nt the facts. As tlmo
wore on , ono who attended the
meetings began to hear expressions from re
publicans and democrats alike something of
this character :
"You men on that side ; " "he's a demo
crat , " or "he's a republican , " "wo won't hurt
the administration ; " ' 'all right , you can outvote -
vote us , and we submit , " or , "wo arc running
this as much as you , and ought to , as wo are
the majority , " etc.
These works of partisanship began to grow
stronger and stronger a few weeks ago , until
now it Is "this side , " and "that slelo , " and
when the reports como there ) will be two of
tliPin , representing the "two sielcs" of the
The motion to consolidate the Iowa drive-
well cases , which was argued in tlio supreme
court of the United Slates to-day by Col.
Henderson for the farmers and Senator Ed
munds for the patent owners , will probably
bo ended on the 10th of May. The court will
adjourn to-morrow night to meet azaln May
10 , when the final opinions of the Octobci
term will be handed In.
The Campbell-Weaver contested clec-
cd election case from thn Sixth Iowa district ,
whicli was to have come up in the house to
day , has been postponed until next Tuesday.
Pascal Pellctt , ot Devils Lake , Dak. , ap
plied for a pension several years ago. Ills
case has been held up from tlmo to time
awaiting further proof. Recently ho sent n
letter to Delegate Gilford Inclosing a photo
graph of his back , showing the wound fet
which ho claimed a pension. Ills claim was
allowed within twenty-four hours after the
photograph was exhibited to tlio examiner.
Major Strait to-day reported from the pub
lic lands committee Delegate Gilford's bill
granting a section of land in Aurora county
to tlie territory of Dakota for a reform school ,
The recent order for the change ot btatlom
of several rcciments in the department ol
Dakota has not been carried out , owing to r
statement from tlio quartermaster general
that ho had no funds with which to carry oul
the order. General Sljerlelan Is determined
upon tlio changes- however , even If n defi
ciency bo created.
The Dawcs Sioux * bill will probably come
up for discussion on May 29 , when the In
dian committee will have the floor.
F. K. Love , clerk ofw \ \ United States clr
cult and dlstrlctcourtsof DCS Mollies , is here
visiting friends , and will take n trip down tc
his old homo in Virginia bcforo ho returns tc
Iowa. ,
T. B. jRddlngton , formerly n lawyer ol
Memphis , Tcnn. , Is in'the city attending the
supreme court of the United States.
Chin Ijaii Pin Presented ,
WASHINGTON , April 29. The now Chinese
minister was formally presented to the presl
dent to-day by the secretary of state. In tin
course of his remarks the now minister sale
it would bo his constant aim to maintain am
strengthen the amlcablo relations now exist
ing between China and the United States ;
The president , in replying , said : "I an
gratified to hear the expressions of pleasure
and the conlldent hops with which you eute :
upon the scene of duty here , and have entln
certainty that , aijlmatcd by the same splrl
of justness , friendliness and generous ac
counnodation which has distinguished thosi
who have ) preceded you In ofllce * . Your nils
slon will bei accompanied by beneliclent re
suits to both countries. My cffoits shall no
bu lacking in the same direction , for to tin
strength of. my own purpose is added ( hi
good will of the people of this country win
desire only relations of unilty and comit ;
with your government , "
An 11-year-old Girl at Nebraska City
Brutally Killed.
A Great Mystery Surrounds tlicjUccil ,
Hut the Indications Point ton
Dreadful Crime Other
State News.
A moody Tragedy.
Xr.miASKA CITY , Neb. , Api II .f. [ Special
Telegram. ] About5 o'clock this evening a
daughter of Lee Shellenberger , 11 years of
age , was found In the cellar of her father's
house In a dying condition , her throat cut
almost from ear to ear. She lived only a few
moments. Shellcnbergcrls a farmer thrco
miles south of this city. His wll'o told the
girl to clean oil' tlio cellar steps , and then
went to the barn yard. The girl's brother
was at the stable , according to Shcllenbcr-
ger's account , and ho himself at a neighbor's.
On returning , within ten minutes after tlio
girl had been seen by the mother ,
ho started down cellar on an errand. Hear
ing a noise ho asked his wife for a light , she
having Just returned from the barn yard , and
proceeding to the other end of tlie cellar from
the stairs found tlio dying child , with a
butcher knife , covered with blood , close at
hand. There arc suveral theories of the af
fair. One Is that the child slipped on the
steps and felJ , and cutting herself , staggered
to whoie she was found. Another is that she
committed suicide , and still another that It Is
a murder.
A HKU representative visited the farm and
was ushered Into the room where on a bed
lay little Magclo Shellnnbcrgcr , her light
golden hair stained with her life's blood and
her throat cut from car to ear. On examina
tion by Dr. Larsh , it was shown that the girl
had received four separate cuts , one com
mencing from the left side across tliu throat ,
severing tlio windpipe and the left carotid
artery , while another commenced on tlie left
side , severing tlie right carotid artery and
passing tlie first cut one Inch below in cut
ting the windpipe , leaving a section
of It entirely severed of about ono Incli
long. Tlio other two cuts were small , just
breaking through the skin , one being under
the chin and the other on the neck. No other
marks of violence were found on her body.
When found she was lying In a larso dry
goods box in the cellar OP the house , which
was used as a cupboard , ller body was half
In the box , lier lower limbs and arms pro
truding outside and resting on the ground ,
while a large and bloody butcher knife was
not far from her right hand and wedged
In between the two boards that
had been laid down as a walk.
The head was Testing against tlio inside
of the box , the bottom of which was tilled
with blootl. It was slrango that tlio inside
top of the box showed but little blood , but tlio
outside top was probably spattered by tlio
spurting blood , wljllo * tlie walls , two and
three feet from the box , were spattered with
blood , strongly.clndiuatlng that a struggle
must have ensued before littli ) Maggie was
put In or got [ h that box In whicli her life ex
pired , lier .father says her eyes were still
open , and that there was a slight pulsation In
her throat when ho found her. .
The theory of suicide vanished In a moment -
mont on bcliolultig the little" bodyand the
way It was niaiiglcU , and then again the
dark , Ijttlc cellar , Us walls bedecked as tlioy
were with bloocl. But If not suicide , who
had done this deed ? the most atrocious ono
that ever happened In this county. Mrs .
Shellenberger , her stop-mother , says-'when
she left Maggie at the house as * stfo went to
the barn to.cather eggs , she "told Maggie to
brush her hair and then clean off the steps
that proved her path to death. On investiga
tion the steps proved never to have been
cleaned. No stranger had been seen near the
premises to-day , and no one was living attlic
house but Mr. Shellenberger , his wife and his
two children.
Coroner Brauer empanelled his jury at the
house to-night anil they remained In session
until midnight , when they adjourned until
this morning. But their deliberations bcinn
secret , the BKB man was unable to find out
what light had been thrown on the deed.
That there has been a murder committed
there can lie no doubt , hut who was the per
petrator it is hard to say at this writing. But
tlie coroner's Jury will sift the matter to the
bottom , as the public demand it.
Maggie was a beautiful little girl , who
would have been 11 years old had she lived
ono clay longer. Bright and attiaatlvc , and
of a happy disposition , she made many
friends. There is great excitement in the
city to-night. _ _ _ _ _
Kiiov Councy $2 ( > , OOO Short.
CUKIOIITO.V , Neb , . April 29. [ Special. ]
The investigation of our county officers has
been cqmplctcd by K. L. Sayre , of Omaha , an
expert'and he linds our county records in
bad shape , and' ex-Treasurer C. J. Kodisli
slioi t In his accounts 89-104.18 , and ex-County
Clerk Voc Itanda Sl,18S.o ! ; , and wamnts out
standing , sas.SiO.Ofl ; Interest on warrants ,
'Sl0 ; total , Sii'J,50'.09. ) So much for Inves
tigation , No ono supposed our county was
so much In debt.
A rtnilrond Man Injured.
Fmr.N'D , Neb , , Apill29. ! [ Special. ] Thos.
Cody , extra forman of tliu B. & M. surfacing
gang met with an accident nt noon to-day , lie
was in the act of getting on"of a hand car ,
when his foot caught , tliowlng him to ( hi
ground with such force as to break his rlghl
blow. Dr. 1C. (1. Watson attended him , and
ho Is as comfoi table as can bo expected nuclei
the circumstances.
A IMiz/.ard at Ci-clghton ,
CJIKKIIITON , Neb. , April 29. [ Spccird.- ]
A gcnulno old fashioned Nebraska blizzard
struck Crcighton yesterday evening about
o'clock , and lasted nearly all night , leaving
In its track four inches of heavy wet snow ,
The wind Is blowing hard from the north
west , and when It abate * a severe frost will
undoubtedly follow.
Omaliti Contractor * ) in Chicago.
CHICAGO , April 29. [ Special Telegram.J-
No awards have yet been made for paving
of streets , of whicli bids wora opened aboui
a week ago , and the trouble appears that tin
authorities fear tliu bids ate too low to justih
letting to the lowest bidders. It is said thai
the presence of some of Omaha'scoiitractori
Induced the lowest bidder to make his bid :
about 0 cents a yard lower than ho otherwise
would have done.
A Drummer Commlta Sttloide ,
POUT Doom : , Iowa , April 29. [ Specla
Tclegram.J Henry 1'attee , who travels foi
I'oole , ( illliam & Co. of Dubuque , committee
suicide hero to-day. Ho has been employed
by that firm for eighteen months and wa :
well known and highly respected in Dubuque
The supposed cause of his net was a snial
shortage in his accounts , which seems to
have preyed upon his mind. His wlfu wroti
two weeks ago that ho was acting ver ;
strangely and she believed hjin Insane. On <
of the members .of the linn left last night t <
look him up , though not anticipating orlou :
( rouble , .
A Syndicate of Land Pirates Bounc
ing Homesteaders.
OOAI.LAI.A , .Neb. , April 20. ( Special , ]
Two men who have taken homesteads In this
county have appealed to the authorities hero
for protection to hold their claims. They state
they have been ordered out of the
neighborhood because the elder of
the two , a man of family ,
was nt ono tlmo a detective In
the service of the government , and the land
sharks who have sot upon them fear bo will
expose their traffic in tree claims. The sur
rounding claim holders mo from Wisconsin ,
Michigan and Scotland. They threatened
the. ex-delecllvo with hanging If he and his
family did not leave within fourteen days.
In the case of the second homesteader , a
young uumariled man , they ordered him to
leave on pain of death ; they wanted no
"Paddys , " as ho expressed "i ' " the country ,
and warned htm not to put in any crop.
There Is no chance of tlio men securing
help here , unless through the courts , nnd that
method Is too expensive for their limited
means. They have purchased Winchester
rlllcs and aimnuiiitlon.anil will return to their
claims , determined to hold them at any cost ,
and bloodshed Is llkclv to result. The land
In the neighborhood Is quite valuable , and
tlio syndicate referred to Is using every
means to secure vast quantities of It for
succulallvo purposes and for eastern friends.
for Clio Site.
DBS MOINKS la. , April 20. [ Special Tele
gram. ] Tlio soldiers' homo commission re
sumed work this morning and listened to tlio
claims of Cedar Uaplds , Indiannla , Mar-
shalllown , Mason City and Sac City. Think
ing that they were unable to decide as to the
best locality for the home , they concluded to
visit the ten cities that had asked for It , and
so started outthis'aftcrnoon on a junketing
trip , going to Burlington to-niglit , stopping
nt Indianola on , the way , and to-morrow vis
iting Cedar Itapids , Dubucpic , Mason City ,
nnd thence to Marshalltown , Orlnucll ,
Colfax , Jefferson and Sac City. The
law requires tlio commission to begin ballot
ing the seventh day , which will bo Monday.
They will have to make a Hying trip to get
back by that tlmo If all connections arc
made. But If an accident should occur and
keep them away over Monday , then further
action would bo Illegal , and some of the dis
appointed towns would probably enjoin the
whole proceedings , and the soldiers would
have to whistle for their home. It was tlio
fear of this contingency that caused much
opposition to the junketing trip , but soirio of
the members of the commission were cap
tured by the prospect of free rides and free
lunches , and Insisted upon coing.
Died oflllood Poisoning. .
DKS MOINKS , Iowa , April 29. [ Special
Telegram. ] A fowdays ago Mr. C. B. Brim-
ning , jr. , a prosperous young farmer or
Breda , Carroll county , accidentally cut his
arm while trimming some fruit trees with a
pruning knife. No soriqns. results were .ex
pected , and lie rode to "town and had his
wound cdrcssed , thinking it would be inlL
right soon. Blood poisoning , howeVer.-ftsG't
in. and he died last night from the 'ftlidil
wound of thc.prunlng Unite.
, la.- , April 29. The association
'of ' Unitarian and other independent churches
is now ihconfercuce _ here , about 200 delegates
from different parts of the state In attend
ance. Resolutions were adopted frntcrnizlng
with Unlversallsm in all missionary work.
llev. Mary A. Safford wa's elected" president
for the ensuing year. Arthur M. Judy , of
Davenport ; yvas re-elected secretary.
The Ship Hallway Bill.
' * WASHINGTON , April 29. Tlio senate com
mittee on commerce to-day voted to make a
favorable report on the new Atlantic and
I'acilic Ship Railway bill. Ivads and such
others as may bo associated with him are
created a body corporate with tlio title
of the Atlantic and VacilicSliip Railway com
pany , with nowcr to issue capital stock and
oonds not to exceed in the ngereirato
ono-hiindicd millions. The United
State obligated itself to pay
the said company for a period of five years
after the railway lias been completed and
tested any siim of money required to make
two-thirds of tlie net revenues of said com
pany , amounting to S.V > 00IW ) , providing the
total liability of tlio ( joveiiiment hliall in no
case exceed $7r > 09ua ) . The bill pro
vides that tlio railway bo tested bcioro
tlie government assumes any obligations.
Iho company shall not transport vessels of
war , munitions , troops , or contrabands of
war of any nation at war with the United
States or Mexico. Tlio same members of the
committed who will oppose tlio bill In tlio
senate voted to report It.
POIITLA.ND , Ore. , April 21) ) . The republi
can .state convention adopled resolutions con
demning tlio economy ol the postmaster gen
eral whicli deprives Oregon of ordinary mall
facilities ; alleged civil service reform as a
sham , and the hecrcsy of withholding the
removal of officials as infamous ; demanding
tlie forfeiture of the land grant to the Vorth-
ern 1'acillu between Wallula and 1'ortland.
Herman- the present Incumbent , was rcnuin-
inatcd for congress unanimously.
Thi-ciUonod Retaliation In China.
1'iTTSiiuiiciii , April 29. At tlie assembly
of the Women's Foreign Missionary society
In session hero , a letter was read from the
missionaries In Japan setting forth the abso
lute necessity of a strong treaty stipulation
tor the protection of missionaries in China.
The Chinese outrages in tills country have
caused the greatest Indignation In China.
- / - > -1
A Ijost Vessel.
Four MONIIOK , April 29 , A bottle was
found on the bjaeh seven miles from here
containing tliu following :
"Ship Olivett from South Amcilca In
sinking condition. John Jones. Albert Kd-
wards , Geo. Samuels , General D. V. Lafren-
lere. "
Thorn was no date on tha note. 1'ho vessel
sailed March 5 , from Hanla for Halifax.
mysterious Futul DInoiRC.
RowKU.snuito , W , Ya. , April 29 , A mys
teriously fatal disease has broken out in thle
place , nnd physicians mo powerless to save1
tlio lives ot those attacked. Victims are !
first seized with a severe pain In the head ami
die-within twelve ) hours. Alter death the
bodies become spotted.
DI\VH | and Disloyalty ,
A MIAN v , N. Y. , April 20 , A call lias been
Issued fora mass-meeting at the Capital park
at 8 p. m. to protest airainst the ovation given
Jefferson Davis at Montgomery , Ala. , yes
terday and the disloyal .sentiments uttered
tii we.
noBtruotlvn Fire.
LONDON , April u . Wilkinson's mills nl
Beeston , Noliiialiaiiislilrc , together will
many adjoining hoiusoa have been destroyed
by lire. Loss 557.10,000. Onu thousand per
sons are deprived of employment by tin
burning of the mills. -
The Greek Jtow.
ATiir.Nfi , April 29. The minister of wai
has resigned. The resignation was duo te
the fact that hu did not coincide- with tliu ac
tlon taken by his colleagues during his ub
Ecnco at the front. The powers have np
proved the action of their representative !
hern in ptescntint ; an ultimatum to tlio ( heel
The Hull-Holiday lm\v.
AI.UANY , N. Y. , April 29-rTho governoi
6lgut-d Cat tor's halMioliday bill to-tay ] ,
The Official Funeral Hold Yesterday at Its
Birthplace in Alabama.
MutJclTcrson DnvU Tnlks In tlio Oltl
Strain About Stnto Sovereignty
ami the night of
Honoring the Southern Heroes.
MONTOOMIHY : , Ala. , A pill SO. The cornet
sloue of tliu confederate sohlleus' nioiuinient ,
or , its some oxpiessod it , ( lie olllclal Unrlnl ot
; hc confederacy , was laid Imro to-day with
impressive ceiemonles , under the auspices of
[ ho Masonic fraternity.- Jefferson DixVls ,
General Gordon , ex-Governor Walts and
others took part. The day was beautiful niul
the demonstration In honojror .Davis was a
tepetltlon of yesterday. .A * the - fOiio of the
ceremonies , after prayer by UuJ' . . Mr. An-
ihow , pastor of the SI. K. chureh , ex-Govern-
or Watts indented Mr. Davis In a brief.
speech , I'.iulcl ' tumilltuous chcc.r.lng. When
there was sullielent quiet , Mr. lavls said In'
brief '
It is deeply gratifying to mo to bo pre
sented to you by onu on whom I leaned for
ntlvluo when advice was wanted. Associatoel
liero. with so tiianv mcmoricH thrilling and
tender , 1 have felt that it were dangerous to
attempt to speak as my heart .would prompt
me , Not that 1 am treasuring ttpAblttcrnewi
against Any one , tint I am ovai-floWlujt wllh >
love and admiration for our belavted " people. " s
Toavolel , tiiercforo. anythlnglWfcJch'raay b
prompted by the fullness of inyihenrt for Its
love , I nm Imreletied In thaU condition for
noii-cilUenship which loarc.i'hnovery little
to fear. [ Applause. ] For tKo .purposo . ol
guarding others rather than myself I have
prepared notes that I might- read winch
would not contain anything'that would be
constructive or hurtful.
Voices "Go on. " "Say what yon ple-ase. "
"You arc In Iho house of your friends. " „
My1 friends , partners in joy and sorrow. In *
trials apd suffering , I have como to Join you
in tlio performance of a sacred task to lay
the foundation ofvainunnment nt the cradle
of life confederate' government which shall
commemorate tlio gallant 'sons or Alabama
who died for their noniitry. who gave their
lives a free-will offering In defense of the
rhilits of their slres.-iwon . in the war ot thA
revolution and state soverelgnity the free
dom and Indcpenil'ence which was left us as
an inheritance. _ posterity forever.
These riirhts the'-Compact of union was
formed not to destroy , but the better to pre
serve and perpetuate. Who so denies this
cannot have attentively read the
articles of confederation , or the constj ! j
tiitlon of the United .States. The latter ,
was formed and designed better to effect tha
purpose of the first. It is m > tmy purpose to ;
dwell upon the events of the war.Thev' ,
were laid before you yesterday , by that grent * * i
soleller in so able aauaniicr as.f w wquiro ney'V !
supplement from me. . , * * " * * * is1 * )
Alter eulogizing Generals Gortl and Leo ,
Mr. Davis continued : ' ,41 , , .
Itlsnotiny.iturpose either .MKdtscuss tlio .
political qwe-tlons on which nfjgvlews havofr
clsowliurtfand In other times" n freely ex-1
in-cased , or to rovlow the past Kexcept In ,
dication of the character npd conduct > oC'
those whom ltIsl > roposcd tof.honor.on.tlns
occasion. Tliat wo may nowbe misunderi
stood by such as are ? not Wilfully '
blind , mnV he Proper -to stftt '
in the foreground that.woJiave not desire
feed tlio'llrcs of sectional hate , Ayulle we do
not seek to avoid whatever responsibility at > , .
teaches to the beliefin , , the righteousness fL'tjS
our cause nnd the virtue of those who rlsKodJhJ
their lives to defend It : [ Lnnff applause and
chews ] , Kcvongo is" not the sentiment o
chivalrous pcolo. ] niujyiH ; apothemu that for *
given ess is more eaJ' to the injured than
to those who .Wllicted an Injury , lias
ncs-er had a mows powerful 111 ustra-
tiun than in11(0 ( presont" attitude vof
the two sections * towards one another.
There shouUrhavcyween n fuU reatoratWn ot
ciuiality ol'tlie urivllejjea and beiielits' * ?
they had pie-oxl ted. Though it has not\
been the case , yet you have faithfully kept
your resumed obligations as citizens , and Tn <
your impoverishment have borne emial burI I
duns without equal benefits.Wlien your
children's children sliall ask what means'
this monument , there will be the endearing ,
answer , "It commemorates the deeds of AJa-w ,
bama's sons who died that you 'and and your ? ,
descendants should bo what your fathers , ot
the war of Independence left you. * f
Mr. Davis then went on to1 fctato that Alar
bnmalound that the compact of the union , , '
had been broken on one side ; that the govsi
eminent of tliu United Statnsdld not answerA'i
them for which It was instituted. Therefore.-/ !
with others of like mind , she' proceeded toi * TJ
forma confederation such "as scomcd inosf-'V .
likely tb cll'cct their safety and happlness.v > 5 ' '
Tliis , lfc claims , was not a. revolution , be"K ,
cause "tho state government remains tw- ' "
hanged He added : "TocaliyjHrovplutlottK
is uross solecism. FApplaiise. ! Sovereigns
never rebel , and as only sovcrclchg can
a national league as states' had not
sovereigns there could not have been a' HH14 * v
pact of union. That the south did notantl
pate , much less desire war , Is shown by
absence of pi i.'iwrjitiou lor it , as well as y , >
the cll'eirts nmclo to secure a peaceful Hcpar * * ' ' :
Hon. i > ' _ > ; ? ? * . !
The successful parly always holds tl
fcatcil responsible for war. iBut when , , . .
fiiun shall nave subsided and reason resiini must be decided thattl
general government had no ; constitutional- ; "
power to coerce n state , and that a state had"5"
the right to lepcl Invasion. It was 11 mitlonM , ;
and constitutional right. Kroni the early v
part of the century there had been * . , * , . , <
of the dissolution of the union. In tM.m !
eemnso of years tlio balance- power passwVt
ninth , and that power was soused "tfiatth1" * .
south , di'sjialrlngof the peaceful eiijoyniMt * * " ;
of their constitutional rights ; ' ! % ,
the union , decided to SvltHifniw ' '
from it. Tlilu without. injury---4 ?
to their late associates. Tliii right to wJtji.v *
draw was denied , and tue nwth were ready J
tenwar. . Tlio distant miittcrlngs of .th '
storm were readily imdtT.stoDd by the pnoiiw *
of Alabama. It was the puoplo , not the ) e tl. < :
ers who resolved and acted. Ono sontlim
inspired all ethoses. Yet 1 believe there Wi
very few who did not regret , the netHisi
whicli left them no allcrrjatlve botWi
fighting for their state or agiiyist JM
Mr. Davis then sjioko leelinl-ly of the valor" , '
and fidelity of Alabama soldiers and pah | .
tribute to tlio devotion and i-ood ollicos of tM
women of the south , lie then salel : i *
"In conclusion , permit me to saytlieitigli
tliu memory of the glorious past must cvcrK
clear to us , duty points to.tho present AMu
future. Alal'iuna having ftn'sulaed" " lier
plaro In the Union , bn it hers fo fulfil all
obligations devolving upon nil good citl/.cna
se-ekinj : to restore the geneial government to
Its pristine purity , anil as best you may , to
promote the we I faro and haiiplnessnf your
common country. | Long applause. ] 1 have
promised that 1 wouldtiiot speak extem
poraneously , and 1 will not do it. God bless
you , one and all. 1 Ipvo yon all from the
bottom of my heart , anrUulve you thanks
now tor your Iclndness. [ Long continued
tiemcndous applause. )
TroiiHon IK Odious.
ALIIANY , N. Y , , April -9. In response tea -
a call issued by General Henry , A. Bui mini k
and others , Grand Army men nnd citizens to
tlio number of 200 met In the assembly cham [ Ct ?
ber to-night to protest against tlio utterances
of Jefferson Davis in hls.spcix'h at Monlgom <
cry yesterelay , ami , in thei words of the call ,
to denounce the resurrection of Davis from
the oblivion to which loyal and patriotic pco-f
pie consigned him. I'atrioliu ojiw-cl os weio'
made , anil the ) assemblage hung ' 'John
Brown's Body Lies a Mouldering In Hli
Grave ) . " The- following wasudopteclv
ItA'Solvcd , That treason is odiousCtlmt ; th
union of tlio United Status of Anutricj , nn
thu liberty which American princlilci ) I
popular government Illustrates , Is worth t ° > - -
blood of all thu loyal citizens of our country
Adjourn.d ,
Ex-President Arthur's Condition.