THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , APRIL. 28 , 1880. STOCKS Ofl WAI.T. 8TIIEBT. SVcontboniK. . lot : C. A-N.W U. a. 4i's m' ' < i preferred. . . 13. Pacificu's'oYM ' ! 1'JJM'OiWon ' Trail. ' ' ! "fy Central Pacific. 4tM ; > acll ! ( ! Mall MJ * C.&A iw : , P. , I ) . &E 83 i 1MI IP. P.O l5l ! 0. , usi'a Hock lel.Viw. . . . l2- " > 1 > . , , . ISO | St. I , . .fcS. F. . . . ] > . & ] { . U IGtfl jirefcried. . . 40 Krio. S411C. , M. ttSl. P. . . Mi preferred. . . . fi7 sl , /cferieil. . Illinois 18-si Sl.T. .tO ] . , 1J.&W 24 pieferieo.- Kniipns.fcToxas. 27)4 ) Texas . . io ; hakeHhoio 61 lUnlonPaclllcj. . . 31 h.ifc N I f Ol Mich. Central. . . . Mo. Pncllle Wl Western Union NoitliL'in 1'no. . . O.K..V N . . PUODUOH. Chlca jj > . April 277 Flour Sloady ; w Intel1 wheat , 8l.4fX < lM.7.v. ! southern , SLOOC l.tVi ; WI.Bcoinln , SI.W ) . " .1 ! ; Michi gan , soft. uni-ln * . SiUOrtM.Ofl ; Minneapolis hakei-H , Sl.fXI.OO ! ) ; iMttnlx , Sl.t Qi.-W ( ; low inailcs , S'J.OJ. Wheat Loner ; oiioned 3 < @ ' c lower , sold "IT JkSHc ( ! ninrc , recovered lu , ruled Nleaily for a while , then ruled easier anil closed , ' { 0 under ytwti'iday ; 13j c lor eash and April ; 785 < e. for .May. Coin Opened easier ; nltirx\nnl4 ! ruled linn for May and Juno , and closing about , the saint ) as jesteiday : : HiViMt7c ( for cash ; ! : iiwxiXc. ! , : for Apill ; : i7 , ' < ( ! ilp/c ! for May. ( Jats Declined J < j'W < 'nnd eloslnir 'i'Vo ' ' lower ; 21) ) 0 for cash ; UOJ o for Apill ; S.t ) e for May. Hyo-QiiletntClJ/c. Uarlcy Dull at 5'Je. ' Tlinoihy Weak and lo\\cr ; prime , Sl.H ) . Wlilskv-Sl.H. I'ork Steadier : falily nellvo. advanced 'JK sli-aily ; { for cash ; si.U7J { < ie8.Wl lor Ainll niulMuy. Laid .Steady ; ifi-W for c.isli , Arall and May. Shotiltleis SI.OCMH.IO ; Short , elcar , 85.6 . " liuttor ( Julet ; wcstein eteamcry , ir20c ; dairy , II © I. * . ( 'heew ! tjidet ; clioice full cream clicdilars , ; llj'bt skims , 5 ( Go ; full eieam ttals , Kl/KS-lO' ' TlO'd'c. ' Hides ( .leen , < > Mc' , heavy tricnn salted , 7ij'i ! ; llcht , Sfi ! ; ; dnuiiiired , il' ' u ; null linhu. r > ! ; fo ; diy salteil , W'ie ' ; dry Hint , lo&Uc ; wilt hkltiH. 1iyijl"c : deaeons f < 0c' . Tallow ( iiei- : i > , white country , AI' c ; 1Jle , ; yellow , H'ac ; blown ! le KecelpL- * . Shipments. Flour , bbls . 1(1 ( , < JO > 7.0X ) Wheat , ou . 12.IHX ) .TI.UJU Corn. DII . Wl.000 ( M.OIX ) Oats. lm . iro.uoo 10 ,000 Kyimi . -Ml ( 1.000 Uiu lev. bu . 1S.030 2OUO ! ! , Iilvoriiiiol , ApillJ" . Wheat-Fair de mand ; now No. 'J winter and spriiiK no stock here. Flour Poor demand , but steadv at 8s 4d. ( 'orn Fair demand ; spot , Him at 4s "d ; Apiil , steady at-lsiid : May and June , steady at 4s I'll. 8t , IjoulB. Am II 2" . Wheat Weak , easy nnd lo\\er ; No. - led. casli , i > 7J4fe. Corn Kasy ; rfo. " mixed , cash , Vf 'Zc. ( ) .Us Kasv ; No. 'J mixed , .iVa'c , Jlve-lCaMeratiOe. ( Whisky Si. 10. I'iMic i5leailyiilSO.SO. Laid Kasy at"i.75. Jlutter Dull and easy ; choice IP fancy creameiy. aiiSJu ( ; lair to fancy d.ilrv , 12'.it-iOe. AITIUNOON : HOAUD Wheat We.ik and J S'j'e lower. Corn , unchanged. O.its , e Io\\er. Toledo , Ajiill 27. Wheat-Firm ; cash ( JoinTash , O.its Nominal. KaiiHi.H City , April 27. Wheat Active bu : lower ; No. 2ied , casli , % ; May , M ; ' @ : l'Cc ' ; June , 1,7.5 bid. Corn Active but lower ; No. 3 , casli and Jliy , 27e ; .tune , yiJtf&Kc. Oats No < | iiolatlons. NowOrlcmiH. April 27. Corn Firm ; white , 40 ; mixed 4Sc ; yellow , .We. O.its Steady ; choice western , : W@tOe. Cornmeal Quiet at S'-.05. ! llo Products Dull and unsettled. I'ork SlO.OD f. J < ard Itelined tlerro , 55/15 . JJiilk Meats-Shoulders , 31.UJ ; Ions clear nnd clear ribs , 55.411. Now York. April -Wheat llecelnts 1SWX ) ; expoits. none ; spot , rather easier , options oi > ened heavy , soon deullnedtdQiXe , ntterwarus rucoveied J/f' Me , 'ilosliiR just Hteady ; nnuradeil it-d.b2 } c'fiiS1.03 : No. U led , UI' ' u , In stoio. ! UHalcl.o.b. ( ) , tU ctilloat ; May elosliiK , Ui&e. Corn hiiot , hbadolowerbiit lu'livejoptlons ojiened nsliatli ! lower , later adx'aneed fiti' ' e , elosinir lliiiireeuli ; ; > tsi,0K ! ( ) ; expoitUl,0t0 ; unciuded , lO' ' l.'iVo ; No. : t.lie ; > 'o. ' . ' . 45045p , Inelexator , ( % ( ( ; aie alloat ; May closing at 4 < % e. O.its-Lower but niorterately active ; re ceipt * , rv-.UOO ; expoits , none ; mixed xvestein , 4HM4 } < ? c ; xvhl'.i ! western. tl@4.1ic. i j Petroleum ( inlet ; United eloped at TZJ-fc. KKItH-tjllU't. 1'ork Nominal. Laid ( Juletestein ; .strain , f = pot , Sfl.21. Cheese Steady land quiet ; western , fi < ( Jic. ! Milwaukee , Am II 3 , " . Wheat Dull ; casli , 7SJ/e ; M ay. 7bc. Corn No. ' . ' , : i7c. Oats-No. 2 , ' "J e. Kyo No. a. fific. Jlarlny No. 2. 47/e. ! Piovlslons titeaily ; mess pork , eash , and May , 8.l > .ri. Cincinnati. April 'J7. Wheat Un- chaiiKt'il. Corn No. 2 mixed , J50e. Oats-No. 2 mixed , Il-Ji e. Kyo No. 2 , Oliitfc. Jlnrloy No. 'i lal ! , SSe. Pork-80.50. Lald-S6.M ) . Whlsky-Sl.10. ItlVK STOCK. Oilcaun , April .i7. Cattle Itccclpts , fl.OOO ; dull nnd 10i7il5u ( lower ; bhlppln ; : steers , SlJOO .O-'i ; Btoekeis and teedeis , sa.t5J4.5 ; eii\vs. ' bulls and mixed , SI..1).1. ! . ' ! ) ; bulk , ' . > .7r.o ! ! : ; tlnon h Texas ratlin , Hoes Iteceipth , ; dull and a shade loweriou ; ; h and ml\ed , 8iiO@l.'J.'i ( ; paekini ; nnd hhlppjiiK , S4.oixr i.K ! ; llKht , s.co4.yo ; ) ; Slie'ep Ki-eeipt's , S.iVXl ; strong and 2. " > e lilulii-r ; native.- * . S2.a.'i@5.7a ; nhorn , 52.000 Nt. I < oulH. Am II 27. Cuttle Iteceipts , COO ; shipments , ' . ' 00 ; active nnd linn ; hlilji- jiliiS4.l. ( ! ' > ( VT5.00 : butcher.- , ' , ; cow.s nnd lielfeiH , yiJ > Uf&\.0 \ J ; sloekeis and feeders , ' 11 ! > ( , ' < Iteceipts , : i,000 ; shlpincnls , l.ftOO ; iiethn nnd Ac liicber ; biiti'huin' and choice heavy , $4iri'i4iO ; ( : ; mixed to jjooil pacldliK , IIH" City , Anril 27. Cattlo-He- celpts , ] ' ' 03 ; hliliiiients | , ( IOJ ; ntionij and act ive : shipping > teers .selling Him at yester day's prlce.i ; titoekers and teedeid in demand to Ihititxlent ot tbo snmily. lion's Iteceipts , O.OOJ ; shlpmenb' , 000 ; maiketaellvu and clmleu lots selllnir ( i10i ! higher ; eholen anil as oiled , OMAII.V LIVK STOOIC. Tuesday Kvcnln ? , Apill 27. The cattle maiket opened very iiuiet , bill later In the day the market livened up , and a L'ood many head of eattle changed bands. Value < > lemaiiiPd steady. The supply of all kinds ot fat eattle falls far short of the de mand. Ijuotatloiib for ta-day were : Cholet to extra bteeis , avcniKlni : l.O to 1,450 pounds , S4.SV35.00 ; nooil , aveiaclng. 1,200 to liuo : Dounds , Sl.riOi.75 : niednnn , avor- n init 1,200 to lwo : pounds , 84,3.y < H50 : fnt , llttlottcvrs 1,000 to i.iao junnJs , S4.oor > 4.Mioil ) feedois , UuOto l.fw pounds , 8.0 Rood to cholco cows nnd heifers , vcraKlnt'lHOto 12K ) , Si.W : < H.7ft ; medium , avem lnK boo to KXW , 8'J.75Ri.'ri ( : ; choice to cxtia bulls , avfranliiL' 1500 to 2000 , S.2.5 ; common , avcrauinK l'-00 to 1500 , 2.50(3 ( 2 76 ; cholco to extia cti us , a.OX33.75. ( Theieeio moruboKs on the maiket to-daj than there has been for a week or more. 1'ilcesienialn steady at yesterday's iiuotatlons Cholco light and medium \\eli > hts , 3.750) P.bO ; I'holeo heavy , SS.7033.75 ; good to choice mixed , ga.tWi'JS.'O ; commou rough grades at The anivals of sheep aie licht Market steady , and good bcllini ; at Si.UX < 5.00. UKCKIVTS. cow. No. Av , IV. No. Av. I'r. 7 , . . .14J7 Vo. Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r. M . 280 sn.70 oj . a\i sn.7r 7-j . iM4 ao mVJ7 a7r. "O. . . . . . . ' 'l ? . U C'J . 24H .T.7ft M . sir are fii . iw 'An 75 . 1CS 3.70 78 . ' .TO 3.75 72 . 217 n.75 711' ' " . . .218 3.7.1 70 . 2iT. : i.75 f > 8 . 212 H. > 77 . 210 0.75 71 ! . 'Ml ! UO Kan o ! ' IM-lcci. Showing the hluliest nnd lowest iirlccs pnld for llv ( ! stock on tills m.iikul dnilni ; tbc pnst cviii ! days , with comparative values : JIKKP AND SIIII'I'IXO PATTI.K. I wxx < ? r.'oo Date * . Iba. S4.00 ( < U40 84.70 Wednesdiiy . . 4.45 ( ! ? I.W Cfi Timr.Mlay . . . . . Friday. . 014.75 Satin day. 4.00 - 4.70l.7r. ( - Monday 4.25 ( 4.75 Tuesday IS.J5 © 1.70 4.70 ( rfi 11OOS. Monday ' 1'iiiiMlay \Vcdnosday I'lnirbday Friday. . . . IJ.75 t'iM.SI Satniday a.iO ( rtll.b0 Monday 3.10 ( ifil.i-0 All sales or stock 111 tills inarkot arc made iiorcwt. Hvo weight utlutrwlsti stated. lcadlioissull at Itfc nor Ib for all weights. " .Skins" or hoi ; * wutahliu loss tlian 100 lln , novalnn. Pregnant sows uro docked 40 Ibs itnd ktaKS bo Ibs. J > otcs. Cnltlo sloady. llotf innikct steady. llo s nvuniKud 71 to thu car. n.V. \ . Harkur tnuikotcd a load of hogs. Aliens > t 1C. , Howard , were in with u load of hois. CV. \ . Holfnian , ( ioiiova , inarlcetcd n load of hops. Kissclbacli & Co. , Sliulliy , maikclcd a loud of l hoijs. 'I'nttlo .t T. , Coitland , had W ) huad of caltlo at ( bu yaids. C. C. Clifton , \Yahoo \ , had a load of cattle on thu maikot. K. 1) . Tjccklc , CoitUnd , was on Uiu mar ket with CO bogs ) . L. Hobblns ( icnovn , was on thu market with 70 head of cattle. J. T. AndiTson. Albion , had 157 lings and 141 c.itllu on the market. those having .stock on the market Icy ; A , Jenkins , .Manloy ; A. L. Siiearman , wt'oplntVater : H. lirwln , Kxelcr ; Fisher iV : Wasner , Yoik ; A. Slsiman , Deatriue. MAUICBTH. Gcnci-iil Markets. Tuesday Kvenlnc , April 27. Kdf The icculpts uro In excess of the demand and weak atOc. lit'i-Tiit : The rccoljits liavo been more llbcial and pi ices are not quite as strong. Choice creamery , a.jQj'i'k' ; choice liesh ( able. ITC'Sl ' e ; Kood liesh table , li Kic ; fair , b © lOc ; poor. : ; @Gi : . CIIKI > K Kancv full cicam cheddius , Oc tober makt' . ll > iic ; Hats. l3 > - _ iyoung : America , 14 > c ; lust nnalltv Swiss elieeM1 , 15c ; second quality , i'J'.yilc ' , himburger , IKffil'-'c ; hkim Hats , i ) lOc. I'oci/ritv Dicssed poultry is out of the maiket. hive chickens aie .sell inn ic.ulily at ( { AMI : The iceelpts aie light .Mallard ducks aie quoted at S1.G007 : > . < )0 ) : leal , 5.1.25 . ; mixed. Sl. " 0 ; jack snipe , 81.5001.75 : plover , Sianauso. Ovsrins : The season closed at H.iltlmoro on April Kith. Dealers have disposed of abmil all the stock they have on hand and a few days will finish the balance. New York counts , 43c ; extra selects. 40c. selects , ! 'MC ; Mandauls : ; 0c : mediums. 20r- l'jisKiivis ! : : ) , Jii.i.isi : : ITC. : ( 'reserves , all kinds , 'JO-lb. palls peril ) . 10u ; do in pail lots , per Ib. 'JJ < je : ortcd5-lb. . pnils per rate , nails , : : .7.r . Jellies , all kinds , liibt giade , 2U-lb. pails , per Ib. Sc ; assoitcd , lirst made , 5-lb. pails , per cinte , nails , S2.GO ; do Mb. pails , per case , 2 do52.25 ; do. tiiinb- Icis. jier ea-ic , 2 doz. , 81.40. .le'ly. ' all kinds , second grade. SO-lb. palls , per Ib. ftc. Mlnro meat , best grade if bbl. peril ) . 7c ; do. 5-lb palls , per crate , ( i iiails , g-i.75 ; do10lb pails ver Ib , 7 e ; do , 5-lb palls , per crate , ti jiails § 2.75. reach , plum and qulncu butter , assoiled - soiled , Jill ) pails , per crate , 0 paiN. SU.75 ; boise radish , nlnt bottles , per doz 81.50. 1'His' KIKT. : Tiitri : , Ere I'igs' leet , per J bill , S4.00 ; do , J. bbl. 52.00 ; do , ner kit , IMc. Lambs' tongues , pcrK btil , 83.25 ; do. jier kit , S2..M ) ; do , quart jars per doz , 55.25 ; do , iilnt Inrs per case , 2 doz , S0.75. Tripe , per 3 < bbl , $4.00 ; do , per > 4-bbI , 82.00 ; do , per kit 'Me. 'Me.HAwr.u HAwr.u KIIAUT Host quality , SO gal bbl , S0.50 ; l.icalbbl. ? : i.7ri. , COMII llo.VEV Calllornm'J infrainifiiU Ibj , In case per Ib. , 1C ; 10 Ib. frames , Nebraska , is .Michigan refined , per bbl. , 50.50 ; ilo. hall bbl. . S4.00. VINKOAKVdto ! wine. 10c : cider , 12.c. OIIAJJOKS Hlversldo Aecdllngs , per liox S3.75 ; Medltetianenn Sweets , per box. S4.00 ; 5 to 10 box lots , per box. S3. 75 ; Los Angeles , per box. 88.23 ; do 5-box lots , per box , 83.00 ; Valencia 420 , jicrcaso S8.00. LKMONS Fancy .Messina , per box,8ti.OO ; choice Messina , tier box. 85.59. HA.VANAH Them aiu very few In the mar ket and prices aie correspondingly stronger. ( { notations are 83.fjOfa4.00 per bunch. Ai'iM.r.sThu market Is oveistocked with Iiifciior apples which aio being sold lor what Ihoy will bring. Western stock. jJ2.00 < g2.S5 : Michlpin apples. 2.50 : choice Missouri stock. 5ji50 per bbl. CiiANniiums : : Therols very little demand ami Ilieie. is nol much stock lii'lng sold. Dealers are clearing up their stocks as best they can. Quotations AIO 35.50@fi.50 iwr bbl. Jersey are selling at 52.00 per bush box. COCOANUTS 1'er 100 , S4.50 ; less than 100 , 5.00. NEW lrias , DATKS , ETC. Layer figs. S anil 10-lh boxes , per Ib , IGc. Dates , fancy l-'ard , 12-lb boxes , per Ib , Ho ; Persian. 50-lb boxes , imrlb , ID.1'uinelles , au-lb boxes , per Ib , .MAi'i.r. StJOAii Hrlcks , utrlctly mire , 50-lb boxes , per Ib , lOc : penny cakes , 25-lb eases , I'ltoviNioNS-Ilam , ( ' 'fOlDe. ' ; breakfast ba con S < ys > fc ; clear hide bacon , 7 ( < iiTJ < cdiywilti ; > sides , K ili u ; slant lib sides , ( iUu : shoulders , 5u : mess poik. S12.50 per bbl ; dried beef , ham pieces , iic : : lard , tleiees , tij c ; 50 Ib cans , 7e ; 70 Ib cans ( Kalib.uiks ) , 7'4'c : 51bcins , do , l o : a Ib cans , do. , 7J e ; boneless bam , lOe. HIIASS California and Michigan me sell ing in a small way. California liuyo , per bu , . 81.05 ; do i'ca , per bu. , Sl.8.V.MIchiean Medium , per bn. , SI. 75 ; Countiy , perbu. , 75 GjSl.25 I'OTATOKS Tne market Is in a very unfa vorable condition. There have been .several car loads i ecclved dui ing the past fe-v days. Tlteio | s very little inqnirv for potatoes , and dealeis are not able to dlsimso of them readily. The \oiy choicest assoitcd Block can not be quoted ovor3.XIOj nml slow sale at that. It is Impossible to pull car lots , and commission men aio compelled to sell them out In small lots. Local larmcis are bilnglng In a good many which tends to lower the wholesale price. { NKW ViciiTAinus-CaIlfornlaca : : , per Ib , 3c _ ; caullllowcr , per doz , 42.50 ; eel erv , per d < u , 51,50 ; aspaiaiiis , per Ib l' > c ; splnnch , per bbl , S'J.50 ; green onions , per do * , 85c ; radishes , per doMe : lettuce , jier dor. OOc ; pieplant , jier Ib , 4S5c ( ; peas per > ( > busn box , S1.25 ; "f-liush box , $ S.OO ; cucum bers , 81.75 ( < < 2.00 per doIteriiuula ; onions , per box , S4.00 ; lioiinuda tomatoes , per box , ( iiiAi.v On the streets and at the mills ; Coin , 2uo ; oats , 23 > c ; wheat , No. 2 , COc ; rye , KI.QUH AND Mn.i.STUrpp Winter wheat Hour , best quality patent , S.00i3.lO : ! ; second quality , Sa-JAirfoO ; best xnality spring wheat ilnur , patent , S2.50 < g2.75 ; buckwheat Hour , In baircls. 5.75 ; leady > aised,31b tiack- ages , S4.00 ; 5 Ib packages , $ 'J.W ; bran , noc per cwt ; chopped feed , 75e per cwt ; white corn meal , boo ; yellow corn meal , 70c per cwt ; scieoning , two per cwt ; hominy , Sl.50 perewt ; shoiis , COj per c\\t ; giaham , S1.7a ; Iiay. in bales , 5'0,00@7.CK > | , elton. . llitii'.s Urecn butchers , Oo ; crcrn cured , 7 ! cdry ; flint , HQlSo ; dry salt. Pt < fluc ; dam aged hides two-thirds price. Tallow 'c. ( J lease , primu wblte. tkjellow , 2 > c ; brown. 2e. Sheep I'elU-'iVWxs r 1IK8 AND bKiNs Mink. each. lOO-JOc ; muskrat. winter. 5@l c ; do. kltf. lc : Utter. 2.fiO ( < i5.00 ; bkuiiK.bhort Rtrlped , 15@25o : do. broad striped , 10@15 ; badger , 25@50 ; Hao coon. Na. 1 larce. OMW : do. No. a. OXijao ; rto. No. S. lO iV : wolf urftlrlR. 50 ( < j)75c ) ; do. mountain , b2.UK33.uu ; wildcat , ! & ® -tO ; bea ver , S1.50 < iJ2.50 per Ib ; lox. eacli , deerskin : , drv winter , 'Offline perlb ; do. fall nnd snmmor , LVinj c : antelope. r > ( < flOj pel Ib. liiiAiiiKit Prime slaughter solo leather , JJSJZsJc : prime oak sole leathers , : (0 ( < r3 < .ie. bpper Jollier , per foot , SO 'JSj ; h m , kip , 7' 'dTc : oak kip , SXjW ? ! French kip , Sl.OMm.'A" ; hem. calf , 81.001.10 ; oak calf , Sl.00@l.2" : Fienchcnlf , Sl.3Vdl.SMorocco ; boot lee , iSOrtf.'Wc ; Moiocco oil pebble , S80i2c ; topplnirsand llmncs. SO.OOtfilO.oo per do/ . COAL Anttiracito crnii-.S8.iW : egg , SS.2. " , ; rantre , SS 0 : chestnut. Ss.50 ; > ; Walnut block , S3.60llllnols ; , S5.00 ; Missouri , " IliJAW llAitmvAni : Iron , rales , S2.P. " ; plow steel , special east , 4c ; cntclblu steel , Go ; cast tools do , I'AglSc ; wagon spokes , per st't , S1.7ViK > .UO : hubs , ner set , S > l.2.V.oieIloe ? , sawed thy , S1.40 ; tongues , each. 7.V ; axles , each , 75c ; square nuts , per Ib. "otille ; cell chain , per Ib. OC l''c : malleabK 0 ( sc : lion \\cilRes , Oc : crowbais fie ; hairoxv teeth , 4c ! spline ; steel , Qlc ; lliirden's horseshoe' ' . $1.40 : Burden's nntlo shoes , S.-.40. Barbed \ \ Ire lots , 54.00 per 100 Ibs. Iron Nails , rates , 10 to CO. § 11,00. Shot Sl.M ) : buckshot , 81.85 : oriental powder , keis , 83.50 (5j4.00 ( : do , half keijs , SiOO ; do , ipiaiter kegs , Sl.fX ) ; blastlii ) ? , keics , fr3.ij : ; tnso , per 100 leet , 60e. Lead liar. > . Oii.-Whlto lead. Omaha , P. V 7Jfe ; white lead. St. Louis , pine , S7.WMa ) , 1 to5 lt > cans , -Oc ; Piunch.Inu Eicon seal , l''e ; Kiench v.lnc. red seal , lie ; Vicnch zinc , In varnish nsst , 20c ; Krench /Inc. 75c ; vermilllon. Ameiloa. ISc : Indian- led. 10i > : losojitnk. 14c : Venetian , led. Cook- son's , 2J c ; Venetian , led , Ameilcan , I 94i' red lead , i , ' < c ; chrome yellow , Kenuino , 20c ; chroma yellow , K. 12u : ochre , rocliollo ik1 , : ochre , 1'iench , 2Ve ; oclne , Amcncaiii 'c ; Winters mineral. U .os Lclilgb brown , 2C } _ ; Spanish brown. 2Tc ( : Prince's mineralHo DUY PAINTS WhltHlcad , 80. : French zinc , 12c : Paris \\hltlng , 2.e } ; whltinn gliders , l4ij ; whiting , com'I. 1 , ' c ; iampblacK , ( ier- mantown , 12c ; lampblack , ordinary , be ; Prussian blue , 55o ; ultramarinep 18c : vandyke - dyke , blown , 8c ; umber , huint , 4c ; umber , ra > v , 4c : sienna , burnt , 4c ; sienna , raw4c ; 1'ailsgieen , genuine.2jc : Paris gicen. com mon , 20c ; elnomo green , N. 1' . , 20c ; ehromo gieen , K , 12c. ; veimillion , Kngllsh , In oil , 7e ( ) ; raw and burnt umber , 1 Ib. cans , 12c ; lawand buint sienna , 12c ; Vandyke , brown , l c : relined lampblack. 12c ; coach bincic and ivory black , lOo ; drop tilack , le ( ! ; Prussian bine. 40n ; ultramarine blue , lt > e : chrome grenn. L. , M. .t 1) . . ifie : blind and snnttcr gieon , L. . M. . .VI I ) . , U' * ; Paris giowi , lt > c ndian red , 15c ; Venetian red , tic ; Tuscan ttie ; Ameilcaneimllllon. . 1- . & I ) . . 20c yellow ociue. He ; L. M. it ( ) . 1) . , ISc ; godes ochre , Kic ; jtatentdryer , So ; giainlng colors light oak , dark oak , walnut , ciiestnu t ml ash , 12c. Dni'dS ' AND ritijMic.M.s Acid , caibollc , Sic : ncld , tnitarle , 5.'ic : balsam copaiba , per Hi , 45e ; bark , per 1I > lOc : calomel , per H > , 72c ; chlnchonldhi , jier oztuc ; ehloro- lonn , jicr Ib , OOc ; Dovers powders , per Ib , il.25 ; epsom salts , per Ib , SJ.'io ' : glycerine , lime , per Hi , 18c ; lead , acetate , per Ib , 20c ; oil , edstor , No. 1 , per gal. , SI.00 : oil , castor , No. 2 , pelgal. . , 61.-1U ; oil , olive , per gal. , 81.40 ; oil. oilganum. 50c : omiiin. sr . < )5 ) : qul- nine , P. it W. , and It. & S.Tper o85c ; po tassium io < Ilde , per Ib , St.OO : ; sallcln , pur oz , lOu ; sulphate morphine , per oz , S'-iO ( ; snl- jlmr. ) ner Ib. 4e : slrvchnine , per oz , 81.40. OILS 110 ° carbon , no gallon. lOc : 150 * headlight , pel-gallon , lie ; 17.V headlight , per gal , 15c : 150 * water white. 14c ; linseed , hard , per gallon , 44c ; linseed , boiled , per gallon , 47c : lard , winter str'd , iiergallon , 50c : No. 1 , 49c : No. 2. 4io ( ; castor XXX , per gallon , 81.55 ; No. : i. P1.4I ; sweet , ner gallon , 1.00 , spenn , W. J5. . per gallon. S1.IW ; lisii , \ \ . I ! . , Uanels , iiur gallon : f'urnl- tine , extra , SI.10 ; furnitine , No. 1 , Sl.OO ; coach , exti-a , St.40 ; coacli , No. 1 , S1.20 ; Damar. c\tia , SI.75 ; Japan , TOc ; asphaltnm extia , 5SU ; shellac , 83.50 ; hard oil linlsh , 81.50. bi'iniT.s Cologne spirits , Ib8 proof , 81.1" ; do lOliuoof , gl.13 ; spirits , second quality , 101 proof , 81.12 ; do , IbS pioot , ! * U1. Alco hol , 1SS pioof , S2.10 per wine gallon. Hedls- tilled whiskies , 81.00@l.50. ( iin blended , S1.50@2.00 ; Kentucky l)0iirbons ) , S2.00tO.OO ( ! ; Kentucky and Pennsylvania lyes , S2.tW ( A50 ; Oolden Sheaf bouillon anil ivo whiskies , Sl.50@.00. : ; Urandies. importoil 85.oo@s.50 : domestic , 31.80SKJ.OO. Gins , Imjioited , s'4.50 ( . ( : domestic. Sl.5@ . .00.Itnms , im- ] ) ortedS4.5iXJ8.H ( ) ; New England. 81.75J.OO ; domestic , Sl.'KiffiflM. Cliampagnes , impoit- cd , per case. &W 00@3.00 ! ; Ameilcan , per case , 810.00@li.0t ( ) Fish. IlElllllNaS. lIU'sHT Il'lsO'rnbls 1'ls Kts I SOO , 1UO DO 50 W 10 Munn'8 . s'tNo.i i/b n oo : i r.3 . a ai i si i 1/goGib'cd Kiuieylfi G'J'J52 ' 117 I 071 4U fit 47 L'BO U'dSli'io K'ey5 | 6Ui , : Ki'J 7 t C7 1 40 Kll 47 UACKKIIKI , C.AKR FISH. NEW KISIU H'T Abls . . i Q'rllbls . , . . , P'ls Kt IIN 'JO ' 50 40 No. 1 White. Fish 10 1 Family " I ) 0 A ] IU I 70 1 60 W GO No. 1 Trout 4 twi ; cou M.I sio cs cj No. 1 PleUui-el 'I OdJ Till 8.VI fiOl Mi 60 IMI'OHTEI ) Fll. ( ! | Grocers' Ijtst. Syjiur No. 70 , Ulc. bbls ; No. 70. 4-sallon koss. 31,0 > ; New Orleans : iS4'o ) > cr giillon ; Mnplu bvrup , H barrel , strictly pure , 70e per gallon ; 1 Knllon cans , & 'J.i > per do/ ; J gallon cans , $5.T > perdiK ; aunrtc , ns Sii.lKj , aI'Aitcii .Mirror jslo-is , 1 Ib , lie ; .Mirror I'loici.ns Medliiin. In bbls. SO.OO ; do in bull bills , S3..V ) : small. In bbls. S7.00 ; do In half bbls. S4.0J ; ( 'liuiUlns , in bbls , SS.OJ ; do. In ball bbls. S4.50. OANMI : > ( loons Oysters. Btandnnl , ) ier casi > . & 8.K5 ; strnwberrle.s.'J Ib. jier ) , S'J.a'i ; ruspbt'iiiuts , 'J-lb , jior case , & . . : < ' > ; California pears , per case , S'if < 0 ; apricots , percale , ; , percaleSJ.7'i ; \vbitouliuiih'.s , iiercase , S'i.00 ; plums , per caau , ga.lKvhoi ) ; - ilebciru's , per case , Si.40 ; ugu pliiuid , Wb percabo. S-.50 ; Kreon pisies , s-Jfa , per citse g'.V'iO ; plneapplt's , ! i-lb. i > ur caseSViOSi.'i.'iO. : ( I't.udToiiAcco Climax-t'Jo per Ib ; Horse- bboe , : t7c : Star. STa ; .Sjiuailieail , : i'Jc ; ( iolil Hull , 8Do ; Mperllelilslck. C0 ; Punch , o" ; 1'ouii''Kiltwo.n'.l. ! . : : . aie. . . . . . . . . . lit ! dairy , . . . . . SOD.V In Hi papers. 53.2 n case ; salsoda , ke r , per lbiM'4'c. ' ] Jiiui : ) Fituirrt No. 1 quarter apples , In evaporated boxcsbi'yoblacltberrlct ( ! ; oxoi. D > 4c ; peaebe.s , i > astein. * % < & > } ( < : , peaches tiviipoiated , I5j ( < t'17c ' ; bait Lalcu , now , 7K6 § bn ; laspberrles , now.'OdMlc ; currants , 7Xc ; pi tines , now , W&o. BuoAns-I'owdvreu , h. c ; cut 'Jaf , 81/c ; rraiiulated , 7 ( ttTfe : confectioners A , 7 'ic ; standard extra 0. T'/fGtT'fo / : extra 0 , 7c ; ineduiiii yellow , Ojfc. MATniK. Per caddlo , 35c : round , per case , -ISc ; square cases , § 1.70 ; mulu squuru , s7)ArsKirks oavon Imperial , 82.03 ; Kirk's satlnt't. § 3.15Kirk's standard , SU.aoj Klik'swhltoUusblan. Si. : ; Kirk's Whlto Cap , SO..V ) ; Dome , S1.25 ; Wnbbboard , 83.15 COFKKKS Ordlnarv trades , 0 ! o ; fair. 10 ® 10 > 4'cj jn-lnio , lHi12c ; clioice , 13tf ( U3Jc ; fancy gieou and yellow , 13K@14 > fc ; old KOV- ernment Java. SOttt-IOc ; Interior Java , 10 (2 ( ! 20o : Mocba , 2.i@24c : Arbucklo's toasted , l Hc ; MeLaiiBhlln's XXXX loaded , I8 c ; Ullwortb'B , IS c ; Ued Cross , 13 c. OA.VIII.E& Uoxes , 40 Ib , Os , lie : 83 , lie ; boxes , 401 u. 16 oz , Os , lie ; half box , 'Mb , lU-fe. Si'tcKS l.rouud Ulack pepper , boxes , 1 © "J'-'o ; allspu-o , 12@lCc ; cinnamon , IBoT'JSc ; cloves , l,5@iV ! ; gliigir , 15g25ej ( mustard , 15 ® 25o UIIACKEUS Garneau's soda , butter an nlcnlc. &Ko : cieams , 8)e ) ; il ; ecr snap choice , i choice. &u570c ( ; Oplong. Kood , ! { g40c ; Oo- loni : , choice. 40fi < XcrnBlishbreakfasl ) , good. SOu&Oo : choice. 5" o5c ; Souchong , jrood.SO ; choice , S5@45c ; Japans , fair. i cood. avTMSc ; choice , & 575c ; Tea Dtibt , 15o ; Tea Sitthi s , Ibc. PINT. Ct'T-Hnrtl In Heat , TOc : Charm o. the AVcst. OOc ; Koiliitaln , 70c : ( loliien Thtcad- Ge ; Fnvorlte , We : Hutls a c Hooky Mo tin Iain. Me ) Fancy , c'naliy : ' , 40o ; Nottli Starf Oc0o"d ; Luck. 65c { our lu-st , oj.cs Uootl News , 5c , _ _ ; _ Dry PitiSTS Ameilenn , B < ; Arnold's , PC : Co- checo , Oc ; Manchester , c ; Lymaii , 'oj ( lion- coster , r > ! c : Unnncll ilnetinnnl. Oc : Dunnell , r > Hc ; Wlinl'or. c < c : 1'aclllc Oc : Harmon , 4Wc ; Ancbor Shlitlnirs1' c : Merrlmac , ShlrlliiKS , 4Kc : Hetwlck.Ic. . HI.IACIIKI : > COTTONS Farmers' choice , O'rc ' ; Cabot. < H < cllopc ; , , * c ; Hill 4 I , 7 , 0 ; iflll , Jf , 0)fc ; Lonsdnle , bo ; Fruit , Scj Wain- sulta , lojfe. CoifiiT iliJAX Kcarsnrno , 7c ; Armory , 7c ; Peppcrell , 7'e _ ; Indian Orchard , Ob ; Naumkeai ; , "c. IHtcK ( tlnbloaolied ) 8 or. . Maenolla. lOc ; 10 Alnirnnlln , I''c : 8 o/ . West Point , lo'/c ; 10 OA Wist Point , l-J'ic , liiiuw.v COTION' Lawiunco LL , fie ; Shaw- unit , LL. , " ( - . ; lea\er ! D.iui IL , 5c ; At nntlo MJSC ; Indian llend , 7e. Wnncliuoet , OVc ; Cinwn XXX , Ci.e ; Clifton CCO , Oc ; Utlca C. 41 0 ; Atlantic Pr Xc. CimvioTs Amoskeajr , checks , Hl'e ; Amos- koair , sttlpcs.s'jc ' ; Slater , striped , Sc ; Kdln- biiiL' , l ) e ; Whlttcndoii. stripes tk ; ; ( lien- ro p , He : Otis , checks. ! n4'c ' ; Otis stripes , He ; lloyal , f > % e. ' , Ainoskt-air , napped , lOJJe ; l.u- ray , book fold , l"c : Oberon , book fold , llj.e ; Knduraiice , book fold , r.'e. TicKiNiis Amoskeaj : APA 12 < c : Thoni- tlvko OOO , 7Ke ; 'lliorndyko fnnev , l fc ; York' , tn'tfc : York faney. l2'-2'c : Jlllbury , I'JWc ; I'eatl Itlver , llv'c } ; Hamilton , 13c ; Swllt Itlver , d\'eShctueket ; ; S.8 cShctuck- ; et S.S , l > ) fc : Moutatik AA , 12c ; Montauk 1JH , He ; Omeun AOA , liie. DP.NMMS Ueaver Creek AA , lie ; Heaver lancy , i : > > c : Kverett , life ; Haymaker's blue and brown , " ! fo. DLTK ( eoloied ) Huston So/ ) . blown and itntb , i : < Kc ; Hoston O 11 bio\\n nml tlinb , He : lloston XN blown ami drab , lOo : lloston XXX brown nnd dnib. HKc ; IJoslon O 1 * blue , lleVniren _ : Tilcot. loc. lrr No. 1 Com. s. 1. s. is , W nml in ft . S1T.OO No. 2 " " 12,14uillOH ( . 15.00 No. 3 " " 12 , 14 nml 10 ft . : ( ) No. 4 " " 13 , 14 and 16 H . 11.00 DIMKNS1OVS AND TIMI1RR4. ' ' ' ! 12 it'll art S4rt i"i..n I.I.M iu..7i IT..VI i .w ) 1.1.00 l.l.lU.lo.tX . ) 111.01 I7.K1LUIXU1.V ( ) ( ) 15.50 15.50 l,1.r,0 , 10.Vji7.S ; ) 1H.OO 'MM M.50 15.M io.xn7.riO : OM iB.50 io.wi.i7.nia.r ) ) _ in.nniri.oO ) ! ) iu.v ) " * vnxctxo. No. 1 , 4AOIncli , 13 mid Hfect. toni1i..SIO..ljO ; No. 1 , 4&0ineh , 10 feet , rouali . 17.0) ) No. 2 , 4 & 0 Inch , 13 nnd 14 iee.t , ionsh. ; . 14.00 No. 2 , 4 & 0 limit. 10 feet , i onsb . . " . . . 15.00 sinixo. 1st Com. , 12 , 14 und lii leet . PK.M 2d " " " " Fence , " " " . ? . ll.OG CKIDXr. AND 1'AKTI I IOX. 1st Com. , ? / In. White Tine Partition. . gV.0 : ! 2nd Com. , f In. . ' . . 2ro Clear. ' „ ' in . N'orwny " " . 14r 2nd Com. " A Cinch , white pine It Cinch , " " . . . . CO inch " V . . . . : . 29.r.0 1)0 Inch , " " . ? i . 20.-)0 K Olneh. " " . . ' . . 17.53 STOIClifl V1SDS. A 12 Inch , sis 12'U alul 10 feet . S-10 00 U " " " " V . 4'iOO c " " . . . . . . . . as oo ] ) " . . . . u . . . > _ ; ( 00 No. 1 Com. 13 In. s. 1 < 12 , 11 nnd 10 It. . IS 00 No. 1 " " ' ' " 10 , 18 and 20 ft. . 1800 No.'J " " ( ' " ' 12. 14 mid 10 It. . 1000 SHIP 'T , AI * . No. 1 , Plain , 8 mul lOlinch . S17.r > 0 No.2 , Plain , 8 and 10 inch . 15..V ) No. 1 , O. G . t . , . l.00 * ? Mll.X.GLr.rt , I.ATII. ' 'A * Standard. . . . . . S2.0.-I f > inch , clear , Sl.oj ; 0 inch , clciu . ! . ( . " > No. I . ; . 1.21 Lath . . ' . . 2.2,1 1.IMK , KTC. Qnincy white linio ( bust ) , S-le ; cement , Akion , Si. 7.1 ; plaster ; 82. M ) ; hair , ) , er busliel OX ; tarred felt , per c\vt. . 81.03 : straw board , SI. 01. 01.F. F. M. ELLIS & CO. ArcliitectsandBuildin upgrint's ' OMAHA , NEB , and DES HOINES , I& . Ollke , Cor. lllli iiml I'm mini Streow , Hoom.I . . i JE3B. lth K. M. Kllii DR. IMPEY. AEJNT .3 ST. Practice limited lo DiHcasus of EYE. EAR , NOSE AND THROAT , Glasses fitted for nil forms of defective Vision. Artificial Eyes Inserted. REMINGTON STANDARD TYPE WRITERS. Potter & Nhgeafh , Reporters and Copyists , Stntu Aiionts lor Nebraska. t 01 Typo-wilter euppllos nml paper kept In r-toclr. Send forcatulotfiio. OMAHA NAIIONAI. IUNK Ilini.m.NU , O.MAIU. OUAHA HOTEL D1REOTORV. The Millard , B. Bbenrs , JE. Markel/J'lioc. Bwobo , 1'roprlctorg Oiimhu , Ncbraeka. JJ fr Job Printing. JIKF.S I'JUNTlNCi CO. , Job Printers , Book Binders , And IllanU Hook Muniifiictuiera. 1W-1U8 foulli Flour and Feed , wT-MVliLSJIANS k CO7 " Wholesale Flour-Feed , and Grain , Manufacturora ofV. . J. Wclslmns k CO.'B Quick HaltliiKItui-kwlicat'llour and promIctorsOiiuiua City Millis , cor. Btb and rarnam btrcets , Omulm. Leather. Hides , Etc. BLOMAN \Vbolcealo Leather , Saddlery Hardware , Eaddlcry undBlioo Klndlnt-'f , Hides. Wool , Furs , I'l-lls , ( JiCUEu.TuUow , Ktc. , Omulia. Nul. Confectionery. V. P. FAV & CO. , Manufacturing Confectioners , Jobbers of Fruits , K'lts ' and Cigars. 1211 Kaiiiaiu St. . Omaha , Keb. Beer , M. KEATINO , Agent for Anheuser-Bush Brewing Ass'n Special trunJj Fuust , liudnclepr , Cor. Otb und Capitol Ave. . , Ouiuba. MANUFACTURERS , Book Binding , linns nil NTixo co. , Printers , Book Binders , Ami Iltnnk Hook Manufacturers. No. . 103 nnd _ ] OS South llth Street Otnnha , Nob. _ Bridges Steam Pile _ Drivmg. ' _ HAYMONI ) .V CAMl'HKI.'u KnRlncers and Contractors. Brges , Roof Trusses , Steam Pile Driving Iron Comhluat Ion and Howe Triif < , rilliia- mid ( ink Timber. IStb. 61. , near rnrnam , TclcplionoKt73l. Cigars nnd Tobacco. " " MAX MHVEtl .t CO. , JoDDers of Cigars , Tooaccos , nun * mid Ammunition. 21,1 to 223 South 11th Street , 10.1) ) to 1U > I rnrimm Btirct , Uinalnl , N'o'i. INTKII-OCRAN CKIAU WEST .V riUTSUlltilt. Manufacturers of Pine Cigars , And AVIiolefnlo Dealei sin l.enf Tolmceoa. Nos , ! fta und lloNUth Slu-utOiiiiiliii. Neb. \ \ : Agent for the Miuiufuctuiurs nnd Importers , - Glassware Crockei-y , , Imtipp. ChlmneyF , Ktc. Olllcc , ! U ? South loth Street. Uiuuha , Nob. Carriage : . * C. S. (7OOU1UC11 ( .t CO Agents for I' . A. Whitney durlago Co. s Children's ' Carriages , Jowctt's Celebrated HolriKeintors. Send dnor prlco I IMS. 141.1 Finnan ) tt. , Oinabn. O. S. PKTTIS vVCO. . , Wholsals & Retail , Flue Cirrlages , Ptinplnnn , Ihijuici unit HIKH ! Wnpiiin. V0 ! rrr cent MTCilln liurltvnf u . HH nii'-IJIJ , Uiinl Mtect , Oiniilni. .Ni > tiii kn , Ilrnncli nt Cimncll llluir , ln\vn. Cornices. Eagle Cornice Y/orks. / John Kpcnoter , Proprietor. Jlunurur.turer of ( liilviml.-ctl Iron mul Oorniee. ! LM Dodge mul 101 nml inayorlli lUth Street , Onmba , Neb. IJUKMI'INO i ttOI.TK , " Mmiufncturorsor Otmuueiitnl Galvanized Iron Cornices , Dormer Window B , Finals , Ktc. , 310 S. 12th Ft. Workilono _ lu any piirt of thu country. Wesfern Cornice Works , C. Rl'KCHT , 1'roprletor. linlvnnlzed Iron Coriilces. Ete. Spccat's ln > imiveil 1'iileiit Jletiill'uSkyllBhL fiOti uuil 510 S. 1'Mi St. . Omjilm. Net. Doors , Sash. Etc , Tnelate Cily Doors , Fnsli nml llliiuis. Al'o nil Muds of tinning. Scroll uiul Stiilr work ot ovury do- ecrlptlon. A. Jtnnufnctirer nud Denier In Doors Sash Blinds Etc. , , , Mouldings , . Stair Hnlli u specialty Tile-phono N'o. KJ 15th mid Mm-ov HI l..Umuliu , Neb. _ _ Electrical Supplies. " L , W.VOLKE & CO. , Klcctrlelnns , Mnsonic Block , Onmliu. HurglarrAlnrras. Hells , 1'irc Aluri s , > "cctrio Mattln. 'Spt'nUlnif/riiboj , Iron Works. PAXTON & VI EKL1NU HlON WOHKS Wrought and Cast' Iron Building Work lion StnlrH , Hulllnfr. llollcd Ilentna iiml Sleiuii Kn lnes. Urase Work , General Foundry Mncblno and IllacliPinitli WoiK. Olllcc uiul Woiks" , U. ) ' . Ity. mul S 17tli st. Iron ar d Nails. OMAHA KAILMJ sCKACTuYtlNG C Gut Kails and Spikes , Tire linlls n Six jlr.llr. Oniulia , Noli Safes. Omaha Safe Works , C. ANDI1KEN. Mnnufncturcr or Fire nnd llurfflnr Proof Snros , Vnult Doors , .lull Work. Phuttcrs and Wire Work. Cor. 14th and Jackson Sts. , Oninlia , Neb. Wajrons and Carriapesi ; Established 1833. A J. SIMPSON , The Leading Carriaga Factory , LtU Pcult'o Street , Ouiulm , Neb , Commission , Etc. M. 11UUKK & SONS , Live Stock Commission ( loo. lluiko. Mimuiser , Union Stock Yunh , S. Oniali i. Tulo ihaao (183 ( W. F. I1UOWN & CO. , Commission Dealers in Live Stock. Ofllio K\cuui/o ! / Uiilldlni. , Union Block Yards , i toutli Umuliu , Hob. Tclupliono No. OJ I. Union Stock Yards Company , OF OMAHA. Limited. Jobu 1' . lloyd , SuperlntondonU _ MAVAUK ite ( SHKK.V , Live Stock Commission Mercbants. EblpiiientH ot any and nil Units of Block solicit i cd. Union bt fit Vnrds , Uiniihu , Neb , Lumber , Etc , ' LOUIS IIUADFOIIU , Dealer In Lumber , Lath , Lime , Bneh.Doom , IClc. Vurda Cor. Till uiul Cor. Ulb und Dou lm , BOHN JIANUrAOTCKlNQ CO , . ' Manufacturers * of Sash , Doors , Blinds , MouldluKK Btulr Woik und Interior Hind Wood 1'inleli. Jiibt ojiened. N. K. cor , 8th und Loin oi - % vortb Street * , Oinulm , Neb. CHICAGO LUMI1KH COMl'ANV , Wholesale Lumber , eit S. litb Street , Omuliu , Nub. F. Colpoticr , Mnnn or. C. N. DIETA Lumber , 53th and Cnllfornlu BU oets , Omnlm. Noh. rilED W. GRAY , Lumber Lime Cement Etc Etc , , , , , , Cor. Clu uud Dout'laa Streets , Omulm , Nub. GEO. A. HOAQT'AND Bolesale Dealer in Lumber , Oiuabii , Ncbruskii. CHA8. R. I.EB , Hardwood Lumber , Vaf-on Stock , Fancy Woods , Ilridgo Tlmlicrn , &u. , S. W , Cor , HU und UoutfliisOmulm , Nub. G. P. LVMAN , Sash Doors Blinds Dealer in , , , Uulldlrur Pitpur , Ktc. Houtli Uth t-tr ; WOOJC3 , Nobruskn. Fiih , Etc , Ickcn Blcmeecn & Co. Wholesale Fish Dealers , Importers of Korclun Flab , Nos. 611-013 Jonel t - fitrcut uuil U. 1'.Truck.OuiaUu.Nob.-- _ BiREGTORY Agrlculturf.1 Implements. " ' " * u .t > ir.TCAM' co. , Wholcsnlo Dealers In figrlcultural Implements. Onico , Corner Otb and Tntino Ptc , Oinnlui. Nob. " " iv\HI.IN , OIU'.XDOIUT It MAUT1X , Wbolos'o Dealers In Agricultural Implements , Wagons mul llugitlcj , Oituilm Noli. _ ' " eni'iuMiiu ' , i\vHici : , Wholrsnlo Dcirfcr In Agricultural Implements , Wagons , Cm rinses and Unefrlos. .Irnci Ft. , but. Sth and lOtb.Omnbn , Nob. Boots and Shoes. V. V. MOl'SU & CO. . " Jobbers of Boots and Shoes , 1411 Fnnintn Street.Onmlia , Neb. Mnimfnctory , Carpels , Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths , MiUtltiRS , Curtnln Ooods. Kic. . Ha Farnam Sticct , Oiualm , Nub. Coal , Limo , Etc. " * " "JKFP w. HEimmfi , Coal , Coke , Lime and Stone. OIEce , 2U < S. Htb t.,0mnlm , Ni-b. Ynrds , "tb mul Di1 , 'enpoi t Streets. 1 & SQt'IIlRS Dealers in Hard ana Soft Coal. Dcst vnrlctics. Office. 213 P. HilbSt. Tflujihono No. 14K. , Oinaliu , Nub. rrniico. , Shippers of Coal and Coke , SH S. 13th St. , Oimirm , Neb. ED. ( V'l'nwi.f. 1'jcsidoiit. CKO. I'\TTI IIS.ON. Sec. mill Trcas. 3. II. llUl.IICIIT , 1' . A. IIAI.CII , I'lopiletor. Mannecr. Nebraska Coal and Lime Company , OMAHA , NKllltASKA. Otncc , ! :17S. : I'.lthKliuut. Tclci > hone to. Gto. ! ' . lAiiAOH , I'i-L-9. C. V , ( looiMtx , Y. I'rcs. .1. A. Su.tKiii.ASl ) Sec. and Trius. Omaha Coa , ' , Coke and Lime Company , Jobbers of hard mul > rt con. ' , 'M S. TMi St. , Uniiiliu , Nob. _ OMAHA COAL AND I'llODfCK CO. Hard and Soft Coal. Eicluslvo dealers In Hnulilcr Colorado l-outli 14th Ktirot. Coffee and Spices. ( JA'f'KS , COLIC iV MILKS. C Te ) anl Spicj Mir , HTg C Colfee HoiiMeia and Sjilcii ( irlidrri : > . inanii liiutnteiaot UnkiiiKl'owilL'r , KliivoniiirKxtnic1 * lllnlnir , etc Try one cir-o of our Mb pauktiuo lloinii Illi-Hd Uoaslod Cotlec. 16M Howard St , Ciiiahn , Nch. " CI.AUKU lUIOS. & CO. , Omaha Coffee and Spice Mills. Ten , ColTci'd ' , Splcus. IliUdim 1'owder Kl.ivorlnR Extinets , Lnnndry Illun. lal. , olo. 1111-1U Har- noy Street , Umiihn , Neb. Commission , DC. " ' ' IHIANCH & CO. , Wholesale Frnitbrfrodflceroysters , 3121 J-iirjuim.St. Omaha. Apples-Our own i.aolc- Iiijr-I'lntt & Co. 8 TI i.T llnind Oyetcrs , lluttor. Keeft aumti. Poultry , 1'otntoca.- ' . l JOHN F. FLACK , - General Commission Mercnant , Produce , I'lovtslona , Fruits , Flour nnd Feed. 105 6.14th St. , Otnuhn , Neb. Conelgninuuu solicited , tivtunifi inudo uromutly- W. K. 1UDDBLU Storage and Commission Merchant. Si'ECiAiru"hfT : > < o. llutter Kifr , Poultry nil ( Ju.iio. 1U S. 14th. , Oimihu , Nub. Tele- liono rJo : iJi. n. MCDONALD. COMMISSION MERCHANT. BID 12th Street , ( limv'iu. Neb. Spc-clultlcs : nut- t ur. lijjitti. nnd Ohlcltetia. ' _ _ _ _ WII2DEMAN It CO. . Produce Commission Merchants. Poultry , llutter , flcmo , rrulte , Etc. 220.S. lllli tl. , Oiiiulm , Nebraska. WKSTEUFICLO DUOS. , General Commission Merchants , , Onialm , Neb. Conslgnmonta Sonuited. \VKl\KS A. MILLAKD , Storage and Commission Morchaa ts. TOM * , KM mil ! Domestic Ki lilt * n sjici'lullv. lil- I'feaiit Monm'ii fucllltli'Wuielioiidu nnd olllcc , 10Norlh _ rJl'lJi ' .J1'0"0 ! ! ! ' ' ' " ' 1 _ . D. A.iUHUJY , Commission and Jobbing , lluttcr , Hfgfi und Produce. A full llnu ofStono- r , nrc. Coiibik'umuntB 6ollcltcd. 1411 Dodge St. , Oimihu. ' ' E. MOHONY , General Commission Merchant , llutter , HitKt , Chvvso mid Country Prndu _ cridly , aoa S. 12th Ht. , Omulm , Nub. JlcSHANE Buyers of Butter and Eggs. Ilcfrlporntor mid I'nekln r lloii8uMlli It Ix'nven- worth St. , on U. P. It. li. Track , Omulm , Nub. Established 1870. 110HE1IT 1'1'1'VIS , General Commission , :11B. Hth St. , Oiniilui , Nub. Fjiceliiltlcs-Iluttor Klftrs , Poultry und Uumu. J'HYCKE DUOS. , Commission Merchants , I'ruit i , I'rcdtico mid Provisoim ! , Qniuhn , Neb ISAAC (1UIFFJT1I. Commission Merchant , nnd wholOMilo denier In country produce , frulls , butter , rt-'gH , cic. ( iooiH on uiinslKiimunt u . 10ih Ft. , Oiimlin , Nub. KIHSnillllAUN & SONS , ( Suocos-ori to A. P. Bulmck.l Produce Commission. Merchants , No. S13 Bouth l-Jili Stieot. Oiniilui , Nub. Ury Goous. ' " " j. j , IIIIOWN" * co. , Wliolesale Dry Goods and Motions , JS.-3 Doualau Struct , Omaha , Nub. i * . aiNsiiKita & co. , Wholuealo Doalcreln Dry Goods , Hosiery , Notions , Liuene , Luces , Knil'roldcry ' nndVliltu Coeds , JCCODouitlnuBtruct , Omutm , Nub. _ White Lead , CAUTKIlY1I1TK LKAD CO. , Strictly Para Y/hlta / Lsii. 0tl : ril- , und U. P. Ity. , Omuha , Harness , Etc , WBI.TY & I/ANDKOCK , Mnnufacturcra and Jobbers of Harness , Saddles , Saddlery Hardware , Turf Goods , IllmiKcts nnd 'HobuB. Itil Farnam _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ K ire c t.Cti . mihii t Jf o b. _ Mattresses , _ E. M , 11ULSK , Mattress Company , Manufacturing iliittrutsos , IlodJInp , Feather , ( knt , Etc. UVO und U'Oa Douglas tilrect , Omuliu , Nub. ' CANMIUI : Manufacturers of Overalls , JuiusPuntH , HhlilB , Kic. , 110J nnd 1 51 DoUglai t , Oiuahu , Ntlx > mm "JOBBERS' DIRECTORY OMAHA Ij Mlll.iitX ) . DcaleralnAllKlniUof Bnilding Material at Wholesale. l t'n o.i Tav fl'Trne1 * . Oinnhl. ( ir.HMAK 1) . WVATT , Wholesale Dealer in Lumber , lOlh mid l ml Streets , Onmlia , Ncbnuka. j. A. ) , Wholeselo Lumber Lath , , Shingles , nulldltifr Papers , Snsli , Doors , llllnds , Moulfi lnir , rickets , Io t , I.linp , l'n. ! ter , llaf , Cetucnu Nlntn mm Jones , Onmha Neb. Millinery , Importers uiul .lobbnrsot Millinery and Notions , Utl Hiirney Street , Onmha , Neb. Musical Instruments. " iouoiM : & r.itioKsoN , Wholesalers of Musical Instruments , Slclnwiiy riiinos , Weber , Decker. IInines ami llil KS 1'miios. I'nt'kimt Uranus , Cluisu Ortf.ins. 101 nnd HU 151 Ii street. Notions , Etc. . ' " " J. T * I'.UANDIIIS .V SON , Wholesale Job Lots , Dry Oooil" , Notions , dents' I'lirnNhltitr Oooiln. Uootln from New Voik. Tradn sales daily. 503 nnd MS South 13th Ht. , Onuilui. ' | Furnihirs . E tc. OlIAKLHS SHIVHHU'K , Fnrniture , Bed ding , Upholstery , Mirro V o.l-'JJ , iil ! uiul rjlil I'm n mi . tveot , ' - - - ' " DI\VIV : : ASTONH , Wholesale Dealers in Furnltura , I'luniuii glieet , Oiuahn , Nob. Groceries. " " " AI.l.KN I1UOS. , Wholesale Grocers , _ IllPflnil 111 Douglas ' U. It. CHA1VMAN Jfc'cO. , Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigars , Tolincci ) nnJ Pmokurs1 Articles , KIT Hbirard St. MUYUUAc UAAPKE Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas * , 5. Eplces , Cigars umfTobnecos 1317 nnd ,13 DOUlf MccoitD , niiAiv& cojirANir ? Wholesale Grocers t Corner 10th nml rnrnain S J " 1-AXTON. OALIAO , . . Wholesale Groceries and Previsioas , Kpp. 705 , 707,7lW and 711 S. 101 u t. ' , OmtfHo , Net * Hardware. W. J. llllOATGlf , . ' f ( Heavy Hardware , Iron , Steel , S IVniion Stock , lliinUvood Limincr , oto. ' Cll lluiney Mieev. OmnluiNob.- KHXPA'.V OII1I10N , Wholesale Iron , Steel , Wagon And Cnrrliiiro Wood Stock , Heavy HanlwaiH Ktc. liUiind 1"1U Lcavoiixt 01 tUiitroot , Omaha , Neb. , k TAYUHC , Builders' ' Hardware , J Meclmnics' Tools nml Bulfulo Scales. 1403 DOUJTS Ins Street , Onnihu , Nob. a LKi : , F1UED & CO. , Jobbers of Hardware and Malls , Tinware. * Ebcot Iron , Ktc. Aifcnts for llowo RciUos nnd Mluiui 1'oudtT Co. , Oultxlm Neb. MII.TON KOGUHS k SONS , Stoves , Ranges , Furnaces , Tiles , Utilities , Grslos , Units poodi. IKJl and 1U23 Pnr , niim i tieut. , IICCTOK & WILHUUir CC > 7 " Wholesale Hardware and Nails , ' Emerson Steel Nail. " . Cur. 10th and Hurnoy 'i ' Strei-ts , Oiniilui , Npb. Harvesters. Wai."lKI5KlNO & CO. , CHICAGOT Miinul'r.oturer ot the toDeerini Harvester Goods , ( N'rltB to Vim. M. Lorliner. Gnorol ' Asont , Uiniiha. Iron Pipe , Etc. $ f A. 1 , . STIIANG COMJJANV , Pumps , Pipe and Engines. Etcam , W liter , ItiillHiiy nml Milling Supplies , Ht ) VM , XI uiulrl \ Km inun St. Omaliu , Nob. " * ' CHUHClllM , I'UMP CO. , Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings , Etciun and Wiitnr Supplies. Hendijuurtorii fo Knout CO.'B UooUb. HU Kurnnm Htroot , Oiuuhu , Nub. , Jewelry. " * EDHOI.M & Kit' ' .H * Wholesale Jewelers , Dealers In Sllx-erwnre , Dlnmonda. Watoba * ij ClnvkR , JetvelrrH' Tools and Material ) , Etc. , Uf > J und 10J , 15th Street , Cur. Doclgo , Omaliu , Neb. i Notions Ete , VJNYAI11) it SUUXEIOER. | Jobtiers m fjA Notions , Hosiery & Gents' ' Furnishing Goo4 . loou und lees KiiriKiui Si.iiiuliu ) , Neb. „ , . { J. T , Robinson Hotion Company , ' 4m nnd tf ( > K. 10th HI.Omaha , Nob. Wliobsiilu luucis | In Notldim und 0cuts' Fur. nlbliln 'Goods. Oils , Etc , "CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE e6T , Wholesale Dealers In Oils , < [ Gnsnllne , .Mien Ailo ti ) ciin , I'.lc. A. H. JllibOBb Ji ( JlniiML'or. , Omnlm , Nob. . Pork Packing , . _ _ JAMKS U. 1IOVD , Pork Packer and Shipper , Omulm , Nubiusko. " FISHER ; Packers and Provision Dealers , , Union Market. 1617 Doiluc Htroet. 1'aulilng tioiiM ) , U. ] > . 11. It. Truck , Oinulm , Nub. Tulu- plmno Mo , 157 , Safes and Locks , i1. iiovuii k co. Agents for Hall's Safe & Lock Co.s1 riro mul lluritlur 1'rnof Bares/rimo / I. < icUsViuHi and .lull work. 1'JM ' l-'uriiuiu bticct , Omulm , Nub Seeds. , ' " J. r.VANB , Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Seeds , Agricultural. Vct'Otnlilo , Rlc. Odd Follow * ' Hall. N. W. Cor , lllli mid Dodga .St . , Omahii , Neb. Drugs , Etc , THE fiOODMAN DRUG CO Wholesale Druggists , And Ptoler In I'alnts , Oil ) anil Window GlasJ UrauUi , Nob. , T 'in j in J Liquorj. iuu : k co. , Distillers and Importers of Wines And Liquors , polo nmnuCiictiirorsof Kunnody'i Kastlndla llltttrd. HU llunmy btrcot.piuaba , Neb. * SUcceeoor to MC' 'AMAIIA k'AN , Importer * . , and \Vliolubiilo Dc'iilum ju Wines , Liquors and Cigars , 11 und > 10 U. Utb St. , Ouiaba , Nob.