\ - 8 OMAHA DAILY BEE : OTIUESDAY , APKIL 20 , [ BACK TO HIS FIRST LOVE , I GOD. Crook Arrives in Omaha and Assumes I Command of the Department I of the Flattc. [ THE APACHE CAMPAIGN f Ills Expression oil'tlmt Intci-cntltiR L BnlUcct A I'ciiRlon Forjjor Cnu/jlit / I A J'rlsoner Jumps oft n Mov- I Ing Train Other Matters. I Ocn. Croolc'H Arrival. I i nictlv and unobtrusively as is his na- I turn Ocn. Crook arrived in Omaha early I yesterday on the Missouri Pacillo I train , lie stele very softly up tlio stairs I to the third story of the military head- I quarters , and quickly passing through Itho corridors and past the row of open- I mouthed anil wide-eyed orderlies , was I BOOH seated at his old dusk working away I nt the pile of letters which had accuniu- I latcd awaiting Ills arrival. The orderlies I hold an earnest discussion concerning - , I the intruder not ono of them scorning to I roill/.o tiiat lie was Gon. Crook , thu now I department commander. A ltii : ; man I was the llr.st to greet tlio gnneral. Ho ro- I ceived tlio newspaper man cordially and I expressed much satisfaction at finding I himself once more among his old Omaha I i rionds. I General Crook shows tlio effects of his I rcciMit campaigning among tlio Attaches. I Ills skin is burned to a deeper tint than I its usual deep brown , hisligs arc chapped I nnd the lines in his facomoru deeply cut. I At the same time ho appears to be in I the enjoyment of perfect health. Ho has I clmngcu somowluit since ho left Omaha four years airo. His face is a trillu thin- I iicr , Ills beard a little longer , but tlierc is Hie same quiet smile , tiiat same merry twinkle of the eye ? , which arc and I always liavo been distinctively Gen. Crook's. " 1 have had rather n , hard trip coming up from Ari/ona , " said the general ? "owing to washouts on tlio Topeka road and had expected to reach Omaha earlier I nnil now tiiat 1 am hero I am very glad that the trip is over. It scorns very natural to mo to ( hid myself again in my I old ollico nnd among old friends and I I anticipalo a pleasant stay among thorn. " I "Have you any special plans in view at I present as commander of the depart- I mont ? " queried tlio reporter. I "No , 1 can't say tlmt I have. I have I hardly been hero long enough to post I myself , you know. A. little later on 1 I miry bo in better shape to toll you some- I thing. About the removal of lort Oma- I lia ? Oh , I cannot express an opinion as I yet on that matter. I have noticed I something of the discussion , but hardly I enough to know of the pro or cons of the I case. I will say this that I have always I been in favor of having the post on a I railroad. So far as the more matter of I room is concerned , I believe that thu fort 1-gr.Oimds are plenty largo enough for drill purposes both infantry and artillery " I "Do you know anything of Gen. Miles I plans with regard to his campaign I against the Apaches. " I "Very little. I have had but limited I opportunities to converse with him on the I subject of his plans. Ho arrived on Sun- I day , while I left the following day. I'rom I what I have heard him say , however , I I should infer that ho intends to actively I push the campaign against the Apaches. I There nro still nineteen of the buckswith I Ucronimo at tlio head , who remain to bo I captured. The only thing that can bo I done is to run them down and make I them surrender. I have already sent 77 I of the Apaches to PI o rid a upon I surrender , and the only thing that is to I bo done now is to run clown the romain- I ing few. Ofwhat dilliculties that will I involve only an. experienced Indian lighter can know. Chasing I these redskins with the Jim- I itcd facilities at'our disposal I is something like trying to run down a I Hock of crows with mounted cavalry. I They have to bo cimscct through inoun- I tains , valleys , forests and plains , with I often nothing but an old and indistinct I trail to indicate the direction in which I they -have gene. Occasionally the sol- I diors may bo at tiio very heels of the sav- I ages , almost ready to swoop down upon I them , when night fall comes. The next I morning the Indians will bo forty or lifty I miles away , cither in tlio front or the I rear. Their perfect knowledge of tlio I country gives thorn an advantage over I trained , soldiery which it is ditlieult for I the ordinary mind to understand. " I "Then you do not believe that more I troops are required to hasten the suppres- I sion of the uprising ? " I "No , sir , 1 do not. The present force I is'nmply largo enough. The combined I force of the Mexican and American I armies has been brought to cope with I these fellows without crushing them , nnd I if the body of troops were ten times as I largo the result would bo the samo. The I only cmiffao lo pursue is that of hunting I Uown the Apaches and compelling them ' to surrender. That means hard work. Indian lighting is not child's play. " "In n general way , " continued Gen Crook , in t nswor to another question , "I uollovo that the only way tlio Indian question can bo solved is to enter into a I treaty with them , put thorn on a rosorva- tion. with rights in severally , anil compel thorn lo remain ( hero. That , in u few words , is my idea of what the ultimata solution of tlio problem must be. As regards this score of Apaches who are still on the warpath , I do not think that they should bo allowed to enter into any treaty the governinont cannot afford to meet them on half-way ground. They must ho conquered. To place thorn back on the White Mountain reservation would bo folly. At any time they might break out mid start upon tlio warpath again. The. settlers in that country would reali/.o this and would bo in a chronic state of terror. " Gen Crook very properly declined to discuss at length tlio results of his four years work in Arizona , where he accom- pllshed so mueh with such tremendous oids | against him , Ho said , howovorthat , ho had lott things in such a shape that Gen. Miles could take up the campaign and push it to advantage. All preparations have boon made for the reception to bo given Gen. Crook tonight - night at tlio Omaha Club. From present indications it will be a brilliant ullair vvlncing unmistakably the position of honor and esteem which Hie now do- parlmont commander hods ) in the hearts ' of lite people of Omaha , I , \VHOLIESAMJ AFFIDAVITS. I A. Pension Booker Forces the NOCCK- Bury I'll porn and IjiuuU in Jtill , k About a year and a half ago II. G , liar- lor , of Waterloo , tiled an application In Bia pension department for a pension for ijurios received while serving in n No- Mvaska regiment , doing service in the I northern part of ( ho state durin < r tlio war I oUthu rebellion. The cluractor ofsomo li ofthej papers aroused suspicion , and a ' low wooksago E , 1) . ( iotlfrey , special ex- Knmlnqr of tlio U. S. pension ollico was do- "l to evamino into the caso. Invosti- showed tiiat llarbor had forged IWfrtoou nnldavitSj using the names lof | iis relatives and acquaintances liur.tr Waterloo. Ho also forged 'lUcriuuo ' | : of G. M. lUtiloy , the justice of UIQ peauo \Yatcrloo , to cloven Ulli- dflvlts. liarbcr was placed under arrest Mid brought to this city on Monday wight. Ue was arraigned botoro United , Ktates Commissioner Anderson yesterday ' - - charged with the 'crime of for- eery. Ho was sent to jail in default of : 1,000 bail , to await the action of the 'rand jury at the May term of the United btalcs district court. Barber has been employed as a fore man at a cattle ranch near Hurnctt for several years. Ho has a wife and four children living at Waterloo. A IjUAP FOU inniSUTV. A Sarpy County Prisoner Jumps Off a Moving Train. Sheriff Campbell , of Sarpy county , walked into the county jail yesterday' ircscntlng a rather dilapidated appear- nice. His hat was gene and his coat jatlly lorn. Ho had charge of a prisoner mined Adam Fox , who who had made a lesporato hut unsuccessful effort to es- capo. Fox , The ? . Hruco and Thomas Akron , who have been working on the ailroad near Papillion , wore arrested at that place yesterday for ilriinkenncss and lisordcrly conduct. They wore sent to thu county jail hero to servo a ton day's sentence. Shefilf Campbell started with ho three prisoners , an the incoming Union L'acilic train this morning. When about two miles from this city.Fox who was silting in n seat by nimself made i rush for the open car door and had leaped from the platform. Sheriff Campbell at once placed the two re- naining prisoners in the hands of a citi zen and followed after Fox. As ho lumped from the train tlm sheriff lost his lat and was considerably bruised and shaken up. He gave chase to Fox and soon came in sight of him. The fugitive refused to surrender until the slioritf ired upon him. He was boon marched nto thu city and placed in the county | ail witb the other two prisoners. DKt'OT ANI > Fit 131 OUT HOUSK. Details or t\vo Great Schemes Hall Notes. The information that Omaha is soon to tavo a now union depot and freight louse , was first given to thu public on Monday through the columns of thu BEB. further details of the grand suhumc have jcen consummated , ami are briefly oul- incd below. The Union Pacific is first and foremost u thu scheme , and chiully deserves credit for setting it on foot. When President Adams was hero last week , the mattur was given his final approval. He there fore authorized General Manager Calla- way to proceed with the preliminary work without delay. Two plans for the depot arc being considered , cither ono of which will require an outlay of. from fMO.OOO to $400,01)0. ) One set of plans arc for a structure to bo erected on South Tenth street , about where the present building is. The draw ings show a structure 800 feet long , 75 feet wide and tlireo stories in height , with a tower reaching a goodly distance skywards. It is probable that pressed In'iek , dressed granite and California red wood will be used. Apartments for ticket plllces , telegraph offices , division super intendent's ollices , waiting rooms , dining jiall and baggage rooms arc provided for in tlic.se plans. Mr. Callaway says that in view of the fact that the viaduct is to bo constructed on Eleventh street the depot on ght to extend across Tenth street , andj that the city could well afford to close that thoroughfare roughfare at tlic railroad crossing for this'puruose. In this event , the old pas senger and freight depots now m use would bo torn down. With the new edifice stretching across Tenth street it would bo near the north slope of the hill , thus allowing plenty of room on the south side for tracks , sheds and handling of all trains coming in and going out. Another plan under consideration is to secure a plat af ground at the corner of Eleventh and Lcavcnworth strccta , provided the pro- purty owners in that locality do not charge too outrageously high. The second set of plans for the depot contemplate a square building with tracks and sheds on two sides of it and a .court yard In the center. This structure would not bo so commodious as the other nor nearly so ornate. The roads to bo associated in the scheme are those now centering in the Bluffs , tlio Chicago , Burlington & Quincy , Kansas City , St. Joe & Council Bluffs , Northwestern , Chicago. Milwau kee & St. Paul , the B. & M. , and C. St. P. M. & Omaha. These roads will all run their trains into the building as soon as the now bridge is completed. Furthermore , as mentioned in the BIE : Monday , the Union Pacific will commence work this summer upon a magnificent now freight depot , upon the plans and specifications for which a corps of archi tects are already at work. The details of the structure have not yet boon decided upon. The location will probably bo at some point between the present freight house and the approach to the bridge. NOTES AND 1T.USONAI.S. Hon. John B. Hawley , with office at Fremont , Neb , , has been appointed general - oral attorney of the Sioux City & Pacific. Ho will enter upon his duties May 1,1880. General Manager S. T. Smith , of the Union Pacific , wont west in his special car this morning , on route to Denver. On and after May 1 the Union Pacific ami B. & M. will sell tourists' tickets to Denver and return for ii0. ] The same regulations regarding time , etc. , will bo in force as last year. Mr. W. II. Burns has been appointed general agent of the tralllc department of tlio Union Pacific , with headquarters at Council Bluns. Ho will have general charge of the freight , passenger anil ticket business of this company at that point , reporting to the proper heads of these departments at Omaha. His an- poii\tmout take effects May 1,1830. , Police Docket. Judge Stonburg disposed of the follow ing cases in police court yotlorday. Jas. Connors , J. II. Nicholson , drunk and disorderly , discharged : John Kilo sent up to the county jail in default of a fine of $5 and costs. Jon Welbaum , fined $ a and costs , paid , anil released. John Kelly , who stele the gold watch from Mrs. Hehm yesterday , plead guilty this morning and was hold for sentence. Ho is under ago and will probably bo sent to the reform school. Logan Brown , a colored manwas fined $25 and costs for assault upon a fellow darkey named James Bell. According to his story ho came to this city with Boll to look for work. It was some time before - fore either of them "caught on , " and before that time arrived uoth of them ran out of funds. Brown claimed to have pawned tils jewelry and clothing to help himself and his companion , with the understanding that Boll was to pay halt the cost of redeeming the articles when he secured work. When ho ( Bell ) got a position at tlio Paxton , it is alleged , ho declined to help redeem Brown's valua bles. Over this the quarrel aroso. Bull came out of it badly battered up. IJrown was sent up to the jail in default of his fine. fine.Frank Frank Cloud , n suspicious character , was sent up to the county jail for thirty days , besides being fined $33 and costs. Ilia First Order. General Crook issued his first ouiolal order as department commander yester day , as follows : llKAlJQUAirmW 1 Din'AllTMUSTOPTIIi : I'f.ATTi : . f OMAHA , tfuh. , Awil ' 'S , lSi > 0. General Orders NO..O. In compliance with ( lonernl Orders No. 15 , current borlcs from the lifailqunrteis of thu niinv , the undersigned assumes command ot the uuiKtrtmuntof tlio Plnttu. ( iUOIIGK GUOOIf , Drkadicr ticuunil , U. 8 , A. ODDS AND LNDS. Strnjr Iicnvcs From tlio fleportcr's Note Book. "I can always loll the guest from the counlry , " said n colored porter lo a HER representative , "by the way ho forgets to turn off the water in the wash room , and by sitting around with his hat off. " [ n response to query concerning the treatment of country guests , the porter replied ; "The fact is they nln't treated ns well ns they should bo. Of course the grangers' dollar is as good as anybody else's , and the hotel men don't neglect them intentionally. You see , the \yerago traveling man is continually Kicking about his hotel accommodations , and at the average holcl lie don't got any iccommodations unless ho does kick. J he granger is mild and unobtrusive , don't kick , nnd is consequently over looked in the rush. It's fun , too , to see the ordinary ruslic wrestle with a bill of faro. lie seldom orders what ho wants and seldom gets what ho orders. The waiters know him. There's ono old fellow who eats his dinner hereon on every circus day and at tax paying time , who never forgets , when asked "lea or coffee ? " by the waiter , to say : "Have you got tea made ? " The remark used to break us all up , but we've got used to It , now , and get our fun out of watching the question's clfuct upon strangers seated at the same table. " "You newspaper men are pretty roughen on us farmers , " remarked an elderly granger , as ho crossed his lengthy limbs In a Farnam street grocery ycsterday.aiul fired a half-pint of tobacco juice into a basket of bran-covered eggs. "You are always printing something about our being caught by some slick agent who secures our nninu to some contract or other which turns up at the bank afterwards in the shape of a promissory note bearing our signature. The fact is , we can blame the women folks for most of this kind of trouble. Some oily-tongued cuss comes along in our absence and soft-soaps the women folks into buying anything on earth. Just the other day a fellow took dinner at mv house while 1 was away and , like Will Carlotou's lightning-rod agent.got my wife and daughter so deouly ntercsted in a sympathetic story of his misfortunes , that the old woman signed a contract for the purchat > e of anew patent washing machine that will run of its own accord and turn the linen out , starched , folded and ironed , ready for use. 1 am looking around alittlc to-day to bee which of the banks has bought up that villian's promissory note against niu. " "There is an art about suicide , " re marked Coroner Drexel thu other day to n group of listeners. "It is not every body that understands how to take his own life successfully. "Take the case of a man who deter mines to end his existence by cutting his throat , " ho continued , not noting the in credulous stare of his audience. "In about eight cases out of ten the would-be suicide is unsuccessful. Why ? Because in drawing the ra/.or across his throat , he throws his head too far back and the edge only severs the windpipe. A cut of this kind is rarely fatal , because the jugu lar vein is not severed. If the victim , in stead of throwing his head back , would only hold it upright , or throw it a trille forward , the jugular vein would surely bo cut and death would be instanta neous. The case of that man Kasncr who tried to commit suicide on Sunday because his divorced wife had secured all his property. Is ono in point. He failed to sever tlio .jugular vein and ho has every chance ot recovery. " The local public , or a goodly portion thereof , cannot fail to remember the case of the man Halverson who was mur dered on the bottoms , nnd whoso body , as supposed , was thrown into the river. The murder was undoubtedly committed by some of the hardened wretches who make their habitat on the bottoms , but , though suspicion pointed s'trongly at certain parties as the murderers , no proof strong enough to convict them was ever secured. "Bill" Davis , the des perado who was shot by Carlin on the bottoms Sundav and died Monday night , was suspected of having been implicated in the affair. Ho was a notoriously des perate character , and a leader among the ruffians who live on the bottoms and make a living by preying upon the un wary. If holiau boon nslxod concerning the matter , knowing that ho was about to die , he might have made a confession of the affair , or at least said something that would throw light upon the mystery. But ho is dead ; his lips are sealed for ever , and it is probable that the Ilalver- son murder will always remain a matter of mystery. For the past day or so the American Express company has been holding a sale of unclaimed parcels at the auction rooms on the corner of Fourteenth and Douglas streets. The parcels are sent in from all stations on the road , where they have been accumulating for months past , and they constitute what is known in the language of the fraternity as "old boss. " The significance of this term , it must be confessed , is not exactly apparent. Every three or four months , sometimes more , occasionally less , tlio "old boss" is auctioned oil' . The buyer is not al lowed to open or examine the parcels that ho purchases but Is made to run risks of buying a bonan/.a or "striking it Hat. " The representatives of the exiiross company are supposed to bo equally in ignorance of what the various parcels contain. Sometimes the bidder \yill purchase for a mere song , a parcel which is very valu able. On the other hand ho may bo "fooled" , paying dollars for something which is not worth as many cents. For instance , to-day Tom Murry paid several dollars for a package , which , when opened , was found to contain a lot of broken glass. Another man paid forty cents for a small , innocent looking par cel , which contained ton heavy gold rings , Another paid a similar amount for a trombone worth $35 or $10. And so on. In truth , the auction of "old boss" is but a lottery , in which ono has chances of win ning and chances of losing. It is amus ing to note the different expressions on thu faces of those who have purchased , Many como away with a look of supreme disgust. They have been beaten , Oc casionally a look of joy which lights up a face gives token that its owner has pulled out a plum. To prevent the profanity of disgusted purchasers from jarring ruuoly upon Auctioneer Frel- welt's cars , no one is allowed to open a parcel in tlio room where the sale is go ing on. "This great talk and hubbub about the prevention of cruelty to animals makes mo tired , " said a citizen , standing in front of a largo commission house , "Tho other day 1 was out on South Eleventh street and saw some men load ing about two performing bears , for tlio amusement of the children , While look ing at thorn a well-known citizen , whoso name I might mention , drove by in a carriage , and noticing that the boars wore lead by n rope passed through a ring in their noses , stepped out and r.aid : 'I will give you just one hour to get out of town or I will have you arrested. If is cruel to lead buur3 iu that way. ' The gentleman probably is nfll aware that cattle and some other nnitfials , that are not docile , are hnndlott irf that way. I remember a howl wassmado last winter because some gypsies enoaittpcd near the government corral were leaving their horses unhoused during the cold weather , but the tender-hearted person making the complaint did not stop' to think that thousands of range catt6. ! Ho better able to endure the cola thailMho-horses , were compelled to go without covering and without feeding , and that ) the gypsies themselves , men , women nnd children , were only protected byfrhihcnnvas tents , little better than no covering at nil , It looks lo mo as if these prcvcntiqn-of- cruclty-to-animals people wc.ro 'straining at gnats and swallowing camels. ' M ook at that chicken coon , " contin ued the speaker , at the same time pointIng - Ing to a coon in front of the store , "that coop is ittst largo enough to hold a dozen fowls , but , as j'ou can i-cc by counting , It contains a dozen and a half. There is not standing room for them , and they are compelled to tread upon one another. Did I say standing room ? That is the most cruel part of it all ; the coop Is made so low Ihat none of them can stand erect , but are crouched down in a cramped po sition. They have been in that coot ) twenty-four hours , and there is no telling how much longer they will be tortured before they are sold. They are nearly all ( mothered , and ns many as can have thrust their heads through their slain to $ ot v breath of air. There are three that .iavo given tin and have died from ex haustion and suffocation or have been trampled to death by the others. Look at that line cock , whun the coop was picked up lie stopped through the slats and his foot was caugltunder _ : it and crushed mid was left pinioned down. That coon is no worse than the average , for nearly every coop of fowls shipped into this city contains enough to satisfy oven a "Torqucmada. " "Why does no one complain of this ? " "Simply because these fowls are ship ped by responsible business men in the country towns , and are handled hero by reputable business houses. If some poor devil is seen leading a bear by the nose or if some tough , long-haired horse , the property of a poor Gypsy , is loft out in the cold-the tender hearted citi/.en is in arms at once , but when responsible business men needlessly tprluro hun dreds of dozens of fowls , no cno has a word to say. " When you como to Lincoln , stop nt the Commercial Hotel , if you want homo comforts. C. W. KITCHUN , Proprietor. UK DUANK AIU31ONIA. The Horrible Mistake AVlilch May Coat William Niinomaii Hie lilfc , William Nuneman , a hostler in the employ of Henry Horubergor , made a horrible mistake yesterday which may cost him his life. lie swallowed a heavy dose of ammonia under the impression that it was soda water. Nuneman wcntinto Hornbcrgcr's saloon on the corner of Fourteenth and Douglas streets , and as was his oubtom , poured out for himself a tmall glass of whisky. Ho then reached down under the counter , and taking out wnat ho supposed to be a bottle containing soda water , poured a quantity of the fluid into the whisky. Ho then swallowed the compound at ono draught. Ho discovered his mistake too late. He was immediately ; seized with the most agonizing pains in the throat and stomach. Dr. Neville was summoned and plie4. , the unfortunate man with emetics which partially relieved his sull'erings. Up was taken to the St. Joseph's hospital where ho now Jies , suffering intense pain. The chances are about even for his rccovcrj' . His throat and stomach are shockingly burnca. The bottle which Nuneman supposed contained soda , was filled with ammonia which was used for scouring purposes. This bottle in some unaccountable \vay bad been placed with those containing liquor and soda. The bar tender sajs it is a mystery to him how it came to bo placed there. .For Sale or Trntlc. Forty sections of extra choice western agricultural lands ; twelve hundre'd and eighty acres of York county , Neb. , land , divided into ten very desirable farms. For particulars address the owners , HOPKINS & COWAN , York , Neb. Civil Service Examination. Tucbday Mr. Theodore L. DuLand , of Washington , secretary of the hoard of examination under the civil service com mission , assisted by Assistant Postmaster Woodard and Chief Clerk Anderson , conducted a civil service examination at the federal building , Sixteen of the sev enteen had como in response to notices from tiie civil service commission , and the seventeenth , who was late in filling out his application , received permission by telegraph to enter the examination. The examination covered n wide field , and was very exhaustive and thorough. Those who pass it will ho competent to assume the duties of almost any ordinary clerkships. Several of the applicants went through an examination for special positions. l&Thrno young women who had failed to go through tlio preliminary of making formal application for admission to thu examination wore shut out. They tele- grapbul to Washington for special per mission to enter. This , howovur , was de nied them : Wanted to exchange for stock of Hard ware and general merchandise , 500 acres of line Thayer county ( Neb.land ) ; five lots in Genoa ( Nob. ) ; good store building ( best corner ) ; good dwelling ( best loca tion ) in Essex ( Iowa ) ; alhO eighty acres onehalt'mile from town of Essov ( Iowa ) , seeded in blue grass For further par ticulars , adilros-i John Linderliolm , Cen tral City , Nebraska. Nebraska Wlicolmon. At a meeting of the Nebraska Wheel men , held at the Millard hotel , last even ing a division of the League of American Wheelmen for the statu of Nebraska , was formed and the following ollicorselected : W. M. Bogors , ehieficoniel ; B. F. Fell secretary and treasurer ; W. M. llogers , state representative. Committee for drafting constitution and by laws Warren Jlogers , B , F. Fell , C. M. Woodman , A D. .Hughes. Racing boaru Messrs. Hitchcock , Blackmoro and Gordon , leaving two members to bo elected outside of Omaha. After a very enthusiastic and well at tended session , the meeting adjourned to meet May 5 , at the Millard , tor a called meeting to vote on the constitution and by-laws. Those present at the meeting last evening - ing were Messrs. Bogors , Fell , JollitVu , Blackmoro , Shears.L. Stcpaons.W. Steph ens , Sloman , Motion ) , Wilde , Burkley , Haynes , Griswald , Mittaner , Johannes , Woodman , Hughes , Clarke , Sohwiiri , Townsoiid. The Florence Out-oflT. The Florence cut-oft' was so worked upon during tlio winter that the old place is behaving itself very well now. Superintendent McCabe says that ho does not expect any slides this spring. TliankH. Airs. M. Bobling and relatives desire lo extend their heartfelt thanks to friends and especially the Omaha Turn Voroin , and Musical Union for kindness t > howu ou.tlicir Into bereavement. To the While Chicago and a good many other cities have adopted the eight hour system and with success , there are many other ? oed reasons why the eight hour system should bo made universal. The follow ing are a few of the many : 1 , No ono will deny the fact that eight liours hard work , whether it bo mental or manual work is an honest days labor. 2. It gives the clerks an opportunity to crot recreation and enjoyment between Llio hour of rising and bea time , allowing them to retire at a seasonable hour. 8. It gives them n chance to transact maivy odd jobs which are sometimes ot ijroat importance but which could not bo done during working hours without in convenience to employer and employe. I venture the assertion that in no branch of trade are there so many clerks employed who have as lonp hours , as the retail grocery clerks , many of whom work from 0 a. in. lo 8 p. in. and oven 8:30 : on week days nnd to 0 o'clock and after on Saturdays. 1 request in thu name of nil these clerks that the ladies ask their grocers to please close his store at 0 p. in. week days and 8 p. m. Saturdays. Sincerely trusting the ladies may think our claim right and just and that they will one and all enter into this with de termined spirit , assuring them of our graliludo , 1 am , ONI ; opTiu : . . _ _ a . TT.0MS2 _ N Mq | S * * * PERFECT MADE Prepnrol with upcclnl rcRRnl to hoaltfc. No Ammonia , t.lmc or Alum. PRICE BAKING POlVDL-n CO. , CHICAGO. ST. I.OUI8 F. M. ELLIS & Co. Architects and Building Superint's ' OMAHA , NEB , and DBS HOINES , IU Ollico , Cor. 14th nnd Fnrnnm Streets , HoomU OlS Cu . . . iTEJB. Gioitou UtJiiLtNOiiOF with F. M. Kills. DR. IMPEY , Z5CO F .I iTj .ls/j : ST. Practice limited to Diseases of EYE. EAR , NOSE AND THROAT , Glasses fitted for all forms of defective Vision. Artificial Eyes Inserted. Best Goods in the Market ffochford , III. A-sk for our ffoo.la and see tlmt the bear our trade marlt. ESTABLISHED 1879. Lincoln Steam Dye Works W. D. UOIJERTSON , Prop'r. Olflco No. 1105 0 St. , Works S.15. Cor. F. & Oth. Lincoln , Nob. Gouts' Clothing Cleaned ami Ho juilrucl. I3tli St. Cor. Capitol Avonuo. Fim Tim THEATlinNT OP All. Chronic & Surgical Diseases. DR. MoMENANlY. Proprietor. hull-en ) curs' Floximal nml I'rivuto rruilicn \Vohu\o tlio facilities , iipmriitn | anil remedies for the successful trealmeiitof cmy furm of uls. < n-e mmlrliiK either nuullcal or Mirtical trcatmint , mid ImlteitlltocnmonniHuviblljjntuforthi'mfcclYr * orcorrwpqiidultliui. lion iuierlenc | In treating - ing cau-H liy letter enahlm tin to treat uiauy caaei BClenliilralfy without mrlnp tlicm. WKITJi KOH riUCULAK on Deformities and Knurr , Cluh Feet , Curvatures of the Spine , TisL'A > E > or VnjiKK. I'llcB , Tumors , Canccra , Catarrh , Hronchitic , Inhalation , Klcctrlcltjr , J'arnl- ysls , Kplleney , Kidney , Kju , Kar , Skin , Blood uuil All Biirclcnl operations. HuHurleH. Inhaler * , llracru , Tru * rB , and All UlmU of Medical and Surgical Appliance * , u > un. ufactuml nnil for Bale. The only reliable Medical Intitule making Private , Sp8cialJcNvervous Disease ALL CONTAGIOUS ANI ) HLOOn DISEASES , from whatever cause produced , successfully treated. Wo can remove Hyplillltlo poleon from the eytttui \vithontnicriury , New restorative treatment for lees of vital poxfcr. COMMUNIUATIONH CONl'IDHOTJAL. Cull and consult us or fend name and poet-ofllco s plainly written enclose stamp , nud we n 111 send you. In plain u rapuir , our PRIVATE CIRCULAR TO MEN tll'OS 1'IIIVATU , F | > t.OIAl4 > Nt > KuBlOlla DlSBASKK , BKMINAI. WEAKNESS , BresuAToimutEi IHTOTKH. cr , Bri'inut , OoNomtiiiBA , UI.EET , VAIUCOCELB , KDUCHIJIK , AKC ALL JHI'EAEKS OF THE GKNITO- UniNAiir URQANB , or tend hlttory of your caao lot an opinion , I'crsoiu unable to U .t us may le treated nt their homes , by coi rcvpondence. .Medicine * and lustra * menu t-ent by mall or exiireea tJKCUHKLY 1'AL'ft. Kl ) FIIOM 6llSF.HVATlOX.no marks to Ind'caU ' contents or render. One personal interview pre ferred ( ( convenient. Fifty room * for the eccom. ruodation of patient * . IKird and attendance at reasonable pilcen. Addrct * all Letters tu Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute. < V > r. 13thSt sndCaDitoMvo. . OWAIIA. Ni.B. ' DREXEL & MAUL , ( Buocossora to J. O. Jacobs. ) UNDERTAKERS , AND EMUALMEIIS. At the old stand , 1107 Fttrnum tit. Order * by tclcgriinh solicited unil promptly uttcudod to. ' 1'clupuouu Jijo.iii BEATRICE , NEBRASKA , THE LEADING ASSOCIATION OF THE WEST. CASH CAPITAL , PAID TIP IN FULL , $100,000.00 , GROSS ASSETS , DECEMBER 31st , 1885 100,820.30 A certificate of membership in this Association furnishes benefit at the lowest cost. cost.Men and women , between the ages of 17 and 05 years , who are in good health , may become members. There is no changing from ono class to another , and assessments do not inorcaso- with advancing ago. The Company has a cu.irantco fund of $100.030 paid up In cash , which is an ad ditional security to that famished by any company in the united State' . It has u Kescrvo fund which provides for n non-forfeiting policy and a paid-up- policy.Tho The Company is located in the Wcsl : its business is confined to thu healthy Wqst , and applications from persons residing in malarial districts ace not accepted , which will insure fuw n.sscsJinents , and a consequent exemption from any onerous liability. A local Advisory Hoard , composed of not less than live loading oitixons of each vicinity , may bs formed , who may act as advisory counsel In the sjttleiu'Mil of claims by thu death of members and as to the admission of applicants to membership. A member who lapses his certificate may ro-mstato the HUUO : at any time upon satisfactory evidence of good health , by tlio payment of all delinquent dues and assessments. .fsoinsurance company in this or any other country has evnr failed by reason of of the death-rate experience The failure in each instance has been caused by pecu lation or .speculation. The safe guards Introduced rondur both impossible In this Association. Our business is c.mlino , ! to the endowment for old age , and the pay maul of the widows and ornhans after death. The policy is more libjral , and the plan more secure , than any company in thu United States. Co-operative Insuranca Companies existed in England 200 years boforn the stock plan was thought of , and the same companies exist to-day , some of them having nearly ono million members. When managed judiciously , they cannot break.Vu \ guarantee every promise we maked with $ 100,001) ) this being in addition to the $100- 000 provided for as a Reserve Fund which is a more liberal provision and offer than ny other company makes. The Strength of This Association Consists of GUARANTEE FUND , ENDOWMENT PLAN , EESEKVE FUND , NON-FORFEITING POLICY , GRADED RATES , PAID-UP POLICY , SELECTED RISKS , A DEPOSITORY TO PROTECT THE TONTINE SYSTEM , RESERVE FUND , LIFE PLAN , CAPITAL STOCK. The cost of life protection in this company is loss than any company in the United States. The company is good and payments prompt. This Association is now entering its third year , and has a largo membership , which is constantly increasing. At death or maturity of endowment the mombar receives his interest in the Reserve Fund in addition to the amount due on the policy. All policies bcconio non-forfeiting jiftur the third year lo the extent of the mem ber's Interest in the Ru.sprvo Fund. AGENTS WANTED in every town and city where not supplied in all of llio states west of the Mississippi river and north of Kans.is. Good reliable canvassers can obtain most favorable rates by writing to the company. Thu Western Mutual hasconsolidatedthe mombnrshipof the "NebraskaMutual , " "Farmers' and Mechanics' " and "Lincoln Mutual , " and with its own members in sures perfect protection. "Wo regard the Western Mutual as ono of the very best life insurance associa tions in tnis country , and expect to see , at no very distant day , it covering the entire fieid of the he.ilty West with its active , gentlemanly ngant-3. " Daily Krj > rcsst March 2 , issa. OFFICE AUDITOR OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS , ) STATB or NKBK.VSKA , } LINCOLN , February 1 , 1888. ) It is herobv ccrjified that the Western Mutual Benevolent Assocnitipn Insurance Company , ot Beatrice , in fhn State of Nebraska , has complied with the insurance law of this state , and is authorized to transact the business of life insurance in this at t for the current year. , - , Witness my hand and the seal of said of said office , the day and j SIAL. : { yar first above written. ' , ' 11. A. BABCOCK , Auditor Public Accounts. Omuba Nalionnl Bank , the company's financial agent , at Omaha , Nebraska. Kciicr by permission to lion. J. II. Millard , Omaha , Nub. All communications should bo addressed to O3Lj ± "VEPl O. SJ BI3STF Secretary and General Manager , BEATRICE , NEBRASKA. OTIS HAYNES , General Agent. Offlce , Room 10 , Creighton Block , Omaliu , Neb. Fine Business Lots at the Soutli End , and. In lite north end of this Town. Two and ono half miles from the Omaha post office , ( Taking Into consideration the streets nnd alley.and ! ) are sold One Quarter Down , Uulnncn In 1,2 nnd 3 years at 7 per cent. The Finest Suburban Lots , Around Onmlm. 250 feet nhovo tlio Missouri Klver. Nowhere clso about Omultti are located aucn nand- eomo sites for Modest , Medium orj'lc/iiiu lioinoi. InrcMlento Dili nnd tccuro eomo of tills Uno i > rep i [ 7. Before a Higher Appraisement is made. DON'T lii.llVH ! : a woul of this until you liavo thorousliljr Investigated IU That thl * property If nnlr ' ° and ono lialf miles from Om ihu'a liustuosi center Tliuttliqnllltudolslilidi. Tlmt tlio location Is be.iutlful. Tlmt muplo trees are planted on each tlilc of the ttroot * . That catli lot contains UU squuro feet with 20 foot alley , That the MrcctB are 80 and lot ) foot wide. That thcrauro li' dummy trains each way , hcaldci the rojular train * . That the street cant run to within ono half mllu of thcro. That the street curs will run there this year. Tlmt the price Is ono third luti than U asked for property the sarao dlsUncn la other directions. That tlio lots are ono third larger than most others. That they are backed by a eymlicuto reproeiitlnu | IOOJ,0) ] . Thawthuru has already boon expended between $1,0)1,0) ) ) ) ani 11,11 ) , ] ) ) . That there Is a flno aystom of waterirorki , lurnlihliu pure jprlaz water , Tlmt the railway ! nil center there. That South Omaha Is a town of Itself. That It ha > Its own poitulllco. Tlmt U has Its own railway sfitlou. Tlmt It 1ms Its o In Fact " * it hn every thlaz to make the pioporty the very best paylns Investment In ftaal-Kstnto today , Look Into It. Examine It Carefully , Don't Buy a Lot. Until you are convinced that there U no posslblty of Incurring a loss. The handsome residence loU ore ono mllu this tide ( directly noitli ) of the UNION STOCK V-Alimi where uro locatud tlio ' Inana.cn.eo IDrsesed. Ecot , SPorlr Which In ten years will bo the I.AHaEST INDUSTIIY In the west and will mnke property wortli per foot YI but Is now u kcd for n lot. Tlio drahmuo of the ubuve Institutions Is period mid Hews south from the town THE ABOVE DESCRIBED LOTS ARE SIMPLY PERFECT. Any real cshilo ngenl will .oil you lot . Mini with her e nnd carriage at the ( Jloba-Journul ofllca , nt the "Summit , " South Omaha , hus ra.ips and prlco lists and U always leady to ( how property , For farther In formation imi | , price Ilktt nnd descriptive circulars , uddrcss , M. A. UPTON , Manager MILLAKD HOTEL BLOCK. Omaha. Nebraska.