Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 29, 1886, Page 6, Image 6

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relit end by cnrrlor In nnypnrtof lhocltj-nt
twenty cents per nock.
11. W. Tii/ro.v , - Mnnngcr.
TKI.nritONKSz OFFICE , No. 43.
NiniiT KIMTOII , No. S3.
Stubbs , the hnttcr.
Nc\v spring goods at Rcltor's.
Water Oolors clienp at Cooper & Me-
The district court meets lioro on the
10th of Alay.
Kavo money by buying Refrigerators of
Coopur & McJpo. (
"Wild Kowor" festival by the X. Y. 7 .
at the congrcgnUuiml elmrcli parlors
Saturday owning ,
Sotyour alarm at 0 o'clock so as to bo on
hand promptly at 7 o'clock for the May
morning riding party.
Tliu interior of the city jiill'timidlng is
being ornamented with whitewash mid
cleaned tip generally.
Tliu body of George Trwin , the deaf
jim ! dumb hey drowned hero about n
wcel : ngo , has been taken to Dtibuqtio for
At 11 o'clock this morning the Irish
National league will opun theirstato con
vention in the opera house. Mayor Chap
man will deliver an address of welcome.
Those unaccustomed to riding among
the hills need fear no danger of being
lost , for a competent gitidu will lead the
X. Y. 'A. riding party Saturday morning.
The need of a hospital in Council HlufTs
is made apparent by the events ot the
past few days. It would not take much
to start one on the cottage plan , which is
becoming so popular.
A fellow giving his name as Totter was
yesterday making a drunken parade on
jdain street with his coat and vest oil' .
This rushing of the season caused him to
bo led in by onu of the constellation.
It is proposed to have at every fire
alarm box a placard telling the public
where the key may bo found. This would
servo to accommodate ! the public better ,
and often save much delay in turning in
tin alarm.
II. A. Ualrd yesterday settled the loss
caused to his stock by the recent lire , and
seems satisfied with the manner in which
the insurance companies have treated
him. The loss was not so large as atlirst
eiinposed , and the stock has ocen put in
shape and business resumed.
Ur. llanchett yesterday let the contracts
for the building of his now residence on
Bancroft struct. A. W. Covalt is to do
thu carpenter work and Mr.rlln Hughes
the mason work. The residence will bo
a commodious and attractive one , and a
credit to that part of the city.
A draft for $3,000 was yesterday re
ceived in this city from the Mutual Life
Insurance company , of Now York , in
favor of Mrs. James Frainey , in payment
ot a policy on her husband's life. Mrs.
Frainoy is now in Fort Scott , Kan. , and
the draft was forwarded to her.
Ono fellow arrested by the police was
so drunk that ho gave tlirco el i libra nt
names , insisting each was right ono.
and then bugged of the recording angel
not to let his name appear in the papers
ns a plain drunk. Ho said ho was not a
playin' drunk , but wanted to be recorded
ns an ornamental one. His wish was
The marshal says that the powder
houses will have to bo moved on the 1st
of May , or war will begin , in accordance
with the Instructions of the council.
Some of the powder houses hnvo been
moved some time ago , and those re
maining , of which complaint is made ,
should also bo moved. All should bo
treated alike.
To-day the chart is to bo placed at
Bushncll's , so that those who desire to
reserve seats for the Christian conven
tion Sundav night can do so. The seats
nro to bo free to all. Those who fail to
reserve seats can gut tickets at the box
olllco Sunday night. The scats reserved
must bo occupied by 8 o'clocic , or else
they will bo forfeited and given to those
who arc there to occupy them.
In accordance with an arrangement
made some weeks ago Rabbi Uenson , of
Omaha , is to deliver his lecluro in the
Baptist church next Sunday morning on
the topic. "The Religious Problem of the
Nintccntii Century. ' The lecture is said
to bo a.very line one , and there has been
expressed so strong n desire on the part
of friends and others for him to deliver
it here , that ho some time ago made the
promise to do so , and now the promise is
to bo met. The lecture is pronounced
ono which is worthy of hearing by all ,
and ilio church will doubtless bo well
filled with those desiring to hear him.
Board has an immcnso stock of wall
paper and room mouldings which must
be turned into cash , so down go the prices
at Board's.
Uiils will bo received by the school
board of Council Whiffs until the 5th oi
May , 1880 , ( or lowering the high school
building ut so much per foot. The build
ing to bo lowered forty foot more or.less
Tim board to reserve the right to reject
any nnd all bids. By order School Board.
For the latest style ot dressmaking see
Miss Gleason. No. 01 Pearl street.
No Dinner for Him.
Joseph Cole , after working liurtl all the
forenoon , went homo to dinner , only to
llii'I the house vacant , the wife gone , and
the fiirnlturo as welL Had ho been in
formed as to what the plans for the day
were lie could have taken his dinner
with him , but Ihis wns too big a surprise ,
nnd hunting about for the cause of the
Btiddon leave-taking , ho found that a fel
low workman named Samuel Andrews had
rented tt house of Patrick White and had
moved Mrs. Cole into it. lie felt that ho
had not been used right in the { matter
nnd so wont before Justice Frainoy and
had botli Andrews and Mrs. Cole arrested
on the clmrgo of adultery. Tlioy in turn
had him arrested for threatening to kill
them. The family trouble is to be aired
up iu court to-morrow.
Dressmaking , cutting and lilting by
Miss ( iluason , No , ill Pearl street ,
.lr MoLeod. oculist anil aurist , No.
' 60J Broad way , Council Blnll's.
Itankriipt Sale
Of boots and shoos. oponin" Thurs
day , April 29.1880 , at No.101 Broadway.
Having purchased an entire bankrupt
stock at unheard of prices , I will soil the
i same at a very blight advance In order to
I close out the same quickly. As evidence
lint I mean business I quote a few
tfoes : Men's boots for $2,50 ; sold every-
era in the ciiy for $1.00. Boots sold
Irywlioro "for $ J.50 , can bo
ll for $1.25. Gentlemen's shoes ,
bd goods , irom 11.25 up , worth
Ice the money. Children's tlioes bold
i < where for if 1.25 and $1.60 , only CO
L'ts. ' Ladies goods in largest variety
m 75 cents up , woith twice the money ,
wpers from 45 cents up dirt cheap ,
mlemcn's low shoes from $1.00 up ,
solid leather and good work. Call and
co the bargains. Don't ' forget the date
i { 'and number , Thursday , ADI U SO , 18SO ,
> Io. 401 Broadway , A , LKFKOVITS.
i ( Jo to Beard for low prices.
What the Christian Young Men Have Been
Doing in Council Bluffs ,
\ Ilrlitht Sunbeam for ttio Taxpayers
A Married .Mini I/oscs His JMn-
ncr nntl Ills WlTc.
Ycnrlr Ilcport of tlio Y. M. O. A.
On the 1st of May of last year wo wcro
rowdcd out of our narrow quarters on
North Main street anil moved to the rooms
hat wo now occupy. It was n qucs-
Ion at first whether the work
lould ba made a success on
ho third floor , but more space brought
o us more people. However , the rooms
ivcro not attractive ; great bare walls
made them look like vacated stores , nnd
hero was nothing homelike in their up-
icar.ance. A few days before Now Year's
n improvement committee , consisting of
hirtccn ladies , was formed for the pur
pose of papering , painting nnd carpeting
lie social rooms and parlor. A canvass
ivas made , principally among ladies and
foung men , nnd § 200 secured. Nearly
ivcry teacher in the city contributed to
his fund. The paper hangers gave their
goods at cost and did excellent work.
Thrco room" wcro handsomely papered ,
MO wood work painted and a now carpet
nit down in the parlor. The rooms were
reopened on Now Year's day by a recop-
ion and between 1)90 ) and 400 persons
called. The growth of the wot'k since
Now Year's has been remarkable. Each
evening the rooms , including the gymna
sium , are thronged with young men.
Our rooms have again become too small ,
tnd the fact that wo must soon hnvo u
building of our own to successfully carry
on the evident. To properly
lo the work now upon our hands ,
need twice the room wo
low have , and oven this would
give no chance for enlargement. We arc
ramped in every branch of the work for
want of room. Lot every person of _ this
growing city say , upon reading this , " 1
iviil do my part toward providing for : v
suitable building in which the young
men may carry on their trrcat work , "
and the time will not bo long when an
elegant building may stand as a living
iiionument in our city , welcoming the
.housands of young men to its privileges.
There is no place in this city ollering
such a pleasant social resort as the Y. M.
C. A. Youmr men in largo numbers
gather at the parlors and spend the even-
ng in song , games and conversation.
Tho-literary and social has been post
poned until wo can have more room , and
: ho large hall is used regularly aa a ,
The gymnasium , although not com
plete , has apparatus for developing all
the-muscles ot the body , and young men
by exorcising have been greatly beno-
A debating club has recently benn or
ganized. Its practical fruits may already
be seen among the fellows.
Of the boys' work wo can give but a
brief account , but it indeed is a hopeful
feature of the association. It was started
n September. A few boys who had at
tended some of tlic literary and religious
meetings were invited. They came and
wcro so pleased that they went and in
vited their friends. Steadily that branch
has grown until now more than a hun-
ilred names are upon the roll.
Tickets are issued to every regular at
tendant. The ticket admits the bearer to
the gymnasium from 4UO : to 5:00 : onch af
ternoon , and the boys' meeting on Fri-
dav evening from 7 to 8 o'clock. On
Friday evening half an hour is spent
in gymnasium exercise , after which all
are seated and the leader speaks to the
boys upon some subject , selected a week
before , and asks the boys questions about
the lesson.
Only practical and biblical topics have
been presented. During the spring and
summer months the boys will take Sat
urday afternoon rambles with their leader
to points of interest in the vicinity of the
Four public entertainments worepivcn.
One evening of readings by Mrs. i\l. H.
Sears , illustrated by tableaux. Ono an
evening of readings by Miss Nellie
Hatcher , assisted by n male quartette.
Two wore musical entertainments given
by the McGibony family and Madame
Fry and her daughters. A course of four
scientific lectures by Dr. E. W. Fish has
just closed.
While the social , physicial and intel
lectual departments ot our work have re
ceived much attention , the religious work
has been auly carried on. As a result
thirteen young men have professed con
version and cloven of them united with
churches. '
The gospel service is held each Sun
day afternoon at 4 o'clock , the young
men's meeting on Sunday afternoon at
6 o'clock and the young men's Bible
study on Saturday night at 8)0. : ! )
Av. nt-
No. held , tendance.
Compel service 08 ut
Young men's mrctliiB 47 29
Young men's Bible study. . . . 44 10
There wore 29 rcqunsts for prayer.
About a do/.on of onr boys have formed
themselves Into a band and. each week
visit some church prayer meeting. The
pastors have been very glad to greet them.
Financially wo have had a good year.
Wo are not free from dobt.yet wo ewe less
by nearly $300 than wo did a year ago.
Mr. C. (1. Baldwin , state secretary ofY.
M. C. A.'s of lown , aided us greatly in
our canvass for funds.
If our friends stand by ns the coming
year as they did the last with their
money , we hope to close the year free of
Our facilities for getting work for men
are not what they ought to be , yet places
were secured for twelve young men , nnd
seventeen now comers wore directed to
good boarding places in private families.
All our work has been done in rooms
the entire dimensions of which are 88 by
25 feet. It will be plainly seen that wo
are crowded. This city it just teeming
with young men of whom mnltitudos
could bo reached if we had ample room
and accommodations. To compete with
opposing lorcos wo must have everything
iirtit class. We can't ' nflbrd to neglect the
boys or the young men andnllow them to
drift into bad or oven questionable places
for booial resort , hpnco wo uno the im
portance of moving soon toward the
building tor them u permanent homo ,
Our thanks are duo and extended to all
who have aided us by their money ; to the
city press for free copies of the Nonpareil ,
BKK , Globe , Herald and forsnaco in their
columns ; to a number of publishers of re
ligious and scientific literature for free
copies of their publications , and to our
friends in goncral.for their sympathy and
Active and Associate lit
( Jymnoslum , CO
Total , . .178
The rooms are located at the corner of
Main street and Broadway. They are
kept open each week day from I ) a. in. to
13 m , , trom 2 to 5:30 : p. m. and from 7 to
10 in the evening. All young men are
invited to visit tlium often ,
The following is a list of the expend !
tiires during the year :
Salaries ot secietnry and Janitor..8 Oil seAmount
Amount paid on old claims , 2317
Kent 2910
Has. , W5IS5
Coal and wood , . . , . si00
Repairs .M70
State work s 3500
ntcrnntlonnl wmk 1430
'rlntlng and stationery. . 2010
'npers 15 5
Insurance 1580
Kxpcnse of delegate to Davenport. . . 11 03
Mission work. . ? 800
Balance In hands of tiensurer. 331
Total S1.707 70
We giro below a list of the ofllcors :
President N. P. Uodgo.
First Vice President J. N. Brown ;
second vice president , Frank McMahon.
Recording Secretary Elmer D. Stacy.
Treasurer A. B. \ \ alker.
General Sccrctary--llarry Curtis.
Directors W. S. Homer , C. .1. Swan ,
A. Norono. M. W. Fleming , J. N. G. Wy-
lie , A. Chrislcnson , C. A. Loucks and H.
Leonard & ,7ewott refrigerators at low
prices at Cooper & McGcc's.
Room Mouldings Largest assortment
nnd lowest prices at Beard's Wall Paper
All About ( Vvoen.
AvorA , April 27. Al C. Weaver's
Euchre combination came lo ns Monday ,
to remain the entire week. They pro-
fiontcd "Euchre" Monday evening to n
small but appreciative audience , the
weather being very unfavorable.
There Is : i ripple of discord between
Postmaster Cramer and his bondsmen
as to who is to bo his deputy. As
the story goes , when Cramer procured
his bondsmen it was with the under
standing and promise that they ( his
bondsmen ) should name the deputy ,
which they did , naming J. B. Blake.
Alter retaining Mr. Blake until ho be
came familiar with his work' , he takes
his brother , Don Cramer , to assist him ,
hence the ripple , which promises to ne
cessitate new bondsmen or the appoint
ment of J. B. Blake , UP per agreement.
Airs. J. K. Powers entertained the pro
gressive euchre Tuesday evening , , LC.
Hctzel and Mrs. Dr. Uoiiliam taking first
prize , while O. B. Nelson and Mrs. J. C.
Hct/.ol were two contented ' 'boobies. "
Airs. F. G. Hetxol and children returned
Friday morning , after a three weeks'
visit with her parents at Wilton , Iowa.
Mrs. Dr. Xunten returned Tuesday
evening from West Liberty , Iowa , where
she has been attending her mother , who
has been very low lor the past three
weeks. Being considered past danger ,
Mrs. X. could with safety return homo.
The Iriends of Mrs. O. B. Nelson were
pcr.-istunt in calling upon her Tuesday
and quietly leaving packages which ,
upon opening , proved to bo birthday re-
mombraucos much to Mrs. N. 's surprise ,
as she .supposed her friends were in ig
norance as tj bur birthday. However ,
the pnckngo marked "From St. Louis"
remains a mystery.
Mrs. Couovcr , of Council Binds , was
visiting Mr.-i. J. K. Powers last week
N. D. Sauford was an Atlantic visitor
Mrs. L. A. Babcoek , visited the Blull's
Mr. and Airs. IL Rhoads. old residents
ot Avoca , are lo make Council iJlufls
their future homo , going there May 1.
Hon. U. S. Hart has rented and will oc
cupy their residence lie c.
Airs. N Hodgion is visiting her parents
in Davenport.
Mayor Diedcrich is d ing good service
namely , in not only issuing , but in see
ing his orders obeyed , relative to stock
running at large. Anyone having stock
running out , and lose them , they can al
ways llnd them by calling .it the city
pound. This is as it should be , one nui
sance abolished , while there are others
that will receive his honor's attention ,
and only n question of time when they ,
too , will be wiocd out of existence.
X. Y. Z ,
14csper foot , 18o per foot , 24c per foot.
Of all styles.
HOSE llKEr.s , LAWN Si'itiNKLKiis , Etc.Etc
Opera House Block.
Go to Beard for wall paper.
Served Them UlRht.
A number of complaints are being
hoard among those who last fall gave
orders hero to a traveling tree man ,
representing a DCS Aloincs nursery. The
written orders as signed by the pur
chasers contain cut-throat provisions
by which the customer agrees to waive
all right to exemption of personal prop-
city from execution. The customer also
agrees , in case his order is not filled , to
accept other varieties of trees as a substi
tute , and in cose the trees do not grow
they can buy some more at half rate , but
are obliged to pay for what is ordered on
delivery. It is said that many substitutes
are being made , yearling grape vines be
ing substituted for three-year-olds , and
stock being not as represented in many
particulars. The agent is said to bo quite
sharp , and holds the buyers down strictly
and technically to the promise to pay ,
while lie allows himself greater latitude
in fulfilling his part of the contract. It
serves the Council Binds people right.
There are located hero and in this vicinity
reliable nurserv men , and there seems no
reason why tno patronage should bo
given to the itinerants from other places
so long as Council Bluifs has such reliable
dealers In this line who are here the year
Go to Beard for room mouldings.
I sell the celebrated Twin Burner gasoline -
line stove. That double burner heats
them all. A 4-burnor same price as a ! !
burner ; aburncr ! ) same price as a 2-
burner. W. A. Wood. fiOt Alain.
The Operetta.
The "Dress Rehearsal" given at the
opera house last evening proved an en
joyable entertainment. As an operetta
it differed greatly from the ono given
Monday evening. It was not so light
and niry , and had a little less of the
spectacular feature. The mttsio was
stronger and less jingling. The partici
pants were mostly young ladies , rather
than children , Their voices were brought
out in sweet btrains , and their costumes
were varied , bright and pleasing , Hoth
of these operettas were prepared under
the direction of Airs. O'Neill. There
must have boon 'much time and patience
spent in drilling , developing and arrang
ing , and while she shuns prominence
ami publicity in connection with those
entertainments , to her morethnn anyone
else is duo the credit of their success.
To-niirht a qunurillo party is to bo given
in the Ahihonio hall in connection with
the fair. ,
All the arrangements and features of
the fair seem to bo meeting with the ap
proval and Jinanoial support of the pub
lic , and the sisters of St. Francis academy ,
will doubtless realize a largo amount as
the result.
Go to the N. Y. P. Co. for
Opera House Block.
The best lawn mower in the market is
the "Philadelphia , " sold by Cooper &
Substantial abstracts of titles nnd rea
estate loans. J. W. & B. L. S inlro , 10
Pearl street , Council Bluffs.
Money to lo.m by Forrest Smith.
Courtship i\y Mall.
Dr. James Bulls , of Onawa , Iowa , stole
n march on his frio.ndp yesterday. Ho
arrived hero the night before , nnd slopped
at the Ogdcn house , Ho evidently ex
pected to meet somo'one hero , and yes
terday morning ho went down to the
Northwestern dopot'lo Jjco If the expected
friend did not arrive on the morning
train. While waiting ho made inquiries
of ono of the employes of the Ogdcn , nnd
was surprised to learn the person ho
was waiting for hadfarlMvcdattho Ogdcn
the night before , coming in on the same
train which brought Inrii to the city. Ho
hurriedly pot Into a carriage and dashed
back to the hotel , and there found the
person , who was no other than Aliss
Libbio E. Fcssenden. of St. Louis , Alich. ,
whom ho was to meet and wed hero. Ho
summoned a minister , Rev. Dr. Cooley ,
of the Baptist church , and the ceremony
was soon happily performed. The bride
whom ho has thus taken to himself was a
cousin of his first wife , and although ho
had not met her for years , and she had
outgrown his recollection , so far as rec
ognising her features was concerned , ho
hr.d for years kept up an acquaintance
with her by correspondence. As n result
of his courtship by mail , the two ap
pointed this as the meeting place. She
had seen him about the hotel , nnd he had
seen her , but neither recognized the
other. After the ceremony the happy
pair started at once for Onawa , where
they will bii cordially welcomed by the
surprised friends.
More Street Cnrn , More Track.
A move was made yesterday towards
securing better street ral'way ' facilities
lor Council Bluffs. Yesterday Park Com
missioners J. J. Brown and A. C. Gra
ham took in their carriages Air. J. J.
Bums , general storekeeper of the Union
1'acillo in Omaha , and W. II. Burns , who
has had charge of the street railway , and
who has recently been appointed general
manager and freight agent for the Union
Pacific in this city. These gentlemen
were given n drive about the Hty , and
its extent and improvements pointed out
to them. Air. W. 11. Burns expressed his
surprise at the quantity and quality of
Council Blull's. He had never taken in
the city before , and it was a MirprUc
party to him. The park commissioners
&howcd to these gentlemen the necessity
of running ti street car line on South
First street to Graham avenue and to
Fairmount park , then around to Six
teenth avenue to connect with the Alain
street line. The need of bolter cars and
more cars wns also impressed upon the
visitors. Mr. Burns was favorably im-
picssed with the scheme and promised
that ho would lay the matter before other
of the oflicials , and thi'.t Superintendent
Dorranee , who is now in the west , would
on his return take a look at the city and
its needs.
Let Tax i'ay'orsJSmlle.
There is ono encouraging outlook for
tax payers. It is in regawlto the amount.
required from the pcqplefor school pur
poses President Allans has been figur
ing through the limmpus , jtnd the pros
pect is good for a remarkable casing up
of the burden to be lifted'this ' year. The
board figures on $30,000 a year for teach
ers , but not being able , , to foretell ex
actly how much money will be realized
from the levy for this purpose , the board
has always made an allowance for shrink
age. Instead ot their being a shrinkage
there has been for .severalyears a sur
plus in this fund. This Surplus has oc
casionally been used to help out other
funds , such as building , or contingent
expenses , when thero.Juis been some un
expected demand on such resources.
These amounts have been restored from
time to time in the teachers' fund , and
now there is quite a balance there. Air.
Atkins thinks that by economy and care
ful figuring the board will be able , unle s
some unforeseen event occurs , to use this
surplus for reducing the general tax levy
for school purposes this year. It is hoped
that this reduction may reach $20,000.
At this time when taxes are high , and
many improvements to bo paid for. the
reduction of the school tax by such an
amount will bo a big relief , and one
which will be appreciated by every tax
Death of
The relatives of the man Brundage ,
who died at the city jail , arrived yester
day. From them it was learned that the
family have been living at Decatur , Neb.
About three weeks ago they concluded to
remove to St. Joe. The party came to
Sioux City in teams. Brundago there
took a boat , putting therein Ins black
smith tools , and started down the river
intending to meet his folks here. They
reached Omaha Friday and have been
campingthero since , awaiting his arrival.
Thcj * learned day before yesterday that
ho had been found on the bank here In an
unconscious condition , and hastened over
but arrived but u short time botoro his
death. On Tuesday ono of the relatives
took the morning train for Sioux City in
tending to got a boat and como down
the river to look for Brundage , fearing
that something had happened him. The
body was taken to the undertaking rooms
of Field & Estop , to there await the ar
rival of this relative before burial.
S. F. Scars , of Onawa , was among
those at the Pacific house yesterday.
Judge Trimble and Joseph G. Auder-
BOH , of Keokuk , were in the city yester
day.S. .
S. P. Folsom , of St. Paul , the pavins
contractor , is in the city.
H. W. Otis , of Red Oak , was at the Pa
cific yesterday.
George Alikcscll , of DCS Aloinos , is
slinking hands with Ins Council BluIVs
G. W. Ratekin , who has boon visiting
his son , J. C. Ratekin , in this city , has re
turned to his homo in St. Joo.
J. W. Chase , who is employed at the C.
& N , W. depot , loft johtordny for St.
Louis , and it is expected ho will not re
turn ulono. * i i
S. S.Stovons , genera ) agent of the Chicago
cage , Rock Island & Pucitia railway , loft
last availing for Chieiigo obusiness. \ .
T. L. Sharon , of tho-Iowa Messenger ,
of Davenport , is horo-iVs Ono of the dele
gates to the Irish Lqijd Tpaguo conven
tion , which meets to-ilay.
N. B. Olds , the Union Pacific agent at
the Broad way dupot , i ionvcs to-day on u
well-earned month's Vlication. His wife
accompanies him. During his absence
S. E. Roberts will bo at the window to at
tend to the needs of the people.
, _
Harmony Chapter No. 25 , O. E , S. , will
hold a social in their rooms at Masonic
temple , this ( Thursday ) ovenimr , All
members and visiting brethren are in
vited to attend.
The young ladies of the X. Y. Z. society
cordially invite all lovers of horseback
riding to join them in a grand Aluy morn
ing rule. They propose to gather at the
Congregational church between 0:80 : and
7 o'clock , and to start promptly at 7.
Beautiful Alay baskets may bo procured
at the church before starting , and the
procession will halt whenever directed to
give an opportunity for depositing the
offerings. Breakfast will bo served in
the church parlors from 7 until U.
ALL are invited to join the riding
party Saturday morning either on veloci
pedes , bicycles , tricycles , horses or in
, . tVe Intend on next 4th of July ancj Christmas following to distribute among the fcotlitaer3 | of ottf
A. D. C. Soap each time * " " " "
250 SEWING 200 SJJA'EIl TEA SETS , 000 oa.cuaello i owcr
and other '
All of them magnificent } costly and useful. But at the srimc time we beg the public to understand i
matter what our competitors say ) that we arc not running tx gift enterprise. You do not pay us a fraction
of a cent for the chance to get the present. We arc selling our A. B. C. Soap cheaper to-day than we
ever did during the three years that it has been placed on the market , and consequently you get full valus
in Soap , We arc simply
our A. B. C. Soap on the most magnificent scale ever attempted by any one firm.
Three years ngo we started out to sell A. IJ. C. Soap on its merits , to-day thousands of the most
intelligent housekeepers in this and all the principal cities of the Union use our A. B. C. Soap and marvcf
why it is not used in every home. ' '
The principal grocers throughout the Union tell s one reason why its use has not become general
is that
has not been sufficiently advertised ; and another reason is , because many people who have bought it , ti , J
not give it the necessary and intelligent attention it deserves. They did not read the directions , and
finding that it would not wash by Haying A. B. C. Soap on top of the bundle of soiled clothes , they fell
back to five cent soap.
1housandsrjt . us : "Your A B. C. Soap is all that you claim for it ; it not only gives satisfaction ,
but we find that our most intelligent customers say that u Is
and arc enthusiastic and speak in the highest terms of praise about it. Why don't you advertise it ? "
It is therefore that we arc making this extraordinary effort to bring A. 3J. C. Soap to the notice of
every intelligent person and in order to induce every one to buy it , and continue to use it until they have
fully tested ils merits , we say to them
And send them to us during the months of June or December next , and we shall distribute among yea
nn array of presents which , for magnificence and usefulness , surpasses everything heretofore offered by
any one firm.
Send four cents in stamps and we will pcnd you a catalogue , which is now in course of preparation
nnd which will give you a full description of all the presents and the mode
Those who have not used A. B. C. Soap , of course , will ask , "what is it ? "
A. B. C. Soap is our own invention , and all who have used it cheerfully concede to it the merit ol
being the greatest improvement ever made in domestic economy. A. B. C. Soap , and the MODE OF
WASHIWG WITH IT , is as different from all other soaps , and the old way of washing , and is as
uuch an improvement over the old system , as traveling by railway is over that by an ox-cart. A girl of
18 , or the most delicate person , can wash
\i one hour , more clothes with A. B. C. Soap , than the most robust , with the hardest work and slavish toil
i m wash with the best soap , and the old way of washing , In three hours. And withal , A. B. C. Soap is
t\je \ mildest and sweetest soap ever manufactured. We warrant you can wash baby with it and it will look
u sweet and fresh as a rose.
Remember , that while yrm can use A. B. C. Soap in anyway or manner you please , it is best to use
t't according to the directions on the \vrapper , which will also teach you the new way of washing.
Remember , also , that in order to obtain one of these presents you must save your wrappers and send
I n J to us V > v mail , during the montlij of June or December next.
- > - - ITOIR , C3-K.OOE3KS. *
ol' 1-titcsl 2 ut-
All CiriulcM.
Select Stock of Choice
Novell lew in.
NOTICE. Special advertisements , such ni
LoBt.FouadTo Loin , Fo dilo , To Ilo.H , Wa-m
Qoardlng.ota , will bo Insartod in this column tt
thelow rate of TEN CEMT3 PBU LINE for tin
ttTBtlnsortlonnad FIVB CB.TT3 PBlt LINE Cor
fnoh subsequent Insortlon. Imva alvortUa
montBat our offlco , No. t ! Pearl street ; na r
13 road war , Council UlulTs.
Two llYsf"cl.iii-i tout ninKem. .1.
M. Smith , merchant tnllor , SSU Uromlwiiy.
nOH SAM'-Ono sldo-lwr top buiriry : uUo
1 slnglo nnd < loiilIo h irncss. K. H. I'usoy.
IJ1OU HUNT The U. 1' . burn , lower llroml-
J ? way , Coiiiit.ll llluIlB In fiont or dummy
troii8lcrhliutottiblpsllflyJicadotf > tocl . ; iUoU.
1 > . e iloon bullJliiir , O'ist ol liurn , mid ImlUiliiK
oaht of Binno , Biiltnlilo for rofifmiunt , Also
dwelling house where 1 Iho , iind hinull t-udj.
donco III rear of suuiu , mid Iliiolcun wltli
brick lm omont and four stiills on sumo prop
erty. liiulro ( | of J. I * . Oonldon.
T7IOH BALK Heal liitnto 111 all parts or the
J ? cltv. Unrest list. .Most Bales. K. J. Jiy : ,
No. : 1'onrl Btroot.
TTlOIl SALE -A , ' store In n
-I ? cliolcu location , Cui : bu had lit n ImrbMlii
on uusy piijmontB by applying to
lleaton , Council lllnlfH , Iowa.
.H SAIiR Old impei * . In quantities to suit ,
lit Hoe ofllco No. llil'oarlHlroet.
T7\OU \ 8AI.K Oil TilADU-SlocIt of millinery
JJ and lancy notions. All now. flood lo.-a-
tlon. Paloi * i-V : 0 a y ar. O , lice , Conncl
muffs , I own.
& WALK Kit , No. 3J Main street ,
SWAN ( Cltlzoa'a U ink ) , real ootalo aim IIKU--
cuanai uo\oli.iisto ! brokers. Our hooka uie full
of special Ij.irgiilns , but It H ImpOJHlblo to pub.
llsh u tollable llht from the fact of m > many dally
chtuxfos. What wo ask Is : If you want to soil
ortrudo anything In our line , write 11 $ and wo
\vlll fiend you u pile of liurtfiiliu to Biiloot from.
Lands Improved or unlmprovel , city or town
property , stocks of groojs ol any kind In any
jilueo. If alien you have or ; suoli you want jut in
boar from you , Sivan A : Wnlker Council Illulfs
337 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa ,
Practices in State and Federal Courts.
Uooiu3 7 and 8 , Siiiuart IJlofllc.
Justice of the Peace.
Office Over American lixpresa Comudny.
w. .
Brick h.illdlm ntiv kind raised or moved nnJ satlsfnotlon guaranteed. Frame houica moved
onLItlleQlaat trucka-tua boit In tbu worli.
808 Ei jhbli A-vcuue and Eiglith Streak , Council Bluffs.
V *
. . . ov -
< tv 7r
226 Broadway , Council Bluffs ,
I litivo n quantity of KHinrl , well clcnnml oooj
which 1 olTur at ruueoniibb flxurcg. Bcod itf tbu
crop of Ik8' . Coirovpnndunco Rolloltcd. F. O.
I1UTU''U , . elinllcr , lown. 0. A : N. W. Jly.
Omaha Dental Associa'n '
Cor. 10th anil Douglas St3.
Filling nt lowest price , with cold , tllvcr nn.l other
combination * ( JoM pliitotiml coiitlmiouiduiii Tei'tli
Eest Sets of Teetlh. ,
Former I'flco ' (15. ( 1'crfea BUmd test material. All
work uuuruntued ,
Council Bluffs Office ,
Horses and Mules
For ull purposes , bought and sold , at lotfill nii'l '
n lolR I.aifc'U iUtintlttcti | to Kulcct from.
81 rcelt , 1'ur Puifc Uur Counil Dues
4 U
Hoisoa anil Mules kept constantly on band
forfnlont rolall or In our lomls.
Orders promUtly tilled by contract on short
uotfuo. Stock sold on commission.
„ . . HIir.UTIJH & 1IUI.HV , 1'iuprlctors.
Stable Carnor I'llth Avcnuo and fourth 8t
Counoil III u ITs I3\\n.
Manufacturers of all sUotof
Automatic Engines
Especially Designed for Hnnnltifr
Tubular and Locomotive .Hollers.
New Massillou Tlirosborj.
Corey nnd Woodbury Ilorso Powers.
Portable and Traction Engines ,
Factory Mnssillon , 0. Jh'nuch Ifousa
510 Pearl St. , Council lilutfo. '