Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 29, 1886, Page 2, Image 2

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Prominent Citizens Indulge in a Livelj
Shooting Scrape at Atborvillo.
A Jjovcrlcss YOIIIIR Tjndy Kills Jtcrsoll
at Hastings Joseph Cook
TnlkH About Modern Won
ders Other State News.
A Hloodlcfls Shooting Affray.
Yonrc , X b. , Aprliss. [ Special. ] A shoot
Ine scrape occurred at Arhorvllle , a village
in UihcoiuitjvMotiilay evening between L.S ,
Loonier , a prominent citizen ot this county ,
nnd a Kentucklan named Charles Cuitls.
The fracas grow out ot an old neighborhood
feud , and the parties have lopcatedly had
tiouhlobefore. Loonier and Curtis mot In a
slorolu Arborvlllo , when Cuitls pulled a self-
cocking revolver nnd commenced to shoot
Mr. Loonier Jumped on him and grasped the
revolver and succeeded In disarming tlu
would-be murderer. Ho was airesled and
bound oVcr by n local justice of the peace on
the charge of shooting with Intent to kill.
Two other warrants were issued by Judge
Bennett to-day for the arrest of Curtis on
charges of carrying concealed weapons and
Of being a dangcious character.
Cook's Modern AVontlct-fl.
YORK , Neb. , April US. [ Special. ] Rev ,
Joseph Cook , ot Uoston , delivered Ids grcal
lecture on the "Seven Modern Wonders ol
the World , " at the M. E. church last nlghl
under the auspices of the collocc. In a lec
ture of over two hours In length he mentioned
first the seven ancient wonders , and then In
n forcible mini muni named the followlni !
eevcn modern wonders : Speed of inter
communication between nations , .self icfor-
matlon of the hermit regions , parallel ad
vancemcnt ot education and representative
government , the prospective moral alliance
between the nations , the tilumph of Chris
tianity In our country , thc.fnllllliucnt of the
Biblical prophecies , and the establishment of
u scientific super-naturalism The speaker
is a pronounced hater of tlio liberal leagues
nnd hns a soft side for the Chinese.
A Voting Imily Suicides.
HASTINGS , Neb. , April 23. [ Special Tele-
cram. ] A young lady by the name of Dora
Tlpton attempted sulcldo last evening bj
. taking arsenic. She Is now lying at the
point of death and lior recovery is consid
ered extremely doubtful. She was Imucllcd
to the rash act by the unfaithfulness of an
old lover , who deserted her for another.
A Farmer Hangs Himself.
Br.ATitici : , Neb. , April 88. [ Special Tele-
grain. ] Mr. Peter Janscn , of Fall bury ,
brought In the news that Mr. Georco Bond
hung himself in his bain this afternoon.
His wife was the first to discover him , and
Immediately gave the alarm. Mr. Bond was
a respectable and prosperous f ni mcr sixteen
mlles west of hew. The cause of his rash
act Is as yet unexplained.
A Probably Fatal Accident ,
IlASTi.vas , Neb. , April 23. [ Special Tele
gram , j Maitlm Hurst , a 13cirold passen
ger on this afternoon's B. & M. train , walked
off fiom the train near Harvard while it was
running at full speed and w.vs badly Injured.
She was brought to this city and placed under
the caio of physicians. . Her iccovery Is ex
tremely doubtful.
Struck for Higher Waaes.
FIIEMONT , Net ) . , April iJ3. [ Special. ]
Men employed In laying pipe for the water
works ( -Uncle for higher wages this morning.
They had been getting 51.50 per day , but this
morning they refused to go to work unless
their wages were advanced toS1.75 per day.
There are about fifty men employed , mostly
Swedes and Danes. The strike has caused
considciable excitement and lots of talk.
More Indians for Buffalo BUI.
LONG PINE , Neb. , April 23. [ Special. ]
AV. l'Cody's agent , ' Mr. Buikc , Is now at
Pine IMdgo agcncj- , getting Indians for tha
"Wild West show. " They now have about
thirty-live end want to get about fifteen more
which are of both sexes , of diffcicnt ages ,
.Mr. Nelson nnd family often aioamong
these. Mr. Nelson was an Indian scout , in
1850 , for the government , aim lor the las
thirty years has been trading and living vvithl
these ( Sioux ) Indians. Ho has several boys
who can speak Kngllsh and Indian fluently ,
being taught in the school at Pine Kldgo ,
Among the other Indians are some of the
most noted cliiots who a few years ago wore
as wild and bloodthirsty as any of the tin.
clvlllml tribes of to-day. The present company -
pany will bo a great improvement over last
-year's - , as tlio colonel has undergone great ex.
tfpenso In cnlarulng the show In cveiy way.
There will also bo a herd of forty buffalog
with the show. Mr. Bulko will return to
Omaha In a few days with the Indians , which
probably will bo taken direct to St. Louis ,
whore the show will bo on exhibition in
about a week.
* '
j 1'
" Gooel Klilelnnce * .
LOUISVILI.I : , April US. The Times' special
says Memdy Jones , a notorious nesro , was
i killed by a mob of citizen' ] about midnight
last night , near Auburn , Ky. Monday night
p Jones enteicd the loom of two respectable
young ladles nnd tried to chloroform them.
Ho was cxptwcd by ofllrer ? who werotaklncr
him to fall , when a mob seized . ( onus. Ho
attempted to escape and was shot dovv n.
1 Clijlili-ou Crcinutoil.
EIIIK , Pa. , Aprll.23. Mrs. iiiwpou , prior to
tiM'Xolug snapping , looked her children In a
room , The house took file. The Hi-omen
lescucd two chtldicn alive , but they will
hardly nurvivc. I'lm baby was forgotten and
consumed with the house. Several liicinan
were badly burned.
It Was n KrlBlitrul Me.
KANSAS UJTV , April W. A dispatch to the
Associated puss states that the i-cpoit of the
teiillilo tragedy In Snward county , Kansas ,
w published tills morning , proves to bo a ca-
s > uord.
The Iiater-Day Tweeils.
t New YOJIK. April 28. The trial of Jaohne ,
'Hue aldormanlc brlbo taker , U fixed for Stay
Wth. _
IfowPat UlgRjns , of Now V'ork Cl y ,
Ainassuel u Fortune out West.
Now York Star : Pat Hifrgins. of Denver -
vor , Col. , who is estimated to bo worth
at least $100,000 , formerly kept a boot-
blacking stand at the corner of Uroad-
way and Ann street , In spite of his
wealth 1m dresses as ho did then , except
on Btute occasions , anil is still engaged
in blacking boots , though ho elooa less of
the manual work than bo did when
barely making a living in Now York
city. He now employs many assistants ,
anil is wiiel to have stands in fcovoral
I' Colorado towns , anil in Tombstone , An-
1 zona. Ho was well known to N9W
Yorlu-rs eloing business near the City
Hall pink duuiig the hitter years of the
war and for several years afterward ,
Hu was in the bootblacking business pre
vious to the breaking out of the war , but
eave up his brush to fiervo t wo years in
the navy ,
V He then returned to his old stand on
* " 'Broadway , nnd lived in atonement house
in the 1'uurtli ward. Ho was able to aeid
, MO bis earnings by selling papers , but
oven when making $5 a day at his black
ing stand ho continued to llvei in the
cheap rooms ho luul occupied when $1 u
MJuy was good pay. Ho wu ; > an evcry-day
sort of Irishman , unpretentious , haul-
, ! working aud saber. Ilo could Iiavo
dressed well , but he did not care to. and
wore only a common llnnnel shirt nnd
trousers in summer time , with the addi
tion of a pea-jacKet in winter.
Pat had ideas and aspirations that were
far above his station in life. Ho was verj
proud of his two daughters , whoso mother
was dead. They wcro always neatly
dressed , and wont regularly to church
and to school. When they grow up he
closed his Broadway stand , and , saying
good-by lo the few friends at the crullet
and cofTee-stands near by , ho left New
York and took his children to their aunt
in Chicago. JIo went on to the Black
Hills. Pat did not open a saloon or lo
cale a claim or gamble. Ho opened n
modest little shanty with a chair in it.
and hung out the legend ; "Boots blacked
inside. " Whenever a miner came to
town ho always went first to the barber's ,
then to J'al's place to get a shine , nnd
then ho was ready to paint the town.
The miners paid lliggins in gold dust ,
and 35 cents was the price of a shine ,
The dust was not weighed , and Pat go !
more than a quarter's wortli oftener than
ho got less. He saved every cent possi
ble , lie had no expensive habits , nevet
dressed up , seldom drank , never gambled -
bled , and was making from $10 to ? 20 .1
day. Thnn he sent to New York for the
illustrated papers. There wasn't a news
stand in tlio Black Hills at that time
Kvcry man and woman subscriber
through Iliggins for one or more of the
illustrated papers. Ilu bought them foi
10 cents and lest by subscribing foi the
year , anil sold llie-in for 25 cents , ami
ovmi as high as r > 0 cents and $1. Compc
tltSon soon began. Higgins stayed till
protits began to fall oil'very perceptibly
then moved on to the next frontier tovvr
that had no bootblack and no news
When Pat got as far as Loadville he
found ho was worth several thousand del
lars. He selected the First Nationa
bank of Denver as his bank of deposit
and he has ever since done business will
them. Probably to-day ho has $50,000 or
deposit there. Not long after ho wen
west , Higgins began sending occasiona
orders for $100 worth of blacking am
brushes to New York linns. The scrawl
ing handwriting and doubtful standing o
the unknown customer caused feelings oi
misgiving with some firms at lirst. bu
the promptness with which the little
Irishman's drafts were honored by the
First National of Denver , sot at rest am
doubts , and Higgins hud becomn a vcrj
valuable and much apprcciali'el customci
at a well known brush house in Bookmar
street.andalso at a blacking manufactory
which is advertised on every rock am
Not long ago a traveling man for the
brush house hunted up Higgins. He
founrt him in Tombstone , Ariz. Higgins
was the same man , with the same pru
dent ways and modest desires , hul will
the same lofty Ideas and fond pride of hi :
daughters. He had just been to Chicago
lo see them. They wcro being educated
at the best schools there. Having seer
them , ho had returned contented , anel
with as firm purposes as ever , to his
cabin and his brush.
The traveling man induced Higgins to
have his pictuio taken in his everyday
clothes , with his pot dog at his side ,
Higgins loved that dog verv dearly. Thej
traveled together. When Higgins went
from the Black Hills to Leadvillo he
walked , only occasionally getting a ride
on an emigrant wagon. Higgins was
wrakcd up ouo night uy the barking oi
his dog. The barking grew fainter , and
linally ceased. In half an hour the elo"
returned , wagging his tail. He had lea
a band of Indians on a false scent.
"Woman's Alisnlon.
Woman's Journal : The end of woman
is to marry and raise up a family. She
starts out in this direction when she car
ries a doll in childhood. Your girl whc
leaves home nnd goes out for herself does
so because she has failed to find the man
she wants to marry. By and by she does
lind him , and when she does she drops
everything and goes with him. She
stops short in her music , her acting , her
art , her literature or whatever it is , be
cause , after all , her instinct tells her to
marry , and she follows her instinct in
stead"of reason.
A man can marry and go ahead in the
particular pursuit or profession he has
chosen , but the woman fitops and sub-
jectti everything to the one duty of wife-
hood. That is the reason women do not
succeed asyoll as men. They fall short ,
Grant all this for the sake ot argument ,
Admit that it is the general mission ol
woman to marry ami raise up a family ,
IJut 1 am now writing about the excep
tions. There arc exceptions to all classes ,
all rules , all theories and all philosophies ,
Most women elo many young , and that is
right. That is as far as most of them
want to go. They are fitted for this sort
of life , and have no desire or fitness for
But are you going to make one kind oi
a girl do this when it is a straight-jacket
and an abomination to her ? in other
words is she to anarry simply jor the
sake of marrying , and "settle down"
simply for the sake of settling down ?
Why not allow her to follow her natural
bent as well as the young man ? True ,
she may , as my objector says , fiiul some
man , while herself following a .siiucebs-
ful career , whom she will love and whom
she will marry , thus cutting short a
work that might othovviso have been
rounded out ami made complete , True ,
women are not as completely successful
as men in the more independent pursuits
of life. But the point I wish to make
clear nnd emphatic is that society , nnd
the woman herself , aud the man she
marries , and all direct or remotely concerned -
corned , are the bettor for her having elono
something for herself , however liltlo.
I repeat that the .self-reliant woman is
a civilizer. The busy world is improved
by her having been n participator there
in. Her words are gentle and kind , and
her prese-nco is a restraint lo the headlong
impetuosity of men , Even though she
may not remain long with us single , let
us bo thankful that she has como at all.
If she falls in love and marries , oven at
the sacrifice of an independent career ,
her life after all is not in vain. Her own
views have been broadened , her sympa
thies have boon deepened , her capacity
for enjoyment made greater and her
scope tor usefulness widened. I say
again and again , let the ambitious girl
see what she can do jor hoi-golf.
Ho Had Been BInrrlcel Twice and
ThrralVas NothingBtruiiKtt About it.
Arkansaw Traveler ; "So you have been
married twicer" said a man to a friend
whom he had not seen for several
"Yes. "
"Of course we can talk as many others
could not , so novy toll mo which one of
your wives you liked better. "
"No diH'eronco. "
"Like your second wife just as well as
you did your first ? " "Just the same. "
"How long after your lirst wife died
did vou wait ? " "She ain't dead. "
"Ah , you wore divorced ? " "Yes. "
'Where is she now ? " "At my houso. "
"What , do you allow her to remain
there ? " "Yes. "
"What does your wife say ? " "It is her
: hoico ? "
"Well , well , 1 never heard of such au
ati'uir. There , sir , is the foundation for
a novel. "
"Oh , no , nothing strange about it. You
see , shortly after being divorced frouj my
ivifo 1 married her again. "
A Now Industry.
Usher & Uussoll nro about to remove
their largo mnchiuu shops to Omaha ,
Next Monday they will commence
building on thu block they have secured
in Bedford PJaco. This will be a big
thin' ' for Omaha , but it will also be u
big tning for those who secure lots in
ihis popular addition. Cunningham &
jironnuit : 1511 Deulgo street , vrilQnve all
information about lots iu Bedford
Aspiring Cities Send Their Orators to Ploai
in Their Booalf.
An Anti-Monopoly IjcnRiio to he Form
cd Democrats Fls rliiR on. t
Comlnc Election Other In
terest ine Iowa Novva.
the Soldiers' Home.
Dr.3 MOI.VKS , Iowa , April 2S. [ Specla
Telegram. ] The commission to locate th
soldieis' homo resumed work this mom
Ing , listening to the claims of the dll
fcient cities. Kev. Dr. Brown , pastor of i
Congregational chinch of Dubuquc , made th
leading speech for that city , and the mos
linlslicd speech of the day. It was a splendli
oratorical effort , and under the charm of hi
eloquent \\cmls the commission and thelobh ,
fiom rival towns very nearl ;
concluded to end the contest right thei
in favor of Duuunuc , but managed to dcla ;
long cnouijli to give the other places a chanc
to be heard. Ev-Oovornor Gear gave a plait
business statement of the advantages of Bur
llngton as a suitable location for the home
and ho was followed by Itopicsntilatlvo Cul
bertson , of the same city , who supplied th
ihetorlc for a florid speech on the same nut
ject. J. I ) . Grinncll set forth the beauties n
bis town , and Judge Ocorgo Wilght , ofDe
Molnes , nmilo an eloquent speech In favor o
locating the homo at Colfax. Speaker lleai
spoke for Jefferson , and then the aay wn
To-morrow morning the oratory will flov
again , and If the commission carry out the !
present programme , they will start at 3 p. n :
on another junketing trip to visit the ton o
eleven places that are active applicants lethe
the home. The plan now Is to go to Imllai
ola ; thence to Burllncton to-morrow night
leave for Cedar Itaplds Friday morning ; the :
toMaishalltown , Jeffeison and the nortl
west , rotuinlng In time to begin balloting
for the law icqulrcs that they shall hegii
to vote r > n the seventh day.
One of the commlsslonois says to-nlgli
that lie will not travel or do any work of it
spcctlon on Sunday. This may upset th
junket , for theio is not time enough to mak
the trip and got back Monday without uslu
The board of tiustces of the soldiers' horn
met to-day and organized by electing Geri
oral J. M. Tuttle , of DCS Moines , president
and ex-Senator Russell , of Jeltetson , secrc
tary. The terms of office of the tunstee
were selected as follows : C. W. Bnrdicli
two years ; S. L. Davis , two years ; M. A
Mori 111 , four je.ii s ; J. J. Russell , four years
J. M. Tuttle , six jeais ; Captain Madison
six yeais.
Democrats in Council.
Dns MOIXP.S , Iowa , April 28. fSpecin
Telegram. ] The leading democrats in th
state have been in sesbion hero to-day wit !
their state central committee , planning lethe
the campaien. They decided to leave tli
selection of the date of the state convontloi
to the executive committee , with the undei
standing that it bo held in the latter pait o
June. The general sentiment of the confci
once was in favor of making a vigorous figh
on state Issues , with special elicits to olec
the secictaiy of state.
The boaid of managers of the Brown 1m
peachmcnt tiial have been In session all da ;
airaiiKing a plan of trial. Subpoenas " for sev
eral witnesses weio placed In "the hands o
the scrgcaut-at-arms and will be scived In :
few days.
Iowa Anti-Monopolists Organize.
Dis MOIXKS , Iowa , Apill 23. [ SpecialJ-
The persistent abuse'heaped upon the antl
monopoly members of the last legislatuie b ;
the corporation organs is bearing Irult. At :
quiet confcicnco of the most consplcuou
anti-monopoly republicans , held in this city
it was dctoimined to organize a state antl
monopoly leacuo for effect on the primal le
of bothpaities. Blanches : will bo stalled ii
each county of the state. A fuller mcetint
will bo called in the near future and a com
plete oigaulzatioii effected.
A Doy's Mysterious Death.
Dns MOIXEO. April 23. ] Special Tele
giam. ] The 14-year-old son of Mr. O'Rourkc
a fatmcr living about six miles fiom Com
mcrce , in this county , was found dead in hi
fathei'sbarn this morning , lie had bcei
gone from the house but a tow minutes whei
found dead. No marks of violence were dls
Probably a Miirelcr.
Cr.DAit RAI-IDS , Iowa , April 23. The bed ;
of L. Watt , a stock buyer , was found this
morning in a pond near Jessup , Btichaimi
county , with a bullet hole in his head. I ! <
had not been seen since last week , when hi
was supposed to have a laigo sum ol monej
In his possession.
Don't ' hawk , hawk , blow , spit and ciis
pust everybody with your oft'un&ivc hrcatl
but use Dr. Sato's Catarrh lloincdj
The military road leading north-wcsl
from the city is to-day thq most Ire
ejnented of the entrances to the cifv
This is because it passes by Orchard ilii |
where C. E. Mayno is soiling most bpati-
tiful lots at from $ -150 to $050.
What Young Xmdlcs Should , Do.
Do bo natural. A poor diamond is bct <
tcr than a good imitation.
Do try to ho accurate , not only foi
your own sake but for the sake of your
sox. The incapacity of the female mind
for accuracy is a .standard argument
against the equality of the sexes.
Do observe. The faculty of obsor\ra <
tionwell cultivated , makes practical
men and women.
Do trv to bo sensihlolt is not a particu
lar sign of superiority to talk like 11
Do bo ready in time for lunch , if you
do not respect yourself hiifliciontiy to be
punctual , respect the feelings of otliei
Do avoid causes of irritation in youi
circle ; reflect that home is the place to Li
Do bo reticent ; the world at large has
no interest in your urivate affairs.
Do eultivuto the habit of listening to
others ; it will make you an invaluable
member of society ; to say nothing of ad
vantages it will bo to you when you
marry ; oven' man likes to talk about
himself ; n good listener makes n delight
ful wifo.
Do bo contented : "martyrs" nro de
sirable ; a cheerful , happy spirit is in
fectious ; you can carry it about with you
like n sunny atmosphere.
Do avoid whispering ; it is as bad as
giggling. Both arc to bo condemned ;
there is no use for cither one of them. Ii
you have anything to say , say it ; if you
have not , hold yoor tongue altogether.
Silence is golden.
Do bo truthful ; do avoid exaggeration.
If you moan a mile , say a mile , not a milo
and a half. If you moan ouo , say one ,
and not a dozeu.
Do , sometimes at least , allow your
mother to know butter than you do. She
was educated before you was born ,
St. Paul Moving.
Ti'io office of Mr , Nash , general ngent
of Uio C , , M. & St. Paul railroad has been
removed to the corner of * aruam nnd
Fourteenth In the Paxton hotel. } le willie
io found in the professional company of
Messrs. llordcu and Currier
The Omaha Board of Trade lleoom
mend n 131 If for the Holier of
the tiilou ) 1'nclflc.
A special mooting of the Board o
Trade was held ; yesterday afternoon a
their rooms in the Exposition building
The attendance 'was.tho largest and mos
representative 6f the business world o
Omaha of any that 1ms been held in man ;
The meeting Was balled to order b ;
Max Meyer. Mr _ . Nallinger acted as sec
rotary. -
15. F. Smith was called for , and ii
stating the object of the meeting , salt
that the business interests of Omaha wen
liable to bo seriously allcctcd by riva
roads of the Union 1'acillc cKtcndin ;
their lines into country which should bi
tributary to Omaha. "At a mooting heh
a short time ago. the committee which hat
called thlsspecial mooting was appointed
to report ns to jho best manner of look
ing after the interests of the city.
"The Union I'acillo road is restricted
while the hands of other roads are free
Senator Van Wyck has introduced n bil
to enable the Union Pacilio to buili
branch roads and to use the surplus
with which , at the present time , not r
mile of road can bo construccd , at least
not before considerable time shotih
elapse. The wauta of Omaha require
that these branches should be built ai
soon as pos-siblo. "
lie then read the bill introduced by Mr
Van Wyck , and asserted that it nllbrdei
no relief such as Omaha and Nobraskr
needed. They wanted branch lines , am ;
wanted them immediately. Ho then reai
the bill which the committee had pre
pared , ns follows :
Bo it enacted by the Sonata and House o
Representatives of the United States o
America In Concrcss assembled :
SECUO.VI. That the Union 1'aclflo Rail
way company is hereby aul hoi 1/cd and em
powered to lease , purchase or make operatlnj
or trafllc airangcmonts with any ralhoai
built by any other railroad company , organ
i/.cd and existing under the laws of any stall
or tenitory ; or aid such company in the con
struction of its road by subscription to Hi
rapltal stock , or to guarantee its lirst mort
gage bonds , or otheiw Use , for the nmposoo
forming a connection ol bald load with sah
Union Pacific railway : and , toi thcpuipiKi
of building and acquiuuc btich blanches , e\
tensions and feeders thereof as will enable II
toseciuoand hold the tiallicaud buslncsi
natiiiiilly tilbutary to said Union Pacific mil
I'lovidcd , That such aid shall not be fur
nlshed. and such lease , purchase or arrange
ment shall not Do valid until the s.imo shal
have been ratified by two-thlids of the stock
holders of said railway companies.
And Provided , luithcr. That this act shal
not authorize the Union Pacific Railwa ;
company to aid , lease , purchase or make anj
other aimncomcnt with any railway com
pany to an amount In excess of the actua
cost to said company of its toad , cqiilpmnnl
and appurtenances.
Sec , 8. CoiiKicssrcseivcs to itself thorigh
to alter , amend or repeal this act whenever
the public Interest may icqulio it : but sucl
repeal shall not airect the validity ot any ac
tinn taken under 'the ' Ttovver by this act grant
ed piior to such r-dpeal.
This bill , Mr. Smitih said , would until
the hands of Union. , Pacific and enable
it to build sever/ / ) ! hundred miles of roa (
this year. It wouldT leave it free to ac
complish all thai 'tho city of Omalui
desired. ' ,
lie hail drafted a scries of resolution ;
bearing upon tlib subject , which ho askei
leave to submit , IjO ' thp meeting. They arc
as follows : , )
Whereas , Extensive , new sections of coun
try , tributary to the Union Pacific Raihoat
company are boiug Ttvpldly settled up am
branch lines of otftccjmllioad companies au
being projected and uow in piocess of coir
stmetion Into such territory , while the Union
PacihcllailroadioompnnyUs prohibited b >
the laws ot congress Irom an equal opportu
nlty to assist in building biaucli lines intc
such teuitoiy lor the1 pi election ot its own
busines0 , and , theieby , to the great Injury ol
the future business Interests ot the city ol
Omaha and ot all Xcbrask ; and further.
That it becomes imperative that such legis
lative action shall bo immediately taken in
congicssas will lemovo the piesent lestiie
tion and enable the coiibti notion ot such
hianch lines , the present year , as a lonsci
delay-will defeat , i i a Rieat measure , the oh'
jpct sought to be obtained ; therefore , he it
Ke.sol\ed , By the Boaul of Tiacle of the
city of Omaha , that our senatois and icpic-
sentatives from Nebraska , at Washington , be
leqiiested to urce upon congress the imme
diate passage ot the bill hoievvlth attached ,
which Is intended to secure the relief needed
to enable the immediate construction of sucli
bianeh lines by the Union Pacific Halhoad
company ; and it is further
K That a copy -of these icsolutlons ,
together with the proposed bill , be inivvaided
to the important business cities ot Nebraska
and Wyoming , and , when approved and
signed by the business men ot those com
munities. tholatter bo lenueMed to return tin
same to thosccietaiyot the Omaha Board ol
A. J. Ponplpton was called for and said
that the Union Pacific , by virtue of its
own interests , worked for the benefit ol
Omaha , and every citizen was beuelittcd
by it. The .Northwestern and the C. 15 ,
& Q. were interested in carrying freight
and passengers by Omaha , thereby get
ting the long haul. The Union P'acilic
had to light handicjippod by federal limits
and restrictions , which the other roads
did not have. It could not lend its credit ,
oven in matters absolutely essential. It
was , therefore , but simply a question of
time when bankruptcy would come , and
the road would fall into government
hands and bo run as a political machine.
The companj * could do iiothtu"
jn any direction , situated as it
in. With the proposed law , ? 10,000-
000 , as President Admi-8 said , could ho
raised in one week by capltali/ing
now roads at their actual cost. Them
had not been a mile of road built under
the Union Pacilio auspices since 1870
where there was one drop or one dollar
of watered stook. Originally , the main
line was capitalized at $100,000 or ? 170-
OCO per mile , and the branch lines had
leveled that down to less than ? ! 50,003
per mile. Mr. Adams and Mr. .Ames
were to bo credited with reducing the in
terest charged by over $ ODOfO a marvel
of financial management. But the road
needed now the power granted by this
bill , and ought to get it. The Van
Wyck bill wa i impracticable and im
possible to wortv.unUcr. The constitution
of the board -directors , itself , provided
for by it would llo sijliiciont | to ruin the
road. No such board could over bo got
together for the \irriper \ management of
the road. Ho preferred to let the gov
ernment lend thii money with the stoek
and bonds in the present hands , The
proposition ta , anything from
money paid to the government was ab
surd. Ho was ifUrppgly in favor of the
bill reported by the committee and urged
its adoption byUho'b'oard.
A vote was then itUken , and the bill
was unanimously approved.
Mr. Colpetzerw , % then appointed a
committee 01 op $ to ascertain when tiie
Nebraska congressional delegation should
arrive here andjm jflo arrangements for a
conference between them and the Board
of Trade upon the bill in question.
Messrs. Wakoficld , Colpetzcr , Smith
and J. A. McShano wore appointed
a commuted to have both the
bill and the resolutions above
mentioned printed and circulated for
signatures throughout the city and state
and the territory of Wyoming , nnd after
wards returned to the secretary of the
Board of Trade of Omaha.
It was also resolved as the sense of the
Omaha Board of trade that the railroads
connecting this city with the east should
place upon their lines at least one train u
iluy , for Chicago , which should run at
the rate of at least thirty-live miles per
Adjourned ,
That Nebraska is a tree-growing land
is demonstrated by the beautiful planted
grove which crowns Orchard Hill , where
a Ipt costs at most buffOM , ten percent
down , balance on easy terms.
Omaha's ' Salutation to Qon , Qoorgo drool
Upon His Return Homo.
The Scene Aroiiiut the Jlonnl-
Spccchcs by Blnyor lloyrt , the
Guc < Jt , CJov. Warren , < lwlo {
Xliurston ntut Others.
8 until 8:33 : o'clock last evening -
ing the friends of ( ( Creel
grouped nround Inm hitlio luxurious par
lors of the Omnhii club. Common duller
for his success in dealing with a savage
foe , and congratulations upon his saf <
return , wiled away the fleeting time. At
the latter hour to the strains of a ploasinp
hiarcli , and supported on the ouo side bv.
Governor Warren of Wyoming , and Hit
other by Mayor Boyd of this city , UK
guest Was escorted to thn banquet hall
The general's friends followed in the foi
owing order :
James E. Boyel , Governor F. R
Warren of Wyoming , T. L. Kunball
Dr. G. L. Miller , Ezra Millard
Lyman Richardson , C. E. Yost. .1
J. Dickey , J. W. Morse , J. E. Markel , J
II. McConnell , J. M. Thurston. M. H
Goblo , William Hamilton , D. S. Harriger ,
G. W. LIningor.B.F. ( Smith. J.S. Collins
W. J. liancouk , C. H. Dovvoy. E. C
George A. llogalnnd , F. E. Mooros
A. C. Davves , J. II. Dnmont , Ma >
Mover , Lev ! Carter , E. W. Nash , Charles
Batbaeh , W , V. Morse , H. II. Meelny.
Edward Peek , W. H. MeCord , L. Drake ,
T. A. AloL'nrlin , Colonel C. M. Terrell ,
Colonel J. C. Hawkins , Colonel W. P.
Carlln , Captain C. O. McCauley , H.
Kounty.e , Joseph Millard , E. C. Snyeloi
of The Republican , S. F. Woodbridgc
World , M.,1. Costello Herald , L. S.lteed ,
C. P. Guovv. William Cobiirn , W. T ,
Bcchcl , F J. Ilnmco , Dr. V. H. Coffman ,
Dr. James Peaboily , H. T. Clark , John
C. Covvin , J. A. McShane , J. H. Wake
Hold , F. II. Davis , E. S. Blerbovvcr , J. G ,
Taylor , J. T. Clark.
The tables described a mammoth E.
The perpendicular outlined the table ol
honor. Snowy linen , gracefully panelled
with pronc-liko trails of sinilux ; fruit anel
lloral designs , rich in quality and in
genious iu conception made fascinating
the well-laid board. Smilax was trainee !
about the chandeliers , and from the side
boards came the perfume of fresh and
beautiful llowers.
In the mieleilo of the place of honor
sat the guest , on his right Governor War
ren , on his left Mayor Boyd. next T. L.
Kimball and then Dr. G. L. Miller
The other gentlemen wore seated al
the arms of the boarel. Some of then !
wcro in dress suit , the others in Prince
Alberts. The stillness of formality had
been set aside , the lirst course found
everybody conscientiously enjoying the
viand antl indulging in cheerful inter
change of thought. This peculiarity
characterized the remaineler ot the feast
The menu card was beautifully gotten
up , and emblazoned with the following
He is a soldier fit to stand
by Ucasar
And Give Diicctionl
Be blight and jovial aaiong your guests
The least drop In the world I do not mind ;
Cognac's a noun I never vet defined.
The titlepa e borothe following In bronze :
"Complimentary Banquet to Genet al Geoiee
Crook. U. S. A. , Omaha Club , April 20 , ISbfi. "
The last page was embossed with a
tomahawk , also in bronze. This caused
quite an amount of speculation during
the evening and was the subject of manj
witty remarks.
Tim stKNU :
Consomme Haccdolne
Oloiosa Sheirj
Boiled Pompano Potato Cioijuottes
Cucumber Sal.ul Haul Sauternc
Ftog Legs Sautee with Mushrooms
Cold Uciman Aspaiagus , Sauce Kewonludc
Chateau Bulair
Roman Punch Cigarettes
Boost Snipe stalled with 'Irufllcs
Lettuce and Tomato Salad Condon Iloucc
Iloqucfoit Cheese Crackcis Celery Frappc
Stiawbeulcs Ice Cream Cake
Fmlt Cafe Noire
Cognac Cigars
Course after course and vintngo after
vintage passed , and at the end ,
three hours had been passed in an almost
imperceptible manner. At 11:10 : Mayor
Boyd arose , as did also the guest , the Lit
ter modestly gazing before him , the for
mer delivering the following character
istic imel appivcialcel welcome :
MA von IIOYD'S w ii.ce > MK.
Nearly loin ycais agoas mayor of this
city , it was my privilege to preside at a ban-
euiet tendered by thei cltUuns to General
George Cioqk on thetva ol his depaitute for
Ailzonn. Regretfully wo saw him leave us ,
as he , with atiuosolulei'salaciitv , rospondcii
to tlio stern call e > f duty. On that occasion
all Omaha united as one poison In bidding
him God-speed. To-night 1 leel that 1 am
highly honored iu having the pleasure on be
half of ourpcoplo in welcoming him hade as
4 > nmmundor-ln-chief of the derailment ot the
Platte. [ Applause. ] And In bidding him
welcome yes , a thousand times welcome 1
but faintly oxniess tlio sentiments ot all , citi
zens and soldiers alike. I know I voice the
icellmr of oveiyone In Omaha , and , may well
add , all Nebraska , when I say the keen 10-
giet at General Ciook's depirttire In ItSSJis
only equaled by the heartfelt joy at hlsio-
tinn in USb8. [ Applause , ] by the thought
that thn hcioic soldier , ellsungulslied cltl/en
and ge'iilul gentleman , so well known to the
nation and so piomlncnt In Uio Htoiyof its
wars , will bo again among us asol old a
slmier in our prosperity In our onvviiul and
upward pie > gress. [ Applause. ]
When Ueneral Ciook first assttmod com
mand of this department Indian domedntlons
in western Nebraska , Wyoming ana Dakota
were of almost daily occurrence. In Indian
warfare , as In all other contests , the opposing
party must bo worsted bofoic satisfactory
terms e u be agreed upon. Geneial Ciook's
plan iu dealing with Indians is , lirst to whip
them then treat them as human beings , anel
after having made teims to keep falin with
them. It is extiemcly dllllcnlt for an otlieer
to light Indians nnd sustain his lemitatlon ,
but the inline of ( ieorgn Ciemlc will always
"shlno untarnished on the rolls of fame , "
( Applause ] and no matter In what field his
duty may bo cast , his deeds vv ill add new
Justio to the page of liisUuy.
The day spoken of by the Piophet Isaiah ,
"When the swords shall be beaten Into plow
shares and spears into pruning hooks , when
nation shall not lilt svvoiel against nation ,
neither shall they learn war any moie , " is
still afar oil , lor ,
'War must ho
While men aio what they ate , while they
have bad
Passions to bo loused up , while ruled by men ,
While nil the powers and treastues of the
Aio at the back of the ambitious crowd ,
Wlnlo iujuiles can bo Intllcteid , or
Insults olleiod ; yea , while lights are wroth
Maintaining , Jieedom keeping , or life hav-
So long' the sword shall shine , so long shall
Continue and the need of war remain. "
This being so let us hope that our aimv may
ever bo ottlcered by such gallant and imtriotlo
soldiers as Goneial Ciook has proved Jiimsolf
to be on many a blocdy battle Held. [ Ap
plause. ]
a Yon vylll find , general , it is tme , a largflr
nnd rnoru beautiful Omaha than jou left in
lbS2. New faces will meet your gae on the
busy thoroughfaiej , but amid all the changes
carved by tlio chisel ot Time , ihcio U no
change in the welcome Omaha has for you.
lApplause. ] Them can t > o none , tor we tee-
ocnlrcyou as 0110 of "ours , " united to us bj
every tie that can be si long and endearing
U Is the "old guard" you see around the fes
live hoard , earnest , hearty , enthusiastic In It !
greetings , and they only represent the largi
army of your well wishers in thoDcpartmen
of the PJatto.
Our wTlcomo to Oencral Crook and hi ;
brother olllcers to-night Is all the more heart
felt hpcitisQ wo know that ho was as anxious
to return as we have been to sco him In om
midst again. In him we proJt not only the
wanlcr crowned with fresh laurels , but alsc
the staunch and tried of Omaha and her pee
pie. Let mo then oncu again , as mayor ol
tlm city , say welcome to this distinguished
soldier , cltl/cn anel true friend , Genera !
George Ciook. FGicat applausa.j
I nm unable to express the very great
gratitude I feel toward you for this kmdlj
expression of j'our fe'clfng for mo upon
my return , after my departure some year ?
ago. I desire to express thu pleasure 1
experience to bo with you hero to-night
nlso the interest I have always taken in
your city. 1 Iiavo watched its growth since
187/3 / , aud take a pride in it and its people ,
nnd like Pat Mnlloy , although my pock
ets nro empty 1 return to you with my
he.irt full of joy.
General Cowiu saiel that if Mayor fioytl
had received no list from the committee
of arrangements , ho did not know how ho
found e it the speaker's name. It was a
satisfaction lo him to bo present and to
extend a welcome to George Crook.
Many j'cars ago ho was ouo of a distin
guished party on the great mountain
sielcs of West Virginia , anel in that num
ber was General Crook , and the great
man who has now gemo from this earth
for over. Ho was reminded to-night , of the
place , and the iniluoncc made upon Gen
eral Grant by the appearance of the first
white flag winch rose above Vioksbiirg.
Notwithstanding the danger , tlio priva
tion , the sleepless nights , greater than all
these , the soldier found an enemy
in the traitors whoso prejudice and cen
sure teemed in certain parts of the north
ern press. No one who has experienced
it can fail to appieeiate the feelings of
the guest , who , when on the stony moun
tain pass , ignorant as to whether or not
death might not como from behind a
shelter , diel his duty nobly and
well , despite the censures of
an unfriendly press who know
no more about the matter of which they
wrote than if they wore in the Fiji islands.
[ Applauso.J We rccognniso that General
Crook has done his duty and his whole
duty , anel it is to the credit ot our whole
press that not one word of censure has
been breathed against him hero. Wo bid
welcome to-night to one who has stood
the test among those in charge of Indian
affairs , better than any ouo the govoin-
mcnt ever intrusted with the charge of
the Indian.
It seemed to him but a little time since
they had gathered to pay a tribute of ad
miration and respent to a departing com
mander and citizen whom we lova. It
had been well said by the chairman that
the regret we experienced when General
Crook lolt us is equalled only by the joy
we experience at his return. "We con
gratulate the general unon his success ,
alter four years of hardship in a strange
lanel , anel who now returns crowned as it
were < .vith success. lie has come to our
city of Omaha to enjoy peace , the
pleasure of association , its education , its
civil life , its hospitality and the greet
ings of his friends. I wish it were possi
ble1 for mo to-night to fully express the
admiration 1 hold for General Crook as a
soldier and a cit'uen. The fact that I am
speaking in his presence , prevents me
attempting to voice it. Last winter , after
I had recovered from a rather dangerous
illness , I met with Juelgo Balelvvin on the
street one day , and no said 'John , in
getting well again you have deprived
mo of the opportunity of de
livering the best dibit of my life. '
Gonenu , in cominjr homo alive , you have
depriveid me also of the opportunity of
delivering the best effort of my life , and
you elo not know , now that vou arc alive.
what good things would have been said
of you if you had only oome home elead ,
[ Laughter ] . And I hope it may not be
in the lifetime of anybody hero to survive
the elcalh of General Crook. [ Applause ] .
Governor Warren spoke of the esteem
and love the people of his territory had
for General Crook. He had saved them
in ' 75 , ' 70 anel ' 77 , when a man could not
safely go to his barn on the Union Pacific
lest he niiirht bo murdered. They named
then * counties sifter him , and they named
their babies after him. anel ho felt it
woulel not ho long before the growth of
Omaha would hcnuhim out to Cheyenne
to DC with them forever. When the time
came to ship the fort they could put it
on a flat car and Cheyenne would pay
the C. O. D.
Speaking of the pleasure it afforded
him to welcome General Crook , ho know
the same fooling was entertained by all
the Fourth infantry , the regiment which
sent General Crook forth. It had pro
duced great Dgonorals. It was father ,
mother and brother of such men us
Grant , Sheridan and Crook. lie was
glad to see him return , but ho was sorry
ho would bo compelled to leave so soon.
Other speakers followed in eulogistic
remarks until S o'clock , when the ban
quet board wiis deserted ,
The Musical Union orchestra enter
tained the gatheiing with most delightful
music ,
A cough annoying. Ked Star Cough
Cure satisfying , Twenty-live cents a
bottle. _
Actor Iavls' nig Diamonds.
Philadelphia llccord : The suit of
Chnrles L. Davis , the actor , of "Alvin
Jolyn" fame , to recover > from S. 61 & S.
11. tridenborg an alleged overpayment
for diamonds was tried 'on Thursday bo-
fen e Judge Iliddla. In May , 1883 , Mr.
Davis purchased from Samuel H. Fricl-
miberg , one of the elelendants , a pair of
iliamond ear-ringa , a diamond bracelet ,
anel a diamond buttcrlly. It was al-
logeel for the pl.iinlih" that Uio stones in
the ear-rings weiro roprcsontoel to weigh
forty carats , and that $2,000 was paid for
them , at the rate of $00 a carat. Subse
quently Mr. Davis had the stones
vvoighud else where , and fennel they did
not weigh quite thirty carats. The tes-
inony of the defense was that Mr. Davis
saw the stones in the window and ad
mired them , Ho was tohl the price was
2,500 , , and ho finally purohasoel them for
$2,000. Ho said ho wanted thorn for a
theatrical adventlsoment , and tiskeel to
have them billed lo him at $17,000. This
Mr. Fridenborg declined to do. Mr.
Dayis' friend , Mr. Stanley , was the only
person who made any statement as to
Iho weight of the stones. The jury gave
i verdict for the defendants.
Which mriy bo termed
AnJ cun UicmieJ by Unit ginnd lU-siil.itor of
Uio Llvor iiiul Jliliiuy
"I gufforrd with biliousness an-J dlocmiorod
liter mill would fmiiifiitiy luiow up bilu. I
irocuu'd n liollluof Blmnions Liver ICocriiUtor
ludnllcr Uelii ' oiH'-liMlf of It was com-
iilolcly umcd. Onetof my lady uuMomors told
met Iho ottie.'i-day ihnt Simmons I.lvenItoguU -
iorooraplciply cured liorof tlok hu.iilattio.H. .
, Uruu-fe'lbt , ejutlur Huphlii , louu.
"DmhiKlno liiu clx- months Ivits very
bilious , oociuloimlly liuxinrfu Jiimli clilll
lollowod by fovuii , nUloliinnjtuiloiliuu.
I look Simmon * l.lvoi Itoguliitor , urn ) tor
Eorvial mouttia I | mwbui-nnssloiu ami
limit- iiny mini con lit dciiiro to bo. I
nm llioiouidily fiutlsiltJil tluu It H H It la
icoommemdott far bllloui i-oinplnuils , for
mine wiisociuilnly a itubboui onto. I
buvo lit md nmii ) of my frimiiU b | > uilc of
Uimd ttioy iitfito Jt pugMJiecs nil llio vii-
tues churned for It.-A. II. HKIUO\V II ,
Conductor ou M. i W. U. U.
Holders of May Options Losing Hope and
Closing Out Tholr Deals-
Delivery for Other Mouths Soinouhnt
StrotiRor ThoCftttlo Market Do-
inornll/oel nnel Klat Gen
eral Market Fljjurcs.
oinoAco ix MAHICKT.
CiticAao , April 2S. [ Special Tclegrani.l
WIIIA.T Wheat opened weak and lo\\or.
and tlicro was a continuation of the llipilda-
tlon that has been the feature of the market
for the week. The army of miscellane
ous Investors , who hnvo been standing by
their tiailes In May wheat through uoary
walling 111 the liopu that soiuethlne might
turn up to help ( hum , have boon unloading.
Many iiavo lenowod their Rilp on Inter
months , but the majority scorn to have relin
quished their hold entirely and closed out
their long standing trades. A great
quantity of property thus situated
has como upon the nmiket latterly ,
and values have been depicssod seriously by
icason thereof. The bulk oChual has boon
absorbed by a limited number of steady
buyers , a few heavy commission houses hav
ing appeared as puichasord all the way down
from the top. Opinion Is divided as to
whether thoproDctty Is concentrated as a
picllmlnary to a twist , or whether the pro
cess ot "evening up" 1ms been going foi warden
on au cnoi moil : ) scale , and It In the uncer
tainty on that point that makes conservative
tradets timid at this juticluio. For Itay de
livery wheat sold down to 77c , and Juno to
TOitfc , which piovcd to bo the bottom.
The market slowly rallied , and for
the last hour and a half ot the morning ses
sion the r.iugo of prices held steadily within
) @ ) { of the closing yostoulay. Cables wcro
encouraging to the bulls , and the latter tone
was rather hoalthler , though dispatches that
\\lieatwas heading out In the southwestern
Missouri country wanted tiadeis that there
will bo a harvest time.
Coit.v Corn was active and weak to-day
and values \veio lower. May dropped @Jtfc ,
but Juno held up steadily.
OATS Oats woio about the firmest artlclo
in the cereal list
PnovisioNs 1'rovlslons wore steady and
only a moderate business passed. Changes
in quotations were inconsoquoutal , and the
condition ot the market remains as repoited
for several days past.
Anr.uxooN' ItoA.n Wheat opened lower
and limp this aftci noon on a loviscd report
that live Instead of twenty-live loads
had been taken for export this moinlng In
New Yoik. The market tallied and the close
was only a shade below 1 o'clock. Other
articles weio without Important change.
2JO : p. in. Puts on Juno wheat ,
calls , SO c. _
Chamllor-Broxvu Co.'s Jrtoport.
The following icport is fuinlshod by
Chandler Brown Co.ol. Chicago and Milwau
kee :
Wheat opened J c oil fiom last night's clos
ing , price , 7e ! for Juno , advancing to 80' ' c ,
then declined to 70 0 , advancing again to
SO c and finally closing at 80K at I p. in.
Trading was unusually brisk and largo quan
tities of wheat changed hands. Kopoit from
Now Yoikof 15 car loads stai ted .shorts cov
ering which caused icaction fiom 70 > c.
Corn weak and lover in sympathy with
wheat ,
Piovisions steady and fcatuieloss.
2:80 : p. m. Wheat easy , X@)6c off. Corn
and piovlslons unchanged.
CincAno , Apiil28. [ Stieclal TcIcKrain. ]
UAITI.K The tat cattle mailed was In a very
lomoiallri'd condition to-day. The nmiket
loscd exceedingly Hat yesterday , and was
rcry lilolcss fiom the outset this moiiiln .
Uhls woio lower , and It was a Into hour bo-
' 010 baliiMiic'n vvuio able to ti.uisuct any buil-
icss. Buyers weiouslnj ; the labor tumbles
is a bear argument. They say falaucliloiois
-ast and west mo afr.det of the pioposud
sight hour movement to ho InniiKur.itod Stay
, ami elo not \vniH to huvo on liunil any 111010
itoclc than is absolutely nocnssnry. Cattle
) lfoie.Hl to-diy\veio good in eni.Uitv. There
wio pomo voiy choice lilfli made Polled
lYnsus nnd short hoin steers. A lot of prlmo
n'ovos , avenging over 1,000 ll > s. , sold
it 35.80. The best giados ot cat-
la linvo not declined so much
: hls week , but Infi-ilor to Rood caltlo sold to-
lay Inlly lOj lower than yesterday , and 2'xj
ovvci than on Monday. It was nn unsatta-
'aotory , lifeless tiade. Pilcos wore uneven ,
ind thcie wiw n good elcal of chance and nn
: citainty about the amount of decline.
ShlpplnKstoeis , Is50 ! to 1,500 , Ibs , S5.00@
i.SO ; 1,800 to 1,800 Ibs. Sl.7D ( . 'i.50j
150 to 1,200 Ibs , 81.S5Q5.00. B. Davla ,
itcillng , Iowa , had ou the mailcel Ihlity
callings , avenging 5S1 pounds , that aold at
Hoeis With the fresh arrivals nnd tha
lumber lolt last night , tlicro were 37,000 to
3,000 head on sale. Theio was un uneasy
, nd unsettled feeling in the nuiiket. Ship *
> cr * loAioel another rallroaet stilko anel hod
irders from thulr prlncluals In the cast to
iave llttlfl or nolhinic on the road until thu
nutter | s settled. Hence tiade ruled dull ,
nd there was usliaipdowu tinn ot a utrong
Ot ; on nil soils arid classes. Host assorted
oavy solel at SJ.aogH.'J1 ; , and mixed at
l.lO ( < Hir , with loimh l > ut tut. lots at ! : .bO@
.00. Light asboited und straight sold at
_ . . . . , . . „ . . , Apill S3. Catllfl Receipts ,
,000 ; blow and 10 lower ; bhlpplng steers ,
( , SOgr > .bO ; stoekpis and leedeis , SJ.B5r 'i.OO ;
IJWK bulls and mixed , S'J,004.00 ; Imlk ,
if)0@J.'jj ; thiough KiabiTuxas rattle , ) ;
eiy thin rum-fed Toxaii1 * , Sl.LW I.'S.
Hojs Rwoljils , 1S.WO ; vi'iy slow and lOo
) vverioin : < li and mixed , SJGUQl.ift ; packing
ml Mil | > nlug , & : ; . 'JO ( l-iJ ; light , S'J.w&t.'M :
kliis , . J.ei'Jtss * . 3.
Sheep Itvculpu , l.WO ; active and lo@15o
iKhcr ; nitlvu3 : , b-i.T5QjOU : thorn , S'.OOyS
,00 , ,
St. I.emln. Apill 23.-Cattlo-Receipts ,
, OJO ; shipments , l.OOO ; active aud JiMlOo
) we-i5 shliipliig. S4.lJ'ia.i > .Cy ; butchers' steers
.l.'Ail.fiO ; 8lee-krrs anel feedein , S8.00C44.X : ) '
jo s Kwelpis. 7,000 ; MilpinentD. ll.&CO-
? lXlJ'Ai"-sUoJowor5 } ' ( ! ' ' "tellers' anrte-liole-oJ
UOC < jl.20 ; mixed packing and JIfilit , 3.bT > @ '
I1V".H'AS.Cl'y' ) Awl ! 28.-ORttle-Ilo
jlPtV-.OOJ ; shipments , 100 ; sulpplnj : steers ,
/oxver ; cows , steady ; feeders , lirin.
'ts' , l'-i ? ° J : hhiiimiiu
er-ilium , S3.iiaa.W $ ( ) .